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FDTD: An Introduction

Prof. Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum

1 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 How do one visualize wave?
 How can one observe wave propagation?
 Radio waves cann’t be observed in nature
 But one can write some EM codes (simulation) and
 observe wave behavior
 One popular choice for this is Finite Difference Time
Domain method
 Also referred to as FDTD

2 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 What is FDTD?
 Let us start with 4 Maxwell’s equations
r ρv
1. ∇•E =
2. ∇• B = 0
r r ∂D
3. ∇× H = J +
Maxwell curl ur
equations (why?) 4. ∇× E = −

3 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Basically, we replace spatial & time derivatives in the two
Maxwell’s curl equations
 by central finite difference approximation
 What is central finite difference approximation of
 Consider a function f(x), its derivative at x0 from central
finite difference approximation is given by

 ∆x   ∆x 
f  x0 +  −f x
 0 − 
= f ' ( x0 ) ≅ 
df ( x0 ) 2   2 
dx ∆x

4 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 The time-dependent and source free (J = 0 )
curl equations in a medium with ε=ε0εr and µ = µ0 µr
are r
r ∂H
3 equations
∇× H; =−
∇× E 3 equations
∂t ε ε ∂t0 r µµ 0 r

 For Cartesian coordinate systems,

 expanding the curl equations,
 equating the vector components,
 we have 6 equations

5 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Expanding the first vector curl equation
∂E 1 r
= ∇× H
∂t ε 0ε r

 we get 3 equations
∂Ex 1  ∂H z ∂H y 
=  − 
∂t ε 0ε r  ∂y ∂z 
∂E y 1  ∂H x ∂H z 
=  − 
∂t ε 0ε r  ∂z ∂x 
∂Ez 1  ∂H y ∂H x 
=  − 
∂t ε 0ε r  ∂x ∂y 

6 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Expanding the second vector curl equation
∂H 1 r
=− ∇× E
∂t µ0 µr

 We get 3 equations

∂H x 1  ∂E y ∂Ez 
=  − 
∂t µ0 µr  ∂z ∂y 
∂H y 1  ∂Ez ∂Ex 
=  − 
∂t µ0 µr  ∂x ∂z 
∂H z 1  ∂Ex ∂E y 
=  − 
∂t µ0 µr  ∂y ∂x 

7 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
As we know that FDTD is a time-domain solver
The question is how do we solve those 6 equations above?
1. 1-D FDTD update equations
 For 1-D case (a major simplification), we can consider
 (a) Linearly polarized wave along x-axis
 exciting an electric field which has Ex only (Ey = Ez = 0)
 (b) propagation along z-axis
 no variation in the x-y plane, i.e. ∂/∂x = 0 and ∂/∂y = 0

8 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction

∂Ex 1  ∂H z ∂H y  ∂H x 1  ∂E y ∂Ez 
=  −  =  − 
∂t ε 0ε r  ∂y ∂z  ∂t µ0 µr  ∂z ∂y 
∂E y 1  ∂H x ∂H z  ∂H y 1  ∂Ez ∂Ex 
=  −  = −
∂t ε 0ε r  ∂z ∂x   
∂t µ0 µr  ∂x ∂z 
∂Ez 1  ∂H y ∂H x  ∂H z 1  ∂Ex ∂E y 
=  − 
∂t ε 0ε r  ∂x ∂y  =  − 
∂t µ0 µr  ∂y ∂x 

9 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Then, the above 6 equations from 2 Maxwell’s curl
 reduce to 2 equations for 1-D FDTD
∂Ex 1  ∂H y  ∂H y 1  ∂Ex 
=−   =−
∂t ε 0ε r  ∂z  ∂t µ0 µr  ∂z 

 We want to solve these equations at different locations

and time in solution space (observe fields at different
place and time)
 Hence we need to discretize both in time and space

10 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction

space discretization size ∆z running index k

1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 1(a) Discretizations in 1-D space
time discretization size ∆t running index n
1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 1(b) Discretization in time

11 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction
 n is the time index and
 k is the spatial index,
 How to decide space and time discretization size?
 How do one determine the values of ∆z and ∆t?

12 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Locate positions z = k∆z
 Usually ∆z is taken as 10-15 per wavelength
  gives accurate results
 times t = n∆t and
 ∆t (dependent on ∆z) chosen from Courant stability
  gives stable FDTD solution (will be discussed later)

13 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Let us discretize the first equation:
∂Ex 1  ∂H y 
=−  
∂t ε 0ε r  ∂z 
 the central difference approximations for both the
temporal and spatial derivatives are obtained at
 z = k∆z, (space discretization size and index)
 t = n∆t (time discretization size and index)

 1  1  1   1 
E x  k , n +  − Ex  k , n −  Hy k + ,n − Hy k − ,n
 2  2
1  2   2 
∆t ε 0ε r ∆z
14 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction
∂H y 1  ∂Ex 
 For the second equation: =−
∂t µ0 µr  ∂z 

 the central difference approximations for both the

temporal and spatial derivatives are obtained at
 at (z + ∆z/2,
∆ t + ∆t/2)

 (increment all the time and space steps by 1/2):

 1   1   1  1
H y  k + , n + 1 − H y  k + , n  Ex  k + 1, n +  − Ex  k , n + 
 2   2 
1  2  2
∆t µ0 µ r ∆z

15 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 The above equations can be rearranged as a pair of
‘computer update equations’,
 which can be repeatedly updated in loop,
 to obtain the next instant time values of Ex (k, n+1/2)
and Hy (k + ½, n+1)
 from the previous instant time values as follows

 1  1 1 ∆t   1   1 
Ex  k , n +  = E x  k , n −  − H
 y k + , n  − H y  k − , n 
 2   2  0 r
ε ε ∆z   2   2 

 1   1  1 ∆t   1  1 
H y  k + , n + 1 = H y  k + , n  − E x k + 1, n +  − E x k , n + 
 2   2  µ0 µr ∆z   2  2  

16 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction

E xn −1/ 2 k+2
k-2 k-1 k k+1

H yn
k-5/2 k-3/2 K-1/2 K+1/2 K+3/2 K+5/2

E xn +1/ 2
k-2 k-1 k k+1 k+2

Fig. 2 Interleaving of E and H fields

17 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Interleaving of the E and H fields in space and time in the
FDTD formulation
 to calculate Ex(k),
 the neighbouring values of Hy at k-1/2 and k+1/2 of
the previous time instant are needed
 to calculate Hy(k+1/2), for instance,
 the neighbouring values of Ex at k and k+1 of the
previous time instants are needed

18 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 In the above equations,
 ε0 and µ0 differ by several orders of magnitude,
 Ex and Hy will differ by several orders of magnitude
 We also know that ratio of electric field and magnetic
field for plane waves is 120π
 Numerical error is minimized by making the following
change of variables as
' ε
E =
x Ex

19 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction

1  1 1 ' 1  1 ∆t   1   1 
Ex'  k , n +  = Ex  k , n −  −  H y k + , n  − H y k − , n 
ε  2 ε  2  ε ∆z   2   2 
µ µ
 1  1 ε 1 ∆t   1   1 
⇒ Ex'  k , n +  = Ex'  k , n −  −  H y k + , n  − H y  k − , n 
 2  2 µ ε ∆z   2   2 
 1  1 1 ∆t   1   1 
⇒ Ex'  k , n +  = Ex'  k , n −  −  H y k + , n  − H y k − , n 
 2  2 µε ∆z   2   2 
 1  1 1 ∆t   1   1 
⇒ Ex'  k , n +  = Ex'  k , n −  +  H y k − , n  − H y k + , n 
 2  2 µε ∆z   2   2 

20 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 1   1  1 1 ∆t  '  1 '  1 
H y  k + , n + 1 = H y  k + , n  − E
 x k + 1, n +  − E x k , n + 
 2   2  ε µ ∆z   2  2  
 1   1  1 ∆t  '  1 '  1 
⇒ H y  k + , n + 1 = H y  k + , n  − E
 x k + 1, n +  − E x k , n + 
 2   2  µε ∆z   2  2  
 1   1  1 ∆t  '  1 '  1 
⇒ H y  k + , n + 1 = H y  k + , n  + E
 x k , n +  − E x k + 1, n + 
 2   2  µε ∆z   2   2 

21 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
Courant stability criteria:
 Courant stability criteria dictates the
 relationship between the time increment ∆t with
respect to space increment ∆z
 in order to have a stable FDTD solution of the
electromagnetic problems
 In isotropic media, an electromagnetic wave propagates a
distance of one cell in time ∆t = ∆z/vp,
 where vp is the phase velocity

22 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 This limits the maximum time step
 This equation implies that an EM wave cannot be
 to move more than a space cell during a time step
 Otherwise, FDTD will start diverging

23 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 If we choose ∆t > ∆z/vp,
 the distance moved by the EM wave over the time
interval ∆t will be more than ∆z,
 the EM wave will leave out the next node/cell and
 FDTD cells are not causally interconnected and
 hence, it leads to instability

24 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction


∆x x
Fig. 3 (a) 2-D discretizations
25 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction

∆ Propagation at θ=450

Propagation at θ=00

Plane wave
Fig. 3 (b) Plane wave front propagation along θ=00 andθ=450
26 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction
 Propagation at θ=450
 Wavefront jumps from one row of nodes to the next
 the spacing between the consecutive rows of nodes is ∆

 Similarly for 3-D case

27 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 In the case of a 2-D simulation,
 we have to allow for the propagation in the diagonal
 which brings the time requirement to ∆t = ∆z/√2vp
 Obviously, three-dimensional simulation requires ∆t∆ =
 We will use in all our simulations a time step ∆t of
∆t =
2 ⋅ vp

28 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 where vp is the phase velocity,
 which satisfies the requirements in 1-D, 2-D and 3-D
for all media (√2≈1.414<√3≈1.7321<2)
 In 3D case, it may be more appropriate to modify the
above stability criteria as
min ( ∆x, ∆y, ∆z )
∆t =
2 ⋅ vp

 Using the above relation, we may simplify for 1-D FDTD

as 1 ∆t ∆t v p ⋅ ∆z 1
= vp ⋅ = =
εµ ∆z ∆z 2 ⋅ v p ⋅ ∆z 2
29 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction
 Making use of this in the above two equations,
 we obtain the following equations
 1  1 1  1   1 
Ex'  k , n +  = Ex'  k , n −  +  H y  k − , n  − H y  k + , n  
 2  2 2  2   2 
 1   1  1  1  1 
H y  k + , n + 1 = H y  k + , n  +  Ex'  k , n +  − Ex'  k + 1, n +  
 2   2  2  2  2 
 Hence the computer update equations (for free space
er(k)=1) are
 ex[k] = ex[k] + (0.5/er(k))*( hy[k-1] - hy[k] )
 hy[k] = hy[k] + 0.5*( ex[k] - ex[k+1] )

30 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 k+1/2 and k-1/2 are replaced by k or k-1
 Note that the n or n + 1/2 or n −1/2 in the superscripts
do not appear
 FDTD Simulation of Gaussian pulse propagation in free space
 FDTD Simulation of Gaussian pulse hitting a dielectric medium
 From theoretical analysis of EM wave hitting a dielectric
surface 2η 2 ε η −η ε − ε
1 1 2
τ= 2
= Γ= 2 1
η 2 + η1 ε1 + ε 2 η 2 + η1 ε1 + ε 2

31 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction

 Fig. EM wave hitting a dielectric surface

32 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction
1 2
 For ε1=1.0 and ε2=4.0, we have Γ = − ; τ =
3 3
 FDTD simulation of Absorbing Boundary Condition

33 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
1 2
 For ε1=1.0 and ε2=4.0, we have Γ = − ;τ =
3 3
 FDTD simulation of Absorbing Boundary Condition
 In calculating the E field,
 we need to know the surrounding H values;
 this is the fundamental assumption in FDTD
 At the edge of the problem space,
 we will not have the value to one side,
 but we know there are no sources outside the problem space
34 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction
 The wave moves ∆z/2 (=c0 · ∆ t) distance in one time
 so it takes two time steps for a wave front to cross one
 Suppose we are looking for a boundary condition at the
end where k=1
 Now if we write the E field at k=1 as
 Ex (1,n) = Ex (2, n-2),
 then the fields at the edge will not reflect
 This condition must be applied at both ends
35 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction
2. FDTD Solution to Maxwell’s equations in 2-D
 In deriving 2-D FDTD formulation, we choose between
one of two groups of three vectors each:
 (a) Transverse magnetic (TMz) mode,
 which is composed of Ez, Hx, and Hy or
 (b) Transverse electric (TEz) mode,
 which is composed of Ex, Ey, and Hz

36 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Unlike time-harmonic guided waves,
 none of the fields vary with z so that
 there is no propagation in the z-direction
 But in general propagation along x- or y- directions or
both is possible

37 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 FDTD simulation of TM mode wave propagation
(fdtd_2d_TM_1.m )
 Expanding the Maxwell’s curl equations with
 Ex = 0, Ey = 0, Hz = 0 and ∂/∂z = 0,
 we obtain,
 3 equations from the 6 equations

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FDTD: An Introduction
 3 equations as follows
∂Ez 1  ∂H y ∂H x 
=  − 
∂t ε  ∂x ∂y 

∂H x 1  ∂Ez 
= 
∂t µ  ∂y 
∂H y 1  ∂Ez 
= −
∂t µ  ∂x 

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FDTD: An Introduction

40 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Electric fields are calculated at integer space steps
 Electric fields are calculated at half integer time steps
 Magnetic fields are calculated at half integer space step
and integer space step
 Magnetic fields are calculated at integer time steps
 For example,
 Hy(i-1/2,j), Hx(i,j-1/2), Hy(i+1/2,j), Hx(i,j+1/2)

41 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Central finite difference approximations of the 1st
equation is as follows ∂Ez 1  ∂H y ∂H x 
=  − 
∂t ε  ∂x ∂y 
 1  1
Ez  i, j , n +  − Ez  i, j , n − 
 2  2
  1   1   1   1 
 H y  i + , j , n  − H y i − , j , n  H x i , j + , n  − H x i , j − ,n
    2 − 
1 2 2   2 
= 
ε 0ε r  ∆x ∆y 
 

42 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Central finite difference approximations of the next equation
is as follows

∂H x 1  ∂E z 
=  
∂t µ  ∂y 

 1   1   1  1
H x  i, j + , n + 1 − H x  i, j + , n  Ez  i, j + 1, n +  − Ez  i, j , n + 
 2   2 
1  2  2
∆t µ0 µ r ∆y

43 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Central finite difference approximations of the next equation
is as follows
∂H y 1  ∂E z 
= − 
∂t µ  ∂x 

 1   1   1  1
H y  i + , j , n + 1 − H x  i + , j , n  Ez  i + 1, j , n +  − Ez  i, j , n + 
 2   2 = 1  2  2
∆t µ0 µ r ∆x

44 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction

 Rearranging the above equations, we can write the final

3 update equations’ expressions as
 Electric field update equation
 1
Ez  i, j , n + 
 2
  1   1   1   1 
H i + , j , n − H i − , j , n H i , j + , n − H i , j − ,n
 1  ∆t  y  2 

 2

 2 
 x
 2 
= Ez  i, j, n −  +  − 
 2  ε 0ε r  ∆x ∆y 
 

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FDTD: An Introduction
 Magnetic field update equation

 1  1
Ez  i, j + 1, n +  − Ez  i, j , n + 
 1   1  ∆t  2  2
H x  i, j + , n + 1 = H x  i, j + ,n −
 2   2  µ0 µr ∆y

 1  1
Ez  i + 1, j , n +  − Ez  i, j, n + 
 1   1  ∆t  2  2
H y  i + , j , n + 1 = H x  i + , j , n  +
 2   2  µ0 µr ∆x

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FDTD: An Introduction
 1
Ez  i , j , n + 
 2
  1   1   1   1 
H i + , j , n − H i − , j , n H i , j + , n − H i , j − ,n
 1  ∆t  y  2 

 2

 2

 2 
= Ez  i, j, n −  + 
 2  ε 0ε r  ∆x ∆y 
 

 Electric field computer update equation is (i+1/2 and i-1/2

are replaced by i or i-1)

47 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 1  1
Ez  i, j + 1, n +  − Ez  i, j, n + 
 1   1  ∆t  2  2
H x  i, j + , n + 1 = H x  i, j + ,n −
 2   2  µ0 µr ∆y

 Magnetic field computer update equation is (j+1/2 is

replaced by j, usually meu_r=1)
 Hx(i,j) = Hx(i,j)-{dt/(mu_0*dy)}*{Ez(i,j+1)-Ez(i,j)}

48 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 1  1
Ez  i + 1, j , n +  − Ez  i, j, n + 
 1   1  ∆t  2  2
H y  i + , j , n + 1 = H x  i + , j , n  +
 2   2  µ0 µr ∆x

 Magnetic field computer update equation is (i+1/2 is

replaced by i, usually meu_r=1)
 Hy(i,j) = Hy(i,j)+{dt/(mu_0*dx)}*{Ez(i+1,j)-Ez(i,j)}

49 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Some new MATLAB commands:
 image: IMAGE(C) displays matrix C as an image
 imagesc: data is scaled to use the full color map
 Colorbar: appends a vertical color scale to the current axis
 Colormap: a matrix may have any number of rows but it
must have exactly 3 columns
 Each row is interpreted as a color, with the first element
specifying the intensity of red, the second green and the third
 Color intensity is specified on the interval of 0.0 to 1.0

50 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 For example, [0 0 0] is black
 [1 1 1] is white
 [1 0 0] is red
 [0.5 0.5 0.5] is gray
 [127/255 1 212/255] is aquamarine

51 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
FDTD simulation of TM wave hitting a dielectric surface (right side),
source at the center (2-D) (fdtd_2d_TM_dielectric.m)
 Modify the above program as follows:
 Specify the position of the dielectric surface (id=..,jd=..)
 Choose a value of eps_r=10.0..
 Modify the constant value C1 accordingly
 Run the program
 In free space wave is propagating freely and
 on the other side reflection and transmission of the wave at
the interface

52 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Wave propagates more slowly on the medium on the right
 the pulse length is shorter
 FDTD simulation of TM wave propagation due to multiple sources
3. 3-D FDTD
 From two Maxwell’s curl equations,
 we need to consider all 6 equations for 3-D case
r r
∂E 1 r ∂H 1 r
= ∇× H; =− ∇× E
∂t ε 0ε r ∂t µ0 µr

53 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

54 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum Fig. 4 Yee’s FDTD grid 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction
Yee’s FDTD grid
 Unlike 1-D and 2-D FDTD cases,
 Electric fields are calculated at “integer” time-steps
 and magnetic field at “half-integer” time-steps
 Electric field components are placed at mid-points of the
corresponding edges
 Ex is placed at midpoints of edges oriented along x-
 Ex is on half-grid in x and the integer grids in y & z

55 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 The magnetic field components are
 placed at the centers of the faces of the cubes and
 oriented normal to the faces
 Hx components are placed at the centers of the faces in
the yz-plane
 Hence Hx is
 on the integer grid in x and
 on the half-grid in y & z

56 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

Electric fields are calculated at
“integer” time-steps
FDTD: An Introduction and magnetic field at “half-integer” time-steps

Ex is placed at ∂E x 1  ∂H z
∂H y 
= −
midpoints of edges ∂t ε r ε 0  ∂y ∂z 
oriented along x- Hz is placed at center
direction of faces in xy-plane
E xn +1 ( p + 1 / 2, q, r ) − E xn ( p + 1 / 2, q, r )
1  H zn +1/ 2 ( p + 1 / 2, q + 1 / 2, r ) − H zn +1/ 2 ( p + 1 / 2, q − 1 / 2, r )
ε r ε 0  ∆y

1  H y ( p + 1 / 2, q, r + 1 / 2 ) − H y ( p + 1 / 2, q, r − 1 / 2 ) 
n +1/ 2 n +1/ 2

−  
ε r ε 0  ∆z 
Hy is placed at center of faces in xz-plane
57 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction
∂E y 1  ∂H x ∂H z 
=  − 
∂t ε r ε 0  ∂z ∂x 

E yn +1 ( p, q + 1 / 2, r ) − E yn ( p, q + 1 / 2, r )
1  H xn +1/ 2 ( p, q + 1 / 2, r + 1 / 2 ) − H xn +1/ 2 ( p, q + 1 / 2, r − 1 / 2 )
ε r ε 0  ∆z

1  H zn +1/ 2 ( p + 1 / 2, q + 1 / 2, r ) − H zn +1/ 2 ( p − 1 / 2, q + 1 / 2, r )

ε r ε 0  ∆z

58 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
∂E z 1  ∂H y ∂H x 
=  − 
∂t ε r ε 0  ∂x ∂y 

E zn +1 ( p, q, r + 1 / 2) − E zn ( p, q, r + 1 / 2 )
1  H y ( p + 1 / 2, q, r + 1 / 2 ) − H y ( p − 1 / 2, q, r + 1 / 2 ) 
n +1/ 2 n +1 / 2

 
ε r ε 0  ∆x 
1  H xn +1/ 2 ( p, q + 1 / 2, r + 1 / 2 ) − H xn +1/ 2 ( p, q − 1 / 2, r + 1 / 2 )

ε r ε 0  ∆y

59 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
∂H x 1  ∂E z ∂E y 
= −  − 
∂t µ 0  ∂y ∂z 

H xn +1/ 2 ( p, q + 1 / 2, r + 1 / 2 ) − H xn −1/ 2 ( p, q + 1 / 2, r + 1 / 2)
1  E y ( p, q + 1 / 2, r + 1) − E y ( p, q + 1 / 2, r ) 
n n

 
µ 0  ∆z 
1  E zn ( p, q + 1, r + 1 / 2 ) − E zn ( p, q, r + 1 / 2 ) 

µ 0  ∆y

60 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction

∂H y 1  ∂E x ∂E z 
=−  − 
∂t µ 0  ∂z ∂x 

H yn +1/ 2 ( p + 1 / 2, q, r + 1 / 2 ) − H yn −1/ 2 ( p + 1 / 2, q, r + 1 / 2 )
1  E zn ( p + 1, q, r + 1 / 2 ) − E zn ( p, q, r + 1 / 2 ) 
µ 0  ∆x

1  E xn ( p + 1 / 2, q, r + 1) − E xn ( p + 1 / 2, q, r ) 

µ 0  ∆z

61 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction

∂H z 1  ∂E y ∂E x 
= −  − 
∂t µ 0  ∂x ∂y 
H zn +1/ 2 ( p + 1 / 2, q + 1 / 2, r ) − H zn −1/ 2 ( p + 1 / 2, q + 1 / 2, r )
1  E xn ( p + 1 / 2, q + 1 / 2, r ) − E xn ( p + 1 / 2, q, r ) 
µ0  ∆y

1  E n
y ( p + 1, q + 1 / 2, r ) − E y ( p, q + 1 / 2, r )

−  
µ 0  ∆x 
62 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction
 FDTD simulation of cubical cavity (fdtd_3D_demo.m)
 We will use FDTD to find
 the resonant frequencies of an air-filled cubical cavity
with metal walls
 Peaks in the frequency response indicate
 the presence of resonant modes in the cavity
 An initial Hz field excites only
 the TE modes
 The first four eigenfrequencies
 TE101, TE011/TE201, TE111 and TE102 modes
63 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction
 Field components placed on a grid with 3×4×2 cells

 For Ex (3×5×3) and Hx (4×4×2)

64 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Field components placed on a grid with 3×4×2 cells

 For Ey (4×4×3) and Hy (3×5×2)

65 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Field components placed on a grid with 3×4×2 cells

 For Ez (4×5×2) and Hz (3×4×3)

66 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Artificial absorbers on the walls of anechoic chamber

67 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
4. Perfectly Matched Layers
 Berenger’s PML is an artificial material
 that is theoretically designed to create no reflections
regardless of the
 polarization and
 angle of incidence of a plane wave upon its interface

68 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 PML could be analyzed in stretched coordinate systems
 Source-free Maxwell’s equations
r r r r
∇ stretched × E = − jωµ H ; ∇ stretched × H = jωε E ;
r r
( ) ( )
∇ stretched • ε E = 0; ∇ stretched • µ H = 0;
1 ∂ 1 ∂ 1 ∂
∇ stretched = xˆ + yˆ + zˆ
( )
sx x ∂x ( )
s y y ∂y ()
sz z ∂z
 Consider plane waves
r r − jkr •rr r r − jkr •rr
E = E0 e ; H = H 0e
r r
k • r = kx x + k y y + kz z

69 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
 Substituting these into Maxwell’s equations, we have,
r r r r r r
k stretched × E = ωµ H ; k stretched × H = −ε E ;
r r r r
( ) ( )
k stretched • ε E = 0; k stretched • µ H = 0;
r kx ky kz
k stretched = xˆ + yˆ + zˆ
sx sy sz
2 2 2
r r  kx   k y   kz 
k stretched • k stretched =   +   +   = k 2
   
 sx   s y   s y 
 Solution to the above equation is given by
k x = ks x sin θ cos φ , k y = ks y sin θ sin φ , k z = ks z cos θ
70 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction
 If sx is a complex number with a negative imaginary part,
 the wave will be attenuated in the x direction

e − jk x x
=e − jks x sin θ cosφx
=e ( )
− jk s ' − js '' sin θ cosφx
, s ' ≥ 1, s '' > 0
 Wave impedance is independent of coordinate stretching

E ωµ ωµ µ
η= r = r = r =
H kstretched k ε

71 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

FDTD: An Introduction
' ''
4 corners : s z = 1,
s x = s z = 1, s y = s − js
s x = s y = s ' − js ''

s y = s z = 1, Object
' '' x s y = s z = 1,
s x = s − js
s x = s ' − js ''

s x = s z = 1, s y = s ' − js ''
Fig. 5 Computational domain truncated using the conductor backed PMLs
72 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018
FDTD: An Introduction
1. S. D. Gedney, Introduction to the Finite-Difference Time-
Domain Method for Electromagnetics, Morgan &
Claypool, 2011
2. T. Rylander, P. Ingelstrom and A. Bondeson,
Computational Electromagnetics, Springer, 2013
3. J. M. Jin, Theory and Computation of Electromagnetic
Fields, IEEE Press, 2010
4. U. S. Inan and R. A. Marshall, Numerical Electromagnetics
The FDTD Method, Cambridge University Press, 2011

73 FDTD by Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum 4/8/2018

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