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#7 Kingfisher Street Zabarte Subdivision, Kaligayahan
Novaliches, Quezon City 1123 Philippines

3RD Quarterly Test

Name: _______________________________________ Date: _______________
Section: ______________________________________ P.S: ________________
Teacher: Ms. Maricris F. Maasin


CRITERIA 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point SCORE

Standing/sitting Standing/sitting Standing, but either Slouching and Will not follow
straight. Never needs straight. Must be slouching or leaning. leaning on directions for
Posture reminded about reminded about furniture. Standing standing or
posture. posture. with one knee sitting properly
Singing at appropriate Singing at Singing, but without Not singing, Will not sing.
Projection volume appropriate volume confidence, poor mumbling
independently. with prompting from breath support.
Singing with Singing with Singing, though with Mumbling, Will not sing, or
appropriate fullness appropriate fullness poor breath support, speaking sings
of tone quality for of tone quality for too little physical and shouting. inappropriately.
Tone quality grade level/age grade level/age effort

Sings on pitch in Sings on pitch most Singing some right No right pitches,
Accuracy of correct pitch register of the time. notes/pitches. Lack too low or too high, Will not sing
Pitch all of the time. of control on pitches. uses talking instead
Follows melodic of singing voice
Student’s Student’s Student’s Student’s Student was
presentation shows presentation was presentation shows presentation was careless in
Neatness that extreme care satisfactorily neat. that extreme care satisfactorily neat. completing the
was used while was used while presentation.
completing the task. completing the task.



CRITERIA 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point SCORE

There is creativity There is some There is creativity; There is little or Lacks creativity;
demonstrated and it creativity somewhat colorful; creativity not colorful; not
Appearance goes beyond the demonstrated. fairly neat. demonstrated, not neatly done.
expected scope. so colorful and
Theme of the artwork Theme of the Theme of the artwork Theme of the Theme of the
Theme is obvious. artwork is is fairly obvious artwork is not so artwork is not
somewhat obvious. obvious. present at all.
A variety of color was Some colors used A variety of color was Some colors used Coloring was
used and the coloring and some coloring used. The coloring and some coloring outside the lines
Use of Color was neat and rarely outside the lines. was neat and rarely outside the lines. and most of
outside of lines. outside of lines. pictures.
Student’s work shows Student’s work was Student’s work shows Student’s work Student was
that extreme care satisfactorily neat. that extreme care was satisfactorily careless in
Neatness was used while was used while neat. completing work.
completing the task. completing the task.
The student provides The student The student provides The student The student
QUALITY OF work of the highest provides work of work that occasionally provides work that provides work
WORK quality. the quality. needs to be checked needs to be that usually
by the teacher to checked by the needs to be
ensure quality. teacher. redone to ensure




CRITERIA 5 pts. 4 pts. 3 pts. 2 pts. 1 pt. SCORE

Student’s hands are Student’s hands are Student’s hands are Student’s hands are Student cannot
ready above their ready above their not above their not ready above set the ball.
head and in a head in a diamond head and in a their head and in a
diamond shape. shape. Student diamond shape. diamond shape.
SETTING Student pushes pushes their hands Student pushes Student pushes
their hands upwards upwards as the ball their hands too early their hands to early
as the ball approaches. or to late upwards or too late upwards
approaches. Student contacts as the ball as the ball
Student contacts the ball with their approaches. approaches.
the ball with their finger-tips. Students Student contact the Student slaps at the
finger-tips. do not use their ball with their palm ball with their
Student’s uses their body to help hit the Student does not hands. Student’s
body to help hit the ball. use their body to does not use their
ball over the net. help hit the ball over body to help hit the
the net ball over the net
Student holds ball in Student holds ball Students holds ball Student holds ball in Student cannot
non-serving hand. in non-serving in nonserving nonserving hand. serve the ball.
Student holds ball in hand. Student holds hands. Before the Before the student
non-serving hand ball in non-serving student serves they serves they throw
the whole time and hand the whole throw the ball into the ball into the air.
does not throw the time and does not the air or drop the Student swings
ball up or drop it. throw the ball up or ball before contact. arms sideways or
Student takes a drop it. Student Student swings without full control.
powerful step does not take a serving arm under Student makes poor
before serving. step before serving. control before contact with the ball
Student makes Student makes making contact. or misses the ball
good contact with good contact with Serve is inaccurate while serving.
the ball while the ball while due to timing issues
serving. Student serving. Student with throwing the
has good follow follows through with ball into the air
through producing a their serving hand before the serve.
straight serve over in accurately
the net. producing an
inaccurate serve.
Hands are clasped Hands are clasped Hands are not Hands are not Student cannot
PASSING together using together using clasped. Student’s clasped. Student’s pass the ball
proper grip. proper grip. arms are slightly arms are bent and cannot get
Student’s arms are Student’s arms are bent before they before they strike the pass to
straight before they straight before they strike the ball. the ball. Student teammates.
strike the ball. strike the ball. Student swings swings arms at the
Student swings Student swings arms at the proper improper time and
arms at the proper arms at the proper time and makes poor contact with
time and makes time and makes good contact with the ball traveling
good contact with good contact with the ball traveling over the net 0-25%
the ball traveling the ball traveling over the net 25-50% of the time Student
over the net 75- over the net 50- of the time contacts the ball
100% of the time. 75% of the time. with their hands.
Student excellently Student Student can Student can often Student cannot
ATTACK demonstrates demonstrates sometimes demonstrate proper demonstrate a
proper attacks. proper attacks. demonstrate proper attacks. proper attacks.
Always uses game Mostly uses game Sometimes uses Rarely uses game Never uses
GAME strategy permitted strategy permitted game strategy strategy permitted game strategy
by the rules by the rules permitted by the by the rules permitted by the
rules rules



CRITERIA 5 points 4 pts. 3 points 1 point SCORE

Excellently reacted Reacted to safety Remembered half Forgot some of Forgot all the

Safety to safety measures measures of the safety the majority of the majority of the
immediately. immediately. measures before safety measures safety measures
the treatment. of a first aider. of a first aider.
Identified what the Identified some of Understood what Often reacted to No reaction to the
scenario or the the scenario or the the scenario or the problems and problem or
Identification of problem was and problem and the problem was, but scenario and did scenario.
the problem or the items needed items needed for did not know what not know what
the scenario for treatment. treatment. treatment was treatment was
needed. needed.
Excellently chose Chose all the Chose some of the Chose few first aid No first aid
Materials for all the appropriate appropriate First first aid materials materials that materials.
treatment First aid materials. aid materials. that are not were appropriate
appropriate. for treatment.
Student Student Student was aware Student was Student did not
demonstrated tasks demonstrated of tasks, however unaware of tasks perform.
Performance with great some of the tasks did not perform asked to perform.
efficiency, with great with accuracy, skill
accuracy, and skill. efficiency, or efficiency. Not
accuracy, and skill. proficient.
Easily Communicated with Was able to Used very little Did not
Verbal communicated with the victim in a communicate, but words to communicate with
Communication the victim in a proper way. used some impolite communicate with the victim.
with the victim proper way. words. the victim.

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