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1MRK 505 340-BEN A

Busbar protection REB670 2.1 IEC

Product version: 2.1

20. Technical data



Reference value The specified value of an influencing factor to which are referred the characteristics of the equipment

Nominal range The range of values of an influencing quantity (factor) within which, under specified conditions, the equipment meets the specified

Operative range The range of values of a given energizing quantity for which the equipment, under specified conditions, is able to perform its
intended functions according to the specified requirements

Energizing quantities, rated values and limits

Analog inputs

Table 15. TRM - Energizing quantities, rated values and limits for protection transformer modules

Quantity Rated value Nominal range

Current Ir = 1 or 5 A (0.2-40) × Ir

Operative range (0-100) x Ir

Permissive overload 4 × Ir cont.

100 × Ir for 1 s *)

Burden < 150 mVA at Ir = 5 A

< 20 mVA at Ir = 1 A

Ac voltage Ur = 110 V 0.5–288 V

Operative range (0–340) V

Permissive overload 420 V cont.

450 V 10 s

Burden < 20 mVA at 110 V

Frequency fr = 50/60 Hz ±5%

*) max. 350 A for 1 s when COMBITEST test switch is included.

Table 16. MIM - mA input module

Quantity: Rated value: Nominal range:

Input resistance Rin = 194 Ohm -

Input range ±5, ±10, ±20mA -

0-5, 0-10, 0-20, 4-20mA

Power consumption -
each mA-board £2W
each mA input £ 0.1 W

ABB 39

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