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Table of Contents


Chapter 201

Chapter 202

Chapter 203

Chapter 204

Chapter 205

Chapter 206

Chapter 207

Chapter 208

Chapter 209

Chapter 210

Chapter 211

Chapter 212

Chapter 213

Chapter 214

Chapter 215

Chapter 216

Chapter 217

Chapter 218

Chapter 219

Chapter 220

Chapter 221

Chapter 222
Chapter 223

Chapter 224

Chapter 225

Chapter 226

Chapter 227

Chapter 228

Chapter 229

Chapter 230

Chapter 231

Chapter 232

Chapter 233

Chapter 234

Chapter 235

Chapter 236

Chapter 237

Chapter 238

Chapter 239

Chapter 240

Chapter 241

Chapter 242

Chapter 243

Chapter 244

Chapter 245

Chapter 246

Chapter 247
Chapter 248

Chapter 249

Chapter 250

Chapter 251

Chapter 252

Chapter 253

Chapter 254

Chapter 255

Chapter 256

Chapter 257

Chapter 258

Chapter 259

Chapter 260

Chapter 261

Chapter 262

Chapter 263

Chapter 264

Chapter 265

Chapter 266

Chapter 267

Chapter 268

Chapter 269

Chapter 270

Chapter 271

Chapter 272
Chapter 273

Chapter 274

Chapter 275

Chapter 276

Chapter 277

Chapter 278

Chapter 279

Chapter 280

Chapter 281

Chapter 282

Chapter 283

Chapter 284

Chapter 285

Chapter 286

Chapter 287

Chapter 288

Chapter 289

Chapter 290

Chapter 291

Chapter 292

Chapter 293

Chapter 294

Chapter 295

Chapter 296

Chapter 297
Chapter 298

Chapter 299

Chapter 300

Chapter 301

Chapter 302

Chapter 303

Chapter 304

Chapter 305

Chapter 306

Chapter 307

Chapter 308

Chapter 309

Chapter 310

Chapter 311

Chapter 312

Chapter 313

Chapter 314

Chapter 315

Chapter 316

Chapter 317

Chapter 318

Chapter 319

Chapter 320

Chapter 321

Chapter 322
Chapter 323

Chapter 324

Chapter 325

Chapter 326

Chapter 327

Chapter 328

Chapter 329

Chapter 330

Chapter 331

Chapter 332

Chapter 333

Chapter 334

Chapter 335

Chapter 336

Chapter 337

Chapter 338

Chapter 339

Chapter 340

Chapter 341

Chapter 342

Chapter 343

Chapter 344

Chapter 345

Chapter 346

Chapter 347
Chapter 348

Chapter 349

Chapter 350

Chapter 351

Chapter 352

Chapter 353

Chapter 354

Chapter 355

Chapter 356

Chapter 357

Chapter 358

Chapter 359

Chapter 360

Chapter 361

Chapter 362

Chapter 363

Chapter 364

Chapter 365

Chapter 366

Chapter 367

Chapter 368

Chapter 369

Chapter 370

Chapter 371

Chapter 372
Chapter 373

Chapter 374

Chapter 375

Chapter 376

Chapter 377

Chapter 378

Chapter 379

Chapter 380

Chapter 381

Chapter 382

Chapter 383

Chapter 384

Chapter 385

Chapter 386

Chapter 387

Chapter 388

Chapter 389

Chapter 390

Chapter 391

Chapter 392

Chapter 393

Chapter 394

Chapter 395

Chapter 396

Chapter 397
Chapter 398

Chapter 399

Chapter 400

World of Cultivation
WoC • Xiuzhen Shijie • 修真世界

An unknown disciple from a small sect battling against the strongest in the cultivation
world! The long journey working at cultivation, the realization of destiny and the chance to
reach the apex of the world.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.
Zuo Mo is a zombie faced low level cultivator in a minor sect of a little world. Ever since he
was picked up by the sect leader two years ago, he has no memories of his earlier life
except a recurring nightmare. Navigating the rigid class structure and intricacies of the
cultivation world, as one of the lowest possible of the lowest class, Zuo Mo’s dream is to
earn money, and lots of it, through being a spiritual plant farmer. A chance occurrence
reveals that someone powerful had changed Zuo’s features and erased his mind. The
money grubbing zombie decides to set out on a journey of cultivation to find out answers.
Fate colludes with chance, the drums of war are beating, the ghost of his past is coming… …

Author(s):Fang Xiang, 方想


Year: 2010

Country: China

Genres:Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Xuanhuan

Tags:Adapted to Manhua, Amnesia, Appearance Changes, Army Building, Artifact Crafting,

Average-looking Protagonist, Beast Companions, Body Tempering, Clever Protagonist,
Crafting, Cultivation, Curses, Farming, Hard-Working Protagonist, Jack of All Trades,
Kingdom Building, Late Romance, Leadership, Legendary Artifacts, Loyal Subordinates,
Lucky Protagonist, Magic Formations, Male Protagonist, Money Grubber, Multiple POV,
Mysterious Past, Pill Concocting, Poisons, Romantic Subplot, Sharp-tongued Characters,
Slow Romance, Spirit Advisor, Strategic Battles, Wars, Weak to Strong

Translator(s): Dreams of Jianghu



UUID: 01978600-12cc-11e9-8da5-613019ee6c3c

USER: DasBen

DATE CREATED: 2019-01-07


More info and chapters:

Chapter 201
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, Brian, and

Chapter Two Hundred and One – Armed To The Teeth

Zuo Mo was dazzled by the talismans in front of him.

Noticing the change in Zuo Mo’s eyes, Hong Yang was very proud.

He took out a pair of silver wings the size of his palm.

“Look, this pair of Thunder Flowing Light Wings are intermediate fourth-grade. It is
the upgraded version of Thunder Wings. As fast as lighting and famed for its speed.
This pair of Thunder Flowing Light Wings was forged by jindan experts. Other than its
peerless speed, its consumption of ling power was made to be very low. At full speed, it
would use one jing of ling power every two hours, and if it was at eighty percent of its
speed, it would only use half a jing every two hours. Such a fine item, it only is sixty
piece of fourth-grade jingshi!”

Zuo Mo did not hesitate in nodding. “I’ll take it!”

Do you want to taste the extreme speed? Zuo Mo was too familiar with the advertisement
for Thunder Wings. Even more this was Thunder Flowing Light Wings, an even better
version. It was much faster. Lightning sparked around the palm-sized wings extremely

Hong Yang was joyous. Before he could speak, he heard Zuo Mo add, “Four pairs!”

Four pairs! Two hundred and forty pieces of fourth-grade jingshi! Hong Yang felt like a
blooming flower, a feeling of happiness spreading through his body. This trip was worth it!

Big customer! Definitely a big customer!

Look, the presence, the spending, this was the biggest whale among whales.

Hong Yang was excited, completely excited. He perceptively discovered just how full Zuo
Mo’s wallet was.

It was as though he was shot up with chicken’s blood, he felt the blood in his body
burning as though it was exploding. He suppressed the impulse to shout. He sounded the
horn of battle!
“Ten Thousand Appearances Gloves, referring to everything in the universe. Low
fourth-grade, not extremely fine, but very practical. Wearing these gauntlets it means
having the power of ten thousand, one sword strike will be able to break open a
mountain, unable to be stopped! If it was just this , I would be ashamed to take it out.
Its biggest benefit is it uses almost no ling power. Even zhuji can wear it. Twenty pieces
of fourth-grade jingshi, a beautiful price!”

“Buy!” Putting it on to try, Zuo Mo did not hesitate in nodding. “Four pairs!” He thought
of the three golden armor guards wearing the gloves. Adding on their exaggerated red
broadswords, they could just charge through his enemies. Zuo Mo couldn’t help but be

“Seven Star Sword Boots, intermediate fourth-grade, the Seven Star Step Method is
wondrous, unable to be predicted. As long as you are wearing it, you can easily avoid
all kinds of attacks, your steps traceless, the best item for short-range movement.
Other than that, it has a Seven Star Sword Formation, if you step in a Seven Stars
pattern, the formation would take form automatically, making your attacks
undefendable. Each pair is only seventy four fourth-grade jingshi.”

“Buy!” Zuo Mo’s eyes were bright, as he unhesitatingly nodded. “Four pairs!”

Hong Yang completely got into the rhythm, despite having never been as excited as he
was now. “Same Heart Necklace. This is a rare upper fourth-grade talisman. It can be
called great craftsmanship. It is able to let your mind connect to six others. The best aid
to melee fighting! One hundred and fifty pieces of fourth-grade jingshi!”

Zuo Mo’s eyes could not move away. He instantly nodded. “Buy!”

This was truly a good thing!

He instantly got the three golden armor guards to come over. He put on the Same Heart
Necklace, and cast the corresponding spell. He instantly felt three clear intangible
connections. His mind moved, and one of the golden armor guards suddenly went forward
three steps.

Zuo Mo was overjoyed. With this necklace, his offensive strength was elevated.

“This is Snake Pupil Belt … …”

The battle was not finished … …

When Hong Yang went back to his residence, he was still somewhat dazed. What he had
experienced today had been like a dream. Zuo Mo had almost cleared out all the talismans
in his ring. He had never encountered a customer as rich as this one, it was too scary!

Thinking about the little pile of mini boxes in his ring, the feeling of surrealism became
even stronger.

This time, he really made a profit!


Zuo Mo saw the golden armor guards armed to the teeth, and grinned. All fourth-grade
talismans that dazzled a person’s eyes. The present golden armor guards could be
described by one phrase only — — deadly weapons!

Gongsun Cha and Chun Yu Cheng were dumbstruck. Was this xiuzhe? It was three display
racks for talismans!

Any place that a talisman could be hung on the body of the golden armor guard, Zuo Mo
did not leave it empty.

Hands holding the crimson fire broadsword, bodies covered in golden armor, feet
encased in Seven Star Sword Boots, hands wearing Ten Thousand Appearances Gloves,
waist tied with the Snake Pupil Belt, and Thunder Flowing Light Wings on the back!

Red, green, gold, silver, with Zuo Mo’s terrible sense of beauty, there naturally was no
beauty here. Everyone’s first thought when they would see this was only be — — nouveau
riche! So rich!

It was like those rich country bumpkins plating their teeth in gold, wanting everyone to

Even Gongsun Cha and Chun Yu Cheng felt disdain. But other than that, it evoked deep
fright. The thick killing intent spilling from the three golden armor guards made one have
to directly look and judge the terrifying power contained under this ugly grandeur!

Gongsun Cha and Chun Yu Cheng also received many talismans, mostly for life-saving
and escaping. The two of them did not have any fighting power at all. If they had offensive
talismans, they wouldn’t even be able to use a fraction of its power. However, the
husbandry and butchery jade scrolls and life-saving talismans made the two smile.
Especially Gongsun Cha. After he received the white medal, it was hard to progress as jade
scrolls were hard to find.
Other than talismans, Zuo Mo had bought large amounts of materials from Hong Yang,
especially some fourth-grade materials.

However, this furious shopping spree had emptied him of Golden Crow Fire.

But Zuo Mo did not care. He could gather Golden Crow Fire at any time. It wasn’t difficult
for him. With this batch of talismans, to say of nothing else, their offensive power had
multiplied. He had the confidence to face anyone under jindan.

However, what he felt demotivated by was the golden armor guards seemed born to
fight. Compared to himself, they did not seem to need to practice to easily use the talismans
to reach their full potentials. Zuo Mo gaped.

Deeply struck, Zuo Mo could only slowly adjust. Like the Seven Star Sword Boots, if he
needed to activate the sword formation, he needed to do seven steps after the other in the
correct locations.


When the fully armored golden armor guards appeared on the Desolate Wood Reef the
next day, they caused a small disturbance. Any xiuzhe that saw them couldn’t help but have
a stunned expression.

Hong Yang didn’t dare to stay long, leaving the next day.

Pu Yao coldly looked at the gradually shrinking black water lake. The black water lake
was only a quarter of the size it had been originally. Those human-like monsters were
continuously transporting black water from the lake to the altar.

The old-fashioned and crude altar was now completely black without any glow.

“Almost there,” Pu Yao muttered. He blew out black air. Those human-like monsters
once again landed in the lake water.

After that, he waved his sleeve. Large amounts of materials were added to the lake water,
many of them ones that Zuo Mo had bought from Hong Yang. The black lake water started
to bubble, like a boiling pot of porridge.

Pu yao’s right palm opened slightly, a red-black flame appeared at the center of his pal,

His hand did not move, but the red-black flame suddenly turned into a fire dragon and
charged at the altar.

The red-black fire flamed as it surrounded the altar, the flames flickering and enchanting.

Pu Yao inhaled deeply, his hands reaching out.

His hands changed movements. His slightly closed bloody eye suddenly widened,
commanding lightly, “Rise!”

The altar that was shrouded in fire rose at command and started to fly towards the black
lake, only slowly landing as it reached the center of the lake. As it carried the flames that
were so red they were almost black, it floated at the center of the lake.

Pu Yao’s expression was solemn, his eyes focused, not daring to slip, as his hands
changed shape again.

It was like the fire was poured on oil, spreading across the surface of the black water. In a
blink, the entire black water lake was shrouded in flame.

Pu Yao finally released a breath. He reached out his hand, the black water lake
dramatically shrinking until it became palm sized. Then the mini lake flew into his hand,
the surrounding flame silently burning.

After being forged for many more months, the Nether Pool could form!

A deep exhaustion came from his body. Pu Yao felt unspeakably tired and sighed lightly
inside. The present him was so weak.


Zuo Mo’s excitement had not faded. He had never bought so many talismans before, and
so many fourth-grade talismans!

The feeling of being so rich was so good!

“Not bad, you are at ningmai.” Pu Yao suddenly appeared, He seemed slightly
exhausted. “Then let’s continue with the earth energy.”

Zuo Mo felt as though a bucket of cold water was poured on his head.

Drawing out earth energy! He finally understood what was extreme grief born of
extreme joy … …
It was alright though; this had benefits for him, so Zuo Mo comforted himself in this way.

Pu Yao’s actions were unusually fast. In a blink, the earth energy inside Zuo Mo’s body
was cleanly swept away. Zuo Mo dropped to the ground, paralyzed, his body occasionally
convulsing. Pu Yao glanced at Zuo Mo on the ground. His face showed pleasured, before he

Zuo Mo’s mind was blank.

It was four hours later when his numb mind finally recovered.

Why, why was the feeling this time was stronger than before?

Was it a side effect of breaking through to ningmai?

Before, he had assumed that he had gradually adjusted to the pain of earth energy being
forcibly drawn out, he hadn’t thought the pain would suddenly increase. Without any
preparation, Zuo Mo instantly became a tragedy.


A female stared at the large river in front of her. Behind her was a silent and solemn,
well-organized troop.

“Have you found out?”

“Yes!” A middle-aged man said respectfully, “The location of Stars in Daytime is Sky
Moon Jie. It was not long ago, about a year ago.”

“One year ago … …” The female sighed lightly. “I’m very curious which daren it is.”

The middle-aged man’s eyes were filled with a fanatical heat. “A daren that could
escape from the Yao Forging Tower, it definitely is a daren that managed to survive the
Thousand Year Great War!”

“Thousand Year Great War … … a long time ago.”


“Nothing, I’m just reflecting.” The female smiled. “Our generation is very lucky.”

“Yes!” The middle-aged man couldn’t help but be excited.

“Have there been any suspicious targets?” The female asked.

“Not yet.” The middle-aged male gave a realistic plan. “We have already found the jie
rivers to Sky Moon Jie. We only need to lock the jie rivers, and we will have plentiful
time to slowly investigate.”

“Alright, it is a stupid method.”

“Yes! Our previous infiltrators were impeded by others, so … …”

“Nothing, stupid methods are more effective sometimes.” The female waved her hand.


Glancing at the jie river, the female said, “Depart.”


Translator Ramblings: So I mixed up a thread from the Novel Updates Forum with the
Novel Translations subreddit. The discussion about parents was in the general category

Daren is the general term used to refer to officials and people of status and power. I’m
going to use it a lot because “Honorable Personage,” or “Sir” are not enough to cover the
meanings. Going “Greetings to panjandrum/VIP” is also quite awkward.

Zuo Mo throws around his money and has terrible sense about appearances.

Time-travel and dimensional-travel are very common plot devices. It erases a

character’s mistakes, give them foresight and knowledge, and usually sets them up to win
when they lost in their previous life if the character is born back in time. There is also being
reborn in another person’s body. In dimensional travel, knowledge from one’s modern life
becomes an aid if they are reborn in historical times, and they have a small edge if they are
born in a different world. Sometimes the rebirth element is almost unnecessary except for
the author to easily relate something in the modern world to the setting of the novel
without having to explain or show how something works or happens. In novels where the
character ends back at a certain point in their life, it is to change a major event that may be
their fault. The struggles that character encounters are almost always solved through
advance knowledge and the author seems to be unable to think of a plausible solution. If a
character ends up in another person’s body, it becomes an opportunity for the author to
compare how their characters contrast in dealing with situations. The great majority of the
time, the new owner of the body does much better.
Chapter 202
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, Brian, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Two – Territory Intrusion

Zuo Mo played with the beast service card in his hand, as a multi-colored butterfly flew
around him. Chun Yu Cheng named this multi-colored butterfly Rainbow Mark Butterfly, it
was the most outstanding ling beast he had ever raised up until now.

Zuo Mo could feel an extremely weak presence come from the Rainbow Mark Butterfly.
The thoughts were very weak, and there were many images that were indistinct. This was a
characteristic unique to low level ling beasts. The higher the grade of the ling beast, the
more intelligent it would be. High level ling beasts were not much different than xiuzhe.

This Rainbow Mark Butterfly was only third-grade, and its intelligence just forming.
Naturally, there would be many messages that Zuo Mo could not understand.

However, it could accurately understand Zuo Mo’s orders and was very obedient. The
beast pool had been constructed to make jingshi. He had never thought that he wouldn’t
lack for jingshi now. So the batch of ling butterflies had been turned from a business
product into for their own use.

The Rainbow Mark Butterfly was the most outstanding of the three ling butterflies. It had
three spells: Rainbow Pupils, Illusion Poison, Poison Change.

He ordered the Rainbow Mark Butterfly to cast the Rainbow Pupils. The Rainbow Mark
Butterly lightly fluttered its wings, a rainbow light landed on Zuo Mo’s body. His eyes were
suddenly covered in a layer of faint five-colored light. Zuo Mo felt the world in front of him

Everything he saw was grey-white.

The silently masticating Rainbow Mark Butterfly communicated before Zuo Mo

understood. The so-called Rainbow Pupil was to detect poison. It could detect the danger of
poisonous items.

Zuo Mo did not cultivate poison so the spell was not very useful for him. The only place
he could use it was in dan-making.

Compared to Rainbow Pupil, Illusion Poison was much more interesting. Illusion Poison
was to use poison to create illusion. Zuo Mo was very interested. He instantly thought of the
uses for this spell. If he secretly fortified a few places of his formation with illusion poison,
then no one would detect it.
However, the spell most important to Zuo Mo was the third spell – poison change! Rather
than calling it a spell, poison change was more like a talent. According to Chun Yu Cheng’s
explanation, if he kept on feeding the Rainbow Mark Butterfly poison, especially high-grade
poison, when it reached a certain level, it could cause the Rainbow Mark Butterfly to
transform and enter a higher grade.

As the grade increased, the intelligence of a ling beast would increase, and there was a
possibility of the addition of a spell. It was a pity that Zuo Mo did not have any interest in
poison, much less high-grade poison.

Suddenly, Zuo Mo smacked his forehead. How did he forget that? Didn’t his Inky Black
Lava White Fire have a deadly poison? That was the poison obtained by processing a
fourth-grade Inky Black Lotus Seed.

The grade of the Inky Black Lotus Fire was too low. Zuo Mo had decided to use the
Golden Crow Fire as the primary one. It was perfect for him to split the fire apart. The
poison for the Rainbow Mark Butterfly, the fire for Lil’ Pagoda. Even though the grade of
the Inky Black Lava White Fire was not high, but it was still a fire seed, and quite pure.

But before that, Zuo Mo still needed to do one thing: forge the Blue Ice sword. The Blue
Icicle Crystal could only be forged with a cold fire. The grade of the Golden Crow Fire was
higher, but the attribute was not correct.

The Blue Icicle Crystal sword billet was about half a chi long, its body shaped like a
prism. When the light reflected on the facets of the prism, it was very beautiful.


Three days later, the Blue Ice Sword took form!

The entire body was like a blue icicle, the tip of the sword extremely sharp. The body of
the sword was made out of countless facets. As it floated in the air, a mist naturally formed
around the sword.

Zuo Mo’s mind moved. Pew, the Blue Ice Sword entered the ground, only leaving behind
a sword shaped hole. There was a circle of clear ice cracks around the hole. It could be seen
just how cold it was.

Zuo Mo’s forging skill was not high and the Blue Ice Crystal was just lower fourth-grade.
The grade of the Inky Black Lava White Fire was also too low. He had barely managed to
forge a fourth-grade flying sword.
He didn’t care that much. The five essence sword set emphasized the cooperation
between the different qualities of the flying swords.

Taking apart the Inky Black Lava White Fire, however, had taken Zuo Mo quite a bit of
effort. The poison from the Inky Black Lotus had long ago merged into the flame. Zuo Mo
did not have the strength at his cultivation level to take it apart. However, he thought of a
clever solution, let Lil’ Pagoda deconstruct it.

The present Lil’ Pagoda only needed a bit to break through to fourth-grade, its control
greatly increased. It could control how to decompose what was put into it.

The Inky Black Lava White Fire was quickly taken apart. The Inky Black Lotus poison
was separated out. What surprised Zuo Mo was that this ball of Inky Black Lotus poison
was an invisible substance. When he used ling power to carefully surround this deadly
poison, he was instantly alarmed. His ling power was quickly consumed.

As expected from a fourth-grade Inky Black Lotus’ poison!

This discovery made him hesitate. Could the Rainbow Mark Butterfly tolerate such a
strong poison? But quickly, he could feel the Rainbow Mark Butterfly’s anticipation and joy.
The Rainbow Mark Butterfly lightly flapped its multi-colored wings, and a circle of light
surrounded the poison.

The ring of light continuously shrunk until it disappeared.

Zuo Mo was slightly disappointed. A line of black had appeared on the wings of the
Rainbow Mark Butterfly, but there was no other change. Lil’ Pagoda absorbed the fire seed,
but there were no signs of another breakthrough.

Alright, he could not be too greedy, Zuo Mo mumbled.

He started to absorb the Golden Crow Fire.


The atmosphere of the Desolate Wood Reef was nervous and fretful. Everyone’s face was
slightly heavy. A few days ago, several xiuzhe had escaped from the jie river.

They had encountered a group of very strong xiuzhe. That group killed everyone they
saw. Many xiuzhe didn’t even have the time to flee before they were killed.

Instantly, the Desolate Wood Reef became tense. These injured xiuzhe had no strength to
fly over the Endless Ocean, and could only stay on the Desolate Wood Reef. Those xiuzhe
that had originally planned to travel to Little Mountain Jie through the jie river didn’t dare
to move recklessly, and waited to see what would happen.

The number of xiuzhe on the Desolate Wood Reef increased, but no one dared to cause a
disturbance. Other than the intimidation of the three golden armor guards, they also
understood, if there really was a powerful enemy, the formation on the island was their
strongest defense.

Without the beast pool, Chun Yu Cheng was idle. His face was full of worry. “There’s
more than six hundred xiuzhe on the island, and more than twenty ningmai. If
something happens, that wouldn’t be good. Shixiong is also in seclusion … …”

“What are you afraid of?” Gongsun Cha was unconcerned and said heartlessly, “Worst
case, we can just flee.”

“What do you think the people in the jie river are? Killing everyone they see! They
really have no regard for the law!” Chun Yu Cheng was righteously indignant.

Gongsun Cha teased the grey butterfly and said lazily, “Who knows, probably a group of
people who couldn’t think things through.”

Suddenly, the crowd on the island shifted. The two instantly stopped what they were
doing and stood up.

Far away in the sky, there were many black dots.

Chun Yu Cheng inhaled sharply, his face pale, voice trembling as he pointed at the black
dots in the sky. “What… … what is that?”

Gongsun Cha also was motionless at his spot with a shocked expression.

The dense crowd of black dots flew at the Desolate Wood Reef at astonishing speed like a
black cloud rolling over the sky. With a suffocating presence, they silently moved to a
distance twenty li from the Desolate Wood Reef.

“Yao … … yaomo … …”

Someone trembled out those two words. It was as though a spark had been thrown into a
pot of oil. The deathly silent Desolate Wood Reef suddenly exploded.

“Yaomo … …” Chun Yu Cheng felt his legs sore and weak, dropping to the ground.

There were hints of terror in Gongsun Cha’s eyes, but the terror was quickly changed to

Was this yaomo?

It wasn’t just him that had this thought. In reality, this thought uncontrollably flashed
across many people’s minds on the Desolate Wood Reef.

Other than the somewhat strange dark green skin, the yaomo in the sky didn’t seem
much different than xiuzhe. On their foreheads, they all had a piece of crystal, the color and
shape varied. Their bodies were mostly slender and were very handsome regardless of sex.

“This is yaomo? Wow!” Gongsun Cha tsked. He rubbed his chin, “Oh, almost as
handsome as me, that’s not very good.”

However, he quickly became speechless.

The yaomo in the sky quickly moved forward three li.

Everyone was intimidated.

People now found that the dark-green skinned yaomo in the sky were in well-organized
ranks that seemed to have been measured with a ruler. During the flying process, the entire
troop did not have any hint of disorder, they were so synchronized that it was frightening.

When several dozen people were so, everyone would find it to be nothing, but when
thousands of people were so organized, an invisible pressure formed. It was as if there was
a thousand-catty rock on everyone’s chest. All the noise stopped, like someone had cut their

“Really the elite!” Gongsun Cha’s eyes glowed as he muttered. He then looked in
sympathy at the panicking xiuzhe on the island, and couldn’t help but sigh, “And there go
the rabble!”

The contrast between the two sides was too strong. Of the thousands of people on the
other side, no one was speaking, it was deathly silent. The xiuzhe on the island was
panicking like a crowd of headless chickens.

“Prepare to run for your life,” Gongsun Cha said to Chun Yu Cheng.

“What about Shixiong?” Chun Yu Cheng asked, his expression blank.

“Find him.” Gongsun Cha said.

“I’m here,” At some unknown time, Zuo Mo appeared behind the two of them.

“Escape,” Gongsun Cha spread his hands at Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo grimaced. He hadn’t thought that he would encounter this just after he came out
of seclusion. He knew that Gongsun Cha was right. Even though the island had six hundred
xiuzhe, it was just a grab-bag of random cultivators.
Looking at the military troop that was so terrifyingly organized, a hint of helplessness
rose in Zuo Mo’s heart. The difference in power was not something a formation could

“Is it really yaomo?” Chun Yu Cheng was still somewhat lost. Gongsun Cha looked in
curiosity at Zuo Mo.

“En, yao, not mo,” Zuo Mo nodded, “Mostly Ghost Attendant Yao and some Night Stock

“Ghost Attendant Yao? Night Stock Yao?” Gongsun Cha had an interested expression. To
them, yaomo was a very distant monster.

“The most basic yao are called little yao, about our lianqi. The next level is Ghost
Attendant yao, like our zhuji. The Night Stock yao are equivalent to our ningmai,” Zuo
Mo explained simply.

“That scared me. Then can’t we hold this place?” Chun Yu Cheng said excitedly.

Gongsun Cha shook his head but didn’t speak. Zuo Mo grimaced, “Probably not. Yaomo
emphasize killing and have endured fighting since they were born. They live more
harshly than we do. Also, you can also see their organization. Our side only has
scattered soldiers and heroes, we are not a match.”

“Then what do we do?” Chun Yu Cheng’s little face became pale again.

“Flee!” Zuo Mo gritted his teeth and said hatefully.

His heart was filled with sorrow.

The good days of sitting and taking in money had reached an end … …

Translator Ramblings: We have civilians who can’t fight, people who can fight, and then
… … the military. Numbers is its own kind of battle strategy. The yao finally show up after
so much foreshadowing.

Ironically enough, translation is actually low on my list of priorities for when I have the
spare time considering that it takes up the majority of my spare time. Translating is after
when I don’t have novels to read, finish reading the news, run out of lives on Candy Crush
and lots of other things. Some days, I translate a few words and I get distracted. Then there
are the translation breaks before fights. My biggest break was a whole week not translating
because I didn’t want to translate the Ling Ying Sect chapters with Chang Heng and Zuo
Mo’s fight.
Chapter 203
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and Brian.

Chapter Two Hundred and Three Date Seed Ship

“Miss, the position of this island is extremely good, it is perfect for guarding the jie
river … …” The middle-aged man said respectfully.

“Is that the formation of a xiuzhe?” The female did not reply. She was staring at the
hoop of light that was like a sun above the island.

“Yes, Miss.” He opened his mouth, but perceptively swallowed his words.

“Oh.” The female said faintly, “Check first if there is any suspicious targets among
them. If not, push them out.”

“Yes!” The middle-aged man instantly complied.

“You really are kind.” A male beside the female said in a sarcastic tone. He was like a
crane among the chickens, his entire person like a burning flame, a flame red crystal on his

Sweeping a glance at the rebellious male, the female was calm. “Yan Feng, shut your

Yan Feng smirked. “The xiuzhe on this island are just rabble. Give me five hundred
troops, and I can sweep them clean! If you let them go, isn’t it letting them off easy?”

The female was not moved. “Our job is to find someone.”

Yan Feng suddenly became excited, “Mu Xi, you forget that they are xiuzhe! Our
enemy! The more we kill, the less enemies we have … …”

Mu Xi’s tone became cold, “Sir Yan Feng, please watch your tone. You are speaking to
your direct commander. If you overstep again, you will be treated according to military

Yan Feng was so angry fire came out of his eyes. The last bit of intelligence allowed him
to keep his control. He knew the woman in front of him would do as she said.

The composition of yao was extremely complex. There were many species. Different than
the reproduction of humans, yao were born from nature, formed from the ling energy of the
world. Like Mu Xi, she came from the largest clan of yao, the Wood Clan. They were all
formed from flora. Yan Feng, came out of Desolate Western Mountain Sky Fire branch. The
reproduction of the Fire Clan was not as prosperous of the Wood Clan. They did not have
many yao but they were natural fighters, their personality explosive and brave.

The Wood, Fire, Gold, Water, and Earth Clans were the five largest clans of the yao, but
there were other little clans as many as sand. Due to the abundance of yao, every decade,
some small clans would be born. Due to this, yao society was very accepting and very

This type of transparent and complete government was like an enormous squid that
reached its tentacles into every corner. It was also this governance that had borne from
countless great minds and strong elders that allowed the yao to quickly recover.

For example, Mu Xi was the most accomplished of the youths of the Wood Clan. Even
though her cultivation was not outstanding, but she had started her duties very early. Yan
Feng rarely found an opponent that could match his offensive power and was even
stronger than Mu Xi, but due to his infighting within the ranks, he was punished and placed
under Mu Xi’s command.

In reality, the two once had been classmates, but they had always been at odds.


Zuo Mo found he actually wasn’t nervous. He was slightly surprised. It seemed that
fighting and killing really hardened people.

However, Pu Yao’s words instantly made him nervous. “They have come to find you.”

“Find me?” Zuo Mo gaped.

“Stars in Daytime, you alerted them.” Pu Yao was very calm. This made the
nervousness in Zuo Mo’s heart decrease.

“Stars in Daytime, what does it do?” Zuo Mo asked a question that had been hidden in
his heart for a long time.

“Not much. Some strong yaomo would try to borrow the power of the stars to recover
from serious wounds, and this forms the Stars in Daytime.” Pu Yao said.

“It was you?”

Pu Yao smiled coldly, “None of my business!” He then frowned. “But these things are
slightly irritating.”
“Aren’t you a yao? Should you be of the same kind as them?” Zuo Mo couldn’t really
grasp Pu Yao’s attitude. However, if it wasn’t Pu Yao, who was it? Was it the gravestone?

Pu Yao did not like xiuzhe, Zuo Mo could understand this, but he could not understand
that Pu Yao didn’t even like the yao.

“They don’t have any connection to me.” Pu Yao’s face was cold.

Zuo Mo saw that Pu Yao didn’t seem to want to mention this matter, and perceptively
changed the topic. “Do you have any good suggestions?”

“Your luck seems pretty good. The arrivals are the Wood Clan.” Pu Yao glanced at the
organized ranks of yao troops in the sky. “They don’t like fighting.”

“Wood clan?” Zuo Mo was very curious. Zuo Mo might have openly spoke about the little
yao before, but that was buying and selling at the same time. Zuo Mo was very unfamiliar
with yaomo. Seeing that he could not avoid a conflict with the yaomo, it was beneficial for
him to know a bit more.

“A large clan, but it has many cadet branches. Formed from flora.” Pu Yao introduced

“Oh … …” Zuo Mo nodded, not understanding. What was formed from flora? But he knew
that Pu Yao definitely did not have the patience to explain.

Suddenly, Zuo Mo detected a strong consciousness ripple.

“Hm!” He couldn’t help but jump. Such a strong consciousness!

The consciousness ripple came from the other side and swept the sky above the entire
Desolate Wood Reef. Before this, Zuo Mo had been very confident in his consciousness. He
had almost never encountered a xiuzhe who had a stronger consciousness than he did.

But the strength of this consciousness was far above his.

“They are searching for you. Such a pity, just Night Stock yao, they believe they have
the skill!” Pu Yao smirked. He seemed to understand what Zuo Mo was thinking. “It’s very
normal. They only cultivate the consciousness, it isn’t something a half-ass like you can
compare to.”

Pu Yao’s interest was unknowingly stirred. “Yao cultivate the consciousness so the
division for spiritual power is much finer than the xiuzhe. Star fire, manifestation,
spirit seed, yin spirit, yao mansion, six revolutions, and sky channels. You are just at
manifestation. Among them, the most powerful have finished spirit seed. Even though
their spirit is weak, but it can easy to kill you.”

“When the starfire is full, it manifests, seed born in the heart to become planted in
the spirit, the spirit births the yin spirit, the yin spirit opens the yao mansion … …
spiritual manifestation, oh, your leaf hand is a manifestation.”

“The consciousness can become tangible?” Zuo Mo asked.

“Of course, it’s so simple, do you really need to think about it?” Pu Yao’s face was full of
disdain. “However, you just entered manifestation, you’re very far off from spirit seed.”

“What is called seed born in the heart?” Zuo Mo couldn’t help but ask, his head bloated.

“You’ll know when it is time.” Pu Yao had used up his patience.

“Then now?”

“Solve it yourself.” Pu Yao said impatiently before disappearing.

“They are going to attack.” Gongsun Cha pulled Zuo Mo back.

The attacking posture of the other size was so obvious even an idiot could see. Zuo Mo
couldn’t help but become nervous. Pulling Gongsun Cha and Chun Yu Cheng, he pushed his
voice low, “Prepare to escape.”

“Where?” Chun Yu Cheng’s face was puzzled.

Gongsun Cha suddenly opened his mouth, “Towards the jie river!”

“The jie river? Little Mountain Jie?” Zuo Mo was very surprised, “Isn’t that heading for
the net?”

“The Endless Ocean is vast and borderless. We need to fly multiple months to see
land, there is no place to hide.” Gongsun Cha was very calm, a hint of heat in his eyes.
“When it’s time, these people will all scatter. We’ll go the opposite way and break
through. They definitely wouldn’t have thought of it.”

“They just came from Little Mountain Jie, Little Mountain Jie definitely has fallen. If
we go to Little Mountain Jie, we have no escape.” Chun Yu Cheng was frightened by
Gongsun Cha’s suggestion, so frightened he woke up.

“This is not certain.” Gongsun Cha shook his head. “If Little Mountain Jie has fallen,
what would come definitely wouldn’t just be this little amount of yao.”

“This is a little?” Chun Yu Cheng pointed at the organized and solemn yao army in the
sky, and shouted.

“To us, it seems like a lot. But if they want to attack Sky Moon Jie, it is far too few,”
Gongsun Cha said quickly.
Zuo Mo instantly reacted. “You mean they are a little troop that snuck in?”

“Possible.” Gongsun Cha said.

“What did they sneak in for?”

“I don’t know, they probably have a target?”

Zuo Mo suddenly thought of what Pu Yao had said. Did these people really come to find
him? No, to find the yaomo of the Stars in Daytime?

He continued to weigh the choices in his heart. Truthfully, Gongsun Cha’s suggestion was
very dangerous, no, it was extremely dangerous. But Zuo Mo felt that the success of that
suggestion was very likely. From this, it could be seen that he was in support of Gongsun
Cha’s suggestion.

Chose which one?

He was just a little xiuzhe that had just broken through to ningmai and hadn’t seen much.
Facing a choice that would determine life and death, he couldn’t help but hesitate.

Yet the other didn’t give the time to hesitate.

The sky above the other side’s troop was suddenly dark. Strong ling power ripples were
like a harsh wind that swept past.

Damn it!

Zuo Mo jumped in fright. The other side was going to attack. The ling power ripples
passing through the air were the same as [Yang Fiend Hard Lightning] but the terrifying
presence it gave off was hundreds of times stronger. He didn’t doubt that their attack
would flatten all of Desolate Wood Reef.

If he didn’t run now, when could he run?

He grabbed Gongsun Cha and Chun Yu Cheng, not caring for anything else, and suddenly
jumped into the water.

A gold light flashed, and the Buddha Sound Hoop landed in Zuo Mo’s bosom, the presence
of the formation on the Desolate Wood Reef weakening.

The Desolate Wood Reef instantly exploded!

“He ran! Zuo Mo ran!”


“Everyone, run!”

At this time, with a large sound, a bolt of lightning twisted and struck the Desolate Wood


A muffled sound hit everyone’s heart. Those xiuzhe with weak cultivations bled from
their mouths and nose.

Everyone couldn’t help but turn their head.

The Desolate Wood Reef with its layers of formations was like paper in front of the
lightning, cleanly wiped out. More than ten of the xiuzhe that moved too slowly were swept
by the after-ripples and torn to countless pieces, not even having the time shout before
their souls were destroyed.

In the ocean, Zuo Mo didn’t have it good either. The blood inside his body was roiling, his
ling power almost spiraled out of control. Gongsun Cha and Chun Yu Cheng’s faces were
pale, the power of the one attack was so powerful that it even passed into the ocean!

At the border of life and death, Zuo Mo became calm. A date seed appeared on his hand, a
talisman-ship was carved on it. This date seed ship had been taken from Nan Ming Zi’s
body. However, it required too much ling power, so he hadn’t found out how to use it.

In seclusion this time, after finishing forging the five essence sword set, Zuo Mo had
spent a lot of effort on the talismans that he did not understand. He hadn’t expected that he
found some methods, and including this date seed boat.

At this time, he didn’t dare to hold anything back, the ling power in his body furiously
flooding towards the date seed boat.

A little date red wooden boat with an old aura appeared in front of everyone.

Zuo Mo’s hand moved.

They felt the scene in front of them blur and then they were inside the ship. The ship was
dry and clean. The water outside the ship seemed to be stopped by an invisible power,
unable to enter.

Zuo Mo hurriedly directed the date seed ship to sink to the bottom .The thick water could
stop the search from the other’s consciousness.

If they could flee to a place that the other could not detect them, they would be
temporarily safe.
Translator Ramblings: Little more stuff on yao society and military. Don’t speculate too
much since this is just the tip of the iceberg. Zuo Mo knows nothing. He’s just the
mouthpieces for Pu Yao.

I told Lemeres I’m going to reply to their comment from yesterday. So, yes, this is a yao
military unit that has attacked what is essentially a civilian outpost. But the status of these
two sides are not equal. It is hard to say that the xiuzhe all fail because of this one
encoutner. This is the military, so there is training and organization on one side. What they
are facing is country bumpkins that are civilians. The yao military win due to numbers and
organization, but they can’t be the only side with armies. The story will be a whole less
realistic. Mu Xi has clearly trained for her position through school, and she is an officer. The
rest are trained soldiers sent on this special mission so they probably are not regular foot
soldiers. Remember that the xiuzhe are fleeing Sky Moon Jie and the ones that are passing
through Zuo Mo’s island aren’t the big sects but the lower classes. They have no
organization that they belong to so not one of them would stay to fight. That is what causes
this instant defeat in this chapter.
Chapter 204
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and Brian.

Chapter Two Hundred and Four Improvement

The date seed ship submerged at a fast rateIn a blink, it had reached ten li under the
surface. Through the windows on the ship, the outside was pitch black. The surroundings
were silent, the noise from the outside was completely blocked

Everyone finally relaxed. The yao army used one attack to destroy any of the hopes they
had left.

Silly Bird shook the water off. She looked liked a chicken in soup broth, with all of the
drooping features. Even the proud Silly Bird was scared half to death by the hard lightning
that had come from the sky and became much more docile. When Zuo Mo had come out of
seclusion, he had taken Silly Bird and the others with him.

Chun Yu Cheng collapsed on the ground, heaving. By comparison, Gongsun Cha was
much more composed but there was still a hint of fear lingering in his eyes.

Of everyone, the only ones that could truly maintain their calm were the three Golden
Armour Guards. As usual, they held their swords and stood like statues.

Zuo Mo had recovered from the nervousness. Seeing everyone was complete and whole,
his mood became much better. Just having escaped death, no one in the ship had any
interest in talking, all of them catching their breaths and calming their minds.

After a while, Zuo Mo found his mind had relaxed greatly and stood up, and began
inspecting the date seed ship.

During his seclusion, even though he had figured out how to activate the date seed ship,
but he hadn’t studied it. Right now, the date seed ship was their life-saving talisman, he
didn’t dare to leave it up to chance.

He walked around the cabin of the ship, closely inspecting it. Chun Yu Cheng and
Gongsun Cha saw his actions and perceptively chose not to speak.

This was … …

Zuo Mo carefully inspected the formations carved on the date seed ship and was very

A jingshi talisman!
The date seed ship was a fourth-grade talisman, and it was even a rare jingshi talisman!

Jingshi talismans were talismans that could use jingshi as a source of power.Those were
usually large-sized talismans. The Thousand Wing Boat that Zuo Mo had seen in Dong Fu
was a classical example of a jingshi talisman. Historically, only large sect would forge
jingshi talismans. The materials that were needed were not something a normal xiuzhe
could afford.

There were some jingshi talismans for single-person use but not many. Compared to the
ling power inside jingshi, the ling power inside xiuzhe was much purer and easier to

This date seed ship was a jingshi talisman. It could carry one hundred xiuzhe, able to fly
either in air or in the water.

Zuo Mo’s interest was stirred up.

This was the first time he had seen a jingshi talisman. He instantly started to study the
formations on the ship. Jingshi talismans were talismans where formations were used most
purely. Xiuzhe only had to make some simple commands, and it could work on its own.


In a short period of time, he found the locations to put in jingshi. The cabin was empty,
and did not even have tables or chairs. The place to insert the jingshi was on the ceiling.

The ceiling of the cabin had a depiction of the Big Dipper, the seven stars connected. Each
star was the place to put in jingshi.

Zuo Mo took out seven third-grade jingshi from his ring to insert in the positions of the
Big Dipper. When he shoved the last piece of jingshi in, everyone felt the cabin light up, a
date coloured red light emanated from the ship.

“Wow, jingshi talisman?” Gongsun Cha was surprised.

“En, a jingshi talisman that I got from Nan Ming Zi.” Zuo Mo stared at the formations
on the ship, calculating inside without turning his head to answer.

Through the consciousness leaf hand, he could clearly see the seals running through the
ship. The more he saw, the more admiration he had. Before this, he had never seen a jingshi
talisman before, so he never had seen jingshi talisman formations before.
The formations were like a gigantic mesh going through the entire date seed ship like
they were the channels of the ship. Ling power flowed out from the seven jingshi into the
channels and activated the formation.

He quickly found the differences between the date seed ship and the talismans he had
studied before. The ling power that came out of the jingshi was very steady. Normal
talismans consumed the ling power of xiuzhe, the ling power would have a variety of
changes and would not be so steady.

There were advantages and disadvantages to both methods.

Jingshi talismans did not consume the ling power of the xiuzhe. As long as there was
jingshi, it could keep working. The disadvantage was that its uses were set, and it was less
flexible to adjusting to sudden changes.

Normal talismans were the exact opposite. Due to consuming the ling power of the
xiuzhe, it could not compare in how long jingshi talismans could be used. However, they
could do many things and were very good at adjusting to sudden changes.

Zuo Mo’s heart suddenly moved. If the two advantages could be put together, that would
be great!

Once the idea popped up into his head, it could not be erased.

After studying for a while, he started to actually ponder if the flash of inspiration he had
was realistic or not.

The space inside the date seed ship was enough for him to set up large amounts of
formations. The smaller the space was, the harder it was to set up formations. Forging
experts could set down multiple formations in a flying sword the size of a finger.

Zuo Mo was far from reaching that level. Space was very important for him. The bigger
the ship was, the easier it was for him to make modifications.

There were a total of three formations on the date seed ship. One was a space formation,
one was a ling shield formation, the last was a water movement formation.

Zuo Mo paid more attention to the ling shield formation. It’s defensive ability was
average. He decided to change the [Micro Light Formation] to a [Seven Bright Micro Light
Formation]. Zuo Mo only needed to put seven [Bright Light Formation] into the [Micro
Light Formation] and the defensive power of the shield would increase by at least fifty

This technique of interlocking child formations was something he had comprehended

from the [Skyring Moon Chime Formation]
The structure of the [Bright Light Formation] was simple and easy to carve, so Zuo Mo
quickly finished the [Seven Bright Micro Light Formation]. The ling shield over the ship
gradually changed, the light becoming more intense and the shield thicker than it had been

Zuo Mo nodded in satisfaction. It seems his skill in making formations had improved
once again. Before, this wouldn’t have been so simple.

Strengthening the ling shield mean that the consumption of ling power would increase
correspondingly. However, Zuo Mo did not worry about this. Right now, he lacked for
everything except jingshi.

Ge has lots of jingshi!

He suddenly hit his head. Right, how did he forget his greatest advantage!

Chun Yu Cheng and Gongsun Cha were frightened by Zuo Mo’s action. The two exchanged
looks of puzzlement.

Jingshi! Right now, he had piles of jingshi!

Before, he had been thinking of carving an offensive formation on the ship that could be
controlled by a person. That way, they didn’t need to leave the ship, but they could fight
against their enemies.

When Zuo Mo realized his advantage, he suddenly reacted; he had made a mistake.

Since it was hard to control jingshi talismans precisely, rather than think of ways to
increase the control over it, it was better to give the talisman a formation that did not need
to be controlled, like a [Cloud Lightning Net]. He only needed it to protect the ship. As to
increasing the maneuverability of the jingshi talisman, he could slowly study it.

The high consumption of the [Cloud Electrical Lightning Net] was nothing for Zuo Mo
who wanted to keep his life.

The more he thought, the cleverer he found the idea. Even though there were still big
gaps, but it was the most realistic plan at present.

No matter what, his little life came first.

He took out a large pile of materials and started to carve formations inside the cabin.

“What is Shixiong doing?” Chun Yu Cheng asked.

Gongsun Cha looked over, “I don’t understand, but he seems to be setting up

“We should run, not setting up formations now!” Chun Yu Cheng said hurriedly.

“I don’t know,” Gongsun Cha was also puzzled. He could see what Shixiong was generally
doing. Even though he didn’t know why Shixiong was putting up formations now, but he
believed in Shixiong‘s judgement. Currently, the only thing he was so shocked by was the
fact that Shixiong seemed to be playing with the Jingshi Talisman. Could Shixiong could
modify jingshi talismans?

He knew was much harder to modify talismans than to remake them.

After a talisman was successfully forged, it was one complete entity and had reached an
equilibrium. Modifying was equivalent to first breaking the equilibrium and then setting a
new equilibrium.

Had Shxiong‘s skills with formations reached such a level?

The Golden Armour Guards stood silently. Silly Bird had recovered from the fright,
raising her bird head and stepping her unique bird walk.

Zuo Mo was very careful. [Bright Light Formation] was only an enhancing formation,
and did not have much effect on the equilibrium of the talisman. However [Cloud
Lightning Net] was a third-grade formation. It was very strong and needed large amounts
of ling power. Zuo Mo needed to add a few more channels to conduct ling power to satisfy
the [Cloud Lightning Net]

The [Cloud Lightning Net] was not difficult for Zuo Mo. The difficulty laid in setting the
seals to channel the ling power.

The formations on the date seed boat before had been very complete. In order to add
more seals to increase ling power pathways, he needed to change the entire structure.

This was the most difficult part. If he wasn’t careful, he could most likely cause the ling
power pathways to intersect and then collapse.

Zuo Mo was very clear about this, so he continuously modelled it in his head before


Four hours later, he finally thought it through and started to move.

What he did first was increase the number of jingshi. The ling power expenditure of
[Cloud Lightning Net] was very large. Seven pieces of jingshi was not enough to satisfy its
needs. Zuo Mo added another twenty one pieces of jingshi.

On the ceiling of the ship cabin, twenty eight stars shone.

To save his life, Zuo Mo did not care how much jingshi he had to spend.

Right after, he started to set up the [Cloud Lightning Net] and added more ling power
channelling seals.

This modification took twelve hours. When he finished, he was exhausted.

However, he finally finished!

Hiss hiss!

Sounds came from the date red ling shield. Immediately after, countless fine lines of
miniature lightning appeared on the surface of the ling shield, swimming like little snakes.

Fine lightning appeared at astounding speed and gathered. In the blink of an eye, a net
appeared on the ling shield.

A net constructed of arm-thick lightning!

It was like a silver net had covered all of the date seed ship.

The lightning net slightly trembled, the sound slowly weakening until the hisses had

What was wondrous was that, even though they were in the water, the lightning net on
the ling shield showed no signs of dissipating, but was as dense as any other object, silently
covering the ling shield.

The presence of the date seed ship instantly changed.

Translator Ramblings: A jingshi talisman for a jingshi grubbing zombie. I think the
foreshadowing for Zuo Mo needing an escape off an island was pretty obvious compared to
what Fang Xiang has done to lay foundations for previous fights and incidents. Nan Ming Zi
came right after Zuo Mo landed on the island, and gave Zuo Mo his ship. Zuo Mo is
surrounded by the ocean, and how to travel on the ocean .. … a ship.

You guys actually asked about the golden armor guards but not Silly Bird! The pets
should not be forgotten.
Chapter 205
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Coming early today! Normal time for next chapter.

Chapter Two Hundred and Five War Chess

“Where are we heading?” Chun Yu Cheng asked uncertainly.

“Jie river.”

Gongsun Cha’s face was relaxed, half-lying on the bottom of the cabin, relaxed and idle.

“How do you know?” Chun Yu Cheng looked worriedly at Zuo Mo Shixiong who was still
working on the date seed ship. Shixiong had been working for several hours and showed no
signs of stopping.

“Ha. Shixiong might look careful and conservative, but if he’s pressured, he’s vicious
and decisive.” Gongsun Cha said unconcernedly.

“What happens if Little Mountain Jie has been taken by the yaomo?” Chun Yu Cheng’s
face was slightly pale. The strong offensive power of the yao army had almost destroyed his

“No way about it. It’s all up to luck.” Gongsun Cha stretched out his waist, and laid down

With a hiss, a silver light suddenly flashed outside the ship.

Just having laid down, Gongsun Cha instantly sat up, eyes looking outside. When he saw
the lightning outside the ling shield, he first stilled, and then had joy on his face. Chun Yu
Cheng who was in a fragile state of mind was half-scared to death by the noise.

“How’s the power of that thing?” Gongsun Cha pointed outside the ship, and asked Zuo
Mo who had finally stopped and walked over.

“Better than nothing.” Zuo Mo sat down in exhaustion. “My skill in formations isn’t
enough. This lightning net doesn’t have any dead ends but it is way too loose. Don’t
have high hopes about the power.”

Gongsun Cha nodded, and then asked, “How far have we travelled?”

“This boat goes one hundred li every two hours, how long has it been?”
“Twelve hours.”

“Then it’s six hundred li,” Zuo Mo said. “Seems no one has chased after us.”

“I wonder what this yao army is looking for. This is an unexpected calamity.” Chun Yu
Cheng sighed.

Zuo Mo naturally could not say the yao army was searching for him, but seeing Chun Yu
Cheng’s worried expression, he knew this docile person had been frightened too deeply
today, and hurried to comfort him.

The two shidi had two completely different personalities. Chun Yu Cheng was docile, and
somewhat lacking in courage, only interested in animals. Gongsun Cha was the exact
opposite. He was cunning and daring, calm when there was trouble, and had a devious and
dark character. He didn’t have much interest in butchering.

“Follow the flow.” Gongsun Cha inserted and then raised his delicate face, his eyes
shining, “Shixiong, there’s nothing to do now. Why don’t you get them to practice their

Zuo Mo understood that Gongsun Cha meant the three golden armor guards.


Gongsun Cha’s words reminded him. The blow that the yao army had given them was too
strong. The troops that were so organized they were almost insane, so neat that it seemed
almost impossible, and that lightning attack that they couldn’t even hold their heads up
against. Zuo Mo felt that he wouldn’t forget it in his life. The shock and panic of the xiuzhe
was the perfect definition of the word “rabble.”

Every time he thought of it, he felt coldness seep uncontrollably from his heart.

The yao army gave all the xiuzhe on the Desolate Wood Reef a lesson.

Even the stupidest person could see the difference between the two, and could feel the
difference in power. Zuo Mo suddenly had a feeling, that the era of individual power was
nearing its end.

However, he quickly threw the problem to the back of his mind. A big problem like an era
ending, it wasn’t something a little ningmai like him could relate to. But he agreed greatly
with Gongsun Cha’s suggestion.

However, while he agreed, how to accomplish it was the true problem, “I don’t know

“We can slowly try,” Gongsun Cha’s decisive tone made Zuo Mo look at him. He grinned.
“It’s better than losing our lives.”
For some reason, Zuo Mo felt Gongsun Shidi’s delicate face was like the raised head of a
snake, vicious and cold.

But when he turned his eyes towards Gongsun, Shidi’s smile was so sunny and timid that
Zuo Mo felt he was mistaken.

“Okay!” He nodded.

Before having seen the yao army, Zuo Mo might have found it extraneous, but right now
he didn’t hesitate.

This was useful! Very useful!

For him, starting from a blank slate wasn’t a new experience. Before, as long as he could
make jingshi, he would work with all his effort! Now, Zuo Mo discovered that his little life
was more important. His belief suddenly turned, anything that could save his little life, he
would definitely put everything in!

The two crowded together and started to discuss.

Both were greenhorns, the mood was vibrant, but quickly, the discussion reached a
standoff. Words had no proof, especially when the two had divergent views, no one could
persuade the other. At this time, Gongsun Cha did not care Zuo Mo was his shixiong. His
face was flushed as he argued, his expression ferocious, he no longer looked like a weak
and bashful young master.

“If we each have a troop and can really fight, that would be nice.” Zuo Mo sighed,
“Then who is right, it naturally can be seen.”

“Yes!” Gongsun Cha’s face was also bitter, holding his head and sighing. “Talking
soldiers on paper, it is useless.”

A voice suddenly came inside Zuo Mo’s mind. “Want to try? I’ve got a way.”

Pu Yao suddenly came out.

“What way?” Zuo Mo’s mind became alert. Pu Yao might like to boast, but he
occasionally had some real skill.

Pu Yao looked at him. “Actually, this kind of thing has been played since a long time
ago, like Seal Soldier Battle Board, like Puppet Chess.”

“What is that?” Hearing those two new terms, Zuo Mo couldn’t help but be curious.

“It is a kind of War Chess.”

“War Chess?”
“There’s many ways to play, like one on one, or many against many.” Pu Yao seemed
to suddenly sink into his memories, refocusing after a while. “I remember it was quite
fashionable back then.”

“You have those?” Zuo Mo looked suspiciously at Pu Yao.

“No.” Pu Yao shook his head. “The most important part is the rules. It is very easy to
make them.” He threw a ball of light at Zuo Mo. “Here, these are the rules for all kinds of
War Chess games that I played before, and how to make them.”

“Hm, when did you become this kind?” Zuo Mo’s gaze became even more suspicious, but
his hands were not slow at all, rapidly catching the ball of light.

“I don’t want you to die this quickly.” Pu Yao looked scornfully at Zuo Mo before

The date seed ship silently slid along the bottom in the pitch black water. For everyone,
this was a very long period of boredom. Chun Yu Cheng seemed to be accustomed to this
kind of boredom. He continued to busy himself in his experiments.

Zuo Mo occasionally took out the Golden Crow Fire. He seemed to be forging something.

“So boring!” Gongsun Cha yawned. He seemed to be the only person that didn’t have
anything to do. He had thought about teasing Silly Bird to relieve his boredom but Silly Bird
ignored him, proudly strutting her bird walk in the cabin. Lil’ Black climbed around the
cabin without exhaustion. Lil’ Pagoda floated in the air, spinning in its spot. The three
golden armor guards were like three statues, not having moved a finger in days.

Originally, Gongsun Cha had been worried they might meet some water element ling
beasts. In the legends, there were many terrifying ling beasts in the Endless Ocean.
However, their luck seemed to be exceptional and they travelled smoothly.

But these days were really so bland.

“Done,” Zuo Mo suddenly stated, making Gongsun Cha jump in fright..

He crowded over. “What’s done? Hm, what is this? Chess?”

“En, something called a War Chess,” Zuo Mo said uncertainly. “I don’t know if I made it
correctly. Come, let’s try.”

Gongsun Cha, so bored he had almost fallen asleep, instantly jumped up. “Okay!”

Zuo Mo took out a jade scroll, recording down some of the rules that Pu Yao gave him
and threw it to Gongsun Cha.

“Hm, interesting!” Gongsun Cha took the jade scroll. After a look, he became alert.
Zuo Mo also started to read the rules. Reading it in detail, he was instantly frightened!

F***! This was that complicated?

The dense paragraphs of rules made his head feel numb.

He heard Gongsun Cha’s voice full of enthusiasm, “Hm, this bit is interesting, yes, yes …
… oh, I understand … …”

Zuo Mo could only force himself to keep reading.

An hour later, when Zuo Mo’s eyes were unfocused and his brain faint, he suddenly heard
Gongsun Cha say, “So interesting, so interesting! It’s really too interesting!”

Zuo Mo raised his head in shock. He saw Gongsun Cha look excitedly at him, and say,
“Let’s begin! If I know there was something as fun as this, I wouldn’t have learned how
to butcher!”

What Zuo Mo forged was Puppet Chess. It was simpler. The size of the Seal Soldier Battle
Board was bigger, requiring better skill at forging, and had more complex rules.

Basically, Puppet Chess was made from a set of little illusions. In a circle one zhang wide,
miniature mountains and rivers were perfectly depicted. There were even clouds in the sky
that slowly changed. Suddenly, these white clouds started to rain. Under the rain, the water
in the river suddenly grew. A xiuzhe wearing Taoist robes suddenly charged into the sky
from the river, slowly scanned the surroundings. Seeing there was not anything, the person
went back into the river.

“Exquisite! Truly too exquisite!” Gongsun Cha gaped, his eyes changing from excited to

Zuo Mo was also shocked by such exquisiteness. Even though he had made it from
beginning to end, but he had never thought of the result of the end product.

This wasn’t some chess board, it was like a complete little world. Everything inside
would naturally cycle on their own.

So wondrous!

Zuo Mo’s mind became blank.

“Quick quick, how to play?” Gongsun Cha urged.

Zuo Mo refocused and handed him a piece of third-grade Black Daze crystal. “Put your
mind into it.” He also took up a piece of black daze crystal and flooded it with his
He felt the scenery in front of his eyes change, and he seemed to be looking from the sky.

Hm, his eyes unconsciously looked down.


Nine yao were arranged in an organized square. He could clearly feel the connection
between him and the nine yao. He was even able to use the eyes of any of the yao to see
everything in the surroundings.

At the same time, the information of the nine yao flowed through his mind.

His mind moved, and a yao suddenly stepped three paces forward, leaving the troop. He
instantly controlled it to do many strange and awkward poses.

So interesting! Very interesting!

Zuo Mo was in shock.

Translator Ramblings: What to do when you are bored? Play games. This is a road trip to
a place they don’t know.

Pu Yao is very good at hiding since he found a spot inside Zuo Mo’s sea of consciousness.
He managed to evade Xin Yan and the others, then the people at the Sword Test
Conference, and now the yao. At this point, it’s pretty obvious that he doesn’t like the yao
that much. At the same time, as a commentator pointed out, he doesn’t respect Zuo Mo as
an equal considering how he just takes Zuo Mo’s resources and uses them without
permission. From our perspective as readers, we frequently side with Zuo Mo since we
have the most knowledge about his state of mind, and there is a tendency to desire the
main character to improve and win all the time. However, in a world where power is might,
Zuo Mo is not at a strength that Pu Yao can respect even if he is greatly weakened now.
From Pu Yao’s perspective, Zuo Mo’s primary skills in the consciousness and body
cultivation is due to him giving/selling the knowledge to Zuo Mo. Zuo Mo is akin to a leech
that Pu Yao needs at this point to survive but Zuo Mo is still so weak that Pu Yao dismisses
him. His mindset has not completely adjusted to his present situation, and he is refusing to
admit some truths. The change in Pu Yao’s mindset will be an interesting one.
Chapter 206
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and Brian.

Chapter Two Hundred and Six What Was That?

Zuo Mo was very depressed.

In the first two matches, he had won. The third round was tied. They also tied for the
fourth and fifth. After the fifth round, he never won again.

In total, they had battled for ten matches. Five losses, three ties, and two wins, that
wasn’t a good result. The more they played, the greater the gap between them became. He
was very surprised. Gongsun Shidi who looked shy and weak was very aggressive. In the
last few matches, not soon after the match had started, Zuo Mo was killed off.

Zuo Mo lost so badly that even Pu Yao couldn’t keep looking.

“I’ll go!”

Pu Yao jumped out, took over control, and started to fight against Gongsun Cha.

Gongsun Cha was instantly obliterated. The strong ability to command that Pu Yao
displayed made Zuo Mo intoxicated. Pu Yao, who seemed quite feminine, was extremely
aggressive when he was in command.

You guys can slowly torture yourselves! Ge will play on ge’s own.

Zuo Mo muttered inside. This person and this yao were natural born militants. In other
words, they were born for the role! Especially when he saw the expressions of the person
and the yao, he shuddered. The light flashed in Pu Yao’s bloody pupil, a cruel smirk on the
corner of his mouth, his actions light lightning. Gongsun Shidi, after being depressively
killed for twenty something matches, his expression wasn’t the least bit dejected. His face
was like a plum blossom, slightly flushed, the light in his eyes continuously flickering, he
was more excited the more he fought!

These two perverts!

Zuo Mo had long known of Pu Yao’s perverseness. He hadn’t thought Gongsun Shidi
would also be so perverse when he played War Chess!

Did everyone’s heart have a perverse chord?

Shaking his head, Zuo Mo smacked his lips. All the War Chess games that Pu Yao gave
were for commanders, and were all yaomo. Xiuzhe, if they were not the enemy, they were
cannon fodder. That made him very unaccustomed to it.

Okay, who made it so that they were War Chess games for yaomo.

Zuo Mo completely threw the last thought behind his head. He decided to continue his
own cultivation.

Speaking of cultivation, he was studying formations.

He had seen many kinds of formations already. The soul-tethered talisman that was so
rare, jingshi talismans, he had all that. Adding on the aid of his consciousness, his
comprehension of formations was much deeper than normal xiuzhe.

He had many skills, he cultivated ling power, spiritual power, and also body cultivation
on the side. He also knew many spells. Such variety was not a good quality. In reality, all of
these were not his true cultivation path.

His primary cultivation was formations. The direction of this originated in Pu Yao’s
statement, “The core of all spells is formations.” From the uncertainty in the beginning, to
the gradual understanding, to the rock-hard determination of present, Zuo Mo had never
stopped studying.

Even though he was far from the level Pu Yao had spoken of, he was full of confidence in

For example, the micro formations in dan-making were the products of his continuous
investigations. He didn’t know if anyone else studied them, but the micro formations had
brought enormous profit for him. Without the micro formations, there was no Golden Crow

There were many paths to increasing one’s strength, but not every path was suited for

Since people were skilled at commanding, then this matter will be given to those skilled
in that. It was the wisest choice for him to do what he was most skilled in.

He put his attention back on the date seed ship. In his view, there was a lot of room for
modifications, especially to Zuo Mo who was skilled in micro formations.

As it was related to his life, he had to think hard.

In the cabin, three people all had different expressions. Chun Yu Cheng propped his head
on his hand, his eyes lost. He had maintained this position for a long time, occasionally
muttering. Gongsun Cha was extremely energetic, his eyes focused on War Chess,
completely ignorant of the piece of black daze crystal that was floating in the air with no
one else present.

Zuo Mo climbed up and down, his body covered in wood shavings, all kinds of tools and
talismans occasionally on his hands.

Lil’ Pagoda skipped behind him, not letting go of one piece go to waste, all sucked into
the tower.

Not far away, Silly Bird looked in disdain at Lil’ Pagoda. Lil’ Black silently waved its
antennae as it climbed around.

A long time later, when the formation in front of him had finished, Zuo Mo finally
released a breath and stretched.

Without any requirements, without any limitations, as long as he could think of it and he
had enough materials, he would try it. This kind of experimentation that he had never had
before made him feel unspeakably comfortable. He had done everything he could think of
to modify the date seed ship.

Some were forging methods, some were dan-making methods, some were formation
setting methods, including the formation disks that he hadn’t used for a time, they were all
put to use on the date seed ship.

The date seed ship was completely transformed.

The shuttle-shaped date seed ship became even sharper, especially the bow where seven
blue spikes were arranged in a row. These seven blue spikes had been obtained from the
fourth-grade Blue Spiked Crocodile that Zuo Mo had killed on the Desolate Wood Reef. The
blue jade like spike was covered in cinnabar seals all over.

The body of the ship was thinner and longer than before, like a swordfish. It made the
ship look more dangerous and intrusive. The direct result was that its speed in the water
suddenly increased. In two hours, it could travel one hundred and fifty li, having increased
by fifty percent.

Zuo Mo added a control formation to the ling shield outside. It was almost attached to the
body of the ship now, like a skin rather than the round bubble it had been before. The
lightning net seemed to be engraved on the ling shield now rather than on its exterior.

It was possible to see a thread of lightning occasionally swim by silently on the ling

Zuo Mo had cut off anything like the masts. Those things were more for decoration than
But even so, Zuo Mo was still not satisfied. He studied the water movement formation
that the date seed ship had now, and found that this water movement formation was the
reason the date seed ship was so slow in the water. Compared to flying in the air, the speed
of travel in the water made him feel it was as slow as a turtle.

For example, the Thunder Flowing Light Wings that he had bought from Hong Yang could
reach one thousand and five hundred li in two hours at full speed. Even the third-grade
lucky cloud that did not pursue speed but was famed for its elegance could easily surpass a
speed of three hundred li every two hours.

Having never possessed a water movement talisman before, Zuo Mo naturally could not
be satisfied with the speed of the date seed ship. A fourth-grade date seed ship that couldn’t
even catch up to a third-grade lucky cloud, wasn’t that a joke?

He completely forgot the resistance in the water was much stronger than flying in the air.

When he realized this problem, it was when he had increased the speed of the date seed
ship to two hundred li every two hours, because he discovered that, no matter how he
altered the water movement formation, he could not increase the speed of the date seed

He sudden recalled a move that he had practiced before in the [Li Water Sword
Scripture] – [Flowing Water]!

Other than being traceless and hard to discover, [Flowing Water] also was fast! It wasn’t
an extremely fast, but a comfortable, and smooth, natural flow! He had practiced [Li Water
Sword Scripture] in the water before. In the water, [Flowing Water] was much faster! The
crux of [Flowing Water] was to change with the water flow, like water flowing from high
up down.

If he could turn the date seed ship into the Water Drop sword, that would be good … …

This daring idea suddenly flashed through his head. This idea made him excited. After
thinking for a long time, he finally found a solution.

He had just finished it now!

He used several hundred little formations to successfully model a situation similar to

[Flowing Water]. The speed of the date seed ship was increased to four hundred li every
two hours!

Zuo Mo did not know the market. If he knew the fourth-grade water movement talismans
on the market were all around one hundred li every two hours, that even the upper fourth-
grade talismans were about two hundred li every two hours, he certainly wouldn’t have
been stubborn to increase the speed of the date seed ship.
Such terrifying speed was not without its limits. Due to the high number of formations, it
was extremely difficult to control. Zuo Mo found it very hard to control himself, and had to
let Lil’ Pagoda take control of the formations. These formations mostly were related to
water, and Lil’ Pagoda was the best hand at controlling the five elements.

The other point was the consumption of jingshi had multiplied, especially when they
were travelling at full speed. It would use ten jing of ling power every two hours, which was
ten pieces of third-grade jingshi, ten times that of the Thunder Flowing Light Wings.

But in Zuo Mo’s perspective, this was worth it. If he couldn’t keep his little life, then no
matter how much jingshi he had it was useless.

The present date seed ship finally reached the level of life-saving in his heart.

But before he could rest, suddenly, a feeling of danger came into Zuo Mo’s mind.

Zuo Mo’s heart beat heavily.

He couldn’t help but look outside. In the black water, a dot of light suddenly lit up far

This dot of light was extremely small like a hair, but in a blink, it was the size of a sesame

Such fast speed!

Zuo Mo inhaled sharply.

He suddenly remembered the Endless ocean that countless people talked about, which
had no border was the playground of strong ling beasts!


Connected to his mind, Lil’ Pagoda instantly light up, the jingshi of the twenty eight stars
in the ceiling of the cabin lit up, the cabin so bright it seemed like day.

Vroom vroom vroom! The ship slightly trembled. Under its maximum speed, the
pressure that the ship was under was very terrifying.

The sudden change alarmed the other two.

Chun Yu Cheng raised his head in confusion, the excited lush on Gongsun Cha’s face had
not retreated. Gongsun Cha reacted first, the lightning speed of the date seed ship
frightening him.

“So fast! When did the ship become this fast?” He wasn’t nervous, his face curious as he
walked next to Zuo Mo.
“It isn’t the time to discuss this,” Zuo Mo said in a deep voice. “Something has locked
onto us.”

“What?” Gongsun Cha’s face was curious. However, when his gaze turned to the outside,
his face suddenly changed.

Not far away from the ship, a pair of vicious eyes about the size of a lantern stared at the
date seed ship.

When the two people looked at its body, the two couldn’t help but inhale.

An enormous shadow appeared in their vision. Black water that flowed relentlessly was
like a mountain that was clearly separate from the surrounding river. The pair of
indifferent and vicious eyes were as bright as moons in the black water.

The three felt as though they had fell into a glacier, their entire body cold!

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo goes overboard and the sea monsters show up. Gongsun
Cha is a little bit obsessed.
Chapter 207
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two hundred and Seven Moon Eye Blackwater Beast

“What is that?” Gongsun Cha asked woodenly

“Don’t know,” Zuo Mo’s answer was similarly wooden.

The pitiable Chun Yu Cheng just fainted.

“This is a Moon Eye Black Water Beast,” Pu Yao drawled. Having just sadistically killed
Gongsun Cha for more than twenty rounds, he was in a pleasurable state, his attitude
exceptionally harmonious.

“Moon Eye Blackwater Beast?”

“They mostly live in the bottom of the Endless Ocean. They have large bodies, but
they are all looks and no substance. They don’t have anything good on their bodies. The
only things are the moon beads and the Blackwater.” Pu Yao only glanced once, before
becoming scornful.

“Moon bead! Blackwater!” Zuo Mo’s heart leaped. He had never heard of the Moon Eye
Blackwater Beast before, but he wasn’t unfamiliar with the Moon Bead and Blackwater. The
uses of Blackwater were very broad, it was not cheap, and moon beads were not just
expensive, there were very few of them on the market, and were some of the best materials
for forging.

However, he didn’t dare to have any greed now. The presence that this Moon Eye
Blackwater Beast had was too intimidating.

“What grade is this guy? Any weaknesses?” He asked.

“Fourth-grade. As to weaknesses, I don’t know.” Pu Yao added, “I’m not familiar.”

The speed of the date seed ship was at maximum, yet that Moon Eye Blackwater Beast
was easily keeping up.

As expected of a natural water element beast. His date seed ship was not a match for this
kind of water movement speed. He stopped the ship. In any case, he couldn’t escape from
the beast

What reassured his heart was this Moon Eye Black Water Beast was a fourth-grade ling
beast. What gave him a headache was that they were in the water.
Zuo Mo might have defeated a Blue Spiked Crocodile, but that was on land and not in the
water. If they had been in the water, Zuo Mo wouldn’t have even been able to escape. Water
element ling beasts could use all of their offensive power in the water.

One ship and one beast faced off.

Zuo Mo and the others didn’t dare to move rashly. The Moon Eye Blackwater Beast
seemed curious about this object that it had never seen before.

Inside the ship, Zuo Mo cast a spell on Gongsun Cha. “You’re in command of them.” After
playing War Chess, Zuo Mo realized Gongsun Shidi’s talent in this area. Since he really
couldn’t make anything of them, it was better to give them to Shidi.


Gongsun Cha stilled, but he instantly took over the command of the three Golden Armor
Guards. In his consciousness, when the three Golden Armor Guards appeared, a shocked
expression uncontrollably floated onto his face.

He had always assumed that the Golden Armor Guards were living people. Now he
discovered that these three mysterious experts were puppets!

He quickly managed to calm down. Gradually, his breathing started to speed up.

He felt his body was uncontrollably shaking. It was not fear nor terror, but excitement!

This was his first fight where he was in command. Even though his subordinates were
three golems, when he thought of the upcoming battle, he felt his body temperature rising,
even his blood was burning.

He suddenly closed his eyes, his rushed breathing slowly calming.

When he opened his eyes again, he looked much calmer, but the light in the deepest part
of his eyes was like a blade’s edge.

Zuo Mo also threw away all other thoughts. Other than engaging in a fight, there didn’t
seem to be other options. The other side was a fourth-grade ling beast in the water, but on
his side were four ningmai. Zuo Mo felt there was a chance!

What he was worried about was they would create too much noise, and attract other ling
beasts. That would not be good.

Just as Zuo Mo pondered when to attack, Gongsun Cha suddenly ran to Chun Yu Cheng
who had fainted, and furiously shook him awake. “Shixiong, Shixiong, where’s your ling

“Ling butterfly … … ling butterfly … …” Chun Yu Cheng’s face was confused. After a
while, he managed to react, and hurriedly took out the beast service card. “Ling butterfly!
Ling butterfly!”

Gongsun Cha looked helplessly at the confusion and panic on Chun Yu Cheng’s face and
could only softly comfort him, “Shixiong, don’t panic, just summon your ling butterfly.”

“Oh.” It might have been that Gongsun Cha’s comfort was effective, Chun Yu Cheng
calmed down slightly and summoned the ling butterfly.

The blue ling butterfly appeared in front of him, nimbly fluttering its wings. Zuo Mo was
slightly surprised. Every time the blue butterfly flapped its wings, he could feel a rich
stream of water element power. It seemed that the deep of the Endless Ocean was the place
the water element blue butterfly could be most effective.

But Zuo Mo did not understand. Why did Gongsun Cha get Chun Yu Cheng to summon a
blue butterfly? The blue butterfly was only a third-grade ling butterfly, definitely not a
match for the big guy outside. Also, while the deep of the Endless Ocean had rich water
element power, it really was not a habitat for butterflies.

“Shixiong, I remember your ling butterfly has two water element spells. Which two?”
Gongsun Cha asked rapidly.

“[Water Movement] and [Water Power].” Chun Yu Cheng reflexively responded.

Zuo Mo’s eyes suddenly lit up. He understood what Gongsun Shidi wanted to do.

Gongsun Cha did not waste time, pointing at the three Golden Armor Guards and saying,
“Shixiong, get the ling butterfly to use the spells on these three.”

“Oh.” Chun Yu Cheng hurriedly commanded the blue butterfly. The blue butterfly lightly
moved its wings, and two water-blue spells hit one of the Golden Armor Guards. After
continuously casting eight spells on the three Golden Armor Guards plus Zuo Mo, the blue
butterfly appeared tired. The wings were moving slower than they had been before.
When the two spells hit Zuo Mo, he felt his ling power become lively. The changes in the
water flow outside side the ship became much more clear, even though he didn’t know
what the effect would be!

It was the correct decision to give Gongsun Shidi control of the Golden Armor Guards. If
it was him, he wouldn’t have thought of Chun Shidi’s ling butterfly.

With these two spells, the gap between the two sides had become a little bit smaller.

Zuo Mo and Gongsun Cha looked at each other, and instantly understood what they
wanted. Attack first!


Three blue lights suddenly charged at the Moon Eye Blackwater Beast!

Once they attacked, Zuo Mo had no thoughts about luck. The three blue spikes moved

Fourth-grade blue spikes, after being forged in Golden Crow Fire, the body of the spikes
were filled with characters. It was the strongest killing move of the date seed ship, but
compared to the enormous body of the Moon Eye Blackwater Beast, the three blue spikes
were not even toothpicks.

The Moon Eye Blackwater Beast did not show any signs of dodging. The three blue spikes
disappeared into the black and roiling black water.


The Blackwater which had been slowly flowing suddenly rippled ferociously like boiling

The lantern-sized eyes brightened. Hiss, the three people on the ship felt an ear-piercing

Zuo Mo’s attack had wounded it.

The Moon Eye Blackwater beast was enraged. Everyone felt the landscape darken. A
wave of Blackwater gathered towards the date seed ship from all directions, tying it up
tightly. The strength of the black water was extremely high. The ship started to creak as the
Blackwater pressed against it!

The Blackwater tightly covered the ling shield like a wall.

Three golden figures with a long red tail heavily struck the water wall outside.

Ding ding ding!

Three muffled sounds that were like lightning. The three Golden Armor Guards were
forcibly bounced back. The seemingly soft-looking black water was as hard as steel. The full
power blows of the three Golden Armor Guards were not able to move the Moon Eye
Blackwater Beast.

Zuo Mo was shocked.

He was very clear about how powerful the three Golden Armor Guards were. Each
Golden Armored Guard’s strength was above his. The attack of the three of them at full
power was not able to harm the Moon Eye Blackwater Beast one bit!

If it was said the three blue spikes made Zuo Mo joyful, then his heart stilled with this
attack. So the restless Blackwater around the Moon Eye Blackwater Beast was its strongest

Blackwater was one of the most famous heavywaters in the world. With such a large
amount of Blackwater it didn’t need any other spells. It only needed to control them, and
the power would be terrifying.

Controlling Blackwater! This was the area that the Moon Eye Blackwater Beast was truly
strong in.

Gongsun Cha also had a shocked expression. The three Golden Armor Guards suddenly
stopped and suddenly leapt outside again.

Zuo Mo also managed to react. Throwing all thoughts to the back of his head, the five
essence sword set he had already prepared was waiting to attack. Suddenly seeing the
actions of the three Golden Armor Guards, his own movements slowed.

The three Golden Armor Guards rushed outside. In the middle, the gloves on their hands
lit up.

Ten Thousand Appearance Gloves!

The three golden figures were like three meteors, striking three times!

Bam bam bam!

The three blows were all at the same spot!

Zuo Mo’s consciousness clearly watched the water wall that the three Golden Armor
Guards attacked only slightly rippled, but behind the water shield, the Blackwater body of
Moon Eye Blackwater Beast suddenly shook, a portion of the Blackwater almost flowing
out of its body.

Gongsun Cha’s attack was too beautiful!

Zuo Mo suppressed the impulse to roar, and took the opportunity to attack. He didn’t use
the five essence sword set on his hands, but went with the flow and activated the lightning
net outside the ling shield of the date seed ship.

If this was earlier, lightning of this degree was nothing to the Moon Eye Blackwater

But the clever attacks of the three Golden Armor Guards caused the Moon Eye
Blackwater Beast to lose control of the Blackwater for a very short instant. The relatively
weak lightning moved in at this time.

Hiss hiss hiss!

Countless little bits of lightning flooded the Blackwater.

The Moon Eye Blackwater Beast was in a slight panic. The Blackwater that had been
wrapped around the date seed ship furiously pressed inwards. Under the heavy pressure,
half of the fine lightning was quickly destroyed.

However, the state of the two sides switched!

The devious Zuo Mo attacked it again, and three blue spikes soundlessly entered the


The Moon Eye Blackwater Beast gave a strange howl!

Zuo Mo’s eyes blurred, everything shaking! Turning his head over, blood flowed out of
Gongsun Cha’s nose and mouth, his face ferocious. The killing intent was so intense in his
eyes that Zuo Mo’s heart shook

A red sword energy passed through the black water, aiming straight at the two lantern-
sized eyes of the Moon Eye Blackwater Beast.

At the same time, another Golden Armor Guard paced several steps and moved up.


The Blackwater wall shrunk back, blocking the red sword energy.

The Blackwater that hurried back was slightly weaker than usual, unable to block such a
sharp sword energy.

Another water wall!

The sword energy which had not expended its power hit the surface, causing ripples and
was blocked!

Before the Moon Eye Blackwater Beast could release a breath, the Golden Armored
Guard that had moved up smashed heavily into the wall.

An expression of scorn appeared in the vicious eyes of the Moon Eye Blackwater Beast.
Smash? They couldn’t smash through the water wall!

Just as the Golden Armored Guard was going to hit the wall, suddenly, seven silver sword
energies lit up by his side, the silver light flowing. Seven silver sword energies forcefully
crashed on the water wall!

The Seven Star Sword Formation of the Seven Star Sword Boots!

The rippling water wall instantly collapsed, the seven silver sword energies pointing
straight at the eyes of the Moon Eye Blackwater Beast.

For the first time, the Moon Eye Blackwater Beast had an expression of fear. At this time,
it could do nothing except push all the Blackwater in front of it.

It needed to stop the seven silver sword energies!

It was so panicked that it did not notice that, at some unknown time, a golden figure had
sneaked behind it.

Face covered in blood, Gongsun Cha seemed insane, the corners of his mouth coldly
rising, his eyes black as they were reflected in the Blackwater, a dash of red flashing past!

Translator Ramblings: Gongsun Cha’s first time in command. There isn’t a very concrete
description of this animal so I always end up picturing it as a whale.

Zuo Mo easily gave up command and this chapter really shows how Zuo Mo is someone
who can easily admit that he isn’t good at everything and people are more talented than he
is. He is very practical and he has good judgement about other people.

Pu Yao is perverse because he enjoys inflicting pain on Zuo Mo and behaves contrary to
what Zuo Mo expects. Gongsun Cha is perverse because normal people rarely are happy
after being dealt devastating losses twenty times in a row, and would not be excited for
more. Zuo Mo’s desire for jingshi is not perverse because he values things like his life over
jingshi. Also, he has not done anything malicious or wrong to make jingshi.
Chapter 208
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Eight Blood Void Movement

Zuo Mo looked at the soft and shy Gongsun Shidi who was half-collapsed on the deck,
face pale, and found it hard to think of him as the battle crazed guy just now.

As he took out medicine for Gongsun Cha, he thought, “This guy is really an extreme
militant!” Even now, he felt it was slightly unreal. The entire battle was clean and crisp,
without any big tribulations, it was done.

Zuo Mo didn’t even get to use his five essence sword set and the Moon Eye Blackwater
Beast was killed!

He had felt the effectiveness of the Golden Armor Guards would not be as great with him
as they were on Gongsun Shidi’s hands.

But the difference was a bit too big … …

On land, one Golden Armor Guard was enough to deal with a Moon Eye Blackwater Beast,
but in the water, for three Golden Armor Guards to kill a Moon Eye Blackwater Beast, that
needed luck. He hadn’t thought that Gongsun Shidi was so strong!

Pity about the pair of Moon beads!

Zuo Mo’s heart hurt. The last ambush by the Golden Armor Guard had sliced the eyes of
the Moon Eye Blackwater Beasts in half. What landed in his hands were four half-sphere
moon beads. Their value had greatly decreased. He had taken a lot of Blackwater. The
Blackwater was not as valuable as moon beads, but it was still a rarity.

Even more, it was worth it just to discover Gongsun Shidi’s terrifying talent at battle!

In troubled times, what was most important was strength. As Gongsun Shidi’s talents
were continuously uncovered, their strength was increasing. Zuo Mo was already
considering if it was possible for Pu Yao to make a few more Golden Armor Guards.

However, Gongsun Shidi’s strength was a bit lacking. The shout from the Moon Eye
Blackwater Beast had almost taken his little life. In Zuo Mo’s view, the direction that
Gongsun Shidi should develop in was as a battle general, being skilled at commanding in
battle, and not pursuing individual power.

But his individual power was too weak, even weaker than Chun Yu Cheng. If he was the
least bit careless, he could lose his life. Having seen the yao army, Zuo Mo naturally realized
that people like Gongsun Shidi were actually very strong. These days, hiring a sword xiu of
some strength wasn’t hard, that just needed jingshi. But hiring a xiuzhe who would
command, that was not simple. Even more, Gongsun Shidi was the closest of all, they had
gone through tribulations together and was very reliable.

How could he get Gongsun Shidi to command in battle but not lose his little life?

Talisman? Even the best talisman would be scrap metal in Gongsun Shidi’s hands. He
basically could not use them to their full potential.

Practice some life-saving spell? At this time, would it be too late? Gongsun Shidi might
have talent at commanding, but his talent at cultivation seemed very average.

Zuo Mo ran into trouble.

Suddenly he hit his head. How could he forget Pu Yao? This thousand year old antique
should know at least something.

“You want to turn him into a battle general?” Pu Yao’s eyes as he looked at Zuo Mo
were slightly shocked. Such a perceptive matter, was it something that this greedy zombie
face could think of? Didn’t this guy only ever pursue money?

“I feel he has great talent in the area.” Zuo Mo asked in response, “Don’t you think so?”

“His talent is barely acceptable.” Pu Yao did not refute it. “But what do you want a
battle general for? Do you want to start conquering land?”

Zuo Mo looked at Pu Yao like he was looking at an idiot. Did he get his head knocked? Just
these few people, they couldn’t even get protection money, let alone conquering land!
However, thinking that he had something to ask of the other, Zuo Mo decided it was better
not to say such hurtful words. He said, “One good man, three person sect. Gang fighting
has more technique involved than fighting by oneself. Anyways, I feel that this road has
a brighter future for him than a butcher.”

For some unknown reason, Pu Yao released a breath. See, he said so. This brat couldn’t
have such far-seeing eyes.


“This is so good, why does it have to be hidden?” Zuo Mo was not very happy.
“You bumpkin!” Pu Yao scornfully twisted his mouth. Each time he scolded like this, he
felt great. Also, he found that as long as Zuo Mo had something to request of him, Zuo Mo
wouldn’t be angry if he swore at him.

He saw the displeasure in Zuo Mo’s eyes become even heavier, but the other forcefully
suppressed it. Pu Yao was very smug.

Oh, this feeling isn’t bad.

“Let me first teach you a lesson. With xiuzhe, those that are purely commanders are
battle generals. Yaomo do not have pure things.” Pu yao’s voice was full of scorn. “For
yaomo, they have to fight as soon as they are born. Commanding in battle is a
technique any high level yaomo must learn. Of course, not every yaomo can become a
strong commander, but the rate of their occurrence is much higher than your battle

“Do you know what is most important for a commander? Pu Yao asked.

“I don’t know,” Zuo Mo shook his head in confusion. He had never heard before what Pu
Yao was saying now.

“Giving commands!” Pu Yao gave a very normal answer.

“Oh,” Zuo Mo seemed to have understood slightly.

“On the battlefield, the situation would change constantly, and is very complex. How
can the people in command let their orders reach their subordinates?” As he kept on
going, Pu Yao became serious. “Xiuzhe use seals, they first forge seals beforehand to give
them to the xiuzhe they command, and pass orders through the seals. Mo use the mo
matrix. They can mutually feel each other through the mo matrix. As to yao, I shouldn’t
have to say anything.”


“Yes.” Pu Yao nodded. “What yao primarily cultivate is the consciousness, and are
born naturally powerful in this area. You should first consider this problem.”

“As to protecting his life,” Pu Yao tilted his head to think, “battle generals usually
would have the protection of experts, and they would hide in the troops so they cannot
easily be discovered.”

Zuo Mo had an impulse to spit blood.

After speaking for so long, it was basically equivalent to saying nothing. Having the
protection of experts, where could he get experts to protect? There was only these few
people, where would he hide?
“We are on one ship now.” Zuo Mo’s eyes were not friendly as he smirked, “Hm, I
wonder if Sky Yao are nutritious and suited to a ling beast’s appetite.

Pu Yao naturally would not be scared by this degree of threat, and laughed loudly in

Seeing that Zuo Mo showed signs of rage, Pu Yao finally stopped his carefree laugh.

“If you are talking about saving his life, it’s not that there are not ways.” Pu Yao
snickered, “Like the mo matrix. Look at how convenient it is. Carving it on once, benefits
for a lifetime. He doesn’t need to cultivate at all. The mo matrix would automatically
temper his body. In the future, he would be a juggernaut, a juggernaut that cannot be

Zuo Mo smirked. “Boast! Continue boasting! Ge got tricked by you last time, got this
mo matrix carved, how come ge didn’t become a juggernaut!”

“It’s not possible to become a juggernaut in one day.” Pu Yao smiled. “Or a yao seed.
Cultivating the consciousness, that’s the best pairing for a battle general.”

“The consciousness isn’t bad, but it isn’t useful in protecting his life. Also, if he starts
practicing, it would take a long time.” Zuo Mo shook his head. “Also, in the future, he
might not be in command of a yao army. Didn’t you also say that xiuzhe used seals?”

“You see, you refused the two areas I’m most skilled in.” Pu Yao waved his hand, his
expression similar to saying “see, it’s not that I’m not helping you.”

“Ye just knew that you weren’t reliable!” Zuo Mo hatefully said. “Humph, fine! He can’t
become a battle general, no one can play War Chess with you!”

Pu Yao froze.

Zuo Mo was secretly overjoyed. As expected, he hadn’t guessed wrong! Seeing Pu Yao
sadistically kill Gongsun Cha for twenty something rounds, Zuo Mo was very shocked. He
had never seen Pu Yao be interested in a matter like he was in this. Pu Yao had taken out a
huge variety of War Chess games. Zuo Mo had knew then that this guy had definitely been
obsessed with this path. Especially when he saw Pu Yao’s smug expression after he had
sadistically killed Gongsun Cha twenty something rounds. He knew that this guy had found
a new amusement, so he tried this approach.

Pu Yao was depressed. It wasn’t that he was unclear as to Zuo Mo’s little calculations, but
just as Zuo Mo expected, it had been long and difficult before he had found someone who
could play with him. If he lost a person to play with due to this, it was a loss.

To a Sky Yao that had no goal or ambition, amusement was very important.
He said slightly helplessly, “Oh, I remember, there is a very obscure life-saving

“What?” Zuo Mo hurriedly asked.

“[Blood Void Movement]!”

“What spell is that?”

“It’s not a spell, it’s a talisman!”

“Oh … …

Multiple hours later, Zuo Mo looked at the three necklaces in front of him with a satisfied
expression. There were two jade tablets on each necklace, each tablet carved with complex
and old characters. Zuo Mo’s craftsmanship was much better now, and the characters he
carved were more smooth and fine.

Deviously laughing, he ran next to Gongsun Cha whose face was pale.

“Shixiong, what is it?” Gongsun Cha became wary. Shixiong’s expression was troubling.

“Nothing big.” Zuo Mo nickered. He pulled Gongsun Cha’s hand, rubbed it a few times.

Gongsun Cha stilled. He suddenly saw that his little hand was dripping blood. Below his
fingers, there was a jade bottle that was already half filled with blood.

Gongsun Cha’s pale face suddenly became white as paper, his eyes rolling as he fainted.

Chun Yu Cheng propped up his chin, looking in the distance, his gaze wandering as he
muttered to himself. “This formation should belong to the wind element power. Does
wind element power affect the reproduction rate of ling butterflies … …”

He was completely ignorant that someone was beside him, and did not detect that the
other hand which he had on his leg was dripping blood.

After half a bottle, he still had not detected it.


An hour later.

“Hm, when did my hand get wounded? Oh, where did I think up to … …”
Zuo Mo took out three bottles of blood, one of them his own. He had split the blood of the
two bottles in half, each portion put into one of the jade tablets.

On the warm jade tablet, the bright red characters were exceptionally grand. No one
would think of blood. It did not look any different than normal cinnabar.

The three necklaces with the jade tablets were the weapon to save lives – Blood Void

Three people, one person a piece.

When any one of them experienced a life-saving threat, they would automatically move
beside their fellow, as long as their fellow was also wearing the Blood Void Movement
necklace as well.

He had originally planned on finding a life-saving method for Gongsun Cha who had the
lowest cultivation, but hadn’t thought that he would get such a big benefit out of it. Zuo Mo
mixed the three people’s Blood Void Movement together. This way, no matter which one of
the three of them encountered danger, they would move to one of the other two.

Having put handled a large worry, Zuo Mo’s mood was great and he woke Gongsun Cha

“Come, let’s play the War Chess!”

The confused Gongsun Cha did not know that he had been sold by Shixiong to a Pu Yao
who was sharpening his blades.

Translator Ramblings: More knowledge about large-scale warfare. No one in the ship is
normal. Lil’ Black might be the most normal entity on there.

Zuo Mo finally found some of Pu Yao’s weaknesses. He is bored and lonely.

I’ve used the display posts shortcode to get a listing of recent chapters for the table of
contents. However, it has a maximum display of 100 posts. Is there a wordpress guru that
knows if there is something I can do to make an easy table of contents, possibly with the
archive shortcode?
Chapter 209
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and Brian.

Chapter Two Hundred and Nine Ma Fan

“Where are we?” Chun Yu Cheng curiously poked his head out of the ship. After
travelling for more than three months underwater, the three felt very suffocated.

“Little Mountain Jie,” Zuo Mo said uncertainly. None of them had ever been to Little
Mountain Jie and had never paid any attention to information about Little Mountain Jie.

The fresh air made the trio’s chests instantly become refreshed and expand. They all
poked their heads out of the cabin to greedily suck in the air.

On both sides of the river were endless series of mountain peaks.

But quickly, the three completely shut up. They looked dazedly at the mountain peaks at
the two sides.

Smashed rocks and broken trees laid everywhere. Occasionally, there were corpses and
pieces of clothing. The mountains which had originally been green were now barren.

“It can’t be this bad … …” Chun Yu Cheng’s voice drifted out as if it was sleep-talking.

Gongsun Cha was the first to respond. His face was not very good, lowering his head and
saying to himself, “War has begun.”

Zuo Mo only looked, not knowing what to say. This area must have experienced fierce
fighting. Thinking about the yao troops above the Desolate Wood Reef, Zuo Mo didn’t need
to guess to know who had accomplished such destruction. His heart couldn’t help but feel
fear. If he hadn’t escaped in time, this would have also been his outcome.

“Let’s be careful. The road probably won’t be safe.”

Zuo Mo and Gongsun Cha exchanged a look, and saw the worry in each other’s eyes.

The date seed ship flew into the sky and floated in mid-air.

“Where should we go?” Gongsun Cha asked a very realistic question.

“We can only take one step and look one step.” Zuo Mo’s face was expressionless, but
his voice was full of helplessness, “We aren’t familiar with Little Mountain Jie, so let’s first
find someone to ask where the other jie rivers of Little Mountain Jie are.
“Are there even still people in Little Mountain Jie?”

Gongsun Cha’s words made Zuo Mo’s breathing uncontrollably stop. He turned around,
and saw a matter-of-fact expression on Gongsun Cha’s soft face. For some reason, a cold
chill seeped into his heart.

His first response was, he definitely could not bully Gongsun Shidi in the future.

This guy was definitely vicious and devious.

But Zuo Mo clearly wasn’t a nice person either. “Then our days are at an end. Just wait
for others to come back to clean us up.”

Gongsun Cha giggled, and didn’t speak. Holding up his chin, he was thinking of

Luckily, Gongsun Cha’s words were not proven right. On the third day, they encountered
living xiuzhe. But when they saw the messy battlefield, Zuo Mo could only say, “Let’s wait.”
The date seed ship shrunk back into the clouds, and secretly gazed at the fighting below.

The two groups of xiuzhe were fighting, talismans and flying swords all over the air.

Most of the people had a cultivation of ningmai, only a rare few in zhuji. Chun Yu Cheng
only looked for a little while before turning to think about his husbandry. He wasn’t
interested in fighting and killing. Zuo Mo and Gongsun Cha were so bored they were

“Why don’t we do another round of War Chess.” Gongsun Cha asked.

Zuo Mo swept him with a look and shook his head. “No, business first.”

Gongsun Cha had become their strongest offensive force now.

In the three months, this militant had improved with astounding speed, becoming more
vicious and experienced in the art of commanding. The number of ling beasts that had been
ruined could not be counted. In his hands, the three Golden Armored Guards could be
called specters of war. Of course, Zuo Mo’s wallet had also become fuller.

Having seen the strong yao army, having seen the strong ling beasts under the water like
the Moon Eye Blackwater Beast, especially after seeing the grand performances of the three
golden armor guards under Gongsun Shidi’s command, the fight in front of them could not
stir their interest.

Thinking it over Zuo Mo still decided to not wait, “Go get them to stop.”
“Alright,” Gongsun Cha clearly didn’t have any interest in opponents of this level. The
two seemed to have completely forgot one of them was ningmai and the other zhuji while
the two groups down there were mostly ningmai.

The three golden armor guards that had been holding their swords moved, and
disappeared from Gongsun Cha’s side.


Ma Fan carefully maintained his distance from the others. Fifty zhang to one hundred
zhang was his best attack range. In this range of distance, his sword scripture could reach
its maximum power.

Compared to the great majority, his luck was pretty good, and he had found the remains
of a sword scripture. This sword scripture did not have a name, and the contents were
nearly all lost; but the remains were enough for him to survive until now.

It really was troublesome!

He carefully controlled his rhythm, occasionally glancing out of the corner of his eye at
his fellows. Luckily, this group’s situation wasn’t bad. His heart relaxed slightly. Before this,
he had always been alone. When he had encountered the yao army passing by, seeing that
battle that had no meaning, he understood that it was not possible for one person to
survive in these troubled times.

He had joined this little group. but how many times had he fought after joining this
group? He didn’t quite remember. After the yao army left, Little Mountain Jie’s society had
collapsed, and turned to chaos.

Out of nowhere, he saw three golden lights out of the corner of his eye!

There was an ambush! His heart shocked, he didn’t hesitate in turning and running. His
feet moved continuously, and his entire person was covered in a pile of fake and real

The illusory movement method that he relied on to save his life!

The opponent sixty zhang away from him had suddenly lost his opponent, his face full of
shock, not understanding the situation.

The three golden lights were like three sharp arrows that pierced straight into the people
Pia pia pia!

The rapid blows sounded out like rain hitting a banana leaf. The sounds rang in Ma Fan’s
ears as he ran furiously, his scalp prickled.

It was troublesome now!

He was still quite confident in his speed. The sword scripture that he cultivated might
have been incomplete, but the strongest parts were the illusory movement method and the
three sword moves. The illusory sword method had saved his life a few times already. He
rejoiced inside that he had luckily saved some energy before. Otherwise, he would meet his
death today.

Just as he was thinking, the thundering crashes suddenly stopped.

A strong feeling of danger appeared. Uh-oh!


A golden figure appeared in front of him out of thin air, the speed so quick that he didn’t
even manage to see the person’s features.


His feet changed direction and ran in another direction!


Another golden figure appeared in front of him.

Trouble … …

At the same time, a hiss-crack sounded behind him!

“I surrender!” He raised both of his hands.

However, the other clearly did not pay attention to him. His neck hurt, his vision
darkened, and then he was unconscious.


When he opened his eyes again, he released a breath. He hadn’t died. However, when he
completely opened his eyes, his heart went back up again – a gold fighter!
He suddenly remembered what had happened before he was unconscious.

This was really troublesome now!

He finally managed to see what the golden people looked like. Their entire body was
covered in golden scale armor. Under the sun, the dense golden scales rippled with golden
light. The eyes under the golden scale armor were cold and murderous. Ma Fen did not
doubt that if he dared to make a wrong move, the golden scale warriors would use that
exaggeratedly large flame red broadsword to slice off his head.

Wait, Heavens!

His eyes blanked for an extremely short moment.

Flames surrounded the exaggerated red broadsword. The golden scaled warriors had
thrust the sword into the ground. The soil around the tip of the sword slowly became black.
Fourth-grade! This was a fourth-grade broadsword!

Ma Fan had worked alone for so long. From this experience, he had developed a great
understanding of the market for these kinds of things. Naturally had his own methods for
judging talismans.

This broadsword was not ordinary. This was not what shocked him . Even if there was
the addition of the golden scaled armor that looked to have high defense power, he
wouldn’t feel shocked.

What shocked him was what was on the three … …

No wonder they could catch up to him. The Thunder Flowing Light Wings, one of the
most famous fourth-grade flying talismans that could be brought on the market. It had
appeared countless times in his dreams. If he had the Thunder Flowing Light Wings, if they
were added to his illusory movement method. Oh, he had the confidence he could escape
from any xiuzhe under jindan!

His eyes flashed across the hands resting on the hilt of the sword. A light blue pair of
gloves embroidered with a little elephant. Ten Thousand Appearances Gloves! The best
love of body xiu. If you had those, you could tear animals apart with your bare hands. His
thoughts wandered. A moment later, he remembered the crashes that had come behind
him before he had become unconscious.

To have been smashed by a guy wearing Ten Thousand Appearances Gloves … …

He shook and woke up.

But when his eyes flashed across the snake pupil that was so cold and emotionless on the
belt that the golden scaled warriors were wearing, his body uncontrollably tensed again!
Snake Pupil Belt!


His eyes unconsciously landed on the pair of feet closest to him. The slightly delicate
boots were slightly strange being paired with the glittering golden armor. But, when Ma
Fan’s gaze landed on the little sword on the shoes and the Big Dipper surrounding it, he
only had one thought in his head

––It really was troublesome now!

“Don’t just look. Just sit up.”

A very young voice came from behind him. He hurriedly rolled up.

He saw an expressionless face. It really was expressionless. The entire face seemed to be
paralyzed. He had never seen such a strange face before. The thin body, with this wooden
face, it looked like a zombie. However, this “zombie” was covered in valuable talismans. Ma
Fan instantly woke up. He had heard before that many elders would have all kinds of
strange habits and preferences.

But the young xiuzhe next to the “zombie” was quite delicate, a slight smile on his face.
He looked very friendly.

“What are you called?” The zombie opened.

“Ma Fan.”

“As in troublesome?”

Having expected the other’s response, Ma Fan hurriedly explained, “Ma as in sesame,
fan for ordinary.”

“Oh,” The zombie slightly paused. “Why are you guys fighting?”

Zuo Mo pretended to be profound.

“Elder, they want to steal our ling grains.” Ma Fan didn’t dare to conceal.

“Ling grains?” Zuo Mo was very surprised. He had made his living from farming ling
grains for several years but had never heard people fighting over ling grains.

“Yes.” Ma Fan perceptively detected the disbelief in Zuo Mo’s voice and explained, “Elder
may not know. After the yao army passed through, for some reason, the ling energy in
the jie has gradually decreased. Not only has cultivation has become difficult to
progress, but after a period of time, our stages may actually go down.”
Zuo Mo hurriedly channeled his ling power and found that it was as Ma Fan had said. The
surrounding ling energy was very thin. He had the mo matrix which would automatically
take in ling energy from the surroundings which was why did he had not detected it. Also,
Gongsun Cha was obsessed with War Chess and Chun Yu Cheng with his animals, the
Golden Armor Guards did not need to cultivate, so their procession had not discovered the
change in the ling energy.

Zuo Mo suddenly shuddered in shock.

Translator Ramblings: Ma Fan (麻凡) is very similar to the Chinese term for trouble. Fang
Xiang seemed really fond of this pun in this chapter.

Little Mountain Jie is a small jie and so is Sky Moon. There are intermediate sized jie and
large ones like Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie. Zuo Mo is on a whole new map but he is still in
the beginner stage. Some also call this part of the story one of the best parts … … not my
personal favorite … …

I really marvel at how short World of Cultivation really is compared to a lot of the stories
going on at the moment. Some stories might take 1-5 years depending on how fast a person
writes. In terms of sheer productivity, Chinese web-novel writers are pretty crazy,
especially those who do it part-time. There are hundreds of people churning out novels
more than hundreds of thousands of characters every year, but part of it are writing
differences. Chinese authors narrate and describe using more adjectives and idioms than
English writers. Something that means shocked can be a four-character term and all of this
adds up. In this story, I’m going to get sick of translating how soft, feminine, shy and bashful
Gongsun Cha’s face is.
Chapter 210
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and Brian.

Chapter Two Hundred and Ten Collapse of Order

For the longest time, ling grains had always been used to improve the body and as an aid
to increase cultivation speed. Other than that, only those xiuzhe who were heading to
Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie would use them.

Due to this, the price of ling grains was low and very steady in the long term. Otherwise,
Zuo Mo would have already become rich.

But right now, the ling energy density at Little Mountain Jie had become low, and the
importance of ling grains had instantly become evident. Jingshi, lingdan and ling grains
were the only items able to supply ling energy. The ling power contained in jingshi was
rich, but the impurities it contained needed to be purified and could not be used in the long
term. Lingdan was made with all kinds of ling herbs and ling materials, so the cost was too

The ling energy in the ling foods were not just easy to absorb but did not harm the body.
If used for a long time, it could even slowly change the body. Ling grains were the most
widely used and basic ingredient in ling foods. Even normal xiuzhe that did not know how
to make ling food could easily consume it.

Many thoughts appeared in Zuo Mo’s head.

Little Mountain Jie’s ling energy had become thin after the yao army had passed through.
Without a doubt, it was the fault of the yao army. However, even though he knew this
desolation was caused by the yao army, Zuo Mo had to sigh with amazement at the strength
of the yao army. Little Mountain Jie might be a small jie, but to be able to change the ling
energy of a jie, this power was enough to make him look up with reverence..

Other than admiration, he started to think of the related problems this matter would

Long ago when he had been farming ling grains, due to listening to the sound tablet
frequently, he gradually learned how to follow the threads through the complex and
numerous news reports to find the useful information . He knew he was only a little
character. If he was going to survive in this troubled world, he needed to learn how to avoid
If the situation worsened, Little Mountain Jie would become a place like Bloody Sky
Metropolis Jie. A place with no ling energy was a terrible place for xiuzhe, and Little
Mountain Jie would quickly become the playground of the yaomo.

Zuo Mo didn’t know what the yaomo had done, nor did he know if the change of ling
energy could be reversed. If this change could be reversed that would be good, but if it
could not be then the situation of the xiuzhe would be terrible! Under an environment
without any ling energy, the offensive power of the xiuzhe would dramatically lessen, and
the yaomo would become fish in the water. If this became the case, the disadvantages of the
xiuzhe would continuously increase. The yaomo would only need to corrode one jie at a
time, and the xiuzhe had to retreat.

Damn it!

Zuo Mo felt his heartbeat was increasing.

Alright, he was worrying for nothing. Those large sects wouldn’t stand aside. Thousands
of years ago, the xiuzhe had won over the yaomo. They could do it again this time!

Zuo Mo comforted himself so.

His thoughts turned back to himself. The great affairs of the world were nothing to him.
It was more practical to focus more his efforts on his little life.

The price of ling plant farmers was going to grow. At least, he didn’t have to worry about
starving … … this thought flashed through his head.

The order of Little Mountain Jie would completely collapse. He had to quickly leave this

He had deeply experienced the ineffectiveness of individual strength on the front lines of
battle. He couldn’t affect the battle, he couldn’t even decide his own life.

In troubled times, lives were nothing.


Ma Fan’s heart was fearful. The zombie elder had become silent. He felt the air in front of
him had solidified, an invisible pressure making him tremble. He could clearly hear the
increasing rate of his heartbeat. His mouth was drying.

“Why don’t you all leave Little Mountain Jie?” The zombie elder suddenly asked.
Zuo Mo finally spoke, and Ma Fan no longer felt he was suffocating.

“Elder, it’s not that we do not want to leave Little Mountain Jie, but the jie river
towards Sky Water Jie has been under someone’s control. If we want to pass, we needed
to pay enough jingshi and ling grains.”

Zuo Mo instantly realized. He couldn’t help but think that these people were much more
vicious than he was. Little Mountain Jie only had two jie rivers, one to Sky Moon Jie, one
towards Sky Water Jie.

Blockading the jie river towards Sky Water Jie, Little Mountain Jie instantly became a
dead end. No one would dare to go to Sky Moon Jie.

“No one has tried to kill their way out?”

Ma Fan grimaced. “Controlling the Sky Water jie river is the strongest sect in the jie,
Clear Sky Sect.”

Hearing this, Zuo Mo shook his head. This wasn’t the way to do business.

To do business, there was a relationship of mutual gain. What was traded was jingshi, but
what this Clear Sky Sect wanted was lives. Half of the responsibility for the collapse of
order in Little Mountain Jie could be blamed on Clear Sky Sect and what they were pushing
from the shadows. The xiuzhe that could not escape Little Mountain Jie and could only
continuously fight and steal both jingshi and ling grains from other people. Everyone would
think that when they had stolen enough, they could escape this place.

As for the people remaining, there was only one outcome.

Zuo Mo didn’t feel anything guilt about profiteering from war, but what Clear Sky Sect
had done was enough for him to feel cold.

Clear Sky Sect’s actions of pushing people to the edge of death was like playing with fire.
If they were not careful, they could also fall in. However, from the outside, it was also
possible to see their absolute confidence.

Of course, Zuo Mo was not so carefree as to worry about the life and death of other
people. Clear Sky Sect was blockading the jie river, and so was stopping their road to leave
Little Mountain Jie.

Would Clear Sky Sect allow him to leave? Not possible. Clear Sky Sect had no relationship
with him, would they let go of the chance to get rich?

As to making it through by force? That was even more unlikely.

Gongsun Cha might have been very relaxed in directing the golden armor guards to sort
out the ten or so xiuzhe, but the power that large sects like Clear Sky Sect had was not
something so few people that they had could face.

Give jingshi?

Zuo Mo did have jingshi, but he felt that in other people’s eyes, he was definitely a fat
sheep. If it was him who saw such a fat sheep, there was no reason not to squeeze
everything he could. How could they be content with just jingshi?

Zuo Mo quickly vetoed that plan.

Then, there was only one remaining way, kill his way through them! If he was going to
kil, it wasn’t possible with just the three of them. Then, he needed to expand the strength
he had. He needed a power that the other could not dismiss. Clear Sky Sect definitely would
not get in a conflict with him to the point both sides were wounded and suffered significant
losses. It was very simple. Zuo Mo had nothing, but Clear Sky Sect was waiting and raking in

Ma Fan would never think that his few words had caused so many thoughts to flashed
through Zuo Mo’s mind.

Zuo Mo asked for some of the general information regarding Sky Water jie river. As
expected, the Sky Water jie river was unable to be penetrated under Clear Sky Sect’s
management. It also killed off his last hope. Originally, he had thought about passing under
the water of the jie river by the date seed ship.

Zuo Mo was going to ask Gongsun Shidi’s opinion, but when he saw Gongsun Shidi’s
excitement and fanaticism, he already knew the answer.

This extreme militant!

Muttering inside he found Pu Yao, “Is there a way to make them listen to me?”

Pu Yao’s bloody pupil flashed and he snickered, “There’s very many. What you xiuzhe
use the most is jinzhi.”

“Jinzhi?” Zuo Mo asked curiously.

“This isn’t strange.” Pu Yao said. “This is mostly used on xiu slaves, but some strict
sects would use them on their disciples to stop the disciples from betraying them.”

“So scary!” Zuo Mo shook. He could not imagine that he needed to be implanted with
jinzhi when he entered a sect.

“Do you want that method?”


Zuo Mo only hesitated for a beat before deciding to take it. If it wasn’t their death, it was
his, there was nothing to say. First, get past the jie river. Jinzhi were not moral, but it was
the most effective method right now. There was no time for him to waste.

Zuo Mo didn’t want to be still in Little Mountain Jie when the yao army returned.

Pu Yao was strangely brisk this time, teaching Zuo Mo several kinds of jinzhi.

It was not that easy to use jinzhi, especially to Zuo Mo who was only first stratum
ningmai. He spent some effort before he barely managed to learn it. This was due to his
exceptional consciousness. Otherwise, jinzhi were not something he could use.

The pitiful Ma Fan became the first experiment.


Just as Zuo Mo was trying his best to put down jinzhi on the unconscious xiuzhe, Pu Yao
revealed an amused expression in the sea of consciousness.

“You must also have great anticipation!” His chin was propped up in his hand, his eerie
bloody eye deep as a bloody sea, as he lightly said to the gravestone. “So practical! Really
makes one admire him more and more! He is destined not to walk your path … … you
stupid self-destructive f***er!”

The gravestone was silent and motionless.


When the last jinzhi was put in, Zuo Mo was exhausted. He put jinzhi in all the ningmai.
In total, there were sixteen people.

“The remainder is all down to you.” Finishing, Zuo Mo, whose consciousness and ling
power had all been used up, instantly took a piece of jingshi and entered meditation.

“No problem!” Gongsun Cha raised his handsome and feminine face, smiling and
revealing his teeth. An excited light was in his eyes.

At the side, Ma Fan felt a burst of coldness start at his tailbone and climb up his spine.

Sky Moon Jie, Desolate Wood Reef.

“Miss, Yan Yue of the Thirteenth Corps has already reached the jie river towards
Bright Wave. The Jin Bao Zheng of the Sixth Corps has reached the jie river to South
Beauty Jie. On the road, the two troops have not found any suspicious targets.” The
middle aged man respectfully reported.

“They’ve moved pretty quickly.” Mu Xi said faintly. “The net has already been cast. The
remainder is to slowly search. Be more attentive.”

“Yes!” The middle aged person sternly responded. He hesitated, and then said, “Miss,
we’ve found signs of mo activity.”

“Mo?” At the side, Yan Feng’s expression changed slightly, and he shouted.

Mu Xi’s gaze slightly narrowed. She raised her head to ask, “Have they determined who
it is?”

“To be able to go through the Blood Jie cracks , it can only be mo under brigadier.”
The shock on Yan Feng’s face did not disappear. “Which Moon Mo colonel? Why did he
come? Does he have the same goal as us?”

“Why is it not possible?” Mu Xi glanced at Yan Feng. “You’ve missed a possibility. For
example, a true mo brigadier that has sealed their own power.”

The face of the middle-aged person changed.

“Instantly make an investigation.” Mu Xi said decisively. “Even if he is a true mo

brigadier, do not worry. It would be best to establish communication with him. Maybe
he could help us.”

“Yes,” The middle-aged man accepted his orders.

Seeing the worry on her subordinate’s face, Mu Xi smiled. “Don’t worry too much, no
matter if it is a moon mo colonel, or a true mo brigadier, they have the same enemy as

Mu Xi’s features could only be called clean, but this smile seemed to have a special power
to make others calm down.

“Miss is right,” The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Translator Ramblings: It’s karma, that’s what it is.Sky Moon Jie is now completely closed

Thank you for your comments!

Chapter 211
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Eleven Trash and Poor Ghosts

Zuo Mo looked at the dozen or so unfamiliar faces in front of him. Some of the people
were terrified, but more of them were rebellious.

He was thinking about ways that he could control this group. Presently, Little Mountain
Jie was like a cage, a gladiator stadium, the surviving xiuzhe were not average.

“From today onwards I am your Boss, the Big Boss!”

Zuo Mo’s opening did not stir any reaction. Scorn was in most people’s eyes. Zuo Mo had
just a one stratum ningmai cultivation. In front of these people, he didn’t have any qualities
that he could be proud about.

Zuo Mo didn’t pay any mind to this, and kept on speaking.

“I believe you have all had a taste of the jinzhi. I don’t want to spend more time
talking. My goal is very simple, to go through the jie river. As for you trash and poor
ghosts, you have nothing to be squeezed out so I don’t have much interest in you.”

The words were nasty to hear, but many people’s wariness lowered.

The expressionless person in front of them did have the qualification to say this. That
date seed ship was clearly a rare jingshi talismans, a row of seven cinnabar-pattern blue
spikes as sharp as teeth, clearly from an crocodile maw. They could smell faint traces of
blood from the teeth. The long and elegant body of the ship was surrounded by a ling shield
that occasionally flashed with lightning as it wrapped tightly around the ship.

Each person couldn’t help but drool when they saw the grand talismans and flying
swords the three Golden Armor Guards were wearing. If it wasn’t that they had jinzhi in
their bodies, these people who have leapt at the opportunity regardless of the risk.

Even the richest person in the group was too embarrassed to open his hundred treasures
pouch when facing such a grand scene.

“I hope everyone can have happy interactions. Of course, with your present skill level
is hard to make me happy.” Zuo Mo was full of scorn and disdain. “Look at all of you
fighting so messily, even worse than wandering bandits, no finesse at all. From today
onwards you all have to remember one thing.Gang fighting requires high finesse and is
skilled work!”
“You are all very lucky,” Zuo Mo pointed at Gongsun Cha beside him. “Mister Gongsun
here, is the best and most famous battle general of Sky Moon Jie. He will personally
teach you this profound skill.”

Gongsun Cha smiled shyly, but his face didn’t blush at all. Chun Yu Cheng gaped. This
boast was somewhat … …

When the other people’s eyes landed on Gongsun Cha, all the scorn and disdain
completely flew away, only leaving behind terror.

Very good, Zuo Mo was extremely content. It seemed that Gongsun Shidi had already
established enough authority with these people.

Just like when one did business, after pushing for the lowest price, he needed to give the
other an incentive to motivate the other person.

“You will be completely transformed, and you will begin a completely different life
here. You do not need to worry about ambushes in the middle of the night, you do not
need to think about where to escape for safety.” Zuo Mo waved his arms, “You don’t need
to worry about anything!”

“The only worry you need to have is whether or not you can satisfy Mister Gongsun.”

Zuo Mo made the last conclusion in an unconcerned tone.

“The jie river will fall under our feet.”

Zuo Mo, feeling very good about himself, moved the group to the side as he and Gongsun
Cha started to discuss.

“How long would it take to train these people to have offensive power?” Zuo Mo asked
Gongsun Cha.

“Don’t know,” Gongsun Cha spread his hands, “We are all novices.”

Zuo Mo had a headache. Gongsun Shidi was right. Everyone here were novices, no one
had any experience.

Gongsun Cha added, “According to the rules of the wargame, a new troop needs to be
trained for over a year to form the most basic offensive maneuvers. Also, the wargames
you made were all yaomo style, not xiuzhe, so I have to slowly experiment.”

“We don’t have that much time,” Zuo Mo shook his head. He didn’t believe the yaomo
would give them a year.

Gongsun Cha thought for a moment, “Then we can only increase the intensity of the
training, or there are ways that we can use numbers to make up for lack of power.”
“Numbers … … it seems that we need a temporary base,” Zuo Mo said solemnly.


Zuo Mo chose a mountain valley. Before, there was a little sect here, but the people had
left, so the valley did not belong to anyone. The reason he chose this place was because
there were ling veins here before.

The reason that the ling energy of Little Mountain Jie had become thin was definitely due
to a problem with the ling veins. Zuo Mo wanted to personally see what the ling veins had

They had encountered several groups along the way, which they completely taken down.
At the beginning, it was the Golden Armor Guards. Later, Gongsun Cha commanded the
xiuzhe they had just imprisoned. Compared to the high efficiency of the three Golden
Armor Guards, these ningmai xiuzhe of average strength were extremely inefficient.

The novice Gongsun Cha also made many mistakes, but he was not discouraged.

Zuo Mo knew that it couldn’t be rushed, so he slowed down. In any case, there was still
the Golden Armor Guards and the date seed ship in reserve. He didn’t need to worry about
the problem of safety. It was hard to find the chance for battle. If he didn’t use it, it was
really a waste.

Gongsun Cha quickly displayed his talent as a commander. Going from the complete
chaos at the beginning to a full-fledged organization, took only a span of ten days.

Over the span of more than ten days, the troop had quickly expanded to forty people.
Twenty eight ningmai, twelve zhuji.

Zuo Mo quickly discovered that setting down jinzhi was not harmless. Each jinzhi
required him to put a bit of his consciousness inside the body of the other. Each jinzhi Zuo
Mo set would weaken his consciousness.

This was not something that could be avoided. There were no free meals in this world. It
was only a weirdo like him that could even set jinzhi before he reached jindan.

Luckily, they did not meet large groups of xiuzhe on the road.

According to Ma Fan, there were countless little groups in Little Mountain Jie, and several
that were several hundred strong. Zuo Mo found it strange why the larger groups did not
attack the jie river. Later, he found out the Clear Sky Sect that guarded the jie river was
supported by a jindan!
Zuo Mo was frightened. No wonder the Clear Sky Sect had the confidence to monopolize
the jie river. They had a jindan at their back.

This information instantly made Zuo Mo’s reconsider the difficulty of of breaking
through the jie river.

Ningmai had three strata. The most important difference was the difference in the
amount of ling power inside the body. The peak of the first stratum, ling power was about
ten jing. The peak of the second stratum was approximately thirty jing, and the peak of the
third stratum would shoot up to ninety jing.

Of the twenty eight ningmai subordinates that Zuo Mo had, only three had reached the
second stratum. The remainder were all first stratum ningmai.

Usually, a ningmai third stratumcould individually deal with ten first stratum ningmai ,
or three second stratum ningmai. Of course, this was in theory. Real life was more complex,
when taking into account spells, flying swords, talismans, and offensive tactics.

But if a ningmai faced a jindan, they could only escape. What counter-attack? Winning by
pitting the weak against the strong, it definitely could not appear.

The difference between jindan and ningmai was not just the difference in ling power, but
also the difference in understanding ling power. During the process of entering jindan,
xiuzhe would experience a deeper comprehension of the world and ling power.

The same spell before and after jindan would be drastically different in power.

The only way that ningmai could face jindan was to overwhelm them with numbers. As
to how many people were needed for victory, both Zuo Mo and Gongsun Cha didn’t know.

Zuo Mo could only ask Pu Yao.

“Gang fighting? That isn’t easy to say.” Pu Yao rubbed his chin. “It depends on the skill
of the other side, their talisman, and the cooperation of your side.”

“If it was those yao soldiers?” Zuo Mo asked.

“If it’s a normal jindan, then a troop of one hundred night stock yao. If the quality of
the commander is not too bad, there shouldn’t be a problem,” Pu Yao mused.

Zuo Mo released a breath. Good, at least it wasn’t completely hopeless.

He naturally knew that the group of people he had could not reach the skill level of the
yao army, but he could expand in numbers. If one hundred people did not work, then two
hundred, three hundred. What he was most worried about was that even numbers would
not be enough to make up for the difference.
‘Why is the ling energy of Little Mountain Jie becoming thin?” Zuo Mo asked Pu Yao.

“There are many possibilities, like yao worms that eat ling or Black Line
mushrooms. Eating ling is a characteristic of yaomo.”

“Is there a way to reverse it?”

“You can request someone that is at least yuanying to act, and wait ten years for

“Yuanying… …” Zuo Mo was speechless. The strongest xiuzhe that he had encountered
up until now was in jindan. To renew the ling veins, it actually needed yuanying. That was a
death sentence.

Something only someone in yuanying could accomplish, Zuo Mo didn’t feel he had any
chance of success.

However, he still decided to establish his base in this mountain valley. The environment
around it was good.


Zuo Mo received a large number of yaomo military training methods from Pu Yao and
dumped them on Gongsun Cha. Pu Yao was actually kind enough to remind Zuo Mo those
were old antiques from thousands of years ago, and they should only be used as a

Zuo Mo was unused to Pu Yao’s sudden change in attitude.

But when Pu Yao drew out the earth energy, Zuo Mo, who had become unfamiliar after a
period of time, instantly experienced what was life worse than death!

Even though he knew it was beneficial for his body, he still wanted to cry!

Drawing out the earth energy, when would it end … …


Ma Fan nervously stood in front of Gongsun Cha. In his eyes, the delicate and shy young
master’s deviousness was enough for any yaomo to die of humiliation. No one dared to
disobey his commands. Even the most vicious and rebellious of them all, Lei Peng, was as
docile as a kitten in front of him.

“Perform every skill you know once. Do not leave anything out.” Gongsun Cha’s order
was not complicated.

“Yes,” Ma Fan slowly learned how to live under Gongsun Cha’s command.

It was very simple. What Gongsun Cha said, then he would do it. If he managed to
complete the demand, then everything was wonderful.

Ma Fan started to perform his spells one by one. Luckily, he had no sect or family. He
only knew so many spells and quickly finished performing. Gongsun Cha was very
interested in his illusory movement method and the three sword moves, and had made him
repeat them several times.

Ma Fan had been very worried. What if Big Boss wanted his sword scripture, and wanted
him to give it up?

However, he quickly found his worry was unwarranted. After Gongsun Cha recorded it
down, he was sent back to training.

On the second day, Ma Fan trembled as he took a jade scroll the smiling Gongsun Cha
handed him. After just one look, his little face was the color of dirt!

Translator Ramblings: Jinzhi (禁制) in this story is an energy construct. Jin (禁) is a ban,
zhi (制) is a system if it is used as a noun, or restriction when used as a verb along with
other definitions. I think ward actually could work as its term except that it is used against
people in this story by being implanted in their souls which isn’t something that shows up
when I do a google search. It acts here more like a curse or an oath where if Zuo Mo dies,
they die too.

Desolate Wood Reef is tiny. In scale, think North America as Sky Moon Jie, and Desolate
Wood Reef as Hawaii in the middle of the ocean. Now imagine Zuo Mo and the others
turning there and crossing the Pacific Ocean to land in Australia. That would be Little
Mountain Jie. I’m being generous with the distances over the water because it took Zuo Mo
several months to get to Desolate Wood Reef through flight, and he reached Little Mountain
Jie by water also in a few months. Remember, Wu Kong Sword Sect alone had four jindan,
and there was also Tian Song Zi. Dong Fu is not the biggest town in Sky Moon Jie, so other
towns may have even more jindan. Little Mountain Jie only has one jindan now, and there
were not many before the yao came, so Little Mountain Jie is either poor, small, or both.
Chapter 212
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Twelve Ge Is Pragmatic

Pu Yao felt this was extremely amusing.

Truthfully, he had been in Zuo Mo’s sea of consciousness for this long, and there hadn’t
been one thing that was amusing as what was happening right now. In the thousands of
years he lived, he had not encountered something more amusing than this.

A zhuji xiuzhe who had never studied anything in the area, oh, he was also a butcher, had
started to study how to become a battle general. He had never heard of something like this,
even during the great war from thousands of years ago.

He was very familiar with battle generals. In the camp of xiuzhe, without almost any
exception, there were two ways that battle generals were trained. The first was a battle
general that was specifically nurtured by large sects; and the other were battle generals
that underwent countless battles and had gradually comprehended the skills.

The majority were from the first method. In that thousand year war, almost seventy
percent of the famous battle generals in the xiuzhe camp had been from the large sects.
They learned all kinds of knowledge from when they were young. Even the spells they
learned were specialized to command in battle.

The second kind was the other thirty percent. In reality, if one considered all battle
generals and not only the famous generals, the difference would be larger. Not having been
taught from birth and having to climb up step by step from the lowest level, battle generals
formed by the second method were all geniuses. The price they paid were much higher
than the first kind.

It looked as though that Gongsun Cha had great hope to become one of those. Yet reality
was always cruel. Being of low status and wanting to become a battle general, these
individuals had to meet one condition: having great individual power. Disregarding the
talent to command, the battle generals that were the second kind had talent in cultivation
that was comparable to any other xiuzhe.

The reason was very simple. If they had no strength, they would not survive through
battle. If they couldn’t survive, how could they climb up? Wanting to become a battle
general but being of low status, they had to repeatedly climb over mountains of corpses, in
order to accumulate fame and experience. Then there would be compliance to his orders.
No one in little groups of seven or eight would be willing to put their lives in the hands of
an individual that could die anytime, much less larger troops.

This was also why Pu Yao thought that Gongsun Cha hadn’t had a chance. Gongsun Cha
was only a butcher, a zhuji butcher. Pu Yao could easily see that Gongsun Cha’s talent in
cultivation was very average. Even if he had many lingdan and talismans, he wouldn’t
accomplish too much in cultivation.

But Pu Yao did not immediately dismiss his ability to become a battle general, even if he
had to learn on his own. The most important reason was Zuo Mo’s support.

His talent wasn’t in question. If Gongsun Cha had been in a large sect from birth, and he
ultimately became a battle general, Pu Yao would not find it strange. After playing war
chess for so many days, Gongsun Cha had improved quickly.

What really surprised him was that Zuo Mo trusted Gongsun Cha so much!

Even Pu Yao had to admit that Zuo Mo’s eyes were wondrously accurate. In his mind, Zuo
Mo’s talent wasn’t bad, but it definitely wasn’t the best. However, over these two years,
even with the stumbling and tripping, Pu Yao found to his shock that Zuo Mo’s progress
was far outside of his predictions.

Part of it was that he had been involved, but the speed of improvement of core disciples
from large sects would would rarely reach Zuo Mo’s level, and they would receive more aid
than Zuo Mo.

But Zuo Mo’s physical talent really could not be called great. This was what Pu Yao
marveled at.

As he kept on thinking about it, Pu Yao felt that it was all caused by Zuo Mo’s viewpoint.

Zuo Mo’s viewpoint and mentality were very strange, and very different from normal
people. No matter if it was cultivation, battle, or interpersonal relationships. It was easy for
others to see him as the classical utilitarian. Clever, greedy, and money-grubbing, but he
would sometimes do something that Pu Yao would find stupid and irrational. Yet these
idiotic actions would usually produce good results.

Originally, Pu Yao did not have a good opinion of Gongsun Cha’s prospects, but
considering Zuo Mo, he was suddenly filled with interest and anticipation.

It was so amusing!

Compared to Pu Yao’s attitude of idling and watching from the sidelines, Zuo Mo was so
busy his feet never touched the ground. He had been nagged by Chun Yu Cheng to the point
that he had to build a beast pool. They wouldn’t stay for very long in Little Mountain Jie, but
it wouldn’t be too short. If they used the time well, they could produce a few batches of ling
beasts. Chun Yu Cheng had been studying for a long time on the date seed ship, and he had
many ideas. However, without the beast pool, all ideas were nothing.

“Shixiong, build a beast pool!” Chun Yu Cheng’s words were like a ghost haunting Zuo
Mo’s ears constantly.

After repeated requests , Zuo Mo complied.

His wealth was large. A beast pool was expensive, but not too expensive. However, the
work was not easy. No one could help him, especially when Chun Shidi had a pile of ideas
he wanted to suggest. To realize these ideas, he needed to modify the beast pool.

The modifications meant that the work he had to do increased dramatically, it meant that
he needed to reconstruct it. Even more, Chun Yu Cheng Shidi’s ideas would occasionally
change. Each time Zuo Mo wanted to slack off, Chun Yu Cheng’s haunting voice would float
to him again.

“Shixiong, just change a bit, just change a bit … …”

When the beast pool was finished, it was like there was a pin in Zuo Mo’s behind, he ran
away as far as possible.

When a obedient person started to torture other people, it would make them feel

Chun Yu Cheng Shidi began to work on the beast pool, Gongsun Shidi was working on
the group of xiuzhe, and Zuo Mo started to work on himself.

His studies into formations needed a large amount of time. He also added another job for
himself. He found the ling vein, and gathered some of the Black Line mushrooms that ate
ling. He was very interested in them.

Other than that, cultivation was something that could not be missed. His consciousness
had shrunk dramatically after setting down the jinzhi. Thinking about the tactic of battle by
relying on numbers, he deeply felt that increasing his consciousness was his most
important priority at the moment.

[Embryonic Breathing Spiritual Cultivation] became something he needed to do


After his consciousness manifested, his sea of consciousness transformed. The

enchanting flames in the sea of consciousness had disappeared. The number of stars in the
sky had increased to ten. The sword river still was the same. He had not increased his
sword essence.

Looking at the stars in the sea of consciousness, Zuo Mo suddenly recalled the time that
he forged Lil’ Pagoda, and the stardust that the stars had produced which continuously
permeated his consciousness.

In the void above his consciousness, the ten stars hung. Other than the one star that was
somewhat bright, the rest were dim. Thinking about the speed that the stars sprayed out
stardust, Zuo Mo felt it would take years for the stardust to permeate all of his

“That is Star Source.” Pu Yao sat on the gravestone and raised his head to look at the ten
stars above his head.

“What is Star Source?” This question had always been buried in Zuo Mo’s mind. Seeing
that Pu Yao seemed to have intentions of explaining today, he played along and asked.

“Star Source is the origin of the spiritual power,” Pu Yao slowly said. “You can also
think of them as the crystals formed from ling power. Don’t you xiuzhe like to talk
about how many jing of ling power?”

“Ten star spiritual power?” Zuo Mo asked in response.

“Or you can see them as the springs that birth spiritual power. Ten stars mean that
you have ten springs that can produce spiritual power.”

“One time, I saw that these stars could spray out silver star dust. What is that?” Zuo
Mo couldn’t help but ask in curiosity.

“What did you say?” Pu Yao suddenly opened his bloody pupil, his spine straightening,
changing from his lazy attitude.

Zuo Mo feel slightly terrified under Pu Yao’s bloody gaze. Inside, he wondered if the
other had started to go crazy again.

“Is something wrong?” Zuo Mo weakly asked.

After a beat, he saw Pu Yao say dazedly, “The second consciousness … …”

He forcefully shook his head as he refocused. He looked deeply at Zuo Mo. “The stardust
that you saw is a purer form of spiritual power. We usually call it spirit dust. These ten
stars, bright and dull are different. The brightest star can produce the most star spirit
dust, the speed that it produces spiritual power is the fastest.”

Zuo Mo didn’t really understand. Pu Yao didn’t attend to him, and kept on talking.
“What yao cultivate are the laws of the world. All objects in the world all contain the
laws of the world, all objects in the world can cultivate their spirit. Stars are just one of
them. The path of the stars is profound and cryptic. There are very few yao that walk
the path of star spirit cultivation.”

Hearing this, Zuo Mo suddenly had a slightly bad premonition. “What spirit cultivation
are you?”

“What I chose is Sky Fire Spirit Cultivation.” Pu Yao smiled, his teeth showing.

Zuo Mo interjected, “Then why am I star spiritual cultivation?”

“Because what you cultivate is [Embryonic Breathing Spiritual Cultivation],” Pu Yao

snickered. “I hadn’t thought that this [Embryonic Breathing Spiritual Cultivation] is
actually a star spirit cultivation. I was fooled by the name.” He muttered in a small voice,
“I had expected it was trash, hadn’t thought that it was actually high level, such a loss
… …”

An fire suddenly shot up from Zuo Mo’s heart. He was enraged, pointing at Pu Yao’s nose
as he swore. “You trash, you gave something you hadn’t tested for ye to cultivate! You
actually wanted to use trash to con ye, ye isn’t finished with you … …”

“Don’t be like this!” Pu Yao wasn’t angry, and said, chuckling, “In any case, you didn’t
lose. Look, you even managed to cultivate to ten stars. In two years, you’ve gotten to
manifestation. This speed is very fast!”

“You you you … …” Zuo Mo pointed, hearing Pu Yao’s heartless words became so angry
his finger trembled.

“Do you want to know how to cultivate next?” Seeing the situation, Pu Yao crisply
turned to temptation.

“Yes,” Zuo Mo did not hesitate in answering, all his anger flying away.

Pu Yao was not shocked in the slightest by Zuo Mo’s one hundred and eighty degree turn
in attitude. This guy was very pragmatic.

“That’s right.” Pu Yao smiled. “I can tell you, and I can give you even more help. But I
have a small request.”

“Say it!” Zuo Mo was very familiar with Pu Yao’s conduct as well.

“I want the golden core of the jindan of Clear Sky Sect.”

Zuo Mo was dumbstruck. When he managed to respond, he instantly jumped up. “Are
you crazy? Jindan! Go get it yourself if you want it! Run to a little ningmai like myself to
say you want the golden core of a jindan, humph humph, the other can turn me to dust
with one slap.”

Finishing, he turned and left, waving his hand. “If you want to play, play by yourself, ge
won’t play with you.”

Pu Yao’s expression was calm, and not angry, “Add a fifth-grade sword scripture.”

Zuo Mo pretended not to hear, and continued to walk forward.

“Add a fifth-grade movement method.”

Zuo Mo was not moved at all, his steps not changing.

“I’ll make seven more golden armor guards for you.”

Zuo Mo decided to ignore him.

“And another move of [Little Thousand Leaf Hands].”

Zuo Mo instantly stopped his body, and turned to walk towards Pu Yao.

“What to do?”

Translator Ramblings: Pu Yao reflects on Gongsun Cha and Zuo Mo. Chun Yu Cheng is not
included since he hasn’t shown much yet and that isn’t Pu’s area of specialty. But Pu Yao is
also selectively blind about his own role in Gongsun Cha’s development even as he
acknowledges influencing Zuo Mo’s development. “Wild” battle generals had to accumulate
knowledge and experience through fighting which eliminates all but the most talented so
they can out-compete those that were trained by sects and did not have to fight so hard.
Gongsun Cha is getting abused daily by a wise and experienced yao battle general. That is a
lot of experience that most people won’t get on a very high level. It’s akin to getting a chess
grandmaster to play with all his power daily against a child. Zuo Mo’s support using jinzhi
is enough at this point to force compliance from the ranks which means that Gongsun Cha’s
learning environment right now is better than any sect since he has motivation through his
desire to survive this place.

Pu Yao and Zuo Mo also know each other very well now. Zuo Mo is getting better at
negotiating with Pu.
Chapter 213
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and Brian.

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirteen Ma Fan Reaching Target

Ma Fan felt very troubled.

No matter if it was his ningmai second stratum cultivation or the nameless scripture he
cultivated, they made him one of the top practitioners in this group. But to someone as
afraid of trouble as he was, this prestige wasn’t a good thing.

He became one of the important prospects to be “nurtured”.

The requirements for his training far surpassed everyone else’s. Everyone looked at him
with gazes full of sympathy.

That’s right, it really was sympathy.

The training for everyone was extremely strict, so the training regime of an important
prospect, Ma Fan’s, could only be imagined. However, other than sympathy, they did not
feel any joy at his misfortunes. They didn’t even have the power to save themselves.
Everyone in the camp put all their strength into furiously training. If they did not complete
their training, their outcome would be extremely tragic.

On the first day several people did not obey. But now when everyone saw the somewhat
feminine, delicate, and shy youth, they could not control the deep terror that came out of
their heart. The terrified screams that meant a fate worse than death haunted their ears.
The inhuman state of the people who didn’t listen frequently haunted their thoughts.
Whenever they thought of it, these people that were used to seeing storms of blood
couldn’t help but tremble.

Devious, vicious, and cold-blooded, he thought of a life like grass … …

These words were not enough to describe this seemingly harmless and beautiful youth in
front of them. Even the most rebellious person was docile and obedient in front of him.

This handsome youth might be strict, but if you could successfully finish your training
nothing would happen. He would never try to punish you for unsubstantiated reasons. He
didn’t take your talismans or scriptures. After discovering this point, everyone competed to
be first, afraid of being slow, and having to taste that terrible torture that was worse than

Ma Fan felt his life was hopeless. Each day was endless training.

How can this be completed?

It hadn’t been long since he had broken through to the second stratum of ningmai. The
ling power in his body was around fifteen jing. The content of his training focused on only
one thing, one of his sword moves. That’s right, just the one move. Of the three sword
moves that he knew, the strongest was the [Illusory Shadowless Sword of Destruction].
The power of this move was very high. Most important was that it did not cause ling power
ripples when it was cast. Without a sound or wind, it never attracted the eye, but it was
surprisingly powerful.

In reality, after learning it, he had only used it in combat two or three times before now.

He usually was afraid of trouble, and rarely engaged in combat. If he saw the situation
was not right, he would quickly use the illusory movement method to escape.

His training content was just this move. However, it wasn’t so simple. Gongsun Cha had
two demands. The first was that he could use this killing move when he was using the
illusory movement method. The second was that he had to be able to cast this move three
times or more in the span of fifteen minutes. And in one hour, he had to be able to use this
move seven or more times.

When he first received the training regime, it was normal for his face to be ugly.

With his present cultivation, if he cast [Illusory Shadowless Sword of Destruction], he

couldn’t do it when he was in motion, and could only cast it four times. After casting it, he
needed to rest for a while before casting again. This clearly short of Gongsun Cha’s

Ma Fan didn’t know how Gongsun Cha had thought of such a fatal demand. Wasn’t it just
asking for his life?

He had once gathered his courage to request Gongsun Cha to change it. What he received
was Gongsun Cha’s light words, “Cultivate well, for putting your life on the line is better
than losing it.”

When Ma Fan heard this, and his heart instantly became cold. With no other solution, he
could only train with his life on the line. From the time he had started his cultivation, he
had never cultivated so hard before.

Using the illusory movement method at the same time as the [Illusory Shadowless
Sword of Destruction], this was something that he had never thought of before. With no
sect, to be able to become a ningmai second stratum, Ma Fan’s talent in cultivation was not
low, and his intelligence was not bad. Of course even he could see that if he could use his
movement method and sword move at the same time, the power of the move would
increase greatly.

But with his personality of avoiding trouble, if he thought of this in the past, he would
have gave up after trying a few times.

But now, the blade hung above his neck. If he retreated slightly, his little life would be
gone. There was no room to change his current trajectory. He could only push forward.

His ling power was so expended that he almost spat blood, his body was sore and soft
that it felt like his skeleton was coming apart. For the sake of his little life, he must
cultivate! Cultivate! Cultivate! He had cultivated to the point that he wanted to throw up
when he saw a flying sword … …

He actually succeeded!

A flickering figure fluttered uncertainly in the air, and without warning, several
explosions suddenly occurred in the air!


The ground fifty zhang away from him seemed to have been struck by something
invisible, suddenly exploding open, sending dirt flying. The people who had been training
near by were alarmed, and put out their ling shields. Pia pia pia, the flying dirt hit the ling
shields like rain. Those with weaker cultivation even felt their ling shields shake.

Everyone was shocked!

When they looked at the ground, they saw seven deep holes in a row, each hole that was
two zhang deep!

Crashing down through the air, yet still so powerful, if this was someone’s body … …

Their eyes as they looked at Ma Fan instantly changed. This guy definitely had been
holding back before! However, some with nimbler minds had happy expressions. Right
now, everyone was on the same rope, Ma Fan getting stronger was good for all of them. At
least, the probability of keeping their lives was now higher.


Gongsun Cha also had a surprised expression .He hadn’t thought that Ma fan would be
the first to achieve his demands. In his plan, Ma Fan was the primary attacker, or rather, it
was better to say he was the ambusher. With the unpredictable illusory movement method,
and the undetectable but powerful [Illusory Shadowless Sword of Destruction] that could
kill with one blow, wasn’t he born for ambushing?

It was a pity that while the illusory body movement method was hard to follow, but it
was easy for people to guard against, lowering the abruptness of an ambush. If there was a
movement method that could completely conceal him, then Ma Fan’s power would be even

Gongsun Cha felt he needed to think thoroughly about how to use Ma Fan to his greatest
potential. He may look confident and calm in front of these xiuzhe, but in reality, his mind
had been tense from the beginning.

He was a beginner, and had not been trained. Zuo Shixiong trusted him, so Shixiong
certainly wouldn’t blame him for making mistakes in the beginning. However, though
Gongsun Cha might look soft, he was actually very proud. Would he permit himself to make
mistakes at such an important time?

All of his days were spent on these xiuzhe. He had long stopped his own cultivation.

He disliked failure!


Ma Fan looked in disbelief at the seven deep holes in front of him on the ground, his mind

He did it … … he really did it … …

Was this really something he had done?

Dazedly landing on the ground, his mind was wandering. He had never thought that he
could really do it!

He gritted his teeth and persisted in training because he was forced to; but when he
really met the goals which he never could have possibly conceived of before, a different
emotion filled his heart.

Looking at the flying sword in his hand, a seed called confidence gradually sprouted in
his heart.

“Right now, do not create new stars. You cannot bite off more than you can chew.
You should spend more time to temper these ten stars, so they will be as bright as your
brightest star. The stars are the source of your spiritual power, and the brighter they
are, the more spiritual power they produce, especially stardust. The brighter the star,
the more pure the star dust they spray out. This alone will be more beneficial to you.”

In meditation, Zuo Mo’s mind had retreated to his sea of consciousness. He sat cross
legged facing the stars, a ethereal strand of star light dropping from one of the stars and
entering Zuo Mo’s forehead.

As Zuo Mo breathed, the star light brightened and dimmed pleasantly.

Bathing in the star light, Zuo Mo channeled the spell and communicated with the star.
Communicating with the star was the first step in tempering it. After this, Zuo Mo needed to
find a star home, take in star power, and then use it to nurture the stars in his
consciousness to increase the Star Source.

This time, Pu Yao’s teachings were extremely detailed, answering all his questions
patiently. He also didn’t drag his heels on what he had promised Zuo Mo, and paid upfront.

After communicating with the star in his sea of consciousness, Zuo Mo stopped his
cultivation. Absorbing star power had to be done at night. He spent some time on reading
through the good things he had gotten from Pu Yao before he started to think.

The stage of jindan was a stage that every xiuzhe dreamed about that time. At that time,
the ling power of the xiuzhe would form into a golden core, hence the name. The golden
core was the best parts of the ling power of a xiuzhe. Even the source of their life was inside
it. A xiuzhe that lost their golden core would die. In other words, to obtain the golden core
of a jindan, one had to kill them.

Kill a jindan!

That really was a crazy idea!

But behind this crazy idea, Zuo Mo had his own considerations. He would definitely have
a battle with Clear Sky Sect. This jindan was an enemy he would have to meet. Zuo Mo
didn’t have any thought of being so lucky as to avoid it.

To pass through the jie river, they had to defeat this jindan. That was the lowest goal.
Right now, it was just increasing from defeating a jindan to killing a jindan. It sounded
shocking, but in reality, there wasn’t much of an increase.

After a jindan was defeated, they would definitely flee. It was better to kill them. If the
other escaped, they would never face him directly again. It wouldn’t be difficult for the
jindan to wait in the shadows to kill him. If the other went to invite a few of his jindan
friends, then this little Zuo Mo would definitely die.

Taking a few hundred people to scheme against a jindan, Zuo Mo felt that he had a
slightly probability of victory. But if it was two jindan, Zuo Mo guessed he wouldn’t even be
able to escape.

Thinking about it now, no matter if he agreed to Pu Yao’s demands or not, he definitely

could not let Clear Sky Sect’s jindan live.

Zuo Mo’s heart was scared. It was lucky that he had agreed to Pu Yao’s request.
Otherwise, if he had let the other go after the battle, he would have caused himself many

After thinking it through, the rock in Zuo Mo’s heart instantly landed. People were like
this. If they heard the great reputation of the other, it was easy to be intimidated and
scared. However, once they understood that there was no other path, even against a god,
they would take off a few pieces of flesh.

The effect that Zuo Mo’s personal power could have in this battle was pitifully small. It
wasn’t even as high as the three golden armor guards.

Luckily, he was never a person that relied on brute power to eat.

He had a daring idea.

Translator Ramblings: Ma Fan’s sword technique is so long, four long words plus a
preposition. Might be the longest name so far in the story.

Zuo Mo is starting to plan. This is great motivation for him. Also, the girl that sent the
paper cranes is not showing up anytime soon. Think long long into the future but she will
come back.

I’ve also discovered that I misspelled twelve in the previous chapter … … I guess you guys
don’t read chapter titles?
Chapter 214
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and Brian.

Chapter Two Hundred and Fourteen A Mountain Of Problems

The art of multiple people fighting less, that was gang fighting. Gang fighting, that was
fighting in groups.

In Zuo Mo’s understanding, it was ridiculous to depend on a person that had been only l
studying ling grains two years ago to study battle tactics. However, if it was about gang
fighting, he still had some real experience. There were many disciples in the outer sect; of
course, there were those that were bullies. Adding on that the little factions were like trees
in a forest, while fights didn’t happen everyday, there would be an occasional one.

Having seen many gang fights, the winning side always had certain qualities.

First, more people was better. This was the most basic tenet of gang fighting. Gang
fighting, if there weren’t enough people, it would be embarrassing to call it a “gang”. More
people won over fewer people, that was the most common outcome.

The second was “bravery and viciousness.” Bravery was not being afraid. The other side
had more people, but their side dared to put their life on the line. The people who were not
afraid of putting everything into a fight dominated everything around them. Other people
didn’t dare to get close. Even experts wanted to stay alive! As to viciousness, it meant being
unconditional in attacking. Once an attack started, one could not attend to their own back
and be timid; the blow coming from the vicious had to reach rock-bottom. After flipping
over several people, the other side would be discouraged.

Next was cooperation. The essence of group fighting was using more people fighting
fewer people. Then how could the smaller group win? That required cooperation. A group
of cooperative people defeating disordered rabble three times their number, was very
normal occurrence.

The last was that the weapons were appropriate, look at Ling Ying Sect, they were the
epitome of this. However, even the best talismans and flying swords depended on the
people using it. Idiots with talismans were still idiots.

After concluding all this, Zuo Mo’s thoughts became nimble.

It took time to increase numbers, and it was a task that could not be hurried. Regarding
“bravery was vicious,” Zuo Mo felt that it was pretty hard to attain. This group of people
would be very unwilling, and were only forced to follow due to his jinzhi.
Cooperation could be considered, but this was Gongsun Cha’s problem. If he interfered,
he might not have any positive benefit to the situation.

What he could only work on weapons.

He may have some talismans, but it wouldn’t be better than what these people had
searched for and schemed for themselves. He could only think about other objects. He
actually did find something.

Yin fire bead!

The power of the yin fire bead did not have to be said. He had never tried it on a jindan,
but there definitely was not a problem with people under jindan. If one wasn’t enough
against jindan, then two. If that was still not enough, then everyone could throw them
together. Each person throwing eight or ten… surely even jindan couldn’t bear it!

He thought uncertainly. However, he did feel that it was possible.

In the past, he had always been worried that the matter of him knowing how to make yin
beads would be revealed. Now that it was a matter of life or death, he threw those concerns
to the back of his mind. If it spread, then there was a possibility of people targeting him, but
that was a matter for the future. If he couldn’t leave Little Mountain Jie, then there was no

This idea made his mind jump. He inventoried the yin fire beads that he had, there were
ten or so.

He shook his head, discontent with this number. For ningmai, Zuo Mo felt ten was
enough, but the other was jindan!

That was a jindan!

Just thinking about it, Zuo Mo felt respect rise; and his desire for battle decreased. Other
people may not know the strength of jindan, but how could Zuo Mo not know? He had
suffered greatly under Xin Yan Shishu’s hands and had a clear understanding of jindan. If it
was just him alone, Zuo Mo definitely would not be able to wound Xin Yan Shishu even with
things ten times more powerful than yin fire beads.

This was because he basically could not throw them and have them touch Xin Yan
Shishu’s body.

But if it was gang fighting, Zuo Mo thought there was a small chance. In a battle, there
would be many talismans and flying swords flying. Before the yin fire bead was activated, it
was not eye-catching. If the other was not on their guard , it was easy to get tricked.

Zuo Mo brought this problem up with Pu Yao. Of all these people, only this guy had
fought jindan experts before.
“Your idea is somewhat interesting,” Pu Yao had an interested expression.

Seeing Pu Yao’s expression, Zuo Mo knew that it had potential, “But this requires yin
fire beads. Where can I get more yin fire beads?”

“You need to find a place with yin fiends,” Pu Yao didn’t have a solution, “Find someone
familiar with the area and ask.”

Hearing Pu Yao say so, Zuo Mo knew that there was no place with yin fiends nearby.
Otherwise, with Pu Yao’s abilities, he could have immediately pointed to the location. He
could only go ask the xiuzhe of Little Mountain Jie and see if anyone of them knew if there
were places with yin fiends.


When he walked into the camp, he was shocked by the heated atmosphere. Twenty
something ningmai cultivating together, the presence was shocking, his little heart beating
rapidly. After a long while, he recovered. Seeing Gongsun Cha talking with Ma Fan in the
corner, he hurriedly ran over.

When he neared, he heard Gongsun Cha lecturing Ma Fan.

“Your pathing just now was not correct. You have to remember your role. You have
no set location, so you cannot stop. You need to be more nimble. Understand? More
nimble! Swimming between them, search for chances … …”

“You also need to notice to retract your presence; you need the enemy to not notice
your existence … …”

“Notice the opportunities. Do not deliberately search to kill with one move. You are
the main attacker, yes, but you have fellows. They are not just decorations. At this time,
your best chance is to attack. Yes, you cannot kill him, but he will reveal openings and
will give your fellows opportunities. Other than killing enemies, you need to learn how
to make opportunities for your fellows … …”

“If you decide to attack, don’t do those unnecessary flourishes. You have to be more
straightforward, use more force! One move, you only have the chance for one move …

Zuo Mo had never seen Gongsun Cha so fierce. That’s right, full of fierceness. This guy
who usually looked shy and weak was bellowing a whole bunch of stuff out.
Seeing Ma Fan’s nervousness, not daring to miss a word, Zuo Mo’s heart was suddenly
full of sympathy.

After the lecture, Gongsun Cha waved and indicated for Ma Fan to continue cultivating.

“Everyone is working hard!” Zuo Mo said with feeling.

Gongsun Cha nodded, “En, when they can sell their lives, that will be almost enough.”
Ma Fan, who had been preparing to leave, staggered and almost fell.

Zuo Mo mumbled in response, and asked uncertainly, “Do you need help?” He had
completely thrown everything on Gongsun Cha’s shoulders. Even he was slightly ashamed.
Seeing Gongsun Cha so busy his feet didn’t really touch the ground, who would not feel a bit
of shame.

Gongsun Cha tilted his head to think and asked, “Can you make a kind of talisman?”

“What talisman do you want?” Speaking of talismans, Zuo Mo felt his bravery rise.
These spectacular and eye-dazzling things in the camp, he could understand if they were by
themselves, but he didn’t understand when they were put together. But if it was about
talismans, he was good at that!

Zuo Mo completely forgot that he was also self-taught in forging talismans. In total, Xin
Yan Shishu hadn’t thought him that many times. Having just felt some shame, Zuo Mo
instantly found a place he could express his value and make up for his deficiencies, his
mind becoming alert.

“Oh, talismans like the necklace” Gongsun Cha took off the Same Heart necklace on his

Zuo Mo scratched his head. He understood what Gongsun Cha meant, to pass orders.

Pu Yao had spoken about this problem with him. The yao armies used the consciousness
to pass on commands, the mo armies used the mo matrix to pass on commands, and xiuzhe
used seals.

The Same Heart necklace could connect the user to six of the fellows, which meant
commanding six other people. Clearly, six people could not satisfy Gongsun Cha’s demands.
Zuo Mo agreed with that. Facing jindan, it probably needed several hundred. How to direct
all of them then?

The battlefield changed every second. If they could not respond immediately, then there
was only death.

Zuo Mo hadn’t expected that he couldn’t solve the problem of the yin fiends, and instead
found another problem out of his trip to the camp. However, he understood the importance
of the matter could not be delayed. He immediately passed on the matter of the yin fiend
grounds to Gongsun Cha and rushed away with the Same Heart necklace. However, before
he left, a batch of jingshi and ling grains was scraped off him.

He had to rejoice now that Master had gotten large amounts of supplies for him when Wu
Kong Sword sect had sent him to the Desolate Wood Reef. They were used to great effect
now. High intensity training like this consumed enormous amounts of jingshi and ling

Zuo Mo was doubtful if he could manage it if there were one hundred or more people.
However, this was not the time to think of it. The most pressing problem was what
Gongsun Cha had thrown over.

Large-scale group fighting, xiuzhe used seals to pass commands. If it was forging, Zuo Mo
dared to try, but if it was making seals, he could do nothing.

However, Zuo Mo was not a conservative person. This world would always have ways.
Even more, he had a model on his hands. The effect of this Same Heart necklace was not
any different than seals, but it was a talisman.

Zuo Mo started to think of how to replicate the Same Heart necklace. The number of
people the Same Heart necklace could command was much lower, and could not reach
Gongsun Cha’s demands. However, he thought of a method. Seven people to a troop, the
leader of the troop in command. The troop leader would wear two necklaces, one to direct
the troop members, the other receiving orders from the rank above. That way, wouldn’t
everything be connected?

Of course, the usability of this method had to wait for the objects to be made before it
could be tested.

The Same Heart necklace was an upper fourth-grade talisman. Theoretically, it was
beyond of Zuo Mo’s ability. But thinking that he had patted his chest just now, there was
actually no one except him that could solve the problem.

To be able to qualify as upper fourth-grade, the forging skill of the Same Heart necklace
was very high. There were more than one hundred formations in the little necklace. These
formations were either by themselves, or they were connected with others.

That was the focus of Zuo Mo’s study.

Only by familiarizing himself with these formations and chewing through all of them, he
could understand how the Same Heart necklace could connect minds. Only by
understanding the theory could he then copy it.

This wasn’t a small task. However, as it related to his wealth and little life, Zuo Mo
definitely wouldn’t slack in the least. He would even eat this necklace if needed, much less
just study it!
All in!

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo projects his own fighting experience into large-scale
warfare and discovers there is not a lot he can do at the moment. But he has a direction
now. How do you kill someone who is faster and more powerful than you are? Drown him
in people!

Gongsun Cha, as shown in previous chapters, is going to be an important character. The

chapters in the future be partially from his point of view or on what he is doing. Zuo Mo is
important and the primary focus but he’s just one person who isn’t going to be able to level
up and kill the jindan by himself. Teamwork … … and a whole lot of talent, sweat and luck.

Poor Ma Fan. I wonder if his parents thought he was trouble so that’s what they named
him … …
Chapter 215
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, warlord212,
and Brian.

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifteen – Sustain Battle Through Battle

He had lost again.

Gongsun Cha looked at the devastated landscape, his remaining shreds of troops and
grimaced. He didn’t remember how many times he had lost.

The skill of the mysterious War Chess opponent was extremely high. He didn’t know
anything about the mysterious opponent. He couldn’t even find any traces of this
mysterious person usually. But he knew, this mysterious person that he had never met
really existed.

Because the other would play War Chess with him.

Even though the other would use Zuo Shixiong as a cover, the skill of the two individuals
were so drastically differed that Gongsun Cha could easily detect it.

Gongsun Cha intelligently did not ask. It wasn’t too hard for him to accept that the soul of
an elder which had not extinguished was living inside Zuo Shixiong’s body. Thinking about
Zuo Shixiong’s sudden rise in the last two years, it added some support for his speculation.

However, the feeling of defeat was still terrible!

He wasn’t content!

Even though he knew this was the normal and most rational outcome, and he was able to
learn many things from each loss, but he just wasn’t content! He disliked defeat or it was
more accurate to call it hate.

This unwillingness flashed through his heart and was buried deep down. Anger was not
useful. The War Chess was different than real battles, but this was the only place right now
where he could learn how to command. There was no room for him to pick and criticize.

Also, that mysterious elder was clearly an expert at War Chess. The wondrous tactics and
the frightening offensive power. Each time the battle was at its fiercest, he would have a
feeling that the person opposite him was a large man with a heavy and flaming hammer!

What the other was most skilled in was dictating the battlefield’s the offensive zones. It
could not be rivaled. He would often see the other begin killing in all directions with an
unreasonable and arrogant attitude. The balanced situation, once the two sides started to
kill each other, would herald Gongsun Cha’s defeat. His territory was like a crisp cookie.
First, it was his borders that would crack. The gaps would grow bigger and turn into a
situation where his entire defensive line would break.

Brutal, forceful, charging forward!

Many times, Gongsun Cha would be puzzled. In his mind, the commanding ability of the
mysterious person was much higher than him, and he would be a better candidate to lead
the troops. Zuo Shixiong did not use the powerful one but threw such an important and
troublesome matter to a beginner like him.

He pondered it for a while before throwing the question to the back of his mind. Having
finally found something that made him feel interest, and having such challenging battles
ahead of him, he felt excited just thinking about it!

So amusing, so interesting!

Having sorted out his emotions, Gongsun Cha burrowed back into the camp.

In the War Chess games that Zuo Mo had made, if the forces were not yao, they were mo.
Xiuzhe were the rarest. Other than the most classical xiuzhe combinations, there was
nothing that he could reference. In comparison, the combinations of yaomo soldier types
were much richer and extremely detailed. Sometimes, he would wonder. Was that elder
inside Zuo Shixiong’s body an old yaomo?

This guess was not unsupported. Other people might not be able to see the true face of
the Golden Armor Guards, but having been in command of them for so long, how could
Gongsun Cha not know?

These three Golden Armor Guards were the White Scaled Attendants of the yao guards.

White Scaled Attendants were a low-level soldier type frequently seen in the War Chess.
He had used them multiple times. The reason that he could use the Golden Armor Guards to
their maximum potential was due to the inspiration and help that the War Chess gave him.
However, what he did not understand was the power of the three Golden Armor Guards far
surpassed normal White Scaled Attendants.

Gongsun Cha completely did not care whether the mysterious person was yaomo or not.

There were enough problems for him to have a headache about already.

No matter if it was xiuzhe or yaomo, there had to be great consideration taken in the
combinations of soldier types. Like the classical sword-seal, sword-Dhyana combinations of
the xiuzhe. The combinations of the yaomo were more variable and rich.
But Gongsun Cha only had twenty eight ningmai and twenty six of them were sword xiu.
Of the last two, one was a sabre xiu, while the other was a Dhyana. Completely all battle xiu,
but there were no xiuzhe that could take a support role.

On paper, this kind of battle force was very strong. In reality, for group battle, the
structure of this kind of force was extremely terrible. The effect of everyone was the same,
that meant that the group lacked depth, diversity, and was therefore unable to complete
formation transformations.

Sword xiu had the strongest offensive power, but it did not mean they did not have
weaknesses. Compared to other xiuzhe, sword xiu lacked the endurance for long battles.
Sword xiu were heavy on offense and light on defense, their other flaw was their defense
was too weak.

Large scale battles were different than individual battles. Sword xiu were the kings of
individual combat. Their strong and sharp attacks and their fast speed allowed them to be
at an advantage in short individual battles, to pressure the enemy to the point of
suffocation. In individual battles, sword xiu only needed to consider how to kill off the
enemy before the enemy could threaten their weakness. But in group fighting, especially on
large scales, sword xiu usually needed the protection of other xiuzhe at their sides so they
could release their strong offensive power.

If a troop only had sword xiu, the enemy only needed to stop their first wave of attacks.
Large scale sword xiu fatalities would only follow this as the sword xiu began to tire.

Okay, in reality, he didn’t need so many transformations. Gongsun Cha could only tell
himself this.


In any case, after leaving Little Mountain Jie, everyone would split up. Zuo Shixiong had
told him this multiple times. The reason was very simple. They couldn’t support such a
large group.

On this matter, Zuo Mo did not lie.

If one wasn’t in charge, they did not know the price of food and supplies. Zuo Mo felt the
pressure already with forty people. Especially in Little Mountain Jie where the only things
that could replenish ling power were ling grains and jingshi. Yet the intensity of training
could not be lessened. They were racing for time against the yao army.

The later they left Little Mountain Jie, the higher the danger.
Jingshi had side effects and could not be used in large amounts so the expenditure was
not as high as ling grains. Zuo Mo quickly could not support it any longer.

“It’s not going to work if we keep going like this,” Zuo Mo said decisively. “The ling
grains I have are only enough to support us for another half a month.”

“Half a month … …” Gongsun Cha looked at Zuo Mo, “what should we do?”

“Battle to feed battle!” Zuo Mo did not hesitate to say.

“We can only do this.” Gongsun Cha felt helpless. These forty people were still far from
what he demanded. However, he had no solutions to the problem that Zuo Mo stated.

However, he instantly thought of the necklace he had mentioned before. “Have the
talismans been made?”

“I’ve grasped the method,” Zuo Mo spread his hands, “But there aren’t enough

With that, Gongsun Cha completely cut off his thoughts about the Same Heart necklace,
assembling the forty people and departing instantly.

Zuo Mo actually wanted to go with them, but thinking about Chun Yu Cheng who was still
at the beast pool, he decided to stay and protect the base. The three Golden Armor Guards
were also kept behind. Of course, he said, since it was a true battle, then it should be a
treated as real one.

To guarantee safety, Zuo Mo had set up formations around the mountain valley. Most of
those were illusory formations. Right now, his skill with formations had grown. Little
illusory formations and little killing formations were interlocked. The power wasn’t high,
but to distract the enemy, it was more than enough.

Yin fire beads, seal soldiers, Golden Armor Guards, adding on the illusory traps, his safety
was quite secure.


Gongsun Cha took his forty subordinates and slowly progressed.

In terms of prosperity, Little Mountain Jie could not compare to Sky Moon Jie. Naturally,
there were not as many experts here as Sky Moon Jie. However, if it was in terms of
harshness, Sky Moon Jie could not compare with the present Little Mountain Jie. Twenty
eight ningmai, in Sky Moon Jie, it was not an insignificant force, but in the present Little
Mountain Jie, it wasn’t anything.

The reason was very simple. Those xiuzhe of lesser strength had already died.

Those that could survive until now were all ones with some skill and intelligence. Under
such cruel conditions, the peak of zhuji was the bottom line of survival. Ningmai first
stratum was normal, ningmai second stratum was enough to become the elite of a small
troop, and ningmai third stratum was enough to enter the rank of experts. As for jindan,
there was just one.

These individuals similar to the Golden Armor Guards, their cultivation was between
first and second stratum of ningmai, but their true power was far beyond normal ningmai
second stratum. The yao guards forged from ancient dragon bone, Golden Crow Fire, and
the Nether Pool, could normal people compare?

Three sword xiu formed a combat unit. Three combat units, one at the forward position,
two at their sides, formed a triangle. They were the frontline guards. Gongsun Cha picked
the sword xiu that could fly the fastest.

The other ten combat units maintained a distance between each other. Ma Fan was alone
as he weaved through these units.

Three people to an unit was Gongsun Cha’s response to his lack of means. The Three
Talent Formation was the simplest formation, but these people still had not familiarized
themselves with it yet, and this was just the simplest formation.

In large scale battles, what was crucial was the tactics.

But just forty people … …

If this was on a large scale battlefield, they wouldn’t even form the smallest and most
basic combat unit. To command such a small group, what was most important was
formations and cooperation. Formations was something unique to xiuzhe. From the most
basic Three Talent Formation to the super large formations that required tens of thousands
of xiuzhe to set up, they could all increase battle strength.

Take for example the Three Talent Formation. In the formation, the three people’s
energies would be merged, and they could communicate, increasing the connection
between them. It was a very practical and useful formation. Some higher level formations
would have killing moves unique to them. If they were activated, they were so strong the
sky would change color.

However, it was not so easy to make a formation. Everyone inside the formation needed
to accurately remember their position and the variations. This group hadn’t even grasped
the most basic Three Talent Formation, the difficulty of such formations could be imagined.
Formations might be able to increase battle power, but they were not for all purposes. In
battle, the situation could change in an instant. What it tested was the perception abilities
of the commander, their quick response, and the cooperation between their comrades.

Gongsun Cha stood at the very center of the troop. Several of the most powerful were
beside him. Ma Fan wandered around nearby.

Glancing at Ma Fan, Gongsun Cha was very satisfied. Out of everyone, Ma Fan was the one
most important to him. Other than his strong battle power, he had comprehension that was
stronger than other people, and he could always quickly understand Gongsun Cha’s

So Gongsun Cha did not hesitate to make him part of the core, and custom-made a battle
tactics centred on him.

Just at this time, the front passed on news. There was a situation!

A flash of faint red rose and left Gongsun Cha’s soft and delicate face. His first battle had

Translator Ramblings: Gongsun Cha is the first person to find out that Zuo Mo has
someone else helping him. I like how he doesn’t even press. Since they are all on the same
side, more help is better than nothing.

I hope “sustain battle through battle” is self-explanatory. What Gongsun Cha wants to
do is fight, win, and then put resources into expansion so they can fight and capture more.
They do not have enough resources at this point to expand on their own and this is a risky
strategy because you have no backup if you lose a few battles because the army will run out
of resources and manpower. Essentially, don’t do this unless you have nothing to lose.
Chapter 216
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixteen – Gongsun Cha’s First Battle

It had been so hard to think of the yin fire bead, but the result was that he couldn’t find
yin fiend grounds and form yin beads.

It had been so hard to understand how to forge the Same Heart necklace, but the result
was that there weren’t enough materials. Luckily, that Same Heart necklace wasn’t
damaged, and had been given back to Gongsun Cha.

Zuo Mo was depressed but he still did what he had to do. He needed to cultivate his
consciousness. There was no way around it. Jinzhi was a good thing, but it consumed
consciousness and it was a eternal consumption.

As to practicing sword scriptures, Zuo Mo didn’t have that much interest. His five essence
sword set had been forged. Even though there was a distance until it was perfect but he
was very content with the present progress.

The power of the five essence sword set was very high. At the time, his idea had been
very original, but now, he discovered he had made a fatal mistake. The sword formation
was formed, but there was no accompanying sword scripture that he could cultivate. Of the
five sword essence, other than [Li Water Sword Scripture] and [Ice Dragon Sword
Scripture], he only had the appearance but not the substance of the other sword essences

Basically, his five essence sword formation was a paper tiger.

This made him very discontent.

Anyone would not be happy. Spending so many good materials, putting in so much effort,
but having made such useless things. However, he temporarily did not have a solution so he
could only put it away.

He didn’t practice the move of [Little Thousand Leaf Hands] that Pu Yao gave him. All of
his spiritual power was given to jinzhi in this while. He didn’t even need to think about
body cultivation either. Any earth energy he gathered would be given in tribute to Pu Yao
in the end. It had been a long time since he had done body cultivation. Even though he
knew that drawing out the earth energy was good for him, but at this point in time, it really
wasn’t worth the cost.
He put the most time on formations. To break through Little Mountain Jie, there were
only two paths. One was increasing his own strength. If he could reach jindan, the other
jindan would not block him. However, was it possible? Completely impossible!

The other path was what he was doing now, increasing the strength on his hands.
Everything to do with commanding the group, he threw to Gongsun Cha. He believed in this
battle maniac. He would definitely express the desire for battle which was concealed under
those feminine and delicate features.

The remaining question was, what could he do?

Zuo Mo didn’t want to wait around when it came to his own little life, and put all his
hopes on Gongsun Shidi.

Therefore, an extremely weighty and meaningful question was put in front of him – how
could he increase the power of a group quickly?

Talismans, he threw that away. He didn’t even have enough materials to make the same
heart necklace, much less anything else. He did have a lot of materials but that was only if
he considered only himself. If he included everyone, there really wasn’t enough. Like the
grandiose talismans of the Golden Armor Guards, there wouldn’t be enough money even if
Zuo Mo sold himself.

Lingdan, Zuo Mo quickly threw away this method. Zuo Mo himself had never
encountered lingdan that could increase cultivation. Slightly less effective were those
support-type lingdan. He could make a batch, but against a jindan, it wasn’t enough.

What was left? Formations.

Zuo Mo’s topic of study was the mo matrix. In the beginning, he hadn’t thought of the mo
matrix at all. It was completely due to being forced by the lack of ling grains that he had an
extraordinarily daring idea. He could carve mo matrixes on all these xiuzhe. The thin ling
energy in the air, after automatically gathering under the power of the mo matrix, was very
substantial. Even more importantly, they would be able to use the ling power of the jingshi
and not have to worry about the impurities of the jingshi harming their bodies.

In comparison, the ling power in the jingshi was much richer than in the ling grains.

Of course, his rational mind suppressed this insane idea.

Right now, they were at war with the yaomo. If he took a group of people with mo matrix
carved on them out, there would be only one outcome, being killed for being yaomo.

He had never felt how valuable the mo matrix was before. Now, he had a deep experience
of the benefits of the mo matrix. If he couldn’t carve the mo matrix, then he could go back a
step. Didn’t Pu Yao say that the essence of the mo matrix was formations?
As long as he could find the formations that could purify the impurities in the ling power,
and the formations that could automatically gather ling, wouldn’t the problem be solved?

He had a ready example of the mo matrix. Due to the mo matrix being on his body, and
his extremely sensitive consciousness, he could clearly feel every change inside the mo

The simple-looking mo matrix was far more complex than he had imagined. Zuo Mo’s
skill in formations was not low now, especially after having studied the micro formations in
dan-making. The formations in the mo matrix had some similarities to those.

Other than formations, there were many pictures that seemed decorative, yet were
extremely similar to formations. If he wanted to understand which were useful, and which
were not, it would take three to five years.

But in Zuo Mo’s hands, this became a very simple matter. He only had to use his
consciousness to sweep across, and then he could clearly detect it.

However, this was just the first step. Even though he had gotten rid of many of the
distractions, but the remainder was still hard to work out. Not every formation would have
a visible effect, but once they were removed, the entire mo matrix would lose its effect.
Other than that, there were some semi-formation constructs. These semi-formation
constructs would form a very special kind of formation with Zuo Mo’s flesh and blood.

This was probably these constructs that merged the formations with flesh and blood.

Luckily, this degree of difficulty wasn’t enough to scare Zuo Mo. The yao army was like a
guillotine hanging over Zuo Mo’s head. Thinking of breaking through Little Mountain Jie
was enough to motivate him.

The present Zuo Mo seemed more like a production xiuzhe.

Alright, he had always been a production xiuzhe, Zuo Mo smiled in self-disdain.

He probably would have never thought that his actions made Pu Yao jump in fright. Pu
Yao naturally had his own aims when he had carved the mo matrix and added the yao seed
for Zuo Mo. But he never would have expected Zuo Mo to progress so quickly.

In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao’s expression was heavy as he kept a close look.

Does this guy know just how terrifying the things he was studying right now were … …

Gongsun Cha’s luck was not too good. He had encountered a troop of about sixty people.
A troop of sixty people could be considered to be quite organized. It wasn’t easy to support
such a troop. This time, the groups that were still active all were not ordinary. Little
Mountain Jie didn’t have any low hanging fruit left.

The two sides did not exchange pleasantries.

Gongsun Cha did not feel he needed to say anything. This was a habit he had formed
during War Chess. Pu Yao didn’t like to chit chat with his enemies before starting to fight.
Having encountered an opponent that used everything, it could be imagined what habits
Gongsun Cha had.

On the other side, the people felt that they had twice as many people, and the chance of
victory was high. Also, a group of forty people definitely had some supplies, and probably
wouldn’t be that poor.

So the two sides did not speak and the battle instantly heated up.

Gongsun Cha was slightly nervous at the beginning, but when he saw the other side rush
forward in messy groups, he smiled. A very warm and sweet smile.

The combat units closest to the front retreated slightly.

The other side clearly had many of the habits from individual fights. Many of the xiuzhe
attacked at the same time, sword energies flying high. Since there were many of their
fellows in the surroundings, they were even more brave, and naturally did not keep
anything back when they attacked.

Several dozen sword energies gathered like a roaring dragon.

Of the three combat units that were ordered to retreat, one of the units were half a beat
slower, and instantly were shredded to pieces.

Seeing that three people had died, the group became even more brave, charging forward
towards the people who were retreating.

Having lost three people, Gongsun Cha didn’t even bat an eyelid.

Just as the forward combat units were retreating, the two combat units on the second
row moved forward.

Six sword energies suddenly erupted between the two combat units that were retreating.

Pew pew pew!

The four sword xiu that had been charging at the front, and were struck at full force.
Blood sprayed out!
The sudden change made the xiuzhe at the front panic for a beat, their charge slightly

At the same time, the two combat units that had been retreating suddenly reversed
direction, six sword energies leaving their hands!

Another three unlucky souls were hit.

Before they could respond, the three combat units that had been silently moving forward
fifty zhang did not hesitate to start a third wave of attack.

Nine sword energies sent out with full force turned into a net. The other side had
charged too fast, their group densely packed together. The results were astounding!

Five xiuzhe were killed!

The head of the other side changed expression. With one attack, the losses were three to
twelve, this made him slightly panic. The three waves of attack on the other side clearly had
been planned. It was like a tide, one wave after the other, not giving them any chance to


He smelled danger, but what calmed him down was that the speed on both sides had
slowed down. The following battle would be prolonged combat. His side had the advantage
of numbers and a higher possibility of victory.

“Charge and scatter them! Then hold on to them! Kill!” He shouted, his voice ringing
out. He had confidence in his ningmai second stratum cultivation. Coldly snorting, he took
his flying sword, and entered the chaotic fray!

The distance between the two sides narrowed. No one had the space to charge.

Gongsun Cha did not move. There was a combat unit protecting him. Four people were
standing outside the battle, yet no one seemed to notice him.

Having seen the good results from the three section wave killing charge, his expression
did not move, but the hands hidden in his sleeves were tightly fisted! He had copied this
from the mysterious person in War Chess. However, the mysterious person was much more
effective when he used it. Gongsun Cha had suffered greatly under this maneuver, always
collapsing when he encountered it.

Even though it was a weaker version, it was enough to cause the enemy to suffer losses.

The scene was extremely chaotic, but he was already used to even worse scenes in War
Chess. His mind had never been as clear as now. He quickly found the head among the
His mind slightly moving, Ma Fan who seemed to be aimlessly swimming around started
to silently cover the other like a large bird.

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo finds something he can do. Gongsun Cha finally gets to
command living soldiers … …

Zuo Mo finds his way back to formations. He is essentially reverse-engineering the major
ability of the mo which other races do not possess which is the ability to absorb and purify
ling energy. This helps them survive in harsh and ling-lacking environments. Yao would not
be hampered in Little Mountain Jie at present but the xiuzhe would definitely die if the ling
energy keeps on decreasing.
Chapter 217
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Seventeen – Killing Moves and Ma Fan

Magg Fan did not fly quickly and was very steady. Seeing the chaotic battle field slowly
grow larger in his vision, his mind slightly wandered.

Truthfully, he admired Gongsun Cha very much. This person that look even younger than
him was a beginner among beginners. It could be seen from the terrible and disorganized
training at the start. Ma Fan had assumed that his little life had been in danger now that he
had landed in the hands of a greenhorn and hadn’t expected Gongsun Cha to quickly fulfill
his role. The messy training had quickly become neat and organized.

These days, everyone had shifted from their rebelliousness and terror induced
submission, and gradually showed true respect and compliance. Everyone had climbed
over mountains of corpses. They might never had heard of these methods before, but they
could tell if it was useful or not.

In a group like this, as long as you could continuously lead everyone to victory, and
everyone’s lives had some guarantees, no one would rebel.

Ma Fan was the first person to realize that the tactics Gongsun Cha had set up were
useful. Before everyone else had understood this, he had started to rigorously train until he
could he could meet Gongsun Cha’s demands.

In secret, everyone called Gongsun Cha “Lil’ Miss Gongsun” because he looked feminine
and delicate like a woman. This also included a portion of maliciousness and slander. No
way around it. They couldn’t defeat him so they could only vent in private.

Of course, no one dared to say the name in front of him. Lil’ Miss might be feminine but
he was a vicious female.

Staring at the chaotic battle, the words that Gongsun Cha had keep on filling into his ears
appeared in Ma Fan’s mind.

“You have to notice the distance between the enemy’s troop … …”

“You have to notice the offensive rhythm of the enemy … … after each strong attack,
there would be an extremely short time where their ling power cannot catch up, this is
when the enemy is the weakest … …”

“You have to notice the important targets of the enemy … …”

“You need to have battlefield awareness … …”


All of this was extremely strange and unfamiliar to him.

“Such a troublesome Lil’ Miss,” Reflexively muttering, he already reached the border of
the battle.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the leader of the other side. He was extremely
eye-attracting, pressuring down a combat unit by himself. Ma Fan did not go immediately
to give aid. The three people were on the disadvantage, and seemed very bad off, but the
three person formation had not become messy, and they could support themselves for a

Just a this time, he noticed there were some people whose ling power was boiling. It was
clearly the early signal for strong sword moves being cast.

Usually, the stronger the sword move, the longer it took to prepare.

However, the combat unit they were facing evidently were also preparing a big move. No
matter which side, the xiuzhe all instinctively chose to distance themselves. The collision
between great moves were very strong, and could affect others.

A light flashed through Ma Fan’s eyes. Rather than retreat, he slowly neared the two


“Taste ye’s [Crimson Rainbow Sword]!” A crimson sword light rose with a howl.

“Ha ha, me too, [Great Ling Sword Axe]!” A blue sword energy that was half sword and
half axe appeared and heavily sliced down!

“[Bat Ghost Crying]!” Seven or eight black sword energies shaped like bats made
flapping sounds as they drew out a strange curve and headed to the three people.

The three members of the combat unit did not panic, maintaining the Three Talent
formation. At the beginning of the battle, they had been panicked, but as they gradually
familiarized themselves with the wondrous energy connection unique to the Three Talent
Formation, their cooperation grew, and their confidence also grew.

The great moves of the other side did not make them lose focus.
Even usually, one-on-one, they were not afraid, much less now, when they had the aid of
the Three Talent Formation.

The leader of the three was Lei Peng. Before he was tamed by Lil’ Miss, this guy had been
the most vicious and rebellious of them all. Now that someone had ran in front of him and
boasted, he instantly got angry. His copper-bell sized eyes stared angrily, his fan-sized large
hands opening. Pointing at the three people in front of him, he hatefully spat out.

“Get them!”

The other two people were also full of murderous intent. Everyone had made their way
through rivers of blood. Who didn’t have some fire?

Who didn’t have killing moves?

One of them had a serious expression, his hands were covered in balls of blue light. The
blue lights became darker, and smaller until they were just covering his hands. But this
blue light was very concentrated and seemed like water.

The two hands punched out, two bright blue fist energies leaving his hands, growing as
they moved. A concentrated energy covered the landscape.

[Sky Wave Fist]!

Zong Ru was the only Dhyana of the group. To be able to establish himself in this group,
he naturally had his unique qualities. As he attacked, it instantly showed his

At his side, his fellow that was called Nian Lu coldly snorted. He raised his hands up
towards the sky, his figure spinning on the spot. His speed increased until his figure
became a blur. Above his head, a lotus flower formed with astonishing speed. Flower bud,
open, bloom!

The faint sword essence was like the sway of the lotus flower, making people
uncontrollably attracted to it. Suddenly, a snowy white lotus flower petal tipped in pink fell
off. After that, the flower petals fell off, one after the other, until all of them fell off.

One flower petal was one sword energy. Seven or eight white sword energies with a hint
of pink, eighty percent serenity, twenty percent enchantment, formed.

Nian Lu’s ultimate move [Lotus Flower Fall]!

Lei Peng naturally did not want to be left behind. He was holding a black sabre in his
hands. With both of his hands, he raised the black sabre above his head, and breathed.

A heavy strike!
A black sabre energy shot at the three opposite them. A vicious and brutal energy was
like a ferocious tiger opening its jaws.

[Abyss Beast Soul-Eating Sabre]!

Killing move against killing move!

Blue, red, white, black … … multi colored streams of energy flew everywhere. The faceoff
between six ningmai had caused the region between the two sides to become turbulent and
distorted with ling power . No one dared to near. If they were sucked in, even their bodies
may not remain.

Lei Peng and the two wavered slightly. Of the opposing three, two had began bleeding
from their mouths and noses.

Without a doubt, Lei Peng and the others had slightly won.

A sabre xiu, a sword xiu, a Dhyana xiu, this kind of combination was unique among the
forty people.


The faces of the enemy three were uncertain, and a desire to retreat began rising.

This kind of full force collision did not have any technique. The difference in strength
could be easily seen.

The xiuzhe with the [Crimson Rainbow Sword] moved his eyes. Since their side had
more people, why should the three of them take the risk? He was just going to call for his
fellow to come over when he had a feeling in his heart!

He couldn’t help but turn his head.

A person, carried by countless flickering images, silently appeared beside him.


His expression changed. Just as he was going to speak, the voice that reached his mouth
was shoved back by the afterimages that filled his vision.

A flying sword hit his ling armor without a sound.

Destructive ling power furiously flooded his body.

[Illusory Shadowless Sword Of Destruction]!

The fourth-grade ling armor on his body was like paper, instantly breaking into pieces. It
was as if he was hit directly with a large hammer, his body flying like a sandbag towards
the other xiuzhe!

This xiuzhe changed expression and wanted to catch his fellow.


Before he finished, under the body of his fellow that was flying over, a silent light flashed.
When he could respond, a flying sword that gave off no light was three zhang away from

Damn it!

He hurriedly put up his flying sword.

The swords impacted, ding, a small sound of collision.

His body shook, the blood in his face suddenly leaving his face. His eyes were full of
disbelief, his eyes slowly becoming empty.

The remaining xiuzhe was also pale, and wanted to retreat.


A white sword energy that had a hint of pink at the tip passed through his chest. His
pupils suddenly expanded. He saw the smear of cold smile at the corner of Nian Lu opposite


Ma Fan’s ambush had shocked the entire field. He had successfully bought time for the
Lei Peng’s group to breath. Nian Lu had made an ambush, and the panicked enemy had

Ma Fan suppressed the roiling of the ling power inside his body. Having continuously
cast [Illusory Shadowless Sword of Destruction] twice while flying at high speed, he
couldn’t help but feel a lack of strength. He didn’t go to see if the other had lived or not,
hurriedly starting his illusory movement method and disappeared.
From the collision of the two side’s killing moves, to the three people losing their lives,
the sudden change shocked many people. Ma Fan took the chance to escape.

His illusory movement method was most skilled at confusing the enemy. The more
chaotic the battle, the more beneficial it was to him.

Ma Fan’s entry slowly caused the balance of battle to tilt towards their side. The
monstrous training regime of the past while had started to show its power. The combat
units started to help cover and aid each other.

Everyone slowly became more used to cooperating with Ma Fan.

The more tense the situation, the more advantageous it was for Ma Fan to attack. He was
accurate each time. Without knowing it, the advantage grew on their side.


Bao De felt that this fight today was terrible. Their side clearly had the advantage in
numbers, but as they fought, they grew more tired. He felt as though they had entered
quicksand and were unable to use their strength.

It wasn’t evident in the beginning, but as they fought, the feeling of weakness became
even more clear.

The other side was three people, all clearly ningmai first stratum, but they managed to
stop him. The other side’s tactics were very soft, not daring to face him straight on. He felt
he wanted to spit blood.

Every time he was going to defeat the three, that person who came out of nowhere would
come and disturb him, making his rhythm pause.

Because of this pause, the advantage he had managed to build up would disappear and
he had to start from the beginning.

After fighting for so long, he saw the hints. The three were cooperating very well. One
offensive, one distracting, and one defensive, and the offensive and defensive would
frequently change positions. At the beginning, he had assumed he could quickly get rid of
the enemy, but they had managed to stand up until now. He felt quite embarrassed, and his
attacks grew stronger, but he hadn’t assumed it got more annoying the more he fought!

Other than the three he was facing, he still had to watch out for the annoying guy that
appeared out of nowhere and was as irritating as a fly.
He dared to disdain the three in front of him, but didn’t dare to underestimate Ma Fan.

That guy was ningmai second stratum!

F*** it, this was no way to fight!

Translator Ramblings: This is the first chapter that Zuo Mo doesn’t appear. A blow-by-
blow accounting of a fight won’t happen frequently in this story but this one was probably
because Fang Xiang wanted to highlight the changes in the people and their shift in
perspective as well as what Lil’ Miss is doing. Gongsun Cha is an important character for
Fang Xiang and giving side characters development can be difficult if the author just sticks
exclusively to the point of view of the protagonist and his area of influence.

The Three Talent Formation in this chapter is just a triangle with each person at the
corners who then move around in sync in predetermined steps. However, it is actually the
name of a true battle formation used during the Ming Dynasty. See the baidu page. It was
used because it could increase firepower and decrease damage at the same time.

Thank you for all your comments!

Chapter 218
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, Brian, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen – Spoils of Victory

The entire battle gradually lost meaning.

Seeing that their own side was at a disadvantage, the leader did not hesitate to find a
solution – surrender!

With a rattle, everyone surrendered. Gongsun Cha’s face was shocked but the other
xiuzhe looked as if this was completely normal.

What would they do if they didn’t surrender? Escape? In the present Little Mountain jie,
unless they were jindan, any xiuzhe would be targeted if they were alone. Fight to the
death? Then the group would be crippled. A crippled group either would be killed or
swallowed by someone else.

Surrendering was a loss of face, but at least they were not losing their lives.

This leader long knew the importance of this. Moreover, this group clearly did not have
many people but were very strong. Rather than being swallowed by another group, it was
better to go with this kind of group. Their days would be better. These days, weren’t people
just looking for a way to survive in Little Mountain Jie?

This loud and noisy battle ended like this.


When Zuo Mo saw Gongsun Cha come back with a large group of captives, he was very
shocked. As expected of a crazy battle-maniac. This efficiency was frightening! Before he
could be happy, when he saw the thirty something captives, he grimaced inside.

His consciousness would have to bleed greatly again … …

Bao De was the head of this group. When he heard the head of the other side was going
to set in jinzhi in his body he couldn’t help but shudder. Compared to those with no sect, he
had come out of a little sect and knew more things than normal people.

Wasn’t it only jindan that could set down jinzhi? Was there a jindan elder here?

His heart became scared. In Little Mountain Jie, jindan were an invincible existence. Then
he became puzzled. If jindan wanted to gather people, then he only needed to stand in the
open and people would flock to him. There was no need to engage in fighting; everyone
would have already surrendered.

But when Zuo Mo appeared in front of him, he was stunned.

The person putting down the jinzhi was a guy that had just broke through to ningmai
first stratum! He was instantly discontent. Jinzhi meant that his little life was on that
person’s hands. If he did not comply, the gentlest punishment was his cultivation would
decrease, the most serious would be the destruction of his soul.

His little life was grasped within the hands of a guy that just broke through to ningmai?

However, he also knew his present situation. He didn’t understand. Was there someone
behind this guy who supported him? Otherwise, why would so many people that were
stronger than him obey him? He thought inside but he didn’t dare to show the discontent
on his face.

No way about it. The losers could not be brave. Becoming other people’s prisoners, they
didn’t dare to have any other thoughts. When he saw that Gongsun Cha who was standing
silently by the side with a light and soft smile, he instantly discarded all his thoughts.


Zuo Mo was very familiar with jinzhi now. Quickly, all thirty people’s lives were in his

However, after putting down thirty jinzhi, he lost a lot of energy, looking somewhat

“How many people died?” Zuo Mo asked.

“Twelve, all the zhuji died.” Gongsun Cha’s mood wasn’t good. Even though they had
achieved victory, and the primary backbone was not damaged, but he was not satisfied
with this result.

Zuo Mo sighed, his mood slightly down.

“At least we won,” Gongsun Cha didn’t have much confidence when he said this.

The mood became slightly heavy. The troubled world was like a copper cauldron, no one
could escape. Zuo Mo decided to change the topic.

“Did you find ling grains?”

“No,” Gongsun Cha shook his head.

Zuo Mo almost spat blood. Originally, he wanted this group to use battle to feed battle, to
steal ling grains from other people to lighten his load. Who could have thought that they
had come back with thirty something people but no ling grains. He had just expended large
amounts of consciousness and now had to care of thirty something more mouths.

He had really lost!

“Aren’t there any gains you made?” Zuo Mo was like a tomato after the frost, as he
asked weakly.

“We’ve gotten some items. But I don’t really understand their functions, so Shixiong
can pick,” Gongsun Cha blinked his plum flower sized eyes that sparkled as he said

From the numbers, Gongsun Cha had gotten many things. Piled up together, it was a little

Flying swords, talismans, jade scrolls, and materials. They all dazzled the eyes.

Zuo Mo glanced and was quite surprised. The great majority were not worth anything,
but there were some good ones. This had been the collections of ningmai xiuzhe. They had
some good items.

Zuo Mo’s eyes were very experienced and acted quickly. After flipping and picking, he
divided the little mountain into several piles.

He pointed at a pile of flying swords and talismans, saying, “This batch isn’t bad. Go and
divide it among them. Only if they are properly equipped can their battle strength

Gongsun Cha was full of admiration. Shixiong was really someone who could do great
things. He had followed Shixiong for this long, and his eyes were not as experienced as
Shixiong; but he could generally detect the quality. The flying swords and talismans in this
piles were all pretty good. If they could be sold, that would be an enormous sum of jingshi.
He hadn’t expected Shixiong to take it out.

This generosity, this breadth of mind … …

“To get the horse to run, we have to feed the horse grass,” Zuo Mo said meaningfully.

The admiration in Gongsun Cha’s heart reached a peak. It seemed that he was still too
new. His level was not enough compared to Shixiong!

“Think of it as wages. They have to put their lives up. It won’t be right if they do not
get anything,” Zuo Mo smacked his lips, and rubbed his chin, “In any case, this batch can’t
be turned to jingshi and will only take up space.”

When Gongsun Cha heard the last part, all the admiration instantly dissipated.

This was more like Shixiong … …

For some reason, he found he had relaxed; his entire body easing itself of tension.

“Oh, right,” Zuo Mo picked out a jade scroll from the piles of jade scrolls, “There’s not
much in this batch of jade scrolls other than this one. This one has some content
related to battle generals. You take it to use as reference.”

“A bit of relation to battle generals?” Gongsun Cha instantly became excited and took
the jade scroll.

“The materials are useful,” Zuo Mo said to himself as he looked at the little piles in front
of him. “The rest can only be given to Lil’ Pagoda. We can store the jade scrolls, open
them to all of them for free? Oh, they don’t take up space.”

Speaking of jade scrolls, he suddenly remembered something, “I have a fifth-grade

movement method here. I probably won’t have the time to practice it. Give it to
someone to use. The stronger they are, the safer we are. As to how to divide it, you can

“Okay!” Gongsun Cha was slightly surprised that Shixiong could take out a fifth-grade
movement method but did not hesitate in nodding. He agreed with Shixiong’s words.

After dividing up the spoils, Zuo Mo told Gongsun Cha again to look for yin fiend grounds.
Everyone knew that time was tight and didn’t waste words. Gongsun Cha took the pile of
talismans and flying swords and left.

Zuo Mo summoned Lil’ Pagoda, and pointed at the pile of talismans and flying swords as
he took up a jade scroll to read.

This jade scroll was the only thing that he was interested in of this entire batch of spoils.
There wasn’t much high level content in the jade scroll. What it was were some basic
methods of making puppets. Now that Zuo Mo was somewhat skilled in formations, it was
much easier to learn about puppets, and it wasn’t hard to read.

He had never encountered puppets before. Seeing them now, he found them novel. There
were several places that were very unique. To his joy, he found that the puppets could solve
the problem of his manpower.

Low level puppets did not have intelligence and could only accept the simplest and most
basic commands. Those high level puppets were not much different than people. puppets
that were forged with secret methods were not breakable, were as fast as the wind, and
functioned as the best subordinates.

No wonder so many people liked puppets.

Of course, these subordinate type puppets were very hard to forge. But Zuo Mo did not
think of those puppets. His eyes were set on the easily made low level puppets.

These guys didn’t have any great use, but they could barely manage to do some rough
and menial labor.

He suddenly thought of an idea. With Little Mountain Jie so chaotic right now, the
population drastically decreasing, the mines that had existed before wouldn’t have grown
feet! The ling veins would have been corroded, but what about the ore veins?

He became more excited the more he thought, his brain extremely clear. Now that it was
this chaotic, there was no one that was willing to spend time mining. If the ore veins were
not infected and did not belong to anyone, and he went to mine them, no one would care.
As for manpower, he could use puppets!

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and started to calculate.

It was not very hard to make the simplest puppet, and what it consumed were very low
level materials. He had the power to make them.

Deep in thought, Zuo Mo did not notice Lil’ Pagoda greedily sucking in talismans and
flying swords.

When the last talisman flew inside Lil’ Pagoda’s body, Lil’ Pagoda suddenly stopped

“Rewards based on achievements?” Lei Peng thought he had heard it wrong, laughing
scornfully. “Don’t dream. Food that’s been swallowed, who would throw it back up?
Even more, our group has jinzhi, who wouldn’t listen? Who would be so dumb to spend
on us?”

Nian Lu said in a rush, “But it’s true. Happening this afternoon! Supposedly, there is a
fifth-grade movement method.”

“Ha ha! You’re killing me!” Lei Peng pointed at Nian Lu and then turned to say to Zong
Ru. “Listen! Fifth-grade movement method! My ass! Fifth-grade movement methods are
not lettuce, and given easily to us sheep. I say, Old Nian, you should understand the
market. A fifth-grade movement method, that’s enough for those f***ers at Clear Sky
Sect to let you pass. This kind of good thing, people will give it to you for free?”

Zong Ru said cross legged like an old monk in meditation, dignified. He pretended to not
listen. Dhyana xiu were very rare in Little Mountain Jie. They cultivated the body and their
abhinna. What Zong Ru cultivated was not some high level dhyana scripture, and so he had
not formed an abhinna yet. However, his cultivation was rock solid.

He usually had few words, his personality silent and calm. In battle, he was like a whole
other person, abnormally ferocious.

The three of them all had different personalities. Lei Peng was fiery like a fire, similar to a
bandit. Nian Lu was of a lively temperament, optimistic and easygoing.

Now that Lei Peng said this, Nian Lu felt disbelieve rise as well. Fifth-grade movement
method, it was enough to become the ultimate spell for a little sect. Who would give
something like this for free?

Fortunately, time did not pass slowly. It quickly reached noon.

All the people, including the thirty that had just been captured were gathered together.

Everyone knew Lil’ Miss definitely had important things to announce.

Translator Ramblings: Gongsun Cha’s respect for Zuo Mo flew up into the sky and
bombed back down.

Bao De represents his fellows in being discontent at being led by someone less powerful
in cultivation. However, even if it one on one, Zuo Mo will probably be able to beat him.
I totally mangled the translation but I have no idea what is another way of saying you get
rewarded based on how much service you did/ how many people you killed.
Chapter 219
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Nineteen – Rewards Conference

In secret, whenever everyone ever discussed Lil’ Miss’s feminine and delicate face, they
couldn’t help but be slightly scornful of it. However, when Lil’ Miss was sitting in front of
them, everyone couldn’t help but straighten their spines, their eyes straight forward.

People like Lei Peng, who had already spent some time under Lil’ Miss’ command,had
experience of what to do. In front of Lil’ Miss, it was best for their eyes to look at their nose,
their nose to be pointed at their heart. Do not go looking at Lil’ Miss’ eyes. You would
always find they were freezing.

“Reward based on performance,” Lil’ Miss’ voice was not loud and was feminine as

Lei Peng stilled. Had Old Nian been speaking the truth? There were really going to
reward based on performance? His heart quickened and he couldn’t help but move his

It wasn’t just him. Everyone could not disguise the joy on their faces. There were jinzhi in
their bodies, so their lives were in Zuo Mo’s hands. They had originally assumed that they
would be cannon fodder, and the thought had never crossed their minds that they would be

“Let’s start.” Everyone’s expression landed in Gongsun Cha’s eyes. His heart was very
clear, the corners of his mouth rising. He decided to throw out a heavy bomb at the
beginning, “This is a fifth-grade movement method. Boss decided to take it out as a


Everyone’s eyes turned to stare at the jade scroll in Lil’ Miss’ hands. So hot they almost
melted the jade scroll. The temperature in the room instantly rose.

Fifth-grade movement method! That was fifth-grade.

Any spell, when it reached fifth-grade, the value was not comparable. No matter if it was
in Sky Moon Jie, or in Little Mountain Jie, only core disciples could cultivate fourth-grade
spells. This was an unwritten rule. And fifth-grade spells? The majority of sects did not
possess a fifth-grade spell.
Now a fifth-grade movement method was in front of them, a place they could touch.

Breathing was rushed in the room. Without knowing it, excitement climbed onto
everyone’s faces. If it wasn’t for the jinzhi, half of the people would definitely go up and

Gongsun Cha was very satisfied with everyone’s performance. Fair reward and
punishment was a governance that every stable troop must have. Gongsun Cha was not
worried this crowd of brutes would betray, but it had been a problem for him to increase
their motivation.

“This is a intermediate fourth-grade flying sword, called Black Lock, pure in quality,
it is slightly oriented towards the water element. It is the best flying sword of this
rewards conference.”

The flying sword was about one chi long, the body narrow and black, glistening with a
blue light. Once it was taken out, a slightly sword essence rippled like waves across the
entire room.


Inhales sounded below. This group all had good eyes. The quality of the Black Lock
sword was not average.

Intermediate Fourth-grade!

Most of these xiuzhe were in ningmai, but only five or so of them had fourth-grade flying
swords, and of those people, all their flying swords were low fourth-grade flying swords.

“This Nine Dawn Ling Armor, intermediate fourth-grade, it is the best protective
talisman of this conference. Wood element, the ling armor has four formations,
[Vitality], [Evil Removing], [Tranquil Mind], and [Illusion Break]. In places rich with
wood element power, it can automatically absorb wood element power to repair the
ling armor.”


As they swallowed, everyone stared at the ling armor. This was something good! If they
had this ling armor, it was like getting half of a life.

It was like Gongsun Cha did not notice everyone’s eyes. One by one, he introduced all the
talismans and flying swords.

In the room, the heavy sound of breathing was like thunder. Everyone’s faces were red
and excited. Many people had pulled open their clothing, a layer of sweat on their
foreheads. However, they did not detect it, their eyes tightly locked on the talismans and
flying swords in front of Gongsun Cha.
The light given off by the talismans and flying swords merged and reflected off each
person’s eyes.

Lei Peng’s forehead was full of sweat. His throat was dry, his copper-bell like eyes staring
wide, afraid he would miss a talisman. When the last talisman was finished being
introduced, his heart finally rested. Reflexively, he released a breath.

His ears suddenly heard the sound of breathing. He jumped in fright at his loud

It was over! If he angered Lil’ Miss, it would be terrible! He grimaced at the first thought
that came into his head.

But when he saw the breathing of the people around him, he managed to realize that it
wasn’t just the sound of his own breathing, but everyone breathing out together. The
slightly sounds of breathing, under such silent environments, would stand out so clearly.

The room quickly became silent, extremely silent, everyone’s hearts rose again.

Everyone knew what was coming next was the most important!

There were only this many prizes, who would get it? How would it be divided? There was
a lot involved was this. That would determine what landed on their own hands was good or

“Those with the most achievements will pick first, one apiece.” Lil’ Miss was extremely
clear in this silent environment where the drop of a pin could be heard. “Ma Fan is first.”

A blush suddenly rose on Ma Fan’s face like he had been drinking. In the admiring and
jealous eyes of everyone else, he stood up and did not hesitate to pick the fifth-grade
movement method.

Even though everyone had mostly guessed already, but they couldn’t help but have
disappointed expressions. One of those was Lei Peng.

Fifth-grade movement method!

Seeing it slink away in front of his eyes, this feeling wasn’t just terrible!

But that was just jealousy. No one could say anything to Ma Fan picking first. The effect
that Ma Fan had in this battle could not have been done by anyone else.

Before everyone had digested the disappointment from the fifth-grade movement
method being picked away, Lil’ Miss opened again, “Lei Peng, Zong Ru, Nian Lu, your
group is up. You can pick one fourth-grade, two third-grade.”

Lei Peng’s head rang, and then blanked.

It was his turn … …

He didn’t know how he stood up. Nian Lu and Zong Ru’s faces were also full of disbelief.
It was like a dream. Even Zong Ru, the most composed of the three, didn’t managed to keep
his composure.

The three people looked at each other. After a while, they found it hard to decide who
would get the fourth-grade talisman.

Seeing the situation, Gongsun Cha decided to decide for them. “Straws, set down the
order, and take turns in the future.”

This method was very fair. No one had an objection.

The sweat on Lei Peng’s forehead grew even more dense, his heartbeat racing because he
drew first. The second was Zong Ru, the third was Nian Lu.

He really was shameful, couldn’t even calm down! He criticized himself.

But he was not slow in picking. He did not hesitate in picking the Nine Dawn ling armor.
Sighs rose in the surroundings. Clearly, there were several that wanted this ling armor. For
some reason, when he heard the sighs, Lei Peng felt every pore of him was in pleasure, and
extremely smug. He instantly put on the ling armor.

Zong Ru picked upper third-grade vambraces, and Nian Lu picked an upper third-grade
boots. Even though they didn’t pick something fourth-grade, these two were also very good
among the third-grade, the two people were unable to keep their hands off.

Gongsun Cha measured achievement based on combat unit. Each combat unit could pick
one fourth-grade item, and two third-grade. The fourth-grade items were quickly divided.
Those ranked behind didn’t even get one, and could only stare.

But everyone basically got one talisman.

As to the xiuzhe like Bao De who had just turned from captive, they could only stare.
Gongsun Cha didn’t plan on rewarding them. The remaining talismans were put to be used
as rewards for the groups that were exceptional in training.

Gongsun Cha also clearly stated that once the reward was given, it was the person’s
personal property. Other people could not take it. Like the fifth-grade movement method.
Ma Fan picked it, so it could not be given to someone else. If anyone else wanted to learn,
they had to ask Ma Fan. As to how to pass it on, or whether to pass it on, that was Ma Fan’s

No matter if it was Zuo Mo, or Gongsun Cha, they would never have predicted the effect
this rewards conference would have.

Gongsun Cha still supervised the people in training. The last battle had revealed many
insufficiencies. The three section wave killing charge, if it was a well-trained troop, if it was
his mysterious opponent, they would only need to use it once to destroy the enemy.

He hadn’t just been unable to destroy the enemy, but had sunk into prolonged fighting.
This made Gongsun Cha who usually demanded highly of himself very dissatisfied.

Lil’ Miss was dissatisfied so everyone didn’t have good days.

However, what Gongsun Cha was puzzled by was just how unexpected these people were
in training. Everyone seemed to have been shot up with chicken blood, howling as they
furiously trained.

And when Gongsun Cha fulfilled his promise by rewarding the talismans to the group
that had finished training, he found to his shock that they completely did not need his

There was not a novice among this group of people. They all knew the importance of
talismans. Who would dislike having one more talisman? On the battlefield, one more
talisman was one more guarantee on their own life. There was no danger of dying in
training. This kind of good matter, if it was in the past, everyone would distain to attend,
but in the cruel Little Mountain Jie of the present, no one had heard of it.

No one fell behind.

Not having gotten any ling grains, and having some more mouths to feed, the pressure of
Zuo Mo to supply ling grains instantly increased, especially in the recent days where this
group had suddenly started to furiously train for some reason. The consumption of ling
grains multiplied.

Zuo Mo felt the pressure multiply. He put one hundred and twenty percent of his effort
into studying the mo matrix day and night.

Once he had an idea, he would immediately try it out, not caring for the consumption of
materials. Seeing the amount of ling grains decrease, he felt even more pressured. His
progress was not bad. He had eliminated half of the useless constructs. Less than one third
of the constructs were remaining.

But this one third included more than seventy formation-like constructs.
Zuo Mo did not have the time to do theoretical analyses. The time was tight. He decided
to use the stupidest and most effective method.

Try one by one!

He started to crazily try one formation after another.

In the span of a few days, his room was full of failed products like a little mountain.

Not having closed his eyes for seven days and nights, he didn’t even meditate. When his
ling power was used up, he would grasp a jingshi to absorb ling power.

He looked quite fragile. After seven days and nights, even if his spiritual power had
reached the stage of manifestation, he had reached a limit.

However, Zuo Mo forgot all the labor, all the exhaustion.

He dazedly looked at a peerlessly ugly thing on his hands!

Translator Ramblings: Mad scientist Zuo Mo is back! Gongsun Cha really wants to
motivate his soldiers to train hard and Ma Fan is the teacher’s pet.

Do you guys ever go back to read previous chapters of this story? I’m still going to revise
the beginning chapters anyways but I’m very curious if any of you ever re-read.
Chapter 220
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, Brian and

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty – The Fatal Rotten Metal Silver

Bao De really had his vision broadened in these past days.

The troop in front of him was different than any other that he had been a part of before.
Three people to each squad, that Three Talent Formation, that was a pleasure and a pain,
enough ling grains, and there were rewards for the people placed under jinzhi … …

He looked at these old-timers who were now like children fighting to be first. There was
no conspiracy, everything was done in broad daylight, it was so simple it could not be any
more straightforward, but the troop had transformed by such a direct method.

The longer he stayed, the more he felt just how powerful the boss of this group was. It
wasn’t a power that people could see at a simple glance, but a calm power hidden behind
fog and mist. Even though everyone was afraid of Lil’ Miss, Bao De had been a leader; and
he could tell who was truly in charge.

With such finesse, he wouldn’t be an ordinary person in the future. To follow such a boss,
the future wouldn’t be too hard.

But Boss was a little guy around twenty something that had just entered ningmai first
stratum … … the luck … …

No matter how many thoughts swirled in Bao De’s mind, his training amount would not
lessen compared to the rest. His past identity as the leader and his ningmai second stratum
cultivation did not give him any privileges. What made him feel helpless and depressed was
the fact the other two people in his little troop were furiously training.

It was just a few talismans; was it worth all this? Having been a leader, Bao De naturally
wouldn’t care about just third-grade talismans.

Yet he did not want to get into conflict with his teammates, due to dragging them down,
and had to furiously train as well. There was no way around it. Lil’ Miss’ rewards were
based on combat units, other than being like Ma Fan who was a combat unit on his own.
Adding on that Lil’ Miss was staring from the side, he did not dare to slack.

Do not offend Lil’ Miss in any circumstance.

This was the most widespread phrase in the camp.

However, hm … … wasn’t that Boss? Bao De saw Boss holding a strange object and walk
into the camp out of the corner of his eye.

He secretly paid attention. However, with his distraction, the Three Talent Formation
that had been flowing smoothly came to an abrupt halt. With the pause, the rhythm of the
entire team was disturbed. The three people had to stop. Seeing the dissatisfaction in the
two people’s eyes, Bao De hurriedly apologized. He could offend anyone except his
teammates. Otherwise, he wouldn’t even know how he died on the battlefield.


Gongsun Cha saw Zuo Mo hold something strange and couldn’t help but ask in curiosity,
“Shixiong, what is this?”

“Ling processing … …” Zuo Mo stopped. He raised the ugly object in his hands in front of
his face. Uh, what should he call this?

It could barely be called a talisman. But there were many kinds of talismans. This thing,
which category did it belong to? Treasure box?

A strangely shaped box, the box was covered in holes and crack, patched with shapes of
various colors and sizes, which made it hard to look at.

“Ling Processing Formation.” Zuo Mo pondered and decided to change its shape for
next time. Otherwise, it would be hard to even name such an object.

“A bit ugly,” Gongsun Cha gave a fair review. Seeing the unfriendliness in Shixiong’s eyes,
he hurriedly tried to move on, “What’s the use of this?”

Speaking of the use of this object, Zuo Mo couldn’t help but be smug. “Oh, not that much.
It can just process the ling power in the jingshi, and get rid of impurities.”

“Get rid of the impurities in the ling power of jingshi … …” Gongsun Cha first stilled but
he quickly responded. His eyes suddenly widened, his voice unconsciously raising, “Get rid
of the impurities in the ling power of jingshi?”

Gongsun Shidi’s reaction made Zuo Mo even more proud, “Exactly!”

Gongsun Cha’s eyes lit up, his voice tinted with excitement, “It can replace ling grains?”

“Exactly!” Zuo Mo felt his body was unspeakably comfortable. He snickered. “I tried
already. The effect is pretty good. Taking it here was to find someone to try it out.”
Without another word, Gongsun Cha stood up, swept the people training, and saw Lei
Peng and the other two who had just finished. He beckoned, “Lei Peng, you three come

Hearing the summons of Lil’ Miss, the three hurried over.

Gongsun Cha turned around and asked Zuo Mo, “Shixiong, how do you use this?”

“Oh, put your hand on top of this, and start your scripture.” Zuo Mo put his palms on
the two round formations on top of the box.

Gongsun Cha said to Lei Peng, “You try.”

“Oh,” Lei Peng said with confusion. He didn’t understand what this garbage in front of
him, but he still complied in putting his hands inside the round formations and started his

“Huh!” Lei Peng gasped – ling power!

A stream of ling power was absorbed through his palms and quickly flowed along his
channels. Such pure ling power! He was overjoyed. Such pure ling power, it meant that he
didn’t have to spend so much energy on processing ling power! Endless ling power
burrowed through his palms into his body. In a quick while, he felt the empty channels
inside his body feel full.

Only now did he suddenly realize the use of this thing!

Why was Little Mountain Jie so terrible right now?

The most important reason was that the ling energy in the air had become thin, so thin
that it could not be absorbed into the bodies of xiuzhe.

Everyone knew that the ling power of xiuzhe was obtained from the world of nature. The
ling energy in the air was the most important source. After these ling energy were taken
into the body, they were processed and turned to even purer ling power to be stored in the
channels of the xiuzhe. The ling energy becoming extremely thin in Little Mountain Jie
meant that the biggest source of ling energy for xiuzhe had been cut off.

Xiuzhe were forced to find other ways, like consuming ling grains. The ling power
contained in the ling grains were easy to absorb, and were not harmful. The jingshi that
people usually used contained more ling power than ling grains, but due to the impurities
in the ling power of jingshi were more domineering than the impurities of the ling energy
of the air, it was much harder to absorb. If it was used in the long term, it would damage the

Only some large sects had secret methods to resolve the impurities in the jingshi.
Secret method … …

When Lei Peng’s hands left the box, his mind seemed to be wandering, his expression
slightly strange.

Nian Lu looked in puzzlement at Lei Peng, it was very rare to see Big Peng have this
expression. He couldn’t help but look again at that extremely strange and hideous box. This
garbage had a use?

When his hands left the box, his expression was also strange, muttering something
continuously in his mouth like he had seen a ghost.

After Zong Ru tried, his expression could not disguise his shock.

No matter what waves had been stirred up in the three people, Zuo Mo and Gongsun Cha
were very satisfied with the result of the experiment. The remainder was to slightly modify
the appearance. It really was too ugly, even Zuo Mo himself found it hard to tolerate.

Gongsun Cha’s sparkling eyes tightly locked on the extremely ugly box. He was very clear
what this object meant for them! As long as they had this, there was one less chain that was
on their necks!

In the present Little Mountain Jie, the price of ling grains had been inflated to a ridiculous
price. In reverse, due to the lack of goods, the utility of jingshi was much less. It was
common to see jingshi that had been thrown away. The rare ling grains had become the
most common currency in Little Mountain Jie.

“But there is a problem.”

Zuo Mo’s words pulled Gongsun Cha back. He jumped, “What problem?”

“If we are producing in large quantities, we need lots of Rotten Metal silver,” Zuo
Mo’s tone was slightly bitter, “I still have some, but it is just enough to make a few.”

Gongsun Cha stilled, and thought it was unfortunate. He hurriedly asked, “Is this Rotten
Metal silver very rare?”

“It is a very common third-grade material.” Zuo Mo spread his hands. “I’ve used a lot
so there’s not much left.”

“This problem … …” Gongsun Cha thought and then raised his hands, indicating for
everyone to gather.

Everyone stopped their training, looked at each other, before gathering. Their
expressions were all puzzled. Lil’ Miss had never interrupted their training before.

“Who knows where there is Rotten Metal silver?” Gongsun Cha asked.
Many xiuzhe were confused. What was Rotten Metal silver?”

Suddenly, a person raised their hands, “I know.” That person was Bao De.

“Where?” Gongsun Cha stared at Bao De.

When he met Lil’ Miss’ sharp eyes, a cold sweat ran down Bao De’s body. However, he
had been a leader before, and suppressed the shock inside, pretending to be calm. “This
one doesn’t know about the finished product, but this one knows a Rotten Metal silver

“Mine!” Zuo Mo’s eyes brightened. “Where?”

Bao De swallowed and obediently responded, “A place about three hundred li from
here, called Stone Mountain Beach. Before, it was the location for a sect of Spell Sword
Sect, now it’s possessed by a group.”

Zuo Mo turned to look at Gongsun Cha. Gongsun Cha instantly understood what he
meant. He wanted the mine. Gongsun Cha was slightly puzzled. Even if they had the mine,
there was no one to do the mining. However, since Shixiong said he wanted it, then it meant
he had a way.

He turned to stare at Bao De. “How many people are there? What are their origins?”

Bao De hurriedly said. “About sixty or so people. The head, Xie Shan, is vicious and
cruel. Ningmai third stratum. His subordinates are all above ningmai. They heard that
Spell Sword Sect had ling grains, so they massacred Spell Sword Sect and took over
Stone Mountain Beach.”

He then carefully said, “If Boss wants it, you can buy it at very low cost from Xie Shan’s
hands. This one has some relationship with him … …”

“No need,” Gongsun Cha waved his hands, and then said, “Continue training,” to hurry
the people away to cultivate. Bao De’s words were choked up in his throat. However, he
perceptively went to train.

“What do you plan on doing?” Zuo Mo asked in curiosity.

He knew that Shidi definitely had an idea.

“We can beat them until they are crippled,” Gongsun Cha said unconcernedly. “There is
no reason to give them any jingshi. They want to take food from our mouths, hmph

Zuo Mo shook his head helplessly. Gongsun Shidi’s battle mania was acting up again!

Xie Shan’s group was really pitiful!

He couldn’t help but feel sympathy, but when the words reached his own mouth the only
thing that came out was, “Hurry!”

Translator Ramblings: Incremental progress. Lacking supplies is a rational event after

being a mad scientist for a week.

Thank you all for your comments about my question. It’s motivating to hear what you
guys say. There was a very wide range of response from reading it, to reading some parts,
to not reading. I would rather translate than edit which is why edits are so slow.
Chapter 221
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, warlord212,
and Brian.

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty One – What Is Pu Yao Doing?

Zuo Mo quickly made the new product. Compared to the broken box, the new product
was like a piece of art.

It was a meditation mat woven from Black Morning Glory, pure black and smooth to the
touch. Hair like strands of rotten metal silver forming the formations were in exquisite and
complex patterns. If the mat was flipped over, there were five openings that jingzhi could
be put in. Zuo Mo had originally planning on making them even smaller to make it much
easier to carry, but in the end, he still decided to make them into meditation mats.

His technique of weaving mediation mats was very good.

The meditation mats were named Black Processing Meditation Mats. On the foundation
of the ling processing formations, he had added [Mind Concentration] and [Calm Heart]
formations. The effect of the black processing meditation mats drastically increased.

In one go, Zuo Mo had used all the rotten metal silver to make five black processing
meditation mats.

With the five black processing meditation mats both Zuo Mo and Gongsun Cha steadied
their heart. The five black processing meditation mats were not a lot, but if they were used
in turns, it could barely suffice.

After giving the five black processing meditation mats to Gongsun Cha, Zuo Mo didn’t
care anymore.

His gains this time was not just the ling processing formation. The mo matrix on Zuo
Mo’s body was a low level mo matrix called the [Copper Rhinoceros Mo Matrix]. The
biggest effect of this matrix was that it could automatically temper his body. But even as
one of the simplest mo matrix, after being analyzed, it was found to be composed of
hundreds of little micro formations.

Zuo Mo had never seen the majority of these micro formations and didn’t know their
effects. But after this time, after finishing his analysis, and trying to forge, he had a direct
understanding of these unfamiliar formations.

Of the many formations of the Copper Rhinoceros Mo Matrix, there were three
formations that Zuo Mo felt were most useful: Ling Gathering Formation, Ling Processing
Formation, and Body Tempering Formation.
There had been a detailed introduction about the Ling Gathering Formation in the [Kun
Lun Preliminary Formations Jade Scroll]. But the ling gathering formation that Zuo Mo
had found this time was different than any kind of ling gathering formation he had ever

It was even more outstanding at gathering ling. The entire formation naturally formed,
and was so exquisite that Zuo Mo had sighed countless times at the wonders of nature.

“This isn’t bad,” Pu Yao appeared out of nowhere, and stared at the ling gather
formation that Zuo Mo was carving now.

Zuo Mo had long gotten used to Pu Yao’s ghostly appearances. His hand didn’t even

“Of course I know it is a good thing.” Zuo Mo did not disguise the pride he felt. He
glanced at Pu Yao out of the corner of his eyes. “With ge’s skills! How can the things that
ge makes not be good things?”

“Oh, not bad, not bad.” Finishing, Pu Yao faintly nodded before disappearing.

Zuo Mo, who had wanted to show off, felt his punch had missed and his chest felt
suffocated. However, he was also puzzled. Pu Yao, the guy who did not rise early unless
there was something to do, he had just ran over to say that this was not bad?

There was a problem!

Definitely was a problem!

Yet, Zuo Mo couldn’t think of where the problem was. He did not think on it and instead
started to work with the ling gathering formation in front of him.

The ling gathering formation he had obtained from the [Copper Rhinoceros Mo Matrix]
was exquisite and tiny. The difficulty of carving it was slightly high but the use was also
very broad. He could carve this ling gathering formation on talismans and flying swords.
Talismans and flying swords could continuously gather ling energy from the air. Over time
their intelligence would grow. Any material, if they were put in places with thick ling
energy, after being soaked in ling energy, the qualities of the material would gradually be
changed for the better.

Zuo Mo had an even more daring idea, to carve the ling gathering formation on the body
like the mo matrix. This way the body could constantly take in ling energy from the
surroundings. Even though the amount of ling energy taken in each day would be small, but
after accumulating for months and years, this amount would be terrifying.

This point, Zuo Mo who had a mo matrix had a direct experience. If it wasn’t that his
channels were not able to store ling power before, he would have broken through to
ningmai long ago. Even now, his cultivation speed was far faster than normal xiuzhe.
The body tempering formation was using ling power to continuously temper the blood,
flesh, bones, and tendons of the body. Other than Dhyana xiu, other xiuzhe would rarely
cultivate their body, but in Zuo Mo’s experience, a strong body was not a bad thing. Even
more, no time had to be spent on this. It could automatically temper the body. Would
anyone refuse?

Most importantly, the three formations that he had analyzed and separated out did not
look anything like a mo matrix. No one would connect it to a mo matrix. In these days
where yaomo were roaming about, this point was especially important.

After making the Black Processing Meditation Mats, Zuo Mo instantly felt the pressure
decrease. He hadn’t found how to use the three micro formations right now. He already had
the mo matrix on his body. He didn’t need the three formations.

He decided to cultivate his spiritual power.

According to Pu Yao, the road he was on was Star Spiritual cultivation. To Zuo Mo, Star
Spiritual cultivation was slightly novel. Pu Yao’s suggestion was to first strengthen the ten
stars, and he had given the related methods. Zuo Mo only had to absorb star power, then
feed it back to the stars in his sea of consciousness to enlarge his source.

It was coincidentally night now. He walked out of the room, and raised his head to look at
the sky dotted with stars. He split his legs apart, forward and back, his body like a coiled
snake raising its head, his mouth slightly open, his hands pushing on the air by the side,
making an extremely strange and awkward pose.

His mind empty, the consciousness leaf hand spread its five fingers and faced the far
stars like a sunflower.

His breathing slowly disappeared. A thread of star light fell off the star above Zuo Mo’s
head. It was like a silver mist, thread after thread swallowed in Zuo Mo’s mouth.

Zuo Mo felt his mind have a mysterious connection with the star above his head. A vast
and ancient presence, from a deep and unknown place, crossing countless eras, and came
to him. For some reason, his heart felt moved.

A faint silver mist burrowed into Zuo Mo’s mouth, and effortlessly entered his channels.
The ling power in his channels were as quiet as a virgin, not having any enmity against the
star power that had been absorbed into his body. These threads of star power made one
circuit around the channels inside his body, and then entered the space between Zuo Mo’s
brows like a sparrow returning to its nest.

In the void above the sea of consciousness, thread after thread of silver mist entered a
dim star.

Pu Yao looked at the star above his head and then took away his gaze. He opened his
hand. On his palm, there was a puddle of black water. In the center of the black water, there
was a miniature altar floating.

Nether Pool!

“Finally formed!” Pu Yao said to himself, “Hopefully this will work.”

Finishing, he threw the puddle of black water towards the ground. The hand sized Nether
Pool expanded in a blink to a black pond about one and a half mu large. On the altar floating
in the center, an enchanting black flame jumped.

Pu Yao flew onto the altar. The black fire surrounded him and burned silently. The black
water in the Nether Pool roiled as if there were countless serpents restlessly swimming
under the surface.

Pu Yao closed his bloody pupil, his expression solemn. He suddenly shouted, “Rise!”

The altar under Pu Yao’s feet suddenly had an astounding power to attract, all the black
water in the pool flooding towards the altar. The black water quickly flooded the altar,
reaching up to Pu Yao’s feet. Pu Yao did not move, allowing the black water to creep up
over his feet.

In a blink, the black water was above Pu Yao’s head.

An enormous ball of black water stood on the altar. The scene seemed extremely
unbalanced. Compared to the black water ball, the altar was pitifully small, making one
worried that the enormous black water ball would crush the altar into pieces.

Yet this crude altar was as steady as rock.

The black water covering Pu Yao flowed restlessly and sped up.


An hour later, the speed the black water ball was spinning at was at an astounding level.
The hissing of high spinning speed was not sharp, but still frightening.
Having finished his cultivation, Zuo Mo noticed the abnormality in his sea of
consciousness. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was very shocked.

What was Pu Yao doing?

The spinning of the black water ball was still increasing. Zuo Mo sensitively noticed that
as the spinning increased, the black water ball started to show signs of instability.

“What does this guy want to do?” Zuo Mo muttered, not daring to move his eyes away.

The spinning speed of the black water ball was still increasing. The signs of instability
were increasing. The spherical black water ball was majorly distorted.

It seemed the situation wasn’t good! Zuo Mo was slightly worried.

Just as the black water ball seemed to be on the verge of collapse, light suddenly shone
on the altar, and a heavy presence that was filled with vitality cover the sea of

Wait a moment!

Zuo Mo’s eyes widened. He was too familiar with this presence!

Earth energy! This was earth energy!

Having been slightly worried, Zuo Mo instantly felt discontent. So this guy had stored the
earth energy he had drawn out in the altar. Thinking about the pain he had endured when
the earth energy had been drawn out, he gritted his teeth.

Other than anger, he became even more curious.

What was Pu Yao doing?

Clearly, the “yao method” that Pu Yao was conducting was something he had aimed for a
long time ago. No matter if it was the Nether Pool, or the earth energy that the other had
drawn out, Pu Yao had prepared for a long time. There were many methods in the world,
especially the methods of yaomo. Zuo Mo was too lazy to guess. He definitely would not
guess it.

He decided to sit and wait for Pu Yao to finish.

With the help of the earth energy, the high speed spinning black water ball quickly
stabilized. The stable black water ball started to increase speed again.

The altar continuously provided earth energy. Zuo Mo’s eyes became even more
unfriendly. How much earth energy had the guy drawn out of him!
Suddenly, Zuo Mo raised his head and made a sound of surprise.

The ever accelerating black water ball suddenly started to change. With speed visible to
the naked eye, it quickly became clear. In the span of a few blinks, the black water ball
became a peerlessly clear water ball. He could clearly see Pu Yao inside the water ball.

Through the high speed water, Zuo Mo saw Pu Yao and instantly jumped in fright.

Pu Yao’s entire body was as black as ink, the skin exposed to the outside looked as
though it had been dyed black. The two red crystals on his earlobes became even more
alluring in contrast to the deep black. Zuo Mo almost did not recognize Pu Yao. He started
to become nervous – pain made its way onto Pu Yao’s face.

Pu Yao had never shown this kind of expression before!

What was this guy doing? Did something happen? Zuo Mo thought uncertainly.

Earth energy continuously burrowed from the altar into the water ball and then into Pu
Yao’s body. The earth energy seemed to be able to lessen Pu Yao’s pain. Pu Yao’s expression
slowly steadied.

The black on his body started to fade. The speed of the water ball slowly slowed.

When the black completely faded, the water ball also stopped.

Through the round ball of water, a handsome and enchanting male stood.

He opened the narrow right eye that was not covered by his hair.

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo learns from nature. Pu Yao makes an appearance after
some time away. Zuo Mo finally realizes that Pu Yao’s been scheming against him for a long

The only method I’ve found at the moment that doesn’t require editing links in every
post is the one below. It has all the posts I’ve ever made since I’m using the archive
shortcode. Other shortcodes have post limits so this is the only unlimited one. Opinions?

-- 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S13-C01 “Travel Ten Thousand Miles” Ascending,

Do Not Disturb Chapter Four “New Year’s Red Envelopes” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony
of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty Five “Seed” Ascending, Do Not Disturb
Chapter Two “Lie” Ascending, Do Not Disturb Chapter Three “World of Cultivation”
Ascending, Do Not Disturb Chapter One “Miracle” and Summary 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty Four “Lava and Madness” 傲风
An Unyielding Wind V01-S12-C04 “The Inexhaustible Life Ring” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind V01-S12-C03 “Party” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S12-C02 “The Ferocious Chi”
Why I now have a tip jar … … 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S12-C01 “Ascension of
the Monarch” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty
Three “The Abyss Rift” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S11-C04 “Reap What
One’s Sown” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S11-C03 “Furious Levelling Up” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty Two “Base” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S11-C02 “Regent Beast Tamer” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-
S11-C01 “Magic Beast Siege” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S10-C04 “Switch, Start” 4.6
Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty One “Settling and
Traveling Afar” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S10-C03 “See Who Deceives Who” 傲风
An Unyielding Wind V01-S10-C02 “Central Cloud City” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-
S10-C01 “Visiting Official, Radiance Envoy” Random Statistics and Year Conclusion
Part VII Licensing Part VI Top Original Publishers Part V How long do you have to
wait for the ending? a.k.a time to completion Part IV The 200 most popular words in
novel titles Part III Efficiencies of scale? : Dominance of multi-person
translator groups 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S09-C04 “I Will Block For You” Part II
Exponential growth: Chinese projects soon to overtake Japanese? Part I The state
of affairs Asian Fan Translation Trends 2018 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S09-C03
“Famed In Neversetting Sun” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S09-C02 Show of
One’s Ability 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty
“Air Storage and Immune System” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume
Two Chapter Nineteen “The Desolate World” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S09-C01
“Seen By Tens of Thousands” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C07 “Challenge” 傲风
An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C06 “We Came For Him” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume Two Chapter Eighteen “Preparations To Land” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind V01-S08-C05 “Return To The City” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C04
“Thief” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C03 “Battle Armor” Zhui Xu Chapter Twelve
“Water Point Poetry Conference” Zhui Xu Chapter Eleven “Upon The Pleasure Boats”
4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Seventeen “The
Evolution of the Exoskeleton” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C02 “Ascending
A Rank” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C01 “Chi” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-
S07-C06 “Sacred Beast Guardian” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S07-C05 “A
Huge Herd” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S07-C04 “Trick Him” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind V01-S07-C03 “The Secret Land” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume
Two Chapter Sixteen “Strange Crystals and Shallows” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume Two Chapter Fifteen “The Desert In The Dark Night” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S07-C02 “Crimson Forge” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S07-
C01 “Searching For The Fire Dragon Fruit” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution
Volume Two Chapter Fourteen “The Light of the Future” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume Two Chapter Thirteen”Prelude to the Storm” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind V01-S06-C05 “Look Under My Feet” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S06-C04
“Company Leader” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S06-C03 “First Show of Ability(3)” 傲
风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S06-C02 “First Show of Ability(2)” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twelve “Explore” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Eleven “Small But Complex” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Ten “The Organisms of the Sand”
4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Nine “Leaving The Ice”
4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Eight “New
Nutrient System” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S06-C01 “First Show of Ability(1)” 4.6
Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Seven “Inside” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S05-C06 “Setting Off On A Journey” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind
V01-S05-C05 “A Personage” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Fifteen “The Ending” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Fourteen “Pride” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Thirteen
“Response” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Twelve
“Youqin’s Ten Years of Preparation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine
Hundred and Eleven “Lin Qian’s Counterattack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Nine Hundred and Ten “Lin Qian’s Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Nine Hundred and Nine “Sword God Wei Sheng!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Eight “The Chief Mo God’s Madness” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Seven “The Dawn Is Near” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Six “The Death of Mi Nan” World of
Cultivation: Finale Event 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Five “Wei Sheng’s Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Four “Bie Han Vs Mu Xuan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Three “In The Name of Eldest Shixiong” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine
Hundred and Two “The Final Battle of the Strongest and God-Level” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and One “How Have You Been?” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred “Fight To The Death” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Nine “Horn! God-Level!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Eight “Strong Attack” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Seven “Liang Wei’s Plan” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Six “Have To Fight!” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Five “An Unexpected
Occurrence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Four
“Response” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Three
“Action” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Six “The
Clogged Immune System” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Ninety Two “Planning and Movement” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Ninety One “New King, Old King” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eight Hundred and Ninety “Hai Xin Bing’s Death” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S05-
C04 “In the Bar” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S05-C03 “Rob” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eighty Nine “Absolute Power” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight “When Did I Allow You To Use
The Name of Nether Realm” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Eighty Seven “Facing Off” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Eighty Six “Presence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Eighty Five “The Last Chance” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Eighty Four “Advance” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Eighty Three “The First Battle” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two
Chapter Five “Unicellular and Multicellular” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S05-C02
“Invitation from the Castellan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Eighty Two “Taking The Lead” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Eighty One “The Terrible State of Affairs” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Eighty “Pu and Wei” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy Nine “Meetup” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy Eight “Ten Years!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy Seven “New King” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-
S05-C01 “Neversetting Sun” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Seventy Six “Shi” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy
Five “Reunion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy
Four “Change” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy
Three “Forming Beads In The Death Eye” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Seventy Two “The King’s Horn” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eight Hundred and Seventy One “Three Hundred Pieces of Shen Equipment” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy “Fire Cemetery” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S04-C05 “Eat Him” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Sixty Nine “Change” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume
Two Chapter Four “The Ediacaran Worm” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S04-C04
“Scheme” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Sixty Eight
“Counterattack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Sixty
Seven “Person In The Cloak” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S04-C03 “Competition” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Sixty Six “Sea of Ten
Thousand Boiling Pools” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Sixty Five “Ghost Fire Forging” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Sixty Four “Refining the Shen Bone” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Sixty Three “Preparations” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Sixty Two “Base Shen Power” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eight Hundred and Sixty One “Yin Tomb Ghost Lord” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume Two Chapter Three “Mothership” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Sixty “Transaction” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S04-
C02 “Blue Eyes Like The Sea, Genius!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Fifty Nine “Lan Bing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Fifty Eight “Qing Xiao” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S04-C01 “I Will
Remember You” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S03-C07 “Someone Familiar” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Seven “Guidance” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Six “Mine” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Five “Conflict” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Four “Qing Xiao” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Two “Departure” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Three “Golden Chariot” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S03-C06 “Slaughter of God” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S03-
C05 “Transformation, Choice” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Fifty Two “Coffin Puller” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Fifty One “The Changes In The World” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eight Hundred and Fifty “Nothing To Do With Rationality” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Nine “Are You Willing” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter One “After the Sleep” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Eight “Pu and Wei” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Seven “Each Person’s Intentions” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Six “Glyph Sea” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Five “Surging Power” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Four “Lin Qian” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Twenty Four “The First Great Mass
Extinction” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Twenty
Three “Anomaly” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty
Three “God-Level!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty
Two “Great Trouble” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty
One “Destruction” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty
“This Is Mo Cloud Sea!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Thirty Nine “A Reason To Fight” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Thirty Eight “I Am The King Of Mo Cloud Sea” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Seven “Chief Elder Burning” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Six “Lil’ Fire” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Five “Tian Huan Chief Elder” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Four “Tian Huan’s Charge” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Three “Intentions” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Two “Counter-
Attack (4)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty One
“Counter-Attack (3)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty
“Counter-Attack (2)” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter
Twenty Two “Explorer” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Twenty Nine “Counter-Attack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Twenty Eight “Gap” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and
Eight “Epilogue” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty
Seven “Yang Yuan Hao’s Decision” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Twenty Six “Familiarity Caused by Inspecting The Spoils” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty Five “Breakthrough” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty Four “Zuo Mo’s Fury” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty Three “Weaving
Girl’s Shuttle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty Two
“Ming Yue Ye” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty One
“Unexpected” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and Seven
“Eight Treasures Trousseau” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred
and Six “The Dust Has Settled” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One
Chapter Twenty One “Eye” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One
Chapter Twenty “Evolve!” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred
and Five “Chaotic Night” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Twenty “Trap” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Nineteen
“Struggle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eighteen
“Hidden Trump Card” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Seventeen “Zhong De’s Made Idea” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Sixteen “The Change Among The Yao” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifteen “Yang Yuan Hao’s Dilemma” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fourteen “Hostage” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and Four “The Winds Rise Again” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and Three “No Blood On The Sword” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and Two “No Response” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirteen “Allies” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twelve “The Chief Tower” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eleven “Tian Huan’s Attack From All Fronts”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ten “Awaken” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Nine “Danger” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eight “Descendant of Greenvine” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seven “Coral Fire Perch” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and One “Criminal Servant” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred “Second Empress” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety Nine “Who Is Scheming?” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Six “Summer Palace” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Five “Mo Cloud Sea Is Coming!” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Four “Victory” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Three “Solitary Dance the Great Dark
Wheel Phoenix” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Two “Zuo
Mo’s Heart” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred “The Little
Tenth Grade” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred “Sneak Attack” 八
宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety Eight “Sides” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Ninety Seven “Let’s Have A Child” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Ninety Six “Afraid of the Wife?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Ninety Nine “Ambush” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind
V01-S03-C04 “Hopeless Situation, Never Leave Behind” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Eight “Comprehension” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind
V01-S03-C03 “Too Shameless” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S03-C02 “Drive
Them Mad” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven
“Kun Lun Soul” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Six
“Rain Commanding Banner” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Ninety Five “Yield” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Ninety Four “Encountering Tian Huan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven
Hundred and Ninety Three “Ghost Mist Child” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Ninety Five “Impossible to Grasp” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Ninety Four “Honest Talk” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety Three
“Layers of Conspiracy” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety Two
“Mourning” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Two
“Mist Eye Tablet” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety
One “The Power of Gluttons” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S03-C01 “Cause” 4.6
Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Nineteen “Protrude” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety “Totem Coliseum” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Nine “Sin Battalion” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Eight “Divide” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven “The Anger of Lotus
Sutra Temple” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Six
“Arsonist” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety One “Hang Oneself” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety “The Hua Family’s Daughters” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Nine “Burial” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Eighty Eight “Death of a Phoenix” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Five “Bie Han” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Four “Trump Card” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Three “Youqin Lie’s Skills” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Two “A Battle of Charges” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty One “Opportunity” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty “Confidence” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Nine “Cang Ling Xue” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Seven “Poison” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Eight “Bie Han! Madman!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven “Mountain of Meat” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Six “Wei Sheng’s Sword” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Five “Act” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Four “Shock” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Three “Enemy Encounter”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Two “Glittering”
八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Six “Warning” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Five “Love Begets Hate” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Eighty Four “Catching Fish in Muddy Waters” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy One “Treasure Seeking” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy “Green Silk” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Nine “Test” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Eight “A Fatal Temptation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Seven “Bronze Hoop Remnant”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Six “[Bird Mission]”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Five “Lil’ Black’s
Achievement” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Three “Moves” 八宝妆
Eight Treasure Trousseau Chapter Eight Two “Presents” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Eighty One “Truth and Lies” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Four “Nine Great Dhyana Sects” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Three “Chao Xin’s Plan” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Two “The Bird With the
Domineering Presence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Sixty One “The Changes of the Little Ones” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Sixty “Zong Ru and Yi Qing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Nine “Wolf-Head Thousand Monster Camp” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Eight “Cutting One’s Flesh, and
Inspiration” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty “Close and Distant” 八
宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Nine “Preference” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Eight “The Empress Dowager’s Thoughts” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Seven “Danger” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Six “The Uninhibited Chao Xin”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Five “Shen
Device Part” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Four
“Alliance With Xi Xuan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Fifty Three “Commander-in-Chief Bie Han” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Fifty Two “The Little Ones” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Fifty One “Zong Ru Leaving Seclusion” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Seventy Seven “Promise” 八宝妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau
Chapter Seventy Six “True and False Intentions” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Seventy Five “The Winds Rise Again” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Fifty “[Black Fire]” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven
Hundred and Forty Nine “Starting From The Beginning” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Eight “The Beginning of Expansion” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Seven “The Last Straw” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Six “Shen Device” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Five “New Era! 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Four “The Identity of the
Old Man” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Four “Henpecked” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Three “Mentality” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Two “Panic” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Three “Strategy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Two “Intensify” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty One “Fire Battle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty “Rage” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine “Someone From The Past” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight “Auction” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Seven “Entering The City” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy One “Assassin?” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Seventy “Death of the Crown Prince” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Sixty Nine “Critically Ill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Thirty Six “Won’t Forget, Even In Death” Zhui Xu Chapter Ten
“How Long Will The Full Moon Appear” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S02-C05
“Divine Beast” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S02-C04 “Tide” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind
V01-S02-C03 “Starry Night” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One
Chapter Eighteen “The Path of Multicellularity” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume One Chapter Seventeen “A Flashing Cavern” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Five “Kun Lun’s Spirit” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Four “Ancient Shen Device” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Three “Battlefield!” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Two “King’s Forbidden
Firmament” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty One
“Act” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty
“Silent Arrival” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Eight “Conduct and
Appearance” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Seven “Match
in Heaven” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Six “Life and Death” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Nine “The Prologue to
the Feast” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Eight
“Threats” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Seven
“Ghost Soldier” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Six
“The Entrance of the Yin Energy Cave” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven
Hundred and Twenty Five “Shen Power Warrior” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Four “An Unexpected Occurrence” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Three “A Snowy
Blue Flower” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Five “Snowy Night” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Four “Fighting” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Sixty Three “Difficulty” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Twenty Two “Progress” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Twenty One “Swear By The Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty “Trembling In Fear” 修 真 世 界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Nineteen “That Set of Jinzhi” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighteen “Pseudo-Shen Device The Angel
Device Raiment” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Seventeen “The Mysterious Old Man” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S02-C02
“Emancipation” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S02-C01 “Dignity is Priceless” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixteen “Angel Device Raiment” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Two “Chu Yu” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Sixty One “Paternal Family” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Sixty “Benevolence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Fifteen “The Monarch of Mo Weapons” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Fourteen “A God’s Descent” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirteen ” The Continuation of the Explosive Weapon
Style (3)” A Rough Overview of Novelupdates, and possibly Asian Novel Fan
Translation and other things 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Twelve ” The Continuation of the Explosive Weapon Style (2)” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eleven ” The Continuation of the Explosive
Weapon Style (1)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ten
“Explosive Weapon Style (3)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Nine “Explosive Weapon Style (2)” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Fifty Nine “A Suspicious Good News” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty
Eight “End Of The Matter” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty Seven
“Showing Weakness” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eight
“Explosive Weapon Style (1)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Seven “Mysteries” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Six”The Mysterious Old Man” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Five “All Sides” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Four
“Take Into Control” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Three
“Interference” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Two “The
Snow of the Blue Flower” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty Six
“Support” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty Five “Heart To Heart” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and One “City Market” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Sixteen “Water Current” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred “Old and Cunning” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind Chapter Five “Provocation” (V01-S01-C05) 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Nine “Zuo Mo’s Goal” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Eight “The Unexpected Guest” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Seven “The Domineering Tang Chen” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Six “Sky Snake Ten
Manifestation Pike” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety
Five “The Presence of Earth Level Mo Weapon” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Fifty Four “Pity” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty Three “The
Empress’ Hate” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Four
“Weapon Layering Craftsmanship” 修真 世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Ninety Three “A Complete Set of White Ridge Snake Bones” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Two “Feng Xin Zi” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety One “Bu Zhou City” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind Chapter Four “Invitation” (V01-S01-C04) 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety “The Gravestone Oath” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Nine “Shen Crystal” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Eight “Rock” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Fifty Two “Everyone Is A Good Actor” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Fifty One “The Foolish Crown Prince” 修 真 世 界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Seven “The Hero and the Beauty” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Six “The Mo Gods Emerge,
The World Is Left Astounded” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and
Eighty Five “Becoming Better” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind Chapter Three “Changes”
(V01-S01-C03) 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Four
“Ambush” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Three
“Explanations of Shen Power” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and
Eighty Two “God-killing Blood Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Eighty One “Zuo Mo’s Transformation” 八 宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Fifty “Suspicions” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Forty Nine “The Miscarriage of Hou shi” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Eighty “The Competitive Pair” Not the one you are waiting for. 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind Chapter Two “Give You A Punch” (V01-S01-C02) 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy Nine “A Gui” Zhui Xu Chapter Nine
“Vision of the Future” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter
Fifteen “Infector” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy
Eight “Nether Decay Reincarnation Lotus” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Seventy Seven “Seeds of Conspiracy” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind Chapter
One “Seventh Young Master” (V01-S01-C01) 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Seventy Six “Cunning Killing Move” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy Five “Disheveled” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy Four “Wei Sheng’s Sword Oath” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Eight “Heavy Doubts” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Forty Seven “Clear” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Seventy Three “Do Not Touch” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution
Volume One Chapter Fourteen “Fright In The Dark” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy Two “Return and Kill” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy One “Creation of the Talisman” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy “Twenty Six Years Ago” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Nine “Shen Technique” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Eight “Ji Zheng” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind Prologue “Light” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Sixty Seven “Nasty” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Six “Change
In Opinion” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Five “Assassination” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Six “The World Stunned”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Five “Pu Yao and Wei’s
Conspiracy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Four
“Danger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Three 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Two 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty One 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Sixty “Destiny” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty
Four “Accident” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Three
“Showing Love” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Thirteen
“Explode!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Nine “Li
Xian Er” Zhui Xu Chapter Eight “Huyan Leifeng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Fifty Eight “The Black Smoke Yao’s memory Piecing Art” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Seven “Tang Battalion” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Six “Gu Liang Dao’s Choice” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Five “Relations” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Four “Gu Liang Dao” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Three “A Gui’s Attack” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Two “The Truth Was True …” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty One “Laurel Flower Wine” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Two “Struggle” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty One “When He’s Sick, Take His Life!” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty “Rebirth” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Nine “Sun Crystal Seed’s Ten Crow
Celestial Domain” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Eight
“No Return” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Seven
“Transformation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Six
“Chained Together” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty
“Congratulations” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Nine “Qinwang”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Five “Life-Death Lock
Separation Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty
Four “The Golden Crow Battering Ram” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Forty Three “Deadlock” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Forty Two “Wu Yu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Forty One “Together” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and
Forty “The Black Gold Seal Soldier VS Qian Qing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Nine “Divine Moon” 八 宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Thirty Eight “Do Not Have To Worry” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Thirty Seven “Invitation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Thirty Eight “Mister Tong” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Thirty Seven “Arrival of Marshal Yu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Six “A Sudden Appearance” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Five “The Blade Unsheathed” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Four “Cut Off” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Three “Center Formation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Two “Weakness” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Six “Fake Gentleman” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty One “Charge” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty “The Eve” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Nine “Fight” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Twenty Eight “Water Curtain” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Seven “The Ming Bandits” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Six “A Sword Strike and A Block” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Five “Assimilation” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Five “Hardship” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Four “Attack” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Three “The Dragon Claw Coming Into
The World” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Two “Anti
Dragon Claw” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty One
“One Sword Strike From Lin Qian!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Twenty “Lie Becoming Truth” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Nineteen “World” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and
Eighteen “Activation” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Four “The
Fang Family” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventeen
“Little Landlord” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixteen
“Tattletale” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifteen “Each
With Their Plan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fourteen
“The Awoken Black Gold Seal Soldier” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Thirteen “Conspiracy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Twelve “The Mud Golem Mo Visitor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Eleven “Ambush” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Thirty Three “Lu shi’s Anger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Ten “Drink Wine” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Nine “Princess Xia” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eight
“Insider Information” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seven ”
‘Special’ “ 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Six “Reversed Stellar
Revolution” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Five “Peacock
King Plume” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Four “Peacock
Eyespot Domain” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Two 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Three “Granny Meng Ghost Wine” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Two “The Drunken Little Mo Ge”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and One “The Intolerant Lil’ Miss”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred “The Intuition of A Woman” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Nine “Night Visit” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Eight “Highest
Priority Order” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety
Seven “Shen Power Breathing” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty One
“Provocation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Six
“Great Peace Treasure Pavilion” Richest Chinese Webnovel Author Ranking 2016 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Five “Smooth Talker” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Four “Underhanded” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Three “The Sin
Battalion’s Jinzhi” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety
Two “Giving A Helping Hand” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Ninety One “Old Acquaintances” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume
One Chapter Twelve “War” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Ninety “Waiting” 八 宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty “Peaceful
Relations” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Nine “A
Domineering Fire of The First Heavenly Stem” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and Eighty Eight “The Azure Air Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Seven “Tit for Tat” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Six “A Strong Presence” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Five “Gamble” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Four “Low Opinion” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred Eighty Three “Ripples” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Twenty Nine “Pass Away” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred Eighty Two “Honing Their Blades” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty One “Shifting Star Sand” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty “Arcing Rainbow Battle Formation” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy Nine “Bodhisattva’s
Raging Lotus” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy Eight
“Qi Diao Yu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy Seven
“Please Call Me Xiao Mo Ge” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Seventy Six “Enemy Invasion” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty
Eight “A Beauty’s Anger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Seventy Five “Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy
Four “Domineering” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter
Eleven “Mutualism” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy
Three “Pang Chen” Cast List (in brevi): Secret update somewhere. 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy Two “Confidence and Going All Out” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy One “Mo Skill Steles”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy “Causes and
Consequences” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty Nine –
“Lan Tian Long” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty Seven “The
Difference” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty Eight “The
Immortal Great Peace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty
Seven “The Seeds Sprouting” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Sixty Six “Bu Heng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty
Five “Yao Summons Response” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Sixty Four “New Discovery” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Sixty Three “Fight!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Sixty Two “Business” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty Six “Sisters”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty One “The Beginning
of War” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty “Departure” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Nine “Meeting Up” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Eight “Light” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Seven “Screw Live and Die Together” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Six “Ten Crow Celestial
Apparatus” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Five “An
Unusual Breakthrough” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty Five
“Closeness” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Four
“Solution” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Three
“Fragments” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Two
“White Fang Mo Matrix” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Fifty One “Good That Came With The Bad” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Fifty “Success” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Forty Nine “The Mountain Dragon Corps” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Forty Eight “Incurable” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Twenty Four “Undercurrents” Zhui Xu Chapter Seven “Mount Yu School” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Seven “Jie Master Ceng Yi” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Six “A Daring Idea” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Five “Shattered Stone Chop”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Four “Dong
Zi’s Choice” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Three
“Ka Zhuo” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Two “The
Declining Situation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty
One “Matrix Awakening Master” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty
Three “Anger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty
“Change Position!” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Ten
“Rock” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Nine
“Support” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Eight
“Arrangements” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty
Seven “Shattered Stone” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Thirty Six “Sudden Change!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Thirty Five “Sneak Attack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Thirty Four “Lantern Fire Buddhist Domain” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Twenty Two “To Suspect” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Thirty Three “Sin Battalion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Thirty Two “Bie Han” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Thirty One “The Tribe of Mist People” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty “Ink Jade Bones” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Nine “The Mist People” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Eight “Cloud Messenger” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Seven “Thieving Baldies!” 八
宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty One “Illusion” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Six “Clear Cloud Python” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Nine “Stem Cells” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Five “Cloud Crystal Mist Flow” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Four “Omen” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Three “Xuan Kong Temple” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Two “Beak Island” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty One “Follower” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty “The Master of Cloud Sea” 八
宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty “Drink In Her Stead” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Nineteen “On The Same Path” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighteen “All Hail The King!” Secret
update: Shhhhh. 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventeen
“Who … … Who Is The Mo Here … …” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Sixteen “To Cross Swords” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Fifteen “Dumbstruck Ye Ling” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and Fourteen “Thousand Bird Seal” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Thirteen “When We Made This Decision” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Nineteen “King Xiang Has A Wife” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twelve “A Goal” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Eleven “Hope” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Ten “Sky-Splitting Calamity” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Nine “Inventory II” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Eight “Inventory” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seven
“First Make Up” Zhui Xu Chapter Six “Elder Qin” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and Six “That Herd of White Lambs!” 八宝妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau
Chapter Eighteen “Fatal Case” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Five “Dark Void Fire” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Four “Blood Script Bell” Notice: Broken Laptop 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and Three “Tian Huan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Two “Extreme Joy to Sorrow” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and One “Plough Up The Earth” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred “Rather Than Miss, Kill Wrongly” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Seventeen “Say and Do” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Ninety Nine “Those Daring Die From Bursting” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Eigt “Golden Crow Sacrifice” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Seven “Activation of the Shen Temple”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Six “Shen Technique”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Five “Intuition” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Four “Awaken” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Three “Qing Lin” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Two “Greenwood
Secret Realm” 八宝妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau Chapter Sixteen “All Is Possible” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety One “Rock Wall” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety “Apparition” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Nine “Ambush” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Eight “Wei Sheng’s One Strike”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Seven “Come!” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Six “Lil’ Fire’s … …” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Five “Fire Crow Attacking
The Formation” 八宝妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau Chapter Fifteen “Crown Princess” 修
真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Four “Stage
of Yuanying” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Three
“Elder Shen!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Two
“Brutish Bird” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty One
“Ruins” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Eight “End of
Winter, Beginning of Summer” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Eighty “Winds and Clouds Move” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Seventy Nine “Triumphant Progress” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Seventy Eight “Divine Light” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Fourteen “Undercurrents” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Seventy Seven “Danger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Seventy Six “Soul Setting Divine Light” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Seventy Five “Meridional Azure Aether
Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Seventy Four “A
Visit From Liao Qi Chang” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seventy Three “Fatal Blow” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seventy Two “The Balance Tilts” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Seventy One “Perfect Execution” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Thirteen “Crown Prince” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seventy “Lil’ Miss’ Order” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Sixty Nine “Abrupt Turnaround” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Sixty Seven “Strong Offense” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One
Chapter Seven “Ten Miles Frozen” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Sixty Seven “Strong Offense” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Sixty Six “Five Element Fog Shield” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty Five “Danger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Sixty Four “Attack First!” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Twelve “Breathtaking” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Sixty Three “What Strange Thing Is This?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Sixty Two “Cave Fight” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution
Volume One Chapter Six “Amoeba” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Sixty One “The World Upended” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Sixty “Experts” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Fifty Nine “Counter-Attack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Fifty Eight “Action” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Fifty Seven “Devious” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eleven
“The Omnipresent Rumors” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Fifty Six “Off With A Bang” Zhui Xu Chapter Four “Someone of No Relation” Zhui Xu
Chapter Five “The Hen That Dove Into The River” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Five “Immortal Crossing The Sea” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Four “Financial Crisis” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Three “Spending Jing Like Dirt” 4.6
Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Five “Acid Ejector” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Two “Zuo Mo’s Epiphany” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty One “Post-Epiphany
Lei Peng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty “Black Gold
Seal Soldier” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ten “Return to the
Paternal Home” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Nine
“Institute of Ling Plants” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Forty Eight “The Strong Vermillion Bird Camp” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Forty Seven “On The Island” Zhui Xu Chapter Three “Group: Old
Man, Little Servant Girl and Second Generation Good-For-Nothing” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Six “A Shocking Statistic” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Four “Evolution” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Five “Ren Cloud Island” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Three “Enormous Food” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Two “The Initial Eye” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter One “The Beginning Cell” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Four “Xie Shan’s Ling Power”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Three “Collision” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Nine “True Self” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Two “Women Like You” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty One “Rules?” Zhui Xu Chapter Two
“Poems and Chess” Zhui Xu Chapter One “The Son-In-Law of the Su Family” Zhui Xu
Prologue 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty “Xu
Ling City” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Nine
“Cloud Sea Jie” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Eight
“Victory” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Seven “Zuo
Mo’s Sneak Attack” Part Two 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Thirty Seven “Zuo Mo’s Sneak Attack” Part One 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Eight “Not As The Rumors Say” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Thirty Six “The Unforeseen Consequences of Lei Peng’s Blow” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Five “Red Eyes” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and and Thirty Four “Formation Change”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Three “Grapple” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Two “Kun Lun” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty One “Flower Slaves” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty “Black Horn
Rhinoceros Mo” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seven “The Beautiful
Wang Fu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Nine “Mo
Battle Methods” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty
Eight “Conspiracy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty
Seven “Black Leech Defense Line” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Twenty Six “Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Five “Super Monster Ship!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Four “Frenzy of Forging” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Three “The Thoughts of
A Genius” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Six “The People of the
Inner Palace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Two
“Tyrant” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty One “An
Insane Idea” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty
“Very Normal” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Nineteen
“Forced to the Precipice” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Eighteen “Sandstorm” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seventeen “Sea of Golden Crystal Sand” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Sixteen “Strange Corpse” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Five “Thanking” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifteen
“Crowd of Monsters” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Fourteen “Fiend Corpse” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Thirteen “Snowflake Strangulation Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Twelve “Collide” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Eleven “Juxtaposition” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Ten “Snowflake Flood” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Nine
“The Flame Boring Yao” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Four “Dazzling
The Eyes” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eight “The
Choices of a Beginner?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seven “Acceptance of Battle Invitation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Six “Let’s Have A Fight!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Five “Yu Heng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Four “Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Three
“Collision!” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Three “Wedding” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Two “The Results From Ming Jue Zi’s
Investigation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and One 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred “Draft Notice” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Nine “Weaknesses” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Eight “The New Mood of Golden
Crow Camp” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Seven
“Totem Fragments” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety
Six “News” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Five
“Gold Battle General” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Two “Familial Love”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Four “Speculation”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Three
“Buddhahood Abandonment Death Wish” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Ninety Two “Making A Wish” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety One “Great Mo Physique” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety “Working Together” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Nine “The Goal” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Summary and Chapter 1 “The House of Hua has a Daughter” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Eight “Fantasy
Flame Tornado” 40,000 Cultivation Era Preamble, Summary and Chapter 1 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Seven “Mo Ru Huo” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Six “Cang Lin” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Five “The Fame of a Brute” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Four “New Tenant” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Three “You
Should Die!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Two
“Midday Blade Strike” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Eighty One “Walked Out of the Gravestone … …” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Eighty “The Blue Flowers of Qinghua Xue” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Nine “Tide of Battle” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Eight “Black Smoke Yao’s
Suggestion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Seven
“Qinhua Xue” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Six
“We Need Real Combat!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Seventy Five “[Yao Art Cage]” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred
and Seventy Four “[Wasteland Beast Chessboard—Match]” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Three “Orange-Haired Yao” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Two “Golden Soul” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy One “Bounty” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy “Jade Pendant” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Nine “I Am Xiao Mo Ge” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Eight “Battle of Tongues” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Seven “Illusory
Formations and Qinghua Zang Shui” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Sixty Six “Yi Zheng of the Great Buddha Temple 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Five “Let’s Have A Discussion” 美人一笑也
倾城 Mei Ren’s Smile Is Also Alluring “4 Meat Pastry & 5 How It Ended” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Four “Reunion” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Three “The Prison-
Breaking Six” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Two “A
Wen Fighting All Out” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Sixty One “The Childhood Wish” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Sixty “Start” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Fifty Nine “Activation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Fifty Eight “Public Challenge” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred
and Fifty Seven “Shadow Mo Guard A Wen” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Fifty Six “New Changes” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Fifty Five “Bidding” Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei
Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 18 & 19 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Fifty Four “The Wasteland Beast Chessboard” Recap: A Slight
Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 16 & 17 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Three “Spread” Recap: A Slight
Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 14 & 15 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Two “The Reappearance of
Wasteland Sacrificial Art” Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao
Heng Qing Cheng Episode 13 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred
and Fifty One “Thousand Flow Water Breath” Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating
a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 11 & 12 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty “You Dare Attack Ge!” Recap: A Slight Smile is
Devastating a.k.a. Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 9 & 10 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Nine “Rage” Recap: A Slight Smile Is
Devastating a.k.a. Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episodes 7&8 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Eight “Scheming” A Smile Is
Devastating: Character Profiles Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi
Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episodes 5 & 6 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Forty Seven “One Battle!” Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei
Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 4 Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei
Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 3 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Forty Six “The Prison-Breaking Battle” Recap: A Slight Smile is
Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 2 Recap: A Slight Smile Is
Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 1 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Five “The Prison Battlefield” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Four “Yi Zheng” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Three “Integration” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty One “Nan Yue’s Little
Yao Arts” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty One
“Shidi’s Spell” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty
“Going Fishing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty
Nine “Origin?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty
Eight “Nan Yue” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty
Seven “Crimson Fiend Cauldron” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Thirty Six “Try” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred
and Thirty Five “Gains” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Thirty Four “Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Thirty Three “Fiend Soul Tide” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Two “Fiendish Mist” 修 真 世 界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty One “Disseminating” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty “Shu Long’s Black Halberd” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Nine “The Name Of
Tenth Grade” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty
Eight “Upheaval of Sword Cave” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Twenty Seven “Twin Butterfly” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Twenty Six “Ten Thousand Year Old Ancient Battlefield” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Five “This Is … …” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Four “Ten Finger Prison” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Three “Core
Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Two
“Victory!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty
One “Ambush” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty
“Move Out” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Nineteen “If
You Want a Fight, Fight!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Eighteen “Human Wrecking Ball” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Seventeen “Clouds Gathering” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Sixteen “Enormous Change” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Fifteen “Flower Slaves” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Fourteen “Successive Mo Kill” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirteen “Serpent Transformation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twelve “Zuo Mo’s Fury” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eleven “At The Door” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ten “The Past Grievances” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Nine “The Greatest Gain” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eight “Brute!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seven “Bright Water City” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Six “Spells Entering Formation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Five “Entrance to the Jie River” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Four “Great Day Mo Physique”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Three “Leaving Little
Mountain Jie” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Two “A New
Beginning” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and One
“Desperate Situation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Six to Thirty 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred “Sacrifice” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Nine “The Great Formation and Sonic
Lightning Walnut” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety
Eight “Insanity” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety
Seven “Hardship Guard Armor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Ninety Six “Silver” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Ninety Five “Battle General!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Ninety Four “The Return of Lil’ Miss” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Ninety Three “Great Unexpected Wealth” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Two “Little Mo Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety One “Hong Jun Xuan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety “The Guard Camp Steps Onto the Stage” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Nine “The Reappearance of the
Sound Storm” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Eight
“Fight!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Seven “Cloud
Formation Silk” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eight Six
“Arrival!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Five
“Comprehensions Gained From Forging” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Eighty Four “Great Formation!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Eighty Three “Lil’ Fire” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Eighty Two “Fire Sickle Rock” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Eighty One “Gradual Advance” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty “Prelude” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Seventy Nine “Transaction” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper
Two Hundred and Seventy Eight “The Insane Outer Hall” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Seven “Detection” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Six “An Unparalleled Good Bird” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Five “Circle Kill” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Four “You Eat Meat, We’ll
Drink Soup” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Three
“The Critical Sword Point” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Seventy Two “Huang Zhuo Guang” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Seventy One “Opportunity” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Seventy “Great Harvest!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Sixty Nine “Who The Mother F***ing Are You” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Eight “Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Seven “Ambush” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Six “A Little Harvest” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Five “Silly Bird’s
Shocking Change!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty
Four “The Rudimentary Form” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred
and Sixty Three “Zuo Mo’s Determination” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two
Hundred and Sixty Two “Unprofitable Business” Neophyte Stories “小白文” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty One “Ambush!” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty “The Terrifying Female Xiu” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Nine “Meteor Void Fire” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Eight “Bao Yi Explaining” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Seven “One Small Step” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Six “Variable” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Five “New Sky Glass Wave” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Four “The Metamorphosis of
Jade Metal Head” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty
Three “Golden Crow Walls” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Fifty Two “Fire Paper Method” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Fifty One “Crazy Zuo Mo” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Fifty “Pu Yao’s Insane Suggestion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Forty Nine “A New Plan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Forty Eight “The Problem of Settlement” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Seven “Rainbow Mirage Light” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Six “Ambush” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Five “First Battle” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Twenty One to Twenty Five 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Four “Consensus” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Three “Jade Scroll” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Two “Bao Yi” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Forty One “City Construction” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty “What Was Going On?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Nine “Yao Visiting Wu Kong” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Eight “Sonic Lightning Walnut” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Seven “Reconstructing
The Body” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Six
“New Life?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Five “The
Butcher’s Three Section Wave Killing Charge” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Thirty Four “Fury and Killing Intent” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Three “Bloody Horned Great Serpent” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thrity Two “Gongsun Cha’s Insane
War Tactics” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixteen to Twenty 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty One “Warning” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty “Sky Glass Wave” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Nine “Formation
Breakthrough” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty
Eight “Ma Fan’s Decisiveness” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Twenty Seven “Internal Orders” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Twenty Six “The Stage of Two Mountains” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Five “Breakthrough in Body Cultivation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Four “Pu Yao’s Teaching” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Three “Another
Transaction” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Two
“Lil’ Pagoda’s Levelling Up” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Twenty One “What Is Pu Yao Doing?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Twenty “The Fatal Rotten Metal Silver” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Nineteen “Rewards Conference” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen “Spoils of Victory” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Seventeen “Killing Moves and Ma Fan” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixteen “Gongsun Cha’s
First Battle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifteen “Sustain
Battle Through Battle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Fourteen “A Mountain Of Problems” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Thirteen “Ma Fan Reaching Target” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Twleve “Ge Is Pragmatic” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Eleven “Trash and Poor Ghosts” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ten “Collapse of Order” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Nine “Ma Fan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Eight “Blood Void Movement” 修 真 世 界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Seven “Moon Eye Blackwater Beast” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Six “What Was That?” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Five “War Chess” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Four “Improvement” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Three “Date Seed Ship” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Two “Territory Intrusion” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and One “Armed to the Teeth” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred “Peddling” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Ninety Nine “Beast Service Card” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Eight “What Is The Situation?” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Seven “Ningmai!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Six “News” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Five “Two Transactions” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Four “Golden Armor Guards”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Three “Bountiful
Harvest” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Two
“Buddha Sound Hoop” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Ninety One “The First Battle of the Yin Fire Bead” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Ninety “Going All In” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eleven to Fifteen 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Eighty Nine “Brewing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Eighty Eight “Entering The Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Eighty Seven “Two Hours” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Eighty Six “Sword Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Eighty Five “The Power of the Golden Crow Fire!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Four “Mantis and Oriole” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Three “Black Wind Bandits” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Two “Discovery!” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty One “Familiar Guests” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty “[Great Thousand
Leaf Hands]” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Nine
“Gravestone” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Eight
“Void Pass” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Seven
“Business” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Six
“Brute Strength!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy
Five “Fire!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Four
“Macro Golden Crow Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Seventy Three “Pulling Into The Fold” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Seventy Two “Pu Yao Awakening” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Seventy One “Micro Void Arrow” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy “Nan Ming Zi” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Nine “Wealth Coming From the Sky” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Eight “Desolate Wood Reef”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Seven “The Places Are
The Same, The People Are Not” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Sixty Six “This Land Is Great” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Sixty Five “Wu Kong Expansion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Sixty Four “Sword Essence Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Three “People Don’t Do This” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Two “Reselling” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty One “Forging The Sword Billet” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty “Intense Fire Dan” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Nine “Gains” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Eight “Seclusion” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Seven “Unexpected” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Six “Brothers in Difficulty” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Five “Collision” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four “Moon Chime Sound Storm” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Three “Soul-Tethered Talisman”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Two “Stardust” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty One “Comprehension” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty “New Target” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Nine “Fire” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Eight “Seal Soldier” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Seven “Born to Battle” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Six “Zuo Mo’s Sorrowful Indignation” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Five “Nan Men Yang! A
Real Man!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Four
“Strange” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Three
“Heavyweight News” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty
Two “Seven Plum Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Forty One “Zong Ming Yan VS Zuo Mo” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and and Forty “[Self Separation]” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Thirty Nine “Formation-Defense-Style” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eight “Aggravation and Pleasure” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven “Each Person’s Opponent” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Six “Heart Turn
Sword Essence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five
“Great Pine Pavilion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty
Four “Before The Battle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Thirty Three “Pei Yuan Ran’s Bad Mood” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Thirty Two “Healing Wounds” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Thirty One “The Wondrous Abilities of The Five Colored Pagoda” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty “Seeing Lin Qian Again”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine “Five
Colored Pagoda” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Eight “The Hundred Treasure Flying Pavilion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Twenty Seven “Everyone Is Troubled” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six “Cross-Examination” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five “Final Kill” The Twelve Olympians
Of Chinese Web Novels in 2015 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Twenty Four “Multiple Shadows and Intense Fire” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three “Battle Start” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two “Bet” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Twenty One “Wager” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Twenty “An Irresistible Temptation!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen “Intelligence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen “Between Happiness and Grief” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen “What Happened” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen “Yin Splinter” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen “Exploring the Sword Cave Again” 何为
贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three “Epilogue: That
Is Love” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen “Sword
Test Conference?” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Two “Epilogue: A Legendary Love Story” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Thirteen “Formation Disks” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
One Hundred and Twenty One “Epilogue: Painting of a Beauty” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twelve “Yin Fiends” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter One Hundred and Twenty “Feng Seeks Huang 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eleven “For Tasty Food” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen “The Song Ends, The People Leave”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ten “Four-Turn Fire
Formation!” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Nine “Inky Black Lotus Seed” 何为
贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen “The Lioness From
Hedong Roars” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eight
“Two Paths” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen “A
Heavy Blow” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seven “Seeing
Shixiong Again” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen “A
Liberal Culture” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Six “The
Half-Finished Product Processing Maniac” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
One Hundred and Fourteen “I Am Yours” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Five “Mo Matrix and Yao Seed” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six to Ten 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen “The
Prosperity Blinds One’s Eyes” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Four “Hesitation” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred
and Twelve 修真世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Three
“Inspiration” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Eleven
“Flying Gracefully” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Two
“Couldn’t Understand” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Ten
“Dance” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and One “All In!” 何为贤
妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Nine “The Question of Trust” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred “Bloody Chang Heng” 何为贤妻 To Be
A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Eight “Competing for the Empress’ Favor
Rather Than The Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety Nine
“Seal Soldier” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Seven “Birth
of A Son” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety Eight “Zuo Mo’s Fury and
Heartache” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Six “The Letter
of Divorce” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety Seven “Lin Yuan’s Plotting”
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Five “Fated” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety Six “A Cold Light” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter One Hundred and Four “This Was Good” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Ninety Five “A Method Forced Out” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
One Hundred and Three “Who Misunderstood Whom” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Ninety Four “Why Do My Eyes Always Have Tears” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter One Hundred and Two “East and West” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Ninety Three “Stalagmite Fire” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One
Hundred and One “The Trust of the Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Ninety Two “Yin Fire Bead Chapter” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
One Hundred 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One to Five 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Ninety One “Merging Sword Essences” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Ninety Nine “Decay” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety “Pu
Yao’s Counterattack” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ninety Eight 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Nine “Silly Yao” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Ninety Seven “Overestimating Oneself” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eighty Eight “The Scalping Zombie” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Ninety Six 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Seven “Strong Attack Vs
Strong Attack” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ninety Five “Pregnant” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Six “Wen Fei” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Ninety Four 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Five “Coming Up to
The Door” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ninety Three “An Old Case” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Four “For Jingshi” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Ninety Two “Karma” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty
Three “Brute Force” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ninety One “Who Can
Compare To My Man” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Two “If People
Don’t Get Ill-gotten Gains, They Won’t Be Rich!” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Ninety “The Composure of a Queen” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eighty One “Ling Ying Sect” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Nine “The
New Kui Yuan Palace” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty “A
Transformation On The Gravestone” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty
Eight “Crowned Empress” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Nine “Zuo
Mo’s Decision” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Seven “Stupidity” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Eight “Making A Move” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Six “Our Hougong” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seventy Seven “Plot” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Five
“Entering The Palace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Six “Body
Cultivating Sword Formation” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Four
“Death Of The Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Five “Haze” 何
为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Three “The Oncoming Wind and Rain” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Four “Nightmare” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Two “The Curtain Drops on Qu and Liang” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Three “Inspiritation In An Emergency” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty One “Inviting Humiliation” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seventy Two “Seeing Guests” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Eighty “Don’t Dirty Ben Wang’s Place” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seventy One “A New Experiment” 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Seventy Nine 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy “The Yin Bead” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Eight 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Sixty Nine “Zuo Mo Drooling” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Seven
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Eight “A Rare Leisure” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Six “Truth and Falsehood” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Sixty Seven “Questions and Answers” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Seventy Five “Intelligence Determines Taste” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Sixty Six “Awakening” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Seventy Four “Jealousy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Five “Li Water
Burning Heavens” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Three “The
Things Missed” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Four “Caught It!” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Two 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Sixty Three “The Sect Assessment” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Seventy One 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Two “Lin Qian” 何为贤妻 To
Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy “Your Attack Is Ineffective” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Sixty One “Planning” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Sixty Nine 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty “Comprehension” 何为贤妻 To
Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Eight 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty
Nine “Practicing Sword In The Water” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Sixty Seven 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Eight “Terror” 何为贤妻 To Be
A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Six “Intentions?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Fifty Seven “Like Fire” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Five “Decision” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Six “Determination” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Four “Disparity” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Fifty Five “Going To Get Rich?” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Three
“Trapping Ning Wang” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Four “Fire” 何为贤
妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Two “Reality” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Fifty Three “Great Strength Pill” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Sixty One “Bamboo Stick” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Two “All In!” 何
为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty “Er Ge, Are You Showing Off Your Love” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty One “Attack” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Fifty Nine “The Grace of The Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Fifty “Finding The Way” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Eight
“Assassination” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Nine “Purchase Order” 何
为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Seven “Husband and Wife On A
Trip Together” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Eight “The Black-Hearted
Records Room” 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Six “Schemes
of Brothers” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Seven “Shixiong Xu Yi” 何为
贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Five “Fortune and Misfortune” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Six “Zhuji” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Fifty Four “Losing the Heart of the Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Forty Five “Struggle” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Three
“Road” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Four “A Tragedy Caused By One
Piece of Jingshi” 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Two “Jing
Guifei’s Strategy” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Three “First
Grade Lingdan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Two “Dan Completed” 何
为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty One “Shameless Woman” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty “Rumors” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty
One “Spiritual Power” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Nine “The Honor
of the Imperial House” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty “Aid” 何为贤妻 To
Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Eight “Brothers?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Thirty Nine “Start Making Dan” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Forty Seven “The Imperial Knife Corps” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty
Eight “Fragrant Ginger Yard” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Six “Kui
Yuan Palace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty Seven “Two Blows!” 何为贤
妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Five “High Up Above” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Thirty Six “Encounter Again” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Forty Four “Pointing at the Mulberry Tree and Swearing at the Locust Tree” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty Five “Discovery” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Three 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty
Four “Inner Sect Disciple” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Two 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty Three “The Spring Sprout Jade Medal” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty One 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Thirty Two “Refusal” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty “To Repay
Grievances Fairly” 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Nine &
Forty Supplement 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty One “Choice” 何为贤
妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Nine 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Thirty “Schemes” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Eight “The Woman
In The Rumors” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Nine “Sword Essence”
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Seven “Suspicious” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Twenty Eight “The Doorway” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Thirty Six “Strife” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Five “The
Tian Family” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Seven “Looking Up in
the Darkness” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Six “Appearance
Changed and Mind Erased” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Four
“Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty
Five “Fourth Shigu” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Three “The First
Day of the New Year at Wang Fu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Four
“Finding a Different Way” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Supplement for Chapter
Twenty Nine, Thirty One, Thirty Two, & Thirty Five 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Thirty Two “At The Banquet” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty
Three “Apparition” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty One “One of
Another’s Family” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Two “Silver
Horned Worm” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty “To Be Partial” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty One “One Breath” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Twenty Nine “Yun Qing’s Tragedy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Twenty “Obsession” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Eight
“Lucky Star” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Seven “Damsel-In-
Distress is a Liar” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nineteen “Shixiong
Wei Sheng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighteen “Soup” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Six Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Twenty Six “People Are Not the Same, Roads Are Not the Same” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seventeen “Pu” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Twenty Five “Women” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Four “Zhouli”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixteen “Sword Essence” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Three “Pleading” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Fifteen “Little Yao” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fourteen
“Strange Disease” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Two “To
Cause Ruin” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty One “A Coquettish Smile”
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty One and Twenty Three Supplement
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirteen “Success” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Twenty “Peerless”. 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twelve “[Art
of Flora]” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Nineteen “Choices” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Eleven “The Money Grubbing Zombie” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighteen “Bathing Together” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Ten “Weeds” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine “Forging” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventeen “A Woman’s Heart, A Needle at the Bottom
of the Ocean” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight “Changes” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixteen “Schemes” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven “Ye’ll Wait For You” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifteen “The
Women of the Imperial Palace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six “Highly
Dangerous” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fourteen “A Pig For An
Opponent?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five “Cold Mist Valley” 何为贤妻 To
Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirteen “Jing Fei’s Summons” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Eleven and Twelve Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Twelve “Rage for a Beautiful Woman” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
“Absurdity” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eleven “Confrontation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three “The Little Yard” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two “Jade Stick’ 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Nine &
Ten Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ten “Displays of Affection” 修
真世界 (Xiu Zhen Shi Jie) World of Cultivation Chapter One “[Little Art of Cloud
and Rain]” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Nine “Valued Guests” 何为贤妻 To
be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eight “Chang De Gong Fu” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Six and Seven Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seven
“Qu Qing Ju: He He” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Six “The Beautiful Times
of Lunch” Women (Wife and Concubines) in Historical China (and historical novels)
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Five “I Am A Protector Of Beautiful Women”
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Three & Four Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Four “Embarrassment” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Two Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Supplement
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Three “Wang Ye” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Two “Ce Fei is Still Qie” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One “I
Am A Reasonable Person” 微微一笑很倾城 TV drama- First Photos from Media Visits
微微一笑很倾城 Mei Ren’s Smile Is Also Alluring “2 The Things with Da Shen and Wei
Wei” & “3 The Thing with the Supermarket” 微微一笑很倾城 Outtake “Cong Cong
Raising His Brother” (Parts One & Two) 美人一笑也倾城 Mei Ren’s Smile is Also
Alluring “1 Cohabitation” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Eight “The End” 微微一笑很倾
城 Chapter Forty Seven “The Sun Will Never Set” 微微一笑很倾城 Outtakes One “The
Beauty Rankings” & Three 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Six A “Consummated”
Summer Vacation 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Five “Let Me Be Your Sidekick” 微微一
笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Four “Brilliance” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Three “Just
Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming” 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Forty Two
“The Swimsuit” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty One “His World” 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Forty “The Little Intern” 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Thirty Nine “I’m
Embarrassed” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Eight “Return Slowly As I Wait For You”
微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Seven “Upon The Road, The Flowers Are Blooming” 微
微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Six “Have A Good Trip” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty
Five Supplementing the Dowry 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Four “The Truth” 微微
一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Three “A Narrow Road” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty
Two “Rumours 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty One “Meiren Shixiong” 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Thirty “The Manner Of Those Who Are Strong” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter
Twenty Nine “The Most Terrifying Team In History” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty
Eight “Passed By” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty Seven “I Can’t Stand It” 微微一笑很
倾城 Chapter Twenty Six “One Of Ours” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty Five
“Blitzkrieg” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty Four “The Farewell Match” 微微一笑很倾
城 Chapter Twenty Three “The Most Unlikely Couple” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty
Two “It’s Him” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty One “I Was Waiting For You” 微微一笑
很倾城 Chapter Twenty “I Know” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Nineteen “Realizations” 微微
一笑很倾城 Chapter Eighteen “The Finals” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Seventeen “Give To
My Wife To Toss Around and Play” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter 16 “Be With Me” 微微一笑
很倾城 Chapter Fifteen “Meet Again On The Jianghu” Part Two 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Fifteen “Meet Again on the Jianghu” Part One 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter
Fourteen “The Quest” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirteen “He Is Not Me” 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Twelve White Robes, Red Shadow 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Eleven
“The Video” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter 10 “Evil, Too Evil” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Nine
“The Duel” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Eight An Encounter on the Road 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Seven “The Xiao Yu Family” for 微微一笑很倾城 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Six
“Tagalong Wei Wei” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Five “A Magnificent Wedding” 微微一笑很
倾 城 Chapter Four “Before the Wedding” 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Three “A
Marriage Proposal” 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Two “Groom Kidnapping? ◎______◎”
Introductions and Chapter 1 of 微微一笑很倾城 Mjp, your theory on the last chapter
post about the three alien races fighting for control of the universe is amazing. Zuo
Mo wasn’t totally unaffected by Luo Li’s slaughter of the xiu slaves but in his mind, he
can’t do anything so he turns to focus on his own upcoming battle. “Human” is usually
the default species in fantasy novels, and I’m really happy you thought the xiuzhe as
a whole is an alien race because I’ve tried my best not to use “human” to refer to
them. Fang Xiang does the same.

The human beings are enslaved part is just a little shaky. It hasn’t been shown yet, but
even xiuzhe and yaomo can be slaves. If you are captured by a group, you either join them,
or you get sold. Being free is not the default state but wholesale slavery is prohibited
because the realms do have a government like Kun Lun who won’t allow other sects to
become too powerful in their own territory. So Kun Lun allows the sects in its territory to
enslave the natives of a jie, but usually not the xiuzhe that live in its territory.
Chapter 222
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, Brian, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Two – Lil’ Pagoda’s Levelling Up

Pu Yao stepped out of and off the altar, the water ball collapsing behind him.

His expression was not too good.

“What did you do?” Zuo Mo probed.

“None of your business!” Pu Yao’s expression was dark, his tone unfriendly.

Seeing the sign, Zuo Mo knew that he couldn’t get anything out of Pu Yao and went on his
own business. Ge was busy.

He started to make puppets for the Stone Door Beach that would soon enter his hands.
He had deep confidence in Gongsun Shidi who was a battle crazy maniac. He didn’t know
exactly where the confidence came from. When he thought about it, Gongsun Shidi was just
a beginner, but Zuo Mo’s confidence in his did not lessen because of this.

“Was this the a psychological shadow from having lost in War Chess several times,”
Zuo Mo muttered in his heart.

There were many ways to make puppets. The most commonly seen and crude method
was to use paper and bamboo to make puppets. High level used things like corpses. After
death, corpses would be buried in the ground. Yin and corrosive energies would permeate
for long times, and birth some qualities. But in the eyes of large sects, they still avoided
using corpses. However, that was not difficult or hard to find. They only needed a suitable
corpse, forge it for a bit, and the power would be significant.

Most of the corpses used would rarely be human since no one wanted their own corpses
to be ruined after death. They were mostly animal corpses.

However, Zuo Mo didn’t have the territory needed to find so many animal corpses. The
corpse method was not suited to him. He decided to make the simplest paper puppet, with
bamboo as the skeleton, the paper as the body. Paper puppets could not be greatly relied
upon, but they should manage in mining.

Zuo Mo decided to make one to try first.

He took out a second-grade Rain Consort Bamboo and second-grade yellow paper. After
a while, he finally folded out a paper person. This was the first time he had done this, so his
skill was crude, and the paper figure looked very awkward. Zuo Mo did not care. He took up
the cinnabar brush, and patiently painted characters on the paper person.

After a while, the body of the paper person was covered in squiggly characters. Zuo Mo
put down his pen in satisfaction.

Bending down and pushing it in front of his face, he opened his mouth and blew a breath
full of ling energy onto the paper person. The cinnabar seals suddenly lit up. The paper
person creaked as it moved, and swayed as it struggled to stand up.

The paper person was about one chi high. As it walked, the creak of the paper and
bamboo was endless. Zuo Mo’s mind moved. The paper person awkwardly raised both of
its hands, making him worry that it would scatter into pieces at any moment.


A belt of palm-sized yellow paper suddenly flew out of the arm of the paper person.
Different than the awkwardness of the paper person, the yellow paper that flew out was
very nimble, accurately grasping a fist-sized rock. The paper belt shrunk back with the rock
and flew in front of the paper person.


Zuo Mo looked at the paper puppet and found it more interesting. He controlled the
paper puppet to do all kinds of movements. After a while, the paper person plopped to the
floor, and would not get up no matter how Zuo Mo urged it. Zuo Mo hurriedly inspected the
paper person and found the ling energy of the paper person had been used up.

This couldn’t work. If they stopped after just this little bit, the paper puppets didn’t have
any value at all. He needed a way to increase the ling power of the paper puppets. Zuo Mo
stared at the paper puppet in front of him, thinking inside.

What he used were all low level materials. They could not store much ling power. This
was a problem with all low level puppets.

Zuo Mo suddenly thought of the jingshi talismans. His eyes lit up. Jingshi talismans used
jingshi as the source of ling power and could be used in the long term! After thinking it
through, he felt that this characteristic of jingshi talismans fit his needs.

He wasn’t going to depend on these paper puppets to fight or kill. They were only doing
some hard labor. A steady source of ling power would completely fulfill their needs.

After thinking it through, he instantly made modifications. Inside the body of the paper
puppet, he used thin bamboo to weave a cage that jingshi could be held and then added
new characters along the bamboo skeleton.
The newly modified paper puppet was full of energy. After playing around for several
hours, it showed no signs of exhaustion.

However, Zuo Mo quickly found a new problem. The paper puppet did not know
exhaustion, but after so many hours, Zuo Mo was tired from commanding it. The new
problem was very important. These paper puppets were going to be used in mining. He
couldn’t always stay in the mine and direct them. That wouldn’t be as efficient as him
mining by himself.

To get the paper puppets to mine by themselves and not need his control. If he could do
this, even if the efficiency was low, he would be able to offload the heavy duty of mining. In
any case, he could fold some more paper people!

But quickly, Zuo Mo realized that this problem was beyond his abilities. To make the
puppet able to perceive, that mean that the puppet needed to have intelligence. There were
many ways to create intelligence, but no matter which one, it wasn’t something a ningmai
could do.

Did this idea have to be discarded?

Zuo Mo furrowed his brows and though. There were more and more for him to do. It
would be best if he could split himself in two. Split in two … …

Like a bolt of lightning, he suddenly thought

– Lil’ Pagoda

Something to replace him and connected to his mind, that was Lil’ Pagoda! Lil’ Pagoda
was even able to control a formation as complex and large as the [Skyring Moon Chime
Formation], a dozen or so puppets would be a piece of cake.

Right right! Lil’ Pagoda would be perfect as the supervisor. Zuo Mo instantly felt

Hm, where was Lil’ Pagoda?

Scanning the surroundings, he didn’t find the shadow of Lil’ Pagoda. His mind moved,
wanting to communicate with Lil’ Pagoda, but found that the connection between him and
Lil’ Pagoda seemed to be blocked by an invisible force.

Zuo Mo jumped in fright and started to search.

He quickly found Lil’ Pagoda in the corner of the room. Lil’ Pagoda was silently floating in
the air, surrounded by an invisible pressure.
Silly Bird proudly walked its bird walk around Lil’ Pagoda in circles, occasionally
revealing its concern. Lil’ Black had climbed onto the ceiling, the two antennae on its head
continuously waving.

Seeing Silly Bird and Lil’ Black guarding Lil’ Pagoda, Zuo Mo’s heart felt very warmed.

However, the warmth was quickly smashed to pieces by the roll of eyes that Silly Bird
had thrown over. Silly Bird took back its gaze, raised up her bird head, and continued to
calmly strut its walk. Compared to the rebelliousness of Silly Bird, Lil’ Black was much
warmer and obedient, climbing down from the ceiling, climbing up Zuo Mo’s pants until it
reached Zuo Mo’s palm. The two antennae on its head waving and fawning.

“So good!” Zuo Mo purposefully took out a lingdan and put it in front of Lil’ Black. Lil’
Black started to happily chomp.

Silly Bird responded with a roll of the eyes filled with scorn and disdain, completely

Zuo Mo was very irritated. At this time, a five colored light suddenly appeared on Lil’
Pagoda’s body.

Lil’ Pagoda was leveling up!

The displeasure in Zuo Mo’s heart instantly was thrown away, his eyes unblinking. Silly
Bird also stopped walking and stared at Lil’ Pagoda, the concern in her eyes completely

Lil’ Pagoda was Zuo Mo’s soul-tethered talisman. In the recent past, Zuo Mo had fed it
large amounts of talismans and flying swords. Zuo Mo was not surprised it was leveling up.
Zuo Mo knew pitifully little about soul-tethered talismans, and the grades of normal
talismans were useless for Lil’ Pagoda.

In any case, he only needed to know that Lil’ Pagoda was becoming stronger, Zuo Mo
comforted himself.

Lil’ Pagoda had five levels, and the light released by each level was different. The five
colored lights merged and cycled. Inside the five colored lights, Lil’ Pagoda spun, the lights
becoming even brighter. In a while, Lil’ Pagoda was covered in the blinding five colored
light, and was unable to be seen.

The five balls of colored light dimmed and brightened like it was breathing. Reflecting off
Zuo Mo’s face, it was possible to see the nervousness in his eyes.

This leveling up, what change would happen to Lil’ Pagoda?

After several cycles, the five colored ball steadied. Zuo Mo closed his eyes. He could
barely make out that Lil’ Pagoda was changing.
The steady ball of light slowly dimmed until all the light was gone.

Lil’ Pagoda’s body had become even rounder, the tip of the power almost a ball now. The
eaves were even wider and smooth, giving people the feeling of chubbiness. The little
gourds under the eaves were bigger, and rounder.

Zuo Mo gaped.

These days, did pagodas also get fat?

Lil’ Pagoda shook its body, the chubby five levels of eaves opening and closing like five
little hands that were also waving. It didn’t seem to have woken up, somewhat dizzy.
However, it quickly found Silly Bird guarding it at the side.

The eaves of the five levels opened, and Lil’ Pagoda shook the five colored chubby gourds
on its body as it skipped over to Silly Bird. Then it spat out a grey bead.

Silly Bird skillfully picked up the grey bead and swallowed it.

A tragic and pain filled voice suddenly shook the skies!

“You people! I say, this is why has it been so long since this stuff had come out, you
guys secretly ate it!”

Zuo Mo furiously pointed and swore. He felt his heart was being carved with a knife!
Heavens! The grey bead that Lil’ Pagoda had spat out a material that was not in the five

With Silly Bird’s swallow, Zuo Mo felt the sky and earth turn, he seemed to see a flood
made out of countless jingshi enter Silly Bird’s mouth like a whale swallowing water!

Pain! Pain of the flesh!

Lil’ Black, who had been chewing happily, froze, the antennae that had been waving
freezing in the air. It slowly retreated, step by step, as slow as a turtle. When it found that
Zuo Mo did not seem to notice it, it shot away from Zuo Mo’s body like a black light and

Zuo Mo instantly understood, and gritted out, “Lil’ Black, so you were involved too!”

Lil’ Pagoda timidly hid behind Silly Bird, the chubby body shivering.

Only Silly Bird was not scared, glancing at Zuo Mo, her eyes filled with disdain and scorn.
She picked up Lil’ Pagoda and proudly stalked her bird walk away. On the feathers above
her butt was Lil’ Black that bounced with the strides.

Zuo Mo was so angry he almost spat blood.


Gongsun Cha took back his dissatisfied gaze. The new additions to the troops, training
until they could barely fight, it was not easy. In War Chess, the setup for this was training
took at least one year. Other than that, it would take more than two real battles.

That could only be considered just having formed, and was far from a mature troop. As to
a troop of a hundred battle elite, that was hundreds of li away.

However, the troop in front of him, while far from the troop in Gongsun Cha’s heart, but
it had started to take the shape of a troop.

Like in the areas of organization, like the still immature cooperation.

There wasn’t much technique in training but it wasn’t as though there were no tricks,
such as real combat. Real battles were always able to quickly increase the strength of the

Gongsun Cha stared into the distance, his eyes dark, a cold and cruel smile floating at the
corner of his mouth.

In this hundred battle hell of Little Mountain Jie, did he have to worry there was no
chance for actual combat?

Translator Ramblings: A comedic chapter today. I don’t know what Zuo Mo expected
from his menagerie. He is a terrible role model by certain standards so it is almost his fault
Silly Bird and Lil’ Pagoda turned out this way. The apples does not fall far from the tree. Pu
failed at what he was trying to do and Gongsun Cha starts building a troop.

I got a few comments back about the drop-down menu. Any more?

[archive format=option]
Chapter 223
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Three – Another Transaction

“From today onwards, I do not need earth energy.”

Pu Yao’s words were like a pardon. Zuo Mo felt a heavy weight had come off. The damned
drawing out of earth energy finally ended! Thinking that he didn’t have to endure the pain
of the earth energy being drawn out, he felt very good!

He suddenly thought about the scene in the sea of consciousness. Was it connected? He
remembered that Pu Yao’s face had been very terrible then.

Then he noticed a rare hint of hesitation in Pu Yao’s voice. Zuo Mo did not speak, waiting
for Pu Yao’s next words. Unexpectedly, Pu Yao did not immediately speak, but remained
silent for a long time.

Just as Zuo Mo almost couldn’t bear it, Pu Yao finally spoke, “Let’s do a business.”

“What business?” Zuo Mo’s guard rose up, the shock in his heart growing stronger. Pu
Yao’s voice was full of sternness. The more Pu Yao acted out of the ordinary, the more
careful he was. He needed to be careful every time he talked business with Pu Yao.

“Help me analyze mo matrixes.” Pu Yao’s tone was light.

“Mo matrixes?”

“Yes,” Pu Yao looked at Zuo Mo, “I have a use for them.”

“What mo matrixes?” Zuo Mo asked in puzzlement.

Pu Yao thought and then said, “Higher level mo matrixes, I’ll provide you with

This was too general. Zuo Mo warily shook his head. “You understand mo matrixes
better than I do, I can’t help you.”

Even the mo matrix on his body had been carved by Pu Yao. In terms of understanding of
mo matrixes, Zuo Mo thought that he couldn’t compare to Pu Yao. Zuo Mo found it strange
that Pu Yao had turned and asked him to analyze mo matrixes.
Pu Yao was not angry. Glancing at Zuo Mo, he said, “You are not wrong, but this only
shows that I’ve lived longer than you. Even though I do not want to admit it, but you are
the most talented person I’ve seen with formations. Right now, you cannot overcome
me, but you have the potential, this is heaven given talent.”

Seeing Zuo Mo keeping his silence, Pu Yao continued, “I am not in a rush. I have enough
patience. This can only be good for you. I can supply countless types of mo matrixes.
What you have to do is very simple, just study them. [Copper Rhinoceros Mo Matrix] is
one of the lowest mo matrixes. The effects of those high level mo matrixes are not
things you can imagine.”

Zuo Mo’s heart moved. Pu yao had not lied about this. Of the three formations he had
gained from the [Copper Rhinoceros Mo Matrix], all of them were very useful, but were
not high grade. Take for example the body tempering formation. No matter how strong the
ling energy was, the effect of its tempering would have a limit.

If he could receive even higher level mo matrixes, he could find even higher grade
formations that were more complete. Even more importantly, the process of analysis was a
cultivation progress, and he could increase his understanding of formations.

Pu Yao had not finished his pitch. He understood Zuo Mo’s personality. To get this guy to
agree to something, it was not hard. He only needed to give something that the other could
not refuse!

That was what he was doing now.

“No matter if it is xiuzhe, or yaomo, I know at least a bit about all kinds of cultivation
methods. I can guide you in your cultivation. Your cultivation is not pure. Ling power,
spiritual power, body, you cultivate all of it. If you receive accurate guidance, you
might be a miracle. However, if you keep going like this, it would only become more
heterogeneous, and in the end, you will achieve nothing.”

Zuo Mo knew that Pu Yao’s words were not empty threats. Truthfully, he himself had
already felt that his strength was too heterogeneous, yet he lacked true understanding of
each kind of power.

“Or maybe I can help you solve the secret in your body.”

The last bomb that Pu Yao lightly threw down was like a bolt of lightning!

“Changing features and erasing the mind, not many yaomo use these. Only the
cruelest of people would do such things.” He glanced at Zuo Mo. “Changing features and
erasing the mind, it basically cannot be undone.”

Zuo Mo’s heart sunk. The temperature of the room was not low, but his body felt cold.

“Your body has something else.” Pu Yao’s words were shocking.

“What?” The words jumped out of Zuo Mo’s mouth.

“A very rare five element glass bead.” Pu Yao said, “Sealed inside it is another
person’s power, or maybe something else. There may also be a clue.”

Pu Yao continued, “If there is no trace inside, then use Reverse Shadow Spirit
Silkgrass. It is very hard for memories to be completely erased. There would always be
some fragments left. If you use Reverse Shadow Spirit Silkgrass, you can find these
pieces. I know of a place you can find Reverse Shadow Spirit Silkgrass.”

Zuo Mo was silent.

Pu Yao looked at Zuo Mo and knew he needed time to digest this, closed his mouth and
patiently waited.

A long time later, Zuo Mo felt his mind start to move. Staring at Pu Yao, his voice was
raspy as he asked Pu Yao, “How do you break the jinzhi on the five element glass bead?”

“You to reach jindan, or for me to recover my power.”

“How long would it take me to reach jindan?”

Pu Yao had a careful expression. “I cannot guarantee this.”

“Okay,” Unexpected to Pu Yao, Zuo Mo agreed.

Originally, he had wanted to ask Pu Yao why the other wanted him to analyze mo
matrixes, but thinking about it, that didn’t have anything to do with him.

“It seems that we will be in business in the long term.” Pu Yao’s bloody pupil was a
patch of peace, his gaze holding none of the underestimation and arrogance he held
previously. The three formations Zuo Mo had discovered from the [Copper Rhinoceros Mo
Matrix] had been an enormous blow to him. What had blown Pu Yao away wasn’t how
exquisite the three formations were but Zuo Mo’s efficiency.

The time that Pu Yao had spent on pondering mo matrixes was longer than Zuo Mo’s
lifetime, but he found that his pace was that of a turtle climbing compared to Zuo Mo. The
astounding talent that Zuo Mo displayed in formations shocked him, and allowed him to see
a thread of hope.

The effect of the Nether Pool was not as good as he had imagined. His situation was not
good at the moment. Even more, he didn’t have many choices.

A series of factors forced him into a position of cooperation.


Zuo Mo didn’t know these reasons. He didn’t need to know. Just the “secret in your
body” that Pu Yao had said was enough for him to agree to this transaction. This matter had
always been an illness plaguing his heart. Zuo Mo was very practical, and he did not have
high ambitions. He liked a peaceful life. Even if he knew that his consciousness had been
erased, in the depths of his heart, he unconsciously did not hope for himself to enter a life
of revenge. Adding on that he had no clues, this matter had been deeply buried inside his

His hard work and labors were not for revenge, but to survive. This was his reality.

Yet no one could disregard their past, especially when he was told that there was a five
element glass bead inside his body. His heart was instantly struck.

Who put it there? What connection did the person have to him?

He wanted to know!


Pu Yao was very satisfied with the transaction this time. He was very clear to Zuo Mo’s
situation. To an expert who was able to massacre Gongsun Cha in the wargames, and
having experienced the thousand year battle, Pu Yao’s line of thinking was more far-sighted
than Zuo Mo.

What did Zuo Mo need most right now?


The troop that Gongsun Cha had made could only be considered distant water, and
distant water could not resolve nearby thirst.

The growth of strength had its necessary patterns. Pu Yao knew this, but he naturally had
his own reasons to dare to say such worlds. What he was relying on was not anything other
than Zuo Mo himself. Zuo Mo’s cultivation, due to different reasons, had been constantly
suppressed by Pu Yao, and it was this suppression that caused him to be on the precipice of
a boundary.

His own situation made Pu Yao realize he had to change his strategy.
“You are at the doorway of a breakthrough,” Pu Yao said straightforwardly, “Your
body cultivation is in Mountain Physique. Even though it is only one mountain, it is one
step away from an abhinna.”

“One mountain? Abhinna?” Zuo Mo became alert.

“The mountain physique is divided into three strata, one mountain is the first
stratum. You have cultivated to mountain physique, absorbed earth energy, your body
cultivation has truly made it into the gate. Now that you have reached mountain
physique, you are not far from an abhinna.” Pu Yao said a little lie right there. Originally,
Zuo Mo should have been able to achieve an abhinna a long time ago. However, he had
deliberately stopped it, and so, even now, he still hadn’t formed an abhinna.

Pu Yao’s face didn’t blush as he said, “Abhinna is the term used by dhyana xiu. When
cultivation of the body reaches a certain level, the self becomes enlightened, and the
abhinna forms from the self. The abhinna is born of the self, and so everyone’s abhinna
is naturally different.”

Zuo Mo didn’t really understand.

“Oh, dhyana likes talking so mystically. You can understand it like this. What is body
cultivation? It is to forge the body as though it is a talisman. When it reaches a certain
stage, some abilities would naturally form. Each person’s blood and flesh is different,
so the abilities are varied.”

After Pu Yao’s explanation, Zuo Mo felt he understood much more. Talismans, and flying
swords, after they were tempered for a long time, they would naturally become more

“I can form an abhinna?” Zuo Mo was slightly excited. He was very curious what his
own abhinna was.

“Oh, pretty much,” Pu Yao muddled, “absorb more earth energy these next days. That
stuff is very useful.”

In order not to have his lie seen through, he quickly changed the topic. “Other than an
abhinna, there is something else that can dramatically increase your strength.”

As expected, Zuo Mo was guided by his words. He was slightly shocked. “What is it?”

He never knew that he had anything on his body that could greatly increase his strength.

“That five element glass bead,” Pu Yao said. “Five element glass beads are somewhat
rare talismans, it can store ling power, and turn ling power into five element base
“Turn ling power to five element base source?” Zuo Mo was slightly shocked. He was
reminded of Lil’ Pagoda. Lil’ Pagoda was able to deconstruct talismans and materials into
five element energy, but compared to five element base source, five element energy was the
lesser variant. Five element energy could form marrow, forming five element marrow. The
little gourds hanging on Lil’ Pagoda’s eaves were five element marrow. Five element base
source was the finest and best part of five element marrow.

“Yes, five element base source is something very good. When you were injured last
time, it was this bead that repaired your body. Five element base source is very easy to
absorb, and suitable for body cultivation. I wonder who put it in, they were really
extravagant,” Pu Yao said with a smile.

Strangely, Zuo Mo suddenly felt his heart move.

This movement was very suddenly. He suddenly had a feeling this five element glass
bead was very important to him!

He could not say why he would have this feeling, but this feeling was strong, so strong to
the point that he could not disregard it. He did not know who this five element glass bead
belonged to, but the person who put this five element glass bead in him, it must be one of
his closest people.

Was it his parents?

He raised his head, his tone decisive. “Don’t use it. Let’s cultivate an abhinna.”

Translator Ramblings: Pu has plans within plans. Even if the gravestone had Zuo Mo take
advantage, Pu still spun this to his advantage.

Pets in the real world usually are domesticated and do as they are told most of the time.
However, when these “pets” have human-level intelligence, where is the line between
treating them like they are individuals or as though they cannot decide for themselves? A
lot of “pets” in fantasy novels are just as intelligent as other individuals but they are not
acknowledged properly. Many times, they are just transportation, or a deus ex machina.
What is frequently seen is the main character will spare the life of an animal, and this
animal will follow them for the rest of their life. In fact, these animals seem to have better
conduct than the humans frequently. They aren’t greedy and they are loyal and intelligent.
But if they are so intelligent, why aren’t they allowed to have a personality? The “pet”
doesn’t have to do what the main character or “owner” wants. If it is an exchange of
services between individuals, why can’t the other side be selfish and look out for their own
best interest? Think of Zuo Mo’s little zoo as individuals and you may find their actions
more understandable.

-- 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S13-C01 “Travel Ten Thousand Miles” Ascending,

Do Not Disturb Chapter Four “New Year’s Red Envelopes” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony
of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty Five “Seed” Ascending, Do Not Disturb
Chapter Two “Lie” Ascending, Do Not Disturb Chapter Three “World of Cultivation”
Ascending, Do Not Disturb Chapter One “Miracle” and Summary 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty Four “Lava and Madness” 傲风
An Unyielding Wind V01-S12-C04 “The Inexhaustible Life Ring” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind V01-S12-C03 “Party” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S12-C02 “The Ferocious Chi”
Why I now have a tip jar … … 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S12-C01 “Ascension of
the Monarch” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty
Three “The Abyss Rift” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S11-C04 “Reap What
One’s Sown” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S11-C03 “Furious Levelling Up” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty Two “Base” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S11-C02 “Regent Beast Tamer” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-
S11-C01 “Magic Beast Siege” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S10-C04 “Switch, Start” 4.6
Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty One “Settling and
Traveling Afar” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S10-C03 “See Who Deceives Who” 傲风
An Unyielding Wind V01-S10-C02 “Central Cloud City” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-
S10-C01 “Visiting Official, Radiance Envoy” Random Statistics and Year Conclusion
Part VII Licensing Part VI Top Original Publishers Part V How long do you have to
wait for the ending? a.k.a time to completion Part IV The 200 most popular words in
novel titles Part III Efficiencies of scale? : Dominance of multi-person
translator groups 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S09-C04 “I Will Block For You” Part II
Exponential growth: Chinese projects soon to overtake Japanese? Part I The state
of affairs Asian Fan Translation Trends 2018 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S09-C03
“Famed In Neversetting Sun” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S09-C02 Show of
One’s Ability 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty
“Air Storage and Immune System” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume
Two Chapter Nineteen “The Desolate World” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S09-C01
“Seen By Tens of Thousands” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C07 “Challenge” 傲风
An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C06 “We Came For Him” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume Two Chapter Eighteen “Preparations To Land” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind V01-S08-C05 “Return To The City” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C04
“Thief” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C03 “Battle Armor” Zhui Xu Chapter Twelve
“Water Point Poetry Conference” Zhui Xu Chapter Eleven “Upon The Pleasure Boats”
4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Seventeen “The
Evolution of the Exoskeleton” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C02 “Ascending
A Rank” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C01 “Chi” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-
S07-C06 “Sacred Beast Guardian” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S07-C05 “A
Huge Herd” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S07-C04 “Trick Him” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind V01-S07-C03 “The Secret Land” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume
Two Chapter Sixteen “Strange Crystals and Shallows” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume Two Chapter Fifteen “The Desert In The Dark Night” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S07-C02 “Crimson Forge” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S07-
C01 “Searching For The Fire Dragon Fruit” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution
Volume Two Chapter Fourteen “The Light of the Future” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume Two Chapter Thirteen”Prelude to the Storm” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind V01-S06-C05 “Look Under My Feet” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S06-C04
“Company Leader” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S06-C03 “First Show of Ability(3)” 傲
风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S06-C02 “First Show of Ability(2)” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twelve “Explore” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Eleven “Small But Complex” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Ten “The Organisms of the Sand”
4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Nine “Leaving The Ice”
4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Eight “New
Nutrient System” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S06-C01 “First Show of Ability(1)” 4.6
Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Seven “Inside” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S05-C06 “Setting Off On A Journey” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind
V01-S05-C05 “A Personage” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Fifteen “The Ending” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Fourteen “Pride” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Thirteen
“Response” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Twelve
“Youqin’s Ten Years of Preparation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine
Hundred and Eleven “Lin Qian’s Counterattack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Nine Hundred and Ten “Lin Qian’s Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Nine Hundred and Nine “Sword God Wei Sheng!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Eight “The Chief Mo God’s Madness” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Seven “The Dawn Is Near” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Six “The Death of Mi Nan” World of
Cultivation: Finale Event 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Five “Wei Sheng’s Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Four “Bie Han Vs Mu Xuan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Three “In The Name of Eldest Shixiong” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine
Hundred and Two “The Final Battle of the Strongest and God-Level” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and One “How Have You Been?” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred “Fight To The Death” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Nine “Horn! God-Level!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Eight “Strong Attack” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Seven “Liang Wei’s Plan” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Six “Have To Fight!” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Five “An Unexpected
Occurrence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Four
“Response” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Three
“Action” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Six “The
Clogged Immune System” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Ninety Two “Planning and Movement” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Ninety One “New King, Old King” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eight Hundred and Ninety “Hai Xin Bing’s Death” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S05-
C04 “In the Bar” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S05-C03 “Rob” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eighty Nine “Absolute Power” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight “When Did I Allow You To Use
The Name of Nether Realm” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Eighty Seven “Facing Off” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Eighty Six “Presence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Eighty Five “The Last Chance” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Eighty Four “Advance” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Eighty Three “The First Battle” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two
Chapter Five “Unicellular and Multicellular” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S05-C02
“Invitation from the Castellan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Eighty Two “Taking The Lead” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Eighty One “The Terrible State of Affairs” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Eighty “Pu and Wei” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy Nine “Meetup” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy Eight “Ten Years!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy Seven “New King” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-
S05-C01 “Neversetting Sun” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Seventy Six “Shi” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy
Five “Reunion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy
Four “Change” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy
Three “Forming Beads In The Death Eye” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Seventy Two “The King’s Horn” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eight Hundred and Seventy One “Three Hundred Pieces of Shen Equipment” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy “Fire Cemetery” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S04-C05 “Eat Him” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Sixty Nine “Change” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume
Two Chapter Four “The Ediacaran Worm” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S04-C04
“Scheme” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Sixty Eight
“Counterattack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Sixty
Seven “Person In The Cloak” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S04-C03 “Competition” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Sixty Six “Sea of Ten
Thousand Boiling Pools” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Sixty Five “Ghost Fire Forging” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Sixty Four “Refining the Shen Bone” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Sixty Three “Preparations” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Sixty Two “Base Shen Power” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eight Hundred and Sixty One “Yin Tomb Ghost Lord” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume Two Chapter Three “Mothership” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Sixty “Transaction” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S04-
C02 “Blue Eyes Like The Sea, Genius!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Fifty Nine “Lan Bing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Fifty Eight “Qing Xiao” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S04-C01 “I Will
Remember You” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S03-C07 “Someone Familiar” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Seven “Guidance” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Six “Mine” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Five “Conflict” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Four “Qing Xiao” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Two “Departure” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Three “Golden Chariot” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S03-C06 “Slaughter of God” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S03-
C05 “Transformation, Choice” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Fifty Two “Coffin Puller” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Fifty One “The Changes In The World” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eight Hundred and Fifty “Nothing To Do With Rationality” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Nine “Are You Willing” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter One “After the Sleep” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Eight “Pu and Wei” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Seven “Each Person’s Intentions” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Six “Glyph Sea” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Five “Surging Power” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Four “Lin Qian” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Twenty Four “The First Great Mass
Extinction” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Twenty
Three “Anomaly” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty
Three “God-Level!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty
Two “Great Trouble” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty
One “Destruction” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty
“This Is Mo Cloud Sea!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Thirty Nine “A Reason To Fight” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Thirty Eight “I Am The King Of Mo Cloud Sea” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Seven “Chief Elder Burning” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Six “Lil’ Fire” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Five “Tian Huan Chief Elder” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Four “Tian Huan’s Charge” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Three “Intentions” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Two “Counter-
Attack (4)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty One
“Counter-Attack (3)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty
“Counter-Attack (2)” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter
Twenty Two “Explorer” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Twenty Nine “Counter-Attack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Twenty Eight “Gap” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and
Eight “Epilogue” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty
Seven “Yang Yuan Hao’s Decision” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Twenty Six “Familiarity Caused by Inspecting The Spoils” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty Five “Breakthrough” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty Four “Zuo Mo’s Fury” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty Three “Weaving
Girl’s Shuttle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty Two
“Ming Yue Ye” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty One
“Unexpected” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and Seven
“Eight Treasures Trousseau” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred
and Six “The Dust Has Settled” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One
Chapter Twenty One “Eye” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One
Chapter Twenty “Evolve!” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred
and Five “Chaotic Night” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Twenty “Trap” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Nineteen
“Struggle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eighteen
“Hidden Trump Card” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Seventeen “Zhong De’s Made Idea” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Sixteen “The Change Among The Yao” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifteen “Yang Yuan Hao’s Dilemma” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fourteen “Hostage” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and Four “The Winds Rise Again” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and Three “No Blood On The Sword” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and Two “No Response” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirteen “Allies” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twelve “The Chief Tower” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eleven “Tian Huan’s Attack From All Fronts”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ten “Awaken” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Nine “Danger” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eight “Descendant of Greenvine” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seven “Coral Fire Perch” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and One “Criminal Servant” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred “Second Empress” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety Nine “Who Is Scheming?” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Six “Summer Palace” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Five “Mo Cloud Sea Is Coming!” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Four “Victory” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Three “Solitary Dance the Great Dark
Wheel Phoenix” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Two “Zuo
Mo’s Heart” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred “The Little
Tenth Grade” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred “Sneak Attack” 八
宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety Eight “Sides” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Ninety Seven “Let’s Have A Child” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Ninety Six “Afraid of the Wife?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Ninety Nine “Ambush” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind
V01-S03-C04 “Hopeless Situation, Never Leave Behind” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Eight “Comprehension” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind
V01-S03-C03 “Too Shameless” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S03-C02 “Drive
Them Mad” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven
“Kun Lun Soul” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Six
“Rain Commanding Banner” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Ninety Five “Yield” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Ninety Four “Encountering Tian Huan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven
Hundred and Ninety Three “Ghost Mist Child” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Ninety Five “Impossible to Grasp” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Ninety Four “Honest Talk” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety Three
“Layers of Conspiracy” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety Two
“Mourning” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Two
“Mist Eye Tablet” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety
One “The Power of Gluttons” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S03-C01 “Cause” 4.6
Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Nineteen “Protrude” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety “Totem Coliseum” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Nine “Sin Battalion” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Eight “Divide” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven “The Anger of Lotus
Sutra Temple” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Six
“Arsonist” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety One “Hang Oneself” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety “The Hua Family’s Daughters” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Nine “Burial” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Eighty Eight “Death of a Phoenix” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Five “Bie Han” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Four “Trump Card” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Three “Youqin Lie’s Skills” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Two “A Battle of Charges” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty One “Opportunity” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty “Confidence” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Nine “Cang Ling Xue” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Seven “Poison” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Eight “Bie Han! Madman!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven “Mountain of Meat” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Six “Wei Sheng’s Sword” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Five “Act” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Four “Shock” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Three “Enemy Encounter”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Two “Glittering”
八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Six “Warning” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Five “Love Begets Hate” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Eighty Four “Catching Fish in Muddy Waters” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy One “Treasure Seeking” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy “Green Silk” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Nine “Test” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Eight “A Fatal Temptation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Seven “Bronze Hoop Remnant”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Six “[Bird Mission]”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Five “Lil’ Black’s
Achievement” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Three “Moves” 八宝妆
Eight Treasure Trousseau Chapter Eight Two “Presents” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Eighty One “Truth and Lies” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Four “Nine Great Dhyana Sects” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Three “Chao Xin’s Plan” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Two “The Bird With the
Domineering Presence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Sixty One “The Changes of the Little Ones” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Sixty “Zong Ru and Yi Qing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Nine “Wolf-Head Thousand Monster Camp” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Eight “Cutting One’s Flesh, and
Inspiration” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty “Close and Distant” 八
宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Nine “Preference” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Eight “The Empress Dowager’s Thoughts” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Seven “Danger” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Six “The Uninhibited Chao Xin”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Five “Shen
Device Part” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Four
“Alliance With Xi Xuan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Fifty Three “Commander-in-Chief Bie Han” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Fifty Two “The Little Ones” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Fifty One “Zong Ru Leaving Seclusion” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Seventy Seven “Promise” 八宝妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau
Chapter Seventy Six “True and False Intentions” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Seventy Five “The Winds Rise Again” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Fifty “[Black Fire]” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven
Hundred and Forty Nine “Starting From The Beginning” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Eight “The Beginning of Expansion” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Seven “The Last Straw” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Six “Shen Device” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Five “New Era! 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Four “The Identity of the
Old Man” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Four “Henpecked” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Three “Mentality” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Two “Panic” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Three “Strategy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Two “Intensify” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty One “Fire Battle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty “Rage” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine “Someone From The Past” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight “Auction” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Seven “Entering The City” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy One “Assassin?” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Seventy “Death of the Crown Prince” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Sixty Nine “Critically Ill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Thirty Six “Won’t Forget, Even In Death” Zhui Xu Chapter Ten
“How Long Will The Full Moon Appear” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S02-C05
“Divine Beast” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S02-C04 “Tide” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind
V01-S02-C03 “Starry Night” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One
Chapter Eighteen “The Path of Multicellularity” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume One Chapter Seventeen “A Flashing Cavern” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Five “Kun Lun’s Spirit” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Four “Ancient Shen Device” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Three “Battlefield!” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Two “King’s Forbidden
Firmament” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty One
“Act” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty
“Silent Arrival” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Eight “Conduct and
Appearance” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Seven “Match
in Heaven” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Six “Life and Death” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Nine “The Prologue to
the Feast” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Eight
“Threats” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Seven
“Ghost Soldier” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Six
“The Entrance of the Yin Energy Cave” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven
Hundred and Twenty Five “Shen Power Warrior” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Four “An Unexpected Occurrence” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Three “A Snowy
Blue Flower” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Five “Snowy Night” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Four “Fighting” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Sixty Three “Difficulty” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Twenty Two “Progress” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Twenty One “Swear By The Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty “Trembling In Fear” 修 真 世 界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Nineteen “That Set of Jinzhi” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighteen “Pseudo-Shen Device The Angel
Device Raiment” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Seventeen “The Mysterious Old Man” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S02-C02
“Emancipation” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S02-C01 “Dignity is Priceless” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixteen “Angel Device Raiment” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Two “Chu Yu” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Sixty One “Paternal Family” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Sixty “Benevolence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Fifteen “The Monarch of Mo Weapons” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Fourteen “A God’s Descent” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirteen ” The Continuation of the Explosive Weapon
Style (3)” A Rough Overview of Novelupdates, and possibly Asian Novel Fan
Translation and other things 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Twelve ” The Continuation of the Explosive Weapon Style (2)” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eleven ” The Continuation of the Explosive
Weapon Style (1)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ten
“Explosive Weapon Style (3)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Nine “Explosive Weapon Style (2)” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Fifty Nine “A Suspicious Good News” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty
Eight “End Of The Matter” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty Seven
“Showing Weakness” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eight
“Explosive Weapon Style (1)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Seven “Mysteries” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Six”The Mysterious Old Man” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Five “All Sides” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Four
“Take Into Control” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Three
“Interference” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Two “The
Snow of the Blue Flower” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty Six
“Support” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty Five “Heart To Heart” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and One “City Market” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Sixteen “Water Current” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred “Old and Cunning” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind Chapter Five “Provocation” (V01-S01-C05) 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Nine “Zuo Mo’s Goal” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Eight “The Unexpected Guest” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Seven “The Domineering Tang Chen” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Six “Sky Snake Ten
Manifestation Pike” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety
Five “The Presence of Earth Level Mo Weapon” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Fifty Four “Pity” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty Three “The
Empress’ Hate” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Four
“Weapon Layering Craftsmanship” 修真 世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Ninety Three “A Complete Set of White Ridge Snake Bones” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Two “Feng Xin Zi” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety One “Bu Zhou City” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind Chapter Four “Invitation” (V01-S01-C04) 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety “The Gravestone Oath” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Nine “Shen Crystal” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Eight “Rock” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Fifty Two “Everyone Is A Good Actor” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Fifty One “The Foolish Crown Prince” 修 真 世 界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Seven “The Hero and the Beauty” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Six “The Mo Gods Emerge,
The World Is Left Astounded” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and
Eighty Five “Becoming Better” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind Chapter Three “Changes”
(V01-S01-C03) 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Four
“Ambush” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Three
“Explanations of Shen Power” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and
Eighty Two “God-killing Blood Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Eighty One “Zuo Mo’s Transformation” 八 宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Fifty “Suspicions” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Forty Nine “The Miscarriage of Hou shi” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Eighty “The Competitive Pair” Not the one you are waiting for. 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind Chapter Two “Give You A Punch” (V01-S01-C02) 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy Nine “A Gui” Zhui Xu Chapter Nine
“Vision of the Future” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter
Fifteen “Infector” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy
Eight “Nether Decay Reincarnation Lotus” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Seventy Seven “Seeds of Conspiracy” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind Chapter
One “Seventh Young Master” (V01-S01-C01) 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Seventy Six “Cunning Killing Move” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy Five “Disheveled” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy Four “Wei Sheng’s Sword Oath” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Eight “Heavy Doubts” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Forty Seven “Clear” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Seventy Three “Do Not Touch” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution
Volume One Chapter Fourteen “Fright In The Dark” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy Two “Return and Kill” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy One “Creation of the Talisman” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy “Twenty Six Years Ago” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Nine “Shen Technique” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Eight “Ji Zheng” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind Prologue “Light” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Sixty Seven “Nasty” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Six “Change
In Opinion” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Five “Assassination” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Six “The World Stunned”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Five “Pu Yao and Wei’s
Conspiracy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Four
“Danger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Three 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Two 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty One 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Sixty “Destiny” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty
Four “Accident” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Three
“Showing Love” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Thirteen
“Explode!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Nine “Li
Xian Er” Zhui Xu Chapter Eight “Huyan Leifeng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Fifty Eight “The Black Smoke Yao’s memory Piecing Art” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Seven “Tang Battalion” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Six “Gu Liang Dao’s Choice” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Five “Relations” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Four “Gu Liang Dao” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Three “A Gui’s Attack” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Two “The Truth Was True …” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty One “Laurel Flower Wine” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Two “Struggle” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty One “When He’s Sick, Take His Life!” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty “Rebirth” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Nine “Sun Crystal Seed’s Ten Crow
Celestial Domain” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Eight
“No Return” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Seven
“Transformation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Six
“Chained Together” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty
“Congratulations” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Nine “Qinwang”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Five “Life-Death Lock
Separation Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty
Four “The Golden Crow Battering Ram” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Forty Three “Deadlock” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Forty Two “Wu Yu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Forty One “Together” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and
Forty “The Black Gold Seal Soldier VS Qian Qing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Nine “Divine Moon” 八 宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Thirty Eight “Do Not Have To Worry” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Thirty Seven “Invitation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Thirty Eight “Mister Tong” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Thirty Seven “Arrival of Marshal Yu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Six “A Sudden Appearance” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Five “The Blade Unsheathed” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Four “Cut Off” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Three “Center Formation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Two “Weakness” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Six “Fake Gentleman” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty One “Charge” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty “The Eve” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Nine “Fight” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Twenty Eight “Water Curtain” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Seven “The Ming Bandits” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Six “A Sword Strike and A Block” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Five “Assimilation” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Five “Hardship” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Four “Attack” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Three “The Dragon Claw Coming Into
The World” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Two “Anti
Dragon Claw” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty One
“One Sword Strike From Lin Qian!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Twenty “Lie Becoming Truth” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Nineteen “World” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and
Eighteen “Activation” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Four “The
Fang Family” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventeen
“Little Landlord” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixteen
“Tattletale” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifteen “Each
With Their Plan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fourteen
“The Awoken Black Gold Seal Soldier” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Thirteen “Conspiracy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Twelve “The Mud Golem Mo Visitor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Eleven “Ambush” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Thirty Three “Lu shi’s Anger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Ten “Drink Wine” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Nine “Princess Xia” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eight
“Insider Information” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seven ”
‘Special’ “ 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Six “Reversed Stellar
Revolution” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Five “Peacock
King Plume” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Four “Peacock
Eyespot Domain” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Two 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Three “Granny Meng Ghost Wine” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Two “The Drunken Little Mo Ge”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and One “The Intolerant Lil’ Miss”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred “The Intuition of A Woman” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Nine “Night Visit” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Eight “Highest
Priority Order” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety
Seven “Shen Power Breathing” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty One
“Provocation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Six
“Great Peace Treasure Pavilion” Richest Chinese Webnovel Author Ranking 2016 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Five “Smooth Talker” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Four “Underhanded” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Three “The Sin
Battalion’s Jinzhi” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety
Two “Giving A Helping Hand” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Ninety One “Old Acquaintances” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume
One Chapter Twelve “War” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Ninety “Waiting” 八 宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty “Peaceful
Relations” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Nine “A
Domineering Fire of The First Heavenly Stem” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and Eighty Eight “The Azure Air Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Seven “Tit for Tat” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Six “A Strong Presence” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Five “Gamble” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Four “Low Opinion” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred Eighty Three “Ripples” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Twenty Nine “Pass Away” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred Eighty Two “Honing Their Blades” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty One “Shifting Star Sand” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty “Arcing Rainbow Battle Formation” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy Nine “Bodhisattva’s
Raging Lotus” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy Eight
“Qi Diao Yu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy Seven
“Please Call Me Xiao Mo Ge” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Seventy Six “Enemy Invasion” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty
Eight “A Beauty’s Anger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Seventy Five “Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy
Four “Domineering” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter
Eleven “Mutualism” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy
Three “Pang Chen” Cast List (in brevi): Secret update somewhere. 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy Two “Confidence and Going All Out” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy One “Mo Skill Steles”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy “Causes and
Consequences” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty Nine –
“Lan Tian Long” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty Seven “The
Difference” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty Eight “The
Immortal Great Peace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty
Seven “The Seeds Sprouting” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Sixty Six “Bu Heng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty
Five “Yao Summons Response” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Sixty Four “New Discovery” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Sixty Three “Fight!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Sixty Two “Business” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty Six “Sisters”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty One “The Beginning
of War” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty “Departure” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Nine “Meeting Up” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Eight “Light” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Seven “Screw Live and Die Together” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Six “Ten Crow Celestial
Apparatus” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Five “An
Unusual Breakthrough” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty Five
“Closeness” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Four
“Solution” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Three
“Fragments” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Two
“White Fang Mo Matrix” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Fifty One “Good That Came With The Bad” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Fifty “Success” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Forty Nine “The Mountain Dragon Corps” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Forty Eight “Incurable” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Twenty Four “Undercurrents” Zhui Xu Chapter Seven “Mount Yu School” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Seven “Jie Master Ceng Yi” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Six “A Daring Idea” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Five “Shattered Stone Chop”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Four “Dong
Zi’s Choice” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Three
“Ka Zhuo” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Two “The
Declining Situation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty
One “Matrix Awakening Master” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty
Three “Anger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty
“Change Position!” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Ten
“Rock” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Nine
“Support” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Eight
“Arrangements” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty
Seven “Shattered Stone” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Thirty Six “Sudden Change!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Thirty Five “Sneak Attack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Thirty Four “Lantern Fire Buddhist Domain” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Twenty Two “To Suspect” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Thirty Three “Sin Battalion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Thirty Two “Bie Han” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Thirty One “The Tribe of Mist People” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty “Ink Jade Bones” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Nine “The Mist People” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Eight “Cloud Messenger” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Seven “Thieving Baldies!” 八
宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty One “Illusion” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Six “Clear Cloud Python” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Nine “Stem Cells” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Five “Cloud Crystal Mist Flow” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Four “Omen” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Three “Xuan Kong Temple” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Two “Beak Island” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty One “Follower” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty “The Master of Cloud Sea” 八
宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty “Drink In Her Stead” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Nineteen “On The Same Path” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighteen “All Hail The King!” Secret
update: Shhhhh. 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventeen
“Who … … Who Is The Mo Here … …” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Sixteen “To Cross Swords” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Fifteen “Dumbstruck Ye Ling” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and Fourteen “Thousand Bird Seal” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Thirteen “When We Made This Decision” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Nineteen “King Xiang Has A Wife” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twelve “A Goal” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Eleven “Hope” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Ten “Sky-Splitting Calamity” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Nine “Inventory II” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Eight “Inventory” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seven
“First Make Up” Zhui Xu Chapter Six “Elder Qin” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and Six “That Herd of White Lambs!” 八宝妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau
Chapter Eighteen “Fatal Case” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Five “Dark Void Fire” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Four “Blood Script Bell” Notice: Broken Laptop 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and Three “Tian Huan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Two “Extreme Joy to Sorrow” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and One “Plough Up The Earth” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred “Rather Than Miss, Kill Wrongly” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Seventeen “Say and Do” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Ninety Nine “Those Daring Die From Bursting” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Eigt “Golden Crow Sacrifice” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Seven “Activation of the Shen Temple”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Six “Shen Technique”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Five “Intuition” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Four “Awaken” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Three “Qing Lin” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Two “Greenwood
Secret Realm” 八宝妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau Chapter Sixteen “All Is Possible” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety One “Rock Wall” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety “Apparition” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Nine “Ambush” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Eight “Wei Sheng’s One Strike”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Seven “Come!” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Six “Lil’ Fire’s … …” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Five “Fire Crow Attacking
The Formation” 八宝妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau Chapter Fifteen “Crown Princess” 修
真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Four “Stage
of Yuanying” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Three
“Elder Shen!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Two
“Brutish Bird” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty One
“Ruins” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Eight “End of
Winter, Beginning of Summer” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Eighty “Winds and Clouds Move” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Seventy Nine “Triumphant Progress” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Seventy Eight “Divine Light” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Fourteen “Undercurrents” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Seventy Seven “Danger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Seventy Six “Soul Setting Divine Light” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Seventy Five “Meridional Azure Aether
Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Seventy Four “A
Visit From Liao Qi Chang” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seventy Three “Fatal Blow” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seventy Two “The Balance Tilts” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Seventy One “Perfect Execution” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Thirteen “Crown Prince” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seventy “Lil’ Miss’ Order” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Sixty Nine “Abrupt Turnaround” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Sixty Seven “Strong Offense” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One
Chapter Seven “Ten Miles Frozen” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Sixty Seven “Strong Offense” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Sixty Six “Five Element Fog Shield” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty Five “Danger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Sixty Four “Attack First!” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Twelve “Breathtaking” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Sixty Three “What Strange Thing Is This?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Sixty Two “Cave Fight” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution
Volume One Chapter Six “Amoeba” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Sixty One “The World Upended” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Sixty “Experts” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Fifty Nine “Counter-Attack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Fifty Eight “Action” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Fifty Seven “Devious” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eleven
“The Omnipresent Rumors” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Fifty Six “Off With A Bang” Zhui Xu Chapter Four “Someone of No Relation” Zhui Xu
Chapter Five “The Hen That Dove Into The River” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Five “Immortal Crossing The Sea” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Four “Financial Crisis” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Three “Spending Jing Like Dirt” 4.6
Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Five “Acid Ejector” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Two “Zuo Mo’s Epiphany” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty One “Post-Epiphany
Lei Peng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty “Black Gold
Seal Soldier” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ten “Return to the
Paternal Home” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Nine
“Institute of Ling Plants” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Forty Eight “The Strong Vermillion Bird Camp” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Forty Seven “On The Island” Zhui Xu Chapter Three “Group: Old
Man, Little Servant Girl and Second Generation Good-For-Nothing” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Six “A Shocking Statistic” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Four “Evolution” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Five “Ren Cloud Island” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Three “Enormous Food” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Two “The Initial Eye” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter One “The Beginning Cell” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Four “Xie Shan’s Ling Power”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Three “Collision” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Nine “True Self” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Two “Women Like You” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty One “Rules?” Zhui Xu Chapter Two
“Poems and Chess” Zhui Xu Chapter One “The Son-In-Law of the Su Family” Zhui Xu
Prologue 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty “Xu
Ling City” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Nine
“Cloud Sea Jie” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Eight
“Victory” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Seven “Zuo
Mo’s Sneak Attack” Part Two 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Thirty Seven “Zuo Mo’s Sneak Attack” Part One 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Eight “Not As The Rumors Say” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Thirty Six “The Unforeseen Consequences of Lei Peng’s Blow” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Five “Red Eyes” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and and Thirty Four “Formation Change”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Three “Grapple” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Two “Kun Lun” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty One “Flower Slaves” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty “Black Horn
Rhinoceros Mo” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seven “The Beautiful
Wang Fu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Nine “Mo
Battle Methods” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty
Eight “Conspiracy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty
Seven “Black Leech Defense Line” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Twenty Six “Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Five “Super Monster Ship!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Four “Frenzy of Forging” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Three “The Thoughts of
A Genius” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Six “The People of the
Inner Palace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Two
“Tyrant” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty One “An
Insane Idea” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty
“Very Normal” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Nineteen
“Forced to the Precipice” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Eighteen “Sandstorm” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seventeen “Sea of Golden Crystal Sand” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Sixteen “Strange Corpse” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Five “Thanking” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifteen
“Crowd of Monsters” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Fourteen “Fiend Corpse” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Thirteen “Snowflake Strangulation Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Twelve “Collide” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Eleven “Juxtaposition” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Ten “Snowflake Flood” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Nine
“The Flame Boring Yao” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Four “Dazzling
The Eyes” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eight “The
Choices of a Beginner?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seven “Acceptance of Battle Invitation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Six “Let’s Have A Fight!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Five “Yu Heng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Four “Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Three
“Collision!” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Three “Wedding” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Two “The Results From Ming Jue Zi’s
Investigation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and One 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred “Draft Notice” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Nine “Weaknesses” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Eight “The New Mood of Golden
Crow Camp” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Seven
“Totem Fragments” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety
Six “News” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Five
“Gold Battle General” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Two “Familial Love”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Four “Speculation”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Three
“Buddhahood Abandonment Death Wish” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Ninety Two “Making A Wish” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety One “Great Mo Physique” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety “Working Together” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Nine “The Goal” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Summary and Chapter 1 “The House of Hua has a Daughter” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Eight “Fantasy
Flame Tornado” 40,000 Cultivation Era Preamble, Summary and Chapter 1 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Seven “Mo Ru Huo” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Six “Cang Lin” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Five “The Fame of a Brute” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Four “New Tenant” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Three “You
Should Die!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Two
“Midday Blade Strike” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Eighty One “Walked Out of the Gravestone … …” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Eighty “The Blue Flowers of Qinghua Xue” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Nine “Tide of Battle” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Eight “Black Smoke Yao’s
Suggestion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Seven
“Qinhua Xue” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Six
“We Need Real Combat!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Seventy Five “[Yao Art Cage]” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred
and Seventy Four “[Wasteland Beast Chessboard—Match]” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Three “Orange-Haired Yao” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Two “Golden Soul” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy One “Bounty” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy “Jade Pendant” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Nine “I Am Xiao Mo Ge” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Eight “Battle of Tongues” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Seven “Illusory
Formations and Qinghua Zang Shui” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Sixty Six “Yi Zheng of the Great Buddha Temple 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Five “Let’s Have A Discussion” 美人一笑也
倾城 Mei Ren’s Smile Is Also Alluring “4 Meat Pastry & 5 How It Ended” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Four “Reunion” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Three “The Prison-
Breaking Six” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Two “A
Wen Fighting All Out” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Sixty One “The Childhood Wish” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Sixty “Start” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Fifty Nine “Activation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Fifty Eight “Public Challenge” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred
and Fifty Seven “Shadow Mo Guard A Wen” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Fifty Six “New Changes” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Fifty Five “Bidding” Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei
Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 18 & 19 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Fifty Four “The Wasteland Beast Chessboard” Recap: A Slight
Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 16 & 17 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Three “Spread” Recap: A Slight
Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 14 & 15 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Two “The Reappearance of
Wasteland Sacrificial Art” Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao
Heng Qing Cheng Episode 13 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred
and Fifty One “Thousand Flow Water Breath” Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating
a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 11 & 12 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty “You Dare Attack Ge!” Recap: A Slight Smile is
Devastating a.k.a. Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 9 & 10 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Nine “Rage” Recap: A Slight Smile Is
Devastating a.k.a. Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episodes 7&8 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Eight “Scheming” A Smile Is
Devastating: Character Profiles Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi
Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episodes 5 & 6 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Forty Seven “One Battle!” Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei
Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 4 Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei
Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 3 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Forty Six “The Prison-Breaking Battle” Recap: A Slight Smile is
Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 2 Recap: A Slight Smile Is
Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 1 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Five “The Prison Battlefield” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Four “Yi Zheng” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Three “Integration” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty One “Nan Yue’s Little
Yao Arts” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty One
“Shidi’s Spell” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty
“Going Fishing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty
Nine “Origin?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty
Eight “Nan Yue” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty
Seven “Crimson Fiend Cauldron” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Thirty Six “Try” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred
and Thirty Five “Gains” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Thirty Four “Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Thirty Three “Fiend Soul Tide” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Two “Fiendish Mist” 修 真 世 界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty One “Disseminating” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty “Shu Long’s Black Halberd” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Nine “The Name Of
Tenth Grade” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty
Eight “Upheaval of Sword Cave” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Twenty Seven “Twin Butterfly” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Twenty Six “Ten Thousand Year Old Ancient Battlefield” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Five “This Is … …” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Four “Ten Finger Prison” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Three “Core
Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Two
“Victory!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty
One “Ambush” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty
“Move Out” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Nineteen “If
You Want a Fight, Fight!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Eighteen “Human Wrecking Ball” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Seventeen “Clouds Gathering” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Sixteen “Enormous Change” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Fifteen “Flower Slaves” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Fourteen “Successive Mo Kill” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirteen “Serpent Transformation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twelve “Zuo Mo’s Fury” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eleven “At The Door” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ten “The Past Grievances” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Nine “The Greatest Gain” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eight “Brute!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seven “Bright Water City” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Six “Spells Entering Formation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Five “Entrance to the Jie River” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Four “Great Day Mo Physique”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Three “Leaving Little
Mountain Jie” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Two “A New
Beginning” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and One
“Desperate Situation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Six to Thirty 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred “Sacrifice” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Nine “The Great Formation and Sonic
Lightning Walnut” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety
Eight “Insanity” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety
Seven “Hardship Guard Armor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Ninety Six “Silver” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Ninety Five “Battle General!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Ninety Four “The Return of Lil’ Miss” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Ninety Three “Great Unexpected Wealth” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Two “Little Mo Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety One “Hong Jun Xuan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety “The Guard Camp Steps Onto the Stage” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Nine “The Reappearance of the
Sound Storm” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Eight
“Fight!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Seven “Cloud
Formation Silk” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eight Six
“Arrival!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Five
“Comprehensions Gained From Forging” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Eighty Four “Great Formation!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Eighty Three “Lil’ Fire” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Eighty Two “Fire Sickle Rock” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Eighty One “Gradual Advance” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty “Prelude” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Seventy Nine “Transaction” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper
Two Hundred and Seventy Eight “The Insane Outer Hall” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Seven “Detection” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Six “An Unparalleled Good Bird” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Five “Circle Kill” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Four “You Eat Meat, We’ll
Drink Soup” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Three
“The Critical Sword Point” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Seventy Two “Huang Zhuo Guang” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Seventy One “Opportunity” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Seventy “Great Harvest!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Sixty Nine “Who The Mother F***ing Are You” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Eight “Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Seven “Ambush” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Six “A Little Harvest” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Five “Silly Bird’s
Shocking Change!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty
Four “The Rudimentary Form” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred
and Sixty Three “Zuo Mo’s Determination” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two
Hundred and Sixty Two “Unprofitable Business” Neophyte Stories “小白文” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty One “Ambush!” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty “The Terrifying Female Xiu” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Nine “Meteor Void Fire” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Eight “Bao Yi Explaining” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Seven “One Small Step” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Six “Variable” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Five “New Sky Glass Wave” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Four “The Metamorphosis of
Jade Metal Head” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty
Three “Golden Crow Walls” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Fifty Two “Fire Paper Method” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Fifty One “Crazy Zuo Mo” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Fifty “Pu Yao’s Insane Suggestion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Forty Nine “A New Plan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Forty Eight “The Problem of Settlement” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Seven “Rainbow Mirage Light” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Six “Ambush” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Five “First Battle” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Twenty One to Twenty Five 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Four “Consensus” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Three “Jade Scroll” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Two “Bao Yi” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Forty One “City Construction” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty “What Was Going On?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Nine “Yao Visiting Wu Kong” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Eight “Sonic Lightning Walnut” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Seven “Reconstructing
The Body” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Six
“New Life?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Five “The
Butcher’s Three Section Wave Killing Charge” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Thirty Four “Fury and Killing Intent” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Three “Bloody Horned Great Serpent” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thrity Two “Gongsun Cha’s Insane
War Tactics” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixteen to Twenty 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty One “Warning” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty “Sky Glass Wave” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Nine “Formation
Breakthrough” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty
Eight “Ma Fan’s Decisiveness” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Twenty Seven “Internal Orders” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Twenty Six “The Stage of Two Mountains” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Five “Breakthrough in Body Cultivation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Four “Pu Yao’s Teaching” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Three “Another
Transaction” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Two
“Lil’ Pagoda’s Levelling Up” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Twenty One “What Is Pu Yao Doing?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Twenty “The Fatal Rotten Metal Silver” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Nineteen “Rewards Conference” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen “Spoils of Victory” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Seventeen “Killing Moves and Ma Fan” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixteen “Gongsun Cha’s
First Battle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifteen “Sustain
Battle Through Battle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Fourteen “A Mountain Of Problems” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Thirteen “Ma Fan Reaching Target” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Twleve “Ge Is Pragmatic” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Eleven “Trash and Poor Ghosts” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ten “Collapse of Order” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Nine “Ma Fan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Eight “Blood Void Movement” 修 真 世 界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Seven “Moon Eye Blackwater Beast” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Six “What Was That?” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Five “War Chess” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Four “Improvement” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Three “Date Seed Ship” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Two “Territory Intrusion” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and One “Armed to the Teeth” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred “Peddling” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Ninety Nine “Beast Service Card” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Eight “What Is The Situation?” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Seven “Ningmai!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Six “News” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Five “Two Transactions” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Four “Golden Armor Guards”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Three “Bountiful
Harvest” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Two
“Buddha Sound Hoop” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Ninety One “The First Battle of the Yin Fire Bead” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Ninety “Going All In” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eleven to Fifteen 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Eighty Nine “Brewing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Eighty Eight “Entering The Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Eighty Seven “Two Hours” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Eighty Six “Sword Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Eighty Five “The Power of the Golden Crow Fire!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Four “Mantis and Oriole” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Three “Black Wind Bandits” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Two “Discovery!” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty One “Familiar Guests” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty “[Great Thousand
Leaf Hands]” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Nine
“Gravestone” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Eight
“Void Pass” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Seven
“Business” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Six
“Brute Strength!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy
Five “Fire!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Four
“Macro Golden Crow Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Seventy Three “Pulling Into The Fold” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Seventy Two “Pu Yao Awakening” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Seventy One “Micro Void Arrow” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy “Nan Ming Zi” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Nine “Wealth Coming From the Sky” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Eight “Desolate Wood Reef”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Seven “The Places Are
The Same, The People Are Not” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Sixty Six “This Land Is Great” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Sixty Five “Wu Kong Expansion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Sixty Four “Sword Essence Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Three “People Don’t Do This” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Two “Reselling” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty One “Forging The Sword Billet” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty “Intense Fire Dan” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Nine “Gains” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Eight “Seclusion” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Seven “Unexpected” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Six “Brothers in Difficulty” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Five “Collision” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four “Moon Chime Sound Storm” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Three “Soul-Tethered Talisman”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Two “Stardust” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty One “Comprehension” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty “New Target” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Nine “Fire” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Eight “Seal Soldier” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Seven “Born to Battle” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Six “Zuo Mo’s Sorrowful Indignation” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Five “Nan Men Yang! A
Real Man!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Four
“Strange” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Three
“Heavyweight News” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty
Two “Seven Plum Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Forty One “Zong Ming Yan VS Zuo Mo” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and and Forty “[Self Separation]” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Thirty Nine “Formation-Defense-Style” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eight “Aggravation and Pleasure” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven “Each Person’s Opponent” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Six “Heart Turn
Sword Essence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five
“Great Pine Pavilion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty
Four “Before The Battle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Thirty Three “Pei Yuan Ran’s Bad Mood” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Thirty Two “Healing Wounds” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Thirty One “The Wondrous Abilities of The Five Colored Pagoda” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty “Seeing Lin Qian Again”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine “Five
Colored Pagoda” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Eight “The Hundred Treasure Flying Pavilion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Twenty Seven “Everyone Is Troubled” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six “Cross-Examination” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five “Final Kill” The Twelve Olympians
Of Chinese Web Novels in 2015 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Twenty Four “Multiple Shadows and Intense Fire” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three “Battle Start” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two “Bet” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Twenty One “Wager” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Twenty “An Irresistible Temptation!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen “Intelligence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen “Between Happiness and Grief” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen “What Happened” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen “Yin Splinter” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen “Exploring the Sword Cave Again” 何为
贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three “Epilogue: That
Is Love” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen “Sword
Test Conference?” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Two “Epilogue: A Legendary Love Story” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Thirteen “Formation Disks” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
One Hundred and Twenty One “Epilogue: Painting of a Beauty” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twelve “Yin Fiends” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter One Hundred and Twenty “Feng Seeks Huang 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eleven “For Tasty Food” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen “The Song Ends, The People Leave”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ten “Four-Turn Fire
Formation!” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Nine “Inky Black Lotus Seed” 何为
贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen “The Lioness From
Hedong Roars” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eight
“Two Paths” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen “A
Heavy Blow” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seven “Seeing
Shixiong Again” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen “A
Liberal Culture” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Six “The
Half-Finished Product Processing Maniac” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
One Hundred and Fourteen “I Am Yours” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Five “Mo Matrix and Yao Seed” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six to Ten 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen “The
Prosperity Blinds One’s Eyes” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Four “Hesitation” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred
and Twelve 修真世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Three
“Inspiration” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Eleven
“Flying Gracefully” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Two
“Couldn’t Understand” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Ten
“Dance” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and One “All In!” 何为贤
妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Nine “The Question of Trust” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred “Bloody Chang Heng” 何为贤妻 To Be
A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Eight “Competing for the Empress’ Favor
Rather Than The Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety Nine
“Seal Soldier” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Seven “Birth
of A Son” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety Eight “Zuo Mo’s Fury and
Heartache” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Six “The Letter
of Divorce” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety Seven “Lin Yuan’s Plotting”
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Five “Fated” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety Six “A Cold Light” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter One Hundred and Four “This Was Good” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Ninety Five “A Method Forced Out” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
One Hundred and Three “Who Misunderstood Whom” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Ninety Four “Why Do My Eyes Always Have Tears” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter One Hundred and Two “East and West” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Ninety Three “Stalagmite Fire” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One
Hundred and One “The Trust of the Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Ninety Two “Yin Fire Bead Chapter” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
One Hundred 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One to Five 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Ninety One “Merging Sword Essences” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Ninety Nine “Decay” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety “Pu
Yao’s Counterattack” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ninety Eight 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Nine “Silly Yao” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Ninety Seven “Overestimating Oneself” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eighty Eight “The Scalping Zombie” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Ninety Six 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Seven “Strong Attack Vs
Strong Attack” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ninety Five “Pregnant” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Six “Wen Fei” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Ninety Four 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Five “Coming Up to
The Door” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ninety Three “An Old Case” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Four “For Jingshi” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Ninety Two “Karma” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty
Three “Brute Force” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ninety One “Who Can
Compare To My Man” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Two “If People
Don’t Get Ill-gotten Gains, They Won’t Be Rich!” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Ninety “The Composure of a Queen” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eighty One “Ling Ying Sect” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Nine “The
New Kui Yuan Palace” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty “A
Transformation On The Gravestone” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty
Eight “Crowned Empress” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Nine “Zuo
Mo’s Decision” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Seven “Stupidity” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Eight “Making A Move” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Six “Our Hougong” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seventy Seven “Plot” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Five
“Entering The Palace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Six “Body
Cultivating Sword Formation” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Four
“Death Of The Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Five “Haze” 何
为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Three “The Oncoming Wind and Rain” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Four “Nightmare” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Two “The Curtain Drops on Qu and Liang” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Three “Inspiritation In An Emergency” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty One “Inviting Humiliation” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seventy Two “Seeing Guests” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Eighty “Don’t Dirty Ben Wang’s Place” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seventy One “A New Experiment” 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Seventy Nine 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy “The Yin Bead” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Eight 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Sixty Nine “Zuo Mo Drooling” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Seven
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Eight “A Rare Leisure” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Six “Truth and Falsehood” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Sixty Seven “Questions and Answers” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Seventy Five “Intelligence Determines Taste” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Sixty Six “Awakening” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Seventy Four “Jealousy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Five “Li Water
Burning Heavens” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Three “The
Things Missed” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Four “Caught It!” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Two 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Sixty Three “The Sect Assessment” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Seventy One 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Two “Lin Qian” 何为贤妻 To
Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy “Your Attack Is Ineffective” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Sixty One “Planning” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Sixty Nine 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty “Comprehension” 何为贤妻 To
Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Eight 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty
Nine “Practicing Sword In The Water” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Sixty Seven 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Eight “Terror” 何为贤妻 To Be
A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Six “Intentions?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Fifty Seven “Like Fire” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Five “Decision” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Six “Determination” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Four “Disparity” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Fifty Five “Going To Get Rich?” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Three
“Trapping Ning Wang” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Four “Fire” 何为贤
妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Two “Reality” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Fifty Three “Great Strength Pill” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Sixty One “Bamboo Stick” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Two “All In!” 何
为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty “Er Ge, Are You Showing Off Your Love” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty One “Attack” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Fifty Nine “The Grace of The Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Fifty “Finding The Way” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Eight
“Assassination” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Nine “Purchase Order” 何
为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Seven “Husband and Wife On A
Trip Together” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Eight “The Black-Hearted
Records Room” 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Six “Schemes
of Brothers” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Seven “Shixiong Xu Yi” 何为
贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Five “Fortune and Misfortune” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Six “Zhuji” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Fifty Four “Losing the Heart of the Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Forty Five “Struggle” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Three
“Road” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Four “A Tragedy Caused By One
Piece of Jingshi” 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Two “Jing
Guifei’s Strategy” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Three “First
Grade Lingdan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Two “Dan Completed” 何
为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty One “Shameless Woman” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty “Rumors” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty
One “Spiritual Power” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Nine “The Honor
of the Imperial House” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty “Aid” 何为贤妻 To
Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Eight “Brothers?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Thirty Nine “Start Making Dan” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Forty Seven “The Imperial Knife Corps” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty
Eight “Fragrant Ginger Yard” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Six “Kui
Yuan Palace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty Seven “Two Blows!” 何为贤
妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Five “High Up Above” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Thirty Six “Encounter Again” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Forty Four “Pointing at the Mulberry Tree and Swearing at the Locust Tree” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty Five “Discovery” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Three 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty
Four “Inner Sect Disciple” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Two 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty Three “The Spring Sprout Jade Medal” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty One 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Thirty Two “Refusal” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty “To Repay
Grievances Fairly” 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Nine &
Forty Supplement 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty One “Choice” 何为贤
妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Nine 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Thirty “Schemes” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Eight “The Woman
In The Rumors” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Nine “Sword Essence”
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Seven “Suspicious” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Twenty Eight “The Doorway” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Thirty Six “Strife” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Five “The
Tian Family” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Seven “Looking Up in
the Darkness” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Six “Appearance
Changed and Mind Erased” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Four
“Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty
Five “Fourth Shigu” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Three “The First
Day of the New Year at Wang Fu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Four
“Finding a Different Way” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Supplement for Chapter
Twenty Nine, Thirty One, Thirty Two, & Thirty Five 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Thirty Two “At The Banquet” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty
Three “Apparition” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty One “One of
Another’s Family” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Two “Silver
Horned Worm” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty “To Be Partial” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty One “One Breath” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Twenty Nine “Yun Qing’s Tragedy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Twenty “Obsession” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Eight
“Lucky Star” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Seven “Damsel-In-
Distress is a Liar” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nineteen “Shixiong
Wei Sheng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighteen “Soup” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Six Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Twenty Six “People Are Not the Same, Roads Are Not the Same” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seventeen “Pu” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Twenty Five “Women” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Four “Zhouli”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixteen “Sword Essence” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Three “Pleading” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Fifteen “Little Yao” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fourteen
“Strange Disease” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Two “To
Cause Ruin” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty One “A Coquettish Smile”
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty One and Twenty Three Supplement
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirteen “Success” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Twenty “Peerless”. 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twelve “[Art
of Flora]” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Nineteen “Choices” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Eleven “The Money Grubbing Zombie” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighteen “Bathing Together” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Ten “Weeds” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine “Forging” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventeen “A Woman’s Heart, A Needle at the Bottom
of the Ocean” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight “Changes” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixteen “Schemes” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven “Ye’ll Wait For You” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifteen “The
Women of the Imperial Palace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six “Highly
Dangerous” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fourteen “A Pig For An
Opponent?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five “Cold Mist Valley” 何为贤妻 To
Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirteen “Jing Fei’s Summons” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Eleven and Twelve Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Twelve “Rage for a Beautiful Woman” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
“Absurdity” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eleven “Confrontation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three “The Little Yard” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two “Jade Stick’ 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Nine &
Ten Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ten “Displays of Affection” 修
真世界 (Xiu Zhen Shi Jie) World of Cultivation Chapter One “[Little Art of Cloud
and Rain]” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Nine “Valued Guests” 何为贤妻 To
be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eight “Chang De Gong Fu” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Six and Seven Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seven
“Qu Qing Ju: He He” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Six “The Beautiful Times
of Lunch” Women (Wife and Concubines) in Historical China (and historical novels)
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Five “I Am A Protector Of Beautiful Women”
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Three & Four Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Four “Embarrassment” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Two Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Supplement
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Three “Wang Ye” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Two “Ce Fei is Still Qie” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One “I
Am A Reasonable Person” 微微一笑很倾城 TV drama- First Photos from Media Visits
微微一笑很倾城 Mei Ren’s Smile Is Also Alluring “2 The Things with Da Shen and Wei
Wei” & “3 The Thing with the Supermarket” 微微一笑很倾城 Outtake “Cong Cong
Raising His Brother” (Parts One & Two) 美人一笑也倾城 Mei Ren’s Smile is Also
Alluring “1 Cohabitation” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Eight “The End” 微微一笑很倾
城 Chapter Forty Seven “The Sun Will Never Set” 微微一笑很倾城 Outtakes One “The
Beauty Rankings” & Three 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Six A “Consummated”
Summer Vacation 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Five “Let Me Be Your Sidekick” 微微一
笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Four “Brilliance” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Three “Just
Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming” 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Forty Two
“The Swimsuit” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty One “His World” 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Forty “The Little Intern” 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Thirty Nine “I’m
Embarrassed” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Eight “Return Slowly As I Wait For You”
微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Seven “Upon The Road, The Flowers Are Blooming” 微
微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Six “Have A Good Trip” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty
Five Supplementing the Dowry 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Four “The Truth” 微微
一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Three “A Narrow Road” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty
Two “Rumours 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty One “Meiren Shixiong” 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Thirty “The Manner Of Those Who Are Strong” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter
Twenty Nine “The Most Terrifying Team In History” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty
Eight “Passed By” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty Seven “I Can’t Stand It” 微微一笑很
倾城 Chapter Twenty Six “One Of Ours” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty Five
“Blitzkrieg” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty Four “The Farewell Match” 微微一笑很倾
城 Chapter Twenty Three “The Most Unlikely Couple” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty
Two “It’s Him” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty One “I Was Waiting For You” 微微一笑
很倾城 Chapter Twenty “I Know” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Nineteen “Realizations” 微微
一笑很倾城 Chapter Eighteen “The Finals” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Seventeen “Give To
My Wife To Toss Around and Play” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter 16 “Be With Me” 微微一笑
很倾城 Chapter Fifteen “Meet Again On The Jianghu” Part Two 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Fifteen “Meet Again on the Jianghu” Part One 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter
Fourteen “The Quest” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirteen “He Is Not Me” 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Twelve White Robes, Red Shadow 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Eleven
“The Video” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter 10 “Evil, Too Evil” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Nine
“The Duel” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Eight An Encounter on the Road 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Seven “The Xiao Yu Family” for 微微一笑很倾城 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Six
“Tagalong Wei Wei” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Five “A Magnificent Wedding” 微微一笑很
倾 城 Chapter Four “Before the Wedding” 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Three “A
Marriage Proposal” 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Two “Groom Kidnapping? ◎______◎”
Introductions and Chapter 1 of 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter 224
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Four – Pu Yao’s Teaching

Pu Yao said it easily, but an abhinna was not so easily formed. After being modified by
earth energy, Zuo Mo’s body could contain more earth energy. Zuo Mo spent all of his time
absorbing earth energy. When the earth energy entered his body, it would turn into
hundreds of thin streams that spread throughout every part of Zuo Mo’s body.

Zuo Mo felt his strength was very full, and the mountain peak diagram on his palms were
becoming increasingly clear.

According to Pu Yao, his body cultivation could be considered to have finally crossed the
threshold. As he absorbed earth energy, Zuo Mo savored the difference between body and
sword cultivation. Compared to those complex and profound sword scriptures, body
cultivation was much easier. He only needed to continuously guide the earth energy to
every part of his body and continuously temper it. Body cultivation was a test of his
patience more than anything else.

Zuo Mo guided the earth energy into the blood and bones, which previously had had
earth energy drawn out from before by Pu Yao. After multiple rounds of tempering, Zuo Mo
was very familiar with his body, and it did not require any effort. There was some earth
energy that could not be absorbed and swam between his blood and flesh. He was not
rushed. Tempering was a labor of time, and it could not be hurried. The blood, bone, flesh,
and tendons of his body seemed to breathe. When the amount of earth energy they
absorbed reached a certain level, they would become full.

Zuo Mo’s knees slightly bent, his two palms were covered in a dark blue light. He
continuously used his two palms to hit his body. With each blow his body would lightly
shudder as though he was struck by electricity, becoming numb and itchy.

Each blow would cause much of the earth energy to shatter into smaller dust-sized
particles. Pia pia pia, Zuo Mo continued for two hours before he stopped. The earth
energies that he had taken in today were all absorbed in.

He stood up. His body, rather than being tired, was in unspeakable ecstasy. He knew that
as long as he persisted, his body would become even harder and stronger, becoming as
difficult to damage as a talisman.

He suddenly seemed to like body cultivation. The offensive strength of body cultivation
and dhyana xiu could not compare to sword xiu, but tempering the body bit by bit
continuously built his confidence. Every pore in his body felt stronger every day, and
continuously made him even hardier.

Many dhyana xiu would not use a talisman in their entire lifetime because they would
use all their time on tempering their own bodies. Their bodies were not the least bit lacking
compared to strong talismans. The bodies of dhyana xiu after their death were the best for
corpse forging, but no one dared to do so. Xiuzhe who had dared to do so had all been killed
without exception by dhyana xiu.

“Mo is the best at body cultivation. The [Vajra Profound Sutra] that you cultivate
might be low level, but it isn’t bad to use when building your foundation,” Pu Yao said
coldly. Whenever he mentioned something related to the gravestone, he never had a good
tone. “From the core, humans are not suited to body cultivation.”

“Because we do not have mo matrixes?” Zuo Mo reacted quickly.

“Exactly. With the mo matrix, the efficiency of body cultivation is multiplied. As for
body cultivation, ling power is not the best choice. Ling power is most skilled in
transformations. The Dhyana bunch were all people who didn’t have any sword
scriptures at the time, and had no choice but to mimic the mo in body cultivation, and
only achieved half the effectiveness.”

Pu Yao was full of scorn in his words about the dhyana xiu. He continued icily, “Mo
understand body cultivation, but there is a world of difference there. Those slightly
better body cultivation mo arts all have strict inheritance rules. Hmph, hmph, the
inheritance of yaomo is much stricter than xiuzhe.”

“How do yaomo inherit?” Zuo Mo was full of interest and asked in curiosity.

“The best inheritances in the mo jies are mostly in the hands of mo above the level of
general. They are warlords, ruling over large numbers of lower level mo in their
territories. In any of the mo jie, inheritances represent strength. In order to learn an
inheritance, one has to continuously give their loyalty to their master. In the future, if
you encounter a mo army, you have to be careful.”

“Why? Are they even stronger than the yao army?” Zuo Mo was slightly shocked. In his
experience, the yao army he had seen that day was so strong that he didn’t even any
thoughts of resisting.

“The yao army obeys commands as one, but in terms of obedience, no army can
compare to the mo armies. The military laws of the mo armies are so strict that no one
is above them. Any mo general will have hundreds of subordinates that are willing to
die for him. Brave, not afraid of death, and fanatical obedience. As long as the mo
general is not too dumb, any troop would have a headache when faced against them.”
“They aren’t afraid of death?” Zuo Mo didn’t understand. He found it hard to
comprehend this kind of loyalty. It was not that he did not believe in this kind of loyalty, but
he felt that this kind of loyalty would only appear on a few select people. If a whole troop
was not afraid of death, then it was too scary!

“Because of mo skill inheritances. Any kind of high level mo skill inheritances will
have its own unique intelligence awakening technique that can bestow thought. What
you people might say is that mo are born from intelligence beasts. In reality, to be able
to be called mo, there is one condition, that their intelligence has been awakened.
Behind every mo is their clan. But to become mo, their intelligence must be awakened.
Only beasts that have their intelligence awakened can cultivate mo skills. If they die,
their clan would benefit, and will receive more opportunities to awaken the
intelligences of more mo. These are the rules that any mo general in any mo jie would
abide by.”

“Why don’t people awaken some more?” Zuo Mo asked.

“Awakening a mo intelligence comes at a price,” Pu Yao looked at Zuo Mo, and said,
“There are those that are naturally born intelligent, but the number is very low. Those
mo are very talented in cultivation.”

“But then, doesn’t it mean that they forever have to be subordinates?”

“They aren’t stupid.” Pu Yao smiled icily and said, “Joining the army, there is a chance
to receive low level mo skill inheritances. The military achievements they accumulate
can be used to trade for better inheritances. Even though it cannot be the top mo skills,
but the inheritances they receive can be given to their clan members. If they can
comprehend the technique to awaken the intelligence on their own, their clan will start
to walk on the road to prosperity. As though whether the clan can become a Family, it
depends on their fortune.”

“How do yao have inheritances?” Zuo Mo was even more curious.

“The clans of yao are even more complex than that of xiuzhe and mo. Over there, it is
very easy to learn low level knowledge.” Pu Yao had a reminiscent expression. “Our
reproduction is not as difficult as the mo. Newborn yao would be educated in their
clans. When they reach a certain age, they will all be arranged to enter a yao art house,
and learn higher level yao arts there. The best that graduate from the yao art houses
would have chances to follow more powerful yao and learn even higher level yao arts.”

Zuo Mo gaped as he listened. He had always assumed that the world of yaomo was full of
chaos and killing. But listening to Pu Yao, it seemed that they were even more peaceful than
the xiuzhe jie.

Seemingly having guessed Zuo Mo’s thoughts, Pu Yao smiled coldly. “Don’t think of it as
so beautiful. Machinations in the shadows are never lacking anywhere you go.” When
he got to there, Pu Yao seemed to have thought of some displeasing matter, his face slightly

Zuo Mo twisted his mouth. Pu Yao was too ungenerous. It had been thousands of years,
but this guy was still holding a grudge. In the future, he could not offend the other. The guy
really held grudges.

Pu Yao’s introduction completely changed Zuo Mo’s impression of yaomo.

“Your strength is not powerful, and you’ve learned many things. Even though it is a
bit chaotic, but it’s not as though there are no benefits.” Pu Yao continued, “The [Vajra
Profound Sutra] it gave you is rough, but it’s truly a mo skill. As for ling power, no
matter if it is spells or manipulation, or control, you are not less than any other xiuzhe.
There’s nothing that needs to be said about spiritual power. Star spiritual cultivation,
Great and Little Thousand Leaf Hands, they are all the best of yao arts.”

“Also, you are skilled in formations. This is especially important,” Pu Yao discussed
like one learned in many areas of knowledge, “No matter if it is xiu spells, yao arts, or mo
skills, at the core their essence is the laws of the world. If you do not understand
formations and practice all three kinds, you will end up with a terrible mixture. Three
kinds of power, they have changed and transformed over the long months and years,
and now walk on different paths. However, formations are something that can connect
all three together.”

When he got to there, Pu Yao became careful. “I do not know what you will become in
the future because there has never been a precedent. The formations of xiuzhe were
the first to develop and the most complete, but xiuzhe do not know much of yaomo so
I’ve never heard of anyone having a breakthrough in this area.”

“Why?” Zuo Mo found it very strange that xiuzhe would disregard this. They had fought
against yaomo for so many years, but why would xiuzhe still know so little about yaomo?

Pu Yao wanted to rolled his eyes and mock Zuo Mo for his ignorance about history, but
upon further thought, he managed to resist it, and patiently explained, “Jingshi and
talismans are more effective. As long as there are enough materials, the strength of a
xiuzhe would quickly grow. No matter if it is a mo skill or a yao art, even though it can
be aided by external forces, but they’re very limited and far slower than using jingshi
and talismans. Also, mo skills and yao arts are not suited for ling power. The more they
are practiced, the more heterogeneous it becomes. Why are sword xiu strong? Because
they only cultivate ling power, only cultivate the sword. They only need more jingshi,
better materials, stronger talismans and flying swords! In reality, the path of xiuzhe is
to steal, increasingly professional theft.”

Zuo Mo didn’t know how to reply. Upon further thought, while he felt that Pu Yao’s
words were slightly ugly, but they held some truth.
“However,” Pu Yao’s tone turned and became full of scorn as he said, “by taking
advantage of outside sources in the long term, they comprehend less. Even though I do
not know what the situation is like at present, but if I have not guessed incorrectly, the
true experts of the xiuzhe are probably fewer in number than thousands of years ago.
Ha ha!”

Tilting his head, Zuo Mo didn’t know. Sky Moon Jie was a small place, he didn’t know
anything about the outside world. He unconcernedly shrugged his shoulders. “Never mind
them, let’s first take care of ourselves.”

Pu Yao snickered and didn’t speak.

After Pu Yao’s guidance, Zuo Mo felt his own thoughts were clear and distinct. He had a
general understanding of his future cultivation. Ling power, body, and consciousness, they
represented the three separate areas of xiu spells, mo skills, and yao arts. The three were
connected together by a single bridge, formations.

His confidence had increased from when he had analyzed and identified the three
formations from the [Copper Rhinoceros Mo Matrix].

At this time, he suddenly found some points that he had disregarded before. For example,
the growth of his consciousness was enormously beneficial for control of ling power. Didn’t
his own fine control of ling power come from his spiritual power, which was far above
those of the same cultivation as him?

He suddenly had a feeling that his own ling power would most likely change after his
body cultivation improved.

He couldn’t help but be full of anticipation!

Translator Ramblings: More of Pu, some yaomo history and society, and Zuo Mo getting
educated in what the world really is like. Zuo Mo is coming from a very well protected place
of his own ignorance and the small piece of life he was exposed to. Losing memory is
almost a better way of getting exposition and world-building than having someone time-
travel where the author can just match and use modern-day terms. In summary, Zuo Mo
has the best body cultivation similar to that of a mo, the best spiritual teachings that a yao
can get, but his knowledge and education that a xiuzhe could have sucks by comparison. It’s
just a little bit ironic.
Chapter 225
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Five – Breakthrough in Body Cultivation

Before Zuo Mo had formed his abinna, Gongsun Cha had already taken Stone Door Beach.
The high efficiency made Zuo Mo gape in awe.

The losses this time were smaller than the previous, and the xiuzhe captured were more
numerous than last time as well.

Included in this group was the head of the group, Xie Shan. When he saw the Three
Section Wave Killing Charge that Gongsun Cha had formed, he understood that the strength
of the two sides were not on the same level. Even though there was not a large difference in
terms of numbers, his rationality urged him to choose surrender.

After he had surrendered and learned that the other had attacked them just for the
Rotten Metal Silver mine of Stone Door Beach, he was so depressed he almost spat blood. If
he knew beforehand, he wouldn’t have hesitated in giving it to them. In the present Little
Mountain Jie, who wanted a mine?

If there were no puppets or xiu slaves, the cost to mining could not be imagined. Xie Shan
could not understand, no matter how hard he thought why this group of people would
want the mine. However, while he could not understand the other side’s intentions, he
could clearly see the difference in power.

The xiuzhe that had survived until now all had keen eyes, and a person that could lead a
group couldn’t just rely on his ningmai third stratum cultivation. Xie Shan naturally had his
own unique characteristics. He could see that the group was well trained, not a group of
wandering and loose soldiers, and definitely had a deep background.

However, when he was told that jinzhi was going to be put into him, he was dumbstruck.
When he saw Zuo Mo, he was dumbstruck again.

A guy of ningmai first stratum … …

Zuo Mo was well-versed in how to set down jinzhi. It only took a little while for jinzhi to
be put into the bodies of this group of people. Naturally, jinzhi were not infallible. If
someone’s cultivation reached jindan, the jinzhi would become ineffective.

In this group, the one with the highest hope of becoming jindan was Xie Shan. However,
it was just a possibility. The difficulty of breaking into jindan was much higher than
entering ningmai. After entering ningmai, ling power would start a constant increase.
Reaching the level of third stratum was mostly dependent on an accumulation of ling
power, but to breakthrough from ningmai to jindan, it also required comprehension.

Zuo Mo did not worry in the slightest. Of course, the most important reason was that
worrying was useless.

The new camp was set at Stone Door Beach. Chun Yu Cheng’s beast pool was also moved
over. When the three Golden Armor Guards appeared in Xie Shan’s vision, Xie Shan finally
accepted his fate. The cultivation of the Golden Armor Guards did not seem as high as his,
but the aura of danger that surrounded their entire body made his heart shudder. When he
saw the date seed ship, the last bit of resistance in his mind dissipated.

Not anyone could possess a jingshi talisman.

In this period of time, other than body cultivation, Zuo Mo had done something else. He
had carved the three formations from the [Copper Rhinoceros Mo Matrix] onto the three
Golden Armor Guards. With these three formations, the Golden Armor Guards would
continuously absorb ling power, and then temper their bodies. Even though Pu Yao had not
explicitly stated the origins of the Golden Armor Guards, but Zuo Mo had guessed it. After
he had asked Pu Yao, he was informed that the reason these three Golden Armor Guards
were so strong was due to having used such quality materials such as ancient dragon bone
and Nether water.

It was not possible to buy ancient dragon bone when one wanted too, and all of the
Nether water had been used up in the previous matter. It was temporarily impossible to
make new Golden Armor Guards. Zuo Mo tried to think of ways to increase the strength of
the Golden Armor Guards. Even more, where else could he find such good experiment
subjects like the Golden Armor Guards? Zuo Mo didn’t need to worry at all about making a
mistake when he carved the formations.

In Zuo Mo’s view, the reason that the Golden Armor Guards could not increase in
strength was that they could not keep cultivating like xiuzhe could. There were no real
differences between Golden Armor Guards and the puppets, they both manipulated the
power they already possessed. The three formations that he carved onto the Golden Armor
Guards could continuously temper their bodies. With the continuous influx of ling power,
theoretically, there was a possibility that the three Golden Armor Guards could improve.

This was only a theoretical speculation.

After moving to Stone Door Beach, the most important matter was to make Black
Processing Meditation mats. Zuo Mo made one hundred paper puppets and threw them
into the mining pit. The mine already showed signs of excavation. Rotten Metal Silver was
not a valuable material, and was easy to sell. To any sect, this mine was a steady source of
Lil’ Pagoda was set in command of using the paper puppets to mine. The difficulty of
mining the ore was extremely low at this location which was why paper puppets could be
used. If it was a much more complex and dangerous mine, it would require higher level

Quickly, Rotten Metal Silver ore was continuously delivered to Zuo Mo’s hands. Zuo Mo
used the Golden Crow Fire to process the ore. Rotten Metal Silver was extremely malleable
and had a metallic sheen. It would naturally form with unique holes that made it look like
rotten pieces of metal.

With the Rotten Metal Silver, Zuo Mo immediately made large quantities of the Black
Processing Meditation mats. When the people under him personally experienced the
benefits of the Black Processing Meditation mats, everyone held their mats with a death
grip, afraid someone would steal it. Everyone understood what this Black Processing
Meditation mat meant. As long as they had a Black Processing Meditation mat, they did not
have to fight anymore with other people for ling grains, and did not have to worry that
their cultivation would collapse one day due to lack of ling grains and die.

The enthusiasm of the troop towards training suddenly increased. With the Black
Processing Meditation mat, they could cultivate like they did before to increase their
cultivation. For any cultivator, there was nothing that could move them more than this fact.

In such a harsh environment, without any pressure from Gongsun Cha, everyone trained
with their life. The Black Processing Meditation mat allowed them to see the hope of
leveling up. They were also completely won over by Gongsun Cha’s battle tactics after two

No one wanted to die. Able to see hope, anyone was willing to put in their all.


Earth energy continuously moved from the ground into Zuo Mo’s body. The infection of
the ling veins did not cause the earth energy to also thin, but instead had made the earth
energy even more dense, and full of vitality. This kind of transformation was unexpected to
Zuo Mo. However, he understood after thinking it over.Now that ling energy was
decreasing, Little Mountain Jie was developing in the direction of Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie.
This kind of environment was much more suited to yaomo.

The increase in earth energy most likely was only one of reasons. Denser earth energy
was more suited to mo to cultivate their bodies.
Zuo Mo’s body had been continuously tempered and washed by the earth energy. In the
last few days, he had gone over every part of his body, not even missing his hair and nails.
Nurtured by earth energy, he did not look as thin and weak as he had previously. His figure
became much broader, his he could feel the enormous strength contained in his body as he

This was purely the strength of his body of flesh. He had tried with the flying sword. If he
did not use ling power, the flying sword was unable to slice open his skin. Not just so, his
bones and flesh were also tempered. Without using ling power, he could easily punch
granite to pieces.

He didn’t even exclude the skin on his face. Pu Yao had suggested that he did not temper
his face, because it would increase the difficulty of regaining his original features. However,
Zuo Mo still persisted in tempering his face. In the present situation, the first priority was
surviving before anything else.

Zuo Mo could feel that every muscle and bone in his body had reached the limit that he
could reach at the moment.

He instantly understood that he was on the cusp of a breakthrough.

He calmed down his mind, slowly absorbing earth energy. His body was extremely well
adjusted to earth energy. Earth energy could easily pass through every part of his body. He
felt the pleasure from his bones and flesh soaking in the earth energy, the earth energy
flowing past his blood and flesh, making the blood and flesh tremble, and produce a tingly
and itchy feeling.

The tingly and itchy feeling increased like there was countless ants climbing in his body.
Zuo Mo forced himself to not move. He tried to relax his body to absorb earth energy. His
consciousness slowly sank into his body.

His consciousness was much purer than previously. The size of the leaf hand had not
changed, but the leaf hand was much denser than before. At the center of the palm of the
leaf hand, some patterns had appeared that looked like the lines of a human palm.

Every tiny change of his body, under his consciousness, became clear like they never had
been before.

The earth energy became increasingly dense, the amount of earth energy in Zuo Mo’s
body reaching an astonishing level. Even the channels which were full of ling power felt the
pressure from the earth energy. However, the ling power in the channels would not so
easily retreat. Seeing the earth energy and ling power about to conflict inside his body, Zuo
Mo’s heart rose.

He hadn’t expected the earth energy to leave the channels of their own initiative. The
attention of the earth energy went back to his blood, bones, and flesh.
The plentiful earth energy started to slowly charge at Zuo Mo’s blood, flesh, tendons and
bones. Zuo Mo uncontrollably started to tremble. If the charge before had been like the itch
of ants, then it was like there was a saw slowly sawing his body.

He didn’t dare to move. He knew that this was the earth energy helping him reconstruct
his body. If he could endure this moment of enormous pain, the benefits he would receive
would be incomparable!

Under the charge of earth energy, each muscle in his body slowly moved. The slightly
slack muscles became even tighter and firm, and the connections of the muscles, under the
stimulation of the earth energy, started to furiously grow. It was like the root of a tree that
continuously grew and burrowed deep into the ground.

Growth, what it changed wasn’t just his muscles, even his bones were continuously
compressed. The bones became even thinner, but they were multiple times stronger.

Zuo Mo shook like dice, the enormous pain causing his eyes to redden but he did not
make a sound.

The earth energy moved and occupied his eyes. His vision became a blur, unable to see
anything distinctly.

These days, after Pu Yao’s teachings, he had a much deeper understanding about body
cultivation. He knew the long that he resisted, the more benefits he would get.

The pain rolled like waves. His body was soaked in sweat, a puddle at his feet. He didn’t
know how long it had been, his mind was blank.

There seemed to be a voice far away talking to him.

But his mind was unmoving. He didn’t heart one word. That voice, it seemed to sound
somewhat like the voice that appeared in his dreams.

After an unknown period of time, his wandering and uncomprehending mind slowly

The scene in front of him slowly became clear.

The bone-aching pain had disappeared like the pain just now had never existed. His body
felt as though it was soaking in hot water, the pleasure coming from the deepest part of his
body making Zuo Mo want to groan.

But the sweat all over his body told him that the hell like pain had not been a delusion.

Zuo Mo suppressed the urge to sink back into the pleasure, instinctively raising his palm.

When he saw his palm, he was dumbstruck.

Translator Ramblings: Gongsun Cha is an efficient henchman. Zuo Mo gets another
breakthrough. Pu Yao didn’t really lie, but his promise of more Golden Armor Guards is
obviously an empty one since he cannot really fulfill it right now.

Xie Shan is the closest person we’ve seen to a jindan who isn’t a jindan. Keep in mind that
most of these people are middle-aged since they find Zuo Mo very young. If we go way back
to the Sword Test Conference, the competitors were all in ningmai except Zuo Mo.
However, they would most likely have all been in first stratum. The average power of the
people he is encountering has been steadily increasing. He’s moved up three stages in ling
power which makes this a long read to his power-up. However, this makes each of his
breakthroughs much more valuable.

-- 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S13-C01 “Travel Ten Thousand Miles” Ascending,

Do Not Disturb Chapter Four “New Year’s Red Envelopes” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony
of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty Five “Seed” Ascending, Do Not Disturb
Chapter Two “Lie” Ascending, Do Not Disturb Chapter Three “World of Cultivation”
Ascending, Do Not Disturb Chapter One “Miracle” and Summary 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty Four “Lava and Madness” 傲风
An Unyielding Wind V01-S12-C04 “The Inexhaustible Life Ring” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind V01-S12-C03 “Party” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S12-C02 “The Ferocious Chi”
Why I now have a tip jar … … 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S12-C01 “Ascension of
the Monarch” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty
Three “The Abyss Rift” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S11-C04 “Reap What
One’s Sown” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S11-C03 “Furious Levelling Up” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty Two “Base” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S11-C02 “Regent Beast Tamer” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-
S11-C01 “Magic Beast Siege” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S10-C04 “Switch, Start” 4.6
Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty One “Settling and
Traveling Afar” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S10-C03 “See Who Deceives Who” 傲风
An Unyielding Wind V01-S10-C02 “Central Cloud City” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-
S10-C01 “Visiting Official, Radiance Envoy” Random Statistics and Year Conclusion
Part VII Licensing Part VI Top Original Publishers Part V How long do you have to
wait for the ending? a.k.a time to completion Part IV The 200 most popular words in
novel titles Part III Efficiencies of scale? : Dominance of multi-person
translator groups 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S09-C04 “I Will Block For You” Part II
Exponential growth: Chinese projects soon to overtake Japanese? Part I The state
of affairs Asian Fan Translation Trends 2018 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S09-C03
“Famed In Neversetting Sun” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S09-C02 Show of
One’s Ability 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twenty
“Air Storage and Immune System” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume
Two Chapter Nineteen “The Desolate World” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S09-C01
“Seen By Tens of Thousands” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C07 “Challenge” 傲风
An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C06 “We Came For Him” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume Two Chapter Eighteen “Preparations To Land” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind V01-S08-C05 “Return To The City” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C04
“Thief” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C03 “Battle Armor” Zhui Xu Chapter Twelve
“Water Point Poetry Conference” Zhui Xu Chapter Eleven “Upon The Pleasure Boats”
4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Seventeen “The
Evolution of the Exoskeleton” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C02 “Ascending
A Rank” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S08-C01 “Chi” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-
S07-C06 “Sacred Beast Guardian” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S07-C05 “A
Huge Herd” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S07-C04 “Trick Him” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind V01-S07-C03 “The Secret Land” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume
Two Chapter Sixteen “Strange Crystals and Shallows” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume Two Chapter Fifteen “The Desert In The Dark Night” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S07-C02 “Crimson Forge” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S07-
C01 “Searching For The Fire Dragon Fruit” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution
Volume Two Chapter Fourteen “The Light of the Future” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume Two Chapter Thirteen”Prelude to the Storm” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind V01-S06-C05 “Look Under My Feet” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S06-C04
“Company Leader” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S06-C03 “First Show of Ability(3)” 傲
风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S06-C02 “First Show of Ability(2)” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Twelve “Explore” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Eleven “Small But Complex” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Ten “The Organisms of the Sand”
4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Nine “Leaving The Ice”
4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Eight “New
Nutrient System” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S06-C01 “First Show of Ability(1)” 4.6
Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Seven “Inside” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S05-C06 “Setting Off On A Journey” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind
V01-S05-C05 “A Personage” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Fifteen “The Ending” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Fourteen “Pride” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Thirteen
“Response” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Twelve
“Youqin’s Ten Years of Preparation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine
Hundred and Eleven “Lin Qian’s Counterattack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Nine Hundred and Ten “Lin Qian’s Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Nine Hundred and Nine “Sword God Wei Sheng!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Eight “The Chief Mo God’s Madness” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Seven “The Dawn Is Near” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and Six “The Death of Mi Nan” World of
Cultivation: Finale Event 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Five “Wei Sheng’s Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Four “Bie Han Vs Mu Xuan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and
Three “In The Name of Eldest Shixiong” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine
Hundred and Two “The Final Battle of the Strongest and God-Level” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred and One “How Have You Been?” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Nine Hundred “Fight To The Death” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Nine “Horn! God-Level!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Eight “Strong Attack” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Seven “Liang Wei’s Plan” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Six “Have To Fight!” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Five “An Unexpected
Occurrence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Four
“Response” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ninety Three
“Action” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Six “The
Clogged Immune System” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Ninety Two “Planning and Movement” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Ninety One “New King, Old King” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eight Hundred and Ninety “Hai Xin Bing’s Death” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S05-
C04 “In the Bar” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S05-C03 “Rob” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eighty Nine “Absolute Power” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eighty Eight “When Did I Allow You To Use
The Name of Nether Realm” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Eighty Seven “Facing Off” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Eighty Six “Presence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Eighty Five “The Last Chance” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Eighty Four “Advance” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Eighty Three “The First Battle” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume Two
Chapter Five “Unicellular and Multicellular” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S05-C02
“Invitation from the Castellan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Eighty Two “Taking The Lead” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Eighty One “The Terrible State of Affairs” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Eighty “Pu and Wei” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy Nine “Meetup” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy Eight “Ten Years!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy Seven “New King” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-
S05-C01 “Neversetting Sun” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Seventy Six “Shi” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy
Five “Reunion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy
Four “Change” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy
Three “Forming Beads In The Death Eye” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Seventy Two “The King’s Horn” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eight Hundred and Seventy One “Three Hundred Pieces of Shen Equipment” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seventy “Fire Cemetery” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S04-C05 “Eat Him” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Sixty Nine “Change” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume
Two Chapter Four “The Ediacaran Worm” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S04-C04
“Scheme” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Sixty Eight
“Counterattack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Sixty
Seven “Person In The Cloak” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S04-C03 “Competition” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Sixty Six “Sea of Ten
Thousand Boiling Pools” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Sixty Five “Ghost Fire Forging” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Sixty Four “Refining the Shen Bone” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Sixty Three “Preparations” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Sixty Two “Base Shen Power” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eight Hundred and Sixty One “Yin Tomb Ghost Lord” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume Two Chapter Three “Mothership” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Sixty “Transaction” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S04-
C02 “Blue Eyes Like The Sea, Genius!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Fifty Nine “Lan Bing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Fifty Eight “Qing Xiao” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S04-C01 “I Will
Remember You” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S03-C07 “Someone Familiar” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Seven “Guidance” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Six “Mine” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Five “Conflict” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Four “Qing Xiao” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter Two “Departure” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifty Three “Golden Chariot” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind V01-S03-C06 “Slaughter of God” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S03-
C05 “Transformation, Choice” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Fifty Two “Coffin Puller” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Fifty One “The Changes In The World” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eight Hundred and Fifty “Nothing To Do With Rationality” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Nine “Are You Willing” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume Two Chapter One “After the Sleep” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Eight “Pu and Wei” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Seven “Each Person’s Intentions” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Six “Glyph Sea” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Five “Surging Power” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty Four “Lin Qian” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Twenty Four “The First Great Mass
Extinction” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Twenty
Three “Anomaly” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty
Three “God-Level!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty
Two “Great Trouble” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty
One “Destruction” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Forty
“This Is Mo Cloud Sea!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Thirty Nine “A Reason To Fight” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Thirty Eight “I Am The King Of Mo Cloud Sea” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Seven “Chief Elder Burning” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Six “Lil’ Fire” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Five “Tian Huan Chief Elder” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Four “Tian Huan’s Charge” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Three “Intentions” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty Two “Counter-
Attack (4)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty One
“Counter-Attack (3)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirty
“Counter-Attack (2)” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter
Twenty Two “Explorer” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Twenty Nine “Counter-Attack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred
and Twenty Eight “Gap” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and
Eight “Epilogue” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty
Seven “Yang Yuan Hao’s Decision” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Twenty Six “Familiarity Caused by Inspecting The Spoils” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty Five “Breakthrough” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty Four “Zuo Mo’s Fury” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty Three “Weaving
Girl’s Shuttle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty Two
“Ming Yue Ye” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twenty One
“Unexpected” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and Seven
“Eight Treasures Trousseau” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred
and Six “The Dust Has Settled” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One
Chapter Twenty One “Eye” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One
Chapter Twenty “Evolve!” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred
and Five “Chaotic Night” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Twenty “Trap” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Nineteen
“Struggle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eighteen
“Hidden Trump Card” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and
Seventeen “Zhong De’s Made Idea” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight
Hundred and Sixteen “The Change Among The Yao” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifteen “Yang Yuan Hao’s Dilemma” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Fourteen “Hostage” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and Four “The Winds Rise Again” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and Three “No Blood On The Sword” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and Two “No Response” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Thirteen “Allies” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Twelve “The Chief Tower” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eleven “Tian Huan’s Attack From All Fronts”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Ten “Awaken” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Nine “Danger” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Eight “Descendant of Greenvine” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Seven “Coral Fire Perch” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred and One “Criminal Servant” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter One Hundred “Second Empress” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety Nine “Who Is Scheming?” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Six “Summer Palace” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Five “Mo Cloud Sea Is Coming!” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Four “Victory” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Three “Solitary Dance the Great Dark
Wheel Phoenix” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred and Two “Zuo
Mo’s Heart” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred “The Little
Tenth Grade” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight Hundred “Sneak Attack” 八
宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety Eight “Sides” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Ninety Seven “Let’s Have A Child” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Ninety Six “Afraid of the Wife?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Ninety Nine “Ambush” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind
V01-S03-C04 “Hopeless Situation, Never Leave Behind” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Eight “Comprehension” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind
V01-S03-C03 “Too Shameless” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S03-C02 “Drive
Them Mad” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Seven
“Kun Lun Soul” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Six
“Rain Commanding Banner” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Ninety Five “Yield” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Ninety Four “Encountering Tian Huan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven
Hundred and Ninety Three “Ghost Mist Child” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Ninety Five “Impossible to Grasp” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Ninety Four “Honest Talk” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety Three
“Layers of Conspiracy” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety Two
“Mourning” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety Two
“Mist Eye Tablet” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety
One “The Power of Gluttons” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S03-C01 “Cause” 4.6
Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Nineteen “Protrude” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ninety “Totem Coliseum” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Nine “Sin Battalion” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Eight “Divide” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven “The Anger of Lotus
Sutra Temple” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Six
“Arsonist” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety One “Hang Oneself” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ninety “The Hua Family’s Daughters” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Nine “Burial” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Eighty Eight “Death of a Phoenix” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Five “Bie Han” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Four “Trump Card” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Three “Youqin Lie’s Skills” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty Two “A Battle of Charges” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty One “Opportunity” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighty “Confidence” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Nine “Cang Ling Xue” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Seven “Poison” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Eight “Bie Han! Madman!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven “Mountain of Meat” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Six “Wei Sheng’s Sword” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Five “Act” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Four “Shock” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Three “Enemy Encounter”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy Two “Glittering”
八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Six “Warning” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Five “Love Begets Hate” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Eighty Four “Catching Fish in Muddy Waters” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy One “Treasure Seeking” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Seventy “Green Silk” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Nine “Test” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Eight “A Fatal Temptation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Seven “Bronze Hoop Remnant”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Six “[Bird Mission]”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Five “Lil’ Black’s
Achievement” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty Three “Moves” 八宝妆
Eight Treasure Trousseau Chapter Eight Two “Presents” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Eighty One “Truth and Lies” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Four “Nine Great Dhyana Sects” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Three “Chao Xin’s Plan” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixty Two “The Bird With the
Domineering Presence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Sixty One “The Changes of the Little Ones” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Sixty “Zong Ru and Yi Qing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Nine “Wolf-Head Thousand Monster Camp” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Eight “Cutting One’s Flesh, and
Inspiration” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eighty “Close and Distant” 八
宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Nine “Preference” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Eight “The Empress Dowager’s Thoughts” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Seven “Danger” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Six “The Uninhibited Chao Xin”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Five “Shen
Device Part” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Fifty Four
“Alliance With Xi Xuan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Fifty Three “Commander-in-Chief Bie Han” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Fifty Two “The Little Ones” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Fifty One “Zong Ru Leaving Seclusion” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Seventy Seven “Promise” 八宝妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau
Chapter Seventy Six “True and False Intentions” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Seventy Five “The Winds Rise Again” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Fifty “[Black Fire]” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven
Hundred and Forty Nine “Starting From The Beginning” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Eight “The Beginning of Expansion” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Seven “The Last Straw” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Six “Shen Device” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Five “New Era! 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Four “The Identity of the
Old Man” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Four “Henpecked” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Three “Mentality” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy Two “Panic” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Three “Strategy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty Two “Intensify” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty One “Fire Battle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Forty “Rage” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Thirty Nine “Someone From The Past” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight “Auction” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Seven “Entering The City” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seventy One “Assassin?” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Seventy “Death of the Crown Prince” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Sixty Nine “Critically Ill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Thirty Six “Won’t Forget, Even In Death” Zhui Xu Chapter Ten
“How Long Will The Full Moon Appear” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S02-C05
“Divine Beast” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S02-C04 “Tide” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind
V01-S02-C03 “Starry Night” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One
Chapter Eighteen “The Path of Multicellularity” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of
Evolution Volume One Chapter Seventeen “A Flashing Cavern” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Five “Kun Lun’s Spirit” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Four “Ancient Shen Device” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Three “Battlefield!” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty Two “King’s Forbidden
Firmament” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty One
“Act” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirty
“Silent Arrival” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Eight “Conduct and
Appearance” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Seven “Match
in Heaven” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Six “Life and Death” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Nine “The Prologue to
the Feast” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Eight
“Threats” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Seven
“Ghost Soldier” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Six
“The Entrance of the Yin Energy Cave” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven
Hundred and Twenty Five “Shen Power Warrior” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Four “An Unexpected Occurrence” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty Three “A Snowy
Blue Flower” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Five “Snowy Night” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Four “Fighting” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Sixty Three “Difficulty” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Twenty Two “Progress” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Twenty One “Swear By The Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty “Trembling In Fear” 修 真 世 界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Nineteen “That Set of Jinzhi” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eighteen “Pseudo-Shen Device The Angel
Device Raiment” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Seventeen “The Mysterious Old Man” 傲 风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S02-C02
“Emancipation” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind V01-S02-C01 “Dignity is Priceless” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Sixteen “Angel Device Raiment” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Sixty Two “Chu Yu” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Sixty One “Paternal Family” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Sixty “Benevolence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Fifteen “The Monarch of Mo Weapons” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven Hundred and Fourteen “A God’s Descent” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seven Hundred and Thirteen ” The Continuation of the Explosive Weapon
Style (3)” A Rough Overview of Novelupdates, and possibly Asian Novel Fan
Translation and other things 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Twelve ” The Continuation of the Explosive Weapon Style (2)” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eleven ” The Continuation of the Explosive
Weapon Style (1)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Ten
“Explosive Weapon Style (3)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Nine “Explosive Weapon Style (2)” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Fifty Nine “A Suspicious Good News” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty
Eight “End Of The Matter” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty Seven
“Showing Weakness” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Eight
“Explosive Weapon Style (1)” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Seven “Mysteries” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and
Six”The Mysterious Old Man” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred
and Five “All Sides” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Four
“Take Into Control” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Three
“Interference” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and Two “The
Snow of the Blue Flower” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty Six
“Support” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty Five “Heart To Heart” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred and One “City Market” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Sixteen “Water Current” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seven Hundred “Old and Cunning” 傲风 An Unyielding
Wind Chapter Five “Provocation” (V01-S01-C05) 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Nine “Zuo Mo’s Goal” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Eight “The Unexpected Guest” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Seven “The Domineering Tang Chen” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Six “Sky Snake Ten
Manifestation Pike” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety
Five “The Presence of Earth Level Mo Weapon” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Fifty Four “Pity” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Fifty Three “The
Empress’ Hate” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Four
“Weapon Layering Craftsmanship” 修真 世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Ninety Three “A Complete Set of White Ridge Snake Bones” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety Two “Feng Xin Zi” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety One “Bu Zhou City” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind Chapter Four “Invitation” (V01-S01-C04) 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Ninety “The Gravestone Oath” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Nine “Shen Crystal” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Eight “Rock” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Fifty Two “Everyone Is A Good Actor” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Fifty One “The Foolish Crown Prince” 修 真 世 界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Seven “The Hero and the Beauty” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Six “The Mo Gods Emerge,
The World Is Left Astounded” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and
Eighty Five “Becoming Better” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind Chapter Three “Changes”
(V01-S01-C03) 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Four
“Ambush” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eighty Three
“Explanations of Shen Power” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and
Eighty Two “God-killing Blood Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Eighty One “Zuo Mo’s Transformation” 八 宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Fifty “Suspicions” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Forty Nine “The Miscarriage of Hou shi” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Eighty “The Competitive Pair” Not the one you are waiting for. 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind Chapter Two “Give You A Punch” (V01-S01-C02) 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy Nine “A Gui” Zhui Xu Chapter Nine
“Vision of the Future” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter
Fifteen “Infector” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy
Eight “Nether Decay Reincarnation Lotus” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Seventy Seven “Seeds of Conspiracy” 傲风 An Unyielding Wind Chapter
One “Seventh Young Master” (V01-S01-C01) 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Seventy Six “Cunning Killing Move” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy Five “Disheveled” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy Four “Wei Sheng’s Sword Oath” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Eight “Heavy Doubts” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Forty Seven “Clear” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Seventy Three “Do Not Touch” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution
Volume One Chapter Fourteen “Fright In The Dark” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy Two “Return and Kill” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy One “Creation of the Talisman” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventy “Twenty Six Years Ago” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Nine “Shen Technique” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Eight “Ji Zheng” 傲风 An
Unyielding Wind Prologue “Light” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Sixty Seven “Nasty” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Six “Change
In Opinion” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Five “Assassination” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Six “The World Stunned”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Five “Pu Yao and Wei’s
Conspiracy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Four
“Danger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Three 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty Two 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixty One 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Sixty “Destiny” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty
Four “Accident” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Three
“Showing Love” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Thirteen
“Explode!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Nine “Li
Xian Er” Zhui Xu Chapter Eight “Huyan Leifeng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Fifty Eight “The Black Smoke Yao’s memory Piecing Art” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Seven “Tang Battalion” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Six “Gu Liang Dao’s Choice” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Five “Relations” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Four “Gu Liang Dao” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Three “A Gui’s Attack” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty Two “The Truth Was True …” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty One “Laurel Flower Wine” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty Two “Struggle” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty One “When He’s Sick, Take His Life!” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifty “Rebirth” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Nine “Sun Crystal Seed’s Ten Crow
Celestial Domain” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Eight
“No Return” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Seven
“Transformation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Six
“Chained Together” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Forty
“Congratulations” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Nine “Qinwang”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty Five “Life-Death Lock
Separation Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Forty
Four “The Golden Crow Battering Ram” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Forty Three “Deadlock” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Forty Two “Wu Yu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Forty One “Together” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and
Forty “The Black Gold Seal Soldier VS Qian Qing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Nine “Divine Moon” 八 宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Thirty Eight “Do Not Have To Worry” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Thirty Seven “Invitation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Thirty Eight “Mister Tong” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Thirty Seven “Arrival of Marshal Yu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Six “A Sudden Appearance” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Five “The Blade Unsheathed” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Four “Cut Off” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Three “Center Formation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty Two “Weakness” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Six “Fake Gentleman” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty One “Charge” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Thirty “The Eve” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Nine “Fight” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six Hundred and Twenty Eight “Water Curtain” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Seven “The Ming Bandits” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Six “A Sword Strike and A Block” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Five “Assimilation” 八宝妆
Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Five “Hardship” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Four “Attack” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Three “The Dragon Claw Coming Into
The World” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty Two “Anti
Dragon Claw” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Twenty One
“One Sword Strike From Lin Qian!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Twenty “Lie Becoming Truth” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Nineteen “World” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and
Eighteen “Activation” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Four “The
Fang Family” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seventeen
“Little Landlord” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Sixteen
“Tattletale” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fifteen “Each
With Their Plan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Fourteen
“The Awoken Black Gold Seal Soldier” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Thirteen “Conspiracy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Twelve “The Mud Golem Mo Visitor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Six Hundred and Eleven “Ambush” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Thirty Three “Lu shi’s Anger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six
Hundred and Ten “Drink Wine” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred
and Nine “Princess Xia” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Eight
“Insider Information” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Seven ”
‘Special’ “ 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Six “Reversed Stellar
Revolution” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Five “Peacock
King Plume” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Four “Peacock
Eyespot Domain” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty Two 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Three “Granny Meng Ghost Wine” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and Two “The Drunken Little Mo Ge”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred and One “The Intolerant Lil’ Miss”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six Hundred “The Intuition of A Woman” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Nine “Night Visit” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Eight “Highest
Priority Order” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety
Seven “Shen Power Breathing” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty One
“Provocation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Six
“Great Peace Treasure Pavilion” Richest Chinese Webnovel Author Ranking 2016 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Five “Smooth Talker” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Four “Underhanded” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety Three “The Sin
Battalion’s Jinzhi” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety
Two “Giving A Helping Hand” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Ninety One “Old Acquaintances” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume
One Chapter Twelve “War” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Ninety “Waiting” 八 宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Thirty “Peaceful
Relations” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Nine “A
Domineering Fire of The First Heavenly Stem” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and Eighty Eight “The Azure Air Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Seven “Tit for Tat” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Six “A Strong Presence” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Five “Gamble” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty Four “Low Opinion” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred Eighty Three “Ripples” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Twenty Nine “Pass Away” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred Eighty Two “Honing Their Blades” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty One “Shifting Star Sand” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighty “Arcing Rainbow Battle Formation” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy Nine “Bodhisattva’s
Raging Lotus” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy Eight
“Qi Diao Yu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy Seven
“Please Call Me Xiao Mo Ge” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Seventy Six “Enemy Invasion” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty
Eight “A Beauty’s Anger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Seventy Five “Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy
Four “Domineering” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter
Eleven “Mutualism” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy
Three “Pang Chen” Cast List (in brevi): Secret update somewhere. 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy Two “Confidence and Going All Out” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy One “Mo Skill Steles”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventy “Causes and
Consequences” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty Nine –
“Lan Tian Long” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty Seven “The
Difference” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty Eight “The
Immortal Great Peace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty
Seven “The Seeds Sprouting” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Sixty Six “Bu Heng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty
Five “Yao Summons Response” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Sixty Four “New Discovery” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Sixty Three “Fight!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Sixty Two “Business” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty Six “Sisters”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty One “The Beginning
of War” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty “Departure” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Nine “Meeting Up” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Eight “Light” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Seven “Screw Live and Die Together” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Six “Ten Crow Celestial
Apparatus” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Five “An
Unusual Breakthrough” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty Five
“Closeness” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Four
“Solution” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Three
“Fragments” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Fifty Two
“White Fang Mo Matrix” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Fifty One “Good That Came With The Bad” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Fifty “Success” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Forty Nine “The Mountain Dragon Corps” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Forty Eight “Incurable” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Twenty Four “Undercurrents” Zhui Xu Chapter Seven “Mount Yu School” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Seven “Jie Master Ceng Yi” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Six “A Daring Idea” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Five “Shattered Stone Chop”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Four “Dong
Zi’s Choice” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Three
“Ka Zhuo” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty Two “The
Declining Situation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty
One “Matrix Awakening Master” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty
Three “Anger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Forty
“Change Position!” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Ten
“Rock” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Nine
“Support” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Eight
“Arrangements” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty
Seven “Shattered Stone” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Thirty Six “Sudden Change!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Thirty Five “Sneak Attack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Thirty Four “Lantern Fire Buddhist Domain” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Twenty Two “To Suspect” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Thirty Three “Sin Battalion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Thirty Two “Bie Han” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Thirty One “The Tribe of Mist People” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty “Ink Jade Bones” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Nine “The Mist People” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Eight “Cloud Messenger” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Seven “Thieving Baldies!” 八
宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty One “Illusion” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Six “Clear Cloud Python” 4.6 Billion
Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Nine “Stem Cells” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Five “Cloud Crystal Mist Flow” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Four “Omen” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Three “Xuan Kong Temple” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Two “Beak Island” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty One “Follower” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty “The Master of Cloud Sea” 八
宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Twenty “Drink In Her Stead” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Nineteen “On The Same Path” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Eighteen “All Hail The King!” Secret
update: Shhhhh. 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seventeen
“Who … … Who Is The Mo Here … …” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Sixteen “To Cross Swords” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Fifteen “Dumbstruck Ye Ling” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and Fourteen “Thousand Bird Seal” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Thirteen “When We Made This Decision” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Chapter Nineteen “King Xiang Has A Wife” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Twelve “A Goal” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Five Hundred and Eleven “Hope” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Ten “Sky-Splitting Calamity” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Nine “Inventory II” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Eight “Inventory” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and Seven
“First Make Up” Zhui Xu Chapter Six “Elder Qin” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and Six “That Herd of White Lambs!” 八宝妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau
Chapter Eighteen “Fatal Case” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred
and Five “Dark Void Fire” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five Hundred and
Four “Blood Script Bell” Notice: Broken Laptop 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and Three “Tian Huan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five
Hundred and Two “Extreme Joy to Sorrow” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred and One “Plough Up The Earth” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Five Hundred “Rather Than Miss, Kill Wrongly” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Seventeen “Say and Do” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Ninety Nine “Those Daring Die From Bursting” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Eigt “Golden Crow Sacrifice” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Seven “Activation of the Shen Temple”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Six “Shen Technique”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Five “Intuition” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Four “Awaken” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Three “Qing Lin” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Two “Greenwood
Secret Realm” 八宝妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau Chapter Sixteen “All Is Possible” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety One “Rock Wall” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety “Apparition” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Nine “Ambush” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Eight “Wei Sheng’s One Strike”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Seven “Come!” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Six “Lil’ Fire’s … …” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Five “Fire Crow Attacking
The Formation” 八宝妆 Eight Treasure Trousseau Chapter Fifteen “Crown Princess” 修
真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Four “Stage
of Yuanying” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Three
“Elder Shen!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty Two
“Brutish Bird” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty One
“Ruins” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Eight “End of
Winter, Beginning of Summer” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Eighty “Winds and Clouds Move” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Seventy Nine “Triumphant Progress” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Seventy Eight “Divine Light” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures
Trousseau Chapter Fourteen “Undercurrents” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Seventy Seven “Danger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Seventy Six “Soul Setting Divine Light” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Seventy Five “Meridional Azure Aether
Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Seventy Four “A
Visit From Liao Qi Chang” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seventy Three “Fatal Blow” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seventy Two “The Balance Tilts” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Seventy One “Perfect Execution” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Thirteen “Crown Prince” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seventy “Lil’ Miss’ Order” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Sixty Nine “Abrupt Turnaround” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Sixty Seven “Strong Offense” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One
Chapter Seven “Ten Miles Frozen” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Sixty Seven “Strong Offense” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Sixty Six “Five Element Fog Shield” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty Five “Danger” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Sixty Four “Attack First!” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Twelve “Breathtaking” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Sixty Three “What Strange Thing Is This?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Sixty Two “Cave Fight” 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution
Volume One Chapter Six “Amoeba” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Sixty One “The World Upended” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Sixty “Experts” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Fifty Nine “Counter-Attack” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Fifty Eight “Action” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Fifty Seven “Devious” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Eleven
“The Omnipresent Rumors” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Fifty Six “Off With A Bang” Zhui Xu Chapter Four “Someone of No Relation” Zhui Xu
Chapter Five “The Hen That Dove Into The River” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Five “Immortal Crossing The Sea” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Four “Financial Crisis” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Three “Spending Jing Like Dirt” 4.6
Billion Year Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Five “Acid Ejector” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Two “Zuo Mo’s Epiphany” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty One “Post-Epiphany
Lei Peng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty “Black Gold
Seal Soldier” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Ten “Return to the
Paternal Home” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Nine
“Institute of Ling Plants” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Forty Eight “The Strong Vermillion Bird Camp” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Four Hundred and Forty Seven “On The Island” Zhui Xu Chapter Three “Group: Old
Man, Little Servant Girl and Second Generation Good-For-Nothing” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Six “A Shocking Statistic” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Four “Evolution” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Five “Ren Cloud Island” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Three “Enormous Food” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter Two “The Initial Eye” 4.6 Billion Year
Symphony of Evolution Volume One Chapter One “The Beginning Cell” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Four “Xie Shan’s Ling Power”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Three “Collision” 八宝
妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Nine “True Self” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Forty Two “Women Like You” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty One “Rules?” Zhui Xu Chapter Two
“Poems and Chess” Zhui Xu Chapter One “The Son-In-Law of the Su Family” Zhui Xu
Prologue 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Forty “Xu
Ling City” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Nine
“Cloud Sea Jie” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Eight
“Victory” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Seven “Zuo
Mo’s Sneak Attack” Part Two 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Thirty Seven “Zuo Mo’s Sneak Attack” Part One 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau
Chapter Eight “Not As The Rumors Say” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Thirty Six “The Unforeseen Consequences of Lei Peng’s Blow” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Five “Red Eyes” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and and Thirty Four “Formation Change”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Three “Grapple” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Two “Kun Lun” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty One “Flower Slaves” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty “Black Horn
Rhinoceros Mo” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Seven “The Beautiful
Wang Fu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Nine “Mo
Battle Methods” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty
Eight “Conspiracy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty
Seven “Black Leech Defense Line” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Twenty Six “Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Five “Super Monster Ship!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Four “Frenzy of Forging” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Three “The Thoughts of
A Genius” 八 宝 妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Six “The People of the
Inner Palace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Two
“Tyrant” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty One “An
Insane Idea” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty
“Very Normal” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Nineteen
“Forced to the Precipice” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Eighteen “Sandstorm” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seventeen “Sea of Golden Crystal Sand” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Sixteen “Strange Corpse” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter
Five “Thanking” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Fifteen
“Crowd of Monsters” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Fourteen “Fiend Corpse” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Thirteen “Snowflake Strangulation Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Twelve “Collide” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Eleven “Juxtaposition” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Ten “Snowflake Flood” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Nine
“The Flame Boring Yao” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Four “Dazzling
The Eyes” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Eight “The
Choices of a Beginner?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and
Seven “Acceptance of Battle Invitation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Six “Let’s Have A Fight!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
Hundred and Five “Yu Heng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred
and Four “Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Three
“Collision!” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Three “Wedding” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and Two “The Results From Ming Jue Zi’s
Investigation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred and One 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Four Hundred “Draft Notice” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Nine “Weaknesses” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Eight “The New Mood of Golden
Crow Camp” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Seven
“Totem Fragments” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety
Six “News” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Five
“Gold Battle General” 八宝妆 Eight Treasures Trousseau Chapter Two “Familial Love”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Four “Speculation”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Three
“Buddhahood Abandonment Death Wish” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Ninety Two “Making A Wish” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety One “Great Mo Physique” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety “Working Together” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Nine “The Goal” 八宝妆 Eight
Treasures Trousseau Summary and Chapter 1 “The House of Hua has a Daughter” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Eight “Fantasy
Flame Tornado” 40,000 Cultivation Era Preamble, Summary and Chapter 1 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Seven “Mo Ru Huo” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Six “Cang Lin” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Five “The Fame of a Brute” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Four “New Tenant” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Three “You
Should Die!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Two
“Midday Blade Strike” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Eighty One “Walked Out of the Gravestone … …” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Eighty “The Blue Flowers of Qinghua Xue” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Nine “Tide of Battle” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Eight “Black Smoke Yao’s
Suggestion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Seven
“Qinhua Xue” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Six
“We Need Real Combat!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Seventy Five “[Yao Art Cage]” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred
and Seventy Four “[Wasteland Beast Chessboard—Match]” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Three “Orange-Haired Yao” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Two “Golden Soul” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy One “Bounty” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy “Jade Pendant” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Nine “I Am Xiao Mo Ge” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Eight “Battle of Tongues” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Seven “Illusory
Formations and Qinghua Zang Shui” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Sixty Six “Yi Zheng of the Great Buddha Temple 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Five “Let’s Have A Discussion” 美人一笑也
倾城 Mei Ren’s Smile Is Also Alluring “4 Meat Pastry & 5 How It Ended” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Four “Reunion” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Three “The Prison-
Breaking Six” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Two “A
Wen Fighting All Out” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Sixty One “The Childhood Wish” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Sixty “Start” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Fifty Nine “Activation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Fifty Eight “Public Challenge” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred
and Fifty Seven “Shadow Mo Guard A Wen” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Fifty Six “New Changes” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Fifty Five “Bidding” Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei
Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 18 & 19 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Fifty Four “The Wasteland Beast Chessboard” Recap: A Slight
Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 16 & 17 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Three “Spread” Recap: A Slight
Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 14 & 15 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Two “The Reappearance of
Wasteland Sacrificial Art” Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao
Heng Qing Cheng Episode 13 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred
and Fifty One “Thousand Flow Water Breath” Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating
a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 11 & 12 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty “You Dare Attack Ge!” Recap: A Slight Smile is
Devastating a.k.a. Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 9 & 10 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Nine “Rage” Recap: A Slight Smile Is
Devastating a.k.a. Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episodes 7&8 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Eight “Scheming” A Smile Is
Devastating: Character Profiles Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi
Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episodes 5 & 6 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Forty Seven “One Battle!” Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei
Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 4 Recap: A Slight Smile Is Devastating a.k.a Wei
Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 3 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Forty Six “The Prison-Breaking Battle” Recap: A Slight Smile is
Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 2 Recap: A Slight Smile Is
Devastating a.k.a Wei Wei Yi Xiao Heng Qing Cheng Episode 1 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Five “The Prison Battlefield” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Four “Yi Zheng” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Three “Integration” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty One “Nan Yue’s Little
Yao Arts” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty One
“Shidi’s Spell” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Forty
“Going Fishing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty
Nine “Origin?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty
Eight “Nan Yue” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty
Seven “Crimson Fiend Cauldron” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Thirty Six “Try” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred
and Thirty Five “Gains” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Thirty Four “Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Thirty Three “Fiend Soul Tide” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Two “Fiendish Mist” 修 真 世 界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty One “Disseminating” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty “Shu Long’s Black Halberd” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Nine “The Name Of
Tenth Grade” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty
Eight “Upheaval of Sword Cave” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Twenty Seven “Twin Butterfly” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Twenty Six “Ten Thousand Year Old Ancient Battlefield” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Five “This Is … …” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Four “Ten Finger Prison” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Three “Core
Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Two
“Victory!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty
One “Ambush” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty
“Move Out” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Nineteen “If
You Want a Fight, Fight!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and
Eighteen “Human Wrecking Ball” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three
Hundred and Seventeen “Clouds Gathering” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Three Hundred and Sixteen “Enormous Change” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Fifteen “Flower Slaves” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Three Hundred and Fourteen “Successive Mo Kill” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Thirteen “Serpent Transformation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Twelve “Zuo Mo’s Fury” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eleven “At The Door” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Ten “The Past Grievances” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Nine “The Greatest Gain” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Eight “Brute!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Seven “Bright Water City” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Six “Spells Entering Formation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Five “Entrance to the Jie River” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Four “Great Day Mo Physique”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Three “Leaving Little
Mountain Jie” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and Two “A New
Beginning” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred and One
“Desperate Situation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Six to Thirty 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Three Hundred “Sacrifice” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Nine “The Great Formation and Sonic
Lightning Walnut” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety
Eight “Insanity” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety
Seven “Hardship Guard Armor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Ninety Six “Silver” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Ninety Five “Battle General!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Ninety Four “The Return of Lil’ Miss” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Ninety Three “Great Unexpected Wealth” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Two “Little Mo Kill” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety One “Hong Jun Xuan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety “The Guard Camp Steps Onto the Stage” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Nine “The Reappearance of the
Sound Storm” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Eight
“Fight!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Seven “Cloud
Formation Silk” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eight Six
“Arrival!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Five
“Comprehensions Gained From Forging” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Eighty Four “Great Formation!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Eighty Three “Lil’ Fire” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Eighty Two “Fire Sickle Rock” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Eighty One “Gradual Advance” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty “Prelude” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Seventy Nine “Transaction” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper
Two Hundred and Seventy Eight “The Insane Outer Hall” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Seven “Detection” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Six “An Unparalleled Good Bird” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Five “Circle Kill” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Four “You Eat Meat, We’ll
Drink Soup” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Seventy Three
“The Critical Sword Point” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Seventy Two “Huang Zhuo Guang” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Seventy One “Opportunity” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Seventy “Great Harvest!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Sixty Nine “Who The Mother F***ing Are You” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Eight “Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Seven “Ambush” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Six “A Little Harvest” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Five “Silly Bird’s
Shocking Change!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty
Four “The Rudimentary Form” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred
and Sixty Three “Zuo Mo’s Determination” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two
Hundred and Sixty Two “Unprofitable Business” Neophyte Stories “小白文” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty One “Ambush!” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Sixty “The Terrifying Female Xiu” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Nine “Meteor Void Fire” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Eight “Bao Yi Explaining” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Seven “One Small Step” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Six “Variable” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chaper Two Hundred and Fifty Five “New Sky Glass Wave” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Four “The Metamorphosis of
Jade Metal Head” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty
Three “Golden Crow Walls” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Fifty Two “Fire Paper Method” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Fifty One “Crazy Zuo Mo” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Fifty “Pu Yao’s Insane Suggestion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Forty Nine “A New Plan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Forty Eight “The Problem of Settlement” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Seven “Rainbow Mirage Light” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Six “Ambush” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Five “First Battle” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Twenty One to Twenty Five 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Four “Consensus” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Three “Jade Scroll” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Two “Bao Yi” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Forty One “City Construction” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty “What Was Going On?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Nine “Yao Visiting Wu Kong” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Eight “Sonic Lightning Walnut” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Seven “Reconstructing
The Body” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Six
“New Life?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Five “The
Butcher’s Three Section Wave Killing Charge” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Two Hundred and Thirty Four “Fury and Killing Intent” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Three “Bloody Horned Great Serpent” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thrity Two “Gongsun Cha’s Insane
War Tactics” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixteen to Twenty 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty One “Warning” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty “Sky Glass Wave” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Nine “Formation
Breakthrough” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty
Eight “Ma Fan’s Decisiveness” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred
and Twenty Seven “Internal Orders” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Twenty Six “The Stage of Two Mountains” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Five “Breakthrough in Body Cultivation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Four “Pu Yao’s Teaching” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Three “Another
Transaction” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Two
“Lil’ Pagoda’s Levelling Up” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Twenty One “What Is Pu Yao Doing?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Twenty “The Fatal Rotten Metal Silver” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Nineteen “Rewards Conference” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Eighteen “Spoils of Victory” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Seventeen “Killing Moves and Ma Fan” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Sixteen “Gongsun Cha’s
First Battle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Fifteen “Sustain
Battle Through Battle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and
Fourteen “A Mountain Of Problems” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Two
Hundred and Thirteen “Ma Fan Reaching Target” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Twleve “Ge Is Pragmatic” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Eleven “Trash and Poor Ghosts” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Ten “Collapse of Order” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Nine “Ma Fan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two Hundred and Eight “Blood Void Movement” 修 真 世 界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Seven “Moon Eye Blackwater Beast” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Six “What Was That?” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Five “War Chess” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Four “Improvement” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Three “Date Seed Ship” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and Two “Territory Intrusion” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred and One “Armed to the Teeth” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Two Hundred “Peddling” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Ninety Nine “Beast Service Card” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Eight “What Is The Situation?” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Seven “Ningmai!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Six “News” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Five “Two Transactions” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Four “Golden Armor Guards”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Three “Bountiful
Harvest” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Two
“Buddha Sound Hoop” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Ninety One “The First Battle of the Yin Fire Bead” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Ninety “Going All In” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eleven to Fifteen 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Eighty Nine “Brewing” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Eighty Eight “Entering The Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Eighty Seven “Two Hours” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Eighty Six “Sword Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Eighty Five “The Power of the Golden Crow Fire!” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Four “Mantis and Oriole” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Three “Black Wind Bandits” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Two “Discovery!” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty One “Familiar Guests” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eighty “[Great Thousand
Leaf Hands]” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Nine
“Gravestone” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Eight
“Void Pass” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Seven
“Business” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Six
“Brute Strength!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy
Five “Fire!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Four
“Macro Golden Crow Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Seventy Three “Pulling Into The Fold” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Seventy Two “Pu Yao Awakening” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Seventy One “Micro Void Arrow” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventy “Nan Ming Zi” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Nine “Wealth Coming From the Sky” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Eight “Desolate Wood Reef”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Seven “The Places Are
The Same, The People Are Not” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Sixty Six “This Land Is Great” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Sixty Five “Wu Kong Expansion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Sixty Four “Sword Essence Formation” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Three “People Don’t Do This” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Two “Reselling” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty One “Forging The Sword Billet” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixty “Intense Fire Dan” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Nine “Gains” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Eight “Seclusion” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Seven “Unexpected” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Six “Brothers in Difficulty” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Five “Collision” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four “Moon Chime Sound Storm” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Three “Soul-Tethered Talisman”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Two “Stardust” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty One “Comprehension” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifty “New Target” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Nine “Fire” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Eight “Seal Soldier” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Seven “Born to Battle” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Six “Zuo Mo’s Sorrowful Indignation” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Five “Nan Men Yang! A
Real Man!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Four
“Strange” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty Three
“Heavyweight News” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Forty
Two “Seven Plum Sword” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Forty One “Zong Ming Yan VS Zuo Mo” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and and Forty “[Self Separation]” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Thirty Nine “Formation-Defense-Style” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Eight “Aggravation and Pleasure” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven “Each Person’s Opponent” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Six “Heart Turn
Sword Essence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five
“Great Pine Pavilion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty
Four “Before The Battle” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and
Thirty Three “Pei Yuan Ran’s Bad Mood” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Thirty Two “Healing Wounds” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Thirty One “The Wondrous Abilities of The Five Colored Pagoda” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Thirty “Seeing Lin Qian Again”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine “Five
Colored Pagoda” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Eight “The Hundred Treasure Flying Pavilion” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Twenty Seven “Everyone Is Troubled” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six “Cross-Examination” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five “Final Kill” The Twelve Olympians
Of Chinese Web Novels in 2015 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Twenty Four “Multiple Shadows and Intense Fire” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three “Battle Start” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two “Bet” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
One Hundred and Twenty One “Wager” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Twenty “An Irresistible Temptation!” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen “Intelligence” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen “Between Happiness and Grief” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen “What Happened” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen “Yin Splinter” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen “Exploring the Sword Cave Again” 何为
贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three “Epilogue: That
Is Love” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen “Sword
Test Conference?” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Two “Epilogue: A Legendary Love Story” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Thirteen “Formation Disks” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
One Hundred and Twenty One “Epilogue: Painting of a Beauty” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Twelve “Yin Fiends” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter One Hundred and Twenty “Feng Seeks Huang 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eleven “For Tasty Food” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen “The Song Ends, The People Leave”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Ten “Four-Turn Fire
Formation!” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Nine “Inky Black Lotus Seed” 何为
贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen “The Lioness From
Hedong Roars” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Eight
“Two Paths” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen “A
Heavy Blow” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Seven “Seeing
Shixiong Again” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen “A
Liberal Culture” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Six “The
Half-Finished Product Processing Maniac” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
One Hundred and Fourteen “I Am Yours” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One
Hundred and Five “Mo Matrix and Yao Seed” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Six to Ten 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen “The
Prosperity Blinds One’s Eyes” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred
and Four “Hesitation” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred
and Twelve 修真世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Three
“Inspiration” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Eleven
“Flying Gracefully” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and Two
“Couldn’t Understand” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Ten
“Dance” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred and One “All In!” 何为贤
妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Nine “The Question of Trust” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One Hundred “Bloody Chang Heng” 何为贤妻 To Be
A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Eight “Competing for the Empress’ Favor
Rather Than The Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety Nine
“Seal Soldier” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Seven “Birth
of A Son” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety Eight “Zuo Mo’s Fury and
Heartache” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Six “The Letter
of Divorce” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety Seven “Lin Yuan’s Plotting”
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Hundred and Five “Fated” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety Six “A Cold Light” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter One Hundred and Four “This Was Good” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Ninety Five “A Method Forced Out” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
One Hundred and Three “Who Misunderstood Whom” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Ninety Four “Why Do My Eyes Always Have Tears” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter One Hundred and Two “East and West” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Ninety Three “Stalagmite Fire” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One
Hundred and One “The Trust of the Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Ninety Two “Yin Fire Bead Chapter” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
One Hundred 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter One to Five 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Ninety One “Merging Sword Essences” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Ninety Nine “Decay” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Ninety “Pu
Yao’s Counterattack” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ninety Eight 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Nine “Silly Yao” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Ninety Seven “Overestimating Oneself” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Eighty Eight “The Scalping Zombie” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Ninety Six 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Seven “Strong Attack Vs
Strong Attack” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ninety Five “Pregnant” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Six “Wen Fei” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Ninety Four 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Five “Coming Up to
The Door” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ninety Three “An Old Case” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Four “For Jingshi” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Ninety Two “Karma” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty
Three “Brute Force” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ninety One “Who Can
Compare To My Man” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty Two “If People
Don’t Get Ill-gotten Gains, They Won’t Be Rich!” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Ninety “The Composure of a Queen” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Eighty One “Ling Ying Sect” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Nine “The
New Kui Yuan Palace” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighty “A
Transformation On The Gravestone” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty
Eight “Crowned Empress” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Nine “Zuo
Mo’s Decision” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Seven “Stupidity” 修真
世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Eight “Making A Move” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Six “Our Hougong” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Seventy Seven “Plot” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Five
“Entering The Palace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Six “Body
Cultivating Sword Formation” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Four
“Death Of The Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Five “Haze” 何
为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Three “The Oncoming Wind and Rain” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Four “Nightmare” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty Two “The Curtain Drops on Qu and Liang” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy Three “Inspiritation In An Emergency” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighty One “Inviting Humiliation” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Seventy Two “Seeing Guests” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Eighty “Don’t Dirty Ben Wang’s Place” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seventy One “A New Experiment” 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Seventy Nine 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Seventy “The Yin Bead” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Eight 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Sixty Nine “Zuo Mo Drooling” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Seven
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Eight “A Rare Leisure” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Six “Truth and Falsehood” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Sixty Seven “Questions and Answers” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Seventy Five “Intelligence Determines Taste” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Sixty Six “Awakening” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Seventy Four “Jealousy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Five “Li Water
Burning Heavens” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Three “The
Things Missed” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Four “Caught It!” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy Two 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Sixty Three “The Sect Assessment” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Seventy One 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty Two “Lin Qian” 何为贤妻 To
Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventy “Your Attack Is Ineffective” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Sixty One “Planning” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Sixty Nine 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixty “Comprehension” 何为贤妻 To
Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Eight 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty
Nine “Practicing Sword In The Water” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Sixty Seven 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Eight “Terror” 何为贤妻 To Be
A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Six “Intentions?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Fifty Seven “Like Fire” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Five “Decision” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Six “Determination” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Four “Disparity” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Fifty Five “Going To Get Rich?” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Three
“Trapping Ning Wang” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Four “Fire” 何为贤
妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty Two “Reality” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Fifty Three “Great Strength Pill” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Sixty One “Bamboo Stick” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty Two “All In!” 何
为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixty “Er Ge, Are You Showing Off Your Love” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fifty One “Attack” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Fifty Nine “The Grace of The Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Fifty “Finding The Way” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Eight
“Assassination” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Nine “Purchase Order” 何
为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Seven “Husband and Wife On A
Trip Together” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Eight “The Black-Hearted
Records Room” 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Six “Schemes
of Brothers” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Seven “Shixiong Xu Yi” 何为
贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Five “Fortune and Misfortune” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Six “Zhuji” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Fifty Four “Losing the Heart of the Emperor” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Forty Five “Struggle” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Three
“Road” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Four “A Tragedy Caused By One
Piece of Jingshi” 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty Two “Jing
Guifei’s Strategy” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Three “First
Grade Lingdan” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty Two “Dan Completed” 何
为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty One “Shameless Woman” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifty “Rumors” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty
One “Spiritual Power” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Nine “The Honor
of the Imperial House” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Forty “Aid” 何为贤妻 To
Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Eight “Brothers?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Thirty Nine “Start Making Dan” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Forty Seven “The Imperial Knife Corps” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty
Eight “Fragrant Ginger Yard” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Six “Kui
Yuan Palace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty Seven “Two Blows!” 何为贤
妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Five “High Up Above” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Thirty Six “Encounter Again” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Forty Four “Pointing at the Mulberry Tree and Swearing at the Locust Tree” 修
真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty Five “Discovery” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Three 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty
Four “Inner Sect Disciple” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty Two 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty Three “The Spring Sprout Jade Medal” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty One 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Thirty Two “Refusal” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Forty “To Repay
Grievances Fairly” 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Nine &
Forty Supplement 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirty One “Choice” 何为贤
妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Nine 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Thirty “Schemes” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Eight “The Woman
In The Rumors” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Nine “Sword Essence”
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Seven “Suspicious” 修真世界 World of
Cultivation Chapter Twenty Eight “The Doorway” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Thirty Six “Strife” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Five “The
Tian Family” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Seven “Looking Up in
the Darkness” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Six “Appearance
Changed and Mind Erased” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Four
“Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty
Five “Fourth Shigu” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty Three “The First
Day of the New Year at Wang Fu” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Four
“Finding a Different Way” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Supplement for Chapter
Twenty Nine, Thirty One, Thirty Two, & Thirty Five 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Thirty Two “At The Banquet” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty
Three “Apparition” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty One “One of
Another’s Family” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty Two “Silver
Horned Worm” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirty “To Be Partial” 修真世
界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twenty One “One Breath” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Twenty Nine “Yun Qing’s Tragedy” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Twenty “Obsession” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Eight
“Lucky Star” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Seven “Damsel-In-
Distress is a Liar” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nineteen “Shixiong
Wei Sheng” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eighteen “Soup” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Six Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Twenty Six “People Are Not the Same, Roads Are Not the Same” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Seventeen “Pu” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Twenty Five “Women” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Four “Zhouli”
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Sixteen “Sword Essence” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Three “Pleading” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Fifteen “Little Yao” 修 真 世 界 World of Cultivation Chapter Fourteen
“Strange Disease” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty Two “To
Cause Ruin” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty One “A Coquettish Smile”
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Twenty One and Twenty Three Supplement
修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Thirteen “Success” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Twenty “Peerless”. 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Twelve “[Art
of Flora]” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Nineteen “Choices” 修真世界 World
of Cultivation Chapter Eleven “The Money Grubbing Zombie” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Eighteen “Bathing Together” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Ten “Weeds” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Nine “Forging” 何为贤妻
To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seventeen “A Woman’s Heart, A Needle at the Bottom
of the Ocean” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Eight “Changes” 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Sixteen “Schemes” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter
Seven “Ye’ll Wait For You” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fifteen “The
Women of the Imperial Palace” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Six “Highly
Dangerous” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Fourteen “A Pig For An
Opponent?” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Five “Cold Mist Valley” 何为贤妻 To
Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Thirteen “Jing Fei’s Summons” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Eleven and Twelve Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter
Twelve “Rage for a Beautiful Woman” 修真世界 World of Cultivation Chapter Four
“Absurdity” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eleven “Confrontation” 修真世界
World of Cultivation Chapter Three “The Little Yard” 修真世界 World of Cultivation
Chapter Two “Jade Stick’ 何 为 贤 妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Nine &
Ten Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Ten “Displays of Affection” 修
真世界 (Xiu Zhen Shi Jie) World of Cultivation Chapter One “[Little Art of Cloud
and Rain]” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Nine “Valued Guests” 何为贤妻 To
be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Eight “Chang De Gong Fu” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Six and Seven Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Seven
“Qu Qing Ju: He He” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Six “The Beautiful Times
of Lunch” Women (Wife and Concubines) in Historical China (and historical novels)
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Five “I Am A Protector Of Beautiful Women”
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Three & Four Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A
Virtuous Wife Chapter Four “Embarrassment” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife
Chapter Two Supplement 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One Supplement
何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter Three “Wang Ye” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous
Wife Chapter Two “Ce Fei is Still Qie” 何为贤妻 To Be A Virtuous Wife Chapter One “I
Am A Reasonable Person” 微微一笑很倾城 TV drama- First Photos from Media Visits
微微一笑很倾城 Mei Ren’s Smile Is Also Alluring “2 The Things with Da Shen and Wei
Wei” & “3 The Thing with the Supermarket” 微微一笑很倾城 Outtake “Cong Cong
Raising His Brother” (Parts One & Two) 美人一笑也倾城 Mei Ren’s Smile is Also
Alluring “1 Cohabitation” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Eight “The End” 微微一笑很倾
城 Chapter Forty Seven “The Sun Will Never Set” 微微一笑很倾城 Outtakes One “The
Beauty Rankings” & Three 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Six A “Consummated”
Summer Vacation 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Five “Let Me Be Your Sidekick” 微微一
笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Four “Brilliance” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty Three “Just
Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming” 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Forty Two
“The Swimsuit” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Forty One “His World” 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Forty “The Little Intern” 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Thirty Nine “I’m
Embarrassed” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Eight “Return Slowly As I Wait For You”
微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Seven “Upon The Road, The Flowers Are Blooming” 微
微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Six “Have A Good Trip” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty
Five Supplementing the Dowry 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Four “The Truth” 微微
一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty Three “A Narrow Road” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty
Two “Rumours 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirty One “Meiren Shixiong” 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Thirty “The Manner Of Those Who Are Strong” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter
Twenty Nine “The Most Terrifying Team In History” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty
Eight “Passed By” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty Seven “I Can’t Stand It” 微微一笑很
倾城 Chapter Twenty Six “One Of Ours” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty Five
“Blitzkrieg” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty Four “The Farewell Match” 微微一笑很倾
城 Chapter Twenty Three “The Most Unlikely Couple” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty
Two “It’s Him” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Twenty One “I Was Waiting For You” 微微一笑
很倾城 Chapter Twenty “I Know” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Nineteen “Realizations” 微微
一笑很倾城 Chapter Eighteen “The Finals” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Seventeen “Give To
My Wife To Toss Around and Play” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter 16 “Be With Me” 微微一笑
很倾城 Chapter Fifteen “Meet Again On The Jianghu” Part Two 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Fifteen “Meet Again on the Jianghu” Part One 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter
Fourteen “The Quest” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Thirteen “He Is Not Me” 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Twelve White Robes, Red Shadow 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Eleven
“The Video” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter 10 “Evil, Too Evil” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Nine
“The Duel” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Eight An Encounter on the Road 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter Seven “The Xiao Yu Family” for 微微一笑很倾城 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Six
“Tagalong Wei Wei” 微微一笑很倾城 Chapter Five “A Magnificent Wedding” 微微一笑很
倾 城 Chapter Four “Before the Wedding” 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Three “A
Marriage Proposal” 微 微 一 笑 很 倾 城 Chapter Two “Groom Kidnapping? ◎______◎”
Introductions and Chapter 1 of 微微一笑很倾城
Chapter 226
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Six – The Stage of Two Mountains

The previous withered palm seemed somewhat like metal now, with a barely perceptible
layer of faint gold. Several golden lines were especially visible on his palm. Another
mountain peak had appeared beside the mountain peak at the center of his palm.

“Two Mountains?” Pu Yao suddenly came out, slightly shocked as he looked at the two
connected mountain peaks on Zuo Mo’s palm.

Zuo Mo was also very shocked. He had thought that he would form an abhinna this time,
and had not expected that he would break through to two mountains.

“This is the stage of two mountains?” Zuo Mo asked with slight curiosity. He
continuously opened and closed his hand, feeling the great strength passing from his palm.

Pu Yao looked at Zuo Mo like he was looking at a weirdo. He could not understand how
Zuo Mo had reached two mountains so quickly. He had never thought that this was his
“achievement.” It was due to him continuously drawing earth energy from Zuo Mo’s body,
causing Zuo Mo’s body to have been tempered multiple times that Zuo Mo had been
prepped ready.

Zuo Mo seemed to know the cause, but thinking that Pu Yao and the gravestone seemed
to be at odds, he decided to muddle over it, changing the topic. “What is the benefit of the
two mountain stage?”

His body which had become robust looking had become thin once again . However, each
muscle in his body had become stronger and firmer, hard as metal. His strength had

He gently stomped his feet. Poof, his right foot seemed to have stepped into tofu, sinking
to his calf. He pulled out his foot, and saw the edges of the hole were very clean, like it was
carved out using a mold.

“The mountain represent strength. The stage of two mountains represent that you
can use two mountains of strength at maximum.” Pu Yao thought for a while and hadn’t
managed to find an explanation so he threw the problem to one side. He was gradually
adjusting to Zuo Mo occasionally surprising him.

“How strong is one mountain of power? Is it to be able to move a mountain? Is that

possible?” Zuo Mo said unconcernedly.
Pu Yao’s face was one of disdain. “How is that strange? If a mo skill is at a significant
level, moving mountains or flipping oceans is not anything. That Dong Fu Town of
yours, wasn’t it a town built by a sword xiu lopping off a mountain peak with one

“That’s true, but I feel that I don’t have such great strength” Zuo Mo argued as he
looked at the his palm.

“How long have you cultivated? You want to move mountains and flip oceans?” Pu
Yao’s face was full of scorn. “When xiuzhe cultivate ling power, don’t they need to also
coordinate with sword scriptures and spells? Mo are the same. Other than body
cultivation, mo skills also teach you how to use the strength of the body.”

He paused and then said, “The thinking of mo is very strange. They feel that their body
is the most primal source of all their strength, but also feel the body is a cage. You may
have reached the stage of two mountains, but in reality, even if you familiarize yourself
with mo skills, you cannot use all of your power. Even if your technique is there, your
body would first be destroyed.”

“So it’s like that.” Zuo Mo instantly realized. Pu Yao’s words were very reasonable.
Suddenly thinking of his goal for this time, he hurriedly asked, “Then have I formed my

“Check, is there a place that is abnormal?” Pu Yao helplessly reminded. It really was
hard work to teach a newbie.

“Abnormal?” Zuo Mo hurriedly calmed him mind and took a inner look at his body. He
quickly found the abnormality that Pu Yao was speaking off. This abnormality was at his
eyes, and not any other place of his body.

His eyes looked into the surroundings. The thick earth energy seemed to have been
attracted by an invisible strength, and tightly wrapped around his eyes.

This was … …

He didn’t dare to move rashly, using his consciousness to carefully examine the two balls
of earth energy. What reassured him slightly was that his eyes did not feel any discomfort,
but no matter how he worked, he could not affect the two balls of earth energy.

After trying many times, he helplessly came out of his inner perspective.

“Did you find it?” Pu Yao asked with curiosity.

“En, it’s the eyes,” Zuo Mo was slightly dejected, “I tried, but didn’t know how to use
them, and don’t know what they are used for.”
“Eyes,” Pu Yao said, “your luck isn’t bad. There are many abhinna regarding the eyes,
and those are somewhat useful. An abhinna cannot be taught, the abhinna that each
person forms is different. You have to slowly experiment, and make your own
conclusions. As to not able to use them, don’t worry. Many abhinna cannot be used
when they first form. They need to slowly form, and stabilize before they can be used.
Your abhinna may belong to this kind.”

Zuo Mo wasn’t depressed. He was very satisfied already with reaching two mountains.

Pu Yao said in a deep voice, “Don’t worry about the abhinna. It is not easy to find mo
skills, but don’t you have a dhyana xiu under your command? You are able to use the
fist scripture that he has. In terms of yao arts, [Embryonic Breathing Spiritual
Cultivation] and the [Great and Little Thousand Leaf Hands] are enough for you. The
worst you have right now is scriptures for ling power. [Embryonic Breathing Spiritual
Cultivation] in the end is still for cultivating the spirit. We need to find you a scripture.”

Zuo Mo was shocked at his favor. When was Pu Yao ever so concerned with him?

Pu Yao sunk into thought as though Zuo Mo did not exist.

Seeing the situation, he perceptively went about his own business. However, he clearly
noted down Pu Yao’s words.


Zong Ru could not be anything but puzzled when he heard the boss had called him.
Truthfully, even if he was the only dhyana xiu in the group, he did not have many
outstanding qualities. His strength could only be considered intermediate. The only aspect
he was good in was probably defense. In this group of sword xiu who didn’t seem to know
what defense even was, as a dhyana xiu, his defense was like the crane among the chicken

His personality was very steady so even though he was shocked, he was still composed.
When he saw Zuo Mo, he respectfully bowed. “Boss.”

Zuo Mo couldn’t help but praise him inside. In terms of mentality, sword xiu could not
catch up to dhyana xiu. The dhyana xiu emphasized mental strength and their
Samadhi.[i] Things like illusory formations were less effective against them.

Zuo Mo didn’t mince words, straightforwardly saying, “I want your [Sky Wave Fist
Scripture], give me a price.”
Zong Ru shook his head. “[Sky Wave Fist Scripture] isn’t a profound scripture. If Boss
wants it, please go ahead.”

Zuo Mo waved his hand. “This belongs to you. If I want it, I will either buy it or trade
for it. Relationships and business are not mixed together.”

Seeing that Zuo Mo did not seem to be pretending, Zong Ru was truly shocked this time.
He had followed many people before, and was used to seeing those above demand
talismans and scriptures from their subordinates. Hearing Boss’s astounding conclusion,
the shock he was experiencing could be imagined.

However, Zong Ru was still wary. “All up to Boss.”

Seeing Zong Ru’s caution, Zuo Mo felt slightly helpless. He wasn’t pretending with his
words. In the sect, the sect could not unreasonably take the possessions of the disciples. If
they wanted something, they needed to pay a corresponding price. That was also his

He thought and then said, “You can pick a talisman of the same grade as [Sky Wave
Fist Scripture], or … …” he suddenly had an idea, “trade for three formations.”

“Three formations?” Zong Ru was puzzled.

“I can carve three formations on your body. One is a ling gathering formation, one is
a body tempering formation, one is a ling processing formation,” Zuo Mo explained.
“The ling gathering formation can constantly help you absorb the ling energy in the
surroundings, the ling processing formation is similar to the Black Processing
Meditation mat, and can filter out the impurities in the ling energy. The body
tempering formation can use ling power to temper your body. You are a dhyana xiu,
these three formations are very suitable for you.”

The usually composed Zong Ru couldn’t help but have an expression of disbelief as he
unconsciously gasped, “This … … this is not possible!”

This was not possible!

Zong Ru had walked many places, and had a wide range of knowledge. He had never
heard of any formations that could be carved onto a person’s body. These three formations
… … if they were truly as Boss had described, then was there a need to cultivate at all?

Zuo Mo did not argue. “You can pick two talismans.”

Zong Ru’s expression changed, his heart conflicted. His reason told him what Boss said
was impossible! However, he could easily tell that Boss had not lied! If it was truly as Boss
had said, this was a chance that came one in a thousand times!

Suddenly, he laughed. What did he have to be afraid of losing?

Zuo Mo saw Zong Ru’s expression return to normal and knew that Zong Ru had made his

Zong Ru raised his head, and said with determination, “I choose the three formations!”


In a mountain valley about three hundred li from Stone Door Beach.

“Boss, Xie Shan of Stone Door Beach was taken in by someone else.” A xiuzhe reported.

“What are their origins?” A xiuzhe with crimson red hair furrowed his brow. He was
called Venerable Chi. He had more than one hundred and fifty subordinates, and was one of
the major powers in this area.

“Haven’t found out yet,” This xiuzhe said with slightly terror. Seeing the anger on
Venerable Chi’s face increase, he hurriedly explained, “We don’t know where this bunch of
people came out off. There aren’t many, but they aren’t weak. When they were taking
down Xie Shan, there were only a few dozen people.”

“A few dozen?” Venerable Chi’s expression changed. “Xie Shan should also have about
sixty something people, and isn’t Xie Shan ningmai third stratum?”

Ningmai third stratum definitely was first rate experts in Little Mountain Jie. In battle,
the effect of an expert like Xie Shan was enormous, he could take on seven or eight people
by himself.

This xiuzhe raised his head to look at his leader seeing the anger on Leader’s face
decrease, his heart relaxed slightly. “The battle finished very quickly, and did not leave

“Does this group have some powerful talisman?” Venerable Chi pondered. He was
clear about Xie Shan’s strength. He had wanted to conquer Xie Shan a long time ago, but he
had not acted due to his fear of Xie Shan’s strength. He had more than one hundred and fifty
people under his command, but not one was ningmai third stratum. Suddenly hearing that
Xie Shan had been defeated, he naturally became wary.

Did the group also have ningmai third stratum experts?

If it was like that, then it was terrible! Adding on Xie Shan, it meant the other side had at
least two ningmai third stratum. The other possibility was the group had a powerful
talisman so terrifying that even Xie Shan had to surrender.
No matter which possibility it was, it was not good news to him.

If it was possible, he wanted to immediately take his group and leave behind this place.
With the power he had, there were not many that dared to target him.

However, when he thought about the things inside the cave, he gave up on the thought of

That thing was really too important to him!

Venerable Chi was not a person that did not have brains. He was very clear that once the
group had digested Xie Shan’s power, their own strength would quickly increase. The next
target would definitely be them.

After thinking for a while, he raised his head, and said in a deep voice, “Call the Three
Kong Brothers over.”

[i] Incredibly awkward but “Buddhist meditation” or Samadhi is a different concept

than the “mediation” that has been seen previously. Of course, stuff becomes weird here
because mediation is a Buddhist practice that became inspiration for cultivation novels, so
all cultivators are “Buddhist” from a certain viewpoint.

Translator Ramblings: I see the typos you guys picked out, I just need to find the time to
edit them. Thank you for your comments.

Zuo Mo advances, and I thought last chapter’s cliffhanger got a terrible conclusion in this
chapter. It is such an letdown, but everything to keep you reading, right? Zuo Mo also get
his first human subject for his formations.
Chapter 227
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, Brian, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Seven – Internal Orders

Zuo Mo did not immediately start practicing [Sky Wave Fist Scripture] that he had
gotten from Zong Ru. Instead he decided to organize his thoughts first.

Just as Pu Yao had said, he knew a variety of things, but upon further inspection of these
areas, the ones that were powerful were pitifully few.

Presently, the most powerful item in his arsenal was the yin fire bead. It was extremely
damaging as a frontal attack. However, since yin fiend grounds were hard to find at the
moment, he could not create yin beads. So yin fire beads were a limited resource. Also, if
the enemy was on their guard, the effectiveness of the yin fire bead was not high.

There was also the five essence sword set. Even though he did not have the scriptures to
progress further with it, the little sword formation originated from the sword essence
formation and was still astoundingly powerful among the ningmai xiuzhe. However, it had
not been tested in battle before, and Zuo Mo did not know just how powerful it was. What
the five essence sword set used was a sword formation. From this perspective, it was more
like a formation disk that was forged from five flying swords.

Over time, he had also managed to get five moves of [Little Thousand Leaf Hands] from
Pu Yao. [Little Thousand Leaf Hands] had many variations and was hard to predict. He
could only barely manage to cast the five moves, and was still far from being smooth and
familiar with them. What [Little Thousand Leaf Hands] manipulated was the ling energy
of the world. It had many requirements for the environment and was not easy to cast. But
once it could be successfully cast, it would be immensely powerful.

After practicing [Sky Wave Fist Scripture], he would have another move. However, Pu
Yao had also said that [Sky Wave Fist Scripture] was not some powerful fist scripture, and
the power should not be very shocking.

Thinking about it that way, Zuo Mo felt that overall his moves were lackluster. In terms
of talismans, Lil’ Pagoda was a soul-tethered talisman, but it was more skilled in controlling
formations. While the other talismans that he possessed were valuable, but he did not have
talismans that were at the very top of the grade.

No matter the grade, the finest talismans of the grade would have their own special
A strong feeling of danger arose.

Zuo Mo had already decided to use gang fighting against the jindan expert of Clear Sky
Sect, but that did not mean that he did not need the power to protect himself. At the very
least, he had to guarantee that he could survive the upcoming gang fight.

The best place to cultivate was in the camp. Zuo Mo decided to move to the camp.


Having Boss personally come to the camp instantly made everyone alert; they did not
dare slack off. Their eyes occasionally floated in the direction of Boss. No matter if it was an
old-timer or one of the new members, they all knew one thing, Boss had many good things
in his possession!

The first person to benefit had been Ma Fan. A fifth-grade movement method, many
people had stared at it with red eyes. These days, they personally saw Ma Fan practicing
the fifth-grade movement method that he had received. The dazzling images that had been
produced before could not even be perceived now. He was like a wraith, suddenly
appearing and disappearing. Every xiuzhe who saw this scene had uncontrollably inhaled
sharply. When they thought of Ma Fan’s untraceable and powerful [Illusory Shadowless
Sword of Destruction], together with this silent and untraceable movement method, they
knew he was able to kill any of them without a trace.

Lil’ Miss had also given Ma Fan a beast service card. No one dared to underestimate the
grey and non-descript butterfly.

While Ma Fan made everyone jealous, they had nothing to say. Ma Fan’s power was
obvious. His cultivation was not as high as Xie Shan, but his effect during battles was not
something Xie Shan could compare to. Even Xie Shan would admit it. What was more, the
numbers of enemy killed were written in bright red cinnabar and his score not something
anyone could hope to match.

But Zong Ru’s encounter had gotten many people thinking.

Zong Ru was a docile person and could not defend against the probing of these people
and had completely admitted to everything. Boss had insisted in trading, and this reassured
them all. What dissatisfaction could they have in following such a boss? However, a few
days after the inquiry, Zong Ru’s furious improvement shocked his team members, Nian Lu
and Lei Peng,

Lil’ Miss also discovered Zong Ru’s present situation, and instantly took him out to
cultivate on his own.
Eventually everyone had found out that Zong Ru had three formations carved onto his
body which had lead to such miraculous effects! Instantly, everyone’s heart moved. Fifth-
grade movement method was a reward based on service, and there was no chance to
change this. But these three formations were something that Zong Ru had used a fist
scripture to trade for.

In other words, these formations could be traded for!

These experienced old-timers, how could they not understand this?

Boss had also came to cultivate at the base. With such a good chance, how could they let
it slip past their fingertips?

The first one to try was Lei Peng. He had been stimulated the most after practicing with
Zong Ru everyday. This guy seemed like a rough man, but in reality, his mind was
extremely attentive. He even had managed to get the effects of the three formations out of
Zong Ru.

The use of the body cultivation formation was not large for him, but he drooled at the
other two formations. This guy was extremely daring, and took advantage of a chance to
rest to approach Zuo Mo. This rough man used an extremely ingratiating tone to say, “Boss,
can an ask you for something?”

Zuo Mo looked with slight surprise at Lei Peng. “What is it?”

“An also wants three formations carved on the body.” Hearing Boss make a sound of
surprise, his heart jumped and he hurriedly said, “An is willing to use [Abyss Ghost Sabre
Scripture] to trade.”

Zuo Mo instantly understood.

Was there any reason to refuse business that came up to the door? Even more, he was
still very unfamiliar with carving formations onto the body. It was rare that there was an
experimental subject that came up to him. Zuo Mo’s heart rejoiced.

Zuo Mo made a sound and pretended to think. “Carving the formations is not so simple.
There is a risk.”

Lei Peng had already mentally prepared for this point. There was no free lunch in the
world. How could there not be any risk in such a speedy and simple method? However, he
asked cautiously, “Would it harm the cultivation?”

“No, but it will leave behind scars if it fails. Because it uses a special ling liquid, even
scar removing dan may be unable to remove it.”
Lei Peng instantly released and breath and chuckled. “An’s a man, so an doesn’t need to
be so pretty.” The failure of the carving would just be a scar. Which guy that lived off a
bloody blade to survive would care about that?

Seeing the situation, Zuo Mo said expressionlessly, “I don’t need a sabre scripture. If
you want to trade, you have to use something else.” He had already learned a variety of
things, he didn’t plan on adding a sabre scripture to the mix.

Lei Peng instantly panicked and flung open the hundred treasure pouch on his waist and
emptied it. “Boss, take what you want, an will trade!”

Zuo Mo narrowed his eyes and swept across the objects. Suddenly, his gaze slightly froze.
He picked out a fist sized jade rock from a pile of knick-knacks and said, “This one.”

“Okay!” Lei Peng was overjoyed. What he was most worried about at the moment was
that he didn’t have anything that Boss wanted. He seemed to be afraid that Boss would
regret his decision, and he hurriedly packed away everything else.

“Come with me.” Zuo Mo stood, and after an exchange with Gongsun Cha, he left with Lei


When Lei Peng joyfully returned in the evening, the camp instantly exploded. When Lei
Peng bared his upper body and showed off the three formations that had just been carved,
other people drooled.

With an example of success, the crowds started to move.

Who didn’t have something good on their bodies? Materials, talismans, jade scrolls. Boss
traded for everything. Boss was even willing to take some talisman remnants. Also, Boss
never demanded an outrageous price. He would only pick one item each time.

Many times, everyone felt that Boss was a businessman full of professionalism!

Almost all the xiuzhe decided to carve the formations. Zuo Mo’s waiting line had already
formed a twenty day backlog. He felt he would be driven insane by what he was gaining
this time!

After taking down Xie Shan, he had one hundred and ten people under his command.
Other than Zong Ru and Lei Peng, everyone else had queued up for getting formations
carved. What was more practical and valuable as increasing one’s strength?
None of them were beginners. Everyone understood the value of these three formations.
Even if Zuo Mo’s condition had been more stringent, the great majority would still have
chosen to get them carved. However, Zuo Mo’s conduct of “picking only one” had left an
impression of “not greedy” on the people.

If Zuo Mo’s facial expression could move, he would definitely be smiling widely.

There was not much in terms of talismans that could move his heart, but there were
some precious jade scrolls. He had even found the Summer Flower ling farming jade scroll.
He had been searching for this thing for a very long time. The result was that he had picked
it out from a pile that appeared to be garbage.

What he had gained the most was all kinds of materials. These people all had cultivations
in ningmai, which of them would collect normal materials? Zuo Mo had picked all fourth-
grade materials. He had the Golden Crow Fire now and could process these materials.

Even Pu Yao felt jealous of Zuo Mo’s gains!

However, the transaction between them did not include the dividends of the profits Zuo
Mo would get from using the formations. If it had been in the past, Pu Yao would have no
consideration in taking from Zuo Mo. But right now, Pu Yao was in a position of asking a
favor from Zuo Mo, and could not do so.

The red-eyed Pu Yao could only use another method to vent the dissatisfaction in his

“You’ve already familiarized yourself with the [Copper Rhinoceros Mo Matrix]. This
is the mo matrix for [Golden-Wing Great Roc]. You should try to analyze it as fast as
possible.” Pu Yao threw out a jade scroll. The mo matrix recorded inside the jade scroll was
much more complex than the [Copper Rhinoceros Mo Marix]. After just one look, Zuo Mo
felt slightly dizzy.

Pu Yao was very smug.

In any mo jie, Golden-Wing Great Rocs were nobility, and possessed an unique bloodline!
They were born abnormal, not needing any technique for their intelligence to be awakened.
They had the highest kind of inheritance. After evolving each generation, their bodies
gradually became perfected, and the mo matrix on their bodies was also perfected. Their
only weakness was one common to many clans with superb bloodlines, low reproductive

Such a complex mo matrix was far beyond Zuo Mo’s abilities.

Pu Yao had purposefully given the [Golden-Wing Great Roc Matrix] to Zuo Mo to douse
Zuo Mo’s arrogance. A mo matrix as perfect as this one held a fatal attraction to Zuo Mo.
Zuo Mo would uncontrollably be attracted to it, and be tortured by it. When the fire was
right, he would then throw a low level mo matrix to Zuo Mo.

The more Pu Yao thought, the happier he became. For some reason, when he saw Zuo
Mo’s recent smugness, he was very displeased inside.

Just as Pu Yao had imagined, Zuo Mo was completely enchanted by this mo matrix,
deeply enchanted! Pu Yao could clearly detect when Zuo Mo first saw the [Golden-Wing
Great Roc Matrix], his breathing had stopped!

However, unexpectedly, Zuo Mo had displayed astounding self-control. The first thing he
did after his trance was throw the jade scroll into the ring.

Then Pu Yao heard Zuo Mo grit out as he carved formations for people, his mouth almost
convulsing as he chanted, refrain, refrain!

There were frequent screams that came out of Zuo Mo’s room.

Translator Ramblings: Yes, Zuo Mo has now carved formations onto his group of captive-
soldiers. Zuo Mo has a very low level mo matrix and the three formations are simplified
from that so they are even more basic. It doesn’t mean that the three formations aren’t
advanced, but the mo matrix has other attributes which Zuo Mo cannot copy onto the

It is very funny though that Zuo Mo has managed to win with great benefits. He gets
people to feel that it is good to work for him, they will become stronger due to the
formations and he also got paid in materials.

The complete archive dropdown box has been moved to the side panel of the website. I
think this is the solution that is the greatest time-saver.
Chapter 228
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, Brian, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Eight – Ma Fan’s Decisiveness

Ma Fan had a separate cultivation area, which Gongsun Cha had specifically drawn out
for him. It was a little corner closest to the water.

The geography of Stone Door Beach was very wide, next to the mountains and water.
Occasionally, white birds would swim by on the water. The cruel conflicts in Little
Mountain Jie had not affected them, thus they still lived idle lives. They did not have
anything that xiuzhe would scheme after. They were not ling beasts, and the change in ling
power did not affect them.

The remnant rays of the dusk reflected off the water, the white birds dragging their long
shadows, the reeds gently waving in the wind. Unconsciously, Ma Fan stopped training, and
walked to the water, looking into the distance, his heart peaceful and serene.

Suddenly, he lifted his eyelids, wariness flashing through his eyes.

Without changing expression, he lowered his arm, the jade card that was tied to his wrist
touched his fingertip. A finger-sized grey butterfly silently grasped onto the inside of his
middle finger, looking like a nondescript grey ring.

Ma Fan’s eyes were covered in an imperceptible layer of grey. It looked as though his
eyes had become dimmer.

[Ling Pupils]!

His vision silently changed. The dense reeds gradually became transparent, and a ball of
shadow was visible as it hid among them.

So that’s where they were hiding!

The other’s position was about one hundred and fifty zhang away from him. He didn’t
have the confidence to kill with one blow at this distance. From the position the other had
chosen, the other could be considered very careful. If he could not kill with one blow, it
would be unlikely to be able to stop the other in this open landscape.

Ma Fan guessed that it was a spy from some other faction. This distance was more suited
to watch but not an ambush.
If this was in the past, Ma Fan would have most likely chosen to disregard it. It was better
to not invite trouble, he disliked trouble. But today, the first thought that flashed through
his mind was actually to kill the other person!

When he managed to respond, he couldn’t help but feel shock at his first instinct.
However, he didn’t waste much time on his emotions. He recalled the reminders Gongsun
Cha had said many times to him.

“The greatest taboo on the battlefield is indecisiveness! You are the core, you must
be decisive, you must make the choice in a lightning flash! No matter if the choice is
right or wrong!”

This distance … … he wasn’t certain of killing with one blow, what should he do?

“You have to believe in your fellows, don’t just go at it alone. What would you do if
you don’t have a chance? Very simple, you have two choices, you can make chances for
your teammates and your teammates can make chances for you.”

Ma Fan turned around, his expression normal. He saw three fellows. He only recognized
one person of the three, the guy that was called Xie Shan. He had been the leader of the
group they had captured last time. Supposedly, his cultivation was ningmai third stratum.

In reality, he had hoped that the three people he saw was the Lei Peng team. Even though
Xie Shan’s power was far stronger than the Lei Peng team, but this team was made of new
members and didn’t have any familiarity with him.

However, he didn’t have a better choice.

“Old Xie,” He raised his arm, and shouted.


Xie Shan stilled and stopped moving, turning his face towards Ma Fan, puzzled on the
inside. He naturally recognized Ma Fan, the core of the entire troop. The one with an
incomparable position, the most trusted subordinate of Lil’ Miss.

But Xie Shan had never spoken one word with him.

“Hey!” Even though he was puzzled, he still responded with a smile. In the troop, he was
the newest of the new. Even if his individual power was the highest, to gain Gongsun Cha’s
trust, it required time. He wasn’t so stupid as to offend Ma Fan.
“Come help me train, let’s try my new movement method,” Ma Fan’s tone was intimate
as he shouted.

Xie Shan imperceptibly furrowed his brows. He might be a newbie, but he was used to
being the leader, no one had dared ask him to assist in training. However, the other’s
intimate tone did not hold any negativity. What puzzled him even more was that he had
never seen Ma Fan find someone to train with him in the past.

It was slightly strange … …

Suddenly, his eyes locked onto the palm that Ma Fan had raised up, a finger sized grey
butterfly peacefully grasping his middle finger.

His heart suddenly jumped!

It had been Gongsun Cha who gave the grey butterfly beast service card to Ma Fan. It was
rare to see him use it. If it really was a spar, Ma Fan should not have summoned the grey

Xie Shan was very experienced. He thought as he smiled and walked towards Ma Fan.

The other two xiuzhe on the team looked at each other and did not speak. They could not
afford to offend Xie Shan, much less Ma Fan. The two just stopped to watch.

Ma Fan and Xie Shan did not waste words, starting immediately.

What Xie Shan cultivated was the [Aurora Mirage Sword]. This was a rare fifth-grade
sword scripture. He didn’t need to show his flying sword, raising his hands, multicolored
sword energies flew out like an extremely beautiful aurora above the snow.

An icy presence instantly spread. Under the aurora in the sky, snowflakes danced, sharp
as knives!

Sword essence!


Ma Fan’s heart instantly shook. This was sword essence! In the camp, all one hundred
and ten xiuzhe were all ningmai, but there wasn’t more than five people that had
comprehended sword essence.
As expected of the strongest person of the camp. With this attack, Ma Fan felt the
pressure increase. The bright sword essences were like mist and dust, carrying a cold
presence. Under the beautiful appearance was fatal killing intent!

The slowly spreading sword essence was like countless thin strands that were invisible
to the naked eye that would silently trap a person.

However, you aren’t the only one who comprehended sword essence! Ma Fan’s grey eyes
slightly narrowed.


Xie Shan intended to show his strength. In the previous battle, he had not displayed his
strength. Gongsun Cha’s three section wave killing charge had been too ferocious. It was
like an enormous hammer. With one blow, Xie Shan’s group had been broken into pieces.
Seeing the situation, Xie Shan had immediately surrendered. Up until now, he had not had a
chance to showcase his own strength.

It was a pity that Gongsun Cha was not at the camp. Xie Shan felt some regret. If he could
display his full power in front of Lil’ Miss, it would be of great aid to increasing his status
within the troop. However, there were only benefits and no disadvantages to displaying his
strength in front of his fellows.

He was quickly surprised by Ma Fan’s strength.

Theoretically, there was a level of strength between the two. Xie Shan was ningmai third
stratum, and Ma Fan was just ningmai second stratum. However, from the battle, it did not
seem like a battle between two opponents of different power levels.

Xie Shan had never seen the confidence and determination that Ma Fan showed in
another person. Was this what it was to be the core?

Each of Ma Fan’s blows would create many fake illusions that dazzled the eyes, but what
shocked Xie Shan right after was that the afterimage of each sword energy did not
disappear, but howled as they shot towards Xie Shan as though they were tangible!

Sword essence!

Ma Fan actually also comprehended sword essence!

The last thread of underestimation in Xie Shan’s heart disappeared. He did not use his
full power, but he was also clear the other also had killing moves.
A ningmai second stratum was able to match him. Xie Shan couldn’t help but feel slightly
bitter inside.

The multicolored aurora and the intangible sword shadows flew into the sky. There were
continuously sounds of explosions but were controlled to an extremely small area,
sounding like corn popping.

The xiuzhe in the camp had all stopped, turning their faces up to watch the fight.
Everyone had an excited expression. One was the definite core of the troop, one was the
xiuzhe with the highest cultivation of the camp. The battle between the two was the
strongest collision!

In the sky, a multicolored ball of light dozens of zhang appeared. Inside the ball of light, it
was tightly packed with multicolored sword energies and illusory sword energies, the
figures of Ma Fan and Xie Shan flickering in and out of sight.

Gasps rose at the ground. The two had displayed extremely high control to have
suppressed the sword energies to such a narrow space. Inside the light ball, the ling power
and sword energy density had reached a terrifying level. Any consciousness that wanted to
peer in would be torn to shreds.

Everyone’s hearts reached their throats. What was the situation like inside?

No one would have thought inside the ball where sword essences were blowing and
killing intent was spilling, the two people were chatting and smiling.


“What’s the situation?” Xie Shan said with a smile.

Ma Fan praised Xie Shan inside. The two had never cooperated before. Xie Shan was very
strong to be able to detect his intentions.

He didn’t waste words. “There’s a person crouching in the reeds.”

“Oh.” Xie Shan was very surprised. He had carefully inspected the surroundings when Ma
Fan had asked him for a spar, but had not found anything. He did not doubt Ma Fan’s skill.
Gasping on the inside, his expression became serious. “What do you plan on doing?”

“Kill!” Ma Fan did not hesitate in saying.

Xie Shan was shocked at Ma Fan’s viciousness. A normal person would first think of
capturing the enemy alive in this kind of situation in hopes of obtaining useful knowledge
through interrogation. He hadn’t expected that Ma Fan didn’t think before he said to kill the

He did not object, and said briskly, “Okay.”

“I’ll flee and you’ll chase in the direction of the reeds.”


The people on the ground saw a figure suddenly break through the ball of light, the
sword essences that made up the light ball collapsing. Sword energy pieces that could not
be countless lost control, and shot into the surroundings!

The surrounding crowd jumped in right and took up their flying swords to block these
sword energy pieces. These sword energy pieces might look broken and scattered, but in
reality, they were extremely sharp and deadly.

As the ball of light dissipated, Xie Shan’s hands were covered in a five colored light.

A multicolored sword about half a zhang wide, and three zhang long appeared above Xie
Shan’s head.


Xie Shan’s hands suddenly closed together, the enormous aurora sword turning to a thick
multicolored light that shot at Ma Fan in the air!

As the enormous aurora sword appeared, the expressions of those on the ground
changed slightly.

The terrifying presence spread by the enormous sword made everyone feel shock! When
it turned into a stream of light, the entire sky seemed to change color.

Ma Fan was in danger!

Just as Ma Fan appeared to have been hit by the flowing light, he suddenly disappeared.


The sword essence of the enormous sword was very dense. If it had locked on, it was an
extremely difficult matter to escape. Any kind of movement method would be slowed, no
matter how short the pause would be.

But Ma Fan did not show any pause. He disappeared in the air!
Having lost the target, the enormous sword light rushed at the reeds!

A grey shadow suddenly shot out of the reeds and moved to escape.

The enormous sword made an unexpectedly nimble turn in the air and charged at the
grey figure.

The grey figure stilled slightly. He felt a bone-aching sword essence pressuring him in
from all side. The enormous sword essence had tightly locked onto him!

Damn it!

Shocked, he channeled all the ling power in his body towards the flying sword and aimed
it at the streaming sword light! With this attack, his own flying sword would undoubtedly
be destroyed.

He didn’t have the time to mourn. He suddenly saw a grey flying sword silently appear at
his side.

His pupils suddenly expanded, his heart dropping in an instant.

He ferociously bit through his tongue, a flush of blood flashing on his face as he spat out a
bloody arrow!

If he could stop this attack, he could escape!

The other did not seem to have any intentions of dodging, the second flying sword
welcoming the arrow of blood. A joyous expression came onto his face. This arrow of blood
was his secret life-saving method. It was extremely powerful! If the other wanted to meet it
head on, it would definitely stop the enemy for a few moments.


A clean and crisp collision, the joy on his face froze.

Everything in his vision became so slow, he could see it with the utmost clarity. The
arrow of blood collided with the flying sword, the expected retreat did not occur.

The arrow of blood was turned to a handful of bloody mist, a cloud of dust-sized blood
droplets that flashed in front of his eyes as beautiful as a painting.

A flying sword emerged from the bloody mist and entered his body.

It was as though he was hit with a thirty-thousand-catty hammer. A bloody mist floated
out of his body, the surroundings moved backwards with astonishing speed. A last thought
flashed through his mind
–––– Such a heavy sword!

Translator Ramblings: The cast page has been updated but I forgot to include the pets
this time. Thank you for your comments.

Ma Fan is becoming someone that doesn’t find trouble troublesome anymore. All of this
is due to Gongsun Cha who has really shifted his attitude around. Ma Fan is obvious as the
teacher’s pet. Xie Shan is powerful, and he’s trying to find a way to carve his own spot into
this group. The events of this chapter are an exercise in teamwork.
Chapter 229
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiofDoom, and warlord212.

Chapter Two Hundred and Twenty Nine – Formation Breakthrough

When Lil’ Pagoda led Zuo Mo into a storeroom, he was dumbstruck.

Inside the storeroom, the piles of Rotten Metal Silver were like mountains. Other than
the Rotten Metal Silver ore, there was a little pile of ore of various colors.

“Where did this come from?” Zuo Mo pointed at the little pile and asked Lil’ Pagoda.

Lil’ Black shot and climbed up to his hands, furiously waving its pair of antennae. Zuo Mo
instantly understood. So it was Lil Black. He complimented, “Lil’ Black is very smart!” He
put a lingdan on his palm. Lil’ Black used its forelimbs to grab the lingdan and cheerfully
climbed away.

Lil’ Pagoda was connected in mind with Zuo Mo. He could feel Lil’ Pagoda’s intentions of
wanting credit. As he saw its round and chubby body swing and tremble, he instantly

Feeling Zuo Mo’s happiness, Lil’ Pagoda was even more smug, twirling around Zuo Mo,
shaking its body so the gourds on the eaves rang.

Silly Bird was full of pride, but her eyes were staring greedily at the lingdan that Lil’
Black was pinching. Gulp, the throat visibly swallowed. Zuo Mo coincidentally caught it, and
instantly roared with laughter, pointing at Silly Bird and mocking, “You glutton!”

Zuo Mo was not angry, and threw two lingdan at it. Silly Bird easily picked them up in her
beak, shook the feathers on her body, and, without a trace of shame, proudly left.

After he finished laughing, Zuo Mo looked at the mountainous piles of ore and felt a

After making the Black Processing Meditation mats, his need for Rotten Metal Silver had
instantly decreased. However, if he didn’t use the large amount of ore that was piled up
here, then it was such a waste. The grade of the Rotten Metal Silver was not high, but it was
a frequently used material. But if it was to be smelted and purified, it wouldn’t take just a
while to finish with such a large pile. It was not worth it to spend the time.

Zuo Mo quickly thought of a solution to roughly process the ore.

He would make billets of Rotten Metal Silver, and then forge them again when it was
time for them to used. Metal billets would not take as much space as raw ore. Zuo Mo had
to consider the amount of space his dimensional ring had. The other reason was that he
could use formations to do rough forging which saved time.

Zuo Mo had never seen formations used specifically for forging, but it did not stop him
from making such a decision.

As his comprehension of formations deepened, Zuo Mo’s confidence increased. It was

undoubtedly an extremely interesting matter to do something that had never been seen
before. He decided to make a large formation that could forge all of the Rotten Metal Silver
ore into billets.

Rotten Metal Silver was a third-grade material, and it was not hard to smelt. It did not
require Golden Crow Fire. Zuo Mo did not plan on using Golden Crow Fire. Golden Crow
Fire might be pure, but there was not enough, especially to smelt so much ore at once.

The fire formation Zuo Mo chose was of course not a low level formation like Li Fire
Formation, but a fourth-grade fire formation called [Jade Flame Formation]. [Jade Flame
Formation] could produce green flames that were more than enough to smelt the Rotten
Metal Silver ore.

However, it was the first time Zuo Mo was working with so much ore. He needed to
carefully consider how to set it up.


Pu Yao and Gongsun Cha were fiercely fighting in War Chess.

To let this person and yao play War Chess anywhere, Zuo Mo remade the War Chess
again. The excuse was to make it a leveling kind of game. Then he threw it to Gongsun Cha.
Gongsun Cha guessed it, but was happy to play stupid. In any case, he just wanted to play
War Chess with the mysterious person.

Without anything to do, Pu Yao was naturally willing, especially when he saw how smug
Zuo Mo was recently, he became very discontent. His [Golden-Wing Great Roc Matrix] did
not produce the effect he predicted. Pu Yao vented all his displeasure onto Gongsun Cha.

The pitiful Gongsun Cha, having just managed to make an acceptable three section wave
killing charge and just as he reached the level of being able to use ten soldiers to kill five of
Pu Yao’s soldiers, Pu Yao, without a second word, directly put out a new killing move – the
interlocking wall style defense formation that was specially made to defeat the three
second wave killing charge.
Consequently, Gongsun Cha was defeated by Pu Yao so badly he couldn’t find which way
was north.

Gongsun Cha was so abused that he wanted to die. He gritted his teeth with red eyes as
he started the game again.

Feeling that he had not vented the displeasure inside, Pu Yao did not hesitate in

Twelve matches, Pu Yao used twelve different tactics. Each time, Gongsun Cha’s forces
were completely obliterated, not one soldier remaining.


Even if Gongsun Cha was extremely hardy, and did not falter, he had been killed to the
point that his face became green. When he returned to the camp, Gongsun Cha’s black face,
and the terrifying pressure and coldness exuded by him made everyone shudder, their little
hearts jumping rapidly.

Gongsun Cha slightly raised his head. On his handsome face, there was a small dark

The camp instantly became deathly silent.

At night, Gongsun Cha found Zuo Mo. “There was someone spying on us today, he was
killed.” He looked full of energy, without any of the displeasure and darkness he had during
the day.

“Did you find who it was?” Zuo Mo stopped what he was doing.

“A subordinate of someone called Venerable Chi. Xie Shan recognized him,” Gongsun
Cha said unconcernedly. “Supposedly, he has about one hundred people.”

“They have intentions towards us?” Zuo Mo felt slightly surprised. It was the first time
he had encountered someone that had tried to find trouble with them of their own accord.

“Maybe they feel that we pose a threat,” Gongsun Cha pondered as he rubbed his chin.

“Why don’t we fight?” Zuo Mo probed. He was very surprised. Gongsun Cha was a battle
maniac, but speaking up until now, he still hadn’t mentioned fighting.

“The group has progressed very quickly recently. It’s best to wait a while longer,”
Gongsun Cha explained. They had enough jingshi at the moment, and did not need to rush.
Zuo Mo also understood. After the formations had been carved, the equilibrium of their
bodies had been broken, the growth of ling power had increased. This situation would
continue for a while longer until they reached a new equilibrium.

He suddenly thought of a wonderful idea. “I have a way for them to quickly increase

Gongsun Cha hurriedly asked, “What way?”

“But there is a possibility of injury.” Zuo Mo hesitated.

“That isn’t a problem!” Gongsun Cha said in a normal tone of voice.


Everyone smelt something different when Boss came to the camp again. Even though
everyone was training hard, but secretly, they were all paying close attention to Boss and
Lil’ Miss.

Thinking about the inhuman treatment they had received yesterday afternoon … …

Even Ma Fan, the core who usually received the best treatment, couldn’t help but shake.

A nightmarish memory!

They saw Boss start to work at a corner of the camp. Pieces of materials appeared in
Boss’ hands and then quickly turned to streaks of light that entered the ground.

So he was making a formation. Their hearts landed. Everyone knew that Boss was skilled
in formations.

Maybe Boss felt the camp was not safe enough after the spy had come yesterday!

However, many people felt that Boss’ caution was unwarranted. These recent days, they
had detected their improvement. After two consecutive victories, two victories where they
were fewer in number than the enemy, their confidence had exploded. The effect of the
three formations were too evident. Many people wanted someone to come to their doors so
they could try it out.

Zuo Mo worked for half a day before finally standing up in satisfaction.

He took out his five essence sword set. The five flying swords of different colors spun
restlessly in front of him. Looking at the five flying swords, he felt something that he didn’t
know how to describe. After the five essence sword set had been completed, he had never
used them in battle. Now, he was using them to make a formation.

He was using the five essence sword set to make a formation as he suddenly recalled the
sword essence formation when Gongsun Cha said the group was in a period of increasing

The sword essence formation of the sect had many transformations, and had been
incredibly effective to the growth of his strength, especially his understanding of sword

The group of people under his command were growing their ling power. If he could give
them some pressure, it was beneficial for their progress. When Zuo Mo discovered that
only five people of the one hundred or so had comprehended sword essence, it
strengthened his thinking.

It had not been hard for Zuo Mo to comprehend sword essence. At Wu Kong Sword Sect,
both Wei Sheng Shixiong and Luo Li Shixiong had comprehended sword essence. In the
Sword Test Conference, the majority of competitors had comprehended sword essence
which had caused Zuo Mo to unconsciously feel that it was not a very difficult matter to
comprehend sword essence.

How could one not comprehend sword essence?

With the five essence sword set as the core, and adding on some necessary formations, it
was the weaker version of the sword essence formation.

Other than adding pressure to the people, it could also help them comprehend sword
essence. Sword essence was shapeless, everyone’s sword essence was different. Many
things could only be understood and could not be passed on in speech. It was better to
throw them into a place full of sword essence. Even if he could not guarantee that they
could definitely comprehend sword essence, but it could greatly increase the possibility
they could comprehend sword essence.

As to injuries, Gongsun Cha who thought of life like grass didn’t care, how could this
bunch that lived so dangerously care?

The entire formation took up seven or eight mu. When the formation took form, sword
essence dominated, and killing intent was dense. In the sky above the formation, a black
cloud formed, thunder and lightning occasionally occurring. People’s hearts shook.

When they saw Gongsun Cha’s faint smile, their hearts sank.

Zuo Mo had gained great inspiration from the creation of the sword formation. When he
finished, he ran to the storeroom to start to set up the formation to smelt the ore. He didn’t
move the ore, using the storeroom as the dan cauldron and started to set up formations.

Many of the rules and restrictions now flew away. He felt free and unrestrained. Spells
and materials flowed from his hands, flying into the walls of the storeroom as though they
had eyes.

He was completely in a trance, his mind open. Every detail of the formation continuously
floated up into his mind. It seemed that just as a thought would appear, the spell on his
hands would finish!

The change of his ten fingers became increasingly faster, like moving clouds and flowing
water. On the walls in the surroundings, profound character patterns spread out with
amazing speed.

In just two hours, the walls, ceiling, and floor of the storeroom was covered completely
with characters.

The big formation was finished!

Zuo Mo dazedly stood motionlessly at his spot. His mind was still in that free and
unrestrained state. That feeling was just too wonderful!

A beat later, he gradually came back. When he swept across the complicated characters
patterns on the wall, his heart instantly felt full!

However, he quickly came out of this intoxication, shaking his head and smiling. Then he
swept the pile of other ores into his ring. After that, he took out three pieces of fourth-grade
jingshi and put them into the center of the formation.

He didn’t even inspect the formation. He was extremely confident that this formation had
no mistakes!

Translator Ramblings: Some of you are really good at predicting at what Zuo Mo does
with his stuff. I have to admit I was always a step behind and got surprised many times in
the story, I’m not very good at predicting what goes on at all.

Pu Yao continues to “abuse” Gongsun Cha who is the way to vent his frustration so
Gongsun Cha gets better at commanding. Then Gongsun Cha vents on everyone else and
everyone trains harder so everyone wins, especially Zuo Mo who caused all this in the first
place by irritating Pu Yao.

I can’t remember the exact number but less than five percent of the people in the last
chapter had sword essence. They are all ningmai, and a lot of them probably have higher
cultivation than Zuo Mo does. I know Zuo Mo kept on saying how he was a little character
and such before, but in this group, he really had a privileged time with Wu Kong Sword
Sect. Despite Zuo Mo, Luo Li, and Wei Sheng comprehending sword essence early on and
the variety of people from the Sword Test Conference, sword essence isn’t grass and the
majority of people now do not have it. This is just for ningmai and below though. Sword
essence isn’t essential to progress and become a jindan. It’s just the harsh environment of
Little Mountain Jie which means that if you know how to fight, you probably won’t survive.
Gongsun Cha lucked out in staying with Zuo Mo.

There was an interesting comment on how Gongsun Cha and Zuo Mo would deal with the
spy. Mjp thought that Xie Shan had the right idea to capture and interrogate which Zuo Mo
would appreciate while Lil’ Miss would want the kill. If it was Zuo Mo alone that faced this
matter, he may do a live capture, or kill just so he can scalp the person. However, Zuo Mo,
as it will be shown in future developments and as he said before, is not an expert in
strategy as Gongsun Cha is. He would actually leave the decision to Gongsun Cha on the
basis he trusts Gongsun Cha will make a better decision. Zuo Mo is the guy with the main
vision, Gongsun Cha is the one that will accomplish what Zuo Mo envisions.
Chapter 230
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty – Sky Glass Wave

Venerable Chi’s mood was terrible. For a few continuous days, his subordinates did not
dare to even breathe loudly.

Big Kong had been killed. When the news had passed to his ears, even he had been
suspicious that he had heard it wrong. Big Kong was the most skilled at sneaking and
spying, and had never failed before. This time, it was just to spy. Theoretically, there should
have been little danger.

He was both shocked and regretful. His shock was that the strength of the other group
was beyond his expectations. His regret was that Big Kong had died. That combined
formations that the Kong Family had were now halved in power now.

He still had a headache over comforting Second Kong and Third Kong. Their elder
brother was killed, how were the two brothers willing to let it go?

Just now, he had said all he could to barely manage to persuade the two. If they could
hold back for another month … …


Zuo Mo stood outside the storeroom. The storeroom was like an enormous fire cauldron,
a warm and serene green fire pouring out of the walls. Within three zhang, there was no
feeling of burning. The green light was so warm that one could not relate it to fire.

This showed that the setup of the formation was very successful. Every thread of fire
power was under control. Zuo Mo was very satisfied. Even he was slightly surprised that he
could reach this level. Precisely controlling every thread of ling power was one of the final
goals of all those who used formations. However, that was only in theory. It was not
possible in reality. If the [Jade Flame Formation] fire formation had been perfectly
controlled, it only needed one piece of fourth-grade jingshi, not three pieces.

The fire formation needed to be maintained for three days and nights. Luckily, Zuo Mo
did not need to stand guard over it.
Shrieking like that of pigs being killed could be heard from the far away camp. Zuo Mo
patted his head with some irritation. He forgot to add a sound blocking formation on the
outside of the sword formation. Yet when he thought about it, he did not continue the idea
since other than some voices, there was no other disadvantage.

It was better for Gongsun Shidi to deal with the matters of the camp.


The [Sky Wave Fist Scripture] had reached his hands for a long time. It took Zuo Mo
some effort to cultivate. The difference between fist scriptures and sword scriptures was
very large. He had never cultivated one before, and needed to start from the fundamentals.
He had called Zong Ru over again. When Zong Ru was told that he needed to teach Boss
how to practice the fist scripture, he instantly became dumbstruck.

Most of those that practiced fist scriptures were in Xuan Kong Realm. Kun Lun realm was
where the sects of sword xiu were, and Boss’ sword scripture cultivation was not low, why
would he think of cultivating a fist scripture? He didn’t ask, but tried to do his best. None of
what he learned was some kind of secret. He had cultivated to ningmai mostly on his
exceptional persistence.

Yet the speed of Boss’ improvement made him gape in shock.

In the span of a few days, the fist scripture took form on Boss’ hands. Even if there were
some places that were not perfect, but this speed was really frightening. [Sky Wave Fist
Scripture] was the spell that he practiced the most, and had the deepest comprehension of.
This fist scripture was not complex. It was the exact opposite and could be considered
simple, but simple did not mean it was easy. It demanded highly of the body of the person
who cultivated it, and the path was one of one person defeating ten. There was not much
technique. In Xuan Kong Realm, many dhyana xiu that were of great age did not have the
power to cultivate it to a deep level.

Behind the fist scripture, there were special chapters which described how to exercise
the body and bones. Most beginners needed to start from there.

Boss’ body was so strong! Zong Ru was shocked and slightly puzzled. Boss looked very
thin, and did not show any signs of strength.

It must be that Boss was exceptionally talented, he thought with some admiration inside.

Dhyana xiu that had no sect were even fewer in number than roaming xiu, their days
were extremely hard. Body cultivation required many ling medicines. There was a common
saying of ‘seven-tenths scripture, three-tenths medicine’. It could be seen how important
resources were. However, ling medicines were very expensive. The dhyana xiu of sects
were better off with the supplies from the sect. Dhyana xiu with no sect were a tragedy.
Before ningmai, dhyana xiu had nothing else to show except a body full of physical
strength. They could only do things like hard labor.

Zong Ru quickly adjusted his mentality. The scriptures that he practiced were all very
average. This caused him to not have any exceptional areas. However, what no one knew
was that his Samadhi was extremely deep. This was the most important reason he could
reach ningmai. It had to be said that this was the place that dhyana xiu surpassed all others.
Everyone could cultivate Samadhi, simple and easy to learn, it did not cost anything to
learn. As long as you put the effort in, you could cultivate to ningmai.

Those with extremely deep Samadhi would have strong minds and resolute
determination. The effect of things like illusory formations were lessened against these

Zong Ru did not hide anything. The version of [Sky Wave Fist Scripture] that he
cultivated was not complete. Many of the unique parts had been discovered by him through
his own cultivation. He was also willing to pass it on.

Other than the slightly displeasurable aspect of having jinzhi put into his body, the time
that he had spend under Boss had been the most comfortable days he ever lived. Everyday,
he only needed to cultivate. In the two battles, he didn’t need to worry about anything. The
division of spoils was also extremely fair. Boss was the most generous of all the leaders he
had worked under.

But what he really could not resist were the formations!

He didn’t know what the other people thought, but in his view, these three formations
were custom-made for dhyana xiu. Due to his body cultivation level not high enough, he
had broken through to ningmai but still had not formed an abhinna. With the three
formations, he now had the confidence of forming an abhinna within a year.

Privately, everyone was speculating that Boss had other formations.

Zong Ru did not like conflict, but he was not stupid. With such good benefits, he wouldn’t
leave even if they threw him out. Not just him, many of the xiuzhe that had no sect were
thought similarly. No one was more clear than they were regarding the difficulties of not
having a sect.

The world was no longer the same. Previously in Little Mountain Jie, as long as they did
not have much ambition their ningmai cultivation was enough for them to have an idle life.
But now, if they were not in jindan, then living alone was the same as asking for death.

These days, it was not a simple matter to find a good boss.


Zuo Mo did not know how many thoughts went through Zong Ru’s heart. He was fully
concentrated on practicing [Sky Wave Fist Scripture]. Zong Ru’s understanding of [Sky
Wave Fist Scripture] was deeper than he had imagined. He gained much from the other’s
guidance on many points.

Carefully savoring the change of ling power inside his body, he understood.

Right now, he was in the two mountain stage. His body looked thin, but in reality, his
body was extremely compact and suitable for [Sky Wave Fist Scripture]. The moves of
[Sky Wave Fist Scripture] were very simple, but had their unique qualities. In one
instantly, [Sky Wave Fist Scripture] was able to use all the ling power in the body and after
revolutions in the arms, expel it with punches. This demanded extremely highly of the
user’s body. Otherwise, after the ling power made several revolutions, it was enough to tear
the channels and body apart.

After the ling power continued for five revolutions in his body, the ling power vibrated
like running thunder. Zuo Mo stood, his legs apart, breathing out as he punched!

A jade green fist energy left his hands. The fist energy expanded dramatically in the air
and roared like a tiger!

Zong Ru’s pupils suddenly expanded, shocked inside. This punch had eight-tenths of his
own full power blow! But compared to how long he had cultivated, and how long Boss’ had
cultivated … …

Zuo Mo managed to get the feeling. The crux of this fist scripture was not the amount of
ling power, but the number of times it moved forward and in reverse! The more
revolutions there was, the longer the preparation time was, the stronger the fist energy!

He instantly became excited. Just now, after five revolutions, his channels had shuddered,
but did not respond in a major way.

Maybe he could add a few more revolutions?

As his mind worked, the ling power in his arms started to circulate again.

One revolution, two revolution, three revolution … …

Out of caution, he did not dare to add too many at one time.

Eight revolutions!
Green light came out of the skin of his arms. Adding on the black green metallic sheen
that his body already carried, what appeared was a black greenish metallic color.


At the side, Zong Ru’s eyes suddenly widened!

This was … …


Zuo Mo shouted, and the green fist energy left his hands again!

Zong Ru was familiar with the bright green watery light that glowed. That was the sheen
that would only appear when the fist energy was concentrated to the extreme!

The green watery fist energy attracted the water energy in the air as they left the hands,
the watery energy furiously heading towards the fist energies. As the fist energies flew
past, it left behind a while trail of mist!

Zong Ru was stunned. This was so powerful when it just hit empty air. If it hit a person,
then what would it look like?


His thinking had not been wrong. Zuo Mo was more excited now that he had received
motivation. It had been so long since he had felt so excited!

Eight times was enough for him to feel pressure, but that was not his limit.

Maybe, he could see where the limit was?

When this idea popped up, it could not be stopped from taking over his entire mind. His
hands did not listen to him as they began a new round of preparations!

His thin arms suddenly expanded. The bright green sheen that had risen before dimmed
instead. Zuo Mo’s skin that was exposed to the air became black green, and seemed to have
waves rippling underneath.

Twelve revolutions!
The channels in his arms were in pain from expansion. It was like a bow pulled to the
limit. A gentle shake would cause Zuo Mo’s arm muscles to tremble!

His arms were heavy as though they were made up of lead. He felt extremely burdened.
When he raised his arms up, his movements were extremely slow, and occasionally shook
and the big drops of sweat on his forehead all showed that he was using great effort.

Zuo Mo’s eyes were open wide as though he was going to tear open his eye sockets.
Sounds of his teeth grinding came out of his mouth!


Using the last of his strength, his fists punched out!

There was no wind, no howling. Two green fists that appeared to be carved out of crisp
green glass drew out two green light streaks as they landed on a two person high rock far

The two fists were extremely detailed, even the joints could be clearly seen.


The moment the fists and the rock collided, it created a cloud of dust, covering the entire

Zuo Mo almost collapsed. He could not stop himself from sitting down on the ground.
Without the energy to look at the result, he furiously panted. It had been too dangerous just
now! The ling power in his arms had almost gone out of control. If he lost control, then his
arms would have exploded!

Thankfully … …

He still felt fear.


A gust of wind blew and the dust scattered. Where the rock had been, there was no
nothing except a half zhang deep hole.

There was no scattering rock, no explosive force, no shocking sound.

The rock had turned to dust in an instant!

Zong Ru, whose mind had always been strong and composed, paled, his eyes terrified!
That was … …

The killing move of [Sky Wave Fist Scripture] – [Sky Glass Wave]!

Translator Ramblings: The people are definitely enjoying the sword essence formation.
Danger comes from Venerable Chi and we get a glimpse of dhyana cultivation from Zong
Chapter 231
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty One – Warning

“Miss!” The middle-aged person said respectfully, “We’ve just received a message from
Jin daren. They were attacked by an unknown force. Seven dead, sixteen wounded, Jin
Daren was also lightly wounded.”

“Oh,” Mu Xi’s expression changed, “who did it?”

“A female, origins unknown. Jin Danren’s subordinates have already started a

search, but there has been no success up until now.”

“One person?” Mu Xi was slightly shocked. She had not interacted much with Jin Bo
Zhen, but the few times were enough for her to conclude he was an experienced and calm
person. With the protection of an entire corps, yet he was still wounded by a single female.
She naturally was shocked. “A jindan?”

“The situation is not clear.” The middle-aged man clearly was puzzled as well.
“However, the female is said to also be seriously wounded. Jin Daren hopes that Miss
can keep this person in mind”

“I hadn’t thought that a measly Sky Moon Jie still had crouching dragons and hiding
tigers!” Mu Xi sighed and then said, “You can keep the incident in mind. If we encounter
her, do not let her go. The threat of a jindan is extremely high to us, however, our
energy should be mostly spent on the original plan.”

“This subordinate understands,” The middle-aged man responded. He hesitated before

saying, “This subordinate does not understand, if it really is a daren then why would
they not try to get in contact with us?”

“There are many possibilities. Maybe the daren is not in a good situation, or maybe
he does not want to see us.” Mu Xi said unconcernedly, “That has nothing to do with us.
Our job is to find that daren, even if it is just a trace. There naturally will be other
people to deal with the remaining matters.”

“Yes, this subordinate has asked too much!” the middle-aged man hurriedly said.

Mu Xi waved her hand. “There’s no need to be so careful. I have not been commanding
for long. I still need to borrow your experience.”

“It is this subordinate’s honor.”

Seeing the respect on her subordinate’s face, Mu Xi was helpless. She suddenly recalled
something. “Have we found the moon mo brigadier?”

“No, the other is very careful, and did not leave behind many traces,” The middle-aged
man said.

“Oh, be careful.” Mu Xi thought and then said, “If you find the trail, do not enter into a
conflict with the other. This battle will be long, and will not end so quickly. Yao and mo
should be allies, not enemies.”

“This subordinate understands!”


Zuo Mo had also started cultivating in this period of time. No matter if it was ling power,
spiritual power, or body cultivation, he was in a period of rapid progression. This was the
golden time to cultivate. He didn’t dare slack off.

During the day, he cultivated ling power and his body, at night, he cultivated his
consciousness. He even temporarily pushed his studies into formations to the side.
Formations were the core, but it was a labor of time. In the short term, it could not increase
his strength, but cultivation could.

[Sky Wave Fist Scripture] was just a very normal scripture, but with the mountain
physique the great strength produced motivated Zuo Mo.

Especially the [Sky Glass Wave], it was even more powerful than Ma Fan’s [Illusory
Shadowless Sword of Destruction]. What Zuo Mo needed to do now was to compress the
amount of time needed to prepare the attack, to complete twelve revolutions in a shorter
period of time. This was not impossible. Zuo Mo was already skilled in controlling ling
power, but shortening the preparation time would dramatically increase the burden on his
ling channels.

Zuo Mo had to increase his level of body cultivation, he had to in order to tolerate
the greater load, and enable this killing move to have practical value. Otherwise, such a
strong killing move would be greatly discounted by having an overly lengthy preparation

Luckily, he was in the middle of a period of rapid improvement. As long as he did not
slack off, after cultivating for a while longer, his body should be able to tolerate him using
this killing move.
Of course, this also meant that other than going forward step by step, he did not have any
other methods.


In the camp, howls would occasionally be heard from the sword formation. Over the last
few days, people had gradually gotten used to them. Every person that went into the sword
formation would shout and yell like so, but once they crawled out of the sword formation,
they would immediately enter seclusion. Up until now, the remaining people that had not
entered the sword formation did not even know how scary the inside was.

They only knew it was very scary, very very scary … …

But they also knew there were many many benefits … …

Compared to those xiuzhe who felt a mix of terror and anticipation, Zuo Mo did not have
any discomfort at all. He was already used to these howls. When he had carved the
formations onto them, the howling that had started up under his hands was no less than
the present ones.

Suddenly, the beast service card at Zuo Mo’s waist suddenly shook.

Hmm, Zuo Mo’s mind moved, and he unconsciously stopped his actions. This was the first
time the beast service card had done this. He hurriedly summoned the rainbow butterfly.

The Rainbow Mark butterfly flew out, made a nimble turn and started to fly towards
outside the camp.

There was a situation?

Suddenly thinking about how someone had been spying a few days ago, Zuo Mo was
extra cautious, and beckoned at Zong Ru’s unit which was closest to him, indicating for
them to follow.

The three exchanged looks and hurriedly followed.

Those that noticed this from far away all had admiring gazes. Zong Ru’s little unit really
had the best luck. Boss trusted them. Those with experience all knew that familiarizing
their face with the boss was directly related to future benefits.

However, even though Lil’ Miss was not at camp, no one dared to stop their cultivation
without Boss’ orders.

Gongsun Cha’s eyes were red as he stared deathly at the enemy which seemed like a tide.

He had already lost this match, but the other side did not have any intentions of stopping,
pushing him into a little corner to proceed with the last massacre.

It was not the first time he had encountered this kind of situation. Once he showed a
weakness, what awaited him was retreat after retreat. The other was like a dog with a
bone, biting on tightly. What followed after was fierce attacks. Any little crack would be
hammered into large gaps in a very short period of time.

Gongsun Cha was already used to the other pursuing and beating him.

However, he decided to give the other a little “surprise” this time!

Zuo Mo led the little team and followed tightly behind the Rainbow Mark butterfly. He
rarely used this third-grade ling butterfly. From the grade, this was a very fine top of third-
grade, but all three of its spells were related to poison. Zuo Mo rarely interacted with
poison so he never used this Rainbow Mark butterfly unless he was feeding it.

It was the first time that Zuo Mo had encountered the beast service card actively giving a
warning. Zuo Mo was very curious.

Lei Peng and the other two had similar ideas and formed a perimeter with Zuo Mo in the
middle. No matter what time, protecting Boss was their first job. Compared to Zuo Mo’s
curiosity, the three appeared as though they were facing a great enemy.

The rainbow butterfly flew extremely quickly as though someone was attracting it.

The mountain valley that Zuo Mo had headed to was in the mountains near the water.
The mountain valley curved through the mountains, and the mouth of the valley directly
faced Stone Door Beach.

The mountain valley was very deep. Zuo Mo had not sent anyone to explore since they
had only come here for Rotten Metal silver and did not plan on staying here for a long time.
Right now, the amount of Rotten Metal silver billets on Zuo Mo’s hands formed a
mountainous stack. He guessed that it was about time to depart from Stone Door beach.
Zuo Mo decided to wait for the group to all go through the sword formation before they left
Stone Door Beach.
Even more, Zuo Mo had set down formations at the important places. Even though it was
not a large formation like the [Skyring Moon Chime Formation] on the Desolate Wood
Reef, but these small formations were not easy to overcome either.

Zuo Mo did not put any formations on Stone Door Beach. The camp was constructed on
the patch of sand. The view was wide from there, and everything could be seen at a glance.
After the spying incident last time, the guard by the water had become even heavier.

Was there some worldly treasure that was attracting the Rainbow Mark butterfly?

Zuo Mo felt that it was not possible. This had been the site of a sect before. If there had
been some treasure, it would not have been left for him to find. Suspicious, he tightly
followed behind the Rainbow Mark butterfly.

After twisting and turning, the mountain valley became much steeper, and the humidity
from the plants and trees grew.

The wariness on Lei Peng and the other’s faces grew even heavier.

Suddenly, the Rainbow Mark butterfly at the front furiously started to flap its wings. In
the blink of an eye, with it as the center, a very small whirlpool formed.

What was going on?

Zuo Mo stopped moving, even more puzzled. There clearly was nothing in the

He suddenly thought of the specialty of the Rainbow Mark butterfly, poison!

Was there some poisonous object!

His mind moved and let the Rainbow Mark butterfly cast a spell on him. The Rainbow
Mark butterfly gently flapped its wings, and a five colored light emerged from Zuo Mo’s
body. Zuo Mo’s eyes were instantly covered in a layer of five colored light.

Zuo Mo instantly jumped in fright!

In front of his eyes, threads of black mist were being attracted by the Rainbow Mark
butterfly’s whirlpool, and surged into the whirlpool.

This was … … poison!

Zuo Mo suddenly realized and hurriedly pulled back the three people beside him. If it
wasn’t for the [Rainbow Pupils], he wouldn’t have been able to find this kind of poison!
Even though he did not know how poisonous it was, Zuo Mo couldn’t help but feel fear.
A tasteless, colorless, and undetectable poison was more than scary enough! Even more,
with the Rainbow Pupils, the threads of black mist made Zuo Mo’s hairs stand on end.

Was there some terrifying poisonous organism nearby?

That wasn’t right!

If there was something so poisonous, Xie Shan and the others who had lived here before
should have already been turned to a pile of bones.

The joy the Rainbow Mark butterfly passed on to Zuo Mo did not make him happy, but
made him felt as though he had fell into ice, his entire body went cold. He had recalled the
other spell of the Rainbow Mark butterfly [Poison Change]! The Rainbow Mark butterfly
could absorb all kinds of poisons to transform. The happier it was, the more deadly this
poison was!

Poison was something the great majority of xiuzhe were wary off.

Some great poisons could even directly kill a jindan. They were extremely strange. Some
poisons could be merged with the ling energy in the air, and could not be detected. Some
poisons could pass through ling shields. There were all kinds of weird and wondrous

Without a doubt, this one was an extremely terrifying poison!

Someone was scheming against them!

No matter how stupid he was, Zuo Mo instantly realized it. Other than fear, killing intent
uncontrollably rose!

The three people beside Zuo Mo could not see the deadly poison in the air, but were
sensitive enough to catch the killing intent that spilled out of their boss. Their hearts shook!

Zuo Mo did not speak, and made a hand movement. After watching Lei Peng and the
others work together for so long, he knew some of the simpler hand movements. Then, he
started to fly up along the walls of the valley, using the Rainbow Mark butterfly as the
border. The other side of the boundary was filled with black threads of poison.

Zuo Mo decided to make a circle to avoid the poison.

He wanted to see who was scheming against them!

Translator Ramblings: Chun Yu Cheng’s pets are in the spotlight again. Remember the
water butterfly back when they were on the boat and the grey one Ma Fan had a few
chapters ago? Chun Yu Cheng is the silent contributor, he works behind the scene (or is it
behind the words?)
Gongsun Cha is busy in war chess, and everyone else is roaring to go into the sword
essence formation. We also get a little peak at what the yao soldiers are doing.
Chapter 232
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Two – Gongsun Cha’s Insane War Tactics

Pu Yao felt very good.

He felt a certain kind of satisfaction each time he trampled Gongsun Cha, especially after
he was defeated by Zuo Mo. That guy was getting more and more clever over time, and was
not so easily tricked. The price he paid with each transaction was increasing. If the
conditions were not what Zuo Mo wanted, it was basically impossible to persuade him.
What made Pu Yao so irritated about Zuo Mo was that if he felt it was not good, he would
just ignore the deal, and not be swayed no matter how Pu Yao provoked and willed.

Many times, Pu Yao felt he was a mouse pulling Zuo Mo, the turtle, and had no other

Compared to the hardheadedness of Zuo Mo, Gongsun Cha was like a girl with her arms
open, allowing him to do as he wished. Every time he was blocked off by Zuo Mo, Pu Yao
would find pleasure from Gongsun Cha’s body.

This time, the battle situation was not different from any previous time. He had built an
advantage very early on. What came after was more of a game of cat and mouse.

Pu Yao had more than enough skill to be proud, especially in the area of directing battle.
In his eyes, Gongsun Cha was just a slightly talented youth. This kind of talent was not
enough for him to be shocked. Through the Thousand Year war, he had seen too many
young genius battle generals.

This kind of talent, oh, maybe he could only be the head of a little squad.

It was a pity Zuo Mo was not interested in becoming a battle general. Pu Yao smacked his
lips with regret. If that was possible, it would be so satisfying to abuse him! Pu Yao yearned
for the scene of Zuo Mo being totally defeated by him.

He had no interest in teaching Zuo Mo to become a battle general, but Zuo Mo clearly had
no interest in playing with him, so facing Gongsun Cha became his only choice.

It was so boring recently, Pu Yao sighed inside. He propped up his chin, his bloody pupil
filled with an empty loneliness. After spending thousands of years in the Yao Forging
Tower, his soul had been seriously damaged. Cultivation was not very useful to him at
present. Previously, the secret method that he had been placing his hopes on did not bring
the benefits that he had imagined. Right now, he could only pin his hopes onto Zuo Mo.
But that hope looked so infinitesimally small.

Maybe, very soon, he would dissipate like smoke. He smiled. He thought of the
gravestone, and the loneliness in his eye decreased.


When he swept across the battleground from the corner of his eye, he couldn’t help but

An ambush?

A middle-sized troop of Little Edge Mantis mo suddenly appeared at the side of his main

Pu Yao knew a great deal about any kind of yaomo. Little Edge Mantis mo was not an
exception. Little Edge Mantis mo was a low level mo, the same level as White Scaled
Attendants. However, its offensive power was three times that of a White Scaled Attendant!
In low level mo, the offensive power of Little Edge Mantis mo was able to rank third.

Most mantis mo lived in the forests. They were natural blade wielders in the forest. After
their intelligence was awakened, the pair of blade-like raptorial forelegs would detach, and
become their best mo blades. At the same time, their instincts would also wake.

Compared to those high level mantis mo, Little Edge Mantis mo was one of the lowest
mantis mo, but even so, their strong offense was enough for them to be famed among low
level mo.

However, compared to their powerful offense and grand blade mo skills, their defensive
power was pitifully low. The thin mo armor on their bodies was like paper, and almost
could not stop any attack. This was also the weakness of almost all the mantis mo.

Due to the characteristic of the Little Edge Mantis mo, they were frequently used to fill
battle technique units, not main attack units.

Gongsun Cha had actually used an ambush of a troop of Little Edge Mantis mo, and there
was a lot of them.

There was no time for him to think more. The black blade lights were like a tide crashing
against the shore, layer building upon layer. The entire troop was like a burning hot blade
easily slicing through butter.

Little Edge Mantis mo’s attack power that was beyond its power level was completely
shown at this time!

Pu Yao’s army was cut apart at the waist.

This group of Little Edge Mantis mo was also damaged, with not even half remaining.

The troops that had been pushed to the corner of the battlefield attacked at the same
time, like a spring that had been compressed to the limit and exploded with all its power!
The troop formation changed from an orb formation to a column formation. The two troops
attacking from the left and right towards the two sides of Pu Yao’s forces, a furious

Pu Yao saw the sudden change in the battle but was not panicked. The other’s
counterattack was sharp and furious, but it was just the last vestiges of strength.

He did not hesitate in pressing his forces forward. The perimeter did not attack, but
stuck to the enemy, keeping a mid-range distance. He furiously calculated inside. He was
waiting for the other to run out of power. Once the other was fully expended, it would be
time for him to counterattack. The middle of his forces had already prepared. The following
attack would be like lightning and quickly destroy the enemy.

He believed that the other’s troops would soon collapse. This had already happened
multiple times previously.

He did not worry at all about the remainder of the troop of Little Edge Mantis mo. The
fragile defense of the Little Edge Mantis mo meant that they only had one chance to attack
in such a crowded battlefield. No matter how high their attack strength was, they would
quickly be killed.

The two troops that had broken through towards his flanks, which were guarded by his
troops, so they had no chance of escape. Pu Yao smiled coldly inside. Gongsun Cha’s
commander definitely would be in one of the troops.

In the wargame, a loss would only be set when the highest ranking general was killed.
Gongsun Cha’s highest commander definitely was hiding in one of the two troops that had
tried to break away.

Yet suddenly, something shocking happened.

The Little Edge Mantis mo, of which half had been just killed, divided into two little
groups that charged straight into the back of Pu Yao’s forces.

What was he doing?

Pu Yao was slightly puzzled. Two little groups, each group had less than twenty people.
This kind of Little Edge Mantis mo troop basically had no use.

Little Edge Mantis mo troops were frequently used to ambush, but their fragile defense
determined their extremely short lifespans on the battlefield. If the other’s formation was
dense, in order to complete the break through, there needed to be a certain number. The
reason that the group of Little Edge Mantis mo had been able to so easily cut through his
forces had been due to how thick the troop had been.

It was like a blade made from ice. It might be sharp, but it would quickly melt.

Such a small troop, other than causing some fatalities, they basically could not affect the
battlefield at all.

Suddenly, a blinding light suddenly lit up at the head of the Little Edge Mantis mo troop
at the very front.

That was not right! Those were not Little Edge Mantis mo!

Pu Yao’s bloody pupil widened, his face full of disbelief!

Boom boom boom!

A string of powerful explosions. A gigantic gap appeared in Pu Yao’s forces in the back
half that had been cut away.

This light … … Pu Yao recognized it.

Balloon Fish mo’s Suicide Detonation!

Pu Yao instantly realized what had happened.

Those two groups hadn’t been Little Edge Mantis mo at all, but were all Balloon Fish, that
used illusions … … water mist illusions. That was correct. If it was him, he would also have
chosen water mist illusions. The illusions that were made up of countless threads of water
mist would tightly wrap around the person it was cast on.

Most importantly, the water mists could provide rich moisture to the Balloon Fish mo …

Balloon Fish mo was something no one willingly provoked. They had hundreds of little
sacks on their bodies. Those sacs contained the water element power that they absorbed
from the Endless Ocean. If they encountered an enemy, these pure water element power
would become their weapon to attack their enemies. No one dared to provoke them, not
because they were strong, but due to their Suicide Detonation.

This was the last move of the Balloon Fish mo to kill themselves and their enemies. The
Suicide Detonation of the Balloon Fish mo was extremely terrifying. Even mo of higher
levels would not be able to easily deal with it. Adding on that their intelligence was not very
high, and they were not afraid of death, if they were provoked, what waited was serious
damage to both sides.
But Pu Yao’s reaction was a beat too slow. The second group of Balloon Fish mo
burrowed into the hole that had just been carved out by the explosions!

Another fierce string of explosions!

Pu Yao’s expression was extremely bad. His rear forces had been very dense. The Suicide
Detonation of the two groups of Balloon Fish mo instantly increased his losses greatly!

However, he released a small breath inside. The battlefield this time only had some small
sized ponds. There would not be high numbers of Balloon Fish mo. Gongsun Cha should not
have any more Balloon Fish mo.


Pu Yao’s face changed again!

He suddenly realized that he had missed an important question.

The Suicide Detonation of the Balloon Fish mo was powerful, but it was rarely used
because there was a rule in war chess. In the regulations of the war chess, the Suicide
Detonation of the Balloon Fish mo was only possible under one condition … …

His eyes suddenly turned towards the two groups that were trying to break away.

The two groups that should have been furiously trying to break through, in Pu Yao’s eyes,
looked somewhat loose.

That was right … …

The bloody pupil suddenly shrunk, Pu Yao’s gaze was sharp and fierce!

Gongsun Cha’s highest commander was not in these two groups, but in … … his gaze
landed on the remaining Little Edge Mantis mo that was located at the rear of his forces!


At this time, Pu Yao finally comprehended Gongsun Cha’s intentions. The forces that had
been forced to retreat back into the corner was bait. The ambush forces were the true
attack force. This had been a trap, an extremely convincing trap!

Just as Pu Yao realized that it was the Suicide Detonation of the Balloon Fish mo, he could
not react in time. No one had used this kind of tactic before. In war chess, the setup for the
Balloon Fish mo had been they would only agree to detonate only under the direct orders
of the highest commander! In the past, the Balloon Fish mo had always acted as the last
barrier in front of the highest commander.
Gongsun Cha’s intention had not been to break away, but to kill Pu Yao’s highest

For some unknown reason, Pu Yao felt a burst of coldness rise into his heart.

The entire battlefield, all the forces, they were all sacrifices! No, they were all cannon
fodder! The two troops needed to attract the attention of the front forces, so they had to get
the other to move closer, and fight for time for their own middle forces. What waited for
these two groups was only complete fatalities. As to the ambushers? There was only one
outcome, death!

Even if Gongsun Cha managed to kill his highest commander, he could not charge out of
such a thick encirclement. To not attract Pu Yao’s attention, the personal guard was
disguised as Little Edge Mantis mo. There could not be many people, and the outcome was
naturally fated.

In other words, Gongsun Cha had never thought of winning this battle. He only had one
thought – to die together!

“This madman!”

Pu Yao muttered, his eyes unfocused.

Translator Ramblings: Fang Xiang has left all of us hanging on Zuo Mo’s situation but we
see what Gongsun Cha gets to do. To clarify, what Pu Yao and Gongsun Cha are playing isn’t
one battle with a fixed army, they are going through a whole battle campaign each time. So
starting from making the army, taking territory to setting up defensive lines.

For the balloon fish mo, I don’t know what to say. They seem to be great bombs, but if
you think of them as people, then they are the most expendable troop on the battlefield. If
they go onto the battlefield, their only use is to explode so it must be terrible to fight if you
are a balloon fish mo. The only benefit is that your commander is going to help out your
clan, if what Pu Yao said holds.

The tags are there for the benefit of you guys. So if you just want to read Zuo Mo’s part,
or Wei Sheng’s, or Pu Yao (for the comedy), it is easy to do so.
Chapter 233
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Three – Bloody Horned Great Serpent

Zuo Mo suppressed the killing intent flooding his chest, silently flying along the walls of
the valley like a thread of smoke.

In his Rainbow Pupils vision, the black and forbidding mist turned. It was already a patch
of death. Even though the Rainbow Mark butterfly was doing its best to absorb the poison,
but the poisonous mist in the valley was too abundant and it did not make a difference.

Lei Peng and the others could not see the poison, and did not understand. However, the
three were not stupid. They instantly guessed that Boss had found something. They were
both wary and shocked. It was the first time they had seen Boss full of killing intent. The
wooden face without any expression, even his gaze, which did not seemed to change, but
the killing intent that occasionally flashed past made even the air around him solidify.

Boss did not make a sound as he flew at quick speed, making them unconsciously think
of Ma Fan. However, compared to Ma Fan who disguised himself as harmless, and
unnoticeable, the Boss may be silent, but he was like a black sword that could absorb light.
Under concealment, each body part was an edge!


At the other end of the mountain valley.

Third Kong looked with fear at the black gourd far away, and couldn’t help but ask, “Is
this going to work?”

The black gourd was entirely glossy black, the mouth of the gourd open.

Second Kong stared at the black gourd and was slightly smug, but in the deepest part of
his eyes, there was a hint of terror. “Don’t worry! Wind will rise in this valley every night.
This wind is very strange, it will only blow along the valley, but not outside it. This Six
Poison Black Gourd was hard to forge. I spent a lot getting it out of Shortie Hu’s hands.”

He immediately said, “When we get revenge for Big Brother, we’ll leave here
“Where?” Third Kong asked.

“We’ll discuss after we leave here. This poison is extremely strange, colorless and
odourless. If one is poisoned, it is hard to detect at the beginning, yet nothing can save
them.” Second Kong was slightly regretful. “This Six Poison Black Gourd is powerful, but
it can only be used once.”

“En,” Third Kong nodded in response and said with fury, “Venerable Chi is too
dishonourable! We three had put our lives on the line for him for so long. Big Brother’s
bones haven’t even cooled, yet he actually does not want to get revenge for Big

“Hm, exactly!” A thread of hate came into Second Kong’s eyes. It’s a pity that there is just
one Six Poison Black Gourd. Otherwise, I definitely will also let him have a taste.”

His eyelid suddenly jumped, his expression changing, “Careful!” His suddenly jumped

A flying sword silently brushed past his waist. His body suddenly lit up, a set of silver ling
armor appearing.

Third Kong was instantly shocked, and then flashed towards the side. Light flashed over
his body, and a red ling armor covered him.

Four figures silently appeared, surrounding the two.

They had been surrounded!

The two people’s hearts instantly sank.


Lei Peng and the other two had not previously understood the situation, but when they
saw the two people and the black gourd, they instantly understood.

Zuo Mo was very dissatisfied with the sword strike he had used in ambush. However, he
didn’t have any good methods. When he had been in Wu Kong Mountain, he was only in
zhuji, [Li Water Sword Scripture] had been enough for him. However, in Little Mountain
Jie, where only ningmai remained, the power of [Li Water Sword Scripture] was somewhat

He lacked an ambush move. Zuo Mo knew that.

He started to examine the two people.

The style of the silver ling armor was very unique. It was made of thousands of fingernail
sized silver scales. A dark and cold serpent could be seen coiling inside and moving freely.
Having managed to block Zuo Mo’s strike, the ling armor was unharmed. It could be seen
how strong it was.

The ling armor of the other person was unordinary as well. Entirely deep red, it was
possible to smell the tang of blood from far away. Zuo Mo was slightly shocked. This ling
armor had been forged with a rare blood method. In Zuo Mo’s eyes, however, this ling
armor was a half failure. If it was properly made, it definitely would not have such a heavy
odor of blood.

But the majority of his attention was on the black gourd not far away.

In the vision of the Rainbow Pupils, the black mist was continuously flowing out of this

This black gourd was extraordinary!

Zuo Mo did not hesitate despite his shock, shouting, “Kill!”

Lei Peng and the others instantly attacked!

Lei Peng’s [Abyss Ghost Sabre Scripture], Zong Ru’s [Sky Wave Fist Scripture] and Nian
Lu’s [Lotus Sword Scripture] were all cast. The three had worked together for a long time,
and cooperated very well. In the camp, they were one of the strongest teams.

Second Kong and Third Kong reacted rapidly.

Second Kong’s hands cast a spell. A circle of light appeared beside the two. At the same
time, Third Kong flicked his finger, and a dot of light perfectly landed in the circle of light.

The circle of light brightened, and exploded!

Lei Peng’s sabre energy, Zong Ru’s fist energy, and Nian Lu’s sword energy instantly
shattered when they encountered the spreading light! The broken energies that had not
lost all their momentum headed at them like a wave!

These people were prickly!

Zuo Mo didn’t dare to slack off, his right hand coming together and drawing in the air.

With a light hiss, countless electrical energies suddenly light up, and gathered at the air
at Zuo Mo’s fingertips like numerous silver snakes. A goose-sized lightning bomb formed,
its body flashing with a slightly red light.
[Yang Fiend Hard Lightning]!

The faces of Second Kong and Third Kong suddenly changed. Hard lightning! It was
actually hard lightning!

Even Lei Peng and the others couldn’t help but inhale sharply, their faces shocked and
fearful as they stared at the little lightning ball at Zuo Mo’s fingertips.

Hard lightning!

Lei Peng and the others had never seen Boss fight before. In their eyes, the existence of
this boss was far too weak. Most of the time, Boss usually took the role of the
quartermaster, which caused Lei Peng and the others to be less afraid of Zuo Mo than they
were of Gongsun Cha.

Seeing Boss show such an amazing hand at this moment, the shock of Lei Peng and the
others could be imagined. The one most composed of the three was probably Zong Ru,
because he had personally saw Boss use [Sky Glass Fist.]

However, at this time, he also could not keep his composure!

Hard lightning was not commonly seen, but there were occasionally people who used it.
They would not pale because they saw hard lightning.

What amazed them was the strength of control Boss had over hard lightning!

They could not even feel the unique presence of hard lightning, the destructive,
extremely yang and powerful presence!

This meant one thing.

–– Boss’ control of the hard lightning was amazing high!

Xiuzhe deeply loved the power of hard lightning, but accordingly, the difficulty of using it
was to a degree that most could only look with yearning. This little lightning bomb had
none of the presence of hard lightning, but no one doubted its power.

Second Kong and Third Kong knew its power and didn’t dare to underestimate it, Second
Kong reached and slapped his ling armor, a large serpent flying out of the silver ling armor,
growing in the air. In an instantly, this large serpent had expanded to ten zhang long, its
body as thick as a water barrel, inspiring fear in those who looked upon it. Third Kong
started chanting at the same time, reaching out and pointing at the big serpent. A bloody
light flew from his fingertip, and entered the body of the big serpent.

The big serpent flickered out with its forked tongue, a pained expression floating into its
icy eyes.
Two bumps suddenly appeared on its forehead, the bumps quickly growing as though
something was going to grow out. Pew, two fresh coral red horns pierced through the
bumps and grew out.


The pain in the big serpent’s eyes retreated, the icy snake pupils tightly looking at Zuo

Zuo Mo’s eyes did not move as though he had not seen the enormous Bloody Horn
Serpent. He carefully controlled the lightning bomb on his fingertip. [Yang Fiend Hard
Lightning] was one of the strongest killing moves in his arsenal. Zuo Mo had spent a lot of
effort on it. Pu Yao had not been sparse in his teachings. Zuo Mo had managed to make
some variations on this one move of [Yang Fiend Hard Lightning]. This lightning bomb
was one of them.

There were more variations, but the difficulty of controlling hard lightning did not
decrease in the slightest.

[Yang Fiend Hard Lightning] was not like the other kinds of hard lightning xiuzhe used.
The hard lightning this moved used was the hard lightning that existed naturally in the
world! The power to manipulate the power of the world, this was the core of [Little
Thousand Leaf Hands].

This also meant that Zuo Mo needed to be extremely attentive with his control. His
consciousness was still not large enough, there would be a clear time where his lightning
bomb would form. If his consciousness was large enough, he could take in all the hard
lightning from a one hundred li radius area. But right now, the area he could control was
only twenty zhang in radius.


The last thread of hard lightning was absorbed into the lightning bomb. Zuo Mo did not
hesitate and flicked his finger!

The lightning bomb turned into a burning stream of light tinted with red as it charged at
the two people.

Nothing could compare to the speed of lightning!

The lightning bomb reached the two people just after it left Zuo Mo’s hands. The Bloody
Horn Serpent saw that he could not move to their aid in time so an unexpected scene
occurred! The lightning bomb flew to a distance three zhang from the two people, and
could not move in any further!

The swirling lightning bomb was forcefully blocked by an invisible wall!

The hearts of Lei Peng and the others shook!

A space shield!


This Bloody Horn Great Serpent was actually a fifth-grade ling beast!

How was it possible!

Fifth-grade ling beasts definitely were not something a ningmai could deal with, but at
the same time, a fifth-grade ling beast was not something a ningmai could control.

But what was happening in front of them was not an illusion!

The invisible wall that stopped the lightning bomb was a space shield, a space shield that
only fifth-grade ling beasts could have! The space surrounding any fifth grade ling beast
would naturally form an invisible defensive area, like it was a wall of energy, which people
called a space shield!

This was a space shield!

Zuo Mo also recognized it was a space shield. He didn’t have time to think further, the
spell on his hands changing with the flow.


Like an egg being cracked, the lightning bomb instantly shattered.


The compressed hard lightning inside the lightning ball suddenly exploded like an
ancient yao beast waking up from its dream. A destructive presence suddenly expanded!

In an instant, a thread of fear came into the icy snake eyes of the Bloody Horn Serpent!

Countless electrical snakes rampaged within the space shield!

The thick body of the Bloody Horn Serpent suddenly started to twist. Second Kong and
Third Kong were flicked into the air like bags of sand!



Second Kong and Third Kong were full of anger and fear. They had never thought that the
Bloody Horn Serpent would not be under their control! The two of them exchanged a look
and did not hesitate in turning and fleeing.
Lei Peng and the other two seemed to wake up from their dreams. They knew it was not
the time for their minds to wander. If they were not careful, with this ferocious ling beast in
front of them, everyone would die here today.

“Sky Wave Fist!

“Abyss Beast Soul Consuming Sabre!”

“Lotus Flower Fall!”

Three figures crossed as they charged at the Bloody Horn Serpent!

Zuo Mo tightly followed the furiously twisting Bloody Horn Serpent. Strangely, he did not
feel any terror.

There was a space shield over every part of the Bloody Horn Serpent. The yin fire bead
could not penetrate the space shield, and be fully effective.

Zuo Mo’s face was expressionless, his eyes as deep and serene as water, his two hands
slowly rising. His slow movements, in this frantic battle, was abnormally attention-

Translator Ramblings: We are back to Zuo Mo in this chapter. The plot barely moves
along, just action.

I have a bit of a throbbing headache that’s continued for two days. I don’t actually
remember how I edited this chapter so sorry if you see any weird mistakes or typos.

Also, someone noticed a typo in my last chapter title!

Chapter 234
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Four – Fury and Killing Intent

Lei Peng and the others attacked at the same time.

At this time, they felt the taste of what it was like for Boss’ lightning bomb to not be able
to move forward. It was like there was an invisible ball of energy in front of them. The
flying swords and sabres in their hands were forcibly blocked. Destructive ling power
flooded in, but there was no response, like mud cows entering the ocean.

The three were very shocked. Before they were able to retreat, a force suddenly came.
They were not able to control their bodies.

Woosh woosh woosh!

The barrel thick body of the Bloody Horned Great Serpent twisted and turned. Like three
sandbags, the three people were thrown about.

Zuo Mo did not raise his head. Every stray thought in his mind had flown away at this
time. The arms that he had raised slightly wavered, the movements soft like the ethereal
willow branches in the spring.


The Bloody Horned Great Serpent opened its bloody maw, revealing the arm thick fangs
covered in saliva. A nasty odor spread everywhere. When the venomous saliva dripped on
the ground it would create a bloom of smoke. The almond yellow eyes of the snake were
empty, so cold there was no warmth, only the most instinctive desire to kill.

It stared at Zuo Mo, the killing desire in its eyes became even heavier. Just having
suffered from the lightning bomb, the Bloody Horned Great Serpent was full of hate
towards Zuo Mo.

Hiss hiss hiss!

The snake tail covered in fine silver scales was like a quickly vibrating rattle, giving out a
soul-shocking sound as it shot towards Zuo Mo like an arrow! The space shield around the
snake tail also vibrated at high speed. Everywhere it passed, the air was cut up into pieces.
The souls of Lei Peng and the others who were still in the air almost left their bodies.
They could only see the snake tail! They were only able to see a ball of shadow, a shattered
figure like a school of fish made from many little fishes!

All three of them were battle hardened, yet an instinctive terror uncontrollably spread
into every corner of their body!

Even if Boss had a ling shield, he definitely could not stop this attack!

The attack of the Bloody Horned Great Serpent was close to the peak of physical power!

There were countless methods in the world, but no matter which kind of power, when
they reached the peak, all paths ended up at the same place.

The three felt as though they were in a glacier, the blood in their bodies freezing in an
instant. If Boss died, all of them would not be able to survive! The jinzhi on their bodies
would restrict their souls instantly!

Suppressing the soreness of his body, Zong Ru forcefully bit his tongue. A thick tang
spread in his mouth! Of the three, only he had a thread of energy. He had not wasted his
training in this recent while! In blocking this kind of physical attack, dhyana xiu had a
natural advantage.

Ling power furiously circulated through his body, moving without regard for the

He was like a piece of lead, suddenly dropping down. Bam, a figure shot out of the dirt!

He suddenly appeared in front of Zuo Mo, the scattered afterimages at the center of his
vision. The frightening rattles did not have any effect on him now.

His mind was empty, focused on one aim, no shock, no joy, no fear, no anger, carefree!

A string of wooden Buddhist beads on his wrist slowly lit up, a warm and deep yellow
light covering his entire body.

Inside the light, Buddhist sounds rang, and countless flashing sutra characters swam.


The snake tail forcefully whipped the golden light on Zong Ru’s body. The golden light
instantly dimmed, and wavered uncertainly like a candle flame lingering in the wind.

The Bloody Horned Great Serpent felt as though it had whipped a burning piece of metal,
and hissed painfully, the thick serpent body furiously twisting! Paing! Each bone was in
pain, pain that reached the marrow!
Pia pia pia!

The wooden Buddhist beads on Zong Ru’s wrist simultaneously exploded into dust, the
yellow light extinguishing. Zong Ru uncontrollably spat out blood and fell backwards!

Before he fell unconscious, he seemed to see two glasslike lights flash.

[Sky Glass Fist]!

Fourteen revolution [Sky Glass Fist]!

The fists that appeared like glass were so detailed that every line could be seen, just the
same as Zuo Mo’s fists!


Fear finally slipped into the emotionless yellow eyes of the Bloody Horned Great Serpent.
Yet the two fists that were so detailed they look like toys moved silently, but seemed to
have a deadly attraction. It could not muster up a thought of dodging.

Bam bam!

The two fists hit its space shield.

There was no earth-shattering sound. Its space shield, which had be so strong and never
had been penetrated before, was like a bubble which had been gently poked!


This was impossible!

For the first time, its body was exposed to the outside!

Terror had not even spread through its heart when a non-descript little bead impacted
its enormous body.

The almond yellow eyes became blank. A pale coldness furiously spread along its body
with astonishing speed.


The Bloody Horned Great Serpent made a sound as though it was being carved by a knife,
yet the wail seemed to have been gripped and cut off by something else. It felt darkness
flood it and drown it.

Zuo Mo’s mind was ringing. He could only hear the sound of his heartbeat, his eyes a
blurred. Everything on the outside seemed so illusory, like they were shadows without any
feeling of realism. Compared to the illusion of the outside, his body was extremely detailed
in his vision. He was able to see the clearly defined channels of various sizes, the blood
vessels which were like tree trunks, the strangely constructed muscles, and the ling power
spread through his marrow and tendons, and the earth energy that was repairing his body


Lei Peng and Nian Lu saw the remaining half section of the Bloody Horned Great Serpent,
and couldn’t help but gulp, their eyes full of disbelief.


This was a fifth-grade ling beast!

Boss was able to kill a fifth-grade ling beast!

The Bloody Horned Great Serpent had become an ice sculpture, motionless, its entire
body was a pale white.

Lei Peng and Nian Lu’s eyes suddenly shrank. The two stared with terror at the horns of
the Bloody Horned Great Serpent!

It was withering away!

Withering away at a rate possible to be seen with the naked eye!

Lei Peng did not know how many fights he had experienced, but the terror caused by the
strange scene in front of him was uncontrollable, especially since it was a fifth-grade ling
beast. He used all the energy in his body to turn his gaze away.

He didn’t dare to watch!

It was a kind of pale white that was lifeless. It had a strange and abnormal powers. He
was afraid he would lose the last of his courage.
When his gaze moved to the other size, he instantly became alarmed. “Boss!”

Boss was still maintaining his stance after the punch!

A bad feeling suddenly rose. Lei Peng furiously flew towards Boss. After Lei Peng’s shout,
Nian Lu also woke up. When he saw that Boss was unmoving, his expression changed


Like a piece of wood, Zuo Mo collapsed head first.

The two flew towards Zuo Mo. The jinzhi on their bodies had not acted. The two felt
slightly reassured. That meant that Boss was not fatally wounded.

They could not attend to the Bloody Horned Great Serpent that was withering. One of
them grabbed Zuo Mo and the other grabbed Zong Ru before they flew quickly towards the
camp. The two didn’t dare to go through the valley. That black gourd had not looked as
though it was a harmless object.

The two of them were filled with fear. Who could have thought that two ningmai could
summon a fifth-grade ling beast.

A fifth-grade ling beast and a fourth-grade were just separated by one grade, but the
difference between the two was a deep abyss that could not be crossed. The space shield
was just one of the major differences. Ling beasts fifth-grade and above were completely
protected in the space shield. In reality, a space shield was just an area with ling power, a
ling power area controlled by the ling beast and had many abilities.

Fifth-grade ling beasts were existences that only jindan could touch.

Overtaking their fear was a furiously burning anger, one that burned to every corner of
their hearts.


When Gongsun Cha returned to the camp, his face was as dark and heavy as water. He
had lost the round! He had killed all the way to fifty paces from the commander of the
enemy. Only fifty paces! He was extremely furious. If he only had another small troop of
Balloon Fish mo, he could pull the other into the ground with him!

Gongsun Cha did not feel happy at all, it was the his first time he made the mysterious
person enter such a sorry state and yet his plan had not succeeded. Even though he would
lose every match, even though he should be used to defeat, but even so, he hated failure,
had an unparalleled hatred, even if the other was stronger than him, more powerful than

This battle definitely had given the mysterious person a shock, but so what? No matter
how great the shock was, but it was a defeat. To him, there was no meaning!

Damn It!

Gongsun Cha appeared in the camp with a dark face, and the atmosphere at the camp
instantly decreased. Everyone knew they could not provoke Lil’ Miss at this time!

Just at this time, when Gongsun Cha saw Lei Peng and Nian Lu stumble back with Zong
Ru, he felt all the blood in his body freeze!

Clang! He felt that his head was hammered and there was a period of blankness.

When the camp saw the wounded Boss and Zong Ru, the camp exploded, everyone’s
expressions changing.

Damn it!

Wasn’t this taking their lives as well?

If Boss died, everyone here would not survive! Everyone’s heart was being frantically,
their complexions terrible.

“Who f***ing did this?”

“Kill them!”


Gongsun Cha woke up from his daze. He took a deep breath. The energy in his body that
had just left came back in a flood. The blood which had just frozen seemed to have suddenly
started burning, and rose up!

A blush came onto his face as though the delicate face could drip blood.

“All of you, shut up!”

The anger in his head was like the eruption of a volcano, the burning blood turning to a

The tendons in his forehead, at the corner of his eyes, and his neck bulged like they were
earthworms, extremely fierce when paired with his ruddy face!
All the noise in the camp suddenly stopped, and entered a deathly sentence. Everyone
was frightened by the fierce Lil’ Miss.

“What happened?”

Gongsun Cha suppressed the boiling fury inside, his voice rough and controlled, like a
black cloud covering everyone’s hearts. The deliberate calm of Lil’ Miss made everyone’s
heart uncontrollably shudder.

Lei Peng and Nian Lu hurriedly narrated everything that had happened in detail.

When they heard that the two xiuzhe had summoned a fifth-grade ling beast, the camp
was full of gasps, and when they heard that Boss had killed this fifth-grade Bloody Horned
Great Serpent, everyone gasped.

In the deathly silent camp, everyone dazedly listened to Lei Peng’s trembling voice as he
described how the serpent turned a terrifying pale white and then broke down into dust.

“It’s the Kong Brothers under Venerable Chi’s command. Of the same group as the
guy who spied on us last time,” Xie Shan opened. “Boss isn’t seriously harmed, Zong Ru
has much heavier wounds, and needs to rest for a while.”

His cultivation was the highest, his eyes the keenest and able to accurately judge the
wounds. His words caused everyone to relax.

Gongsun Cha’s expression did not turn even the slightest bit better. He generally
understood the situation of the Rainbow Mark butterfly.

If Shixiong really met an unexpected occurrence, then he himself … …

He fisted his hands, unaware that his fingernails had cut into his flesh.

He definitely would not forgive himself!

He raised his head, his eyes bloodshot. He relaxed his fist and the fingernails came out of
the flesh.

“Organize and depart!”

Translator Ramblings: Gongsun Cha lost all of his virtual army and still didn’t manage to
kill Pu Yao. Now Zuo Mo’s state is pouring fuel onto the fire.

Thank you guys for your comments.

WanderingGummiOfDoom was super and revised a whole bunch of past chapters. I’m
just slow at going through them after he is done but they will be posted. I feel like if I do not
have it down in writing, I won’t do it, which is why the revisions of my first translation have
been sitting on my computer for months.
Chapter 235
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Five – The Butcher’s Three Section Wave Killing

Zuo Mo laid on the ground, the three Golden Armor Guards by his side.

His body was like a sponge, continuously absorbing earth energy from the ground.
Fourteen revolutions of ling power was over his body’s limit. The terrifying ling power had
almost destroyed his arms.

The uncontrolled ling power travelled everywhere inside his body. The earth energy was
like paramedics, trying their best to repair Zuo Mo’s body.

Destruction, repair, destruction again, repair again … …

Zuo Mo’s body was like a battlefield, the ferocity of battle almost unimaginable. His limbs
occasionally convulsed which looked extremely strange. No one noticed that as his body
was repeatedly damaged, the impurities in his flesh and blood would be tempered

The earth energy that came after was like glue that was full of life, reconstructing the
broken flesh.

This was just the start.

The Golden Crow Fire was also rampaging. When it was completely free from
suppression, it silently spread, merging with the ling power and started a new round of
damage of even greater magnitude.

The five element glass bead detected danger, and automatically turned, absorbing ling
power from the surroundings. At the same time, threads of pure five element base source
were released. They mixed with the earth energy, and repaired Zuo Mo’s body.

The mo matrix on Zuo Mo’s body flickered on and off. The three Golden Armor Guards by
his side did not move. They were like statues, standing with their swords, motionless.

Suddenly, Zuo Mo’s frozen and wooden face started to boil like boiling porridge,
appearing extremely frightening.
The Golden Crow Fire and the ling power had entered his face, and started to rampage
and destroy. The earth energy and five element base source arrived at their tail, and the
two sides started a new skirmish on his face.

In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao’s expression was heavy.

The present situation’s complexity was far beyond his predictions, and was outside
of his limits to deal with. His blade like narrow lips did not have any of the usual scorn and
mockery, only a deep bitterness and helplessness.

After he had escaped the Yao Forging Tower, his strength had started to slip away.

Even though he had predicted it beforehand, but he had not thought that the power
would slip away so quickly. His present power was not even a quarter of what it had been
when he had first met Zuo Mo.

This bit of strength was not enough to support him, to choose another person to hold his

His expression was unparalleled in its ugliness, ferocity flashing through his eyes. The
hatred in his heart had no place to vent. He could only try to think and recall if there was
any spell or secret method that was suitable for Zuo Mo’s present situation.

Pew pew pew!

Zuo Mo’s face suddenly exploded, blood and gore flying. His face had been forcibly
changed by someone before. There were many blood clots and flesh tumors below his skin.
That was the true cause of his paralyzed and wooden face. The Golden Crow Fire and ling
power mixed together into a destructive force that swept away these blood clots and

The earth energy with the five element base source was like a loyal bodyguard.
Everywhere it passed, the exposed flesh stopped bleeding, and new flesh grew at a rate
visible to the naked eye.

The same battle was happening on every corner of Zuo Mo’s body.

Flesh continuously exploded, and then regrew. Gradually, the blood scabs on Zuo Mo’s
body became increasingly thicker.

In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao was slightly panicked. A thought flashed through his
head. When he recalled a previous situation on Wu Kong Mountains, he suddenly turned
around his face, and started to swear at the gravestone.

“What are you waiting for?”

The gravestone shrouded in the black clouds suddenly sucked the surrounding black
clouds into it.

The black gravestone became even more deep and dark, the surface of the gravestone
was black but was as shiny as a mirror.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a shadow moving on the gravestone.

Gradually, the shadow became clear on the gravestone, it seemed like the shadow of a

The figure was very indistinct, and the features were not clear. As the figure appeared, a
vast presence suddenly appeared.

Pu Yao dazedly looked at the indistinct yet familiar figure on the gravestone. It was as
though a body paralysis curse had been cast upon him. He was motionless.


“The mountain valley twenty li ahead is Venerable Chi’s base.” Xie Shan was very
familiar and naturally knew because he had been in conflict with Venerable Chi for a long
time. He was also full of fear. If something really had gone wrong with Boss, he would have
died without an explanation.

Gongsun Cha did not hesitate, and said darkly, “Kill!”

As his voice landed, the chisel shaped attack formation of the moving group instantly
changed. The two wings spread out like two gigantic claws that viciously pushed forward.

Such a ruckus, the other side naturally was prepared.

Seven xiuzhe flew up and welcome them. One of the people opened and inquired, “You …

“Kill!” Gongsun Cha did not have the interest in chatting with the other and interrupted

Three little teams were like three bolts of lightning. Without a word, they leapt at the
seven enemies.

The seven xiuzhe evidently had not expected that Gongsun Cha would not even give a
greeting before starting the fight, and instantly panicked.
“Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

One of the xiuzhe had learned a spell similar to [Sky Thunder Sound]. When he shouted,
it echoed through the mountains! The enemy had came brimming with killing intent. The
seven people quickly worked together in defense.

This place was their base. If they could hold the other side back for a moment, their
reinforcements would arrive. All of the xiuzhe that could survive in Little Mountain Jie were
old-timers experienced in fighting. Everyone knew what they had to do, and what they
should not do.

“Form the formation!” The leader shouted.

The other six moved into position, their flying swords and talismans out.

But right after, the expressions of the seven changed!

A little team from the other side charged at them with no signs of slowing down!

The three people were like a little chisel, their flying swords in their hands pressed to the
maximum, each spitting with long sword energies! The three sword energies crossed and
merged, forming a terrifying sword energy two zhang wide, and ten zhang long!

Woo woo woo!

The sound of the enormous sword energy tearing the air shook their souls!

The seven people had never expected the enemy to attack with such determination,
without holding anything back! That was insane! While this kind of attack would be
powerful, but it meant sacrificing any variation. If the enemy was able to dodge or bear it,
these three people would become calves waiting for slaughter.

The seven people unconsciously chose to dodge.

It was unwise to face such a ferocious attack head on.

The seven people that scattered did not realize the formation they had just formed
instantly crumbled.

The three people holding the gigantic sword energy were like a enormous and sharp
sword, and could easily slice through the seven people. The two other little teams that
followed tightly after were like panthers that smelt blood, and silently followed. The seven
people that had been scattered were quickly divided into several groups.

At this time, there were xiuzhe continuously flying from the valley into the sky.

Without Gongsun Cha needing to order, the teams on the two flanks started to attack.
Three section wave killing charge!

With the little team as an unit, one wave charged forth after another as though there was
no end. Each team would not linger in battle with each charge, and would leave the space
for the team behind them.

The three section wave killing charge was the first battle tactic that Gongsun Cha had
learned. Up until now, it was the tactic he was most familiar with using. Compared to the
past, it really had completely transformed, and was in a completely different style than Pu
Yao’s three section wave killing charge.

Pu Yao’s three section wave killing charge emphasized strength. It was like a heavy
hammer thirty thousand catties heavy, using force to break technique.

Gongsun Cha’s three section wave killing charge emphasized transformations. It was
especially skilled at dicing and dismembering the enemy.

If Pu Yao’s three section wave killing charge was a large hammer, Gongsun Cha’s three
section wave killing charge was like a little hammer and a little knife. He first used the knife
to dismember the enemy, then used the little hammer to smash the pieces. In terms of
brute power, his three section wave killing charge was far from Pu Yao’s, and many places
were raw and in need of perfecting, but in terms of efficiency, he had reached a certain

Several little teams continuously charged and killed among the ranks of the enemy like
sharp daggers!

Dismemberment, it was the work butchers were most skilled at.

The former butcher coldly stared at the chaotic battlefield like he was looking at the
corpse of a ling beast. The pathways for each slice was so clear in his eyes.

He continued to pass down orders of minor adjustments through the Same Heart
Necklace. He had left the Golden Armor Guards behind to protect Shixiong. The target of the
Same Heart Necklace had therefore switched to the little teams. Under Gongsun Cha’s
continuous adjustments, the entire team was like a fine-tuned machine, working faster and
cooperating better.

Compared to the scattering and looseness of the enemy, the xiuzhe under his command
maintained three people battle units. This caused them to always have the advantage of
numbers in battle.

After a while, Gongsun Cha stopped his adjustments, looking at the battlefield without a

They had securely taken control of the battle!

No matter if it was in terms of battle tactics or in strength, the xiuzhe under his command
held the advantage. This recent while had been a period of rapid growth for those xiuzhe.
With large supplies of jingshi, the Black Processing Meditation mat, and the engraved
formations, each person’s strength had received a certain degree of improvement.

With the fury of almost having died without knowing, with Lil’ Miss’ dark stare like a
blade at their backs, every team went crazy. No one dared to keep anything back, and no
one would do so.

Xie Shan stood guard next to Gongsun Cha. As the person with the highest cultivation in
the camp, he had been promoted to Lil’ Miss’ bodyguard.

If it had been in the past, for the life of him, he would not have believed that he would act
as someone’s bodyguard one day. Much less a person who was so young and only of zhuji

However, he felt no discontent right now. Looking at the xiuzhe to his side that was in
control of the battlefield and the dazzling battle tactics, he sighed in admiration.

This was skill! Skill that he definitely could not possess!

In this chaotic time, individual power was so insignificant. This kind of skill meant true

He looked with slight sympathy at the xiuzhe who were working to resist on the
battlefield. Xiuzhe dropped frequently from the sky like kites who had their string suddenly
cut. Falling down from such a high elevation, unless it was a dhyana xiu skilled in body
cultivation, other xiuzhe had no chance of survival.

Venerable Chi raised his head to look at the sky, his face ashen.

Just a few more days … …

He had not expected the other to have attacked them at their base at such a crucial time,
and had not expected the other to be so powerful, and for his own subordinates to not even
stand up to one attack.

He recognized Xie Shan who was far away, but his gaze landed more on the young person
standing next to Xie Shan.

He knew that he had no chance of flipping the situation.

“Let us surrender!”

Venerable Chi said three words that he didn’t dare believe he said.
Translator Rambings: Pu Yao finally admits some things to himself. I hope this explains
some of his actions. With Lil’ Miss and the rest in such a fury, this battle does not require
more than one chapter. Their training really shows in this chapter compared to the
untrained people.

Zuo Mo is undergoing another transformation. I feel the rate of his growth is actually
growing faster, which is true to what Fang Xiang wrote in another chapter, but I’m so
unused to it. We also get an explanation for why his zombie face is so wooden and
paralyzed. It’s all scar tissue!
Chapter 236
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Six – New Life?

Surrender was a very normal matter in Little Mountain Jie. It was extremely hard to
survive here. The result of fighting to the end was injuring both sides. Once a group’s power
was damaged, they would quickly be swallowed up by another group.

Surrender became an implicit agreement between the factions in Little Mountain Jie.
Those that did not understand how to surrender died quickly. Those that did not accept
surrender also died quickly. Fight and surrender was the bread and butter of life. There
were all kinds of people under Venerable Chi’s command. In Little Mountain Jie, anything
like loyalty was an illusion, no one would speak of it.

Seeing the situation was not to their benefit, it was normal to him that the remaining
people would surrender.


Xie Shan suddenly went next to Gongsun Cha’s ear and said something in a low voice. He
was very joyful inside. He hadn’t expected Venerable Chi to have something as good as this!

Gongsun Cha’s face was dark as he listened to the end without saying a word.

Just at this time, the surrounding xiuzhe suddenly shifted restlessly.

Noticing the shock and fear on everyone’s eyes, Gongsun Cha raised his head to follow
their gaze. His pupils suddenly shrunk, his dark face changing instantly.

At some unknown time, the blue sky where the sun was shining brightly was filled with
stars of various sizes.

There was none of the brightness of the stars at night time, but every single one was
extremely distinct. Even the blinding sunlight could not steal their light.

Gongsun Cha felt a bone-piercing cold rise from the bottom of his feet.
“So strange! Why would stars appear in the daylight?” Someone asked with

“Dunno. It’s an apparition, probably not anything good.” The person responding was
full of worry.

Everyone discussed in low voices. Even those xiuzhe who had surrendered and were tied
up put their attention on the sky above their heads.

Gongsun Cha did not say anything. His entire body felt cold, his limbs numb. It was like
there was a heavy rock on his chest.

Stars in Daytime!

He did not know what its appearance really meant, but he clearly remembered the first
time he saw the Stars in Daytime in Sky Moon Jie, the nightmarish terror that made his
bones tremble.

Now, Little Mountain Jie had a repeat of Stars in Daytime.

For some unknown reason, terror took over Gongsun Cha’s body. He forced himself to
lower his head, tearing his gaze away from the strange sky.

After a while, his feelings calmed. Such a strange apparition definitely had nothing to do
with him, why should he care? His attention landed back on the xiuzhe who had

The other xiuzhe had calmed down after than Gongsun Cha did. In their minds, even the
strangest apparitions could not compare to the enormous change in Little Mountain Jie.

Seeing Gongsun Cha’s attention land back on the xiuzhe, Xie Shan hurriedly asked, “What
to do with these people?”

“Kill them,” Gongsun Cha’s expression was calm as he lightly said.

“Kill all of them?” Xie Shan was startled and asked instinctively.

“What?” Gongsun Cha tilted his head to look at Xie Shan.

Meeting Lil’ Miss’ calm and slightly delicate gaze, Xie Shan’s heart froze as he
unconsciously avoided the gaze.

Gongsun Cha’s orders were loyally carried out. However, everyone’s faces were slightly
unnatural. They were shocked at Lil’ Miss’ viciousness. Killing was extremely normal to
them. Who hadn’t killed? But massacring captives … …

But when they saw the calmness on Gongsun Cha’s face, no one dared to speak.
From beginning to end, Gongsun Cha personally watched as all the captives were killed,
his eyes not even blinking. That was truly killing without blinking! Xie Shan’s scalp felt
numb. The faint and bashful smile on Lil’ Miss’ face made him only have one thought – run!

Suppressing the urge to turn and run, he was full of regret. Why had he showed off? Now,
he was Lil’ Miss personal body. Xie Shan’s mouth felt bitter.

Gongsun Cha clapped, the usual shy smile on his face. “Everyone performed well today.”

No one made a sound.

“Five teams stay and guard here. Everyone else, return to camp, now.” He did not look
at the corpses on the ground, turning and leaving.


Clear Sky Sect was built on top of a snowy mountain, the jie river roared past here as it
entered Sky Water Jie. Among the white snow, tall towers stood, all of them built from
second-grade snow crystals, extremely extravagant! Six thousand steps of ice stairs curved
down the mountain. At the bottom end of the ice stairs was a crystal tablet made from a
whole piece of snow crystal seven zhang tall. Written on it in cinnabar ink were two bright
words – Clear Sky.

At this time, Clear Sky Sect was a mess.

“What happened?”

“I don’t know! Old Forefather rang the warning bell!”

“Then something major definitely happened!”

“Stop wasting effort guessing. Let’s move faster. We’ll be punished if we are late.”

Disciples of various ages hurried to the big hall. In a short while, all the disciples had
gathered, an entire patch of silent black. The sect leader and others were standing on the

On the meditation mat at the very front was a xiuzhe whose hair was loose. He was
wearing a snowy-white robe, appearing about forty or so. He was Clear Sky Old Forefather.
The remaining and only jindan of the Clear Sky Sect.

Clear Sky Old Forefather slowly started to speak, his voice clear.
“Just now, there was a worldly apparition. Stars in Daytime, it is an inauspicious

Once the words came out, the crowd fell into a fervor. Many people had seen the Stars in
Daytime just now, but no one had expected that even the Old Forefather was also alarmed.

“Send someone to investigate!” Clear Sky Old Forefather said, his words absolute.

“Yes!” The sect leader lowered his head in compliance.

“How are the recent supplies?” Clear Sky Old Forefather asked, “Have the ling grains
from Hundred Flower Alliance been delivered on schedule?”

The sect leader said respectfully, “They have been delivered at the scheduled time.
They hope that they can trade for some third and fourth-grade gold element materials,
and have given extremely generous prices. They are willing to use a batch of third- and
fourth-grade talismans to trade. They are also willing to give Old Forefather a sixth-
grade Begonia Lantern in tribute.”

Clear Sky Old Forefather said in a deep voice, “Hundred Flower Alliance are skilled in
entering the path through flowers. I have heard of their Begonia Lantern before, it’s
not a bad talisman. However, they want gold element materials, not wood element

“Yes, this disciple does not understand, but they are truly purchasing gold element
materials,” the sect leader responded.

Clear Sky Old Forefather thought and then said, “Send them a reply. Find a place inside
the jie to open a market and sell ling grains. Get Hundred Flower Alliance to send a
group of xiu slaves. We will sell them to other people, and use ling grains to purchase

“Old Forefather is wise,” the sect leader flattered.

“How many ningmai disciples does our sect have?”

“Old Forefather, there is one hundred and twenty people.”

“Too little!” Clear Sky Old Forefather shook his head, “Go recruit a group of ningmai
and make them the Outer Hall. Their job is to take care of the affairs of the jie.”


“You shall personally go to Sky Water Jie.” Clear Sky Old Forefather thought and then
said, “You are to do two things on this trip. The first matter is to see if there is a chance
to meet and ally with other factions. The other is to buy a secret paradise to become
another home for the sect. Disciples of the sect who show promise shall all go to the
second home to cultivate. If our sect can have a few more jindan, this Little Mountain
Jie will become our backyard.”

“This disciple understands!” The sect leader was full of admiration. Old Forefather was
a visionary. If these matters could be accomplished, Clear Sky Sect’s rule of Little Mountain
Jie could not be shaken.

The ling energy of Little Mountain Jie had withered, but the mines had not been
exhausted. It was more than enough for this one jie to support Clear Sky Sect!

“Do not worry. I will stay and guard for you.” Old Forefather waved his hand.


Zuo Mo’s vision was completely black, a rank odor continuously burrowing into his nose.

Where was this?

Had he died?

That wasn’t right, he hadn’t died.

After thinking for a while, he finally recalled fighting with the Bloody Horned Great

That big guy was truly strong. Fear still lingered.

Impulsiveness was really a flaw! Why had he not managed to control himself? He made a
deep self-reflection, and built his resolution that he would turn and run the next time he
met something like this.

It had seemed as though that he had killed the big guy, he thought back uncertainly.

Many of the memories were blurry. After thinking for a while, he had not discovered

Itchiness occurred all over his body, pulling him from his memories. His attention came
back to the question of where he was.

He did not move, but controlled his consciousness. After he started practicing
[Embryonic Breathing Spiritual Cultivation], it had become his habit to always use the
consciousness to investigate when he encountered something.

Why was it like this?

If he did not clearly know that this was his body, he definitely would not believe the body
in front of him had any connection to him.

It was full of vitality!

Extremely dense vitality!

The earth energy inside his body was so thick it was almost in liquid form, and flowed
through every corner of his body. A blooming vitality, strong life force. Zuo Mo could clearly
feel that intoxicating feeling.

What shocked him anymore was that he could not find any bit of familiarity with the

Blood, flesh, sinew, bone … …

It was completely unfamiliar. It was like a brand new body, a new and perfect body.

At the same time, he found the shell that was tightly covering his body! So strange, why
would he be inside a shell?

He reflexively pushed out. Pia, the shell cracked. Light streamed through the crack. It was
slightly blinding. Fresh air flowed into the shell. Zuo Mo felt it was unspeakable
pleasurable. He greedily breathed in and pushed out!


The shell instantly shattered into pieces and flew in all directions.

Zuo Mo stood naked in the air. The fresh air, the bright light, it made him feel like he was

It really was comfortable. He could not help but breathe in deeply.

At this time, he finally noticed the Golden Armor Guards standing nearby with their
swords. So he had came back to camp. His heart relaxed.

Suddenly, he detected many people were flying near on the outside. It was Gongsun
Shidi. He bent his head and scanned his bare body, instantly paling.

“Who took off ge’s clothes?”

He hurriedly found a set of ling armor inside the ring and rapidly put it on.

Just as he finished dressing, the door opened with a bang. Gongsun Cha rushed in with a
group of people.
Gongsun Cha narrowed his eyes. “Who are you?”

Zuo Mo stilled, his heart discontent. “Shidi, you don’t even recognize me?”

Gongsun Cha’s expression froze on his face. The other people also had strange
expressions like they had seen a ghost.

The response from everyone made Zuo Mo realize something. He unconsciously reached
to touch his face.

It was like his hand had been bitten by a snake, shrinking back lightning fast. His
expression changed dramatically!

This feeling was not right … …

Without another word, his hand flipped, and a ball of mist floated at the center of his
palm, quickly turning to a smooth water mirror.

Zuo Mo was dumbstruck.

Translator Ramblings: I didn’t realize so many of you were interested in Zuo Mo’s face.

Fang Xiang slips in more information about life in Little Mountain Jie. It is not a good life
right now. Winning is very important. We also meet Clear Sky Forefather, the jindan that
Zuo Mo has to defeat in order to leave this jie. The Clear Sky Sect is has its own plans.
Chapter 237
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Seven – Reconstructing The Body

On the water mirror was an unfamiliar face.

“What the!” Zuo Mo jumped in fright, and then rubbed his face in curiosity before
turning and inspecting in the mirror. After a long look, he made a final conclusion, “Alright,
much better than before!”

His heart felt slightly reassured. A rock in his heart landed. This face was not handsome,
but at least, his nose was a nose, his mouth was a mouth.

Truthfully, this face was slightly average, almost immature. Bald head, thick brows, and
thick lips. His body was also thicker than before. He looked like a nice and obedient child.

Was this what he had really looked like originally? He was puzzled, and then saw a
puzzled expression on the face in the water mirror. He felt slightly unnatural. He had
become accustomed in the past years to that zombie face that could never have an
expression, and used to hiding his thoughts under that zombie face. Now, his expressions
had become more varied. The emotions inside naturally could be expressed on his face. He
felt it was extremely strange.

With curiosity and novelty, he stared at the unfamiliar yet vivid face in the water mirror.

He decided to ask Pu Yao if this was his original appearance. This question was
extremely important to him.

Gongsun Cha looked at Zuo Mo’s hand, and when he saw the several dimensional rings,
he released a breath. It really was Shixiong! Seeing Shixiong’s appearance, he also knew
that something had happened. At this time, Shixiong needed quiet. He made a silent
gesture, and took everyone else to retreat out. Changing appearances was not a rare matter
for xiuzhe.

Once everyone left, Zuo Mo entered the sea of consciousness and found Pu Yao.

“What happened? How come I look like this?”

Pu Yao glanced at him, and sneered, “Don’t pretend in front of him. I had not expected
the two of you to team up and scheme against me.”

“Team up? Scheme?” Zuo Mo was confused.

“I do admire you. You really have guts. Reconstructing the body, even those great mo
may not dare to try. You really have the guts. I had underestimated you before.”

“Reconstruct the body?” Zuo Mo’s confusion grew.

“I had found it strange before why you would so easily agree to the drawing of earth
energy so easily,” Pu Yao narrowed his bloody pupil, speaking to himself, “I should have
thought of this earlier. How could you not know that my injuries needed earth energy?
You were waiting for me here a long time ago. You are as cunning as you always were!”

Zuo Mo was able to hear that Pu Yao’s last two sentences evidently were not directed at

He was not dumb. Listening to Pu Yao’s words, he got a general understanding. Pu Yao’s
“you” should be the gravestone. The more he listened, the colder his heart became. He
suddenly recalled the “Do as he asks.” He had a feeling that Pu Yao’s speculation was not

Neither the yao or the stele were good people!

But when he thought deeper, he quickly realized it. If it was not for this yao and stele, he
would not have reached the level he was at now. He probably would not having even
successfully entered zhuji. It was like doing business. Each side had their own aims. Even
the smallest of benefits would not drop down from the sky. As to risk, what business had no

“I get the general gist of reconstructing the body,” Zuo Mo directly asked, “Is this my
original appearance?”

His words not having the effect he intended, shock flashed across Pu Yao’s mind. Didn’t
this guy hate being used the most? However, he did not linger on this question. It would
cause the opposite effect if he said too much.

“Of course not,” Pu Yao’s answer was very definite. “After reconstruction of the body,
all of your appearance would change. The greatest cause of danger in this kind of mo
skill is here. All the bone, blood and flesh of your body would be broken up, processed
and then reformed, making up for your natural deficiencies, making a powerful body.”

Zuo Mo pointed at his face and said, “In other words, this face now has no jingshi of a
connection with my previous one?”

“Exactly.” Pu Yao was slightly cheerful at the misfortune. “Not just not having a
connection at all, your entire body has been broken, all the remaining traces have
completely been destroyed. In other words, the clues from before are gone now.”

Zuo Mo stilled.
“You had three clues in your hands. Changing features and erasing the mind would
leave behind two clues, one was on your face, the other is on your spirit. There is one
more, the five element glass bead in your body. Oh, you only have two clues now.”

Zuo Mo’s expression was very strange, completely different than what Pu Yao had
expected. He couldn’t help but ask, “Are you not unhappy that you have one less clue?”

“I’m alright,” Zuo Mo’s tone was slightly complicated. He shrugged his shoulders. “At
least, I’m alive. This business is not unprofitable since I kept my little life.”

Pu Yao was speechless.

“What are the benefits of this body?” Zuo Mo quickly came out of his emotions and
asked with anticipation. Having heard the scarce words of Pu Yao, it seemed the new body
was very powerful.

Pu Yao’s expression froze. He could not suppress it any longer, furiously shouting, “I
didn’t do this, it’s none of my business!” before turning and leaving.

Zuo Mo stilled, and then roared with laughed. He felt good about getting one over Pu Yao,
the lingering depression in his heart sweeping away.


Leaving the sea of consciousness in a good mood, he suddenly thought of Zong Ru. He
remembered that Zong Ru had fended off the last attack for him. If not for that shield, he
would have been heavily injured.

He hurriedly found Gongsun Shidi, and asked about Zong Ru’s injuries and then rushed

Zong Ru sat with his legs crossed, his face white as paper, his presence extremely low. Lei
Peng and Nian Lu were worriedly sitting beside him. Seeing Zuo Mo come, the two of them
hurriedly stood up.

“How are the injuries?” Zuo Mo abruptly asked.

Nian Lu grimaced, “His channels were injured. It would take a period of time to

“To heal channels, this is third-grade Spring Dew Dan, specifically for channel
injuries. Oh, third-grade Primary Energy Dan, not bad for recovering energies. Third-
grade Primary Replenishing Dan, restoring the body … …”
Nian Lu and Lei Peng gaped at the pile of lingdan.

After seeing Zong Ru, Zuo Mo remembered the Rainbow Mark butterfly that he had
forgotten in the mountain valley. He called for the Rainbow Mark butterfly through the
beast service card, but to his disappointment, the Rainbow Mark butterfly did not reply. If
the energy of the Rainbow Mark butterfly was not still present, he would have assumed
that the Rainbow Mark butterfly had died of poison.

Since the Rainbow Mark butterfly was still alive, he felt slightly reassured. Without the
use of Rainbow Pupil, the black poisonous mist inside the mountain valley was enough to
take his little life. He instantly discarded the thought of going to inspect the mountain

He burrowed back into his room, and started to investigate his new body.


There was a question that puzzled Gongsun Cha, the fifth-grade ling beast was in the
hands of the two ningmai. It had to be said that fifth-grade ling beasts were able to enter
the ranks of high level ling beasts. They were not something that ningmai could command.
How could it not be a puzzled how one appeared in the hands of two ningmai?

He was extremely attentive, and called Nian Lu and Lei Peng over to ask for the details.

“It’s the Kong Brothers.” Luckily, he had Xie Shan who was familiar with Venerable Chi’s
base. He explained. “The Kong Brothers had managed to discover a secret technique
from somewhere, if the three worked together, they can summon a fifth-grade Bloody
Horned Serpent. They were the strongest helpers of Venerable Chi. Supposedly, the
secret technique they found was not complete. The fifth-grade ling beast they summon
is not truly fifth-grade, and can only be considered a quasi-fifth-grade beast. The
reason that the Bloody Horned Serpent escaped control might be related to us having
killed Big Kong.”

Even Xie Shan would never have thought that his speculations perfectly matched what
had actually happened.

Gongsun Cha felt that it was plausible. To say of nothing else, the power of a fifth-grade
ling beast definitely was higher than three ningmai xiuzhe. If this secret technique did not
have any flaw, no one would have survived.

Suddenly, someone hurriedly ran in. “Head, head!”

The subordinates usually called Gongsun Cha Head, and Zuo Mo Boss.
“What is it?” Gongsun Cha asked. He wondered inside, did something else happen?

“A female xiu was floating in the river, the brothers pulled her out.”

“Female xiu?” Gongsun Cha stilled. It took a long time for him to react. After leaving Wu
Kong Mountain, he had not encountered female xiu again.

In cultivation, there was no difference between female and male. Many sects even took
only female disciples. The only type of cultivation that had a difference was probably the
dhyana xiu which cultivated their bodies. Females loved beauty, liked their skin snowy
white, and had no interest in bronzed skin and hard bones. Supposedly, Little Mountain Jie
had female-only factions.

“ Let’s go see,” Gongsun Cha did not hesitate in saying .

When Gongsun Cha hurried to the camp, he quickly saw this female xiu. More accurately,
it was a wounded female xiu.

“I say, she is just a bit too ugly.” Gongsun Cha did not realize how malicious his words
were as he said in shock.

“Really.” Xie Shan agreed empathetically, nodding his head.

The unconscious female xiu was seriously injured, the hair flowing free, her entire body
giving off a nasty smell. Her face was full of crusted scabies. She was dressed in a torn and
white robe, not much different from a beggar. Her feet were bare, her legs patched in

Zuo Mo had hurried over when he heard the news. His expression was serious due to Pu
Yao’s words.

“She’s been infected with yao poison.”

“Yao poison.” Zuo Mo’s expression became slightly ugly. “You mean that she was
wounded by the yao?”

“Exactly.” Pu Yao, who had felt that his status had become threatened lately did not hold
anything back anymore, not forgetting to show off at anytime. “This is a very common yao
poison, made from Green Thorn Vine. They used this thousands of years ago. I hadn’t
thought they would still use it.” At the end, he did not forget to review like he usually did.
“Did they live one thousand years more for nothing?”

Zuo Mo did not pay attention to Pu Yao. He suddenly raised his head. “Where did she
float from?”

Xie Shan stilled and then ran to ask the xiuzhe who had discovered the female first. After
a while, he pointed at a direction on the river. “Floated from there.”
Gongsun Cha also reacted at this time. The two of them exchanged a look. Sky Moon Jie!

That direction, it was the direction of Sky Moon Jie!

This female xiu had escaped from Sky Moon Jie. The two of them were extremely
shocked. Their present position was not far from the jie river. However, this female xiu was
the first person that they had found who had escaped from Sky Moon Jie. Without a doubt,
the yao army had locked down the jie river. It was not hard to accomplish. They only
needed to send a troop to occupy Desolate Wood Reef, and then they could secure the jie

This female xiu was very strong!

Zuo Mo and Gongsun Cha exchanged another look with the same idea, getting the other
on their side. To say of nothing else, this female xiu’s power was not of a normal ningmai to
be able to break through the blockade. Even more, all of them came from Sky Moon Jie, this
made the two people feel slightly closer to her.

Having made a decision, Zuo Mo asked Pu Yao, “How do you neutralize the poison?”

Translator Ramblings: If you are reading this, it means that I haven’t found internet
access in the last 24 hours. This is a scheduled post so sorry for not responding to your
comments for the last chapter. I’ll most likely be actually with internet before the next

To disappoint some of you, Zuo Mo did not become a handsome person. Isn’t Pu Yao and
Gongsun Cha “eyecandy” enough? In other news, Zuo Mo has been the piece of meat that
Pu Yao and the gravestone have been fighting over. Pu Yao just lost a bit due to his desire
for earth energy to recover which the gravestone took advantage of. One Stars in Daytime
later, and Zuo Mo now has a new body. Zuo Mo obviously cannot do anything to control
these two beings so being accepting is actually the best response. The two of them are
definitely not done yet.

Xie Shan shows his usefulness. As someone mentioned, if Zuo Mo can defeat a fifth-grade
ling beast, and that is equal to a jindan, he should be able to beat a jindan, he can’t because
that wasn’t a true fifth-grade. But now he shows some hope of being able to do so with help
from others.

We get a female character again, other than Silly Bird. Sex ratios are really skewed
sometimes in fantasy novels. A common trend is that the males are opponents of the main
character while the females are companions. Up to this point, Fang Xiang’s character
gender ratio is not too bad. It is still not fifty-fifty despite what he said in this chapter about
differences between the sexes, but there are some developed female characters. What is a
mystery to me is where the female xiu in Little Mountain Jie all gone to. All the people
we’ve encountered in Little Mountain Jie so far are male, except the one in this chapter. I’m
not sure if they all died off, or they evacuated quickly and had the money to pay to cross the
jie river.
Chapter 238
This chapter has been brought to you by me, warlord212, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Eight – Sonic Lightning Walnut

“How is it?” Gongsun Cha looked into the room, and then sat next to Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo shook his head. “I don’t know. She has been seriously wounded before, not just
this once. It is a miracle that she is alive right now.” He had some admiration for her.
When he had inspected the female, he had been stunned by the dense layers of hidden
wounds inside her body. Was this woman like Wei Sheng Shixiong, and also a battle

“It would be better if she looked prettier.” Gongsun Cha smacked his lips.

Zuo Mo was slightly surprised. “Do you want to find a female xiu?”

“No, that’s not it,” Gongsun Cha explained, his face serious. “To be easy on the eyes.”

“Tell me, what’s so good about women? Why does everyone like them?” Zuo Mo
recalled the paper crane female’s “illusory formation” that made blood rise.

“Shixiong, you don’t know this?” Gongsun Cha looked in disbelief at Zuo Mo. Gongsun
Cha covered his forehead and sighed. He then adjusted his attitude to that of an
experienced person, and began to lecture Zuo Mo in a heavy voice, “Shixiong, I may not be
as good as you in cultivation. But if we are talking about the understanding of women,
this little brother has a little bit of skill.”

Zuo Mo’s mind became alert. He hurriedly said, “Tell me.”

“Women, the most important part is beauty, beauty like jade, voice like the wind,
with a tantalizing fragrance that one cannot pull themselves away.” Gongsun Cha’s face
was intoxicated, but he quickly said in a heavy voice, “But, Shixiong, you have to
remember, you should just look at women. My master said that you can only look at
women, but cannot touch them. We shall just look at them.”

“Oh, so it’s like that,” Zuo Mo nodded, still confused.

“It really is wonderful to meet someone from Sky Moon Jie.” Gongsun Cha sighed,
“There is only the three of us. It’s better to have one more person.”

Zuo Mo was silent as he thought of previous matters. After a while, he asked, “Where’s
Cheng Shidi?”
“Where else could he be? He’s always at the beast pool. Soon, he will accomplish his
goal and cultivate into a ling beast. Hee hee,” Gongsun Cha mocked.

“It’s good as long as he likes it.” It might have been the string of occurrences recently,
but Zuo Mo had a much more open perspective on many matters.

“En.” Gongsun Cha nodded. It would not be outrageous to say that their situation was a
precarious one. They might have won a few victories, but these hundred something people
could not rank up there in the entire Little Mountain Jie.

What they were doing right now, was it not what they liked? The deepest impression he
had after learning how to command was that he had wasted his days before.

He suddenly thought of an urgent matter. “Shixiong, where do you think this yao army
came from?”

“Came from?” Zuo Mo was stilled, struck silent by Gongsun Cha’s question. He thought
and said, “Probably Sky Water Jie, Little Mountain Jie only has two jie rivers, they could
only have come from Sky Water Jie.”

Gongsun Cha’s handsome face was full of worry. “But if they came from Sky Water Jie,
would the yao army have let go of Clear Sky Sect? When we were at Desolate Wood
Reef, they didn’t even say a thing before attacking.”

That was right. If the yao army really came into Little Mountain Jie from Sky Water Jie,
any power that would have been guarding the jie river would have been destroyed. Zuo Mo
didn’t believe that the yao army would make an exception for Clear Sky Sect.

“Maybe Clear Sky Sect had captured the jie river entrance after the yao army
passed?” Zuo Mo thought of a possibility.

“I had asked Xie Shan and the others, but the Clear Sky Sect has always guarded that
place,” Gongsun Cha said.

Zuo Mo felt a wave of cold seep up from the bottom of his feet. “Is there another
entrance to Little Mountain Jie?”

“I don’t know.” Gongsun Cha shook his head.


This question was extremely important. Zuo Mo immediately went to find Pu Yao.
Pu Yao said in a deep voice, “The yao army should have entered from a chaos rift.”

“Chaos rift? What is that?”

“Each jie would have several entrances. The most frequently seen are the jie rivers.
But other than those passageways, there usually would be some very small rifts, these
are chaos rifts. However, most jie masters, after they have taken control of the jie,
would find these chaos rifts and seal them to prevent others from taking advantage of
them.” Pu Yao was very familiar with this kind of knowledge.

“Are there many chaos rifts?” Zuo Mo ‘s expression was slightly ugly. If it really was a
chaos rift, then that meant the yao army could appear at any time.

“I don’t know,” Pu Yao said, “each jie is different. However, there is one point. The
reason that chaos rifts have the appellation of chaos is that the laws inside the rifts are
chaotic and non-existent. The higher the level of cultivator, the greater the effect it has
on them. Little Mountain jie is one of the smallest kinds of jie. If it really has a chaos
rift, it probably could only allow ningmai xiuzhe to pass through. Yaomo will be
similarity constrained.”

Hearing this Zuo Mo was completely certain the yao army had entered Little Mountain Jie
from a chaos rift. He had found it strange before that the yao army’s average cultivation had
not been high despite the organization it showed. The individual strength had been
comparable to ningmai. So it was not that they did not want to send experts, but they could
not send them.

“How do you find a chaos rift? Can we block it off?” Zuo Mo asked with fear in his voice.
A danger that was known but could not be seen was the easiest ones to cause terror.

“The surroundings of a chaos rift will usually have some attributes. Due to chaos,
chaos which is not divided into yin and yang, not into the five elements. There would
not be any earth energy, nor ling power. Xiu, yao, and mo will all be suppressed under
chaos. Oh, it would also be empty and barren. No beast can survive in the area around
a chaos rift, there will be no plants or animals, nothing living,” Pu Yao streamed on. At
the end, he added, “There are also some secret methods that can detect them, but I don’t
know them.”


Zuo Mo left the sea of consciousness. He narrated what Pu Yao had said.

Gongsun Cha was very calm. This answer was not far from his own speculations. He only
asked a question, “Is the area around the chaos rift suitable for ambush?”
“Theoretically, it is very suitable.” Pu Yao responded of his own initiative. However, he
could only speak to Zuo Mo, “But tell him to end the thought. Even the most exhausted
lion is not one sheep can defeat. What he commands are the sheep of the sheep.”

Zuo Mo was speechless. However, he still tactfully passed on Pu Yao’s words.

Gongsun Cha’s expression was slightly ugly, but he also knew this was the truth. He was
very clear about what the people under his command were like. Even though they had
formed the beginnings of an army under his training, but it was far from being able to
compete with a fully mature army like the yao army.

Zuo Mo also had no solutions for this problem.

However, this also increased the determination of the two people to quickly defeat Clear
Sky Sect’s blockade. That was the only ray of hope for survival.

“Is there any news of yin fiend grounds?” Zuo Mo asked. The power of the yin fire bead
was greater than he had imagined. Such a big monster as the Bloody Horn Serpent had
been turned to dust upon impact. It really was out of Zuo Mo’s expectations, and increased
his desire to find yin fiend lands.

The strength of fifth-grade ling beasts were on the same level as jindan. Even though the
bloody horn serpent was only semi-fifth-level, but a power that could kill it would have
some effect on a jindan.

Gongsun Cha was also clear about the power of the yin fire bead, and had been extremely
attentive to this matter. He said, “Nothing yet, but I will focus on it. Right, after getting
rid of Venerable Chi’s bunch, we got something good.”

“What something good?” Zuo Mo’s mind became alert as he asked.

“A maturing fourth-grade Sonic Lightning Walnut tree. The fruit is almost mature.
Venerable Chi had been guarding it all this time, but it landed in our hands,” Gongsun
Cha smiled shyly.

“Sonic Lightning Walnut! Fourth-grade!” Zuo Mo’s eyes widened as he gasped.

Seeing Shixiong drooling, Gongsun Cha giggled, “Yes.”

Shixiong’s expression was so vivid now! Gongsun Cha wanted to laugh.

Zuo Mo rushed into Venerable Chi’s mountain cave. The place was heavily guarded at the
moment. Gongsun Cha was also clear about the value of a fourth-grade Sonic Lightning
Walnut. It was a treasure beyond any price.

A stalk of a non-descript walnut tree twice the height of a person. The crown was filled
with green fruits, the skin of which was covered in silver dots.
There was no thick ling energy, no blinding light. This tree looked extremely normal. It
was hard for people to relate this tree to a fourth-grade Sonic Lightning Walnut tree.

“This Venerable Chi has some good eyesight! Normal people won’t have recognized
it.” Zuo Mo greedily stared at the sparkling green fruits on the tree.

“Now, it is all ours.” Gongsun Cha did not have a good understanding of the value of the
Sonic Lightning Walnut. He only knew that this tree was somewhat rare and very

Zuo Shixiong always was bursting with interest towards anything that was rare and
could be sold for a good price. He himself was also very happy. He knew better than anyone
else the expenses that was spent on the training he had ordered. He felt it was a good
beginning that he could create revenue for Shixiong.

Having had a sweet taste, Gongsun Cha wondered if it was time to speed up the steps to
create revenue?

Pia, a mature fruit fell off the branch.

Zuo Mo hurriedly put out a hand, the fruit flying into his grasp. He gently brushed with
his hand and the skin and flesh was taken off, revealing the silvery sparkling walnut on the

This was the famed Sonic Lightning Walnut!

Zuo Mo’s eyes was intoxicated as he pulled the Sonic Lightning Walnut in front of him.

This Sonic Lightning Walnut was slightly smaller than a normal walnut, appearing to
have been made of pure silver. It was extremely heavy, the abundant creasing on the
surface released the occasional spark of lightning. Zuo Mo’s hand was covered in a thin
layer of ling power. Otherwise, he would be injured by the lightning of the Sonic Lightning

“So this is the Sonic Lightning Walnut? It’s pretty beautiful.” Gongsun Cha crowded
over. “This can probably sell for a good price!”

“Sell?” In a reversal of his usual attitude, Zuo Mo furiously shook his head. “We aren’t
going to sell even one! This is something that you can’t even buy if you had the jingshi.”

His consciousness scanned the sparkling silvery Sonic Lightning Walnut in his hand as he
sighed inside. The Sonic Lightning Walnut naturally contained abundant amounts of hard
lightning. It was a natural talisman that could be used immediately. At present, Zuo Mo was
lacking high attack power moves. These Sonic Lightning Walnuts had come at the perfect
With his thrifty and prudent personality, he naturally was not so stupid as to use the
Sonic Lightning Walnuts directly. He also quickly discovered that, while the Sonic Lightning
Walnut contained abundant hard lightning, but the kernel inside the hard husk could
contain even more hard lightning.

If hard lightning was used to continuously temper it, the power of the Sonic Lightning
Walnut would continuously increase.

For other people, it would not be easy to find hard lightning, but it was as simple for Zuo
Mo as raising his hand.

[Yang Fiend Hard lightning], a fourth-grade hard lightning, was perfect for tempering
the Sonic Lightning Walnuts.

Zuo Mo looked at the branches drooping with green fruits, and the strong feeling of
happiness made him dizzy.

“Mine! All mine!”

The cave echoed with the balderdash of a miser.

Translator Ramblings: Gongsun Cha and Zuo Mo are the blind leading the blind in this
particular matter. A reason why no powerful great yao have come is given as well as why
going to Sky Water Jie is actually a safe choice. Gongsun Cha is stuck very firmly in the
mindset of a strategist. Anything that can be used should be used for his advantage.

I’m a little surprised that there were not more of you that commented on Gongsun Cha’s
order to massacre Venerable Chi’s group. Is it because he seemed like a person who could
do such a thing, the situation made it acceptable, or just that everyone is used to killing in
fantasy novels? I’m super curious because I was really surprised when I read that part
because slaughter on a mass scale hasn’t been brought into focus in the novel before, and
killing was always limited to just a few people with Zuo Mo.
Chapter 239
This chapter has been brought to you by me, warlord212, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Nine – Yao Visiting Wu Kong

Compared to the past Wu Kong Mountain, if one went there now, weeds grew all over the
mountain, the ling fields were barren. Occasionally, little wild animals poked their heads
out from the weeds.

“It is in this area.”

Listening to the report from her subordinate, Mu Xi stepped on the overgrown path as
she walked up the mountain.

“Which sect used to possess this site?” She asked.

“It is a sword practicing sect called Wu Kong Sword Sect.” The middle aged man had
clearly done large amounts of work, introducing in great detail. “Wu Kong Sword Sect is
one of the most accomplished sects of Sky Moon Jie. They became extremely famous in
the last two years. At the beginning, they had four jindan of unordinary power.”

“Oh, such a little place, it is really abnormal to have four jindan,” Mu Xi said in

Yan Feng sneered unconcernedly.

Mu Xi ignored him, and said to the middle aged man, “Continue.”

“These two years, they have expanded extremely quickly. Presently, they have
almost ten jindan in the sect.”

Surprise flashed through Mu Xi’s eyes. “Almost ten jindan?”

This time, surprise was also on Yan Feng’s face. They were only the forward guard.
Almost ten jindan would be enough to be of threat to them. He was arrogant, but having
successfully came out of a yao art house, he naturally was not stupid.

“Other than this, their second generation disciples are extremely outstanding,
dominating Sky Moon Jie. The Eldest disciple Wei Sheng entered ningmai at twenty,
and his talent at the sword is even more astounding. Having already reached the step
of sword essence manifestation. Second disciple Zuo Mo is extremely skilled in
formations. Third disciple Luo Li has also reached ningmai, and created his own sword
scripture [Self Separation].”
“A very strong sect!” Mu Xi’s expression changed.

In the past years, the yao had increased their understanding of the xiuzhe. It would not
be surprising for this information contained in the report to be referring to an intermediate
sized sect. But it really was astounding for it to be reported from a little sect in such a little
and backwater jie.

Yan Feng also had a shocked expression. He had always been proud of his genius. He had
been deal a great blow by the news that someone had reached ningmai when they were
twenty years old, and had reached the level of sword essence manifestation!

They walked to a lonely little wooden house. This little wooden house was extremely
eye-catching. As they had walked up, weeds had covered everything. But the empty ground
around this little wooden house was bare and had no weeds.

Such an eye-catching and strange place naturally could not escape their eyes. Mu Xi
stared at the little wooden house for a while, standing motionlessly at her spot. The other
people saw that Mu Xi did not move, and did not dare to more either. Seeing the situation,
Yan Feng snorted coldly, and did not hesitate to walk towards the wooden house.

The middle aged man couldn’t help but look at Mu Xi with a questioning expression.

Mu Xi waved her hand with a faint smile.

When Yan Feng’s right foot stepped onto the empty ground, his head rang, all the hairs
on his body standing up on end!

The scene in front of him suddenly changed. That normal looking wooden house
suddenly broke, everything in the surrounding space seemed to collapse, an invisible force
seemed to pull him downwards, countless sharp and intimidating sword essences pushing
at him from all directions!

He paled, then his eyes turned bright red, flames erupting all over his body!

He gathered all the energy in his body, and pulled his body out to retreat!

As he left the empty ground, the frightening scene disappeared. The invisible force, the
sword essences, they were like illusions. Yan Feng swallowed in terror, not daring to put
away the flames on his body as he looked with fear at the lonely little wooden house.

“This is the site of cultivation for a very powerful sword xiu.” Mu Xi slowly walked
beside him, and opened, “Every bit of the ground here has been permeated with sword
essence for a long time. It is vicious and sharp, nothing can grow here. Each step that
you take forward, the sword essence grows stronger. At the end, there is only two
endings. One is that you are torn to pieces by the sword essences, the other is all the
sword essences have been destroyed by you.”
Yan Feng’s complexion was pale. Since they had entered Little Mountain Jie from the
chaos rift, it had been smooth sailing, and he had not encountered any proper resistance,
causing him to have a low opinion of xiuzhe, assuming that the xiuzhe were just so. Only
now did he suddenly realize, to his shock, that the strong masters of the xiuzhe were so

Yan Feng’s unusual silence greatly satisfied Mu Xi. She did not do this just because of Yan
Feng. She had discovered a mood of underestimating the enemy invading the ranks earlier.
This was fatal to a vanguard that had entered the deep of the enemy.

Her subordinates looked with shock at the barren ground and the wooden house.

She turned, and saw the pride in her subordinates’ eyes had faded greatly before she
asked the middle aged man expressionlessly, “Are there any potential targets?”

The middle aged man said respectfully, “From the time of the Stars in Daytime, the
time that Daren had came to Wu Kong Sword Sect should have been before Wu Kong
Sword Sect’s expansion. Before their expansion, there were not many people in Wu
Kong Sword Sect. Since Daren had caused the Stars in Daytime, this daren probably
was seriously wounded. With that, it is unlikely that Daren had taken over a jindan’s
body. What is more likely are the second generation disciples.”

Mu Xi did not interrupt. After he finished, she thought and then asked, “Who do you feel
is most suspicious?”

“Wei Sheng!” The middle aged man did not hesitate.


“Wei Sheng is the most talented, and can give Daren the greatest aid!”

Mu Xi shook her head. “I do not think so. If you are wounded and have to hide in
someone’s body, what would you consider?”

Hearing this, the middle aged man became silent for a moment before saying, “In this
subordinate’s view, the first is safety, the second is to speedily recover.”

“You are not wrong,” Mu Xi said then continued, “Wei Sheng’s talent is the greatest,
and the primary target of the sect’s attention. It is easy to slip up if one is not careful.
Therefore, residing in his body is not a wise choice. If it was me, I would chose Zuo Mo
or Luo Li. They are not as attention-catching as Wei Sheng yet they also received good
support. It is also certain that the attention they receive is less than Wei Sheng. No
matter if the goal is either to control or to tempt, it is much easier.”

The middle aged man was full of admiration. “Daren is wise!”

“Where is Wu Kong Sword Sect now?”

“Supposedly, they have already moved to Bright Wave Jie,” the middle aged man
answered. He had an expression of difficulty while he spoke, “With our strength, it is
unlikely that we can take down Bright Wave Jie.”

Mu Xi was not angry, smiling and saying, “Bright Wave Jie is a intermediate jie. Of
course, we cannot conquer it. Our mission has almost been completed. Take the
information you have gathered, and our speculations to make a report. Just send it
back. There will be people who will naturally take care of the rest.”

“Yes!” The middle aged person said respectfully.

Yan Feng’s expression had recovered. When he heard Mu Xi’s words, he was still
somewhat discontent. “Then what are we doing here?”

“Us?” Mu Xi smiled, “After working for so long, it’s time for a vacation.”

Yan Feng was speechless.


Zuo Mo’s body was filled with strength. This new body gave him too many unfamiliar
surprises and feelings. It progressed extremely rapidly in body cultivation. Without too
much effort, he had entered the stage of three mountains. As he moved, he felt his entire
body was filled by a bountiful power. It was an extremely pleasurable feeling.

What surprised him the most was the mo matrix Pu Yao had carved into his body had
completely disappeared when his body had been reconstructed this time. However, for
some unknown reason, there were some new formation-like patterns on his body. These
patterns were not as complex or as strange as the mo matrix appeared, but was filled with a
kind of man-made formation beauty.

However, Zuo Mo was still uncertain as to whether these patterns were formations. They
required time to study.

Other than his body cultivation that reached three mountains, the other breakthrough
was his abhinna which had not formed for a long time.

His abhinna was related to his eyes. This had not changed when he had changed into a
new body.

[Ling Eye]!

The only ability of [Ling Eye] was to detect the flow of ling energy.

He was not able to use [Ling Eye] for a very long time at the moment, because his eyes
would become extremely dry and sore. But even so, [Ling Eye] was a great surprise to him.
Maybe other people would not care about [Ling Eye], but for him, [Ling Eye] was perfect.
It was a great boon to him to be able to see the flow of ling energy when he studied

There were many explanations for the abhinna. Dhyana xiu thought that it was wisdom
from Samadhi, the abhinna was wisdom. Pu Yao scorned this explanation. He thought it
was the awakening of the base source of power of the flesh.

But there was a point that both sides were in a strange consensus on – an abhinna would
grow. However, no matter if it was Zong Ru or Pu Yao, they did not know how to cultivate
an abhinna.

Zuo Mo was not in a rush. He still had the simplest and stupidest method, learning
through familiarity. When he had the time, he would use the [Ling Eye], and only stop
when it was too sore to bear.

The reconstruction of his body had given him improvement in all areas. Other than body
cultivation and the abhinna, the improvement in all other areas were extraordinary.

The new ling channels were even stronger, and grown wider by half of what they were
before. The bones were like jade, strong as steel. The muscles were like metal, hardness
concealed within the flexibility.

Every time he inspected his new body, Zuo Mo could not help but sigh. Strangely, he felt
awe towards the gravestone. Such an astonishing method, it could be called uncanny
craftsmanship, like stealing the sky and changing the sun!

He could not think of what kind of person could have such ability. This ability completely
destroyed all he knew.

However, he put this awe deep into his heart. He cultivated without rest or food. Right
now, he had such good conditions. If he wasted it, it would be so unprofitable! The talent
that this new body had was something he could not imagine before.

Just as Zuo Mo was furiously cultivating, Gongsun Cha took the group of xiuzhe and
started a similarly furious expansion.


In three months, Gongsun Cha took the group of xiuzhe and went through four hard

In the hardest battle, even Ma Fan and Xie Shan were wounded. Even Gongsun Cha
was almost killed.

But this battle had completely awoken the madness under Gongsun Cha’s shy and
delicate appearance. Just as everyone’s wounds had healed, he took fifteen battle units,
chased for eight hundred li, conquered a faction, and captured eighty xiuzhe.
After four fierce battles, the number of xiuzhe on Gongsun Cha’s hands quickly grew to
an unprecedented four hundred and fifty people. With one step, they became the biggest
power within three thousand li.

Lil’ Miss’s infamy quickly spread. The strong offensive power displayed by this faction of
mysterious origins made people look. After a string of dazzling fights, everyone understood
this troop was not a friendly one.

In an area three thousand li in diameter, all the scattered xiuzhe had been swept away by
Gongsun Cha, and he did not leave behind one. In other words, in this enormous area, other
than Gongsun Cha and the others, there was no one in any other place.

However, after a succession of victories, Gongsun Cha’s mood was extremely terrible
because he heard a piece of news.

Translator Ramblings: A little update on Wu Kong Sword Sect who has done pretty well
for themselves.Zuo Mo had a easier time getting to the hut because Xin Yan was actually
present. It’s not that Yan Feng is weaker than Zuo Mo.

To answer a comment, Zuo Mo’s mo matrix has changed and what has happened will be
developed. His abhinna is finally revealed. A very simple but useful ability.

Three thousand li, that’s the size of a country. But this really isn’t much in terms of the
total area of Little Mountain Jie, and Little Mountain Jie is only a small one while Bright
Wave is an intermediate jie.

I want to say that Mu Xi and the other yao are overthinking it, but the conclusions they
come to are correct even when the events that they think led to what had happened are
incorrect. Mu Xi is a very smart person. Yes, the person you are searching for does not
want to be found, and actively hides away. But they did overestimate just how well Pu Yao
was and thought he would have a choice of host.
Chapter 240
This chapter has been brought to you by me, warlord212, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty – What Was Going On?

Gongsun Cha found Zuo Mo and faithfully told him the news he had received.

The further he listened, the uglier Zuo Mo’s expression became.

“This Clear Sky Sect is truly too evil! They want to use all of Little Mountain Jie to feed
only them!” Zuo Mo was extremely furious, but he quickly calmed down. “We need to
move faster! The longer it takes, the harder the days will get. When this Outer Hall of
theirs truly stabilizes, they would have many fighters. If we want to charge out, it
would be much harder.”

“En!” Gongsun Cha nodded his head heavily, a flash of anger in his eyes. Clear Sky Sect’s
actions was equal to farming the xiuzhe of Little Mountain Jie as though they were ling
beasts. When it was time, they would be no different than those xiu slaves.

“I have a solution,” Zuo Mo said after some thought.

“What solution?” Gongsun Cha asked hurriedly.

“They sell ling grains, we’ll sell Black Processing Meditation mats!”

Gongsun Cha was slightly puzzled and spoke, “Wouldn’t it be too much of a waste if we
sell the Black Processing Meditation mats to them? At that time, the price of jingshi in
Little Mountain Jie would inflate dramatically.”

“Sell!” Zuo Mo said hatefully, “We won’t just sell, we’ll sell in large quantities! As long
as the Black Processing Meditation mats are sold, the noose on everyone’s necks would
not be so tight. If Clear Sky Sect cannot finish establishing the status quo, all of their
past effort would be for nothing. When Clear Sky Sect discovers that it is us who ruined
their business, they would definitely come to our doors. Hee hee, wait at leisure while
the enemy labors, this way, we can set a trap for them! A strong dragon does not
suppress the local snakehead. On our territory, it isn’t up to them how things are

Gongsun Cha’s eyes instantly lit up.

The two of them discussed for a long time inside the room, dark snickers occasionally
passing out of the room.

Lei Peng, Xie Shan, and the others found to their surprise that Head’s mood today was
very good, the shadow on his face seemed to have been swept away. Usually, when Lil’
Miss’ mood was good, everyone had easier days.

However, before they had time to be happy, they heard Lil’ Miss announce that, from
today onward, training was multiplied!

Wails rang out into the landscape!

Fortunately, the xiuzhe who made it through the cruel battles were not resistant to harsh

Truthfully, what everyone wanted the most was access to that sword formation. Every
xiuzhe that came out of the formation would go into seclusion. Up until now, several had
comprehended sword essence after entering the sword formation. Something this good
that went against the common knowledge was naturally very tempting to many. However,
there were too many monks yet not enough porridge. The sword formation only allowed
for one person to cultivate at a time. Gongsun Cha had a headache over the matter and
could only use it as a part of the rewards for service.

Seeing the busy camp, Gongsun Cha sighed. If there was more time, he would definitely
have made a true elite force.

It was a pity what they lacked the most was time.

When they charged out of Little Mountain Jie, he would find Shixiong, and make a true

Having tasted what it was like to be a battle general, it would be really bland if he had to
do something else.

However, what was going to happen next really filled him with anticipation!

After giving many matters to Gongsun Shidi, the amount of matters Zuo Mo had to attend
to made his scalp prickle. The crux of this plan was Black Processing Meditation mats, and
large amounts of them.

It was not difficult to make Black Processing Meditation mats, but the volume was too
large. In the recent while, Zuo Mo had used up all the spare time he had outside out of
cultivation to make Black Processing Meditation mats. The amount needed now was much
higher, and he did not have an assistant. He needed to complete all of the work by himself.

This clearly was not realistic!

He decided to pick some xiuzhe who had the basics of forging from the camp to help him.
What surprised him was that there were more than fifty people of the four hundred and
fifty who knew the fundamentals of forging. Zuo Mo only understood after he asked. These
xiuzhe mostly had no sect, and after they entered ningmai, they naturally had good days.
However, before they entered ningmai, they were no different than any other low level

Basically, everyone had a skill. Ling farming, animal husbandry, forging, etc. Zuo Mo and
Gongsun Cha gaped at the variety.

However, even though most of them had learned the basics and had spent longer on
forging than Zuo Mo had, but due to the lack of a systematic education, they had only done
some very basic jobs. After ningmai, they had not done much.

There were two who were exceptions. One of them was called Ji Wei, the other Sun Bao.
The two had made a living from forging before the change in Little Mountain Jie. Their skill
in forging was much higher than Zuo Mo. Zuo Mo treasured the two of them when he found

He even managed to take out the Golden Crow Fire and allowed the two of them to
absorb it.

It was like the two of them had been hit with jingshi from the sky, they were so happy
they almost fainted. Golden Crow Fire! This was Golden Crow Fire! The two had schemed
and made countless efforts, but had never found a fire seed that could satisfy them.

So when Zuo Mo threw each of them a mini box and told them that a thread of Golden
Crow Fire was sealed inside, their hands shook so much they almost dropped the boxes.

Other than happiness, the two deeply felt the importance Boss placed on them.

It was not a joke!

This was Golden Crow Fire!

Fourth-grade fire seed!

The fire seed that any person in forging or dan-making dreamed about!

Yet before the two of them were able to feel smug, they saw Zuo Mo pick out ten more
people with the highest skill in forging, and give each of them a mini box!

Ji Wei and Sun Bao were dumbstruck, their expressions as though they had seen a ghost!

It was not just them. When the ten people had been picked out, they had been looking
with admiration at the two. Now, they were holding the mini box, a stunned expression on
their faces, their minds completely blank.

The remaining xiuzhe were also completely stunned. The temperature of the room rose

“Work hard!” Zuo Mo waved his hand like a show off. Taking in everyone’s gazes, it was
like he had eaten ginseng fruit, his entire body unspeakably comfortable.

There was no way around it, ge just has a lot of Golden Crow Fire!

This group of xiuzhe that had been dissatisfied at having been transferred over to a new
troop started to furiously work as though they had been shot with chicken blood. Their
enthusiasm with work made Zuo Mo jump in fright. They wouldn’t die from working this
hard, right … …

Zuo Mo taught the formations of the Black Processing Meditation mat to Ji Wei and Sun
Bao. When Zuo Mo finished teaching them, the two were motionless as though they were
two pieces of rock.

From then on, the two had truly been convinced.


Zuo Mo concentrated solely on his work. When he raised his head in rest, he noticed that
a person was standing in the doorway. Hm, he gave a surprised expression, and stopped
what he was doing.

“You woke up?” asked Zuo Mo. The other person was just standing there. He didn’t know
how long it had gone on.

This female xiu stood there woodenly as though she had not heard him speak.

Had she become stupid due to her injuries? Zuo Mo muttered inside.
“What are you called?” he probed.

The female xiu did not respond.

“Did your injuries really turn you stupid?” Zuo Mo rubbed his chin as he thought. He
decided to try one more time. “Are you hungry?”

The female xiu still did not react.

Seeing the female xiu’s face that was full of scabies, Zuo Mo was suddenly filled
with empathy. He remembered his past zombie face.

When she had been unconscious, Zuo Mo had checked. Her face did not have any
disguise. The scabies on her face were caused by a certain kind of poison inside her body.
Adding on the new and old inner wounds that could not be counted, Zuo Mo felt it was a
miracle she was still alive.

After the last try had failed, Zuo Mo had a bit of headache and could only give up. “Do
whatever you want.”

He didn’t feel the other understood, but right now, he had too many things to do. Even
though the creation of the Black Processing Meditation mat had been basically given to
other people, but he still had other work.

Any complete plan was constructed of many conditions.

He decided to do his own work. When he turned to leave, he heard footsteps behind him.
This female xiu followed behind him without a word.

Zuo Mo instantly felt his temple start to hurt.

“Hey, there’s no jingshi you can earn by following me!”

“I don’t have the time to play with you, go play by yourself.”

“There really is no jingshi to be earned!”

“I’m warning you, if you don’t stay far away, I won’t be polite to you!”

Zuo Mo pretended to cast a spell. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the female xiu’s
movement, and his pupils sudden expanded. The other had also raised a hand. A light
flashed at her fingertip, the air in the surroundings suddenly became sticky!


Zuo Mo’s soul almost ran out of his body. He hurriedly released the ling power in his
hands, hurriedly saying, “Let’s just talk … … let’s just talk … …”
The female xiu still did not say a word, but followed Zuo Mo, the light at her fingertip
dissipating. As she lowered her arm, the air in the surroundings returned to normal!

“Such a powerful little girl!” Pu Yao’s shocked sigh sounded in Zuo Mo’s mind, but when
Zuo Mo heard it, it clearly had a hint of laughing at his misfortunes.

Zuo Mo had no solution. He basically could not communicate with this female xiu. As to
attacking? When he thought of that terrifying light, Zuo Mo’s heart shook. The last bit of
hope was destroyed.

“If you want to follow, then follow!” At the end of his rope, Zuo Mo muttered.

“Hahahaha!” Pu Yao’s roaring laughter, and the silence from the female xiu made Zuo
Mo suddenly feel that life was dark.

The xiuzhe in the surrounding all looked with fear at the female xiu behind Zuo Mo. The
strength that the female xiu had just displayed made everyone jump. Zuo Mo perceptively
noticed that in these people’s eyes, other than terror and fear, there was a hint of disgust.

Zuo Mo suddenly felt uncomfortable inside.

But he also knew this was a normal response. When he had first seen the female xiu, he
had also been frightened by the scabies on her face.

He randomly picked out a black ore from the pile of material and summoned the Golden
Crow Fire before throwing the ore inside. The burning Golden Crow Fire instantly melted
the ore into a puddle of red metal liquid. Zuo Mo’s mind moved, and it appeared as there
was an invisible force that pulled the metal liquid. The metal liquid slowly changed shape.

The female xiu stared at the Golden Crow Fire and metal liquid.

After a while, a mask appeared on Zuo Mo’s hands.

The black mask was very plan. There were no patterns or decorations. What was most
strange was the ratio was slightly off, the right and left sides of the mask were not
symmetrical. Zuo Mo instantly felt slightly embarrassed. “Oh, first time making a mask,
my hand was raw, raw! Oh, let’s redo it … …”

He was just going to remake one when a great force pass into his hands from the mask
and then the mask flew into the hands of the female xiu.

The female xiu put on the mask.

“Oh, let’s remake that one,” Zuo Mo rubbed his hands and said embarrassedly.
The right and left sides really were not symmetrical … … Heavens! He had made such an
elementary mistake! Looking at the strange looks from the subordinates in the
surroundings, he wanted to find a hole in the ground and hide in it.

This was a great embarrassment!

The female xiu did not say a word, and seemed to not have any intentions of taking off
the mask.

Seeing the situation, Zuo Mo perceptively gave up on his plan of making another one. He
tried to do his own work and found the female xiu did not disturb him. She only stood there
like a person made out of wood.

Zuo Mo gradually became used to her.

However, there was a question that was swirling in his mind.

This, what was going on?

Translator Ramblings: Yes, they are selling black processing meditation mats like a lot of
you predicted. There’s an interesting economy going on right now where the mainstream
currency is food and not jingshi.

Zuo Mo has learned a great skill in this chapter, delegation. He didn’t really need it before
and he did delegate to Gongsun Cha but this is delegating an area that he is skilled in away
so he can create a factory for black processing meditation mat.

No symmetry … … I keep imagining one of those masks with one half smiling and the
other half frowning.
Chapter 241
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty One – City Construction

Nan Sheng Village. The damaged walls had been reconstructed and it only took a span of
a few months for this place to recover its prosperity.

Large numbers of xiuzhe had been transported over. This place also purchased all kinds
of ore and other materials, but most importantly, this place sold ling grains, but it was
limited. Just this was enough to cause all of Little Mountain Jie to shake.


Just as all of Little Mountain jie’s eyes were on Nan Sheng Village, a crowd of people
appeared soundlessly in a mountain valley.

“We’ve searched. There are two jingshi mines here. The jingshi produced here is not
high, only third-grade. This area used to belong to Sky Star Sect. Sky Star Sect did not
manage to avoid the calamity, and there were heavy fatalities. The other people have

“Other than jingshi mines, there are three more mines in this area. They do not
produce much. The primary product is Bright Flash Rock, Black Ling Stone Bead, and
Greenwater Stone. The primary producer of Greenwater Stone comes from that pond
right there. It is called Sky Star Lake.”

Xie Shan had done a large amount of work to research all of this.

Zuo Mo gave a satisfied expression. “Let’s choose this place!” He then asked, “What
about the surrounding powers? Have they been investigated?”

Gongsun Cha smiled shyly and timidly, “They have all been destroyed.”

It was not the first time he saw Gongsun Cha smile shyly like a teenage boy, but the
coldness in Xie Shan’s heart still could not be controlled. Gongsun Cha’s trademark timid
smile was called “Lil’ Miss’ Slight Smile” in the camp, and all of them were afraid of it as
though it was a snake or scorpion.
The female xiu wearing the black mask stood behind Zuo Mo.

This female xiu that had suddenly appeared had attracted everyone’s attention.
However, no one dared to challenge her. Even Xie Shan was intimidated by her powerful
strength. Xie Shan, whose cultivation had reached ningmmai third statum and was a step
away from jindan, but even he did not have the courage to face the mysterious female xiu.

Many people had been secretly speculating if the female xiu was a jindan.

No one dared to ask, even Boss could not get her to speak. No one believed their face was
bigger than Boss’.

Looking at the female xiu that was always steps from the Boss, they felt that is was pretty
good. With such a powerful guard, Boss wouldn’t encounter any danger. This meant they
did not have to worry that Boss would accidentally die, and they would collectively die as
well. Dying without understanding why was an extremely depressing thought.

Zuo Mo did not have a solution to her following him. The female xiu was of unknown
origins, and Zuo Mo naturally did not want her to overhear such secret information. But
there was no way around it. The difference between their strengths was too large, his
resistance was not effective.

Even someone like Pu Yao praised her with “powerful.” Her martial strength quickly
rose in Zuo Mo’s mind to an unprecedented level. In his memory, Pu Yao had never called
someone “powerful.”

Unable to communicate and not daring to attack, this was like the mouse pulling the
turtle, unable to do a thing! Zuo Mo decided to let it go, pretending that she was air, as he
went about his own business. The only thing worth celebrating was that she did not speak,
nor make a fuss. Other than being slightly creepy, there were no other inconveniences.

He found it strange. He didn’t believe that she was going to help him for the rest of her
life because he had saved her. But no matter how puzzled he was, it was clear that he would
not find out the truth at the moment, so he could only go with the flow.

If the other held malicious aims against him, no one in the camp could stop her.

Zuo Mo could only comfort himself like so.

He decided to put his attention on what was in front of him. “In other words, this is ours

“En.” Gongsun Cha nodded his head, and then added, “No one to compete with us.”

At the side, Xie Shan almost choked on air. That was a waste of words, of course no one
was competing with them! Gongsun Cha had taken the group and conquered an area two
thousand li in circumference, all of the powers had been plucked out one by one like they
were nails. Even the xiuzhe who were hiding in the caves had not been let off. Lil’ Miss had
sent out many small teams that combed the entire area.

“Great!” Zuo Mo’s eyebrows danced.

The people around him that were used to seeing his zombie face felt extremely

Boss’ face was more and more lively!

As they muttered inside, Xie Shan and the others waited for Boss’ next words.

After Lil’ Miss had left Boss’ place last time, the series of signs had shown that Boss was
going to do something big!

It had to be said that Gongsun Cha had been very successful in his transformation of this
group of lawless ruffians. The string of victories had increased their confidence, and the
harder battles had tempered them and helped them complete the transformation. This
troop, having been effected by a battle maniac like Gongsun Cha, always showed great
offensive strength and desire for battle.

Having guessed that there was something big coming up, this group of people were full of

Reality proved their speculation was correct.

Lil’ Miss had personally led the troops and carried out a blitzkrieg operation. All the
powers in the area two thousand li in circumference around Sky Star Mountain were
almost all taken out in the span of one night.

This was exhilarating for this group of battle-maniacs. The series of performance
rewards, especially the spots for the sword formation, caused everyone to yearn about
finding another eyesore and having a big battle!


“Then let’s build a city,” Zuo Mo sent down the order, but Xie Shan and the others stared
at each other.

“Boss, you said to build a city?” Xie Shan probed.

“Yes. Build a big city. We are going to stay here for a while,” Zuo Mo said in a matter-
of-fact voice.
“But we don’t know how to build a city!” Xie Shan frowned.

Zuo Mo rubbed his chin. “Oh, that is a problem.”

Very quickly, the camp received a second round of skill selection. With the example of
the first round of selection before them, the qualifying round this time filled many people
with anticipation since the reward from the first round had been a very enviable one.

Fourth-grade Golden Crow Fire!

But quickly, everyone exchanged looks in silence.

Build a city?

The ending was, no one knew how.

A headache instantly started. He knew how to make formations, but setting up

formations and building a city were two different things. If the plan failed now, he would
not be satisfied. He said to Gongsun Cha, “Send some people out to investigate where
there are xiuzhe who know how to build cities! If they find one, no matter the method,
they have to get the person back here.”

The first thing Gongsun Cha did after returning was to gather everyone together.

“Who knows where there would be xiuzhe that know how to build cities?”

After continuous battle, the number of xiuzhe in the camp had rolled like a snowball and
reached seven hundred and thirty people. However, the true core of power, and the ones
with highest attack power were the one or two hundred people that had been there since
the beginning. The remaining xiuzhe needed time in order to become offensive fighters.

The benefit of more people was more information.

As expected, several people provided some related information. Gongsun Cha instantly
sent people out to investigate immediately. The cataclysm in Little Mountain Jie had been
very severe. Much of the information that had been provided were things they had known
from before. Many were useless information that needed to be further investigated.

Just as Zuo Mo and the others were in a panic, Nan Sheng Village had opened.

He Xiang looked at the waves of people on the street with ambition. He felt his future
prospects were a road of light. When he had heard that Clear Sky Sect had been hiring for
the Outer Hall, he had went over at the first possible time.

After having survived so laboriously in Little Mountain Jie for so long, no one knew
better than he did what the xiuzhe here needed, and were willing to pay for it. He had
especially provided large amounts of suggestions to the sect, and received a good appraisal
from the Old Forefather. He had personally been appointed by the Old Forefather as the
Chief Elder and became one of the most important people in Little Mountain Jie in one step.

He had not failed Old Forefather’s hopes. He worked hard and diligently. His contribution
in helping reconstruct Nan Sheng Village in just a few months could not be erased.

A few days ago, they had tried to sell ling grains. However, that was just the beginning.
What would come next were the interactions with the different factions. That was the most
important part of this battle which had no death. As long as he could handle these
interactions cleanly, no one could shake his position as Chief Elder of the Outer Hall.

With the great weapon of ling grains in his hand, he was full of confidence about the
upcoming battle!


Sky Moon Jie, a non-descript mountain valley was abnormally silent.

A figure landed from the sky. In a blink, it disappeared into the mountain valley.

This xiuzhe then appeared at the bottom of the valley. The bottom was covered in dense
layers of jinzhi that would make people’s scalp prickle. It continued on for a long distance,
and it was possible to see that the person who set down the jinzhi was an expert. It was not
possible to see a hint from outside the valley.

This xiuzhe made his practiced way through the alarming jinzhi without even looking.
With a few twists and turns, he headed straight to a cliff face.

The cliff face rippled and the person disappeared.

The scene instantly changed inside.

A seemingly borderless grass plain, a winding river. No one would have ever thought that
such a large grass plain could be hidden in a mountain valley.

Secret realm!
If someone saw such a strange place, they would have shouted in shock!

This was a secret realm!

Entering the secret realm, this xiuzhe’s expression instantly lightened. The thick ling
power made him feel unspeakably comfortable. He flew straight towards the big river.
There was a camp there.

A few xiuzhe flew out of the camp in welcome.

“Haha, you came back!” The xiuzhe in the welcoming entourage smiled as he gave a
greeting. “Must have been difficult!”

“No way about it.” The xiuzhe who had just flown in said helplessly. “Got stuck with this
mission. You guys have it easy, it seems you have made pretty good progress!”

“Haha!” All of the xiuzhe had proud expressions. “In the time you were gone, another
two people entered ningmai. The ling energy here is just too thick!”

“That’s so good!” This xiuzhe was somewhat jealous.

“After this mission, you don’t have to worry and can just cultivate.”

“Hee hee, that’s true.”

“Quick, Leader is waiting for the news!”


The people instantly increased their speed as they flew towards the camp.

After landing, this xiuzhe instantly went to a tent.

“Come in!” A deep male voice.

He hurriedly walked into the tent, and respectfully bowed to the male inside. “Daren, I
have come back.”

“It must have been great trouble for you!” The male inside the tent raised his face and
said in a warm tone.

If Zuo Mo saw this person, he would definitely recognize who it was.

Bo Feng, the mysterious competitor that had appeared at the Sword Test Conference, a
person of mysterious power. It had been him who had bought the location of the secret sect
from Zuo Mo.

He had actually stayed behind in Sky Moon Jie!

Translator Ramblings: So a new character arrives and has great plans for Little Mountain
Jie. If Clear Sky Sect can have a village, why can’t Zuo Mo build a city? Another peek back to
Sky Moon Jie. Bo Feng is still alive and pops back in after almost 100 chapters.
Chapter 242
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Two – Bao Yi

“When did Nan Sheng Village become this prosperous?” Lei Peng looked around, full of

It was not just him. The other people were also looking around with curiosity. The news
that Clear Sky Sect was opening a market at Nan Sheng Village had passed through Little
Mountain Jie already. The intentions of Clear Sky Sect was clear in everyone’s minds.
However, the situation was stronger than the people, and resistance would be ineffective.

Large numbers of xiuzhe flooded Nan Sheng Village, causing Nan Sheng Village to
become the most prosperous area of Little Mountain Jie. This was of great help to Lei Peng
and his procession. From every angle, their procession was not too eye-catching.

The leader was Xie Shan. Xie Shan had past experience as a leader, and he was skilled in
creating relationships with people. Gongsun Cha had appointed him as the leader of the
troop for this mission.

After seeing the many wonders of Boss and Head, and after multiple bloody battles, Xie
Shan’s mentality had changed greatly. The little thoughts that he had before had faded. He
was clear that even if he was the leader, he could not reach the present level of success. Lei
Peng and the others were willing to follow Zuo Mo not because they had been conquered
by Zuo Mo’s dominating aura, but because they found that their present lives were better
than before.

For the great majority of people, this was enough.

The procession was fifteen people. The person with the highest cultivation was Xie Shan,
ningmai third stratum. The person with the lowest cultivation was Nian Lu, ningmai second
stratum. At a glance, this group did not show any signs of power.

But Xie Shan was full of confidence in the mission this time.

All fifteen people were old-timers of the camp, and were very good at teamwork, but
what made him so confident was that all fifteen people, including him, had comprehended

Xie Shan had led many xiuzhe before, and had never encountered such a strong group.
No, he had never even heard of one. There wouldn’t be so many xiuzhe that had
comprehended “essence” in Clear Sky Sect’s disciples.
Fifteen xiuzhe that had comprehended “essence,” this was definitely a terrifying amount
of power!

He felt strangely excited every time he thought that he was leading such a group.

Before the appearance of the sword formation, there had only been five xiuzhe in the
camp that had comprehended sword essence. Up until now, there had been thirty people
that had gone into the sword formation, and nine that had comprehended “essence!” Of the
nine, eight had comprehended sword essence, and Lei Peng, who practiced a sabre
scripture, comprehended a sabre essence. The one with the most unique situation was
Zong Ru. Zong Ru had recovered from his previous wounds, and naturally comprehended
fist essence. He was the only person of the group who had comprehended “essence”
without going through the sword formation.

This was another reason why these people were willing to follow Zuo Mo. Nothing could
be more persuasive to these people than the increase in strength. Why did they join big
sects? It was to increase their strength, and breakthrough at an earlier time. Due to
personality issues, most of these people had negative experiences with other sects. They
were very clear of the scheming and plotting that occurred inside the bigger sects.

In the camp, as long as you put your best in to train, and were not afraid of death when
you fought, you would receive a corresponding reward. With spells, talismans, the sword
formation, and formations, everyone’s strength was flying ahead.

These fifteen xiuzhe who had comprehended “essence” were the elite fighters of the
camp. Xie Shan believed that as long as they did not encounter a jindan, their safety was

Xie Shan did not worry about the problem of safety at all. What he was thinking about
was if he could finish the mission more beautifully.

But before that, he planned on visiting a familiar acquaintance of his.

This old acquaintance of his was called Bao Yi who was a black market business man that
could buy anything. Before, he could always get some ling grains, and was famed in the

“Boss Bao,” Xie Shan cheerfully gave a greeting. To avoid attracting unnecessary
attention, he had come alone.

Bao Yi was both thin and tall like a stick of bamboo. When he saw Xie Shan, his eyes
instantly lit up as he said in a warm voice, “Head Xie, what wind blew you here? Come in,
please sit! Please sit!”

He had made a few transactions with Xie Shan before. The two of them were quite
familiar with each other. He knew that Xie Shan had about one hundred people under his
command. Customers like this were primary targets of attention. However, it had been
quite a long time since Xie Shan had come. He had actually feeling that it was a pity since he
had assumed that XIe Shan had been killed. He hadn’t expected the other man to still be
alive. For him, this was a good matter.

“Why is it so empty here?” As Xie Shan walked in, he looked around and asked in

Bao Yi’s face instantly wrinkled. “Oh, there’s nothing to do. Now that Clear Sky Sect has
come to directly trade, the business of us little people have become harder.”

“Oh, isn’t the Clear Sky Sect doing large business?”

Bao Yi explained, “Clear Sky Sect only does transactions with big factions, but it isn’t
possible for anyone to do business with small groups. Without jade disks, it is
impossible to buy ling grains.”

“With Boss Bao’s skill, getting a few jade disks should be easy.” Now, Xie Shan was
really puzzled. Bao Yi’s network was extremely complex and broad. He had ties with people
from all levels of society. It should not be hard for him to get a few jade disks.

Bao Yi grimaced, “When a person is unlucky, they will even choke on water. The Chief,
Elder of Clear Sky Sect Outer Hall, He Xiang, and I had a little conflict in the past.”

Xie Shan finally understood. He acted to frown. “So it’s like that. Then this won’t be easy
to do.”

“Yes, exactly.” Bao Yi’s face was mournful as he sighed. “I had come to Nan Sheng to see
if there were any good opportunities. It’s a coincidence that Boss Xie is also here. After
two more days, I’m leaving.”

He managed to rouse his spirits. “Does Boss Xie want to buy something? I have a bit
left, not too much, but the quality isn’t bad. If Boss Xie is interested, I can give a price
and you can take the lot.”


Xie Shan’s mouth continued to talk as his mind whirled furiously. If Boss wanted to build
a city, then he wanted to do something big. He was not ignorant. He knew that it was not so
easy to build a city. This Bao Yi might be a bit black-hearted but he was an expert at
business who also had hate towards Clear Sky Sect.

It was the first time Xie Shan had been given an important task. Naturally, he wanted to
perform well. If he could accomplish a great service, Boss probably would not refuse him if
he went and asked for a thread of Golden Crow Fire.

The mission this time was to find xiuzhe that knew how to build a city, but if he could
find some more talents, wouldn’t his service be greater?

He had been a leader for a period of time, and naturally understood more as to how to
think of problems from the perspective of a leader.


Seeing Xie Shan did not seem to be interested in his wares, Bao Yi’s heart became even
more bitter. This recent while, the matter of He Xiang and he having previously had a
conflict had somehow passed around. His business had instantly dropped and no one came
to his doors. How could he not know what had gone on in the shadows?

“If this place does not want to keep ye, there naturally are places that can keep ye!
Old Bao, there’s nothing to be said about your abilities. We’ve made more than one
transaction before, and we know each other very well. What about it, do you have any
interest in helping this brother?” Xie Shan smiled cheerfully as he looked at Bao Yi.

Bao Yi gazed with slight shock at Xie Shan. Xie Shan had spoken so plainly that he knew
what it meant. But it was that bluntness that shocked him. Xie Shan might have one
hundred people, but in Little Mountain Jie, that was only a little faction. Right now, his tone
was so grand, had Xie Shan struck it rich?

He was very familiar with Xie Shan and knew that Xie Shan was not an arrogant and
irrational person.

As he thought inside, Bao Yi asked in return, “Does Boss Xie not care about worsening
your relationship with Clear Sky Sect?”

Xie Shan chuckled. “Old Bao, don’t probe. I dare to say this because I have some

Bao Yi’s expression became slightly wary. “If this little brother goes, what will I do?”

“Of course it is to do your old occupation, business.” Xie Shan thought for a beat before
saying, “However, I don’t dare to promise you. It depends on what Boss is going to say.”
Boss! Bao Yi was shocked. There was someone else behind Xie Shan! It definitely would
not be a weak power if it had managed to take in Xie Shan. He examined Xie Shan, and saw
the confidence that naturally spilled out when Xie Shan mentioned his boss. Also, this
power did not seem to be very afraid of Clear Sky Sect. This puzzled him. He could not think
of any power in Little Mountain Jie that was not afraid of Clear Sky Sect.

Xie Shan was a clever person. Seeing Bao Yi, he knew what the other was thinking, and
roared with laughter, using his words to enlighten Bao Yi. “Why is Boss Bao wavering? I
cannot think of any situation that is worse than the present one!”

Bao Yi thought, that was right, what could be worse than his present situation? Since the
other already knew he was on bad terms with Clear Sky Sect yet still dared to hire him,
then he had to have some form of support. He had some savings but everyone knew how
that he and Clear Sky Sect were on bad terms. They probably had already started scheming
against him.

Clear Sky Sect might restrict fighting in Nan Sheng Village, but if he was robbed, it was
very likely that Clear Sky Sect had been acting against him up in the shadows.

After thinking it through, he did not hesitate any longer. “Since Boss Xie holds Bao Yi in
such esteem, I’m not one to not recognize what is good for me. From now on, please
take good care of me!”

“Ha ha! That’s fine, fine!” Xie Shan’s mood instantly rose.

Bao Yi smiled. “We didn’t come here this time for the ling grains, right?”

The word “we” instantly tightened the distance between the two people. Xie Shan was
very satisfied that Bao Yi had entered his role so quickly. He raised a thumb up at Bao Yi.
“Old Bao is so smart. Boss heard that many xiuzhe were gathering in Nan Sheng
Village, and told me to come to see if we can hire some talents.”

He decided to reveal some information to Bao Yi. He had come to see Bao Yi originally to
find some information, but out of consideration for safety, he had not directly said that he
was looking into the xiuzhe of the village.

Bao Yi said in a deep voice, “What kind of talent does our boss want to hire? This little
brother has stayed for a while at Nan Sheng Village and might know something.”

Xie Shan’s eye lit up. “Anyone that has one skill.”

Bao Yi had a general understanding. This boss that he had never met before had an
extremely strong base, and his ambitions were not small. These days, in Little Mountain Jie,
the days of any kind of xiuzhe other than combat xiu were extremely difficult.

Since he had decided to enter the other’s group, Bao Yi decided he needed to perform
In any organization, in order to be recognized, the simplest method was to let the boss
see your abilities, and understand your value!

“Do we have enough manpower?” he asked.

“Enough.” Xie Shan was full of confidence.

“If it is like that … …” Bao Yi’s heart rose, and he said hatefully, “then we shall do
something big!”

Translator Ramblings: The mystery female is not Xiao Guo or any other female
previously seen in the story. Xiao Guo is not so talented that she could become more
powerful than Zuo Mo is at present. She’s not a genius like Wei Sheng and she cannot
advance so rapidly that she could break through the yao blockade herself.

Not much Zuo Mo, but he is the focus of everything. Xie Shan really wants to get a good
position in Lil’Miss Zuo Mo’s army. Also, fifteen people that comprehended essence. In the
Wu Kong Sword Sect disciples, there were only the three weirdo monsters. So Zuo Mo is
now commanding Wu Kong Sword Sect * 5 but he has no jindan so Wu Kong Sword Sect
will win in a face off.
Chapter 243
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Three – Jade Scroll

In the secret realm, his subordinate xiuzhe were giving their reports.

“The yao army has established their base in the Wu Kong Mountains. It is very
heavily guarded. Our people do not dare to go close.”

Fu Feng nodded. “Do not alert them but keep an eye on them. If they make any
unusual movements, report immediately.”


Fu Feng asked some more questions about the details before letting the xiuzhe leave.

When the xiuzhe left the tent, two figures suddenly appeared inside the tent. Fu Feng did
not seem to be surprised.

“What are you really looking for?” Gui Feng asked in a rough voice. At his side, Chang
Heng’s expression was indifferent as though he did not care about this question.

“Ha ha, you’ll know when it is time.” Fu Feng smiled.

Chang Heng was not interested in this matter. He stared at Fu Feng. “Give the other half
of the scripture to me.”

Fu Feng said easily, “No problem.”

Gui Feng’s expression changed. He seemed to be thinking.


Zuo Mo carefully looked at the black butterfly in front of him. Chun Yu Cheng was at his
side, his eyes blazing as he observed the black butterfly. Zuo Mo’s mind had received a
notice that the Rainbow Mark butterfly had broken through its cocoon. Zuo Mo had
hurriedly pulled Chun Yu Cheng with him. When Chun Yu Cheng heard that the Rainbow
Mark butterfly had finished its metamorphosis, it instantly stirred his interest and he took
a rare absence from his beast pool.
The Rainbow Mark butterfly had completely changed. The rainbow colors that had
covered its entire body had disappeared. Now, its body was completely black, contrasting
against a pair of lively eyes.

“Can the spells still be used?” Chun Yu Cheng asked.

“Still useable, and there now seems to be one more spell.” Zuo Mo closed his eyes and
carefully communicated with the black butterfly.

When he started his communication, he instantly felt a difference compared to the past.
Before, he could only feel some pieces of what the Rainbow Mark butterfly could feel.
Presently, he could clearly feel the emotions of the butterfly.

The black butterfly had become more intelligent than before.

“So it leveled up!” Chun Yu Cheng said with excitement. “Previously, it was just a third-
grade ling beast. Now, it should be a fourth-grade ling beast! No wonder it has another
spell! Have you discovered what kind of spell it is?”

“A very weird spell.” Zuo Mo’s expression was slightly weird.

“What spell?” Chun Yu Cheng asked impatiently.

“Poison Ling!”

“Poison Ling? What kind of spell is that?” Chun Yu Cheng was puzzled. He had never
heard of this kind of spell.

“It is unclear.” Zuo Mo shook his head. He was also ignorant.

The two people looked at each other, with their faces confused. However, they did find
out that the Rainbow Mark butterfly had leveled up to fourth-grade. Due to the black color
of its body, Zuo Mo decided to change its name to Black Butterfly. He would have to slowly
investigate what this poison ling was.

It would be great if it could level up to become a fifth-grade ling beast. Zuo Mo drooled as
he dreamed. He decided that he would definitely feed anything poisonous to the Black
Butterfly if he found them in the future. He had personally experienced how powerful a
fifth-grade ling beast was. If the Black Butterfly could level up to fifth-grade, it could
definitely beat down the bloody horn serpent.

Of course, he quickly wiped clean his drool. It had been so difficult to level up to fourth-
grade from third-grade.. He could only dream about leveling up to fifth-grade.

He picked up the gourd as well. The poison inside the gourd had all dissipated. It was a
pretty good container type talisman, especially for containing substances that were
intangible. He was not polite in picking it up. Chun Yu Cheng saw that he could not discover
anything else so he rushed back to the beast pool.

Right after Chun Yu Cheng left, Gongsun Cha approached him immediately after. Zuo Mo
saw that the other’s expression was slightly strange and asked, “What? Did something

“Take a look.” Gongsun Cha handed over a jade scroll.

Zuo Mo took the jade scroll and skimmed it. He jumped in fright. “Holy moly, they’re

“I was frightened too!” Gongsun Cha grimaced. “However, these people are pretty
good!” The last sentence revealed his true thoughts.

“It really is very good … …” Zuo Mo couldn’t stop himself from reading further. The
more the read, the wider his mouth grew.

“Shixiong, do you think we will take … …”

“Yes!” Zuo Mo shook like a basin of cold water had been poured over his head on a hot
summer day. His energy then swell up. Holding his neck in an arch, he shouted, “Of course,
we’ll take them! All of them! Every single one! Do not leave one behind!”

Ji Wei, Sun Bao and the other people that had been forging were frightened by the
insanity that Zuo Mo displayed! Only the female xiu that was standing nearby was
unaffected as though she had not heard it.


In the camp, everyone was busy cultivating. The new members needed large amounts of
training before they could join the combat system. Before this, they had all been normal
xiuzhe, and were too unfamiliar with things like battle formations.

“It is so boring!” A xiuzhe sighed. When he glanced at the group of people who were
training laboriously, he felt a burst of dullness.

After the number of people grew, it was not suitable anymore to divide into small teams.
Gongsun Cha reorganized the teams into six companies. Each company had one hundred
and twenty two people, who were then divided into six platoons. They were led by a
company leader and a vice company leader. Each platoon had six squads that were
commanded by the platoon leader who was assisted by the vice platoon leader. Each squad
had three people, one of which was the squad leader.

Due to the large number of new members, to help the new members quickly enter their
roles, these old-timers that were now the company leaders had all taken up positions as
instructors. However, to them, teaching the new people was an extremely boring task.
When they saw the raw cooperation between the new members and their awkward
movements, they were usually speechless. Even though they clearly knew that they had
been no better when they first started, but they thirsted for battle. Gongsun Cha was like a
successful wolf tamer, the sheep under his command had been slowly transformed into

They had started to thirst for battle.

Many people had admired Xie Shan and the others who had gone to carry out a mission.
While they held admiration, they could only stay and stare. Those people were stronger
than they were. They also understood that the stronger they were, the more likely it was
that they would carry out more difficult missions, and had a chance to earn more merit.

Even Gongsun Cha had never expected his unintentional actions had caused the sword
formation to become the most attractive prize! Comprehending sword essence was the best
path to increasing power.

A person said without strength, “The earlier that we finish training these greenhorns,
the earlier we get to rest.”

“Laozi will never do this ever again!” One of the people said furious, “This group of
trash. They can’t even perform the simplest Three Talent Formation after all this time,
They are so stupid!”

“Please!” Someone else beside him sneered, “Hei Zi, you talk as though you were so
skilled at the beginning! We weren’t much better than them at the beginning.”

“Oh, when can we go out on a mission! Laozi is so idle that my tastes have turned
vegetarian.” Hei Zi wailed, his expression dejected.

“Yes, these days are too boring!” People beside him also sighed.

Woosh woosh!

A humming sound suddenly sounded above the formation without any warning.

The two people stilled, looked at each other, and shook simultaneously before they
jumped up from the ground like lightning.

Hei Zi looked at the two new members that were still motionless and swore, “What are
you doing sitting there? Move faster, this is the emergency signal!” Finishing, he leaped
into the air, the two new members hurriedly following behind him.

Moving figures could be seen in the sky above the camp. The shouts of the company and
platoon leaders ran out frequently.

“Faster faster! What are you procrastinating for?”

“Keep up!”

“Find your position! Don’t move around!”


A tense atmosphere covered the entire camp. All the xiuzhe quickly gathered together.
Within thirty breaths, all the xiuzhe in the camp had flew into the air, and the ranks had
finished assembling.

The old-timers who saw Lil’ Miss staring at them became excited. There was going to be
something to do, a big thing!

Gongsun Cha did not waste words. Seeing the troop had finished assembling, he waved
his hand lightly.

“Everyone, move out!”

More than seven hundred xiuzhe silently flowed like a soundless flood across the sky.


Nan Sheng Village, Great Wind Merchant House.

“Little Wei, calculate the accounts for today” The storekeeper slowly savored the ling
tea and lightly ordered.

“Yes,” Wei Cheng Bin instinctively answered.

The storekeeper detected Wei Cheng Bin’s inattentiveness, his face instantly darkening.
“What? You worried about something? Do you feel dissatisfied with the work?”

It was like Wei Cheng Bin had been woken up from a dream. When he saw the
storekeeper’s dark face, he knew that it was not good. He gave a smile, “No, no! This one
has just met a bit of a problem in my cultivation.”

“Humph!” The storekeeper snorted coldly. “Cultivation? I hadn’t seen before that Little
Wei has great ambitions! You want to reach jindan? To live, you have to be reliable. Do
you know how many people are trying to get your ration of fifty catties of ling grains
per month?! Cultivation? Don’t waste this old man’s ling grains!”

Wei Cheng Bin’s face flushed entirely red.

The storekeeper glanced at him and drawled, “One has to know their own limits. Little
Mountain Jie has not had cultivation in a long time ago.”

“Two-tenths off this month’s wage of ling grains.” When he finished, he strode away.
Wei Cheng Bin’s head was bent, and he did not make a sound. Unknowingly, his fists
were so tight that they had turned white. After the storekeeper had gone far away, he
relaxed his fists. In his hand was a jade scroll.

This was a jade scroll he had received two days ago. It was an announcement for hiring.

The other had learned from somewhere that he had a skill at illusory formations and
came to head-hunt him. They promised two hundred catties of ling grains per month. Wei
Cheng Bin had come from a sect, and his best skill was some little illusory formations. He
could make extremely exquisite mirage formations. However, this great skill had not
provided him with any benefit in a situation such as the present one.

He had asked around everywhere, almost spending all his savings to beg to get a job like
this. Accounting, hard labor, cleaning, he did everything!

Compared to those xiuzhe that worried for ling grains, he was much luckier. Rationally,
he could settle down, but when he received this jade scroll, his heart uncontrollably started
to jump.

He did not know how many times the shixiong had mocked him for playing with those
little formations. In many people’s eyes, he was the classical example of someone who only
played around. The sect elders had thought of him as one who did not treasure their talent,
especially after he had cultivated to ningmai, and had treated him coldly.

This job might let him scrape by, but he didn’t know how many eye-rolls he had gotten.
The enormous store, other than the storekeeper, he was the only one remaining. He had to
do all the work.

For some reason, the sneer and disdain of the storekeeper flashed in front of his eyes.

Impulsiveness was the demon … … impulsiveness was the demon … …

He continuously told himself but his feet uncontrollably started to walk towards the

“What are you doing? You idiot! I raised a trash like you for nothing! You … … you
don’t have to come tomorrow!” The storekeeper’s bellows came from behind him.

Wei Cheng Bin suddenly felt his body was unspeakably light, his steps increasing speed.

In the dark, his eyes were as bright as jewels.

Translator Ramblings: Thank you all for commenting and pointing out the typos.

What happened to the poison and the butterfly is finally resolved in this chapter. Lil’
Miss’ army is taking form. Chang Heng and Gui Feng show up again. Chang Heng seems
much smarter than Gui Feng … …
Chapter 244
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Four – Consensus

In Little Mountain Jie, no one would pay attention to the flow of xiuzhe. What everyone
was attentive to was the flow of ling grains. As for xiuzhe, who would care?

Wei Cheng Bin found the place according to the address on the jade scroll. His heart was
slightly insecure. He should have first confirmed it. If this jade scroll was a joke that
someone played on him, then it would be terrible.

This was the place.

Two life-like authoritative and ferocious stone lion-type auspicious beasts were standing
by the two sides of the gate. He had some experience and knew these were mechanized
golem beasts. They usually were motionless, but if one dared to attack then they would
attack at the first possible moment. The black metal gate was tightly shut. The light of jinzhi
occasionally flashed by. He was slightly reassured. Families that had this kind of house in
Nan Sheng Village should have at least some power.

He put his palm on the copper bell diagram carved on the door and channeled ling


The bell sound was clear and ethereal. A moment later, the metal door slowly opened,

A brawny man with a face full of scruff examined him, his gaze as sharp as a knife. Wei
Cheng Bin felt his body tighten. He might be in ningmai¸ but his combat abilities were very
low. He had broken through to ningmai due to a moment of enlightenment after working
with illusory formations. He nervously swallowed. The brutal aura exuded by the large man
in front of him created fear in him.

“I … … I am Wei Cheng Bin … … two … … two days ago, I received a jade scroll, it said
… …”

Hearing Wei Cheng Bin stammer on for a long time yet unable to clearly state his
meaning, Lei Peng lost his patience and interrupted, “Okay! This is the place, you didn’t go
to the wrong place.”

Finishing, he raised Wei Cheng Bin with one hand as though he was picking up a little
chicken, and flew inside.

Wei Cheng Bin closed his eyes in fright, his entire body shaking. Lei Peng rolled his eyes
inside. He didn’t know who had suggested that he should be the one to welcome this group
of people. Every single one person in this group was as cowardly as mice, and shook
whenever they saw him.

This compound was just one of Bao Yi’s secret properties. As cunning as a rabbit, he had
backups upon backups. That was his usual conduct.

“Another one came.”

The ling power on Lei Peng’s hand spat slightly, and Wei Cheng Bin was stunned into
unconsciousness. He carelessly threw him on the ground.

“En, there’s already eight in this batch. With him, we only need one more before we
can send them off,” Xie Shan said with satisfaction. He had exceeded his mission this time.
According to Bao Yi’s intelligence, they had found three xiuzhe skilled in building cities.
Without an exception, none of the three were able to resist the temptation of two hundred
catties of ling grains per month.

He couldn’t help but sigh. If they were anywhere outside of Little Mountain Jie, no matter
where they went, they would be treated courteously. But in Little Mountain Jie where life
was worth as much as grass, just two hundred catties of ling grains was enough to buy a
xiuzhe’s life. As a xiuzhe, Xie Shan couldn’t not help but marvel.


Bao Yi was off to the side. He was rejoicing that he had made the right choice. Even
though he had not seen the Boss yet, but he had been successively shocked by Boss’
strength. Up until now, more than sixty people had been sent away.

The people that had been delivered outside seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

There definitely were people who were cooperating with them outside of the city, and
that number would not be small. This group of people really were daring to act so boldly
under Clear Sky Sect’s nose. However, he felt very good secretly at being able to dig at Clear
Sky Sect’ walls.
He really had his action of throwing in the lot beautiful!


He Xiang looked down at the leaders of the different factions, the feeling of
accomplishment in his heart reaching the peak in an instant. Previously, when he met any
of the people seated here, he would have to nod his head and bend his waist, but right now,
he could clearly capture the fear they had of him in the deepest part of their eyes.

This feeling was really good!

He quickly pulled himself back. He was very clear what his mission was.

A warm and careful smile piled onto his face. His voice was very light like the clouds high
up in the sky. “My thanks to everyone here for waiting so long, then we shall now


“Seventy people, it should be enough! How about it? Let’s stop?” Lei Peng said
impatiently. They had been guarding here every day. That Clear Sky Sect was really trash.
They hadn’t reacted in the slightest. In the beginning, he had thought that this time would
be a big mission. Who knew that it was so boring and tasteless? He just wanted to return to
camp now.

Xie Shan did not pay attention to him. He looked at the list and frowned. “Why did the
remaining people not come?”

Hearing this, Bao Yi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “We used ling grains to
attract them. In the end, it is like business, you and I have to both be willing. The
remainder probably are living quite well now, and do not want to move.”

“Then we will just leave them?” Xie Shan was slightly discontent. He did not want to
leave any regrets in the first mission he was leading.

Bao Yi spread his hands. “Then what? It’s not like we can kidnap them.”

“Kidnap them!” Xie Shan’s eyes lit up as he clapped in excitement. “This idea is great!
How come I didn’t think of it?”
Hearing this, Lei Peng, who was at so much leisure that he felt restless, was also excited
and furiously nodded. “Not bad, not bad! We’ll kidnap all of them! We won’t leave one

The other people snickered as they exchanged looks. Zong Ru helplessly raised his
eyelids. His Samhadhi had been interrupted once again.

Bao Yi paled. “No way! No way! It is very lucky that our recent actions had not
attracted Clear Sky Sect’s attention! If we go to kidnap people, we would certainly
alarm Clear Sky Sect, then it would be great trouble!”

“We’re not afraid!” Lei Peng twisted his mouth and said scornfully.

Bao Yi hurriedly looked at the other people. When he saw the anticipatory expressions
on their faces, he felt his vision darken. He thought of Zong Ru. In his mind, Zong Ru had
always been calm and reliable. He definitely would not approve of this course of action.

But before he could look at Zong Ru — he heard Zong Ru say in a voice filled with
helplessness, “Should we do it now? Let’s go, let’s finish so I can go back sooner to train
my Samadhi.”

Bao Yi felt his head instantly sink into stillness.

All fifteen people agreed to the kidnapping. From the suggestions to passing the motion,
it hadn’t taken more than a minute. To be able to plan such a large kidnapping under the
mighty Clear Sky Sect’s eyes, it was enough to make everyone except Bao Yi feel their blood

Only this way would they not have wasted their journey here!

Since they had decided, everyone quickly started to finalize the plan. After following Lil’
Miss for so long, they had started to learn how to make a plan, and the beginnings of being
professional brutes.

Bao Yi’s face was pale as he listened from the side. He decided he would definitely stay
far away from this group of madmen in the future! Especially Zong Ru. Only now did he
know how wrong he had been. Zong Ru usually indifferent, but when he spoke, malicious
and evil ideas were lightly thrown out.

With one word from one and another from the other, a simple and rough plan was
quickly born.

When Wei Cheng Bin woke up, he found that he was on someone’s back. The sound of
wind that occasionally sounded around him let him know that he was flying at high speed
through the air. He did not dare to move. He knew the limits of his own abilities. Up until
now, he did not make a sound. He slightly turned his head, and warily scanned the

Not ten zhang away from him, there was a xiuzhe. He was also carrying a person on his

When he clearly saw the surroundings, he was greatly shocked. There were more than
one hundred xiuzhe around him. Of those, only twenty of the xiuzhe were carrying people.
The other xiuzhe had placed them at the very center.

Wei Cheng Bin finally thought of what had occurred before he had became unconscious.

Which faction did this group of people belong to? They really looked like a big faction!
Even though he did not know his own future, but he was full of anticipation. It was very
clear that this was an extremely well-thought out plan. More than one hundred xiuzhe were
protecting and transporting the twenty of them, it could be seen how importantly they
were being treated. The other side had spent such effort so what they aimed for definitely
would not be small.

“Notice your rhythm. Control the output of ling power.”

“Preserve the flexibility of the ranks!”

“Combat units at the outermost layer, be on your guard!”

“Try to avoid the clouds.”


He could hear endless shouts of scolding. What Wei Cheng Bin found wondrous was that
the xiuzhe in the surroundings did not make a sound as they continuously adjusted their

For some unknown reason, the stern silence this group of xiuzhe maintained made Wei
Cheng Bin to feel a different kind of power!

He couldn’t help but make a closer examination.

The troop that was in front of his eyes were different than any other troop he had seen
before. More than one hundred people were flying, but the ranks were so organized it was
as though they had been drawn out with a ruler. The elites that he had seen before had
been more relaxed and spread out. In front of this group, they seemed more like a random
group of soldiers.
He could occasionally see xiuzhe in groups of three or five moving far away. Those were
probably sentries.

The more he saw, the greater his shock was. The power that this troop displayed
surpassed the limits of his imagination.


Wei Ran’s mind was tightly alert. He was the division leader of the Second Division, but
before this, he had never lead a group larger than thirty people. He was worried that he
would not do a good job, and thus he was extremely attentive. He also worked hard at his

This was the first mission he was undergoing as a division leader.

The mission that Gongsun Cha had given him was not difficult – move forward along a
predetermined path, and transport the twenty people back to the camp. When he had first
heard the mission, he had released a breath, but when he saw the path, his expression
became unnatural.

This path drew out an extremely large curve. It was akin to having travelled in a circle
before returning to the camp. He did not understand why Lil’ Miss would make such a
complex, and roundabout path. What worried him the most was this path would take
him through the territories of multiple factions.

This meant that they could be attacked at any time.

However, when he saw the unnatural expressions of the other division leaders, he
instantly understood. This was a mission, but it was also a test. Lil’ Miss was testing
whether they had the abilities to be a division leader.

Up until now, they had not encountered any dangers.

However, they had encountered several xiuzhe yesterday that had skirted around them
before leaving.

Wei Ran was experienced in battle and understood that people had locked onto his

On the entire way, he had constantly maintained the troop formations for combat.
Seeing the increasingly practiced display from the xiuzhe under him, he couldn’t help but
sigh. As expected, true combat would temper a person. The improvement they had made in
the last few days surpassed the improvement they had made in the previous month.

A blinding red light suddenly exploded in the sky in front of them.

Wei Ran’s pupils suddenly shrank. It had come!

That was the warning spell that their sentries had cast. He tried to compose himself, his
mind furiously thinking back to what Lil’ Miss usually did.

He raised his right hand to copy the aloofness of Lil’ Miss, his voice coming out
abnormally cold.

“Prepare for battle!”

Translator Ramblings: Ahh, Gongsun Cha’s insanity was awakened by Pu Yao and has
spread to other people. Headhunting talented people, no problem. Kidnapping people
under the eyes of a faction multiple times your size, that’s a great idea. Taking those people
and then making a huge circle so everyone sees and attacks you, let’s do it!

I like how Bao Yi thought that Zong Ru was the sanest person of the bunch. Don’t be
fooled by his appearance and his type of cultivation. The guy was crazy enough to get
carved on by a guy who is just ningmai and the equivalent to a low-class worker in this
Chapter 245
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Five – First Battle

The sentries that had been swimming at the edges started to spread out. Their job was
not to engage in battle, but to observe the direction of the entire battlefield.

Wei Ran’s expression was cold, his lips tightly pressed together. There were about two
hundred people in the enemy that were full of murderous intent as they charged. Wei Ran
straightened his back like a sharp and upright spear. He slightly floated in the air, the
shouts of the platoon leaders as they shouted at maximum passing into his ears.

“All of you, be alert! Notice your position!”

“What is in front of you is a pile of trash! Kill them! Kill them all!”

“Later, don’t think of anything. Where I go, charge after me! Whoever f**king lingers
behind, watch how I’ll take care of him later!”

“Follow what you usually do during training!”


The platoon leaders were doing their last adjustments before the battle. Most of the
people under their command were greenhorns. They all had above average individual
power, but in this kind of battle tactic style that demanded rigor, so cooperation was the
crux of victory.

The rough, serious, or relaxed mobilizations burrowed into Wei Ran’s ears. He
uncontrollably started to heat up. He did not notice that a smear of red had appeared in his

This really made a person’s blood boil!

Watching as the other side neared, Wei Ran raised his right hand again. All the noise
disappeared. All one hundred and twenty two xiuzhe were completely silent. The entire
troop was like a great bow that had been fully drawn. Everyone’s nerves were tensed to
their limits, especially the xiuzhe at the front. The ling power in their body vibrated, their
presence continuously rising. However, their feet seemed to be nailed to their spot.

Wei Cheng Bin unconsciously stopped breathing, his mind a patch of blankness.

He had never experienced such a shocking battle. This patch of silence was like an
invisible noose that wrapped around him and slowly tightened, choking his throat shut. It
was slightly suffocating. He opened his mouth to pant heavily. He widened his eyes, and
instinctively stared at the xiuzhe at the front raise his right hand. His entire body started to
unconsciously shake. He didn’t know if it was in terror or excitement.


Wei Ran coldly watched as the enemy entered the range of attack, the raised right hand
suddenly chopping down.



The air exploded crisply like a firework. The furiously rampaging ling power of the
twenty xiuzhe that were at the front platoon suddenly lost their restraints and exploded!

Twenty figures suddenly disappeared into the air.


It was another soul-shaking explosion!

Twenty xiuzhe from the second platoon also disappeared into the air.


The third platoon quickly followed behind!

The trademark three section wave killing charge!

Each little troop carried a gigantic sword energy twenty zhang above their heads. This
was an attack created by the merging of three xiuzhe’s power! This kind of ling merging
technique could only be activated when the Three Talent Formation reached a certain skill
The gigantic sword energies tore through the air and howled. On the entire battlefield, all
the other sword energies and spells lost color in comparison.

In front of the gigantic sword energy, individual sword energies were as fragile as
chopsticks, breaking upon impact.

As fast as lightning!

One platoon had six teams. It was as though six staggered blades cut right to the middle
of the enemy.

Blood rained through the sky!

Six deep bloody marks appeared in the ranks of the enemy. Anywhere they passed, if one
was just brushed, it meant either cutting off the limbs or breaking the spine. With
destructive force, they penetrated through the enemy formation.

The enemy leader’s eyes bulged out of their sockets. “Drag them down! Their later
power … …”

Just as he had spoken halfway, the ghostly wail-like howl of the gigantic sword energy
sounded again!

The second platoon had arrived!

Six gigantic sword essences cut from a small angle on the right as they curved into the
enemy formation.

Pew pew pew!

After a string of alarming sounds of cut of limbs and broken bones, the six gigantic sword
essences plowed out six broad bloody groves. Wails passed into everyone’s ears.

The third platoon attacked from the opposite angle!

Just as the second platoon had finished passing through the enemy formation, the third
platoon had coincidentally entered the center of the enemy formation.

Wei Ran pressed his lips tightly together. The power of the three section wave killing
charge was evident! The courage of the enemy had been stolen, their morale plummeted
and they had no more desire to battle. What he needed to do next was lay down the last
straw that would break the camel’s back.

The fourth and fifth platoon suddenly attacked!

The enemy, whose courage had already been stolen, panicked when they saw the fourth
and fifth platoons press forward. In an instant, they broke formation and their lines
collapsed as they scattered in all directions!

Wei Ran’s body finally relaxed. The battle had been settled.

The three section wave killing charge was peerless in its killing power, but it was not as
though it did not have weaknesses. Its biggest weakness was that it was weak in its follow
up. If the enemy could stop the first few cycles of attacks, then they would be the ones in

The giant sword energies could defend, but the ling power consumed was extremely
terrifying. Gathering up all the ling power before the charge was not just to posture.

Wei Ran released a breath. This battle was much smoother than he had imagined. It now
had no meaning. The leaders of the platoons directed the little teams to continuously move
and cut. If there was a small gathering of people at one location, they were like sharks that
tasted blood and would leap over.

The fearful enemy fighters did not hesitate when they saw the situation, all of them
turning and fleeing.

Wei Ran hurriedly sent an order to not pursue. Their mission was to safely reach the
camp, not to kill enemies. However, when he noticed some scattered xiuzhe that had been
watching from far away, he guessed that those were scouts from other factions.

This battle should have intimidated many people, he pondered inside.

The enemy had completely fled in a short while Wei Ran ordered some xiuzhe to clean
up the spoils, and everyone else landed to set up camp. The xiuzhe that had just come out of
battle all had excited expressions lingering on their faces, but they still meticulously
completed their orders.

All the platoon leaders all released a breath of relief. This kind of battle was just a minor
matter to them, but they had still been worried about the new members under their
command. In total, no major incidents had occurred, but combat had exposed many

Some squads had not performed to their training standards when they had sent out the
gigantic sword energy in the fight, and almost were not able to penetrate the ranks of the
enemy. If they could not penetrate the ranks, and were bogged down in the enemy
formation, the enemy would immediately have swarmed and torn them to pieces. These
platoon leaders still felt fear when they thought of it.

Wei Ran did not interfere with the platoon leaders lecturing the xiuzhe who had made
mistakes. He silently patrolled the camp.
A while later, the xiuzhe that finished cleaning up returned. The spoils of victory were
given to the vice division later who would give them to Lil’ Miss when they returned, and
then divided according to contributions.


Wei Cheng Bin gaped. The swiftness in which the battle had finished with had surpassed
his imagination. When he heard the platoon leaders swear at their subordinations, he
couldn’t believe it. Was this not enough? Such crisp and clean combat, such strong
subordinates, then why were they being sworn at?

He was not skilled at battle, but that did not mean he did not have good eyes. He could
generally see the traces of the skill of a troop. In his view, this completely unfamiliar and
unique troop was the strongest that he had ever seen without exception.

They were too demanding! Wei Cheng Bin was unable to understand.

This victory was great motivation to the xiuzhe who were being transported. Their
anticipation towards their destination rose. In the chaotic Little Mountain Jie, martial
strength was the most effective guarantee of survival.


Nan Sheng Village.

He Xiang looked at the fake smiles on the faces in front of him. His temple throbbed. The
negotiations were more difficult than he had imaged. These factions seemed to have
reached a certain agreement in secret, their positions were at a strange consensus. Even
the leaders that he had a good relationship with before had reversed their attitudes and
remained silent.

He knew that these people just wanted to bargain, but for him who wanted to show his
accomplishments, his abilities would only be displayed if he could push the price to the
bottom. There were more than a few that were scheming after his position. He did not want
to give them an opportunity.

He smiled, not showing his thoughts. “Everyone is tired today, let’s take a rest. This one
has prepared a banquet especially for this, please, everyone come attend.”
The leaders exchanged looks with each other, rose, and said they were tired and wanted
to rest.

He Xiang did not force them, smiling as he sent them out the door. When the last leader
left, his dark expression could not be disguised any longer.

He needed a way to divide them, he thought inside. Just as he turned to leave, he

coincidentally caught the mirth in the eyes of one of the other elders and his mood instantly
became even more terrible.


“Is everyone sure of their target?” Xie Shan asked as he looked at everyone.

Everyone nodded.

Lei Peng rumbled, “Motherf***er, laozi even had to watch him as he went to the
bathroom, it really is unlucky.”

Everyone laughed lightly. To guarantee they would succeed with one blow, everyone had
rehearsed before. They had divided the ten targets among them.

“We will move in two hours,” Xie Shan did not waste words. All fifteen people had their
own techniques. He might have the highest cultivation, but he did not dare to posture.
Fortunately, everyone was rule-abiding and did not need him to nag.

Fifteen people silently spread out in all directions.


Lei Peng’s target was a guy skilled in dan--making. Even though ling materials were now
in short supply in Little Mountain Jie, but some businesses still had some in stock. Due to
this, this person had found a pretty good job. Consequently, when he had received the jade
scroll, he had weighed his options, and decided to stay with his current employer.
Especially since his current employer was good to him and the jade scroll was of unknown
origins. He was not willing to take the risk.

For some reason, he felt the willies today as though something was going to happen.
This caused him to be unable to focus. Every time he had this feeling, there never was
anything good.

He raised his head to look at the sky. The clouds were very low in the air, dense and

“Medicine Master He, the owner is calling you.” The busboy hurriedly rushed over.

“Oh, I’m going now.” He refocused and hurriedly moved. There was probably another
job for him to do.

He had just passed through into the backyard when he suddenly felt pain at the back of
his head. His vision darkened, and he did not know anything else.

Lei Peng held him with one hand and looked around. Looking around to see if he had
alarmed any other people, he grinned silently before disappearing into the air.

However, not everyone had the same good fortune as him. For example, Nian Lu.


Nian Lu looked with panic at his target. A female xiu skilled with livestock. She was
presently teaching the other people how to put together feed for ling beasts. These
apprentices were extremely respectful and listened carefully.

The time to act had arrived!

Seeing that the target would definitely not be leaving soon, Nian Lu gritted his teeth, and
decided to move.

His figure was like a ghost that appeared behind the female xiu. His hand gently chopped,
his left hand raising and grasping. The unconscious female xiu was on his back.

His movements were clean and crisp.

Only when he had disappeared through the door did the apprentices finally react, yelling
in fear.

The guards of the store were instantly alerted and flew into the air.

The same situation, at the same time, occurred at different places in Nan Sheng Village.

Nan Sheng Village instantly became a mess!

Translator Ramblings: Do you want to win? Do you want to learn creativity in battle? Do
you want trusted teammates and to be employed after graduation? Look no further. Lil’
Miss Boot Camp will provide you with all you need for cultivation and shelter. All you have
to pay is to allow a jinzhi to be put inside your body! Let these graduates of the Lil’ Miss
Boot Camp show you what they have learned!

One problem of posting a translation before it is complete is that terms can be modified
and changed but people get used to the terms already in use and there are a lot of chapters
that are posted already. Making an announcement that a term has changed and then doing
nothing about the posted chapters annoys me and I feel it is irresponsible of me because
changing terms leads to reader confusion. Editing and keeping terms consistent is a hard
task so please go thank WanderingGummiOfDoom even if you might not read the revised
chapters because he is amazing at keeping object names and other things consistent from
the earlier chapters to these present ones.

Also, the humongous sword energy is about 66 meters which is bigger than the wingspan
of a Boeing 777. Imagine that charging at you.
Chapter 246
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Six – Ambush

The camp.

Zuo Mo looked at the female xiu and scratched his head, “You need a name. This way,
we can call each other.” After changing his body, his hair had become short. When he
scratched, he felt the hair was prickly like metal wire. So strange. How could his hair be this

The female xiu did not seem to hear him.

When Zuo Mo had inspected her injuries last time, he found that there was a strange and
icy power inside her body. The reason the alarming injuries inside her body had not
worsen was due to this strange power. This unknown power was like strong spider silk
that reached into every corner of her body. Zuo Mo would think sometimes that if the
strange power did not exist, her body would shatter into pieces.

The reason her presence caused fear in others should also be caused by this unknown
power, Zuo Mo thought to himself. No one dared to go near her. Even Silly Bird, the silly big
sister, did not dare to go within three zhang of her, not to mention the cowardly pair of Lil’
Pagoda and Lil’ Black.

Seeing the female xiu’s lack of response, Zuo Mo put his attention back on the wiry hair
on his scalp. He wouldn’t be turning into a yao beast, right? he thought inside.

The three Golden Armor Guards stood nearby with their swords. They also seemed to be
slightly afraid of the female xiu. Weren’t the Golden Armor Guards golems? Why would
they be afraid of a person?

The female xiu was a puzzle.

It seemed like there would be no result today. Zuo Mo shook his head. He had persisted
in chatting with the female xiu everyday to deepen their connection, but up until now, there
was no result. She was like a stone statue that stood there motionlessly. Zuo Mo had never
even heard her speak.

Was she mute?

Zuo Mo thought uncertainly. In his mind, this female did not seem to have come from a
big sect, because she was truly too unclean and ugly. Behind the disheveled appearance
was a mess of dense lichen-like scabies. The only part untouched was the pair of bare feet.

In reality, Zuo Mo had never seen such beautiful feet. Symmetrical and white like jade
and porcelain. There were no flaws. They were warm and delicate, exquisite like nothing
else. When Zuo Mo had been inspecting her injuries, and when he had seen this pair of bare
feet for the first time, his mind had blanked for a moment.

They seemed to hold a fatal attraction that made one unable to move their gaze aside.

It was a pity that scabies covered everything above the knees.

She wore the mask and a loose hemp robe. Her bare feet were in the mud. The snowy
white and fine bare feet and the black mud made a strong contrast. Every time Zuo Mo saw
it, he would uncontrollably stop breathing. What followed after would be pity. It was very
pitiful for a woman to be covered in scabies.

He sighed inside. He didn’t know what he was sighing about. He flew onto a mountain
peak. Looking into the distance, the sky was tourmaline and the white clouds were like silk.
The wind was gentle and refreshing. At the base of the mountain, the Sky Star Lake was like
a clear jewel embedded among the mountain peaks.

Zuo Mo’s mood instantly opened up. Little Mountain Jie might have lost its ling energy,
but there was not much of a difference to these flora and wild beasts. Due to the lack of
activity of xiuzhe, the mountains were even more green.

In order to construct the city, he moved the camp to Sky Star Mountain. He suddenly
thought of the unwillingness on Chun Yu Cheng’s face, he grinned. Chun Shidi was really a
manic about livestock.

Ji Wei and Sun Bao led their subordinates and furiously rushed about.

The amount of materials needed to construct a city was an exceedingly terrifying

number. For example, the bricks. Most of them had to be cut from the mountain. Each piece
had to be processed and carved with formations. It was not hard for xiuzhe to cut rocks, but
processing them was not as easy.

To increase the speed, Zuo Mo had set up a large formation to gather large amounts of
Golden Crow Fire again. Each person received a portion. The xiuzhe naturally were
overjoyed and worked harder.

Each piece of bluestone was three zhang long, one zhang wide, and one zhang high. After
the Golden Armor Guards mined it, the xiuzhe would start to process it. What caused Zuo
Mo to have a headache was the grade of the Golden Crow Fire was too high. If they were the
slightest bit inattentive, these second-grade bluestones would turn into a pile of molten

Later, the problem was finally solved when they decided to first carve the formations
before they processed with the Golden Crow Fire. However, during the entire processing
method, the bluestone bricks would shrink to more than half its original size and turn to a
blue gold color. The quality was extremely dense and hard. Zuo Mo had experimented. Even
if he chopped with a flying sword, sparks would fly but the brick would not be damaged.
Only when Zuo Mo channeled all the ling power in his body would the sword cut halfway
into the brick.

Such a material would not be enough to use to make ling armor but it was more than
sufficient to use for city walls.

Fifty xiuzhe were all tasked with processing bluestone bricks. Zuo Mo himself was busy
with surveying the geography. The newly constructed city had to have formations. The
formations he set up this time were to face a jindan. This was an unprecedented test for
Zuo Mo.

The large formations he had set up before, including the large formation on Desolate
Wood Reef, were not enough to stop a jindan. He had seen jindan before, but had never
fought against one before. He did not know how powerful they are, but he knew they were
definitely more powerful than he could imagine.

There was an innate difference in terms of comprehension of ling power between

ningmai and jindan.

He did not know how great this innate difference was. He could only do as much as he
was able.

The path was dangerous!

Looking at the mountains in the distance, Zuo Mo’s eyes were black and deep.


Nian Lu was carrying a person on his back while the scenery flashed by. His speed had
not been impeded at all. If one looked closely, they would find that a white lotus was under
his feet. With the white robes, the tender white lotus flower, he looked unspeakably
handsome as he flew in the wind. The eyes of many young females along his path lit up.

“Whoa! So handsome!”
The shrieks of the female xiu were endless.

The xiuzhe that were pursuing him heard the exclamations, causing their expressions to
become even uglier.

Nian Lu did not use any disguise at this time. He picked the most straightforward path, a
straight line!

Not just him, the other nine people had also picked straight lines. From different places
within the village, they all sprinted towards the village gate of Nan Sheng Village! If one
looked down from above Nan Sheng Village, they would see ten figures drawing out ten
straight lines that were going to intersect at the village gate. Behind them, there were
between fifty and sixty xiuzhe who seemed to be attracted and pulled towards the village

Many xiuzhe flew into the sky. They were watching the spectacle. Inside, there were very
shocked. Who dared to be so presumptuous in Clear Sky Sect’s territory?

Lei Peng was the first to reach the village gate. He even had the leisure to look back at his
fellows that were sprinting towards him. Giving a smug grin, he then turned and slowly
went through the village gate.

The other nine people simultaneously saw the smug expression on Lei Peng’s face, and
they all rolled their eyes at the same time. Without needed to exchange a word, they
snorted, and moved faster!

Ear-piercing howling instantly roared through Nan Sheng Village!

The nine figures were like nine sharp arrows that howled as they headed straight for the
village gates!

The gate of Nan Sheng Village was just a symbolic construction. He Xiang had never
expected people to dare to scheme against Clear Sky Sect. Who would dare to rampage on
Clear Sky Sect’s territory? Only if that person did not want to keep living in Little Mountain
Jie. Due to this, the defenses of Nan Sheng Village were pitifully weak.

The nine figures flashed past at high speeds. The pitiful gates were torn to pieces by the
knife-like tailwinds!

Dust and wood flew at the village gates!

The xiuzhe in pursuit directly ran into it. Seeing the situation, they did not slow down. A
light flashed across their ling armor and their ling shields were opened as they prepared to
directly go through the village gate!

“I just knew that these people want us to eat their dust!”

Inside the dust, someone complained.

Countless sword energies suddenly shot out of the dust like bats hiding in the dark that
showed their vampiric teeth.

“There’s an ambush!”

The pursuing xiuzhe all paled.

Pew pew pew!

The xiuzhe at the very front basically had no time to react. Their ling armor was instantly
penetrated like it was made of paper-mache. Several bloody holes appeared on the body of
this xiuzhe. The expression of this xiuzhe instantly froze, his body losing control and falling
into the dirt like a bag of sand.

It was not just him alone. Several of the xiuzhe in the front did not survive.

“Sword essence!”

The xiuzhe at the back paled. Such destructive sword energies, there was only one
possibility – sword essence!

Only sword xiu that comprehended sword essence could release such a terrifying sword
energy which could so easily penetrate ling armor and kill with one strike!

There were not many sword energies, but they were of different colors. It was clear they
had been released by different sword xiu!

There wasn’t just one sword xiu who had comprehended sword essence!

The expressions of this group of xiuzhe changed drastically. Sword xiu who
comprehended sword essence were rare. One in a hundred of ningmai sword xiu
comprehending sword essence was considered a rare event. Why did sword xiu always
persist in trying to comprehend sword essence?

That was because the power of the sword energies were much greater if one
comprehended sword essence. This kind of increase depended on the individual and the
sword scripture, but it was certain that sword xiu who comprehend sword essence were
much scarier than sword xiu of the same cultivation who had not comprehended sword

Seven sword xiu died in the first encounter.

Other than fear, the other people rejoiced inside that they had not been so close in their
pursuit. What made them even happier was that the collision between the two sides had
swept away the scattered dust. The other side also showed themselves.
Five people!

There were only five people!

Their hearts were slightly reassured. Even if these five people all comprehended sword
essence, but the number was too small. There were fifty to sixty on their side.


Zong Ru stood on the street with his eyes closed, his hand holding the Four-Flanged
Vajra Gada. There was no joy or sorrow in his heart.

His beaded bracelet had been destroyed in the battle with the Bloody Horn Serpent. Zuo
Mo had felt especially guilty and had the idea of finding a talisman for Zong Ru. However,
Zong Ru was a rare dhyana xiu. Dhyana talismans were even harder to find. Zuo Mo had
suddenly recalled that he had a damaged Four-Flanged Vajra Gada in his ring.

That Four-Flanged Vajra Gada was a true dhyana xiu talisman. When Zong Ru had used
his full power with his bracelet, Zuo Mo had caught a thread of the mysteries of dhyana
talismans. He had put in great thought and reforged the Four-Flanged Vajra Gada before
giving it to Zong Ru.

When this Four-Flanged Vajra Gada came into Zong Ru’s hands, Zong Ru instantly knew
this wasn’t a dhyana talisman of a low grade. The gada itself contained extremely abundant
Buddhist mindfulness. He did not know which great elder had carried this gada along his
path of enlightenment. Over time, this Four-Flanged Vajra Gada had accumulated large
amounts of Buddhist mindfulness.

The power that this Four-Flanged Vajra Gada could express in Zuo Mo’s hands wasn’t
even one percent of what it could be in Zong Ru’s hands.

The Buddhist mindfulness resting in the gada itself was extremely beneficial to Zong Ru’s
cultivation. What was most valuable was that there were many scenes of the
comprehensions that the elder had experienced in Buddhist fixity.

Zong Ru, who had been troubled due to his lack of a teacher, progressed quickly upon
receiving such a treasure.

Other than his fist essence, even his abhinna which he had thought he would never form
in this lifetime had unintentionally formed!

He felt the warm and cold presence that came from the Four-Flanged Vajra Gada just
before the sword energies disappeared.
Zong Ru suddenly opened his tightly closed eyes!

Translator Ramblings: Uh, yeah, so … … Zuo Mo doesn’t get women, but … … cough

After a long time, something that Zuo Mo traded for is used. I know that Fang Xiang is
good at foreshadowing and putting down threads to a plot, but this time, I really think that
Zuo Mo was forgetful. So there is a lot going on, but he is seriously forgetful.
Chapter 247
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Seven – Rainbow Mirage Light

Zong Ru’s gaze was indifferent, his left hand held the Four-Flanged Vajra Gada, his right
hand formed a seal.


His voice resounded like a vast bell. It was not high and exciting, but it could be heard
throughout Nan Sheng Village! With him as the center, an invisible hurricane swept

The faces of the xiuzhe all changed!

The ling armors they were wearing were already activated, but this shout seemed to
have sounded from the bottom of their hearts. Their ling shields were not effective at all.
What shocked them even more was all the ling power in their bodies suddenly froze for a

Abhinna: Truth Speech!

The other four people took the opportunity to jump off the ground. Lightning fast, they
were like four flying swords that thrust into the crowd.


Ma Fan only took a quick glance and the battle field was imprinted in his mind. After
being the core for so long, his grasp of the entire battle situation was unparalleled in the
camp. He had undergone the greatest change in the camp, or rather, he had improved the
most, especially the presence he now had.

When he had been made the core, his performance had been very inexperienced. After
gradually adjusting, a presence appeared on his body, one that was extremely
authoritative. He had previously been an eternally roaming wolf that always gave people
the sense of danger. The present him was less attention-catching. His features were
ordinary. In a crowd, it was now harder to pick him out.
[Illusory Shadowless Sword of Destruction] was the killing move he had used the most
in the past, but as his understanding of sword essence and battle had deepened, he started
to experiment with simpler sword moves. Gradually, the number of times he used [Illusory
Shadowless Sword Of Destruction] had decreased, and his edges had gradually been
hidden. After he learned the fifth-grade [Void Movement] method, which lacked the dazzle
of his previous illusory movement method, the threat he posed increased rather than

In a chaotic battle, it was difficult for the enemy to even detect his existence.

Ma Fan’s stealth was wonderfully displayed at this time. He was like an unnoticeable
thread of light smoke floating among this crowd. There were no grand sword moves. Even
his sword energies were just several cun long. He was like a little swordfish but no one
other than Xie Shan could rival his efficiency!

In the blink of an eye, he had defeated seven or eight people.

Many people had not even found they had been attacked before he had disappeared
without a shadow.


Compared to Ma Fan’s clean and high efficiency killing intent that was concealed, Xie
Shan was a completely different style.


As keen as a sword!

He was like an unsheathed sword. Countless five colored sword essences swam around
him like rainbow flying swords. The pressuring sword essences intercrossed, extremely
beautiful, and full of killing intent!

Xie Shan was a clever person. He knew his strengths and weaknesses.

In Little Mountain Jie, those with ningmai third stratum cultivation could be counted on
the fingers!

In the stage of ningmai third stratum, the lowest amount of ling power in the body was
ninety jing. No one knew that the ling power in Xie Shan’s body had reached an astounding
one hundred and eighty jing! There was a saying that if a person could get the ling power in
their body to contain more than two hundred jing, they could enter jindan. This kind of
saying was not reliable, but it showed just how strong Xie Shan was. He had almost reached
the peak of ningmai!

The benefit of deep cultivation was that those killing moves that came at great cost were
not significant to him.

He rarely used killing moves. His comprehension of sword essence meant that he could
easily face other enemies. However, Ma Fan had provoked his competitiveness today!

The pure ling power in his body were instantly channelled. The multi-colored sword
energies around his body brightened and vibrated.

A light flashed through his eyes. His fingers came together,and he pointed at the crowd of

Five colored light rose in the sky above his head in layers like an aurora curtain. The sun
in the sky lost color at this moment. As his fingers pointed into the air, the aurora in the sky
suddenly broke, and countless broken sword essences howled as they turned to streaming
five colored lights that shot down. Killing intent rose with the rain of light!

It was a five colored rainstorm. However, no one had the energy to spare to watch it. The
sound of air tearing made everyone’s scalp prickle!

What shocked the surrounding spectators was that Xie Shan’s move had covered all the
xiuzhe that had been pursuing them!

[Rainbow Mirage Light]!

This beautiful and ethereal name was a terrifying killing move. The ling power it
consumed was even more astonishing. One hundred and fifty jing of ling power. It was
more than the total ling power that the great majority of ningmai contained in their bodies!


Ma Fan’s expression changed and he did not hesitate in pulling out and retreating! He
was not the only one. The other two xiuzhe who had charged forward also changed
expressions, turning and then running back.

This madman!

They were extremely shocked. They knew that no one in the camp could compare to Xie
Shan’s cultivation but they had never expected that he was this powerful! Ma Fan could not
calm his heart. He had always assumed that while Xie Shan’s cultivation was high, but they
were equal in their strength.

Due to the incorrect assumptions, he never placed much emphasis on his own
cultivation. However, this scene today totally destroyed his worldview. They had escaped
from this move because the sword essence in the sky had not locked onto them. Otherwise,
it would have been as though they had sunk into quicksand and would be unable to take a
single step!

Xie Shan used this move to show them that xiuzhe of deep cultivation were terrifying.

The xiuzhe that were covered by the rainbow rain were in tragic states. Other than
sharpness, the five colored sword energies also had a strange corroding power. The ling
shield would only hold up to several blows before it would break! The xiuzhe that had been
struck by the five colored streams of light were not able to even make a sound before their
bodies rapidly changed into a puddle of soft five colored mud.

Lei Peng and the other nine that had ran away stopped at this time. They stared with
their mouths wide open in shock as they looked in the direction of Nan Sheng Village to see
that patch of terrifying rainbow rain!

Before they could sigh, they saw the five people flying over. Everyone’s gaze as they
looked at Xie Shan had changed.

Xie Shan was not very smug. He only had thirty jing of ling power left in his body. It
would not be good if a battle occurred again.

“Move quickly!”

He did not hesitate as he passed by the others and threw out the two words. The others
woke and hurriedly channelled their ling power as they fled for their lives.

Everyone knew that they had gone overboard!

The killing move that consumed one hundred and fifty jing of ling power had startled all
the xiuzhe in Nan Sheng Village!

In the blink of an eye, all the xiuzhe in Nan Sheng Village flew into the sky. The sky was
covered. Their expressions were strangely similar, extremely shocked. Even the few
ningmai third stratum xiuzhe had paled.

One hundred and fifty jing of ling power, that was more than all the ling power in their

Not one xiuzhe was standing in the area covered by the rainbow rain. Ling armor,
talismans and flying swords covered the ground. At this time, no one dared to go and pick
them up. The rainbow liquid that was flowing everywhere was like a beautiful yet fatal

He Xiang gaped as he looked at this scene, his mind blank. It was over!


Having stayed at the camp, Zuo Mo did not know at all that the affair had become so
large. He was busy settling in the first batch of xiuzhe that had arrived. The xiuzhe that
were skilled in city building had been delivered to Sky Star Mountain with the quickest
possible speed.

Seeing the patch of wild mountains and a crude camp, many people had disappointed

Zuo Mo did not attend to these people. He went straight to the xiuzhe who were skilled in
city construction and spoke of his demands.

“Build a city?”

The three people looked at each other, their faces filled with disbelief. Did he assume that
building a city was just putting a pile of rocks together and that was it?

“Is there a problem?” Zuo Mo looked at the three with slight displeasure.

The three people were not dumb. They knew that it was impossible for them to return
now that they had arrived here. If they immediately offended the boss, they could not think
about having a good future.

“How big of a city does Boss want to construct?” asked one of them.

“Following the flow of this mountain range, it needs to include these peaks, able to
defend against the attacks of a jindan, able to … …”

The three all collectively sank to inertness.

“The expense will be a bit high,” another person probed.

“No problem, we have enough jingshi.” Zuo Mo’s attitude was like that of a nouveau

“We need lots of manpower.”

“Oh, seven hundred xiuzhe, is that enough? I can also make some puppets.” Zuo Mo
rubbed his chin and said to himself, “It seems that I need to let Gongsun Shidi get some
more people.”

These words made the three feel a malicious intent. Was this person a xiu slave trader?

However, the three had seen the combat abilities of this group on the way here. They did
not believe xiu slave traders would have such a strong troop.

The three saw Zuo Mo was serious and started to also seriously focus on surveying the


A few days later, Second Division had smoothly arrived back at camp. When Wei Cheng
Bin came to the crude campsite, he was also very disappointed. However, before he could
recover from the disappointment, the xiuzhe who had been hired were led in front of a

Ji Wei looked down at the crowd of xiuzhe that had recoiled slightly and shouted, “Those
that know forging, come out.”

A while later, they looked at each other, but no one dared to walk out.

Ji Wei had expected the situation and followed up with, “Those that know forging can
start work immediately. Let me tell you, this place pays wages on a unit basis. If you
are late and the positions are taken, don’t blame other people.”

Just as he finished, people instantly reacted

“I know!”

“I know too!”


Ji Wei was not picky. He waved his hands, “All of you, come with me.”

Eight people followed Ji Wei, Wei Cheng Bin was among them. Because he had studied
small illusory formations, he had put in quite a bit of effort on forging. He was not good at
forging big pieces, but was very good as making small ones.
They were taken to a mountain cave. The mountain cave clearly had been just carved out,
and the person who dug it seemed to have no intentions of decoration. The walls were bare
stone and mud.

When they walked to the end of the mountain cave, they found that the area was
extremely wide.

However, it was all empty. There was nothing.

Someone could not resist, “Where’s the fire pool for forging? The gold steel drills?
Without those things, how can we forge?”

Ji Wei looked with dissatisfaction at the person and bellowed, “Shut up! You don’t have
any conduct!” Seeing the person shrink back in fear, he snorted coldly and did not look at
the person any longer.

“Starting from today, you will be working here.”

The other people had expressions of bewilderment, but did not speak. Ji Wei was very

“As to the things you mentions, this place has none of them,” Jie Wei said proudly,
“Starting from today, you need to adjust to a new kind of forging method.”

At this time, the xiuzhe beside Ji Wei started to distribute jade boxes to everyone.

Wei Cheng Bin took the jade book with puzzlement. The jade box was very light in his
hands. What it contained was very small.

He looked cautiously at Ji Wei. Seeing the other did not seem to object to them opening
the jade box, he carefully opened the jade box.

His eyes suddenly widened, his mind blank.

“Golden Crow Fire!”

Translator Ramblings: “Oops” — Xie Shan. Way too eager to show his worth.

I always have a weird thought when I read stories where there is time-travelling or being
reborn. How do they deal with muscle memory. Even if it was the body of a character’s
past, they shouldn’t be so familiar with it. Most of their bodies should been those of
teenagers, so there are many physical differences to a fully grown body. I can accept
something having great knowledge and tricks to speed things up like cultivation and dan-
making, even playing chess, but when it moves to the physical stuff like making a difficult
dan with complex finger moves, I’m wondering how that’s even possible. I have trouble
typing properly if I don’t do it for a week, how do they overcome physical limitations. I can
accept someone being the most amazing songwriter after they travel back in time, but how
can they sing so well? Even the best voices need at least some practice.
Chapter 248
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Eight – The Problem of Settlement

When Lei Peng and the others returned, Zuo Mo was discussing the construction plans of
the city with the three people. Never having participated in building a city before, Zuo Mo
was extremely interested. Also, the newly built city was of extremely important in his plan.

To the three people, a strong village that could defend against a jindan was something
they had never done before. They were extremely interested. As to the feasibility of the
plans due to the high difficulty? That was Boss’ problem. They were only in charge of
designing it.

“What is the use of this beacon tower?” Zuo Mo pointed at the plans and asked.

“It is primarily to give warning to allies. Other than that, it can contain twenty
xiuzhe. Its ling shield can protect xiuzhe. Xiuzhe standing on the top do not have to
worry about the attacks of the enemy.”

“But don’t you think it is too small?”

“It can hold twenty people, it is not small.”

“Small, it’s too small. At the very least, it needs to be able to hold fifty xiuzhe. That
way, it has offensive power. Also, we don’t need that fire altar. We only have one city,
we don’t need to give anyone warnings.”

“Without the fire altar, is it still a beacon tower?”

“We can give it another name. What about Sword Pavilion, how do you guys feel
about it?” Zuo Mo asked with interest.

The three were wordless.

Zuo Mo clearly had not finished speaking his thoughts. “Your plans are pretty good, but
it is too conservative. Pure defense cannot stop the attacks of the enemy. Jindan recover
ling power faster than us. If he can’t defeat us the first day, he’ll come back the second
day. If he continues to attack for a dozen days or a month, do you feel we can stop him?”

The three were speechless again.

One person argued, “If a jindan attacks a city, there’s no city in Little Mountain Jie
that can stop him.”

“There wasn’t one before, but there will be one soon.” Zuo Mo looked at the other, and
then added, “If there isn’t one when it’s time, we will all die.”

The three instantly started to sweat, feeling hopelessness. Heavens, who had Boss
offended? Wait! Jindan! A person flashed across their minds, Clear Sky Old Forefather!
There was only one jindan xiuzhe in Little Mountain Jie.

“Clear Sky Old Forefather?” a person asked in a trembling voice.

Zuo Mo smiled and said, “Your guess is so accurate.”

The three’s faces turned ashy. Zuo Mo’s smile was so evil in their eyes, more evil than a
demon. They were extremely regretful. Before, their lives were poor, but at least they
wouldn’t be at risk for losing their little lifes.

“Okay, everyone,” Zuo Mo clapped his hands, “cheer up. I know you are the same as
me, you don’t want to die. So cheer up. Use your strongest imagination and give the
most plausible plan.”

One person looked soulless, but he managed to keep his composure. “Boss, you can’t
defend against a jindan.”

“Then what do we do?” Zuo Mo spread his hands and asked.

This person bit out, “If we can’t defend, maybe we can try to kill him!”

“You’re crazy!” The other two people yelled.

“Continue.” Zuo Mo was shocked inside, and gave a surprised expression.

This person’s face was white, but this eyes flashed with an insane light. “Jindan might be
strong, but they do have weaknesses. They are too proud, they believe too much in their
own strength. They would not care about things that look very dangerous to us. We can
make a trap using the city as bait. He may fall for it.”

“It’s not possible. He will see through our disguise.”

“You cannot kill a jindan!”

The other two muttered as though they were dreaming.

Zuo Mo scanned this person and asked, “What’s your name?”

“Yuan Jiang, Boss,” the person answered respectfully.

“From today on, you are the leader of the three of you,” Zuo Mo then said to the other
two, “you two will be his assistants. If someone doesn’t listen, hmph hmph. You won’t
live if you rebel against a jindan, but if you rebel against me, you won’t have a life

The two people’s faces instantly whitened again, and fell silent.

“Make a new plan,” Zuo Mo said to Yuan Jiang.

“Yes, Boss!” Yuan Jiang said respectfully. He knew that if he was able to grasp this
chance, his future prospects were limitless.


Gongsun Cha listened to the people report. Xie Shan stood at the side with an ashamed
expression. He knew that he had gone overboard this time. He had exposed himself too
early in front of the public. It was not a good thing for them.

“Oh, so it’s like that.” Gongsun Cha raised his head, and gave a shy smile. He said
warmly, “No problem.”

Xie Shan’s heart loosened slightly.


Xie Shan’s heart suddenly rose again.

“Since you guys caused this problem, then you need to wipe your own butts.” Gongsun
Cha then seemed to say to himself, “Oh, this is a pretty good chance, can’t waste it.”

No one understood what Lil’ Miss meant in his words to himself.

“Right now, Clear Sky Sect is definitely searching for you. Even though you have
covered your tracks very well, but they probably will not have to try so hard to find this
place. Your present mission is to stop and disrupt their pursuit.”

Everyone instantly had an excited expression. Wasn’t this another chance to fight?

The corner of Gongsun Cha’s mouth rose in an imperceptible curve. “All of you will led a
platoon in this disruption mission.”

“Ah! We also need to take those new people?”

The people who had just been so excited instantly withered. They finally reacted. What
disruption mission? It was a babysitting mission. Thinking about taking along a large group
of newbies that didn’t know a thing, everyone, including Zong Ru, had a grimace on their

They were very willing to kill. But not one of them was willing to be a babysitter.

“What, you aren’t willing?” Gongsun Cha smiled, showing his teeth.

Everyone’s hearts suddenly froze. They simultaneously shook their heads.

‘Willing, how can we not be willing?! Leading a group of people, it will be very
imposing, ha ha!” Lei Peng’s laughter was like sobbing.

“Very willing, very willing!” Nian Lu hurried to agree, afraid if he wasn’t careful, Lil’
Miss would fix onto him. Then it really would be getting a strip torn off his hide.

Ma Fan saw Lil’ Miss’ eyes float towards him and hurriedly jumped out. “This
subordinate is willing to be the first to fight.”

The other people instantly were upset. How come they hadn’t been the first to declare
themselves? Ma Fan’s mind was getting better and better. He hadn’t been the core for

Instantly, everyone asked to fight.

Gongsun Cha gave a shy and bashful smile, and said softly, “You have to be careful.”

Hearing this, it was as though everyone had been pardoned, and they scattered, rushing
to go pick people.


Zuo Mo suddenly felt he was much busier. All the xiuzhe that had been brought over had
at least one skill. He had to personally make arrangements for many people. However,
before this, the first person he had to meet was the one who had planned all this, Bao Yi.

“Boss!” Bao Yi respectfully bowed.

When he first saw Zuo Mo, he was extremely shocked. From any angle, this boss looked
like a youth that did not seem to have even entered his twenties. The more amazed he was,
the less he dared to slight Boss. To be able to gather together such a large group of people
at such an age, his abilities were definitely not something that a little businessman like him
could underestimate.

After he took a tour around the camp, the amazement in his heart increased. Maybe this
camp was extremely crude in other people’s eyes, but in the eyes of someone as
experienced as Bao Yi, there were too many places here that were not normal.

That date seed ship was a rare jingshi talisman. The female xiu beside Boss and the three
metal guards enveloped in golden armor were unable to be quantified.

The first mission he received was to organize the stores.

He was very attentive to this mission. The stores could, to a certain degree, reflect the
wealth of Boss.

The storeroom was a mountain cave. It was heavily guarded with two whole platoons of
xiuzhe. When he entered the deep cavern, and saw the mountainous pile of talismans, he
was dumbstruck. In an instant, he felt all the blood in his body suddenly flood into his head.

Heavens! It was the first time he had seen talismans piled up in heaps like they were

No one to care and repair them, Bao Yi’s first thought was, wastrel, they were wastrels!

After that, he started to organize through day and night. He organized and sorted the
talismans according to type and grade. When Zuo Mo entered the store and saw the reborn
storeroom, he was very satisfied.

“You must have worked very hard,” Zuo Mo said.

“This is this subordinate’s duty,” Bao Yi hurriedly said.

This guy really had abilities, Zuo Mo thought inside. Even though he was full of interest
towards business, but it was clear that he definitely would not have the time in the future.

“You are going to be in charge of the store and be the quartermaster for the troop.”
Zuo Mo reassured him. As the number of people increased, Zuo Mo felt it was increasingly
difficult to manage them all. The training and combat of the xiuzhe in the camp belonged to
Gongsun Shidi, but there was a lot of work in supplying resources. It had been a headache
for him and Gongsun Shidi . As to Chun Shidi, that maniac could not be relied on.

Bao Yi was overjoyed. “Thank you Boss!”

Quartermaster and in charge of the stores, that was a rich job. What he thought more of
was the importance of this job. After this, he did not need to worry about his status in this
“Work hard.” Zuo Mo encouraged and quickly left the storeroom.


Bao Yi’s job was very easy to arrange because no one other than him could do the job.
However, Zuo Mo felt it was very difficult to arrange the other people.

They were skilled in a variety of areas, some of which were very obscure. Zuo Mo still
had no idea what to do with them.

The only person he could ask for help was Pu Yao.

“This problem.” Pu Yao thought, and then said, “Maybe you can borrow some methods
from our Yao Art Houses.”

“What methods?” Zuo Mo’s mind became alert.

“In the bigger yao art houses, they would take out a portion of resources and monies
each year to support those yao with unique ideas to study new yao arts.” Pu Yao said,
“Of course, you cannot avoid the necessary examinations and assessments.”

Zuo Mo’s eyes lit up. That was a good idea.

If he didn’t know how to organize these people, it was better to let them work it out, and
he could save effort. As to resources, it would be within the limits of their abilities.

What Zuo Mo needed the most at the moment was the least effort-consuming method. If
it continued like this, he felt that definitely would have no time to cultivate.

These days, it wasn’t easy being the boss!

Translator Ramblings: The crazier the person, the more they get promoted in Zuo Mo’s
camp, and the higher the status. The best example is, of course, Gongsun Cha. Gongsun Cha
making an army is a long term process he is going through that is showing preliminary
results. Chun Yu Cheng is also doing the same thing. He’s had preliminary results, and now
he just needs more time. If he was useless, Fang Xiang wouldn’t have wrote him in and kept
mentioning him in all these chapters.

Some of you have really good theories for what is going on with the mystery female.
Chapter 249
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Nine – A New Plan

He Xiang’s face was black. The battle that had occurred at Nan Sheng Village was nothing
less than a slap to his face. Also, this incident had coincided with the most crucial moment
in negotiations. Looking at the slightly mocking expressions on the faces of the group of
leaders, he understood that he would not be able to negotiate for the price he wanted.

He needed to prove Clear Sky Sect’s dominance of Little Mountain Jie. He needed to tell
everyone what would happen if they went against Clear Sky Sect and him!

He Xiang’s expression was twisted viciously like a wild beast wanting to bite someone.
There was none of the slight smile that had been on his face during the day.

All of you, just wait!


Zuo Mo read through Yuan Jiang’s new plan. At first glance, he liked this plan, a plan that
was completely different than before.

Yuan Jiang was introducing the details, “This is an extreme plan. All of the construction
is about one goal, our imaginary enemy, the Clear Sky Old Forefather.”

When he spoke of Clear Sky Old Forefather, Yuan Jiang’s voice was excited.

“To be able to maximize offensive and defensive capabilities, we rejected the plan to
build a large city in this new plan. We will build a small city, a very small city, one that
can only contain ten thousand people. Over here.”

He pointed at the highest peak.

“As the new city will be small, it will greatly reduce the area we have to defend, and
gather our strength. Inside the new city, other than the basic necessities, all other
constructions not related to combat have been abolished. The new city will be a big
formation. This way, we can dramatically increase the defensive capabilities of the new
“We will hollow out the other six mountain peaks, and connect them to the new city
underground. This way, we can form a gigantic Seven Star Formation. We’ve never
planned such a large formation before, and do not know if it can stop a jindan, but this
is the limits of what we can do. Boss needs to find experts in formations to complete
this plan.”

Zuo Mo stared at the new blueprints without a word.

Yuan Jiang was slightly uncertain. He didn’t want to ruin his first job.

What he didn’t know was that his plan had given Zuo Mo endless inspiration, especially
the idea of digging out the six mountain peaks and forming a Seven Star Formation
underground. That idea was too crazy, too creative!

Zuo Mo was thinking, if it was like that, the Sky Star Lake could also be included in the
big formation.

Using the mountains and lakes to set up a formation, Yuan Jiang’s plans had opened a
new window for Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo had never tried such a terrifying and large formation. However, he knew that if
this big formation could be formed, its power would be greater than any formation he had
ever set up before.

The entire area around Sky Star Mountain would become an area controlled by the new
city. Also, it would be so well disguised. Who could think that anyone would set up such an
insane formation?

There were many places inside the city that could be improved, especially in the area of
formations. It was clear that the three people were less skilled in the area of formations
compared to Zuo Mo .

Zuo Mo suddenly thought of a problem. Power. Such a large formations, how many
jingshi would it take to activate?

An even more insane idea jumped out of his head.

Just at this time, he heard Yuan Jiang’s worried words, “Boss, the building materials for
this city isn’t easy to find.”

Zuo Mo silently remembered his thought and raised his head to smile smugly at Yuan
Jiang. “We’ve already started to prepare the bricks.”

Yuan Jiang stilled, and did not look very happy. He said, “Boss, for the new city to
achieve the predicted effect, these bricks can’t be just anything. We need … …”

“Follow me.” Zuo Mo did not waste words and turn to lead the front.
When Yuan Jiang saw the mountains of blue gold stone bricks that had already been
processed, he was dumbstruck. The other two people also gaped, looking dazedly at the
glittering blue gold bricks.

After a beat, Yuan Jiang managed to react and leap forward.

“Good good good! The quality is comparable to talismans. However, it is the first
time I have seen such a hot presence.” Yuan Jiang’s expression was excited. Only now did
he finally believe that Boss really wanted to build a city!

“These bricks have been processed with Golden Crow Fire. The quality isn’t bad.” A
rock in Zuo Mo’s heart landed. It looked like these bricks would satisfy Yuan Jiang’s

“Great!” Yuan Jiang was thrilled, “Now that the problem of the bricks has been
resolved, the other problems are easy.”

Zuo Mo did not speak. In his view, it was the exact opposite. The other problems were
even harder.

It really was a vast undertaking!


Wei Cheng Bin’s recent days were not very good. Rationally, absorbing such a desired
and fine fire seed as Golden Crow Fire should make a person happy. Even though there was
none of the ling grains that had been predicted, but everyone had received a Black
Meditation Mat. When Master Sun Bao had showed them how to use it, these Black
Meditation Mats had become everyone’s most treasured possession. Many people were
regretting that they hadn’t taken enough jingshi with them.

No one had any objections about their wages turning from the ling grains to jingshi.

What saddened him was the work that had followed.

When he saw the bluestone bricks that were multiple times larger than he was, he
instantly did not know what to do. After that, it had taken him great effort before managing
to process one of them. Then he found that other people had finished three pieces.

Therefore, his wages were one third of other people’s income.

Master Ji Wei suddenly gathered people together. “Who knows how to make small
The dejected Wei Cheng Bin instantly jumped out, his eyes bright. “I know.”

Other than him, a few other people had also stood up. Wei Cheng Bin glanced and
laughed inside. All of them were people that had not performed well in the recent days.

Master Ji Wei did not say anything and gave them each a jade scroll.

“Make whatever you can from what is in there. All the materials are over there. It’s
the same, pay by unit.”

Finishing, Master Ji Wei did not waste words and left. In the time he had spent here, Wei
Cheng Bin had gradually gotten used to the busy atmosphere in this place. There were no
idle people to be seen here. All the people, including Boss, seemed extremely busy. The
cave was even more so. Because wages were calculated according to quantity, everyone
was furiously working as the meditation mat meant jingshi became a life-saver. Everyone
hoped to get more jingshi.

Only xiuzhe that had experienced the lack of ling energy and faced the possibility that
their cultivation could collapse at any time would work so crazily.

He started to read the jade scroll in his hands and made a sound of surprise. Everything
inside the jade scroll were strange metal constructs. There seemed like talismans but were
not talismans. There were very detailed descriptions. Wei Cheng Bing recognized them.
These were for a type of puppet.

He silently praised the wisdom of the person who had this idea. The puppet had been
deconstructed to many little constructs. This person clearly was going after assembly. Wei
Cheng Bin reacted. The number of xiuzhe here was limited, and there were no xiu slaves.
Puppets were a pretty good substitute. However, what puzzled him was that puppets
needed xiuzhe to direct them. With so many puppets, how many xiuzhe would be needed to
direct them?

This thought turned in his head once before he threw it out. That wasn’t something he
should care about. He started to work. A short while later, he made his first finished
product. He was greatly encouraged, and worked hard. He gradually found that the smaller
and more exquisite the item, the easier it was for him to make it.

Master Ji Wei quickly noticed his specialty and was somewhat shocked before giving him
a job with a batch of small items.

His wages quickly grew with astonishing speed. The xiuzhe around him stared jealously.

These days were actually not bad, Wei Cheng Bin occasionally thought.

“Still haven’t found them?” He Xiang bellowed, “You group of garbage. How many
days has it been since they escaped? You still haven’t found them?”

“This group is very cunning. They had scattered and escaped which wasted a lot of
our time.” His subordinate defended.

“Don’t find excuses!” He Xiang controlled his anger, his tone dark, “What I want are
results! As long as Old Forefather’s order has not come down, I am the Chief Elder.
Before this, I can execute any of you!”

The subordinates paled. They knew that He Xiang was not wrong.

“I’ll give you three more days. If you cannot find them in three days, you can take
your heads to see me.”

He Xiang’s words seemed to come from the depths of hell, cold and terrifying.

The subordinates knew that defending themselves was ineffective at this time. Everyone
dejectedly bowed and quickly left. The Chief Elder would do what he said! The Old
Forefather would not interfere. There were too many people waiting to enter to the Outer
Hall, too many people that could replace them.

When everyone had left, He Xiang collapsed on the chair as though he had been robbed
of all energy. His eyes were as dull as those of a dead fish.

Three days, that was the deadline the Old Forefather gave.

If there were no further developments in three days, he wasn’t going to live any longer.
Originally, he had wanted to conceal this matter, and had not expected someone to bring it
to Old Forefather. The result could be imagined. If he did not display enough ability, he
knew very well the outcome waiting for him.


Ma Fan chewed a piece of grass in his mouth, looking in boredom at the sky above his
head. He muttered, “Troublesome, it really is troublesome!”

The platoon leader tightly followed behind his butt, completely disregarding Ma Fan’s
grouching. He was overjoyed at having gotten picked by Ma Fan. He was one of the original
ones and very clear as to Ma Fan’s previous position and effect within the troop. Previously,
many people had expected Ma Fan would have been the First Division leader.
This platoon leader knew one thing. If he followed behind Ma Fan, he would learn many

The xiuzhe under his command did not understand why the platoon leader was so
respectful towards this xiuzhe that had been inattentive all this time. In their eyes, the
biggest reason Ma Fan did not fit in with the troop was that indifference he exuded.

Idle, lazy, wasn’t those things that the platoon leader extremely disliked?

“They aren’t far from us.” A piece of grass held between his lips, Ma Fan’s words were
slightly muddled. The platoon leader listened very carefully. On the way here, he was full of
admiration towards Ma Fan’s judgement. Ma Fan raised his eyelids, looked into the
distance, and continued, “Let everyone recover their ling power. They will probably
encounter us in six hours.”

The platoon leader’s expression tensed.

The slight wind in the air suddenly seemed slightly murderous.

Translator Ramblings: The effects of what Xie Shan and the others did at the village are
being seen. Zuo Mo gets the blueprints for his city and we get another glimpse of Wei Cheng
Bin. For the person who commented and asked about Wei Cheng Bin, his skill in making
small parts is much more profitable at the moment.

My reasoning on why Zuo Mo didn’t really pick Sky Star Lake and the surroundings
randomly and it is not plausible to take over Nan Zheng Village. First, Nan Sheng Village is
under the control of Clear Sky Sect and there are also local factions. Gongsun Cha’s little
militia is enough to defeat a few hundred people but not a few thousand. Secondly, you can
think of it as Zuo Mo being located close to the jie river that he came through. He went
deeper into Little Mountain Jie. While Nan Sheng Village’s location is not specified, it is
most likely much closer to Clear Sky Sect at the other jie river and not so close to where Zuo
Mo is now. This way, he has the freedom to expand his territory while still keeping himself
under the radar (which Xie Shan and the others ruined.) Lastly, Nan Sheng Village is not a
place that is easy to defend. It has almost no defensive measures which are effective. If they
took over Nan Sheng Village and tried to hold it against Clear Sky Sect, they would need to
fortify it through changing the village. In that case, building a new city might save more
effort, especially if it is in a better strategic location and Zuo Mo can design it anyway he
Chapter 250
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty – Pu Yao’s Insane Suggestion

Zuo Mo stretched and released a long breath, his entire body sore. However, when he
looked at the jade scroll in front of him, he couldn’t help but give a proud smile. He had
completely improved the new plan. All the formations in the plans were redone.

Formation-defense-style, hee, have a taste of the true formations-defense-style!

Zuo Mo was very satisfied and proud of the finished plan. In the process of improving
them, he had benefited. It had been very valuable. There were many questions he had never
thought of before. There were many problems when building a city, and it was far more
complex than formations. He tried to put different kinds of formations into every corner of
the plans. Unlike Yuan Jiang and the others, Zuo Mo would use formations in any place
possible if he did not have to use manpower.

The enormous construction would become a shockingly complex formation group, a

gigantic formation belt composed of more than four hundred formations of various sizes.

Zuo Mo anticipated what expression Yuan Jiang would have when he saw this completely
transformed plan.

Pu Yao suddenly came out to remind him, “This is a good chance.”

Zuo Mo stilled and asked, “What’s a good chance?”

Gongsun Cha had become at leisure recently and spent everyday playing war chess with
Pu Yao. Usually, as long as he was facing off Gongsun Cha, Pu Yao would be much calmer.
Many times, Zuo Mo could not help but feel that Pu Yao really was like a child. Of course,
this kind of comparison was something a Sky Yao could not tolerate. Zuo Mo had smartly
shut his mouth.

“Your body is barely acceptable, but you have been lacking in your cultivation
recently. The potential of this body has not been completely excavated,” Pu Yao said, his
voice heavy, “Wastefulness is shameful!”

Zuo Mo looked in shock at Pu Yao. That tone, why did it sound so similar to his own?

Wrong feeling, wrong feeling. Zuo Mo shook his head and threw the feeling aside. He said
in helplessness, “There’s no other way. You can see it. I’m just one person. I can’t be split
in two.”
“So what is in front of you is a chance. Right now, you have reached the peak of
mountain physique. If you take another step, you will give birth to the moon soul, and
reach the level of mo captain.” Light flashed through Pu Yao’s bloody pupil.

“The level of mo captain?”

“Equivalent to your xiuzhe’s ningmai.”

Zuo Mo was greatly disappointed. He was already ningmai. After the breakthrough to
create a moon soul, that would just be equivalent to a ningmai. It was not that attractive to

Pu Yao seemed to see what Zuo Mo was thinking and smiled coldly. “Don’t feel as
though it is unprofitable. Your physique has a name, it is called Jade Metal Head. Metal
skin, jade bones. In low level mo physiques, it is among the top. That guy really put a lot
of effort into it. Your luck isn’t bad, you made it through. Once you have a moon soul,
you can absorb the power of the moon, and grow quickly. Also, there is an extra benefit
to you that others don’t have.”

“What benefit?” Zuo Mo hurriedly asked.

“Your spiritual cultivation is star spiritual cultivation. If you can cultivate to moon
soul, you can absorb the powers of the stars and moon. If you are lucky, you may
cultivate the Stars and Moon Wheel.”

“What is the Stars and Moon Wheel?”

“Just like you xiuzhe like using grades to divided good and bad, high and low, yaomo
have similar divisions. Mo cultivate their bodies. There are many considerations. Other
than the mo skills learned during life, all kinds of mo physiques are crucial, and there
are naturally differences in quality. Mo live under military law. They like using military
rankings to divide everything. Soldier, captain, colonel, brigadier general, marshall,
king. That group of people are simpleminded. Almost everything is divided like this,
it’s easy to remember.” Pu Yao’s tone was filled with disdain and scorn towards the
intelligence of mo.

“Then Jade Metal Head is what level?”

“Fifth in captain level.” Pu Yao spread out five fingers and waved them. Seeing the
disappointment on Zuo Mo’ face, he sneered, “Alright, don’t act as though you didn’t get
anything. Mo physique isn’t so easy to achieve. Any physique in the top five of all levels
are what others dream about. However, you have to be careful, hee hee, mo physique is
good, but if you encounter those people that refine corpses, you have to be careful. Mo
physique is something they dream about too! Ha ha!”

Zuo Mo’s heart tightened as he listened.

“Then Stars and Moon Wheel? It’s also a mo physique?”

“It is also a mo physique, but it is even more rare. Twelfth in colonel level,” Pu Yao
recalled, “If I didn’t remember it wrong.”

Zuo Mo listened and was even more confused. “Is there any practical benefits?”

Pu Yao stilled. “What is called practical benefits?”

“Like can I defend against other people’s flying swords, like my strength is ten times
what it was, like … …”

Pu Yao rolled his eyes, “If someone like you can deal with flying swords with just your
body, you xiuzhe would have been destroyed by us yaomo a long time ago.”

Zuo Mo was embarrassed. He found it was correct when he thought about it. If mo could
handle strikes from a flying sword with only their body, then xiuzhe of the same level
would not be a match for them. Flying swords could deal the greatest damage of all the
talismans, and it was the sharpest. If even the flying sword could not wound the other, then
other talismans really could not do a thing against the yaomo.

“The flying swords of the xiuzhe are still very powerful,” Pu Yao sighed. “You have
never seen truly powerful xiuzhe. With their actions, they can destroy the earth and
sky. They can even easily tear apart space, and nothing can stop them.”

Zuo Mo was not interested in those things that were too far away from him, and diverged
back to the topic. “Those old people has nothing to do with us. This Jade Metal Head is
fifth in captain level, it should have some unique attributes.”

“Unique attributes?” Pu Yao nodded. “Of course. The biggest attribute of the Jade
Metal Head is that it is suitable for all mo skills.”

“Just this?” Zuo Mo asked in response.

“Yes, you don’t think this is enough?” Pu Yao looked at Zuo Mo like he was looking at a

Zuo Mo was slightly embarrassed by Pu Yao’s stare. “But I don’t know mo skills.”

“If you don’t want to be killed at any moment, don’t cultivate mo skills in the short
term.” Pu Yao said solemnly, “When you start to cultivate a mo skill, the presence will
radiate out. You will only die terribly.”

Zuo Mo was dumbstruck. After all this time, every word was a waste. “Then why should I
cultivate my body? I should just cultivate the sword. If not that, then even the
consciousness works. Little Thousand Leaf Hands is stronger than that.”
In a reversal of his usual attitude, Pu Yao shook his head. “If you do not have this Jade
Metal Head, I won’t urge you, but with such a wonderful mo physique, if you do not
cultivate it, it really is a waste. You cannot practice mo skills at the moment, but that is fine.
The Jade Metal Head itself contains extremely deep potential. If you can dig out all the
potential, when you cultivate mo skills in the future, half of the work is already done, and
you do not have to worry about the mo energy slipping out.

Zuo Mo waved his hand and said unconcernedly, “You say these pleasing things, but if
we don’t get over this obstacle, any mo skill cultivation is useless.”

Pu Yao was speechless. He thought and then nodded, “You are also right. Maybe we can
alter it.”

“Alter?” Zuo Mo was slightly bewildered. What was with Pu Yao today? Why was he so

“We shall do an analysis of what moves you have available.” Pu Yao sat down. “Let’s
not include sword scriptures, your talent with the sword really is not good, and your
sword essence level is too low, not even at Heart Turn Sword Essence. It isn’t even
enough to scratch an itch for a jindan. [Little Thousand Leaf Hands] is pretty powerful,
but your consciousness is not strong enough to threaten a jindan. The [Sky Wave Fist
Scripture] is not enough against a jindan. The only thing that can be effective is your
big formation. The grade of the yin fire beads are too low to be of significance. Those
sonic lightning walnuts might give him some trouble if they are forged properly.”

When he finished, Pu Yao spread his hands. “See, no matter what you cultivate, it’s

Zuo Mo was extremely impacted and speechless.

“However, some areas have potential.” Pu Yao knew very well how to use the stick and
the carrot.

Zuo Mo became alert at those words. “Tell me.”

“It’s a good idea to use [Yang Fiend Hard Lightning] to forge sonic lightning walnuts.
You may want to borrow from the methods of the yin fire beads,” Pu Yao reminded.

Zuo Mo slapped his forehead and said with joy, “Right, why didn’t I think of that?” In
the [Yin Fire Bead Chapter], there hadn’t been just one powerful way to make yin fire
beads. Wouldn’t their effects be better than what he thought of himself?

He wanted to immediately read the [Yin Fire Bead Chapter]. The Clear Sky Old
Forefather was like a sharp sword hanging above his head. He could not sleep well. He had
always lacked moves that could threaten his enemies. Now that he had found one, how
could he not rejoice?
“Other than the sonic lightning walnuts, if your physique could improve greatly in
the short term, [Sky Glass Wave] may also give him some trouble.”

Zuo Mo still again. When he thought closely, he instantly found it feasible! If his body
cultivation could make another step forward if the number of revolutions his ling power
took could increase, the power of [Sky Glass Wave] would also increase. He had used Sky
Glass Wave to break through the space shield of a fifth-grade ling beast. Even though the
Bloody Horn Serpent was just a semi-fifth grade ling beast, but if he could increase, he
might be able to threaten the Clear Sky Old Forefather.

The more he thought, the more excited Zuo Mo was. He suddenly found that he could
attack. It was like seen a ray of light in the darkness. Even though it was just a thread, but it
still gave him hope.

He asked impatiently, “What is the opportunity you said?”

“City construction.” Pu Yao blinked his bloody pupil.

“City construction?” Zuo Mo stilled again, “What does this have to do with city

The corner of Pu Yao’s mouth carelessly rose, his bloody pupil narrowed slightly, and his
peerlessly handsome face became even harder to decipher. He looked like a cunning hunter
that threw out the bait he had already prepared. With a light laugh, he said, “Haven’t you
ever thought of building the city by yourself?”

“Build the city by myself?” Zuo Mo was dumbstruck where he stood.

“Yes, build the city by yourself.” Pu Yao raised his long and white finger that contrasted
with the bright red fingernail. He chuckled, “Such a meaningful affair. A city that belongs
completely to you. Making the foundation by yourself, making the city by yourself,
making the formations by yourself … …”

Zuo Mo turned to stone.

“See, it won’t just exercise your body, it can also exercise your consciousness and
your ling power. Where else can you find such a good chance?”

“A little city that can hold ten thousand people, it really is too small. At the
beginning, I had assumed you were building a little city that could hold one hundred
thousand people at the very least. That way, you will be exercised even more. Shall we
expand the city?”

“Don’t you want to kill that jindan? Your little life is the most important! The harder
you work, the more powerful you will be. If you sweat more now, you will spill less
blood later … …”
Hearing Pu Yao nag into his ears, Zuo Mo received a great fright. His eyes rolling back, he

Translator Ramblings: Pu Yao and Zuo Mo verbally sparring again in this chapter. Zuo
Mo’s qualities has evidently infected Pu Yao through mental space sharing.

The stage equivalents Pu Yao mentioned in this chapter are not incorrectly matched up.
While the xiuhe, yao and mo all have seven major stages in cultivation, the stages do not
match up in power exactly.
Chapter 251
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiofDoom, and warlord212.

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty One – Crazy Zuo Mo

Even a person as unconcerned with worldly affairs as Chun Yu Cheng had heard the

“Is there really nothing wrong with Shixiong?” Looking at a half-naked Zuo Mo that
appeared like a maniac, he asked with worry and uncertainty.

Gongsun Cha shook his head and said, “I don’t know.”

“I heard that he’s going to build the city by himself?” Chun Yu Cheng carefully asked.
He looked with slight sympathy at Zuo Mo. Shixiong was normally a fanatic, but had the
pressure recently been too much , and caused him to become abnormal?

“Yes,” Gongsun Cha also responded carefully in a small voice as well, “I even asked
Shixiong a few days ago if we should sweep some more xiuzhe over. Shixiong said he
was going to build the city by himself.”

“So the news is true!” Chun Yu Cheng gave a long sigh, and looked again. He sighed, “As
expected. I just knew that Shixiong isn’t the average person!” He looked in sympathy at
Zuo Mo, then turned and left with his hands behind his back.

“Shixiong isn’t normal, as expected!” Gongsun Cha gave the same exclamation as
before, also turning and leaving.


Yuan Jiang’s heart trembled as he forced himself to say, “Boss, this … … this foundation,
it needs to be dug deeper to work.”

Zuo Mo turned around his face, his eyes gleaming like that of a wolf.

Yuan Jiang’s face paled. Luckily, Zuo Mo only glanced at him before turning back to
furiously start to dig the foundations. He jumped into the pit, his hands dancing as the soil
flew. The earth hole quickly increased in depth and size with a speed visible to the naked
Yuan Jiang furiously swallowed from the side, his face filled with fear. To be in the
position of supervisor like this, he was to be pitied. Every time he saw Boss’ twisted
features, it was as though there was an ancient wasteland beast in front of him that could
open its jaws and swallow him at any moment.

He would be so frightened by Boss’ gleaming gaze to the point of forgetting to breathe

whenever he pointed out areas where Boss had not met the specifications.

This world was crazy!

The frightened Yuan Jiang felt everyday was full of darkness, so black that there was no
light. He could not understand what sickness Boss had that he would suddenly want to
construct a city by himself.

Yes, this city was really quite small. A new city that could hold ten thousand people, the
smallest of small cities, but it was still a city! As grown-up as he was, oh, please forgive him
for incoherence, it was slightly dubious for Yuan Jiang who was over eighty years old to say
this. However, in his eighty years of life, he had never seen, nor heard of a xiuzhe who built
a city by themselves.

What made him feel helpless was that Boss was serious!

As a supervisor, Yuan Jiang thought that Boss was a very exceptional constructor. Look at
that blinding speed. If someone had such a good worker under them, any supervisor would
laugh. However, if the situation was changed and there was only this one good worker, then
they would cry.

With Boss’ present speed, Yuan Jiang felt hopelessness about building the city.

What made him feel the greatest lack of hope was that the other was his boss!


Zuo Mo felt every piece of muscle in his body was trembling uncontrollably. He seemed
to have lost control over his body. He opened his mouth like a fish that was thrown onto
land, his body motionless. This body cultivation was really through. Zuo Mo felt even the
insides of his head were trembling. All of his power, no matter if it was physical power, ling
power or spiritual power had been completely consumed in this extreme labor.

In the plans for the city, the foundation was to be twenty zhang deep!

Zuo Mo had to use his bare hands to dig out the entire foundation!
Pu Yao was very devious … …

Zuo Mo weakly cursed Pu Yao inside. After resting for a moment, the lingdan he had
shoved into his mouth earlier started to release their medicinal power. The Black
Processing Meditation mat under his body continuously guided ling energy into Zuo Mo’s
body. At this moment, Zuo Mo’s body was like a parched desert that was greedily sucking in
any drop of medicinal and ling power.

After a while, Zuo Mo recovered some energy and struggled up. The sun above his head
was slightly blinding. He turned to glance at the half completed ditch.

Taking in a deep breath, he jumped back into the ditch.

The abnormal state of Boss had long ago passed through the entire camp. Everyone had
been discussing it in secret. They couldn’t understand what Boss intended to do.

Zuo Mo mechanically waved his arms. His speed was very fast. His consciousness was
continuously released and reflected every detail of the dirt around him.

Pu Yao had been right. If he could build up this city by himself, his strength definitely
could breakthrough to a whole new level. But this was such a perverse plan!

Zuo Mo tightly pressed together his dry lips, pushed his head down and dug crazily.

He started to learn how to use his consciousness to inspect the surrounding dirt, how to
use the structure already present in the soil to save energy. He started to understand how
to frugally use ling power. Before this, he had never thought there would be a day where he
would use ling power so stingily. He started to understand how to move his hands as he
absorbed earth energy at the same time … …


Three days later, a square shaped hole twenty zhang deep appeared on Sky Star Peak.

Zuo Mo looked like a mud person. Only his eyes were revealed. After laughing
soundlessly, he sat down and crossed his legs.

Yuan Jiang was at the side, gaping as he looked at the twenty zhang deep foundation, a
foundation that had completely met the specifications. It was not just him that was gaping.
The entire camp was shocked.

Those xiuzhe that had had slightly mocking attitudes were so shocked they could not
speak when they saw this twenty zhang deep ditch. Who could believe this was something
a xiuzhe had dug with his bare hands? However, they had seen the entire process with their
own eyes. Those people that had watched in order to laugh at the joke now only felt


In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao stared at the gravestone and said, “I now understand
why you chose him.”

“You,” he paused after each word, “are similarly stubborn.”

The gravestone was still silent, the black clouds slowly moving around it.


Gongsun Cha looked thoughtfully at the meditating Zuo Mo and turned back to return to
the camp. He ordered the xiuzhe in a low voice, “Tell Ma Fan and the others to distract
some more. They need to slow them down. We need more time.”

“Yes.” This xiuzhe took out a paper crane, wrote down a secret code on it, and lightly
channeled ling power. The paper crane flapped into the sky and instantly disappeared.
Before, Ma Fan and the others left, they had left behind their impressions. These paper
cranes could follow the impressions and find Ma Fan and the others.

Little Mountain Jie was not large. It was convenient to use paper cranes.

“What about us?” Another xiuzhe couldn’t help but ask. Other than Ma Fan and the
others had each taken a platoon with them, there were still many battle xiuzhe at the camp.

The figure of Shixiong completely covered in mud appeared in Gongsun Cha’s mind. His
steps slightly paused before recovering. “Naturally, we can’t be idle as well.”


Ma Fan scanned the battlefield. More than a dozen corpses laid askew on the grass. Large
holes could be seen everywhere. The plains that appeared to extend without end had been
torn to pieces. The ling power was lingering in the air. It almost was possible to smell the
viciousness of the battle moments ago.

The enemy had all been destroyed, but one of their own had also died.

The platoon leader ‘s expression was slightly sorrowful. This was the first time that a
fatality had occurred under his command. The remaining xiuzhe were silently cleaning up
the battlefield and gathering the spoils. The victory had turned melancholic due to one of
their own dying.

Ma Fan looked at his slightly dejected fellows and was somewhat shocked but also proud.
In any group that he had stayed in before, the morale would have never dropped after a
victorious battle due to one of their own dying.

Maybe, these were true fellows. Ma Fan thought idly. Just at this time, he raised his head.
A paper crane flew through the sky. He held out a hand, and the paper crane flew in.

Unfolding it and reading, he muttered, “Trouble!” He then handed the paper crane to the
platoon leader behind him.

“What does Head mean?” The face of the platoon leader was filled with puzzlement.
There was no explicit orders on the paper crane, just telling them to try their best to delay
the enemy.

Ma Fan did not reply. Noticing the cleaning of the battlefield was almost done, he adjust
his clothing, and lazily said, “Get everyone to prepare. We need to leave here. The enemy
will probably quickly find this place.”

“Where should we go?” The platoon leader asked with curiosity.

“Let’s go south.”

The platoon leader jumped in fright, “Isn’t that Nan Sheng Village?”

“Yes,” Ma Fan said absentmindedly.

As his understanding of sword essence deepened, his original personality started to

gradually show. After the reorganization, he did not need to act as the core, and his entire
person seemed to instantly have relaxed, and resumed his lazy attitude of the past.

“Why are we going there? To attack Nan Sheng Village?”

Ma Fan looked at the platoon leader like he was looking at an idiot. “We only have this
tiny amount of people. Attack Nan Sheng Village? Do you want to die?”

“Then why are we going south?”

Ma Fan did not look at him. He plucked a stalk of green grass and held it in his mouth,
mumbling, “Killing midway.”

The sound of the whistle was like knives!


Zuo Mo opened his eyes, the light in them bright. He had meditated for three whole days!
How long had it been since he had such a long meditation? Zuo Mo thought back in his
mind, his heart filled with joy.

He could feel the change in his body.

Jade Metal Head, ranked fifth of all captain physiques. As expected, it was extraordinary!

He didn’t seem to use strength, but his body seemed to be pulled up by an invisible rope,
and he stood up. Metal skin and jade bones. He had not experienced the benefits of these
jade bones, but the benefits of this metal skin had started to clearly show.

The muscles of his body had been as hard as metal in the beginning with astounding
flexibility. When he dug the foundation, every piece of muscle in his body seemed to have
been reforged again. The space between the muscles decreased, and the muscles became
tighter and more dense. These minuscule changes increased his strength by three-tenths.

He did not need to use ling power or earth energy to easily push his hand into the

Looking at his body covered in mud, he wasn’t angry and snickered. The Little Art of
Cloud and Rain instantly appeared above his head. The rain vented and in a short while, all
the mud on Zuo Mo’s body had been washed away.

Zuo Mo discovered that his skin seemed to now show a strange black sheen that seemed
slightly metallic.

As he marveled, Zuo Mo took his eyes away.

Yuan Jiang, who had fallen asleep as he stood guard, was awoken at this time, and
opened his blurred eyes. When he saw Zuo Mo, he instantly shook, and the drowsiness
disappeared. He seemed to jump off the ground and rapidly flew next to Zuo Mo. “Boss!”

“Let’s continue! What do we do next?”

Zuo Mo looked at the deep foundation. Bravado suddenly flooded into his heart!
Come on!

Translator Ramblings: So Zuo Mo starts on the foundation. Once again, twenty zhang is
about 66 meters. Poor Yuan Jiang, your subordinate is also your boss.

Ma Fan is heading down to Nan Sheng Village… … and Gongsun Cha is also heading out.

The more relaxed a chapter is, the more I like to translate it. If it is a tense chapter, and
especially when it’s a fight, I like to procrastinate. Pu Yao and Zuo Mo’s interactions are
some of the easiest and most enjoyable parts to translate and then I would say it would be
those chapters that describe Zuo Mo’s cultivating process and thinking.
Chapter 252
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Two – Fire Paper Method

He Xiang released a breath in the side. Twelve hours before the final deadline, and he had
finally found the enemy! As long as he found the enemy, he had the time to sort them out.
The feeling of living after near death filled his body. He couldn’t help but want to exhale,
but when he saw the hint of disappointment in the eyes of Second Elder, he forced himself
to keep it in.

A hint of darkness flashed across the deepest part of his eyes. He did not want to show
his weakness in front of his opponent.

“I’ve said it before. As long as they are in Little Mountain Jie, how can we not find
them?” He pretended to be calm and said with a smile, “Tell us the situation.”

He looked as though he had expected all this.

“Chief Elder, our people had encountered the enemy on the plains in West River. A
small platoon of sixteen people, our people were completely defeated.”

“West River Plains?” He Xiang mused, “Let Yu An take some people and make a trip.
The other side has four people that have comprehended sword essence, and a dhyana
xiu that has an abhinna. We cannot underestimate them.”

“Yes!” The subordinate hurriedly complied.

“Go quickly. Report anytime there is news.” He Xiang waved his hand.

The subordinate was perceptive and left.

“No wonder this group dare to be so presumptuous. They do have some ability.” He
Xiang smiled as he spoke to the other elders. “A little troop just disappeared like this
without a sound.”

“Chief Elder is wise,” an elder agreed. “However, if they want to work against our
Clear Sky Sect, they obviously do not know their own limits, and are asking for their

The other elders all nodded.

As to the little troop that had all died, no one was concerned. What did it have to do with
them? The Outer Hall did not lack for people.


Below their feet were patches of clouds that spread into the horizon like a sea of clouds.
Flying above the cloud layer, the sky was perfectly blue. Without any cover, the sunlight
was abnormally poisonous. If one did not have their ling armor activated, they would be
unknowingly corroded with a thread of fire poison contained in the sunlight.

There would rarely be xiuzhe who would fly so high. The strong wind at high elevations
and the fire poison in the sunlight would increase the consumption of ling power in flight.

A troop of about three hundred people howled across the sea of clouds with astounding

“Boss, where are we going?” the subordinate asked Gongsun Cha.

Gongsun Cha was sitting on a large green sword. There was an egg shaped ling shield
around the big sword, blocking out the sharp wind and poisonous sunlight. Inside the ling
shield, it was as warm as the spring and unusually silent. This big sword that was about one
and a half zhang long had been forged of an entire block of fourth-grade Wind Ling Wood.
Peerlessly light, it was an extremely fine flight flying sword. However, it was sumptuous to
use such a big piece of Wind Ling Wood to make a flight flying sword. This was a spoil of

This flying sword was called [Green Cloud], and had become Gongsun Cha’s personal
flying sword. Because this flying sword could hold seven or eight people at the same, the
person sitting on the point of the flying sword was the xiuzhe who was controlling Green
Cloud. With Gongsun Cha’s zhuji cultivation, he basically could not move Green Cloud.

“Don’t you feel that we are too few in number?” When Gongsun Cha asked this, he
seemed very much like a young and confused youth.

Of course, the people sitting here had become immune long ago.

“Not too few. We have six divisions now.”

“But this city can hold ten thousand people.” Gongsun Cha’s voice seemed slightly

Everyone sweated. It seemed Lil’ Miss’ sense of humor was increasing.

However, Gongsun Cha’s words made everyone’s hearts shake. The implication of Lil’
Miss’s words were clear. They couldn’t help but feel a thread of sympathy for the xiuzhe in
the surrounding area.

“Then which place are we going to fight this time?” the subordinate asked carefully.

“One by one.”

Everyone shook again.

Gongsun Cha moved his mouth and another xiuzhe took out a jade scroll, channeling ling
power inside. A light flashed and an illusory landscape of rivers and mountains appeared in
front of them.

“There are thirteen different powers in our surroundings. The biggest has over five
hundred xiuzhe, the smallest has eighty xiuzhe. Oh, on average, each faction has about
two hundred people. Thirteen factions, how many would that be?” Gongsun Cha tilted
his head as he asked.

The subordinate swallowed, “About two thousand and six hundred people.”

The faces of the people changed slightly. In total, they had slightly more than three
hundred people. If they were to attack more than two thousand and six hundred people,
the difference in numbers was really too large.

“Just two thousand.” A slightly disappointed expression came onto Gongsun Cha’s face.

Everyone’s heart jumped simultaneously as they hurriedly urged.

“It’s more than enough, more than enough. Head, we should fight one at a time.”

“Yes yes! An empire isn’t built in a day.”


They feared that Gongsun Cha would be crazy and increase the number of targets. It was
very likely that something like that could happen.

Gongsun Cha showed a disappointed expression. “Alright, even though it is slightly

less, but we shall first eat them.”

“Head is wise!” The subordinates said together.

Gongsun Cha smiled as though he enjoyed the respect of all the people.

“Head, we’ve taken so many people out, the safety of the camp is … …”
“We don’t have to worry about that. It’s enough to have two platoons standing
guard. That woman is very strong,” Gongsun Cha said carelessly.

Everyone finally recalled that Boss had a female xiu of immeasurable power that
followed him. Then they recalled the three golden armor guards that never showed their
faces, and instantly stopped talking.

“Oh, we will return to the camp in a month.”

The faint tone made everyone’s hearts shake as it entered their ears.

All of the xiuzhe forcefully stood up from the body of the sword. Floating midair, they
solemnly accepted the order. “Yes!”


Batches of blue-gold bricks were transported next to the foundation. They piled up into
little mountains. Yuan Jiang glanced over and couldn’t stop himself from swallowing. He
urged weakly, “Boss, we should call some more people over.”

Zuo Mo ignored him and picked up two blue gold-bricks. The thick bricks seemed to
weigh nothing in his hands.

“What do I do?”

Seeing the situation, Yuan Jiang could only helplessly inform, “Gold soup needs to be
poured between two blue-gold bricks, and then spells are used to reinforce them.
During the entire process, you have to notice to not damage the formations already on
the blue-gold bricks. The root of the wall needs to be set up with earth element
formations to connect them to the earth veins, so they can root themselves in the earth
and become hard to shake. After the city walls are completed, bigger formations have
to be drawn onto the surface of the outside walls.”

Yuan Jiang had already prepared and handed Zuo Mo a jade scroll. There were all kinds
of detailed explanations in it, like the recipe for the gold soup. Gold soup was a substance
that was created by mixing all kinds of gold element materials together.

After he finished reading the entire scroll, Zuo Mo suddenly asked, “Can’t I just melt the
two blue-gold bricks together?”

“Melt them together?” Yuan Jiang was dumbstruck, “This … … how to melt?”
Zuo Mo himself was not so confident about the idea he just had and decided to try. He put
the two blue-gold bricks together, and then he summoned the Golden Crow Fire. After
some thought, the spell on his hands changed, and the Golden Crow Fire seemed to be
pulled in four directions by an invisible force.

Yuan Jiang’s eyes were wide as he stared at the changes in Zuo Mo’s Golden Crow Fire.

The Golden Crow Fire gradually spread out and became increasingly thin until it was as
thin as paper, an extremely thin golden piece of fire paper. At this point, the fire paper did
not change anymore, but slowly flew towards the two blue-gold bricks that were stacked

The fire paper paused in front of the blue-gold brick and then burrowed into the gap
between the two blue-gold bricks.

The fire paper quickly spread out flat between the two pieces of blue-gold bricks. A short
while later, the brick surfaces facing the gap started to melt at the same time. There were
no other signs of melting in the other parts of the brick.

Zuo Mo’s expression was serious. His consciousness was spread to its limits.

Seeing that it was almost enough, the fire paper suddenly flew out between the two blue-
gold bricks. The two blue-gold bricks instantly stuck together. Zuo Mo didn’t dare to pause,
and sent out five spells according to the description on the jade scroll.

The lights from the five spells accurately hit the merge point between the two blue-gold

When the last spell entered the two pieces of blue-gold bricks, what appeared in front of
everyone was a single piece of blue-gold brick! It appeared to be one body, the surface as
bright and smooth as a mirror without any gap.

Yuan Jiang was so shocked he couldn’t speak. It wasn’t just him. All the other forging xiu
that were watching were left dumbstruck when they saw Zuo Mo’s skill with controlling

Zuo Mo released a long breath. Good, good, he didn’t embarrass himself too much.

He felt slightly proud. Pointing at the big blue-gold brick that had just been forged, he
said, “Go try and see what the effect is.”

Yuan Jiang was startled out of his daze and hurriedly arranged for an assessment of the
new blue-gold brick. After a while, he ran back with an excited expression. “Boss, Boss!
Strong! It really is too strong!”

Zuo Mo wanted to know the results. Hearing Yuan Jiang filled with meaningless words,
he couldn’t control himself. “Tell me the result!”
There was still some hint of disbelief in Yuan Jiang’s eyes. “This is the strongest brick
that this subordinate has ever seen! Definitely the strongest! We did a comparison with
the best gold soup. Boss’s fire paper method was about two times stronger than
reinforcing with the gold soup. We also found when there is too much outside force, the
entire blue-gold brick would turn to powder, but before that, it never shows a crack.
The ones made with the gold soup will crack at the mortar joints of the two blue-gold
bricks if the outside force is large enough.”

Hearing Yuan Jiang blab on, Zuo Mo’s head felt dizzy. He could only ask, “So my method
is better?”

“Better! Much much better!” Yuan Jiang was so excited he couldn’t control himself. The
increase in strength that Boss’ method would provide to the city walls was greater than any
method he knew. The other two people were also very excited.

Zuo Mo was very smug inside, and he did not feel much excitement. However, it was not
hard for him to understand why Yuan Jiang and the other’s were excited. If they didn’t like
it, who would study something as obscure as city construction? When a breakthrough
development happened in an area a person liked, no one would be able to keep their

“Oh, you guys can study the remaining. I’m going to start the work.”

Zuo Mo didn’t plan on wasting time. Time was very expensive.

The ling power spat out of his hand and coiled around twenty blue-gold bricks like a ling
snake. He directly put them on his shoulder.

He felt his shoulders suddenly weigh down, his feet sinking into the earth.

It was really heavy!

These blue-gold bricks were all forged from large slabs of bluestone. Even though the
volume had shrunk, the weight had not lessened. If it was any other person, they would
have been pounded into paste when the twenty pieces were put on their shoulders.

Zuo Mo steadied his body and released a breath. Pulling his leg out of the mud, he started
to charge towards the foundation.

Bam bam bam!

Each time Zuo Mo’s step landed, the earth would shake. Everyone in the surroundings
inhaled in shock.

There were two Dhyana xiu in the two platoons who had stayed behind. Seeing this
inhuman feat, they were very embarrassed!
Which motherf***er said that Boss was a sword xiu … …

Translator Ramblings: WanderingGummiOfDoom pointed out that the wall might

actually be weaker this way since it turns to powder rather than cracking. Any opinions?

I find deadlines a funny thing. If there is a time limit in a story, it is usually never gone
over. Something happens so that time never runs out. Zuo Mo has always been able to
deliver by the deadline … … like in his match against Luo Li. In this case, Ma Fan and the
others acted so that He Xiang was able to remain alive rather than be killed by the Clear Sky
Old Forefather. I know there is no sense of urgency on Zuo Mo’s behalf right now but the
yao army is just a jie river away and he did do another Stars in Daytime.
Chapter 253
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Three – Golden Crow Walls

The blue-gold bricks were neatly stacked together.

The flying fire paper spread out and rolled, sometimes as straight as a knife as it passed
through the gaps between the blue-gold bricks. Zuo Mo’s expression was serious, a faint
layer of light in his eyes.

The fire paper danced faster and left behind beautiful golden trails in the air. His ling
eyes and consciousness were stretched to their limits. No flow of ling power in the
surroundings could escape Zuo Mo’s perception.

His hands were like flowers blooming. Zuo Mo’s well-practiced finger motions were
completely used. His half-raised hands were always in the middle of countless afterimages
that flickered in and out.

Many xiuzhe couldn’t help but put down what they were doing to come watch.
Occasionally, gasps would sound out from among the crowd. Everyone was intoxicated.
These xiuzhe were mostly non-combat production xiuzhe. They were one of the classes that
emphasized finger motions the most. Zuo Mo’s precise ling power control did not waste
one drop of energy. In their eyes, he was comparable to the most classic examples.

This was an experience to be enjoyed.

If Zuo Mo moving the blue-gold bricks previously had been the most basic and bare
example of strength, then the grand finger motions and the amazing ling power control
now represented the highest levels of control and technique.

It was the first time Zuo Mo had tried using his consciousness and Ling Eye at the same
time. After a very short amount of time, he felt the benefits. The world in his eyes had never
been so lively and dimensional in his eyes. His consciousness could detect every detail of
the objects in front of him, his ling eyes could detect every change in the ling power. He was
almost able to “see” the patterns behind the walls. With a glance, he would know
everything in his field of vision.

This also caused his efficiency to skyrocket, and lead to the scene occurring right now.

Yuan Jiang had lost all power of speech. What was happening before his eyes surpassed
the limits of his imagination. With a speed visible to the naked eyes, the blue-gold brick
walls grew upwards. This kind of speed was outside of his knowledge. Even more, this was
all done by a single person.

This world was too insane!

The last thread of his rationality caused him to look at the remaining blue-gold bricks. He
instantly shook and his soul came back into his body. Of the mountain of blue-gold bricks
that had been piled up before, there were not even one hundred pieces left. He thought of
his role as the supervisor and ordered people to transport blue-gold bricks.

Other people did not have Zuo Mo’s physical strength, and could only use talismans.
Instantly, all the talismans were put to use. Flying swords, ling hoes, jade scepters etc. all
turned to a long line. Several bricks hung below each talisman. These bricks were way too

After a few round trips, the blue-gold bricks once again piled into a mountain. Yuan Jiang
released a breath inside, and his expression relaxed.

Just as Yuan Jiang’s expression eased, Ji Wei and Sun Bao’s expressions became nervous.
The two of them had been entranced in Boss’ grand performance had suddenly reacted
when they saw Yuan Jiang summon people to transport blue-gold bricks.

The two rapidly calculated how many blue-gold bricks were remaining, and their faces

Based on Boss’ terrifying speed, the remaining blue-gold bricks would quickly be unable
to keep up with demand. The two of them were responsible for forging. If something
happened here, they could not deflect their fault.

Previously, the two of them had feared Boss more than they respected him. Now that
they had personally seen the abilities of Boss, they were full of respect to the point that
they kow-towed. The more respect they held, the more they were unwilling to drag Boss
down due to their own mistakes.

The two of them exchanged a look and did not hesitate in herding off the forging xiuzhe
that were watching.

“Work work! Immediately! Anyone that dares to slow down, we’ll cut your wages!”

“Those that are making blue-gold bricks, listen. The wage for each piece is
increasing by fifty percent.”

The two played good and bad, one punished while the other rewarded. The xiuzhe that
made blue-gold bricks instantly ran off to work. They may have been motivated by Boss, or
by the high wages, but each person was full of motivation.

The camp was very busy.


“Ma Fan is so meddlesome.” Lei Peng looked at the paper crane in his hands and
muttered. He handed the paper crane to the platoon captain beside him in frustration.

After the platoon captain finished reading, he couldn’t help but ask, “What do we do?”

Lei Peng said, frustrated, “What to do? Do according to what he says!” Then he
muttered, “This guy had been the core before, he should know more.”

The platoon captain was used to Lei Peng’s impatient tone. He knew that Lei Peng did not
have malicious aims, but he was frustrated with having to take along greenhorns. He was
an old member so he understood very well. Sometimes, even he would feel frustrated,
much less a battle maniac like Lei Peng.

As the order pass down, everyone’s figures quickly disappeared.


In a patch of wood about two hundred li far from Lei Peng.

“Can Ma Fan Daren’s plan work?” the platoon captain asked Xie Shan uncertainly.

Xie Shan smiled and replied, “He was the core before. Of all of us, he received the most
teachings from Gongsun Daren. None of us are likely to surpass him.”

“This is really a big plan!” the platoon captain sighed.

Xie Shan smiled and said, “Let’s start.”


At the same time, more than ten troops led by other people quietly hid in places about
eight hundred li from Nan Sheng Village. This distance was very well grasped. Usually, the
range of scouting troops were around one thousand and five hundred li. This distance was
about half of that.
The suggestion Ma Fan gave them was to carefully sneak in and kill the little troops of
xiuzhe as they were coming back.

The xiuzhe that were coming back would not have much ling power after long distance
flight, and their combat power should be at a relatively low level. In the hearts of the xiuzhe
of Clear Sky Sect outer hall, this position was a relatively safe area. They would not be so
high alert and may relax their guard.

Of course, even more importantly, they could successfully reach the position of the plan.

As long as they could do this, Ma Fan’s string of plans had a high probability of success.


In many people’s view, Lil’ Miss’ campaign this time was slightly unexpected, but when
battle started, they found that they were wrong. Lil’ Miss had done extremely detailed
preparations. This was seen from the moment the first battle started.

Wei Ran securely remembered Lil’ Miss’s order. In the first charge, they did not use all of
their power like they usually did. They only used the first charge of the three section wave
killing charge. The Third Division he lead was like a knife that had ran out of power, having
cut only halfway into the enemy ranks.

The faces of some of the other division leaders that were present all changed
dramatically. The three section wave killing charge was to be completed all together. It was
to be like a heavy blade, cutting everything in half! If it halted in the enemy ranks, and was
surrounded in all directions, and if their side had lost the momentum, then it was an
extremely dangerous situation.

But Lil’ Miss did not even look, and continued to add large numbers of fighters towards
the flanks of the enemy.

After a while, everyone found that Wei Ran, who they thought would have lost many
people, were only lightly damaged.

Wei Ran’s mission was to trap sixteen xiuzhe. These sixteen xiuzhe were the strongest
power in the enemy ranks. It was not that their combat abilities were powerful, but the
contribution they made towards their troop.

These sixteen people were a rare group, seal xiu!

Because the attack had been extremely abrupt, these sixteen xizhe hadn’t had the time to
spread out before Wei Ran caught them all. Seal xiu were not famed for their combat
abilities, but they were skilled in using all kinds of seal curses which could dramatically
increase the combat abilities of the xiuzhe around them.

The first people Lil’ Miss dealt with were them. He used Wei Ran to cut the connection
between them and the other xiuzhe. The balance of battle quickly tilted towards Lil’ Miss’


The sixteen seal xiu looked with terror at the enemy that surrounded them, their hands
nervously grasping stacks of seal papers.

The mood was extremely tense. One of the seal xiu couldn’t bear it, the seal paper on his
hand unconsciously lighting up. He then heard Eldest Shixiong shout, “Don’t attack!” The
seal paper on his hands was instantly blown apart.

This group of seal xiu were led by a middle-aged person of about forty years old. Seeing
his calm expression, the other people gradually calmed down from their fear.

Once they calmed down, they detected the strangeness. The other side might have
surrounded them tightly, but did not seem to have any intentions of attacking.

The xiuzhe that had almost attacked was instantly was filled with fear. If he had actually
attacked just now, then he would really have caused a great disaster.


Without the support of the seal xiu, the other xiuzhe quickly collapsed as they faced the
extremely sharp juggernaut of the three section wave killing charge. The other troops in
Gongsun Cha’s command had already went back to block the retreat paths and to stop the
scattered enemy from running around.

The battle quickly ended. There was no joy on Gongsun Cha’s face. The strength level of
the two sides were not on the same level. If he couldn’t defeat these people, then he really
had suffered through Pu Yao’s abuse for nothing.

However, when his eyes turned towards the seal xiu, they lit up.
If Chun Yu Cheng was here, he would definitely be shocked to find Gongsun Cha’s gaze
right now was the same as Zuo Mo Shixiong’s when he saw a fat sheep.

Gongsun Cha showed his trademark bashful smile.


The city walls progressed quickly. Zuo Mo had thrown himself into the work, and forgot
everything. He used the Black Procession Meditation mat to resupply ling power, and
continued, then resupply. He mechanically repeated. The changes in the fire paper
gradually decreased. The feeling of grandness slowly disappeared. What took over was
accuracy and cleanness.

It was as though Zuo Mo did not know exhaustion until night. When the stars rose above
his head, he would stop, sit on the unfinished walls and meditate.

When the sun rose on the second day, he would rise on-time, and start work again.

Facing such a crazy Boss, Ji Wei and Sun Bao were almost driven to insanity. The two of
them led the other xiuzhe and used all their power to just barely manage to keep up with
Zuo Mo’s speed so that the construction did not stop due to the lack of blue-gold bricks.

Ten days, the city walls were finished!

The blue-gold city walls were ten zhang deep. They were not imposing, but it was still
amazing because there were no gaps to be seen on the city walls. They were as smooth as a
mirror. When every person stood on the walls, they could not help but reach to touch.

Suddenly, the cloud layer above the Sky Star Peak suddenly dissipated. A golden pillar of
light came down from the sky, and covered the just finished city walls. The city walls
seemed to be a sponge, continuously absorbing the golden light for an hour.

All the xiuzhe in Sky Star Peak were alerted to this apparition.

The golden light slowly faded until it disappeared. The cloud layer in the sky closed
again. The blue-gold walls of the city exuded a faint golden light.

The presence of the Sun Golden Crow, with the city walls as the center, rippled out
towards the surroundings like a wave!

Translator Ramblings: Thank you for all your contributions last chapter. There were
some really good ones like the wall wouldn’t be one brick layer thick, and the joints will
crack before the bricks do.
Zuo Mo outpaced the forge production. Lots of people just to keep up with him alone.
Gongsun Cha has now been infected with Zuo Mo’s characteristics as well. I wonder if he
got a double dose of craziness, one from Zuo Mo and the other from Pu Yao? Lastly, the city
walls are complete.

Most of the time when people get an improvement, they do something like send out an
attack that pulverizes everything. For some reason, punching a rock or something hard
comes to mind. Zuo Mo is showing how resilient his new body is by … … building a city.
Which is a more healthy outlet overall, and it creates rather than destroys. It also makes me
wonder who pays for the damage in these stories. Do people just say bad luck, does a city
have an emergency fund for when powerful cultivators decide they wanted to have an all-
out brawl, what happens when entire worlds are being invaded? I always pity auction
houses because they always seems to be the cause for robbery. People rob others right
outside the auctions/merchant houses so my first thought is that other people will not
want to live anywhere near them. It doesn’t matter if there are guards and patrols, an
auction house is just not a safe place to be near.
Chapter 254
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Four – The Metamorphosis of Jade Metal Head

The completion of the city walls, and the apparition it caused motivated everyone. These
were the smallest city walls they had ever seen, not even ten zhang high. These were also
the shortest city walls they had ever seen. However, at this time, these short city walls
always attracted their gaze. The mirror-smooth blue-gold city walls faintly exuded the
sun’s warm presence.

Whenever they raised their heads in the camp to look at the little city on the mountain
peak, they seemed to be filled with inexhaustible strength. Every morning, the sunlight
would form into a faint gold pillar visible to the naked eye and cover the little city.

In the future, they would move in … … living behind these kind of city walls, it would be
very warm … …

Everyone thought on the inside. In this chaotic and cruel Little Mountain Jie,
unconsciously, this little Golden Crow city had added a hint of warmth to their hearts. It
was an innate desire for sunlight and warmth. Without any urging required, everyone
worked furiously day and night.

Zuo Mo did not know any of this. He was still constructing the city, and forgot everything
else. The completion of the city walls for the entire city construction was just the first step.
The amount of work left was enormous.


Yuan Jiang did not speak of the lack of manpower anymore. He did his best to point out
the places Boss needed to pay attention to. Every time his eyes glanced across the little
Golden Crow City walls, he couldn’t help but be entranced.

This was the most beautiful and perfect city walls he had ever seen!

He had exclaimed countless times inside. What amazed him even more was Boss’ deep
skill with formations. Boss was the most skilled formations xiuzhe he had ever seen.
The ten zhang high city walls had a twenty zhang deep foundation. The entire city walls
were one body. In the deepest part of the foundation, there were earth element formations
carved every two steps. All of them were fourth-grade formations. [Earth Vein Root],
[Granite Steel Overgrowth], and [Fire Lotus Foundation] were all arranged in a zig-zag

Whenever Yuan Jiang thought of the thought that Boss put into picking these three
formations, he couldn’t help but sigh in admiration.

[Earth Vein Root] acted like ten of thousand roots that deeply penetrated into the earth,
unable to be broken. [Granite Steel Overgrowth] was an extremely obscure formation. It
could cause granite around it to harden and would then continue to spread outwards like

Yuan Jiang felt slight pity. If Clear Sky Sect did not exist, in twenty to thirty years, the
entire Sky Star Peak’s granite would be hardened. At that time, it would be impenetrable.

What he felt was the cleverest was [Fire Lotus Foundation]. [Fire Lotus Foundation]
was an extremely common formation, mostly used in forging and dan-making. It could form
the base of a fire lotus. Lingdan and talismans would form on the lotus base. It was very
creative to use it here. The walls of Golden Crow City was able to absorb Golden Crow Fire.
Over time, this would be a very terrifying prospect.

These [Lotus Fire Foundations] could continue to temper the walls. Even though the
effects would not be evident, but as time passed, it would become significant. Even more,
fire bore earth. The effects of the two earth element formations would also increase.

It was a great pity!

The more Yuan Jiang looked, the more he liked it. However, when he thought of the city
walls becoming the main battlefield for Clear Sky Old Forefather, and being destroyed, he
felt even more reluctant.


Zuo Mo himself didn’t feel anything. The inside of the city had been divided into districts.
Places like the camp and residential areas had been completely left alone so they could
build it themselves.

What he was building now were the formation battle watchtowers.

formation battle watchtowers were the most important battle units of each city. There
would all kinds of offensive formations on it. With the xiuzhe inside it controlling the
formations, it could attack the enemy. The formations inside the formation battle
watchtowers were all powerful offensive formations and usually needed many xiuzhe to
work together.

Other than the protection offered by the city wall defenses, the formation battle
watchtowers were one of the most important combat units that determined whether the
place could be held.

At the beginning, Zuo Mo didn’t even think of building a big city. The only purpose of this
little city was combat. Other than the necessary living spaces, Zuo Mo decided to use all
other areas to construct the watchtowers.

Facing a jindan xiuzhe, it was not embarrassing to win through numbers.

The construction of formation battle watchtowers was not difficult, and it was not a
secret. The jade scroll that Yuan Jiang had given him had extremely detailed descriptions.
Of course, he didn’t follow exactly what the scroll said, those were just mainstream

If he wanted something good, he had to put in effort himself.

Before the formation battle watchtowers were built, Zuo Mo’s Jade Metal Head mo
physique unexpectedly had a breakthrough! The breakthrough was very sudden this time.
There was no warning. Even Pu Yao did not detect it, much less Zuo Mo who had been in
the depths of studying formation battle watchtowers.

The metamorphosis of a mo physique was unexpectedly terrible.

Just as he was pondering formation battle watchtowers, a cloud of bloody mist suddenly
exploded out of Zuo Mo’s body.

The eyes of the female xiu that was closest to him suddenly lit up with a strange purple
light. Her body did not move. The powerful bloody mist charged to two steps in front of her
before it seemed to be stopped by an invisible wall.

The empty eyes of the three Golden Armor Guards lit up. The three of them raised their
swords and blocked the charge of the bloody mist.

Yuan Jiang who was not far from Zuo Mo did not have the strength to resist. It was like he
had been hit with a heavy hammer. He felt a great force pass over, sending him flying and
into unconsciousness.

This was just a start.

Bam bam bam!

Clouds of bloody mist continuously exploded out of Zuo Mo’s body. Each burst contained
extremely powerful momentum. The ground under his feet had already turned into a deep
hole due to the explosions.

The golden armor on the three Golden Armor Guards rattled. They hurriedly braced their
waist and legs, the light in their eyes were at a maximum as they managed to resist the
charge of the bloody mist.

When the third wave of bloody mist exploded, the energy contained in the bloody mist
reached a terrifying level. The three Golden Armor Guards could not block it. Dong dong
dong, they were pushed to fifteen steps away before they could steady their bodies.

From beginning to now, the female xiu did not move. The exaggerated black mask and
the eerie purple pupils flashed in and out of sight in the bloody mist.

She suddenly reached out with her right hand and grabbed at the bloody mist. The
bloody mist in front of her instantly condensed, and a bean-sized blood bead appeared in
her hand. After that, both of her hands grabbed at the empty air. All of the bloody mist had
been condensed into blood beads.

Ding ding dong dong. The blood beads rang out as they fell onto the ground.

The bloody mist had been swept away and revealed Zuo Mo’s true body. Zuo Mo’s body
was covered in gore. It was as though the gore was alive as it slowly moved. It looked
extremely terrifying.

The female xiu silently looked at the bloody figure of Zuo Mo.


In Zuo Mo’s sea of consciousness, Pu Yao couldn’t help but sigh with shock, “Such a
powerful girl!” He then lowered his head, and said to himself, “So quickly? Is this body
really this suited to this path?”

He suddenly seemed to detect something and raised his head. The black clouds around
the gravestone had disappeared.

The purple light in the eyes of the female xiu suddenly exploded.

A hint of black energy suddenly appeared in the gore wrapped around Zuo Mo’s body.
The threads of black energy were like strands of hair and also extremely hard to notice.

The female xiu stared for a while before the purple light in her eyes gradually dimmed.

The gore on Zuo Mo’s body moved restlessly for more than four hours before gradually
calming down. After four more hours, a person-high cocoon of blood appeared in the deep
hole of the ground.


“The second batch.” The platoon captain was very excited. Adding on the group that
they had just destroyed, they had successfully ambushed two groups of Clear Sky Sect
Outer Hall xiuzhe that had been returning. Their luck was pretty good. From the
information passed on through the paper cranes, several platoons hadn’t encountered
anyone at all.

Continuous battle caused their platoon’s xiuzhe to quickly grow. Their combat had finally
shown some hint of organization. For this, they had paid the price of three people.

Ma Fan inattentively made a sound in response. He was pondering what he may have not
considered in his previous idea.

Lil’ Miss’s intentions were very clear. Do their best to delay the enemy so that the enemy
could not find their main camp, and try to earn more time for the construction of the city.
On the other hand, they couldn’t fight too fiercely, causing Clear Sky Old Forefather to come
out personally. No one could deal with that.

There were too many places that had to be measured in here.

But from the present situation, the development of the situation had not left his

Holding a piece of green grass in his mouth, he raised his head to look at the faraway sky.

The battle had just begun.

Nan Sheng Village.

“Ten little troops have been killed? Ah! You group of trash! Two hundred people!
That is two hundred people! Even if it was two motherf***ing stones, there would be a
sound if they’re thrown into the water!”

Under great pressure, He Xiang finally lost all restraint and bellowed.

The subordinates shivered, and the other elders remained silent. Malicious joy came into
many people’s eyes.

He Xiang sudden turned his head, and looked at the other elders. His eyes were filled
with blood, his features twisted, the tendons in his head bulging like earthworms. His voice
was deep like a lion that had been forced to death’s door. “Alright, you guys are just
watching! Ha, you really think that only I would be punished if we don’t do this right?
None of you will be able to escape! Don’t forget Old Forefather’s temper!”

The faces of the other elders all changed uncontrollably.

He raised his head, and said in a voice full of scorn and disdain, “I’m the Chief Elder, but
is nothing to Old Forefather. You guys, which of you cannot be replaced? Don’t forget, it
is very easy for the Outer Hall to hire xiuzhe. Would it be difficult to find new elders?
You all should be clear how important this is. If we cannot even accomplish the first
task for the Outer Hall, ha!”

Everyone saw the terror in each other’s eyes. Even though it was Chief Elder that was in
control of the Outer Hall right now, but if Old Forefather really investigated, none of them
would escape. What they were doing now was related to the foundation for the dominion of
Clear Sky Sect in Little Mountain Jie.

One elder stood up. “That’s right. This is not the time for us to fight among ourselves.
We should cooperate, and overcome this obstacle.”

“I agree!” another elder stood up.

Other elders continued to stand and express their agreement. Second Elder’s expression
was slightly ugly but he also stood up. “I also agree.”

Chief Elder’s anger instantly disappeared, and even had a smile on his face. “As long as
we cooperate, we will definitely capture this group of clowns quickly!”

Of the seven elders, except for him, they were all ningmai third stratum experts!

The mood of Nan Sheng Village had suddenly changed. All the people walking on the
street were ordered to return home. All flow of resources were stopped, and all people
were banned from travel. Even though the leaders of the various factions objected, but they
were instantly suppressed. They were put under house arrest.

The Clear Sky Sect Outer Hall sent down its first Ten Thousand Fire Emergency Order!

The Outer Hall xiuzhe that had been prepared to send out to other places in Little
Mountain Jie were all summoned back. The xiuzhe number in Nan Sheng Village continued
to increase. The leaders that were under house arrest felt insecure when they saw this and
were wise enough to stay in their homes.

The enormous Outer Hall gathered strength at an unprecedented efficiency!

Editor Note: In the Chinese elemental system there are five elements: metal, water,
wood, fire, and earth. Each element has affinities to each other element, either creating or
destroying other elements. Wood creates Fire, Fire creates Earth, while Wood destroys
Earth. So when Yuan Jiang says fire bears earth and would increase the fire element
formations, he means that the power of the Golden Crow fire absorbed from the sun will be
used to create Earth elemental power and strengthen the two earth formations.

Translator Ramblings: Blood and explosions for Zuo Mo’s body leveling up. Other people
expel and shed the impurities in their body, Zuo Mo sprays blood everywhere. Ma Fan has a
plan and so does He Xiang.
Chapter 255
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Five – New Sky Glass Wave

Zuo Mo once again broke out of the cocoon. His body seemed to have changed again.

The skin that once had a black sheen now seemed slightly transparent like black jade.
There was none of the shock that came with the first transformation. Zuo Mo examined his
body with curiosity. Thankfully, there was not much change on his face. It wasn’t that he
was afraid of becoming ugly, but it was not a good feeling when the face he had recently
adjusted to had become strange once again.

He tested his strength. It was about two-tenths greater than before. Not bad, he thought
inside as he started the [Sky Wave Fist Scripture]. He wanted to see how many revolutions
his arms could tolerate this time.

Fourteen revolutions had been the limit when he had faced the Bloody Horn Serpent last

He started the [Sky Glass Wave] and the ling power quickly circulated through his arms.

Starting from the seventh revolution, his arms started to feel inflated. After ten
revolutions, the feeling of inflation in his arms became more evident. After twelve
revolutions, the feeling of inflation became even more pronounced in his arms. After that,
with every new revolution, the feeling of inflation should increase greatly.

When it reached twelve revolutions, Zuo Mo’s mind jumped. It was possible!

Even though his arms felt very inflated, but there was still leeway compared to last time.
He continued to channel ling power. He wanted to see where the limits of his new body

Fourteen revolutions, there was a pain caused by the feeling of the pressure.

Sixteen revolutions, Zuo Mo felt like his arms were going to explode.

Threads of light flooded out of his arms, and swam along his arms like little snakes
moving about. It was the first time Zuo Mo had seen such a thing. He knew that if he
completed two more revolutions, the Sky Glass Wave would probably undergo another
He weighed his options. He felt that he could still tolerate more. Bracing his heart, he
continued to channel ling power!

Seventeen revolutions, the feeling of explosion in his hands became even stronger, and a
needle like pain appeared. The light of the fist energies around his arms became even
thicker, and the rate of movement increased.

The air around him did the exact opposite, their rate of flow was decreasing

At eighteen revolutions, the lights that swam around his arms increased in speed, and
showed extremely unique whirlpool fist energies! Due to the increase in speed, the
threadlike fist energies that had been wrapped around his elbow joints quickly were pulled
astray. They were like springs that were pressed down by an invisible force. The spring
disks that were now flat quickly revolved with amazing speed at Zuo Mo’s fists!

Zuo Mo knew that this was his limit. The air around him had stopped flowing as though it
had turned solid at this moment.

Without a hesitation, Zuo Mo raised both his hands, and shouted, “Go!”

The center of the disk-shaped fist energies seemed to have been heavily struck and
turned into the start of a helix that flew out with astounding speed!

There was no sound, no howling. When the two fist energies left his fists, they seemed to
have disappeared into the air. They were so quick that Zuo Mo himself did not catch them.

As these two fists were released, the ling power and strength in Zuo Mo’s body seemed to
have been completely pulled out. Extremely sore, he collapsed onto his bottom on the
ground. After a while, he managed to struggle up and sway over to inspect the result of his
two punches.

Twenty zhang away, two holes bored into the earth, each was more than two zhang in
diameter. They were so deep the bottoms could not be seen. Zuo Mo couldn’t help but show
slight joy as he gaped. It wasn’t possible to create this kind of clean and deep hole, like a
knife cutting tofu, with just raw strength.

The power of the eighteen revolutions Sky Glass Wave was definitely more than twice as
powerful as the fourteen revolutions one. Because there were not quantifiable
measurements, he could only make a general estimate on its power. Zuo Mo instantly
became happy. Pu Yao’s methods were quite painful, but they were very effective.

After this metamorphosis, the strength of his body had taken another leap forward.
Otherwise, it wouldn’t have stood up to support the eighteen revolutions. The technique
required in the Sky Glass Wave was not high, but starting from twelve revolutions,
the demands on the body rapidly increased with each additional revolution.
This Jade Metal Head really lived up to being a mo physique, it was full of potential! Zuo
Mo wondered inside about going to ask Pu Yao some other time to see if he could press
some more out. When he had been at Wu Kong Mountain, when he heard the mention of
yaomo, he would fear it. Now that he had experienced more, he didn’t have much feeling.

What mo physique, what yao art? When it was used, where was the energy of yaomo? He
didn’t feel that his personality had become evil and vicious. As he experienced more, he
gradually could see clearly. The so-called yao, mo, and xiuzhe were just different cultivation
paths for different innate talents.

Like the yao, born from flora or the essence of the world. They were born understanding
the power of the world, and naturally learned how to use their consciousness as a lever to
manipulate the power of the world. Mo were born from intelligent beasts, with strong
bodies and a mo matrix. It was no wonder they walked the path of awakening the potential
of their bodies. And xiuzhe were humans. Their bodies were not strong, not close to the
world, but they were intelligent. It was rational they would walk the path of assimilating
outside forces to their benefit.

He gradually understood the hatred between yaomo and xiuzhe as he spent this time in
Little Mountain Jie. The ling power that xiuzhe cultivated emphasized using outside objects.
They needed all kinds of resources. Jingshi required jingshi mines, ling grains, and other
ling grasses needed ling veins. Forging talismans required all kinds of materials, needed
ores, and other precious treasures of the world.

But no matter if it was ore, or ling veins, all of them needed tens of thousands of years to
mature. Even those treasures of the world usually needed several thousand years before
they would mature.

But who could wait for more than a thousand years?

Xiuzhe could only continuously expand out and find new jie. However, this meant conflict
with yaomo could not be avoided. In here, it couldn’t be said who was right or wrong. No
matter if it was xiuzhe or yaomo, these were all for their existence, for development.

Zuo Mo did not have good feelings about yaomo but held no dislike. Things like wars
were not something a little character like him had to worry about. After gradually
understanding this, Zuo Mo did not have any more mental barriers about cultivating mo
skills and yao arts.

Without mental barriers, his progress in cultivating was naturally quick.

Before, he had always struggled with the concept of talent. His talent with swords was
really very average. If Pu Yao did not exist, he may never have cultivated to sword essence.
That was a sword essence created through being cut up thousands of times. His talent with
formations and the five elements were more exceptional.
Now he felt that while talent was important, but many things could not be explained by
talent. Comprehension was comprehension, incomprehension was incomprehension. If one
did not have talent, they would still be strong if they could comprehend. If they had talent,
and did not comprehend, there was no use.

Talent could increase the probability of comprehension but it was not always a certainty.
There wasn’t just talent, even talismans and spells could be included in this. Even if the
grade was higher, and the power was greater, but it depended on whether it was suited to

The [Sky Wave Fist Scripture] was just a third-grade fist scripture without any
exceptional qualities. For the great majority of Dhyana xiu, it was very normal in terms of
power, but in Zuo Mo’s hands, it was incredibly powerful. It was not that other Dhyana xiu
could not understand the profoundness of Sky Glass Wave, but that their bodies just could
not tolerate the shocking burden that came with the eighteen revolutions of ling power.

Zuo Mo comprehended many things.

The eighteen revolution Sky Glass Wave increased Zuo Mo’s confidence but he only had
the power for one attack. Jindan xiuzhe like the Clear Sky Old Forefather moved like
lightning. It would be extremely hard to hit them. His anticipation of the formation he was
going to set up increased.

He suddenly saw the scattered blood beads beside the feet of the female xiu and made a
sound of surprise, “Where did these come from?”

The female xiu did not respond.

Zuo Mo muttered inside but still collected the blood beads. The blood beads sparkled as
though each one was made from fresh blood. When held in his hands, he felt a feeling of

Facing the silent female xiu, Zuo Mo did not have any ideas. The female xiu of unknown
name and history was a mystery all over. As to whether or not she was mute, that was just
ridiculous. With the female xiu’s deep cultivation, even if she was born with a natural
deficiency, there were countless ways to fix it.

She didn’t speak, there was only one reason. She didn’t want to speak.

The only person that Zuo Mo could ask was Pu Yao. He had too many questions he had

Pu Yao was not surprised at Zuo Mo’s arrival.

“I know what you want to ask.”

He was sitting cross-legged on the gravestone, lazily supporting his chin with his hand.
The gleaming black sleeve naturally feel down, and revealed an arm that was even paler
than that of a woman’s. The right bloody pupil that was not covered by his hair was slightly

“The greatest unique quality of the Jade Metal Head is equilibrium. Even though
none of it is outstanding, but it is pretty good in every area. In this period of time, you
had been practicing with your body, ling power, and consciousness. It has matured.”

Several questions came into Zuo Mo’s mind after Pu Yao’s words. “I know the
relationship of ling power and the body, the ling channels. But what relationship is
there between the consciousness and the body? The Jade Metal Head matured? What
do you mean matured?”

Pu Yao rolled his eyes. He had gotten used to Zuo Mo frequently asking him questions he
found extremely idiotic. “How can there not be a connection? Those with strong bodies
usually have strong minds. Ling power, body, and consciousness, the three of them
come from the same source. Do the xiuzhe of present not know this?”

Zuo Mo’s face was already as thick as city walls. He snickered, and was not angry at Pu
Yao’s mockery. “Then what about the level up of Jade Metal Head.”

“Mo physique, there was no maturity in the beginning. At the start, everyone just
found that some special bodies were very suited to practicing mo skills. Over time,
everyone called them mo physiques. After that, about tens of thousands of years, I’m
not too clear about mo’s history, oh, don’t think that xiuzhe have the longest history.
The history of yaomo is much longer than the history of xiuzhe.”

Zuo Mo found that Pu Yao showed hints of going off-topic and hurriedly pulled him back,
“Then why was there leveling up later?”

“Because of advancement,” Pu Yao said then continued, “Jade Metal Head is captain
level, and Star and Moon Wheel is colonel level. This is called advancement.
Maturation, mo physiques are very special kinds of bodies, but they have a common
quality, they can grow. Isn’t it interesting! Having a mo physique, it does not mean that
your body is stronger than other people, but that you have more potential than other

“I seem to understand a bit. Potential needs to be stimulated before it can turn to


Pu Yao nodded, “Right, that’s the idea. Maturation, it means the degree that the
potential of your mo physique has been expressed. Maturation and advancement have
a strong connection. Only mo physiques of sufficient maturity can advance.”
“In other words, even if I can cultivate to moon soul, if my maturation is not enough,
I cannot cultivate to Star and Moon Wheel?”

“Right. There is much scholarship associated with the advancement of mo

physiques. There are many paths that Jade Metal Head can advance to. Star and Moon
Wheel is only one of them. For example, there is also the Mountain Fiend Root that
emphasizes strength, the Clear Wind Fighter that emphasizes lightness and agility.
They had explored many kinds of weird advancement pathways. I only know the

“Then what is my maturation right now?” Zuo Mo hurriedly asked the question he was
most concerned about.

Translator Ramblings:

Long thing today. First, a whole theory from WanderingGummiOfDoom . He doesn’t

allow me to tell him any spoilers (unlike warlord212 who knows a lot about this) so … …

So as far as I can figure is she knows ZM from before he lost his memories, and her exact
identity I am unsure of.

1) She knows him, otherwise protecting and watching over him makes 0 sense. This is
assumption 1, but is supported by point 5).

2) Given 1) This means she cannot recognize him from his physical appearance (since his
body has changed), meaning she is using the 5 elemental bead to do so.

3) The power inside her is a similar to ZM’s bead, except it is 1 element. Ice since they
describe her powers as being icy. This is assumption 2 and completely unsupported at this
point. This only makes makes sense if she is from his past and the beads are a technique of
his clan/family/sect.

4) Given 3) based on the power inside of the mystery lady is more powerful than ZM’s
bead. This means either A) her bead is more valuable than ZM’s or B) ZM’s is more

4A) She is his elder.

4B) She is his subordinate. ZM’s bead is more valuable presumably has higher potential
because it has 5 elements, but his bead is less powerful because he lacks the appropriate
cultivation practices to strengthen it. This is assumption 3, and highly reliant on
assumption 2.

5) She wanted something or had business in Little Mountain Jie, which is why she went
there after attacking the Yao. If she wanted to kill the Yao leader, she would have stayed in
Sky Moon Jie to try again. BUT! After getting to Little Mountain Jie she sticks around with
ZM, without going off to deal with her business first. Suggesting her business is ZM. This
greatly supports assumption 1.

Given 1) 4A/4B) and 5) the reasonable conclusion is the fact she knows ZM from his past,
and attacked the Yao find ZM, since the Yao army was blockading the river and her path to
him, and intends to protect him after he was abandoned by Wu Kong Sword Sect. I just
can’t figure out if it is 4A) or 4B) at this point. I am leaning towards 4A since she is more
powerful/doesn’t bother to talk to him, but 4B could make sense if ZM’s parents/elders
gave her certain instructions. This is all based on if she knew ZM from before, but given the
evidence I think it is highly probable.

And back to the regular dump of thoughts from me. First, in where Fang Xiang truly
disappoints me, Zuo Mo ends up doing environmental destruction immediately after his
power-up. I guess the only part that makes this somewhat alright is that he’s pretty much
the ruler of this local area so no one will get him to pay or discipline him for seriously deep

Mo physiques are like pokemon and evolve. Zuo Mo finally lets go of his prejudice against
yaomo, hindered in no small part by how terrible Pu Yao once was, and gets to see reality a
bit more clearly. Zuo Mo has slightly grown up in the sense he can see a part of the bigger
picture and general motivations behind events. He’s gained a lot of information and
managed to piece it together to get the general history of the three races. But he still thinks
the war will have nothing to do with him, and remains blind to the fact the yao army has
him as one of the objectives. This is the first chapter that definitively said that xiuzhe were
“human.” It really wasn’t possible to interpret the text for another meaning.

The main character isn’t the best at everything, and Zuo Mo doesn’t have any feelings of
jealousy about how Wei Sheng is more talented in one area. In most C-fantasy stories, the
main character is the most talented of the generation, and then moves up in power levels
until the main character is an equal to the best of a generation ten times his age. Zuo Mo did
have a bit of a mental struggle with how he did not progress in the sword as expected, and I
thought how he tried so hard to forge the five essence sword set could be a reflection of
how he tried to improve what he wasn’t good at, the sword, by using it with what he was
good at, the five elements and formations. So he could say, I’m a sword xiu, look, I use five
sword together.
Chapter 256
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Six – Variable

“You? Just first maturation.” Pu Yao looked at the anticipation on Zuo Mo’s face, and did
not hesitate in his blows. “Basically, advancement is only possible at third maturation.
Little bro, it’s early for you.”

Hearing this, Zuo Mo couldn’t help but feel disappointed. “Why is advancement this

“Difficult?” Pu Yao smirked coldly. “What difficulty is this? Good things are not so easy
to get.”

“That’s true.” Zuo Mo thought and found that it was right. He still remembered his time
when he planted ling grains. Not talking about those good items, but even for those spells
to reach a grade, at that time, he had to put in all of his energy to get.

His days had only gotten better after he had met Pu Yao. Pu Yao would occasionally do
something bad to him, but Zuo Mo never really took to heart. Without Pu Yao, he would still
be an outer sect disciple of Wu Kong Sword Sect.

His attitude towards Pu Yao and the mysterious gravestone were the same. He could
accept everyone making some transactions. To receive good things, he had to pay a price.
This was reasonable, a matter of consent. But if the other was going to force him, he won’t
take it.

“What are these blood beads?”

“Nothing, just the beads made from your essential blood.”

Zuo Mo instantly jumped in fright. “My essential blood? What time? How come ge
didn’t know?” He looked at Pu Yao with slightly unfriendliness, his tone changing. Had this
guy done something again?

“None of ge’s business!” Pu Yao rolled his eyes and mimicked Zuo Mo’s tone. “Your
woman did it.”

“Ge’s woman?” Zuo Mo stilled. “When did ge have a woman?”

“The one wearing the mask.” Pu Yao undoubtedly had extreme talent in being a ruffian.
As he learned a little bit, the disrespectful attitude was born. He clearly was a high grade
ruffian of high status and identity, with some dignity and laziness. In comparison, Zuo Mo
with his twisted features, and wiry hair was like the ruffians that ran about the streets with

“When did she do that?” Zuo Mo furrowed his brow.

“Don’t be unable to recognize people’s aid.” Pu Yao unconcernedly glanced and then
yawned. He lazily said, “Received the benefit and still pretending to be good. Mo
physiques will change during maturation. Oh, you were quite fierce, played with
essence blood explosions. The other is very good, and help you condense them into
blood beads so it wasn’t a waste. However, she really is a powerful girl!”

Zuo Mo’s expression instantly became awkward. He had always been full of suspicion
towards this woman of unknown origins.

“What’s the use of this?” The practical Zuo Mo quickly pulled the topic onto the blood

“There are many uses. If you cultivate mo skills with blood and fiends, it is a very
rare treasure. Right now, I can’t think of any,” Pu Yao said irresponsibly.

Coming out of the sea of consciousness, Zuo Mo coincidentally saw the female xiu. It
might have been Pu Yao’s words, but he suddenly found her much more pleasing to look at.

“Thank you.” He raised the blood beads, and thanked the female xiu.

He knew the female xiu definitely wouldn’t respond. After showing his appreciation, he
turned and went back to the work of building the city.

Zuo Mo didn’t know that just as he turned around, a purple light flashed across the eyes
behind the mask.


Gongsun Cha gazed at the changes on the battlefield. He was continuously trying out new
tactics. Any battle tactic, from seeing it, to familiarity, to understanding, the entire process
required spending a lot of effort and thought. Even more important was actual use and

In the war chess, Pu Yao had shown many kinds of battle tactics to Gongsun Cha. Each
tactic had its own qualities, but not every tactic was like the three section wave killing
charge, being able to be used after just trying it out. The tactics related to the mixture of
people, and the structure of the troops.
In the war chess, there was only yaomo. To say of nothing else, the combat methods of
yaomo and xiuzhe were extremely different. Just adapting the tactics over to use was not
going to work.

However, after being continuously abused by all kinds of tactics, Gongsun Cha’s
knowledge was much broader. No one told him what should be. He could only experiment
to increase how long he could stand up under Pu Yao’s hands.

Mimicking, concluding, and experimenting.

If it was a normal person, after they had a sweet taste of the three section wave killing
charge’s sharp blade, they would naturally worship it as the truth, the strongest weapon.
However, Gongsun Cha was continuously experimenting with different tactics. Because it
was difficult to find jade scrolls on battle formations, he had even asked Zuo Mo in hopes of
finding more battle formations.

Unconsciously, he walked onto a path that had surpassed what everyone imagined.

About twenty li from them, there were two xiuzhe roaming about, watching the changes
of the battlefield from a distance. Gongsun Cha ignored them. Each time they fought, they
would encounter scouts like these from other factions. These scouts were extremely skilled
in flight. They would only watch from afar. If they saw the situation wasn’t right, they
would instantly get on a sword and fly away. There was no way of dealing with them.

So even though the scouts had been discovered, Gongsun Cha only ignored them other
than preparing the necessary defenses to stop these scouts from participating in the fight.


However, the two people that were watching were not scouts. Jiang Wei was a leader of a
faction. Previously he had not noticed Gongsun Cha. However, he had became alerted when
Gongsun Cha had plucked up several of the other factions in succession.

He wasn’t unfamiliar with these factions. They had interacted before. Even though
Gongsun Cha was still a distance away from his base, but he felt unsafe. So he had followed
his subordinate and pretended to be scout to personally see this mysterious troop.

“Boss, that’s them.” His subordinate pointed at Gongsun Cha’s group far away.

Jiang Wei made a sound of acknowledgement. However, his heart was beating rapidly
and his expression changed slightly. The battlefield seemed entrenched and chaotic, but to
become a leader, how could he not have some good eyes?
This mysterious group had clearly taken the lead. Right now, they were just playing with
the other side, like a cat playing with a mouse.

But after a while, he flinched with shock.

That wasn’t right! It wasn’t playing.

The chaotic battlefield gradually cleared up because this group started to organize
themselves, and traces of organization.

As he continued to watch, Jiang Wei’s face paled, while his heart continuously dropped.
This group’s organization and tactics were beyond his imagination. These guys were trying
new tactics! Their chaos was not created by the enemy, but by themselves. As they
familiarized themselves with their new tactics, the battlefield quickly turned clear.

He recognized the other side of the battle, Moustache Wang. Moustache Wang’s conduct
was extremely powerful, and skilled in battle. He had a group of lawless fighters under his
command. When he saw the other, he had to call the other Wang ge.

But someone as powerful as Moustache Wang was being used by the other to try out
battle tactics! He actually was not able to resist!

Watching as Moustache Wang charged left and right with his band, but appearing as
though he was sinking in the bog without a way out, a hint of sorrow came into Jiang Wei’s

This group was too strong!

Their cooperation was very high. It wasn’t how smooth or grand their tactics were. In
reality, he had seen the unfamiliarity in their cooperation at first glance . It should be a kind
of tactic they had never used before. Moustache Wang did not lack skill. He had found the
enemy’s flaws several times, but just when the balance was to be upset, this group would
use a different kind of battle tactic.

That was the battle tactic they frequently used and were familiar with. It was
astoundingly keen. Moustache Wang’s furious counterattack would be torn to pieces in

Right after, this group would also return to their unfamiliar and new battle tactic in
search of familiarizing their cooperation.

And so it repeated.

“It’s really terrifying!” Jiang Wei muttered to himself.

The subordinate didn’t understand why Leader would say it was scary. In his view, the
two sides had fought for this long before this group had secured the advantage, they were
not as strong as they were rumored to be.

Jiang Wei did not explain. He rejoiced inside that he had made a correct decision today by


A hint of a smile finally came to Gongsun Cha’s lips. The xiuzhe under his command
finally found rhythm with his new battle tactic. Any kind of battle tactic, no matter how well
people trained, was discounted in power unless they went through true battle. The
situation on the battlefield had tens of thousands of variations. It was completely different
than normal training. Just copying what they normally practiced was useless.

As Lil’ Miss smiled, the rock in the hearts of the xiuzhe beside him finally landed.

The battle quickly ended. They had captured about one hundred and fifty xiuzhe.

Seeing the dense black patch of xiuzhe beside them, he couldn’t help but rub his
forehead, “How many xiuzhe have we already captured?”

“One thousand one hundred and fifteen people,” the subordinate gave a precise

After some thought, Gongsun Cha ordered, “Transport them back. It is not safe to take
them with us for each battle. Send a division.”

Zuo Mo was not here and could not put jinzhi in these captives. Due to that, he could only
take all their talismans and send people to guard them. Some of the xiuzhe had been
directly taken into the troops like those seal xiu, and three sword xiu who had
comprehended sword essence, Moustache Wang among them.

These captives were very docile.

Every two or three days, they would see Gongsun Cha and the others defeat a faction.
Naturally, everyone was docile. They looked fearfully at the remaining three hundred
xiuzhe. Even though their own numbers were three times that of Lil’ Miss, but no one dared
to disobey.

Before this, they had never thought there would be such a terrifying army. Of course, the
xiuzhe who had seen the yao army would say the yao army were the most powerful. But
even those people had to admit that this troop was the strongest troop they had ever seen
other than the yao army.

The subordinates had long ago suggested to Lil’ Miss to send the captives back.

No one felt it was too few for one hundred something people to transport more than a
thousand captives.

This mission landed again on Wei Ran. Lil’ Miss felt that while Wei Ran’s individual
strength was average, but his mind was good and he was calm. This was a person worthy of
nurturing. Truthfully, Wei Ran wasn’t quite willing. He was enjoying the fight. If he had to
transport the captives, wouldn’t he fall behind the others? He had just gotten a taste of the
new battle tactics.

However, he did not dare to disobey Lil’ Miss’ commands. He could only lead his
subordinates and dejectedly go to transport captives.


Looking at a portion of the troop transporting a dark patch of xiuzhe, Jiang Wei first
stilled and then instantly understood. He couldn’t help but shake his head. In his view, if
they included these captives in the troop, it would actually cause the battle abilities of this
terrifying troop to decrease. As long as one had these three hundred people, where couldn’t
they go?

Maybe they had other ideas, Jiang Wei thought. Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

A daring idea came out.

Translator Ramblings: A cliffhanger happens … … it’s been a while since we had one.

The Chinese has this obsession with jade, first white mutton-fat jade early on, and then
green jade afterwards. I don’t know why but fantasy worlds seem to have endless supplies
of jade. Why does all the writing and the ornamentation have to be primarily jade? I’ve
never saw a story involving a jade mine. I guess jade in these worlds is very cheap and
plentiful so they use it for communication and everything else and where the jade comes
from isn’t of any significance.
Chapter 257
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Seven – One Small Step[i]

He Xiang’s face was tight, but in reality, his mood was not as terrible as he displayed. The
members of the Outer Hall were continuously gathering which allowed the leaders of the
factions in Nan Sheng Village personally see the strength of the Outer Hall.

Everyone was in danger now.

Under this tense atmosphere, the secret alliance the faction leaders had brokered fell
apart without any attack. They all chose to capitulate, and He Xiang quickly got the price he

Now, he only needed to catch the group of troublemakers before he would accomplish
his goals. Looking at the xiuzhe that covered the sky above Nan Sheng Village, the cloud
over He Xiang’s heart swept away. The number of xiuzhe in the Outer Hall had reached a
terrifying three thousand people. Nan Sheng Village was small to begin with. Three
thousand xiuzhe flying in the air was like a storm cloud. In his view, such a strong power
could dominate all of Little Mountain Jie. If it wasn’t that Old Forefather had personally
made the captivity plan, he would have already suggested to take all of Little Mountain Jie
into Clear Sky Sect’s pocket.

However, there wasn’t much of a difference now, he thought contentedly. He had sent
out large numbers of troops to search for the traces of those people. As soon as they found
one trace, they could send out all their strength, and tear those damned people into a
thousand pieces.

He believed that news would come very soon.

Just as he was thinking this, an elder landed in front of him, and said excitedly, “We
found the group! Two or three hundred people, up north, about two thousand li from
here. Our people have locked onto them.”

He Xiang was exhilarated, and said hatefully, “As long as we can find them, then they
will definitely die. Get the scouts at the front to keep alert and don’t lose them. It’s our
turn to attack!”

“Ha ha, let them see the power of our Outer Hall,” this elder also laughed.

“We’ll destroy them!” He Xiang was full of bravado. “We’ll celebrate you when you get
back!” This elder was an ally he had been pursuing.
“Ha ha! Wait for my good news!” This elder laughed proudly before jumping back into
the air.

The xiuzhe filling the sky started to quickly gather.


Nian Lu was just as discontent as Wei Ran.

His feet stepping on a lotus flower, he flew with the wind. His snowy-white robes now
seemed grey and dusty. After that handsome and light-hearted face seemed somewhat
slow-witted after eating wind for more than ten days. The platoon captain beside him also
had an expression of dissatisfaction. “This group of bum beetles, they are so annoying!
We have to even talk to them everyday, but it’s still those old faces, there’s nothing new.
But they don’t have it easy either!”

The last words were full of emotion.

He turned and hollered at the xiuzhe beside him, “All of you, stay alert. Don’t blame my
flying sword if you don’t listen.”

Beside him, other than his own subordinates, there were almost two hundred unfamiliar
xiuzhe. These xiuzhe all had their heads hanging down without energy. These were the
xiuzhe that they had captured when they took the time to especially sweep up two factions.
The sweep had been done together by Lei Peng, Zong Ru, and himself. Nian Lu’s luck had
been the worst and had lost in drawing straws, so that the most depressing job of baiting
the enemy had fallen to him.

These captives seemed to have extremely well-prepared ling armor, but other than ling
armor, all other talismans and flying swords had been taken away.

Just like this, Nian Lu lead a platoon and two hundred xiuzhe as he flew openly towards
the north.

To make sure the other side didn’t lose track of them, they had to maintain a moderate
speed. What was most depressing was that he could not attend the upcoming battle, he
could only continue to travel away.

The greatest tragedy of life was this. Nian Lu said with sorrow and anger, “Slow down,
slow down, don’t let them lose track.”

At the base of a mountain about four hundred li from Nan Sheng Village was an
extremely well-hidden mountain cave.

“What are we waiting for? We’re just guarding this place that even the birds don’t
shit, when can we go and do something!” Lei Peng rumbled.

Everyone ignored him. Zong Ru was sitting and meditating, Xie Shan had his eyes closed
to rest. The other platoon captain wisely did not interrupt. With so many of the old-timers
here, he did not have a turn to speak.

Ma Fan shook his head helplessly. But it was his idea. It was so troublesome. He drawled,
“Soon, soon.”

Lei Peng snickered and said, “Little Nian Nian is probably being blown with a
refreshing breeze right now.”

Light laughter came from the other people. Even Zong Ru showed a hint of mirth at the
corner of his lips.

After killing those little groups last time, during that period of extremely short chaos,
they had quietly sneaked in.

This trip had been seven days. Their luck was pretty good. They had found an extremely
deep cave. With some camouflage added, it was a very good ambush point. This place was
also very close to Nan Sheng Village, right under the enemy’s eyes. It was perfect for being
“dark under the lamp.”

Xie Shan suddenly opened his eyes. The other people instantly had wary looks. Xie Shan
said lightly, “They’ve come.”

All the xiuzhe instantly stopped talking. Xie Shan even extinguished the Small Light spell
inside the cave. The cave instantly became pitch black. After a while, everyone felt streams
of consciousness and strange ling power sweep across their bodies.

Fear rose in everyone’s hearts!

There were at least two thousand people from Nan Sheng Village that moved out this
time! It could be seen that the Outer Hall had put a lot into destroying them.

No one dared to move. All signs of life on their bodies disappeared. All breathing and
heartbeats stopped. Even the temperature of their bodies decreased. They were like a pile
of rocks. Ma Fan had taught them all a spell to conceal themselves from scouts since he was
very skilled in concealment.
To avoid attracting attention, they had not used any spell or formation to disguise the
entrance of the cave. Formations were the best for disguise, but that was only for experts. If
it wasn’t a formation expert, the disguise formation set up would be eye-catching instead.

They only used rocks and foliage to conceal and lessen the traces of themselves. They
had also specially grabbed little animals like rabbits to put in the cave.

There were too many caves in this area. Ma Fan had correctly predicted the other would
not inspect the caves one by one.

Wave after wave of surveillance continued for two hours. Even Xie Shan, with the highest
cultivation, couldn’t help but be shocked by the Outer Hall’s strength. From the
consciousness and ling power that swept across their bodies, there were more than ten
ningmai third stratum xiuzhe. He was certain that more than seven-tenths of the entire
Little Mountain Jie’s ningmai third stratum had sided with the Outer Hall.

One ningmai third stratum was not scary, but ten of them was definitely a great power. If
he was the commander, he definitely would arrange for the ten people to be together.
Powerful xiuzhe like this were terrifying when they were used together. Why had the
xiuzhe who comprehended sword essence like him been arranged together? He hadn’t
understood in the past, but after following Lil’ Miss for a time, and personally experiencing
it, he now understood the benefits.

However, what he admired the most right now was Ma Fan’s cautiousness. Under Ma
Fan’s persistence, they had dug into the cave to an extreme depth. Then used slabs of rock
to seal the top of the pit. These granite stones were more than ten zhang thick, and had
almost tired them to death at the time. The entire cave was now divided into two levels.
Those little animals lived on the top level.

At the time, some people had muttered that Ma Fan was making a mountain out of a
molehill. Looking at it now, these measures had saved their lives!

What he didn’t know was that Ma Fan was also feeling fear. If anything had gone astray
with the measures, then they would have been sealed in. No one would have been able to

Even when all the scans had disappeared, they still did not dare to move. Everyone was
terrified by what had just occurred.

After ten whole hours, they finally recovered from the false death state.

“Woah, they are terrifying. At least two thousand people!” Lei Peng exclaimed, his face
slightly pale.

“It’s three thousand,” Zong Ru suddenly spoke, “there is also thirteen third stratum.”
Everyone’s faces became slightly ugly. Xie Shan looked at Zong Ru with surprise. He was
shocked at Zong Ru’s sensitivity.

“They really find us worthwhile!”

“Ha ha, laozi was so frightened right now, laozi’s body is still somewhat soft.”


Everyone discussed loudly. They were slightly afraid and shocked, but they were more
excited. The Outer Hall had found them important enough to send out this many people. In
Little Mountain Jie, there was no faction other than theirs who managed to cause such a
reaction. Most of these people were lawless fighters. Battle maniacs like Lei Peng were not
rare. The more it was like the present, the more motivated they were.

Ma Fan was not as crazy as they were. He managed to calm his heartbeat, and wiped the
cold sweat. He had been the core for so long, but it was the first time he had encountered
such a risky situation like the one just now.

“When are we moving?” Lei Peng rubbed his hands excitedly, his eyes shining as he
looked at Ma Fan.

Ma Fan forcibly repressed the impulse to kill the guy and rolled his eyes instead. “Do you
want to die faster? They haven’t gone far away. If they turn back, none of us will

Lei Peng realized that his question seemed like it was trouble-making, especially when
he saw the gazes looking at him like they were looking like an idiot. He rapidly gave a
bright smile, “See, after being frightened by them, an’s mind doesn’t work properly.”

“Five days.” After calming down, Ma Fan’s head turned cold and rational. “We only need
to wait five more days. Even if they want to turn back then, it wouldn’t be enough.”

“Everyone, get a good rest these five days. Otherwise, you’ll see the other people
rampage while you falter,” Xie Shan said with a smile from the side.

Sound disappeared from the mountain cave. Everyone suppressed the excitement inside,
and meditated. They were like a group of experienced hunters making their last
preparations before closing the net.

Jiang Wei took the jade scroll his subordinate had handed over. He had sent out the
xiuzhe that had been most skilled in concealment to follow behind Wei Ran’s group from
far away, and successfully located this group’s main base.

When he scanned the jade scroll, his body froze.

In the mirage of the jade scroll, at the top of a mountain peak was a sun city made from
blue-gold. The sunlight was like a keen sword cutting the sky and landing on this city. The
faint golden light emitted from the little city gave people warmth like the sunlight.

Jiang Wei’s heart seemed to be suddenly gripped by an invisible hand. At that instant, it
stopped beating.

After an unknown length of time, he slowly refocused. There was almost no xiuzhe in the
empty city. All the blood in his body went to his head. With a glance, he could see how weak
the city was! Even the troop that had sent the captives back had thrown the captives to the
camp, and instantly left.

An uncontrollable greed and yearning filled every hair of his body!

[i]The chapter title is the start of a Chinese idiom “差之毫厘,谬以千里.” Translated, it

can mean “one small step can make a great difference,” “a small error can lead to a
serious result.”

Translator Ramblings: Bait to draw everyone out of the place first and then … …

I have to say that mind-to-mind communication is always the fastest and cheapest
communication method in fantasy stories. Look at Pu Yao, a ball of light and then off Zuo
Mo goes! Considering how “cheap” information storage in scrolls and other items seem to
be in many fantasy stories where secret arts can be read and then copied without any limit,
it’s a miracle that a lot of the secret arts remained a secret. I don’t think it is very hard. With
mind-to-mind communication, one person can “buy” the manual and then “send” it to his
relatives who can also use it. And then things spread. Or they can inscribe the information
onto jade scrolls/strips and then sell them for really good prices. Actually, I think that
won’t be a bad story, a protagonist that makes a living by making textbooks and selling
Chapter 258
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Eight – Bao Yi Explaining

Zuo Mo looked dumbly at the one thousand and one hundred xiuzhe in front of him, his
face slightly ugly.

Seeing the signs, Wei Ran exchanged a greeting with Zuo Mo before decisively turning
and leaving, disappearing in an instant.

One thousand and one hundred xiuzhe. They look very tasty, but in reality, they were a
great problem. These people were docile right now, but if they had the chance, they would
not be so. Why were the people under Gongsun Cha’s command so obedient? Because Zuo
Mo had put down jinzhi in their bodies.

Using an aura of domination, and causing the surroundings to swear fealty to you was
just a joke. Any person who entered an unfamiliar power, especially as a captive, how could
they so easily accept it in their hearts? Zuo Mo didn’t even dare to be certain about the
group that Gongsun Cha had, if they left Little Mountain Jie, how many would be willing to

Zuo Mo was too lazy to think of things like loyalty. In such turbulent times, that was
nothing. His demands were very simple, listen to orders and don’t make trouble. After
breaking through Little Mountain Jie, everyone can pat their own butts and go off.

However, even listening to orders and refraining from making trouble were not simple to
do. Before, he had used jinzhi to guarantee this, but even a jindan would die from
exhaustion if he had to put jinzhi in one thousand and one hundred xiuzhe.

That method wouldn’t work here.

Fortunately, all of the talismans and flying swords had been clean off this group. They
definitely wouldn’t make trouble in the short term. Zuo Mo had had enough time to think of
ways to resolve the problem.

He first picked the xiuzhe that were skilled in forging from the group and sent them to Ji
Wei and Sun Bao. There were quite a few, almost three hundred people. Of course, the great
majority of them only had a rough understanding of forging. There were less than forty that
were truly skilled. To Ji Wei and Sun Bao who were tight on manpower, they took all three
hundred people and more. Even rough work needed people to do it.
Quickly, Zuo Mo found that the two were very good managers. No one made trouble, and
no one slacked off. Everyone was furiously working. This puzzled Zuo Mo.

Coincidentally, Bao Yi had come to find Zuo Mo to get more people. He was the
quartermaster and stores keeper, and didn’t have the time to do everything. Seeing that
there were so many people here, he had ran over to ask for some.

Zuo Mo asked him the question that had puzzled him. He could not understand it. Ji Wei
and Sun Bao didn’t have the ability to place jinzhi but those three hundred xiuzhe were
obedient in their hands.

Hearing this, Bao Yi smiled. “Boss, this problem is easy. Here, I give him a wave, and he
comes to work. If he doesn’t do well, then I’ll fire him.” Then he snickered, “But it’s even
easier for us. We can punish anyone that doesn’t listen.”

Seeing Zuo Mo still filled with puzzlement, Bao Yi’s mind jumped at the rare chance to
show his face in front of Zuo Mo and patiently explained, “Boss, don’t look at just how
many people they have. Ha ha, in reality, they are helpless in front of us. First, they are
afraid. Why are they afraid? Their little lives are in our hands. If we order them to do
something, they don’t dare to leave it incomplete. Not every boss is as patient as you,
Boss, or as benevolent.”

He didn’t forget to slightly flatter Zuo Mo, and continued, “First, we have to set the rules
down, what they can do and what they can’t. If rebellious ones come out, we erase
them. In the short term, they won’t dare to make trouble. After a while, we can pick
obedient ones from them, and give them some sweets, like a team leader or something,
so they will manage for us. These people that directly receive benefits will be directly
connected to Boss’ aims, and definitely will put their all in.”

Zuo Mo was thoughtful.

Bao Yi smacked his lips. “Actually, with how generous Boss is, the great majority
aren’t willing to make trouble. Those with ambition and talent chase greater stages of
cultivation. They can see clearly that they aren’t disadvantaged under Boss’s hands.
Most of the people just want a pretty good life. We only have to guard against the few
that have other aims. Hee, these people don’t have any skill, but think they are
extraordinary, and don’t want to follow others. They are like shit. We shouldn’t waste
words with them, just chop them.”

Bao Yi’s words enlightened Zuo Mo. He had become too used to living by himself, and had
never managed this many people. It was also his first time doing such a thing.

After Bao Yi finished picking workers, Zuo Mo called over the two platoons of xiuzhe that
had remained to guard the camp. He announced strict rules with quite a few “execution
without exception.” The two platoons stared at each other as they listened. Boss was very
scary when he really got serious.
Then Zuo Mo ordered the remaining seven hundred or so people to train under the two
platoons. The high quantity of training made everyone’s faces change. Even the two
platoons that were responsible for teaching had ashy faces.

Zuo Mo’s thinking was very simple. Wasn’t it that he was afraid they would cause
trouble? Then he would make an extremely arduous training plan. He didn’t believe there
was anyone that would have any other thoughts after they completed such a laborious
training plan every day.

As expected, after furiously training every day, the only thing that the xiuzhe all did after
finishing was to collapse and sleep. The two platoons in charge were also exhausted. To
guarantee normal alertness and safety, they had to take shifts.

The only thing that did not change were the three Golden Armor Guards that were
quietly floating in the sky above the camp.

Every gaze sent towards the Golden Armor Guards were filled with fear. There were
already a few troublemakers that had been chopped in half by the Golden Armor
Guard’s exaggeratedly large broadswords. The ease had shocked every xiuzhe who had

Zuo Mo saw the situation was progressing well, and turned back to immerse himself in
building the city. His new body was greatly improved. He was very satisfied with the power
of the Sky Glass Wave, and full of excitement towards building the city.

In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao was slightly dumbstruck. He had assumed that
building the city would torture Zuo Mo to the point of death, but seeing the mania on Zuo
Mo’s face, he suddenly realized he had underestimated Zuo Mo. Under this guy’s normal
appearance was a heart that was just as perverse as his.

Sky Star Peak seemed to resume its busyness, everything was on the right path.


”Big Brother, where are we going?” Jiang Hao asked with puzzlement. Big Brother had
gathered everyone up together, and travelled quickly and carefully, not leaving one person
behind to hold the fort.

“You’ll know when we get there.” Jiang Wei who was innately cautious did not even tell
his own blood brother. He wanted that sun city!

Jiang Hao was slightly discontent. “Big Brother, you can’t even trust me?”
Seeing the dissatisfaction on his little brother’s face, Jiang Wei thought since they were
getting close, it didn’t matter if the secret got out. After narrating what had happened
before, he showed the jade scroll to Jiang Hao.

When Jiang Hao read the jade scroll, he instantly sunk into extreme excitement.
“Brother, this city is great! It’s a hundred times better than our mountain camp!”

Jiang Wei’s thoughts were more attentive. “The majority of their forces have gone out.
It is their most unguarded time. If we use the chance to take down the city, even if their
primary force comes back, they can’t do anything to us. That city might be small, but it
definitely hard to conquer, easy to guard and hard to attack.”

“How much farther? I can’t wait!” Jiang Hao rubbed his hands as he said.

“Almost there.” Jiang Wei then said, “Tell everyone to be careful and conceal their
figures. If we encounter other xiuzhe, take all of them down.”

“Ha, no problem!” Jiang Hao excitedly rushed out with the order.

After flying for a half day, they finally entered Sky Star Mountain Range. Sky Star Peak
was in their sight. Everyone sighed with amazement at the little city under the sunlight.
When they learned that their target this time was this little city, the mood instantly became
excited, everyone’s blood rushing.

The experienced Jiang Wei waved a hand. “Set up camp. Everyone, have a good rest,
we’ll try to take them down in one encounter.”

Seeing the other people immerse themselves in meditation, Jiang Wei beckoned over
Jiang Hao and said in a low voice, “Take some people with you and inspect the
surroundings. There was so many days between now and before, we don’t want
anything unexpected.”

Jiang Hao said unconcernedly, “Big Brother, you are too careful. We have five hundred
people, all of them experts. We aren’t afraid of them!”

Jiang Wei’s face darkened. “Don’t say things like this in the future. This group is of
mysterious origins. Even if there isn’t many people, but they are much stronger than
us. If it wasn’t that they didn’t have many people right now, I wouldn’t dare to target
this city. Be careful, don’t lose your life.”

Jiang Hao was extremely obedient of his big brother. He muttered inside, but still
complied, running to find several xiuzhe that were skilled in concealment to go scout with
him. His personality might be rough, but he was very good at travelling stealthily. The
[Hundred Ghost Night Travel Scripture] that he cultivated was a fifth-grade scripture. It
was a pity that the version he obtained was not complete. There were many parts that were
lost. But even so, it was much stronger than normal fourth-grade scriptures.
His body shifted, and turned into a shadow. A pair of eyes that lacked any life appeared
in the shadow.

The other people also changed. Some became wild cats, others night eagles, all kinds of

Everyone cooperated well. After changing, they spread out, all of them travelling towards
Sky Star Peak.


Zuo Mo finally finished the first formation battle watchtower. This formation battle
watchtower was constructed of hundreds of formations. It was much better than normal
formation battle watchtowers. From the beginning plans, to the construction, he had
completed all of it. No one understood better than he did what he needed.

Yuan Jiang looked entranced at the lonely formation battle watchtower. The formation
battle watchtower was fifteen zhang high, a section higher than the city walls. The entire
watchtower was made up of blue-gold bricks. From a technical standpoint, the entire
watchtower was just a formation, or rather, an extremely complete miniature interlocked
formation belt. Yuan Jiang could not understand many of the parts. This little interlocked
formation belt was different than any other formation he had seen before.

Was Boss at the level he could set up and match formations?

Boss was just this old … …

However, after personally seeing so many exceptional qualities of Boss, he had started to
become numb.

Normal … … would someone normal become a boss? He could only comfort himself so.

“Boss, this is a lightning formation,” To show that he was not so ignorant, Yuan Jiang
pretended and said.

“En, it’s a hard thunder formation.”

Hard thunder … … Yuang Jiang shook, that wasn’t lightning, that was hard lightning. He
forced himself to calm, “Can we try it out?”

“I was just going to.” Zuo Mo didn’t raise his head, inserting jingshi in. “Right now, we
can only use jingshi. In the future … …” he didn’t say the remaining. Yuan Jiang did not
notice it.
“Where to hit?” Zuo Mo looked around after putting in the jingshi.

Yuan Jiang suddenly saw a black dot in the sky. It was an eagle. He didn’t hesitate to point
at the eagle and say, “There is an eagle there!”

“Okay!” Zuo Mo also became motivated, and instantly activated the formation.

The inner walls, ceiling, and floor of the watchtower that were filled with formations
quickly lit up with a warm silver light.

Translator Ramblings: Night eagles exist in this world and are not the same as owls.

Bao Yi brings an outsider perspective and educates Zuo Mo on management. Bao Yi, Ji
Wei, Sun Bao and even Xie Shan are experienced and better at managing people as well as
living within a power structure. Zuo Mo threw the management of the captives to Gongsun
Cha and so his own management skills need to develop now that the people he delegated to
are busy.

I really liked how Fang Xiang slipped in the stuff about how the forging division worked
with its wages based on unit produced since it builds up to Bao Yi’s explanation here.
Chapter 259
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Nine – Meteor Void Fire

A hard lightning bomb floated in front of Zuo Mo.

Without any visible action from him, with only a streak of silver lingering in his vision,
the hard lightning seemed to disappear into the air.

There was no earth-shaking roar, no oppressive presence. It was fast, so fast that Yuan
Jiang didn’t have the time to react. When he finally caught up, he hurriedly turned his head.
The sky was empty. Nothing had been left. There was no explosion of blood and limbs, no
smoke from being burned at high temperatures. The sky was light and clear as though
nothing had happened.

“We got it?” Yuan Jiang asked uncertainly.

“Probably,” Zuo Mo answered back just as uncertainly. The speed that the formation
battle watchtower had formed the hard lightning was faster than he expected. He had
almost made a fool of himself. Just as he had locked onto the target, the hard lightning had
flown out.

The two people looked around for a while and made sure they couldn’t find that eagle
before confirming that it really had been killed.

“It seems that they will need to practice,” Zuo Mo muttered.

Yuan Jiang wasn’t in a position to give a review. Even though Boss said it was hard
lightning, but he had not felt the rumored strong presence of hard lightning. Maybe this
was a weakened version of hard lightning? He felt it was possible. It was a pity that it was
just an eagle. If it was a much stronger ling beast, it would be much easier to test its true
power. At this moment though, Boss’ formation battle watchtowers had a great advantage:

In the blink of an eye, a round of attack had been sent.

“Boss, how many people can use the hard lightning at the same time here?” He
decided to point out problems from a technical point of view.

“Ten, all of them above ningmai. On average, one hard lightning bolt will consume
five jing of ling power,” Zuo Mo said. “I can only reach this level now. If I can do two jing
of ling power per hard lightning bolt, that would be good.”
“Five jing of ling power?” Yuan Jiang jumped in fright. This formation used up this much
ling power?

That was not how much jingshi it used, but the ling power of xiuzhe. It consumed a
xiuzhe’s ling power to activate the formation and to control the lightning.

From a professional point of view, the formation battle watchtowers that Boss had
designed were placed in the ranks of failed products. Before, he had felt that the speed of
the hard lightning formation battle watchtowers were at least an advantage. Looking at it
now, it was a failure.

The cultivation of a ningmai first stratum was between ten to thirty jing. Second stratum
xiuzhe between thirty and ninety jing. One hard lightning bolt consumed five jing of ling
power from a xiuzhe. That meant a xiuzhe at the peak of ningmai first stratum could only
shoot six hard lightning bolts, and a second stratum peak xiuzhe could only shoot eighteen
hard lightning bolts.

The quick attack rate of the formation battle watchtowers actually became its greatest
flaw. It would only take a blink for the six hard lightning bolts to fly out. After the ling
power of the xiuzhe was used up, the formation battle watchtower was just a watchtower.

“Boss, the expenditure is too scary,” Yuan Jiang decided to give a professional opinion.
“We can completely use some formations with higher offensive power with such high
ling power expenditure.”

“This is the strongest offensive formation that I can find.” Zuo Mo spread his hands.

“But our people cannot keep up. Their ling power would be used up in a very short
amount of time. After that, we will lose the ability to fight.” Yuan Jiang struggled to
persuade Zuo Mo. Geniuses were not all powerful, he thought inside.

“Oh, that is a problem.” Zuo Mo mused. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he clapped his
hands, saying, “Ha, that’s easy to solve. We have so many people, aren’t there about
seven hundred and so over there? Everyone can take turns. We only need ten to a shift.”

The more Zuo Mo thought, the more excited he was. He said to himself, “By that time, I’ll
get them to train hard. Ten people to a team, they will take turns. We have the Black
Processing Meditation mats, it’s fast to recover ling power. If we stagger the time, one
round will follow another. That way, we can attack unlimited times. That’s right, our
battle strategy is to win through numbers. If one person cannot kill him, a thousand
people will do it together!”

Zuo Mo gritted out the last words.

Yuan Jiang gaped upon hearing this. So, so it could be like this!
When he thought back, he felt that Boss’ plan was plausible. Even though it was not so
honorable, but these days, weren’t people competing on their hooliganism? Other than
shock, he became wary. He could not offend Boss no matter what he did!

Yuan Jiang didn’t know if geniuses were gangsters, but when a genius became a gangster,
then they would be a great gangster. This was his newest conclusion.


A slender and blinding silver light flashed across the sky. Jiang Hao, who was in ghost
form, suddenly froze. He instinctively felt fear from the presence of the silver light.

That was the smell of lightning … …

Before he could react, he suddenly raised his head. In the sky, his fellow that had shifted
into an eagle had disappeared.

The ghost figure was shocked. He was greatly shocked! Damn it! How had the enemy
found them? What terrified him even more was that the xiuzhe that had turned to the eagle
seemed to have disappeared into thin air, and did not leave anything behind.

That wasn’t possible!

That was a ningmai second stratum xiuzhe! Even though he had shifted into an eagle
which prevented him from using many spells, but his real body was still ningmai second
stratum! What spell could just erase a ningmai second stratum xiuzhe without leaving a
trace? None of the spells he knew of could do such a thing.

At the same time, the other scouts that had also been moving forward also stopped.

Had they been discovered?

Everyone’s heart was beating furiously. For scouts, if the enemy had their defenses
prepared and they got too close, the chance they would return alive was pitifully small. The
enemy clearly also had an extremely powerful and wondrous talisman, or spell.

Their gazes turned to Jiang Hao.

The urge to retreat came up in Jiang Hao’s heart. He looked rough usually, but when he
turned into the ghost figure, he was cunning and treacherous. If they keep on scouting now,
he would most likely lose his life. That strange silver light definitely was his natural enemy!

Just as Jiang Hao didn’t know whether to advance or retreat, Jiang Wei, located not far
away, was also alarmed by the hard lightning. Jiang Wei’s expression was uncertain. The
power inside the little city didn’t seem to be as weak as he had imagined.

The enemy had already found them. His thoughts were the same as Jiang Hao.

He understood his plan had failed. There would be no meaning in sending out scouts
now. He hurriedly summoned back his little brother. He just had this one little brother, and
he cared very much for him.

“Dao Zi, take one hundred people to see what they are made of.” After some thought,
he decided to probe them first. If the situation wasn’t right, they could turn and run away.
Unless it was the last moment, they wouldn’t use their full power. This was his secret to
surviving until now.

“Alright!” Dao Zi’s figure was large, his face in a snarl, his beady eyes flashing with a
vicious light. He was a great subordinate of Jiang Wei’s. He was combative and fond of
killing. When he went into a berserk rage, he never left anyone left alive. He was vicious to
his enemies, and also to himself. He was vicious and did not fear death.

Dao Zi quickly picked one hundred people, and headed towards the little city atop Sky
Star Peak.

Since they had been discovered, it was not necessary to keep hidden anymore.


Zuo Mo was pondering the problem of the formation battle watchtowers and did not
realize that danger was nearing. He suddenly felt that a light was flashing, and raised his
head. He saw a strange purple light in the eyes of the female xiu.

Before he could respond.

The female xiu sudden flew up into the sky.

Zuo Mo hurriedly stood and also flew into the sky.

When he saw the one hundred people coming with murderous intent, his head rang like
someone hammered it.
Enemy attack!

Before he could respond, the female xiu had spread out her arms like a great bird and
charged at the enemy!

Zuo Mo’s expression changed dramatically!


All of this happened extremely quickly, like a flash of lightning. When he managed to
react, the female xiu was only five hundred zhang from the group!


Dao Zi looked at the female xiu coming closer and snickered, “It’s a girl! Motherf***ers,
no one can take this one from me!”

The other xiuzhe also snickered.


At such a dangerous time, Zuo Mo’s mind was blank. When he came back, he was already
in mid-air.

Everything in front of him slowed down. He could see the twisted smiles on the faces of
these one hundred xiuzhe, could see the light of their flying swords increase, could see her
worn sleeves flapping in the wind … …

Everything in front of him seemed to blur.

Those twisted and vicious faces became blurred like the mist, the killing intent behind
each blurred face was like a blood-thirsty yao beast. The blue sky seemed to have been
shadowed over. There was only that figure wrapped in torn clothing, her arms spread like
a large bird filled with resolve and will, the snow-white bare feet that reminded Zuo Mo of
the most perfect porcelain.

He looked dazedly. What was in front of him was so slow that Zuo Mo could see so
For some unknown reason, it was like a chord in his head had been plucked. Zuo Mo’s
eyes suddenly turned red, the desire for battle was like a rampaging wave of lava, like the
flood bursting the dam, and took over his body in an instant, burning his body with pain.

“Kill!” The deep howl sounded out like that of an ancient savage beast.

All the ling power in his body was channeled to the extreme, light suddenly exploding on
his naked upper body. His skin became even more transparent like black jade, so much that
it was possible to see threads of black energy that were continuously swimming under his

He suddenly leaped into the air. In the blink of an eye, he had flown up one hundred
zhang. His figure abruptly flipped upside down, and his legs pushed against the empty air.


It was clearly void of any objects, but it was as though his feet had pushed against some
invisible object and he shot off, full of force!

Zuo Mo’s figure changed directions and shot downwards, charging at the group of xiuzhe
with all his might.

The chaotic turbulence boomed in his ears. His speed suddenly broke past his usual
limits. The explosion completely separated him from the outside world. Every part of his
body was trembling in either fear or excitement.

Hiss hiss hiss!

In the chaotic air flowing around his body, a hint of red suddenly appeared. Fire! It was
fire! Zuo Mo’s consciousness was like an invisible hand stimulating these tiny fire snakes. In
the blink of an eye, the fire exploded. The chaotic air flows in the surroundings were like
dry firewood. Countless fire snakes appeared and swam restlessly in the turbulent air
flowing around Zuo Mo’s body.


In the air, the blinding fire light, and the deep sound of an explosion caused Dao Zi and
the others to shift their attention to the fire ball dropping from the sky.

Dao Zi’s expression suddenly changed, “Quick, spread out!”

Immediately after, everyone’s expressions changed!

The air around them seemed to solidify. Their bodies were tightly held by an invisible
suction force.

“Meteor Void Fire! Motherf***ing … …”

With the booms from the explosions, dragging a long and blinding tail of fire, Zuo Mo was
like a divine being smashing down with the force of thirty thousand catties!

Translator Ramblings: Mistaken assumptions … … everything is a coincidence. Jiang Wei

accidentally going along and seeing Gongsun Cha’s tactical might, then finding the city and
scouting right at the time that Zuo Mo is trying out his new battle towers. So a battle is
accidentally instigated.

Also, Zuo Mo seems to have changed color due to Jade Metal Head and the … … uh …
…”black energies” combining together. Black energies sounds so evil … …
Chapter 260
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty – The Terrifying Female Xiu

The xiuzhe that were at the front had already prepared their ling shields, while the ling
armor on their bodies glowing prettily with light. However, these lights which usually gave
them a sense of safety, now clearly reflected the terror on their faces.

Many people couldn’t help but raise their faces.

With their extremely shaky vision, a fireball suddenly magnified and appeared in front of
them in an instant.


Zuo Mo heavily smashed into this crowd of people.

The three people at the very front were like stone balls that had been swatted up. Before
they could even grunt, they were nailed into the soil. Under this kind of blow, no xiuzhe
except those who practiced body cultivation could survive.

The ling shields produced by the ling armor were like thin paper, torn to pieces by the
knifelike air flows.

Zuo Mo didn’t feel well after the powerful impact. The flame around him instantly
collapsed. At the same time, he sprayed out a ball of bloody mist. When the bloody mist
landed on the red flames, the flames suddenly erupted.

Some xiuzhe who didn’t dodge in time were swept by the exploding flames, and their
expression changed.

Void Fire! The deadly Void Fire!

Zuo Mo did not understand the power of his move, but there were a few in this group
that recognized it. Meteor Void Fire. Other than its presence which was as unstoppable as a
meteor, half of its power was based on the Void Fire.

Void Fire was an extremely special kind of flame. It was born through the turbulence of
air, as though it came from nowhere. Void Fire was extremely hard to extinguish, especially
since water elemental power was ineffective. Its other quality was it was extremely strong.
The temperature was not high, but it could corrode the minds of people.
The blood that Zuo Mo had sprayed out contained the essence of his own body. The
blood caused the flame to grow, and seven or eight xiuzhe instantly were affected. A wound
in the spirit was very painful. Several people instantly howled out.

Not having used up all his power, Zuo Mo penetrated through the ranks of this group,
and charged at the ground.

After such a fierce impact, the burning blood slowly cooled down. Zuo Mo suddenly woke
up. When he saw the surrounding situation, his scalp instantly tingled, and he felt bitter.

This was dangerous! Was he crazy?

Why had he just charged out … …

His expression was pale as he muttered unconsciously. Out of the corner of his eye, he
saw the quickly approaching ground and hurriedly adjusted his body. Dong! He hit the
ground and was rooted in an extremely sorry position. Once he hit the ground, he plucked
up his legs and started to run.

What had just happened was like a dream. The only thing he was clear about was that
charge that he had accidentally made was quite good, but the consumption of ling power
and consciousness was very high, both of them reaching a dangerously low level.

If he didn’t run now, what was he waiting for?

The results of his body cultivation recently final showed their effects. Without the
support of his ling power, he actually ran faster on two legs faster than he could fly. Also,
his grandiose Meteor Void Fire attack that he just did had shocked everyone. No one dared
to chase him.

After panting and running for a while, Zuo Mo saw that no one was chasing him and
finally stopped to catch his breath. That impact just now had also wounded him
significantly. His entire skeleton felt like it was going to fracture all over.

Why did he just charge over … …

It was an evil spell … … it must have been an evil spell … …

Zuo Mo furiously thought about this question. It must have been that the female xiu had
cast some evil spell on him! Otherwise, he definitely wouldn’t have charged out. How could
he do something like this, charging into the maws of death?

There was a problem! There definitely was a problem!

Panting heavily, he saw no one chasing over, especially when he saw the three Golden
Armor Guards and a platoon captain coming over with other people.
Seeing that Zuo Mo was alright, the platoon leader sighed in relief. “Boss, you are
alright! The other platoon is recovering ling power, and will come here soon.”

Zuo Mo waved his hand, his other hand braced on his knee as he panted, “I’m fine, you
guys go help that reckless woman!”

“Yes!” The platoon leader responded. Just as he raised his head, he froze on his spot.
“Boss … …”

Zuo Mo found it strange hearing the platoon leader speak as though he was talking in a
dream. When he raised his head, he saw the platoon captain’s face filled with strangeness,
dazedly looking behind him.

He hurriedly turned over and followed the platoon captain’s gaze before he also froze.

In the sky, the female xiu was like a ghost that had no weight, lightly wandering around
the enemy ranks. Her speed was not fast, her motions were not sharp, and there was no
light of ling power.

But everywhere she passed, the enemy would drop like a dumpling into the pot, and then
smashing into ground meat against the dirt.

It was evil!

A coldness sudden rose in Zuo Mo’s heart!

That was … … too evil! What spell was that? What scripture?

In this little while, there was only thirty something xiuzhe left scattered in the sky.


Zuo Mo’s complexion was pale without any blood as he instinctively swallowed! The
scene in front of him had no pressure and blinding light, no keen sword essence, no
booming explosions, there was nothing.

Her feet bare, she confidently passed between the people. The vicious xiuzhe dropped in
front of her like sandbags, one by one. That pair of bare feet that Zuo Mo had sighed
secretly over countless times, at this moment were giving off a dense deathly energy.

The bone-aching coldness made Zuo Mo feel as though his bones had also froze. He was
like a statue, standing there with his mouth open. Beside him, the other xiuzhe didn’t dare
to breath and terror filled their faces.

This was the strangest and most terrifying scene that Zuo Mo had ever seen since he
could remember.
Even they felt fear, so those xiuzhe that were on the receiving end, what kind of terror
did they feel?


Dao Zi, whose face had been filled with viciousness just a moment ago, seemed to have
seen a ghost, his facial muscles continuously trembling. He turned and wanted to flee, but
he felt he couldn’t move, not even a finger.

Time seemed to have frozen at this moment. The xiuzhe were all stuck in the air, unable
to move like puppets.

That exquisite pair of porcelain bare feet would pass beside a person, and that person
would drop from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, in the enormous battlefield of the sky, there was no one left except
the female xiu.

A deathly silence.

The wind blew past. The female xiu silently floated in the air.


The sound of teeth chattering entered Zuo Mo’s ears. He turned around his face, and saw
all the xiuzhe beside him were trembling and their teeth chattering. Zuo Mo had originally
been feeling cold all over, his heart beating furiously. However, when he saw everyone’s
state, the terror in his heart suddenly became fainter.


Jiang Wei and Jiang Hao’s face were ashen, their bodies uncontrollably trembling. The
xiuzhe beside him were the same.

The female xiu suddenly turned her face, and looked towards them.
“Ah!” A yell filled with terror suddenly sounded in everyone’s ears. A xiuzhe’s face was
twisted, his eyes bulging out, several streams of blood coming out of his nostrils and mouth.
He froze in this position as he softly fell on the ground.

That shriek had almost caused Jiang Wei’s heart to stop beating. He just wanted to swear,
but when he saw the person’s state his heart was even more shocked! This subordinate had
followed him for a long time, and had seen many kinds of situations. Today, he was actually
scared to death!

When he saw the other people, he knew if he ordered them to keep fighting, he would be
the first person cut down!

He glanced with terror at the strange woman that was wearing a mask and looked like a
clown. He knew that he would never forget this strange figure in his entire life.

“Run!” He suppressed the furious beating of his heart, and channeled the power to shout
and wake everyone up. He turned and ran first.

The other people were also frightened, their faces paling. Like birds alarmed, they turned
to flee.

The female xiu did not pursue them, and only watched in silence. Under her pair of heart-
shocking and soul-shaking bare feet were one hundred corpses.


Zuo Mo didn’t even know how he had returned to the city at the end. His mind was blank.
The shock and blow left by that last scene had been too much for him. It wasn’t just him. All
the xiuzhe of the city seemed to have lost their souls. They had personally seen the female
xiu’s strange and unpredictable fighting. No one dared to raise their heads to look at the
female xiu, or to meet her gaze.

Just like normal, the female xiu stood silently near Zuo Mo.

In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao’s face was serious in front of Zuo Mo. This was the
first time Zuo Mo had seen Pu Yao so serious.

“What spell is that?” Zuo Mo’s tone was raw.

“Don’t know.” Pu Yao clearly had been frightened by the female xiu as well. He said in a
deep tone, “I cannot think of any spell or secret method that is related.”
“When I inspected her body, I found a strange power inside her body. Her body is
clearly almost on the verge of collapse, it’s packed with old wounds,” Zuo Mo thought for
a moment and said, hoping to give Pu Yao some clues.

“If it is like that, it should be a kind of self-harm spell or secret method. These types
of spells and secret methods are powerful, but they shorten the lifespan,” Pu Yao said
seriously. “You have to be careful. Her origins are not simple.”

“Careful … …” Zuo Mo’s face was more bitter than a bitter melon as he spread his hands,
“How can I be careful?”

Pu Yao didn’t know what to say either. His complexion was not any better than Zuo Mo.
Meeting a person whose origins he did not know, and was not match for, made him feel
defeat as one who had once been a Sky Yao.

“I wonder if we can ask her to help against Clear Sky Old Forefather?” Zuo Mo
suddenly said.

“She’s too young.” Pu Yao shook his head, “Even if it is a self-harm spell, the time she
has spent on cultivation is too short. She may be strong, but not comparable to jindan.
She can deal with ningmai like chopping vegetables, but against jindan, that’s a
different matter.”

“Jindan and ningmai is not a difference in the kind of power, but the difference in
essence of power,” Pu Yao continued, “The difference of the essence is not something
that can be overcome with other methods.”

Zuo Mo found it was right after he thought about it.

“Tell me, did she use some kind of mental confusion spell?” Zuo Mo suddenly asked,
“Why did I just charge out? I shouldn’t have! I remember there was a purple light in her

“She definitely didn’t use one. I’m clear about that.” Pu Yao’s answer was very
confident, but then his voice was also filled with puzzlement, “But I’m puzzled too. How
come you just charged out? You are the one most scared of death.”

“I feel the same.” Zuo Mo did not feel embarrassed and nodded his head. “She didn’t
give me any jingshi, why did I charge out? It is so evil!”

“She isn’t beautiful. If she was a beauty … …” Pu Yao pondered as he rubbed his chin.

“Beauty?” Zuo Mo glared, and instinctively raised his volume. “If there is no jingshi,
even beauties don’t work!”

“Then why?” Pu Yao couldn’t understand.

“Why … …” Zuo Mo’s brows furrowed, his face full of distress.

This question was so strange, so confusing. If he couldn’t resolve it, he wouldn’t feel safe.
If he went out like this again without knowing why, he might lose his little life.


Just as Zuo Mo was worried about this, inside a little quiet mountain cave not far away
from Nan Sheng Village.

Ma Fan and Xie Shan opened their eyes at the same time.

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo and Pu Yao find he is acting out of character. Beauty
doesn’t work on Zuo Mo, only money.
Chapter 261
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiofDoom, and warlord212.

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty One – Ambush!

The cave was so dark that they couldn’t see their own fingers. There was only a burst of
sound as they moved out. They were doing their final inspections and preparations. It was
abnormally silent as no one spoke.

After a while, the preparations were finished, and killing intent silently spreading
through as the mountain cave fell back into silence.

“Depart,” Ma Fan spat out the word shortly.

The procession swam out.

Exiting the cave, the fresh air rushed onto their faces. Everyone couldn’t help but show
intoxicated expressions but they quickly recovered their calmness. No one spoke. Even Lei
Peng who usually chatted on was abnormally silent at this time.

Everyone simultaneously flew into the air. After fighting so many hard battles together,
the cooperation between the troops had matured.

More than three hundred people were floating in the air. The scattered troops exuded
killing intent like a bow that was slowly being drawn.

They didn’t find any scouts in the sky. Ma Fan and Xie Shan looked at each other and saw
the joy in the other’s eyes. After resting for five days, everyone was full of energy and ling
power. The desire for battle that they had suppressed for so long was like a tiger breaking
out of its cage and was unable to be stopped.

“Our target: Nan Sheng Village!” Ma Fan crisply gave the order and moved first.

The entire troop simultaneously moved to action from silence.

There was no hesitation, no disguise or trying to conserve energy. The flight speed of the
troop was pushed to their limits as they headed straight towards Nan Sheng Village! The
scouts they encountered along the way stared with shock at this unfamiliar troop that had
appeared out of nowhere.

Ma Fan’s procession did not tangle with the scouts at all, brimming with killing intent as
they flashed by the scouts.
The sound of wind howling in their ears, the wind blew on their faces like knifes, and the
scenery that flashed quickly under their feet caused the killing intent of these people to
increase! In their eyes, Nan Sheng Village was a weak beautiful woman that was half naked
and could not resist at all.

Their lives were content after having such an experience.

As Nan Sheng Village appeared in their vision, everyone’s battle intent rose to the peak!

Even a person as indifferent as Ma Fan felt as though his blood was ignited. Raising his
flying sword high, he angrily shouted, “Kill!”


Everyone raised their swords and sabers, booming in their reply that shook the

The troop that appeared to be one being suddenly dismembered itself in the air and
divided into fourteen groups. Like fourteen snakes, they revealed their sharp fangs and
leapt down at Nan Sheng Village!

Ma Fan and Xie Shan each led a platoon as they charged at the very front. The two did not
make any adjustments or detours, their bodies weighing down as they charged side by side!

Two ruler straight air ripples drew through the air. The two troops were like arrows that
left the bow as they shot towards the newly rebuilt village gates. The brand new village
gates were like fragile cardboard, instantly torn to countless pieces that scattered in all

The two troops were not hampered in their speed, quickly passing through the ruler-
straight streets of Nan Sheng Village!

The sword energies criss-crossed!

The high speed dive greatly increased the power of the sword energies. The keen sword
energies were even more unstoppable at this time. The buildings on the two sides of the
main street were ground into dust. The xiuzhe that jumped out all paled as they panicked.
Facing such ferocious and insane sword essences, many xiuzhe’s awareness were stolen,
and they lost their urge to fight!

Pew pew pew!

They were a destructive force, everywhere they passed innumerable bursts of blood
rose. Amidst the loud roaring, the wails were not able to be heard.

Ma Fan encountered the first resistance!

A xiuzhe gave a muffled grunt but took advantage of the sword energy’s power to bounce
in another direction! Ma Fan was slightly startled. This was an expert!

Even he wasn’t certain if he could escape under a charge like this own. This person
should be a third stratum xiuzhe. However, he ignored the other. One or two xiuzhe would
not dare to resist against a charge constructed like so.

Even more, their morale and energy were at the best state right now!

The fourteen platoons were like fourteen domineering and sharp sword energies
flashing by in the blink of an eye. Nan Sheng Village collapsed into pieces!


“Elder! Run!” A pale guard pulled He Xiang and quickly burrowed into the ground. There
was a transportation formation in the secret room underground. Just as they burrowed into
the underground room, the building on the surface broke down.

The light flashed on the transportation formations and no one was left in the room.


There was no need to communicate. Everyone was high on killing.

Ma Fan’s procession was extremely smart. They did not have targets, they just charged.
They did not pursue the xiuzhe that escaped the first charge, they focused on furiously
damaging Nan Sheng Village.

In a short amount of time, Nan Sheng Village turned into ruins.

They themselves were not wounded at all. Those who were leading were all those that
comprehended sword essence. All the xiuzhe, when they faced this many attacks all lost
their courage and escaped as far as they could!

After charging a few times, everyone had to stop.

“There’s no one alive,” Xie Shan said with helplessness. He had been in a rhythm, and
couldn’t help but complain inside that Nan Sheng Village really didn’t have enough to kill.
However, he also knew that if Nan Sheng Village wasn’t so weak, he wouldn’t have come no
matter what.

Ma Fan made a sound of acknowledgement. “Everyone, rest. Let’s see if there is

anything we can take.”

“Ha, an likes doing this!” Lei Peng grinned as he said.

However, everyone’s faces were ugly as they quickly gathered together again.

“Which mother***er told an the Outer Hall was rich?” Lei Peng’s face was as black as
the bottom of the pot as he angrily swore, “An has never seen a place as poor as this! It’s
clean! It’s so mother***ing clean! Unprofitable, so unprofitable!”

The faces of the other people were not much better. They had searched all of Nan Sheng
Village. Other than some still usable talismans and other things they could find on the
bodies of the xiuzhe they had killed, they actually hadn’t found anything else of value.

This was Nan Sheng Village, the main camp of the Outer Hall, how could it be so poor?

Just at this moment, a subordinate flew over. “Daren, Daren! There’s a camp nearby in
the west!”

Everyone that hadn’t found everything suddenly lit up. Was the storeroom over there?

They did not hesitate to fly towards the camp. As they landed, they were full of
anticipation. When they saw the entire camp filled with people who had fearful expressions
on their faces, and had cultivations just in lianqi, their expressions became extremely ugly

Even Ma Fan who had personally made the plan this time didn’t know whether to laugh
or cry.

Xiu slaves. This entire camp was all xiu slaves! Looking out, there probably were
thousands of them. All of these xiu slaves had lianqi cultivation and were not of great use.
The xiuzhe that had been guarding the camp had escaped a long time ago.

Ma Fan and the others had thought incorrectly. Even though He Xiang and the factions
had been discussing business, but they hadn’t transported any merchandise over. What
they discussed were large orders, and transactions that would be completed in intervals. As
a result, other than these xiu slaves, Nan Sheng Village really didn’t have anything else.

Both Ma Fan and Xie Shan were very unfamiliar with doing business, so they couldn’t
ever have predicted the proceedings. They had rationally assumed that the stores of Nan
Sheng Village were bursting with mountains of resources.
It had to be said that the merit rewards in the camp were also connected to their service
and the spoils that they had contributed each time. They looked down on what they could
hand over, that could be used to trade for good things from Boss. Boss had a lot of good
things in his possession. They had been envious for a long time.

Who could have thought that their plan would fail?

Everyone’s mood suddenly dropped to the bottom after having just achieving a victory.

“How about we take these xiu slaves?” someone weakly suggested.

“What do we need xiu slaves for? Also, how can we transport so many people?”
someone objected.

“There’s slave transportation boats here. Their speed isn’t slow and it’s convenient
for transporting people,” another person quickly suggested.

“If we take a few boats of xiu slaves back, and also lianqi level xiu slaves, wouldn’t
we be laughed at when we get back?”

“But we can’t leave them to benefit the Outer Hall. Then should we kill all of them? I
won’t do it. I can’t do something like massacring xiu slaves.”

Many xiuzhe nodded their heads in agreement with those words. They were all xiuzhe
who had experienced many battles. All of them had blood on their hands. They felt it was
normal to fight to the death. However, everyone still felt it was objectionable to massacre
xiu slaves that were not able to put up any resistance.

Of course, that “can’t leave them to benefit the Outer Hall” struck their hearts even
more. To say nothing of having gained nothing, no one was willing to let the Outer Hall have
the slaves.

After such an attack, the two sides definitely had no room to negotiate. The people of the
Outer Hall would hate them to their bones.

“Take them, all of them!” Ma Fan gritted his teeth, “Who cares if they are useful or
not? Wait until we return first.”

The xiu slaves in the camp were herded onto the xiu slave boats. Everyone also stepped
onto the slave transporting boats.

The slave transporting boats were jingshi talismans. They were extremely large, about
fifty zhang long and shaped like a turtle with no sails. They could hold more than a
thousand xiu slaves. Xiu slaves were not rare. They were mostly the natives of newly
discovered jie. Some of the natives were very primitive, others had already stepped upon
the path to cultivation. However, they were powerless against those great xiuzhe sects and
had all became xiu slaves.
Many sects were enthusiastic about discovering new jie. Jingshi and ores were things
they needed desperately. If they could become the jie master, they would become the literal
emperor of that place. If they did not like doing so, they could sell the new jie they
possessed to other sects and receive large amounts of resources.

Searching for jie was a high risk and high return profession.

After the natives were captured, the sect would pass some basic scriptures to them. Xiu
slaves that entered lianqi could be bought and sold in the market. This kind of xiu slaves
could do heavy labor like mining. Those xiu slaves who had exceptional talents would be
marked with high prices to be sold to other sects to be slave soldiers.

Slave soldiers would be taught more profound scriptures but, without exception, have
jinzhi put into them so that they absolutely would not dare to refuse the orders of the sect.
Those sects who had long histories had even longer histories of bringing up slave soldiers.
They would even have special slave soldier troops.

Slave transporting boats were specialized slave transporting talismans. They were
extremely large and could contain large amounts of xiu slaves. The body of the boats were
also extremely hard because they needed to travel between jie and pass through the
turbulence of the Void. Due to that, slave transporting boats were never below fifth-grade.

In terms of spoils of victory this time, their biggest one was these five slave transporting
boats. The Outer Hall had transported five boats of xiu slaves. They had already sold four
boatloads of slaves so there was one boatload of xiu slaves left. Naturally, Ma Fan and the
others wouldn’t leave the other four boats behind. Luckily, the boats could be shrunk when
they were not in use. The miniaturized slave transporting boats were about three chi large,
and was very exquisite.

Ma Fan and the others found it extremely puzzling that the slaves hadn’t run away on the
ships. What they didn’t know was that the camp was very close to Nan Sheng Village so the
Outer Hall didn’t worry at all that the xiu slaves would dare to run. The camp was usually
guarded very loosely. The people who were supposed to be guarding the slaves today had
coincidentally gone to Nan Sheng Village to have fun, and had not escaped the calamity.

It was the first time many of the people had stepped onto a slave transporting boat. All of
them were very curious and looked around. Some of the people who had experience on the
boats moved of their own initiative to steer the big boat.

The slave transporting boat slowly floated into the sky. Many people sighed with
amazement at the fifty zhang boat.

Everyone snickered and steered the ship into the distance with spirit.

Translator Ramblings: Ma Fan and the others pull off their plan successfully. More
background on the bigger world.
For a person who asked about the meaning of Zuo Mo’s name. It is written as 左莫. The
“mo” is not the same one as the mo in yaomo. Zuo is Left, unorthodox or East. It is not that
rare but Mo can actually be a surname as well. By itself, mo can mean “nothing,” “do not,”
or “negative.” Also, it is a modern form of a character 漠 which means vast (as in desert),
cool and indifferent. So there are many meanings but the simplest one is nothing. Zuo Mo
has a surname of East or Left, and his actual name is nothing. I actually prefer it as a form of
the more complex character so it means vast instead. So if we twist and do not use the
common definitions, we can make it an Eastern Vastness.
Chapter 262
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiofDoom, and warlord212.

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Two – Unprofitable Business

On the mountaintop, He Xiang looked at the ruined Nan Sheng Village, paused for a
moment, and then broke down sobbing.


Zuo Mo looked with slight fear at the female xiu nearby. She seemed to have resumed her
past state of motionlessness. After yesterday’s battle, the female xiu was much more
sinister from every angle in his eyes.

This made him slightly insecure.

He would treasure his life and stay far from female xiu. Especially strong females that
knew evil spells.

He had discussed with Pu Yao for a while yesterday and hadn’t concluded anything. He
still needed to work so after resting for a night, so he continued to build formation battle

After such a battle, the captives in the camp were as obedient as they could be. However,
the issue that arose was that no one dared to go within three zhang of Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo originally had a question to ask Yuan Jiang. But when he walked two steps
towards the other, he saw Yuan Jiang’s face paled and his legs were trembling. Zuo Mo
suddenly remembered that some of the enemies had been scared to death by the strong
girl, and his steps instantly stopped. Yuan Jiang was a rare kind of genius. If he was scared
to death, it would be so unprofitable. He could only stop moving.

He thought of the strong girl that wouldn’t leave him alone. Wasn’t he now the plague
that no one would approach?

Zuo Mo’s mood immediately became terrible. He waved his hand for Yuan Jiang to leave.
Watching as Yuan Jiang ran away faster than a rabbit as though he was pardoned from
death, his mood became increasingly terrible. However, when he recalled Pu Yao’s dark
expression, and undisguised rage, his mood instantly became better.
As expected, happiness was always built upon other people’s pain. Zuo Mo snickered and
went back to building the city.


Just as Zuo Mo had seen, Pu Yao’s mood was extremely terrible. He felt great failure at
the appearance of the female xiu. He didn’t know her history, nor the scripture she used,
didn’t know how her power really was, didn’t know … … anything.

Yet he also had no solution. If this was still the time when his strength had not been
damaged, if he was unhappy, he could just pinch and make the person explode. But now his
soul was extremely damaged. He had to act carefully and could only rely on Zuo Mo. Zuo Mo
was the place he had put his soul in, and was now under threat from the female xiu. How
could Pu Yao feel safe like this?

Also, he could not understand the female xiu. This point caused the insecurity inside to
grow. If something occurred, he could do nothing. His strength had reached the lowest
point in his life. The female xiu’s strength wasn’t just ridiculously strong, but extremely

“It seems that we need to temporarily cooperate,” Pu Yao gritted out to the gravestone.
“This woman is too dangerous!”

The gravestone didn’t make a sound.

Pu Yao smirked coldly. “Aren’t you afraid that something will happen to him? Other
than him, do you have any other choice?”

The gravestone suddenly became as smooth and clear as a mirror, a figure blurrily

Pu Ya smiled.


After the first formation battle watchtower, Zuo Mo’s construction speed increased
dramatically. This was due to him acclimating to the new changes of his body. Zuo Mo gave
the move he had randomly created that day the name of “Diving From Heaven.”
Accidentally performing “Diving From Heaven” had made him realize many aspects of his
new body.

The most evident was the consciousness. His consciousness had not developed very
much over time as though it was stuck at a certain barrier. In the sky that day, when he had
accidentally stirred the flames in the turbulent air, he had comprehended and instantly
broke through in that moment.

The improvement in his consciousness was enormous. This also caused his speed in
building formation battle watchtowers to dramatically increase.

The most difficult part of the formation battle watchtower was carving the formation.
After his consciousness improved, it became easier to carve formations. Adding on that he
had the experience of making one tower, his construction speed made people gape. Yuan
Jiang who was watching from a distance increasingly felt that Boss was a monster.

One female and one male monster.

The demand of resources suddenly increased. Ji Wei and Sun Bao instantly were so busy
they were dizzy.

Zuo Mo furiously built at a rate of one formation battle watchtower every two days.
Tower after tower rose up. Zuo Mo used almost all of the empty ground to build formation
battle watchtowers.

Zuo Mo had a strong feeling that the potential of his body was slowly being uncovered.

All kinds of heavy labor would squeeze out every bit of strength in his body; controlling
the fire paper would consume every drop of his ling power; carving formations exhausted
his spiritual power.

He suddenly felt some anticipation. When this city was finished, what would he become?

The anticipation and yearning of the xiuzhe in the camp increased every day. Such a
strong city, adding such a dense patch of formation battle watchtowers, they thought that
no one could destroy this.

Just as Zuo Mo was happily busy, Ma Fan and the others arrived at the camp with the
enormous slave transporting boats.

Looking at the black batch of xiu slaves, Zuo Mo was at a complete loss for words. The
one thousand and more captives that Gongsun Cha had sent back had already gave him a
headache. Just after he had managed to settle them down, Ma Fan and the others had
brought to him one thousand and more of xiu slaves, and just lianqi xiu slaves … …

Zuo Mo was exceptionally angry, pointing at the xiu slaves in front of him and asking
expressionlessly, “What do I do with them?”
Ma Fan, Xie Shan, and the others were very careful. They also felt that their spoils this
time were somewhat absurd. Xie Shan piled a smile on his face. “Xiu slaves can be used to

“Mining? I don’t believe they can do as well as Lil’ Pagoda,” Zuo Mo said with a black
face. Lil’ Pagoda and Zuo Mo were connected in mind. Hearing Zuo Mo praise it, it
whooshed out of somewhere and smugly twisted its slightly chubby body. However, when
it saw Zuo Mo’s pot black face, its figure froze and then it fled.

Many incidents had told him when his daddy wasn’t in a good mood, nothing good would
come out of appearing in front of him.

Ma Fan carefully gave a smile as he said, “Boss, you don’t know how poor the Outer Hall
is, so poor that they only have xiu slaves. We didn’t have any solution. If we came back
with empty hands, that doesn’t fit in with what you usually teach us.”

“Yes, yes!” Lei Peng hurriedly agreed as he furiously nodded his head.

Zuo Mo smiled coldly. “Not bad, not bad! You guys really remember my words well.”

“Of course!” Lei Peng beat loudly on his hairy chest. Xie Shan and Ma Fan exchanged a
look and obediently close their mouths. The two of them looked with sympathy at Lei Peng.

“Then you can support them.” Zuo Mo glanced at Lei Peng. “You forgot the other
phrase I said. We don’t do unprofitable business. Oh, I will take it from your rewards.”

Lei Peng gave a sky-shaking howl and grabbed onto Zuo Mo’s leg. “Boss! I was wrong! I
really was wrong!”

The anger in Zuo Mo’s heart erupted as he kicked Lei Peng out twenty zhang away and
swore, “You also know you are wrong! Ha! Do you know how much jingshi you people
spend every day? Five pieces! Seven hundred people, three thousand and five hundred
pieces of third grade jingshi every day! Do you really think ge is a tycoon? Ge is so poor
right now ge almost can’t eat!”

Everyone was scared by the acrimony in Zuo Mo’s words that they were shaking. They
found he was right as they thought about it. They would consume large amounts of jingshi
when they cultivated every day. All of the expenses were provided by Boss. They had never
thought about it before. Now that Boss calculated it, they jumped in fright. Many people
suddenly felt guilty. As long as it was jingshi for cultivation, Boss was always open and had
never shorted them.

“Ha! Now you guys have taken back this many xiu slaves, you just want ge to go
bankrupt!” Zuo Mo’s anger had not eased. Nothing could infuriate him more than going
“Boss, we’ll go steal jingshi for you!” Lei Peng rolled and climbed over to express his

“Right, Boss, we can’t let you lose!”

“We’ll rob them blind!”

The crowd of people instantly started howling. Their killing intent scared the one
thousand xiu slaves into paling.

“Then what to do with the xiu slaves? Sell them?” Ma Fan carefully asked.

“Sell to whom?” The anger in Zuo Mo’s heart had decreased greatly as he snorted coldly,
“Wouldn’t that be telling other people what you guys did Nan Sheng Village?”

Everyone stared at each other, and instantly found it was a problem.

“Should we kill them?” Xie Shan hesitantly asked. The expressions of many of the
surrounding people were not natural.

Once the words came out, the xiu slaves that were nearest instantly paled and knelt
down with a bang, furiously kowtowing and begging, “Daren! We can work! We’re willing
to do any work! Daren, we only ask for something to eat … …”

“Get up! Get Up!” Zuo Mo instantly had a headache. He had never seen anything like this

Those xiu slaves didn’t dare to get up, all of them kneeling down in a wave as they
furiously kow-towed, “Daren … …”

The already impatient Zuo Mo suddenly raged, “All of you, shut up and get the
motherf***ing up! I’ll kill anyone who kneels!”

These words were very effective at silencing everyone.

Zuo Mo didn’t speak another word, turning and leaving.

Ma Fan and the others that remained behind looked at each other with frowns on their
faces. Those people who had suggested to take the xiu slaves with them were full of regret
but at this time, no one was in the mood to talk.

Zuo Mo found a formation battle watchtower in a dejected mood, and laid down. He
might have many people under his command, but in reality, he still was a youth who hadn’t
seen much.

Wu Kong Sword Sect also had xiu slaves. He had some sympathy for xiu slaves. They
were a group of pitiful people.

But life was not easy. His sympathy wasn’t going to be used on xiu slaves he didn’t know
or related to. This group of xiu slaves were a great burden, but he couldn’t do something
like massacre all the xiu slaves.

Usually, he was used to facing these things from an objective perspective. Who could
have thought that something like this would one day occur to him?

Little Mountain Jie was full of danger. Their goal was to quickly leave. Where did he have
the energy to take care of this group of helpless xiu slaves? What Zuo Mo needed right now
was xiuzhe with offensive power, and not xiu slaves that could not fight.

These xiu slaves also needed to consume ling grains or jingshi. Even though it wouldn’t
be a huge amount, but due to the large numbers, it wouldn’t be a small amount. The already
heavy burden would grow bigger.

Why had he encountered such a terrible matter?

Zuo Mo laid down with anger and no strength. Looking at the exquisite formations on the
ceiling, he fell into a daze.

Suddenly, Pu Yao’s voice suddenly sounded in his mind, “I have a solution.”

Translator Ramblings: Poor Man Fan and Xie Shan. They sincerely want to be good and
useful, and they try so hard. Now they’ve “failed” twice in a row.

Zuo Mo finally shows some of the pressure he is under. The jingshi has to come from
somewhere, and people in Little Mountain Jie are not that rich. The stuff they get from
conquering other people are not enough, especially since they have to pay the forgers for
the city building materials and also Gongsun Cha’s army who probably needs more ling
power as they expend it in fighting.

To continue on names, let’s talk about Wei Sheng. It is written as “韦胜”. Wei is a very old
surname, part of the Hundred Names. It also means tanned leather. Sheng has multiple
means. The first is “victory” or “to win.” It is also “surpass,” “superb” and many other
synonyms along those lines. It’s a pretty simple name. Though nothing is as simple as Pu,
which is just a rush or a vine, and one of the words in the Chinese name of dandelion. Plant
based name for a species that came from plants … … very easy to create names this way.
Chapter 263
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Three Zuo Mo’s Determination

Hearing Pu Yao’s words, Zuo Mo’s mind became alert. He pretend to accidentally glance
at the female xiu before secretly entering the sea of consciousness.

“What solution?” Zuo Mo asked straightforwardly. However, when he saw Pu Yao, he

stilled. Pu Yao wasn’t sitting on the gravestone like he usually did but sitting in front of it.

Weren’t these two at odds?

Suspicion flashed across Zuo Mo’s heart, but his attention was quickly attracted by Pu
Yao’s words.

“I know what you are worried about.” Pu Yao’s thin lips curved in an enchanting smile.

Zuo Mo was slightly distracted by a nonsensical question in his mind. Why was everyone
around him so evil and feminine? Even Gongsun Cha seemed to be progressing towards
abnormal now. The strong girl that had appeared was also very evil.

Pu Yao seemed very confident. “It is a pity to waste jingshi on their body.”

Zuo Mo rolled his eyes upon hearing this. “Just say the solution, don’t waste words.”

“Hee hee.” Pu yao wasn’t moved, his bloody pupil narrowing slightly. “Why don’t you
consider making them cultivate mo?”

“Cultivate mo?” Zuo Mo instantly froze.

“Exactly, cultivate mo,” Pu Yao smiled. “The ling energy of Little Mountain Jie is
corroded, but that doesn’t affect mo cultivation. This group of xiu slaves have just
entered lianqi, and their cultivation is rough. It would not be difficult for them to
switch to mo cultivation. Also, cultivating mo does not require ling energy, and you do
not need to use up jingshi.”

Zuo Mo’s interest was stirred by Pu Yao’s suggestion. He asked with curiosity, “How to
cultivate mo?”

“There are mo skills,” Pu Yao said in a matter of fact tone.

Hearing this, Zuo Mo was furious. He jumped off the ground, pointing at Pu Yao’s nose
and swearing, “Ha, you do have mo skills! What did you say in the past to ge? You said
you didn’t have mo skills, making ge practice [Sky Wave Fist Scripture]! Now you run
out and say you have mo skills, you were fooling ge!”

Pu Yao was speechless.

The matter of cultivating mo was quickly finalized. Pu Yao took out a set of mo skill called
[Hardship Guard].

“The previous version of [Hardship Guard] was a mo skill called [Hardship Abyss]. It
was first created by a heart-addicted monkey. He was born very weak and untalented. He
could not cultivate the [Heart Addiction] mo skill of his clan. After many troubles, he
personally created [Hardship Abyss], and in the end, cultivated to the rank of mo general.
Later, this mo skill landed in the hands of a king. He changed the [Hardship Abyss] and
bestowed it to one of his personal guards. This mo skill therefore changed its name to
[Hardship Guard].

Pu Yao proudly introduced.

“The greatest specialty of this mo skill is that it is suitable for mo that do not have
outstanding talents. Oh, this group of xiu slaves is very well suited. Hmph, hmph, in any
mo jie, this mo skill is high level stuff. It can sell for a good price. These xiu slaves really
picked up a bargain.”

After Zuo Mo finished reading [Hardship Guard], he jumped in fright. Unless one had
great endurance they couldn’t cultivate this mo skill, much less to a high level. Mo skills
were based on hard work and persistence. The person that made this mo skill really was

He had originally been thinking if he could cultivate it. After reading it, Zuo Mo decided to
give up. This wasn’t something anyone could cultivate.

Pu Yao understood Zuo Mo’s misgiving.

“Normal people aren’t suited to cultivate this, but these xiu slaves have encountered
many obstacles and hardships in their life so they are actually very suited to this mo
skill. In any case, you just don’t want them to use jingshi right now.”

Zuo Mo agreed with Pu Yao. In any case, he wasn’t hoping that these xiu slaves would
accomplish anything.

The xiu slaves were reorganized into a camp called the Guard Camp. Zuo Mo counted one
thousand people. He passed down the first chapter of [Hardship Guard] and picked a few
xiuzhe to supervise them before going back to his city construction work.

After a few days when Gongsun Cha returned with eight hundred captives, Zuo Mo finally
released a breath. The two exchanged a few words before they attended to their own
matters. Zuo Mo had to build the city, Gongsun Cha had to organize the captives and make
new groups, and consolidate what he learned etc.

The preliminary structure of the Golden Crow City caused everyone, including the
captives, to feel excitement and anticipation.

After continuous construction, the formation battle watchtowers of Golden Crow City
reached thirty six in number. They were tightly packed together, pointing towards the sky
like sharp swords. Looking at these formation battle watchtowers that rose above the city
walls, everyone was filled with the feeling of safety.

The completion of thirty six formation battle watchtowers meant that the xiuzhe of the
camp could start to move in.

Wei Cheng Bin followed Master Ji Wei into Golden Crow City, his expression excited. As
he stepped into the city, a feeling of warmth surrounded him, feeling like he was soaking in
the sun. The people in the surroundings sighed in amazement.

“What formation is this? It is so wonderful!”

“Comfortable, way too comfortable! Even if you kill me, I won’t return to that
mountain cave!”

“Worth it, it’s worth it even if I die now!”


Hearing the discussion around him, Wei Cheng Bin suddenly felt his nose was sore and
almost cried. He hurriedly lowered his head to disguise his state. When he raised his head,
what he saw was a flash of tears at the corner of Master Ji Wei’s eye.

For people like him, the Golden Crow City in front of them was the final dream in their

One after the other, the formation battle watchtowers covered in complex formations
scripts appeared in their vision, causing them to sigh in amazement again. Everyone’s
hearts was instantly comforted. The enormous group of formation battle watchtowers
seemed to be announcing their power and gave them a strong feeling of safety.
“Alright, move quickly!” Master Ji Wei bellowed at the top of his lungs to wake the group
of people up. “We need to go first build the places we will be living in. Otherwise, we
need to return to the cave tonight. Which one of you wants to return?”

Of course, no one was willing so everyone hurried to start building.

The xiuzhe that knew earth element spells usually were also skilled in building houses.
The xiuzhe of the forging division were never properly educated. Many of them had a
pretty good earth element spell.

“Everyone work hard! Let’s try to finish before dusk so we can have a little fun
tonight.” Master Jie Wei waved his arms with excitement.


As Zuo Mo had already divided out the different living districts beforehand, the camp
was naturally the most important part. Gongsun Cha first needed to reorganize the
numerous troops under his command. He didn’t interfere with the Guard Camp. He didn’t
understand the things Shixiong was doing with the Guard Camp. Just the xiuzhe under his
command were enough to give him a headache.

He didn’t want to break down the organization of the six divisions. These xiuzhe
cooperated very well among themselves. If new people were added, their offensive
capabilities would decrease.

However, Gongsun Cha was not the same greenhorn that didn’t understand anything
anymore. He easily worked to reorganize.

The six divisions were the primary force, and were under the command of Vermillion
Bird Camp. The fact that the first camp created was called Vermillion Bird Camp, and not
Black Warrior Camp[1] was enough to express how much everyone liked Golden Crow City
from the bottom of their hearts. The xiuzhe that had comprehended “essence” and were led
by Ma Fan and Xie Shan were put into one platoon, Sky Peak Platoon. What was a surprise
was the Shield Guard Platoon was led by Zong Ru. The main purpose of the Shield Guard
Platoon was to protect Gongsun Cha, and transmit Gongsun Cha’s orders.

The remaining two thousand xiuzhe were divided into the Eastern and Western Camps.
In Gongsun Cha’s plans, Eastern Camp and Western Camp were the reserve that would
provide talented xiuzhe for Vermillion Bird Camp.

In Gongsun Cha’s vision, Vermillion Camp would have twelve divisions, one thousand six
hundred and sixty four people. Adding on the quartermasters and supporting xiuzhe, it
would be a full one thousand and five hundred people. There were just six divisions now, so
it was only half complete.

But he was also clear that Vermillion Bird Camp which was skilled in ambushing was not
in great demand since they possessed the Golden Crow City. The most pressing matter at
the moment was to train the xiuzhe of the Eastern and Western Camps to use the formation
battle watchtowers.

The reorganization calmly progressed.

As to the Guard Camp, that was Shixiong’s headache. Having finished his preparations,
Gongsun Cha quickly moved into the Golden Crow City.

When the night came, Golden Crow City was very loud. The lanterns at the sides of the
street filled the little city with brightness. From afar, it looked like a city that was floating in
the air!

Today was a holiday for everyone in the city!

Many people cried from happiness. They finally had a place to rest, a place to shelter
them from the elements, they finally had a place where they could relax and sleep!

In the calamity-ridden Little Mountain Jie, Golden Crow City was one of a kind!

Gongsun Cha silently watched his subordinates celebrate. Those people that usually
weren’t afraid of death were sobbing like children at the moment. His heart didn’t feel so
good. He knew more. He knew the city was just to prepare for the big battle against the
Clear Sky Old Forefather.

From the moment it started to be built, the fate of Golden Crow City was set in stone.

He pressed together his lips, quietly leaving the partying camp to find Shixiong. He found
Shixiong at a formation battle watchtower. He was slightly shocked. As everyone was
partying madly, Shixiong was staying by himself at the formation battle watchtower.

Noticing Gongsun Cha come over, Zuo Mo raised his head. “I’m trying to see if I can use
the formation battle watchtower to nurture the Sonic Lightning Walnuts.”

Gongsun Cha became alert. “Did Shixiong find something?”

“En, it seems plausible but I still need to test it.” Zuo Mo noticed Gongsun Cha’s low
mood. “What? Has Shidi encountered something unhappy?”

He understood the two shidi very well. Cheng Shidi was a person obsessed with animal-
keeping. While Gongsun Shidi usually seemed vicious and murderous, but in reality, his
mentality was not any different than Cheng Shidi. They were both very naïve and did not
know worldly matters.
“I just saw they are so happy. But in the end, there will be nothing. This city is
destined to be destroyed,” Gongsun Cha said dejectedly.

Zuo Mo was silent. He walked to the guardrail and looked into the distance. After a
moment, he smiled and said, “I hadn’t thought such a violent person as Shidi would be so
sentimental.” He paused slightly, turned his face, and said seriously, “Little Mountain Jie is
a cage. Can there be a paradise in a cage? What we want is to survive because we
understand that if we cannot escape the cage, we will die. It is like using warm water to
cook a frog, we will be cooked slowly.”

“Among them, some understand and some do not. Those that understand are not
willing to think. Why? They feel if they can live one more day, it is one day.” Zuo Mo said
in a deep voice, “But I don’t think the same. I would rather to use those miserable days
to trade for a chance, a chance to escape.”

“Golden Crow City has never been a paradise! If we succeed, even if this city does not
exist anymore, they will still be able to find their paradise!” Zuo Mo said resolutely.

Gongsun Cha raised his head. The depression on his delicate face swept away cleanly.
Those eyes that were usually covered in killing intent and people could never see into were
so clear now there was no impurity.

The two exchanged a look, and smiled at each other.

[1] The Vermillion Bird (Zhu Que) is one of the four sacred/benevolent animals of
Chinese culture. It is actually a five- colored bird, not just one color. Its element is fire and
the cardinal direction it represents is the south. Black Warrior (Xuan Wu) is another name
for the Black Turtle (Xuan Gui). Its cardinal direction is the north, and its element is water.
In mythology, the black warrior is made of two entities, a tortoise, and a snake who are two
great generals. Due to the origins (Wikipedia), Xuan Wu would usually be a much better
name for a military troop.

Translator Ramblings: Ah, Zuo Mo is always sensitive to anything that can impact his
bottom line. He doesn’t care that a few thousand people are cultivating to be mo if he
doesn’t have to spend jingshi. Pu Yao is now offering help without being asked … … this is a
large improvement compared to the beginning of their relationship.

Zuo Mo’s city is now habitable and the people are excited. He really points to the main
problem: there is no freedom in Little Mountain Jie. If they don’t rebel, they will forever be
living in a place they cannot leave and at the mercy of Clear Sky Sect since they control the
only entrance, and therefore the flow of all goods imported and exported.
Chapter 264
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Four – The Rudimentary Form

Taking advantage of the fact that the Old Forefather was in seclusion, He Xiang concealed
the matter. The other people also knew this matter had created too much of a mess. If it
was revealed to the top, everyone would die so they all kept their silence. Their greatest
losses this time were the five slave transporting boats. The value of the one thousand xiu
slaves was very limited.

They were still able to afford the compensation for five slave transporting boats.

Yet, the loss that made them want to spit blood was that many of the bosses that they
had finished negotiating with had died in this ambush. The agreements that they had made
had become a waste of effort. These factions would enter a period of chaos, reform, and
choose a new leader. This meant that their work would drag on for a longer period of time.

This damned group of hooligans!

If he caught them, he would definitely tear their bodies to pieces!

He Xiang gritted his teeth. Thinking of the factions that were in chaos, he felt his head
ache. He suddenly found that from the time he had become the Chief Elder of the Outer
Hall, an unfortunate sequence of bad luck had followed him. Nothing had gone smoothly.

What he needed to consider now was whether he should intervene in the internal
conflict of these factions. There was not much time left for him. If he could not complete
this matter before the Old Forefather came out of seclusion, he would lose all of his


All of the formation battle watchtowers lit up. The warm silver lights were very beautiful
in the night.

Seven Sonic Lightning Walnuts were floating at the top level of each formation battle
watchtower They were bobbing like they were in water. They occasionally flew around the
interior of the watchtowers. The ceiling and walls of the towers continued to release silver
dots of light. These mist like silver dots of light would then be absorbed by the Sonic
Lightning Walnuts.

Zuo Mo carefully inspected every Sonic Lightning Walnut that was being nurtured in the
top level of the watchtowers. The formation battle watchtowers were carved with the [Yin
Fiend Hard Lightning] formation. These dots of silver mist that looked harmless contained
minuscule amounts of hard lightning. After being nurtured like this, the power of the Sonic
Lightning Walnut would be even greater.

The construction of the city was only half completed. The remaining half was the most
difficult part.

In the watchtower at the very center of the Golden Crow City, Zuo Mo started to dig
down into the soil. He incinerated the evacuated soil using Golden Crow Fire. His body had
entered the second maturation. The noise of this maturation process was much less noisy
than compared to the first time.

The improvement of second maturation was not as evident as first maturation, but he
could still clearly feel the improvement of his body.

[Sky Glass Wave] had improved to nineteen revolutions from eighteen revolutions. The
power had increased, but there was no qualitative change.

But what interested Zuo Mo was the mo matrix on his body.

Jade Metal Head was a mo physique. After the second maturation, a faint mo matrix
started to appear. The mo matrix started first on his chest and it was very faint. If Zuo Mo
didn’t carefully inspect his body, it was likely he would have missed such a subtle change.

His skin had become black and glowing. The mo matrix patterns were also black, and
very faint, so they were hard to detect.

Zuo Mo carefully studied them for a while and found the mo matrix that had floated out
was not complete. Many places were far too faint and hard to decipher. He concluded that
they must only completely appear after third maturation.

He noted it down before going back to building the city.

In the span of a few short days, Golden Crow City was completely revamped.

The streets were abnormally clean. New buildings neatly spread out like a forest on both
sides of streets. The style of these buildings were varied. There were green brick yards,
brightly colored sharp pointed towers. The xiuzhe of Golden Crow City came from many
different places. The only buildings that could not been seen here were the residences
frequently seen in other cities to be floating in the air out of consideration for safety.
The fruit trees on both sides of the street were tenderly green and heavy with fruit that
gave off a tantalizing fragrance. All of the empty spaces like under the trees, and the
corners of buildings were planted with flowers and grasses to make them attractive to the
eyes. For these trees and grasses, all of the xiuzhe that had knowledge of ling farming had
joined in. Many kinds of birds had been enticed over. Vitality flowed in every corner.

Nian Lu, who dragged a group of xiuzhe back through hurrying day and night gaped at
the beautiful scene in front of him and lost the ability of speech.


Bao Yi bowed to Lil’ Pagoda that was floating in front of him, his expression slightly wary,
“Pagoda ye, are you hungry again?”

The chubby Lil’ Pagoda tried its best to produce a proud stance, but one could not bear to
look at it. Behind it, Silly Bird raised her head and pushed out her chest, her stomach tightly
stretched and fat. The half-lidded eyes didn’t show any intentions of properly looking at a
person. On top of Silly Bird’s head, the antenna of Lil’ Black restlessly waved as it looked

Bao Yi didn’t dare to laugh. He didn’t dare to offend the three little ancestors in front of

He really didn’t understand. These days, could talismans, steeds, and worms become so
intelligent? The three formed a troop and would come at intervals to sweep the stores. The
weirdest one was Lil’ Pagoda. It would swallow anything. Talismans, materials, all of it
would go to its stomach.

But Boss was very lenient with them, and had told him to give the talismans that could
not be used to Lil’ Pagoda.

To a miser like Bao Yi, this was akin to carving the flesh out of his heart. Even though he
knew that there wasn’t much value in those talismans, but the smallest grain of rice was
still food. Watching as they all landed in Lil’ Pagoda’s stomach, and not having the smallest
piece of jingshi come out, his heart bled blood.

Wastrel! Such a wastrel!

Unconsciously, Lil’ Pagoda had become Bao Yi’s greatest enemy!

Of course, he didn’t dare to show the enmity that was in his heart. Lil’ Pagoda was deeply
favored by Boss. If working under Zuo Mo previously had been a decision made out of
helplessness, then his heart was truly loyal now. He had never heard of a person so strong
they could build a city like this by themselves, much less seen one. Right now, he seemed to
understand why an expert like Xie Shan would willingly serve Boss.

Look at the strong offensive abilities under Boss’ command! Oh, the God of Wealth Up
High, he, Bao Yi, had never thought he could personally see such a strong and vicious troop!

He didn’t believe there was anyone that had the power to pose a risk to them in Little
Mountain Jie unless Clear Sky Old Forefather personally came. He admired Boss very much
for this point. Boss had opened up his provisions of jingshi for his subordinates. The troop
of seven hundred people used three thousand and five hundred third-grade jingshi a day. If
it was converted, it would be seven pieces of fourth-grade jingshi.

Seven piece of fourth-grade jingshi daily! Whoa! He had almost fainted when he had first
learned this. Even in Little Mountain Jie where jingshi was not worth much at present, it
still was not a low number.

He felt a compelling pressure. The talismans that they had gained were not able to be
sold. Now that the city was constructed, he needed to think of ways for Boss to start doing
business. Otherwise, if they just fed off of their savings then in the long term, they couldn’t
sustain it in the future.

Just as he was wandering in his thoughts, he saw Lil’ Pagoda waving in front of him. He
hurriedly refocused and suddenly found that a line of puppets had formed behind the three.


As an experienced merchant, Bao Yi had worked with all kinds of talismans, and
naturally seen puppets before. Truthfully, from his angle, the construction of these copper
puppets were very rough.

Copper puppets were just one step above paper puppets, but still were very common
mainstream items. He twisted his mouth. This kind of copper puppets couldn’t sell for a
good price, even if he was the one doing it.

However, it was possible to see that the person who had designed these puppets had put
in a great deal of thought. These puppets were designed for mining. The bottom half of
their bodies were jointed in sections like a snake. That would allow them to adjust to all
kinds of uneven terrain. The top half was shaped traditionally like a person, but there were
four arms instead of two.

The puppets lined up neatly, each puppet carrying on its back a cloth bag that was larger
than their bodies.

Bao Yi lost some of his disdain. These puppets may look ugly, but they were very strong
and were pretty good puppets.
He watched as these puppets came in, and put down the cloth bags on their backs. Bao Yi
quickly found a little mountain pile up in front of him.

“This … … Pagoda ye, what is all this?” Bao Yi carefully asked.

Lil’ Pagoda bent its chubby body and acted as it was talking.

Bao Yi swallowed and wiped the sweat on his forehead. He asked uncertainly, “Is it to let
me see?” Every time he faced Lil’ Pagoda and the other two, it was as though he was facing
an enemy. He regretted not learning how to play charades when he was young.

Lil’ Pagoda nodded.

Bao Yi released a breath. He hadn’t guessed incorrectly. He hurriedly ran over and
opened the cloth bags.

The blinding light of jingshi reflected on his dumbstruck face and filled the room with

Lil’ Pagoda ran in front of Silly Bird to ask for praise. Silly Bird used her wings to brush
Lil’ Pagoda. Lil’ Pagoda instantly became happy, and hurried flying to the front to led the
way. This guy was very clever. They had become familiar after coming here a few times.
With Lil’ Black on top, Silly Bird walked its proud stride and floated off as she brushed past
the stunned Bao Yi.


Shu Long was the highest ranked supervisor of the Guard Camp. He was an old xiu slave.
Differing from the many people who had just been captured, he had already passed through
five owners. This caused him to hold great authority among this group of xiu slaves.

He scanned the camp. Everyone was furiously cultivating. He couldn’t help but give a
satisfied expression. He was full of gratitude towards his present owner. Only xiu slaves
that had passed through many owners would deeply appreciate how much the present
situation was like paradise.

He had actually received favor from Master to command the Guard Camp. He was full of
excitement and terror. He was happy that he could help Master, but terrified that he would
ruin the matter.

What he hadn’t expected was that Boss didn’t get them to go work, but had them
cultivate. Cultivation was very good. Even though he didn’t know much, but he knew that
cultivation was value. However, he couldn’t help but worry. Master’s action was
benevolent, but in the eyes of other people, he was a wastrel. Who would let xiu slaves

He had never heard of something so absurd.

But since Master had ordered it, he could only do his best to help Master. Sometimes, he
couldn’t help but fantasize that some experts would be produced out of the Guard Camp
and serve Master. It would be worth it even if he died.

Master had kept them, and allowed them to cultivate. All of Guard Camp were holding
their breath. What Shu Long was most afraid of were the new slaves. New xiu slaves only
had hatred in their minds. In their eyes, all xiuzhe were enemies.

He had also once walked that road.

“Shu Long, get them to come one by one. I need to inspect their progress.” A thought
came from the necklace on his neck. His mind became alert. Cultivating was so strange. This
necklace of his should probably be a talisman.

“Yes!” he hurriedly responded, and rang the large drum.


In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao interestedly played with the necklace. The little toys
that Zuo Mo forged had some usefulness.

Making a troop that cultivated mo, how interesting would something like that be!

Translation Ramblings: Xiu slaves are worth less than their transportation boats which
isn’t so strange if you think back to how much a free lianqi xiuzhe‘s wages are and how
expensive talismans are. Clear Sky Sect probably just had to pay the merchant/business for
the boats, not the slaves.

Lil’ Pagoda is growing fat … … Bao Yi treats Lil’ Pagoda like it is a calamity. On another
note,if Zuo Mo had to have a patron god, it would probably also be the god of wealth a.k.a
the god of jingshi. The puppets are pretty good in design though I’m curious if it would be
better in therms of stability for them to have multiple legs like an insect or to be like a
snake like their present form.
Chapter 265
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiofDoom, and warlord212.

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Five – Silly Bird’s Shocking Change!

Silly Bird swallowed down a piece of grey mud.

This was a ball of grey mud that Lil’ Pagoda had just spat out. Lil’ Black had no interest in
the grey mud. Silly Bird was the only one that liked it. The three of them had a great
relationship, especially as Silly Bird occupied the position of leader with a proud and
matter of fact attitude. The other two little ones were very obedient towards Silly bird.

So whenever Lil’ Pagoda had the chance, it would skip to give the grey mud it spat out to
Silly Bird. Zuo Mo had been very busy recently, where would he find the time to take care
of them? If he knew how much of the grey mud Silly Bird had swallowed, his heart would
definitely bleed.

That was so much jingshi!

Silly Bird didn’t have any intentions of being frugal and swallowed the grey mud as
though it was her right. The talismans that were collected were of much higher grade than
before. Previously, the majority had been second-grade, but now it was third-grade. The
storage were filled with a large amount of third-grade talismans. Since they couldn’t find
buyers for them, and the xiuzhe couldn’t use them, all of them had entered Lil’ Pagoda’s

Just by looking at Lil’ Pagoda’s fattened figure, it was possible to see how good its recent
days had been.

Silly Bird had also received benefits along with Lil’ Pagoda.

What was unexpected was that Silly Bird suddenly had a painful expression, all the
feathers on its body were shaking. A faint whirlwind started to appear around its body, and
spin continuously around her.

Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Black instantly became nervous.

Some grey energy threads suddenly appeared under Silly Bird’s wings. As though they
were alive, these grey threads of energy climbed and wormed their way up her wings. Her
pain seemed to increase as her body shook more fiercely. The grey energy quickly spread
over her body at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In an extremely short period of time, the grey energy had spread along her long slender
neck until it reached her eyes.

A sound filled with pain caused Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Black to freeze on the spot in fright.


An extremely small sound as though something had been lit.

Silly Bird’s entire body was wrapped in an extremely thick layer of grey mist. Looking at
her from afar, she seemed like a roiling cloud of mist. Threads of grey energy spread out
from the cloud, and entered the whirlwind that was swirling around her body, pulling out
thin grey threads in circles.

The grey thread circles increased in number until there appeared to be an invisible
silkworm spinning silk. The dense layer of grey thread continued to dance around Silly Bird
and gradually formed a grey silk cocoon. At the very center of the grey cocoon was a ball of
mist that continued to spew grey smoke.


The painful sound seemed to come from the bottom of the heart. Bao Yi, who had been
disturbed, changed expression. Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Black were so scared they lost their

The grey cocoon suddenly flew into the air, leaving behind a grey shadow, as it
disappeared into the horizon.


Zuo Mo, who had been working on the city’s construction, suddenly changed his
expression. “Damn it!” His legs pushed off as he flew into the air.

“I’ll sort you all out when I get back!”

Zuo Mo’s furious voice passed back. Everyone at the ground looked at each other in

After a while, Xie Shan tried to ask Gongsun Cha, “Boss, should we send someone to

Gongsun Cha glanced at the people that were yearning to go. “Do you guys want to slack
off? Don’t even think about it. All of you, stay alert. Every one of you added together
wouldn’t be a match for that woman.”
The other people instantly faltered. They remembered that the female xiu who always
followed Boss was a terrifying existence!


Zuo Mo hurriedly followed in pursuit. Silly Bird that was wrapped in the grey energy flew
extremely fast. He used all his power and could barely manage to keep up. He was both
furious and panicked. Little brat, when ge catches up to you, just wait!

Lil’ Pagoda was connected to him. In an instant, he had known what had happened.

The more he thought, the angrier he got. Ge was working hard and was so tired, and you
guys made trouble, you guys don’t want to live!

His mind prepared the series of tortures that would occur once he caught Silly Bird. It
may have been due to the stimulus from his rage, his speed increased by another faction.
The Thunder Flowing Light Wings were pressed to their limits. He was like a bolt of

No matter how fast he flew, the female xiu managed to follow without any effort. But at
this point, Zuo Mo didn’t have the attention to spare.

His mind only had one thought, faster! Faster! Even faster!

All of his mind was engrossed in operating the Thunder Flowing Light Wings. After
building the city, from the [Yin Fiend Hard Lightning] to the thirty six hard lightning
formation battle watchtowers, without noticing it, his understanding of lightning had
reached another level. Flowing Light was a kind of lightning. Very quickly, he
comprehended it and grasped the trick to it.

The light of the Thunder Flowing Light Wings exploded. The Wings disappeared. They
became a ball of lightning that wrapped around Zuo Mo. His speed increased yet again!


As the lightning flashed across the sky, it gave off a heart-shaking vibration. The sound
was small but it passed into the distance.

However, after chasing for several hours, Zuo Mo still lost Silly Bird. No matter how
much he accelerated, he could only watch as the grey shadow distanced itself from him and
gradually disappeared.

“Do you know where she went?” Zuo Mo stopped abruptly and asked the female xiu.
The female xiu stood to one side silently as though she hadn’t heard anything.

“Which direction? Tell me!” Zuo Mo awkwardly added on hand motions, his voice
extremely panicked.

The female xiu was like a statue and did not speak.

“Speak!” Zuo Mo suddenly raged!

The female xiu was not affected, and did not move.

Looking at the female xiu silently gazing at himself, the furious Zuo Mo suddenly calmed
down, the anger in his eyes disappearing bit by bit.

“Sorry, I lost my temper just now!” Zuo Mo sincerely gave an apology. Even though he
knew the other could not hear it, he had lost control of his temper. Calm, he needed to be

“Pu Yao, do you know which direction she went?” Zuo Mo entered the sea of
consciousness to ask Pu Yao.

“Just now, it was to the east,” Pu Yao said with helplessness. “My strength has been
greatly used up, the range of my consciousness is much smaller than in the past.”

“Towards the east!” Zuo Mo did not hesitate to keep on flying towards the east.

That damned Silly Bird! When ge catches you, ge will pluck you clean. How will you fly
then? Zuo Mo thought hatefully .

He continued to channel ling power to maintain the Thunder Flowing Light Wings as he
flew across the sky. Fortunately, his body had strengthened greatly in the past while. Of his
body, consciousness, and ling power, the improvement of his ling power was not as visible
as his body, but the recent progress was not ordinary.

His ling power had reached twenty five jing, only five jing away from the second stratum.
What Zuo Mo didn’t know was how shocked the world would be if he spoke of such a crazy
progression speed!

In each stratum, preliminary growth would always be rapid, but the rate would become
slow as they got closer to the peak of the stratum. Five jing of cultivation didn’t seem like
much. However, many people would expend three years, five years, or even longer on these
five jing. Zuo Mo knew that while his cultivation growth rate had slowed, but the decrease
was much smaller than normal xiuzhe.

He didn’t know if it was caused by the mo physique or something else.

At this time, he didn’t have the attention to spare. He gathered his ling power and flew
with all his power towards the east.

Flying without rise until sunset, there was still nothing to be found. He looked in all
directions, there were no traces. Zuo Mo’s expression became dark, and couldn’t control
himself from swearing, “Damn it!”

However, his ling power was now completely used up. He had no energy to keep flying
and could only land.

Taking out a few pieces of jingshi, he made a Primary Replenishing Formation before
meditating to recover his ling power.

After reconstructing the mo physique, the previous formations on his body had been
destroyed. However, this mo physique could automatically filter the impurities in the ling
power. Zuo Mo patiently processed the ling power he absorbed. Even though the ling
power that was absorbed did not have impurities, they were purer if he processed them
and easier to control.

After two hours, Zuo Mo opened his eyes again, a light flashing in the dark.

Just as he stood up, the jingshi on the ground exploded into ball of dust.

“This is troublesome,” Zuo Mo flew into the sky, and muttered with a grimace after
looking around.

The night was dark, and the coldness seeped into the bones. The cloud layer was very
low, dark without any light. Zuo Mo decided to fly up. After a moment, he struggled out of
the cloud layer.

The last bit of clouds were thrown behind him, the vast sky appearing in front.

All of the stars were so bright, densely covering the entire sky. From the ground, the
cloud layer looked endless. Under the starlight, it was like a black ocean.

Between this cloud ocean and the stars, he was the only person!

He had never seen such a beautiful scene before. He was entranced for a while.

A moment later, he woke up. Looking at the female xiu that was silently floating beside
him, his mood became slightly better. He said to her with a smile, “Silly Bird is somewhat
dumb, but silly birds usually have silly luck, she shouldn’t be in trouble this time.”

He knew that the female xiu could not hear. Speaking this was just to comfort himself.

Suddenly, a few dots of light appeared in the sky.

Zuo Mo was instantly alerted and turned his head around .

It was a sword light! Zuo Mo was not unfamiliar with sword lights. These were the lights
that were usually created when sword xiu flew on their flying swords.

These sword lights came extremely quickly. Almost in the blink of an eye, they went from
the size of a sesame seed to a mung bean. Zuo Mo could barely make out that there were
four people coming, three male and one female, all of them sword xiu.

Zuo Mo’s mind secretly became alert. These four people were not ordinary. Their speed
as they flew on the sword was almost the same as when he would be using the Thunder
Flowing Light Wings with all his power.

However, he didn’t avoid them but moved forward. He wanted to ask the four people if
they had seen Silly Bird.

The four of them came very quickly. Zuo Mo vibrated his ling power and shouted out,
“Please wait!”

The four sword lights stopped at a place fifty zhang from Zuo Mo. All four of them looked
warily at Zuo Mo. One of them opened, “Why has Sire stopped us?” His tone was slightly

“Sorry sorry!” Zuo Mo raised his hands and smiled with friendliness. “This one’s steed
was suddenly alarmed. This one has chased for a long time, but has lost it. Stopping
everyone is just to ask if you have encountered a grey misty cloud?”

The expressions of the four eased. One of them said, “We did just see a grey shadow
pass by, but it was to fast, we couldn’t make it out.”

Zuo Mo’s mind became alert. “Do you know which direction?”

“That way,” the person said as he pointed behind him.

Zuo Mo hurriedly gave his thanks, rose and flew in the direction the person pointed at.

“Shixiong, you are…?” the female xiu asked with puzzlement. They hadn’t seen any grey
shadow along the way.

“Hee hee,” the person laughed darkly. “We can’t capture that benefit, but we can’t let
the person named Huang and the others to get it so easily. Otherwise, when we go back
to Clear Sky Sect, our branch wouldn’t even have any room.”

“This person’s cultivation doesn’t seem to be high. I saw that he is only ningmai first
stratum,” another person said confusedly.
“Ha ha, we can silently follow behind. You will know when it is time,” This person said
confidently. “Maybe we can even take advantage of the chaos, and get some benefits.”

Translator Ramblings: Aah, Zuo Mo’s pets come back to remind us of their presence.
WanderingGummiOfDoom thinks Silly Bird flew off because Zuo Mo told her to go fly the
last time she was leveling up. That’s very plausible and if that’s the case, then all of this is
Zuo Mo’s fault.

Also, Zuo Mo is clearly not thinking with a clear mind and Pu Yao admits his increasing
Chapter 266
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Six – A Little Harvest

After flying for about an hour, there were still no signs. Zuo Mo calmed down. He knew
that panicking was not useful. Based on Silly Bird’s fierce flying, she probably wouldn’t stop
anytime soon. As long as the direction was right, he would find her.

The grey mud that Lil’ Pagoda spat out was a smorgasbord of substances outside the five
elements. He didn’t know what change would come after Silly Bird had eaten so much. It
would be good if nothing happened to her. He was very worried. Silly Bird was the first ling
beast he had owned, and he had a deep attachment to her. Even though she was very proud
and had terrible habits, like showing off and not looking at people properly, but when he
thought about the first time he was wounded, and Silly Bird had done her best to carry him
back, his heart still was moved.

Suddenly, an extremely fine sword light flashed twenty li away from him.

Zuo Mo was slightly surprised. It seemed his luck today wasn’t so terrible. It required
luck to be able to encounter other sword xiu when flying in the air at night, especially with
the drastically reduced population of Little Mountain Jie. Not even one in ten remained, but
he had met two different groups today.

He was just going forward to ask if the other had seen Silly Bird when the sword light
unexpectedly curved and flew towards him.

Seeing the situation, Zuo Mo didn’t move and waited for the other.

When the other flew close, Zuo Mo saw his appearance. The person was an extremely
young xiuzhe in his early twenties. The light-glimmering ling armor did not look like
something average. His feet were stepping on a flying sword shaped like a ling snake. He
looked very carefree as he flew in the wind.

Seeing the pride on the others face, Zuo Mo muttered inside. Before he spoke, he heard
the other shout, “Hey, do you know five element spells?”

Zuo Mo instantly was discontent, his brow unconsciously furrowing. He speculated

inside that this person definitely was a disciple that had just come out of the sect to gain
experience. Surviving in the outside, just this kind of arrogant and brash tone was enough
for him to die multiple times.

“I know some,” Zuo Mo still planned on asking about Silly Bird so he endured it.
The person’s eyes lit up. “Come with me!” Finishing, he turned and left.

Zuo Mo rubbed his nose. Where had this silly bird came from? Oh, no no no! If Silly Bird
knew that he had given her and the guy in front of him had the same name, she would be
humiliated to the point of hitting the wall to suicide!

The ignorance of the other caused Zuo Mo to not know what to say. His mind suddenly
moved. How could a guy like this have survived in Little Mountain Jie? The only place he
could think of was Clear Sky Sect!

Only Clear Sky Sect could have such an unworldly disciple!

“You are a disciple of Clear Sky Sect? Zuo Mo asked, tilting his head.

“Ha ha, you know that ye is from Clear Sky Sect! Since you know, then obey! If ye is
happy, there’s some benefit for you. If you provoke ye, humph, no matter how big Little
Mountain Jie is, there is no place for you to hide,” the person said proudly as he turned

It really was meeting one’s enemy on a narrow road!

Since he knew the other was a disciple of Clear Sky Sect, Zuo Mo didn’t have any more
worries. With a flip of the hand, a flying sword appeared. This flying sword was serenely
green, with rippling waves and extremely nimble. This sword was called Serene Water
Sword, peak of third-grade. It was even better than the Water Drop Sword that Zuo Mo
previously had.

Zuo Mo would only pick the talismans that he liked or found useful from what they had
captured and put them into his ring. His ring at this time was piled full with fine talismans
and rare materials.

This Serene Water Sword was just third-grade, but its entire body was forged from
Serene Green Water, and was rich in water element power. It was already the peak of third-
grade talismans.

With the Serene Water Sword in his hand, Zuo Mo seemed to be walking on the ground in
the air. Pia pia pia, taking a series of small paces. Wind rose when his feet touched the air!

Zuo Mo held no fear when facing a ningmai. He had defeated ningmai xiuzhe when he
had been in zhuji. Now that he had broken through to ningmai, his confidence had grown
more. Even more, his fantasy enemy during this period of time had been the Clear Sky Old
Forefather. Compared to the fear of a jindan, a ningmai third stratum expert didn’t seem so

His first attack was [Li Water Burning Heavens]!

In an instantly, the body of the Serene Water Sword was covered in water-shaped flames.
These clear and transparent flames were like a piece of living crystal as it flickered!

Compared to the flame of the past that had been multiple zhang long, the water-shaped
flame was now just a short one chi, silent and serene!

This meant that Zuo Mo’s sword essence was even more condensed and had improved.

[Li Water Sword Scripture] was only a third-grade scripture, but Zuo Mo had
comprehended sword essence. If he persisted in walking down this path, tempered his
sword essence, and experimented with variations, he may be able to create new sword

Zuo Mo had not expected the sword essence he comprehended the most of all the sword
essences was Li Water sword essence and not Ice Dragon sword essence. In his hands, the
sword scripture that was just a small third-grade seemed to change.

It was as though he did it without any effort. There was no pause. His little trot created
countless afterimages, the sword in his hands serenely burning!

A gentle slice upwards!

There was none of the past explosiveness, or the sword essence radiating out, or the

As clear and serene as water, as bright as fire!

A serene, light, and almost careless spark flashed.

The face of the Clear Sky Sect disciple changed greatly. He shouted angrily, “How gutsy!
You dare … …”

The voice suddenly stopped. His expression changed greatly. A sword essence that was
almost tangible securely locked onto him!

Sword essence!

He was actually an expert that comprehended sword essence!

Clear Sky Sect was also a sword xiu sect. He naturally knew the dangers, and understood
that he had offended the wrong person this time.

Among the Clear Sky Sect disciples, only three of the shixiong had comprehended sword
essence. He had actually randomly encountered such a person! He was full of regret. The
internal competition of Clear Sky Sect was very fierce. The power of the shixiong had long
been impressed into his mind.
Gritting his teeth, his hands swiped, and an extremely small light shot at Zuo Mo!

“Hm!” In the air, Zuo Mo’s figure did not move. His wrist flicked lightly, and produced a
round wall of fire!

The wall of fire was like a great net that caught the light.

Zuo Mo stopped his figure, and grasped at the air. The clear flame wrapped around the
light that slowly flew towards him.

“Sky Sand!” Zuo Mo’s eyes suddenly lit up. Without any hesitation, he opened his mouth
and spat out a thread of pure golden flame. It was Golden Crow Fire. Once Golden Crow Fire
appeared, Zuo Mo retracted the sword essence. The transparent flame turned to vapor and
evaporated into the air.

The Golden Crow Fire drew out a line of fire and wrapped around the light.

“Golden Crow Fire!” this Clear Sky Sect disciple paled and exclaimed, his voice

Once the Golden Crow Fire wrapped around the Sky Sand, Zuo Mo couldn’t help but
shake his head. It really was a waste of something good! Sky Sand was the essence of earth
element. This Sky Sand that was the size of a sand particle and was eight hundred catties in
weight! Such a precious treasure of the earth, yet the impression method was so crude. Zuo
Mo, who had always been frugal, felt his heart was in pain.

The Golden Crow Fire easily wiped away the formation on the Sky Sand. This Sky Sand
revealed its original appearance.

Square and symmetrical, it was an extremely precise cube. The color was deep gold.
Entering his palm, Zuo Mo felt his right hand was weight down, and he almost dropped it.

So heavy!

A special eathy energy spread out. Zuo Mo suddenly felt as though he was situated in
dense sand.

Good thing!

Zuo Mo was overjoyed, and instantly threw it into his ring. This piece of Sky Sand might
be small, but it was a rare fourth-grade material. If he could forge it well, he would have
another good talisman.

The Clear Sky Sect disciple was dumbstruck. This particle of Sky Sand was his life-saving
talisman. He gaped upon seeing the other easily subdue it.

After a while, he managed to react, and swore, pointing at Zuo Mo, “You you you … … …”
After “you”-ing for a while, Zuo Mo didn’t hear any further words and snickered. He
examined the other from top to bottom. “I really hadn’t seen it. You brat, you do have
some oil on you!”

“You … … what do you want?” The Clear Sky Sect disciple instantly panicked when he
saw the greedy gaze Zuo Mo had.

“I don’t want much. Hee hee, everyone should share good things!” Zuo Mo snickered
as he spoke. A few yellow and red rope pieces appeared on his hands. Each red rope was
just the thickness of a chopstick.

“Immortal tying chain!” The Clear Sky Sect disciple almost fainted.

Coming out of a big sect like Clear Sky Sect, one could be unskilled at other things, but
their knowledge and experience would definitely be stronger than those from small sects.
That stack of red in Zuo Mo’s hands were all immortal tying chains! Immortal tying chains
were the general name for a type of talisman. There was only one use for them, to tie up the

The first impression he had of the immortal tying chain was that it was very valuable!
Because it was to imprison the other, immortal tying chains were mostly woven and forged
out of materials that were not easily damaged by flying swords. That would guarantee they
were strong enough that the enemy could not easily break free or cut it.

He had never seen someone taking out eight immortal tying chains at once.

Even more, he had never thought there would be a day he would have to face eight
immortal tying chains at once!

“Hm, you’re pretty knowledgeable,” Zuo Mo said. However, his hands were not slow,
the eight immortal tying chains flying out.

Once the immortal tying chains left his palm, they grew to ten zhang long!

The eight immortal tying chains caused it to appear as though the sky was covered in
immortal tying chains.

The other basically had no power to resist. After struggling for a few moments, he was
tied up tightly.

However, when Zuo Mo saw the gigantic rope egg made from the immoral tying chains
making eight layers around, he was dumbstruck too. He hurriedly took down the extra
immortal tying chains, leaving behind one. When he saw that Clear Sky Sect disciple again,
the other had already fainted.

His eyes then lit up. This was a pretty good battle tactic!
Immortal tying chains were third-grade talismans, only had one purpose, and were very
expensive. He hadn’t noticed them before, only finding them somewhat interesting so he
had put them into his ring. The scene just now had made him realize the power of this
move. One immortal tying chain was not strong enough, the other could dodge or escape,
but the immortal tying chain had one benefit –– it didn’t require much control.

When ling power was channeled, each immortal tying chain would be ten zhang long!

Eight pieces of chain ten zhang long was enough to create a secure and large net in the

Unable to be dodged or blocked!

If he had to face such a thing, he couldn’t help but shudder … …

Just having thought of a new tactic, Zuo Mo’s mood was very good. When he looked at the
Clear Sky Sect disciple tied up like rice dumplings, Zuo Mo’s mood became even better.

As expected, one had to leave the home!

If they didn’t leave, there would be no gains!

His hand beckoned lightly, and the Clear Sky Sect securely tied up flew in front of him.
Zuo Mo hummed a little tune and started to methodically plunder.

No ring … …

Then he will take the clothes, oh no, take the ling armor … …

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo goes back to being a scalping zombie weirdo. I wonder if I
should label this the first time Zuo Mo encounters a typical “young master” person. This
one is one naive greenhorn. One who is going to be completely naked since he committed
the terrible crime of not having a spatial ring to put his treasures.

A person commented a few days ago on a chapter near the beginning they were going to
stop reading because of how bad Pu Yao was. Then someone commented they wanted more
Pu Yao and Zuo Mo action where Pu Yao torments Zuo Mo and he misses their past
interactions. Taking a step back, Fang Xiang tried to flip the cliche of the old wise master on
its head by making him a selfish one that torments and occasionally hampers Zuo Mo.
There’s still a lot more to go in the story and Pu Yao will evolve but where do you guys fall
in terms of your opinion of Pu Yao at present?
Chapter 267
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Seven – Ambush

Zuo Mo was very experienced and practiced. In an instant, the Clear Sky Sect disciple
only had his pants left.

The only thing he felt regretful about was that this guy wasn’t as rich as he had thought.
He had searched through this guy’s entire body and hadn’t found a second Sky Sand
particle. This result clearly could not satisfy him.

His hand opening slightly, water quickly gathered at his palm and formed a ball of water.
Zuo Mo slammed the water ball onto the face of the Clear Sky Sect disciple.

The Clear Sky Sect disciple slowly woke up.

The coldness of his entire body made him realize in the shortest amount of time what
had happened. He was like a pure little lamb, trembling and looking with terror at Zuo Mo.

“I’m going to ask you a few questions. If you answer them, I’ll spare your life,” Zuo Mo
grinned, baring his teeth.

This grin in the eyes of the Clear Sky Sect disciple was like a big grey wolf opening its
jaws in front of him, flesh and blood still lingering on the sharp white teeth.

He uncontrollably shuddered all over. He finally understood that this black-skinned

person in front of him wasn’t afraid of Clear Sky Sect.

His mind was blank. How was that possible? How could there still be a xiuzhe in Little
Mountain Jie that wasn’t afraid of Clear Sky Sect?

Looking at the other’s dazed eyes, Zuo Mo became slightly impatient. His killing intent
showed. “Ge doesn’t have the time to wait for you!”

The other shook and woke up from his daze. He swallowed. “Daren, please ask! Please

“Have you seen a grey shadow recently? Moving at very fast speed!” Zuo Mo stared at
the Clear Sky Sect disciple’s eyes.

“Grey shadow? What grey shadow?” The eyes of the Clear Sky Sect disciple was still
Zuo Mo’s heart suddenly dropped. He had been staring straight at the other’s eyes and
knew the other had not lied. Had those four people lied to him? Suspicion rose. He said
coldly, “I just saw four people right now. They said they seen it, and was in this

“I haven’t seen … …” The Clear Sky Sect disciple suddenly yelled, “Four people? Was
there also a woman?”

“Yes!” Zuo Mo saw the other’s expression and knew he had been tricked.

“Motherf***er! Liu Dong Hua you bastard, you dare to make trouble for ye!” The Clear
Sky Sect disciple that was swearing saw Zuo Mo’s cold eyes, and explained, “Daren, you
were tricked! Those four are also disciples of my sect. They purposefully directed you
over here to mess up our good matter … …”

He suddenly closed his mouth.

“Good matter? What good matter?” Zuo Mo narrowed his eyes.

“No … … nothing, just that our shixiong … …”

Seeing the other nervously stammer, Zuo Mo didn’t waste words, his hand grasping
around the other’s neck.

The terrifying strength passed on from Zuo Mo’s fingers caused his soul to fly out. He
didn’t dare to hesitate and rapidly said, “It’s a secret realm! A secret realm! We found a
secret realm! The entrance to the secret realm needs xiuzhe that understands the five
elements to open it! We don’t have anyone that is skilled in the five elements! Liu Dong
Hua and the others want to get a share, but were driven away by Huang Shixiong! So …
… so … …”

Hearing this, Zuo Mo finally realized.

So it was a secret realm!

He had been wondering why the Clear Sky Sect disciples would run to Little Mountain Jie.
Now he knew the cause, he couldn’t help but grimace. His heart was stirred by the secret
realm, but at this time, finding Silly Bird was more important.

He then asked, “Where did you get this Sky Sand? Don’t tell me there is only one
particle! Hmph, hmph!”

“This particle of Sky Sand was bestowed when this one’s master was alive. There is
only one.” Seeing the disbelief on Zuo Mo’s face, he grimaced and said, “Sky Sand is the
treasure of the sect, and produced by the sect’s sect protector ling beast Crouching Soil
Rhinoceros. One particle is produced every three years. Right now, the Crouching Soil
Rhinoceros is kept by the Old Forefather, no one dares to think of obtaining it.”
“You don’t have this, you don’t have that, you still want to lie?” Zuo Mo said coldly.

“I I I … …” Frightened by Zuo Mo, this disciple instantly didn’t know what to say.
Suddenly, he became alert. “Grey shadow! Grey shadow! I remember now! I didn’t see
the grey shadow you spoke of, but I heard a shixiong mention it.”

Seeing the faint scorn on Zuo Mo’s face, he was even more panicked. “Really! I swear! I
definitely am not lying! It was Lei Shixiong who said it. He said he had just seen a grey
shadow. He thought it was a treasure that had come out of the earth and wanted to
catch it. But the grey shadow was too strong. Lei Shixiong said that ball of grey energy
was not something inside the five elements, and should be a treasure … …”

Hearing this, Zuo Mo’s mind jumped. Everything could be to fool him, but that phrase
“not something inside the five elements” made him believe it slightly.

“Where did the grey ball go after that?”

“I don’t know, Lei Shixiong didn’t say.”

“What is he called?”

“Lei Hao.”

“How many of you are there?”

“Twenty two.”

Zuo Mo asked a few more details. This disciple didn’t dare to conceal anything. After he
finished questioning the disciple, Zuo Mo gave a satisfied expression, and his hand lightly

The disciple’s neck instantly was snapped, an expression of disbelief still remaining on
his face.

Zuo Mo lightly flicked his hand, and threw the lifeless corpse into the cloud layer. He
hadn’t planned on letting this guy go in the first place. He and the Clear Sky Sect were
enemies. Even more, this was Little Mountain Jie. Only disciples like him that came from the
sect would believe someone would let them live.

The female xiu stood motionlessly next to him.

His mind suddenly moved, and his body sank down, hiding among the thick cloud layer.
He turned and looked. The female xiu was still beside him. Through the mist, he could only
see a faint outline. Zuo Mo smiled slightly.

If he didn’t see it with his own eyes… he couldn’t feel the female xiu’s presence at all,
even though the other wasn’t even a zhang away from him. This was always the case. No
matter how much he scanned using his consciousness, he couldn’t detect any bit of the
female xiu’s presence. Many times, the female xiu would give him the feeling of coldness. He
could feel the strange power, but could not find the presence of life.

Zuo Mo took away his gaze, and took out the Shadowless Cape from his ring. Once the
light Shadowless Cape was put on, his presence became fainter. After a while, his presence
disappeared into the air.


A while later, four figures arrived at Zuo Mo’s former position.

“He had stopped here for a time. Hm, there also seems to be that idiot Lu Hui’s
presence.” Liu Dong Hua carefully inspected the surroundings, and gave a satisfied
expression. “It seems they already had a conflict.”

“There is only the two of them. Huang Zhuo Guang has more than twenty.” The shidi
beside him shook his head.

It could be seen the leader of the four was Liu Dong Hua. Liu Dong Hua appeared to be in
his forties, the light in his eyes hidden away. He chuckled. “Maybe not. This person’s
strength isn’t ordinary, and especially the woman beside him has unfathomable
strength. Our sect’s disciples are probably not a match.”

“This strong?” The three people all had shocked expressions.

Liu Dong Hua’s expression was solemn. “En, everyone, be careful, don’t get into conflict
with them. These two don’t have common origins. Don’t underestimate the xiuzhe of
Little Mountain Jie. They are used to killing which we cannot compare with.”

The other three gave unconcerned expressions. On their journey, if they stated their
identity as Clear Sky Sect disciples, the other people either flattered them or had faces full
of fear.

Seeing the situation, Liu Dong Hua knew that he was wasting his words and did not
speak further.

“We should be careful.” Seeing the lack of concern on their faces, he slowly said, “If
Huang Zhuo Guang and the others knew we are still chasing after them, everyone won’t
have good days in the future.”

When he mentioned Huang Zhuo Guang, the other three reflexively gave terrified
Liu Dong Hua looked at them, and prepared to speak when his expression suddenly
changed. “Careful!”

Several red shadows suddenly burrowed out of the cloud layer and leapt at them!

“Immortal tying chains!” they exclaimed and hurried to summon their flying swords.

“Motherf***er, why is there so many?”

“Don’t use flying swords, use fire to burn them!” Liu Dong Hua reminded loudly.
Talismans like immortal tying chains were hard to damage with flying swords, but things
like fire and ice were their enemy. The people that had planned on using flying swords to
slice quickly dodged

The female xiu took out a jade tablet. This was a beast service card. Its entire body was
bright red as though it was made from fire jade. A bright red fox was nimbly depicted on
the surface.

Seeing her take out the beast service card, Liu Dong Hua and the others released a
breath. The beast service card sealed a third-grade Fire-Tail fox. This Fire-Tail fox had
already produced a fire tail and was perfect to subdue these immortal tying chains.

But before he could rejoice, he suddenly saw the air behind Shimei ripple. His face
suddenly changed. “Careful!”

Shimei raised her head with confusion, not understanding why.

A flying sword suddenly appeared one chi away from the back of the Clear Sky Sect
female xiu’s head.

A smear of light flashed.

There were no ling power ripples, no sword moves, just a simple thrust.


The Clear Sky Sect female xiu who didn’t detect it didn’t have the time to respond before
the sword flashed, and her head separated from her body, a pillar of blood thrusting high
into the air.

“Shimei!” The other three xiuzhe were infuriated when they saw how terrible Shimei’s
death was.

Liu Dong Hua felt his head ring. Shimei and he had had a good relationship from youth.
Damn it! When he saw the person behind Shimei, his pupils suddenly shrank. The fury and
killing desire swept away, his heart sinking to the bottom.
It was him!

“It’s you!” Liu Dong Hua gritted his teeth and said hatefully, “I underestimated you … …”

Zuo Mo sighed inside. This Shadowless Cape was really the best weapon for
assassination. He had come so close to the other from behind and the other had not
detected him. But it was a pity that if he moved, he would reveal his presence. To
completely conceal his presence, it would need almost two breaths. Two breaths were not a
long time, but in battle, it was enough to be fatal.

This caused the Shadowless Cape to have only one chance to attack, and greatly limited
its usefulness. However, that was more than enough for Zuo Mo.

As for Liu Dong Hua’s hate-filled words, it didn’t cause any ripple in his mind.

As expected, this was a greenhorn. Facing the enemy and wasting so many words.

Without the Fire-Tail fox, the other three instantly sank into an extremely reactive state.
The eight immortal tying chains were like eight red snakes dancing in the sky and chasing
after the three people. If one of them was brushed, even a little bit, it would be like a ling
snake and coil around a person.

These immortal tying chains were abnormally nimble and chased them tightly.

For a xiuzhe like Zuo Mo who had high spiritual power controlling many talismans at the
same time was their most skilled technique.

A viciousness flashed across Liu Dong Hua’s eyes. He reached and took out a talisman!

Translator Ramblings: Well, poor disciple from Clear Sky Sect who got betrayed by his
fellow disciples, know that some of your fellow disciples are meeting the same fate as you.

Also, for those of you wondering, they see the masked female accompanying Zuo Mo.

It’s late and I’m tired as I am scheduling this post so this rambling is super short. There’s
things in this chapter I want to talk about but I’m too sleepy.
Chapter 268
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and
warlord212. (and with the help of Text Splitter provided by Phoenix.)

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Eight – Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk

Clear Sky Sect was a sword sect, but it had other branches. Liu Dong Hua was a successor
of one of those branches. His branch specialized in earth element spells, but their branch
had declined in power. However, Liu Dong Hua was still able to establish himself by relying
on a treasure, the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk.

The Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk was a talisman passed down from a jindan of their branch.
Clear Sky Sect produced Sky Soil. Even though Sky Soil was slightly less valuable than Sky
Sand, but it was still a rare earth element material. Among the earth element materials, it
belonged to the third-grade.

This ancestor had used nine thousand catties of Sky Soil, and entered into seclusion for
ten years in order to forge the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk. The day the talisman had formed,
the earth energy around all of Clear Sky Sect had spread, and shook. Their sect had became
famous. At the time, their branch hadn’t been like it was now. That elder had been the
second most powerful expert in the sect. In the end, they lacked the support of profound
spells. After this elder, the branch had gradually declined and became poor.

When it came to Liu Dong Hua’s generation, there were the four of them.

This Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk had passed into Liu Dong Hua’s hands. Generation after
generation of forging lasting four hundred years, this Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk had actually
birthed a hint of cognition and became a sixth-grade talisman.

This was one of the reasons that large sects were so strong. Even sects like Clear Sky Sect
who did not have relatively long histories or deep foundations were not something normal
sects could compare to.

At this time, Liu Dong Hua was holding the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk in his hands. His
expression was stern, all the ling power in his body flooding into the disk.

The Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk was entirely dark yellow and not at all eye-catching. The
surface was covered in fine golden patterns on one side, the other with concentric circles,
dividing the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk into nine parts. A golden palm was carved into the very

A faint brown light rose from the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk in Liu Dong Hua’s hands. It
appeared as though he was holding a ball of light. Boom, the light suddenly exploded.

Zuo Mo felt the sky above his darken, all the starlight was completely covered. The
surroundings were filled with yellow-brown earth energy that covered him like a mist.

He instantly felt an invisible force squeeze him, his expression couldn’t help but change.
These minuscule yellow-brown dust particles around him were actually very heavy. Zuo
Mo felt as though he was at the bottom of the deep ocean. The heavy pressure enveloped
him, pressing on him so that he couldn’t breathe.

“What talisman is this?” Zuo Mo was shocked.

He struggled to turn his head and saw the female xiu. The female xiu was silently
standing in the yellow mist, her eyes flashing with a purple light that made Zuo Mo’s bones

Among the soil mist, the immortal tying chains seemed to have been stopped in midair

Suddenly, the earth mist started to slowly flow. Zuo Mo instantly felt the pressure

Ka ka ka!

Light sounds came from the bones in his body. Zuo Mo’s body uncontrollably trembled.
The shocking invisible force came squeezing from all directions. Zuo Mo felt as though he
had been dropped into a meat grinder.

“Pu, what is this thing?” Zuo Mo hollered.

“It is an earth element talisman. You have to be careful,” Pu Yao’s voice sounded in his
mind, containing a rare gravity. “This talisman is at least fifth-grade, possibly sixth-


Zuo Mo wanted to spit blood. Since when was it that ningmai could bring out sixth-grade
talismans? And he had to meet one?

Creak creak creak!

The slowly flowing earth mist contained uncontrollable force, squeezing so much that
Zuo Mo’s innards had almost condensed into a ball. Zuo Mo watched helplessly as his body
slowly flowed along with the slowly flowing earth mist.

He stayed motionless, but his face had changed shape as though it could explode at any


The three people from Clear Sky Sect were not affected at all by the earth mist. If the mist
neared them, it seemed to encounter an invisible wall and could not proceed further.

“Shixiong’s Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk is so powerful! I think that in the sect, other than
Old Forefather’s Clear Sky Sword, then it should be Shixiong’s Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk!”

“Yes! When Shixiong cultivates [Bright Soil Scripture] to the fifth level, even Huang
Zhuo Guang won’t be a match for Shixiong.”

The two saw Zuo Mo’s sorry state, and laughed.

“This person is going to meet a tragic end. Shixiong liked Shimei and definitely won’t
have mercy on this guy. If he doesn’t grind this guy to meat paste, he definitely
wouldn’t stop.”

“Shimei has also died, oh.” The other person couldn’t help but be slightly depressed.
“When this affair is over, I’m planning on going to Sky Water Jie.”

“Ah! Why are you thinking of going to Sky Water Jie.”

“The sect is a mess right now, there’s nothing interesting,” He smiled mockingly.
“Anyways, I’m not a core disciple, the sect will let me go.”

The other person was silent. He suddenly noticed the female xiu and was shocked. “That
woman is weird!”

The body of the female xiu was covered in a faint layer of purple light. She seemed to be
nailed to the air. No matter how the earth mist in the surroundings flowed, she did not

The two of them were speechless from shock and gaped. The earth mist was fine, but it
was forged from nine thousand catties of Sky Soil. Any living being could not possibly resist
inside the earth mist. The Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk was a sixth-grade talisman, a talisman
that jindan used, and should not have appeared in the hands of a ningmai.
This woman was able to resist the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk!

Liu Dong Hua also noticed the female xiu, shock flashing across his mind. He rarely used
the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk. One reason was that he was worried that other people would
see it and become greedy. Another was that this treasure was naturally powerful, but it was
beyond his cultivation. It was extremely hard for him to activate it. But of the few times he
had, there wasn’t a time he hadn’t been easily victorious. He had never met someone who
could resist.

On the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk, light flashed and circled on the outermost layer of the
surface. This was the first turn of the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk.

After a while, the female xiu still remained motionless. Even the dark male, who seemed
quite disheveled, was also struggling to resist.

A bad feeling appeared in Liu Dong Hua’s heart, but he didn’t believe the two people
could resist the second turn’s power. In this short while, a third of his ling power had been
consumed. He knew that he had to activate the second turn immediately. Otherwise, even if
he wanted to activate it, he wouldn’t have enough ling power.

He closed his eyes, and the second circle of the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk lit up.

The earth mist suddenly became dense. Before, it had only been a hazy earth mist. Now,
the density multiplied, and the color turned dark.

The two shidi were shocked and their expressions became serious. The two knew that
Shixiong had activated the power of the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk’s second turn!


The earth mist was extremely dense, so much that one could not make out their fingers.
The dust in the air was irritating to the nose. The earth element power was so rich it was
almost tangible. Zuo Mo felt the pressure multiply again.

He couldn’t control himself from wailing, and spat out a mouthful of fresh blood. As the
blood landed in the earth mist, it was ground into minuscule particles and mixed among the
earth mist.

A frightening hint of red appeared in the brown earth mist.

The terrifying power slowly flowed. His body seemed to feel it was crushed between two
mountains. The terrifying pressure could not be avoided and made him helpless.
Under the shocking burden, every blood vessel, muscle, and bone of his body were on the
verge of failing!

Death was so close to him. It seemed to be next to his face, coldly staring at him!

Zuo Mo’s mind was blank. Enormous pain and hopelessness filled every corner of his
body. Calm and clarity had disappeared completely. The only thing Zuo Mo possessed was
the most basic instinct to survive.

“Ah ah ah ah!”

Zuo Mo furiously shouted. Spells, tactics, in this instant, they were all forgotten!

Ling power and the consciousness was furiously channeled. The power of every muscle
in his body was pushed to their peak instinctively!

The earth mist felt Zuo Mo’s intention to resist. The surrounding earth mist flooded
towards Zuo Mo, the flowing rate increasing and the pressure suddenly mounting once

Zuo Mo had completely lost all of his senses. He was in his death throes, but since his
body was restrained by the earth mist, he couldn’t move. The light flashed on his body,
sometimes sword essence, then fire, then fist energy, then hard lightning … …

The color of his body continued to change. It would be pure golden yellow as though it
was made from gold, then it would be like black and shining jade, clear, and then there
would be threads of black energy burrowing about.

Inside Zuo Mo’s body, the five element glass bead also detected danger and automatically
activated, five element power spreading into Zuo Mo’s body.

“Ah ah aaaaah!”

Zuo Mo went completely berserk, his features twisted. He was like a wild beast trapped
in a cage making his final struggle, ferocious and crazy!

Zuo Mo’s body became a chaotic battlefield. He couldn’t even move a finger, and couldn’t
send out any spell. All kinds of forces randomly flowed through his body and rampaged.
Adding on the pressuring power from the outside, it turned to a mess.

“Damn it!” Pu Yao’s expression changed.

The entire sea of consciousness relentlessly trembled, showing signs of collapse.

The immortal tying chains that had been stuck in the mist and could not endure such
strong power, they were ground into dust.

The female xiu had noticed Zuo Mo state. The purple light surrounding her shot up, and
her entire person seemed to be covered in a ball of purple fire. The eerie purple fire was
not affected at all by the earth mist, and flickered eerily!

That pair of fine and perfect jade feet, with extremely slow speed, rose up.

The mask could not endure such a strong pressure. Pia, it turned to dust, and revealed
that ugly and scabbed face. The female xiu still did not have an expression. Pia pia pia, the
dense scabs on her face could not endure the pressure, and exploded.

Ball after ball of blood flowers blossomed on her face.

In the blink of an eye, no part of her face was whole, and was completely covered in
blood. She did not attend to it, allowing the blood on her face to slowly drip down and off
her chin before being swept away by the mist to become a bloody mist. The purple fire rose
again. The eyes that were flashing with the purple light actually dimmed down at this time.

Her face was expressionless. Every movement required her to use all her power. She
could only slowly move bit by bit.

There was just a zhang between the two of them. Usually, that would only require a step.

Among the heavy and fatal brown colored earth mist, a figure covered in purple fire
slowly neared at snail’s pace towards another figure.

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo’s foot fetish is still active even when he is in deathly

Lots of conflict within the Clear Sky Sect. Compared to that, what Wu Kong Sword Sect
had was just a little minor conflict. Also, sixth-grade talisman! How much jingshi is this

You guys pretty much covered what I wanted to say about Zuo Mo’s growth and
experience in questioning the other person last chapter.

Lastly, Phoenix has made this really cool text splitter program which splits the Chinese
and English part so if I do not forget to use it, you guys won’t see leftover Chinese text
Chapter 269
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Two Hundred and Sixty Nine – Who The Mother F***ing Are You

Zuo Mo was like a wild beast without any avenue of escape.

The earth mist surrounding him was thousands of catties heavy as it flowed. His body
was uncontrollably swept up in the flow of the earth mist.

The female xiu stopped, raised her face covered in blood and looked at Zuo Mo who had
separated a bit more from her, before continuing to move forward. Those perfect and
flawless bare feet stepped on the eerie purple fire, travelling slowly through the heavy and
dense earth mist.

Liu Dong Hua’s face was as pale as paper.

He had not expected these two people were so hardy! It was the first time he had used
the second turn of the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk. He had underestimated the expenditure of
ling power. Right now, he was also had no way to backdown. His ling power was almost
depleted, yet the two people were still resisting.

Motherf***er, where had these two terrifying people come from?

He had assumed that the female xiu was immeasurably powerful, but the hardiness of
the black male surpassed his imagination. There wasn’t one disciple in his sect that could
hold up under the power of the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk’s second turn for so long! Not even
Huang Zhuo Guang could do it!

What kind of weirdos were these two? His heart started to become terrified.

He forced himself to calm down. He knew that there was no solution other than
persisting. The black male didn’t look as though he still had any capability to fight, and that
female xiu, while her face was covered in blood, shouldn’t have been wounded heavily. If he
took away the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk, the two shidi wouldn’t be able to stop this strange
female xiu with their abilities!

The purple fire was very scary, but Liu Dong Hua guessed that it came at great expense.

The two sides had entered a standoff to see who could last longer.

The depletion of ling power made Liu Dong Hua feel a weakness he never felt before. His
face was as pale as paper, but he knew that it was time to go all in. Viciousness flashed
through his eyes. A lingdan appeared on his hand. He did not hesitate to shove it into his

Ling power suddenly exploded inside his body. A smear of red floated on his white face.

The expressions of the two shidi changed. With this Ling Primary Dan going down,
Shixiong’s cultivation would be damaged for at least three years. Shixiong was putting his
life on the line!

The two stopped breathing. They hadn’t thought that a situation they were in control of
would become one where they were risking their lives. But they knew the result of this
would decide if the two lived or died.

”Shixiong, bring us over!”

The shidi that had been planning on going to Sky Water Jie after this battle ended
suddenly shouted. The other shidi looked with slight puzzlement at him.

”Shidi, we’ll channel ling power to Shixiong!”

This shidi gritted his teeth and nodded. “Right, we’re in this together!”

Liu Dong Hua rejoiced inside and hurriedly cast the spell. The light flashed, and the two
appeared beside him. He didn’t have the energy to speak now. Seeing the situation, the
other two shidi didn’t waste words, each person reaching out to put a palm to his back.

The three cultivated the same scripture, and the attribute of their ling power was the

Ling power flowed continuously from the arms of the two shidi into Liu Dong Hua’s
body. Liu Dong Hua felt that the ling power in his body had never been so plentiful. His
confidence growing, the light of the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk brightened!


Zuo Mo was like a wild beast at the precipice, howling angrily according to his instincts.
Threads of black energy suddenly appeared on his body. The brown earth mist still was as
heavy and murderous as before, but these hair-thin threads of black energy did not falter
against the earth mist which could grind anything.

As though nothing else existed, they climbed and squiggled on Zuo Mo’s body.
Immediately, they burrowed into Zuo Mo’s body and disappeared.
Just now, Zuo Mo’s body had been very chaotic.

Right now, there were only two colors left, red and black!

A dark red alluring flame was swaying like the waists of the belly dancers. The black mist
was as dark as ink and motionless. The two were clearly divided like two greedy beasts that
consumed all the energy they encountered along their path.

In a short amount of time, all the other powers that were roaming through Zuo Mo’s
body were swept away.

In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao sat with his legs crossed. The originally white and
pale face had become even more pale. Beside him, the black clouds that always shrouded
the gravestone had disappeared.

The black clouds and the yao fire were like two vicious beasts resting in Zuo Mo’s body
as they faced off.

Zuo Mo’s body calmed down. His consciousness also was slowly pulled back. Even
though his body was still locked in place, but he could not feel the terrifying pressure of the
earth mist any longer. Just having escaped with his life, Zuo Mo didn’t have time to sigh in
relief. He quickly found the red and black forces that were facing off in his body, and almost

He knew the dangers.

The dark red flame should be Pu Yao’s power. Before, the vast sea of flame in his sea of
consciousness had seemed like another world. Afterwards, it may have been that Pu Yao
was wounded or for some other reason, and the sea of flame had disappeared.

He also recognized the black clouds. It was the black cloud that always was around the
gravestone. Compared to Pu Yao who called himself a Sky Yao, the origins of the gravestone
were even more mysterious. But Pu Yao seemed to be unwilling to speak of it.

The connection between the yao and the gravestone was extremely strange. They
seemed to be enemies, but they were also very familiar with each other. He could never
understand it.

The viciousness and brutality of the two kinds of power were not disguised any longer.
Just having escaped one calamity, Zuo Mo once again sank into a heart-racing situation.

What Zuo Mo rejoiced about was that the two sides had not attacked each other. Without
warning, the yao fire transformed into an extremely slender thread of fire that burrowed
between Zuo Mo’s brows. The black cloud seemed like water pouring into sand, quickly
seeping downwards. Zuo Mo could clearly see it was sinking into his bones.

What were these two guys doing? Zuo Mo was somewhat angry.
But before he could express his anger, the pressure came pushing back from all

Damn it!

Zuo Mo suddenly gave a light exclamation. The pressure was still unable to be resisted,
but it was not as painful as before.

It seemed to be almost tolerable … …

Zuo Mo quickly discovered that it was not his imagination. Had something happened
again to his body? This question flashed across his mind. Before he could inspect it, he
suddenly saw a figure covered in purple fire out of the corner of his eye.

All of Zuo Mo’s thoughts suddenly stopped at that moment!

His gaze was stunned.

The female xiu was close to him, the purple fire covering her entire body as she slowly
inched over. What shocked Zuo Mo was her face, the face covered entirely in fresh blood.
Blood was all over her face, so he could not see anything clearly except that pair of eyes
that were slightly dim.

Seeing the female xiu move extremely slowly towards him like a puppet, for a strange
reason, Zuo Mo suddenly had the impulse to call for her to stop.

Who are you?


Zuo Mo looked dazedly at the female xiu. For the first time in his eyes, the purple light
didn’t hold any kind of fear and darkness. Even though he didn’t understand the reason,
even though there were too many mysterious, but Zuo Mo suddenly understood she didn’t
have malicious aims.

No. Looking at that face covered in blood, the steps as slow as a snail, she definitely did
not have malicious intentions!

She definitely had a certain connection to him … … maybe they knew each other before?

He didn’t know, he didn’t know anything, but at this moment, a certain chord in his heart
was struck.

His gaze landed on the blood covered face of the female xiu, watched as the blood
dripped off her chin into the earth mist and be ground into bloody mist before spreading
throughout the earth mist. As he watched, for some unknown reason, anger suddenly rose
in his heart!
It was just a talisman!

An indescribable fury suddenly filled Zuo Mo’s chest. His eyes instantly turned entirely
red, and two balls of fire could be seen to be bouncing.

His body could not move, the pressure made him feel helpless!

Zuo Mo started to channel his ling power. The ling power filled his arms and started to
circulate with astounding speed.

One revolution … … two revolutions … …

Ten revolutions … … eleven revolutions … …

Eighteen revolutions… … nineteen revolutions … …

The furiously revolving ling power had no intentions of slowing down. The anger was
like a flood. A desire to destroy suddenly rose in Zuo Mo’s heart!

The slowly flowing, awe-inspiring earth mist was such an eyesore to his eyes, such an
object of dislike, so much so that he wanted to destroy it! Since the moment he had first
opened his eyes, this was the first time he had such a strong impulse and desire to destroy

Twenty revolutions!

Twenty one revolutions!

The flame in Zuo Mo’s pupils shook fiercely and were filled with craziness

… … twenty three revolutions … …

The skin on his arms cracked open, marks of blood crisscrossing.

Twenty four revolutions!

Pia pia pia!

Suddenly, blood exploded forth from the glasslike arms!

The flame in Zuo Mo’s eyes danced crazily like a deep sea of flame.

His features twisted, the tendons bulging. Each fibre of muscle was trembling, each bone
was cracking!

“Get up!”
Zuo Mo gritted his teeth and shouted angrily. He used all the energy in his body to push
at his arms!

Crack crack crack!

He heard his bones crack. His eyes were all red as though he was insane.

“Get up!”

Blood streamed out of his fiercely trembling arms as they slowly moved upwards.

The sea of flames in the deepest part of Zuo Mo’s eyes grew and filled every corner of his
eyes! He was like an enraged beast, bellowing angrily, “Motherf***ing get up!

His arms suddenly sped up in their movement as though the restraint of the earth mist
had lost effect!

The glass-like arms, that were covered in bloody crisscrossing marks, rose up and
slightly cocked back.

Zuo Mo inhaled deeply, his fire red eyes widening as he gathered the last threads of his
strength. He was like a brutal prehistoric demonic god as his arms punched out.

“Motherf***ing die!”

Two fists that appeared to be carved from glass left his hands! A dignified and stern face
could be seen on the surface of each fist energy.

Liu Dong Hua’s expression changed!

The two fist energies viciously entered the earth mist, flew straight for three zhang
before suddenly exploding!


It was like someone had shouted in a low booming voice, the sound was like muffled
thunder, like the beat of a drum, that made one’s heart shake!

The earth mist that had been flowing slowly suddenly started to roil. Liu Dong Hua and
the other two simultaneously gave a grunt, blood flowing out of their noses and mouths,
their faces pale! It was as though the three people had been struck by lightning, remaining
motionless like they were made out of wood.

Twenty four revolution Sky Glass Wave!

The earth mist suddenly disappeared, the terrifying pressure that could not be stopped
also disappeared.

Starlight once again fell onto Zuo Mo’s body. The three people nearby suddenly dropped
down like stumps of wood.

The female xiu that was no longer constrained took a step and appeared next to Zuo Mo.

All of Zuo Mo’s energy had been used up. His eyes empty, his body softened. The female
xiu picked him up with one hand.

The face covered with blood was blurry. Zuo Mo’s vision grew increasingly dark. He tried
to open his eyes, and his mouth, his voice like that of a mosquito.

“Who the mother***ing are you … …”

Translator Ramblings: Lots of blood … … this is a great example of a powerful earth

talisman. Yes, swords can cut you into pieces, but this earth talisman can grind you into the
ground and it can be used without understanding any “essence.” Also a great example of
teamwork from the Clear Sky Sect disciples. It was in vain but they still stood behind their
shixiong in an admirable show of loyalty.
Chapter 270
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Great Harvest!

Zuo Mo slowly woke up, and saw the female xiu meditating nearby. A layer of blood
scabs had formed on the female xiu’s face like an ugly and terrifying mask. Zuo Mo noticed
her presence and was slightly surprised. He couldn’t help but speculate. Was she injured?
After being injured, control over one’s presence would lessen.

However, his attention quickly returned to his own body. No great pain like he had
imagined was present. His entire body was in comfort like he had just had a great nap, his
body was filled with energy.

He instantly detected a difference. The power inside his body was so strong that he felt it
unfamiliar. It seemed that his body had broken through again. He hurriedly sank into his
sea of consciousness to find Pu Yao.

In the bare sea of consciousness, there was only Pu Yao and a gravestone.

“Ah, how come it’s like this?” Zuo Mo glanced around with curiosity.

Pu Yao stared at him as though he wanted to eat Zuo Mo.

Sweeping across the surroundings, Zuo Mo saw Pu Yao’s gaze and jumped in fright.
“What are you doing? I didn’t steal your jingshi!”

Pu Yao snorted and didn’t speak. His gaze still looked with unfriendliness at Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo thought of the dark red yao fire, and then the black gravestone, and said
uncertainly, “The, that yao fire and black cloud, it isn’t that I don’t want to give it back
to you guys … … those things, they can’t be controlled … … you know … …”

As he spoke, Zuo Mo felt it wasn’t right. His tone suddenly changed, his eyes widening,
“That’s not right! I haven’t even taken you guys to task! What do you guys mean? Ah! Is
ge’s body a trash center and you can throw anything you want inside?”

Pu Yao almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and the gravestone that always remained
motionless shook frantically.

“You you you … …” Pu Yao’s eyes almost sprouted fire. After a beat, his finger shook as he
said, “Don’t play dumb after getting the benefits!”
Zuo Mo did not feel he was unreasonable in the least. He raised an eyebrow, and
suddenly jumped up. “Benefit? What benefit? Ge almost lost this little life. Before, when
it was one of you that was messing around, ge endured it! That’s great now, you guys
are even more outrageous, both of you going at it? Don’t think that ge doesn’t know
what you two are doing. Let me tell you, be good in the future! An antique that can’t
keep up with the times, an old rock that can’t even fart, you guys want to get benefits
from ge? Ha, perish that thought!”

Zuo Mo pointed at Pu Yao and the gravestone from high up, and started to swear.

Pu Yao’s face was filled with shock. When he managed to react after a while, his face
turned red and then white.

After his rant, Zuo Mo snorted and left. After he exited the sea of consciousness, he
suddenly remembered why he had gone to find Pu Yao and instantly felt bitter. He had just
aimed to vent right there, and forgot his actual business. It was over!

If he went to find Pu Yao now, that was akin to slapping his own mouth. Even though it
was said that men could bow and kneel, but when he thought of Pu Yao’s scornful
expression, Zuo Mo decided to wait a while.


In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao gritted his teeth, his face switching between green
and white. Beside him, shadows floated from the gravestone. The figure that had been
lightly depicted on the gravestone was now a pile of messy lines.

“Never has there been a Sky Yao that was humiliated in such a manner! Never!” Pu
Yao’s bellow echoed in the sea of consciousness.

The messy lines on the gravestone simultaneously lit up, countless black clouds
sprouting out. In the blink of an eye, the black cloud roiled, brimming with killing intent.


Zuo Mo didn’t know that he had forced the two guys in his sea of consciousness to ally
together again.
His gaze landed back on the female xiu. The female xiu’s terrifying face covered in scabs
didn’t feel the least bit dark or terrifying in Zuo Mo’s eyes.

He still didn’t have too many clues about the history of the female xiu. The only thing he
could think of was that she was connected to the past that he could not remember. But this
was just his guess. There was no evidence.

His gaze unconsciously landed on the female xiu’s bare feet that were breathtakingly
perfect. The first time he saw this pair of bare feet, he couldn’t help but sigh with
admiration. It wasn’t that he hadn’t seen the bare feel of other female xiu. Xiao Guo’s feet
had also been very beautiful, round and adorable.

But the female xiu’s pair of bare feet could only cause him to sigh with admiration. They
were just too perfect, so perfect there was no flaw. It made an especially deep impression
when such a perfect pair of bare feet appeared on a female xiu that was as ugly as a clown.

But no matter how wonderful the bare feet were, they were not as good as going to find

Zuo Mo quickly moved aside his gaze to looked at the corpses scattered in the
surroundings. He instantly became excited. Taking spoils was a very wonderful matter, and
to take from his enemies was even more wonderful.

His first target was that soil disk that was enormously powerful. That thing was truly too
strong. After personally experiencing the power of the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk, Zuo Mo
could not think of any talisman that could rival it. Of course, what he remembered most
deeply was Pu Yao’s exclamation of “At least fifth-grade, possibly sixth-grade!”

What kind of world was this?!

As he sighed, he smiled as he picked up the Nine Turn Sky Soil Talismans. His
consciousness probed, and was almost ground to pieces by the dense earth mist inside. He
hurriedly withdrew his consciousness.

Yikes! It really was sixth-grade!

Oooooooooooooh! He struck it rich! Really rich! Zuo Mo couldn’t stop himself from
dancing crazily.

This time, it wasn’t that he was someone who was not experienced. Right now, he did
have some wealth, and a few fourth-grade talismans on his body. In all ningmai xiuzhe, he
could be considered wealthy, but all the talismans and materials on his body added
together could not compare with this Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk.

If he took it out to sell, wow-oh-oh, the jingshi would be enough to drown him!
This kind of talisman was the kind that would be a sect treasure in any sect of Little
Mountain Jie. How could Zuo Mo not be happy now that something like this had landed in
his hands?

After a while, he gradually calmed down, and studied it. He rejoiced in his good luck. The
Nine Turn Sky Soil Talisman was very powerful, but it wasn’t a talisman that ningmai
xiuzhe could use. The expenditure of ling power was too much!

Liu Dong Hua had a cultivation of peak second stratum ningmai, and was just able to
activate it. With Zuo Mo’s first stratum cultivation, he couldn’t even activate it. In the short
term, he couldn’t use this talisman.

Should he sell it or keep it?

Zuo Mo thought and kept it. It was easy to sell talismans of this level, but it wouldn’t be
easy to buy another one.

He hadn’t used a sixth-grade talisman before, but he was clear there was a chasm that
was hard to cross between fifth and sixth-grade. This Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk had been a
fifth-grade talisman when it was first forced. After more than four hundred years, and
generations of people nurturing it, it finally birthed a thread of intelligence, and became a
sixth-grade talisman.

Carefully putting the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk, he went back into his salvaging work.
However, after seen the sixth-grade Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk, Zuo Mo’s eyes couldn’t be lit
up by any of the other spoils of victory.

After a while, Zuo Mo shook his head. These four people clearly hadn’t done so well in
Clear Sky Sect. Other than the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk, they didn’t have anything good, and
were worse than the first guy he had scalped.

It seemed that the two were not of the same group, and clearly, the guy he had scalped
was much richer than this group.

The female xiu did not stand after a long time. This caused Zuo Mo to have a bad feeling.
He walked next to the female xiu, and laid a hand on her shoulder to inspect her body.

The inspection instantly made him jump.

The strange purple power that always existed inside the body of the female xiu was so
faint it was hard to detect. Her body had lost the restraints of the purple light, and showed
signs of collapsing.

Zuo Mo instantly realized that it wasn’t good, unhesitatingly put the female xiu on his
back and leap into the air. At the same time, he expanded his consciousness. After flying for
a while, he found a mountain cave. He hurriedly carried the female xiu into the mountain
cave. This was a normal cave that only had bats inside.
When the two of them flew inside, they instantly alarmed the bats that flapped like a
black cloud out of the cave.

Zuo Mo cleaned out a patch of ground with a blow and carefully put down the female xiu.
He shoved a Black Processing Meditation mat under the female xiu.

This move was visibly effective. Threads of ling power burrowed into the body of the
female xiu and turned to purple light. After a while, the purple light inside the body of the
female xiu increased slightly in brightness. Zuo Mo saw the situation, and thought this
wouldn’t be over a matter of hours.

After some thought, he set up a medium-sized Primary Replenishing Formation around

the female xiu. It could continuously provide ling power to the female xiu. Zuo Mo found
the purple light of the female xiu was similar to the mo matrix on his body and was not
afraid of the impurities in ling power.

This allowed him to be daring in his actions.

After guarding for a while, and the situation of the female xiu had stabilized, Zuo Mo
decided to leave. He needed to find Silly Bird. As more time passed , there was a lower
possibility of finding Silly Bird.

He left a jade scroll for the female xiu telling her the direction he was going in. To prevent
other people from disturbing her, he set down a circle of formations at the cave entrance.
Illusory formations were locked and layered with killing formations. It wasn’t just difficult
to find, but if it was activated, it would cause a whole string of killing moves.

Zuo Mo really invested a lot in creating it. The power of the killing formations he set
down were very high. Under the interlocking killing moves, other than xiuzhe at the peak of
third stratum ningmai, normal ningmai could not escape. Even xiuzhe at ningmai third
stratum would definitely be severely wounded if they didn’t have some precious treasure
or obscure method to shield themselves.

Even though his heart hurt, but Zuo Mo still spent a large batch of valuable materials.

After setting down the big formation, and reexamining it, he looked worriedly at the cave
before flying away in the direction that the Clear Sky Sect disciple he had stripped clean
pointed in.

After flying for more than half a day, he suddenly met a large group of xiuzhe.

“You!” The xiuzhe at the front pointed at Zuo Mo and said without any politeness, “Come

Zuo Mo saw the apparel of this person was similar to the previous Clear Sky Sect
disciples he encountered. His heart moved, and he moved forward, pretending to be timid
and saying, “Is, is there something I can help with? I, I still have something to do!”
“Come over and follow,” that Clear Sky Sect disciple pointed at the group behind him
and said impatiently. “What? You aren’t willing to help Clear Sky Sect?”

The other Clear Sky Sect disciples beside him looked with hostility at Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo rejoiced inside, putting a fearful expression on his face as he silently flew into the

Translator Ramblings: The first few times I read this chapter, I always felt something was
bothering me about what Zuo Mo did by leaving the female xiu alone to search for Silly
Bird. Here was someone who just risked their life to save him, and he was leaving to search
for his pet. But I’ve actually realized that it isn’t about the pet vs. a person. Silly Bird also
saved Zuo Mo before, and Zuo Mo has known Silly Bird for a much longer time than the
female xiu. So going out to search for Silly Bird is actually a more logical decision than it
looks to start with.
Chapter 271
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy One Opportunity

Zuo Mo was did not stand out in the group. A ningmai first stratum xiuzhe could just
barely survive in Little Mountain Jie. Everyone was silent, but the Clear Sky Sect disciples
conversed freely.

“These days, no one cultivates five element spells! I heard that Lu Hui still hasn’t
responded, don’t know where he ran off to. How is it possible to find a person that
knows all five element spells so quickly?”

“Lu Hui’s brain has never been too bright. Qi ge’s method is best. We can find some
more people to get all five!”

“Ha ha … …”

Zuo Mo heard these people chat as though no one was around. A low voice spoke to him,
“Bro, what should we call you?”

“Me?” Zuo Mo pointed at himself, a face full of puzzlement.

“Ha ha, I see that this little brother’s aura isn’t ordinary and I desire to become
acquainted with you. Sorry for the offense!” The one who was speaking was a clever-
faced middle aged male. There were seven or eight people beside him. They looked to
belong to the same group.

Zuo Mo made up a fake name. “I’m called Wang Hong, what should I call you?”

“This one is Liu Gui,” the middle aged man bowed with folded hands, and probed,
“Which side does Brother Wang live in?”

Zuo Mo parried, “All over.” He then pursed his mouth, “Are these your brothers?”

“Brother Wang has keen eyes!” Liu Gui said with a smile. After this short conversation,
he understood that he would not get anything out of Zuo Mo, and stopped conversing
further. The expressions of those beside him were stern and didn’t seem to be in the mood
to chat.

It wasn’t just them. All of the people in the surroundings had worried expressions.
Zuo Mo suddenly asked in a low voice, “Why is everyone so docile?” He couldn’t
understand. There were just three Clear Sky Sect disciples, and they were able to herd
almost twenty xiuzhe.

Liu Gui was shocked inside. Just now, he had seen the person hide among the group with
an expression of fear, but he had now asked something like this. He didn’t seem to be a
coward. He said without expression, “There’s nothing we can do. They are from Clear Sky

Zuo Mo smiled and didn’t respond.

After a while, the more Liu Gui mused, the more he felt Zuo Mo’s words contained hidden
meanings. Seeing Zuo Mo maintain his silence, he couldn’t resist and spoke in a small voice,
“What solution does Brother Wang have?”

Glancing at him, Zuo Mo said with a smile, “What solution can I have?”

Liu Gui increasingly felt this young person seemed high and unfathomable. Before, he
appeared weak, but he looked calm now, and unworried. Liu Gui had met many people. He
trusted his eyes. The presence exuded by this person didn’t seem like an ordinary person.

Was this a powerful xiuzhe?

He flipped through all the famous xiuzhe that he knew, but didn’t find anyone that was

Because he was too young!

“Brother Wang looks very young,” Liu Gui couldn’t help but probe. “You look to be in
your twenties, so young, yet you are ningmai, your talent is truly outstanding.”

Zuo Mo only smiled, and didn’t say anything.

However, what he didn’t expect was that Liu Gui’s words had stirred the attention of his
fellows beside him. Usually, most of the people that broke through to ningmai in their
twenties were sect disciples.

Men usually did not care much for their appearance. The price of Eternal Appearance
Dan was not cheap. Very rarely would men spend that amount of jingshi. Consequently, it
was hard to judge the ages of female xiu, but it was possible to see hints with male xiu. Zuo
Mo’s face was easily a very youthful face.

However, the attitude that unconsciously revealed itself on his face had a maturity that
surpassed his age.

“This one is Zheng Zhong, their shixiong,” the leader introduced himself. His words
instantly startled the other disciples. They all raised their heads and looked with
bewilderment at Shixiong. Even Liu Gui had a shocked expression. In their experience,
Shixiong rarely spoke. This time, he had proactively spoken. They couldn’t help but look at
Zuo Mo.

“Nice to meet you, Brother Zheng.” Zuo Mo bowed with folded hands. He didn’t dare to
underestimate the other. His consciousness was abnormally sensitive. This Zheng Zhong
had his eyes directed downwards but he was a ningmai third stratum expert!

In Little Mountain Jie, ningmai third stratum xiuzhe were the top experts! Experts like
these may not be able to oppose Clear Sky Sect, but they definitely were not people that a
few Clear Sky Sect disciples could order about.

Unless they had other aims?

Zuo Mo became wary. He didn’t want to have uncontrolled factors influence his plan. He
didn’t care too much about the earthly treasures in the secret realm, but he was very
worried about Silly Bird’s safety.

That idiot’s intelligence was pitifully low. As a bird, she was arrogant and outrageous. It
would be a wonder if she didn’t get in trouble outside.

“Little brother’s skill is not ordinary, this one is full of admiration!” Zheng Zhong said

The other’s instantly had shocked faces. They looked at Zuo Mo like they were looking at
a weirdo.

Zuo Mo felt slightly uneasy as he became the object of attention, and hurriedly said, “Ha
ha, what is Brother Zheng saying. This one is just a first stratum newbie, everyone,
please take care of me!”

Zheng Zhong did not refute it, smiled and lowered his gaze.

Zuo Mo’s hairs rose at Zheng Zhong’s smile. He decided to stay a bit further away from
this group in case trouble occurred. He was now sure that these people were after the
secret realm. He didn’t care about the secret realm, he only wanted them not to damage his

“Shixiong, I cannot see where this person is outstanding!” a shidi said though a secret

They could communicate through a secret communication method that others were not
able to detect.

Liu Gui glanced over, and said through the secret communication method, “I feel that
this person’s origins aren’t simple. Look, he doesn’t seem nervous at all.”
Zheng Zhong suddenly said, “There’s killing intent on his body. He has recently killed
at least four or five people.”

The others shook in fright.

“No … … no way!” a person stammered out. “Doesn’t he just have first stratum
cultivation? How can he kill four or five people at once?”

Disbelieving expressions came onto the faces of the other people.

It was hard to imagine a first stratum xiuzhe killing four people in succession in Little
Mountain Jie. First stratum was the lowest level of power in Little Mountain Jie. In other
words, every person that he killed wasn’t weaker than he was. One person killing four
people that were not any less weaker than he was, it was extremely difficult to do.

“Maybe he has a powerful talisman?” one shidi said through the communication

“Don’t cause trouble.” Zheng Zhong said in a solemn tone. “This person’s strength isn’t
simple. Everyone, be careful.”

Zuo Mo noticed these people occasionally glancing at him, and grimaced inside. Had he
became a target of these people? That wasn’t good!

There were about twenty people in the group. Zuo Mo suspected that these Clear Sky
Sect disciples had stopped every xiuzhe they encountered. He could occasionally hear these
people talking, but those Clear Sky Sect disciples never controlled them.


After flying for two hours, they encountered two more Clear Sky Sect disciples.

One Clear Sky Sect disciple said, “You guys are too slow! Huang Shixiong has been
waiting for you, and also Lu Hui. We don’t know where he ran off to, not taking care of
business, hmph, he won’t get a share this time!”

The Clear Sky Sect disciple that had been herding the group said, “That’s great. Maybe
we can get a few more items each!”

The other people laughed.

“It seems you guys had a good harvest. Quick, Huang Shixiong has been waiting
Zuo Mo’s blood felt cold inside. These Clear Sky Sect disciples really had great pageantry.
It seemed that they really thought of Little Mountain Jie as their backyard.

The group flew into a little mountain valley. The mountain valley was heavily guarded by
Clear Sky Sect disciples holding flying swords and talismans as though they were facing a
great enemy. There were already about twenty or so xiuzhe that had been gathered.

Huang Zhuo Guang stood proudly at a mountain peak, looking down at the xiuzhe, and
asked in a deep tone, “Have we found all the people that know five element spells?”

Huang Zhuo Guang had narrow eyes and long eyebrows, his nose was high, his chin
slightly narrow. He was wearing a bright yellow ling armor, a deep red cape on his
shoulders, a copper circle tying up his hair. His hands were wearing dark blue gloves, a pair
of Eye Tiger Head boots on his feet, he looked extremely grand and warrior-like. He was the
most outstanding of the second generation disciples of Clear Sky Sect, and belonged to the
most powerful branch. He himself was the most favored disciple of Clear Sky Old
Forefather, and undoubtedly the leader of the Clear Sky Sect disciples.

“We still lack someone skilled in water element spells,” said a shimei in a soft tone. She
was wearing a goose yellow palace robe, her eyes full of seductiveness. She said in
puzzlement, “Shixiong, why didn’t we get the Outer Hall to assist us? Wouldn’t that be
more convenient?”

“The Outer Hall?” Huang Zhuo Guang snorted coldly and said, “That group of trash,
they can’t even defend Nan Sheng Village, how can they be relied on to help us?”

“Ah!” The shimei was very shocked. “What happened with the Outer Sect? Someone
dares to make enemies with our Clear Sky Sect?”

“Hmph! Who cares who they are!” Huang Zhuo Guang narrowed his eyes, his voice was
sharp and full of killing intent. “Just kill them! After this affair, we’ll go right back.
Master had given the Outer Hall to He Xiang, I hadn’t thought this guy who fail so
badly! Master is in seclusion, as his disciple, it is naturally up to me to help share the

Shimei looked with intoxicated eyes at Shixiong, feeling he was extremely magnificent.

“You there, which one of you knows water element spells?” someone shouted at Zuo
Mo’s group.

No one responded.

A cold smirk floated at the corner of a Clear Sky Sect disciple’s mouth, and followed,
“Those that know water element spells, stand up and help us. We’ll give you a fourth-
grade flying sword as reward!”

He raised the flying sword in his hand.

This flying sword’s shape was very unique, like the fangs of a monster. Its body was
made out of a material that was stark white. From two to three zhang away, it was still
possible to feel the waves of killing intent clearly.

Such a vicious weapon!

Zuo Mo was very shocked. This flying sword wasn’t ordinary. Just the pure and keen
killing intent was enough to make countless sword xiu crazy.

As expected, the crowd that had been motionless instantly exploded.

“I know!”

“Me me me!”

Instantly, seven or eight hands rose up.

Zuo Mo also raised his hand. He wanted to see what this group really wanted to do. He
noticed that Zheng Zhong also raised his hand. He secretly glanced around him, trying to
match the information he got from Lu Hui’s mouth to the Clear Sky Sect disciples he could

His gaze quickly landed on the bright figure that was on a little mountain peak.

The hero of Clear Sky – Huang Zhuo Guang!

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo sticks out a bit to those who are more perceptive. Zheng
Zhong is smart. Would one of the weakest cultivation run around in a lawless land as fat
sheep for other people unless they had something to rely on?

I miss Zuo Mo and his need for secrecy back when he was selling the yin fire beads. He
had avoid being noticed and also used concealment methods. Now that he’s gotten a new
face which is less noticeable, and since there is no need, he hasn’t used those disguises he
used in the past.

Thank you for all your comments. It’s been a busy few days and I’ve been spotty in
Chapter 272
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Two Huang Zhuo Guang

Clear Sky Sect had many branches and many second generation disciples, but no one
could shake Huang Zhuo Guang’s position. Besides the support of Clear Sky Old Forefather,
Huang Zhuo Guang’s strong individual strength was the most crucial factor.

Before the change in Little Mountain Jie, Huang Zhuo Guang had been labeled the most
accomplished of the younger generation in Little Mountain Jie. The name of the Clear Sky
Hero had spread from that time forward.

He entered ningmai at sixteen. At this age, many people had just started zhuji. At
seventeen, he comprehended sword essence and quickly became the brightest name
among the Little Mountain Jie younger generation. What truly pushed his fame to the peak
was what happened during the calamity.

At that time, the situation had been chaotic. Many people had attacked Clear Sky Sect. At
that crucial time, Huang Zhuo Guang stood out, killing twenty people with his sword. The
row of bloody heads were hung at the gate of Clear Sky Sect. This action instantly shocked
those xiuzhe that during the chaos and allowed the sect to hold out until Clear Sky Old
Forefather returned.

It had to be said that half of the reason that Clear Sky Sect held its current position in
Little Mountain Jie could be attributed to Huang Zhuo Guang. That battle had let his brutal
reputation spread throughout Little Mountain Jie, and firmly established his position as
second in the sect under the Old Forefather.

Huang Zhuo Guang was brutal and domineering, but he did not lack cleverness. The
other disciples were filled with respect and fear towards him.

Since so many people had raised their hands, a competition was naturally required.
However, what was being tested wasn’t individual power, but who had the strongest skill
in water element spells. The xiuzhe that raised their hands were asked to cast a water
element spell.

This wasn’t a problem to Zuo Mo at all. He casted the [Little Art of Cloud and Rain], and
a miniature white cloud floated one chi above his palm as it started to rain. As the drops
landed on Zuo Mo’s palm, they disappeared.

This pure and skilled water element spell instantly defeated the great majority.

Zuo Mo was slightly surprised by Zheng Zhong.

Zheng Zhong did not speak, and lightly tapped a jade card hanging on his waist. A blue
water dragon instantly came out. The water dragon was about one chi long, the blue scales
on its body flashing with an enchanting light. It was extremely smart, a pair of dragon eyes
curiously scanning the surroundings.

Hm, a beast service card!

Zuo Mo was slightly shocked. He didn’t know what kind of dragon this water dragon was.
Maybe Cheng Shidi would recognize it. Without a doubt, the grade of this water dragon
whatever its kind would not be low. As the blue water dragon flew out, Zuo Mo instantly
felt that the water element power in the air thickened.

The water dragon innately belonged to water. It was most skilled in water element

The disciple holding the white fang sword had a dilemma. Zuo Mo might have cast a little
spell, but it could be seen with a glance that his skill was not low. Zheng Zhong’s water
dragon was a natural expert at control of water.

“Both of you come up.” Huang Zhuo Guang’s voice sounded at this time.

Zuo Mo’s heart jumped. Huang Zhuo Guang’s voice was not loud, but it held an unique
kind of pressure. He could be considered to be experienced now, but it was the first time he
encountered an expert of Huang Zhuo Guang’s style. The only one Zuo Mo felt was slightly
similar was Chang Heng. However, there was a difference between the two. Huang Zhuo
Guang was dominating, and Chang Heng was vicious.

If these two people fought, that would definitely be very spectacular, Zuo Mo muttered

He noticed a xiuzhe with a pale complexion in the corner. That was Lei Hao, the person
Lu Hui said had been wounded by Silly Bird. Lei Hao was Zuo Mo’s target.

The two followed behind the disciple with the white fang sword. Huang Zhuo Guang flew
down from the mountain peak, and said to the shimei beside him, “Tell them to prepare to

The other people were herded away from this area.

“Go, go, none of your business here. In five minutes, whoever remains within fifty li
cannot blame my flying sword!” a Clear Sky Sect disciple said maliciously.

A change suddenly occurred!

A sword light like a smear of snowy light suddenly shot towards Huang Zhuo Guang!
Many Clear Sky Sect disciples paled. That sword light had been too sudden. The snowy
and bright sword energy blinded them! The sharp sword essence was like countless shards
of sharp snowflakes dancing.

The shimei beside Huang Zhuo Guang paled. This bit of snowy and bright sword light
filled every corner of her vision! Everything was white! In the blink of an eye, the sharp
sword essence stole away her urge to resist.

An extremely domineering sword light suddenly lit up.

“Ha ha! I just knew that there was a problem with you!” Huang Zhuo Guang laughed,
and then his expression became cold. “But to scheme against me, you aren’t enough.”

In his tone, a strong confidence was expressed.

Zheng Zhong’s fellows moved at the same time, sword energies criss-crossing. These
Clear Sky Sect disciples did not have Huang Zhuo Guang’s strength and the situation
instantly became chaotic.

The wails and panic of the Clear Sky Sect disciples didn’t cause Huang Zhuo Guang to
move away his eyes. He locked tightly onto Zheng Zhong and smirked, “Oh, so it is a third
stratum. No wonder you are so gutsy.”

Zheng Zhong’s eyes were not lowered and half-lidded as previous. In his calm eyes,
killing and battle intent flashed.

Huang Zhuo Guang smiled, “Let’s go up.” Finishing, he flew into the air.

Zheng Zhong did not hesitate in following him into the sky.

Zuo Mo looked right and left. No one was paying attention to him. Instantly, he didn’t
know whether to laugh or cry. However, this was actually suitable for him to carry out his
own affairs. He noticed Lei Hao panicking and wanting to flee.

The xiuzhe that had been captured were already filled with hate towards Clear Sky Sect,
but due to Clear Sky Sect’s might, no one dared to speak up. At this time, as Zheng Zhong
moved, and the situation was chaotic, Liu Gui fanned the flames, deliberately shouting,
“Flying sword! That flying sword! Don’t let him escape!”

Once those words came out, it stirred the hearts of many people. That flying sword had
such pure killing intent. It definitely was a rare top of the fourth-grade sword.

“Who dares? Wanting to steal something from Clear Sky Sect! You don’t want to live!”
the disciple shouted with a stern expression.

Liu Hui hid among the crowd and grumbled, “The daring die from overeating, the
cowards die from starvation. Who knows who!”
Everyone thought. Yes, such a chaotic situation, they wouldn’t know who stole it. Which
xiuzhe that had survived in Little Mountain Jie up until now was a friendly person?

In a moment, dozens of sword lights howled as they shot towards that Clear Sky Sect

Zuo Mo who had flown away was also scared by the scene. He celebrated that he had left
early enough. Otherwise, he would have also been affected.

“You … …” That disciple was both frightened and angry. Before he could finish speaking,
he was chopped by tens of sword energies into pieces of meat, and froze Zuo Mo’s heart.

Everyone instantly went to grab the sword. After a period of chaos, a xiuzhe with good
eyes and fast hands grabbed the flying sword before turning and running for his life. The
xiuzhe that didn’t get the flying swords didn’t let go of the other things on this disciple’s

The xiuzhe that didn’t get anything quickly moved their red eyes towards the other Clear
Sky Sect disciples.

They suddenly found that after losing the halo of Clear Sky Sect, these disciples were the
best fat sheep!

The situation became even more chaotic.

After a few dashes, Zuo Mo flashed next to Lei Hao and grabbed him as he was fleeing.

Lei Hao was frightened half to death, his entire body shaking, his words nonsense. “I I I…
… give you everything … …”

Zuo Mo furrowed his brow, and raised his hand to slap him a few times to restore him to
clarity. “I’ll ask and you answer.”

“You … … please ask!” Lei Hao was stunned from the blows, and recovered from his
soulless state. Even though he was still frightened, but he could manage to speak.

Zuo Mo’s hand suddenly flashed, his left hand casting a Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning!


It directly hit a flying sword!

With a burst of blue smoke, and a clanging sound, the flying sword landed on the ground.

A sword xiu nearby gave a grunt. His flying sword ruined, his consciousness was also
wounded. He looked in terror at Zuo Mo, and stumbled as he turn to flee, not even daring to
pick up his flying sword.
Zuo Mo didn’t pursue him. This scene had been seen by many people. The xiuzhe that
had been charging towards Zuo Mo all turned in fright and went towards other targets. Lei
Hao, who was hanging from Zuo Mo’s hand, swallowed in terror. Heavens, how had he
landed in the hands of such an expert?

“What is with the wounds on your body?” Zuo Mo asked word by word as he stared at
Lei Hao.

Lei Hao felt his hairs raise at Zuo Mo’s gaze. The pale face became even more white. He
stammered, “I I … … I encountered something grey. I thought it was a treasure and
wanted to catch it. But that thing was very strange. When I touched it, I was wounded.”

A burst of joy came into Zuo Mo’s heart. He had just inspected the wounds inside Lei
Hao’s body. His body had truly been harmed by a power not inside the five elements.

“Where did the grey shadow go after?” Zuo Mo asked.

“It flew into the secret realm,” Lei Hao obediently responded.

“Isn’t the entrance to the secret realm closed? How could it fly in?”

“I … … I don’t know.”

Zuo Mo suddenly thought of how the entrance to the secret realm required five of the
five element spells to open and of Silly Bird’s present attribute of not being within the five
elements. That was a possibility.

“Where is the entrance to the secret realm?” Zuo Mo asked a last question.

“Over there.” Lei Hao pointed to a mountain valley nearby.

Zuo Mo snickered at him. “You answered well.’ As he finished, he raised his hand and
threw Lei Hao back into the chaotic battlefield. Instantly, the people converged on him.

Zuo Mo looked at the two people fighting in the air, and regretted that the time wasn’t
right. If it wasn’t that he was in a hurry to find Silly Bird, he would definitely take the
chance to kill Huang Zhuo Guang. Huang Zhuo Guang was the second ranked expert of Clear
Sky Sect. If he could be killed, it would greatly weaken Clear Sky Sect.

He suddenly found that he had underestimated the strength of Clear Sky Sect.

Huang Zhuo Guang was very powerful! Zheng Zhong had ningmai third stratum
cultivation but he was at the disadvantage. This shocked Zuo Mo.

Seeing Huang Zhuo Guang’s sword essence, Zuo Mo suddenly understood a bit. The “sky”
in Clear Sky Sect wasn’t all to do with the Sky Soil, but with the sky itself.
It was the sword of the sky!

The sword essence was vast and intangible. There was clearly nothing, but it made one
feel that it could not be stopped!

Huang Zhuo Guang’s sword became even brighter with a hint of with sunlight like
warmth. No matter if it was the sword energy or his movement, when in the air Huang
Zhuo Guang was like a fish in water.

Zuo Mo’s consciousness was exceptional. He had a feeling that Huang Zhuo Guang’s flying
sword had a kind of unspeakable connection to the sky.

He was astounded!

How was it possible?

Did this person start cultivating when he was inside his mother?

In this moment, Zuo Mo decided to kill the other. If he missed this chance, it would
almost be impossible to get a chance to kill him in the future.

An evil … … no, an ingenious idea came to mind.

Translator Ramblings: Ningmai at sixteen … … in comparison, Zuo Mo and Wei Sheng are
all in their twenties.

The reveal with the sky and its connection to Clear Sky Sect is a bit more dramatic in
Chinese because the word used for sky in Clear Sky Sect is not “tian” but a less common
character of “xiao” 霄. That character also means clouds and night so the name had
multiple meanings.
Chapter 273
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Three – The Critical Sword Point

Huang Zhuo Guang stood in the air.

Zheng Zhong’s cool eyes unconsciously showed hints of terror. He had been fooled! The
dominance on Huang Zhuo Guang’s face had long disappeared, his eyes scornful.

The brutality and dominance was just his disguise!

Zheng Zhong realized that he had been tricked. From the start, he thought that Huang
Zhuo Guang walked the path of domination and strength. At this time, he discovered he was
completely wrong.

The sword of the sky was ethereal, empty and vast, invisible and intangible!

His sword essence was extremely strange. Zheng Zhong had never seen it before. What
was most scary was that the entire sky seemed to have become his support. Meeting Huang
Zhuo Guang’s eyes that were as cold and deep as the blue sky, the battle spirit in Zheng
Zhong’s heart was unconsciously weakened.

Zheng Zhong was skilled in fighting. His cultivation was also slightly higher than Huang
Zhuo Guang and he had instantly detected it.

However, he wasn’t willing to escape like this.

He could see the situation below. He knew that if he could keep stalling for a while, he
could rely on his shidi to come help him. No matter how difficult Huang Zhuo Guang’s
sword essence was to handle, or how many transformations his sword moves had, he
believed if he and his shidi worked together, they could kill the other.

At this point, Zheng Zhong was already defeated but his goal was very clear. He wasn’t in
attempting to defeat Huang Zhuo Guang but to get the secret realm. Therefore, he was
dragging the battle out.

“Your shidi have all been killed,” Zheng Zhong suddenly said.

Huang Zhuo Guang smiled unconcernedly and said, “Who cares if the trash die?”

There was none of the dominance and overbearing presence on his face. His eyes were
cold and composed.
Zheng Zhong’s heart felt a chill. This was a vicious and emotionless person. He said, “Why
don’t you run?”

“Run?” Huang Zhuo Guang seemed to have heard a great joke. “Why should I run? I
know you are stalling and waiting for your shidi to come help you.”

There wasn’t any panic in Huang Zhuo Guang’s voice. His mouth curved, his eyes slowly
narrowing. “It is a pity that you do not know that the difference in our power isn’t
something that can be made up by quantity.”

Zheng Zhong was slightly shocked. The confidence in Huang Zhuo Guang’s voice wasn’t a
pretense, but he was still puzzled. He was at a disadvantage, but the difference in their
strengths wasn’t as large as Huang Zhuo Guang stated.

Unless Huang Zhuo Guang had hidden his strength? Zheng Zhong’s heart suddenly


Zuo Mo was very quick. Like a bolt of lightning, he reached the entrance to the secret
realm. The entrance was inside a cave. Outside the cave, it was already chaotic, the sword
energies were flying, everywhere and multicolored talismans flashing about. The ling
power inside the little valley was a total mess.

When Liu Gui and the others saw Zuo Mo, their faces changed slightly.

Shixiong had told them not to provoke this person. They had also seen Zuo Mo’s Yang
Fiendish Hard Lightning with their own eyes, and were wary. Seeing Zuo Mo coming to the
secret realm, they instantly knew it wasn’t good.

Seven of them had been hiding in the chaotic crowd. They were also very careful, and had
earned a significant amount. However, this amount of gains could not compare to a secret
realm that had never been explored.

Zuo Mo had already noticed Liu Gui and the others by the secret realm’s entrance. Seeing
the wariness on their faces, he knew if he proposed his plan, the others probably wouldn’t
believe him.

Making a decision, Zuo Mo did not hesitate and took out the Serene Water Sword.

Inhaling deeply, he stepped hard on the ground and jumped! Like an arrow leaving the
bow, he charged up seven dozen zhang. At the highest point, he suddenly crouched and
hugged his knees, flipping forward. However, he only performed a half-flip. When his head
was pointing downwards, the legs that were curved upwards suddenly pushed off the
empty space above him.


It was like there was an invisible wall above him, his legs pushing on it, he blasted off!

All the ling power in Zuo Mo’s body moved at that instant!

His body stretching out, it was a straight line from the tip of the sword to his heels. His
entire person had transformed into a flying sword.

A sharp howl suddenly sounded, muffling over every other sound in the valley.

Everyone jumped and unconsciously stopped what they were doing. When they raised
their heads to look up, it was as though they were struck by lightning!

It was possible to see a figure blurred by shuttle-shaped air ripples. The air inside the
entire valley started to tremble, the fierce convulsions of the air rippled towards the
ground. The ground shook like trembling dice.

Zuo Mo had completely forgotten everything at this point. The booming of air beside his
ears causing him to be unable to hear anything. The pleasure of extreme speed caused the
temperature of his blood to increase exponentially. Uncontrollably, he gave a long howl!

Accelerate, accelerate, accelerate more!

He seemed to exercise all his ling power and strength in this short one hundred zhang.
The furious air turbulence exploded around him, the temperature also rising.

He thought of the Meteor Void Fire in the past. In the beginning, he had named it “Diving
from the Sky.” Later, he had learned that the name of this move was called Meteor Void
Fire, a very famous move of Dhyana xiu.

However, Zong Ru had tried many times, but could not create Void Fire.

Zuo Mo found something unique. The air turbulence around him would not scatter
during his charge. When his speed reached a certain level, he could tear apart the
turbulence created from air, and create a certain kind of suction. This suction would cause
the turbulence to stay close to his body, and form a turbulent area.

The Void Fire was birthed in this turbulent area.

Like when two hard pieces of rock collided together, it would create sparks. This
turbulent area was like an area of rock made out of pieces of stone moving against each
other high speed so sparks naturally formed.
Zuo Mo’s consciousness was like many tiny tentacles, accurately stirring the turbulence.


A thread of fire shot out of the turbulence around his body. Quickly, the area of
turbulence lit up around Zuo Mo’s body was like wood soaked in turpentine.

More than ten threads of fire snaked their way around Zuo Mo’s body.

But immediately after, Zuo Mo felt an unexpected change happen.

These fire snakes seemed to have smelt blood, all of them flooding towards the sword tip
of the flying sword. The sword tip was like a powerful whirlpool, continuously consuming
flames. In the blink of an eye, all the fire around Zuo Mo was absorbed into the sword tip.

At this time, the sword tip was burning bright with a blinding red light!

In the eyes of everyone in the valley, there was a burning red light with astounding speed
drawing out a bold straight line across their vision!

All of the sword essence, all of the Void Fire was compressed in the needle-sized area of
the sword tip. Everyone was shaking in fright!

“Motherf***er! Run!”

It wasn’t clear who first said it, but the group suddenly woke up. Instantly, wails rose.
They hated that their parents hadn’t birthed them with another pair of legs. Stumbling and
crawling, they sprinted towards the sides of the valley. In the blink of an eye, the entrance
that had been blocked was cleared.

Liu Gui and the others all changed expressions!

When Shixiong reminded them not to provoke the person, they had not been concerned.
Even when they were wary of Zuo Mo’s Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning bolt, but that was
just wariness.

Until this sword appeared, this sword that compressed all the sword essence and
explosiveness to the extreme!

They truly felt respect and terror!

None of the seven people dared to go stop this blow. They stood at their spot like
wooden puppets, their faces raised, their mouths open as they looked dazedly at the
blinding light!

This … … what weirdo was this!?

Their perception was better than average. The dot of red light that was compressed to
the limits made them instinctively feel a suffocating sense of danger.

The ling power and air turbulence that had been created by the fights inside the valley
were now like wild horses that had been broken and simultaneously calmed down. The
shaking ground seemed to also have detected the danger and became silent.

Other than the panicking people that were feeling, everything else in the mountain valley
seemed to freeze at this moment.

They seemed to be waiting for the conqueror to arrive!


Light flashed in Huang Zhuo Guang and Zheng Zhong’s eyes. In the sky near them, a
blinding red light was at the front of a diving figure.

That dot of red light made both of them change expression.

A strange light flashed across Huang Zhuo Guang’s face. He noticed the nervousness on
Zheng Zhong’s face. His mind moved, and purposefully said, “Hm, this person isn’t weak. Is
he fighting against your shidi?”

Huang Zhuo Guang’s words were exactly what Zheng Zhong was worried about.
However, he trusted that his shidi would not be so impulsive and shot back, “No matter. If
he gets the secret realm, it’s better than you getting the secret realm.”

“You have animosity towards me?” Huang Zhuo Guang narrowed his eyes again.

“Animosity?” Zheng Zhong laughed coldly, “Is there anyone still alive in Little
Mountain Jie that doesn’t have animosity against you?”

“That’s true,” Huang Zhuo Guang nodded. “The world is like this. If you are angry, be
angry that your luck isn’t good.”

Zuo Mo, who had made such a ruckus and stopped the crowds, didn’t have any smugness
on his face. Wrapped in the turbulence, his face was as pale as paper, his eyes terrified, his
heart at his throat.

These was only one thought left in his mind. He really had played a terrible hand!

Serene Water Sword was a water element flying sword. He was used to the [Li Water
Sword Scripture] and had picked this water element flying sword. Serene Water Sword
was a good flying sword, it’s entire body made from serene water, and pure in water
element power.

But damn it!

The pure water element power became the most crucial threat!

There was no problem in compressing the Li water sword essence, but Zuo Mo had not
expected that the compressed sword essence would create a strong suction and absorb the
Void Fire, thereby also compressing it at the sword tip.

Now, the problem was huge!

Void Fire was an extremely volatile flame, and a flame that Zuo Mo was extremely
unfamiliar with. Water and fire could not merge in the first place. As the Void Fire entered
the Serene Water Sword, the only outcome he could think of was an explosion.

Even more, the Void Fire inside the Serene Water Sword had been compressed to its
limits. Motherf***er. Even if this thing wasn’t inside the Serene Water Sword, even if it was
just a drop of water, there was only one outcome.

Boom, a loud sound, and no bones would be left remaining in a radius of thirty zhang.

Right now, there was something else that was also dangerous –– the sword essence that
had been highly compressed! The addition of the sword essence had kept the three factors
in an exquisite equilibrium, but it was very unstable. In other words, if Zuo Mo let go, the
flying sword would instantly explode.

Adding on the sword essence that was compressed … …

If this exploded, then an area fifty zhang in radius, oh no, eighty zhang in radius, not a
hair would remain!

Looking at the ground that was coming increasingly close to him, Zuo Mo’s face paled, his
hand trembling, crying without tears.

Save me … …
Translator Ramblings: This chapter is like being on the uphill part of a rollercoaster and
right before the great downhill part, the ride gets stuck.

Clear Sky Sect is doing something terrible and its head disciple is not anything good.

About Zuo Mo’s age … … I guess it takes a bit of speculation and some of Occam’s Razor.
First, he was lianqi fourth level when he was picked up with amnesia by the sect leader.
That’s actually pretty normal for a young person if they are not geniuses. It is also simpler
to think that he is normal rather than he was very powerful before and was weakened.
Second is that we are going by Fang Xiang’s (slightly sexist) logic that males do not try to
eat any pills to maintain their youthful appearance. It might be a bit of a leap but it is
plausible that Zuo Mo’s age has not been disguised or changed. If changing features makes a
zombie face, changing one’s age through skeleton will really make Zuo Mo a complete
Chapter 274
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Four – You Eat Meat, We’ll Drink Soup

What do I do … … what do I do … …

Zuo Mo was so panicked his innards were burning up. What presence, what scheme, all
of it was thrown away.

The howling suddenly changed in tune, from being full of killing intent to being like a
rooster that was clucking as it was being strangled, with a long after-note. The sword and
person that had been burning suddenly paused, their speed decreasing.

After a while, they were like a little bird that was too fat and couldn’t fly as they swayed
and unsteadily landed on the empty ground beside the cave.

Everyone collectively turned to stone as they watched such a strange scene.

Zuo Mo released a breath. The Serene Water Sword tip was still bright red, but it was
evidently not as frightening as before. Right now, he wanted to throw this flying sword as
far away as possible, but considering that the flying sword would instantly explode if it left
his control, he could only keep a tight grip on it.

The mountain valley was deathly silent, everyone looking dazedly at Zuo Mo.

Had it been an illusion? Was this person bouncing about in front of them really the same
person that was so peerless just a moment ago?

This change was too comedic. Because it was so sudden, and the difference too large, it
caused everyone to be unable to react. This group of people stared straight at Zuo Mo, none
of them fighting.

Dissipate … … dissipate … …

Zuo Mo recited at the Serene Water Sword. His voice was very light, but since the
surroundings were too quiet, it was abnormally clear. When everyone heard it, many
people wanted to roll their eyes. The mood instantly became awkward. Everyone looked at
each other but no one moved.

The mountain valley that had been so noisy and full of fighting was abnormally peaceful
and silent.
The Void Fire and sword essence that lost pressure quickly dissipated. After a while, the
burning red tip of the Serene Water Sword also dissipated. The Serene Water Tip also
resumed its normal appearance. Zuo Mo’s heart finally landed back in his stomach. He felt
his body relax and he sat down on the ground.

So risky! He had almost tripped up. If he killed himself, wouldn’t it be a great joke?

He was full of regret as he panted. After two breaths, he suddenly froze, it wasn’t right!

Why were the surroundings so silent … …

He turned around, his heart slightly insecure, and saw a circle of people standing there
silently as they looked at him. A hair-raising feeling spread. He almost shrieked. However,
he finally remembered he could be considered the leader of a large group of people,
swallowed, and stood up.

“You, why aren’t you fighting?”

No one spoke. Liu Gui didn’t know what to say. The chaotic situation they had put so
much effort to create had been interrupted with such a strange method. But they didn’t
dare jump out at this time. This wasn’t a joke. The slightly black guy in front of him was
clearly stronger than they were by a large margin, and was extremely terrifying.

They didn’t know what problem Zuo Mo just had, but his power was displayed right
there. Without knowing his intentions, jumping out was akin to trying to seeking death. The
other people’s thoughts were very similar to Liu Gui. Zuo Mo’s half of a move had
frightened everyone.

Zuo Mo saw that no one responded to him, and instantly faltered. He turned to face the
entrance of the secret realm.

Without a call, these people flooded forward.

Zuo Mo turned in fright, “What are you doing?”

A voice suddenly sounded among the crowd, “Big Bro, you eat the meat, but let us
drink some soup!”

“Yes yes!”

“Big Bro, you pick what’s good first, and let us get some benefits!”

Calls like this instantly sounded among the crowd.

Zuo Mo was dumbstruck. Liu Gui and the others were dumbstruck. No one had expected
the situation would reach such a strange step.
“You bear to part with that?” Zuo Mo said thoughtlessly.

“Big Bro is joking. You are the strongest, it’s right that you pick first.” The person who
spoke first saw that Zuo Mo wasn’t a hard person to interact with. His courage rose and he
stood out.


“That’s the rationale!”

Every person agreed. Liu Gui and the others didn’t dare to speak. Other people might not
know what they had just done, but this person of mysterious origins knew. If they stepped
forward at this time and the other might reveal what they had just done, and they would be
sliced to death.

Zuo Mo gradually calmed down, and said with slight amusement, “You guys trust me
this much?”

“Big Bro, you didn’t even look at the White Fang Sword just now. How can anything
normal enter your eyes?” The man was a smart one. “As to better things, we don’t dare
to think about it.”

“That’s right, who dares to be greedy and covets Big Bro’s things, everyone will chop

“Chop him!”

The people all agreed. Liu Gui shook with fright. These people were all very experienced
old-timers. They knew that they, a random bunch of rabble, could not possibly get anything
out of the secret realm.

Zuo Mo’s heart was slightly insecure. He liked the White Fang Sword too, but he had been
thinking of the grey bird then and didn’t have the time.

Ge really hadn’t disregarded it … …

However, he quickly understood what these people were thinking.

Before, he had only thought of tripping up Huang Zhuo Guang. The present situation was
way out of his predictions.

However, he responded quickly. “If that’s the case, then let us work together to kill
Huang Zhuo Guang first. If we don’t kill him, this secret realm won’t be ours.”

As Zuo Mo said this, many people instantly hesitated. They were only pursuing wealth,
but didn’t want to lose their lives. The vicious reputation of Huang Zhuo Guang had long
been engraved their hearts.
The man who had just spoken said, “What are we afraid of? If Huang Zhuo Guang
escapes, who among us will be able to escape the consequences in and being connected
to the deaths of the Sky Sect disciples?”

Zuo Mo silently praised the person for his cleverness.

As expected, the people that had hesitated instantly started to shout, “Do it!”

“We have this many people, we can slice him to death with one blow from each of

Zuo Mo threw out at a good time, “There’s some good talismans on Huang Zhuo
Guang’s body. Afterwards, it will depend on who has the best luck.”

These words were instantly effective! Nothing was more tempting than talismans. Their
courage instantly rose. Liu Gui and the few people were joyous upon hearing this. If this
expert of mysterious skill could team up with Shixiong, Huang Zhuo Guang would have a
hard time escaping.

“Big Bro, say what to do, and we’ll do it!” Liu Gui hurriedly shouted.

Zuo Mo suddenly found the situation was better than he had imagined. With this group of
people, he could more easily set it up. Even though it wasn’t possible to rely on them to do
something difficult, but not all things were difficult.

As he continued to issue out orders, the people that received them were filled with
puzzlement. They could not understand at all what use the things Zuo Mo was asking them
to do had.

Zuo Mo requested for most of them to continuously release sword energies and spells
inside the valley. Even though their faces were filled with puzzlement, but they still
followed and released spells and sword energies at empty areas.

The entire mountain valley became filled with all kinds of colored light.

Zuo Mo stood at the entrance to the secret realm. The secret realm entrance was a
floating ball of light. Looking at the entrance, his grasp of the situation rose. This entrance
was a natural five element formation. It wasn’t hard to open, but it required using all five
element powers at the same time.

He looked at Liu Gui. Seeing Liu Gui nod, he started to rapidly send five element power
towards the entrance.

As the five element spells entered the ball of light, five colored light exploded.

In the sky, Huang Zhuo Guang’s expression changed, killing intent filled in his eyes. His
figure suddenly disappeared.

This group of damned bastards!

The reason he had been so confident before was largely due to his assumption that this
group could not open the entrance. He had observed the entrance to the secret realm. It
required putting in five kinds of five element spells at the same time. It was easy to find
people that were skilled in one element or several, but it was rare to find those xiuzhe
skilled in all five.

Finding five xiuzhe to cast spells at the same time was an action he had resorted to out of
helplessness. He knew that in reality, this method couldn’t open the entrance to the secret
realm completely.

He didn’t worry at all. No matter how many xiuzhe possessed the entrance, if the
entrance wasn’t opened, then this secret realm would belong to Clear Sky Sect, no one
could take it away.

So when the light flashed as the entrance was opened, he was both terrified and furious.

His figure flashed into the mountain valley, aiming for Zuo Mo. The other xiuzhe were a
school of little fish in his eyes. The reality was just as he thought. When he appeared in the
mountain valley, the xiuzhe flew into the sky like a group of alarmed birds.

Huang Zhuo Guang instantly saw Zuo Mo in front of the entrance.

“My eyes had failed me. So you are skilled in all five elements.” A cold light flashed in
Huang Zhuo Guang’s eyes. “I hadn’t thought I would encounter another expert today.
Such good luck.”


Zuo Mo rolled his eyes. Look at the time! He was still rambling. Without his hesitation, he
raised his hand for a Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning bolt! Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning was
the move of [Little Thousand Leaf Hands] that he was most familiar with. At present, he
almost didn’t have to think and could cast it.

“Hard lightning?” Huang Zhuo Guang was slightly surprised but he was not shocked.
“Just this thing, and you dare to attack me?”
Zuo Mo suddenly sent out a bolt of Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning with his right palm.
With a hiss, it seemed to strike something invisible. Huang Zhuo Guang finally had a
shocked expression.

How was it possible? How could this guy so easily find his sword energy?

His Clear Sky sword energy was invisible and intangible, extremely hard to detect.

Zuo Mo didn’t feel anything Speaking of invisibility and intangibility, there probably was
no sword energy that could compare to the [Void Sword Scripture] that Wei Sheng
Shixiong cultivated.

While Huang Zhuo Guang’s Sky sword essence was also invisible and intangible, but
these qualities were not outstanding. The reason that people continuously were defeated
by Huang Zhuo Guang was that his sword essence was too ethereal and hard to find, but
Zuo Mo had an exceptional consciousness and ling eyes so these qualities were not scary.

At this time, Zheng Zhong also appeared behind Huang Zhuo Guang.

Liu Gui and the other six appeared at same time, the eight people forming a complete
circle. Zuo Mo reversed and retreated.

A smirk appeared at the corner of Huang Zhuo Guang’s mouth, gang fighting?

What they probably didn’t know was that he was the least afraid of gang fighting! The
more people there were, the more power his sword scripture could release.


He decided to let these ignorant people see just how wrong they were.

Just as he was going to attack, the smirk at his mouth suddenly froze.

Translator Ramblings: I find it amusing how Zuo Mo scorns Huang Zhuo Guang’s
inexperience in combat since he really doesn’t too much combat experience himself.
Though I am not sure how much combat experience makes a person experienced. Is it two
tournaments, five life-threatening battles, or can everyone call themselves battle-hardened
if they have fought?

Poor Huang Zhuo Guang, he had to encounter a young ling plant farmer that knows all
the required five element spells.
Chapter 275
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Five Circle Kill

When Huang Zhuo Guang suddenly appeared, the space surrounding him became

Countless ling power flows, countless air turbulence flows. The small mountain valley
was like an area of turbulence.

What was most terrible was … …

He didn’t need to raise his head to know that his connection with the sky had been cut
off. In a flash, he realized, a trap! This was a trap that had been prepared for him!

The ling power of the mountain valley randomly flew and collided in an unstable state.
Some scenes that he had disregarded before flowed through his mind. Coldness rose
through his heart. The group of xiuzhe that had panicked and rose when he entered the
mountain valley had looked like a group of birds startled by an engle, so helpless, so weak,
so alarmed.

But now, he realized that this group of pitifully weak people had used ling power and
turbulence to create a net above the mountain valley without him noticing, a net blocking
him from the sky!

He was separated from the sky!

Such a poisonous trap! Some admiration rose. This group seemed like a rabble, and was
low on battle capabilities. It really was admirable that the other could think of such a great
idea, and execute it effectively.

His gaze landed on Zuo Mo who was guarding the entrance to the secret realm

So this person was actually the most powerful of the bunch!

Huang Zhuo Guang’s eyes narrowed for the second time. Facing a predicament, after the
initial shock, he wasn’t afraid. Quite the opposite. His desire for battle was instantly ignited.
He felt the temperature of his body continuously increase.

There never had been someone that could force him to such a predicament! To such a
sorry state!

Without the sky, you dare to challenge me?

Huang Zhuo Guang’s eyes brightened, the flying sword in his hand suddenly sweeping
up. A strong presence expanded. The fine turbulence around him instantly cleared.

Zheng Zhong and the others did not hesitate in stepping forward.

This was also the reason Zuo Mo had retreated. Zheng Zhong and his group could work
together. If he was in the middle, he would actually disrupt their cooperative battle
capabilities. It was better to withdraw and wait for an opportunity.

The area of the mountain valley was narrow and small. In this kind of battle, what people
competed on were their reaction times, little techniques, and talismans.

Huang Zhuo Guang had never experienced this kind of battle before, but he did not fear
it. His body was entirely covered in fourth-grade talismans!

The ling armor on his body was a fourth-grade earth element ling armor, one of the finest
pieces produced by Clear Sky Sect, called Dusty Sky Ling Armor. It was made from Sky Soil.
Out of affection for him, Clear Sky Old Forefather had added three grains of Sky Sand into it.
This caused the grade of the ling armor to increase greatly, especially its formations. Clear
Sky Old Forefather even used the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk to copy formations that gave it
the ability to defend and attack enemies.

There was a layer of sand mist that continuously wrapped around Huang Zhuo Guang’s
body. One shouldn’t underestimate these sand mists. They could easily break second-grade
flying swords, and the most damaging ability was that it could always corrode the other.

Dusty Sky Ling Armor was definitely a great weapon for close combat!

People usually could not see his flying sword because it would always be hidden in the
sky. The flying sword forged from the essence of cloud soul [Sky Inquirer] was like an
invisible flow of water silently spinning above Huang Zhuo Guang’s head.

Even the jade pendant on his body and the hair tie were also not ordinary, all high level

Zheng Zhong and the others instantly looked much poorer when compared to him. Other
than the silver snowy flying sword in Zheng Zhong’s hand that was low fourth-grade, all
that the other people had were third-grade.

Zuo Mo had to shake his head on the inside. It seemed that they didn’t have an easy time

Fourth-grade talismans were extremely expensive. For example, Zuo Mo’s Thunder
Flowing Light Wings were intermediate fourth-grade, and cost him sixty pieces of fourth-
grade jingshi. It had to be said that one piece of fourth-grade jingshi was equivalent to five
hundred pieces of third-grade jingshi. In other words, this talisman required thirty
thousand pieces of third-grade jingshi.
This price was not something that normal people could tolerate.

Zuo Mo had won many things in Little Mountain Jie, enough talismans to make a small
mountain, but the number of fourth-grade talismans could be counted on his fingers. In the
present Little Mountain Jie, third-grade talismans were the mainstream armaments.
Fourth-grade talismans were all on the hands of the experts. As to talismans like the Nine
Turn Sky Soil Disk, even if you had one, you didn’t dare to use it.

Of the many talismans, fourth-grade flying swords were the rarest, and the most
welcome. There was no way about it, Little Mountain Jie’s xiuzhe were mostly sword xiu.

Zuo Mo unconsciously inventoried his own wealth and found to his surprise that he had
some assets.

But things like the Thunder Flowing Light Wings, Seven Star Sword Boots, they were
mostly things that he bought using jingshi he earned from selling Golden Crow Fire.

Seeing the difference in talismans between the two sides, Zuo Mo knew it would not be
an easy fight.

The reason the price between fourth-grade and third-grade talismans was so large was
that, other than the materials being rarer and the abilities more outstanding, there was
another area, formations.

Fourth-grade talismans frequently would have their own formation techniques. The sand
mist that the Dusty Sky Ling Armor exuded was a formation combat technique called [Mist
Kill]. The formation combat technique of Zuo Mo’s Seven Star Sword Boots were more
unique. That was a sword formation.

The majority of fourth-grade talismans had formation combat techniques, it was

rare that they did not have them, like the Thunder Flowing Light Wings. This kind of
talismans that did not have formation combat techniques were able to qualify to fourth-
grade due to one reason. It was that one of its attributes was too strong, like the speed of
the Thunder Flowing Light Wings.

A good talisman in the hands of a novice was just a pile of scrap metal, but in the hands of
an expert, it could be wielded to its greatest potential.

And if an expert was covered in good talismans?

Zuo Mo started to have a headache. The situation kept on changing unexpectedly. At the
start, his plan hadn’t changed very much. He had planned on using [Little Thousand Leaf
Hands] to mess up the turbulence even more. He hadn’t expected these people to be willing
to listen to him. The plan had been even more perfect.

But now he found, no matter how much they planned, Huang Zhuo Guang was not
suppressed like he had imagined.
Huang Zhuo Guang did not fear being surrounded and attacked. The formation combat
technique of his ling armor, [Mist Kill], at full power, his entire person seemed like a
person-shaped meat grinder, unreasonably charging and smashing about!

The Double Tiger Eye Boots on his feet were not average. Each time he stepped on the
ground, the earth trembled.

It had the same abilities as Zuo Mo’s Ten Thousand Appearances Gloves.

If the other showed the slightest weakness, the flying sword above his head would
suddenly strike. If it wasn’t for the fact that Zheng Zhong and his fellows cooperated well,
many of them would already have been killed.

As Huang Zhuo Guang became familiar with this kind of combat, he responded with
greater ease.

His feet suddenly shoving off, he was like a cannonball shot out of a cannon, smashing
towards Liu Gui with astonishing speed. Liu Gui was very shocked, the flying sword
stabbing multiple times in front of him, and a sword curtain appeared in front.

But he suddenly tapped the ground on the way, his figure changing directions and leapt
at someone else

That person had been trying to go up to help Liu Gui, and didn’t expect Huang Zhuo
Guang to suddenly turn around. He didn’t have the time to respond, and Huang Zhuo Guang
had charged in front of him. Terror rose in his eyes.

Just as he was about to be ground by the sand mist, a snow sword light stabbed at Huang
Zhuo Guang

Zheng Zhong’s attack was perfectly timed. Huang Zhuo Guang was still very wary of
Zheng Zhong He swerved and flashed past the sword light. Before Zheng Zhong could sigh
in relief, a spark suddenly appeared above the shidi’s head, a flying sword flashing and

Huang Zhuo Guang’s gaze suddenly landed on Zuo Mo’s body. He hadn’t expected Zuo Mo
was able to detect his well-concealed attack.

Zuo Mo shook his head as he kept on watching. This cooperation between this group was
much worse than Lil’ Miss’ groups. It was far less than what he predicted. Out of
helplessness, he could only shout, “Everyone else to the sky, let Brother Zheng deal with

Liu Gui and the others had hesitant expressions. Zheng Zhong unhesitatingly said,
“Listen to him!”
The other people flew into the sky, emptying out the mountain valley. Only Zuo Mo and
Zheng Zhong were left to face Huang Zhuo Guang. Huang Zhuo Guang’s confidence had
grown as he fought. He laughed, “Both of you can come together!”

Zuo Mo was not affected, “Old Zheng, use your flying sword.”

Before he finished, a layer of light suddenly covered his eyes. Ling eye! He raised his
hands for a bolt of Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning. His target was not Huang Zhuo Guang, but
the space above Huang Zhuo Guang.


A flying sword revealed its true form, countless lightning arcs flashing on its body. With a
sorrowful wail, it trembled.

“You dare to damage my flying sword!” Huang Zhuo Guang was enraged and tried to
charge at Zuo Mo.

Zheng Zhong instantly understood what Zuo Mo had planned. His wrist shook, and
several silver snowy white sword energies lit up and pushed Huang Zhuo Guang back.
Zheng Zhong’s flying sword was also fourth-grade so he did not fear the sand mist of Huang
Zhuo Guang’s ling armor. Since the mountain valley was now empty, he did not have to
worry about accidentally wounding his fellows. The sword lights flew from his hand.

In close combat, controlling the sword from the distance was not as good as holding the

Huang Zhuo Guang cut a sorry figure, as he was dodging the sword energies and call
back [Sky Inquirer].

Zuo Mo didn’t care and continued to smash Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning towards Huang
Zhuo Guang’s unique flying sword like they didn’t cost jingshi!

The Sky Inquirer sword was made from the essence of cloud souls. It was both water
element and yin. Something like Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning, which was both yang and
hard, was its natural enemy. After suffering twenty bolts, it finally stopped trembling, and
slammed to the ground like a piece of ordinary metal and stayed there

Anyone with some knowledge knew that this flying sword was now ruined. Many of the
xiuzhe who saw this from the air all sighed. Such a good flying sword! It had been fourth-
grade! Ruined like this … …

His beloved sword ruined, Huang Zhuo Guang was completely enraged. The hair tie
suddenly exploded, his hair standing on end.

His eyes were red as he gave a sky shaking bellow, “Die!”

All the ling power in his body moved. He was like a lion that had lost all reason as he
charged at Zuo Mo. Pia pia pia! Several sword energies hit his body. He ignored them all,
still charging at Zuo Mo.

Boom, the Dusty Sky Ling Armor shattered to pieces, the sand mist instantly

But in that instant, the crazy Huang Zhuo Guang had arrived in front of Zuo Mo.

What welcomed him was a fist as exquisite as glass. Even though he was furious, Huang
Zhuo Guang still had some rationality. The fingers on his right hand coming together to
form sword essence!

Without a flying sword, the danger of the sword essence was many times lower. He had
to send out seven sword essences in a row to destroy this glass fist.

The distance between the two was now only three zhang!

The bloody light in Huang Zhuo Guang’s eyes grew. His left foot pushing off hard, he was
like an arrow released from the bow, his right leg kicking towards Zuo Mo!

At the tip of his foot, a double-eyes white tiger had suddenly appeared with a howl.

Double Eyed Tiger Head Boot, formation combat technique [Tiger Howl]!

A fist covered in countless lights imprinted itself without technique on the forehead of
this white tiger.

Translator Ramblings: A description of talismans and the grade system which I

personally think should have come way earlier, possibly when Lil’ Pagoda was bought way
back in Sky Moon Jie.

Huang Zhuo Guang is even more of a fat sheep than the people of Ling Ying Sect. If this
was in the past, Zuo Mo would have gone into a rage at damaging such an expensive
Chapter 276
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Six – An Unparalleled Good Bird

Sky Glass Wave!

The light around the arms crashed inside the tiger head with this punch. At the same
time, countless formations on the surface of the glove seemed to come alive, and flew

A fourteen revolution Sky Glass Wave, adding on the formation combat technique of the
Ten Thousand Appearance Gloves, [Ten Thousand Elephants]!


The vicious tiger head seemed to pop like a bubble. The sound was very small and did
not seem like the collision that was imagined.

Huang Zhuo Guang’s vicious and twisted face suddenly froze.

The white tiger disappeared. That punch landed on his leg.


The enormous sound made people’s heart jump uncontrollably.

Half of Huang Zhuo Guang’s body suddenly exploded, flesh and blood blooming like a
goddess spreading flowers.

Everyone’s breathing stopped. Their movements unconsciously stopped as they stared

dazedly at the blood mist in the air, their minds blank. Zheng Zhong who had been going up
to help support Zuo Mo had lowered his guard and was sprayed directly by this bloody
rain. Even though he was used to life and death, his face was pale from fright

Half of Huang Zhuo Guang’s body had disappeared, his expression frozen there

Zuo Mo sighed in relief, and panted rapidly. That moment had been very risky. Huang
Zhuo Guang’s speed was faster than he had expected. He had only had the time for fourteen
revolutions. Luckily, he had the Ten Thousand Appearances Gloves. Otherwise, his little life
would have ended here.

The power of the Ten Thousand Appearances Gloves were stronger than he assumed. Of
the fourth-grade talismans, the Ten Thousand Appearances Gloves were relatively cheap
because its formation technique, [Ten Thousand Elephants], increased physical strength
and could only be used in close combat.

Most of the battles between xiuzhe happened in the sky. Close physical battle was
extremely are. If its formation technique was something like fist energies and could deliver
long-distance attacks, then its price would shoot up

He looked at Huang Zhuo Guang who only had half a body left. There was no breath
there. Zuo Mo had to admire how tough this guy had been. If it wasn’t for the fact that he
was prepared, and the other was not, he and the other people might not have been able to
kill him.

Zuo Mo had learned many things from this fight.

First, this fight showed that no matter how strong the spell or the individual’s strength,
they could not defend against scheming. In reality, Huang Zhuo Guang was strong, the
sword scripture he cultivated was strong. Most xiuzhe battled in the skies, and was the
place his sword essence was most powerful.

This sword scripture was really powerful!

But even the strongest sword essence could be stopped if its weakness was found

The second point had strengthened Zuo Mo’s desire to take his spoils. The other had
been so strong even when attacked at his weakness, it was all due to support from his
talismans! Truthfully, if he hadn’t been here today, Zheng Zhong and the others wouldn’t
have been able to trap him.

At important times, talismans could save lives.

Even though the scene was slightly bloody, it could not stop Zuo Mo’s decision to scalp.
However, he only picked one thing this time [Clear Sky Sword Scripture].

When he held it, Zuo Mo knew he made a profit. He didn’t plan on cultivating this [Clear
Sky Sword Scripture]. Right now, there were too many things he had to practice. Reality
showed that his talent in the consciousness and body cultivation were stronger. Adding on
that he had to study formations, he wanted to cut himself in half.

After discovering that [Clear Sky Sword Scripture] was suitable for aerial battle, he
thought of Lil’ Miss’ subordinates. If they could cultivate this, then that power, hee hee … …

At the very least, a complete fifth-grade sword scripture could sell for a high price

Nothing was left on Huang Zhuo Guang’s body, not even the remaining Double Eyed
Tiger Head Boot. Other than Zheng Zhong who picked an item ,the rest were divided among
the people. There were more people than talismans, so everyone looked at Zuo Mo. Luckily,
Zuo Mo was used to being a leader and used the simplest method, drawing straws.
Everyone had an equal chance. The people who got it were happy, the people who didn’t
could only sigh at their bad luck.

The other people had even more respect for Zuo Mo. Zuo Mo’s punch that killed Huang
Zhuo Guang had frightened them half to death. That was Huang Zhuo Guang! In their
hearts, Zuo Mo’s strength had reached a level they could not comprehend, and Zuo Mo was
fair. He wasn’t like other leaders that took everything.

Everyone could respect this kind of person.

Zuo Mo saw them look at him, and was clear to their thoughts. He said, “Since you all
want to enter the formation, then let me first say the rules. If there is danger, I am not
responsible for saving you. You have to think of ways to protect yourselves. The
division will be like just now.”

Everyone instantly became cheerful. They had never entered a secret realm before.

Zuo Mo slowly scanned over everyone and said in a deep voice, “I’ll say the ugly things
first. Don’t blame me for being rude if any of you cause trouble.”

Finishing, he didn’t look at the people behind him, turned, and entered the secret realm.

The scenery in front of him suddenly change, but it made him freeze where he stood.
Zheng Zhong who followed behind him turned to stone instantly. Every person who came
in afterwards had dazed expressions.

This … … this secret realm was really too small!

The scene in front of them could be encompassed within their field of view. It was a place
the size of a yard, only ten zhang in radius. In the middle, there was a sweetly sleeping grey
bird. There was nothing else in the area. Other than the ling energy slightly dense than the
outside, there was nothing.

Zheng Zhong said in a low voice, “This should be a secret realm that just formed.”

He saw that Zuo Mo was still frozen there and assumed that Zuo Mo was very
disappointed so he hurriedly explained. He had great admiration for Zuo Mo. Even though
the other was much younger than he was, not in terms of moves and aura, he could not
catch up. He had seen many of the leaders in Little Mountain Jie, and no one could rival this

That grey bird was sleeping well, a string of saliva hanging from its mouth. Due to the
small space, it was possible to hear the rise and fall of its snores.

The anger instantly flamed up in Zuo Mo’s heart, his expression instantly becoming
twisted and frightening Zheng Zhong and the others.
Zuo Mo darted forward and, pia, slapped Silly Bird’s head, the feathers flying!

Silly Bird opened her eyes dazedly.

“You idiot, ge nearly died to find you, had to fight other people, and killed all the way
over here. You’re great, had a nice sleep! Ah-ha!”


Another slap.

“Eat eat eat! You glutton! You ate so much! Got into trouble! Will you die if you don’t
eat?! I’m telling you that from today onwards, you can’t eat anything … …”

Zuo Mo’s swearing stunned the group of people. They were puzzled. What were the
origins of this grey bird. Zuo Mo hadn’t been this angry even when he was facing Huang
Zhuo Guang!

Just as Zuo Mo’s saliva flew, Silly Bird resumed clarity. It slowly stood up, methodically
preening the feathers on its body, not even looking at Zuo Mo straight through the entire

The people in the surroundings were stunned again.

Zuo Mo saw the bird still had a proud expression as though she had no regret, and anger
rose. He suddenly grabbed Silly Bird.

This bird just lacked discipline! Ge will educate her.

Unexpectedly, the grey shadow in front of him flashed, and his grasp was empty.


In another corner, Silly Bird looked at Zuo Mo out of the corner of her eyes with a gaze
that was as proud as usual.

Zuo Mo shouted in fury, “Great! If ge doesn’t discipline you today, you don’t know how
high the sky is, how wide the earth is!”

Zuo Mo’s body flashed. Before he could reach out, an astoundingly fast grey shadow
brushed past him.

So fast!

Zuo Mo paused, his hand coming up empty again

In another corner, Silly Bird raised her head, still stepping her unique bird walk as she
walked gracefully towards the crowd

The people that were completely amazed by Silly Bird unconsciously stepped back to
form a path

Silly Bird was not courteous, calmly walking towards the entrance.

Was what just happened a delusion? Zuo Mo wasn’t sure. Had this bird gotten some
benefits this time? He looked at the empty and bare secret realm. He felt it was increasingly
likely. This bird was a glutton. All the good things probably ended up in her stomach. This
could not stand. He had to interrogate her when they got back.

Zheng Zhong’s expression changed slightly. Of the crowd, his cultivation was the highest.
He had seen that scene clearly just now. That grey bird was almost impossibly fast. He
clearly saw that when Zuo Mo moved, it had brushed past Zuo Mo and passed to the other

What did that mean?

It meant that the grey bird’s speed was many times faster than Zuo Mo! Zheng Zhong’s
cultivation was higher than Zuo Mo, but there wasn’t a great difference in speed between
the two of them. Multiple times faster than Zuo Mo, meant it was multiple times faster than

Zheng Zhong felt he was going insane.

Heavens! What world was this, how could so many weirdos come out?

He already felt the next generation was terrifying due to Zuo Mo’s strength. Now there
was a bird that was multiple times faster than he was! Zheng Zhong didn’t dare to even
think about what other abilities this grey bird had. Just its lightning fast speed was enough
for it to be undefeatable.

Completely speechless, Zheng Zhong felt even more curious about Zuo Mo’s identity.

So young and such power, with such a strong ling beast, he definitely wasn’t an average
xiuzhe. Was it a disciple of a large sect? He felt that it was plausible. He always believed that
what Clear Sky Sect was doing to Little Mountain Jie could not continue for long.

The reason was very simple. Kun Lun certainly would allow such a matter to occur
within its borders!

When he had been young, he had interacted with a Kun Lun disciple, and it left a deep
impression on him.

Zuo Mo had faced Huang Zhuo Guang and didn’t hesistate in killing the other. Any
factions that existed in Little Mountain Jie wouldn’t be so impulsive.
Young, of incomprehensible strength, a strong ling beast, and not afraid of Clear Sky Sect
seeking revenge.

With all these conditions added together, Zheng Zhong increasingly felt that Zuo Mo
could possibly be a disciple of Kun Lun. Oh, even if he wasn’t, he was at least the disciple of
a large sect.

Just as Zheng Zhong was thinking hard, Zuo Mo had ran out of the secret realm.

The others still searched in the secret realm due to dissatisfaction, wanting to plow the
ground three chi deep, but still did not find anything

Zheng Zhong was cunning and tightly followed Zuo Mo. He already made the decision to
follow Zuo Mo. If Zuo Mo was a disciple of a certain big sect, then they wouldn’t lose if they
followed. If Zuo Mo wasn’t a disciple of some large sect, and relied on himself to get to this
step, then he was a monster.

Having made the decision, his face was full of smiles. Once a person’s attitude changed,
their feeling when they looked at something was completely different. The more he looked,
the more he felt that Silly Bird had an aura and mannerisms.

Good bird! An unparalleled good bird!

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo cleans out Huang Zhuo Guang and Silly Bird cleans out the
secret realm. Someone commented and guessed this in one of the previous chapters but I
cannot remember who you are. Silly Bird truly learned everything Zuo Mo knows.

Silly Bird has levelled up. Not humanoid right now, sorry to disappoint those of you who
wanted that to happen. But why be human? Birds can fly faster, they have sharp beaks and
claws. There’s advantages to being a bird and I’m not seeing the benefit of a humanoid

Zheng Zhong gives his viewpoint of Zuo Mo. I do think he is over-thinking it but he’s still
quite perceptive.
Chapter 277
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Seven – Detection

Wu Kong Mountain.

Mu Xi suddenly stood up, “What? Stars in Daytime appeared in Little Mountain Jie?”

“Yes, Daren!” the middle-aged person responded. He was somewhat puzzled. “But we
clearly had searched on our way here. It isn’t possible.”

Mu Xi waved her hand. “That isn’t a mystery. If this daren does not want to meet us,
they naturally will have ways to avoid our scans.”

She sank into thought. After a while, she raised her head. “It isn’t a coincidence that Stars
in Daytime happened here and in Little Mountain Jie. Search to see if there is anyone from
Wu Kong Sword Sect that has not moved to Bright Wave Jie. Use every resource we have,
and notify the other daren to look into this matter. Also, tell our scouts in Little Mountain
Jie pay attention to the xiuzhe that moved to Little Mountain Jie from Sky Moon Jie,
especially those that had previously been Wu Kong Sword Sect disciples.

The middle aged person said, “We didn’t leave enough people in Little Mountain Jie.”

“Then send more,” Mu Xi said decisively. “Send a three hundred man troop immediately
to Little Mountain Jie for this matter. This information shall be immediately reported to the
Elder Council. Urge that the supporting troops should advance and quickly take over Little
Mountain Jie.’

“Yes!” The middle-aged person said cleanly.


Not long after, a yao troop of three hundred people hurriedly flew away. The mood of Wu
Kong Mountain became tense.

However, even Mu Xi would never have thought there was a group of people hiding in
the mountain beneath her feet.
“They’ve started to move. A three-hundred strong troop. Looking at the direction,
they seem to be going to Little Mountain jie.” A young person with sharp brows said.

In front of him was Lin Qian. There was a person standing beside Lin Qian, it was Wei

“Little Mountain Jie?” A pondering expression flashed through Lin Qian’s eyes. “Did they
find something in Little Mountain Jie? Brother Wei, how many shidi do you have in
Little Mountain Jie?”

Wei Sheng’s brows furrowed slightly, but he truthfully answered, “Only Zuo Shidi and
the others.”

“Had my eyes failed me?” Lin Qian muttered to himself.

Wei Sheng did not reply. The mood instantly became slightly awkward. They were
currently in the sword cave Wei Sheng had trained in before. He was very familiar with the
place. No one would have thought that there was an elite force hidden in here.

This was the strongest troop that Wei Sheng had ever seen! They were well-trained, and
had great endurance. What shocked him the most was their individual strengths. Most of
them were of similar age to him, no older than sixty years old, and all of them had ningmai
cultivation, each just slightly weaker than him, and about the same as Luo Li Shidi. In a
slightly smaller sect, this kind of cultivation was enough to become a core disciple, but here,
they were just average members.

Eight hundred people. He could not think how powerful this faction was to have gathered
such a strong force!

Lin Qian’s identity became even more mysterious in his mind. It was clear these people
respected Lin Qian from the bottom of their hearts. He was certain that if Lin Qian
encountered danger, every person here, except himself, would be willing to give up their
lives to defend him.

But no matter how much power Lin Qian had, Wei Sheng still did not like him. Because
Lin Qian was suspicious of Wu Kong Sword Sect. Even though the sect had already migrated
and settled down in Bright Wave Jie, Wei Sheng was filled with deep attachment towards
everything of Wu Kong Mountain.

On the matter of Zuo Shidi’s disappearance, he maintained his silence. He had a deep
bond with Zuo Mo. He could understand the sect’s actions, but he could not completely
accept them. Presently the sect was much larger than before, but the flavor had changed.
Not just him, even Luo Li and Xiao Guo maintained their silence.

The Desolate Wood Reef had received a destructive attack from the yao army. The
chance that Shidi was still alive was small.
He wasn’t willing to take Lin Qian and his group to hide in the sword cave, but due to the
sect leader’s orders, he carried it out. He decided to just observe. He was familiar with
every place in Wu Kong Sword Sect, and never found any place that was unusual. Yet what
he hadn’t expected was that the yao army had come to Wu Kong Mountain and established
their base here.

His head was lowered as he thought. He suddenly felt that if it really was Zuo Shidi and
the others that were the problem, it wasn’t a bad matter. At least, it meant that Zuo Shidi
was still alive. Thinking about that, his brow relaxed.


In a secret realm in Sky Moon Jie, Fu Feng listened to the report of his subordinate and
said heavily, “Little Mountain Jie?”

After a while, he shook his head, “Let’s just observe.”


Zuo Mo was very depressed, extremely depressed. Silly Bird was extremely fast now,
flying close and far away. Her eyes undoubtedly showed the attitude of an ungenerous
person who had become powerful.

Showing off, boldly showing off!

Zuo Mo gritted his teeth. He had thought many times of raising his hand to throw bolts of
Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning at Silly Bird. He really saw the bird clearly. Usually, she was a
proud show-off. Now she was even more so with the support of her faster speed.

This could not be tolerated!

Before he could think of an idea, he heard Zheng Zhong praise from beside him, “This
bird is really wonderful! As fast as lightning, it is rare to see, really rare to see!”

Liu Gui and the others agreed.

Zuo Mo almost spat blood upon hearing it. He glanced and saw the smugness in Silly
Bird’s eyes had increased, the grey feathers at her tail rising towards the sky.
Ge finally knows why you guys have had such a hard time, you don’t have good eyes!

Zuo Mo ignored them. There were eighteen xiuzhe that decided to follow him. The others
chose to leave. Zuo Mo didn’t try to get them to stay. Of this group, other than Zheng Zhong
who he felt had some skill, the strengths of the other people were just average.

Without him realizing it, his eyes had become much picker.

He had felt this especially clearly in the fight this time. If it was the batch of people that
Lil’ Miss had trained, if he had had one platoon, then he had the confidence to kill Huang
Zhuo Guang.

If this group met a group from Vermillion Bird Camp, one on one, the two sides would be
fight to a stalemate. Five versus five, Vermillion Bird Camp would win. Ten versus ten,
there was no meaning. One hundred versus one hundred, Vermillion Bird Camp wouldn’t
even have one fatality.

He heard that Vermillion Bird Camp was trying out new battle tactics now, and he felt
anticipation. Gongsun Shidi had settled into his role even more, and became even more

The female xiu flew silently beside him, Zheng Zhong and the others felt she was slightly
strange, but held no fear towards her. Yet Silly Bird was extremely afraid of the female xiu.
Even though she continuously came up to Zuo Mo to show off, she didn’t dare go near the
female xiu.

Zuo Mo glanced at the female xiu and sighed. Even though it looked as though she was
fine, but in reality, her body had been severely wounded this time.

When he got to the mountain cave, the female xiu was still meditating. He took the
chance to inspect her body, and found a strange situation. Her body was even more
damaged, but the strange purple power inside her body had become even greater.

This was a situation that Zuo Mo felt he could not understand.

This purple power was like a net trapping every part of her body. Her body had already
become split into pieces. The only reason she had not collapsed was due to this purple
power. However, Zuo Mo also found the more damaged her body was, the stronger this
purple power was, and the tighter it enveloped her.

An evil skill!

Other than these two words, Zuo Mo had no other words to describe it.

“Boss, where’s our territory?” Liu Gui carefully asked.

“Sky Star Peak,” Zuo Mo carelessly responded.

Liu Gui jumped in fright. “Sky Star Peak? There are many factions in that area!”

“Oh.” Still thinking of the female xiu¸ Zuo Mo was unconcerned. “Not anymore.”

Liu Gui’s heart steadied. Looking at it now, Boss’ faction likely wasn’t small. He usually
had many avenues of information, and had interacted with some of the factions of Sky Star
Peak in the past. He hadn’t expected that Boss had swept all of them clean.

In Little Mountain Jie, there was nothing more assuring than entering a powerful faction.

Liu Gui snicked and said, “Little Mountain Jie is somewhat chaotic. I heard that Nan
Sheng Village was torn to pieces. Now that we killed Huang Zhuo Guang, Clear Sky Sect
is going to be angry. People really are brave these days, they even dare to attack Nan
Sheng Village. Tsk tsk, so powerful! So great!”

Liu Gui smacked his lips, admiration on his face. The other people also felt the same.

Zuo Mo made a sound of confirmation and said, “You don’t need to admire them, we did

The surroundings instantly became deathly silent.

Liu Gui was so frightened he almost dropped from the sky. He then looked at the others.
All of them had gaping mouths as they looked dazedly at Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo looked strangely at them. “What’s with your expressions? Nan Sheng Village
isn’t as hard to attack as you imagine.”

All of the people, including Zheng Zhong, could not pull themselves out of their shock.

Zheng Zhong responded the fastest. At the beginning, he had thought that Zuo Mo was a
disciple of a large sect. This seemed to prove his speculation. In Little Mountain Jie, no one
had ever been willing to oppose Clear Sky Sect this openly.

Suddenly, a crowd of black dots appeared on the horizon.

The little black dots flew extremely quickly. After a while, they were twenty li away. They
finally saw them. It was a group of about twenty people.

Zheng Zhong’s heart jumped, shock flashing through his eyes. He shouted loudly,
“Everyone, on your guard!”

The group of twenty or so xiuzhe flew extremely quickly, but what shocked Zheng Zhong
the most was the formation of their troop! Flying at such high speed, the troop’s formation
had not changed, like a sharp blade breaking through the ice. From far away, he could feel a
sharp presence hitting him in the face!
They were flying straight at them!

Zheng Zhong’s expression changed again!

In his eyes, the twenty people seemed like one body. Their energy, breathing, and ling
power were so well attuned that there was no flaw!

Everyone felt they had dropped into a crevasse. Without even needing to fight, their
confidence was destroyed. The other came as fast as lightning without any intentions of
concealing themselves. The howls in the air roared in waves like thunder, the target was
clearly them!

Some of the xiuzhe paled from fright and scattered to escape.

Zuo Mo’s expression suddenly turned dark.

However, only five xiuzhe had fled. The remaining thirteen people were still by his side.

So powerful!

Zheng Zhong’s heart leapt wildly. He forcibly suppressed the terror in his heart. He was a
third stratum ningmai xiuzhe but facing the charge of these twenty people, instinctive
terror rose.

However, he still moved in front of Zuo Mo. He couldn’t defeat this crowd, but he would
do his best to protect Zuo Mo and escape with him.

Unexpectedly, the twenty people suddenly decelerated, making a immediate stop in front
of them.

“Boss!” the person at the fount shouted with joy.

Zheng Zhong felt he had gone from hell to heaven in an instant. Before they could be
happy, they heard Zuo Mo’s deep and murderous voice.

“Those five, execute.”

Translator Ramblings: It is my personal theory that Fang Xiang was in a different mood
the day he wrote this chapter because this one has such a different and heavy tone
compared to the one yesterday. Last chapter was all humorous and light-hearted, look at
Silly Bird who is prancing about and refuses to obey Zuo Mo! Today is a reminder many
people are after Zuo Mo and either want to find him, capture him, or possibly kill him.

The yao are moving back towards Little Mountain Jie … … think how much effort they
could have saved if they took over Little Mountain Jie the first time they invaded rather
than prioritizing getting to Sky Moon Jie as fast as possible. However, their priorities were
actually correct. Who would have thought that Zuo Mo would coincidentally be sent away
from the sect, land in the place closest to the jie river, and manage to slip right under them
when they reached their destination?

Also, plot wise, this chapter has more development than the last ten chapters combined.
I’m not sure if Fang Xiang just decided it was better to put it all together so it was easy to
write, or if he forgot it and the readers wanted to know what was happening elsewhere.
Chapter 278
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Eight – The Insane Outer Hall

Wei Cheng Bin’s mood was very good these past two days because Boss had returned. It
wasn’t only him. Every person he passed on his way also had a sunny smile on their faces. It
was strange. No matter if it was individual power, or skill in command, Boss wasn’t the
strongest, but he was every person’s pillar of support.

The few days that Boss had been absent, every person in Golden Crow City had been very
worried, like they had lost their souls.

Wei Cheng Bin knew that with Gongsun daren present, nothing would happen to Golden
Crow City. But there was still a layer of darkness that uncontrollably came over his heart.
Fortunately, Boss had returned, the dark cloud over their hearts had dissipated. Every
person in the city believed that as long as Boss was here, any problem would be easily

In this recent while, his forging skill had furiously grew, especially in forging small parts.
Even Master Ji Wei would praise him occasionally. In a short amount of time, he formed an
affection for this place. The forging masters he usually interacted with, especially Masters Ji
Wei and Sun Bao, all were very skilled, took good care of him, and never skimped on

The only person he didn’t like interacting with was Bao Yi.

That slender bamboo stick was very miserly. It took a lot of effort to get some materials
from his hands.

Even Masters Sun Bao and Ji Wei didn’t like interacting with Bao Yi so the burden had
landed on his head. With no other way, he could only force himself. Each transaction was a
fierce and terrible battle!

But today, Bao Yi was unusually easy-going. It seemed that even the thin bamboo stick
had a good mood now that Boss was back.

In contrast to Golden Crow City’s happy mood, the faces of everyone in the Outer Hall
was deathly.

“What? Huang Daren was killed?” He Xiang’s lips were trembling, his hands cold.

“The news has already spread.” The xiuzhe that found the news also had a trembling
note in his voice. “Huang daren and the others went to search for a secret realm. Others
schemed, and he was killed by multiple opponents.”

“Impossible!” He Xiang said sternly, “How could Huang daren be killed by many
people so easily? Where’s the other people with him?”

“All … … all killed! In total, more than twenty inner sect disciples … …”

Bang, He Xiang’s legs weakened and he collapsed on the chair, his face filled with
hopelessness. Every elder present had faces so pale there was no blood.

Everyone understood that the affair was too big this time. So big, they could not conceal

The entire Outer Hall would face the anger of the Old Forefather when it was time. No,
the entire Little Mountain Jie would have to face the anger of the Old Forefather!

He Xiang suddenly achieved clarity. He seemed to have grabbed onto the last life-saving
piece of grass, and suddenly stood up. “Who did it? Who did it?”

“This subordinate is still investigating … …”

“Investigating my ass!” He Xiang’s eyes were entirely red, his anger unrestrained. “If
these people won’t let us live, then we won’t let them live!” He took a deep breath, and
calmed his emotions, gradually calming down. He looked at the elders that had sank into
hopelessness, and said with craziness, “We only have one path.”

Everyone blankly raised their heads. They really couldn’t think of a path they could take.

“We need to find the perpetrator that killed Huang daren and give them to Old
Forefather as penance.” He Xiang said in a low voice “This time, whether or not our
penance is acceptable will determine if we can survive!”

Many people had doubtful expressions. The matter this time was too serious. They didn’t
believe that the Old Forefather would forgive them even if they found the perpetrator.

“This is our only chance!” He Xiang said crisply, and then added meaningfully. “Old
Forefather will still need people to take care of affairs! If we can let Old Forefather see
our abilities, the hope we can survive is greater.”
Everyone all became alert. Even though they didn’t believe it, but He Xiang was right, this
was their only chance.

They had no route to escape.

The power of the Outer Hall was gathered together again. Every elder and all the xiuzhe
were sent out.

He Xiang decided to use the stupidest method, moving through faction by faction. He
didn’t believe that he couldn’t find the perpetrator!

Little Mountain Jie started to boil again!


With Silly Bird found, Zuo Mo went back to building the city. Huang Zhuo Guang was
killed, the state of Little Mountain Jie would definitely become tense. There wasn’t much
time left for him. Thankfully, Little Mountain Jie, while a small jie, would still take a large
amount of effort to search for one person.

But Zuo Mo deeply felt he was pressed for time. He built crazily.

Pah, Zuo Mo spat out the soil from his mouth. His entire body was covered in mud, only
his eyes were exposed. Looking at the finished tunnels, he had a satisfied expression. The
tunnels between the city and the other six mountain peaks were finished. The remaining
work was to set up formations.

What he felt the most from digging tunnels was that this thing really was something for
dhyana xiu to do. Without physical strength, he definitely couldn’t have persisted. When a
sword xiu was powerful, they could slice through a mountain peak with one blow, but if a
sword xiu had to come dig a tunnel, it was like they were blind.

Thinking of his gigantic formation, he felt that his body was filled with inexhaustible
energy. He bent his head to and kept working.

Without rest or sleep, Zuo Mo worked for more than ten days, and finished all the

In these ten days, Little Mountain Jie had become a mess. The Outer Hall seemed to have
gone crazy as they searched everywhere. They even put out a mosted wanted list. The most
famous on there was Zheng Zhong of ningmai third stratum cultivation. Many others also
recognized those like Liu Gui. The only one that was unknown was that black looking
person at the top of the list. What people didn’t know to laugh or cry about was that there
was also a bird on the ranking, a big grey bird.

Had the Outer Hall gone insane? Many people hadn’t placed any importance on the list
when they first received it. However, the Outer Hall used their following actions to
demonstrate that they were not joking.

In a short ten days, five factions had been massacred.

The troops of the Outer Hall didn’t seem to show any signs of stopping, and continued to
push outwards, not leaving anything behind.

Instantly, Little Mountain Jie became a mess.

Many factions, upon seeing the terrible situation, instantly pledged their allegiance to the
Outer Sect to avoid the calamity. Those factions that were not willing to enter the Outer
Sect could only keep retreating backwards. The Outer Hall that faced no resistance moved
even faster.

After a while, the factions that had joined the Outer Hall quickly were divided into cadet
halls of the Outer Hall, and each put in charge of an area rich in ores.

With this, everyone understood what the Outer Hall was planning.

The Outer Hall wanted to swallow all of Little Mountain Jie. They were no longer content
with holding the throats of all the factions. They demanded complete control.

Gongsun Cha in a panic went and found Zuo Mo.

After Zuo Mo heard Gongsun Cha’s report, he thought for a while, and said, “We need to
first get rid of the Outer Hall.”

He then explained. “There’s really too many people in this batch of people from the
Outer Hall. If we don’t get rid of them bit by bit, it’s slightly dangerous. I’m worried that
the Old Forefather might not be so proud. Then no matter how good our trap it, it
cannot stand against a battle tactic of using sheer numbers. The best path is to lower
the power of the Outer Hall. That way, the Clear Sky Old Forefather would have no
other option but to come find us.”

Gongsun Cha nodded. They only had one chance. If they were exposed, the Clear Sky Old
Forefather wouldn’t be so dumb as to be tricked a second time.
“Can we defeat them?” Zuo Mo asked Gongsun Cha worriedly. The Vermillion Bird Camp
now had more than seven hundred people. The Eastern and Western Camps had two
thousand people, but Zuo Mo was doubtful regarding their combat abilities. The forces of
the Outer Hall had expanded rapidly, their numbers reaching more than ten thousand
people. The difference in numbers was too large.

Gongsun Cha smiled shyly and said, “We can try.”

Since he understood Shixiong’s thinking, Gongsun Cha quickly responded. He no longer

needed to worry about the safety of the Golden Crow City. The thirty six formation battle
watchtowers were enough for self-defense. He moved out with the Vermillion Bird Camp,
the Eastern and Western Camps were to stand guard, and to control the watchtowers when
it was time.

As to Guard Camp, Gongsun Cha didn’t even go there once.

Who could depend on a group of xiu slaves to do anything?

Gongsun Cha’s departure was silent. The great majority of people in Golden Crow City
were ignorant.

Zuo Mo also realized the tense situation. He instantly responded, quickly sending out
orders. Without noticing it, the inside of Golden Crow City started to become tense.

Especially the forging division. Every person could feel the tenseness that spread
through the air.


After a few days, a group of xiuzhe appeared near Golden Crow City. When Vermillion
Bird Camp had been present, Gongsun Cha had arranged for patrols to stop people from
approaching Golden Crow City. Now that Vermillion Bird Camp had been deployed, there
hadn’t been anyone to maintain the patrols.

When the xiuzhe that were training on the formation battle watchtowers saw the crowd
of dots on the horizon, they became nervous, and hurriedly sent out an alarm.

The Golden Crow City was on alert!

“Heavens! When had there been a city here?” The xiuzhe at the front looked in disbelief
at the little city on the faraway mountain peak.
Everyone else was also staring with wide eyes, their expressions stunned as they looked
at the little city.

At this time, a beam of light penetrated the clouds like a sharp sword, and landed on the
Golden Crow City. Golden Crow City instantly lit up with a faint light.

The faint golden light exuded the presence of the sun. Even from tens of li out, it still
caused trepidation.

“Miracle! This is a miracle!” the xiuzhe at the front muttered to himself.

All of the people were deeply shocked by Golden Crow City. Their gazes couldn’t bear to
move away for more than a second. They flew on soullessly.

When they flew to a distance of ten li from the city, the little city was even more realistic
in their eyes. It was a city of the sun! They could not imagine what people could construct
such a beautiful city!

But when they unconsciously went closer, the xiuzhe at the front suddenly smelled a
dangerous presence.

Dots of silver light lit up on the little city.

Everyone instantly stopped in their tracks.

When the xiuzhe at the front saw the watchtowers that were higher than the city walls,
an unfamiliar term flashed through his mind. His soul instantly left his body. He shouted
hoarsely in terror, “Retreat! Quick, retreat!”

Every watchtower that lit up looked like a silver dot from a distance.

The silver dots lit up one after the other.

All thirty six silver dots bathed in the sunlight. The xiuzhe at the front retreated in panic,
his expression shocked, and eyes filled with terror.

Formation battle watchtowers! Those were formation battle watchtowers!

Translator Ramblings: Formation battle watchtowers are things that require exclamation

The fight between Clear Sky Sect’s outer hall and Zuo Mo’s factions has been pushed
early by the death of Huang Zhuo Guang. Keep in mind they don’t actually know who did it
at this point so they are going around blaming and killing anyone that resists.
Chapter 279
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Seventy Nine – Transaction

After receiving a strong fright, the xiuzhe retreated twenty li before stopping. Luckily, the
silver dots from Golden Crow City did not approach and they calmed down slightly.

“Head, what are formation battle watchtowers?” the subordinate asked, puzzled. The
other xiuzhe also had bewildered faces, but some xiuzhe had fearful expressions.

“Great weapons to protect a city.” The Head looked at Golden Crow City and warned,
“You have to be careful. If you ever see a city that have things like what you just saw,
you have to be careful. The power of formation battle watchtowers are very high. They
are used to stop enemies from attacking. Usually, they can only be seen in larger cities.
I hadn’t expected such a small city to have thirty six of them.”

“It’s just thirty six of them. We have this many people, one charge, and we can take it
down,” the subordinate objected, unconvinced.

“Charge?” the Head smiled coldly. “Don’t cause trouble for me. The other side is much
stronger than our people! Don’t look down on those thirty-six formation battle
watchtowers. That thing’s expensive. Even if we sell ourselves, we won’t be able to
trade for one of them.”

“That expensive?” the subordinate’s eyes widened as he gaped.

“En, very expensive,” the Head said. “Think about it. Right now, we are worried about
ling grains everyday, but the other has the ability to build formation battle
watchtowers. Is there a need to fight?”

No one spoke. This comparison was simple and straightforward, able to be

comprehended at a glance. In Little Mountain Jie, everyone was in a half-starved state. The
rarity of ling grains were something every faction had to face.

“If they don’t lack for ling grains, can we buy some ling grains from them?” the
subordinate suddenly asked.

The Head stilled, and thought. He was right. The other had the ability to build such a city,
they shouldn’t lack for ling grains. In Little Mountain jie right now, even if you had the
jingshi, there was no place to buy ling grains.

Just at this time, several people were seen flying out of Golden Crow City.
They were extremely fast, arriving in front of them in a short while. There were four
people, the leader a male xiu that was both tall and thin. Beside him were three guards
dressed in golden armor.

Everyone’s eyes were attracted by the exaggerated fire red broadswords the Golden
Armor Guards were holding. The three xiuzhe were completely enveloped by the golden
armor as they stood coldly. The head’s heart shook. He could not see the true power of
these three Golden Armor Guards, but the presence and faint viciousness that spilled out
made him smell danger.


“This one is Bao Yi, the main manager of Golden Crow City’s businesses.” Bao Yi made
an elegant bow. Ever since he had followed Boss, what he had done was watch over the
stores. Now, it was finally time for him to go back to his old profession. At this moment, his
tears almost streamed over his face.

“Bao Yi?” The Head felt that this name was somewhat familiar but he couldn’t recall it.
However, he didn’t let the puzzlement stay long on his face, and filled it with a smile, “Nice
to meet Manager Bao!”

The people noted down the name of this city, Golden Crow City.

“My apologies.” Bao Yi’s expression made everyone’s hearts tense.

Detecting expressions were basic techniques that every businessperson had to learn. As
one of the best, Bao Yi naturally had great skill. His expression was indifferent, but he was
very satisfied inside. Before, he had only been a little black market dealer. Now, he could
cause such a large crowd of xiuzhe to feel nervous.

This batch of xiuzhe was about five hundred or so people, and could be considered a
significant faction.

He felt satisfied, but he didn’t want to ruin his first business transaction. He put on a
friendly smile, “Due to our city being too small, it cannot hold everyone. You can set up
camp outside the city. All fighting is restricted within twenty li of the city. If you would
like to camp inside this area, you will need to pay a fee, and we will direct you to an
area to camp. You can also choose to set up camp outside this twenty li area, and not
have to pay any fee. Also, our city has a market inside. It will have many surprises for
everyone. If you have any needs, our city will open everyday at sunrise, and close at
sunset. We will do our best to provide services for everyone.”
When the Head heard such formal words, he thought inside that this was truly a large
faction. Look at the mannerisms, the composure. They were even so skilled in demanding
jingshi, to the point you couldn’t get angry.

Swallowing, the Head said, “What do you take in trade?”

Little Mountain Jie was extremely chaotic, all kinds of order had collapsed long ago. Many
factions traded in all kinds of weird things.

“Jingshi third-grade and above is accepted. Also, to provide convenience, we have

specialized conversion services. Acceptable materials are those third-grade and above,
talismans and jade scrolls need to be fourth grade and above.”

Hearing this, the Head was even more shocked. Look at that, they only take in jade scrolls
and talismans of fourth-grade and above. In their group, there were only two fourth-grade
talismans. Compared to the other, they were so poor they were practically beggars.

His heart feeling even less confidence, his voice became smaller, “Then we will camp
outside the twenty li.”

The friendly smile hung on Bao Yi’s face. “No problem.” He then handed the Head a
paper crane, saying, “If needed, you can contact me at any time. Everyone, you have had
a long trip, I will not disturb you, goodbye.”

Finishing, he bowed courteously before taking the three Golden Armor Guards and flying
back to the city.


When Bao Yi left, this Head instantly asked, “Who has jingshi?”

There were many that kept some, but the total was pitifully small. At this time, a
subordinate reminded him, “Head, don’t we have a batch of White Bone Stone? We can
sell to them.”

The Head hit his head. Right! White Bone Stone was shaped like white bone, hence the
name. It was a rare third-grade material. Instantly feeling that his wallet wasn’t so empty,
the Head instantly was lively. “En, we will go look around the city tomorrow, and see
what things we can buy.”

At this time, the subordinate suddenly remembered. “Boss, I remember now!’

“Remember what?” the Head turned his face.

“Bao Yi!” this subordinate said. “Bao Yi is a black market dealer. He had went to Nan
Sheng Village, but the Chief Elder of the Outer Hall had enmity against him. Don’t you
remember? At that time, you even told me to never go to him to buy anything so the
Outer Hall wouldn’t hold a grudge against us.”

“I remember!” After this reminder, the Head instantly recalled it. “It seems he caught
onto a big tree this time, and struck it rich! The owner of this city is really daring to not
even give face to the Outer Hall.”

“Boss, say, could it be that it was this group that did Nan Sheng Village?” the
subordinate said in a quiet voice.

The Head shook and jumped in fright. He instantly reprimanded in a low voice, “Don’t
speak nonsense! You can’t say these things, you can be killed for this!”

“Yes yes yes!” The subordinate’s face was slightly pale as he nodded continuously.

Waving his hand to push the subordinate to the side, the Head couldn’t help but think.
For some reason, what the subordinate just said whirled through his mind like a ghost
haunting him.

Had it been this group who did that?

Before today, he had never thought there could be any faction in Little Mountain Jie that
could be this powerful. Even the Outer Hall couldn’t compare. Everyone had already
discussed in depth what happened at Nan Sheng Village, and had come to a consensus.

The attacking side’s abilities were not smaller than the Outer Hall!

If it really was them … …

The more the Head thought, the more scared he was. It was fated that he would have a
sleepless night.


Golden Crow City, Zuo Mo worked as he asked, “How was it?”

Bao Yi stood respectfully at the side. “They don’t seem to have too much jingshi.”

“No problem,” Zuo Mo said, “we can loan them some.”

“Loan?” Bao Yi was very shocked. “Then wouldn’t it be unprofitable for us?”
“Loan it to them, and they can then sell to other people.” Zuo Mo clearly had great
enthusiasm towards jingshi. He even stopped doing his work and snickered. “As long as
there is jingshi to be earned, they will work harder than anyone else.”

“But what if they take the stuff and run?” Bao Yi said, full of worry.

“What are you afraid of?” Zuo Mo was unconcerned. “Where can they run to? They
won’t run. Here, they can continuously make jingshi!”

Seeing Bao Yi was going to speak, Zuo Mo waved his hand and said. “Even if we lose, it
won’t be a lot. Other than making jingshi, it is more important to sell the Black
Processing Meditation mat.”

Bao Yi was confused.

“With the Black Processing Meditation mat, do they still need ling grains?” Zuo Mo

“They don’t need it.” Bao Yi shook his head.

“That’s the point,” Zuo Mo patiently explained. “If they don’t need ling grains, they will
not be controlled by Clear Sky Sect. In the future when we are fighting Clear Sky Sect,
they would not be pressured to help Clear Sky Sect. This is more important to us.
Jingshi is much easier to get than ling grains.”

“If Clear Sky Old Forefather comes, they wouldn’t dare … …” Bao Yi said.

“A single jindan ruling a jie, have you ever heard of it?” Zuo Mo asked. Then he
answered his own question, “I’ve never heard of it. Why is everyone so afraid of Clear
Sky Sect? It is not Clear Sky Old Forefather, but the ling grains. Without the threat of
ling grains, everyone will think, I can’t defeat you, but you can’t do anything if I stay
away from you. I don’t need your help.”

“In other words, Little Mountain Jie is still a cage, but inside the cage, people won’t
have to worry about their cultivation collapsing in the short term,” Zuo Mo said. “No
one likes Clear Sky Sect. In the short term without the threat of ling grains, they won’t
help Clear Sky Sect when we fight against Clear Sky Sect.”

Bao Yi finally realized and then asked, “Will they help us? If we get rid of Clear Sky Sect,
it would be of benefit to everyone!”

“No,” Zuo Mo’s answer was clean. “You aren’t giving jingshi to them, why will they help
you? They also have to consider ‘what if we are defeated?’ They still have to stay in this

Bao Yi was silent. He knew that Boss wasn’t wrong, but for some reason, he was slightly
disappointed by this answer.
Zuo Mo knew Bao Yi’s emotions and comforted. “It’s alright, we hadn’t been planning
on depending on them in the first place. We rely on ourselves.”

“En! Boss, I know what to do.” Bao Yi nodded his head firmly, a undetectable cold light
flashing in his eyes.

His heart was full of enthusiasm for battle. As a successful black market businessperson,
he decided to use the truth to tell them why he could establish himself in the black market,
and the difference between black market businesspeople and normal businesspeople. It
was all one word

–– Black!

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo brings his own unique perspective of the state of Little
Mountain Jie. It is not the complete truth, nor is it completely “accurate” but I guess that
Fang Xiang’s skills shine through here as he is able to keep the plot happenings and the
perspective of the main character separate yet have them join together when necessary.
Zuo Mo’s ignorance is deliberately written and it is a long journey to see him

It is also deliberate but I still find it ironic that Zuo Mo’s running into trouble because of
ling grains considering his profession as a ling plant farmer.
Chapter 280
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty – Prelude

Outside of Nan Sheng Village.

“Hee hee, they definitely would never expect that we would return,” Lei Peng looked at
the newly rebuilt Nan Sheng Village, his bearded face snickering.

The other people all had strange expressions.

No one had expected that Lil’ Miss would sneak all the way to Nan Sheng Village.

However, they were full of enthusiasm about destroying the enemy’s main base again.
Everyone was drooling while staring at Nan Sheng Village, howling as they charged at Nan
Sheng Village.

Hopelessness floated on to the faces of the enemies.


Golden Crow City.

“We have all kinds of talismans for all types of xiuzhe, the offensive type, the
defensive type, the supporting type. You can see them all. A good talisman can save
your life at a critical moment, and they are not expensive … …”

“This is a special product of our city, fourth-grade Golden Crow Fire. I think that I
don’t need to introduce this. If you have enough jingshi, we can provide you with an
unlimited amount. Of course, something as good as this needs a price suitable for it …

“What you see right now is a top-secret talisman, Black Processing Meditation mat.
When you possess this, you do not need to worry about relying completely on ling
grains. What? You don’t believe me. Oh oh oh I can understand! No matter, what can be
more effective than personally experiencing it? Out of consideration for our customers,
we provide trial service. Please come with me … …”
“You do not have enough jingshi? Oh, I need to consider this. You know that all of our
merchandise are good items that are in high demand. No xiuzhe would be able to
refuse this Golden Crow Fire. Black Processing Meditation mat, oh, this definitely is an
mighty talisman! Yes, it is not outrageous to use mighty to describe it. It can help you
get rid of your reliance on ling grains … …”

“Oh, so it’s like that! I can understand your difficulties. Since you are so sincere, we
can both move back a step. You can first borrow a batch of merchandise from our city,
but it will not be a huge amount. I trust that you have the abilities to quickly sell all of it
with your power. We will not interfere with how much you sell it for. I feel that the
large profit involved is enough for your purchasing power to quickly increase in a
short time.”

“But considering that we do not have a history of cooperating together, you need to
provide a guarantee. Anything can work, I see that your fourth-grade flying sword
appeared very good … …”

“Oh, a gentleman will not take another’s items. Since it is so meaningful to you, then
this one will not demand it. Then we only have one option, a lien through people. You
only have to provide one hundred people as collateral… …”

“We will have a great relationship!”

When the Head came out of Golden Crow City, he shook his slightly inflated head. That
slender bamboo rod really knew how to talk. Those good items still seemed to be swaying
in front of his eyes. The cold wind that blew against his face cleared his mind. Looking at
the faraway mountain peak, he took a deep breath. He knew an outrageously good
opportunity was in front of him!

If he could catch this chance, his strength would quickly go up a few levels!


Shu Long carefully listened to the voice that came out of the necklace. However, the
person who was speaking this time seemed to be arguing with someone.

“They can only cultivate mo, they can’t do what the yao do.” Shu Long was very
familiar with this voice that was always slightly scornful. It was this one that had taught
them how to cultivate.

Boss’ subordinate was so mysterious, he had never shown his true face.

However, he didn’t dare interrupt. This daren’s temper was not good.
“Oh, you aren’t wrong. The boy is even more outrageous now. We can’t let him
continue to be so smug. We are people of status.”

“Okay, we can try what you suggest.”

Listening to this daren talk to himself, Shu Long perceptively stayed silent.

“Shu Long,” The necklace passed through the daren’s call.

He hurriedly responded, “This one is here.”

“From today onwards, the cultivation plan is being changed.”

“Yes.” Shu Long did not argue or object. They would cultivate whichever way Daren said
to. Before this, they didn’t know anything about cultivation.

Daren listed all the places that needed to be modified in detail. Shu Long noted all of
them down. When he met places he did not understand, he would ask for clarification.

Pu Yao clearly was very satisfied with Shu Long’s attitude, but he still added, “Oh, you
need to supervise them. With your turtle speed, when will you even cultivate to an
acceptable level?”

“Yes!” Shu Long seriously answered.

“Especially that [Crow Fiend Mo Killing Formation], you need to rehearse it well.”


In the tunnel, Zuo Mo wiped the sweat off his forehead, a satisfied expression on his face.
The four sides of the tunnel had to be carved with formations to create a complete
formation. The amount of work Zuo Mo had to complete this time was vast. The nine
formation belts interlocked together, each of them with a fourth-grade formation as the
core, and thirteen third-grade formations set up in the perimeter.

Nine fourth-grade formations, one hundred and seventeen third-grade formations. He

almost didn’t even dare to think about it.

But he still gritted his teeth and started!

If he couldn’t charge out of here, he would die in here sooner or later.

He had struggled greatly when setting up these formations. Every day, his ling and
spiritual power were greatly used exhausted.
However, his labor hadn’t been wasted. He had finished one-third of it. Thinking about it,
he felt it was impossible. He had never completed so much before.

Releasing a long breath, the golden threads of fire flying in the air were as mischievous as
pixies and flew in front of him.

In the fire light, he looked at the female xiu nearby.

She stood there motionlessly like wood. There was a mask on her face again. Zuo Mo had
reforged a black mask for her. Her eyes were grey and empty, only flashing with the purple
light when she was fighting. This woman who was covered in mysteries!

Looking at her, Zuo Mo’s thoughts wandered.

Who are you!

He shook his head hard and threw away these stray thought. Right now, he needed to
think how to finish the big formation. For him, he had never thought of such a large
formation belt before.

From the planning to fruition, it had been all completed by him. Every time he thought of
it, his blood heated up.

When ge gets this done, what Hero’s Pass, what sect jinzhi, all of that is nothing.

He gathered one hundred and twenty percent of his mental effort and went back to his


In the forging division, Sun Bao wiped away the sweat and said with a grimace to Ji Wei,
“Boss’ pace is too astonishing, we really have it hard.”

Ji Wei could only grimace along. “What can we do? I don’t know if Boss is made out of
metal or something. We forged so many parts, he shouldn’t be so fast even if he was
eating them.”

The two could only grimace at each other before bending down to forge.

Gongsun Cha looked at Nan Sheng Village under his feet that had been once again turned
to ruins, his face expressionless. He knew this was only the start. It was like a war that had
just started. The following battles would be their true test.

“Daren, where are we going now?”

Xie Shan asked with anticipation. He was totally won over by this Head who was much
lower in cultivation than him. Boss and Lil’ Miss’ ages were not high, but why were they so
strong? Supposedly, they were disciples of the same sect. It was very rare to see such
strong disciples at such a young age.

The ambush this time was not as fierce as last time, but this kind of disciplined style
made Xie Shan feel very good inside. In such a short period of time, everyone had made
such large improvements. He felt it was incredible when he thought back.

The other people looked towards Lil’ Miss with anticipation. When Lil’ Miss personally
led the troops, he would always give them unexpected surprises.

“Didn’t they create cadet halls? Pick one to start with.” Gongsun Cha’s face had a rare
cold expression, his tone murderous.

This group of battlemaniacs instantly became excited.

Only a rare few realized the abnormality of the mission this time and from Lil’ Miss’
unusual attitude. They looked at each other.

Was the final battle going to start … …


Sky Water Jie, a grand yard filled with grass and ling beasts frolicking about. In the very
center, there was an ancient copper diffuser as high as a person. Beside the stove, there
was a middle-aged xiuzhe sitting cross legged on a meditation mat, surrounded by the

Suddenly, a paper crane flew out of the sky and landed in front of the middle-aged

The middle-aged xiuzhe opened their eyes, and looked at the paper crane with a
surprised expression. He hurriedly opened the paper crane. After carefully reading it over,
he sank into deep thought.
After a while, he raised his head. His finger flicked and a sword light flew out. Shortly
after, a female xiu flew in front of the middle-aged xiu, and bowed slightly, “Why has Daren
summoned me?”

The female xiu wore deep red ling armor, her features pretty and her mannerisms

“Do you know the situation of Little Mountain Jie?” the middle-aged xiuzhe asked

“I know some.”

“Oh, speak.”

“Little Mountain Jie is managed by Clear Sky Sect presently. After the yao army
passed through, the ling energy there has withered. Many xiuzhe have become trapped
inside because the Clear Sky Sect blockades the jie river,” the female xiu paused slightly,
“the Hundred Flowers Alliance and other sects have relationships with Clear Sky Sect,
and have made private transactions.”

“Clear Sky Sect’s guts isn’t small.” The face of the middle-aged xiuzhe was slightly
heavy. “It looks as though they want to turn Little Mountain Jie into their own private
property. Who’s the leader of Clear Sky Sect right now?”

“It is Clear Sky Old Forefather.”

“That old man,” the middle-aged person said with a smirk, “there naturally will be
people to sort him out.”

The female xiu did not speak and waited silently.

The middle-aged person took out a token and threw it to the female xiu. “Go pick two
hundred people to go with you to Little Mountain Jie. With this token, that old person
will not block you.”

“What is this subordinate’s mission?”

“You only need to accomplish one matter this time,” the middle-aged xiuzhe said.
“Stars in Daytime appeared in Little Mountain Jie, you will go investigate this matter.”

“Stars in Daytime?” the female xiu had a shocked expression.

“Yes, it has also appeared once in Sky Moon Jie. There is most likely a connection
between these two occasions. You have to pay special attention to those xiuzhe that
escaped from Sky Moon Jie to Little Mountain Jie.”

“If we find this person, what should I do?” the female xiu, bowing.
“Bring them back!” the middle-aged person said.

“I understand.”

Translator Ramblings: The title says it all about this chapter. Bao Yi’s sales tactics are
truly devious. I would call him a snake oil salesman except what they are selling are
actually effective in what they are said to do.
Chapter 281
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty One – Gradual Advance

Nan Sheng Village had been destroyed again!

This was like a peerlessly loud slap that landed heavily on He Xiang’s face. He Xiang felt a
rush of blood rush up his throat and he almost fainted. The expressions of the other elders
were also terrible. They had achieved great victories recently, and saw the hope of survival.

But at this time, they were hit over the head with a stick.

“Who! Motherf***ing who!” an elder lost control of his emotions, and shouted at the top
of his lungs.

“It definitely is that group! It has to be them!”

The crowd was furious. All of the elders were like a pack of wolves that were pushed to
the precipice, their faces red as they breathed heavily.

He Xiang steadied his mind. He tried to calm himself down. He raised a hand and stopped
the shouts of the elders, saying, “We need to retaliate! A hard counterattack! Old
Forefather is watching at us. All of Little Mountain Jie is watching us. If we are so easily
defeated, no one will listen to us again. Old Forefather will lose his last thread of
patience, and we will be finished!”

“Catch them! Defeat them! At any cost!”

He Xiang gritted through his teeth.

“The final battle has started! This is our final battle! This battle will determine if we
live or die!”

No one spoke. The eyes of every elder were red, their faces twisted.


Ji Wei and Sun Bao carefully entered the tunnels. Their eyes uncontrollably looked at the
complex formations on the walls of the tunnels with intoxicated expressions. They were
like unworldly country bumpkins that had entered the city for the first time, feeling as
though their eyes were not enough to take in the sights.

Their gasps occasionally rang out in the silent tunnels.

“Look at this, it can be interlocked like this!” Ji Wei pointed at a place, and praised. “I
don’t know what is inside Boss’ head that he can think of a solution like this!”

“Yes!” Sun Bao replied, but his gaze didn’t bear to move away. “Boss’ learning in
formations is growing deeper.”

“Oh, I feel that Boss might be able to get a Formation Grandmaster medal to play
with,” Ji Wei said.

“Boss won’t be interested,” Sun Bao got a hint, and contentedly shifted his eyes away.
“What use is that Formation Grandmaster jade medal to Boss? Will Boss depend on it
for his meal ticket? We should probably get some so that we won’t end up without the
qualifications to be Boss’ assistants. Look at these formations, they are as beautiful as
a picture. There’s nothing to say about Boss’ skill with fire. I say that if Boss forged, we
could only be his assistants. Think about it, how old is Boss?”

Hearing this, Ji Wei nodded emphatically. “You are right. We need to work on the little
group of brats. Ai, it would be great if they had half the talent of Boss.”

Sun Bao smiled scornfully and said, “Half of his talent, don’t dream. We aren’t young
people, but have you ever seen someone as monstrous as Boss? Heavens, he isn’t a
person. He built this Golden Crow City by himself, and used fire forging methods. You
might not have noticed but I was dumbstruck on the spot.”

Ji Wei nodded with empathy. “Yes, I was also stunned. Even with all of us assisting, we
almost didn’t manage to keep up the supply. I didn’t sleep well any of those days in fear
we couldn’t keep up. Boss’s fire paper technique, tsk tsk, it is a pleasure to see, I didn’t
want to move away.”

Sun bao snickered. “Everyone is the same. Who has seen such wonderful fire forging
technique? It is enough to scare me to death. And those formation battle watchtowers.
Thirty six towers. Motherf***er, we’re lucky Boss is Boss. If it was any other person,
everyone else would lose their meal ticket.”

“With the city, and the formation battle watchtowers, our Golden Crow City is
probably unique among Little Mountain Jie,” Jie Wei said, full of pride.

“Of course!” Sun Bao also had a proud expression. He looked around, and then lowered
his voice to say, “But from what I see, Boss might not stay in Little Mountain Jie. Look at
these tunnels, this formation belt. It is very big. Other than jindan, I can’t think of
anyone who needs such preparations.”
Ji Wei was silent for a moment before saying, “In any case, I’m planning on going with
Boss. I’m not young anymore, I see the world clearly. There’s nothing to say about how
Boss treats us. As to the other, life and death, I’m too lazy to think.”

“Your words are wasted on me,” Ji Wei said unconcernedly. “No one among us will run
now. If any of the brats dare run, watch me break his legs. I’m confident in Boss. Just
this Little Mountain Jie cannot trap Boss.”

“Then why are you saying this?” Ji Wei glanced at the other out of the corner of his eyes.

Sun Bao said excitedly, “Aren’t you excited? We are going to deal with a jindan!

Ji Wei rolled his eyes, and said rudely. “You’re a pretty old person, why are you still so
childlike? Quick, quick, stop wasting time. We need to deliver this to Boss, he’s waiting.”

“You aren’t excited at all? Jindan, that is a jindan … …”

“Oh, very excited.”

“You aren’t excited at all, how can you not be excited? You … …”

“Since you have this much energy, go back and forge some more Black Processing
Meditation mats. The slender bamboo almost can’t meet the demand … …”


Bao Yi looked at the mountains of jingshi and materials in the storeroom and his face
blossomed. Boss was right. The domino effect was really too fast! After that Head had left,
several more group of xiuzhe had arrived shortly after. Some people had bought Black
Processing Meditation mat from others, and then came in search of more. Others were just
passing by.

They had to thank the Outer Hall. As the Outer Hall pushed forward, the xiuzhe along the
way continued to retreat, and run. Consequently, many xiuzhe would pass by Golden Crow
City. Every xiuzhe that passed by would gape when they saw Golden Crow City, so shocked
they would almost drop from the sky.

And what the city was selling made everyone go crazy.

The appearance of the Black Processing Meditation mat was a great explosion. The
number of people that came to buy Black Processing Meditation mat everyday was so much
they had lined up. It wasn’t realistic for each person to by one. Usually it was a group and
they would buy a few dozen each time. About three people would share a single mat and
could satisfy their daily needs.

However, the direct result of the Black Processing Meditation mat was the jingshi that
everyone had thrown to the side before increased in value. With the Black Processing
Meditation mat, jingshi was equivalent to ling grains. Many xiuzhe couldn’t bear to use
jingshi to purchase, and mostly traded using materials.

So all kinds of materials flooded towards Golden Crow City, causing Bao Yi to increase
the standard for taking in materials.

Bao Yi’s face was flushed, his mind excited. He had been a black market dealer for so
long, but had never done business like this. What he was selling now would directly change
the situation of Little Mountain Jie. He felt so happy he was going to faint.

The supply was not keeping up with demand, and gave him enough space to express
“black” to its limits.

Talismans, materials, jingshi … …

We’ll take them, take them all!

Expensive? Oh, very sorry, we don’t have discounts!

The feeling of richness that he never had before took over his entire body.

His life like this, what else could he ask for!


The sky was dark and bloody, the ground was barren. This was a certain place in Bloody
Sky Metropolis Jie.

A troop of yao camped surrounding a spring that looked like fresh blood. This was a
blood spring. Blood springs were frequently seen in Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie. For yaomo,
blood springs were very good places. Yao could use it to calm their energies, and mo could
directly consume the spring blood to recover their strength. But for xiuzhe, blood springs
were a terrible place. The closer it was to the blood spring, the more brutal and restless the
ling power was. The spring blood of the blood spring was also a fatal poison for xiuzhe. If
xiuzhe under jindan came into contact with the slightest bit of it, they would be poisoned. If
they were not careful, they would die.

This troop of yao was about one thousand people.

“How far away are we from Little Mountain Jie?” the leading commander asked.

“About fifteen days of travel,” his vice commander hurriedly said.

Suddenly, a bead on the bracelet on his wrist lit up with a blue light. He made a light
sound. “Blue Hyacinth! Orders from the Elder Council!”

He took down the bead glowing with blue light and threw it onto the ground. Pia. As the
bead landed, it burrowed into the ground. Quickly, a blue plant grew with speed visible to
the naked eye, flowered, and produced fruit.

From beginning to end, it took just two breaths.

The blue fruit produced a faint blue mist. The mist moved and roiled, forming an old face.

“Sir Tian Sheng, after the discussion of the Elder Council, you have been commanded
to move your division at the fastest speed possible to Little Mountain Jie, take over and
hold the jie river of Little Mountain Jie to Sky Water Jie, and are not permitted to fail!”

“Yes!” Tian Sheng gravely responded.

Pah, the mist dissipated. This blue hyacinth quickly withered and turned to dust. With a
gust of wind, nothing was left.

“Send the order down. Gather immediately to travel,” Tian Sheng said gravely.

“Yes!” the vice commander hurriedly followed the order.

Tian Sheng was still thinking over the order just now. In all the military orders of the yao
military, only the orders from the Elder Sect could use blue hyacinths. In other words, this
order had come directly from the Elder Council. This kind of situation was extremely rare,
and the first time he had encountered it.

Something definitely had happened in Little Mountain Jie.

Even though they had not rested for long, and everyone had not recovered from their
exhaustion, the good discipline of the yao military was fully expressed now. They quickly
packed up.

“Little Mountain Jie, travel at our fastest speed!”

Dong Cheng idly stretched out. It was very hard to be able to live such an idle life in Little
Mountain Jie. He was secretly proud of his perceptiveness. As the first faction to submit to
the Outer Hall, he became the example, and was put in charge of the first cadet branch of
the Outer Hall.

The first one of the Outer Hall. He narrowed his eyes, and enjoyed the sunlight falling on
his face. Just this name was enough for him to have a good life in the future.

Even though each month’s jobs were not light, but it was a great improvement over his
past life.

Oh, he had to make a request for a batch of xiu slaves from the main hall.

Suddenly, a subordinate stumbled into the yard and shouted in panic, “Daren! Daren!
It’s not good, it’s not good!”

Dong Cheng’s dream was disturbed, and he was very discontent. He furrowed his brow.
“What are you panicking about. I haven’t died yet!”

“It’s not good! Daren! It really isn’t good … …”

“Hmph, say, what isn’t good?” Dong Zheng was even more discontent. He decided that if
this guy couldn’t mention a great matter, he would punish the other well.

“Someone has attacked us … …”

“My ass!” Dong Cheng snorted. “In Little Mountain Jie, no one dares to come to our
Outer Hall to … …”

His voice suddenly stopped, his body freezing as he looked dazedly at the sky.

In the sky, a troop was looking down at them.

Suddenly thinking of something, Dong Cheng’s face was drained of blood in an instant,
his limbs went cold!

Translator Ramblings: I wonder if Zuo Mo knows that he can gain a formations jade
medal … … he’s only ever focused on getting the ling farmer one so I wonder. If this was a
time of peace, he would be making loads of jingshi.

As the chapter title says, this will proceed “gradually.” Patience is needed … …
Chapter 282
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Two – Fire Sickle Rock

It wasn’t the first time Rong Wei came to Little Mountain Jie, but when she saw how
damaged Little Mountain Jie was, she was still shocked. The house guards that came with
her were also shocked.

“Clear Sky Sect isn’t really a good thing. Look at Little Mountain, what have they done
to it?” someone muttered.

“Yes, they will be punished by the heavens!”

“Is the Marquis going to move against Clear Sky Sect?”

“Don’t guess randomly .. …”

Listening to the mutterings of her subordinates, Rong Wei did not speak. Her mind was
slightly unfocused. After a moment, she refocused. She hadn’t seen Clear Sky Old
Forefather. The Marquis’ token had been presented, and they were let into Little Mountain

She could clearly feel the nervous mood of Clear Sky Sect. She heard that someone had
encountered something.

Had something happened again in Little Mountain Jie?

The incident of Stars in Daytime in Sky Moon Jie had disturbed many people at the time.
She knew that the Marquis had paid special attention to the matter. Even though she had
been brought up by the Marquis from childhood, she rarely saw the Marquis so concerned
over a matter.

The origins of the Marquis were deep and mysterious. She had never seen him attend to
the major matters that occurred in Sky Moon Jie, but for the first time, she had seen a grave
expression on Marquis’ face concerning the Stars in Daytime.

This was the second time, and was also due to the Stars in Daytime.

There were many jade scrolls and old records in the Marquis’ compound. Growing up
from childhood in the compound, Rong Wei’s knowledge was much wider than the great
majority of xiuzhe. She knew a bit about what Stars in Daytime meant.
She felt slightly puzzled. The impression that Marquis usually gave her was that of an idle
person. She couldn’t help but feel nervous that he was so concerned about such a matter.

She focused, and slowly said, “Let’s go.”

The compound guards instantly closed their mouths. Miss Rong was not of Marquis’s
legitimate line, but in terms of favor, she was first in the compound. Also, Miss Rong had
not failed the Marquis’ teachings, and was outstanding in all areas since childhood. It was
just that she rarely left the compound, so her reputation was not known. The compound
guards, regardless of their experience, were all respectful when they saw her, and didn’t
dare to do any posturing.

Rong Wei’s head started to hurt. Where should she start investigating the Stars in


Jiang Hao looked at the most wanted list and drooled, “Big Brother, we are going to get
rich now!” The other people also showed undisguised greed.

Jiang Wei was also swallowing hard, but he was calmer than his younger brother.
Whenever he thought of that strange and terrifying female xiu, he would sink into deep

“Don’t forget about that female xiu.” His voice was hoarse.

The surroundings became deathly silent. Terror was imprinted on everyone’s eyes. After
seeing that silent massacre, three among them had their cultivation collapse due to long-
term terror. The wails before their death still seemed to echo in their ears.

The flames of greed in everyone’s eyes were doused by a bucket of cold water.

Jiang Hao shook. He force a smile and said, “The one that will go find them is the Outer
Hall. No matter how powerful the female xiu is, she is just one person … …” His voice
became increasingly light, and his face increasingly pale.

“No matter how many the benefits are, we will need to live to experience them.” Jiang
Wei’s eyes were bloodshot, and he said gravely, “Since the Outer Hall is searching for
them, they will be able to find them. The collision between the two sides is beneficial to
us. Maybe we can even leave this damned place.”

“Brother, you think too highly of them,” Jiang Hao said with a forced smile.
“It’s not that I think highly of them, but I hope they can do it,” Jiang Wei sighed.

The other people were silent.


In Zuo Mo’s vast tunnels, the surroundings were filled with formations. His heart was
excited. Finished! He finally finished!

To set up such a large formation just with his power, he had enough to be proud of!

Thinking it over, working day and night, only he knew how difficult it had been. Starting
from when he began building Golden Crow City, he had never truly thought he could finish
it. The increasingly tense situation was like an invisible whip continuously urging him to be

When it truly was finished, Zuo Mo felt he was in a dream.

“Is this real?” he suddenly turned and asked the female xiu.

The female xiu didn’t seem to hear and didn’t respond.

Zuo Mo snickered and was not concerned. He muttered to himself. “Please don’t let this
be a dream!”

In this period of time, his consciousness had improved greatly, his skill with fire
deepening with every day so that the later portion of his work had been completed quickly.
With his previous skill level, it wouldn’t have been possible to complete such a vast project
without using the better half of a year.

Pu Yao hadn’t lied to him this time. He had improved greatly through the entire process
of building the city, so much that even he was shocked. The Jade Metal Head had entered
third maturation. What excited him the most was that his consciousness had grown more
than three times. Right now, he felt as though he was a basin of water, with so much water
that it was almost overflowing. His consciousness probably wasn’t far from a breakthrough.
He also had a feeling that if his breakthrough could succeed this time, the degree of
improvement would be very large.

Looking at the surroundings, Zuo Mo was suddenly filled with confidence!

Even if what he was facing was a jindan!

Right now, there was only one thing left to do.


Zuo Mo didn’t tell anyone the work had been completed, but the first person who felt the
effects was Bao Yi. The supply of Black Processing Meditation mats couldn’t keep up with
demand. Bao Yi felt proud, but also frantic.

Yet suddenly the production of Black Processing Meditation mat increased dramatically.
He perceptively realized what had happened.

Only if Boss did not require any supplies on his side, then the people of the forging
division would be able to put all their effort into making Black Processing Meditation mats.
Of the two most famous products of Golden Crow city, one was Golden Crow Fire, the other
was Black Processing Meditation mat. Other than the batch that Bao Yi deliberately held
back, the remaining Golden Crow Fire had all been sold. Only Boss could make Golden Crow
Fire. Now that no one could find Boss through the day, who had the time to hope he could
produce Golden Crow Fire?

Golden Crow City only sold one product now, Black Processing Meditation mats.

The wondrous ability of the Black Processing Meditation mat spread throughout Little
Mountain Jie like it had wings. Countless xiuzhe flooded from all areas towards Golden
Crow City.


In a dusky mine shaft, Lil’ Pagoda floated in the air like a dutiful supervisor as it directed
those puppets to continuously work. The abnormal change had frightened the timid Lil’
Pagoda half to death. Even though Zuo Mo had not scolded it, it still expressed an attitude of
fulfilling its duties well.

This caused the production of jingshi and ore recently to grow dramatically. The cheer
on Bao Yi’s face had grown even more.

Suddenly, a copper puppet stopped what it was going, looking dazedly at the strange
item in front of it.

Lil’ Pagoda instantly detected the abnormality, and hurriedly flew over.
It was a bright red rock that exuded a strange presence. Lil’ Pagoda tilted its head and
looked with puzzlement at this piece of red rock.

Zuo Mo instantly received the information Lil’ Pagoda passed over and rushed over, since
Lil’ Pagoda was connected to Zuo Mo.

“Hm, this rock is strange.” Zuo Mo went over and tapped it.

The red rock was the size of a table and appeared like a piece of red jade, spreading
threads of warmth. However, what was most unique was that it contained strong vitality. If
one came close, they could make out the sound of a heartbeat.

Was this something alive? Zuo Mo felt it was so fantastical. After circling the rock and
thinking hard, he couldn’t think of what this red rock really was.

“Pu Yao, what is this?” Zuo Mo ran over to ask Pu Yao.

Pu Yao sat in front of the gravestone and resting, acting as if he was ignoring Zuo Mo.

Seeing Pu Yao’s state. Zuo Mo understood that this guy was in a mood. However, he had
long forgotten what he had done.

A real man could bow and scrape, ge will endure.

Zuo Mo piled on the smiles, “Pu Yao, you are a honored Sky Yao, what are you doing
holding a grudge against a little character like me? Ge … … oh no, if this little brother
has done something wrong, please have tolerance.”

Pu Yao’s eyes were still closed, and there was no movement, but Zuo Mo noticed that Pu
Yao’s spine had straightened slightly.

It worked!

“Pu Yao, you are a millennia old Sky yao! The breadth of your mind, the composure,
it is as wide as the sky, as deep as the ocean, your knowledge, your … …”

“Okay okay! Stop with the flattery!” Pu Yao’s expression was impatient, but the smile at
the corner of his mouth revealed his pleased mood.

Zuo Mo mocked him inside. As expected of a thousand year antique. He bent under just
this little bit of flattery. He piled on a fawning smile, “Some guidance?”

“Hm.” Pu Yao gave a light cough before slowly drawling, “It’s not embarrassing that
you haven’t seen this before. There aren’t many xiuzhe that have seen it. This is Fire
Sickle Rock. After absorbing the essence of moon and sun for a long time, it has born an
intelligence. If nothing had changed in Little Mountain Jie, this piece of Fire Sickle Rock
would just be an earthly treasure about fifth-grade.”
“Then now?” Zuo Mo perceptively asked.

“Presently, the ling energy of Little Mountain Jie has withered, and the power of the
chaos has risen. But since this piece of Fire Sickle Rock has an intelligence, it couldn’t
absorb ling power so it absorbed the power of chaos instead.”

Zuo Mo didn’t understand. “Power of chaos?”

“Chaos is the originator of all power. No matter if it is xiuzhe, yao or mo, power comes
from chaos. But because everyone walks a different path, the result is completely different.
What yaomo do is to go with the flow, while xiuzhe chose to resist. The ling power of the
xiuzhe is a natural enemy to the power of chaos. “

“You mean he became a yaomo?” Zuo Mo pointed at the rock and asked with shock.

“Become yao.” Pu Yao was clearly smug. “There is a fire yao being nurtured here, but
before it comes out, I don’t know what kind of fire yao. The intelligent souls of flora will
become yao, the intelligent souls of wild beasts will become mo. If you throw ling
beasts into a place like Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie, and after corrosion by the power of
chaos, it will become mo.”

Zuo Mo was slightly disappointed. “So it’s just a yao, then shouldn’t I kill the yaomo?”

Pu Yao’s face instantly became black, “Who are you killing?”

Zuo Mo shook. He remembered the guy in front of him was a Sky Yao. He smiled, “Joke,
joke!” He then said, “I’m just too disappointed. I thought I dug up a treasure, and didn’t
expect it was something useless.”

“Who says it is useless?” Pu Yao was clearly slightly excited. “You just don’t know it!
Treasure, hmph, even if it was put in front of you, you won’t recognize it.”

“Then what is the use?” Zuo Mo hurriedly asked.

Pu Yao closed his mouth and made a proud posture.

Zuo Mo wasn’t tricked. He took out a flying sword from the ring, and moved it to the Fire
Sickle Rock. “If I can’t use it, I can’t let other people have it. So let’s kill it.”

Seeing the situation, Pu Yao said, “Fire yao isn’t too different than your ling beasts. You
can use some of its abilities.”

“Oh, so that’s it, but I don’t know how.”

“Just drip blood.” Once Pu Yao finished, he knew he was tricked.

As expected, Zuo Mo cheerfully turned the flying sword and swiped across his finger. He
squeezed out a drop of blood onto the Fire Sickle Rock.

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo has learned. Threats and flattery used together. Pu Yao
lost this round.

WanderingGummmiOfDoom pointed out that what the yao did in corrupting the ling
veins creates more yao. It’s not a bad strategy if you think about it. It’s essentially
colonizing the place but I’m not sure that there are that many potential fifth-grade
materials lying about.

Poor Jiang Wei, he has to root for the person who defeated him. I think Fang Xiang is
using him as the voice of the other xiuzhe. If Jiang Wei who fought Zuo Mo before is
(reluctantly) rooting for Zuo Mo, there is definitely other people out there doing the same.
Chapter 283
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDOom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Three – Lil’ Fire

The red light of the Fire Sickle Rock exploded forth, and the temperature rose drastically.

After a while, the red light started to flicker, and with a light sound, a burning flame rose
out of the Fire Sickle Rock. The flame was extremely hot. Zuo Mo was slightly shocked.
Right now, his Jade Metal Head was in third maturation, but he could just barely tolerate
such a high temperature. If it was a normal xiuzhe, they probably would have to activate
their ling armor to hold up.

Such a powerful fire!

A copper puppet was unable to avoid it and started to melt.

Zuo Mo stared at the burning Fire Sickle Rock. Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice passed into
his mind.

“Cheep cheep cheep!”

Even though he could not understand, but Zuo Mo could feel the closeness and joy it
passed on. He couldn’t help but grin.

The vitality coming from the Fire Sickle Rock inside the flame became even stronger. He
could clearly feel something alive inside it. After burning for two whole hours, the Fire
Sickle Rock suddenly split from the middle. A red shadow shot out rapidly.

The fire shadow suddenly stopped in front of Zuo Mo. He finally managed to see this fire
yao. It was the size of a fist, shaped like a ball of fire as it continued to chirp. It happily flew
nimbly around Zuo Mo.

“You’ll be called Lil’ Fire.” Zuo Mo made up a name on the spot. Lil’ Fire seemed to
understand and was even happier, chirping continuously.

Lil’ Pagoda was curious and timidly came over.

Lil’ Fire was not shy, and quickly started to play with Lil’ Pagoda. The pagoda and fire
flew quickly in the air as they chased after each other. Zuo Mo’s mood was very good. The
scene in front of him made him feel very warm inside. Even if Lil’ Fire didn’t have any
spells, he felt it was alright.

After a while, a grey figure flashed into the cave like lightning.
It was Silly Bird with Lil’ Black on top of her head. She elegantly reached out with her
bird claws and gently landed on the ground. When Lil’ Pagoda saw Silly Bird, it was even
more excited. It took the little brother it just met and ran in front of Silly Bird. Lil’ Fire
circled around Silly Bird in curiosity. At this moment, Silly Bird was like a big sister. She
used her long bird beak to nudge Lil’ Fire.

Lil’ Fire was like a rubber ball as it flipped through the air. It became even more excited
and chirped.

Seeing the little ones interacting harmoniously, Zuo Mo was even happier. The only thing
that caused discontent was Silly Bird. From the moment this one landed, she didn’t even
look at him properly.

This brat! Zuo Mo gritted his teeth but couldn’t do anything. He didn’t know what had
happened, but she was even faster than his flying sword. He couldn’t do anything to her.

“What are you playing around for? Go work!” Zuo Mo glared at Lil’ Pagoda.

Lil’ Pagoda, that was playing happily, instantly withered, dejectedly directing the puppets
to start mining.

Little brat, dare to fight against ge! Zuo Mo left in satisfaction.

When Zuo Mo left, the four little ones gathered together again as they chatted.

Lil’ Black quickly climbed down from Silly Bird’s head, moving its short legs like a wisp of
black smoke to quickly circle around the cave, its antennae waving. After a while, it stopped
on a piece of rock in the cave. It waved its antennae at the other three, and then flipped its
short legs, running off the rock.

Silly Bird made a small jump and spread her wings. With a fierce flap, a sharp howl
suddenly sounded inside the cave. Like a flash of grey lightning, it struck the rock that Lil’
Black had pointed out.

The hard rock was like a piece of tofu as Silly Bird pierced through it like a sharp arrow.

A large hole appeared in the rock.

After a while, a grey shadow flew out of it. Silly Bird stopped in the air, shook off the
shards of rock, and resumed her elegant composure.

Lil’ Fire chirped and turned into a thread of fire, burrowing into the deep cave that Silly
Bird bored out.

After a while, countless threads of fire criss-crossed in the cave like a red spiderweb.
After a while, Lil’ Fire wavered drunkenly as it flew out of the cave.
Rumble rumble!

Large pieces of rock continued to fall like it was raining. In a moment, the tunnel was
filled with pieces of rock. Lil’ Pagoda happily turned in the air, and the copper puppets
instantly leapt over.

After a short while, the ore was piled up in mountains.

The four little ones started to play again, the cheerful chirping of Lil’ Fire echoing in the


“The third cadet hall.” Lei Peng smacked his lips. “Hee hee, Lil’ Miss is serious this

Nian Lu took out a mirror, and combed his bangs that had been blown into disorder by
the wind. He said, “It’s a pity there aren’t any female xiu. Without their furious shouts,
I’m really not used to it. Such a waste of the beautiful scene that is I.”

Lei Peng ignored him and said, “With Lil’ Miss’ personality, since he decided to act, he
definitely wouldn’t be hitting the cadet branches just to vent. Who do you think that we
are going to attack next?”

There were many people that also had the same question as Lei Peng. Xie Shan was one
of those.

Ma Fan held a stalk of grass in his mouth as he lazily laid on the ground. “If it was me, I’d
hit the reinforcements.”

“The reinforcements?” Xie Shan had a thoughtful expression. As the two most
offensively powerful people of Vermillion Bird Camp, their relationship had gradually
deepened. Ma Fan had many ideas. After being the core for a while, his perspective when
looking at a problem was very different than normal xiuzhe.

“En. We’ve attacked so many of their cadet halls, the Outer Hall certainly wouldn’t
rest. They will definitely send people to attack us.” Ma Fan had a thoughtful expression
and said, “We don’t have many people. If we end up surrounded by the enemy, our days
will end. We need space, we need to continuously pull along the enemy so we have

Xie Shan’s eyes lit up, clapping his hands as he praised, “Right! This way, we will slowly
consume the enemy.”
Ma Fan smiled and said, “We can think of it, how can Lil’ Miss not think of it? Don’t
worry, I’m not sure about other places, but there definitely is no one in Little Mountain
Jie that can defeat Lil’ Miss.”

“Ha ha,” Xie Shan said with a smile, “that’s true.”

“How long do you have until jindan?” Ma Fan suddenly asked.

“I don’t know, but I feel that I will breakthrough soon. As expected, combat is the best
training,” Xie Shan said with a smile.

“After jindan? Where are you going?” Ma Fan said with slight gravity.

“You don’t need to feel me out,” Xie Shan smiled and said, “I’ll definitely still follow
Boss. Actually, I’m slightly curious.”

“Curious about what?” Ma Fan asked.

“I’m curious how far Boss can really go.” Xie Shan looked into the distance.

“Just because of this? I don’t believe it.” Ma Fan shook his head.

“Of course that isn’t all of it. I’ve gradually come to understand just how much I’m
worth. Boss is a pretty good boss, and I feel that Boss has a good future.” Xie Shan listed
with his fingers, “Talented, hard-working, humble. Most importantly, young. Way too
young! It’s the first time I’ve met such a powerful person. Boss’ origins are probably not
as simple as we think. Adding on Lil’ Miss, and the band of brothers we have now, it’s
nothing to just conquer a territory and live a good life.”

He laughed self-mockingly. “I’ve been the leader before, it isn’t easy being the leader. I
feel that it is pretty good right now, I get all my benefits, I don’t have to worry about
any problems, and can do anything that is needed. My progress in this past half-year is
more than the progress of the last three years combined.”

Ma Fan didn’t speak, but his expression lessened.

“Don’t worry, I guarantee that the none of the brothers now will leave,” Xie Shan’s
voice was filled with confidence.

Ma Fan chewed the grass stalk and made a sound of acknowledgement.

Suddenly, a sharp bugle call sounded.

“Let’s go, it’s time to work!”


He Xiang was extremely busy. He hadn’t had good sleep in these days. He hadn’t expected
the mysterious troop that suddenly appeared behind him to be this slippery. He had sent a
troop to kill them, but after two days, he received the unexpected news that a cadet hall
was destroyed.

With anger, he sent out another troop.

The other’s movement was hard to predict. After a few days, another piece of news came
through. A cadet hall located extremely far away had been massacred.

After that, every one to two days, he would receive the bad news that a certain cadet hall
had been destroyed.

The news seemed to spread through Little Mountain Jie like it had wings. Their progress
instantly became much harder. The factions that had thought of submitting to the Outer
Hall started to hesitate.

The Outer Hall could not be stopped, but clearly, that mysterious troop also could not be
stopped. The news that the cadet halls were attacked spread through all the cadet halls.
Each hall had prepared, but they could not stop this mysterious force.

From this, it was possible to see the power of this force!

But the factions couldn’t bear to surrender the territory that they had won through hard
work. If they lost these territories, and they were swallowed by the Outer Hall, they
wouldn’t have any leverage to negotiate.

These factions instantly found it hard to advance or retreat.

As the advance of the Outer Hall met resistance, the pressure on He Xiang and the others’
bodies increased heavily.

“We need to find their base!” In the time of ten short days, He Xiang seemed like a
completely different person. His entire face was shockingly thin. “It definitely isn’t the
matter of a few days to train such a strong force. If we can find their base, then they
will definitely be forced to go back. At that time, we can surround them.”

“But we’ve searched for so long, and there hasn’t been any news!” an elder said.

Just at this time, an elder suddenly stumbled in. “I found them! I found them!”

All the elders abruptly stood up.


“What place?”

“All of you, shut up!” He Xiang shouted sharply. Instantly, everyone obediently close
their mouths. In this short period of time, He Xiang had successfully built up his authority.
It truly wasn’t luck that the Old Forefather had picked him.

The elder that charged in was flushed and extremely excited. “Let me first show you

He Xiang suppressed the irritation inside.

A black meditation mat was placed in front of everyone. The elders hurriedly came over
and examined it. They all recognized good things, and instantly saw the trick. All of them
inhaled sharply.

They weren’t dumb. This little meditation mat was a decisive influence on the situation
of Little Mountain Jie.

“This is a talisman produced by a place called Golden Crow City. I probably don’t
need to introduce the abilities. Golden Crow City is at the Sky Star Peak. After a group
occupied it, they built a city.”

Everyone couldn’t help but inhale sharply again.

Built a city!

“I’m not sure who the true master is, but Elder He is definitely very familiar with
their chief business manager.”

He Xiang’s expression changed. “Who is it?”

“Bao Yi!”

The elders’ faces instantly became strange. He Xiang’s face instantly became heavy.

“According to the xiuzhe, they once saw a troop leave Golden Crow City at night. Less
than one thousand people,” the elder said, “so that’s why I suspect it is them. Now, all
the xiuzhe in the jie are moving there. If we don’t defeat it soon, if this meditation mat
continues to sell, our future days won’t be easy.”

Everyone’s expression instantly became heavy.

He Xiang stood up, his expression vicious. “Attack Golden Crow City!”
Translator Ramblings: Some of you have jumped way ahead in your guesses by about
thirty chapters or so.

Zuo Mo gets a new pet and doesn’t know how smart his little compatriots are. But he
probably doesn’t have the time to worry about how much jingshi he is losing. They are
getting their revenge on Zuo Mo by denying him jingshi and materials.

I’m just going to add when Pu Yao said one hundred well-trained ningmai, he means
well-trained to his standards. While Vermillion Bird Camp is pretty strong compared to
everyone else, they have been training for less than a year, and Gongsun Cha has said
before that from war chess, he knows it takes multiple years for an army to be trained and
have preliminary combat experience. That might be for yaomo but it may also apply
for xiuzhe.
Chapter 284
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom

Chapter Two Hundred and Eight Four – Great Formation!

In an enormous and deep pit, Zuo Mo continuously dug down.

The hole above his head seemed to be palm-sized. The depth of this place was fifty zhang
below ground level. The pit was about one zhang in radius. The female xiu stood nearby.
Looking up, the height of fifty zhang was enough to make one feel suffocated.

Suddenly, Zuo Mo stopped his movements, a surprised and joyful expression on his face.

“Let’s go up,” he said to the female xiu. Even though the female xiu couldn’t hear, but he
still said it. Then he started to fly up, the female xiu followed closely behind him.

As he flew up to the entrance of the hole, Zuo Mo stopped and took a deep breath.

With all his power, he punched out a Sky Glass Wave!

A glass-like fist brutally entered the pit, and smashed heavily on the bottom.


Bright red lava sprouted out, continuously sprouting up like an ancient wild beast
released from its cage. From far away, Zuo Mo was still able to feel a burning presence rush
against his face.

The deep red lava would occasionally spit out flames. Facing the power of nature, Zuo
Mo’s expression couldn’t help but change. If he accidentally got caught by the earth fire,
unless he had jindan cultivation, his bones would not survive.

Other than shock, joy also made its way onto his face.

He pulled the female xiu as he kept on flying up. The lava finally reached the surface. This
place was the core of the big formation Zuo Mo had set up. The deep red viscous lava slowly
flowed. As it flowed into the tunnels, the formations on the walls of the tunnel started to
light up.

Zuo Mo finally could not stop himself from showing a smile!

He had succeeded!

Finally succeeded!
Right above his head, Golden Crow City suddenly lit up in the night. Countless golden
lights like golden fish leaping against the current flew into the sky above Golden Crow City.
These small golden energies spread and gathered above Golden Crow City.

All the people in Golden Crow City were alarmed by such a loud change. They all walked
out of the buildings, raising their faces to look at the golden energies covering the sky!

The xiuzhe that were skilled in formations all changed expressions. They could
occasionally see the shadow of formations in those golden energies that swam like fish.
Was this some powerful formation? This was so unfathomable! They didn’t know what
kind of formation could create such a world-shaking apparition.

The large factions that had camped outside the camp were also disturbed.

“What is that?”

“Is it some treasure coming out of the ground?”

In the dark of the night, Golden Crow City’s lights grew dramatically. It was covered in a
blinding golden cage of light like a sun against the black sky.

“Such vast craftsmanship!” On a mountain peak, a bearded middle-aged person sighed

with shock. Beside him was a stocky large male.

“How so?” the large male asked.

“This city most likely is hiding a very powerful formation. This presence clearly is the
scene that occurs when a large formation has just formed. When we entered the city
yesterday, I had found that the materials used in the city are extremely special. Daren
definitely cannot guess it,” the middle-aged person said with a smile.

“Oh, what kind of high-level material did it use?” The large male was slightly curious.

“It is just the opposite of what Daren is thinking. The bricks used in the city are just
normal bluestone.”

“How is it possible?” the large male paused and then shook his head. “If blue stone can
create such an impenetrable city, Little Mountain Jie should be covered in cities.”

“Ha ha, it is bluestone, but this blue stone has been forged in Golden Crow Fire.” The
middle-aged person grinned.

“So that’s why!” The large male finally understood.

Admiration floated onto the face of the middle-aged person. “This person is very clever.
Even though the city is small, the method he really used is forging methods.”
“Forging methods? Did he think of Golden Crow City like a talisman?” The large male
was stunned again.

“Exactly. All of Golden Crow City is covered in formations. All of the buildings are
connected into one entity by formations. It forms a situation where all of them prosper
or fall together. During the day, the sunlight will form a pillar of light and enter the
city. Has Daren noticed it?”

“Is there something about that too?”

“The sunlight contains slight amounts of Golden Crow Fire which is continuously
absorbed by Golden Crow City. Over time, this city would become even purer. Isn’t this a
forging method?” The eyes of the middle-aged person flashed as he sighed in praise. “The
daylight is good, but it requires time. This city master clearly cannot wait that long. If I
am not wrong, he should be using earth fire to temper this city. This is why this
subordinate calls it great craftsmanship.”

“Using earth fire to temper this city?” The expression on the large male’s face was
slightly stunned. After a beat, he shook his head and said, “I hadn’t thought that such
powerful people were hiding in Little Mountain Jie. Someone this powerful. If I just let
them slip by, I am not satisfied. What does Teacher think, can we hire them?”

The middle aged man shook his head. “It is good that Daren is desirous of those with
virtues. However, I see that this person already has his own power. He actually has
battle generals. His origins are probably not simple. Even more, Daren’s command
posts have been filled. If we get him, where shall we put him?”

Hearing this, the large male paused for a while before sighing.

“Daren doesn’t have to be sorrowful,” the middle-aged person comforted. “Our sect’s
power is vast, and full of resources. We only need Daren to first establish himself in the
sect. It is not difficult for Daren to find talented people. This time, the sect leader’s
intentions of nurturing Daren is evident through sending Daren to investigate the
affairs of Little Mountain Jie. Daren only has to complete his duty. There is no need to
feel frustration over one person.”

“Teacher is right.” The large man’s expression turned normal. Then anger was evident
on his face. “Hmph, Clear Sky Old man is too daring, he dares to ruin a jie so, he doesn’t
want to live.”

What he had seen on the way here was peerlessly cruel.

“Now that the news has spread, his days won’t be easy.” The middle-aged man’s eyes
flashed with a cold light. “It is retribution that his disciple was killed. This one
speculates other factions will soon enter.”
The large male suddenly said. “Do you think that it might be the people inside that
killed Huang Zhuo Guang?” He pointed at Golden Crow City.

The middle-aged person paused, and then his mind moved. “It is possible! However, this
doesn’t have much to do with us.” He thought, and said as he shook his head, “We have
our business to attend to. The appearance of Stars in Daytime is a rare opportunity for
Daren. Daren’s luck is not bad.”

They had been sent to investigate the matter of the yao army appearing in Little
Mountain Jie, and to find the chaos rift. They hadn’t expected to encounter the apparition of
Stars in Daytime in the middle.

“But we do not have any results even now,” the large male said helplessly.

“We can proceed slowly, rushing does not help.” The middle-aged person also had no

Little Mountain Jie had become a mess. The unprecedented moves that the Outer Hall has
made and the sudden rise of Golden Crow City had caused the two to become the most
popular topic of Little Mountain Jie. All kinds of information were continuously passed out.
Only one-third of the Outer Hall’s cadet halls still remained.

Not two days after that, they heard that mysterious troop had successively defeated
three troops of reinforcements the Outer Hall had sent out.

The xiuzhe that had been defeated and fled all described the power of this troop. The fear
still lingering on their faces became the most convincing evidence. The news quickly
spread, and the Outer Hall, in complete reversal of its usual attitude, gathered its power
and advanced continuously towards Golden Crow City.

Those that had the slightest smarts instantly realized the connection between the
mysterious troop and Golden Crow City.

The factions positioned between the two forces quickly relocated behind Golden Crow
City’s location. Everyone was waiting to see the clash between the two major factions.

The clash this time would be the clash between the two strongest factions of Little
Mountain Jie.

Nothing more had to be said about the Outer Hall. Even though they had lost three
thousand people, but they still had an enormous troop of more than seven thousand
people. This enormous troop was like a juggernaut. All factions that dared to resist in its
path were crushed under them completely with the weight of Mount Tai.

Golden Crow City leapt into view. In tens of days, it had jumped to become an existence
just below the Outer Hall. Golden Crow Fire, Black Processing Meditation mat, the thirty six
formation battle watchtowers, and the mysterious troop had caused Golden Crow City to
become the center of Little Mountain Jie.

Golden Crow City seemed to not feel the pressuring steps of the Outer Hall. It still was
furiously selling Black Processing Meditation mats. This also caused it to become an
essential stop for the xiuzhe that were retreating. Everyone did everything within their
abilities to buy Black Processing Meditation mats.

Black Processing Meditation mats might be expensive, but compared to ling grains, it had
too many benefits.

In the midst of it all, many factions suggested they could help defend the city, but Bao Yi
adeptly refused them. This caused everyone to be even more curious. After they bought the
Black Processing Meditation mats, they didn’t leave, but set up bases behind Golden Crow

Looking from far away, it was not possible to see the end of the densely packed xiuzhe
behind Golden Crow City. Half of all the xiuzhe of Little Mountain Jie had gathered here.
They wanted to personally see this rare clash between titans.

The result of this clash would directly relate to their future life.

Privately, about eight-tenths of the xiuzhe favored the Outer Hall. The terrifying power of
seven thousand xiuzhe combined made everyone fearful. Even if that mysterious troop
belonged to Golden Crow City, but their numbers were too few. They could be used to
harass, but they were not able to be significantly effective, especially with Clear Sky Old
Forefather, a jindan, standing guard.

They were just curious how long Golden Crow City could withstand the Outer Hall’s

But contrary to everyone’s expectations, the Outer Hall started to slow down its
advance.While the speed of the army’s advancement slowed, the pressure only made them
feel more suffocated. Those that had some knowledge understood the Outer Hall was
resting up and preparing for the final battle.

Golden Crow City still performed business as usual. Many of the xiuzhe behind the city
were sighing. If Golden Crow City really landed in the hands of the Outer Hall, it really was
good for them. No one could determine how much wealth Golden Crow City really had, but
the items definitely were piled up in mountains.

Black Processing Meditation mats were not cheap!

Golden Crow City was the wealthiest place in the present Little Mountain Jie.

After opening the flow of earth fire, Zuo Mo became idle. Half of his heart had landed
when the formation was finished.
A big battle was coming up, but he was not panicked, instead he acted calm and casual.
When each person saw Boss was so composed, the nervous atmosphere instantly relaxed
to the highest degree. Everyone’s enthusiasm quickly grew.

As long as Boss was here, they didn’t have to worry about anything.

Zuo Mo flew to the formation battle watchtower.

The thirty-six formation battle watchtowers had become the busiest places. The Eastern
and Western Camps were nervously training before the battle. They were all clear they
were the main force in the battle to defend the city this time.

Each person was rubbing their hands and furiously trained. If they performed well, they
may even be promoted to Vermillion Bird Camp. That was the place that everyone in the
Eastern and Western Camps yearned to go into. This battle was their best chance.

Zuo Mo exchanged a greeting with the commanders of the Eastern and Western Camps,
and flew to the highest level.

He had come this time to look at the Lightning Sonic Walnuts that had been nurtured in
the formation battle watchtowers.

Translator Ramblings: We’re getting closer and closer … … this is like the Sword Test
Conference, Fang Xiang needs to put down preparations before the fight.

Some more people have arrived to look at the spectacle and even more people have come
for the Stars in Daytime. Zuo Mo, do you know how much jingshi is being spent to search
for you?
Chapter 285
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Five – Comprehensions Gained From Forging

Sonic Lightning Walnuts, fourth-grade, hard, righteous, and breaks evil.

Before this, Zuo Mo didn’t have many fourth-grade materials on his hands, and did not
understand much about fourth-grade materials. The amount of jade scrolls and old records
that talked about fourth-grade materials were pitifully flew in places like Sky Moon Jie and
Little Mountain Jie.

Fourth-grade materials were so valuable that normal people rarely were able to even see
them. Only sects with some power could use them for practice and gain experience. Wu
Kong Sword Sect clearly didn’t number among these sects. Zuo Mo had memorized many
jade scrolls, but there were just a few phrases that related to fourth-grade materials, and
most of them were vague.

As the amount of fourth-grade materials on his hands increased, he gradually learned

some things.

The biggest difference between fourth and third-grade materials were in their
formations. The natural formations on fourth-grade materials were of higher-level, more
complete and complex, than that of third-grade materials.

Zuo Mo didn’t know if the predecessors of xiuzhe had learned formations from materials,
and only sighed at the wonders of creation.

The forging skill level of a xiuzhe could be said to be a measure of the degree the xiuzhe
could activate the natural formations of the material. The formation techniques of fourth-
grade talismans had a close connection with the natural formations of materials used.

After being nurtured by hard lightning in this period of time, the Sonic Lightning Walnuts
looked like rotten silver, its surface carved with pits and grooves. It was heavy in his hand,
even with its volume having shrunk. However, it was covered in the light of dense blue
lightning so to hold it Zuo Mo had to use his ling power to cover his palm.

When he inspected it, he instantly felt the lightning element inside. Zuo Mo gaped.

This Sonic Lightning Walnut was something good, but it was very dangerous. If he wasn’t
careful when forging it could explode and easily harm him.

He recalled Pu Yao had suggested he use the method for yin fire beads to forge the Sonic
Lightning Walnuts. However, he had been so busy previously he hadn’t thought about it.
After some thought, he seemed to understand. Pu Yao would never do anything
meaningless but what he suggested didn’t always work.

There were many methods listed in the [Yin Fire Bead Chapter] to forge yin fire beads.
Zuo Mo was always astonished by the variety of yin fire beads. Due to being unable to find a
yin fiend ground, he couldn’t make yin fire beads so he had thrown the jade scroll to the

Now that his knowledge was far better than before, he had a completely new experience
when he reread the jade scroll.

Gradually, a sliver of understanding formed.

The most important part of the yin fire bead creation methods was a place he hadn’t
noticed before, it must be forged with yin fire. Yin beads had an attribute of yin so the
forging fire had to be yin as well. The Stalagmite fire Zuo Mo had before was yin.

Technically, when the attributes were the same, the two should feed off each other and
gradually merge into one entity. The most wondrous part of the [Yin Fire Bead Chapter]
was that it could let the two stay in a kind of semi-merged state, the most explosive state.

Zuo Mo was intoxicated with such a wondrous transformation. He didn’t know how the
elder who had created the yin fire bead had thought of such a wondrous spell.

If he was to use the yin fire bead method to forge Sonic Lightning Walnuts, then he
needed to use purely yang fire. It was perfect for Zuo Mo. The Golden Crow Fire on his
hands was one of the best of pure yang fires.

However, he needed a help. Sonic Lightning Walnuts were fourth-grade, and were much
higher grade than the yin beads he had created in the past.

Zuo Mo’s mind suddenly moved. He thought of Lil’ Fire and Lil’ Pagoda.

Lil’ Fire was a fire yao, and Lil’ Pagoda had all five elements in one body, and could
control fire.

He was connected mentally to Lil’ Paogda. When his mind moved, Lil’ Pagoda knew. In a
short while, Lil’ Pagoda led Lil’ Fire to fly to the formation battle watchtowers. Silly Bird
also followed with Lil’ Black.

When Lil’ Fire flew into the formation battle watchtower, it floated around in the air like
a fire-red ball, playing happily by itself. Lil’ Pagoda was at the side silently listening to Zuo
Mo talk.

Zuo Mo took out more than ten mini boxes from his ring. These were the Golden Crow
Fires that he had especially held on to. The rest had all been sold. Golden Crow Fire was not
difficult for him to gather, but he didn’t have the time right now.
Lil’ Fire who had been flipping in the air sudden froze. When it saw the mini boxes, it
instantly gave happy chirping sounds. It turned into a fire wisp and leapt at the mini boxes.
There was a smell of flame that came from inside it and was a fatal attraction for Lil’ Fire.

Zuo Mo didn’t stop it, and saw it swallow all the mini boxes in one gulp.

He instantly gaped, his hand frozen in the air.

After a while, he recovered. The first thought in his mind was, this was another glutton!

Lil’ Pagoda wasn’t angry, and skipped around Lil’ Fire.

The round body of Lil’ Fire instantly became even rounder like a red bubble. Suddenly, a
fingernail-sized gold star appeared on its forehead.

However, upon closer inspection, Zuo Mo couldn’t tell if it was Lil’ Fire’s forehead. This
guy was way too round.

He stared at Lil’ Fire for a while. Nothing seemed to happen to Lil’ Fire.

Lil’ Fire continued to cheerfully chirp and play with Lil’ Pagoda in the air. Lil’ Pagoda
would use the tip of the pagoda to poke Lil’ Fire, and Lil’ Fire would nudge Lil’ Pagoda with
its round body. The two little ones clearly were having fun, causing Lil’ Black’s antennae to
wave in the air as it watched from the side, wanting to join in.

Zuo Mo stared tightly at Lil’ Fire.

There still wasn’t a change … …

After playing for a while, Lil’ Fire noticed Zuo Mo staring at it, and gave a cheerful chirp.
It flew into Zuo Mo’s embrace, and snuggled around.

Zuo Mo reached to grab this guy. The round body was really like a bubble, warm and soft.

However, Zuo Mo clearly was not moved by its fawning. Reaching to grab Lil’ Fire, he
dangled it in front of his eyes, and squeezed Lil’ Fire into all kinds of shapes, gritting
through his teeth, “Little brat, you swallowed that much Golden Crow Fire, but there’s
no change? Do you know how many jingshi that was? You ate so much jingshi with one
gulp … …”

Lil’ Pagoda’s body shook and it silently started to float away. Lil’ Black that had been
wanting to join in the fun suddenly stopped moving its antennae. The calmest one was Silly

Zuo Mo’s rage could not be stopped. He had originally planned on giving Lil’ Pagoda and
Lil’ Fire one each, and hadn’t expected this guy to clean him out with one gulp, and not even
leaving the boxes behind.
“Can you breathe fire?” Zuo Mo said, full of killing intent. “No? You don’t know how to
breathe fire? You dare to not know? Do you know how much jingshi … …”

Lil’ Fire hurriedly spat out a little wisp of flame on his hands.

“Hm! You do know how to breathe fire!” Zuo Mo’s face instantly became curious, and he
put Lil’ Fire in front of him. He inspected it carefully, speaking to himself. “You don’t have
any orifices, where did you breathe it out?”

Lil’ Fire’s fleshy body instantly froze.

Lil’ Pagoda instantly raised its eaves to cover its face. The entire pagoda was bright red
like a cooked shrimp.

After studying for a while, Zuo Mo still didn’t have any results. He decided to not waste
any more time. He really was grasping at straws when he had hoped this crowd of gluttons
could be of help.

He should never have any illusions about these gluttons … …

Zuo Mo’s heart was bleeding. So much jingshi was gone … …

The four quickly left for the mine as though they were being pardoned.

Zuo Mo decided to do it by himself. However, he didn’t dare to experiment on the

formation battle watchtower. If he wasn’t careful, the entire tower would be bombed into
dust. He picked a third-grade lucky cloud from the stores, sat on it and slowly floated into
the sky.

The lucky cloud was extremely soft like cotton. Basically no one except hedonists used it.
Compared to ling beasts and flying swords, it’s flying speed was too slow. However, there
were some high-grade lucky clouds that were extremely fast, like the famous Flying
Nimbus. Among fifth-grade steeds, its speed was in the top ten. The lucky cloud might be
slow, but there was a benefit. It did not need to be controlled to stay afloat.

This ball of lucky cloud was the size of his palm. When it was thrown out, it instantly
grew to about ten zhang in radius. It could hold many people so the female xiu stood at a
distance not far from him. Zuo Mo ignored the dense populace of xiuzhe that were camping
on the mountains. With the formation battle watchtowers and the female xiu present, he
didn’t have to worry about people interrupting his forging.

He took out the Sonic Lightning Walnut, spat out the Golden Crow Fire, and started to

The most important part of the yin fire bead forging was to freeze the state of the yin
bead and the yin fire in the instant before they merged.
In front of Zuo Mo, a thread of Golden Crow Fire enveloped the Sonic Lightning Walnut.

After two whole hours, the Golden Crow Fire finally removed the layer of hard lightning
on the exterior of the walnut and revealed the true seed of the Sonic Lightning Walnut.
After another hour, the creased surface of the silver walnut started to show signs of
melting. The silver liquid flowed slowly along the patterns of the walnut.

The thick lightning element made Zuo Mo’s heart beat rapidly as though he was on thin

Fourth-grade materials were as extraordinary as expected!

Zuo Mo’s mind was deeply immersed in this forging process, but it was also a rare chance
for him to learn. Both the Golden Crow Fire and the Sonic Lightning Walnut were rare
fourth-grade materials.

When the two merged, they gave rise to many changes, most of which he had never seen

The natural formations on the Sonic Lightning Walnut were continuously broken in the
forging process and reformed like pieces of wooden blocks forming new pictures. Some
were formations, some were nonsense patterns. Forging needed the xiuzhe to choose and
experience the changes in the formations.

Different xiuzhe would gain experience through different changes, to comprehend

different things, but the underlying nature was the same.

Without this kind of experience, no matter how deep their cultivation was, how
abundant the ling power inside their body was, one still could not breakthrough to other
stages and would still be small and weak.

Zuo Mo was immersed in this mystical world. The feeling of walking on thin ice slowly
disappeared, and he forgot himself.

The flickering of the Golden Crow Fire in front of him suddenly slowed as though a wild
stallion had been tamed.

The Sonic Lightning Walnut also changed rapidly. The walnut patterns that had covered
the surface disappeared. It was entirely smooth like a perfect silver ball. Threads of Golden
Crow Fire burrowed into the silver ball and beautiful golden patterns started to float into
the surface of the silver ball.

The number of gold patterns increased like a golden vine furiously growing along the
surface of the Sonic Lightning Walnut.

Zuo Mo suddenly opened his eyes, the Sonic Lightning Walnut falling into his palm.
The golden patterns on it were complex like flowers that covered the surface of the silver
ball. It seemed like a normal silver ball without any of its presence exposed.

Translator Ramblings: The Outer Hall is … … on their way. Very confident and unhurried.
They have the advantage of numbers and the backing of the most powerful local person.

I’m not going to touch what happened with Lil’ Fire but I do pity it for having ended up as
Zuo Mo’s pet in this chapter.
Chapter 286
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Six – Arrival!

Rong Wei watched the troop disappear into the horizon, her heart was filled with shock
that she could not voice.

After personally watching the entire battle, this troop of six or seven hundred people had
left a deep impression on her. The knife-sharp charges had caused her to momentarily
think of turning and fleeing

There was no challenge in the entire battle. It ended in an extremely short amount of
time. This troop was like a keen blade that dismembered the enemy in moments. Yes, other
than dismembering, she could not think of any other descriptor that could express the
scene she saw.

Their opponent had been a troop of a thousand people.

The compound guards next to Rong Wei stared in disbelief with gaping mouths at the
empty sky. The scene just now had given them too much of a blow. The unstoppable and
keen charges pierced their hearts like a bolt of lightning!

The thousand man troop had seemed to be made out of paper-mache. With one clash,
they had shattered into pieces. Rong Wei had never thought that when the howls and sharp
presences of sword energies gathered together, that it could be so spectacular, so soul-
stealing. Even they, the spectators, felt their scalps prickle, their limbs cold. What must it
like to be the troop that was facing such a terrifying scene directly?

No one laughed at the troop that was defeated.

How could there be such a strong troop in Little Mountain Jie.

Even in Sky Water Jie, there were only one or two troops that were said to be at such a

“Head, there are people following behind us,” Xie Shan said to Gongsun Cha in a low

Many of the people in the troop had noticed a troop of people following behind them.
However, they were not worried, just slightly curious. After fighting for so long, people who
saw them fight all fled with the wind. It was the first time they saw someone who followed
them like this.
Gongsun Cha looked back. “Oh, go ask.”

Xie Shan admonished himself for being chatty. Wasn’t that finding more work to do for
himself? However, since Lil’ Miss commanded it, he could only fly towards that troop.

Truthfully, Rong Wei’s heart was also very insecure. If the other unreasonably charged
over to kill without any cause, they could only flee. However, she noticed that the other side
didn’t seem to be obsessed with killing, and hadn’t pursued their enemies who had fled.

She was really too curious about this troop. She was very learned, and naturally could
see the bones of an army in this troop. She knew very well that building an army was not a
simple battle. The members had to be picked with thought, there had to be skilled
members, and there were enormous expenses … …

There were many sects in Sky Water Jie, but only two had an army.

She had followed the Marquis for many years, and knew the Marquis had had the notion
for a long time. However, he struggled with the problem of manpower. The only people that
had the abilities to build an army were battle generals, but only large sects had the abilities
to groom battle generals.

The compound guards under her command looked like the elite, but if they were
compared, the difference was instantly visible. Rong Wei’s eyes were not ordinary. She
could see the average power of the troop’s xiuzhe wasn’t as high as the compound guards
under her command.

But if the equal numbers of people were fighting, the ones to die first would be the
compound guards. She actually wanted to see if she could hire this battle general, or hire
this entire troop.

But she knew that it was a fantasy. It clearly had been some time since this troop had
formed. A sect that didn’t have some power wouldn’t be able to support them, but since
they had been raised, then the sect supporting them definitely had power.

The possibility of hiring them was minuscule.

One reason that she had given the ordered to follow was curiosity. The other reason was
that she was clear that such a strong troop definitely was a significant power in Little
Mountain Jie.

Even if she could not recruit them, it wasn’t a bad choice to partner up with them.

Hadn’t she been puzzled regarding the question of ‘how they were to investigate Stars in
Daytime? If she partnered up with such a strong faction, it would be much easier to
But the compound guards did not know Rong Wei’s thoughts. Each of them were shaking
in their boots, preparing to take Rong Wei and flee at any second.

Suddenly, someone from the troop up ahead flew towards them.

The compound guards instantly became nervous.

Rong Wei’s heart settled down. What she was most worried about was the other would
kill without asking any questions. Since the other had sent someone over, then it meant she
had the room to speak.

“Who are you? Why are you following us?” Xie Shan asked.

Rong Wei bowed and said, “We are disciples from Sky Water Jie’s House of Marquis
Wu, and have come with an order to investigate the Stars in Daytime in Little Mountain
Jie. Is it possible to travel with your division? It is for safety. This is a small token of our
appreciation, please take it.”

She took out some pieces of fourth-grade jingshi.

Xie Shan looked at the jingshi on her hands but did not take them. He nodded and said,
“I’ll report the request for you.”

Finishing, he turned and went back to the troop.


“To travel with us?” Gongsun Cha was slightly surprised.

“Or does she want to pursue one of us?” Lei Peng snickered. At the side, Nian Lu shook
his bangs, and followed up, “Who else other than me?”

Everyone ignored them. Even Zong Ru couldn’t bear to look at them. How had he been on
the same team as these two clowns before? So embarrassing.

“That’s what she said, and they are from Sky Water Jie’s House of Marquis Wu,” Xie
Shan continued.

“Which of you have heard of them?” asked Gongsun Cha.

“We are all country people, who’s been to Sky Water Jie,” Ma Fan mocked.

“What do you want to do?” Xie Shan gazed at Gongsun Cha.

“We don’t have the time to tangle with them.” Gongsun Cha shook his head.

“Such a pity, that is a great beauty.” Xie Shan’s tone was slightly teasing.

Gongsun Cha glanced at him and Xie Shan instantly shut up. Do not provoke Lil’ Miss,
otherwise, their outcome would be very tragic

A paper crane suddenly flew out of the sky and landed in Gongsun Cha’s hand. Opening
the paper crane and taking a quick look, Gongsun Cha’s expression changed slightly. The
paper crane was passed quickly onto the hands of other people. Everyone’s faces became

No one joked, no one wasted words. The mood instantly became tense. The Vermillion
Bird Camp instantly organized their ranks and raced with their fastest speed to Sky Star


Rong Wei looked with astonishment at the troop that disappeared at the horizon. What
was this?

The compound guards all released a breath. They had been scared half to death. A
compound guard carefully said to Rong Wei, “Miss, they’ve gone away.”

Rong Wei woke from her trance, and responded, “Follow them.”

The compound guards that had just released a breath instantly grimaced. Rong Wei
ignored them and flew out first. The other people could only follow helplessly.


Zuo Mo opened his hand, and a lightning bullet twirled in his hand. This was the [Yang
Fiendish Hard Lightning] that he was so familiar. Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning required
using the consciousness to manipulate the sparse lightning power in the air to form hard
lightning. Due to the unique method, the hard lightning created was both extremely yang
and hard.

Zuo Mo was extremely familiar with this move now. With one thought, the hard lightning
would form.
He continued to gather hard lightning, and then beat it to smithereens. He was
experimenting. The process of forging the Sonic Lightning Walnuts was very successful. He
had comprehended some methods for hard lightning, and hoped to merge these
understandings into the spells that he knew.

[Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning] was his primary attack move. It was faster than [Sky
Wave Fist], and was extremely powerful. The only flaw was that there was a lack of
variation. When Zuo Mo had comprehended those hard lightning formations, the first thing
he thought of was [Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning.]

Continuously adding comprehensions to spells was something every xiuzhe had to do.
This was also why disciples of the same sect would practice the same spells, but the results
were different. Each person had different comprehensions, and the road they walked was
naturally different.

The lightning bullet continued to change in his palm. Suddenly, a net with a small mesh
size covered all of Zuo Mo’s palm, and then it suddenly turned into a lightning arrow. The
lightning arrow suddenly dissipated and turned to countless tiny lightning snakes. The
snakes suddenly gathered and turned to a lightning bird … …

Gradually, Zuo Mo felt he had gained greater control. The hard lightning on his hand
seemed like a part of his body and could change according to his thoughts.

Zuo Mo quickly judged the quality of each change.

Hard lightning heavily leaned towards offense and seemed to have almost no defensive
power when it turned to a lightning shield. When it became a lightning arrow or spear, it
was unstoppable. The other attribute of hard lightning was that it was extremely quick. It
probably was one of the fastest of all the spells.

Hard lightning was hard and ferocious, and extremely hard to compress. Zuo Mo had
tried all he could, but could not condense the lightning power even more. It was possible to
see the value of Sonic Lightning Walnuts from this. The amount of lightning power
contained in Sonic Lightning Walnuts was so much one couldn’t imagine it.

After forging, the power of the Sonic Lightning Walnuts had increased. Zuo Mo was full of
anticipation about its power, but he didn’t test it as he couldn’t bear the loss.

Zuo Mo suddenly opened his eyes. Looking into the distance, a cold smile came onto his

He controlled the lucky cloud to slowly land in Golden Crow City. Once he landed, he
stored away the lucky cloud. Zuo Mo’s calm and unflustered state resolved some of the
nervousness of the xiuzhe in the two camps.

“Everyone, pay attention. They have come,” Zuo Mo shouted out.

Everyone’s hearts jumped. However, they had already prepared for battle, and lined up
neatly. The lights of the formation battle watchtowers started to light up one after the

The city gates slowly closed. All of the noise inside the city instantly disappeared.

The xiuzhe behind Golden Crow City also noticed it and started to shift.

“The Outer Hall has come! The Outer Hall has come! It’s going to begin!”

“Everyone, careful! If you see the situation isn’t right, start running!”

“Haha! I’ve never seen something as big as this, this is really broadening my vision.”


The noise of the surroundings passed around. The middle aged person, the large male,
and their group also flew into the sky. Infected by the others around him, burning desire for
battle lit up suddenly in the eyes of the large male, and a slight blush came onto the face of
the middle-aged man.

Who had ever seen such a large-scale battle before?

“You have to watch closely. This is a rare chance. Just a little bit will be enough to
greatly benefit you,” the middle-aged man lectured the guards around him.

The large male knew the middle-aged man was actually reminding him. However, he was
staring fixedly at the distant horizon.

A large dense patch of black dots appeared on the horizon like a black cloud, and slowly
flew over.

The noisy xiuzhe all simultaneously inhaled sharply, the sky completely silent.

As the Outer Hall neared, everyone’s faces couldn’t help but pale.

Seven thousand xiuzhe gathered in the sky like a flood that could not be stopped as it
rolled forward. It was not very fast, but the pressure that came with it made the people feel
suffocated. It seemed to be using this method to show its power to destroy everything!

Translator Ramblings: Normal people have prelude and then action. We have prelude,
follow up to prelude , a chapter on fun ways to (unknowingly) torment your newborn pet,
and finally, more outside perspectives before … … introducing … … Lil’ Cliffy!
Chapter 287
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Seven – Cloud Formation Silk

As the army came closer, the xiuzhe on the formation battle watchtowers shifted, but
quickly calmed down.

The sun disappeared into the thick clouds, the sky darkened, and the air filled with the
scent of death.

Zuo Mo shook his head. In the end, the Eastern and Western Camps were too
inexperienced. Gongsun Shidi hadn’t put his focus on these two camps. The two camps
lacked greatly compared to Vermillion Bird Camp.

He raised his hand and threw out the Buddha Sound Hoop.

As the golden Buddha Sound Hoop flew, it rose into the sky above Golden Crow City and
turned into a shining sun with numerous golden threads that dangling down tied onto the
thirty six formation battle watchtowers. Upon the golden thread were countless golden

The Buddha Sound Hoop had been tempered by Golden Crow Fire and hard lightning. At
this time, its attributes matched with Golden Crow City and the formation battle
watchtower. As it rose, the scene was far more extraordinary than when he used it at
Desolate Wood Reef. Zuo Mo had put much effort into the placement of the thirty six
formation battle watchtowers. Other than being able to form [Skyring Moon Chime
Formation] with the Buddha Sound Hoop, they could form a formation on their own.

Zuo Mo was full of confidence for this battle.

This confidence was not in anything else but Golden Crow City. No one knew just how
much effort and thought he had put into this city that he had built with his own hands.

The dignified and stern Buddha Sound Formation seemed to be chanting into one’s ear,
yet almost imperceptible at moments. The terror in the hearts of the xiuzhe in the city

“What is this formation?” Shock flashed across the eyes of the large male that was
watching from far away. This formation’s presence was not normal.

The middle-aged person narrowed his eyes. “From what this subordinate sees, this
formation should originate from [Skyring Moon Chime Formation] but its attributes
are exactly the opposite. Domineering, hard and fierce, primarily for killing! This
person’s formations interlock together and are very strong!”

“How so?” The large male asked for guidance.

The middle-aged person explained, “Daren please look. That golden hoop should be a
Buddha Sound Hoop.”

“Buddha Sound Hoop?” The large male had not heard of it before. “Is it powerful?”

“It’s just a normal third-grade sound type talisman, but this Buddha Sound Hoop
clearly has been specially tempered. If this subordinate has not guess wrong, it should
have been processed in fire and lightning. This hoop has risen to fourth-grade

“Oh, fourth-grade.” The large male didn’t seem to care. Fourth-grade talismans were
rare, but were not much to him.

“This city master’s thoughts are extremely clever. The power of the [Skyring Moon
Chime Formation] might be large, but setting up the formation is complex. This person
used the formation battle watchtowers as the base. This way, he only needs this
Buddha Sound Hoop to set up the formation at any time. Since this hoop has been
process by fire and lightning, it is hard and fierce. This city can also continuously
provide fire and lightning. With this formation and the formation battle watchtowers,
Golden Crow City has become one body, and the power has been multiplied many
times.” The middle-aged person could not disguise the admiration.

At this time, the large male finally understood, anticipation growing on his face.


Listening to the Buddha sounds, Zuo Mo looked at the army that had already entered
twenty li of Golden Crow City with a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

Other than jindan, no one had ever heard of ningmai xiuzhe that could attack outside of
twenty li. The sword energies of ningmai sword xiu was not effective outside of three li. In
other words, if the other wanted to attack Golden Crow City, it must come within three li of
the city.
But the attacking range of formation battle watchtowers was ten li. The hard lightning
formation battle watchtowers that Zuo Mo constructed had an astounding attack range of
fifteen li.

Why were formation battle watchtowers still essential constructs for a city even though
they were so expensive and hard to build? Because of its great power. When Zuo Mo first
constructed Golden Crow City, all of his setup was for battle.

He had used almost any kind of attacking move he could think of on Golden Crow City.


When He Xiang and the rest of the Outer Hall elders saw Golden Crow City from a
distance, their faces were filled with amazement!

“I hadn’t really expected someone built a city!”

“Really hadn’t expected it!”

Greed was in every elder’s eyes. When a person first saw such an exquisite and beautiful
Golden Crow City, their first idea was to take it for themselves.

“Only us Outer Hall has the qualifications to live in such a good place!” He Xiang said
firmly. He couldn’t wait for one second.

If they could take down this city, and make it the headquarters for the Outer Hall, how
grand would it be. Even Old Forefather wouldn’t be able to calmly face such a city! He also
heard there were piles of valuable materials and talismans inside. This was a treasure city!

The other elders all gave their agreement. Each person’s eyes were heated. The struggles
they had previously encountered were thrown to the back of their minds. At this moment,
there was only this city in their eyes, a city of the sun!

“Who is going first?” He Xiang turned and asked.

The elders all closed their mouths. They were not stupid. The presence of Golden Crow
City was heavy. The light coming from the large formation made all of their hearts shake
slightly. In their view, it was time to harvest. If they could take down Golden Crow City,
they would definitely be on the achievements list. However, if they died at this last step, it
wasn’t worth it.

The Buddha sounds floated from across the distance. The golden sun above Golden Crow
City also reminded them to be careful.
He Xiang knew these people very well. He smiled coldly inside, and said, “The first
person to get into the city is the first to pick the spoils, they can pick three pieces.”

The eyes of the elders instantly turned red.

With great rewards, there would always be brave ones!

With Golden Crow City’s wealthy, it was possible to imagine the richness of the spoils.
The first to pick, and to pick three items, it would at least be three fourth-grade talismans!
No one could remain unmoved by such a rich reward.

“Who first?” He Xiang asked again.

“Me first!”

“Me first!”

The elders instantly leap, their enthusiasm for battle growing. Even Second Elder who
was usually at odds with Chief Elder couldn’t resist speaking.

“Then we shall first trouble Second Elder!” He Xiang said without showing his

Seeing Second Elder take his troops and joyfully prepare to attack, imperceptible
smugness flashed across He Xiang’s eyes. He was very devious. When he saw Golden Crow
City, he knew this was a tough nut to crack. He was happy to see Second Elder willing to go

He Xiang was filled with confidence at taking down Golden Crow City. With this many
people, he could just drown the other side. By that time, he was certain he would have the
spare energy to plan some other affairs.


Among the elders, Second Elder’s rank in power was below He Xiang. He naturally
understood what He Xiang thought. He had his own confidence of success to dare to speak

He picked out one thousand and five hundred people in one go. Going with him were
three elders.

When Second Elder took out a talisman, the faces of the other elders, including He Xiang,
turned uglier. A faint cloud energy was released from his hand, and swam among the
xiuzhe. In moments, a faint thread of earth energy was around every one of the one
thousand and five hundred people.

“Cloud Formation Silk!” The middle-aged person watching from afar exclaimed, “He
actually possesses Cloud Formation Silk!”

“What is Cloud Formation Silk?” the large male saw the middle-aged person lose his
composure and couldn’t help but ask in curiosity.

“Cloud Formation Silk is a very rare talisman.” The expression of the middle-aged
person was grave. “It is not of high grade, just fourth-grade. It is made by the Sky Joy
Workshop in Cloud Sea Jie who harvest cloud thread to forge into a talisman. It is rare
for it to end up outside. Its purpose is very unique. It can create a cloud energy that can

“Like a ling shield?” the large male asked.

“Approximately. This cloud energy’s defense is not as strong, but it is extremely hard
to disperse. Its strength lies in that it can be used on more than one person. Look at
them, all of them have a thread of cloud energy on them. The more people there are for
this Cloud Formation Silk, the stronger it is!”

The eyes of the large male flashed. “It really is a waste for such a good treasure like
this to end up in this person’s hands.”

The tone of the middle-aged person was grave. “This isn’t good for Golden Crow City!”
Seeing the large male was unconcerned, he said, “The cloud energy isn’t strong, but if
every person’s defense was slightly strengthened, it is very terrifying when it

The large male thought, and instantly shook. He felt the extraordinariness of the item
even more. It really was a great weapon for a large battle. He couldn’t help but say, “Is it
possible to buy this Cloud Formation Silk?”

The middle-aged person shook his head. “Cloud Sea Jie is too far from us.”

The large male was slightly regretful.

The public might not know the origins of the Cloud Formation Silk, but the ability of this
talisman was easily seen. One thousand and five hundred people with this Cloud Formation
Silk, the strength of the troop instantly rose up a stage.

The complexions of the elders were dark. Second Elder possessed such a powerful
talisman, but they had never seen it in the many battles before this. Of course, what they
cared about the most was that Second Elder could possibly take down Golden Crow City in
one attack.

Zuo Mo was also shocked. The other’s talisman was so strong! In large-scale battles, what
was most scary were talismans like Cloud Formation Silk. However, he didn’t have much he
could think of to do at this point.

Fortunately his heart was strong. Even though an unexpected event had occurred, he
wasn’t in a panic.


Second Elder’s face was filled with smugness. He Xiang, He Xiang, you could never have
thought that I would have Cloud Formation Silk! The other elders also were overjoyed. The
morale of the one thousand and five hundred xiuzhe grew greatly and they activated their
ling armor.

The attributes of each person’s ling armor were all different, and so their colors were
naturally different. Watching from a distance, the sky was filled with a dazzling variety of
colors! The faint cloud energy was not eye-catching under the light of the ling armor.

“Everyone, listen well!” Second Elder spoke slowly, his voice passing out. “This is our
last battle. After this battle, we will live in this city! I will reward the first person that
charges in with a fourth-grade talisman!”

Everyone was instantly excited. It was extremely difficult for normal xiuzhe to obtain a
fourth-grade talisman! These xiuzhe’s eyes instantly turned red as they breathed heavily.
They felt their blood boil, their desire for battle roiling as they wanted to attack at this
exact moment!

Seeing that the morale had risen, Second Elder proudly ordered, “Attack!”

One thousand and five hundred xiuzhe howled and exuded killing intent as they charged
at Golden Crow City!

Everyone pushed their ling shield to the largest possible. Those xiuzhe that had
defensive talismans took all of them out as they howled and charged at Golden Crow City!
In the sky, streak after streak of five-colored light lit up. One thousand and five hundred
streaks of light filled the sky. They were eye-catching as they carried killing intent and leapt
crazily towards Golden Crow City.


Zuo Mo sat at the formation battle watchtowers, and did not panic at all. At this time, all
of his stray thoughts were thrown to the back of his mind.

In his eyes, there were only the enemies that were flying closer!

Staring at the enemy, he silently calculated the distance between them. Suddenly, light
flashed out of his eyes. He raised his right hand and chopped down heavily. His voice was
like the roar of thunder and heard over the entire city.


Translator Ramblings: For the person on reddit that asked about using ningmai to search
for the person that started Stars in Daytime:

After the first Stars in Daytime, several jindan from Bright Wave Jie were sent to look for
the person responsible. That was on the order of a Jie master, who probably has authority
of some kind over all the sects in that jie so lots of jindan that might follow his orders or do
a favor for him. Rong Wei’s group is searching for the same “entity” that caused the second
Stars in Daytime but this is on the command of this Marquis who is the leader of a faction in
the neighboring jie, not a Jie master so he probably doesn’t have as many jindan to order
around or he might not have jindan he can order about at all.

Second, the yao troops which are sent out are “equivalent” in cultivation to ningmai but
that does not mean their battle capabilities are the same. If we still use one hundred
ningmai to take down a jindan as Pu Yao said it, then the yao have sent the equivalent of
quite a few jindan.

Rong Wei might have only been sent with compound guards but I actually think that the
Marquis is not expecting her to capture the “yaomo,” but to follow it. We know that yaomo
of higher cultivation cannot pass through the chaos rift easily and without a price so the
yaomo might not be able to go through and so the only way out of Little Mountain Jie is Sky
Water Jie, which is Rong Wei’s home. The hypothetical yaomo who is probably seriously
wounded since it caused two incidents of Stars in Daytime, would have to leave Little
Mountain Jie for Sky Water jie if they can’t go through the chaos rift and if they are weak
enough, Rong Wei might get luck in capturing it. Otherwise, Rong Wei can just keep an
lookout and track the yaomo to notify others who can prepare for its capture. There is also
one more reason but I’m not going to write it here because it is a spoiler of a kind and also
implied rather than stated outright.
Chapter 288
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Eight Fight!

The thirty six formation battle watchtowers suddenly light up, the dazzling silver light
breaking through the clouds. The Outer Hall xiuzhe that were charging felt their vision fill
with a snowy brightness, so bright they could not keep their eyes open!

The charge of the Outer Hall xiuzhe could not avoid pausing.

Hundreds of streaks of silver lights shot out of the formation battle watchtowers like
sharp swords.

Pew pew pew!

Dozens of xiuzhe wailed as they were instantly penetrated by the hard lightning! No
matter if it was the cloud energy that flickered around their body, or the ling shield of the
ling armor, they could not stop the hard lightning for even a moment.

Zuo Mo had used the Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning as his basis for building the
formation battle watchtowers. The power was even stronger than the Yang Fiendish Hard
Lightning that Zuo Mo himself could cast. How could these xiuzhe that wore just third-
grade ling armor stop such a destructive attack?

The loss of several dozen members was not much towards a troop of one thousand and
five hundred people. Second Elder shouted, “Charge! Don’t stop! The speed of the
formation battle watchtowers are very slow!”

Hundred of hard lightning bolts only stopped them for a moment.


The middle-aged person that was watching from a distance couldn’t help but shake his
head. “The city master doesn’t seem to know how to use formation battle watchtowers.
The rhythm isn’t right.”

“How so?” the large male hurriedly asked.

‘Formation battle watchtowers are powerful, but the time it takes takes time to
prepare. Due to this, the rhythm is extremely important,” The middle-aged person said,
“The thirty six formation battle watchtowers can cover for each other, and
continuously attack. That way, they can drag down the enemy’s rhythm and obtain
more time for themselves.”

“So that’s it!” The large male understood.

“Golden Crow City’s attack didn’t hold anything back, firing all at once. There will
definitely be a short pause.” The middle-aged person stared unblinkingly at Golden Crow
City and said, “For the Outer Hall, this is a chance! If they could get close, even if the
formation battle watchtowers start attacking again, they cannot stop the Outer Hall
from advancing!”

The situation was as he expected. The formation battle watchtowers of Golden Crow City
stopped firing. The speed of xiuzhe was fast to start with, and quickly charged to within ten
li of Golden Crow City.

There were occasionally some bolts of hard lightning that shot out of Golden Crow City,
and struck a few xiuzhe, but this kind of scattered attack could not stop the advancing steps
of the Outer Hall xiuzhe. The morale of the xiuzhe led by Second Elder rose! Looking as
Golden Crow City came closer, everyone became extremely ecstatic. They howled crazily,
activating the ling armor as they raised the flying sword in their hands in anticipation of
reaching Golden Crow City and slicing down!

There were countless jingshi and talismans waiting for them … …

The hard lightning shooting from Golden Crow City was still scattered. Under such a
ferocious attack, it seemed so weak and helpless.

Eight li!

The xiuzhe that were watching Golden Crow City from afar sighed. It was over, Golden
Crow City was finished! If they went another four or five li, the Outer Hall xiuzhe could
attack Golden Crow City.

Even a jindan would not be able to stop the simultaneous attack of one thousand and five
hundred xiuzhe, even if it was the accumulated power of a second-grade spell from each
person. A jindan could not destroy one thousand and five hundred xiuzhe. When jindan
could not win, they could run. This meant that he always had the initiative in battle.

The coordinated charge of thousands of xiuzhe was a nightmare once they closed in.

Spells and sword energies would rain down, unable to be stopped.

All of them could predict the terrible loss that was waiting for Golden Crow City!

Second Elder’s blood was boiling in his body. He was so excited he was trembling. He
would become the first elder to enter Golden Crow City. He could pick three talismans of
his choosing, the shining accomplishment would give him more power in the Outer Hall.

“Kill!” he furiously yelled.

“Kiiiillllllllllll!” The xiuzhe around him all simultaneously bellowed!


Zuo Mo narrowed his eyes. Every formation battle watchtower under him was filled with
xiuzhe at this point.

“Stand at the positions!”

“Prepare to take over at any moment!”

“Don’t hold any energy back! Use everything when you get up. When your ling power
is used up, immediately give up the position. Remember the location of the exit and do
not block other people.”

“Don’t panic, just be like when we usually practice. Don’t aim, just throw at places
with more people.”

Each formation battle watchtower was extremely tense. The faces of every xiuzhe was
grave. They were not afraid. Even though they were captives, they had lived for a long time
in Little Mountain Jie. Their discipline had been loose before, but after this recent period of
training, they finally looked somewhat acceptable.

The backbone of the Eastern and Western Camps had come from Vermillion Bird Camp.
They had completely transferred Lil’ Miss’ people over.

When the last order was issued, every stray noise disappeared. Each person’s nerves
were tight as they waited for the order from the Boss.

The thirty-six formation battle watchtowers were so quiet at this moment it was possible
to hear a needle drop to the floor.
Zuo Mo looked at the xiuzhe covering the sky as they raced closer. Having gotten used to
Gongsun Cha’s three section wave killing charge, there wasn’t any ripple in his heart when
he saw the enemies charge. His mind furiously calculated the distance between the two
sides. His eyes were looking at the sky without blinking.

As the distance grew smaller, the ranks of the other side became tighter as well.

The Outer Hall xiuzhe furiously flew towards Golden Crow City, but Golden Crow City
was only a little city. If they wanted to get close, they naturally had to squeeze towards each
other. In the eyes of the spectators, these one thousand and more xiuzhe were like a flood
when they gathered together. The sound of howling in the air multiplied and shook their

The xiuzhe in the surroundings felt the sky and earth change color, the mountains
collapsing, and the earth breaking. Each of them paled. The lips of some of the less brave
xiuzhe uncontrollably trembled.

Looking at the other’s dense ranks, Zuo Mo’s eyes suddenly became sharp. It seemed to
heavily come out of his chest, the killing intent undisguised as it echoed in Golden Crow
City. “Kill!”

In an instant, the dim thirty six formation battle watchtowers suddenly bursted with

Countless hard lightning bolts gathered like a silver flood.

It was too fast!

The Outer Hall xiuzhe felt their vision fill with light and were extremely shocked. Before
they could react, they felt they had been heavily struck by something.

The two opposing waves collided without any finesse!

Pia pia pia!

The rattle of collisions was like a rushed drum beat. The xiuzhe at the front that were
pierced lost control and their speed dipped. The xiuzhe in the back did not have to the time
to slow, and could only stare as they crashed.

More than one thousand people instantly turned to a mess!

The hard lightning had arrived so rapidly, no one was able to dodge in time. As their
speed had been pushed to their maximum, they did not have the energy to do any other
action at this time.

“Charge over! Charge over!” the elders shouted at the top of their lungs. Their faces
were slightly pale.
“Charge … …”

An elder’s shout suddenly stopped. Five bolts of hard lightning hit his ling shield at the
same time. The fourth-grade ling armor broke. He was torn to pieces by the powerful force.

The power of hard lightning was clearly displayed at this moment. Normal third-grade
ling armor could not stop it. It would frequently penetrate through one xiuzhe, and the
hard lightning would still have enough energy to strike the ling shield of a second xiuzhe.

The thirty six formation battle watchtowers had all concentrated their shots in an area
no wider than ten zhang, and didn’t give any space to dodge.

This attack came so suddenly and ferociously that the Outer Hall xiuzhe were

The thirty six formation battle watchtowers had also become chaotic at this time.

“Don’t keep ling power back, do not aim at a target. Quick, with all possible speed!”

“Faster, faster! Next rotation!”

“Good, go!”

Several people were to assigned to a team that would shoot out as much hard lightning in
the shortest time possible before instantly flying away. Then the next team that had already
prepared would rush to the set positions and take over in a cycle.

Hard lightning continuously flew out from the formation battle watchtowers, and
smashed into the ranks of the Outer Hall that had squeezed into a ball.

In the blink of an eye, more than half of the Outer Hall had fallen, leaving slightly more
than five hundred people.

Second Elder had been struck dumb by this round of fierce attacks. However, he truly
was a character, and knew that the situation had reached its most dangerous moment. At
this time, he couldn’t spare the effort for anything else, and took out all the defensive
talismans he had

Several layers of ling shield appeared on his body. His eyes red, he suddenly charged to
the very front. “Kill!”

He was like a wild beast being backed into a precipice!

If he lost this battle, there would be no place for him in the Outer Hall.

The hard lightning hit his ling shield. Pia, one ling shield broke, a talisman on his body
broke. He ignored it, and did not slow down.
As Second Elder led the attack, the morale was instantly boosted. Everyone crazily
charged towards Golden Crow City!

At this time, there were less than five hundred people left so they were not as tightly
arranged as they had been. Adding on they deliberately spreading out, the situation
instantly turned for the better. The response from Golden Crow City was half a beat slower,
and their accuracy rate lowered drastically.

The Outer Hall xiuzhe took the opportunity to get even closer.

Three li!

At this time, they had already entered the attack range of the xiuzhe. The remaining
Outer Hall xiuzhe were even more excited! Even though there were less than three hundred
people remaining, but everyone believed that they other’s moves had all been used. They
were only one step away from conquering Golden Crow City!

The flying swords they had already prepared were going to be sent out.


Sitting on a lucky cloud, Zuo Mo sighed inside. The skill level of the Eastern and Western
Camps were still lacking when compared to Vermillion Bird Camp. When the enemy had
suddenly scattered just now, their rhythm instantly stumbled. More than half of the hard
lightning had missed. If the rhythm hadn’t stumbled, the enemy fatalities would be another
one hundred people.

However, he also knew this was the necessary learning process.

This string of changes dazzled the eyes of the spectators. They almost forgot to breathe.
From the Outer Hall’s confident charge, everyone had thought that Golden Crow City was
finished. But the battle situation was completely unexpected. The brief pauses of Golden
Crow City’s defenses had clearly been planned. That was just a trap dug for the Outer Hall.

When the hard lightning flood and the xiuzhe flood smashed together, everyone’s minds
went blank.

They lost the ability to think. They could only gape as they watched the collision, such a
magnificent yet cruel scene! A brutal yet tragically beautiful scene!

Then they watched as Second Elder went to charge at the front, the Outer Hall xiuzhe
furiously charging towards Golden Crow City. The presence of the remaining hundred
people suddenly became savage. Everyone was dumbstruck where they stood and inhaled

They watched as Second Elder led his people to within a li of Golden Crow City, there was
only one thought in everyone’s mind. Golden Crow City was finished!

But just at this time, in the sky above Golden Crow City, the very center of everyone’s
attention, the young person sitting on a lucky cloud moved.

He stood up.

Translator Ramblings: I’m afraid that your acquaintance with Lil’ Cliffy is to be extended.

This is the first time attack ranges of swords are mentioned but it is rational to expect
that the energy in a sword strike would dissipate over long distances. Zuo Mo’s souped up
battle formation towers are pretty deadly and WanderingGummiOfDoom said this was
trench warfare like the world wars.
Chapter 289
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiofDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Eighty Nine – The Reappearance of the Sound Storm

The city master of Golden Crow City was an extremely mysterious individual. No one
knew his origins, and nothing was learned from the spies that the factions had sent in.

Before the battle started, this young person had sat on the lucky cloud, a mask-wearing
female xiu standing by his side, his expression calm. From beginning to end, he had only
spoken two words: “kill.”

He completely didn’t realize that he was the center of everyone’s attention.

No one dared to underestimate this young person. Even if he looked very young, so
young that it seemed almost impossible. But no one dared to doubt his abilities. How many
people could found such a property in Little Mountain Jie?

The trap just now had also been outside of everyone’s expectations. The results had also
been unexpected. At the most dangerous moment, everyone’s hearts suddenly rose for
some unexpected reason when they saw him suddenly stand up.

After he stood up, Zuo Mo detected that the hard lightning released by the formation
battle watchtowers had stabilized again.

It was time.

His mind moving. Lil’ Pagoda who was connected to his mind suddenly started to rapidly

The light from the golden sun grew, and turned to a flaming ball of fire. The fire followed
the threads that dangled down in the sky and spread throughout the formation. When it
passed by a ring of light, the ring of light would shake and lightly ring.

For some unknown reason, this sound made everyone’s hearts jump.

It was like a golden gada’s blow, deep and murderous!

Clang clang clang!

The continuous and rapid string of deep chimes made their minds tremble. Like a relay,
the chimes became even deeper and powerful, accompanied by an ethereal chanting that
made their hearts beat rapidly.

If people from Sky Moon Jie saw this scene, the would definitely recall that scene at the
Sword Test Conference!

Second Elder’s expression changed slightly. As a ningmai third stratum, his sense of
danger was more sensitive.

Not good!


Like the ringing of a far away temple’s bell, this ring seemed to strike his heart. The
sound was first too soft to hear, but then suddenly rose. The hard and dignified presence
was like water breaking through the dam, and sweeping forth unstoppably!

The strongest killing move of the Skyring Moon Chime Formation, [Moon Chime Sound

This [Moon Chime Sound Storm] had tormented the disciples from various sects at the
Sword Test Conference. Now that he had added the fourth-grade Buddha Sound Hoop, and
the Skyring Moon Chime Formation used the thirty six formation battle watchtowers as a
foundation, it was much stronger than the Skyring Moon Chime Formation made that day
using metal nails and jade tablets.

Zuo Mo had also discovered the formation technique of the fourth-grade Buddha Sound

[Buddha Chant]!

The Buddha sound was like a knife that killed without blood. If one wasn’t careful, it
would corrode their minds and was unable to be dodged.

In everyone’s eyes, an invisible ripple suddenly exploded outwards with Golden Crow
City as the center. The Outer Hall xiuzhe were unable to dodge in time and received the full
brunt of the attack. No one escaped.

Xiuzhe who were slightly weak instantly bled from their orifices, their innards

Xiuzhe who were stronger, like Second Elder, paled, and their figures couldn’t help but

This pause was a chance to the xiuzhe inside Golden Crow City!
The hard lightning from every formation battle watchtower instantly smashed towards
the remaining xiuzhe. The Buddha sound in the ears of the Golden Crow City’s people was
like a blessing from the heavens. Their exhaustion disappeared, and their minds cleared.
The energy of the two camps instantly grew.

With the aid of the Buddha Sound Hoop’s chanting, the xiuzhe inside the formation battle
watchtower performed above their usual skill. The hard lightning they shot was
frighteningly accurate. The xiuzhe who had been wounded by the Buddha sound were at
their weakest state. Even if they had the energy to block the hard lightning, they were still
penetrated. Bloom after bloom of blood red blossoms appeared in the sky, and the energy
of death rose.

After a single wave of hard lightning, there were only a few xiuzhe left in the sky.

Second Elder was one of them. His face was ashen as he looked dazedly at the corpses on
the ground. He suddenly raised his head, shouting furiously with all his power, “Master of
Golden Crow City! Do you dare fight?”

On the lucky cloud, Zuo Mo rolled his eyes. “Idiot.”

Even Silly Bird couldn’t resist rolling her eyes at Second Elder.

Zuo Mo saw there was no noise from below him, and was very discontent. He shouted
down, “What are you doing standing around? Do you want to invite him in for dinner?”

The formation battle watchtowers below had a ruckus. Whoosh, a large patch of hard
lightning flew out and dazzled the eyes.

Second Elder’s eyes were open very wide, his face filled with disbelief.

There were at least a dozen hard lightning bolts that struck him. He stared fixedly at
Golden Crow City, as he dropped from the sky like a bag of sand.

The one thousand and five hundred people had all been killed!

The Outer Hall xiuzhe lost their capabilities of speech. Each of them had pale white faces.
They had had smooth sailing previously, and had only needed to use the slightest of efforts
to flatten the factions that had tried to resist. They had never encountered such fierce
fighting before.

Outside the Golden Crow City, more than one thousand burnt black corpses were
scattered everywhere. Dismembered limbs and flesh could be seen everywhere. The ling
power turbulence lingering in the air reminded everyone just how cruel and fierce the fight
had been!

Even He Xiang who wanted Second Elder to die did not feel any joy right now. His face
was as pale as paper. He had finally realized how idiotic his optimistic prediction had been!
This bone was much harder than they had imagined!

The dark circle of spectators was also completely silent.

They had remained here because they wanted to see a good fight, but right now, they
were shocked by the fierceness of this fight. Usually, everyone would charge up together,
furiously competing to take the spoils from the corpses. But looking at the mountains of
corpses, they had no impulse at all. They only dazedly looked.


The middle-aged person and the large man also had dazed faces.

They were also shocked.

Yaomo were rampaging about now. Everyone knew that large scale battles could not be
avoided. But when they finally saw a large scale battle, they found that these battles were
far crueler than they could imagine.

“What is the use of individual bravery?” the large man sighed emotionally with slight

For a long time, increasing individual strength and going to Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie to
become famous was the path to success of every young xiuzhe. Now, he found that the
individual strength they had pursued with such hardship was almost ineffective in large
scale battles.

The middle aged person knew the large man had received a blow and urged, “Daren,
there is no need to be demotivated. If a jindan came, the results would be completely
the opposite.”

The large man’s expression cheered up slightly. Upon further thought, he found that it
was right. If a jindan came, they would have defeated this city long ago. They had all seen
the strength of jindan experts before. Even such a strong city would probably be unable to
stop the steps of a jindan expert.

Contrasting the deathly silence, the cheers coming from inside Golden Crow City rolled
into the surroundings.

In reality, Golden Crow City was also on its last legs. The ling power of the two camps
was almost completely used up. If they didn’t have so many people, with such ferocity and
unfettered disregard of the consequences as they released the waves of hard lightning, they
would have quickly left all of the xiuzhe unable to even stand up.

Lil’ Pagoda was drooping. That [Moon Chime Sound Storm] had used all of its power.
Zuo Mo carried it in his hand with heartache. He had to throw a few talismans to it before it
recovered some energy.

“Good son, Daddy knows you are the best.”

Lil’ Pagoda was very happy at receiving praise and twirled in Zuo Mo’s palm. Silly Bird
looked disdainfully at Zuo Mo. That disdain seemed to say, fooling little child … …

Zuo Mo faltered slightly. However, he decided to disregard this unlikable person. He

couldn’t help but mutter inside, Silly Bird’s expressions were becoming increasingly varied.
It seemed she had gained many benefits this time.

Scanning Silly Bird, Zuo Mo increasingly felt this one was fat and rich. He wondered if he
could squeeze some oil out.

Seeming to detecting the danger coming from Zuo Mo, Silly Bird hurriedly increased her
distance from Zuo Mo. Lil’ Fire, on the opposite hand, found it fun and chirped. Like a
bubble, it slowly flew over to join the fun.

“Boss, outside the city … …” Bao Yi put out his head and twisted his lips at the outside.

“Outside the city?” Zuo Mo’s expression was puzzled, and then he realized. He rubbed
his chin and said, “Get the Guard Camp to go!”


Shu Long’s expression was stern as he methodically listened to the xiuzhe that came to
pass on orders.

In reality, his attention was completely focused on the bellows coming from inside the

“First mission, all of you, pay attention! Whoever makes a mistake, whoever makes
me lose face, hee hee, just wait! Hm, as the first batch of subordinates of this seat for
nearly a thousand years, if you humiliate my name as a Sky Yao, I will kill all of you …

“Once out of the city, instantly assemble in the formation. Take out everything you
have trained usually … …”

Seeing the xiuzhe who had delivered the orders leave, Shu Long swallowed and said,
“But Daren, Boss’ orders is only for us to take the spoils … …”

“My ass! Using the troop of a honored Sky Yao to do something like pick up trash? I
cannot bear the embarrassment! Listen well, this mission is your monthly test. If you
make a mistake, there will be good days for you next month.”

His heart shook, and coldness shot up from the bottom of his feet. The monthly test was
the most terrible days in a month. Every time it occurred, wails rang into the landscape.

This daren was not some generous one. It would be more accurate to describe him as one
that would always get even. If they provoked him this time, everyone could not live in the

Also, in the deepest part of his heart, he wanted Boss to see their results!

Even though they did not have to worry about food, shelter, there was no hard labour,
and they only cultivated everyday, but whenever danger approached the Boss would never
think of the existence of Guard Camp. All of Guard Camp were holding a breath. They knew
their foundations were terrible, and their strength weak. They could not do anything major.
Consequently, everyone cultivated using their life. Injuries due to cultivation were the most
frequent event in Guard Camp.

This breath was like an invisible whip furiously striking them.

Had their day finally come?

Under Shu Long’s weathered face, his heart started to ripple. He adjusted the ling armor
on his body and suppressed his excitement. He tried to make his steps as steady as usual
and walked out of the tent.

Outside the tent, everyone in Guard Camp had finished gathering.

Everyone had excited expressions. It was possible to see that they were trying their best
to suppress their excitement.

Looking at the organized troop with new uniforms, Shu Long suddenly blanked. The
scenes of the past flowed like water passed his eyes. Panicked and in a sorry state as they
huddled together, their clothing unable to cover their bodies, their hopeless and dead eyes
He took a deep breath and tightened his grip on the talisman on his hand. All of the
scenes in his mind instantly shattered. Looking at the gazes full of life, his gaze became
determined as he ordered.


Translator Ramblings: Highest body count for Zuo Mo as commander so far. I actually
wonder how high Gongsun Cha’s accumulated body count is.
Chapter 290
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety – The Guard Camp Steps Onto the Stage

He Xiang’s heart was beating like a drum. The other elders were all pale. They had not
recovered from watching the battle just now. One thousand and five hundred people had all
died. Their power instantly shrank by one-fifth.

The corpses scattered across the mountains made it seem like a hellish landscape. The
elders who had been scrambling for the opportunity to attack the city first were now filled
with fear. If it had been them … …

Truthfully, Second Elder had performed very well. He had a great weapon in the Cloud
Formation Silk, he had the bravery to lead from the front. None of the elders here could
have performed better than he had, but he still died. The whole troop had died. It wasn’t
that he hadn’t performed well, but the enemy was too strong.

What kind of formation battle watchtower was that? The hard lightning it released
seemed endless like a tide. If it wasn’t that they had seen it with their own eyes, they
wouldn’t believe that there were such powerful formation battle watchtowers in this
world. Even if there were, how could they appear in this minuscule Little Mountain Jie?

If this came out, how could everyone live?

And that Skyring Moon Chime Formation, could that still even be called the Skyring Moon
Chime Formation? Bro, you weren’t the only one that played around with a Skyring Moon
Chime Formation before, are you sure that what you have is still a Skyring Moon Chime

The elders looked at Golden Crow City with sorrowful rage.

Bro, be nice, you are so strong, don’t come running to Little Mountain Jie to steal food
from us little people!

Why … …

Even He Xiang didn’t know what to do next. Continue to fight? He looked at the elders
around him. Every one of them was dispirited and had lost their courage. Even if there was
an elder that had the courage to attack, the people under them wouldn’t be willing. He
could clearly feel the morale of his troops had reached bottom.

But with everyone watching them, he felt he couldn’t retreat like this and lose face.
Just as He Xiang was struggling with his dilemma, Golden Crow City acted again.

Many people suddenly appeared on top of the walls of Golden Crow City and jumped
down from the walls.

He Xiang’s eyes widened as he stared in disbelief at the people continuously jumping

down from Golden Crow City’s walls.

Was it … … were they going to attack?

For an unknown reason, he suddenly shook. He turned to look at the other elders and
stilled again. The elders that had surrounded him had all disappeared. Only when he turned
his face around did he see that they had retreated three zhang away from him.

Terror was on everyone’s faces.

The movement of Golden Crow City had attracted everyone’s attention. The xiuzhe that
were watching from afar moved their eyes towards this group of people that flooded out of
Golden Crow City

This group of people were all wearing black heavy armor, but their movements were
light and agile. After watching for a while, everyone had puzzled expressions. Almost no
one used heavy armor among the various types of ling armor because the majority of
xiuzhe battles were in the air. The heavy ling armor would greatly affect their speed. The
popular ling armors were mostly light and carved with formations to be activated during
battle. Usually, the defensive abilities of the ling armor were not reliant on the ling armor
itself, but depended on the strength of the ling shield activated from the ling armor.

It was possible to see that the black ling armor on these people was very heavy.

Only body cultivating xiuzhe could support such heavy ling armor. Looking at the nimble
movements of these people, they did seem like body cultivating xiuzhe.

There was a continuous stream of armor-wearing xiuzhe jumping off the city walls. Their
movements were extremely quick, and well-trained, flowing like water. A group of xiuzhe
quickly gathered outside the city, and when the number of xiuzhe reached one thousand
people, the spectators all inhaled sharply.

He Xiang and the others had ashen faces!

Who said that Golden Crow City didn’t have many people?

It was very hard to calculate how many people were needed to man the thirty six
formation battle watchtowers, but it definitely wasn’t less than one thousand people. Now,
one thousand body cultivating xiuzhe had come out. How many people were really hiding
inside Golden Crow City?
He Xiang didn’t even have the energy to swear. The other elders could only stare at each


One thousand heavy-armor xiuzhe quickly gathered, their movements clean and without
any fuss. In a short span, they finished organizing their formation.

One thousand armor-wearing xiuzhe stood solemnly without a sound. All noise had

The wind blew past and stirred the dust and dried leaves to swirl in the air. The killing
intent was as cold as a knife. The one thousand people were like a heavy rock pressing on
everyone’s chest, making them unconsciously feel that breathing was slightly difficult.

Shu Long had a small headache.

First, they could not resist Boss’ mission. Boss had told them to collect the spoils. If he
went on a different path, Boss definitely would not be happy. Even he wasn’t willing to do

However, the words of the daren inside the necklace could not be dismissed. That was
his direct teacher. If that person was offended, his days would become very dark.

His mind suddenly moved and had an idea.


The people that were paying attention to the black armor troop were of two different

One side chided the master of Golden Crow City for being so dim to create such a trashy
troop. No matter if it was sword xiu, or Dhyana xiu, they emphasized the ability to fly. The
mainstream battlefield was the sky. If this group of people flew up into the air, they would
be like turtles, only able to wait for death.

The other side was very curious. Up until now, every move of the master of Golden Crow
City made people feel amazed. How could such a person make such a shallow and low-level
mistake? There had to be a deeper meaning.
The middle-aged person and the large male held the second opinion.

“It’s very hard to say with precedent,” The eyes of the middle-aged person flashed as he
said gravely. “Only people that can break convention are true heroes.”

The large male stared at the black-armor troop outside the Golden Crow City. Other
people might feel that this troop was hilarious, but he had seen true elite forces before. This
troop couldn’t be called elite, but it seemed to have a presence that others could not

Other people might not concern themselves with this, but the large male knew it wasn’t
so easy to form such a presence.

This master of Golden Crow City was really talented!

The eyes of the large male became even hotter.


[Hardship Guard] was an extreme mo skill. It wasn’t possible to cultivate unless one had
perseverance. If they could tolerate pain, the progress was far faster than any other mo
skill. When that King first obtained [Hardship Abyss], he had felt it wasn’t bad, but thought
that it didn’t progress quickly enough. He didn’t have the patience to slowly nurture his
personal guards so he had made the appropriate changes to the skill and made the newly
formed [Hardship Guard]. It became a quick mo skill, but the pain involved naturally

To the King, he had countless people. Even if the elimination rate was astounding, he
didn’t care at all.

He probably would never have thought that this mo skill would one day be given to a
group of xiu slaves. These xiu slave had gone through many hands. Those that could survive
were those with resilience. Also, Pu Yao naturally didn’t have any kind of emotions like
pity. To prove the value of Sky Yao, he had furiously urged them on.

Today was the first time the Guard Camp showed themselves.

What did this weird troop want to do?

Just as everyone was puzzled, they saw the organized ranks suddenly spread out. Each
troop was like a stream of water, suddenly turning to ten smaller flows. With thirty six of
them to a platoon, they quickly sprinted among the mountain.
Their speed was very fast, the heavy armor on their body seemed to not affect them at
all. What was most praiseworthy was that even at such fast speeds, the shape of the troop
was not affected at all.

At the top of Golden Crow City, Zuo Mo made a small sound of surprise.

After working with formations for so long, he was abnormally sensitive to formations.
With one glance, he recognized the platoon of thirty six people were maintaining a kind of
battle formation.

His mind moving, he opened his ling eyes.

Above each little troop, black energy shifted like dozens of black serpents swimming
around, brimming with killing intent.

Zuo Mo instantly jumped in fright.

What battle formation was this?

The killing intent in this formation was so heavy that Zuo Mo had never seen anything
comparable. Even the killing intent of Gongsun Cha’s Vermillion Bird Camp was far less
than the Guard Camp’s present battle formation.

As expected, Pu Yao still had a trick up his sleeve!

Zuo Mo rubbed his chin as he thought.

Sweat continued to flow down Shu Long’s head as he heard the daren inside the necklace

“What have you trained? Ah! This is only the thirty six person Little Mo Kill, you’ve
only gotten to this. Then that one thousand people Great Mo Kill, can you even train …

Pu Yao didn’t have any of the composure that he had in front of Zuo Mo. His shouts were
like thunder and made Shu Long’s heart tremble. He was clearly very dissatisfied.

Shu Long’s orders quickly passed to every little team. Everyone’s heart shook. Already
full of desire for battle, they raised themselves to one hundred and twenty percent of their
usual attentiveness.

The killing intent of each platoon became even more tangible. At this time, even the
xiuzhe who didn’t have ling eyes could see the extraordinary aspects.

“Such keen killing intent!” For the first time, the middle-aged person had a shocked
expression. His expression was grave as he said, “This formation has the heaviest killing
intent that this subordinate has seen in life! I wonder who could create such a vicious

“Any formation that can kill people is a good formation!” The large male was very
liberal with this point. He stared attentively at the constant movements of the black armor
camp guards.

The killing intent was tangible. There were black snakes that seemed to be flipping above
the heads of each platoon and inspired fear when looked upon.

The people that had been mocking Zuo Mo before were gaping now as their hearts beat
rapidly. Even though they had not seen this black-armor guard troop’s attack, but just this
shocking killing intent was enough to rob many of their courage.


“As powerful as expected!” Zuo Mo, who possessed the Ling Eye, could see more clearly
than the others. Once they were touched, the killing intent that had turned to black
serpents would instantly coil around the enemy. Each platoon was like a wild beast that
devoured people. Inside the killing formation, the pupils of each camp guard had turned
bloody red, and exuded a terrifying presence. If it wasn’t that they cultivated [Hardship
Guard], and had indefatigable personalities, they would have broken under such dense
killing intent.

Zuo Mo couldn’t help but be curious what it would be like if this battle formation
encountered an enemy. He really wanted to go ask Pu Yao, but if he went to ask at this time,
that guy’s nostrils would face the sky.

He ended the thought. Suddenly, he finally responded. “Didn’t I tell them to go strip the
talismans? What are they rehearsing for?”

Upon second thought, when he looked at the ground full of corpses and scattered
talismans, Zuo Mo instantly was furious. It definitely was Pu Yao that was the culprit.

So much jingshi … …

Just as he was going to swear, he suddenly saw out of the corner of his eye dozens of
sword lights flew in from the horizon.
Translator Ramblings:Question and Answer

Q: One person commented on the use of Moon Chime Sound Storm after everyone was
depleted and not as the first line of defense since the sound storm attack is more powerful.
So it was a waste for the sound storm to be used on a few hundred people and not the
whole bunch and it may have been rash.

A: I do agree that it does seem quite rash but I don’t think it was wasted. It could be that
Zuo Mo was rash and inefficient so he had it attack a few hundred people. But there are
possibly trade-offs in using the sound storm that I think affects how to use these two

First, we don’t know the range of the sound storm but hard lightning works very well as
a long-range attack. The sound might weaken over distance so that could have been a
concern. It is a mid-range or less attack. The formation also requires Lil’ Pagoda’s power to
control and is a one-use technique as Lil’ Pagoda is exhausted by the end of it. That means it
should only be used when it will be most effective. Hard lightning can be produced as long
as the people have the power so it can be used with less care.

Getting the enemy to go through a rain of lightning, and then at the end, setting
off something totally unexpected is a relatively better tactic than setting off something at
the beginning that puts them on their guard and then using something weaker as the
enemy approaches unless it was for intimidation.The sound storm might also be less
effective the more people it attacks at once. In that case, attacking a few thousand people
would result in less effects on each person which might be negligible.

The moon storm is one of Zuo Mo’s attacks and while it is effective here, there are more
in his arsenal so how he uses them depends on what he has left in the future chapters.

Any thoughts?
Chapter 291
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety One – Hong Jun Xuan

Dozens of xiuzhe with flying swords under their feet and their bodies flashing with light,
their faces cold, landed among the Outer Sect disciples. The first among them pointed and
started to scold He Xiang just as he stopped.

“He Xiang! You have guts! Eldest Shixiong was killed! You dare to conceal this and
not report it!”

He instantly ignored He Xiang’s explanation, his face cold as he swept the other elders.
“This seat is Old Forefather’s Second Disciple Hong Jun Xuan. Starting from now, this
seat will be managing the Outer Hall! Anyone that disobeys will be killed!”

The expressions of the other elders all changed, but no one dared to speak up. Many of
them had seen Hong Jun Xuang before.

“This seat will give you a chance to make up for your crimes.” Hong Jun Xuan’s eyes
were filled with killing intent. He pointed at the Guard Camp outside of Golden Crow City
and said darkly, “This seat will permit you to take one thousand people. If you can
defeat this group of country bumpkins, I will pardon your crimes. If any of you do not
dare to fight, then don’t blame this seat for being unmerciful!”

The faces of the elders were ashen.

They didn’t know the battle capabilities of that troop, but the killing intent was so dense
their hearts trembled. They couldn’t gather up any courage when they looked.

“What?” Hong Jun Xuan’s face grew even colder. “You are not willing?”

The other Clear Sky Sect disciples also looked with unfriendliness. If He Xiang and the
others dared to make the slightest move to rebel, they would act.

He Xiang’s face was like ash. He knew that he didn’t have the chance to change anything
now. Clear Sky Sect’s patience with them had reached its limited. He said difficulty, “I’m

There was only one route left to him, seeking life in death.
Hong Jun Xuan and the others wouldn’t give them any other route. As to escape, he never
thought about it. No matter how big Little Mountain Jie was, there wasn’t another place that
would take him in.

Seeing He Xiang speak, the gazes of the other elders were undecided, especially the few
elders with ningmai third stratum cultivation who now had thoughts of fleeing. But the
Clear Sky Sect disciples had encircled them. They also knew that escape would not be so

They silently stood next to He Xiang.

Hate flashed across the eyes of the Clear Sky Sect disciples like Hong Jun Xuan. The death
of Huang Zhuo Guang was like a lightning bolt on a clear day for Clear Sky Sect. These Clear
Sky Sect disciples mostly idolized Eldest Shixiong. The death of Eldest Shixiong, especially
in Little Mountain Jie where they had never felt there was any danger before, was
unacceptable to them.

He Xiang knew explaining would not be useful. He didn’t speak and picked one thousand

The sudden arrival of the Clear Sky Sect disciples instantly caused the battlefield that had
relaxed to become tense again. Everyone’s eyes gathered on Hong Jun Xuan’s body. This
made Hong Jun Xuan feel excited like he had never been before. Eldest Shixiong wasn’t here
so it was now his turn.

He had waited for this day for a long time.

If he could take down this city, control of Little Mountain Jie would land back in the
hands of the sect, his status would rise with this accomplishment and would certainly take
Eldest Shixiong’s place as the new leader of the younger generation of disciples. As to He
Xiang and the others, they were useless in his eyes. If it wasn’t for them, the situation of
Little Mountain Jie would never have gotten to such a terrible state.


“The Clear Sky Sect disciples are like this, they really cannot be cured.” The large male
shook his head, his tone filled with unspeakable dislike.

“He he, those whom the heavens wish to destroy, they first make mad. Daren should
not argue with them.” The middle-aged person laughed lightly.
“That’s true.” The large male nodded, and then had an expression of anticipation.
“That’s a good thing. This way, I can see just where this black armored troop is


It wasn’t just the spectators that saw the change in the Outer Hall. Shu Long had also
noticed it.

His expression instantly became solemn. Glancing at Boss on the top of Golden Crow City,
he conversed in a low voice with the daren in the necklace. “Daren, they seem to want to

“Attack?” The voice of the daren inside the necklace instantly became excited. “Good!
Very good! Kill! Kill all of them!”

Shu Long jumped in fright. This daren’s killing intent was really strong. However, he
didn’t take the words seriously. He examined the situation and saw there was no time to
gather the spoils of victory. He instantly became slightly depressed. Boss had sent them to
scalp, but it seemed that they could not finish the mission now.

Shu Long was very discontent that they could not complete the first mission that Boss
gave the Guard Camp.

But at this moment, he knew what was more important. The other had divided out one
thousand people. It definitely wasn’t to invite them to a meal. He did not hesitate and
ordered for the platoons to gather.

The Guard Camp that had spread out on the ground instantly gathered with Shu Long as
the center. Shu Long seemed to be a great magnet to attract them to him. The heavy black
armor was not a hindrance. Even though they could not fly, but each person’s movements
were nimble. With a few jumps, they returned to the camp formation.

Zuo Mo nodded on the inside as he sat on the lucky cloud. Shu Long was quite
dependable. He didn’t speak, but had the formation battle watchtowers prepare to give aid
at any time. Any troop would be useless in the end if they did not undergo real battle.
Before, he had assumed that the Guard Camp wouldn’t show any results after such a short
period of time. Now, he found that the progress of Guard Camp far had surpassed his
imagination, and instantly felt some confidence.

That short encounter just now had almost consumed all of the battle capabilities of the
Eastern and Western Camps. The aid that the formation battle watchtowers could give was
limited. Zuo Mo could only direct them to hurry and recover ling power.
He was also very curious what powerful moves Guard Camp had.

With his understanding of Pu Yao, if this guy didn’t have a grasp of the situation, he
definitely wouldn’t come out to embarrass himself.

Pu Yao could only ever do one thing, show off!

The Guard Camp merged back with their fastest possible speed. Shu Long did not order
for them to return to the city, but to prepare to welcome the enemy outside the city walls.

“They have their test, and you have yours.”

The words of the daren in the necklace caused Shu Long to pale in fright.

“I’ve taught so much. If you worked hard, you should be able to deal with this kind of
minor situation.”

Pu Yao’s voice didn’t hold any emotion.

“If you can’t deal with it, you don’t need to live. Your Boss might be softhearted, but if
you are useless, you would only be a burden.”

Shu Long wasn’t angry. He was several decades old, and had been a xiu slave for more
than twenty years. What pain hadn’t he encountered, what hadn’t he seen? Daren’s words
were not pleasing to hear but they were not wrong. He tightened the black armor on his
body, and raised his head, determination was the only thing remaining in his eyes.

If they couldn’t deal with something as minor as this, how could they face Boss?

He slowly scanned around him and said in a deep voice, “This is our first battle! I know
everyone has waited for this day for a long time. We cultivated with our lives, for what?
For this battle! Even if we die today, we need to build up the reputation of the Guard

His voice was not loud, but every person in Guard Camp was suddenly full of passion.

Zuo Mo could not hear their words. He looked with shock at the roiling black energy
above Guard Camp suddenly become somewhat stronger. It became as black as ink in his
eyes. Even he couldn’t help but have a strong feeling of danger.

Such a powerful battle formation!

Zuo Mo was stunned. An eerie purple light suddenly lit up in the eyes of the female xiu as
she stared at the Guard Camp.
With his Ling Eyes, he saw threads of black energy sprout out of each camp guard. As the
black energy came out, it would enter the formation, and swim inside the formation. In the
blink of an eye, the formation was filled with countless small threads of black energy.


“Let’s go!” He Xiang said heavily.

The other elders silently took out their flying swords and activated their ling armor.
Behind them, one thousand xiuzhe took out their ling armor and activated it as well.

The sky was once again covered in light of various colors.

Everyone’s gazes once again gathered on these two troops that were going to collide.

Based on strength, the Outer Hall definitely was at an advantage. Their ling armor was
far better than the heavy armor of Guard Camp in the eyes of many xiuzhe. It was the first
time they had seen people use such clumsy and rough heavy armor.

Based on individual power, the Outer Hall was at an even greater advantage. There were
several ningmai third stratum xiuzhe among the Outer Hall elders. As for the Guard Camp?
Even though the scripture they cultivated was very obscure, their individual power was
average, and there was no eye-catching expert.

Many people unconsciously glanced at Zuo Mo and shook their heads

Hong Jun Xuan smirked icily. “Heavy armor, they still think this is thousands of years
ago. They even managed to come up with something like this antique. Who told me that
they are very rich? So many from the Outer Hall have been killed by this group? Trash
is trash. Even if they entered our Clear Sky Sect, they would not be acceptable!”

“Hee hee, that’s true! They can’t compare to Shixiong. It’s easy now that Shixiong is in
command!” a shidi flattered. “Not just Golden Crow City. Even if there was a few more,
Shixiong can easily conquer them!”

Hong Jun Xuan was content. “When we take down this city, everyone’s service will be

“Shixiong is wise!”

“We can only benefit from association from following Shixiong!”

The other shidi flattered Hong Jun Xian. Hong Jun Xian’s ego was satisfied like it never
had been before. He waved a hand. “Let’s see just how useful this group of trash is.”

The other people’s eyes all turned to He Xiang.

“Let’s kill!” He Xiang didn’t waste words, and took his sword to charge at the very front.
The other elders didn’t speak either and tightly followed. The one thousand xiuzhe didn’t
dare to disobey.

Piercing howls sounded in the air.

The light was like rain as they leapt towards the Guard Camp outside Golden Crow City!

Ten li!

No move. The silver flood that everyone had predicted did not appear. This made
everyone feel surprised.

“Maybe the power of the formation battle watchtowers have been used up?” The
middle-aged person was puzzled. “Or the master of Golden Crow City has full confidence
in this troop?”

The large male’s face was both shocked and doubtful. Both possibilities were extremely
likely, but they represented completely different meanings.

He Xiang and the elders had been planning to face the rain of hard lightning, and hadn’t
expected that Golden Crow City did not shoot even one bolt after flying for a while.

This caused them to be overjoyed. Morale exploded!

The elders that had been planning to flee instantly felt assured. The Outer Hall xiuzhe
behind them instantly became confident.

What they were most afraid off was the hard lightning. Now that the biggest threat was
gone, the other side was just some bumpkins dressed in heavy armor. What was there to be
afraid of?

Yes! What was there to be afraid of?

Having seen the hope of survival, He Xian’s desire for battle suddenly boiled. He shouted,
“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

One thousand Outer Hall xiuzhe shouted together, “Killllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!”

Seven li!

Five li!
Three li!


The xiuzhe that were diving down began magnifying with astounding speed in Shu
Long’s vision.

The mo skill ramped up to the limits, Shu Long opened his eyes. In his blood red eyes, a
dash of black energy flashed past like a black knife. He suddenly shouted!


Translator Ramblings: Yes, heavy black armor is antique, just like Pu Yao and his yin fire
beads. Stuff from three thousand years ago. Cultivation civilization development might be
slower, and in some stories, non-existent, but that is us humans going from the Iron Age to
modern times. Actually, I’m not sure how cultivation society can develop. They have
artificial intelligence in the form of weapon spirits, terraforming in the ability to reshape
environments easily, near instant communication, the ability to go into space and cross
galaxies … … Actually, do cultivators breathe oxygen or do they just feed off the energy of
the universe?
Chapter 292
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Two – Little Mo Kill

Shu Long ramped up his mo skill to its limit. Countless threads of black energy rapidly
burrowed inside his body.

His body quickly expanded, forcibly growing more than one chi in height. The weathered
face became vicious and authoritative at this moment, the black armor and red eyes
shocking people’s hearts.

It wasn’t just him. The camp guards beside him all shouted, each of them growing taller.

“What weird scripture is this?” The large male gaped with wide eyes.

“It is not clear.” The face of the middle aged person was serious. “It’s a bit like the
[Ghost General Arrival] of the Ghost Formation Sect, and Divine Staff Beating
Technique of Dhyana xiu. There are many sects that have these kind of secret methods.
They had been glorious during the Thousand Year War, but not many have survived
until now.”

“Why hasn’t more of it remained?”

“This kind of secret method emphasizes killing, with less focus on cultivating the
body and skills that create wealth, like forging or dan-making. It’s natural that they
would decline more quickly,” the middle-aged person explained quickly, his eyes tightly
locked onto the battlefield.

It was another scene in Zuo Mo’s Ling Eyes. Each camp guard was shrouded in black
energy like numerous slender black serpents swimming around their body.

An even higher pitched howl suddenly sounded.

The Outer Hall xiuzhe simultaneously sent out sword energies. Countless sword energies
of various colors were like an enormous and dense school of multicoloured fish howling as
they leapt towards Guard Camp!

The scene of a thousand xiuzhe simultaneously releasing sword energies was very

Those who saw this scene all felt their hearts shake.
After Shu Long’s bellow, all of the Guard Camp sank into a strange silence. The thick
killing intent also disappeared.

At this time, Zuo Mo couldn’t help but have a shocked expression. The black energy was
tightly restrained inside the big formation. It was like a wild beast that was trapped in a
cage. It furiously smashed against the cage. However, Shu Long and the others seemed
familiar with these black energies and dismissed them, staying in their positions, and
allowing them to charge.

It was only when the sword energy attacks had reached their heads that Shu Long had
shouted, “Kill!”

His “kill” was not loud, but it had an unique rhythm, deep and restrained.

The big formation of the Guard Camp suddenly moved. The rampaging black energy
inside the formation seemed to be unwilling to be used. They furiously rampaged inside the
formation, but it was useless. The Guard Camp wearing black armor were expressionless as
they marched with determined steps. As the camp guards quickly marched inside the
formation, an invisible force formed inside the formation, and carried the black energy to

An enormous whirlpool appeared above Guard Camp. The whirlpool darkened at a rate
visible to the naked eye. The dense killing intent once again was revealed!

The sword energies that were like rain in the sky seemed to be attracted by a strong
force and were pulled towards the whirlpool.

The faces of the Outer Hall xiuzhe changed!

They lost control of their sword energies!

How was it possible!

The great majority of them had never encountered such a strange situation before.

The rain of sword energies entered the whirlpool made from black energy and
disappeared without a trace.

The entire battlefield was deathly silent. Everyone looked dazedly at the enormous black
whirlpool that was silently churning above the Guard Camp.

“What … … what is that?” the large male exclaimed in shock.

The middle-aged person was so shocked he couldn’t speak. How was it possible? How
could such a powerful formation appear in Little Mountain Jie?

The master of Golden Crow City truly had extraordinary origins!

If it wasn’t a sect more than seven or eight hundred years old, they definitely could not
possess such a terrifying battle formation. Which sect did this person come from? Why did
he come to Little Mountain Jie? Did he have the same goals as they did?

A hundred thoughts ran through his head, the expression of the middle-aged person was
also uncertain.

Hong Jun Xuan looked at the enormous whirlpool and his expression changed. His
interest in watching flew away.

He Xiang and the others were shocked. The slowly moving black whirlpool above Guard
Camp was like an ancient beast that could consume everything. A thousand sword energies
had silently been swallowed inside.

As expected, there was something strange!

He Xiang gritted his teeth. “Let’s go closer! They cannot stop our flying swords!”

The other xiuzhe had hesitant expressions, but Hong Jun Xuan and the others were
behind them. If they retreated at this time, they would definitely be executed by the sword!
Only by charging forward was there a possibility of survival!

The elders exchanged looks. Without wasting words, they channeled their ling power.

Seeing the situation, the one thousand people behind them could only follow behind.
What reassured them was that they were in the sky, and that strange troop clearly was not
suited to flight so they could not do anything.

If they were careful, and didn’t go near the black whirlpool, there shouldn’t be a problem.

He Xiang led the approach. His heart was slightly drumming. This troop was too strange.
The black whirlpool looked extremely shocking. Their hearts beat rapidly.

Unexpectedly, the whirlpool did not react to them as they neared. Maybe this whirlpool
was only effective against things like sword energies? Everyone’s courage grew a few

They tried to go closer. As expected, there was no effect!

Now their hearts were greatly reassured.

The other people also saw and for some unknown reason, the middle-aged person
unconsciously released a breath. This vicious formation had given him pressure he had
never felt before, pushing on his chest like a heavy rock.

Such a powerful killing formation should not appear in Little Mountain Jie.
Only Zuo Mo could see the profoundness involved. The black whirlpool had became even
bigger after absorbing so many sword energies. Even more terrifying was that the enlarged
black energy passed into the formation. The black energy inside the formation was more
than ten times as dense as it had been,

Zuo Mo couldn’t move his eyes away. For an unknown reason, he suddenly thought of the
Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk’s earth mist. The earth mist had been as heavy as a mountain, and
this black energy was vicious and brutal!

Inside the formation, Shu Long and the others were wrapped in thick black energy. The
threads that had been like snakes before but now it was like they were swimming in black
water. The closer it was to them, the thicker the black energy.

The sound of the black whirlpool was still shocking, but in Zuo Mo’s eyes, it shows signs
of fading.

Was it … …

Zuo Mo’s mind moved.

At this time, Shu Long roared again, “Kill!”

Everyone’s heart jumped. Before they could respond, they heard the one thousand camp
guards roar, “Kill!”

The killing intent that was let loose was like a fierce tiger that had left its cage, roaring
and unstoppable!

The organized troop suddenly spread out. Each platoon was like a ball of black cloud that
spread into the surroundings. At the same time, dozens of black serpents flew out of the
formation, twisting as their barrel thick bodies leapt towards the Outer Hall xiuzhe in the

Hiss hiss hiss!

The stream of serpents hissing made everyone’s scalp prickle.

The spectators only saw dozens of enormous black serpents that were dozens of zhang
long suddenly leaping out of the black whirlpool, baring their black fangs as they charged at
the Outer Hall xiuzhe in the air.

The distance between the two sides was not far. The enormous black serpents were like
arrows leaving the bow. With an unstoppable presence, it charged in front of the xiuzhe.

A blurry black shadow suddenly shot before him, He Xiang’s head rang and then blanked.

He was not the only one. None of the elders managed to react.

A fishy wind blew past. The pain they imagined did not come. He Xiang shook and
suddenly woke up. He found that he was surrounded in a patch of black.

A strange terror filled his heart. He swallowed difficulty. Where, where was this?

Cold and murderous without a hint of life, he seemed to be located in a void. Loneliness
and terror continued to charge at his heart’s defenses like waves.

Calm … … calm … … … he had to remain calm!

This definitely was an illusion!

He Xiang repeatedly told himself and tried to calm down.

A voice full of killing intent suddenly passed into the void.


He suddenly felt an enormous pain from his back. When he lowered his head, he found to
his terror a hand shrouded in black energy had emerged halfway out of his chest.

Why … …

His mind dropped into an endless darkness.


Su Long felt the temperature inside his body was astoundingly high. He seemed to be
burning to ashes. He could only grit his teeth and bear it. It was common to encounter this
kind of situation when they cultivated [Hardship Guard]. Just now, he had activated the
mo skill to kill He Xiang in one blow.

However, he did not have any joy at this moment. There was only a furious desire for
battle in his heart.

He once again raised his palm. His entire palm was wrapped in thick black energy. His
eyes became even more red. A heart-boring pain passed from his right arm, but his arm did
not shake at all.

Any kind of power could not come out of thin air.

To gain power, one had to pay. With a safe scripture, what was paid was time. For a quick
scripture, even though it saved time, it required payment of other things.


A deep roar squeezed out of his chest. He suddenly flipped his palm, his fingers turning
to claws as he grabbed towards a xiuzhe in the air!

A black palm left his hand, and suddenly imprinted on one xiuzhe’s chest and passing
through as though the dazzling ling shield seemed to not exist. This black palm easily
passed through.

This xiuzhe’s body shook, and then his vitality instantly disappeared as he dropped


What the outsiders saw was a very strange scene. When the black serpents were just
going to collide with the xiuzhe troop, they suddenly turned to a ball of black energy, and
covered all of the xiuzhe.

The xiuzhe covered in the black energy seemed to freeze like puppets in the air.

Balls of black energy instantly flew out of the Guard Camp below them and hit the frozen
Outer Hall xiuzhe. The xiuzhe in the sky dropped, like dumplings into a pot. When some
xiuzhe were still dropping from the air, their corpses were already grey and without life.

Pia pia pia!

Outer Hall xiuzhe continued to drop. In a few short breaths, nothing was left in the sky.

No xiuzhe had escaped. The Outer Hall troops had all been defeated again, including all of
their elders. The elders tried to struggle but inside the black energy, they were like
headless flies. They flew randomly, but still could not escape. In the end, they were hit with
dozens of black energy balls .

The entire battle was so short it was unimaginable, so clean and crisp it was terrifying.

One thousand people versus one thousand people!

One side was completely obliterated in the blink of an eye, and the other side had no
fatalities at all. Everyone did not feel shock any more, but instead felt terror! Deep terror!
This group of people dressed in black armor was as terrifying as yaomo!
No, even if it were yaomo, they definitely could not kill one thousand xiuzhe so easily!

Hong Jun Xuan’s face was bloodless, and as white as paper. He unconsciously opened his
mouth but did not produce any sound. At his side, the calves of the other Clear Sky Sect
disciples uncontrollably trembled.

Even the large male and the middle-aged person had fearful expressions.

They … … who were they?

What was that black energy?

What was that battle formation?

Translator Ramblings: No Lil’ Cliffy today!

My reserve of chapters hasn’t recovered from having house guests over. Accumulating
chapters is very difficult.

The Outer Hall and the Clear Sky Sect disciples present right now are overconfident but
like chess, there are only select strategic opening moves. He Xiang only sent a portion of the
people in a first attack which isn’t a bad move since they didn’t know much about Golden
Crow City. It might have been possible that Zuo Mo pulled a rabbit out of the hat and would
have something that could kill all of them at once if all their forces attack the city together.
Hong Jun Xuan is slightly different. He wants to win, but his own forces are the Clear Sky
Sect disciples and not the Outer Hall. He can only use the Clear Sky Old Forefather to
threaten He Xiang to attack the city. But if Hong Jun Xuan sent all of the Outer Hall and was
also defeated, then he would be in big trouble. In terms of numbers, Clear Sky Sect would
be outnumbered, and most importantly, it would be a mark against him.
Chapter 293
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Three – Great Unexpected Wealth

Shu Long bit down hard. The black energy was burning against his body like fire. He
knew what the black energy was, it was killing essence. The [Crow Fiend Mo Killing
Formation] could condense killing essence to wound the enemy, but the killing essence
was like a double edged blade. To wound the enemy, it had to first wound them.

Channeling [Hardship Guard] to his limit, the black energy was slowly being absorbed.
His body uncontrollably trembled all over.

Pain and struggle was the best nutrients or this mo skill.

Different than what others saw, using Little Mo Kill was barely achievable for the present
Guard Camp. In the usual practice, the success rate of Little Mo Kill was not high. But today,
no platoon had failed in activating their Little Mo Kill!

But … …

Shu Long felt threads of black energy burrow into his body like worms and burning
every part of his skin! He didn’t dare to move. He was afraid that if he made the slightest
movement, he would suddenly lose control.

He was not the only one. All the other camp guards were nailed to the ground like
wooden posts. They were covered all over in black energy. They gritted his teeth and bore
it, furiously channeling their mo skill.

“Return to the city immediately.”

Inside the necklace, Pu Yao’s voice was not shouting like he was previously, but with a
rare kind of solemnity.

Shu Long could not speak. He bit down harder, the black energy on his body increasingly
dense. The black energy seemed to show signs of turning to flame. He couldn’t even move
his feet to walk. The black energy increasingly grew heavier in all of Guard Camp.

Zuo Mo also saw the wrongness. Theoretically, the black energy should have dissipated
by now, but the black energy inside the large formation was becoming increasingly heavy.
If this continued, Guard Camp would be consumed by these brutal and sharp killing
“Black Water! Quick!” Pu Yao’s voice suddenly sounded inside Zuo Mo’s head.

Zuo Mo first stilled, and then his expression instantly changed. He flew outside the city,
and sprinkled down Black Water. At this time, he couldn’t care about how valuable Black
Water was. He was afraid that the amount wasn’t enough, and just rained down all the
Black Water he possessed on Guard Camp.

Each drop of Black Water was heavy as lead. With cracking sounds, some landed on the
ground, and smashed out a small hole, dust spraying out.

But when it hit the bodies of the camp guards, it was like landing in sand, instantly
entering their body and disappearing without a trace.

Previously, the Moon Eye Black Water Beast Zuo Mo and the others had killed was three
thousand catties heavy. Zuo Mo had taken as much as one thousand and five hundred
catties of Black Water. All of that one thousand and five hundred catties of Black Water was
raining down on the bodies of the Guard Camp.

Black Water was a frequently used third-grade material, but that did not mean that it
was so cheap.

The Crow Fiend Mo Killing Formation caused everyone to feel terror, but when the
spectators saw Zuo Mo continuously sprinkle down one thousand and five hundred catties
of Black Water, they almost went insane, and felt great pain!

Their eyes were so jealous they were entirely red.

More than a thousand catties of Black Water … …

Was there anyone that was so wasteful?

Looking at the black energy decreasing, the expressions of pain on Shu Long and the
other’s faces decreased greatly, Zuo Mo felt slightly reassured. He suddenly recalled that he
had four semi-spheres of Moon Eye, he hurriedly asked Pu Yao, “Are Moon Eyes useful?”

Pu Yao was slightly surprised. “Moon Eyes are very expensive.”

“So it means they are effective?” asked Zuo Mo.

“Oh, it’s effective.”

Just as Pu Yao’s words landed, Zuo Mo took out the four semi-spheres of Moon Eye.

“Moon Eye!” The spectators did not lack for those that recognized it who then exclaimed.

“Black Water! Moon Eye! He must have killed a Moon Eye Black Water Beast! Very
“That thing is very expensive … … what does he want to do?”

Zuo Mo put the Moon Eyes into the center of his palms and then scrubbed hard. Instantly,
the Moon Eyes turned to a pile of white powder.

All the exclamations suddenly stopped. They looked with abject shock at Zuo Mo’s hands.

Zuo Mo gently channeled ling power into his palms. The Moon Eye power instantly
turned to a ball of white smoke and covered Guard Camp.


“This master of Golden Crow City definitely is of uncommon origin.” The middle-aged
person’s expression was admiring. “I don’t know which sect he is a disciple off. This
person is very generous and has high aims. Daren may want get acquainted with him.”

The large male also had admiration. To say of nothing else, it wasn’t so easy to be so
generous to one’s subordinates. He was confident in the judgment of the middle-aged
person. Without a doubt, the master of Golden Crow City definitely was the heir to an
ancient and hidden sect. Such a vicious formation, such powerful subordinates, these were
things only disciples of those large sects would have. What made him so certain was the
one thousand and five hundred catties of Black Water, and the four semi-spheres of Moon
Eye that Zuo Mo had taken out.

He was too familiar with these motions!

Just this mannerism wasn’t something a small sect could afford to give. Thinking about
himself and his group of people throwing down the thousand jing to get a beauty to
smile,[i] it was embarrassing compared to this person today!

So embarrassing!

The large male made the decision that he would definitely request a meeting with the
Lord of Golden Crow City when this battle finished.

Shu Long and the others knew the value of Black Water and Moon Eye. Mist rose in their
eyes. The black energy almost lost control. They had always been ordered about, beaten,
and sworn at. No one had ever spent so much on them.

Never before … …

The voice of the daren inside the necklace sounded again. “Gather your minds, return to
the city immediately, move slowly.”

Shu Long suppressed the excitement inside. He didn’t say anything, reaching out with a
hand to make a motion towards the others. They slowly moved towards Golden Crow City.
The city gates of Golden Crow City were wide open. Compared to the crispness and
nimbleness when they jumped down from the walls of the city, they were as slow as turtles
at this time and had no presence.

But no one dared to underestimate them. When their eyes landed on Guard Camp, they
would unconsciously hold a hint of terror.

It was this troop that looked as slow as puppets, it was these bumpkins mocked for
wearing clumsy and heavy black armor, that had just destroyed a troop of one thousand

When Guard Camp entered the city, they went directly back to their camp to process the
killing essence, Black Water, and Moon Eyes.

Zuo Mo wasn’t in the mood to face the others, and had the formation battle watchtowers
keep up their guard.

He ran to the residence of Guard Camp and saw the armor-wearing xiu slaves standing
like wooden posts shrouded in black energy. He worriedly asked Pu Yao, “What happened
today? Is there a problem? Right, what formation did they use?”

“Crow Fiend Mo Killing Formation, a type of slightly obscure formation,” Pu Yao said.
“It is the most appropriate to use with [Hardship Guard]. This battle formation was
something it got after killing a mo general.”

“It?” Zuo Mo was slightly puzzled.

“That stele,” Pu Yao said irritably.

“Oh.” Zuo Mo didn’t understand but noted it down. It seemed the gravestone was as
extraordinary as he had expected to be able to kill a mo general. He continued to ask,
“What happened today?”

“The first skill of Crow Fiend Mo Killing Formation is called Little Mo Kill, that’s what
you saw today,” Pu Yao said. “Even though it doesn’t have much technique, the time they
have spent cultivating is too short and it was too hard for them to use.”
“Then what are they doing now?”

Pu Yao was slightly discontent. Originally, he had been planning to show off in front of
Zuo Mo, but hadn’t expected that the other had to come and rescued him. This made him
feel as uncomfortable as though he had swallowed a fly.

Seeing Zuo Mo stare at him, he could only twist his mouth and say, “They have received
good fortune due to this calamity. The killing essence has corroded their body. To other
people, it is fatal, but for them, it is a good chance to make a breakthrough. Since you
have Black Water, and used the Moon Eyes, if they still can’t break through, they are

Zuo Mo’s heart was instantly reassured. He smirked. “I don’t dare to say if they are pigs. I
say, Old Pu, you have to be more reliable in the future. You said you wanted to manage
Guard Camp alone, okay, I immediate consented. But look, after this long, you only
practiced a dumb[ii] formation and a self-mutilation skill. Please, you are a Sky Yao, you
need to take out something acceptable! A person can’t be so miserly, no, no, a Sky Yao can’t
be so miserly. You even needed ge to run over for a rescue! Do you think Black Water and
Moon Eyes doesn’t cost jingshi? Honored Sky Yao, it is very expensive!

Finishing, he didn’t looked at Pu Yao’s white and green face, turned, and left the sea of

Once he came out of the sea of consciousness, Zuo Mo couldn’t stop himself from roaring
with laughter. When he thought of Pu Yao’s green and white ugly expression, he felt his
body was unspeakably comfortable.

After two thousand and five hundred people had fallen outside Golden Crow City, Hong
Jun Xuan who saw it all with his own eyes had to tuck up his tail no matter how arrogant he

He definitely could not accept leaving pitifully like this, but he didn’t dare to mount
another frontal attack. He Xiang and the others had all been killed in this battle. He had
paled just from watching. Where could he get the bravery? Out of helplessness, he could
only set down camp, and slowly brainstorm.

The night came quickly. Golden Crow City that usually was filled with light was pitch
black today. But the camp of the Outer Hall was lit up like it was day. They were afraid of a
sneak attack from Golden Crow City. The xiuzhe that were watching from afar were waiting
for the day to arrive. It seemed like nothing would happen tonight.

Time quickly flowed until midnight.

Suddenly, the city gate of Golden Crow City was pushed open a sliver. Lil’ Pagoda
sneakily peeked out with half of its body, saw that no one was there, before walking out
without any worry. Behind it, a row of copper puppets tip-toed as they streamed out. Each
cooper puppet had a cloth bag on its back

Lil’ Pagoda slowly flew at the front, occasionally looking around. The copper puppets
leapt towards the corpses below with a nimbleness and speed completely opposite its
clumsy bodies.

Their movements were uncoordinated as they tore down the talismans, and ling armor
from the bodies of the corpses, and then put them into the cloth bag on their backs. At the
beginning, their movements were extremely raw, but then they slowly became smooth.

Very quickly, the cloth bag on a puppet’s back was full. At this time, a grey shadow
flashed past its back and flew away with the bag. The copper puppet slowly took out a
second cloth bag and continued to work.

On the morning of the next day when everyone looked at Golden Crow City, they were

The corpses that had been scattered on the mountain were now completely bare.

This … … this … …

Looking at the bare corpses on the mountain, everyone completely lost their abilities to
speak. When Hong Jun Xuan saw this scene, he didn’t know what to say.

So vicious … …

In Golden Crow City, Bao Yi completely sank into mania as he looked at the mountain of
talismans. An exhilarated blush floated on his face, he forgot exhaustion as he started to
sort the talismans.

Lil’ Pagoda was at the side, continuously throwing talismans into its mouth. Before, Bao
Yi had quite an opinion about Lil’ Pagoda swallowing talismans, but he was abnormally
cooperative today. He even took out a large pile of talismans and put them in front of Lil’

When Zuo Mo saw results of Bao Yi’s inventory, it was like someone whacked him on the
head. He felt extremely dizzy.

Rich! They really struck it rich this time!

[i] So the actual phrase in Chinese (千金博美人一笑) roughly translates to “a thousand

gold to gain a beauty’s smile.” The idiom comes from the story of King You of Zhuo who
had a queen with the surname Bo that did not smile. He said that he would pay a thousand
gold to the person that made her smile. Of course he did a lot of other things that ended up
with him deposed. Gold (jin) is changed to jing so it becomes a thousand jing for the smile
of a beauty.

[ii] ] Dumb (傻) and kill (杀) are different tones that are very close to each other and
have the same pinyin but pronounced differently. So Zuo Mo mangles the killing formation
into a dumb formation.

Translator Ramblings: No cliffy at all! Silly Bird and the rest pay for their keep, well,
some of it. The Scalping Corpse Freak makes a reappearance.

There is very little to go on but there’s enough information for me to think Huang Zhuo
Guang was a better leader than Hong Jun Xuan is being right now. Hong Jun Xuan is really
cautious with his life.
Chapter 294
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Four – The Return of Lil’ Miss

The spoils from two thousand and five hundred people was astounding.

Other than large amounts of normal third-grade talismans, there were also twelve
fourth-grade talismans. The elders had been very rich. Of course, that Cloud Formation Silk
naturally wouldn’t have been lost. The number of materials and jingshi were also very
astounding. The spoils this time filled all of the date seed ship.

This was an astonishing amount of wealth.

So when Zuo Mo saw the inventory list Bao Yi gave him, he was turned dumb by such
enormous wealth. However, upon further thought, he felt it was normal. The Outer Hall
xiuzhe were wealthier than the average xiuzhe to start with, and since it was two thousand
and five hundred people at once, the amount could be imagined.

In the next few days, Zuo Mo was immersed in great happiness.


Hong Jun Xuan did not dare to act rashly. He had personally saw the Guard Camp destroy
one thousand people with the flick of a finger. He was especially wary of the deathly black
energy that could ignore ling shields.

He sank into a situation where he could not retreat.

“What good ideas do you have?” He Jun Xuan’s eyes were bloodshot and his voice

The other shidi looked at each other. After a while, a shidi said, “There’s so many xiuzhe
behind Golden Crow City. Why doesn’t Shixiong recruit them? I saw that the state of
those heavy armor xiuzhe wasn’t so well after the battle. Golden Crow City may not be
as strong as we imagine. If we can recruit more people, our chances of victory would
Hong Jun Xuan shook his head. “If we win and order them to submit to us, none of
them would disobey. But now that victory is undecided, they will only watch. They
would only obey if Master came.”

Everyone sank into silence again.

They had been hoping to get some achievements this time. Looking at it now, there was
no hope left. It was a disappointment that they would not get any achievements, but it was
much better than losing their life. The strength of Golden Crow City was beyond their
imagination. Unless Master personally came, they didn’t feel that any faction in Little
Mountain Jie would be able to conquer this little city.

Hong Jun Xuan knew what the shidi were all thinking, but he didn’t have a solution at this
time. It was a great misstep to have come this time. The authority that he had managed to
accumulate would probably be lost this time.

But he was a decisive person. He understood the only solution now was to ask for aid
from Master.

Before Master came, if he could preserve the power of the present Outer Hall, even if he
did not earn any great accomplishments, he would be noted for his work. After thinking it
through, he instantly made his response. “Let’s stay on the defensive. I’ll trouble one shidi
to go make a trip and send a letter to Master for me.”

Several shidi instantly jumped out. They all wanted to leave this nightmarish place faster.

Seventh Shidi happily put away the jade scroll that Hong Jun Xuan handed over, and
made his farewells. He quickly flew into the air and left on his sword. The other shidi were
all discontent, but they didn’t have any way around it. Seventh Shidi flew the fastest among
them all.

Just as everyone was grumbling, a sword light flew at astounding speed towards the

“Hm, why has Seventh Shidi come back?” one of the people remarked in puzzlement.

They saw Seventh Shidi land in the camp with a terrified expression. The moment he
stepped on the ground, he stumbled, his face full of panic. “Second Shixiong! Second
Shixiong! Not good! People are coming over … …”

Boom, the camp instantly became a mess. All of the Clear Sky Sect disciples had
expressions of anger. Had Clear Sky Sect really become a softy for anyone to squeeze? Any
random person could run and shit over their heads? Hong Jun Xuan, who had lost at Golden
Crow City, instantly became angry!

“Hmph! They really dare to rebel against the heavens! After this Golden Crow City,
they all think that they are Golden Crow City!”
The Clear Sky Sect disciples hurriedly agreed. With a rumble, everyone rose into the sky.


After resting from battle for a few days, the xiuzhe in the surroundings had become
slightly bored. Seeing the Outer Hall fly into the sky once again, they instantly became alert.

Were they going to continue to attack Golden Crow City?

Many people secretly shook their heads. Many of them had been thinking, out of
boredom, these days on how to attack Golden Crow City, but they found that this little
Golden Crow City wasn’t something they could swallow. Only two of Golden Crow City’s
cards had been revealed, and they destroyed two thousand and five hundred people from
the Outer Hall. Who knew how many more tricks did they have up their sleeves?

To say of nothing else, just the city walls that exuded a faint solar aura was already
extraordinary. These people had all went inside Golden Crow City to buy Black Processing
Meditation mats. The dense and dizzying formations that could be seen everywhere in
Golden Crow City made many xiuzhe that thought they were skilled in formations feel

If there wasn’t a jindan expert, such a strong city could only be taken using lives.

However, the direction the Outer Hall was facing … … seemed to be opposite to Golden
Crow City.

Everyone watched in astonishment. What was the Outer Hall doing? They saw a seven
hundred or so troop appear in their view and understood. The news that the cadet halls of
the Outer Hall had been attacked had long spread throughout Little Mountain Jie. Many
people speculated this unusually mysterious and strong troop was very likely to be a force
from Golden Crow City!

The six divisions of Vermillion Bird Camp silently floated in the air as they faced the
Outer Hall.

“Such an elite force!” A bright light suddenly exploded in the eyes of the middle-aged
person who couldn’t help but exclaim.

“How so? Their numbers seem too few,” said the large male as he looked with shock at
the middle-aged person. It was extremely rare to hear this person praise others usually. He
hadn’t expected that Golden Crow City, and now this troop, would receive such high praise
in the last few days.
“The only weakness is that there is not enough people!” The middle-aged person said,
“Daren, look closely at this troop. The shape of this troop is not as strictly organized as
the armor-wearing xiuzhe from two days ago, but in reality, it only appears loose on
the outside, but is tight on the inside. This is a quality that would only appear on troops
that are experienced at battle. Facing so many enemies, they are not the least bit
panicked or rushed. This means that they are confident.”

“If this kind of troop is in our sect, what could it rank?” the large male asked in

“It should enter the top ten,” the middle-aged person said gravely.

The large male suddenly changed expression. He finally started to look seriously at this
troop that was only seven to eight hundred people. The top ten troops in his sect were all
famous in their jie. His dream was to possess a troop that could enter the top ten, but up
until now, he was very far from his goal.

People who had keen eyes were not few. The biggest feeling that Vermillion Bird Camp
gave everyone was a pressure that blew straight at them.

They just stood there, yet an invisible pressure unconsciously spread out.


Gongsun Cha glanced at the naked corpses that covered the mountain, a rock inside his
heart landing. Mirth floated at the corner of his mouth. Only Shixiong could create such a
spectacular scene. To not leave even one pair of pants behind, that was the classic style of

Narrowing his eyes to look at the other side, Gongsun Cha smiled again. With his present
eyes, he could see with a glance that the Outer Hall had been greatly impacted, their morale
at a low.

It seemed that Shixiong had been a bit heavy-handed!

When the other people saw the bare corpses under their feet, all of their expressions
were extremely strange.

Zuo Mo received a report that Gongsun Shidi and the others had come back. He hurriedly
climbed onto the lucky cloud, and took the female xiu as he slowly floated into the sky
above Golden Crow City.
Seeing that the expressions of Vermillion Bird Camp were slightly tired, but the morale
was high, and there were no fatalities, a rock landed in his chest. He decided to exchange
greetings with Shidi, but when the words reached his mouth, they instantly changed flavor.

“Shidi! Don’t let go of any of them!”

Zuo Mo shouted at the top of his lungs. His voice echoed in the mountain valleys.

The spectators realized at this time that this troop of seven hundred people was, as
expected, the elite of Golden Crow City. The middle-aged person and the large male’s
hypothesis that Zuo Mo came from a hidden sect was reinforced by this call of “Shidi.”

A thought floated on everyone’s minds. It seemed that the master of Golden Crow City
was full of confidence towards this elite force. He actually didn’t want any of the enemy to
escape. The grievance between Golden Crow City and Clear Sky Sect seemed to grow.
Golden Crow City wanted to massacre the Outer Hall.

As expected, this wasn’t an ordinary person. Just this mannerism was extraordinary.

Zuo Mo then gravely added a sentence, “They are all fat sheep! You can’t let any of
them go!”

Everyone collectively turned to stone. The praise on the face of the middle-aged person
suddenly froze.


Hong Jun Xuan felt he would die from embarrassment. When were Clear Sky Sect
disciples that led five thousand people called “fat sheep” by others, and also “not let any of
them go?”

Humiliation! This was true humiliation!

The faces of the Clear Sky Sect disciples flushed red. They stared hatefully at the
procession of Gongsun Cha. They didn’t dare to attack Golden Crow city. However, a troop
that wasn’t even eight hundred strong dared to be so arrogant in front of them, and said
that they would all be defeated! Even if they went back to the sect now, they could never
raise their heads in front of the other disciples.

“You don’t need me to say anything.” Hong Jun Xuan said darkly, “When has us Clear
Sky Sect disciples been humiliated so?”
“Don’t worry, Shixiong!” A shidi’s face was filled with killing intent. “Leave none of
them standing! We need to let them taste what it is like to leave none of them

“Yes! At that time, we will also strip their corpses!” another shidi viciously said.

Hong Jun Xuan said gravely, “I won’t say too much. If anyone dares to retreat and fear
battle today, I will personally execute them! I believe that even if Master was here, he
wouldn’t blame me!”

“Yes!” everyone’s hearts shook as they responded together.


Rong Wei along with the two hundred compound guards flew as fast as they could. That
troop had been too fast. They had used all their power, and just managed to not lose track
of the troop. The other clearly had an emergency and ignored their group, who followed

After flying for several days and nights, she was exhausted. However, she found it was
unimaginably queer that the troop did not show any signs of exhaustion.

How was it possible? Were they metal people?

When she saw the mysterious and strong troop up ahead, she released a breath. She
hadn’t lost them. After following for so many days, she was finally slightly familiar with this
troop. This was a true elite force. Even if they were in a crowd, she could easily find them.

However, she immediately stilled.

Because facing against this troop was a vast troop of approximately five thousand

Were … … were … … they going to challenge an enemy who had numbers about six times
their own?

How … … how was this possible? Were they crazy? After flying continuously for so many
days, how could they still have the energy?

Gongsun Cha did not notice this gaze that was filled with disbelief behind him. He gave a
shy and bashful smile. The people around him shook simultaneously. These few days, Lil’
Miss’ face had remained cold. Now he was showing his trademark smile, they felt their hair
stand up on end.

“Do you all understand what Boss means?”

“Understood!” everyone instinctively replied.

“Then let’s begin.” In the depths of Gongsun Cha’s shy and smiling pupils, a cold blade-
like light suddenly ignited.

Translator Ramblings: Warlord is back to edit after taking the month off to focus on

The chapter title was a spoiler but it wasn’t as if no one didn’t expect Lil’ Miss to come
back. Thanks to everyone who commented!
Chapter 295
This chapter has been brought to you by me, warlord212, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Five – Battle General!

Vermillion Bird Camp did not immediately act.

They were like patient huntsmen waiting for their prey to reveal a fatal weakness.
Continuous combat had caused them to mature quickly. Not just Gongsun Cha, it was also
true of everyone else. In the present, they didn’t need Gongsun Cha to send down orders.
Every person knew what they should do.

Gongsun Cha’s eyes were sparkling, his face holding the bashful smile that was unique to
him. He clearly had been induced to elation by Shixiong’s suggestion.

Seeing the smile on Lil’ Miss’ face, everyone understood that Lil’ Miss was getting serious.
They hurriedly became one hundred and twenty percent alert and gathered their mind. If
they couldn’t complete it well, then what was waiting for them would be inhumane … …

They collectively shook.

Everyone wiped their eyes clean, and revealed a light that made others feel trepidation.

The first to act was the Outer Hall. The five thousand strong army suddenly divided into
five troops. Two of the troops charged straight forward, and another two circled around to
the flanks.

“They want to surround us?” Ma Fan was stunned.

“Ha!” Xie Shan smiled, filled with killing intent.


Everyone could see that the Outer Hall wanted to swallow this elite force of Golden Crow
City in one go.

“This troop from Golden Crow City is overconfident.” The large male shook his head.
“At least this time, the Outer Hall didn’t do anything stupid. They finally understand
that their greatest advantage is their numbers. If they can bog down this troop, they
can slowly grind them dead.”

The middle-aged person was silent. He didn’t speak, but he agreed with the large male


Naturally, they were not the only ones who could see this. Rong Wei also saw this.

She looked with puzzlement at this troop that was about to be surrounded. After
following for so many days, she had her own opinion about this mysterious troop.

This was a true elite troop!

They were skilled in tactics, had outstanding individual manpower, was well organized,
persistent, and had endurance in combat. How could such a troop make such a common
and low-level mistake? They were elite, but the difference in numbers was truly too great.
In the present situation, their best tactic was to use their own actions to continuously
manipulate the enemy, and find chances to continuously gnaw on them.

But Vermillion Bird Camp seemed to be unaffected about being surrounded.

She felt pity inside. Such an elite troop would die here. She had originally wanted to have
a partnership with the other. Looking at it now, she had to find another way.

Just as the others were feeling pity, Vermillion Bird Camp finally moved!

Without any finesse, the charged directly at the two troops that were flying at them.

Everyone was filled with bewilderment. The two troops that were directly in front of
them added together was nearly two thousand people. It was the direction that had the
greatest number of people, and should have been the least likely choice to make a

But Vermillion Bird Camp chose to directly breakthrough!

Acceleration! Acceleration without any hesitation!

In the sky, tearing howls rose.

Ma Fan and Xie Shan lead the first charge. They instantly attracted everyone’s gaze.
Ma Fan’s illusory movement method was at its highest. The howling in his ears gradually
faded as they were left behind him due to his fast speed! In the sky, a string of afterimages
blossomed, and then were dissipated by the members that followed tightly behind him.

He didn’t need to look to know that Xie Shan was definitely near him. They had
partnered up multiple times and were very in sync with each other.

His speed was so fast he could not even see the faces of the enemy clearly. He bent his
head down, and he focused while the flying sword appeared in his hand

The enemy neared at a shocking speed. The battle intent that was simmering inside his
body reached a peak in an instant, the ling power already prepared erupting out through
the flying sword!

Shadowless Sword of Destruction!

The intimidating sword essence gathered at the tip of each sword energy. With long
afterimages trailing behind, the sword energies flickered bright and dim.

The three xiuzhe targeted by the sword essence changed expression, and fled to the two
sides in panic!

Xie Shan had the highest cultivation, but in terms of talent in the sword and
comprehension of sword essence, Ma Fan was the number one in Vermillion Bird Camp.
Each sword essence would create three to five afterimages that made it hard to determine
which was real and which was not. The sky full of sword energies made a person feel
unable to dodge. The dot of sword essence at the tip of each sword energy was extremely
pure and unable to be destroyed.

When every Outer Hall xiuzhe faced it, it felt as though the sword energy was pointed
directly at their brow. Their hearts were stunned.

The Outer Hall xiuzhe retreated to the two sides like a retreating tide everywhere Ma Fan

The ling power of Xie Shan’s body was channeled to the extreme. The pressure exuded
by a terrifying cultivation of over one hundred and eighty jing was enough to drive a
person insane. The Outer Hall xiuzhe suddenly thought of that terrifying ningmai third
stratum xiuzhe that had almost destroyed Nan Sheng Village on his own.

The spectators rumbled and flew into the sky to looked with shock at the battlefield.

Each person could clearly feel the waves released by Xie Shan. A ningmai third stratum
xiuzhe with a cultivation surpassing one hundred and eighty jing was the peak existence in

However the middle-aged person next to the large male favored Ma Fan more.

“It is rare for someone so young to possess such a pure sword essence. In the future,
he would easily become an expert. If there is a chance, it is good to recruit him.”

The large male disagreed inside. In the sect, there were many shidi who possessed such
power. He lacked interest in Ma Fan.

The middle-aged person knew that the large male was thinking, and sighed inside. In his
view, the fact that Ma Fan could cultivate such a pure sword essence in such an
environment was enough to prove his outstanding talent. The disciples from the sect were
good in their strength, but how much lingdan and wondrous medicines had been used to
build that up?

However, he did not persuade further.


Another who had the same view as the middle-aged person was Rong Wei. However, she
knew the power of Vermillion Bird Camp and did not have any intentions of recruiting the
other. However, the shock she had increased. This troop was filled with all sorts of talents,
and was even more powerful than she had imagined.

She suddenly glanced at the male that was floating on the lucky cloud above Golden Crow
City. Just now, she had heard him shout “Shidi.” Was he the one in charge? When her gaze
landed on the mask wearing female xiu next to the male, she had a strong feeling that the
power of this female xiu wasn’t simple, though she could not see it.

This group of people were not simple!


The expressions of the Clear Sky Sect disciples were all ugly. The strong combat abilities
shown by Ma Fan and Xie Shan caused the Outer Hall xiuzhe to retreat. No one dared to
block them for an instant.
Quickly, four Clear Sky Sect disciples charged at the two people at the same time.

Xie Shan snickered, the flying sword in his hand rising as he suddenly accelerated. His
entire figure turned into a smear of multi-colored light as he charged towards the four!

In sync, Ma Fan’s figure swerved and left the four people behind but still charging
forward. Behind him, Nian Lu instantly took his place. Beside Nian Lu, Lei Peng had a
snarling smile as he charged at the four Clear Sky Sect disciples that Xie Shan was covering.
Beside Lei Peng, the other expects all moved forward, brimming with murderous intent.

They didn’t give anyone the chance to fight on their own. Taking advantage of Xie Shan
trapping the disciples, the sabre and sword energies of Lei Peng and the others silently
flashed by.

A line of blood simultaneously appeared on the throats of the four people.

Their eyes were wide, terror frozen on their faces as if they wanted to say something.

No one paid attention to them. None of the xiuzhe from the Sky Peak Platoon looked at
the four Clear Sky Sect disciples and raced passed them.

Having gotten rid of what was behind him, Ma Fan was alone as the head of the arrow.
His wrist shook and the sword energies that had been prepared long ago, pew pew pew,
were like a sword energy rain. Everyone suddenly felt their vision light up. The sword
energies carried a sky-covering presence as the keen sword essence covered everything.
Everyone felt their scalp prickle, and their expressions changed.

Their minds stolen away, they instinctively dodged.

Sky Peak Platoon was like a burning hot blade slicing through butter. Without any
resistance, it easily divided the troops in two.

What was following tightly after was the six divisions of Vermillion Bird Camp.

Different from the unparalleled keenness of Sky Peak Platoon, what the six divisions
displayed was power. If Sky Peak Platoon was a sharp knife, then the six divisions were six
heavy hammers, thirty thousand catties heavy, and unable to be stopped!

In front of the six divisions, the two thousand people were like paper-mache, and easily
penetrated. When they passed, they left behind a straight line of bloody rain.

In the blink of an eye, the situation of the battlefield instantly reversed. Everyone gaped.

Having broken through and messed up the ranks of the two thousand people at the front,
the advantages of the two sides instantly reversed. At this time, Vermillion Bird Camp held
the advantage.
This … … this … …

Countless people gaped. They looked dazedly as Vermillion Bird Camp broke through the
ranks of two thousand people in an instant. That was two thousand people! That number
was three times that of Vermillion Bird Camp!

The xiuzhe that lost organization were like headless mosquitoes moving in random
directions. It was useless no matter how Hong Jun Xuan shouted and raged.


The faces of the large male, the middle-aged person, and Rong Wei changed at the same

Their eyes were keener and more acute. The collision between the two sides had just
been a short instant, but this short instant had given them too much of a shock, and too
much content that they needed to digest.

More than ten xiuzhe that comprehend sword essence!

If it was just based on numbers, the large male shouldn’t be so shocked. There were
many disciples inside the sect that comprehend sword essence. But those were disciples.
When these disciples entered the battalions, they were the backbone.

To use experts that comprehended sword essence to specially construct a little troop for
charging … …

He had never heard of such a thing, much less seen it.

It was too luxurious!

The large male felt he was almost going insane. He started to doubt. Was his sect really a
large sect? Why did he feel he was poor?

Rong Wei looked at the chaotic battle field in the air. She had made a high estimate
previously about the combat abilities of this troop of seven hundred or so people, but after
seeing them fight with her own eyes today, she found that she had greatly underestimated

Battle general!

This was definitely a troop that possessed a battle general, and a battle general that was
not of a low-rank.
The brutal and sharp charge was like a blade that accurately dismembered the opponent.
The cooperation and support between each troop, including their advancing paths and the
timing of attack was flawless!

Rong Wei felt cold sweat stream down. The Marquis had done his best to teach her. She
had also learned how to be a battle general. Otherwise, the Marquis would not have sent
her on this mission.

As early as when she was fifteen, she had received the Green Bronze Battle General
Medal from the licensing office. Her talent had been astounding.

Comparing herself to that young person, she secretly rejoiced that she hadn’t hung that
Bronze Battle General Medal on her waist.

She looked from a distance at the young person that was tightly guarded in the middle,
and felt it was hard to comprehend. From childhood, what she had heard the most of were
praises of how talented she was. Today, she had personally seen a young person who
wasn’t much older than her, but was much more skilled than she was.

Gongsun Cha did not detect that someone was looking at him. His eyes were like stars in
the night spreading a glowing light.

Constantly paying attention to the changes on the battlefield, he suddenly spoke.

“Prepare to begin.”

Translator Ramblings: There is five troops, two at the flanks, two attacking from the
front, and one at the back coughClearSkySectdisciplescough.

I like how Gongsun Cha’s ragtag army of sword xiu is such a blow to the worldview of
Rong Wei and the large man. But it is survival of the fittest. Only the relatively strong
survived the chaos, then there was Lil’ Miss’ training camp, then there was the sword
formation, so these people are strong for their category.
Chapter 296
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Six – Silver

After such a charge, over five hundred of the two thousand people had been killed.

“Scum,” Lei Peng’s voice was full of scorn as he said and continued, “So many people but
they can’t even stop one wave.”

Nian Lu said unconcernedly, “Isn’t this better? Otherwise, we would need to have
spent more effort. Careful that we can’t finish Boss’ mission.”

“We’re really going to kill all of them?” Lei Peng grumbled.

“You think? Don’t think you can get out of it!” Nian Lu brushed the bangs in front of his
forehead as he said, “Boss said it in front of this many people. If we can’t finish, hee hee.
We cause Boss to lose face, that means we cause Lil’ Miss to lose face. If we lose Lil’
Miss’ face, you don’t need me to say the rest.”

“I know that.” Lei Peng adopted the mannerism of one looking for defeat. ”I just feel that
there is no joy in defeating this kind of enemy.”

“Enemy? Oh, you are wrong, they are just fat sheep. The pleasure in killing fat sheep
is to strip them, not defeat them.”

The two didn’t have the time to chat. Lil’ Miss’ orders quickly passed over. The two
rapidly gathered their minds and turned around.

Vermillion Bird Camp that had just thrust their way to the back lines of the enemy had
suddenly turned and charged back.

The chaotic mess of over one thousand xiuzhe that had just been scattered by the charge
instantly started to wail. Lacking effective organization, they ran in all directions in panic.

But there was no place to escape. They immediately met the Vermillion Bird Camp
xiuzhe that had already sneaked their way to the flanks. After a few dozen were killed in a
row, the rest of people were scared half to death and turned to run.

The platoons that swam at the ranks did not pursue them. They were only responsible
for herding the xiuzhe that were preparing to flee back into the big group.
The Vermillion Bird Camp that had turned back to kill seemed to be herding sheep as
they continuously herded the one thousand people that had been robbed of their courage.


Hong Jun Xuan’s limbs felt cold, his expression hopeless as he stood dazedly in the sky.
He continuously saw the Outer Hall xiuzhe move past him, their faces filled with terror and
hopelessness. All of his set up had been disrupted. The Outer Hall xiuzhe that came flooding
into the remaining three troops.

Terror quickly spread. The troops that had already had low morale instantly collapsed,
they had been routed.


On top of the lucky cloud, Zuo Mo looked at the chaotic battlefield. He couldn’t help
shaking his head, and said, “This kind of troop is only strong on the surface.” He then
smiled, and snickered, “It’s all ours.”

The female xiu stood by him like a wooden mannequin.

Zuo Mo actually was just talking to himself. He didn’t hope that the female xiu would give
a response. If the female xiu suddenly talked, he would definitely be scared.

The Vermillion Bird Camp’s simultaneous shouts of “Surrender to not die” could be
heard from far away. The hopeless Outer Hall xiuzhe all surrendered so easily that even
Zuo Mo was shocked.

The direction of the entire battle was unexpected to everyone. Even Zuo Mo and Gongsun
Cha almost couldn’t believe that more than four thousand people could give up resisting so
easily, and collectively surrender.

The other people were stunned.

The middle-aged person was the first to respond. He shook his head and sighed. “What
the Outer Hall does is not righteous in the end. A troop constructed in this manner had
nothing to speak in terms of discipline. There’s no problem usually, but if they
encounter danger, they cannot withstand a single blow.”
The large male objected, “If it is the elite from our sect, it is unknown who will win.”

The middle-aged person smiled while he spoke, “The elite from the sect can compare to
this troop, but what about the battle general?”

The large male stilled. A thousand soldiers were easy to obtain, but one general was hard
to request. It was hard to raise a battle general. There were rarely those that could come
out of the wild. Only large sects would be able to educate some. Of all the licensing offices,
the battle general licensing office was always the least populous, but after the incident at
Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie, the battle general classes were as common as rain.

Of course, those were just to con people of jingshi.

But from the side, it was possible to see the desire of all sects regarding battle generals.
Presently, battle general had become the most popular and employable profession. The
sect had three or five battle generals, but they only had Bronze Medals.

The battle general of this troop definitely was not just a Bronze ranked general.

The level above Bronze Medal was the Silver Metal. Each Silver battle general was a
rarely found talent. The price to recruit a Silver battle general was even higher than a
jindan sword xiu.

Was he a Silver battle general … …

The large male stared at Gongsun Cha’s bashful and delicate face. He almost couldn’t
believe it.


Rong Wei was just as shocked as he was. However, Rong Wei wasn’t just postulating, she
was sure of it. She herself was a Bronze battle general, and had a more accurate judgment
of Gongsun Cha’s skill.

This young person with a shy and bashful smile like that of the neighbour’s little boy
definitely was a Silver ranked battle general!

Clear Sky Sect really kicked a metal board this time!

Rong Wei stared at the battlefield without a word. Behind her were the shocked faces of
the compound guards.
Her gaze suddenly landed on the black young person sitting on the lucky cloud. That was
the master of Golden Crow city. She imperceptibly furrowed her brows. The master of
Golden Crow City seemed to be admiring the bare feet of the female.

She hadn’t expected him to be a lusty person.

She felt pity inside. The future of such a young Silver battle general was unlimited, but he
was under the command of such a lusty person. She felt great regret.


Zuo Mo stared at the perfect bare feet of the female xiu, saying to himself, “Tell me, will
Clear Sky Forefather come this time?”

After the previous experience with the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk, Zuo Mo’s relationship
with the female xiu had unconsciously became closer. Even he didn’t seem to realize it.

The bare feet of the female xiu would unconsciously attract his attention. At the
beginning, he had been slightly embarrassed, but afterwards, he found that the female xiu
did not care at all, so he did it openly.

This was in pursuit of beautiful things! Zuo Mo’s reason was righteous.

“He should probably come soon.”

Zuo Mo didn’t move aside his eyes as he spoke to himself.

“Clear Sky Old Forefather … …”

The female xiu was silent.

Gathering the spoils was a very familiar practice for Vermillion Bird Camp. Bao Yi also
hurried out of Golden Crow City to help. It didn’t even take two hours for all of the captives
to be completely stripped clean.

The spectating xiuzhe all watched with burning eyes. They wanted to go and get some
benefits as well. However, after just seeing the strong combat capabilities of Vermillion
Bird Camp, no one dared to act.

When Hong Jun Xuan and the other Clear Sky Sect disciples were taken to Zuo Mo, each
of them only had their pants left.
“If you dare to even harm one of our hairs, the Old Forefather won’t have mercy on
you!” a Clear Sky Sect disciple said severely.

Crazy, Zuo Mo rolled his eyes. Look at the situation, saying these words, did he not want
to live?

Hong Jun Xuan suddenly shouted at this disciple, “Shut up!”

He dismissed the disciple and turned to Zuo Mo to say, “We are all core disciples of
Clear Sky Sect. If Sir can give us a way to survive, we are willing to pay an appropriate

Zuo Mo’s eyes lit up. Nothing was more attractive to him than jingshi, but his mouth
went, “Oh, but you do not have anything right now.”

“Please give me a paper crane. This one believes the price will definitely satisfy Sir.”
Hong Jun Xuan recovered his previous calm.

Zuo Mo thought, and then shook his head.

“Why?” Hong Jun Xuan instantly started to panic. If the other did not agree, then his little
life was in danger. He thought the other was unsatisfied. “Two hundred pieces of fourth-
grade jingshi? This price … …”

The shidi in the surroundings all inhaled sharply as they looked in disbelief at Second
Shixiong. None of them had expected Second Shixiong to be so wealthy.

Where had Second Shixong gotten this much jingshi from?

Zuo Mo still shook his head.

“And half of the profits from the Outer Hall!” Hong Jun Xuan said painfully, “Sir should
also know how much the Outer Hall can earn in a year. If Sir allows us to survive, the
Outer Hall is still under our control … …”

“Second Shixiong, you’re crazy … …” a Clear Sky Sect disciple couldn’t resist saying.

“Shut up!” Hong Jun Xuan’s face was black, tendons bulging. “Do you want to die here?”

The other people instantly stopped talking.

Hong Jun Xuan was like a gambling addict that had lost everything. He looked at Zuo Mo.
“How about it?”

Zuo Mo still shook his head.

“What do you want?” Hong Jun Xuan was almost going insane.
“To kill Clear Sky Old Forefather,” Zuo Mo said calmly.

All the Clear Sky Sect disciples first stilled and then laughed as though they had heard an
impossible joke.

Hong Jun Xuan almost couldn’t breathe from laughing so hard. After a while, he stopped,
and said with a mocking smile, “Don’t joke. You want to kill Old Forefather? Just you
guys? I feel that you should consider my previous suggestion.”

Zuo Mo said with interest, “Oh, what? Our power isn’t enough?”

“It’s not just that it isn’t enough.” Hong Jun Xuan said with a cold smile, “Old
Forefather has jindan cultivation, his power limitless. You may have some power, but
in front of Old Forefather, you basically have no room to move. How about it? Consider
my suggestions, people have to be realistic.”

A hint of pride unconsciously came onto Hong Jun Xuan’s face.

Zuo Mo did not have any interest in wasting words with them. He turned and left.
Everyone’s perspective was different. Hong Jun Xuan and the others could not understand
many of his thoughts. He waved his hand without turning his head. “Don’t keep these
people, make sure they won’t come back to haunt us in the future.”

Hong Jun Xuan and the other’s faces instantly turned as pale as paper.


After such an encounter, Golden Crow City’s name had truly spread through Little
Mountain Jie. The rise of this group of people and this city was completely without warning.
No one knew their origins.

But even the dumbest person knew that the final battle between Golden Crow City and
Clear Sky Sect was coming.

No matter if it was the Black Processing Meditation mat or this big battle made it so the
two could only fight to the death.

After this great battle, the gates of Golden Crow City remained tightly shut and under
heavy guard. No one knew what was happening inside the walls. The sounds of explosions
occasionally came from inside the city. Some xiuzhe that were daring desired to fly up into
the sky to look, but they were almost killed by the hard lightning released by the formation
battle watchtowers.
The Golden Crow City that was entirely preparing for battle made the other xiuzhe feel
the tenseness of the situation even more. There was no one within one hundred li of Golden
Crow City. Even though they wanted to see with their own eyes like they did previously the
great battle that was coming, but they didn’t dare this time.

Coming from Clear Sky Sect this time would only be one person, Clear Sky Old

–– The only jindan remaining in Little Mountain Jie!

The following days were cloudy and unspeakably foreboding.

A storm was approaching.

Translator Ramblings: Battle generals have their rankings but the author did an oopsie
on the naming. In this chapter, it is “moon silver” but over the rest of the story, he always
used “white silver.” Then there is “green copper” before that, and in the future, these is
“yellow gold.” To simplify things, and to avoid having to figure out if it is moon silver or
white silver, I am just using bronze, silver and gold. It is also somewhat superfluous to
repeat the color of the metal for silver and gold. Bronze is copper with tin added and it
turns green if buried which is what the Chinese used to name bronze.

Poor Hong Jun Xuan. He doesn’t get it.

Chapter 297
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Seven – Hardship Guard Armor

“Good! Good! Good!” Clear Sky Old Forefather said the word “good” repeatedly,
unrestrained killing intent spilling out around him. In the sky above Clear Sky Sect, the
clouds and wind suddenly changed. The black clouds were dark like lead. All over the sect,
all the disciples shook in fear.

“I had never thought that the line of succession of Clear Sky would end in my hands.”
Clear Sky Old Forefather looked at his palms that were smooth like those of an infant, his
voice as calm as water, but the killing intent in the surroundings was becoming increasingly
heavy. He raised his head, his eyes cold. “I was just in seclusion for a few months, yet so
much has changed. The heavens! Even if it is the will of the heavens, they cannot stop
this Old Forefather!”

He stood and his eyes scanned the disciples that were standing with their heads bowed
below him. “If I have still not come back in ten days, you shall all run for your lives.”

When he finished, he did not wait for anyone to react before disappearing from the hall.


The atmosphere inside Golden Crow City was nervous.

In the sky above Guard Camp, a black energy covered the sky and did not dissipate for
days. The xiuzhe from Vermillion Bird Camp guarded the gate. Their eyes all held hints of
shock. The sharp killing essence was so thick that even they did not feel comfortable.

They could not understand how those weak xiuzhe slaves could become so terrifying
after just a few months.

Zuo Mo nervously looked at the field and the rows of camp guards lined up in rows. After
returning back to Golden Crow City that day, Shu Long and the others had maintained this
position motionlessly for ten days.

The thick killing essence on their bodies made them look like the gods of slaughter that
came from hell.
The black energy around each person was restlessly moving. Shu Long’s black energy
was so thick that it was not possible to see his figure or features, they were completely
covered by the black energy.

“Are they alright?” Zuo Mo was very worried.

“If they can make it through, then they’ll be fine. If they can’t, then all that is left for
them is death.” Pu Yao’s voice was unconcerned, but Zuo Mo could still heard the thread of
nervousness contained inside.

“All of this killing essence needs to be completely absorbed into the body?”

“En, no one knows everything about the profound mysteries of essence. Mo

emphasize slaughter, and their killing essence is the strongest. Their killing essence
can become tangible, which is quite a coincidence. However, for them, this opportunity
to make a breakthrough is slightly early. I don’t know if they can make it through.”

At this time, Shu Long’s body suddenly started to tremble, the black energy that
shrouded his body fiercely moving restlessly.

“It has started!” Pu Yao exclaimed. Zuo Mo’s heart rose.

The black energy was like slender worms that continuously burrowed into Shu Long’s
body. Shu Long’s shaking increased in magnitude.

“Killing essence corroding the body is the most difficult barrier.” Pu Yao stared fixedly
at Shu Long and said rapidly, “Their bodies are naturally weak. If they want to keep
cultivating, they must get through this gate. If that guy was still alive, this would
actually be the simplest matter … …”

Zuo Mo didn’t dare to move away his eyes. People were not plants, it was impossible to
be emotionless upon familiarity. No matter what thoughts these xiu slaves had, he could
clearly feel the trust they had in him. Every single one of them were willing to put their
lives on the line for him.

The battle outside Golden Crow City had proven this.

It would be false to say he was not moved. No matter what, he didn’t want anything to
happen to Shu Long and the others. These last few days, any materials and talismans that
were necessary, no matter how expensive, as long as he had it, he unhesitatingly gave it to

He didn’t dare to have great hopes for their breakthrough. He hadn’t cultivated for a long
time, but he still understood the importance of a solid foundation in cultivation. Shu Long
and the others had very shallow foundations. The possibility of a breakthrough was not
high. He only hoped that nothing bad would happen to them.
No matter how great of a favor he did for Shu Long and the others, they had fought using
their lives for him once. Zuo Mo felt that they had repaid him. Even more, he had never felt
that he had done any great favors for Shu Long and the others.

Shu Long’s body shook like dice. The black energy streamed through his nostrils and his
skin. The black energy around his body became faint, and his features started to gradually
become clear.

Zuo Mo couldn’t help but make a sound of surprise.

Shu Long’s features had changed greatly. The weariness on his face had disappeared, the
wrinkles had disappeared. He appeared much younger. The skin was black and shiny like
they had been polished with oil.

Zuo Mo was filled with wonderment. When Shu Long was young, he had been very

A high nose, a knife-sharp brow, a structured face, deep-set eyes, and tightly pressed lips.
The flavor of weariness had disappeared to be replaced by a feeling of deep maturity.

At his forehead, there was a black crystal.

Zuo Mo noticed that sometime ago, Shu Long’s outside was covered by a suit of shiny
black armor. The black armor was connected with his body, tightly pressed against his
body, and almost enclosing his whole body. Pia, the black heavy armor was brutally pierced
through sheer pressure.

Compared to the Golden Armor Guards, Shu Long’s black suit of armor was tighter, and
more exquisite. It gave the feeling of stability yet was filled with strength.

“Guard armor!” Pu Yao’s voice was filled with surprised joy.

“What is guard armor?”

“When [Hardship Guard] is cultivated to a certain level, they will create guard
armor. This suit of armor has many abilities. When their cultivation deepens, they will
be much stronger!” Pu Yao said excitedly, “When they break through to the next level,
they could gather killing essence to form weapons. By that time, hee hee … …”

Zuo Mo’s heart was filled with joy. He felt happy for Shu Long.

Shu Long’s breakthrough seemed like a signal. The other camp guards successively
created their guard armor.

This process continued for ten whole hours. In these ten hours, Zuo Mo didn’t dare to
leave for an instant.
When the last camp guard finished his breakthrough, Shu Long’s tightly-closed eyes

The gaze was as bright as a star and as deep as a star was distant.

He lowered his body in a bow, a greeting that Zuo Mo had never seen before.

“In the name of the Hardship Guard, to follow Daren, never leaving or abandoning!”

Shu Long’s voice was completely different than before, deep and resonant, pleasing to
the ear.

“In the name of the Hardship Guard, we follow daren, never leaving or abandoning!”

One thousand Hardship Guards bowed at the same time.

Zuo Mo was stunned.


Rong Wei hadn’t retreated far away like the other xiuzhe. She was looking from a
distance on a peak. On a peak nearby there was a large male and a middle-aged person.
Other than that, there were some other scattered xiuzhe, the great majority of which were
ningmai third stratum xiuzhe.

It was a rare chance to personally see jindan fight.

This wasn’t guidance, or sparring, but a battle to the death.

Up until now, no one had seen the mysterious master of Golden Crow City fight. The only
offensive move would probably be activating the Skyring Moon Chime Formation.
However, other than seeing that his skill in formations was extremely deep, it was not
possible to see anything about his power.

It would be seen in this battle.

Rong Wei had other thoughts. Truthfully, she didn’t favor the master of Golden Crow
City. Clear Sky Old Forefather was a person that even the Marquis was slightly wary of. His
power was not so simple.

Only xiuzhe that knew jindan would know how strong a jindan was. To say of nothing
else, but the movement speed would leave ningmai in the dust was enough for a jindan to
be undefeatable. The difference in casting spells was a difference in the nature of power.
Fighting using numbers was not something that could be used against jindan. This meant
that Golden Crow City was fated to only defend. It also meant that Clear Sky Old Forefather
would always have the initiative.

It was a terrifying matter for a jindan that had the initiative and did not lack attacking

Rong Wei definitely would not enter into this battle. She didn’t have any qualifications.
However, if Golden Crow City was defeated, based on the Marquis’s face, she may be able to
save that Moon Silver battle general. It would be too much of a pity if such a young Moon
Silver battle general died here.

And if she took the chance to recruit him … …

That was the idea she had.

She reflexively looked at the large male and the middle-aged person nearby. She detected
the origins of these two would not be small. Inside, she hoped that these people did not
have the same idea that she did.

Otherwise, another battle of slaughter could not be avoided. Even more importantly, if
the Old Forefather discovered that young person was a Silver battle general, they didn’t
have to think of the matter anymore. Old Forefather would either recruit him or kill him.

There was no reason to let such a talent work under someone else.

This plan would only succeed if Clear Sky Old Forefather was ignorant.

Suddenly, a wave rippled across the sky in the distance. A vast presence that could not be
stopped covered all of Sky Star Mountain range

Everyone’s expression changed. They felt their body freeze, and were shocked.

He had come!

The golden light of Golden Crow City suddenly brightened, countless golden energies
leaping up and swimming like fish. They moved to cover the sky above Golden Crow City.
Each formation battle watchtower lit up with silver lights. In a blink of an eye, all thirty six
formation battle watchtowers were alight. A golden hoop rose into the sky spreading a
burning golden light. Countless golden threads dangled off, and a faint Buddhist chanting
could be heard.

Clear Sky Old Forefather seemed to appear out of nowhere in the sky above Golden Crow

Hair loose, he looked to be in his forties, but his skin was like that of an infant. A snowy
white robe was carelessly tied on his body.
He faintly glanced at the people hiding at a distance to watch the fight.

Everyone felt their hearts uncontrollably jump, and were even more shocked.

The authority of a jindan was fierce!

“Little Miss Rong, is the Marquis well?” the Clear Sky Old Forefather faintly opened as
though he was speaking of daily activities.

Rong Wei could only come out. “With the good fortune of Old Forefather, Marquis is

“Oh, then why is Marquis trying to fight for this little jie with me?” Clear Sky Old
Forefather’s voice was still faint.

Rong Wei felt her breathing stop and almost fell. Her scalp pricking, she could only say,
“Old Forefather is joking. With Old Forefather here, Marquis won’t disturb you.
Marquis only heard that Stars in Daytime has appeared in Little Mountain Jie, and sent
this servant to investigate. Before coming Marquis had especially ordered this servant
to first inform Old Forefather.”

“Oh, so that’s how it is,” Old Forefather nodded, “after this matter, I will go visit the
Marquis. If you wish to see this battle, go back fifty more li.”

The tone that Clear Sky Old Forefather spoke to her was very warm, but for some
unknown reason, Rong Wei’s heart froze. She didn’t dare to hesitate, and hurriedly
retreated fifty li back.

“Everyone else, retreat one hundred li,” Clear Sky Old Forefather said lightly, “in ten
breaths. Otherwise, don’t blame this Old Forefather for being impolite.”

The atmosphere in the air was instantly as heavy as mountains.

The other people were even more shocked and retreated in panic. The large male and the
middle-aged person’s expressions couldn’t help but change. They exchanged a look, and
retreated at the same time.

No one dared to disobey a jindan.

At this time, Clear Sky Old Forefather’s gaze casually turned to Golden Crow City.

Translator Ramblings: The point of view switch was very abrupt for this chapter but we
finally get Clear Sky Old Forefather out of his seclusion!

This time, it definitely is a Lil’ Cliffy.

Cultivation makes you young again! The most extreme makeoever. No need for expensive
treatments no more injections, no more painful surgeries! Regain your youth in five simple
steps at almost no cost at all!
Chapter 298
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Eight – Insanity

“Who killed Zhuo Guang?”

Clear Sky Old Forefather’s voice was not loud but could be heard from far away.

With Clear Sky Old Forefather stalking outside, Zuo Mo didn’t dare to idly relax on the
lucky cloud like he did previously. However, this did not stop him for feeling scorn.

“Ge finally knows why the people from Clear Sky Sect waste so many words. It starts
at the top.”

Snort, several people couldn’t resist laughing out loud. The tense atmosphere instantly

Zuo Mo may have been speaking so, but he was actually very nervous inside. Wu Kong
Sword Sect had four jindan experts but he had never seen any jindan expert release their
presence without any restraint. Even that day that Wei Sheng entered zhuji, Xin Yan Shibo
had not used all of his power.

The pressure Clear Sky Old Forefather gave Zuo Mo was like a whole mountain pressing
down. He almost couldn’t breathe.

Jindan was just as terrifying as he expected!

He didn’t have any interest in wasting words. Since the two had gotten to this step, they
didn’t need any excuse to fight. What “first diplomacy, then war,” wasn’t that just

“Formation battle watchtowers, attack together!” Zuo Mo gritted out the order.

The silver light of the thirty six formation battle watchtowers exploded!

Hundreds of bolts of hard light covered Clear Sky Old Forefather like raindrops.

“Slightly interesting.” Clear Sky Old Forefather smiled easily, his figure suddenly
disappearing from his spot.

Hundreds of hard lightning bolts missed and vanished into the sky.

Hiss, Zuo Mo couldn’t help but inhale!

Such a fast speed!

His consciousness could not catch Clear Sky Old Forefather’s speed! It was the first time
he had encountered a situation like this. The other xiuzhe in Golden Crow City all paled.

No one could keep up with the speed of Clear Sky Old Forefather!

He was so fast that even the hard lightning was slightly slower.

Even Zuo Mo had predicted that this battle would be extremely difficult, but it seemed
the level of difficulty far surpassed his imagination.

Without needing Zuo Mo to give the order, the second wave of hard lightning shot
towards Clear Sky Old Forefather.

It was ineffective!

Zuo Mo silently shook his head. The other was too fast, so fast that even the hard
lightning could not catch up.

As expected, Clear Sky Old Forefather disappeared from his spot again.

Couldn’t catch him!

Zuo Mo’s pupils suddenly contracted. That wasn’t right!

Clear Sky Old Forefather suddenly appeared in front of a bolt of hard lightning and raised
his palm.


The hard lightning seemed to have been stopped by an invisible wall that did not allow it
to advance. It stopped at a place three cun from his upright palm. Clear Sky Old Forefather
calmly reached out to pinch the hard lightning.

Pia pia pia!

The explosive hard lightning sounded and the snakelike electrical energies wrapped onto
his finger.

Clear Sky Old Forefather seemed to not notice it. He put the hard lightning bolt in front of
him and examined it. The flashing silver electricity reflected on his face, suddenly light and
then it went dim.

“The idea is clever, very rare, very rare.” A hint of shock came onto Clear Sky Old
Forefather’s face. Other than surprise, he seemed to have admiration.
As his words landed, two white and narrow fingers pinched. The hard lightning bolt
between the fingers was squeezed into countless pieces of electricity and dissipated
between his fingers.

Golden Crow City was in a deathly silence.

Everyone was shocked by this scene. Terror came onto Zuo Mo’s face.

That was hard lightning … …

Using fingers to crush hard lightning, that … … that wasn’t possible!

Zuo Mo’s mind was blank. The strength of Clear Sky Old Forefather was far out of his

He stood there, dumbstruck.

Clear Sky Old Forefather wasn’t in a hurry. He asked faintly, “Who built the formation
battle watchtowers? They can be spared from death.”

Zuo Mo gradually recovered. Thinking about how stunned he had been, he was slightly
embarrassed. So he was this afraid of death! The surroundings were deathly silent. Golden
Crow City was completely suppressed by Clear Sky Old Forefather. Some people even had
expressions of hopelessness.

Zuo Mo’s gaze accidentally swept across the female xiu beside him. Just like usual, the
female xiu was silently standing beside him like a wooden person. She was completely
unaffected by Clear Sky Old Forefather.

Zuo Mo was even more embarrassed. Ge wasn’t even as good as a woman.

He raised his head and gazed at Clear Sky Old Forefather floating in the sky. His anger
suddenly erupted like fire.

This guy looked quite fine, but his intentions were extremely malicious. In this guys’
eyes, the lives of other xiuzhe were not even worth a jingshi!

The more Zuo Mo thought, the angrier he became. If it wasn’t for this guy, he would have
left Little Mountain Jie a long time ago. He wouldn’t be worried and frightened everyday
like he was now!

Ge will play with you to the end today!

Zuo Mo became determined. Terror and fear instantly flew away.

“Continue to shoot!”
Zuo Mo ordered murderously. The other people stilled. Continue to shoot? But that was
completely ineffective. However, when their gaze met Zuo Mo’s vicious gaze, they instantly
shook. Boss was going all out! They became fully alert, and their terror of Clear Sky Old
Forefather instantly dissipated greatly.

The formation battle watchtowers lit up again!

Scorn spilled out of the corner of Clear Sky Old Forefather’s eyes.

The light brightening, the hard lightning shot at Clear Sky Old Forefather again like

“Do not stop!”

Zuo Mo’s shout could be heard by the entire city. The xiuzhe in the formation battle
watchtowers put their all in as their hearts shook.

The hard lightning was like rain, and extremely loud.

A light laugh passed from within the torrent of hard lightning.

Not one bolt of hard lightning managed to touch the hem of Clear Sky Old Forefather’s
clothes. This time, he did not disappear from his spot, but nimbly dodged among the hard
lightning rain. For some unknown reason, his speed did not appear to be quick, but not one
hard lightning bolt could hit him.

When Clear Sky Old Forefather’s light laugh landed in the ears of the xiuzhe in the
formation battle watchtowers, it instantly enraged all of them. All of them furiously
channeled ling power into the formation battle watchtower.

The light of the thirty-six formation battle watchtowers was so bright one could not look
directly at them.

The hard lightning was even more heavy like a storm. With a savage presence, it head


The light laugh of Clear Sky Old Forefather clearly passed into the ears of everyone
present again.

Zuo Mo’s tightly pressed lips suddenly curved slightly upwards on one side.


In the sky above Golden Crow City, the Buddha Sound Hoop suddenly released a ball of
golden light. The lingering Buddhist sound rose up!
An invisible ripple suddenly spread with Golden Crow City as the center!

The killing move of Skyring Moon Chime Formation – [Moon Chime Sound Storm]!

Clear Sky Old Forefather who had been composed from the start suddenly froze in
surprise. Unable to dodge in time, a bolt of hard lightning hit his face!


Electrical snakes danced on his face. The body of Clear Sky Old Forefather froze.

Pia pia pia!

Several more bolts of hard lightning hit his body in succession.


The writhing electrical snakes collided with each other, and released a blinding light.
Clear Sky Old Forefather was completely covered by the hard lightning, and it was hard to
make out his figure.

“Ha!” Zuo Mo was very excited and wanted to jump up.

The reason that he had ordered the formation battle watchtowers to continue to shoot
was to give Clear Sky Old Forefather the impression that the formation battle watchtowers
were their biggest support. His mind was connected with Lil’ Pagoda. The timing to which
the [Moon Chime Sound Storm] was activated was perfect.

Hee hee, so what if he’s a jindan? Didn’t ge just trick him?

Zuo Mo was very smug and felt unspeakable comfortable like he had eaten a ginseng

However, he didn’t hope that the hard lightning was enough to kill Clear Sky Old
Forefather. The other’s actions of crushing the hard lightning proved that hard lightning of
this degree could not cause fatal damage.

However, after this successful attack on Clear Sky Old Forefather, the morale of the
troops rose. The heavy pressure that was previously present in the city was swept away.
Everyone’s faces showed excited expressions. While most of the xiuzhe inside Golden Crow
City were ningmai, and was just a level from jindan, but ninety percent of the people had
never seen jindan fight before.

Every action that Clear Sky Old Forefather had made had all been to show how strong he
was, so strong that it made people feel hopeless. Zuo Mo used his actions to prove that
jindan could be hit too!
Everyone was greatly motivated. Everyone of them believed that this battle might be
unparalleled in difficulty but they did have a chance at victory. They did not fear that battle
would be difficult, but they were afraid all of their efforts would be all for naught.

The silver light dissipated, and Clear Sky Old Forefather once again appeared in front of

When they clearly saw Clear Sky Old Forefather’s state, everyone roared in laughter.

Clear Sky Old Forefather’s robe now had some holes like that of a beggar. What really set
them off uncontrollably was the black burns on his face.

Zuo Mo roared with laughter. He suddenly flew into the sky, his right hand raised up high
as he shouted at everyone in the city, “Everyone, listen well. Shout with me!”

Everyone stopped laughing. They raised their heads, furiously gathering their ling power.
Excitement and exhilaration was on everyone’s faces.

Zuo Mo turned around, and faced Clear Sky Old Forefather. He took a deep breathe,
pointed with his finger towards Old Forefather, and hollered, “Old Fart!”

The seven thousand or so people inside Golden Crow City used all their strength to shout
at the same time, “Old Fart!”

The simultaneous shout of more than seven thousand people was so loud that even the
mountain peaks trembled, and the echoes reflected back.

Zuo Mo’s eyes were glaring angrily. Using all the strength in his body, he shorted again,
“Don’t show-off!’

All of Golden Crow City followed in shouting, “Don’t show-off!”

Zuo Mo shouted at the top of his lungs, “Show-offs get struck by lightning!”

Everyone felt the blood in their bodies shoot towards their heads. Without thinking, the
ling power in their bodies channeling to the limit, more than seven thousand people
shouted angrily in unison, “Show-offs get struck by lightning!”

The shout passed into the surroundings. A sound wave exploded with Golden Crow City
as the center, the sound not any less than the previous [Moon Chime Sound Storm]!

The entire mountain valley was echoing, “Struck by lightning – ing- ing!”

Zuo Mo felt unspeakably great. His hands on his hips, he threw his head back and
laughed, “Hahahahahaha!”
An excited blush was on everyone’s faces. They all copied Zuo Mo in putting their hands
on their hips and throwing their heads back to laugh. “Hahahahahaha!”

The laughter of more than seven thousand people was filled with excitement and
bravado, able to be heard from far away.

Rong Wei gaped and was stunned.

The middle-aged person’s face was filled with shock. However, the large male was very
excited, repeating to himself, “So great! So great! This is so great!”

Green and white intermingled on Clear Sky Old Forefather’s face. All of the calmness, the
mannerisms of an expert was thrown to the back of his head.

His hair loose, his eyes gleamed viciously like a poisonous snake waiting to strike!

Zuo Mo seemed to be completely mad at this point. He raised his hand again. Everyone
saw his hand motions, and suppressed their own voices. Golden Crow City became so silent
that the sound of a needle landing on the ground could be heard.

Zuo Mo’s eyes were entirely red, and he said murderously, “Brothers!”

He paused slightly and then exploded, “F*** him!”

The thousands under him didn’t even think as they shouted together, “F*** him!”

Zuo Mo felt all the emotions inside reached a peak. He suddenly increased his volume
again as he raged, “Kill him!”

Everyone was glaring as they hollered together, “Kill him!”

The killing energy was so much that the sky changed color!

Translator Ramblings: Warm up is over! What to do when you face a great enemy? Swear
at him and have a chorus with you.

Someone brought up the question of Zuo Mo’s present skin color as I translated it as
black and shiny. In Chinese, the word for black usually describes someone who is tanned
and dark skinned. It might throw you a bit off to think Zuo Mo might be inky black at this
moment since most Chinese fantasy stories usually have main characters with black hair,
black eyes, and pale skin. Zuo Mo has jade metal head as his mo physique. If you think back
to his dhyana body cultivation, his skin was tinged gold. So when Zuo Mo’s skin is described
as shiny, I attributed it to the jade metal head. With jade, there are connotations of white or
green depending on your favorite kind of jade.
The important part here is that the jade metal head should not turn his skin tanned, dark,
or black so the darkness has to come from somewhere or rather, the black energy of the
gravestone. The gravestone has been meddling with Zuo Mo’s body. Since the black energy
is … … black in color, I translated Zuo Mo’s skin tone as black which is also the more literal
Chapter 299
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Nine – The Great Formation and Sonic Lightning

The Clear Sky Old Forefather felt an angry energy roiling restlessly inside his chest.
Without a care to anything else, he took out his flying sword and said darkly, “You all will

Before the sound landed and Zuo Mo was even able to see the appearance of the flying
sword, the flying sword disappeared from in front of Clear Sky Old Forefather.

Everyone in Golden Crow City felt the entire sky start to slowly spin. Everything in the
surroundings started to become blurry.

Zuo Mo suddenly remembered that Huang Zhuo Guang used the sky sword essence. Then
Clear Sky Old Forefather’s sky sword essence would probably be multiple times as pure.

Damn it! It would be better if the guy would fly a bit closer!

Zuo Mo glanced at Clear Sky Old Forefather that was still far away from Golden Crow City
and had to admire the person. Even though he was so angry, he still kept his calm. As
expected of a jindan expert!

The spinning sky suddenly lit up with many dots of light like countless stars being

A feeling of extreme danger came into Zuo Mo’s mind. He didn’t dare to be careless,
hurriedly activating the formation. Countless formation scripts suddenly lit up on the walls
of Golden Crow City like complex flower patterns.

A half transparent golden ling shield wrapped Golden Crow City inside.

Everyone’s hearts eased slightly. At this moment, they heard Clear Sky Old Forefather say
clearly, “Land!”

The dots of light above their heads lit up, and countless swords of light fell from the skies
like a rainstorm, crashing against the ling shield of Golden Crow City!

The ling shield trembled heavily. The sharp sounds of collisions were as rapid as
raindrops. Everyone felt their hearts jump at each sound.
Zuo Mo pulled Shu Long over. “Use the move you used last time!”

Shu Long understood and hurried back to the ranks.

Shu Long’s long hair flying, the black crystal on his forehead, and his eyes bent down. He
shouted gravely, “Kill!”

Threads of black energy erupted from their bodies at an astounding rate. In the blink of
an eye, the ranks of Guard Camp were covered in a black energy that blocked out the sun!
As the black energy rose, it was not affected by the ling shield, and gathered in the sky
above Golden Crow City.

A ball of restless black clouds covered all of Golden Crow City. The raindrops of sword
energies instantly became invisible as they landed in the black cloud.

“Hm!” The Clear Sky Old Forefather showed surprise again.

Even with all of his knowledge, he did not know what powerful spell the other was using.

In the Zuo Mo’s sea of consciousness, Pu Yao unconcernedly said to the gravestone, “This
old fart, just a jindan and he dares to posture in front of this Sky Yao. He doesn’t want
to live.”

His eyebrow rose, and he snorted, “F*** him!”

He suddenly found his tone when he said this was truly too much like Zuo Mo. He
instantly chose to close his mouth. As a Sky Yao, copying other people’s way of talking,
especially Zuo Mo, made him feel he was losing face.

“It’s just a pity that Shu Long and his group has only cultivated for a short amount of
time. Otherwise … … hmph hmph … … so boring!”

Pu Yao said to himself.

For the first time, Clear Sky Old Forefather had a serious expression. It had been a
scheme of the other that had caused him to be struck by the formation battle watchtowers.
But this black cloud clearly was some kind of spell or formation. This was true power. To be
able to stop the attack of a jindan xiuzhe, it truly could be called powerful.

It didn’t seem too much like a spell. With a ningmai cultivation, it wasn’t possible to cast
such a powerful spell.

The only thing he could think of was formations. But a normal sect couldn’t possess such
a powerful formation. This group of people probably had mighty origins!

Clear Sky Old Forefather’s heart jumped.

He wasn’t afraid of this group of ningmai. Even if he had to kill all of them, it would just
take him some more time. What he was worried about was if he killed the young ones, the
old one would come. With the wealth of Clear Sky Sect, they didn’t have such a powerful
formation. If an even more powerful expert came, then he would have a terrible ending.

Clear Sky Old Forefather knew how much he was worth. Being a ruler in an out-of-the-
way place like Little Mountain Jie was achievable, but if he was in the larger jies, he would
never get a turn.

However, he turned his thinking around. Since the grievance between the two had
already been set and could not be resolved, the best solution was to kill this entire group
and prevent the news from spreading.

Thinking about this, the viciousness in his eyes grew, and he was filled with murderous

He had spent great amount of time on [Clear Sky Sword Scripture]. Other than this
flying sword, he had nothing else on his body. He reached out with his finger, and a sword
energy multiple zhang thick shot down!

The sword energy seemed to collide with the black cloud when it suddenly turned to
countless tiny sword energies that nimbly went around the black cloud and smashed on the
ling shield of Golden Crow City.


The countless sword energies were like countless transparent snakes that hit the ling
shield at the same exact moment. When the sound of the collisions gathered together, it
was one sound that entered everyone’s ears.

The ling shield of Golden Crow City shook fiercely. Zuo Mo’s expression changed slightly.
He controlled all of Golden Crow City, and he was aware just how strong this attack had

If something like this came a few more times, the ling shield of Golden Crow City would

He bit his lips tightly. Xiuzhe at jindan were too outrageously powerful!

What was the grade of this old fart’s flying sword?

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind. At this point, there was no time to think,
they could only bear it. Clear Sky Old Forefather flew in the sky and didn’t land at all. He
was too far away and so they couldn’t use any other moves.

His mind suddenly moved. Pointing above his head, he shouted at Shu Long, “Can you
change that to a different shape and cover the ling shield?”
Shu Long grimaced and didn’t dare to speak. The Crow Fiend Mo Kill Formation was at
its limit, the black cloud slowly started to land. In the end, it landed on the ling shield.
Following that, it started to fall against the ling shield. After a while, it completely covered
the ling shield.

Everyone felt the sky darken and the city was in darkness.


Clear Sky Old Forefather saw this and was overjoyed. This way, didn’t they trap
themselves inside? The black cloud might increase the defenses of the ling shield, but they
had block their own sight.

Even he couldn’t see what was inside the black cloud. He didn’t believe the other could


However, this was the difference in strength. The difference between the two sides was
too great. The murderous intent in Clear Sky Old Forefather’s eyes reached a peak. How
could he miss such a good opportunity?

He didn’t seem to move but suddenly disappeared from his spot and appeared dozens of
zhang above Golden Crow City!

Looking at Golden Crow City under his feet that was wrapped in the black cloud, a cruel
smile was on his lips.

“All of you should die!”

He raised his palm. A flying sword as blue as the sky appeared at the center of his palm
and floated silently. He gently pushed up. The flying sword turned to a blue light, flew into
the sky and disappeared.

Suddenly, a bright dot of light appeared in an extremely distant place far above his head!

A smug expression came onto his face. How long has it been since he used this move?
Too long! His famed killing move appearing again. It really was emotional!

No one could stop this killing move, no one ever had!

Golden Crow City was soon to disappear, to be forcefully erased from Sky Star Peak. He
felt a slight bit of regret. Truthfully, he liked this little city a lot.
It was a truly enchanting little city!

But everything would be destroyed!

The smile on his face suddenly froze.

He saw the mountain peaks across from him suddenly shake vigorously. Large patches of
earth shifted in rock slides and revealed the granite underneath.

What was this … …

His body was suddenly restrained by an enormous force. The air in the surroundings
seemed to become solid and heavy. He tried to move his body. Each movement became
extremely difficult. He felt as though he had landed in an enormous spider web.


His head rang and blanked.

Immediately after, large burst of lava sprouted out of the earth and slowly advanced
along the hills.

He saw a soul-shaking scene underneath his feet. There seemed to be an invisible red
pen drawing out vivid red lines among the mountains. These lines were determined in their
advance as they created a strange picture.

Clear Sky Old Forefather felt there were countless strong and heavy chains tying him
tightly so he couldn’t move.

At this time, the black cloud outside Golden Crow City had dissipated. The damned
person flew into the sky.


Zuo Mo was very proud inside. Did you think ge couldn’t see? Ge has Ling Eye,

But he knew this wasn’t the time to celebrate. His hand flipping, a Sonic Lightning
Walnut covered in golden patterns appeared on his palm!

“Sonic Lightning Walnut!”

Clear Sky Old Forefather saw the Sonic Lightning Walnut in Zuo Mo’s hands. His
expression changed dramatically.
Zuo Mo didn’t waste words, raising his hand and smashing it at Clear Sky Old Forefather!


When the Sonic Lightning Walnut left Zuo Mo’s palm, it turned to a golden ball of flame
the size of his face surrounded by countless silver electrical energies. The sound of the
explosions continued, and was extremely shocking!

Clear Sky Old Forefather’s eyeballs almost fell out. This guy actually used Sonic Lightning
Walnuts to make one-use talismans?

Was this guy crazy?

Sonic Lightning Walnuts were fourth-grade materials … …

He suddenly reacted, and his soul almost left his body! Damn it! This was a fourth-grade

He didn’t have the attention to spare for preparing his killing move. The flying sword
turned to a stream of light and shot at the Sonic Lightning Walnut flying at Clear Sky Old

Before he could rejoice, he saw another Sonic Lightning Walnut in Zuo Mo’s hands. The
surface was covered with golden patterns, just like the previous one!

Clear Sky Old Forefather instantly turned white!

He couldn’t spare the energy for anything else. He furiously channeled his ling power to
break from his restraints.

All the ling power inside his body was used. His figure started to move bit by bit. After a
while, the speed increased greatly.

Seeing the situation, Zuo Mo knew this was the most important moment. Disregarding
the pain in his heart, he threw and then another walnut appeared in his hand … …

In one go, he threw out more than ten Sonic Lightning Walnuts!

The golden balls of fire carried a savage presence as they headed for Clear Sky Old
Forefather who was moving at turtle speed.

The sky filled with the sound of explosions like countless waves of lightning rolling past
and caused the mountains to shake.

Clear Sky Old Forefather’s complexion could not be described by white any longer. He
didn’t have the bravery. He had never seen someone forge Sonic Lightning Walnuts into
one-use talismans.
How wealthy was that person that he dared to do so?


Clear Sky Old Forefather’s flying sword accurately struck a Sonic Lightning Walnut and

Zuo Mo felt light explode in his vision. The light was so blinding that only golden light
remained in his eyes and he was unable to see anything else.

Boom boom boom!

Zuo Mo’s eyes could only see golden light, so bright that he was blind. He felt an
enormous beast had charged at him, and his entire body was thrown into the air.

He was dumbstruck.

Translator Ramblings: Earthquake! Drop, cover and hold!

For those of you asking why Zuo Mo was so chatty, he wanted the guy enraged and closer
to the city.
Chapter 300
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred – Sacrifice

Zuo Mo barely managed to steady himself. It was the female xiu that reached out a hand
to catch him.

Blood was streaming out of his ears and nose. His face was white, the ling armor and
clothes all torn to pieces. The power from the explosions of more than ten Sonic Lightning
Walnuts was far outside of his imagination.

Nothing was left at Clear Sky Old Forefather’s position.

Thinking about that terrifying power, and the strength that could topple mountains and
flip the seas, Zuo Mo’s calves shook. In a flash, he thought about the first time he had used a
yin fire bead.

Ge had been careless!

The yin beads he had made in the past were second-grade. The Stalagmite fire was also a
second-grade fire but the power of the yin fire bead forged was already great. How could
the power of something forged through Sonic Lightning Walnuts and Golden Crow Fire be
weak? They were all fourth-grade!

The Golden Thread Lightning Walnut forged from two types of fourth-grade materials
using the yin fire bead forging method was unparalleled in its power!

If he had been even the slightest bit closer, he would’ve … …

He felt fear but since they finally killed Clear Sky Old Forefather, he hadn’t risked his life
for nothing.

Suddenly, a feeling of danger came into his heart. He reflexively raised his head.

An enormous shadow carrying a threatening presence dived down at astounding speed

from the sky above his head!

Clear Sky Old Forefather hadn’t died! Zuo Mo’s expression changed dramatically.

“Go die!”
A shout filled with fury and murderous intent exploded above his head.

Clear Sky Old Forefather’s clothing and ling armor and completely broken apart. His hair
loose, there was blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, and his left arm had
disappeared. The power of the Sonic Lightning Walnuts had almost destroyed his soul.
Under such an emergency, he had used a secret technique at a cost of three-tenths of his
cultivation, and had barely managed to escape.

But even so, his losses were painful. His left arm had been broken and his flying sword
had been destroyed. His most painful loss was the loss of three-tenths of his cultivation.
This meant that his cultivation could collapse at any moment and return back to the stage
of ningmai. How could he not be furious?

The loss of cultivation was every xiuzhe’s greatest fear!

Today, he definitely had to cut these people into pieces!

There was only this one thought in Clear Sky Old Forefather’s mind. [Clear Sky Sword
Scripture] was pushed to its limits.

The sky above Golden Crow City seemed to solidify. In an instant, the sky seemed to
become a vast piece of transparent crystal. Clouds, dust, sunlight, everything was solidified
in that moment, motionless and lifeless.

Sunlight could not pass through the solidified sky. It created an enormous shadow that
covered all of Golden Crow City.

The silent killing essence caused everyone to feel terror.


The clear sound of crystal breaking. The solidified crystal-like sky suddenly became
covered in a web of cracks. The cracks grew at a rapid rate as though there was an invisible
hammer continuously striking this piece of crystal sky.

Shu Long was stunned. The road they walked was the one of killing essence, and they
were most sensitive to killing essence. At this time, they could not attend to anything else.
He shouted, “Kill!”

The hearts of everyone in Guard Camp shook, and they shouted simultaneously, “Kill!”

The black cloud rose and turned to a black python several dozen zhang long and several
zhang thick. With a hiss, it viciously leapt towards Clear Sky Old Forefather who was above
Zuo Mo’s head.

Clear Sky Old Forefather was not alarmed at all. With a cold laugh, he pointed with a
Whoosh. The crystal sky covered in cracks above his head turned to large patches of
transparent fragments that spun as they turned to a sword essence twister that dove at the
black python.

[Clear Sky Sword Scripture – Shattering Sky]!


The two enormous entities collided without finesse and created an earth-shaking sound.

The pitiful Zuo Mo was thrown up again by the wave of air.

Damn it!

Several Sky sword essence pieces left bloody marks on his body. He disregarded the pain,
and looked towards the battlefield. He couldn’t help but inhale sharply.

Countless crystal-like fragments of sword essence floated in front of Clear Sky Old
Forefather. He was bleeding from his mouth and nose. In the collision against the black
python, he hadn’t escaped unscathed, but his gaze became even more vicious.

When Zuo Mo met Clear Sky Old Forefather’s gaze, his heart instantly shook. The other
was going all out!

Shu Long’s figure shook, and he gave a muffled grunt, his face pale. The other camp
guards staggered and collapsed as though they were drunk.

Pu Yao’s anger inside the necklace could not be restrained. “Trash! You group of trash!
One jindan makes all of you this sorry-looking, how can you live in the future? I, the
honored Sky Yao, cannot have such trash under my command … …”

A grimace came onto Shu Long’s face. They had just made a breakthrough. They needed a
period of time to acclimate themselves with their bodies. Their loss this time really hadn’t
come at a good time!

His eyes suddenly widened, and he had a joyous expression.

At some unknown time, the female xiu appeared behind Clear Sky Old Forefather, and

There was a chance!

Everyone had ecstatic expressions. They had all seen with their own eyes before how
powerful the female xiu was. The female xiu was definitely the strongest person in all of
Golden Crow City.

She finally acted!

For some unknown reason, Zuo Mo’s heart suddenly sank. The purple light in the female
xiu’s eyes were as bright as two balls of purple fire. It was the first time he had seen the
purple light in her eyes be so bright.

“Hahahaha! All of you, die!”

Clear Sky Old Forefather laughed madly. The shattered crystal sky above his head
suddenly collapsed. Countless transparent sword essence fragments flowed down like an

Countless fragments passed through Clear Sky Old Forefather’s body in burst of blood.
Clear Sky Old Forefather did not feel the pain and continued to laugh!

Zuo Mo’s head rang.

A suicidal attack! He wanted them to perish together!

The area of the sky multiple mu large above Golden Crow City had completely collapsed.
Countless, vast, and ethereal sword essence fragments with an unstoppable presence fell
from the sky.

Countless sword essences penetrated Clear Sky Old Forefather’s body. They turned from
glowing and transparent to becoming blood stained glass!

The vast and ethereal sword essence suddenly had a presence that was determined and

With the sky as the sword, using the body as the guide ––

–– [Blood Sky]!


Everyone’s face became pale. It was a terrifying matter if a jindan xiuhe decided to take
everyone to the gates of hell with him.

Watching from afar, Rong Wei’s expression changed. There was only one thought in her
mind, Golden Crow City was finished!

The large male and the middle-aged person changed expressions at the same time. A
thought simultaneously flashed through their minds, Golden Crow city was finished!
There was no difficulty for a jindan xiuzhe to use a secret technique to release an attack
with all their power without regard for the consequences. As a result, fights between jindan
were more cautious. If one side was pushed to the precipice, their last attack before death
was extremely terrifying. Even Rong Wei and the others had never seen a jindan expert go
all out.

Rong Wei was stunned. She was very knowledgeable but the power of Clear Sky Old
Forefather was far beyond of her predictions. Even among Sky Water Jie’s jindan, Clear Sky
Old Forefather’s power would definitely rank among the top three. At this time, she
suddenly understood why the Marquis was so wary of Clear Sky Old Forefather.

For some reason, she sighed inside.

They admired Golden Crow City for pushing a jindan to the point they had to fight using
their life.

It was just a pity … …

The entire sky above Golden Crow City was pulled in. All of the sword essence had
completely lost control!

As Clear Sky Old Forefather laughed crazily, his entire person exploded into a ball of
bloody mist and was completely sucked into the uncontrolled sword essences.

An area fifty li in radius around Golden Crow City was completely covered. What made
people feel hopeless was that any movement method would be ineffective in leaving the
area covered by the sword essence. They couldn’t even escape!

Unless they also were jindan and had high grade movement methods could they escape
this calamity.


The sky covered everything with the blood-colored sword essence and was unavoidable!

Lava flowed among the seven mountain peaks. Golden Crow City seemed to become hell!

Damn it!

Hopelessness floated on Zuo Mo’s face.

Suddenly, his sighed darkened, and a figure appeared in front of him.

It was her!

The female xiu was covered in bloody marks. Blood had soaked through many parts of
her clothing. That pair of perfect bare feet was even more heart-moving in the patch of
blood. Some time ago, the mask on her face had been destroyed and revealed her hideous

“You … …” Zuo Mo first stilled. When he wanted to speak, the female xiu suddenly flew
over his head.

Her arms were open like a big bird, her face raised, and her entire body consumed in the
purple flame. She was like a moth flying towards the fire, heading straight for the blood-
colored sword tide that was crashing down.

The purple fire was burning so high they could not make out her figure.

For an unknown reason, Zuo Mo’s chest suddenly felt extreme pain. His tears
uncontrollably flooded out, large teardrops falling down his face.

What was going on … …

Who are you … …

The tears blurred his vision, his chest was in great pain as though something was going
to erupt.

His ears could only hear the howls of the sword essence covering the sky above his head
that had formed a flood and had an appearance of an apocalyptic disaster.


Time suddenly became extremely slow. The extreme pain at his chest was so clear at this
moment like a thread of flame burning constantly.

Under that sword essence wave, the figure covered in the purple flame was as minuscule
as dust.

So painful!

The pain burned every one of his nerves. He couldn’t suppress it any longer, using all of
his strength to shout, “Arrrrrrrrgh!”

The enormous pain was like a tide, coming in brutally and sweeping his entire body.

He didn’t seem to detect that the bright red lava flowing down the mountains seemed to
be pulled up by an invisible hand. In the blink of an eye, the lava wrapped around his legs.
The damaged great formation on the ground suddenly lit up with a red light. The damaged
formation actually managed to still activate!

The golden light of Golden Crow City exploded. The lightning from the formation battle
watchtowers exploded. The xiuzhe inside discovered to their shock that the formation
battle watchtowers were completely out of their control!

Lava, golden light, and hard lightning headed furiously towards Zuo Mo!


Zuo Mo angrily yelled. His entire body was covered in the lava, hard lightning and golden
light were flashing occasionally between the lava.

The abnormal change disturbed everyone!

Shu Long’s expression changed. Just as he thought to move, he heard the daren inside the
necklace shout, “Don’t disturb him!”

He stilled and then had a joyous expression.

Within the lava, Zuo Mo felt his consciousness and fleshly body had been separated. He
could clearly feel the enormous pain in his body, but at this time, he was like a spectator
watching over it all.

He could see the five element glass bead shaking violently inside his body … …

He saw the figure above his head that was completely enveloped in the purple fire.

She was looking at him.

At this point, Zuo Mo could see through the purple fire and the lava without any effort.
He could see very clearly.

He saw a pair of clear eyes filled with joyful surprise and longing.

Translator Ramblings: So many lil’ cliff(ies) running around recently.

For the second time, Zuo Mo makes a bomb and then screws up with it. Last time, he just
defused it, this time, he gets wounded in the explosion.
Chapter 301
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and One – Desperate Situation

Under the colossal wave of sword energies, the female xiu enveloped in purple flames
looked at Zuo Mo deeply. Zuo Mo had a disquieting feeling that time was pulled extremely
long in this moment.

Their gazes met.

The female xiu moved away her eyes, and raised her face again to looked at the sword
energies falling down towards her.

Pia pia pia!

Bursts of blood exploded out from her body. She disregarded them. The blood sprayed
out and landed in the purple fire which was like a blood-sucking monster that greedily
absorbed the fresh blood. The purple fire grew, snapping and crackling.

The hands covered in fresh blood slowly rose up over her head. She took a position as if
she was pushing upwards.

The purple fire around her quickly streamed towards her upright arms.

It was just a simple movement, but it made anyone watching feel it was determined and

Her arms pushed upwards.

Two streams of purple fire flowed from her arms and connected end to end. It formed a
purple disk of fire about ten zhang large. All the fire on the female xiu’s body flowed into
the purple fire disk without a drop remaining.

The purple fire disk spun eerily over her head.

Zuo Mo looked on dazedly. The female xiu who didn’t have any trace of purple fire left on
her, no longer bleeding from her wounds, but her torn clothes had already become soaked
in blood. Only that pair of bare feet was white and left untouched.
What shocked him even more was that he could not feel any hint of a presence from the
female xiu!

She seemed to have suddenly disappeared, no, like she had died.

Looking coldly from the side, Zuo Mo’s emotions suddenly rippled violently.

His howls were like that of a wild beast being burned. Lava, hard lightning, and golden
light furiously burrowed into his body destructively as they headed for the deepest reaches
of his body.

The ripple of his emotions was like pouring oil onto the fire. His situation became even
more terrible. Any place that was slightly weak was completely burned up when the golden
light, hard lightning, and lava passed.

Even the muscles and bones that had been sufficiently tempered before were wavering
under such a brutal baptism.

But at this moment, all of Zuo Mo’s attention was attracted by the female xiu.

A stream of tears continuously flowed from his eyes, yet he did not detect it. The five
element glass bead in his chest jumped rhythmically like a heart, as though something was
going to break through.

She definitely had more than a common connection to him!

At this point, Zuo Mo was certain of this point. The enchanting purple fire disk spun
above the female xiu’s head. A power that made people feel trepidation slowly spread.

Who are you … …

Zuo Mo’s emotional upheaval became even more violent. He wanted to ask her this
question, but his body was completely out of his control. No matter how he tried, he could
not reclaim control of his own body.

The collapsing sword essence came even closer. Zuo Mo’s panic increased.

Damn it!

Why … … why couldn’t he control his own body … …

His heart had a fierce impulse. He wanted to control his own body. He wanted to ask her
why. He didn’t want her shield him from the front. He … …

Damn it!
Zuo Mo felt there was a ball of fire burning in his chest. He had never had an impulse that
was as strong as this one! He knew if he took control of his body at this moment, his soul
would have to endure the flames.

But … … he wanted … …

Zuo Mo’s body shook violently. His screams became even more furious!

… … to ask her … …

His eyes were bright red and bloodshot. The tendons in his forehead had bulged out. The
blood vessels in his body were like earthworms.

The sword essence sped increasingly near the female xiu and was less than ten zhang
from the purple fire disk.

The female xiu suddenly lowered her head to look at him.

Something seemed to explode in Zuo Mo’s mind. Boom! His mind blanked. All of the ling
power, consciousness, every drop of power contained in every bit of his muscles suddenly

His body suddenly created an extremely strong attraction. The lava, hard lightning, and
golden light that had been rampaging inside his body were sucked in.

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice echoed.

“Don’t forget … …”

“Even in death, you cannot forget … …”

Layering and in waves like thunder.

In the sky, the colossal sword essence heavily collided on the purple fire disk.

Pew pew pew!

When a sword energy landed inside the purple fire disk, it was like pouring water into
hot oil. Purple wisps of flame spat forth. The sword energies were relentless like a flood as
they attacked the purple fire disk.

The arms of the female xiu suddenly became weighted, and her body shook slightly.

Zuo Mo was like a wild beast at death’s door as he furiously howled.

The body of the female xiu shook. Zuo Mo’s body shook at the same time. He was like an
enraged wild beast. “Why!”
His body suddenly started to tremble. An expression of pain came onto his face. His voice
uncontrollably became smaller. “ … … Why … …”

Even if his consciousness had been cultivated, but the pain from his soul being burned
would not decrease due to that. The different kinds of forces inside his body seesawed.
Enormous pain came from the burning of his soul. He felt like a shrimp being boiled. Every
part of his body was trembling.

He wanted … … to ask her … … why … …

The arms of the female xiu were slowly pushed down. An astounding force passed from
the purple fire disk.

He gritted his teeth. A stream of fresh blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

He wanted … … to ask her … … why … …

Zuo Mo’s entire body shook fiercely but he didn’t shout this time. He had a deathly stare
as he bit down on his teeth, a stream of fresh blood coming out of the corner of his mouth.


The flames of the purple fire disk frantically consumed, but there were too many sword
energies that forcibly suppressed the flames of the purple fire disk. They continuously
pushed down on the purple fire disk.

The female xiu shook even harder. With a muffled grunt, her body suddenly sank down.

He wanted … … to ask her … … why

Below the female xiu, Zuo Mo raised his head with difficulty. His eyes were entirely red
and filled with blood. An amazing change was happening to his body. The silver hard
lightning swam across the surface of his body like countless silver snakes. The golden light
furiously burrowed into his bones and the threads of pure earth fire inside the crimson lava
crawled into his channels.

Having lost their targets, the ling and spiritual power slowly steadied.


The figure of the female xiu above him sank again.

The golden light of the ling shield of Golden Crow City was burning. When the sky full of
sword energies smashed onto it, the golden ling shield rippled.

Everyone knew this was the most crucial time, and put all of their power into fighting.
Shu Long led the Guard Camp and activated the Crow Fiend Mo Killing Formation again.
The battle formations of Vermillion Bird Camp were primary offensive. Defense was not
one of their talents. The only thing they could do was to activate some of the simpler
defensive formations, and contribute as much as they could.

Lil’ Pagoda spun into a five colored after-image. The Skyring Moon Chime Formation was
pressed to its limits.

The xiuzhe of the Eastern and Western Camps seemed to have gone insane as they
furiously switched out the jingshi. Everyone knew that if the ling shield broke, no one could
escape the calamity.

At this time, everyone directly experienced just how strong the female xiu was. With just
her own power, she could stop such a terrifying sword essence. It really was hard to
imagine. They had to rely on the big formation of Golden Crow City, and were still wavering
when they used all their power. The ling shield could break at any time.

Everyone’s face was filled with hopelessness.

The sword essence coming down seemed to be endless and unstoppable. A nearby
mountain peak was brutally destroyed, only leaving behind the bottom half. If they were
not personally experiencing it, no one could imagine that sword essence could reach such a
terrifying level.

Were their lives really going to be lost here today?

This thought uncontrollably flashed across everyone’s mind.

Gongsun Cha called over Xie Shan, Ma Fan, and a few others. He said in a low voice, “We
probably can’t hold out for much longer. Later when the city’s ling shield breaks, you
guys take Boss and break through.”

Everyone’s face was sorrowful. Each of them tightly bit their lips and didn’t speak.

Shu Long’s nose and mouth bled blood. He bit down on his teeth and continued to
channel the Crow Fiend Mo Kill Formation. Almost everyone in Guard Camp were bleeding
from their nose and mouth.


The enormous power surpassed the limits that the Crow Fiend Mo Kill Formation could
tolerate. Shu Long felt as though someone hammered him hard. His entire body was
thrown into the air. The camp guards behind him were also thrown up.

The Crow Fiend Mo Kill Formation was broken!

Everyone’s expression changed. Without the Crow Fiend Mo Kill Formation, the ling
shield of Golden Crow City could not last for long.

Just as everyone felt it was hopeless, someone suddenly said in a trembling voice, “Boss
… …”


Many people instinctively moved their gaze. Even if they would die here today, it wasn’t a
bad idea if Boss could escape. Many people hoped the female xiu could take Boss and
escape this place.

They were filled with terror and hopelessness, but they were not regretful. With Boss,
they had a loud and great run. Compared to the lifeless days they had lived before, it was
the difference between the earth and the sky! From the bottom of their hearts, they hoped
that Boss could live!

So when someone exclaimed, many people couldn’t resist moving their eyes.

Zuo Mo’s body was covered in red, gold, and silver. He was standing upright like a spear.

His features were still twisted, but it gave people a completely different feeling. He raised
his head and looked at the female xiu.

For some unknown reason, a thread of hope rose in everyone’s hearts at the same time.

Faster … … faster … …

Panic flashed through Zuo Mo’s eyes. The rampaging forces inside his body had gradually
stabilized. His body had gradually returned to his control. He seemed to have entered an
unfamiliar body and slowly recovered his strength.

It wasn’t a long process, but the timing really made him panic!

Countless bits of hard lightning swam across the surface of his body, a golden liquid
flowed in his bones, the channels were filled with pure and crimson earth fire, his body that
had been tempered again … …

His body had undergone another breakthrough, but at this time, there was no joy in him.
He looked with panic at the figure above him.

Without the purple fire, the female xiu looked as weak as a dry leaf in the wind.


The female xiu’s figure sank again, her long hair flying.

Zuo Mo’s heart suddenly ached.


The female xiu sank once more. Sparks flew off the purple fire disk and it showed signs of

“Motherf***ing faster!”

Zuo Mo’s eyes suddenly turned red.


The female xiu was like a nail that was being hammered down, and unable to stop.


The purple fire disk finally could not stand it anymore. It turned to countless wisps of
purple fire and disappeared into the air.

The female xiu seemed to be heavily struck. Her eyes unfocused, her body dropped down
at an even more rapid rate!

Zuo Mo’s mind exploded, his body exploded and suddenly became open. All of his
strength suddenly poured into his body like water.

He disappeared from his spot.

In the air, his figure was arched. His back towards the sky, the female xiu was shielded
against his chest.

His right hand held a handful of Golden Thread Lightning Walnuts. Like he was crazy, he
threw them viciously at the howling sword essence!

“Go away!”

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo really has an affinity for fire. His Stalagmite fire, the inky
black fire, the earth fire on Desolate Wood Reef, the Golden Crow Fire and now more lava

So imagine the sky shattering like glass and raining down at you … … it’s a meteor
Chapter 302
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Two – A New Beginning


More than ten Sonic Lightning Walnut exploded at the same time!

A blinding and scorching light passed through his back.

Zuo Mo felt his back was heavily struck. His throat turned sweet and then he spat out
blood. Before he had the time to respond, like a meteorite falling from the sky, he and the
female xiu smashed heavily into the dirt.


The ground was really hard!

That was the last thought before Zuo Mo fainted.


Ma Fan looked at the half-collapsed city walls. Thinking about the scene from two days
ago, he still felt fear. The big formation inside Golden Crow City had been completely
damaged, and almost all of the formation battle watchtowers were ruined.

Most importantly, Boss had thrown out a huge number of Sonic Lightning Walnuts to
save everybody.

The simultaneous explosion of the Sonic Lightning Walnuts had forcibly cleared out an
empty area twenty mu in diameter.

The mountains around Golden Crow City did not have such good luck and had been
bombarded and left half standing. Not one mountain peak remained whole. There was no
untouched land near Golden Crow City. Everything was in disarray.
In the sky, it was possible to see xiuzhe from Vermillion Bird Camp patrolling
everywhere. After the battle, some xiuzhe had nefarious aims, and wanted to get rich. They
were completely annihilated by the members of Vermillion Bird Camp, who had a whole
belly full of frustration. In the defense of the city, Vermillion Bird Camp’s utility had been
pitifully small. This made them feel especially irritated.

They had almost all died, and were even unable to take Boss and escape. To the
Vermillion Bird Camp that had been trained through many battle and successfully won, this
undoubtedly was a great humiliation.

No one had expected that, in the end, Boss had saved everyone. Thinking about it now, it
still seemed like a dream.

There was not much joy on Ma Fan’s face. Boss was still unconscious now. This caused a
heavy cloud to settle on everyone’s hearts. In this present group, Boss was the true leader.
No one could imagine what they would become if Boss wasn’t present.

Maybe this group that had been so difficult to gather together would face a fate of

Ma Fan chewed on a stalk of green grass as his feet unconsciously kicked pebbles.

“Old Fan, Old Fan!” His ears suddenly heard Xie Shan’s joyous voice.

“Oh.” He turned his face and dazedly responded.

Xie Shan said urgently, “Boss woke up!”

It was as though Ma Fan was struck by lightning. After a moment, he suddenly reacted,
and asked hurriedly, “Boss woke up?”

“Hee hee, just woke up! It was just my turn to stand guard!” Xie Shan said with slight

“That’s great!” Ma Fan muttered to himself.

“Isn’t it? This is great … …”

The news that Zuo Mo woke up quickly spread through Golden Crow City. Golden Crow
City rejoiced, the gloom of the past days swept away.

Zuo Mo felt his body hurt all over as though it was being torn apart. He couldn’t help but
give a deep groan. Looking at the familiar faces, joy at surviving the calamity washed over
his heart. His expression suddenly changed and asked Gongsun Cha, “Where’s the female

Gongsun Cha’s expression became strange.

“How is she?” Zuo Mo was very alarmed.

Even though he did not know the actual situation but there definitely was a great
connection between him and the female xiu. The scene of the female xiu sacrificing herself
to save him, and that pair of eyes filled with emotion flashed in front of his eyes.

Who are you … …

Zuo Mo could find the answer to many of the problems haunting him on her body.

She could not die!

Seeing Zuo Mo’s panic, Gongsun Cha did not joke and revealed, “Come and you’ll

When Zuo Mo saw the female xiu, he was dumbstruck.

The female xiu silently sat in the corner of the room, and didn’t seem to notice the
existence of the two of them.

“Her, her cultivation … …” Zuo Mo asked in a trembling voice.

Gongsun Cha shook his head. “She woke up before you did, but for some reason, her
cultivation disappeared.”

Zuo Mo’s heart suddenly sank. He silently walked in front of the female xiu. When he saw
the female xiu’s empty eyes, his heart couldn’t help but shake, and his nose felt sore.

That pair of clear and joyous eyes … …

She sat silently. When Zuo Mo walked in front of her, she did not seem to detect it. Zuo
Mo reached out and waved a hand in front of her. She still did not respond.

“Inspect her body,” Pu Yao’s voice suddenly sounded. He was quite stern.

Zuo Mo tightly pressed together his lips, reached out a hand and placed it on her body.

She was motionless like a wooden puppet.

Zuo Mo’s expression changed.

The channels inside her body had all broke, the strange purple power had disappeared to
leave behind an extremely minuscule thread of life as though it was a candle flickering in
the wind, that could be extinguished at any time.

He couldn’t even feel her soul.

Why was it like this?

Zuo Mo’s mind rang and blanked.

After a long time, he refocused. Looking at the female xiu’s hideous and wooden face,
especially when his gaze landed on the empty pupils, a certain chord in his heart was gently

The confused gaze suddenly became determined.

He entered the sea of consciousness and looked at Pu Yao. Pu Yao glanced at him and
said, “I know what you want to ask. Truthfully, it’s very difficult.”

Pu Yao’s voice was deep and solemn without any of the mockery it usually held.

Zuo Mo’s expression was serious. “Tell me.”

Pu Yao did not raise any conditions. He looked at Zuo Mo, and threw a ball of light with
formation scripts floating on the surface. He said, “This is [Adversity Overcoming
Scripture] . I got it from a dhyana xiu. Maybe it can be of use.”

Zuo Mo’s mind jumped and he hurriedly took the light ball.

“Don’t be happy prematurely. This scripture can only support this thread of life
remaining in her body.” Pu Yao said heavily, “If you want to save her, the best method is
to get a Water Cloud Embryo.”

“Water Cloud Embryo?” Zuo Mo asked curiously. He hadn’t ever heard this name before.

“En, Water Cloud Embryo can nurture souls, and is the best for soul injuries.”

“Soul injuries?”

“En, her secret technique is very strange. It burns the soul to create great power.” Pu
Yao’s expression was grave. “It is the first time I have seen such a strange secret skill.
Her origins, I’m afraid, are not simple.”

When he finished, Pu Yao looked at Zuo Mo. He felt somewhat strange inside. Zuo Mo
probably wasn’t simple himself since he had a connection with such a complex female xiu.
However, he had never seen uncommon qualities in Zuo Mo.
Pu Yao gathered his thoughts and continued, “She should have definitely died this time,
but fortunately, she had left a soul-thought inside your body … …”

Zuo Mo’s boy shock and he interrupted, “She has a soul-thought inside my body?”

“Her soul-thought is inside that five element glass bead in your body.” Pu Yao secretly
celebrated that he had not crushed that bead [1]. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome

“Five element glass bead … …” Zuo Mo murmured to himself.

“When your cultivation reaches a certain level, you can see some of the mysteries
inside,” Pu Yao said, “This five element glass bead is a very rare treasure.”

Zuo Mo’s hand unconsciously balled into a fist.

He was suddenly filled with motivation.

For a long time, he had lacked a clear goal, including his time at Wu Kong Mountain. Long
days of low-level living had caused his expectations of life to be very low. When his most
basic needs were fulfilled, he had been lost.

The unexpected encounter between him and the female xiu now seemed like fate.

He knew the female xiu definitely was very important to him!

How important would the connection be t that the other would place a soul-thought
inside his body? He could not think of it, but he knew that no one other than the female xiu
could do this.

Just this was enough!

Leaving the sea of consciousness, he looked at the female xiu. Her disfigured and wooden
face could not cause any revulsion in him now. Suddenly, he thought of his past zombie-
face, and laughed.

The fate of the zombie and female ghost?

“In the future, you will be A Gui.”

The female xiu was unmoved.

[Adversity Overcoming Scripture] was extremely cryptic and complex. The main reason
was that Zuo Mo didn’t know much about many of the things of dhyana xiu. Pu Yao did not
know much about dhyana xiu either. According to him, he had taken this from the body of a
dhyana xiu he killed.
Luckily, Zuo Mo had Zong Ru who was a much more orthodox dhyana xiu to help him
resolve many of the parts.

Pu Yao’s judgment was correct. [Adversity Overcoming Scripture] was able to help A
Gui’s stabilize the thread of life. Under the Buddha mantra, the deathly presence on A Gui’s
body dissipated greatly.

Zuo Mo was very encouraged and worked even harder.


After a few days, Gongsun Cha led a female xiu to Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo looked with puzzlement at Gongsun Cha. “Shidi, this is?”

“This is Miss Rong Wei.” Gongsun Cha first made introductions and then said, “She
hopes to work with us.”

“With us?” Zuo Mo stilled.

Rong Wei bowed and said, “This one is from Sky Water Jie’s House of the Crow
Marquis and has been ordered to come to Little Mountain Jie to investigate Stars in
Daytime. This one asks Daren for your aid.” She then took out a few talismans. “A small
token of our intentions, please accept them.”

“Stars in Daytime?”

Zuo Mo’s heart jumped. Damn it, Stars in Daytime, wasn’t that caused by him?

What were the origins of this Crow Marquis House, why were they investigating him? His
heart instantly became wary.

He pretended to be confused and asked, “We did see the Stars in Daytime, but what
does this apparition mean? Miss Rong Wei, please teach us.”

“This one does dare to teach.” Rong Wei bowed slightly. “The old records say that
when Stars in Daytime appear, there are great yao and great mo healing.”

“Great yao and great mo?” Zuo Mo’s heart jumped again. He finally understood.

It seemed he needed to be careful in the future. If this appeared a few more times, he
would be in danger.
“En, the Marquis believes great yao may have infiltrated Little Mountain Jie,” Rong
Wei said. This was the most probable guess. A yao army had appeared in Little Mountain
Jie, and now a great yao, that wasn’t too much of a surprise.

But what was there in Little Mountain Jie that made the yao put so much effort and even
be injured?

Zuo Mo secretly released a breath inside. He hurriedly shook his head. “Miss Rong is
joking. We aren’t enough if a yao army comes, much less a great yao. We plan on
immediately leaving Little Mountain Jie to go to Sky Water Jie. Your House resides in
Sky Water Jie, and we are unfamiliar with the area. At that time, please guide us.”

Rong Wei was slightly disappointed, but she had expected this. Unless there was a special
order, no one was willing to stay for long in Little Mountain Jie. She had come this time with
the intentions of making acquaintances.

The power of Golden Crow City, even if they entered Sky Water Jie, would definitely be a
significant force.

There were no disadvantages to forming good relationship now.

Before, she had the idea of recruiting Gongsun Cha, but after personally seeing the battle
that day, her thought had instantly disappeared.

This kind of person was not someone she could recruit.

Fortunately, the aim of her visit this time had been realized. She smiled slightly and took
out a jade card to hand to Zuo Mo.

“This one still has duties, and cannot accompany everyone. It is very regretful. If you
have any problem, you can take this card to travel to the House of the Crow Marquis.
The Marquis would definitely welcome everyone.”

The two sides chatted a bit more before Rong Wei left.

“We are going to Sky Water Jie?” Gongsun Cha suddenly asked.

[1] Friendly reminder from WanderingGummiOfDoom: During the first few interactions
between Pu and Zuo Mo, Zuo Mo angered Pu to the point Pu was going to kill him. The bead
attempted to intervene and save Zuo Mo, Pu intended to destroy the bead, but the
gravestone stopped him.

Translator ramblings: The battle is over! A bit of an anti-climax since it was so short in
this chapter but since the guy made a suicide attack and got ripped apart by it as well, it
might be strange if he died really slowly. Zuo Mo is still being haunted by the effects of Stars
in Daytime. Remember, all of this started because he didn’t want his ling grains to die,
which meant he couldn’t make jingshi and would get kicked from the sect.
Zuo Mo is going to have his own reflections on this fight and it will be in the upcoming
chapters so I’ll save my ramblings for that until then.

Every so often, I get comments on the initial chapters of the novel which complain about
Pu Yao and how they give up on reading because he’s terrible. I hope some of you came
back after being deterred and have read up to here. Others said they miss the early
interactions between Pu Yao and Zuo Mo so I think Fang Xiang has created a character that
you can really hate but still like.
Chapter 303
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Three – Leaving Little Mountain Jie

“En, we need to leave this place quickly,” Zuo Mo said decisively. “Little Mountain Jie
isn’t a safe place.”

“When are we leaving?” Gongsun Cha then asked.

“Get everyone to pack, then prepare for departure. Let them prepare well. When we
pass through the Clear Sky Sect, there may be a hard battle.”

“Alright.” Gongsun Cha instantly went out to prepare.


Everyone in Golden Crow City started to move. Zuo Mo released all of the Outer Hall
captives. Clear Sky Old Forefather had been killed which was a fatal blow to the Outer Hall
xiuzhe. At this point, no one would be willing to sell their life for Clear Sky Sect.

The battle of Golden Crow City had shaken Little Mountain Jie.

Right now, everyone knew that the sky had changed for Little Mountain Jie

No one was willing to stay in this cage. In the span of a few days, almost all of the
remaining xiuzhe from Little Mountain Jie had gathered outside Golden Crow City.

They looked with awe at this little town of which only remained half standing. Everyone
knew this place held the hope to leave Little Mountain Jie. No one made trouble, they only
watched from a distance. When Vermillion Bird Camp’s patrols passed, many people bowed
of their own initiative.

From a distance, there was a spectacularly dense patch of xiuzhe outside Golden Crow

“Will there be trouble?” Nian Lu asked worriedly.

“Who’s afraid?” Lei Peng was unconcerned. “We can kill as many of these as they

“Ha, that’s true!” Pride flashed across Nian Lu’s face.”Before, who could have thought
there would be a day like this? It’s worth it even if I die!”

Lei Peng rumbled, “I don’t want to die. Boss still has so much good stuff. Maybe we can
cultivate to jindan in the future.”

“You really dare to think … …” Nian Lu looked into the distance.

Suddenly the order to gather came from below. The two exchanged a look. They were
going to depart!

The Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe who had been keeping a constant eye on Golden Crow City

After a short while, Vermillion Bird Camp was the first to ascend into the air. The
Vermillion Bird Camp of more than seven hundred people was famed in Little Mountain Jie.
When Vermillion Bird Camp collectively flew into the air, many of the people watching
from afar sighed with admiration.

“Look! That’s Vermillion Bird Camp! The strongest army of Little Mountain Jie!”

“Whoa! That presence is really frightening!”

“I wonder if they are still hiring? Death would be worth it if I could enter such a

Chatter rose among the crowd. People were filled with admiration and awe as they
looked at this powerful troop. No one dared to underestimate them, even if they there were
only seven hundred people.

Vermillion Bird Camp quickly spread out after getting up into the air. They were wary
and cautious.

Following them were the five gigantic slave transporting boats that slowly rose. There
were one thousand black armor camp guards standing on the lead slave transport ship.
That was Guard Camp who became famous in one battle. They were not skilled in flying.
The enormous and steady slave transporting boats were perfect for them. The pressure of
one thousand camp guards standing on the deck gave people was unparalleled.

The appearance of Guard Camp caused a small crescendo of murmuring.

The xiuzhe that had personally seen the heart-shaking battle described the terrifying
strength of Guard Camp to the others.
The ferocious killing energy and the ancient battle armor that they wore, which had long
disappeared into the river of history, became the topics that interested the people the most.

The other for slave transporting boats were used for the Eastern Camp, Western Camp
and non-combat xiuzhe. And the last boat was filled with all kinds of materials.

Slave transporting boats were enormous. In Little Mountain Jie, five slave transporting
boats definitely counted as a gigantic fleet. Adding on Vermillion Bird Camp and Guard
Camp, this definitely was the strongest fleet of Little Mountain Jie.


Zuo Mo looked at Golden Crow City below and was filled with emotion.

It just had been a few short days, but Golden Crow City had completely transformed. It
was broken and shattered. Possibly in the future, this place would become ruins of an
ancient city.

He raised his head and looked at the sky filled with xiuzhe in a dense cloud that did not
end. He couldn’t help but sigh again. After this departure, Little Mountain Jie would become
a dead jie without any people.

Maybe this place would become the frontlines like Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie had
previously been, a paradise of yaomo.

Oh, he really had no standing to sigh. Thinking about Pu Yao in his sea of consciousness,
Zuo Mo grimaced.

However, they could finally leave this place … …

He looked at A Gui beside him. A Gui was sitting silently. He turned his face and said to
Gongsun Cha, “Depart!”


The five slave transporting boats slowly started to fly forward. Many people looked back
at Golden Crow City, their eyes filled with reluctance. This little city had given them hope
and sunlight. This little city would become a place they would reminiscence for their entire
The vast troop flew towards the jie river towards Sky Water Jie.

Along the way, there was a constant stream of xiuzhe merging with their convoy. The
troop became even larger. Each person’s face was filled with excitement and exhilaration.
They looked with awe at the figure standing on the deck of the lead slave transport ship.

There was no light coming from the ling armor, the not-so-broad figure did not have a
grand presence, this normal looking youth that was outrageously young gave them hope
and led them to escape this cage.

Not far from their troop, a troop of yao soldiers watched as they left.

“Daren, are we not pursuing them?”

“No, we are too exhausted.”

“But … …”

“The order from the Council of Elders is to take Little Mountain Jie at the fastest
speed possible, not to do anything else.”


Rong Wei entered this convoy along the way.

Personally seeing this scene, she sighed inside. After this hard battle, the master of
Golden Crow City had become the true king of Little Mountain Jie. If he sent down an order
right now, there definitely would be many people willing to sell their life for him. In the
remaining xiuzhe of Little Mountain Jie, there was not another person that could be spoken
of in the same terms as him.

The xiuzhe from Little Mountain Jie had all chosen to leave. Her mission did not have
much meaning then.

She didn’t think that she could investigate and find something in Little Mountain Jie with
just the handful of compound guards she had come with. The best choice right now was to
leave with the master of Golden Crow City.

She held a high opinion of the master of Golden Crow City. With the group of people
under his command, the master of Golden Crow City would be invincible wherever he went.
From the battle, she had seen how powerful the master of Golden Crow City was.
It was a profitable matter to give someone friendship when they were in their most
difficult straits.

“Good day, City Master!” Rong Wei went over and bowed. With a smile, she said, “We
will be travelling with you!”

Zuo Mo smiled. “Miss Rong is too courteous.” As he finished, he had his people make

Rong Wei was not courteous and stepped onto the slave transporting boat. The
compound guards all held their head and chests high, and shared in the glory.

“What does City Master plan to do for the future?”

Rong Wei tilted her head and asked.

“We’ll plan each step when we get there.” Zuo Mo was very wary of this female xiu that
was investigating Stars in Daytime.

“Sky Water Jie isn’t a bad place. City Master could consider it,” Rong Wei said.

Zuo Mo shook his head. “Too dangerous, The yao army can enter Little Mountain Jie at
any time. Sky Water Jie is this close to Little Mountain Jie, it is slightly dangerous.”

Rong Wei stilled. Upon further thought, she instantly stopped speaking. The other’s
words were very reasonable. She considered whether or not she should urge the Marquis
to move the House of the Crow Marquis to a place further way when she returned.

Pu Yao suddenly spoke up inside Zuo Mo’s mind, “Ask her if she has a jie map?”

Hearing this, Zuo Mo’s mind moved. He asked Rong Wei, “Speaking of that, this one has
something to request.”

“Oh, please speak,” Rong Wei said cautiously.

“This one’s jie map was lost, and wants to borrow and copy Miss Rong’s jie map,” Zuo
Mo said without blushing or an increase in his heartbeat.

Hearing this, Rong Wei’s heart settled. She said, “No problem, but the markings on this
one’s jie river are limited, and hope that City Master will not be too disappointed.”

Zuo Mo hurriedly gave his thanks, took out a blank jade scroll and copied.

After he finished, he gave the jie map jade scroll back to the other and went back to his
cabin after bidding farewell.

Once he entered the boat cabin, he couldn’t wait and took out the jie map to examine.
The jie map was filled with the names of all the jie and the jie rivers connecting them.
Zuo Mo instantly felt his vision broaden. Only today did he discover the general location of
Sky Moon Jie, and Little Mountain Jie.

Sky Moon Jie and Little Mountain Jie were at the corner of the entire jie map.

As expected, it was rural area … …

He smacked his lips and rubbed his chin as he read intensely, unaware that Pu Yao had
also crowded next to him and was examining the jie map.

“Such a small jie map?” Pu Yao said with slightly disdain.

“It’s already a lot. There’s more than three hundred jie labeled on here!”

“Three hundred jie is a lot?” Pu Yao seemed to have heard a great joke. “Country

Zuo Mo ignored him. It was the first time he saw a jie map and he was very curious. The
labels on the jie map were very detailed. It even included the specialty products of each jie.
He read on with interest. Around the jie map were large areas of blank space. Those were
probably areas that had never been mapped before.

He quickly discovered that there was no information on Water Cloud Embryos on the jie

“Pu, which jie produces Water Cloud Embryos?”

“I don’t know,” Pu Yao said irritably, “I’m not familiar with your xiuzhe territories.”

“Aren’t you a Sky yao? You don’t even know this.” Zuo Mo egged him on.

Pu Yao tilted his head and smirked coldly. “I know of a place, but it is in a yao jie, you
dare to go?”

Zuo Mo instantly was speechless. It seemed he had to do a search when he got to Sky
Water Jie.

When the vast troop reached Clear Sky Sect’s base, they found it was completely empty.
Zuo Mo, who had been expecting another hard battle, was very surprised.

When they found out the Clear Sky Sect disciples had all run away, cheers rang out from
the troop. Zuo Mo did not doubt that if any Clear Sky Sect disciple’s identity was revealed,
and they encountered any xiuzhe that escaped from Little Mountain JIe, they would die a
terrible death.
Every single one of the surviving xiuzhe from Little Mountain Jie hated Clear Sky Sect to
the bone.

What Zuo Mo felt was a pity was everything good in Clear Sky Sect had been cleaned out.
He didn’t stop there, followed the jie river, and flew towards Sky Water Jie.

When they arrived at the airspace above the jie river, many of the xiuzhe’s tears
uncontrollably flowed.

They finally believed that they were going to leave this hell-like cage!

They could finally return to the life they had been familiar with before. This made
everyone excited.

Cheers, sobs, venting roars … …

The sky above the jie river was very busy.

Zuo Mo wasn’t very excited. He looked at A Gui sitting silently beside him, his gaze

The other end of the jie river was just a new beginning.

Translator Ramblings: Don’t worry, Pu Yao hasn’t forgotten the golden core yet. It will
come up. Zuo Mo getting the jie map is like those players who just left behind the beginner
level. Sky Moon Jie was the tutorial, Little Mountain Jie the beginner village, and now we
are off to the real world.

The yao army juuuuuuuuuuust allows Zuo Mo to slip through, again. It’s a string of
coincidences. They are too tired after traveling at full speed and Zuo Mo’s convoy is too
numerous. Last time, it was that they adhered to the mission and were merciful so they did
not to go after “innocents.” I’m not sure what is plot armor if this isn’t.

As for A Gui’s name, the guywhoshere had a good answer: Ah (阿) is a prefix for
endearment, like you would use Xiao (小) to say little *name*. Gui (鬼) is ghost, hence why
he previously called her ghost.
Chapter 304
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Four – Great Day Mo Physique

The jie rivers were hard to cross. Every jie river was very lengthy.

Inside the cabin, Zuo Mo was focused on cultivation.

“Golden core! My golden core!” Once Pu Yao spoke of the jindan, he started to become
irritable. “Fought a jindan and almost lost your little life, and you didn’t get me the
golden core!”

Zuo Mo was slightly embarrassed. Before, he had promised to give a jindan to Pu Yao but
that was unfulfilled. Thinking about it now, jindan were not as terrifying as he imagined. As
long as he had the right method, it was possible to defeat a jindan.

After careful thought, the strongest quality of a jindan was their speed. This caused
jindan to have the absolute advantage when facing ningmai xiuzhe. For a powerful jindan to
kill with a strike was not uncommon, but it was not possible for one strike to kill ten

In comparison, a jindan’s defensive advantage was the least eye-catching .Even though
the sword energies of a single ningmai could not seriously wound them, but if dozens of
sword energies struck at the same time, even a jindan could not bear it.

What was most scary was if the jindan decided to kill everyone at the expense of their
life. If a jindan decided to go all out, the power they could release was multiple times what
it was normally.

Experience was the most valuable.

With the experience from last time, if he had to fight with Clear Sky Old Forefather again,
he even had the confidence to kill Clear Sky Old Forefather with just Vermillion Bird Camp.

Facing Pu Yao’s mockery and scorn, he could only grimace inside. The reason the battle
against Clear Sky Old Forefather had been so difficult was because he had been frightened
by the connotations of a jindan xiuzhe. Now he knew that being on the defense would cause
him to become even more reactive when facing a jindan xiuzhe.

Pu Yao clearly knew this. At this point, his wailing was just to satisfy his mouth.
Hearing Pu Yao natter at his ears, Zuo Mo really could not bear it any longer. He stopped
his cultivation. “Alright, alright! I’ll make it up to you!” He then muttered, “An honored
Sky Yao is actually … … hmph hmph … …”

Pu Yao pretended not to hear. After a while, he could resist tempting Zuo Mo, “Actually,
jindan are very easy to kill. You didn’t have the abilities before but it is different now.
Look, you have so many people under your command, and you also made a
breakthrough … …”

“Breakthrough?” Zuo Mo’s mind jumped. “Let’s talk more about this.”

“It’s strange now that you speak of it. Your talent in the consciousness and ling
power doesn’t seem outstanding, but you are abnormally fast in cultivating the mo
skills. It really is weird.” Pu Yao was slightly discontent, but still said, “You still remember
your mo physique?”

“Of course, Jade Metal Head. Ranked fifth in the captain stage,” Zuo Mo answered.

“Exactly. At the beginning, I assumed you would go to Star and Moon Wheel. But with
such coincidences, you transformed into another kind of mo physique.” Pu Yao seemed
slightly helpless but also grave. “There are one hundred and seventy two types of colonel
mo physiques. Ranked first is Mystical Earth, second is Great Day, third is Demonic
Fiend Sea.”

“Mystical Earth is not yin or yang, and is the only mo physique in colonel level mo
physiques that doesn’t belong to either. The biggest reason that it is ranked first is that
it can develop into any brigadier physique, including the top three brigadier

“Great Day is yang and unyielding, filled with brutal power. It is the best for
developing any kind of yang and unyielding mo physique in the future. Demonic Fiend
Sea is yin and deceptive, and the best for transformations.”

“I have the Great Day mo physique?” Zuo Mo seemed to understand.

“Right.” Pu Yao explained, “During the fight with Clear Sky Old Forefather, you
coincidentally activated the big formation. The big formation processed your body, the
essence of Golden Crow, hard lightning, and earth fire. All of those are yang and
unyielding substances. Under these coincidental conditions, it allowed you to develop
the Great Day mo physique.”

When he spoke to there, Pu Yao rolled his eyes. “It’s just you. If this was another other
mo that cultivated to Great Day mo physique, he would already have gone to find a
jindan to feed on. Afraid of a jindan? Humph!”

“What is strange about that? The inner core of yaomo are treasures to xiuzhe, the
jindan of a xiuzhe is also great food for yaomo!” Pu Yao’s vividly red tongue
unconsciously licked his lips. “You could try. That taste is delicious.”

Zuo Mo shook, and then swore, “Pu Yao, you pervert!”

Pu Yao was not affected. “It’s you who is too ignorant. It’s very normal for xiuzhe to
use yaomo to forge and in dan-making. But you say we’re perverts for eating golden

Zuo Mo was speechless.

He decided to not linger on this question. “What benefits are there to this Great Day
mo physique?”

Pu Yao became excited. “There are many benefits. Otherwise, how can it match to a
jindan xiuzhe? The first is in cultivating mo skills. You practiced [Sky Wave Fist
Scripture] before, so you must know the crux to fully using the power of this fist
scripture is how strong your body is. Mo skills are even more extreme on this point. In
the future, you will discover than any mo skill in the end it is to cultivate the body.
Great Day mo physique is innately strong and powerful. It is easier to cultivate those
domineering mo skills.”

“Mo skills again, you don’t have mo skills, what are you excited for?” Zuo Mo
responded neutrally.

Pu Yao almost choked. He decided to ignore Zuo Mo, and continued, “Mo physiques from
colonel and up have many wondrous abilities. Yaomo are not skilled in forging, and
really cannot stack up to xiuzhe on talismans. What do we do to compete then? One
method is a soul-tethered talisman, but they are different from the soul-tethered
talisman of xiuzhe. The yaomo’s soul-tethered talisman is a part of their body, like a
claw, tooth, or the skin they shed, formed after being forged constantly. The other
method is the transformation of the mo physique.”

“Of the colonel mo physiques, each type of mo physique has its own transformations,
but there are never more than six transformations. The reason that Mystical Earth,
Great Day, and Demonic Fiend Sea can rank in the top three is because all of them
possess six transformations.”

Zuo Mo’s eyes lit up upon hearing this, “What are transformations?”

“Similar to the abhinna of dhyana xiu. Didn’t you get Ling Eyes activated? The
transformations of a mo physique are techniques that can use the abilities of the mo
physique to the greatest degree.”

“You understand the six transformations?” Zuo Mo looked at Pu Yao with suspicion.
Pu Yao said calmly, “No.”

“I just knew. What Sky Yao, you don’t understand anything … …” Zuo Mo muttered to

A vein throbbed in Pu Yao’s forehead but he suppressed himself. “I might not

understand, but someone does.”

“Who?” Zuo Mo was very curious now.

“That guy,” Pu Yao said as he pointed at the gravestone.

“The gravestone?” Zuo Mo stilled.

“Right.” Smugness imperceptibly flashed across Pu Yao’s eyes. “You only need to agree
to a little request from him, and he will teach you the six transformations of the Great
Day mo physique, and also pass mo skills on to you.”

“Little request?” Zuo Mo instinctively detected danger. He suddenly remembered the

ancient voice that sounded when Pu Yao had entered his body.

That damned “To abide by my ceremony, to execute my desires, to give my oath, will
thou?” that had tormented him.

The more he thought, the more his anger burned. In the past when ge had been tender,
you felt ge was easy to bully, and shit and peed on ge’s head, ge couldn’t defeat you, so ge
tolerated it! Now you want to trick ge! No one could tolerate this!

He sprinted in front of the gravestone, and his foot heavily kicked the gravestone!

“Idiot! You ran into ge’s sea of consciousness! Didn’t give one piece of jingshi in rent!
Now you scheme against ge! Do you want to live?”

Bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

As Zuo Mo swore loudly, his foot kicked the gravestone rapidly so much the gravestone

Seeing Zuo Mo turn berserk, his eyes bloodshot, Pu Yao was dumbstruck where he stood!

He … … he dared to kick “him” … …

Heavens … …

After a long time, Pu Yao finally recovered. When he saw the gravestone that had almost
been kicked over, his face instantly turned pale.
“You … …”

Just as he opened and said one word, he saw Zuo Mo stop and turned around. On the
dark and vicious face was a pair of bloody and murderous eyes.

Pu Yao swallowed. He felt he was being targeted by a wild beast. If he took a wrong step,
Zuo Mo would instantly leap over. His throat felt tight. When his words reached his mouth,
they became, “Let’s talk peacefully … … let’s talk peacefully… …”

Zuo Mo turned around his pot-black face, and lifted his foot again.

Bang bang bang!

After kicking viciously for dozens of times, he finally stopped. Before he left, he did not
forget to leave words behind. “Idiot, let ge tell you! You dare to scheme against ge, ge
will kill you!”

As he finished, he was finally content and left.

Pu Yao looked dumbstruck at the gravestone. The black surface of the gravestone was
covered in footprints.

After a long moment, Pu Yao suddenly exploded in laughter so hard he fell down.

“Hahahaha! This is the person you picked? He has such a personality! Really has a
personality! Even more of a personality than you in the past! Haha! How do you feel? It
must be great! Haha, I hadn’t thought there would be a day when you get kicked by
other people? This is so interesting! Hahahaha! I like this guy!”

In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao’s roaring laughter echoed.


When Zuo Mo left the sea of consciousness, his anger had not been completely vented.
What Great Day mo physique, ge doesn’t care!

Don’t think that if you had stuff like mo skills that you can get good things out of ge!

Ge doesn’t lack spells!

Zuo Mo took out a large bunch of jade scrolls from the ring, and arranged them in a row.
These jade scrolls had been collected over time while he was in Little Mountain Jie, and
were all spells that were unique. The great majority were good fourth-grade spells. Among
them, there were also two fifth-grade spells. For him, at present, this was enough to use.

As to the golden core, it can go to hell!

Zuo Mo suddenly had a deep understanding of a rule. Self-reliance was the true path!
Back at Wu Kong Mountain, he was able to break through to the fourth level of the[Little
Art of Cloud and Rain] by relying on the lowest grade jade scroll. Right now, he had this
many jade scrolls and their grades were not low. There was no reason that he would
deteriorate over time.

Deeply stimulated by Pu Yao and the gravestone, Zuo Mo completely sank into a frenzy.

Wasn’t it just spells? Wasn’t it just skills? You think if you hold onto the spells, you hold
ge’s throat?

If the tiger doesn’t roar, you mistake it for a sick cat?

Ge will let you see why you Sky Yao and old antiques have declined to the point that you
couldn’t pay the rent, and had to take out the yin beads but couldn’t sell them!

While ge could hold a place in the outer sect of Wu Kong Sword Sect with just the [Little
Art of Cloud and Rain], everyone calling out Little Mo ge, and the jingshi was rolling in!

Translator Ramblings: World of Cultivation has fanart here by Ars. I love the crane
feathers fan Gongsun Cha has, reminds me of Zhuge Liang.

Pu Yao is like a child in this chapter. Gimme my candy, I want my candy, I WANT my
CANDY! Zuo Mo’s upgrade is explained and he (finally!) discovers the difference between
Pu Yao and the gravestone. Bit of a lighter chapter and more Pu Yao-Zuo Mo interactions so
hopefully people are satisfied. Also, look, no lil’ cliffy!

I researched and it turns out people pronounce “a” differently in English depending on
geography and other influences. So the “a” in “A Gui” seems like “ah” to me because that’s
how I usually say my “a.” Some of you might pronounce “a” like “ai” or “eh” so please keep
that in mind.

Should I stick the ramblings of the past chapters back into the edited chapters. I thought
they were distracting between chapters so I left them out. Do they alleviate the off-putting
horror that Pu Yao might seem to be?
Chapter 305
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Five – Entrance to the Jie River

Of more than one hundred jade scrolls, seven-tenths were sword scriptures. This made
Zuo Mo feel very helpless.

Even though he had once cultivated sword essence at Wu Kong Mountains which had
attracted the eye of the sect leader and the others, but that was relying the abilities of Pu
Yao to forcibly make gains. His innate talent of practicing the sword was lacking, and he
was more skilled with five element spells.

So when he saw that seventy percent of the sword scriptures, he really had a headache.
However, he had put the words out. If he didn’t do something, wouldn’t Pu Yao laugh at

He was determined to get the two old codgers to see something new. Zuo Mo resolved
himself. Wasn’t it just sword scriptures?

He lined up the jade scrolls, and read through each one patiently. However, he did not
read deeply, but scanned through all of them first.

It took him nearly two days to finish reading more than one hundred jade scrolls. His
head was dizzy and his vision was blurry when he finished, but he felt he had learned a lot.
Right now, his cultivation was limited, but of the xiuzhe of the same age, there were only a
rare few as knowledgeable as he was.

The spiritual cultivation arts of yao, the body cultivating mo skills of mo, and even
though he hadn’t seen many high level spells of xiuzhe, but in terms of numbers, it was still
very astounding. There were rarely people who would do as he did, and like to read all
kinds of spells whether or not he would practice them or not.

The best benefit of having a vast knowledge was that he could examine these spells from
a higher level.

Even though Zuo Mo could not cultivate these spells to a deep level, but that did not stop
him from finding the main concepts. Of course, understanding was just understanding.
Casting these spells required more than just understanding.
The spells were of a great variety. It clearly was not realistic to cultivate them one by

And Pu Yao would completely dismiss these spells. He needed to think of a way to shock
this guy!

Zuo Mo thought for a long time. His face suddenly lit up — — he got it!


“Is Boss okay?” Xie Shan had a slightly worried expression.

Boss’ state was not normal! Anyone that had eyes was able to see this.

Boss had been in this state for a few days. Without eating and drinking, he sat on the
deck as though he had gone insane, occasionally mutter something. In comparison, A Gui
that sat silently beside him seemed more like a normal person.

“Probably,” Ma Fan said uncertainly.

Yesterday, Boss had suddenly cast an unknown spell. The result was the air in the
surroundings had suddenly turned chaotic. They had almost been caught in it. After that,
everyone stayed far away from Boss. Only A Gui sat silently beside him.

“Haha, you think that it is easy to make a new spell?” Pu Yao fanned the flames from
the side.

Zuo Mo ignored him.

Time passed extremely quickly. Without realizing it, a month had passed.

Zuo Mo still forgot to rest and eat, but he still had nothing to show for his efforts.


The jie river entrance of Sky Water Jie was extremely wide. This place was controlled
together by eight different entities. Hundred Flower Alliance was one of them. Hundred
Flower Alliance entered the path through the flower, its entire sect was composed of
female xiu. The sect leader, Su Yue, was extremely adept, and Hundred Flower Alliance
prospered in her hands.
Those that could have a share of the jie river entrance were all sects with great power. It
could be imagined how powerful Hundred Flower Alliance was.

Hundred Flower Alliance had a branch at this place with its own camp. More than five
hundred people were present. The leader was a jindan elder called Gao Jian Ting. It was
possible to see how much importance Hundred Flower Alliance put on the camp.

Gao Jian Ting was as beautiful as a flower, her [Begonia Sword Scripture] was at the
level of Sword Essence Manifestation. When she attacked, it was a beautiful scene of
begonias flying in the sky.

“The slave transporting boats that went to Little Mountain Jie last time still haven’t
come back? Is there any other news?” Gao Jian Ting’s brow was creased.

“Shishu, no news has come back,” a female disciple hurriedly responded.

Gao Jian Ting murmured to herself, “Did something happen?”

Just at this time, a female disciple suddenly ran in with panic. “Shishu, Shihu! Please
come out and see this!”

Gao Jian Ting’s expression changed, and her figure disappeared.

In the air, Gao Jian Tiang looked at the vast army in front of her, and inhaled sharply.

The sky above the jie river was completely filled with xiuzhe without any visible end.

“Shishu, that’s our slave transporting boats!” a female disciple cried out.

Gao Jian Ting’s pupils suddenly shrank. That was right, the five big ships at the very
center of this large army were the slave transporting boats of Hundred Flower Alliance!
The other didn’t even change the Hundred Flower Alliance markings on the slave
transporting boats.

She was confident that something had happened in Little Mountain Jie!

This large procession disturbed all the factions. Sword lights flashed, and large amounts
of xiuzhe flew into the sky. However, when they saw such a large number of xiuzhe, they
were dumbstruck where they stood.

“Heavens! What is going on?”

The five colossal slave transporting boats slowly flew with a shocking presence like
moons buoyed by the stars.

Gao Jian Ting’s expression changed. She controlled herself and did not move rashly. Since
the other had gotten to this place, Clear Sky Old Forefather had most likely been killed.
They were both jindan, and Gao Jian Ting knew her own strength was far below Clear Sky
Old Forefather.

Even more, the troop that was swimming around the slave transporting boats looked
extremely strong from a glance.

She was not only one. Every person’s gaze was attracted by Vermillion Bird Camp. This
troop of no more than eight hundred people gave them a strong feeling of danger.


Only an elite force that gone through many battles would possess such a dangerous aura.

The Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe that had just arrived were exhausted but all of them were

They had finally escaped Little Mountain Jie!

However, when they noticed the xiuzhe from Sky Water Jie looking warily at them, they
instantly quieted down. These fortunate xiuzhe that had survived had all gone through
blood and fire. Their sensitivity to danger was far higher than Sky Water Jie xiuzhe.

They unconsciously retreated towards the five slave transporting boats. Even more of
them took out their talismans.

Silence, an abnormal silence!

The situation instantly became tense. The expressions of the Sky Water Jie xiuzhe
changed. They felt as though there was an invisible cord tightening slowly.

Gao Jian Ting’s expression also changed as well. The other side had much higher
numbers than they did. If a conflict occurred, this place would flow with blood.

Their gazes all turned to the five slave transporting boats.

At this time, many people noticed the Hundred Flower Pavilion marks on the slave
transporting boats and looked at Gao Jian Ting with strange looks. However, when they
saw the contorted grimace on Gao Jian Ting’s face, they instantly understood.

They all knew what Hundred Flower Pavilion had done in Little Mountain Jie. Looking at
it now, Hundred Flower Pavilion probably had not gotten any benefits.

However, they were more curious about the five slave transporting boats. From the
movements of the xiuzhe, it was possible to see the leader of this group of people were on
the five boats.
Gongsun Cha looked at Zuo Mo. Shu Long looked at Zuo Mo. They were waiting for Zuo
Mo’s order.

The xiuzhe in the surroundings all turned to look at Zuo Mo, waiting for the order from
the master of Golden Crow City.

When people encountered danger, they were used to looking towards people who could
resolve the problem and bring them victory. Zuo Mo was this kind of person in their hearts.

Gao Jian Ting and the others also noticed the change in people’s gazes, and unconsciously
looked towards the youth sitting on the deck of the slave transporting boat at the very

The enormous jie river entrance was silent.


At the center of everyone’s attention, Zuo Mo didn’t feel anything at all. He was arguing
furiously with Pu Yao.

“This is what you thought of? Ha, nonsense!” Pu Yao said scornfully, “I thought you
had some ability, but after working for a month, you just have something this far-

“Far-fetched? You old codger that’s been dead for a thousand years, you’re just like
the gravestone, even your mind has rusted. Of course you guys can’t understand
something this cutting-edge!” Zuo Mo was not weak as he retaliated.

“Don’t put me with that guy!” Pu Yao raged, “This honored Sky Yao … …”

“So what if you’re a Sky yao?” Zuo Mo said disdainfully as he looked sideways, “Out of
time is out of time.”

Pu Yao smiled and said calmly, “Your idea is unique, but your experience in cultivation
is too little. You clearly have underestimated the difficulty in this. If you are in jindan,
you may be able to use this move, but you definitely cannot right now! Something that
cannot be used has no value.”

“It’s useless because you say so? You really are confident!” Zuo Mo snorted coldly. “If I
can do it, what then?”
Pu Yao’s eye narrowed like a blade, and he said darkly, “You do not need to provoke me.
If you can do it, I will help you get the six transformations of Great Day mo physique.
But if you cannot do it, then you have to agree to the gravestone’s oath.”

“You promise?” Zuo Mo asked as he tilted his head.

“Yes!” Pu Yao said coldly.

“Alright, I agree!” Zuo Mo nickered, a cunning smile on his face. “Pu, you got tricked!”

Finishing, Zuo Mo’s hands swiped and forming a sword scripture move.

A faint blue sword energy appeared in front of him.

His hands continuously swiped.

A red sword energy and a gold sword energy appeared.

His expression was unusually serious. With a light shout, the sword scriptures on his
hands turned and his hand motions changes. The three sword energies seemed to change
as they were guided by an invisible force.

“Pu, this is Three Talent Formation!”

In front of Zuo Mo was a three-leaf shaped sword formation composed of sword

energies. The sword formation flowed in motion!

“Four Cardinal Formation!”

Zuo Mo released another sword scripture. This formation changed. Three talent into four
cardinal. The nimble presence turned to a heavy one.

“Five Element formation!”

“Heaven Light Seven Star Sword Formation!”


Gao Jian Ting stared at the sword formation in front of the youth with shock on her face.
With her eyes, she could see that every sword energy the youth released was a beginning
one, but the attributes of each sword energy were completely different. If it was just this,
that only showed that this boy’s knowledge was shamefully heterogeneous, and she
wouldn’t be so shocked.
Yet the youth deliberately merged these sword energies of different attributes into a
sword formation!

She could not completely understand the sword formation in front of the youth but there
were thirty six types of sword energies that were put in.

When these normal sword energies formed a sword formation, their power grew!
Looking from far away, she could feel threads of cold.

This skill was to turn what was rotten into a wonder!


What were the origins of this youth?

She did not notice that the tense atmosphere had dissipated. Everyone’s attention were
attracted by the sword formation in front of Zuo Mo! No matter if it was the xiuzhe of Sky
Water Jie or Little Mountain Jie, all of them had shock on their faces!


At this time, Zuo Mo’s eyes suddenly widened as he glared and shouted, “Pu, look

Translator Ramblings: Thanks for the feedback yesterday, everyone!

Zuo Mo needs to improve his awareness of the surroundings. I’s not nice to flaunt
someone’s former property in front of them, the boats are worth a lot. Slave traders
meeting their former slaves that were stolen and then freed.
Chapter 306
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Six – Spells Entering Formation

Zuo Mo’s cheeks ballooned, his eyes were round like a toad expanding its cheeks, and
blew out heavily!


A red thread of fire emerged from his mouth!

Countless small flames landed like raindrops in the sword formation.


The light from the sword formation exploded, countless red sparks floating in the middle.
Inside the sharp murderous intent was an explosive energy.

At the same time, Zuo Mo’s hands flipped and the [Little Art of Cloud and Rain] formed.
The glowing rain silently entered the sword formation. Innumerable clear droplets floated
inside the formation. The water and fire were clearly divided and extremely pretty to look
at. However, no one was attracted by its beauty. The dangerous presence exuded by the
water and fire sword formation made everyone’s hearts speed up.

“Pu, look, isn’t this it?” Zuo Mo smugly showed off.

This was the method he thought of.

After Zuo Mo had read through more than one hundred jade scrolls, he found that while
the quality of each was good, there wasn’t a spell that made peaked his interest. At this
moment, he suddenly found that he had become pickier without previously noticing it.

However, he suddenly discovered that even though these spells and sword scriptures
were not outstanding, they were at least varied. Each jade scroll had its own unique
qualities. He had a daring idea. Could he merge all of these spells together?

Consequently, he thought of formations.

Different sword energies and spells contained an abundance of changes, and thus they
were perfect for formations.
It was extremely difficult to use different sword energies and spells to create a

When this idea jumped out, he knew it was possible! However, he didn’t speak of it. He
really desired the six transformations of the Great Day mo physique from the bottom of his
heart, especially when he heard Pu Yao say that it could match a jindan xiuzhe. He forcibly
stopped the impulse to make a deal, and spent a whole month to sort through every detail
that he could think of before he set the trap for Pu Yao.

Zuo Mo’s face was very smug but his heart was beating rapidly inside. Only when he
finished setting up the formation did the stone in his heart land on the ground.

Dearie, he should not frequently do things like this in the future, that was too intense for

“How … … how is it possible … …”

When Zuo Mo saw Pu Yao’s dumbstruck expression, all of the nervousness flew away,
and his body felt unspeakably comfortable!

“Divine Summoning Art!” Pu Yao’s eyes widened greatly as he stared in disbelief at Zuo

“Divine Summoning Art? What is that?” Zuo Mo was confused.

Pu Yao had a death stare locked on Zuo Mo. His gaze was so strange that Zuo Mo felt his
hairs stand up.

“Pu, I have no interest in yao … …”

Pu Yao’s eyes were tightly fixed on Zuo Mo and he did not speak.

After a while, Zuo Mo really could not suppress himself. “Pu, you can’t go back on your
word!” His finger motions instantly changed. “Look, I used [Bright Light Spell] as the
foundation, then [Black Fire Spell] and [Ling Wood Spell] so that the wood element
would create fire. Then I used the [Black Daze Spell] as the connection to create the
presence of the Fire-Tailed tiger, which is highly offensive and vicious!”

In front of him, a formation that seemed like a ferocious tiger took form. A thread of fire
tail was waving in the air, cold and murderous.

Gao Jian Ting who saw this, couldn’t stop herself from inhaling sharply. With a few flicks
of the youth’s finger, all kinds of spells fell like rain, and the formation took form almost in
the blink of an eye.

What finger method was this?

With her cultivation and keen eyes, she could clearly see every step Zuo Mo made, but
when all the movements were connected together, she could not understand it. However,
the high spirited and vicious presence of this Fire-Tailed tiger formation rushed at her face.

She had never heard of such a fantastical method.

In her eyes, the youth sitting on the boat suddenly became deep and mysterious. Was it
the disciple of some big sect out on a right of passage? This was her only rational guess.


The highest-ranking commanders of the other factions also had heavy expression at this

Zuo Mo’s move really was astounding and exquisite, stunning the entire place.

Even though they didn’t know why this youth would show this to everyone, but the
factions couldn’t help but start to mutter.

“Why do you know Divine Summoning Art?” Pu Yao stared at Zuo Mo and bit out his
words one by one.

“What is Divine Summoning Art?” Zuo Mo asked curiously.

Pu Yao stared at Zuo Mo for a long time before opening. “Then how are you controlling
these spells?”

“Spiritual power!” Zuo Mo looked strangely at Pu Yao. “Of course it is spiritual power.
This is very easy! Look.”

He flicked with a finger and a thread of fire flew before him. Without any visible action
from him, the thread of fire seemed to be pulled by an invisible force to spin around Zuo

“You don’t know how?” Zuo Mo felt it was even more strange. “No way! Shouldn’t a
finger method as easy as this be something that all yao cultivate?”
“How many threads can you control in total?” Pu Yao did not answer but asked in

“A lot!” Without another word, Zuo Mo’s finger flicked continuously. Threads of fire
floated in the air. In a short moment, more than one hundred flames were floating around
him. Zuo Mo’s consciousness moved, and controlled these flames to perform all kinds of

“Alright! I will give you the six transformations to the Great Day mo physique
tomorrow!” Pu Yao said decisively.

Zuo Mo instantly had a smile. Pu Yao might have the track record of a con artist, but
when he promised something he never went back on his word.

“You should first resolve what is happening right now,” Pu Yao then said.

Zuo Mo stilled. Pu Yao’s tone actually became slightly friendly. This made feel very
unaccustomed. Illusion, this definitely was an illusion!

As he warned himself not to forget, he started to examine what was in front of him.

When he looked, his body shook.

What situation was this … …

The surroundings were deathly silent and every person was looking at him. Even if the
skin on Zuo Mo’s face was thick, he still felt his scalp prickle. Had he been embarrassing
himself in front of so many people just now?

It was over, over!

He wailed inside. However, the skin on his face was truly thick, and he quickly composed

Zuo Mo calmly asked, “Um, what’s going on?”

When Xie Shan, Ma Fan, and the others heard this, they almost dropped from the sky.
They stared at each other. Boss had made such a fuss, and now he was asking them what
was happening?

Gongsun Cha’s expression did not change. He coughed lightly, and said to Zong Ru beside
him “Oh, the wind outside is strong, I’m going in to rest.”

He then left for the cabin. Zong Ru reached out a hand in bewilderment. There was no
Seeing no one answer after a while, anger sprouted from Zuo Mo’s embarrassment. He
pointed at Ma Fan, “You, speak!”

Ma Fan felt very unlucky. He could hear the muffled laughs of Xie Shan, Lei Peng and the
others beside him, but he forced himself to fly next to Zuo Mo. “Boss, this, look … …”

He pointed at the Sky Water Jie xiuzhe in the sky.

Zuo Mo followed Ma Fan’s finger and gazed at the Sky Water Jie xiuzhe opposite them.
After tilting his head and thinking for a while, he said, “They are not letting us go across?”

When these words came out, all the Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe uncontrollably tightened
their grip on their talismans, their gazes became vicious.

Gao Jian Ting and the other’s had extraordinary hearing. When they heard Zuo Mo’s
words, their hearts jumped suddenly. If they had been just wary of the number of the Little
Mountain Jie xiuzhe before, after seeing Zuo Mo’s uncanny formation, they were even more
wary of his origins.

The instinctive movements of the other’s xiuzhe subordinates made their hearts tighten
when they saw it.

They knew that it was not good but if they spoke and showed weakness now, they felt
they would lose face.

At this time, Rong Wei inserted, “City Master, don’t be angry. Everyone must not have
known that City Master and your procession would be arriving, and have overreacted.
City Master, please allow this one to go forward to speak.”

Rong Wei was very nervous. She had seen the battle of Golden Crow City. Zuo Mo didn’t
even respect Clear Sky Old Forefather. If these people infuriated him, this place would flow
with blood today.

Having managed to escape from Little Mountain Jie after a struggle, Zuo Mo was slightly
discontent at being blockaded at the Sky Water Jie entrance.

He had led this group of people and survived for so long in Little Mountain Jie, and a
killing energy had settled on his body. However, he didn’t want to enter a conflict with the
local factions just as he entered Sky Water Jie. He said to Rong Wei, “Then we will trouble
Miss Rong!”

Rong Wei hurriedly flew towards the people of Sky Water Jie.

Normal xiuzhe might not know of Rong Wei of the House of the Crow Marquis, but the
leaders of the eight factions recognized her. After Rong Wei went over and quietly spoke
with them, the Sky Water Jie xiuzhe in front of Zuo Mo retreated.
Zuo Mo was slightly shocked. It seemed this House of the Crow Marquis wasn’t simple!

Thinking about how the House of the Crow Marquis was investigating the Stars in
Daytime, Zuo Mo was very irritated. It wasn’t a good feeling that he was being targeted by a
force that had a powerful background.

Rong Wei came back and smiled. “It is done!”

Zuo Mo had to give his thanks again. The five slave transporting boats slowly started and
took the vast group of xiuhe into Sky Water Jie.


Gao Jian Ting gazed at this enormous troop, worry rising in her heart. She could only
hope now that these five slave transporting boats were not spoils of war from a direct

No, she had to report this to the sect leader immediately!

She didn’t dare to procrastinate and took out a paper crane. After she finished writing,
she channeled ling power into the crane and watched as it disappeared into the sky.

At the same time, hundreds of paper cranes flew into the sky and disappeared.


As they entered Sky Water Jie, Zuo Mo’s emotions totally relaxed. At evening, they
reached the first major city of Sky Water Jie, Guang Heng City. When such a large number of
xiuzhe appeared in the horizon, they created terror in the local xiuzhe.

Fortunately, Rong Wei came out at the appropriate time to comfort them, and dissipate
their panic.

Seeing the situation, Zuo Mo established camp at a mountain peak outside the city.

There were no gatherings in the world that did not end. Many xiuzhe came at this time to
Zuo Mo to give their farewells. Zuo Mo did not urge them to remain and gave them his good
wishes. The sky filled with sword lights like rain that disappeared into the sky.
Their individual power was undoubted after being able to survive in Little Mountain Jie.
They would have good lives in Sky Water Jie.

After some thought, Zuo Mo gathered everyone together, and took the jinzhi off their
bodies. He looked with emotion at them, and suddenly felt a bit proud.

“Truthfully, I had no choice but to put jinzhi in everyone in the past. Fortunately, we
have escaped Little Mountain Jie. Starting from today, everyone is free, you can go
wherever you want! Everyone can go get five pieces of fourth-grade jingshi from Old

The people shifted slightly, but all of them were silent. No one moved.

Zuo Mo saw that no one moved, and felt irritated. He waved his hand. “I’m letting you
go, so go!”

Finishing, he turned and left.

It was night, and the moonlight was like water.

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo astonishes Pu Yao through formations and five element
spells. Zuo Mo and the people of Sky Water Jie are not off to a good start. Mass influx of
refugees and a show of great power. I like how Rong Wei is trying to prevent bloodshed
and is actually afraid of Zuo Mo. Also, five pieces of fourth-grade jingshi! I actually think
Zuo Mo is way too generous this time but he did enslave them and force them to fight so
reparations it is.
Chapter 307
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Seven – Bright Water City

Zuo Mo sat on top of a rock at the top of the mountain. The moon was shining above his
head, and A Gui was sitting silently beside him.

Gongsun Cha found Zuo Mo. Seeing him, he could only smile.

“What are you smiling about?” Zuo Mo said irritably, and then asked, “Where’s Cheng

“He’s still experimenting with his ling beasts. According to him, he’s at a critical time
period.” Gongsun Cha found a rock beside Zuo Mo and sat down. He stretched lazily. “I can
finally rest. In Little Mountain Jie, I didn’t have one night of peaceful rest.”

“I had thought that a battle maniac like you wouldn’t need to rest.” Zuo Mo glanced at
him and mocked.

“Oh, that’s because I was just starting.” Gongsun Cha gave a shy smile. Zuo Mo acted as
though he was going to puke.

“Why are you letting them leave?” Gongsun Cha’s tone became serious.

Zuo Mo rolled his eyes. “I can’t support them. Do you know how great the pressure it
is to feed all these people? Oh, in Little Mountain Jie, we can steal resources, but that
doesn’t work anywhere else. Those not in charge of the household, do not know how
expensive food is. To say of nothing else, you know how much Vermillion Bird Camp
uses every day. In any case, we have all fought together, it’s better to have a good

Gongsun Cha was the one that knew the most about the expenses of Vermillion Bird
Camp. It definitely was not realistic to keep everyone.

Sky Water Jie was much more wealthy and prosperous than Little Mountain Jie, but its
territories had already been divided up. If they wanted to insert themselves, they would
have to act against other factions. Gongsun Cha did not fear fighting, but this way, they
would easily become the common enemy of the entire Sky Water Jie. That would not be
“A lot of people would probably go.” Gongsun Cha smacked his lips as he said, “People’s
hearts have started to change as they arrived in Sky Water Jie.”

“This is also good,” Zuo Mo said.

The two became silent.

After a while, Gongsun Cha looked at Zuo Mo, and then at A Gui who was sitting
woodenly. He asked, “Where do we go next? En, don’t say something like it’s dangerous,
and you will go alone.”

Zuo Mo’s heart warmed and said, “I need to find Water Cloud Embryo.”

“Water Cloud Embryo?” Gongsun Cha looked at A Gui. “For A Gui?”

“En!” Zuo Mo nodded, “I don’t know what connection I have with A Gui, but since she
became like this to save me, I cannot just sit back and do nothing.”

“That’s for sure.” Gongsun Cha had an expression of agreement and then raised his
arms, shouting exuberantly, “For A Gui! We will find Cloud Water Embryo!”

Zuo Mo was very moved and a smile appeared on his face.

“Hee he, the best is if we can encounter more fighting! It makes me excited just
thinking about it!” Gongsun Cha said calmly.

As expected from a battle maniac … …

“Oh, where are we going to find Water Cloud Embryo? Can we buy it?” Gongsun Cha

“Don’t know.” Zuo Mo shook his head. He looked at A Gui and said, “We have to

His heart suddenly moved and took out the sound tablet from his ring. Gongsun Cha’s
gaze was attracted and he was very shocked. “Shixiong has kept this with you! It’s been so
long since I listened to it!”

‘Yes, it’s been a long time since we listened.” Zuo Mo channeled ling power into the
sound tablet.

The calm voice floated out from the sound tablet and was unspeakably intimate.

Under the moonlight, Zuo Mo and Gongsun Cha idly listened to the sound tablet, A Gui
sitting silently beside them.

The morning of the next day.

Yesterday night was fated to be a difficult one for many people. The eyes of many people
were bloodshot, some of them had heavy expressions. The number of people in the camp
had been dramatically reduced.

Gongsun Cha’s expression was very relaxed. No one from Vermillion Bird Camp had left.
The people that left were mostly from the Eastern and Western Camps. Of more than two
thousand people, less than eight hundred remained.

“I can fill Vermillion Bird Camp now,” Gongsun Cha said with a smile.

Vermillion Bird Camp did not leave and Guard Camp did not leave. The departure of the
majority of the Eastern and Western Camp was not out of Zuo Mo’s expectations. What
surprised him was the forging division. None of the xiuzhe from the forging division had

Zuo Mo looked at the pairs of eyes below him and was very moved.

He opened his mouth, but when the words reached his lips, he didn’t know what to say.

“What are you all standing here for? Go back to work!”

Zuo Mo’s shout made everyone roar with laughter. The sorrow due the departures had
dissipated greatly.


Rong Wei saw this scene and her heart shook. She increasingly felt that she could not
clearly understand the Master of Golden Crow City. Yesterday, she had been very shocked
when she heard the Master of Golden Crow City was letting people leave. How could there
be someone that would willing weaken themselves?

But today, when she saw the determined looks of the xiuzhe from Golden Crow City, she
seemed to understand.

This troop in front of her was more unified and had stronger morale than the previous
group. Even if they encountered greater dangers, they wouldn’t easily break up!
The Master of Golden Crow City appeared to have weakened his power, but in reality, his
primary strength had not been damaged, the organization had become purer, and the
average strength had actually went up a level, and had gained strong abilities of survival!

Looking at that outrageously young face, Rong Wei felt it was almost impossible to
believe. At a glance, Zuo Mo did not have any outstanding qualities. But the actions this
youth took frequently displayed a maturity that surpassed his age.

She suddenly realized that even if the Master of Golden Crow City did not have that
mysterious and powerful sect behind him, he would not be one of the masses with his

Just as she was thinking, Zuo Mo suddenly turned around to face her. “Miss Rong, where
is the biggest city of Sky Water Jie?”

Rong Wei gathered her thoughts and said with a slight smile, “There are twenty eight
primary towns in Sky Water Jie. The most prosperous would be Bright Water City. Does
City Master have any plans?”

“Oh, I have a batch of items I want to sell, and buy items along the way.”

“If that’s the case, Bright Water City is perfect. The biggest merchants in Sky Water
Jie are all in Bright Water City.” Rong Wei then said with a smile, “This one’s house is
located in Bright Water City, and have relationships with those merchants, we may be
able to help.”

Zuo Mo hurried to give him thanks. “Many thanks, Miss Rong!”


Su Yue finished reading the paper crane that Gao Jian Ting had sent, and a shadow
flashed through her eyes. Su Yue was very charismatic and attractive. She was still the most
attractive woman even among the multitude of beautiful women in Hundred Flower
Alliance. She had managed Hundred Flower Alliance for twenty years and had good
relationships with all the sects. The disciples under her had mostly married the
accomplished disciples from big sects, and she had a deep foundation.

“Let’s not rashly move on this matter.” Su Yue said deeply, “See what their origins
really are.”

“Yes!” the female disciple respectfully responded.

“Where are they now?”

“They reached the border of the city last night.” The female disciple crisply answered,
“It was Miss Rong Wei that brought them over.”

“Oh.” Su Yue was slightly surprised and then had an expression of deep thought. She
could not see what connection Rong Wei had with this Master of Golden Crow City.

The House of the Crow Marquis was as deep as the sea, and hard for outsiders to probe.
But Hundred Flower Alliance had countless eyes, and were the most skilled at spying. Su
Yue could see a hint. Of all the factions in Bright Water City, the one Su Yue was wary of the
most was the House of the Crow Marquis.

The House of the Crow Marquis was usually low-key and did not attend to outside
matters. The Crow Marquis himself only focused on cultivation. However, all the hints
showed that there was a deep background behind the Crow Marquis. Su Yue had detected
this a long time ago, but after all these years, no matter how they searched, they still did not
find anything.

Rong Wei’s trip this time was the biggest action the House of the Crow Marquis took in

Su Yue smelt an unusual flavor from this.


When they saw Bright Water City, Zuo Mo and the shidi were slightly shocked. Bright
Water City was tens of times bigger than Dong Fu. The entire sky was covered in lights that
streamed without end. In the sky above the city floated hundreds of islands of various sizes.
The houses constructed on the lucky clouds were multicolored from the lights of all kinds
of jinzhi and formations.

Sky Water Jie was more prosperous than Sky Moon Jie as expected.

The other people were alright, but the trio of Zuo Mo, Gongsun Cha, and Chun Yu Cheng
were people that were inexperienced. Each of them gaped, their faces filled with shock.

Rong Wei who had been constantly observing them felt slightly confused. These three’s
actions did not seem like those that came from large sects.

However, she was not suspicious. Many disciples from large sect never asked about
worldly affairs so they could concentrate on cultivation. Some people would never even
leave the sects mountain for decades.

She didn’t show any signs of scorn and enthusiastically showed them around.
“Bright Water City is the best part of Sky Water Jie. Almost four-tenths of this jie’s
ling veins are located here, and there are the most secret paradises here. If City Master
wants to develop here, you could buy a few secret paradises. They are the best for

Secret paradieses did not hold any attraction for Zuo Mo. His mo physique could
automatically absorb ling power from the world and it could process the impurities. He did
not need a secret paradise.

The other people also lacked interest in the secret paradises.

Rong Wei was even more certain now that the Master of Golden Crow City came from a
large sect. For normal xiuzhe, secret paradises were their biggest love as well as their
greatest wish. Many xiuzhe worked their whole lives with the goal of owning a secret

Only disciples from large sects did not need to worry about secret paradises.

Zuo Mo’s procession could truly be called vast. They had camped at an empty area
outside the city. What made Zuo Mo depressed was that the empty area outside the city
was owned. It had taken Rong Wei coming forward to get the matter settled.

Shu Long and the others did not have any interest in touring the city. Having recovered
his youth, Shu Long’s mania on cultivation was enough to make Zuo Mo sweat. With him as
the role model, everyone in Guard Camp had become cultivation maniacs.

The people of the forging division also stayed at the camp with only Sun Bao and Ji Wei
coming along. Other than that, Bao Yi was a person that could not be left behind.
Considering that they should not be high-key, Gongsun Cha still took along three divisions,
Sky Peak Platoon among them.

Even so, this procession was very eye-catching.

The killing aura of Vermillion Bird Camp that had been forged through combat was
completely different than normal guards. Landing in the eyes of those who understood,
they couldn’t stop themselves from speculating.

Fortunately, Rong Wei knew many people in Bright Water City and people would
occasionally come up to exchange greetings.

Rong Wei’s mind suddenly moved and when she raised her head, a paper crane flew

The paper crane landed on her palm. She lightly unfolded it. When she finished reading,
there was a surprised expression.

The Marquis was not in the compound!

The compound guard she had sent back to the compound informed her that the Marquis
had left half a month ago and had not yet returned. Rong Wei felt slight regret. She had
wanted to take the Master of Golden Crow City to meet the Marquis. The Marquis was very
knowledgeable and might have been able to see his origins.

It seemed like she could not do it. She was worried about the affairs of the house and
bowed in apology to Zuo Mo, “My sincere apologies. Rong Wei did not know that the
Marquis had left a fortnight ago, and has not yet returned. There are many affairs in
the compound. Rong Wei will bid farewell early. City Master, please give your

Hearing this, Zuo Mo hurriedly said, “Miss Rong has helped us greatly. We are very
grateful, you should hurry! We will just walk around by ourselves!”

Worried about the internal situation of the house, Rong Wei left.

The procession of people hadn’t walked around for long when Zuo Mo’s expression
changed and suddenly stopped walking. Someone was following them!

Translator Rambings: Sometimes I find wordpress painful. Because I can’t find the
comments, I’ll reply to some here.

One person was right on the dot regarding why Zuo Mo is letting the people go, he
doesn’t have the money to support all those people. To the person who offered donations,
I’m happy that you like the translation so much but I won’t be accepting any donations at
this point. To the reader who mentioned Chun Yu Cheng, he’s alive and still being a mad
animal farmer. It would be funny if Zuo Mo and Gongsun Cha just forgot about him but
they’ve been together for at least a year so that’s not likely. I know my ramblings are long
sometimes but you guys actually get the condensed version. I end up deleting non-essential

Zuo Mo does something to save money and people are thinking too highly of his
“wisdom.” The increased unity is just a side effective of Zuo Mo’s miserly nature and
pragmatism. Rong Wei who thinks of him like this extremely violent person that is
extremely intelligent and can be set off easily, which I guess is not an improvement over
thinking of him as a lecherous person.
Chapter 308
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eight – Brute!

Zuo Mo gave everyone a look. They all understood and purposely walked towards a less
populated area.

“Is there a reason Sir is following us?”

Zuo Mo looked coldly at this xiuzhe wearing almond-yellow Taoist robes, with white hair
yet had a child-like appearance. There were still many people passing by. When these
xiuzhe saw the yellow-robed old Taoist, they all changed expression and hurriedly left!

“Little baby is pretty clever to have noticed Old Forefather.” This old person’s tone
was very proud. Facing Zuo Mo’s procession, he showed no fear.

The three divisions of Vermillion Bird Camp silently prepared to fight and could attack at
any moment.

“I urge you to not move.” The yellow-robed old Taoist snickered. “Otherwise, this Old
Forefather would make you feel it.”

Zuo Mo rolled his eyes. Why did everyone speak so much these days?

However, Zuo Mo didn’t want to make trouble right after arriving in Bright Water City.
He glanced at the yellow-robed old Taoist. “Sir has followed us for this long, it shouldn’t
just be to chat, right?”

“Hee hee, little baby, you have a talisman. Since you can’t use it, why don’t you give it
to this Old Forefather?” the yellow-robed old Taoist said cheerfully.

Zuo Mo was slightly surprised. He said, “Talisman? I have many talismans. Which one
is Sir speaking of?”

“You have a pile of scrap metal. There’s only one that can be considered a talisman, it
should be a sixth-grade talisman!” The yellow-robed old Taoist narrowed his eyes that
twinkled with greed.

Sixth-grade talisman. Zuo Mo’s heart shook. The number of people that knew the Nine
Turn Sky Soil Disk had landed in his possession was pitifully few. How could this old Taoist
“Sir is joking! A sixth-grade talisman isn’t something someone like this one can
possess!” Zuo Mo refuted.

“Don’t pretend in front of this Old Forefather.” The expression of the yellow-robed old
Taoist turned cold and he seemed impatient. “Old Forefather doesn’t want to hear you
blab. If you are wise, hand it over. Old Forefather naturally won’t forget to give you
something in return.”

“Sir means?” Zuo Mo said lightly, his eyes turning cold.

“Ha, don’t think that Old Forefather doesn’t dare to attack you because you glued
yourselves onto the House of the Crow Marquis. Hmph, even if the Crow Marquis
personally comes, he can’t save you!”

The presence of the yellow-robed old Taoist suddenly grew. The ling power in the
surroundings seemed to become chaotic and become abnormally restless.

The faces of Zuo Mo and the others changed dramatically!


This yellow-robed old Taoist was actually a jindan!

“Hee hee! Be wise, and take it out. Don’t make Old Forefather personally act. It won’t
look good then!” the yellow-robed Taoist said darkly.

The strong ling pressure was like lead that pressed down on them to the point of
suffocation. Zuo Mo and the others had never directly faced a jindan at such a close
distance. Their battle against Clear Sky Old Forefather had been in the air. The feeling now
was completely different. In their eyes, the figure of the yellow-robed old Taoist was as
high as a mountain. They were as small as insects, and unable to shake him.

At such a close distance to a jindan, just this terrifying ling pressure was enough for the
great majority of ningmai to lose their will to resist.

“Hee, I hadn’t noticed that you do have some talent!” A flash of shock passed through
the eyes of the yellow-robed old Taoist and then he snickered. “Pity that it isn’t enough in
front of Old Forefather!”

A light flashed through the eyes of the yellow-robed old Taoist.

Everyone suddenly felt their body be pulled down and could not move. They couldn’t
even raise their arms. Everyone had shocked expressions.

Power of the earth!

“You … …” Zuo Mo glared angrily, but his body didn’t move at all. He finally knew why the
other wanted the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk! The other cultivated earth element spells.

What … … what earth element spell was so tyrannical!

Xie Shan gave a muffled grunt and forcibly channeled his ling power to activate his sword

“Somewhat interesting. It seems you are almost at jindan.” The yellow-robed old
Taoist had a surprised expression again. However, he then was unconcerned. “It’s a pity
that your luck isn’t good.”


Xie Shan felt the ling power in his chest reverse. He couldn’t not stop himself from
spraying up a mouthful of blood.

“Don’t struggle!” The yellow-robed old Taoist looked scornfully at Xie Shan. “It is
useless. There is just one line between us, but this one line is the difference between
heaven and earth.”

Finishing, he ignored Xie Shan and turned to walk towards Zuo Mo.

“Hee hee, why did you have to force Old Forefather to act?” The yellow-robed old
Taoist smiled smugly and casually walked in front of Zuo Mo and slapped Zuo Mo’s face. He
roared with laughter. “Old Forefather’s luck today is really good, many thanks to you!”

The xiuzhe of Vermillion Bird Camp all glared angrily, furiously channeling their ling
power to struggle!

“They are pretty loyal to you!” The yellow-robed old Taoist snickered and continued to
slap Zuo Mo’s face. “But so what? Ha ha!”

Zuo Mo bore the pain and asked through his teeth, “How did you know I have this

The yellow-robed old Taoist was very proud. “I’ll teach you a lesson. Sixth-grade
talismans have cognition, and Old Forefather knows a spell to find cognition.”

He examined Zuo Mo from head to toe. At the end, his eyes landed on the rings on Zuo
Mo’s hand. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he laughed loudly. “Old Forefather is getting a
tidy sum today! So many dimensional rings!”

As he spoke, he reached out to grab at a ring on Zuo Mo’s finger.

Just as his finger touched Zuo Mo’s finger, a change suddenly happened!
This motionless hand that was wearing several dimensional rings flipped upwards
without a warning, and grabbed his hand!

The expression of the yellow-robed old Taoist suddenly changed. “You … …”

A terrifying force passed from his hand. He could not control his body and was slammed
towards the other.

Not good!

The yellow-robed old Taoist reacted quickly. He was just going to activate his ling shield
when his eyes suddenly bulged, his figure felt numb, and curled upwards.

A punch that could break rock slammed into his abdomen!

Zuo Mo’s features were twisted. Half of his face was still red as he bellowed, “Ge has had
to bear with you for a long time already!”


The body of the yellow-robed old Taoist shook. The enormous force caused his entire
face to deform.

After practicing [Vajra Profound Sutra], Zuo Mo’s strength had increased greatly. The
present strength of Zuo Mo who had a Great Day mo physique had reached a terrifying
level. The flesh of mo were all extremely strong, and how could Great Day mo physique
which ranked second of all brigadier mo physiques lack in this regard?

It wasn’t lacking, and was stronger, much stronger than Zuo Mo had imagined.

When his body had been restricted earlier, he had held some power back. He had
personally experienced the restrictive abilities of the Nine Turn Sky Earth Disk, and
therefore didn’t panic. The power of the Great Day mo physique was much stronger than
the time he had been trapped by the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk. But no one else in his group
had the same terrifying strength he did.

As a single person, he definitely could not defeat the other. Zuo Mo could only feign
weakness to bait the enemy.

At this time, he felt satisfaction. He had never felt that his fists were so filled with power,
each punch seemed to vent the anger inside of him into the body of the yellow-robed old

“Old Forefather! Ha, don’t you know ge already killed an Old Forefather?”

“Dare to steal ge’s treasures! Do you want to live?”


“Dare to slap ge’s face! You’re finished!”

Bang bang bang!

Zuo Mo handed out more than ten punches, each one landing on flesh. When a wallop
landed on the body of the yellow-robed old Taoist, it was possible to see his body shake,
and his flesh ripple. Zuo Mo hadn’t vented his anger yet. Holding the neck of the yellow-
robed old Taoist, he threw the other onto the ground like throwing down a bag of sand.


Simultaneous inhales came from the surroundings, including Xie Shan who was injured
and also looked with abject shock at Boss who had totally gone berserk.

Boom boom boom!

The stone tiles on the ground cracked, stone flying with every blow.

Pia, the ling armor of the yellow-robed old Taoist couldn’t tolerate such brutal strikes
and shattered.

Zuo Mo’s hand paused. The ling armor of a jindan should be worth a lot of jinshi!

His heart suddenly started to hurt. He suddenly became furious, and continued to slam
the yellow-robed old Taoist into the ground a dozen more times before he stopped. He
raised his head with satisfaction, one hand holding the neck of the yellow-robed old Taoist
and turned to face the other people.


“Are you guys okay?”

Whoosh, everyone simultaneous stepped back.

There wasn’t any anger left in their eyes. They looked with sympathy at the yellow-robed
old Taoist that was being held by the neck by Zuo Mo like a rabid dog. The pitiful yellow-
robed old Taoist was not shaped like a person any more. He was completely swollen from
the beating and was unconscious.

Pitiful, so pitiful!
They had never seen such a pitiful jindan, one that had been punched to the point of
being misshapen.

They should never offend Boss!

Even a rough man like Lei Peng was pale with fright like a little girl, his heart shaking
rapidly. Zong Ru, who had once taught Boss fist scriptures, had an ashen face. He dared to
guarantee that he had not taught this … …

What was wild? What was brutish? What was savage?

In comparison to using brute force to hit a jindan to the point of unconsciousness,

becoming misshapen due to swelling of the entire body and leaving compound fractures.

We are xiuzhe, we specialize in techniques and ling … …

So when Boss turned with a reddened face, his face ferocious as he panted, they all
retreated a few steps.


Zuo Mo glanced at the yellow-robed old Taoist that he was holding, and felt very good
inside. He finally caught a jindan this time! He had promised to give Pu Yao a golden core.
He hadn’t expected that he would encounter such a stupid jindan today. At this time, he
completely forgot how he was completely suppressed before.

“Back to the camp!”

He waved his hand grandly and flew at the front.


Far from where they were, Su Yue’s face was slightly pale. It was the first time she had
seen such a savage and brutish person.

When she had seen the yellow-robed old Taoist go to make trouble for Zuo Mo, she had
taken note. She wanted to see just how powerful this group was, but there was much to be
wary of. The appearance of the yellow-robed old Taoist was a great opportunity.
She recognized the yellow-robed Taoist. This person was vicious and cruel and had killed
many people. Even other jindan xiuzhe were wary of him.

The beginning of the incident did not deviate from her imagination.

Anyone that had a bit of common knowledge knew the difference between jindan and
ningmai. She even felt that Zuo Mo wouldn’t dare to rebel, and obediently give up the
talismans. When the yellow-robed Taoist had activated his spell, she had secretly shaken
her head and sighed. This Master of Golden Crow City really wasn’t a smart person.

But the scene immediately after struck her dumb.

The Master of Golden Crow City had suddenly moved and grabbed the yellow-robed old
Taoist. Without using any ling power, definitely without any ling power like a street-
roaming gangster, he had beat down a jindan with his fists.

But … …

The fist that had no ling power actually had beaten the yellow-robed old Taoist to the
point of being misshapen.

Was he a body cultivating xiuzhe?

What stage had he cultivated to in order to be able to beat a jindan xiuzhe to this state?

The simple and rough barrage from the Master of Golden Crow City made her pale and
uncontrollably feel a thread of fear.

This was a true brute!

Translator Ramblings: This only became so one-sided because the jindan was captured
when he was off-guard, was not able to utilize his speed and got beat up before he could
use his spells to attack Zuo Mo. But this does show that Zuo Mo’s physical strength has
increased and his power up is significant.

Not a lot of plot progression this chapter … … just action. This might make up for the
melancholy of the previous chapters. Or Fang Xiang is doing one of his abrupt changes in
Chapter 309
This chapter is brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Three Hundred and Nine – The Greatest Gain.

At the camp.

“Can’t you go faster?” Pu Yao impatiently urged from behind him.

“What are you rushing for? Let me see if I missed anything!” Zuo Mo searched the
body of the old Taoist one more time in great detail, to prevent anything from being left
behind, before reluctantly throwing the old Taoist to Pu Yao.

Pu Yao hurriedly turned into a black wind that took up the old Taoist and disappeared.

“So pitiful!” Zuo Mo shook his head in sympathy, but when his eyes returned to his
spoils, his face instantly filled with smiles. Fighting against a jindan was a painful process,
but inventorying the spoils was the best experience.

Woah … …

There wasn’t much on the body of the old Taoist, but to be seen to have value in the eyes
of a jindan, those items naturally were not ordinary. A string of mother and child copper
bells, a blue stone about the size of his palm shaped like a mountain, and three jade scrolls.

Zuo Mo first took out the mother and child bells. The big and small yellow copper bells
were strung together with a red string.

Zuo Mo found it interesting and swung the copper bell.


Zuo Mo seemed to be hit full-on by a wild beast. Before he could react, he was thrown
back multiple zhang.

After a while, Zuo Mo shook his head as he climbed up and spat out the sand in his
mouth. His eyes were bright as he stared at the bells on the ground.

Such a powerful talisman!

If he did not possess the Great Day mo physique, he probably would have died right
there. It was the first time he saw such a strange sound-type talisman. Most sound-type
talismans enchanted the mind, and those that were stronger could directly attack the soul.
These mother and child bells could physically attack.

Strange! It was too strange!

Zuo Mo carefully picked up the mother and child bells, his consciousness prying into it.
The best way to understand a talisman was the use the consciousness to inspect it.

When his consciousness entered the copper bells, Zuo Mo felt his vision shift and was
situated in an empty space.

Countless complex and ancient seal scripts swam around him. They seemed to be alive as
they spun freely. Even if Zuo Mo could be considered to be knowledgeable, his head was
dizzy when he saw these seal scripts.

Not far from Zuo Mo was a round ball about the height of a person. It was made from
dense layers of complex seal scripts wrapped together. That was a jinzhi! How many jinzhi
had people put down over the big ball?!

Staring at the round ball covered in jinzhi, Zuo Mo suddenly became curious what was
being contained inside this round ball?

Was the thing inside this round ball of jinzhi perhaps the crux to controlling these bells?
How had the enormous force that had thrown him back been released? These seal scripts?
Or what was contained inside?

He was a bit uncertain, but he didn’t dare to move rashly now. The seal scripts flying in
the surroundings were outside of his knowledge of the field. If he accidentally became
trapped, he was not certain that he could escape!

Withdrawing his consciousness from the copper bells, Zuo Mo still felt fear.

He couldn’t make a good judgment about the grade of this talisman, but it definitely was
above fifth-grade. His intuition told him that it was very dangerous. Out of caution, Zuo Mo
decided to temporarily put it aside. The old Taoist that he had defeated probably hadn’t
understood how to use it either.

Zuo Mo’s attention then landed on the mountain-shaped blue rock. When he held it, he
was very shocked.

It was very heavy!

This rock that was the size of his palm weighed a terrifying two thousand catties!

Zuo Mo instantly became excited. This was another powerful talisman. He couldn’t help
but examine it. Countless seal characters could be seen on the surface of the mountain.
They were as thin as strands of hair, and displayed the extraordinary skill of the forger.
Zuo Mo channeled ling power into it.

On the surface of the blue rock were the words “Evil Subduing” in bright cinnabar. The
small mountain quickly grew to a height of five zhang.

Zuo Mo’s mind moved, his finger pointing upward as he shouted, “Seal”

The mountain suddenly appeared at the location that Zuo Mo’s finger was pointing to
and slammed down!


The earth shook, and Zuo Mo was almost knocked down. The strong air wave carried the
dust as it swept past like a twister.

The entire camp was alarmed by such a loud noise, and many figures flew towards this

When everyone saw this blue mountain that was half buried in the ground and the
spider-web like cracks radiating outwards, they shouted in shock and were dumbstruck
where they stood.

“Hm, you can all go! Go! I’m trying out new talismans!”

Zuo Mo sent everyone away, ran to the little mountain and stared with intoxication at the
cinnabar red words “Evil Subduing” written on the surface.

Good treasure, very good treasure!

If this dropped down and hit, even a jindan xiuzhe would be turned into a pancake. Even
if it just brushed past, that would result in a broken limb at least.

This “Evil Subduing Peak” was a fifth-grade talisman and Zuo Mo could not stop
caressing it. Fifth-grade talismans had to have formation techniques. If it was this powerful
when used normally, he didn’t know what the formation technique would look like.

He still put the Evil Subduing Peak back into the ring. The investigation of the formation
technique wouldn’t be easy and would take a long time.

After two great talismans, Zuo Mo’s curiosity had been stirred to a peak. He was full of
anticipation towards the three jade scrolls that remained.

Taking out the jade scrolls, he read through them one by one.

The first jade scroll recorded the spell that the yellow-robed old Taoist had cultivated,
[Heavy Earth Spell]. It was a rare sixth-grade earth element spell. This was astounding to
Zuo Mo. Higher level spells belonging to the five element were very rare in the Kun Lun
realm, as it was dominated by sword xiu.

He quickly found the move that the yellow-robed old Taoist had used in Bright Water
City. It was called [Heavy Earth Restriction]. In an instant, it could manipulate the earth
element power under the ground and to produce a restrictive effect.

Other than this, it had many other abilities that made Zuo Mo afraid as he read.

If the other had not been careless today, and been trapped in close combat, it was hard to
say who would win. Jindan xiuzhe that were skilled in five element spells were completely
different than jindan sword xiu. Even though their attacks were not as powerful as sword
xiu, but their moves had more variation.

Zuo Mo decided that he had to practice the [Heavy Earth Spell]. His talent in the five
elements wasn’t just a bit stronger than his talent in the sword.

The second jade scroll made Zuo Mo’s mind jump again. It recorded the imprinting and
usage instructions for the Evil Subduing Peak. Zuo Mo was entranced as he read and was
extremely joyful. This Evil Subduing Peak was made from one hundred and thirty thousand
catties of third-grade Sky Blue Rock, and was processed hundreds of times to remove the
impurities before finally being reduced to ten thousand catties of the essence.

The jade scroll also recorded the formation techniques of the Evil Subduing Peak. The
description was so strong that Zuo Mo’s heart itched.

Evil Subduing Peak was a talisman like the [Heaven Turn Seal]. These types of talismans
usually were powerful, but had all kinds of weaknesses. For example, this Evil Subduing
Peak had to be held in the hand of the xiuzhe to be used. But it was a terrifying ten
thousand catties heavy. Even if it was not activated, it was still two thousand catties heavy.
Those that had weak bodies did not have the power to use it.

The yellow-robed old Taoist had possessed this Evil Subduing Peak for a long time, but
due to this restriction, he could only leave it in the corner of his ring.

But this was perfect for Zuo Mo. His Great Day mo physique was very strong. Not to
mention just two thousand catties, even if it was the full ten thousand catties, he could hold
it up. If he also practiced the [Heavy Earth Spell] and used the two together, the power
would further multiply.

The jade scroll also recorded how to process it further. Zuo Mo swept over it and put it
back into the ring to start reading the last jade scroll.

The last jade scroll was a jie map.

This jie map was bigger than the one Zuo Mo had copied from Rong Wei. This shocked
Zuo Mo. He guessed that the yellow-robed old Taoist had gotten this jie map from
somewhere else and this was not charted by himself.

There were more than five hundred jie marked on the jie map, including some jie that
were in very far away locations. Zuo Mo seemed to be able to trace the trips the maker of
this jie map had taken through his life. Many of the routes penetrated deep into obscure

The information written about each jie were also very detailed.

Zuo Mo couldn’t help but feel respect. To have gone to so many places, this xiuzhe
definitely had been very powerful.

Following the jie map, Zuo Mo read the information on each jie one by one with interest.

When he found an intermediate jie called Cloud Sea Jie, a note written about it instantly
made him freeze where he stood.

“At the deepest parts of the Water Cloud Sea, it is possible to hunt for Water Cloud
Embryo which has the ability to heal and nurture the soul.”

Water Cloud Embryo!

Zuo Mo felt overjoyed. The previous talismans and spells could not make him as happy as
this piece of information!

Water Cloud Embryo was in Cloud Sea Jie!

Cloud Sea Jie!

Zuo Mo’s eyes were bright. He instantly found the position of Sky Water Jie and quickly
found a route that led to Cloud Sea Jie.

This was a very long route. The route passed through seven intermediate jie and twenty
six small jie. He had never thought there would be a day that he would need to go to so
many places. But he had no fear or timidity.

He needed to find Water Cloud Embryo and heal A Gui.

A Gui sat silently, Silly Bird, Lil’ Pagoda, and the others were surrounding her as they
played happily. Ever since A Gui had been injured, the terrifying presence around her had
disappeared. Silly Bird and the others did not fear her at all, and in reverse, they were very
close to her.

Lil’ Fire liked to roll around on A Gui’s body, and Lil’ Black liked to hang on A Gui’s hair.
Lil’ Pagoda liked to circle around A Gui. What made Zuo Mo feel was the least believable
was Silly Bird. This bird, for some reason, was extremely good to A Gui, and was even
willing to let A Gui ride her.

This was a benefit Zuo Mo could not even imagine.

It might have been a delusion, but Zuo Mo felt that after having the four keep her
company, A Gui’s wooden face seemed to have a hint of life.

Zuo Mo looked at this scene and felt unusually warm.


Su Yue soullessly returned to the sect. The scene that occurred earlier in the day was still
affecting her mind. She had led the Hundred Flower Alliance for more than twenty years,
and saw every kind of scheme and plan. But it was the first time she had seen such a
straightforward and brutish battle!

It seemed that she was only suited to behind the scene tactics, she smiled mockingly.

Sitting down and taking a drink of ling tea, her spirit sudden felt slightly better.

At this time, a female disciple ran in a panic.

“Sect Leader! Not good! Shimei was killed by Sky Number One, and he … … he ran

Su Yue smashed her teacup that she had raised to her lips to the ground, her eyes wide as
she lectured angrily, “What are you standing there for? Go pursue him! You crowd of
trash! If you can’t get him back, all of you don’t need to come back!”

Translator rambling: This was a chapter I typed up using my phone so the formatting
might be a bit iffy. I do frequently translate on the bus but when it’s crowded, I can’t type
on the computer so the phone is my alternative.

As all of you have said, Pu Yao finally gets his golden core. He’s really desperate at this

Doesn’t this chapter of Zuo Mo sighing over talismans bring back memories of being at
Wu Kong Mountain? Zuo Mo has greatly improved from the guy who couldn’t haul his ling
grains up the mountain.
Cloud Sea Jie was also the place that manufactured the Cloud Formation Silk the Second
Elder of the Outer Hall used in battle. Zuo Mo’s plot armor is at work. The map he needed
just happened to drop into his lap, after some effort.
Chapter 310
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Ten – The Past Grievances

Shu Long surveyed Guard Camp and saw everyone was working hard at their cultivation.
He couldn’t help but have a satisfied expression. He knew very well how lacking their talent
and foundation was. Only hard work could make up for their shortcomings.

The Guard Camp was completely made up of xiu slaves. They had encountered countless
hardships, their personalities were resilient and exemplified persistence, and they were
very reliable. He would try to fulfill any of Pu Yao’s demands, no matter no difficult, and
urge the others to meet the demands.

Over the span of a few months, the Guard Camp had comprehended the benefits from
the previous breakthrough and now their overall strength had risen a level. The black
armor each person wore was even more exquisite, and their shapes had slowly changed.
There were now slight differences on each person’s armor. Some were broad, others were
slender and symmetrical, just like how people were very strong and others were nimble
and speedy. After the preliminary stages of cultivation, they had started to develop in
different directions

This was an unavoidable result of the intermediate stages of cultivation. Any kind of spell
or mo skill would diverge this way.

As the one closest to Pu Yao, Shu Long received the most instruction from Pu Yao. No one
could rival his strength in Guard Camp. Even though he had not sparred against the experts
from Sky Peak Platoon, everyone secretly speculated that while Shu Long’s strength could
not match that of Xie Shan and Ma Fan, he shouldn’t be far from Nian Lu and Lei Peng.

Everyone underestimated him.

Mo skills were dangerous. The slightest carelessness and one’s life would end and their
soul shattered. However, if one could overcome that, the speed of progression was not
anything that the xiuzhe’s ling cultivation or the yao’s spiritual cultivation could rival. Shu
Long’s entire life had been full of hardship and suffering. These experiences were like
fertilizer to the [Hardship Guard] mo skills. As a result his journey of cultivation was
smooth and rapid.
Even though he was stern about urging everyone to cultivate, but his actual personality
was warm and disliked conflict. Cultivating the mo skill had recovered his youth, but his
personality had not changed. The laid-back attitude unique to middle-aged people showed
itself on his body.

The camp that Guard Camp made was a long and narrow crescent that shielded almost
all of the camp.

A light suddenly flashed through Shu Long’s eyes. He made a hand motion to the camp
guard beside him and then walked towards the outside of the camp. Outside the camp was
a dense forest. His ears were very sharp and he heard noise in the woods. There seemed to
be many people that were approaching them.

Dozens of camp guards tightly followed behind him.

The camp guards were wary but not nervous. After the battle of Golden Crow City,
especially after how dangerous and difficult the battle was, it was possible to see their

The sound from the woods became increasingly clear. This time, the other camps guards
also detected it. Everyone stared at the woods waiting for the appearance of the
unwelcome guests.

Whoosh, a person covered in blood came out of the woods.

Shu Long was slightly surprised. However, when he saw the face of this person, his pupils
suddenly shrank.

“A Wen!”

When the camp guard beside him saw the person, he couldn’t help but exclaim.

The person covered in blood heard the exclamation. His body shook, and he raised his
head in confusion.

“A Wen, Heavens, is it really you?”

“A Wen, you are still alive!”

Everyone was exceptionally excited. They all recognized this youth covered in blood. The
eyes of the youth were confused as he looked at this crowd of people dressed in black
armor. Even though he did not recognize them, but they gave him a feeling of familiarity.

“We can talk later. Tian Mu, take A Wen to the back. Everyone else, prepare for
battle!” Shu Long’s voice was steady and methodical. His handsome face was serene, but a
sharp cold light flashed in the deepest part of his eyes.
When the youth heard the name “Tian Mu,” his entire body shook. He raised his head to
look at the large male in black armor in front of him. “Tian Mu, Big Brother Tian Mu?”

Tian Mu grinned, but it was slightly murderous. “Little A Wen, Big Brother will help you
beat whoever bullies you!”

A familiar voice and tone allowed the youth to truly believe that this unfamiliar large
male in front of him was really Big Brother Tian Mu. At the end of his strength, the youth
fainted in Tian Mu’s arms.

No one spoke, but threads of black energy came out everyone’s armor and wrapped
around their legs, waist, and wrists. Looking at A Wen’s terrible state, there seemed to be a
ball of fire burning in everyone’s chests.

Only Shu Long was motionless without any killing essence coming from his body.

Whoosh, whoosh, a crowd of female xiu charged out of the woods. At the same time, a
crowd of female xiu appeared in the sky.

When the leader of this group of female xiu saw Shu Long, she had a wary look. When she
saw A Wen in Tian Mu’s arms, her gaze became sharp and she said, “Why had Sir taken
this xiu slave which has escaped from our sect?”

When he saw this female, Shu Long could not control his killing essence any longer.
Multiple threads of black energy suddenly shot out of his body like fire and covered his

He recognized this face!

Bai Ru Fen. Of the females that had been in charge of the xiu slaves, this female’s temper
had been the worst. Just a little bit of unhappiness and she would vent on the xiu slaves. No
less than fifty of Shu Long’s fellows had died at her hands.


Shu Long’s cold voice disappeared in the air. His figure also disappeared from where he

The female disciples of Hundred Flower Alliance never thought the other side would act
without even exchanging words. With their guard down they were instantly at a

Not just Shu Long, but the other camp guards also recognized the female xiu in front of
them and their origins. Each of them had blood-filled eyes as their murderous aura grew.

Shu Long suddenly appeared next to Bai Ru Fen like a ghost. His right hand chopped and
a black energy sliced towards Bai Ru Fen’s white face like a blade. At the same time, a
thread of black energy flew from the tip of his foot and silently wrapped towards the
other’s right leg.


Bai Ru Fen paled. The other’s first attack was a killing move that did not show any mercy.
Panicking, several balls of snowy-white plum blossom sword energies came from the flying
sword in her hand and shielded her.

However, the others were approaching too fast and collided heavily with the sword
energies. Bai Ru Fen was overjoyed, but when she saw the plum blossom sword energies
passing through the other’s body, her face turned snowy-white.

Not good, it was an afterimage!

Her foot was suddenly in great pain. She didn’t even have the time to call out in pain
when her neck suddenly hurt. She suddenly felt the world in her vision spin. Then she saw
a headless body continuously sprouting fresh blood.


The wails echoed. When had the female xiu from the Hundred Flower Alliance ever
experienced such a bloody and murderous scene? In the midst of their terror, they lost
their lives.

In the blink of an eye, corpses covered the ground!

The faces of the Hundred Flower Alliance xiuzhe were all pale. Many people
uncontrollably screamed and frantically fled.

Shu Long raised his head to look at the sky. He picked up a rock from the ground, his
body pulling back like a bow, and threw the rock hard.


A soul-shaking howl suddenly sounded. The piece of rock penetrated a female xiu
through the heart and blood sprayed through the air.

This female xiu had forgotten to activate her ling armor as she had been too afraid.
Shu Long’s throw frightened the other people into fleeing even faster.

Shu Long stopped his fellows that were preparing to give chase. The [Hardship Guard]
mo skill was powerful, but it had a flaw in that it was not good at flight. This weakness
would only disappear when they reached a much more profound stage in their cultivation.

Returning to the camp, the first thing Shu Long did was to report this incident to Zuo Mo.
He knew that this incident was very significant. This time, they had severely offended
Hundred Flower Alliance, and likely caused the start of a battle against Hundred Flower

After Zuo Mo heard Shu Long’s report, he did not give blame, but said, “Was there
anyone left alive?”

Shu Long stilled. “There is one.”

“Go immediately to find where Hundred Flower Alliance is located.” Zuo Mo’s
expression was stern. “We will attack first, we cannot give them the time to recover.
Otherwise, we will be in danger.”

Shu Long was shocked. He had originally assumed that Boss would blame them, but he
hadn’t expected that Boss didn’t assign any of the blame on them, and even decided to
attack first. He pressed his lips together and immediately turned around.

Gongsun Cha shook his head. “This is great trouble.”

The local powers of Bright Water City had been wary of so many of xiuzhe appearing.
Now that they had a conflict with Hundred Flower Alliance, the situation was extremely
disadvantageous to them.

“Nothing to worry about, if we don’t give them the time to react and finish the fight
fast, we can safely leave before everyone else reacts.” Zuo Mo wasn’t concerned.

“You don’t blame them?” Gongsun Cha asked curiously. Shixiong’s decisiveness was
unexpected to him.

“I don’t blame them.” Zuo Mo shook his head, and said in a matter-of-fact voice, “Shu
Long and the others are our people. They have a deep and bloody grievance against
Hundred Flower Alliance. Who do we help? Of course we help Shu Long. Also, the people
wrong in this incident isn’t Shu Long and the others. If it was me, I would definitely
have charged all the way to Hundred Flower Alliance. However, hee hee, it isn’t too late

The camp started to quickly move. No one panicked. Even the xiuzhe from the forging
division had calm faces. When they had set down camp, everyone had known that this
would only be a temporary camp. The majority of their possessions were still on the slave
transporting boats, and hadn’t been moved to the camp which now saved them labor.
In two hours, everyone had boarded the slave transporting boats.

The five slave transporting boats slowly rose in the sky and flew into the southeastern
part of Bright Water City.

Such a big action naturally could not be concealed from the eyes of the local powers, and
Zuo Mo didn’t plan on concealing it from them. His thought was very simple. With the
fastest speed possible, finish the battle! Their grievances with Hundred Flower Alliance
could not be resolved. A local power like Hundred Flower Alliance that was well rooted in
this place could gather a terrifying amount of support if they had enough time.

To the other powers, they were the outsider.

Zuo Mo displayed the decisiveness of a leader. He did not hesitate and decided to attack
Hundred Flower Alliance first.


Su Yue listened to the report with a dark face. She could have never thought this
mysterious power was so savage. They had attacked without giving an opportunity to
speak as though they had held a deep hatred.

She would never have guessed that the entire Guard Camp were xiu slaves they had
transported to Little Mountain Jie.

Now that the two sides had reached such a step, there was no room to negotiate.

She was wary of this mysterious troop but she wasn’t afraid. As one of the largest powers
in Sky Water Jie, how could Hundred Flower Alliance stand being humiliated so?

“How many of the elders are in the sect?” she turned and asked one of her disciples.

“Elder Wang, Elder Mei, and Elder Xiao are all present,” the disciple instantly replied.

Su Yue’s heart was reassured. “Invite them for a discussion. You shall personally go to

Translator Ramblings: The foreshadowing had been strong in the last few chapters so the
events of this chapter should not be too much of a surprise.

Zuo Mo has only had a few chapters of peace. But even if Shu Long hadn’t ignited this
battle, there is still tension because the locals of Sky Water Jie don’t like the mass influx of
refugees, and especially not Zuo Mo’s faction who seem powerful and might upend the
pecking order.

There’s also more pictures on the novelupdates post. Ars made another version of Pu Yao
and two for Chun Yu Cheng.
Chapter 311
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Eleven – At The Door

Elders Wang, Mei, and Xiao quickly hurried over.

“What matter has Sect Leader in such a fuss? This old woman is slightly curious!”
Elder Mei’s voice was piercing. Before she arrived, her voice could first be heard. Elder
Mei’s face was hideous and her temper was the most explosive. Of the three people, she had
been the oldest person when she reached jindan, and her composure was the worst among

Elder Wang was wearing a blue robe, her face friendly and had a cheerful smile. She
looked very friendly and approachable. Elder Xiao’s eyes rippled with a seductive look. She
was actually even younger than Su Yue, and she was a peerless beauty.

“Yes. It’s rare that Sect Leader will call all three of us together. Has something major
happened?” Elder Xiao’s voice was sweet, endearing and alluring.

Elder Wang said warmly, “If Sect Leader has a problem, please tell us. We receive
benefits from the sect daily, and won’t refuse if it is time for us to help.”

“This disciple thanks the three elders!” Su Yue bowed gracefully to the three elders, her
attitude respectful. The biggest reason that she was in charge of Hundred Flower Alliance
was that she had the support of the three elders. The three elders calmly received the bow
and did not refuse.

After standing up, Su Yue narrated what had happened today.

“Sky Number One. Based on our sect’s tradition, he shouldn’t be lower than sixth-
grade.” Elder Xiao was slightly surprised.

“Seventh-grade,” Su Yue said and then continued, “This xiu slave called A Wen is
exceptional and of rare innate talent. He first caught our attention, when he showed
himself in a group of fourth-grade xiu slaves. This disciple then put him among a group
of fifth-grade xiu slaves. In an extremely short amount of time, he outcompeted them.
Just a while ago, he won out of a group of sixth-grade xiu slaves. This disciple had been
preparing to send him to Elders after some more time. No matter if it is as a slave
soldier, or as a living cauldron, it would be very beneficial.”
Elder Xiao’s eyes lit up as she laughed lightly. “Jiejie cannot steal from me. This meimei
just needs a good cauldron, and I can break through the stage of first stratum.”

“Hmph, this old one has no interest in xiu slaves,” Elder Mei said coldly.

Elder Wang smiled and said, “Then I will wish for Meimei to break through first
stratum soon. Maybe Meimei will be the first one among us to first break through to
the level of first stratum.”

“Meimei thanks Jiejie!” Elder Xiao’s expression was blissful.

“But this Master of Golden Crow City could grasp Old man Xue, he is not to be
dismissed,” Elder Wang said gravely.

“What are you afraid of? Hmph! They really don’t want to live!” Elder Mei sneered
coldly. “He should be a body cultivator, the probability of him being a dhyana xiu is the
highest. At that time, get Xiao Xiao to go. Her [Sky Flower Fall] is perfect for dealing
with those people.”

“Good, good!” Elder Xiao laughed prettily as she clapped her hands with a light smile.
She was receiving the most benefits this time, and naturally was willing to put in more

“Do they have any other jindan?” Elder Wang asked.

“No. This disciples personally saw them, and did not find any other jindan,” Su Yue
said confidently.

“Don’t even have a jindan and they dare to be so arrogant, they are looking for
death!” Elder Mei said hatefully.

A disciple suddenly stumbled in. “Sect Leader! Someone … … someone has attacked us
… …”

Su Yu was suspicious that she had heard it wrong. Someone had attacked them?

“They dare!” Elder Mei was infuriated. “This old one will use them to make dan!” As
her words landed, she stomped her feet and disappeared. The other two elders had
unfriendly expressions as they disappeared at the same time.

Zuo Mo looked at the mountain valley below. Hundreds of flowers were blooming, red
and purple, to form a beautiful sea of flowers. Even in the air, it was possible to smell the
fragrance. This place was the base of Hundred Flower Alliance, Hundred Flower Valley.
Hundred Flower Valley produced all kinds of valuable ling flowers. The flower type
talismans and lingdan that they forged were were deeply liked by female xiu and easy to
sell in the market.

Zuo Mo was just going to give the order to attack when three female xiu suddenly
appeared in the air.


Three jindan!

Zuo Mo was not surprised by the appearance of jindan. If an enormous sect did not have
several jindan, that would be a joke. Compared to Little Mountain Jie when he had felt
hopeless at the mention of a jindan, the halo around jindan had disappeared. Jindan were
just xiuzhe that were slightly more powerful than ningmai. There was nothing major. After
meeting more of them, he could even give a general judgment on how powerful a jindan

Unfamiliar the first time, familiar the second. Fighting against jindan wasn’t an exception.

Zuo Mo compared the three jindan in front of him with Clear Sky Old Forefather and felt
they were very lacking. He couldn’t help but sigh inside at the power of Clear Sky Old
Forefather. The jindan that he had successively met were all a far cry from Clear Sky Old
Forefather. It seemed that while they were all jindan, the skill level difference was large.

Thinking back to it, the strength of Wu Kong Sword Sect wasn’t just strong. Xin Yan
Shishu wasn’t lacking in power compared to Clear Sky Old Forefather.


Su Yue quickly appeared behind the three elders. When she saw Zuo Mo, she instantly
became furious. She shouted harshly, “Golden Crow City Master! You have gone too far!
To say nothing of stealing this sect’s xiu slave, you actually attack our sect? You really
think that my Hundred Flower Alliance has no one?”

The three elders didn’t know who had come but when they heard the person in front of
them was the Master of Golden Crow City, they were all angry.
Elder Mei’s temper was the most explosive as she shouted, “You are seeking death! The
Heaven has a road that you don’t walk, Hell has no door but you come! Little bastard, if
I don’t destroy your soul today, this old one isn’t called Mei!”

Zuo Mo rolled his eyes. The other was not polite so he naturally wouldn’t be polite. He
spat and said scornfully, “Old Fart, your mommy is calling you to brush your teeth!”

Elder Mei exploded and disappeared in the sky. “This old one will tear your mouth!”


More than ten figures charged towards the empty space in front of Zuo Mo like sharp

The fifteen members of Sky Peak Platoon drew out fifteen crisscrossing straight lines like
an enormous net which covered the area thirty zhang in front of Zuo Mo! This enormous
net seemed to suddenly explode. Countless sword essences were like multi-colored lines
that howled with a soul-shaking sound as they filled the holes in the net.

Fifteen different kinds of sword essence filled the multi-colored net with a dangerous

Elder Wang and Elder Xiao’s faces were heavy, and Su Yue’s expression changed slightly.
Sword essence! Fifteen xiuzhe who had comprehended sword essence! In the entire
Hundred Flower Alliance, other than the elders, there were just eight people among the
disciples that had comprehended sword essence.

The other side just sent out fifteen people that were all xiuzhe who comprehended sword


Gongsun Cha’s expression was shy, and ignorant of the fact his eyes had turned bright
red. He was very excited!


In the battle at Golden Crow City against Clear Sky Old Forefather, the Vermillion Bird
Camp that he was in command off didn’t have any use at all. To Gongsun Cha who looked
shy on the surface, but was proud inside, it was a great humiliation!

Facing a jindan straight on this time, how could he not be excited?

The moment the large net took form, his eyes suddenly narrowed and flashed with the
light of the hunter closing the next. He quickly spat out two words.”

“Second Division!”


Elder Mei charged headfirst into this enormous net. While these sword essence could not
form tangible danger to her, they still put her in her a sorry state. She had been somewhat
careless and did not activate her ling armor. When she found where she stood was filled
with sword energies, she finally activated the ling shield.

Pia pia pia!

Three sword energies struck her ling shield. The shield only shook slightly, but her
expression was very terrible. She felt she had lost face.

Anger exploding, she screamed piercingly, and a plum branch appeared in her hand.

This glistening plum was about three chi in length. It was old and flexible, the flowers on
the branches were in full bloom. Elder Mei waved it slightly. The tender pedals left the
plum tree and flew with the wind. In a moment, the plum flowers rained down and
managed to cover all of Sky Peak Platoon.

It was a dreamy realm of flowers but a sharp sound howled. Like the tide, the beautiful
flower petals became shrap. Every petal contained sharp sword essence.

The dream realm instantly became hell.

It was Elder Mei’s killing move, [Plum Sacrifice]!

Elder Xiao’s eyes flashed as she laughed prettily. “Mei Jiejie really is going overboard.
What reason is there to use a killing move just as the fight is starting? We can’t even
get a drink of soup.”

Elder Wang praised, “Elder Mai’s sword essence has become purer. This [Plum
Sacrifice] is multiple times stronger than last time.”

Su Yue was entranced. As Elder Mei attacked, the other side instantly disappeared in this
beautiful yet treacherous flower sea.

The people of Sky Peak Platoon knew the danger. Their expressions changing, everyone
“Flee? Not so simple!” Elder Mei felt unspeakably good as she said hatefully. The spell on
her hands changed again.

Her mind suddenly stuttered, a feeling of danger rising. She instantly was shocked. At
this time, the air around her suddenly shook lightly, the sky full of flowers imperceptibly

At some unknown time, a troop had charged to within thirty zhang of her.

Such fast speed!

Her eyes shrank. The other came quickly like a shining blade that made her feel that she
could not stand under its sharpness!

Elder Mei was suddenly enraged .The other side was just a charge of more than one
hundred people yet she actually had felt fear. It was too embarrassing! As she turned the
plum tree in her palm, the sky full of falling flowers seemed to be carried by the wind to
move towards the troop coming towards her.

The sharp flower petals were like soul-snatchers, and the wind pillar that carried them
was undoubtedly a meat grinder!

“This fight is over!” Elder Wang said lightly. Even if she was the one facing Elder Mei’s
move, she would not be able to escape without injury. Both Su Yue and Elder Xiao did not
doubt her words.

Yet what they never had thought was the other side did not retreat but charged straight
at Elder Mei!


Wei Ran felt the battle intent in his body had reached a peak, and his speed had risen to a
peak! In order to increase their speed to the maximum, Lil’ Miss had arranged a position
near the back for them.

Facing the meat-grinding pillar of wind, Wei Ran showed no fear.

Every xiuzhe of Vermillion Bird Camp believed that when their speed was at maximum,
when they completed their charge, no enemy could stop them!

This wasn’t something that Lil’ Miss forced onto them, but a belief born from multiple
Wei Ran raised the flying sword in his hand. His fellows raised the flying sword in their
hands at the same time!

He suddenly glared angrily, and shouted, “Hundred Kill!”

The flying sword in his hand sliced forward with all his power.

Everyone in Second Division shouted at the same time, “Hundred Kill!”

The flying sword in their hands sliced forward with all their power!

The sword energies were like streams meeting at the sea, one hundred swords becoming
one. A gigantic sword energy three zhang wide rang deeply as it flashed blindingly and
collided with the pillar of wind!

Translator Ramblings: I like how Zuo Mo feels confident in taking on three jindan and a
whole sect at once just after killing one jindan after a long period of planning, and then
capturing and subduing another jindan. I like how both Zuo Mo and Gongsun Cha reflected
on and changed their tactics after learning how jindan work.

The subject of slaves was first mentioned way back when Zuo Mo was listening to the
sound tablet. Jingshi mines are obviously important and so in this world where the
strongest devours the weak, Luo Li’s actions are sanctioned by the sect. Remember how
callous the paper crane girl was with Zuo Mo’s life? Powerful people do not care about
slaves, which are the lowest level of society. Zuo Mo was lucky to have been picked up by
the sect leader and remained free.

Zuo Mo is very pragmatic. He was scared by the bloodshed done by Luo Li but his
opinion was that he could not do anything as he was such an insignificant person and he
was already dealing with his own troubles.You may have to say that both of them fall on the
selfish side as Luo Li acted to put down a rebellion that affected his responsibilities while
Zuo Mo is trying to maximize the use of xiu slaves. He enslaved people in Little Mountain Jie
in order to survive, and he only gave them freedom because he could not afford to feed
them all. He’s heading towards Hundred Flower Alliance because this affects his own
interests and he understands what Shu Long and the others are feeling.

On the other hand, he doesn’t exactly fall in line with the other people. If you look at
these jindan elders, they treat slaves like merchandise or objects. Zuo Mo doesn’t do that,
and his kindness, in direct contrast to how people treat those below them like Luo Li once
did to Wei Sheng and Hao Min to Zuo Mo, is enough for Shu Long and the others to feel
grateful and swear loyalty.
Chapter 312
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Twelve – Zuo Mo’s Fury


Everyone’s vision flashed, the burning light stabbing people’s eyes to the point they
couldn’t remain open.

Elder Mei’s sleeves were torn, her hair loose, and a thin stream of blood was coming out
the corner of her mouth. She looked in terror at the group of more than one hundred
people in front of her. What … … what sword scripture was this … …

She had seen sword scriptures that were combined in an attack together before, but she
had never heard of sword scripture that combined attacks of more than one hundred
people much less seen it with her eyes. Combined sword scripture attacks demanded high
cooperation between the xiuzhe. The more people there were, the less likely it was that it
would succeed. A combined sword scripture attack of more than one hundred people was
something that could not be imagined.

As a jindan, she could only retreat when facing such a terrifying blow.

Looking at the troop that was slightly disorganized in front of her, it was like she had
seen a ghost.


Wei Ran’s body was empty of power. Not just him, but every one of his fellows were
panting heavily. But every person’s face was filled with battle intent and pride! Jindan,
jindan, so what!

Wei Ran was so excited he wanted to howl. To wound a jindan with one blow. This was
something they would never even dare to think about in the past, but it happened right in
front of their eyes now! But he forcibly suppressed the excitement and battle tremors
inside. He had not forgotten his duty.

Like a tide, the xiuzhe of Second Division suddenly divided down the middle.


Elder Mei was shocked and uncertain, but when her gaze landed on the passageway
made by the opening, her expression changed dramatically!

A light and deep vibrating sound was like the deep bark of an ancient beast.

Another hundred people!

A charge just like the previous one!

Elder Wang and Elder Xiao’s complexions changed. Elder Mei was in danger! The two did
not dare to be careless. The mysterious Master of Golden Crow City had subordinates of
such power! Just a short exchange but it was coordinated and flawless. From the beginning,
Elder Mei had landed in the other’s formation.

The enormous sword energy net made by the fifteen xiuzhe that comprehended sword
essence had only one goal – slow down Elder Mei!

A jindan that lost their speed instantly became fragile when facing a strong troop that
could complete a combined sword scripture attack of over one hundred people. The two
also found to their shock that the Master of Golden Crow City didn’t just have this one troop
under his command. Also, the other didn’t give Elder Mei any chance to breath. Their
attacks were like waves, one wave after another.

If this continued, Elder Mei would become a fish on the other’s chopping block.

The two understood the dangers of the situation. At this time, they couldn’t attend to
anything else, but leapt over. They only needed to create a chance for Elder Mei to breath,
and the scales of battle would become balanced again.


A cold and slightly old voice suddenly rang beside Elder Wang’s ears.

A feeling of danger floated onto her mind. She was very shocked, her figure disappearing
from her spot.
A black snake the thickness of a water barrel viciously swept across the position she had
just been at.

Elder Wang looked gravely at the troop that had ambushed her. A slave transporting
boat’s deck was filled with standing black-armored xiuzhe! Heavy armor xiuzhe?
Puzzlement floated into her mind. The clumsy heavy armor had long been eliminated by
history. She felt it was incomprehensible that a heavy-armor troop had appeared in front of

However, she was not careless. The thick black snakes coiling above their heads made
her sense danger.

Darkness, killing, sharpness … …

Her gaze landed on the young black-armored xiuzhe at the very front. She could feel the
battle intent in the other’s eyes, and killing intent that was so thick it could not be resolved!


Zuo Mo stopped Elder Xiao.

“Hee hee, handsome guy, why have you stopped me?” Elder Xiao laughed prettily. The
snowy and fine hand lightly covered the warm and red lips, and was unspeakably

Zuo Mo became super alert. His attitude might have been relaxed when he had been
swearing back at Elder Mei, but when he truly faced a jindan, he still felt slightly nervous.
He didn’t say anything, but stared tightly at the other. Different to earlier, any speech was

“If you keep looking me, I will be embarrassed!” Elder Xiao’s eyes moved with allure.

Zuo Mo did not react, but he didn’t understand. If it was something like swearing at each
other, he could understand. But did the woman have some scheme to be talking like this?
He became increasingly wary. He didn’t waste words, one hand pulling and the other

Two yang fiendish hard lightning bolts left his hands.

“You are so harsh to attack me. If I get wounded, could you bear it?”
The sweet and seductive voice floated in the air. Elder Xiao’s exceptional body flickered
in and out of view in the air. The snowy and smooth skin, the high twin peaks, the eyes,
they all unconsciously attracted all attention.

Zuo Mo was puzzled. Could bear it? Why couldn’t he bear it?

The hard lightning on his hands continued to bomb towards the other like rain.

With a pretty bell-like laugh left behind in the air, Elder Xiao’s figure was flickering in the
air. The air seemed to have a new addition of a sweetly fragrant and tempting smell.

Zuo Mo had a headache. The other’s movement method was very powerful. He couldn’t
even touch the other’s clothing.

The sweetness in the air entered Zuo Mo’s nose. He suddenly felt strangely heated and
frantic. The speed of the hard lightning increased, but no matter how fast they were, no
hard lightning could even brush the other.

He did not notice that a blush had unknowingly came onto his cheeks.

But Elder Xiao noticed it, and she rejoiced inside. Her expression became even more
seductive, and her movements even more tempting. The air became even more heated. But
at this time, she heard a second grunt from Elder Mei. Her heart shook. She knew if she
could not finish the battle quickly, Elder Mei would die today.

Also, to capture the bandits, first capture the leader. If she could capture the Master of
Golden Crow City, this fight would be finished, and no one could fight against them for Sky
Number One.

Thinking about this, she could not stop herself. She giggled, “Little villain, come get
close to Jiejie!” The snake-like waist lightly twisted, the clothing on her body flew like
flower petals.

But her expression held an unusual sincerity.

[Sky Flower Fall]!


An unknown length of time later.

It was like waking up from a long dream.

Where was this? Zuo Mo opened his eyes and examined the surroundings

Countless flower petals were falling down. Among the rain of flowers, beautiful bodies
flickered out of view. Some were lazy, others innocent. They were all beautiful. Every
moment and every look could stir the most basic desire of a person.

The scene in front of him was so real that one could not take themselves away.


They walked in front of Zuo Mo, and bowed to Zuo Mo. The curvaceous bodies revealed
large patches of snowy white of the front chest, and made one have the impulse to reach
into it.

“Where is this?” Zuo Mo instinctively asked.

The females all had puzzled expressions. One of the female stood out. “Boss, this is your

At this time, Zuo Mo finally noticed the flower under his feet was completed tiled in
jingshi. Not just so, the yard, the benches, and the pond were all made from jingshi. Clitter-
clatter ran from the pond, it was all jingshi inside.

The entire yard was made from jingshi!

So much jingshi!

Zuo Mo’s heart had never been so satisfied. Was this really his home?

“Boss, let this servant serve you!” A servant said with embarrassment. The tight long
dress revealed all of her body. What made Zuo Mo want to spit blood was that the dress
had a slit up to her waist and the inside was tantalizing.

“Hee hee, let us serve you!”

The females in the surroundings giggled and came up to help Zuo Mo change clothes.

Zuo Mo jumped in fright. What were they doing? Why did they have to take off his

Seeing the situation, the females giggled even more.

“Boss is embarrassed!”

“Yes! It’s so cute!”

“Then we can undress first!”

“En, en!”

As Zuo Mo gaped, the females untied their dresses and revealed their perfect bodies, and
looked with embarrassment or seductiveness at Zuo Mo.

It was enough for one to spit blood!

Zuo Mo felt his nose heat up, but he suddenly seemed to feel the scene in front of him
was slightly familiar.

He seemed to have seen it before … …

Oh, where had he seen it before?

As he thought, Zuo Mo’s body suddenly froze as though he was hit with a bolt of
lightning. In an instant, his face was a mix of green and red. He was furious, swearing as he
pointed at the females “Illusory formations! You group of illusory formations!”

He finally remembered where he had seen this before!

Wu Kong Mountain, the pink paper crane!

That damned pink paper crane had once used a similar move against him, but he had
seen through it then!

An illusory formation that was almost the exact same!

The anger inside erupted.

In the past, the paper crane female had did that to ge, ge couldn’t defeat her, ge endured
it! You dare to use this move to trick ge? Ge won’t tolerate it! The new grievance and the old
hate mixed together, especially when Zuo Mo recalled his sorry state in the past, the anger
in his heart burned even brighter.

“Ge hates illusory formations the most!”

Zuo Mo gritted his teeth and brimmed with killing intent.

Pia pia pia!

The naked beauties in front of him suddenly turned into balls of smoke. Before he could
react, everything around him exploded into smoke.

Inside the thick smoke was Zuo Mo’s tragic wail, “Jingshi! My jingshi!”

The scenery around him changed and Zuo Mo seemed to wake from a dream. Air, he was
still in the air, empty air!
Zuo Mo’s eyes instantly turned red. He felt his heart was dripping blood. Jingshi, so much
jingshi, all gone! He, who had felt so rich just, now felt great sorrow rise in his heart and
stimulate him.

If it was said that illusory formations made him remember his tragic previous days, and
made him feel fury, then losing so much jingshi suddenly could not simply be described by

Grievance! Deep hatred! Hatred that one side could not survive!

Blood seeped out of Elder Xiao’s mouth. [Sky Flower Fall] was invisible as it corroded
the mind and was wondrous in its powerful, but if it was broken, her mind would be
heavily wounded.

Even more importantly, she still did not understand how the Master of Golden Crow City
had recognized and broken [Sky Flower Fall].

The [Sky Flower Fall] that had never failed before was defeated at the hands of a
ningmai youth. She still could not believe it now.

This wasn’t possible!

Zuo Mo did not care for the shock and puzzlement the other felt. His eyes were filled with
blood and his shout like thunder!

“Give all the jingshi back to me!”

The first transformation of the Great Day mo physique suddenly materialized!

Translator Ramblings: Poor Zuo Mo, his education was skewed by a powerful female
xiuzhe, one pervrse renyao and one shy Lil’ Miss. So all beautiful and naked women are
illusory formations. The paper crane girl really gave Zuo Mo a lesson he will always

Elder Mei’s surname is literally plum so she is Plum and wields a plum tree.
Chapter 313
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirteen – Serpent Transformation

A blurry golden shadow appeared behind Zuo Mo’s back. The shadow had a very
indistinct shape. It was like an enormous golden cloud that moved behind Zuo Mo’s body.

What was that … …

Elder Xiao was filled with uncertainty and she felt the youth in front of her was filled
with strangeness. [Sky Flower Fall] was based on appearances and was completely the
opposite of normal illusory formations. Normal illusory formations used external forces to
shake the mind of xiuzhe while [Sky Flower Fall] woke the innate desires of the xiuzhe. A
Dhyana xiu’s Samadhi gave them strong minds and the possibility of them being enchanted
was much lower than other xiuzhe.

But benefits always came with disadvantages.

Dhyana xiu had strong minds, but their convictions also had to be strong as well. Spells
like [Sky Flower Fall] exploited this and were amazingly effective against them. Only when
the dhyana xiu could cultivate to the higher stage of Great Freedom and let go of their
convictions would spells like [Sky Flower Fall] lose their effect.

But the stage of Great Freedom was a very profound level. The dhyana xiu which reached
such a level would all be great powers, and wouldn’t appear in a little place like Sky Water
Jie, much less a ningmai twenty-something year old youth reaching such a level.

The [Sky Flower Fall] that had never failed before had been ineffective. Under the
backlash of the illusion, her mind was injured. Up until now, she still did not know how Zuo
Mo had seen through it, and what that “Return all the jingshi to me” meant.

Also, this indistinct cloud … …

…was eerie, and mysterious. A strong feeling of danger made her heart beat rapidly. Her
knowledge naturally wasn’t ordinary for her to have cultivated to jindan, but she had never
heard of such a strange and weird golden shadow before.

The golden shadow moved as though it was alive.

In the blink of an eye, it collapsed towards it’s center and rapidly shrank.
A pair of half-transparent golden wings appeared on Zuo Mo’s back.

Great Day Mo Physique, first transformation, Light Void Wings!


The Guard Camp that Shu Long was leading was engaged in heavy combat with Elder
Wang at this time. Elder Wang learned from Elder Mei’s example and continuously changed
her position to maintain the initiative. However, Shu Long wasn’t dumb and did not attack
first. He securely held his position to cut off any opportunity for Elder Wang to give aid to
Elder Mei. The Crow Fiend Mo Kill Formation was in motion. After breaking through last
time, the Little Mo Kill could be used with ease.

Threads of black energy turned to thick chains that formed an enormous net to block the
path of Elder Wang.

This way, no one could gain an advantage over the other.


“Hundred Kill!”

The shouts of one hundred people shook like thunder. A gigantic sword and the flower
petal wind collided. Elder Mei suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. Two branches on the
plum branch in her hand snapped. The tree was filled with cracks and only had five
branches left.

The ling power of Elder Mei was almost running out of her control and boiled like water.
The other side did not give her any chance to recover.

The deep sound sounded at her ears like a nightmare again.

Elder Wang’s expression was heavy, the warmth it usually held had disappeared and was
replaced by killing intent. She knew that she could not keep tangling with this group of
people. Elder Mei had reached the end of her strength, and did not have the power to even
continue for fifteen minutes.

A thread of regret came into her heart. The power of the Master of Golden Crow City was
much stronger than they had imagined!
Before today, they had never thought there would be a day where they would be left so
dishevelled and sorry-looking due to a group of ningmai. It was just a group of ningmai. No
matter how high their numbers, they never even considered ningmai as a serious threat.

From the moment they became jindan, they had the qualifications to look down at

This conviction was shattered by the cruel reality of today.

At this moment, she did not hope for victory, but only hoped that the three of them could
survive. As long as the three of them could survive, the Hundred Flower Alliance would
continue to exist. If the three of them were no longer here, even if the Master of Golden
Crow City did not deal the final blow, the other powers of Bright Water City would swallow
Hundred Flower Alliance.


Shu Long looked coldly at the other. He knew the other was going to go all out.

He did not feel any fear, even though the other was a jindan. They were the cause of this
battle. They had more reason than any other person to put their lives on the line.

Xiu slavery had existed for a long time, and was common in every jie. Shu Long knew this
reality. He was not so delusional as to hope that Daren could save all the xiu slaves and
change the situation. That was not realistic. Daren had not blamed them, and even took
everyone to attack Hundred Flower Alliance. Shu Long decided to put his life on the line.

It wasn’t just for A Wen, but more for themselves, and himself.

He didn’t feel any fear at the other’s decision to go all out, but felt slightly excited.

Elder Wang took out a Begonia Palace Lantern. A blue-white flame lightly jumped inside
the lantern. As the Begonia Palace Lantern was taken out, the air around it paused for a
short moment. After a while, a even more strange scene occurred. The air around Elder
Wang started to jump in rhythm with the pulsing of the blue-white flame.

Elder Wang’s figure started to blur in the air.

Shu Long’s pupils imperceptibly shrank. This Begonia Palace Lantern was a powerful
He raised his right hand covered in black armor. His right hand was completely
enveloped in a ball of thick black energy. As the wind blew past, the black energy flickered
like a wisp of flame.

The people of Guard Camp silently raised their right hands. A ball of thick black energy
encased everyone’s right hand.

The black snakes that coiled above their heads suddenly shattered and turned to tiny
threads of black energy. These black energies gathered together with astounding speed and
formed a black snake a hundred zhang long! The body of this black snake was completely
tangible, with all of its muscles and scales intact as though it was alive. The red snake pupils
did not hold emotions. It opened its maw and bared its white fangs as it breathed in. The
black fire in the sky and the black energies that encased Shu Long and the other’s right
hands were sucked into the sky and into the black snake’s mouth.


The deep long wail was like an invisible wind that swept in all directions.

Having absorbed the black fire, the black snake quickly transformed. Two bumps formed
on its forehead. The snake’s pupils became even sharper, the scales even blacker and
shinier, and the presence even more astonishing!

Elder Wang was even more shocked. This black-armor troop had very strange battle
methods and was completely different from any type of xiuzhe she had seen before.

But she recognized the change in the black snake, Serpent Transformation!

Snakes and serpents had an innate difference and that was also true of their strength.
This black snake that had not finished its transformation into a serpent still exuded a
completely superior strength than just a moment ago. Its pupils seemed able to drain away
all warmth. Elder Wang’s heart tightened.

Waves of warmth came from the Begonia Palace Lantern. Her heart eased slightly. Yes,
the black snake was astonishing, but the Begonia Palace Lantern in her hand was not

She was skilled in forging and especially skilled in making all kinds of flower lanterns.
This hexagonal Begonia Palace Lantern was her masterpiece. The begonias used in the
lantern were sixth-grade Sky Heart Begonias, one of the best types of begonias in the world.
The rarest was the blue-white flame inside the palace lantern. It came from the center of a
Ten Thousand Year Blue Fire Bamboo. It was called Blue Heart Bamboo Flame, and was a
rare specimen among fourth-grade fires.

Without another word, she raised the Begonia Palace Lantern in her hand and chanted in
a low voice.
The petals of the Begonia Palace Lantern fell off and flew into the sky. It seemed that
there was an endless amount of flower petals, yet the lantern did not change at all. The
begonia flower petals danced in the sky. In the blink of an eye, the sky was full of flower
petals like a dream.

Compared to the plum blossoms of Elder Mei, the number of begonia flower petals were
even more amazing. There seemed to be no end. All of Hundred Flower Valley was covered
within it.

The black snake ignored the rain of flower petals. The black body coiled as its red pupils
coldly stared at Elder Wang.

The flame of the Begonia Palace Lantern suddenly jumped. Boom, the flower petals in the
sky simultaneously started to burn. Countless blue-white flames danced in the sky.

Blue Heart Bamboo Flame!


A bloom of Blue Heart Bamboo Flame landed on the shiny body of the black snake,
bounced twice, and was extinguished. The black snake did not seem to detect it.

Elder Wang’s expression changed!

The Blue Heart Bamboo Flame was actually ineffective!

The Blue Heart Bamboo Flame which could burn through everything could not even
leave a mark on the body of the black snake!

The icy eyes of the black snake had no emotion. It was made from pure and sharp killing
essence. Was it something a measly Blue Heart Bamboo Flame could damage?

Light flashed through Shu Long’s eyes. He shouted in a low tone, “Kill!”

The pupils of the black snake suddenly opened, its enormous body twisting and jumping
to charge at Elder Wang.

Elder Wang was shocked and hurriedly spun the Begonia Palace Lantern in her hand.
Countless blooms of Blue Heart Bamboo Flame blew towards the black snake.

Pia pia pia!

The sounds were like the popping of beans.

Each of the Blue Heart Bamboo Flames were the size of a thumb but its was unexpectedly
strong. The enormous body of the black snake was forced to bend down.
Elder Wang released a breath. It was good as long as there was a way to stop the other.
She channelled her ling power furiously, and countless flower petals flew into the air.
However, the flower petals this time were not tender and weak like they were with the last
attack. They were like the sharpest blades with a keen sword essence as they swam around
the body of the black snake.

Pew pew pew!

Scratches appeared on the black snake’s shiny body. The black snake felt pain and
furiously twisted its body.

Yet the Blue Heart Bamboo Flame was endless as it bombed the black snake with no
signs of ending.

A fine layer of sweat appeared on Shu Long’s head. His expression was calm, but he was
unusually furious. A moment of carelessness, and the other had taken the advantage. How
could he tolerate being suppressed? So what if the talisman was powerful?

A cold energy flashed through his eyes.

“Little Mo Kill!”

The black snake suddenly collapsed and turned to a ball of black energy. The center of
the black energy spun rapidly.

The Blue Heart Bamboo Flame and the begonia sword essence covering the sky seemed
to be attracted by an invisible force, and uncontrollably flew towards the spinning black

Elder Wang’s expression changed dramatically.

The suction of the spinning black energy was shocking. The Blue Heart Bamboo Flame
and the begonia sword essence furiously flew towards the black energy whirlpool.

What terrified her was that this black energy whirlpool was like a monster that could
consume everything. It had not changed at all after so much Blue Heart Bamboo Flame and
begonia sword essences had flown in.

The situation was becoming increasingly worse. A sharp look came into her eyes. She
snorted coldly. For the first time, the Begonia Palace Lantern left her hand and flew into the

Translator Ramblings: So having convictions is a double-edged sword. Some of you were

so close with your dhyana xiu speculations on immunity to illusions. What is hardest to
resist? Your innermost desires.
On the same topic, Zuo Mo’s desires are apparently beautiful women and jingshi.
Someone mentioned that Zuo Mo has no libido.He must not have any mental libido because
his body does react to what he sees. So he desires beautiful women but he doesn’t think
about them sexually.

Jindan arrogance is in shown here again. First the yellow-robed Taoist and now these
three. This actually shows how Clear Sky Old Forefather is a cut above them. He planned for
the event of his death before his battle, and didn’t have confidence obscuring his mind to
the point these jindan do.
Chapter 314
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fourteen – Successive Mo Kill

Fourth-grade talismans and above generally had formation techniques that accompanied
them, and as the grade increased, the number of formation techniques a talisman
possessed would also increase. For example, the majority of fourth-grade talismans had
only one formation technique. Only the finest of fourth-grade talismans would have two
formation techniques. Fifth-grade talismans would have between two to four formation
techniques, and sixth-grade talismans would have between four to six formation

The formation techniques could utilize the talisman’s power to its maximum potential.
Each additional formation technique was one more killing move.

No one would scorn having more killing moves.

At this time, Elder Wang understood that normal attacks would be ineffective against the
people in front of her.

How long has it been since she used a killing move? Elder Wang’s thoughts wandered.
After she had cultivated to jindan, she concentrated on her study of forging, and never
fought again. She had never expected the first battle for her as a jindan would result in her
being pushed to such a dangerous position!

Gathering her thoughts, the Begonia Palace Lantern in the sky slowly revolved. Each
flower petal flashed with a glowing light. The pulsing Blue Heart Bamboo Flame was like a
heart and stirred the ling energy in the surrounding area to pulse with it.


Zuo Mo’s consciousness was the largest and he was the first to detect the abnormality.
He couldn’t help but feel shocked.

This Begonia Palace Lantern was definitely not below the sixth-grade. The power of a
sixth-grade talisman in the hands of a jindan would be terrifying.
Elder Xiao also detected it. She was very stunned. Elder Wang was going all out!

For some reason, when she knew that Elder Wang was going all out, she didn’t feel any
excitement, but felt fear instead. The pressure that the youth with the half-transparent
golden wings gave her seemed to increase in that moment.

Zuo Mo sensitively detected that Elder Xiao’s attention wavered. An opportunity! Light
flashed through his eyes and his body disappeared.

Elder Xiao’s heart suddenly jumped, the pink flying sword in her hand rising. Multiple
sword energy shields appeared in the space beside her. Before she saw the results, she
retreated, but the feeling of danger suddenly rose. Out of shock, her flying sword sliced
towards her back.


An enormous force drove into her from the flying sword. Her entire right arm went
numb, and her flying sword was ripped from her hand.

She bit down on her lips. Not daring to stop at all, her figure successively flashed.

A cold essence flashed behind her back, and carried a spray of blood with it.

She panted heavily, and looked with astonishment at the youth in the distance. The back
of her right hand was bleeding, and there was a curved wound on her back. She had been
wounded twice by a ningmai’s attack!

She looked at Zuo Mo as though she was looking at a monster.

Her gaze landed on the half-transparent golden wing’s on Zuo Mo’s back and furiously
trying to determine what kind of abhinna it was. What dhyana xiu cultivated was abhinna,
and in her view, the wings should be a kind of abhinna. With such a wondrous abhinna, this
youth’s origins were not ordinary.

They really encountered a great foe today.

Zuo Mo felt his entire body filled with great strength that was so abundant he wanted to
groan. The Great Day mo physique really lived up to the rumors! At this time, Zuo Mo
finally experienced that only the transformations of a mo physique could truly express the
true power of the mo physique.

The Light Void Wings on his back seemed to be rooted inside his body. There were no
actual changes inside his body, but many of his muscles, blood, and bones seemed to wake
from their slumber. The abundant power did not come from the Light Void Wings but from
the depths of his body.

The power that woke shook inside his body and almost forced his body to explode.

In this moment, Zuo Mo comprehended some of the true meaning of mo physique

cultivation. The body was like a treasure cave, one that was unfathomable in its depths. But
in the great majority of time, this treasure cave was dormant. The mo physique was like a
vessel that continuously matured, and developed to become increasingly more powerful,
and so the power that was activated and released was greater.

Looking at Elder Xiao who was just barely hanging on, Zuo Mo was suddenly filled with
confidence, confidence that came from great strength.

Facing a jindan, he was not helpless anymore!

Glancing at the Begonia Palace Lantern igniting in the sky, he decided to end the battle as
quickly as possible.

The Light Void Wings on his back lightly flapped. A strong force passed over, and his
body disappeared in the air again!


In the sky, the Begonia Palace Lantern started to burn into a ball of blue-white fire and
pulsed in an unique beat. Elder Wang chanted lowly, “Blue Heart Begonia Sea!”


The empty sky seemed like dry tinder suddenly caught fire.

In an instant, the flame spread and the sky above Elder Wang turned to a sea of fire. The
blue-white sea of flames covered the sky.

Shu Long raised his face upwards. The sunlight was blocked by the sea of fire, and a large
shadow landed on his face. Looking at the vast sea of flame, one couldn’t help but feel awe.
The blue-white sea of fire furiously burned as it spread. Countless threads of blue-white
fire fell from the sky like tens of thousands of blue-white hands of fire that shot at the five
slave transporting boats!

The faces of people on the boats, like the forging division, all changed. The furious sea of
fire above their head covered everything and felt unavoidable.

Only Shu Long and his fellows stood motionless and steady as rocks. But the battle
intent in their hearts was stirred by the sky full of fire. The black energy around them
became denser.
The roiling black energy above their heads formed a snake again. The enormous snake
was not lacking compared to the sea of flame. At the same time, Shu Long raised his left
hand, the left hand that was covered in black energy. Every person in Guard Camp raised
their left hand that was covered in black energy.

The black snake opened its large mouth and sucked with a hiss.

The black energy was like fire, and its sparks left their hands and raced into the sky.

The blue-white flame came from the sky, just like the fire-like black energy rising up
against the flow. Between these white and black flames was a colossal black snake. The
scene was filled with power. It was like an invisible hand tightly gripped everyone’s hearts.
The people on the slave transporting boats dazedly raised their heads in silence. In this
moment, they forgot their terror.

The dots of black fire in the sky rapidly landed in the mouth of the black snake.

The maw of the black snake was like a bottomless pit, and cleanly absorbed every bit of
black energy that rose into the sky. The black energy around Shu Long and the others was
now much fainter. The sheen on their black armor was much dimmer.

The black snake’s cold pupils showed slight pain. The two bumps on its forehead bulged
like something inside was moving, and wanted to burst out. A light suddenly exploded out
of the black snake’s pupils as it shrieked.


The lines of fire landing from the sky suddenly paused and could not progress any

There seemed to be an invisible wall between the black snake and the white sea of fire
that forcibly stopped the tens of thousands of threads of blue-white fire.

Elder Wang’s expression changed. She did not notice that she had bitten through her lips
and blood was dripping. She had been pushed into a hopeless situation! Even her retreat
had been unknowingly sealed shut. If she chose to retreat now, the sea of flames in the sky
would explode, and it would be difficult to escape death.

Pia, the hairpin in her hair broke. Her long hair fell down and was blown by the wind in a
tangle like demons dancing.

She did not hesitate. Her last thread of ling power was thrown crazily into the sea of fire.

[Fire Born Begonia]!

The sea of fire changed again. Blue begonias grew out of the sea of fire, bloomed, and
The withered flower petals landed in the sea of fire and turned to dust. The sea of fire
suddenly collapsed and concentrated towards its center. All of the ling energy in the entire
Hundred Flower Valley was pulled in. The ling flowers that were planted throughout the
valley felt this enormous pulling force and left their branches to gravitate to the sea of fire.

Su Yue saw this and her heart bled. These ling flowers were the most important source of
jingshi for Hundred Flower Alliance. They were all destroyed today. It wouldn’t be possible
to recover without twenty years of work.

After this battle, no matter if they obtained victory or were defeated, Hundred Flower
Alliance’s power would plummet, and it was likely they wouldn’t even be able to hold onto
Hundred Flower Valley.


“Should we go help Guard Camp?” A thread of terror flashed across Zong Ru’s eyes.
Even he, who had very good composure, felt his heart beat wildly at the sea of fire in the

Gongsun Cha smiled. “Don’t worry. Shu Long and the others aren’t weak.”

Even though Shixiong had never told him who was in charge of Guard Camp, he knew.
When would it ever be his turn to worry about the mysterious person that could annihilate
him in War Chess?

Even he was curious just how strong the Guard Camp was.

Gongsun Cha suppressed his curiosity and his eyes returned to the battlefield he was
responsible for. Looking at Vermillion Bird Camp charge the other side in waves, a furious
battle intent came into his eyes. Even if it was that mysterious person that could
exterminate him in War Chess, he wouldn’t willingly admit defeat.

Their fight had moved from War Chess into reality.

Was there anything that could excite him more?

It may have been the excitement that caused two patches of red to float on his face. This
made him look even more shy and bashful.

“Close the net.”


The sea of fire was changing, and the black snake in the sky had also reached the most
crucial time of its transformation. The two bumps on its forehead continuously grew like
two enormous blisters.


The black snake gave a painful shriek again. The mountain-like body furiously twisted.
Everywhere it swept, it created soul-shaking vibrations. Pew, the skin above the bumps on
its forehead finally broke. Two black horns that seemed like dry wood burst out.

The two black horns continued to grow until they were about two chi when they finally

Serpent transformation!

This black snake finally completed its most important transformation. Today onwards, it
would be called the Black Serpent.

A terrifying presence swept across the sky like a hard wind.

Everyone, including those on Zuo Mo’s side and the Hundred Flower Alliance’s side, froze
in their movements.

The only person that was not affected was Zuo Mo. The Light Void Wings on his back
shook, and resolved this shocking presence. But Zuo Mo was also shocked by the powerful
presence of the black serpent. The twenty zhang long serpent body swam with ease in the

The pair of pupils were not icy like they were in the past, but were dignified and proud,
as well as immeasurably deep.

It raised its serpent head. The sea of fire in the air turned to an enormous fire begonia.
The begonia faced the black serpent and slowly turned.

A hint of mirth came onto Shu Long’s face. The black energy on his body was much
fainter and caused his slightly smile to look slightly fragile. The other camp guards were
pale, but their faces were overjoyed.

They had successfully cultivated to the second stage of the [Crow Fiend Mo Kill

The second kill of the Crow Fiend Mo Kill Formation, Successive Mo Kill!
Translator Ramblings: Gongsun Cha is super competitive. Pu Yao is at a bit of a
disadvantage since he is starting with lower-quality soldiers to some degree but since he
has much more experience, Gongsun Cha and Pu Yao are better matched if they fight in the
real world.

Zuo Mo’s speed matches a jindan now. Think how easy Clear Sky Old Forefather would
have been to take down if Zuo Mo was that powerful. Just zip right through that blockade.
Chapter 315
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifteen – Flower Slaves

The last gamble!

Even the slowest person could clearly feel that the moment that determined life and
death had arrived!

The black serpent suddenly turned into a ball of thick and vicious black energy, and then
it shot towards the fire begonia that was diving towards it from the sky.

A cold light flashed through Zuo Mo’s eyes. The Light Void Wings shook slightly, and his
figure disappeared in the air.

The Seventh, Ninth and Tenth Divisions of Vermillion Bird Camp attacked at the same
time like three blades flashing across the sky. With the presence of death, they viciously
sliced at Elder Mei.


Everyone felt their vision darken, the earth shake like the world was ending. And then
the sky filled with a blinding light illuminated the sky, formed from countless streams of
fire shooting in all directions before disappearing.

All of Bright Water City was alarmed by such a terrifying collision. Countless xiuzhe flew
into the sky and looked with terror in the direction of Hundred Flower Valley.

The powers that had been preparing to come to the aid of Hundred Flower Valley saw
this. They were shocked and stopped their movements.

This was a collision on the level of jindan!

Compared to the earth-shaking black serpent, Zuo Mo’s attack was silent without even a
whisper. Like a ghost, he appeared behind Elder Xiao. The glass-like right palm lightly
pressed on Elder Xiao’s glowingly alluring back.

His action was warm, gentle, and without any presence. When Zong Ru saw Zuo Mo’s
move from a distance, his expression changed slightly. He felt awe that Boss could cultivate
[Sky Glass Wave] to such a fantastical level.

Elder Xiao’s figure suddenly froze. She seemed to hear an authoritative low growl
echoing throughout her body. The explosive power erupted like a volcano and the channels
inside her body were instantly shredded. What made her feel as though she was going to
die was the golden core inside her body had stopped revolving. No matter how she tried,
the golden core did not move even a sliver.

A hand suddenly grasped the golden core.

Endless blackness swallowed her like a tide.


Everyone in the Seventh, Ninth and Tenth Divisions raised their flying swords together.
Everyone’s blood was boiling in their bodies, their battle intent filled their bodies and
almost causing them to combust. They furiously accelerated without keeping anything
back. Accelerate! Continuous acceleration!

There was only one goal in everyone’s eyes!

The leaders of the three divisions shouted at the same time, “Hundred Kill!”

“Hundred Kill!”

The xiuzhe of the three divisions howled angrily, their flying swords slicing down. The
three sword energies that flashed passed at high speed gave off a blinding light in the air as
their killing intent locked onto Elder Mei.

Elder Mei’s hair was loose as she glared, blood seeping out of the corner of her mouth.

Facing the three enormous sword energies, she had a slight smile. Wave after wave of
attacks had pushed her nerves on edge. She had long been at the end of her rope, and just
hanging on by a breath. The plum tree in her hand had broken into pieces a long ago, just
leaving behind the bare main trunk.
The three enormous sword energies headed straight at her face. The presence sharp
sword essence was enough to freeze her blood.

Was she going to be finally released?

This was the last thought that flashed through her mind. The three enormous sword
energies exploded at the same time. The blinding light consumed her.


The Begonia Palace Lantern was destroyed. Elder Wang was heavily injured and spat out
three mouthfuls of blood. The black serpent swam and coiled in the air, and growled
successively. One of the black horns that had just grown had been broken. It clearly was
very furious about that.

The black serpent had a vicious look in its eyes. It suddenly turned to a ball of black
energy and smashed towards Elder Wang.

It came extremely quickly. Elder Wang’s movement was affected by her injuries and she
was struck full on by the black energy.


Like a meteor, Elder Wang was thrown into the ground.

The pitiful Elder Wang wasn’t a body cultivating expert like Zuo Mo. Such a strong crash
was a fatal blow to her weak body. She was instantly killed.


Su Yue’s face was pale white, her eyes filled with hopelessness. The death of three jindan
elders was a loss that Hundred Flower Alliance could not bear. There was still a troop
brimming with murderous intent in the sky. A thought suddenly flashed through her mind,
was today the day that Hundred Flower Alliance would cease to exist?

The Light Void Wings on Zuo Mo’s back slowly faded. The rich and explosive power
inside his body quickly disappeared like a retreating tide.
He looked at the other people. No matter if it was Vermillion Bird Camp or Guard Camp,
everyone was furiously panting for breath. It was possible to see how fierce these battles
had been. But all of them had smiles on their faces. Only they, especially because they had
experienced the battle with Clear Sky Old Forefather in Little Mountain Jie, could feel the
difficulty of this battle, could feel the improvement of their strength!

This battle had disturbed all of Bright Water City. Countless xiuzhe flew from Bright
Water City towards Hundred Flower Valley.

Zuo Mo glanced at the battlefield and grabbed Su Yue.

Su Yue seemed to have lost her soul. She did not resist Zuo Mo capturing her.

Zuo Mo was slightly reassured and said to Shu Long, “You guys go search and see if
there is anymore people you are familiar with. We’ll take all that you recognize.”

Shu Long was moved. Without another word, he nodded and left with Guard Camp.

Zuo Mo held Su Yue and led the group to start looting Hundred Flower Alliance. Su Yue’s
last thread of hope was destroyed and she was abnormally obedient.

Zuo Mo felt great shock at the wealth of Hundred Flower Alliance. It definitely was one of
the richest sects he had ever seen.

Ling Ying Sect which had been famed for its wealth in Sky Moon Jie, but it was very poor
in comparison to Hundred Flower Alliance. Su Yue was skilled in management. After
twenty years of accumulation, the wealth of this enormous sect caused Zuo Mo to sink into
an extreme frenzy.

In the storeroom, third-grade and fourth-grade materials were piled up in mountains.

Fifth-grade materials were not rare. Zuo Mo even saw a large number of sixth-grade
materials. His drool almost spilled out. There were all kinds of ling flowers, including the
seeds of rare ling flowers.

To a person like Zuo Mo who would even pluck the feathers off a goose, how could he
pass on such a good opportunity?

Everyone in the forging division were sent over to transport the materials to the slave
transporting ships. Zuo Mo decided to loot all of Hundred Flower Valley.

The treasure rooms of the elders gave Zuo Mo joyful surprises again, especially Elder
Wang’s room which held many of her craftwork. The great majority of these were fifth-
grade talismans and above. Most of those were various kinds of flower lanterns. Even
though there were not many items in the treasure rooms, but all of them were of very good

Zuo Mo did not hesitate in sweeping them all into his ring.
The jade scrolls, including the jade scrolls the elders collected, and the ones that
Hundred Flower Alliance had bought or obtained through other channels were also swept
clean by Zuo Mo.

Looking at the disciples that fled in fear, Zuo Mo was filled with scorn. After he finished
looting, Hundred Flower Alliance would truly be dead. If this was a cohesive sect, all the
disciples would have started to attack at this time, and not just watch as the elders risked
their lives.

This had to be said to be the tragedy of Hundred Flower Alliance.

Shu Long found Zuo Mo. His expression was grave, and his eyes pained and sorrowful,
“Boss, come look.”

Zuo Mo stilled, and followed Shu Long into an extremely deep cave in the mountain
valley. When he saw the terrifying scene, his skin uncontrollably prickled.

Hundreds of xiu slaves had all kinds of strange ling flowers tangled on their bodies. The
roots of these ling flowers were rooted in their bodies. Their gazes were unfocused, strange
smiles on their faces. The ling flowers on their bodies were alluring as they were blooming.
However, Zuo Mo who possessed Ling Eyes could clearly see the vitality of these xiu slaves
were slowly being lost.

It seemed as though something suddenly exploded inside Zuo Mo’s body. An

unprecedented anger swept his body like it was burning. He suddenly gripped Su Yue’s
throat, and jerked her in front. Su Yue’s face was twisted as her eyes showed pain. Zuo Mo’s
viciousness and brutality made her feel terror.

“You group of scum!”

Zuo Mo squeezed the words one by one through his teeth. His hand tightened and
crushed Su Yue’s throat!

Su Yue’s gaze became muddled. Even until death, she could not understand how Zuo Mo
could bear to act against her? Countless people showed goodwill towards her, and used all
kinds of methods to curry her favour. She had always assumed no man would willingly kill
her because of her unparalleled appearance!

As long as she was docile and obedient, they wouldn’t bear to.

Zuo Mo distastefully threw Su Yue to the ground.

“Boss, what to do with them?” Shu Long could not disguise the sorrow in his voice. As
someone who had also been a xiu slave, he felt it even more deeply. He could detect the
vitality of these xiu slaves were slipping away bit by bit into the ling flowers on their
In Zuo Mo’s mind, Pu Yao suddenly said to him, “Don’t remove those ling flowers. If you
move them even one bit, they will immediately die.”

Pu Yao’s voice contained a rare thread of anger. “Flower slaves, I hadn’t thought this
method would have been passed down. Ling flowers grown on the bodies of flower
slaves will take the flower slave’s purest vitality. The ling flowers grown this way will
be extremely high in quality. If you want to save them, there is only one method.”

Zuo Mo finally understood why Hundred Flower Alliance had so many high grade ling
flowers. The rage rampaged in his chest. He forcibly suppressed it, and asked in a deep
voice, “What method?”

“The primary energies of the flower slaves is being taken away, and they cannot
escape death. There are only two ways to save them. The first is to replenish their
energies using lingdan and such. The other method is to use reverse-absorption!”


“En, yes! The ling powers can absorb the primary energies and vitality of the flower
slaves, so why can’t the flower slaves absorb the primary energies and vitality of the
ling flowers?”

Zuo Mo’s eyes lit up. “How do you reverse it?”

Pu Yao threw a ball of light to Zuo Mo.

“I’ll give you this [Flower Yao Coexistence Art].” Pu Yao’s voice was slightly heavy, and
carried an imperceptible sorrow. “In the past, during the war between xiuzhe and
yaomo, many yaomo were like them. After they were captured, they were implanted
with ling flowers. They would die after a length of time after they were rescued. In
order to save them, this [Flower Yao Coexistence Art] was created. I hadn’t thought that
this yao art would be used again after thousands after years.”

Zuo Mo bit his lips and turned to say to Shu Long, “Take them all onto the boat.”

A hint of joy flashed through Shu Long’s eyes. Boss definitely had a solution. He and
Guard Camp hurriedly transported the hundreds of flower slaves to the slave transporting

Zuo Mo’s mood was extremely bad. He felt there was a fire burning in his heart that could
not be vented. He never thought of himself as an ally of justice. However, the treatment of
the flower slaves had broken through his bottom line. He could not suppress his fury.

Suddenly, he raised his head to glance at the sky and the several troops rolling in.

Zuo Mo suddenly smirked coldly.

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo finally gets to loot a sect after missing Clear Sky Sect. Pu
Yao gets another golden core but not all three. I’m very curious how many jingshi is a
golden core worth since they only seem to exist inside jindan and it is difficult to extract
Chapter 316
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixteen – Enormous Change

Three powers had come, with between two to three thousand people.

They looked with shock at the devastated Hundred Flower Valley. They had clearly seen
the great battle of the jindan just now, and at a closer distance, they could feel the ferocity
of the battle even more clearly.

Hundred Flower Valley was in ruins. The mountain valley that had been prosperous and
filled with flowers had disappeared.

The people that came looked at Zuo Mo’s group with eyes that held shock and fear. It had
been these three thousand people that had erased a sect, a sect that ranked in the top ten of
Sky Water Jie. Truthfully, they didn’t want to be the ones to test the waters, but … …

“Sir is really too arrogant in our Bright Water City,” One of the leaders of the group
said coldly then continued, “You destroyed Hundred Flower Alliance with just a few
actions. Great moves, great attitude!”

“We do not want to meddle in the grievance you have with Hundred Flower Alliance.
Combat is common, but it is too cruel of you to destroy Hundred Flower Alliance!” The
one that spoke was the leader of one of the other groups and he looked slightly old.

“If you’re wise, give us Su Yue, and we will spare your lives!” This person’s face was
cold and indifferent, his murderous intent barely hidden.

The three all had calm expressions. They predicted that Zuo Mo’s group did not have the
energy to fight after experiencing such a battle. Their intentions of taking advantage of the
situation was evident.

Zuo Mo glanced at Shu Long and the others. He found that they could not disguise the
exhaustion on their faces. The great battle just now had expended everyone’s energy.
However, they were still quick in reorganizing themselves. No one was panicked or
terrified. There was only calm on each person’s face.

Seeing that their words did not cause Zuo Mo and his fellows to panic, the faces of the
three people that spoke couldn’t help but darken. The strength of mind of the Master of
Golden Crow City’s subordinates was greater than they had imagined. In their predictions,
if they just slightly pressured the Master of Golden Crow City, he would capitulate.

They did not want the situation to devolve into a stand-off.

Just as the three were preparing to increase their pressure on Zuo Mo, Zuo Mo calmly
spoke, “Su Yue? I killed her.”


Simultaneous inhales of shock rang out in the surroundings. There were hundreds of
people that had come to watch other than the three factions. They all were xiuzhe that had
been disturbed by the battle and came to watch. Everyone knew Su Yue of Bright Water

Many people’s expressions became unnatural at the fact that such a strong local power
had been easily destroyed by the mysterious power of unknown origins.


What no one noticed was that some xiuzhe exchanged looks among themselves and
quietly left the crowd. There were only twenty or so xiuzhe that left hence they went
unnoticed. But it was possible to see with the naked eye that many xiuzhe were quickly
flying towards this place from Bright Water City.

“The City Master is in danger!” one of the xiuzhe that retreated said with a worried

“These people clearly want to take advantage. Hmph, they are really pulling a just
excuse!” another person said furiously.

“We can’t watch as City Master lands in danger.” This person seemed to have some
status in this group of people. He said in a deep voice, “Everyone cannot forget the favor
City Master did for all of us, giving us the chance to leave Little Mountain Jie, to see the
light again.”

“But there are just so few of us … …”

“With just us is definitely not enough. However, there’s a lot of people that came from
Little Mountain Jie in Bright Water City.” The person said with a grave expression, “Have
you thought of how our days in Sky Water Jie will be in the future if City Master is
treated like this today? Those of us that came from Little Mountain Jie, will all of us be
bullied like this?”
“Right! They even dare to target City Master, we definitely won’t hold a place in their
eyes! Big Brother, what do you suggest we do?”

“Let’s go to Bright Water City to get reinforcements,” the person said decisively. “If we
spread the news that City Master is in danger, no one from Little Mountain Jie will have
any reason to stand aside and watch!”

The twenty or so people exchanged looks, nodded, and flew rapidly towards Bright
Water City.


“You killed Su Yue?” The three people had dark faces.

Zuo Mo’s expression was calm as he silently grasped a Sonic Lightning Walnut in his
hand. These people looked very well-organized, but there were no jindan xiuzhe. Zuo Mo
released a breath at this. If a jindan had come, Zuo Mo would definitely take his people and
run for their lives.

Seeing the other was wary and had not immediately attacked, Zuo Mo was happy to drag
on the conversation. The other definitely would not expect that the xiuzhe of Vermillion
Bird Camp had formations carved on their bodies that could automatically take ling power
from the air and recover multiple times faster than normal xiuzhe. The recovery rate of Shu
Long and his group was even faster.

When they recovered, he wouldn’t be afraid of these three thousand people, or even
twice that.

“So what? Do you have a relationship with her?” Zuo Mo raised an eyebrow.

Laughs rang out from the crowd. The three people’s expressions were not attractive. All
three of them had lusted after Su Yue’s beauty. Other than the temptation of great benefits,
they had the notion of taking Su Yue into their houses.

“Sect Leader Su has a deep relationship with our sect. This one will definitely help get
justice for Sect Leader Su,” one of the people said hatefully.

The other two did not speak, but their ranks pressed forward. The mood suddenly
became tense.

As the base of Hundred Flower Alliance, Hundred Flower Valley was not far from Bright
Water City. The procession of twenty people quickly travelled to Bright Water City. They
suddenly split up, and flew low through the streets. Channelling their ling power, they
shouted with all their power, “The Master of Golden Crow City is being surrounded.
Brothers of Little Mountain Jie, if you’re a man, stand up!”

The shouts were like thunder as they rolled in waves. The people travelling in the sky
looked over.

The leader of the group suddenly swept across the ground, and his eyes lit up. There was
an enormous sound tablet about ten zhang high below that swirled with purple light. A
Sound Tablet Agency! He instantly landed, and floated into the agency.

“Sir … …” a xiuzhe came up.

Before the other finished speaking, he took out a pile of jingshi and said in a deep voice,
“Broadcast a message for me.”


As the other’s ranks moved forward, Zuo Mo did not feel any pressure. The three troops
could be called organized, but there was still a great distance from being an elite force. He
was used to the great pressure from Vermillion Bird Camp and Guard Camp. Zuo Mo
wouldn’t feel anything from this kind of degree of pressure.

But he noticed the xiuzhe in the surroundings seemed to stir as well, and his heart
became wary. The individual power of the xiuzhe at the edges were average, and they were
not organized, but in Zuo Mo’s eyes, the threat of these people was much greater than the
three factions at the front.

With just a slight provocation, they would lose their rationality. They would charge up,
and then the situation would descend into chaos. That had happened many times before in
Little Mountain Jie. Zuo Mo, who had crawled his way out of Little Mountain Jie, how could
he neglect this?

“Just you guys?” Zuo Mo said coldly. His eyes narrowed coldly like blades, cold and

For some unknown reason, all three people jumped in fright. They suddenly
remembered this youth in front of them just killed a jindan.
Their pupils suddenly shrank to pinpoints, and their expressions changed as they stared
at the two silver walnuts covered in golden patterns that spun on Zuo Mo’s hand.

“Sonic Lightning Walnuts!”

An exclamation suddenly came from the crowd. Some that had knowledge unconsciously
retreated twenty zhang!

All the eyes gathered on the two Sonic Lightning Walnuts in Zuo Mo’s hands. Those were
Sonic Lightning Walnuts! The terrifying presence that emanated from the two Sonic
Lightning Walnuts made one’s heart jump rapidly.

Sonic Lightning Walnuts were rare fourth-grade materials. Who would be so wasteful to
forge Sonic Lightning Walnuts into one-use talismans?

The eyes of many people became extremely heated, but no one dared to move a sliver.

When Sonic Lightning Walnuts were forged into one-time talismans, they were things
that even jindan were wary of. However, what reassured them slightly was that while the
power of one-time Sonic Lightning Walnut talismans was astounding, but they could only
be used once.

The two Sonic Lightning Walnuts slowly floated forward from Zuo Mo’s palm, and it was
possible to see lightning arc across the surface of each walnut.

Whoosh, the xiuzhe in front of Zuo Mo simultaneously moved to the sides. They didn’t
want to be at the front.

Their eyes suddenly shrank again.

Another two Sonic Lightning Walnuts appeared in Zuo Mo’s palm.

The two Sonic Lightning Walnuts floated up from his palm and floated in front of his

The four Sonic Lightning Walnuts lined up in a row. Everyone’s eyes tightly locked onto
them, and didn’t dare to move away. Many people uncontrollably swallowed. If it was said
that the two Sonic Lightning Walnuts had previously made people feel fear, then four Sonic
Lightning Walnuts was like pouring a basin of cold water on their hearts that had been

If four Sonic Lightning Walnuts exploded at the same time … …

The xiuzhe that thought of this shook.

When another two Sonic Lightning Walnuts appeared in Zuo Mo’s palm, the entire
Hundred Flower Valley was silent.
Six Sonic Lightning Walnuts spun and twirled like six mischievous children restlessly in
front of Zuo Mo.

After a short period of utter silence, the xiuzhe that had thought they had some power
did not hesitate this time, and simultaneously retreated fifty zhang.

The space around Zuo Mo was instantly empty.

Where did this guy come from? Everyone felt they were going crazy. One move, and it
was six Sonic Lightning Walnuts! This extravagance was enough to smash most of the
tycoons in Bright Water City!

When the number of Sonic Lightning Walnuts in front of Zuo Mo increased to eight, the
three leaders had ashen faces. The morale of their troops reached their lowest depth.

If taking out eight Sonic Lightning Walnuts in one go could not be considered the
mannerisms of a rich sect disciple, then the top ten sects of Sky Water Jie were as poor as
street urchins.

When the number of Sonic Lightning Walnuts in front of Zuo Mo reached a terrifying ten,
everyone was left numb.

If ten Sonic Lightning Walnuts exploded simultaneously, all of them, including the
Hundred Flower Valley, would only have one fate. To turn to ash.

When the number of Sonic Lightning Walnuts reached twenty … …

The people were not nervous anymore, and they relaxed.

“Maniac, why are they coming to a small place at Sky Water Jie to show-off for?
These young masters are really boring. All they know is to play dumb.”

“Yes, they think we are stupid! Ha ha, those three factions are stunned now. They’ve
offended a rich young master, just wait to get killed!”

“Did this guy want Su Yue? Tried to force himself, Su Yue wouldn’t comply so he
killed Su Yue in anger, and destroyed Hundred Flower Alliance … …”

“Su Yue wouldn’t comply?” Another person rolled their eyes, “Who knows who tried to
force themselves onto the other person … …”

The tense mood in the sky suddenly became filled with humor.

The three leaders were dumbstruck where they stood.

Translator Ramblings: Yes, some of you noticed that Pu Yao was totally fine with turning
the bandits into golden armor guards which is a form of enslavement while he was
extremely affected by the flower slaves.

First, Pu Yao is a yao. The ones that were affected in the past were yao who he might
have seen or they may have been people he had known. Also, he has a hatred of xiuzhe and
they were enemies in the past so Pu Yao potentially has little sympathy for xiuzhe.
Additionally, for both Zuo Mo and Pu Yao, the bandits were their enemies and going to be
killed anyway. Pu Yao just found another use for them. On the other hand, they have no
grievances with the flower slaves and it is easier to feel sympathy for them.

Zuo Mo and Pu Yao are not bleeding hearts/saints that will try to free every slave or right
every wrong. That would be contrary to what Fang Xiang has shown for Zuo Mo’s
pragmatism and Pu Yao’s indifferent and disdainful attitude towards most things.
Chapter 317
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Three Hundred and Seventeen – Clouds Gathering

Fei Shan was working idly and humming as he listened to the sound tablet. The people
around him stared at him weirdly. It puzzled them how someone could appear relaxed and
pleased when doing such a complex work.

Only the xiuzhe that came from Little Mountain Jie could feel so at ease with such tasks.

He suddenly stopped what he was doing, and listened with concentration.

“Friends from Little Mountain Jie, the Master of Golden Crow City is being entrapped
in Hundred Flower Valley in Bright Water City. Please come quickly to help.”

He listened very carefully. The sound tablet repeated it a few times. He stood up, and
then started to walk towards the door under the strange gazes of everyone else.

“Where are you going?” The manager’s expression was slightly ugly as he lectured
sharply, “Come back! You haven’t finished what you are doing … …”

Fei Shan bared his teeth in a smile, but his gaze was slightly murderous. The manager
unconsciously shook and he didn’t dare to look at Fei Shan’s gaze. The words that followed
were swallowed back into his stomach. Fei Shan ignored him, and left through the door.

Walking on the streets, he instantly heard many people shouting loudly in the air.

“Brothers of Little Mountain Jie, City Master is trapped in Hundred Flower Valley,
everyone go get them!”

“The City Master is in danger! We shall … …”

All of Bright Water City was disturbed. People continuously flew into the sky.

Fei Shan raised his head. The sky of Bright Water City was filled with people. Seeing what
was happening, he suddenly recalled the scene of everyone following the City Master as
they charged out of Little Mountain Jie through the experience of the months. Something
inside his body seemed to have been ignited.

He did not hesitate to channel his ling power, and flew into the sky and entered the flow
of people.
They dared to move against the city master … …

The killing intent inside increased. Every xiuzhe around him had fury on their faces. This
group of xiuzhe had all experienced the cruel calamity of Little Mountain Jie and survived.
They were full of gratefulness and respect towards Zuo Mo who had led them out of Little
Mountain Jie.

The Master of Golden Crow City had led everyone out of the terrifying cage that was
Little Mountain Jie. Now that City Master was in danger, how could they stand aside?


A group of people were surrounding a sound tablet.

“Head, should we go?” a mousy-looking person hurriedly asked his leader.

The Head glared. “Of course we will go! They dare to even attack the City Master.
Would they even leave us a way to live in the future? Kill them all!”

His subordinates instantly became excited and rumbled, “Kill them!”

“Hmph, they want to make an example of the City Master. They should first look and
see what they are made out of!” The Head’s face was murderous.

The xiuzhe that came out of Little Mountain Jie were much more sensitive to danger than
normal xiuzhe. In his view, this incident that targeted the City Master was a sign. It meant
that their future days in Sky Water Jie would not be good.


There were about fifty to sixty xiuzhe that came from Little Mountain Jie, but all of them
were ningmai xiuzhe. In Sky Water Jie, ningmai was the most common group. This sudden
rush of ningmai xiuzhe with battle experience had diminished the power of the local

The conflict between the xiuzhe of Little Mountain Jie and Sky Water Jie was
The xiuzhe of Sky Water Jie knew this. So how could the xiuzhe that had experienced
even crueler battles in Little Mountain Jie be ignorant?

“Are we going to be able to get there in time?” a subordinate said worriedly.

The thoughts of normal xiuzhe were much simpler. The Master of Golden Crow City had
led them out of Little Mountain Jie, and unknowingly became their spiritual leader. The
great majority of people held a grateful attitude. Hearing that the Master of Golden Crow
City was trapped, they felt very angry.

“We’re moving now!” The Head said with a cold snort, “Hmph, they think City Master is
weak, he’ll break all their teeth! This battle will be a great one.”

The Head bared his teeth and had a vicious expression.

He suddenly stood up, and glared as he brimming with murderous intent. “See how I’ll
sort out anyone that slacks off today! Don’t pack anything, we are moving now!”

These leaders feared xiuzhe like Clear Sky Old Forefather, but they didn’t have any
caution regarding the other factions of Sky Water Jie.

Even more, there was also the Master of Golden City there.

The power of the Master of Golden Crow City had been deeply imbedded in the hearts of
these rebellious people. Many people had the idea. Wouldn’t it be more tempting if they
could persuade the Master of Golden Crow City to take everyone and sweep through Sky
Water Jie?

After continuous urging, the sky above Bright Water City was filled with xiuzhe from
Little Mountain Jie.

The number of xiuzhe from Little Mountain Jie that were in Bright Water City wasn’t
much, but there were still around several thousand of them. The xiuzhe from Little
Mountain Jie were easy to recognize. The killing energy they had was much thicker than
normal xiuzhe. Now each of these xiuzhe had vicious glares.

“Is that group of people crazy? They dare to move against City Master!”

“Who cares, kill them all!”

“If the tiger doesn’t roar, you mistake it for a sick cat?!”

Everyone was very excited as they flew furiously in the direction of Hundred Flower
Valley. The xiuzhe of Bright Water City had never seen such a procession before, and were
dumbstruck where they stood. Those xiuzhe that were smarter raced back to report.
Some older xiuzhe had worried expressions. If the xiuzhe from Little Mountain Jie and
the xiuzhe from Sky Water Jie had a conflict, the state of Sky Water Jie would become

What many people did not know was that message broadcasted by the sound tablet had
spread through all of Sky Water Jie. At this time, many xiuzhe were travelling on their
swords as they murderously flew in the direction of Bright Water City.

If one looked down from the sky, they would see many sword lights gathering with
astounding speed towards Bright Water City as though they were attracted by a magnet.

The Master of Golden Crow City was the person of most authority of all the xiuzhe from
Little Mountain Jie. Without anyone noticing it, he was influencing the direction the affairs
in Sky Water Jie would take.


In the House of the Crow Marquis, Rong Wei saw the compound guard run in with a
sound tablet and she was shocked.

But when she listened to the message that was being repeatedly broadcasted through the
sound tablet, her expression instantly changed.

Damn it!

Were those people crazy?

She knew just how powerful and terrifying the Master of Golden Crow City was. The elite
force under his command surpassed any troop in Sky Water Jie. She remembered the scene
of those xiuzhe bowing in farewell towards Zuo Mo. If the Master of Golden Crow City made
a call right now- she uncontrollably shook.

That was too frightening … ..

The marquis was not here. This was not good!

Rong Wei was like an ant on a hot plate and spun in panic. At this time, a paper crane
flew from the sky. Rong Wei waved her hand and the paper crane fell into her palm. When
she finished reading, her expression changed dramatically.

Bright Water City, Sky Immortal Pavilion.

“These people from Little Mountain Jie are so aggressive right now. In the future,
won’t they try to climb on top of our heads in the future?” A middle-aged xiuzhe’s
expression was dark. He was the sect leader of the largest power in Bright Water City, Yan
Yang of Wood Sword Sect.

“We need to let them know whose territory this is,” a xiuzhe with a waxy-yellow face
said faintly. He was wearing a golden-threaded long robe, had bright eyes and an
authoritative presence. He was the sect leader of Cloud Divine Sect, He Qiu.

Wood Sword Sect and Cloud Divine Sect were the largest two sects in Bright Water City.
Bright Water City was the most prosperous city of Sky Water Jie, and was home to four of
the top ten sects. Other than the Hundred Flower Alliance that Zuo Mo had destroyed,
Wood Sword Sect was placed fifth, Cloud Divine Sect was placed seventh, and the other, the
Blackwater Sect was tenth.

All the other sect leaders present nodded their heads.

It had touched many people’s nerves that the Master of Golden Crow City had attacked
Hundred Flower Alliance. Wood Sword Sect and Cloud Divine Sect had marriage alliances
with Hundred Flower Alliance. Zuo Mo had moved to destroy Hundred Flower Alliance
before the other sects had managed to react. If he had taken some more time, his victory
would not have been so easily achieved.

“Hm, Blackwater Sect does not want to meddle in this matter. That’s good, one less
person to share in the spoils.” Yan Yang’s expression was cold.

The other sect leaders had joyed expressions. In their view, with Wood Sword Sect and
Cloud Divine Sect as the leaders, the Master of Golden Crow City wouldn’t be able to make
any waves no matter how powerful he was. They had long heard ago that the Master of
Golden Crow City was very rich, and the five enormous slave transporting boats that were
filled with all kinds of talismans and rare materials. They were truly treasure ships.

Even more, now there was also the enormous wealth of Hundred Flower Alliance added
to the spoils. How could people’s hearts not be moved?

Many sects were jealous of Hundred Flower Alliance’s flower growing methods. If they
could receive the ling farming methods for the ling flowers, they would have another
steady source of income.

So when the two big sect leaders called out, many small sects responded.

“The House of the Crow Marquis … …” the leader of a small sect muttered.
He Qiu’s expression was natural. “No matter. I have already notified them. I believe
they can see the state of affair clearly.”

“Everyone, go back and prepare. Let’s set the time for noon tomorrow,” Yan Yang said.

The sect leaders stood and went back to prepare.

After everyone had left, only Yan Yang and He Qiu were left in Sky Immortal Pavilion.

He Qiu asked, “How many people are you preparing to bring?”

“I heard that the Master of Golden Crow City has two elite forces. I really want to see
how they compare to my Wood Sword Camp,” Yan Yang said proudly. Wood Sword Camp
was the most elite troop of Wood Sword Sect, and was famed through Sky Water Jie.

He Qiu clapped and smiled, “I also had the same idea. How about we each take a troop
and see who will win?”

The Flying Cloud Camp and Cloud Divine Sect was also an elite force known in Sky Water

“If both you and I win, then what?” Yan Yang looked at He Qiu.

“The first one to win is the winner,” He Qiu smiled. “The flower slave growth method
of Hundred Flower Alliance supposedly originated from the Thousand Year Battle. How
about we use it as our prize? But since the city Master of Golden Crow City has no
jindan, if we use jindan to pressure people, we will not win honorably. You and I cannot
take jindan. What does Sect Leader Yan think?”

A light flashed through Yan Yang’s eyes, “Wonderful!”

The two exchanged a look, sparks flying and did not stand down.


The atmosphere of Bright Water City suddenly became tense, and the number of xiuzhe
that flew through the air dropped dramatically. Many stores that got the news of the battle
closed their doors.

Tian Ling Zi and the other two people looked at the large patch of Sonic Lightning
Walnuts that floated in front of Zuo Mo and their mouths tasted bitter. They really hit a
steel board this time. The other had mysterious origins, and his power was far greater than
they had imagined.
They couldn’t describe the bitterness inside.

Such a big personage like you, why did you run to such a poor gutter like Sky Water Jie

Can’t you give us a road to live?

A paper crane suddenly flew into Tian Ling Zi’s hand. After Tian Ling Zi finished looking,
the shadow on his face was swept away and he roared with laughter.

The other people looked with unfriendliness at Tian Ling Zi. They really couldn’t think
what could make Tian Ling Zi so happy in such terrible circumstances?

Tian Ling Zi passed the paper crane to the other two people, and smiled smugly. “Sect
Leader Yan Yang of Wood Sword Sect and Sect Leader He Qiu of Cloud Divine Sect will
be leading their army tomorrow to take this little boy’s life!”

After the two finished, they all had joyful expressions.

“Ha ha, we really have foresight!”

“We only need to drag down the Master of Golden Crow City, and we will definitely
have a mention in the merit record!”

The three looked at each other and laughed loudly.

They were completely ignorant that danger was approaching them!

Translator Ramblings: Conflict has arrived. Zuo Mo’s attack on Hundred Flower Alliance
is just a spark that ignited the fire prematurely.

You guys have so many different ways of looking at the same content. It’s really
Chapter 318
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighteen – Human Wrecking Ball

Zuo Mo and Lil’ Miss looked at each other, and understood what the other was thinking.

It hadn’t been long but Vermillion Bird Camp completely finished their recovery. The
supplies of Vermillion Bird Camp was generous, and each person carried enough jingshi so
that they could quickly recover ling power. He glanced at Shu Long. Noticing Shu Long’s
nearly imperceptible nod, he had to silently praise the powerful recovery speed of mo

The power inside his body had also silently recovered. The strength of the Great Day mo
physique far surpassed both the Guard Camp and his imagination.

Zuo Mo straightened his spine and looked at the three troops opposite him. His heart was
filled with the belief that they would win!

The silent feeling of confidence had formed between these people without their own

He shifted his body. Almost at the same moment, Vermillion Bird Camp and Guard Camp
started to move.

Vermillion Bird Camp was like a gust of clear wind. As the troop gathered and scattered,
it was ethereal and nimble, carrying its unique sharp killing intent that was like a blade.
While the Guard Camp was like a dense steel flood. They were not quick, but they were a
tyrannical wave of destruction.

Zuo Mo was at the very front of the troop. He pressed his lips together tightly, his eyes
slightly slowed as his body stood straight like a spear. The Sonic Lightning Walnuts that
flew around his body drew out threads of silver light.

On his left rear flank was Vermillion Bird Camp waiting to act. If one looked closely, they
would find the entire Vermillion Bird Camp was like a compressed spring that was silently
trembling and filled with the aura of danger. Gongsun Cha did not sit on the broad Green
Cloud Sword like he usually did. He had stood up, his eyes curving into crescents, and a shy
smile on his face. A blade-like light flashed through the eyes of the Vermillion Bird Camp
On his right rear flank, the Guard Camp was silent and motionless. They were like a troop
of battle servants from thousands of years ago. Shu Long was at the very center of the
troop, steady and murderous, yet motionless. The black heavy armor encased them tightly,
and separated them from the outside. The fiendishness from the slightly lowered eyes
made people feel the battle intent roiling away behind this deathly silent flood!

Zuo Mo and his people’s movements instantly attracted everyone’s attention. Tian Ling
Zi’s trio changed expression. They commanded their troops to retreat fifty zhang. Zuo Mo’s
action of taking out twenty Sonic Lightning Walnuts had destroyed their notions of taking
advantage of the situation, but the news that came had given them the hope they could
share in the spoils.

They had made the decision to not provoke the Master of Golden Crow City. As long as
they managed to keep track of him, then after tomorrow’s battle they would receive some
merit. They prepared to distance themselves at any moment.

Zuo Mo decided to fight quickly.

He raised his right hand and then chopped down hard. “Kill!”

A cold light flashed through Lil’ Miss’ crescent eyes. Vermillion Bird Camp who had been
waiting for the signal suddenly exploded. Hundreds of sword energies tore the air!

Howls shrieked through the air.

Shu Long gave a low shout, “Kill!”

The black energy shifted and twisted. Thousands of black energy threads gathered and
formed a black flood in the general shape of a snake. Waves of deep shrieks came from in

The sky seemed to have suddenly darkened.

The aura of destruction and the terrifying killing energy filled the sky. Everyone paled.

The trio felt their limbs turn cold. Each of them had pale faces. Only now did they realize
how idiotic their ideas were! Regret filled Tian Ling Zi’s heart. At this time, he could only
shout at the top of his lungs, “Retr… …”

His pupils suddenly expanded. He lowered his head, and saw a hand bursting out from
his chest.

The xiuzhe around Tian Ling Zi looked at him as though they saw a ghost. The terror
inside their eyes spread through their hearts like spiderwebs.

A figure with golden wings on its back disappeared from their field of view.
This attack was flawless!

The Light Void Wings on his back lightly flapped, and a rich flow of power seemed to
flood in like the tide. His figure was like lightning and flew out a great distance. Zuo Mo did
not feel any panic at being in battle. His mind was unusually serene. He carefully
experienced the power from the Light Void Wings behind his back. Under the terrifying
power, it was not an easy matter to control his posture.

This battle, however, was the perfect chance to learn.

As for the Sonic Lightning Walnuts, wastefulness was shameful … …

The Light Void Wings on his back shook, and his vision blurred. He appeared half a zhang
in front of a xiuzhe.


Zuo Mo who had just been very smug made a strange sound. Before he could react, he
smashed onto the other’s ling shield.


The ling shield instantly broke. Zuo Mo’s earlier momentum did not dissipate, and
heavily collided with the other..

Zuo Mo only heard a wail and the sound of bones breaking. It was like he hit a sandbag.
He unconsciously moved the Light Void Wings on his back. A strong force passed over, and
his figure uncontrollably disappeared again.

He was like a person-shaped wrecking ball that had completely lost control and bounced
between the people in the crowd.

But his Great Day mo physique was very strong. Adding on that terrifying speed, bones
broke and limbs tore off wherever he passed. The wails echoed in his ears.

He saw the others could not wound him and decided to ignore them to concentrate on
controlling the Light Void Wings. Only when he could truly control the Light Void Wings
would he have the true assets to fight against jindan. Every one of the six transformations
of the Great Day mo physique were powerful. If he could adeptly use them, his power
would furiously grow.

Vermillion Bird Camp used a completely different style. Each platoon was like a blade.
They were like butchers dismembering ling beasts, accurate, at ease, and without hurry.

Guard Camp was still unmoving at their spot, but the crazily dancing black energy was
changing strangely. It suddenly gathered and scattered, sometimes turning into a large
snake, and sometimes as countless small snakes. The unpredictability and strangeness of
the Little Mo Kill was fully expressed.

However, no matter if it was the waves of charges from the Vermillion Bird Camp, or the
Little Mo Kill of Guard Camp, none of them dared to go close to Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo’s dashes and crashes made everyone in Vermillion Bird Camp feel shock, and
distance themselves. If they were accidentally hit, they would end here. Any xiuzhe that
Boss hit had wailed, flew out a long distance through the air like a sandbag, and was
smashed to pieces as they crashed into the ground.

No one was left alive!

No one was left alive if they were hit … …

Their hearts felt a chill. They could clearly see that Boss’ posture when he hit others was
very strange. This sign made it evident that Boss could not fully control himself. If they
were killed due to being hit while Boss moved uncontrollably, that was a true
embarrassment. Who could they complain to?

The xiuzhe of Vermillion Bird Camp distanced themselves from Zuo Mo and traced out a
long arc to circle around to kill the xiuzhe that wanted to escape.

Gongsun Cha’s smile had frozen on his face. He was looking with shock at the sky.

Compared to Vermillion Bird Camp’s avoidance, Guard Camp was even more depressed.
When they had seen Vermillion Bird Camp moving aside, they had been slightly proud.
Since they were attacking from a distance, they were very safe.

But shock quickly came onto Shu Long and the others’ faces.

The black energy of Little Mo Kill would go crazy and become uncontrollable for some
unknown reason if it neared Boss and dispersed in all directions. In this short period of
time, the black energy expended on the enemies wasn’t as much as the black energy that
Boss had scattered.

What situation was this … …

Having met such a strange situation for the first time, Shu Long could only grimace.

Out of helplessness, he could only control the Little Mo Kill and attack the enemy from
the fringes .

An extremely strange scene played out in the battlefield in the sky. Little Mo Kill and
Vermillion Bird Camp formed the borders of the battlefield together like a steel wall. No
xiuzhe was able to escape.
Inside this sphere, the sound of impact continuously rang out.

Zuo Mo saw the other was not able to damage his Great Day mo physique and decided to
not care about his posture, and just focus on controlling the Light Void Wings on his back.

Therefore, he used all kinds of peerlessly strange positions and astounding speed to hit
one xiuzhe after the other out of the spherical battlefield.

The people of Vermillion Bird Camp were alert. They were nervous about the enemies
that were hit. No one would add another blow to these people. What they were alert about
was not getting hit by these enemies. There was an unfortunate Vermillion Bird Camp
xiuzhe that had been lightly injured by an enemy that had been sent flying.

It was a calamity from the heavens!

After a while, the enemies inside the spherical battlefield had completely collapsed. They
furiously attacked the outside border!

In the sky, the blade-like charges instantly started!

Little Mo Kill was activated at full power without anything held back.

The wails of the enemy rang in their ears. Flowers spun out in the sky, and like
dumplings, they continuously fell down.

The minds of these Sky Water Jie xiuzhe had been robbed, and their morale was at its
lowest point. The entire troop was collapsing at a rapid rate. Having lost the commander,
with collapsing morale, without motivation, they were just rabble. In front of elite troops
like Vermillion Bird Camp and Guard Camp, they were a group of sheep waiting for

The merciless slaughter only continued for a short hour before the entire battlefield was

None of the spectating xiuzhe were able to maintain their calm. They looked with pale
white faces at the empty battlefield, and looked at the Master of Golden Crow City’s
subordinates methodically looting the battlefield.

These people’s practiced and crisp actions, these movements that did not have any
presence of killing, made the xiuzhe from Sky Water Jie smell the scene of blood and fire
after such a battle.

“So weak!” Lei Peng jerked a jade pendant from a corpse as he snorted coldly. “Just this
group of trashy people, and they want to attack us. They really don’t know anything.”

“People die for wealth, birds die for food, what’s so strange about that? Weren’t we
the same in the past?” Nian Lu did not even raise his head, his movements were clean and

Lei Peng stilled at the words. Tilting his head to think, he nodded and said, “That’s true.”
He then furrowed his brow and said, “But we are no longer the same. But how are we not
the same?”

Nian Lu’s hands stopped moving. He straightened his spine, and said seriously. “We
aren’t the same now.” But he also could not pinpoint where they were not the same.

After thinking fruitlessly for a while, Lei Peng was impatient. “Whatever, what are we
thinking about that for? Just follow Boss. In any case, an was thinking that our way of
living now isn’t so bad. It’s worth it even if we die!”

“En,” Nian Lu made a sound of agreement, his eyes deep. “That’s right. We lived long
enough since we didn’t die in Little Mountain Jie.”


Zuo Mo panted heavily. It was the first time he tried out close combat fighting in a real
fight like this. He hadn’t felt it before, but when he stopped, he felt his entire body was
unspeakably sore. He inhaled sharply. It looked as though this Great Day mo physique had
its limits. He couldn’t be so brash in the future.

“You guys are too vicious!”

A choked female voice came from the sky. Zuo Mo raised his head and found a female
xiuzhe within the crowd was swearing and pointing at his nose.

The surrounding suddenly became silent.

The faces of the xiuzhe beside Zuo Mo all darkened.

“What? Do you want to kill me too?” The female xiu proudly flew out of the crowd. Her
eyes held tears, and her expression was excited. “They weren’t even defending
themselves. Why can’t you give them a road to live? Why do you have to kill them all?”

Translator Ramblings: I was gone for a few hours and it seemed the comments section
exploded. That made for a lot of good reading about the stupidity of certain people. There is
a mindset the sects have because they have more jindan than Hundred Flower Alliance,
they are prepared, and they have trained battalions which outnumber Zuo Mo’s group so
they think they will win. They essentially believe Hundred Flower Alliance lose due to the
factor of surprise and they will be “better.” The jindan will be kept in reserve because the
sects are prominent ones and they want “face.” It will look like they bully outsiders if they
use jindan while the other group isn’t. On the other hand, Zuo Mo and the others are in a
mindset of war which means their actions are not “honorable” and they don’t care that
much about “face,” not that Zuo Mo cared much about it in the first place.

Zuo Mo’s armies need hazard pay to help them with injuries from their own boss. Nian
Lu and Lei Peng are stand ins for the rest of Zuo Mo’s people. They realize they have
changed … … killing jindan using teamwork is pretty cool, even if they are not the strongest
Chapter 319
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Nineteen – If You Want A Fight, Fight!

Zuo Mo rolled his eyes.

He decided to ignore her. This kind of woman didn’t have a clear head. Since the two
sides had started to fight, if one spoke of benevolence, wasn’t that just asking for death?
Crazy person!

“Let’s go!” He turned his head and said.

Shu Long led Guard Camp back to the slave transporting ships. They were able to fly for
short distances, but their speed was slow. They liked using the steady slave transporting
boats more. The Vermillion Bird Camp swam in the sky as they warily looked at the
surrounding xiuzhe.

“Come on, kill! Kill!” The emotions of the female xiu became increasingly excited. “You
killed so many people already. You shouldn’t be afraid of killing one more! What? You
don’t dare? You people from Little Mountain Jie come to our Sky Water Jie and the first
thing you do is to kill. Go back to your Little Mountain Jie, we don’t welcome you!”

The surrounding Sky Water Jie xiuzhe shifted.

The female xiu’s words really struck many of the Sky Water Jie xiuzhe’s hearts. They
were already very resistant to the xiuzhe of Little Mountain Jie. Many people’s eyes became
unfriendly. Some of the powers that had been observing started to shift.

Zuo Mo’s face suddenly became cold. He stopped in the air.

Vermillion Bird Camp started to consolidate. Having just stepped onto the slave
transporting boat, Shu Long’s face darkened. The faces of the other people became ugly.
They came from Little Mountain Jie and were abnormally sensitive to the atmosphere of
their surrounding environment.

They felt enmity.

Zuo Mo did not speak. He was not shocked at this scene. To the xiuzhe of Sky Water Jie,
they were just outsiders. The arrival of xiuzhe from Little Mountain Jie had already
significantly changed the status quo in Sky Water Jie which was why their enmity was so

“You won’t even have mercy on women?” The more the female xiu shouted, the more
sorrowful and angry she became. “Didn’t you kill Sect Leader Su Yue? What? If you have
the guts, then kill me … …”

The voice suddenly stopped.

The head that flew into the air, her expression full of disbelief. She seemed to still be
unable to believe that Zuo Mo dared to kill her under the eyes of the public!

The xiuzhe of Sky Water Jie instantly rumbled. Many people also had expressions of

“Too arrogant! Everyone, let’s kill them!”

“The people from Little Mountain Jie dare to come run amok in our Sky Water Jie,
everyone, fight together!”

The crowd was extremely furious. Many people had blood-filled eyes as they yearned to
fight. The powers that had been observing from the side were slightly wavering. Their
subordinates had already sank into argument.

“Listen well.”

Zuo Mo coldly stated.

For some reason, there seemed to be a fire burning in his chest. While in Little Mountain
Jie, he had assumed that after leaving Little Mountain Jie he would find paradise. Yet what
he never thought was that he would immediately encounter something that broke through
his bottom line in Sky Water Jie.

He thought of those flower slave with scattered minds and dazed expressions, entirely
wrapped in ling flowers.

The scornful ruckus in the surroundings entered his ears. He wanted to laugh, but he
found that he wasn’t able to laugh. There seemed to be a breath stuck at his chest. Savagery
and killing intent twisted and roiled in his chest.

Therefore, he spoke.

The surroundings instantly became silent.

“I don’t care who you are. If you want to fight, fight.” His eyes were deep, and his voice
seemed to float across from far away. “Don’t waste words. We can’t compare to you, we
are much cleaner and in the open.”
The surroundings were deathly silent. The people looked dazedly at the Master of Golden
Crow City in the air. No one had expected that the Master of Golden Crow City would say
such arrogant and tyrannical words at such a time! Was this person crazy! Did he really
think he could really do what he wanted in Sky Water Jie with just the people he had?

Everyone was shocked by Zuo Mo’s words. No one spoke.

Zuo Mo slowly looked around. His sharp gaze made many people have the impulse to
turn their face away.

He raised his right hand in the air.

“Anyone that attacks, kill them!”

The voice was like the wind and snow that blew in the winter, not loud, but it was
chilling to the bone as it swept everyone’s hearts.

No matter if it was Vermillion Bird Camp, or Guard Camp, everyone, including the forging
division, all of them felt their blood boil. An indescribable feeling came from their hearts.
They couldn’t help but shout together, “Kill!”

The shouts of several thousand people together were like thunder as it spread.

The Sky Water Jie xiuzhe that had been wanting to fight were all stunned by this shout.
Their slightly heated heads instantly cleared. They had never heard such a fierce and
domineering presence from any other troop.

The Master of Golden Crow City and Hundred Flower Alliance had personal grievances.
That wasn’t a secret in Sky Water Jie. Ever since the Master of Golden Crow City had led
tens of thousands of people out of Little Mountain Jie, he had instantly entered the
attention of the large powers of Sky Water Jie. The origins of the Master of Golden Crow
City were mysterious and were hard to find. But the presence of the Hundred Flower
Alliance insignia on the five slave transporting boats gave them a great deal to speculate on.

One factor for their attention was that they desired the wealth of the Master of Golden
Crow City. Supposedly, the five slave transporting boats were packed with large numbers
of talismans and materials. After defeating Hundred Flower Alliance, the spoils would be
even richer, and greed made their hearts move.

Another factor was the rejection of Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe by Sky Water Jie xiuzhe.
The factions were especially unaccepting of any power that could destabilize their

Just as the factions looked at each other and wanted to discuss, their expressions
changed, and looked towards the sky.
Large patches of dots appeared in the sky. Before they could see clearly, the blinding
sword energy that lit up when people were flying on the sword at their fastest speed lit up
the entire sky, and forced them to narrow their eyes.

“City Master!”

“Ha! It’s the City Master!”

The shouts came like a tide.


These Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe that had come to help were very excited at this time. All
of the surviving xiuzhe from Little Mountain Jie were ningmai, and they were in their
forties or above. They were used to the way of the world. However, none of these people
could keep their composure. Fei Shan was not an exception. He found he could not calm

He suddenly recalled the magnificent battles at Golden Crow City. They were deeply
embedded in his heart. He still remembered his emotions at that time, especially when the
City Master had led everyone to swear at the Clear Sky Old Forefather. He had imagined
how exhilarating it would be to fight under the command of the Master of Golden Crow
City. He hadn’t thought such a day would really come. He was very excited.

The Master of Golden Crow City looked to be in his early twenties. Among these fifty and
sixty year old ningmai, he was somewhat outrageously young. But this youth that was
outrageously young seemed to have a charisma that made people trust and obey him, and
to be willing to fight for him!

The Sky Water Jie xiuzhe jumped in fright, and hurriedly rode their swords to flee.


In a short while, all of the Sky Water Jie xiuzhe had left the enormous Hundred Flower
Valley. This change was so sudden that some Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe were too excited
and wanted to chase before they were pulled back by their fellows.

“Stop shouting! Listen to the City Master! Which of you is more able than City
“Everyone listen to the City Master!”

The heads of the little factions in this crowd of xiuzhe spoke, and those xiuzhe making a
fuss instantly closed their mouths. In terms of command, no one dared to compete against
Zuo Mo.

At the beginning, Zuo Mo was quite puzzled. When he was informed that these xiuzhe
had all heard that he was in danger and came to help, he was dumbstruck where he stood.
He was very moved. Truthfully, he had never thought of these people when he fought with
Clear Sky Old Forefather. He just did it for himself.

So he had never thought these people would remember this.

His heart was very warm. The darkness created by Hundred Flower Alliance was swept
away. The sun seemed much brighter. He bowed towards the people, “This one thanks
everyone here!”

This group of xiuzhe instantly became panicked.

“What is City Master doing?”

“City Master saved our lives, this is what we should do.”

“Yes, yes … …”

The people spoke over each other as they returned the bow.

After standing up, Zuo Mo swept the surroundings and said with a smile, “Let’s go down
to rest!”

The people all agreed and landed on a mountain in Hundred Flower Valley.

Everyone felt very close upon seeing each other, and they were even noisier when they
gathered together. Each person had a sunny smile on their face. Some chatty people had
grouped together and started to converse.

The heads of some of the factions were circled around Zuo Mo as they held a discussion.

“City Master, I just received news. Cloud Divine Sect and Wood Sword Sect have
gathered more than ten smaller sects and are planning to attack us tomorrow,” a
faction head said worriedly. To be able to become a leader, he naturally had his talents.
This leader’s abilities could not be underestimated as he was be able to place spies in
Bright Water City so quickly.

Seeing many people were unmoved, he hurriedly explained the status of Cloud Divine
Sect and Wood Sword Sect in Sky Water Jie. After his explanation, everyone all inhaled
Zuo Mo’s expression was normal as he raised his folded hands to this leader. “I have not
asked for this big brother’s name.”

This leader said with some panic, “City Master is really troubling this one. This one is
Zheng Wei. City Master can just call me by name. Don’t say anything more about big

Zuo Mo smiled. “Can Head Zheng give us some more details?”

Zheng Wei hurriedly narrated the news that he had just received from the beginning, and
introduced the sects. After he finished, everyone was silent. The other side’s strength far
surpassed their imagination.

If there really were so many people … …

Everyone turned to look at Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo unconsciously furrowed his brow. He felt shocked at this news. If he had received
this news in any other circumstances, he would only do one thing: take everyone and flee.

But … …

Right now, he would not flee. He was sure that if he fled, the other xiuzhe of Little
Mountain Jie would become the targets to vent hatred. The xiuzhe of Sky Water Jie would
use this chance to weaken the powers of the Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe until they were sure
the xiuzhe of Little Mountain Jie were not a threat to them.

He previously had not felt these xiuzhe had any connection to him, but now that he knew
he could not just leave and end it.

Many paper cranes suddenly flew in from the sky and into the crowd of people.

“Ha, Li Xiao Si can arrive tonight!”

“I just knew they wouldn’t be able to stop themselves. Ha ha, Old Man Yang has his
brothers and is hurrying over!”

Several paper cranes flew into Zheng Wei’s hands. After Zheng Wei finished reading, he
was overjoyed. He said excitedly, “City Master, they’ve all come! Everyone is coming!”

A blush came onto Gongsun Cha’s face. His smile was even more bashful and shy as his
eyes flashed with an unusual brightness. Shu Long stood silently beside Zuo Mo, but his
heavy breathing exposed the desire for battle inside.

Zuo Mo’s mood was unsteady. He suddenly stood up as he looked towards Bright Water
“Well then let’s f***ing fight!”

Translator Ramblings: This really isn’t a cliffhanger. A battle is coming and Zuo Mo’s
good deed of killing Clear Sky Old Forefather has really paid off for him now.
Chapter 320
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty – Move Out

The night came.

The mountain peaks of Hundred Flower Valley were filled with light and sound.

Zuo Mo stood at the highest mountain peak. The campground below was very busy. His
gaze turned to the empty darkness that held unpredictable dangers. He knew that many
eyes were staring back at him from the darkness. The people were waiting for tomorrow
to come.

But … …

Thick clouds blanketed the entire sky. There wasn’t one thread of moonlight. A hint of
mirth floated at the corner of his lips.


Ma Fan was sneaking in the darkness like a ghost. His movements were soundless. What
was even more astounding was that none of his movements created any ripples of ling
power. Lei Peng and the others that were watching from far away had expressions of

Ma Fan had taught all of them hidden movement spells, but when Ma Fan activated the
spells, he wasn’t just slightly more familiar with them. His actions were light, and relaxed.

As expected of the core that Lil’ Miss had appointed!

Ma Fan crouched as he moved stealthily like an intangible shadow, he was merged into
the darkness. The noises from Hundred Flower Valley could be heard from afar, and
contrasted against the silence of the surroundings. He suddenly thought of his life in the
past, before he had encountered Boss. He had frequently had to do work that required
travelling in the night.
He did not like darkness.

At that time, he had only wanted to find a steady job and not have to fight for his life in
the shadows. After the calamity of Little Mountain Jie, his situation had deteriorated even
more. Fortunately, he had several good skills and managed to survive, but the desire for a
stable life had gotten stronger.

He wasn’t a person with ambition. Being appointed the core by Lil’ Miss had not made
him happy. It was the opposite. The training that he had done far surpassed everyone else.
He improved very quickly. Even now, he was one of the two people that had the most
influence in Sky Peak Platoon.

He had originally assumed he would quickly feel tired. This life of training every day was
not something he wanted. But to his shock, he found he did not dislike it like he had
predicted. He had started to accept this troop and gradually started to like this troop.

It wasn’t for the stimulation of battle, or for those spells and formations, but for hope.
This troop, without him noticing it made him feel hope, feel sunshine. Even if he was
walking in the darkness, he didn’t have any negative feelings like he did in the past. Every
person behind his back made him feel safe and trusted.

Thinking about that, his eyes unconsciously glanced to his side. The space there was
empty. Usually Xie Shan would appear at that spot. A few days ago Xie Shan had entered
secluded meditation, and had not come out even now. He couldn’t help but feel slightly
worried. After being paired together for such a long time, they cooperated very well, and
had great feelings for each other.

His expression suddenly shifted. He stopped his nonsensical thinking, and his figure

Everyone instantly became nervous.

Without any words, everyone spread out and silently advanced forwards.


Two people were hiding in a tree.

“Hmph, I want to see how long these people from Little Mountain Jie can be happy
for!” one of the people said furiously.

“Ha, daylight will be the time of their execution!” The other person said greedily,
“Supposedly, they are swimming in wealth. I wonder if we can get one or two items?”
“Please, we’re just assigned to watch the wind, what hopes do we have of getting
anything good? It’s already pretty good to get some third-grade jingshi.”

“Hey, the sect is pretty generous this time. Twenty pieces of third-grade jingshi,
that’s enough for us to use for a while.”

“Twenty pieces? Hmph, I wonder how much will remain by the time we get them?”

The two people suddenly felt a cold flash against their necks. Their pupils suddenly
expanded but they were not able to make any sound. Several shadows appeared by their
corpses. It was Ma Fan and the others.

“Tenth one!” Nian Lu said lightly.

The other side really had sent out a great number of scouts around Hundred Flower
Valley. In this little while, they had gotten rid of ten scouts. It was smooth sailing for these
people of Sky Peak Platoon that comprehended sword essence to do ambushes.

Ma Fan carefully stripped the two people clean. Seeing there was nothing suspicious, he
raised his head. “We need to be quick. It is almost one o’clock.”

Everyone had hurried expressions.

Almost one o’clock… …

Ma Fan led everyone to quickly leave and search for the next target. They were silently
but rapidly advancing along a path that was very out of the way. Along the way, they
occasionally got rid of some scouts. But this road was really far out of the way, and they did
not encounter too many scouts.

When they came out of a mountain valley, they could see Bright Water City and its lights.
Bright Water River was serene and silent in the night. Ma Fan released a breath.

It was not yet one o’clock.

He nodded at Lei Peng and Nian Lu behind him. The two understood and quickly
disappeared into the night. The remaining people were divided into several groups that
disappeared behind the two people.

Ma Fan looked at the three people remaining beside him and said lightly, “Everyone, rest
for a while.”

Finishing, he crossed his legs and sat. The other three did not waste words and also

In a deep valley that was once the area that Hundred Flower Alliance kept its flower
slaves. The location was very out-of-the-way and hidden. Zuo Mo had already looted the
entire mountain valley, and left nothing behind. This empty mountain valley was filled with
seated people at this moment.

Zong Ru said in a light voice next to Gongsun Cha’s ear. “Daren, it’s one.”

The smile on Gongsun Cha’s face grew with a bashfulness that could not be hidden. He
opened his eyes that flashed with a pressuring sharpness. “Depart.”

A troop silently advanced along a narrow mountain valley. It was possible to see figures
flashing along the two sides of the mountain valley. The troop did not slow down at all.
Everyone knew that those were the members of Sky Peak Platoon. They had swept this
path clean.


Guarding at the mouth of the valley, Ma Fan suddenly opened his eyes, and saw a
shadowy troop. His heart finally landed. They had not failed the mission that Lil’ Miss had
given them.

The troop silently streamed and flew out of the valley. The dense woods outside the
mountain valley gave them the best concealment.

When Gongsun Cha walked out of the mountain valley, he suddenly stopped in his steps
and turned to look at the highest mountain peak. He couldn’t help but lightly laugh.

Shixiong, enjoy getting blown on by the wind.

After watching as the troop disappeared in the night, Ma Fan moved away his eyes and
said contentedly, “Let’s go back!”


Wood Sword Sect.

“Master, let this disciple be first tomorrow!” a xiuzhe with handsome features couldn’t
help but say. He was Yan Yang’s beloved disciple, Gao Xiu, and in charge of Wood Sword

Yan Yang looked with benevolent affection at Gao Xiu. He had put great effort onto Gao
Xiu. Gao Xiu had not failed his expectations to be in charge of Wood Sword Camp before he
was twenty-five. What many people did not know was that Gao Xiu had just received the
White Silver battle general jade medal.

To be able to become a White Silver battle general at twenty five, this talent was enough
to dominate all of Sky Water Jie and no one could rival him.

He could understand his disciple’s desire for battle. Just having received the White Silver
battle general jade medal, he desired to use real combat to train himself.

“Don’t worry, you can’t even avoid the fight if you wanted to tomorrow,” Yan Yang
said with a smile. Then his expression became serious. “But you have to be careful. There
are two troops under the command of the Master of Golden Crow City. To be able to kill
their way out of Little Mountain Jie, they naturally are very strong. You are familiar
with Rong Wei. That little girl’s eyes aren’t bad. If she thinks they are elite, then they
are definitely elite!”

“This disciple will definitely fight with everything, and not fail the reputation of our
sect!” Gao Xiu said.

Yan Yang shook his head. “You are wrong. My demand of you is not to make great
achievements, but to make no mistakes.”

Gao Xiu raised his head in shock.

“Then why did I make the wager with He Qiu when I know the other is an elite force?”
Yang said meaningfully. “Wood Sword Camp is like a sword, and it needs to be
sharpened before it can show its power. This Master of Golden Crow City is the
whetstone. But we need to be careful or we may break against it. You need to be
especially careful of your safety. As long as you are here, Wood Sword Camp is here,
and you will not want for opportunities.”

Gao Xiu was moved, and he respectfully bowed. “This disciple understands.”

Yan Yang suddenly asked, “What is the situation at Hundred Flower Valley?”

Gao Xiu hurriedly said, “The Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe of this area have almost all
gathered at Hundred Flower Valley. There are also many Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe
that are heading over from all places.”
“The Master of Golden Crow City really has skill to have such a high reputation
among this group of people!” Yan Yang praised, “If we give him the time, he may become
a warlord. Right, where is he now? Keep track of his movements.”

“He is on the main peak of Hundred Flower Valley. Our people have been keeping an
eye on him from afar.” Gao Xiu said with a smile, “Supposedly, he has been standing in
the wind. He must be having a headache over tomorrow’s battle!”

“A strong dragon cannot suppress the local snakehead, you have to securely
remember this, and not do as the Master of Golden Crow City is doing.”

“This disciple understands.”


Zuo Mo stood at the top of the mountain as the cold wind blew. He couldn’t help but
swear, “What stupid plan needs ge to stand up here in the wind for the whole night. If
this keeps on going, ge will go crazy in the wind!”

A Gui silently sat next to him. Other than when he fought, wherever Zuo Mo went, she
would follow him like a puppet. Lil’ Black was snoozing on A Gui’s head. Lil’ Fire and Lil’
Pagoda were full of energy as they rolled around on her body happily. Silly Bird was
silently standing next to A Gui. When she heard Zuo Mo’s words, she couldn’t help but roll
her eyes.

Somewhat bored, Zuo Mo reached out to Lil’ Fire. “Lil’ Fire, come over.”

Hearing this, Lil’ Fire instantly joyfully flew in front of Zuo Mo. Zuo Mo grabbed Lil’ Fire.
It was very soft, and nice to grasp. Both of his hands were grasping Lil’ Fire as he put Lil’
Fire in front of his eyes in curiosity. He tightened and loosened his grip. “Hm, why aren’t
you sprouting fire?”

Lil’ Pagoda who had also wanted to join in saw the situation and instantly shrank back.

The pitiful Lil’ Fire was kneaded in Zuo Mo’s hands until it sprouted a small flame.
However, it never could have thought Zuo Mo was even more motivated, and kneaded even
more happily.

“So interesting! Very interesting!”

Lil’ Fire became a bag that could sprout fire. With a squeeze, it would sprout a thread of
fire. Lil’ Fire chirped sorrowfully, but no matter how it struggled, it could not escape these
demonic hands, and could only sprout fire in humiliation.
Lil’ Pagoda ran to A Gui’s head, and watched sympathetically with Lil’ Black at Lil’ Fire.

Zuo Mo’s hand suddenly felt pain and uncontrollably relaxed. Lil’ Fire took the chance
and broke free of the demonic hands.

Zuo Mo turned his face. What welcomed him was Silly Bird’s gaze filled with scorn. Just
now, it had been her that pecked Zuo Mo’s hand.

He looked dazedly at Silly Bird and was astounded.

That peck … … was so strong!

He had the Great Day mo physique … … but he couldn’t keep his grip under the peck … …

He looked with disbelief at Silly Bird but the scene that followed shocked him even more!

Translator Ramblings: So one sect leader has now explained his motivations. It’s an
acceptable reason though it is risky. True combat is needed to gain experience so one can
survive in such chaotic times. he’s a good leader and master like Tian Song Zi, even if he is
underestimating the danger.

How many of you thought that Zuo Mo was going to wait with his troops for the other
group to come and then have a fight at the arranged time? This is the guy that used
formations in a Sword Test Conference, created a great trap when he was the weaker side,
and also loves to to gang up on opponents. Sneak attacks is a rational path to take.

The balance between peace and war chapters is hard to maintain. I’m afraid that Fang
Xiang likes to make his peaceful parts peacefully long, and his battles long at the buildup
with a short payoff. I would offer the chapter when this arc ends … … but … .. it’s going to be
a secret.
Chapter 321
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty One – Ambush

Silly Bird suddenly turned her head around, and her bird eyes stared at the thick cloud
cover far in the sky.

It was the first time Zuo Mo had seen Silly Bird have such a vicious gaze as though she
had seen something she extremely disliked.

Just as Zuo Mo was puzzled, Silly Bird suddenly gave a long call, her wings spreading, and
then she disappeared. Zuo Mo only saw a shadow fly by. When he managed to react, he saw
a shocking scene.

Silly Bird was like a bolt of grey lightning that entered the thick black clouds.

What was this bird … … doing … …

Zuo Mo dazedly looked at the clouds, his mind unable to react. Just as he prepared to go
and take a look, a shadow flew close and appeared in front of him. It was Silly Bird!

There were traces of blood on Silly Bird’s long beak. Her gaze was vicious as she puffed
her head and chest high, her body wrapped in killing intent. She called out a clear long note
that rang into the distance.

A shadow suddenly dropped out of the clouds. Zuo Mo saw it clearly. It was a Black Bat.
The stomach of this Black Bat had been eviscerated, exposing the innards, and it clearly
wouldn’t live. Black Bats were third-grade ling beasts. Their ears were extremely keen and
they were mostly used for information gathering.

However, it was not easy to raise a Black Bat. They were very expensive. Normal scouts
couldn’t afford them.

“Master of Golden Crow City! You dare to kill my Black Bat, tomorrow, I will make
you die!”

A male’s shout came far out in the distance inside the clouds.

Zuo Mo ignored it. His eyes were tightly locked onto Silly Bird. The viciousness in Silly
Bird’s eyes quickly retreated, and she quickly became as proud and aloof as she usually
was. If it wasn’t for the traces of blood still on Silly Bird’s beak, Zuo Mo definitely would
have thought what just happened was his delusion.

He huddled in front of Silly Bird.

“Oh, you look very normal.”

Silly Bird rolled her eyes and ignored him. She raised her bird head up high, strutted her
bird walk, and left.

“When did this bird get so vicious?” Zuo Mo rubbed his chin as he said to himself. He
wanted to chase, but when he looked at the surroundings and remembered that he still had
the mission of keeping the other side’s spies occupied, he could only stand on the mountain
to be blown by the wind.

He shook his head, and decided to ignore the bird. After she had gone out to show off last
time, she hadn’t been very normal.

“A Gui, do you think we can win?”

A Gui was sitting woodenly.

Zuo Mo did not care and sat down next to A Gui. Looking out at the dark black sky, he
became unfocused.

He didn’t notice an extremely faint, almost imperceptible purple light flash suddenly
through A Gui’s empty eyes.


Bright Water City was surrounded by a large river. This large river was Bright Water
River, and it was the origin of Bright Water City’s name. In the dark, Bright Water River was
so quiet it seemed to be sleeping. There weren’t any waves. Suddenly, the water’s surface
started to ripple and a figure slowly rose out of the river water.

This person looked around for a while, saw no one was around, and took out a little black

The little umbrella flew out of his hand and turned to an intangible black silk that floated
onto the sky above the river.
A moment later, figures rose up from the river water. In the span of a few breaths, the
surface of the river was filled with people. These people silently floated into the sky above
the river.

“This Black Ling Hiding Umbrella really lives up to being a fourth-grade talisman.”
Wei Ran lifted his head to look at the black silk that was floating in the sky. This ethereal
black silk covered all of them. They couldn’t be seen from the outside. This Black Ling
Hiding Umbrella was one of the fourth-grade talismans from Boss’ spoils. It could hide
people, and more importantly, it could stop ling energy ripples from spreading into the
surrounding area.

Even as he praised, he took out jingshi and started to recover his ling power.

No one spoke. Everyone silently recovered their ling power.

Gongsun Cha didn’t need to recover ling power. He examined the nearby Bright Water
City, and his lips curved. The powers of Bright Water City clearly didn’t think highly of
them. Bright Water City almost had no defenses at all. The Black Ling Hiding Umbrella was
a powerful talisman, but there were many formations and talismans that could detect it.

But they hadn’t encountered even one of them.

The loose defense was full of holes in Gongsun Cha’s eyes. He thought it was a pity that
they were not here to attack the city.

One hour later, everyone finished their recovery.

The Black Ling Hiding Umbrella was put away. It could not be moved when it was
activated. That was its only flaw.

Vermillion Bird Camp flew twenty zhang into the sky. Gongsun Cha sat on the broad
Green Cloud Sword. Gazing down at Bright Water City, the corners of his mouth moved up.
A cold light flashed through his eyes as he said lightly, “Start!”


Vermillion Bird Camp suddenly moved.


The lanterns on the streets gave off a warm yet bright light. Tonight’s Bright Water City
was excited yet frantic. Large amounts of xiuzhe had gathered in Bright Water City. They
were waiting for dawn. The actions taken this time were the most significant ones in Bright
Water City’s recent history. Everyone was full of excitement and anticipation.

Wood Sword Camp and Flying Cloud Camp had already reached Bright Water City and
made camp. The other sects were urgently gathering combat xiuzhe in order to attend this
great banquet.

The tea houses and bars were filled with people. People even filled the streets.

The passer-by on the streets suddenly heard a strange sound. They stilled, and couldn’t
resist raising their heads.

Large numbers of figures flashed through the sky, and caused endless howls.

Hiss, everyone without exception inhaled sharply.

This troop’s presence was shocking and were definitely an elite force. Many people
started to speculate which sect’s elite force had arrived. This grand banquet had attracted
the gaze of countless sects.

The xiuzhe flashed rapidly through the sky. Before they could react, the people had

“So strong, I don’t know which sect had sent them. This really is a great force!”

“Hee hee, tomorrow is going to be a spectacle!”

Everyone became more excited as they chatted.


Gao Xiu came from the sect leader’s place and returned to the Vast Sun Hall. The Wood
Sword Camp xiuzhe he encountered along the way bowed to him. Everyone could not
disguise the excitement on their faces. They had hurried to Bright Water City in the
afternoon and camped in Vast Sun Hall.

Gao Xiu’s vice-commander and a group of xiuzhe came over. “Daren, what did Sect
Leader say?”

“We’re up first tomorrow!” Gao Xiu said with a smile, excitement flashing through his

“Ha ha, we’ll let the people from Flying Cloud Camp to see how strong we are!”

The xiuzhe of Wood Sword Camp cheered excitedly. They were the best disciples of
Wood Sword Sect. Hadn’t they trained for decades just for this day?

Gao Xiu suddenly furrowed his brows. He could hear trembling vibrations coming close
to them.

He knew what it was. That was the sound produced when a large troop flew by. The
other xiuzhe were also alerted to the sound.

“Which bastard dares to fly above our heads?” someone couldn’t help swearing.

Camps like Wood Sword Camp were very wary of people flying over their heads, and all
the sects would try to avoid flying over other camps. This was an unwritten rule.

“Has Flying Wind Camp come to Bright Water City?” Gao Xiu suddenly asked.

“They arrived four hours ago,” his subordinate answered.

Gao Xiu’s expression suddenly changed as he shouted, “Enemy attack!”

The black patch of xiuzhe appeared with astonishing speed in everyone’s vision!


Countless sword energies rained down like a storm.

The black night was suddenly lit up by countless grand sword energies. The entire Vast
Sun Hall was completely covered by the other side’s sword energies.

The xiuzhe around Gao Xiu all paled but they were well-trained and activated their ling
shields to protect Gao Xiu. Some other Wood Sword Camp xiuzhe gritted their teeth and
shouted, “Kill!”

Hundreds of figures flew up against the rain of sword energies.

Pew pew pew!

The ling shield of a Wood Sword xiuzhe cracked. He wasn’t able to make any response
before dozens of sword energies pierced his body. Dozens of blood blossoms formed.
Under the rain of sword energies, the sprays of blood were like explosions on these Wood
Sword camp xiuzhe.

The grand Vast Sun Hall was instantly destroyed by the sword energy rain and was left
riddled with holes.

“You dare!”
An angry shout suddenly sounded like lightning. Right after, a middle-aged xiuzhe
holding an almond-yellow little flag waved out layers of yellow light. When the dense
sword energy rain hit these yellow light curtains, they were only able to make ripples.

The morale of the Wood Sword Camp xiuzhe increased.


“Ha, jindan,” Lil’ Miss lightly breathed.

Just as the middle-aged xiuzhe appeared, Wei Ran had locked onto the other. What he
hadn’t expected was the other had moved faster than he did. He snorted coldly, and took
his division’s xiuzhe to fly out in an arc into the sky. Then then turned and started to dive.

Their speed suddenly increased, a piercing sound roared in the air.

Even among the sounds of battle, the howling that caused people’s scalp to prickle, Wei
Ran raised the flying sword in his hand. The xiuzhe behind him all raised their flying

“Hundred Kill!”

Wei Ran suddenly bellowed, the flying sword in his hand heavily striking down.

“Hundred Kill!”

The Second Division behind him all shouted, their flying sword striking down.

A terrifying sword energy more than twenty zhang long destructively tore through the
air as it descended from the sky and landed heavily against the yellow light curtain.


The yellow light curtain suddenly splintered and only half of the enormous sword energy
was left.

A thread of blood came from the corner of the middle-aged person’s mouth. Viciousness
flashed through his eyes. He raised his head and saw the half section of sword energy
coming towards him. He said, “Good attack!” He pointed with the almond-yellow flag. A
blinding yellow light collided directly with the remaining section of sword energy.

Wei Ran only saw a patch of whiteness and was not able to see anything. He gritted his
teeth, gathered his last bit of ling power, and threw what was in his hand down hard.

Just as the item in his hand left, a large force passed over him. He couldn’t control his
body, and was thrown into the air.

Up in the sky, almost lacking all energy, he gave a smile, “Idiot!”


Even more powerful explosions came from below.

Sonic Lightning Walnuts!

He had just thrown down a Sonic Lightning Walnut. The twelve division leaders had all
been given a Sonic Lightning Walnut by Boss!

Before the Hundred Kill attack, he had already prepared the Sonic Lightning Walnut.

Relying on just Hundred Kill wasn’t enough to kill a jindan, but after a Hundred Kill, even
a jindan couldn’t escape the Sonic Lightning Walnut.


A rapid series of sonic lightning explosions came from below. At this time, all of the
division leaders had bombed down the Sonic Lightning Walnuts that they had held.

Before they could clearly see what the explosions did, a voice came from beside their ear,

Translator Ramblings: People in Sky Water Jie are too used to peacetime. If there was no
Pu Yao, there would not be Lil’ Miss as he is now, full of cunning and honed in strategies for
fighting and for war. Lil’ Miss paid his tuition in pain and defeat so I’m not sure if Zuo Mo or
Gongsun Cha got the better deal from Pu Yao.
Chapter 322
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Two – Victory!

On the mountaintop, Zuo Mo saw the blinding light appearing above Bright Water City
and suddenly jumped up from the ground as he roared with laughter, “Yes!”


Immediately after, blinding sword energies lit up the sky like a meteor shower that flew
towards Hundred Flower Valley. At this time, Vermillion Bird Camp no longer needed to
conceal themselves. The people that had ling power remaining all channelled their ling
power to draw out blinding lights.

The xiuzhe of Bright Water City all finally reacted. Sword xiu continuously flew into the
sky, and chased after the the blinding lights!

Soon, a grand scene appeared in the sky. Following after thousands of sword energies
were an even greater number of sword energies. Almost all the sword xiu of Bright Water
City had come out. The most eye-catching was Flying Cloud Camp that flew at the very
front. Flying Cloud Camp were well trained and responded the quickest. After the twelve
Sonic Lightning Walnuts exploded together, they had also been affected by the power.

Hu Shan’s eyes could spit fire. He had never thought the Master of Golden Crow City
would be so insane and daring to this level! He didn’t bother looking down at Bright Water
City. After such a terrifying explosion, there wouldn’t be anyone left alive at the campsite of
Wood Sword Camp.

Before this night, he had never thought that Wood Sword Camp would be destroyed in a
single night, and be destroyed so completely.

The relationship between Flying Cloud Camp and Wood Sword Camp couldn’t be called
harmonious, but … …

He gritted his teeth. He felt there was a burst of fire inside his chest that wanted to get
out! This group of bastards!
The distance between the Vermillion Bird camp and Flying Cloud camp remained steady
as the chase continued, neither side gaining on the other. Flying Cloud Camp had reacted
the quickest and so they tightly followed behind the other. Vermillion Bird Camp had made
great expenditures in the ambush just now, and was at their weakest. If they could catch
up, Flying Cloud Camp would definitely have the advantage.

In the night, the two sides did not have any care, and let all of their ling power go. One in
front and one in the back, they were like two waves of meteorites that flew with astounding
speed flying along the bottom of a thick cloud layer.

Hu Shan glared with wide eyes. The speed of the other side was beyond their
expectations. They had to use all their ling power and they were just able to keep up.
Before, Hu Shan had heard that the Master of Golden Crow City that had two elite forces.
Looking at it now, they really were elite!

Flying Cloud Camp was famous for its speed, and Hu Shan was shocked that the other
was even faster than they were.

Wait a moment!

The Master of Golden Crow City had two elite forces … …

Hu Shan’s heart suddenly sank. His limbs felt cold as his face paled.

Two elite forces … … where was the other elite force?

Not good!

At this moment, a deep voice sounded out from the cloud layer.


Thousands of people shouted together, “Kill!”

Hu Shan felt his vision blur. Countless black snakes suddenly burrowed out of the cloud
layer and rushed towards them!

Their speed had been raised to the maximum. They didn’t even have the time to think,
much less dodge, before these black snakes had reached them. Hu Shan could clearly see
the fangs of the black snakes.

He watched as the black snake penetrated his body. Disbelief and shock remained in Hu
Shan’s wide eyes.

He almost couldn’t believe he would die so easily.

The moment the black snake entered his body, he felt his body become cold as something
icy passed through his body. The channels in his body were destroyed, and he lost control
of his body. His body flipped as it fell through the air, and crashed heavily on the ground.

Pia pia pia!

The sounds of impact were like raindrops that did not end.

Each of the black snakes penetrated a body and came out the back, its features twisted.
With the remainder of its power, it usually would penetrate between three to five people!

This change happened in a flash, so quick that people were basically unable to react.
Flying Cloud Camp instantly descended into chaos. They seemed to have been heavily
swatted. The troop was scattered by the charge of black energy, and were left with heavy
casualties and injuries. Due to the speed they were travelling at, the distance between the
xiuzhe in the front and back of the troop was too small. Once the front lines had turned to
chaos, the xiuzhe at the back didn’t have the time to respond and they collided together.

The sound of bones cracking, and flesh tearing, as well as grunts and wails appeared
simultaneously in this short moment.

The battle immediately reached its climax, its grandest moment, the time of death!

Like a meteor shower, the beautiful sword energies seemed to have been extinguished
by this black wind, only leaving behind a few that fled in terror.

Sneak attack, baiting, ambush, one tactic after the other. In one night, the two most
famous elite forces of Bright Water City were almost completely destroyed.

At this time, Shu Long showed his rich battle experience. He did not choose to use the
Successive Mo Kill which was more powerful, but used the weaker, and more easily
controlled Little Mo Kill.

The more powerful the xiuzhe were, the more vicious and cruel the battles between
them were, especially large scale battles like this one.

An enormous slave transporting boat emerged from the clouds and appeared in
everyone’s view. The high speed pursuit had caused the distance between Flying Cloud
camp and the other Bright Water City xiuzhe to increase. Leaving, Shu Long able to
leisurely retreat towards Hundred Flower Valley.

The Bright Water City xiuzhe that managed to arrive could only watch the slave
transporting boat enter the shadows of Hundred Flower Valley.

No one dared to give chase!

Many of them did not understand what was going on. They didn’t know what had
happened in Bright Water City, but the destruction of Flying Cloud Camp had happened in
front of their eyes. Just now, the famed Flying Cloud Camp had almost been completely

They had personally seen the entire process.

The ease that the Master of Golden Crow City had accomplished this made them feel a
bone-aching chill. Terror gripped their hearts like the night.

The sky was almost completely filled with xiuzhe from Bright Water City but no one
dared to move closer. The entire sky was unusually quiet with a deathly silence.


“This is a good chance to charge and kill,” The first words that Gongsun Cha said to Zuo
Mo when he got off the Green Cloud Sword was this.

Zuo Mo understood what Gongsun Cha meant. The other side’s morale had reached the
bottom. If he took the xiuzhe of Little Mountain Jie and charged out right now, not even half
of the xiuzhe in the air right now would remain.

But he shook his head and said, “This is enough.”

His eyes looked at the camp inside the valley that seemed to be boiling, and began
wandering off in thought.

Just as he finished saying this, many people flew from the camp onto the mountaintop.

“City Master! Let’s attack! They are afraid!”

“Yes! It is a great chance!”

Everyone spoke over each other as they urged Zuo Mo to act. They were the leaders of
the various factions.

Zuo Mo smiled, and a rare expression of solemnity came onto his face. “Everyone.”

Once he spoke, the noisy crowd instantly quieted.

“First, there is something that needs to be told to everyone.” Zuo Mo looked at the
surroundings and said, “After this matter is over, we will be leaving Sky Water Jie.”
These people were all heads, and were smart people. Some were puzzled, some were
dazed, but they all had thoughtful expressions.

“But the great majority of everyone will be remaining here. Those people,” Zuo Mo
pointed at the xiuzhe in the sky, “are mostly normal xiuzhe. If they are killed, we can
dust off our asses, and leave, no problem. But what about you? How will you establish
yourselves in Sky Water Jie?”

“It isn’t too great of a problem to offend Cloud Divine Sect and Wood Sword Sect, but if
you offend all of Sky Water Jie, there will be no place for you in Sky Water Jie.

“Everyone has come here to seek a chance at survival. No one wants to have come
out of Little Mountain Jie and still fight everyday!”

Zuo Mo’s words caused everyone to be speechless.

“This one will remember and accept everyone’s good will, and is very grateful. This
Hundred Flower Valley and this victory is gifted to everyone.”

“After today, there will be more xiuzhe that have rushed here. Why don’t you build a city
here? If everyone is able to work together, with the precedent of Wood Sword Camp and
Flying Cloud Camp, no one would dare to make trouble.

“This way, everyone can have safe and secure days.”

In the dark, Zuo Mo’s smile was like sunlight, his eyes black and bright as they attracted
everyone’s gaze.


After the dark of the night came the light of dawn.

Many Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe came from all directions to Bright Water City, but before
they could hurry to Bright Water City, the news of the Master of Golden Crow City’s great
victory and the destruction of the Wood Sword and Flying Cloud Camps seemed to grow
wings and spread throughout all of Sky Water Jie. The entire jie was shocked.

Just as the large factions of Sky Water Jie speculated on the future, the news that a city
was being built in Hundred Flower Valley spread through Sky Water Jie.

The new city was called Little Mountain City.

Every Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe that was hurrying towards Bright Water City was
reenergized and travelled day and night to fly towards Hundred Flower Valley.

In a short few days, almost half of all the Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe had gathered in
Hundred Flower Valley.

All of the major factions in Sky Water Jie were attentively watching the movements of
Hundred Flower Valley. They had originally assumed that Wood Sword Sect and Cloud
Divine Sect would use their entire sect to exact vengeance, but unexpectedly, both sects
maintained their silence and did not act.

By this time, almost eight-tenths of Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe had gathered in Hundred
Flower Valley, and it was very busy.

The Master of Golden Crow City who was the subject of great hope had closed his doors
to guests and cultivated every day.

“You aren’t going to help them?” Gongsun Cha asked.

“This isn’t something we should be involved in.” Zuo Mo shook his head, and then
muttered, “Ge feels burdened with just the amount of people there already is. If there is
any more people, ge will find a tree and hang himself.”

“Oh, that’s right.” Lil’ Miss nodded his head, and smacked his lips. He said regretfully,
“We didn’t gain much from this battle.”

“A little unprofitable.” These words poked Zuo Mo’s wound. He couldn’t help but have
an expression of heartache. They had invested greatly in this big victory. Just the dozen
Sonic Lightning Walnuts were an astounding expense, but there were no spoils. It was the
first time they had a battle with just expenses and no gains.

“It will count as thanks to them,” Zuo Mo comforted himself, but the heartache in his
words didn’t lessen.

Feeling the strong effect this topic had on him, Zuo Mo decided to change the topic. He
turned and asked Shu Long, “How is A Wen? Is he adjusting well? What about those
flower slaves?”

Shu Long respectfully said, “A Wen’s injuries should completely heal in about a
fortnight. The flower slaves are much better after cultivating the spell that daren
taught them, but their situation will take some time until it can be clearly determined.”

“That’s good.” Zuo Mo felt his mood was much better.

Who said it, doing good deeds made one feel better. Even though it did not feel as good as
jingshi, but Zuo Mo’s mood became much lighter.
The cloud suddenly started to gather in the sky above Hundred Flower Valley.

In less than ten breathes, there were dark clouds. The sky turned dark, and a pressuring
mood filled all of Hundred Flower Valley.

Zuo Mo suddenly stood up, his face full of shock. “It’s Xie Shan!”

Translator Ramblings: Gongsun Cha’s plan is a complete success. Zuo Mo and Gongsun
Cha only attacked the two sects and not Bright Water City because the two sects said they
would attack and attacking in response is not exactly unacceptable. The consequences are
just the hatred of two sects which would have been unavoiable anyways since the two sects
would have attacked and lost. However, attacking Bright Water City would be unprovoked
since Bright Water City hasn’t done anything major to Zuo Mo’s group. This would mean
that Zuo Mo becomes enemies with all of Bright Water City and possibly the entire jie
which is not something Zuo Mo can face even with the people from Little Mountain Jie.
Chapter 323
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Three – Core Formation

The entire Hundred Flower Valley started to move.

Core formation!

Someone was having their core formation!

Compared to entering the zhuji and ningmai stages, forming the core made a much
bigger spectacle. The sky had just been full of light, but now it was covered in dark clouds.
It was possible to see lightning snakes among the clouds, and five colored auroras flowing
by. Many people couldn’t help but have admiring expressions. Everyone caused different
apparitions when they were forming their core. The exact nature of the apparition was
related to the xiuzhe’s own spells, and the laws that they comprehended.

The changes of the world during core formation was extremely important to a xiuzhe
because it was the first step for a xiuzhe to comprehend the higher levels of the world’s
rules. Higher levelled rules, and deeper comprehension began with the apparition during
core formation. Stepping into this door was a brand new world.

This was core formation! The core formation that countless people dreamed about.

Every xiuzhe that entered ningmai had a dream, core formation.

For the great majority of xiuzhe, jindan was the highest target they purused. It mean
greater power, higher status, more jingshi, and a freer life! In places like Sky Moon Jie and
Sky Water Jie, a jindan was a warlord, and if they didn’t want to waste time on mortal
matters, any sect would welcome them with the status of an elder. The tempting benefits
meant you did not have to worry about materials, or jingshi. You had great amounts of time
to do anything you wanted.

To get all these benefits, you only needed to become a jindan.

The black clouds in the sky roiled. The five colored aurora would occasionally become
rainbows that then extinguished. It was very attractive. The mood became even tenser.

Zuo Mo’s mouth was open wide as he looked dazedly at the sky. This was the first time
he saw the process of core formation and it gave him an enormous shock. The black clouds
in the sky, the rainbows that were born and died, all of this shocked him. His consciousness
was very strong, and his sensitivity to ling power surpassed any xiuzhe inside the valley.

He could clearly feel the terrifying ling power that was contained here!

The ling power within a three hundred li radius had suddenly concentrated the moment
the black clouds formed. The ling power had all flowed into this ball of black clouds. If these
black clouds exploded, the power it would release would far surpass the power of twelve
Sonic Lightning Walnut exploding simultaneously.

The entire Hundred Flower Valley would turn to dust. Even Zuo Mo, with his Great Day
mo physique, would not be able to avoid this calamity. The pressure that was released by
the black clouds was purely caused by the sheer enormous volume of ling power it

Zuo Mo’s expression suddenly became extremely ugly. He noticed many xiuzhe didn’t
retreat, but went closer. Core formation was a rare event and had a fatal attraction for
everyone. If they could see a bit, it definitely would be of benefit.

This group of people didn’t want to live!

Zuo Mo swore inside and stopped the people going forward, “It is dangerous! Come
back! Everyone, retreat out of Hundred Flower Valley!”

Fortunately, Zuo Mo held great authority among this group of people. Everyone
hesitated, but they all quickly left Hundred Flower Valley.

Hundred Flower Valley was very close to Bright Water City. Such a strong flow of ling
power had disturbed all of Bright Water City. Xiuzhe from Bright Water City continually
flew out of Bright Water City to look in the direction of Hundred Flower Valley.


After that night’s battle, the xiuzhe of Bright Water City changed their attitudes towards
the Little Mountain Jie xiuzhe who were lead by the Master of Golden Crow City, especially
jindan xiuzhe. The ambush during the night had completely destroyed Wood Sword Camp,
including one jindan. Up until now, there were five or six jindan that had died in the hands
of the Master of Golden Crow City.

This was an number that no one could dismiss.

If it was one or two, it could be said to be luck, but five or six was not something that
could be explained by luck. This was why the heavily wounded Wood Sword Sect and Cloud
Divine Sect did not launch a counter-attack.

In the eyes of normal xiuzhe, the power of the Master of Golden Crow City was
immeasurable. They also found that the construction of Little Mountain City did not affect
their lives. These xiuzhe that came from Little Mountain Jie were not as brutal and evil as
they had originally imagined. They were very generous and were deeply liked by
merchants. Many merchants planned on going to Little Mountain City and open up a store.

“Core formation, they have someone becoming a jindan!”

In the sky, Yan Yang’s expression was dark. A malicious look flashed through his eyes.

He Qiu was silently for a moment before he said, “Yes, they have become even

When the figures of Vermillion Bird Camp appeared in the sky, He Qiu sighed. The name
of Vermillion Bird Camp had spread through Sky Water Jie. Everyone knew of them. The
appearance of this troop meant that the Master of Golden Crow City was still wary of them.
Yan Yang did not make a sound. He stared viciously at Vermillion Bird Camp that was
swimming through the air.

It was this troop that had sent Wood Sword Camp to their deaths, and had taken the life
of his beloved disciple.

He definitely would avenge this grievance!

His gaze was dark. The elders of the sect did not agree to allow him using stronger
measures. No elder was willing to fight. This was why he had remained inactive up until
now. He did his best to control the hatred in his heart. He was very clear that only an
unconventional move could help him avenge this grievance. In the entire Sky Water Jie, no
sect would publicly stand with him and become enemies with the Master of Golden Crow

Yan Yang did his best to suppress it, but how could he conceal it from the eyes of He Qiu,
who had been his opponent for more than ten years? He Qiu instantly knew Yan Yang’s
thoughts, but he did not speak of it. If Yan Yang wanted to jump into the fire pit, he
wouldn’t stop the other.

At this time, five colored aurora lights suddenly light up the thick cloud layer above
Hundred Flower Valley. It was possible to see the shape of a rainbow-colored ling beast
swimming inside.

Zuo Mo’s expression was nervous. Xie Shan had reached the most crucial time of a core

He could feel Xie Shan was continuously absorbing ling power from the clouds. That ling
beast that was blurry was very resistant to Xie Shan absorbing ling power. Xie Shan didn’t
seem to be in a hurry, and just continuously drew out ling power.

Two hours passed. Xie Shan was still absorbing ling power.

Zuo Mo was filled with shock. Up until now, he could generally estimate how much ling
power Xie Shan had drawn out from the clouds. Jindan xiuzhe were definitely monsters.
The amount of ling power in a ningmai could not compare to what a jindan could contain.
No wonder people commonly say that jindan and ningmai were two different worlds.

Pu Yao appeared out of nowhere. “You don’t have to be jealous of him. He has a deep
base which is why he has caused such an apparition while he is forming the golden
core. If you grasp all six transformations of the Great Day mo physique, other than
some rare powerful jindan, no other jindan will be a match for you.”

“Really?” Zuo Mo didn’t quite believe it. Before today, he hadn’t been as fearful of jindan
as he had been in the past, but the powerful apparition of Xie Shan’s core formation today
had once again shown him the power of jindan xiuzhe.

“To be ranked second among brigadier mo physiques, how could it not have any
powerful qualities?” Pu Yao smirked coldly.

His direction changed. “Even if you do not use the Great Day mo physique, you still
don’t have to be afraid of him.”

“How so?” Zuo Mo was slightly interested. After Pu Yao had gotten a jindan last time, he
had become much more energized, and was chattier. What surprised Zuo Mo the most was
that this guy was much more generous than he was in the past. He didn’t hide things like
spells and yao arts like he had before.

“If you cultivate [Great Thousand Leaf Hands] and [Little Thousand Leaf Hands],
even a jindan isn’t a threat!” Pu Yao said proudly.

“Please,” Zuo Mo smirked scornfully, “who are you trying to fool! I’ve practiced these
two, the power isn’t bad, but it isn’t enough to take down a jindan.”

“How much have you cultivated?” Pu Yao volleyed back with the same scornful tone. “It
is a waste for them to have landed on your hands. Your brain isn’t very good. Just
cultivate Great Day mo physique. That is most suited to people with able limbs and
simple minds.”

He then glanced disdainfully at Zuo Mo, “Our yao cultivation has much more to
consider than the dumb mo.”

Zuo Mo was not willing to show weakness. He said with a cold smile, “Really? But why
haven’t I ever seen it from this honored Sky Yao?”

Pu Yao had a deep hint of mirth at the corner of his mouth. “No problem, I can let you

Zuo Mo’s pupils suddenly shrank. A black dot suddenly appeared in front of Pu Yao, a
black dot that was bottomless. When the black dot appeared, it expanded and swallowed
the surrounding space at a rapid speed. Zuo Mo could only stare as the surroundings were
being swallowed. His body could not move.

In the black void, Zuo Mo faced Pu Yao.

“This .. … what yao art is this?” Zuo Mo gaped as he stammered. He looked in all
directions. Everything was a black void.

Pu Yao lowered his head slightly, his blood red pupil narrowing into a line, and the thin
lips slightly curved. “[Night Restriction], a very obscure yao art.” Finishing, he gave a
strange smile. “You are nervous?”

“Cough!” Hearing this, Zuo Mo pretended to cough. “Nonsense! Just a yao art that is
used for scares, and you want to make ge nervous, you underestimate ge!”

Zuo Mo then said suspiciously, “Pu, you’ve recovered your power?”

“A little bit. Just a golden core, there wasn’t much primary essence.”

Zuo Mo sweat when he heard this. Pu Yao’s tone made it seem like he was saying a
mosquito didn’t have much meat. Those were jindan, not lettuce.

“What do you want to do by bringing me to this dark place?” Zuo Mo’s expression was
righteous. “I’m telling you I have no interest in yao. In the future, I will find a beautiful
female xiu to marry!”

“I’m very interested in you!” Pu Yao stared with interest at Zuo Mo like he was seeing
some peerless treasure. His eye was red and shiny.

Zuo Mo’s hair rose at his gaze.

“That … … that … … Pu, Xie Shan is undergoing core formation! I’ve never seen a core
formation. If I miss this chance, it will be hard to encounter one again, look … …”
“There’s nothing to see in a core formation.” Pu Yao narrowed up his eyes again, and
froze Zuo Mo’s heart.

Pu Yao didn’t seem normal today!

Zuo Mo’s heart was beating. An abnormal Pu Yao was much scarier than any jindan.

“It was out of my expectations that you could cultivate to Great Day mo physique.” Pu
Yao glanced at Zuo Mo and said lightly, “The Great Day mo physique is unyielding and
powerful. I’ve only seen one mo successfully reach it. Ten years later, I discovered he

“Died? How did he die?” Zuo Mo instinctively asked.

“They failed and died during advancement. If xiuzhe fail during advancement, they
fail, and they themselves are not damaged. But the progression of a mo physique is
very dangerous. If it fails, then their soul is destroyed.”

Pu Yao’s words were like the sharp cold wind of the winter, making Zuo Mo’s face turn
pale white.

Translator Ramblings: Tradeoffs, faster growth, higher risk of death. It’s nice of Pu Yao to
tell Zuo Mo this after such a long time … …

Xie Shan is the first to reach jindan and this shouldn’t be a surprise considering Fang
Xiang mentioned it way back that Xie Shan had humongous ling power stores compared to
most ningmai.

Pu Yao said one golden core and I kept it as such since Fang Xiang wrote it that way. It’s
possible that one was eaten to heal himself and he used the second for other purposes.
Chapter 324
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Four – Ten Finger Prison

Pu Yao’s words made Zuo Mo’s heart beat rapidly, but he quickly calmed down. After he
had experienced so much, his mind was much stronger than before. Having dealt with Pu
Yao for so long, it was clear that Pu Yao said all this for a reason.

Pu Yao saw that Zuo Mo didn’t speak, and was not surprised. He said, “Xiu spells, mo
skills, yao arts, the differences between these three are not so absolute and opposed as
you imagine. When you reach the higher levels, you will encounter things you cannot
imagine now, like a mo general suddenly attacking with a sword scripture move, or a
xiuzhe casting a yao art. Everyone has different paths, but they all lead back to the
same destination.”

“Oh, this is just idle talk, this has nothing to do with you.” Pu Yao’s blood pupil flashed
with a bloody light like a red and glittering ruby. He stared at Zuo Mo, and had an
interested expression as he said amusedly, “What I want to say to you is that I am
planning on doing a little experiment.”

Zuo Mo suddenly had a bad feeling. “What experiment? Hey, Pu Yao, I’m telling you,
don’t do … …”

“Hee!” Pu Ya’s blade-like lips slightly curved. His hands spread out like wings, the ten
fingers seemed to be pressed against water and creating ten dots of intangible ripples.

“[Ten Finger Prison], that is a place any yao with ambition will go to!”

The ten ripples spread, and the space surrounding Zuo Mo started to waver.

When he opened his eyes again, he was dumbstruck where he stood. Above his head, a
river slowly flowed. It was not supported by anything. Zuo Mo could clearly see a rainbow
and vivid schools of fish swimming in the river and the threads of black and green water

Below his feet was a piece of rock about ten zhang in radius that was floating in the air.
In front of him rocks, large and small, floated without end. The river curved and flowed
between these floating pieces of rock.

Some rocks had flowers and grasses growing vibrantly on them.

Zuo Mo’s mouth was wide open. Looking at this scene that far surpassed his imagination,
he was flabbergasted.

“Oh, this place changed a lot.” Pu Yao’s mood seemed to be pretty good as he looked

After a while, Zuo Mo recovered. He carefully walked to the edge of the rock and looked
down. What was below was a blurry space that nothing could be made out.

“Below is the endless void. Don’t fall down.” Pu Yao smiled freely, “If you fall down, I
can’t save you.”

Zuo Mo’s body froze as he carefully shrank back to the center of the rock. He suddenly
turned to stare hard at Pu Yao and gritted through his teeth, “You perverse renyao! Send
ge back!”

“Hee hee.” Pu Yao was not angry. “Relax. Right now, you are just a thread of primary
soul that has been pulled into the Ten Finger Prison, it’s not like your real body came.”

Zuo Mo was slightly reassured, but Pu Yao’s next words caused the anger in his heart to

“Oh, but if this thread of your soul can’t return, it isn’t any different than death.”

“Pu, what do you really want to do?” Zuo Mo bit each word out as he asked.

“It is such a familiar smell.” Pu Yao smelled the air of the Ten Finger Prison and showed
an intoxicated expression. A moment later, he opened his eyes. “The Great Day mo
physique is unyielding and peerlessly powerful, you know this. But you definitely don’t
know that compared to the strength of the fleshly body, what the Great Day mo
physique requires most is the strength of the inner heart, the strength of the soul, that
is the crux to advancement.”

“This place cannot exercise your body, but it can exercise your heart and soul.”

“Welcome to the First Finger Prison of the Ten Finger Prison, Vast Water Clear

Pu Yao bowed his body slightly, and made a very elegant gesture.

Zuo Mo quickly composed himself, and started to patiently listen to Pu Yao’s

introduction. The more he heard, the more reassured he was. There was a time limit to the
Ten Finger Prison. With the strength of Zuo Mo’s consciousness, he could only stay a
maximum of four hours in here each time. Even Pu Yao had no way to change this.

Just four hours. The shadow over Zuo Mo’s heart instantly dissipated greatly.
“Ten Finger Prison is also called the Yao Training Prison. Any yao that has a little bit
of accomplishment would basically have come here. The Yao Art Houses will even form
teams and have events to increase the combat abilities of their students. Oh, you xiuzhe
have similar places. Like Wu Kong Sword Sect’s sword cave, but that place is very small
in comparison. Large sects like Kun Lun have their own training grounds. They are
very big, about ten jie or so. We yao aren’t so extravagant. Oh, we’re so poor there’s no
other way.”

Zuo Mo found that as Pu Yao entered the Ten Finger Prison, his words became more
abundant, and was almost chatty. However, this matched his wishes. He could get some
information from this guy’s mouth.

“Then won’t I encounter yao here?” Zuo Mo said doubtfully. He then became slightly
excited. In any case, it was just four hours. Thinking that way, this trip to the Ten Finger
Prison was more like a vacation.

“Right,” Pu Yao then twisted his mouth, “but this is the First Finger Prison, they will all
just be beginners.”

“Oh. If they all like coming here, then this place should have some benefits.” Zuo Mo
instantly showed his practical side.

“The Ten Finger Prison was supposedly created by an ancient Great Yao, and
includes almost all the yao arts. Of course, that’s just a boast, you can just listen to it.
But it does have a lot of yao arts. For example, the First Finger Prison, Vast Water Clear
Skies, it is made from thirteen thousand low-level yao arts. I counted when I was
young.” Pu Yao said with interest.

Zuo Mo looked at Pu Yao like he was looking at a monster. Alright, this joke was slightly

“You were so idle when you were young.”

When the admiration in his heart reached his mouth, it became scorn. From this, it was
possible to see that Zuo Mo was still angry over Pu Yao pulling him into the Ten Finger
Prison for a four hour trip.

“Yes!” Pu Yao responded emotionally as though he was thinking of the times in the past.

Zuo Mo’s mind shifted. “Pu, what were you like when you were young?”

“A person as weak as you cannot understand.”

Pu Yao’s answer instantly smashed the remaining good feeling in Zuo Mo’s heart. He
rolled his eyes. “So the powerful you came here to count? Counted all the way to thirteen
“Ha ha!” Pu Yao laughed freely.

Zuo Mo flew among the rocks. He was very careful. Every rock, flower, grass, and drop of
water here was related to the yao arts. Of the forty-six pieces of rock Zuo Mo had passed,
every one of them had a different attribute.

Pu Yao continuously explained the different yao arts to him, how to use them, and how to
deconstruct them. Zuo Mo found that Pu Yao actually did have some skill. Pu Yao could
confidently talk about every kind of yao art, explain it effortlessly and was simple to
understand. Having already learned the Great and Little Thousand Leaf Hands, Zuo Mo did
not have a hard time understanding low level yao arts, but deconstructing them still
required some effort.

What depressed him the most that the four hours was spent between these forty-six
rocks. He had originally assumed that he could see some exotic locations. Zuo Mo was very
disappointed. To leave each rock, it required deconstructing them.

Did this guy pull him here to destroy rocks?

What heart and soul becoming stronger … …

Zuo Mo was very suspicious this was an excuse this guy made up on the spot. He did not
doubt this guy would do such a thing.

The power of low level yao arts were very limited, and far less than the Great and Little
Thousand Leaf Hands. After learning the forty-six yao arts, there was no actual benefit to
his combat abilities.

It was just four hours, Zuo Mo could only comfort himself so.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a shadow flying towards him. His mind became
alert, was he going to encounter a yao?

Just as he was filled with admiration, his surroundings rippled like waves and became

Damn it!

His vision blurred and Zuo Mo returned to reality. His expression was very ugly. He
didn’t leave early or late, but returned at the most interesting moment. This made his four
hour tour of Ten Finger Prison turn into a trip to view rocks.

Just after Pu Yao and Zuo Mo disappeared, a figure flashed past the rock the two of them
had been on and couldn’t help but make a slight sound of surprise.

An expression of shock flashed across her face.

When her gaze landed on the other pieces of rock, the surprise on her face increased. She
seemed to have seen something that was impossible.


Zuo Mo shook his head. His head still felt dizzy. Everything in front of him seemed
slightly unreal.

“Daren, are you alright?” Shu Long asked in concern. He was slightly worried. Daren’s
attention had been unfocused in the past four hours.

“Oh, nothing.” Zuo Mo suppressed the depression in his heart and raised his head to look
in the direction of Hundred Flower Valley. “Has Xie Shan done anything?”

“Nothing.” Shu Long shook his head.

Just at this time, the black clouds above Hundred Flower Valley started to move
forcefully, the five colored aurora moving in layers, and the outline of the multi-colored ling
beast became even clearer.

Zuo Mo became alert. He felt the rate that Xie Shan was absorbing ling power suddenly

It had come!

A rainbow light suddenly lit up in the black clouds like hundreds of rainbow needles
piercing the eyes of the onlookers. Even Zuo Mo unconsciously closed his eyes.

The rainbow light was visible for hundreds of li.

A long howl passed from inside Hundred Flower Valley and rang into the surroundings!

When everyone opened their eyes, the black clouds in the sky had completely
disappeared. There were no clouds for ten thousand li, and the sky was clear blue.

A figure shot from Hundred Flower Valley into the sky. It was Xie Shan. He looked around
and then suddenly disappeared in the air.

Sighs rose among the crowd. Only jindan could possess such fast speed!
Xie Shan’s figure seemed to flash and then appear in front of Zuo Mo out of thin air. At
this time, he was like an unsheathed sword with all his edges revealed. The presence of his
body continuously smashed against the surroundings. Shu Long’s figure waved, and his
expression changed to a wary one.

Zuo Mo was like a spear and remained motionless. He was not affected by Xie Shan’s
presence at all.

“Daren, Xie Shan is a jindan!” Xie Shan respectfully bowed, his presence instantly

Zuo Mo was stunned, and then a joyous expression came onto his face. He had originally
assumed that Xie Shan would leave after becoming a jindan. In his view, that was normal
and logical.

“Xie Shan hopes to follow Daren like before,” Xie Shan said with a serious expression.

“En, good.” Zuo Mo pressed his lips together tightly. He didn’t know what to say but his
heart felt warm and moved.

Ma Fan, who had been nervous, seemed to be relieved of his burden and gave a blinding
smile. No matter if it was Vermillion Bird Camp, Guard Camp, or the forging division,
everyone’s mouths uncontrollably opened, their grins reaching their ears.

In an instantly, the cheers thundered!

Translator Ramblings: No, Xie Shan is not going to stay behind, and he wants to go with
Zuo Mo. Zuo Mo has gone on a nice field trip as Pu Yao shows how much he has recovered
by eating that jindan.
Chapter 325
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Five – This Is … …

In the night, the five slave transporting boats silently advanced.

“A Gui, we are going to Cloud Sea Jie,” Zuo Mo lightly said to A Gui beside him. The
puppet-like A Gui was lifeless, appearing so fragile she invoked pity. Whenever he thought
of A Gui blocking the attack above Golden Crow City sacrificing herself in the process, Zuo
Mo felt his heart tremble.

Lil’ Black was still sleeping as usual, Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Fire were playing without worry
but Silly Bird was acting out of the ordinary. She stood silently beside A Gui, her grey
feathers lightly trembling.

Gongsun Cha, Shu Long, Xie Shan, and the others were gathered on this slave
transporting boat. After Xie Shan entered jindan, he left the Sky Peak Platoon to act as Zuo
Mo’s personal guard. Ma Fan became the leader of Sky Peak Platoon, Nian Lu and Lei Peng
his vice-commanders. In this period of time, the effect of continuous battle was very
evident on everyone’s development. There were eighteen more xiuzhe of Vermillion Bird
Camp that had comprehended sword essence. The number of people in Sky Peak Platoon
had increased rather than decreased even with Xie Shan’s departure, and reached a total of
thirty people.

The forging division hadn’t been idle in this time. Due to the fact everyone used Golden
Crow Fire, adopting the name Golden Crow Camp had received unanimous consent. Golden
Crow Camp underwent further reorganization. The forging division was its most important
division. Other than that, the dan-making division and other divisions were made into
separate branches of Golden Crow Camp. Of the five slave transporting boats, two were
especially set aside for Golden Crow Camp to construct specialized dan-making and forging

As their experience accumulated, everyone gradually created an effective system.

Xie Shan who had been resting suddenly opened his eyes. He glanced in the distance and
a light flashed through his eyes. “This group of people are really not letting go.”

From the moment they had departed Hundred Flower Valley, there had been people
following them along the entire way.
“Ignore them,” Zuo Mo said. Their travel was concealed as much as possible but it could
not be completely concealed from those with the intention to follow. These scouts were
very alert, did not come close and only trailed from far away.

After flying for another four hours, the ground underneath them turned from hills to
plains. An enormous formation entered everyone’s field of view.

“Whoa, so big!”

“Powerful! Such a big transporting formation!”

The people on the slave transporting boats became excited, stretching their necks out to
look at the enormous formation at the ground.

The Sky Water Transporting Formation was over ten li in radius and was one of the
largest transporting formations in Sky Water Jie. In the darkness, the enormous
transporting formation flashed with light that made it even more enchanting.

Zuo Mo’s face was filled with shock. Of all the kinds of formations, transporting
formations were famed for their difficulty. It was hard to imagine just how difficult it had
been to make such an enormous formation. The transporting formations of Sky Moon Jie
compared to this one were like toys that children played with. Sky Water Jie was much
stronger and prosperous than Sky Moon Jie. This transporting formation was a evidence of
the difference in wealth.

“Let’s go down.”

The five slave transporting boats slowly landed. Vermillion Bird Camp spread out and
went on their guard to stop others from coming close.

Zuo Mo impatiently flew off the boat and into the air above the transporting formation.
Gazing at the complex seal scripts of the transporting formation, he was full of admiration.
Zuo Mo quickly found that this formation had many places that he could not understand.
However, he was not rushed, but took out a blank jade scroll to record down all the seal
scripts of the transportation formation so he could study it in the future.

“Such a waste. You xiuzhe’s stuff is just grand yet impractical.” Pu Yao’s voice
sounded in Zuo Mo’s mind. He said temptingly, “Little Mo Mo, come learn yao arts, yao
arts are very useful.”

Zuo Mo ignored it and asked, “Pu, can you understand this formation?”

Pu Yao deflated. “Don’t understand … …” Then he argued, “I’m a yao, why do I need to
understand your formations?”

“If you don’t understand, then shut up,” Zuo Mo shot back. A hint of suspicion flashed
across his mind. Why was Pu Yao recently tempting him to learn yao arts? He couldn’t help
but think at the same time that the golden core had been a very substantial meal. Pu Yao
was much more lively than in the past.

If he ate a few more golden cores, would Pu Yao become a chatterbox?

Zuo Mo shook and decided to guard against this. A person couldn’t be overfed.

After flying multiple circles in the air around the transportation formation, Zuo Mo
landed. Even though there were many details on this transportation formation that he did
not understand, but he did not find it difficult to use it.

The five slave transporting ships flew inside the formation, and Zuo Mo started to bury
jingshi inside the formation. One hundred and twenty four pieces of fourth-grade jingshi.
Zuo Mo’s heart bled at the expenditure.

After all one hundred and twenty four pieces of fourth-grade jingshi were embed into the
formation, the jingshi lit up one after the other like stars being ignited in the sky. Ten
breaths later, all one hundred and twenty four pieces of fourth-grade jingshi were lit up. If
one looked down from the sky, they looked like stars. The light started from each pieces of
jingshi and flowed following the seal scripts.

Looking at the complex seal scripts slowly light up, everyone felt curiosity and novelty.

The seal scripts of the entire formation were activated. It was extremely crowded, grand
and dazzled the eyes. The light suddenly left the seal scripts and slowly floated towards the

“Everyone, pay attention, we’re leaving!”

The excited Zuo Mo couldn’t help but yell.

Before his words landed, everyone inside the formation disappeared. The blinding and
grand light turned to countless pieces of light and scattered in the wind like rain.

A moment later, two people appeared beside the formation. One of them was Yan Yang.

Yan Yang’s face was unusually excited. When he had learned of Zuo Mo’s trip, he knew
that they were going towards the Sky Water Transportation Formation. They had hurried
to get here first, and silently altered the formation to trick Zuo Mo. Yan Yang suppressed
the ecstasy in his heart, and respectfully bowed to the person beside him. “Shishu, many
thanks for doing this!”

“It’s nothing. I liked Gao Xiu too. This is avenging him,” This person said lightly.
“However, you shall not move against Little Mountain City. If Sky Water Jie is in chaos,
no one will benefit. The other sects will not agree.”
“This disciple understands,” Yan Yang couldn’t help but ask, “Where will they be
transported to?”

“Three thousand jie are like stars in the sky. Only the heavens know where they will

This person waved his sleeve, and dots of light flew out. The dots entered the formation
and some seal scripts silently changed.

“This has ended. Let’s go.”



Zuo Mo looked in front of him at the sky that seemed to be dyed with blood and suddenly
had a bad feeling. Gongsun Cha, Xie Shan, and the others also had serious expressions.
Anyone could see that something wasn’t right.

“This isn’t Buddhist Flower Jie!” Zuo Mo said darkly.

Sky Water Jie didn’t have a transportation formation connected directly to Cloud Sea Jie,
so they had to first arrive in Buddhist Flower Jie. There was a clear description of Buddhist
Flower Jie in Zuo Mo’s jie map. Buddhist Flower Jie’s seasons were all like spring, and the
climate was mild.

But what was in front of them … …

The air was filled with a stern killing energy. The sky was tinted with a strange red.
Nothing grew on the soil beneath their feet.

Zuo Mo reacted the quickest. He looked below him and his expression changed. “Not
good, someone did something to the transportation formation!” The transportation
formation under their feet was damaged and incomplete. It clearly had been many years
since someone had used it. Many places had been worn away.

Everyone’s expression changed. Travelling among the jie, this was the most frightening
scenario. If they suddenly landed in a strange and barren jie, there usually would be one
ending, being trapped there until they died.

“Pu, do you know where this is?” Zuo Mo held one last thread of hope in his heart.
“No. You have to be careful. This place … … isn’t right!” Pu Yao’s voice held a rare
gravity. Zuo Mo’s heart continuously sank.

Damn it! Without any thought, Zuo Mo could generally guess who had done this.
However, there was no meaning in determining who had been working from the shadows
at the moment.

Zuo Mo couldn’t help but be nervous as it was the first time he had landed in a situation
like this. In the past, no matter if it was Little Mountain Jie or Sky Water Jie, he had never
been so nervous no matter how terrible the situation was. He didn’t know what was up
ahead. Were there people? Were there dangers?

He didn’t know anything.

Ignorance was the terror in the deepest part of his heart.

Nervousness and insecurity spread among the people. Zuo Mo forced himself to calm
down. He knew he couldn’t panic right now. He inhaled deeply and tried to make his voice
calmer. “We will go forward. Everyone, prepare to battle at any time.”

Zuo Mo’s efforts were not wasted. Everyone saw that he kept his composure, and it was
as though they found their spines. Their restlessness instantly disappeared greatly. At this
time, Shu Long and Gongsun Cha also reacted, and quickly calmed down.

The troop methodically started to move. The five slave transporting boats rose into the
sky again and started to fly forward.

As they kept on flying, everyone’s expressions became even heavier.

Desolate, a desolation that made everyone feel hopeless. After flying more than a
hundred li, they hadn’t seen anything that was living. The ground was burnt black but held
a hint of blood red. There was nothing growing. All the mountain peaks were bare and free
of any life.

Zuo Mo’s mind suddenly moved. He channelled his ling power, and his expression
changed again. He turned and said to Gongsun Cha, “Get them to save their ling power,
the ling energy here is too thin.”

Hearing this, Gongsun Cha’s expression shifted slightly. He knew what this meant. The
Vermillion Bird Camp xiuzhe that had spread out quickly came back to the slave
transporting boats.

Now that the situation was so terrible, Zuo Mo actually completely calmed down. He said
to Shu Long, “You try. See what effects this place has on you guys.”
Shu Long hurried to activate his mo skill. He quickly had a joyful expression. “Daren, this
place is very suitable for us to use mo skills, it almost … … almost … …” He didn’t know
how to explain it.

“The black fiendish energy here is very heavy,” Pu Yao opened again, “and it has
benefits for Shu Long and the others.”

“Black fiendish energy?” Zuo Mo ‘s mind moved.

“En, a type of special fiendish energy. They mostly appear on battlefields. This place
is probably an old battle field. However… …” Pu Yao suddenly stopped.

“However what?” Zuo Mo asked impatiently.

“Such strong black fiendish energy means two things. One is that this place should
have been a battlefield in the past, a battlefield that is very vast, and was the site of
colossal battles. The other is time. It will take a long time to create such thick black
fiendish energy.”

“How long?”

“Over ten thousand years!”

Hiss, Zuo Mo uncontrollably inhaled.

Ten thousand years … …

“An ancient battlefield from ten thousand years ago … …” Zuo Mo murmured to
himself. The desolate scene in front of him became even more vast and desolate! Xie Shan
and Shu Long beside him changed expression upon hearing this. Xie Shan even gave an
expression of disbelief.

“But … …” Pu Yao stopped in his words.

“But what?” Zuo Mo suddenly shook and blurted.

“If this really is a battlefield, then a world-shaking and great battle was fought here.
Such significant battles can be counted on the fingers. It is impossible that I do not
know it!” Pu Yao said gravely, “But this place doesn’t match the descriptions of any
battlefield that I know of.”

Zuo Mo’s face was ashen white upon hearing this. Coldness crept up his heart, and his
Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo falls prey to his ignorance and a whole new unexplored
map is in front of him now. This is the end of the transitory arc in Sky Water Jie. You can
also consider this little arc the conclusion to the major one before this and see it as a
showcase for what Zuo Mo and the others have accomplished. But he’s had too much of a
smooth sailing after killing Clear Sky Old Forefather and a (major) setback is a good thing
to cut Zuo Mo down to size. He fell prey to his ignorance about formations and his lack of
understanding of his enemies.

Also, Lil’ Cliffy is back!

Chapter 326
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Six – Ten Thousand Year Old Ancient Battlefield

“Can we go back the way we came?” Gongsun Cha asked Zuo Mo in a small voice.

The ashen-pale Zuo Mo shook his head, and said in a low voice, “We got tricked. The
other changed the imprint on the transportation formation. This isn’t one of the preset
transportation formations, but a random transportation formation. You also saw the
transportation formation under our feet. It is broken.”

Gongsun Cha was silent.

Zuo Mo raised his awareness. “Make sure everyone is careful. We managed to get out
of Little Mountain Jie. We can definitely find a way out of this place.”

Hearing this, Gongsun Cha’s expression became better.

Xie Shan’s expression was stern. He was now a jindan and he was naturally different in
all areas than everyone else. He silently savoured the “Ten Thousand Year old Battlefield”
Zuo Mo had just said, and felt that it was possible as he felt the bone-piercing presence in
the surroundings. However, since Boss recognized it, he felt slightly reassured.

Boss’ origins were still so deep and immeasurable.

After flying for a long time forward, the front lines suddenly shifted. On high alert, Zuo
Mo unhesitatingly went forward.

When he flew to the front, he was dumbstruck where he stood.

It was an enormous and shocking wasteland. Countless mountain peaks that had
collapsed, soil that was burnt black everywhere, and there were large craters more than
ten li in radius everywhere. The scarred and charred land was shocking to see, this was a
battlefield. Spread among those craters were bones that could not be counted. These bones
were already weathered. When a harsh wind blew, the bones crumbled to powder. This
scene that had only ever appeared in the legends and tall tales was endless. A vast and
ancient presence blew in their faces.

Everyone was so shocked they could not speak, including Pu Yao.

“Ancient battlefield … … ancient battlefield … …” Xie Shan soullessly murmured to
himself. The scene in front of him had given him an unparalleled blow. The marks left
behind on the battlefield made him felt the terrifying power that could have destroyed the
world at that time. He felt he was so small, like a speck of dust.

Zuo Mo was the first to recover. When he saw Xie Shan’s expression, he knew it was bad.
Xie Shan had just entered jindan and his cultivation was not stable. The sudden stimulation
was too strong, and his mind was still extremely vulnerable to damage. At this time, he
couldn’t attend to anything else, shouting, “Remain alert!”

In these words, he used the Clear Sound Incantation.

Xie Shan shook and instantly regained his focus. He thought it had been very dangerous.

“Shu Long!” Zuo Mo shouted loudly.

Shu Long felt embarrassed by his performance just now. His face blotching red, he bowed
respectfully. “Daren!”

“We’re going down!” Zuo Mo’s eyes narrowed, and a cold light flashed past.

“Daren!” Shu Long hurriedly urged, “The situation right now isn’t clear, going down so
rashly … …”

“You don’t dare?” Zuo Mo interrupted him. His eyes were cold as knives.

Shu Long felt a burst of hot blood rushing to his head. His black armor rattled as he said
unhesitatingly, “Shu Long obeys!”

He jumped up as he finished speaking. Mid air, Shu Long’s eyes glared angrily, the
tendons tense and bulging without any of the caution and steadiness he usually held. His
thunder-like bellow rang in the air, “Guard Camp, to the ground!”

The five slave transporting boats were close together to start with. Shu Long and Zuo
Mo’s exchange had not been concealed. All of Guard Camp heard it clearly. Guard Camp,
who had sworn to follow Zuo Mo, was being doubted on their bravery by Zuo Mo. The
entire camp was blood rushed as their eyes turned red.

“Yes!” Guard Camp shouted together as they jumped down.

In the air, black shadows jumped down like large birds.

The simultaneous shout of Guard Camp was like a gust of wind that swept the darkness
off everyone’s hearts. Morale rose greatly. Everyone of Vermillion Bird Camp that was
staying on the slave transporting boats had shamed expressions. They had also clearly
heard Zuo Mo’s question. They wanted to be able to charge at the very front at this
Gongsun Cha felt the same inside. When he had arrived here, he had put himself in a box.
He really was lacking compared to Shixiong. Shixiong really was a natural leader. With just
a few words, he had restored morale.

Xie Shan felt even more shameful. He was a jindan, but his resolve was not as strong as

“We are going down,” Zuo Mo ordered with a cold face.

The five slave transporting boats quickly descended until they were not ten zhang from
the ground.

“Shidi, you stay up here to command,” Zuo Mo said to Gongsun Cha before he turned his
face. “Silly Bird, protect A Gui!” When he finished, he stepped off the slave transporting
boat. Silly Bird rolled her eyes, but obediently stood guard next to A Gui.

Zuo Mo stepped onto the ground.

The ground was as hard as steel with traces of red within the black. Zuo Mo did not
examine it closely, but shouted with a cold expression, “Advance!”

So what if it was a ten thousand year old ancient battlefield?

The troop rolled forward, Shu Long’s body shrouded in black energy and brimming with
killing intent as he charged at the very front. At this time, people no longer felt any terror.
Morale was high. They wanted to see if any monster would pop up from somewhere so they
could have a good fight.

Zuo Mo’s face was cold as the troop advanced. He secretly paid attention to the
surrounding environment.

Ten li long ditches were everywhere. Zuo Mo was suspicious that those were from sword
energies. This place was filled with black fiendish energy. In a short while, the black energy
on Shu Long and the other’s bodies had become a few fractions denser. Zuo Mo had decided
to walk on the ground and not fly in the air after great thought. Due to the existence of the
black fiendish energy, Guard Camp had become the primary fighting force. Guard Camp was
not skilled in aerial combat so it was better to advance on the ground. Also, if they
encountered something dangerous, Zuo Mo didn’t feel the air would be safer than the

Zuo Mo glanced at the Golden Armor Guards beside him and suddenly found that the
Golden Armor Guards were also absorbing black fiendish energy.

At this moment, all of his attention was put in front of him and could not be spared for
other matters. What he saw most frequently were bones. When these bones were touched,
they would crumble and become dust. There would usually be some damaged items beside
the skeletons, but after ten thousand years, they were just like the bones, turning to dust
upon a touch.

There was no life here, no living beings. On the way, there were only skeletons and
scorched earth.

They had travelled for a full twenty hours. Zuo Mo raised his head to look at the blood
colored sky. It hadn’t shown any change compared to before. Was there no day or night
here? Based on their speed, they had already advanced more than one thousand li, but
there was no change in the scenery they passed.

Zuo Mo suddenly raised his head. He noticed the black fiendish energy was much denser
here than the location from twenty hours ago.

“Careful, we have been walking towards the center of the battlefield,” Pu Yao warned.
Everything here was beyond his knowledge. His tone was extremely grave.

So that was why … …

Zuo Mo suddenly spoke, “Everyone, rest for a while.”

Hearing this, the fast travelling troops stopped. Everyone sat down to rest. Shu Long and
the others were wrapped in black energy. They did not feel any exhaustion and their
energy was abnormally good.

“Will the black fiendish energy pose any danger to them?” Zuo Mo asked Pu Yao.

Pu Yao said, “No. To them and the Golden Armor Guards, black fiendish energy is the
best substance. I have never heard of a place with such thick black fiendish energy.
This is the best place for Shu Long and the others to cultivate.”

“That’s good.” Zuo Mo’s heart relaxed. He suddenly thought of a question. “Pu, do you
think there will be anything living here?”

“The possibility is very low,” Pu Yaos tone was very cautious, “the scale of this
battlefield eclipses any conflict that I know of. I really cannot think of any conflict that
has been on such a scale. The black fiendish energy created after such a great battle is
unparalleled in its brutality. Normal beings definitely cannot survive.”

“What about xiuzhe like us? Or yaomo?” Zuo Mo said.

“That is possible.”

“That’s great!” Zuo Mo seemed to see a thread of hope.

“Great? I don’t think so!” Pu Yao said with a cold smile, “Living long term in a place
with such thick black fiendish energy, one’s personality would naturally be affected.
Becoming brutal and fast to kill. Other than that, you need to be careful of fiendish soul

“Fiendish soul beasts? What is that?”

“At dense areas of fiendish energy, over time, they will create low level souls. Oh,
their formation process is like that of Lil’ Fire, but they are born from fiendish energy,
and are innately brutal and fond of killing. I’ve never seen fiendish soul beasts
nurtured by black fiendish energy. Ha, this is interesting!”

After resting for a while, the troop departed again.

Twenty hours later, the surrounding environment still had not changed. If it wasn’t that
the density of black fiendish energy in the air had clearly increased, Zuo Mo would have
been suspicious that they had entered a high level illusory formation.

After this rest, Zuo Mo did not let the troop immediately depart but set up camp.

“We need to rest?” Gongsun Cha ran over to ask Zuo Mo.

“En, there is possibly danger ahead. I’m planning to get Shu Long and the others to
cultivate before going forward,” Zuo Mo said.

“So that’s how it is!” Gongsun Cha made a deep sound. He said with slight worry, “The
other people’s situations are not good. The ling power here is very thin. They can only
use jingshi to replenish their ling power.”

Zuo Mo didn’t have better methods. He could only say, “Just use jingshi for now.”

He rejoiced now that they had taken enough jingshi along and didn’t have to worry in the
short term. This was a habit they had formed from being in Little Mountain Jie. They had
taken large amounts of jingshi from Little Mountain Jie and hadn’t spent much in Sky Water
Jie. They had taken all of these jingshi with them.

“Pu, do you have any methods?” Zuo Mo was slightly troubled.

“I do know some methods of cultivating with black fiendish energy, but they have to
start over their cultivation from the beginning.” Pu Yao spread his hands.

“We can only take a step and look a step,” Zuo Mo sighed. He started to search for jade
scrolls on formations in his ring. He needed to take a good look at transportation
formations. He probably had to rely on himself to make a transportation formation to leave
this ghastly place. No formation could remain complete after ten thousand years, it was
unlikely that they would find one. What he set up would be much more dependable.
He had many jade scrolls in his ring, and jade scrolls on formations were something he
was usually very enthusiastic about collecting. He took out all the jade scrolls on
formations that he possessed. Piled up in front of him was a little mountain.

If he could chew through this little mountain, they would be able to leave this ghastly

Zuo Mo continued to brainwash himself. Just as he was preparing to start, he saw Cheng
Shidi who had been buried in the nursery on the slave transporting boats and never
showed his face suddenly jump out of the slave transporting boats. He stumbled as he ran
over, his expression panicked.

“Shixiong! Shixiong! Come quickly to see!”

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo and the others are very lucky they have the black
processing meditation mats. For scale comparisons, a li is 500 meters so there are some
pretty big ditches.

Zuo Mo would not let Pu Yao take Xie Shan easily. He has supported Xie Shan’s
cultivation for a long time through jingshi and to make a profit, Pu Yao needs to offer him
the value of a jindan and also what Zuo Mo has invested in Xie Shan. There also is the
possibility what Pu Yao trades Zuo Mo has hidden shortcomings so Xie Shan with his
proven loyalty is a safer bet. Xie Shan could also defeat other jindan or act like bait.
Chapter 327
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiofDoom, and warlord212.

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Seven – Twin Butterfly

Zuo Mo raced with Chun Yu Cheng towards his nursery room.

This was the first time he had went to one of Cheng Shidi’s rooms. He couldn’t help but
feel a twinge of shame. There were too many matters he had to attend to every day and he
had basically had not paid any attention to any of Cheng Shidi’s matters.

Cheng Shidi’s husbandry room had been divided into several areas. After he took a close
look, he was very shocked. Each section was its own standalone beast pool. When had
Cheng Shidi been able to construct the beast pool by himself?

“Shidi, you don’t know. When it came out, it was different compared to the rest of its
species.” Chun Yu Cheng’s expression wasn’t good. His soul seemed shaken, but he felt
reassured with Zuo Mo at his side.

“Shidi, you made these beast pools yourself?” Zuo Mo interrupted him.

“This, yes,” Chun Yu Cheng clearly did not pay attention to Zuo Mo’s question. The
conversation’s focus quickly returned to the matter at hand, “It is a ninth-generation ling
butterfly. There were two hundred that were of the same brood as it … …”

“Shidi, this part of the formation isn’t quite the same as what I did before,” Zuo Mo
said as he pointed at a formation script on the beast pool.

“Did I change it incorrectly?” Chun Yu Cheng embarrassedly rubbed his head. “I felt
that place wasn’t too complete, so I tried to change it. I found the effects are pretty
good so I kept using it.”

Zuo Mo’s shock increased as he hurriedly waved his hand. “No, no, you didn’t do
anything wrong. If Shidi feels it is effective, then use it.”

So without him noticing it, Chun Shidi’s husbandry skills had reached such a high level!

“Oh, that’s great!” Chun Yu Cheng released a breath, but his expression tensed again. He
refocused on his original topic. “Shixiong, when this one came out, it swallowed a ling
butterfly. I was slightly surprised. I’ve raised ling butterflies for this long, but have
never seen one as savage as this.”
Chun Yu Cheng finally was able to pull Zuo Mo’s attention to the topic. He couldn’t help
but follow, “Then?”

“Then,” Chun Yu Cheng swallowed, “it devoured more than one hundred ling
butterflies. I thought that it would eat all the ling butterflies if it kept on going so I put
it together with some poisonous worms. I started to raise these poisonous worms in
Little Mountain Jie. They are very vicious, and have great potential. I speculated that if
I raised them for a bit longer, after two or three generations, it may produce a fifth-
grade ling beast.”

Hearing this, Zuo Mo’s curiosity was completely stirred up. “And then?”

“When I went to look a few days later,” Chun Yu Cheng’s expression was slightly
terrified, “those poisonous worms had all died. Their bodies were deathly grey without
a hint of life. Shixiong, you know, I’m pretty familiar with ling butterflies, but I’ve never
heard of such an evil ling butterfly.”

Looking at the trace of terror remaining in Cheng Shidi’s face, Zuo Mo was even more

“It was a pity to throw the poisonous worms out. I had originally planned on using
the husks but didn’t expect the exoskeleton, claws, and teeth of the worms had no ling
energy left.” Cheng Shidi’s voice became filled with anticipation. “At that time, I knew this
ling butterfly wasn’t a simple one.”

Zuo Mo knew that if the matter was just like this, Cheng Shidi would not be so nervous.
He asked, “Did something unexpected happen?”

Worry floated onto Chun Yu Cheng’s face. “Starting from yesterday, it suddenly
became extremely restless, and kept on charging towards the outside of the beast pool.
This ling butterfly is really powerful. I noticed that the beast pool can’t hold it for much
longer, and I can’t suppress it any longer so I hurried to find Shixiong.”

At this time, the two of them arrived at a beast pool.

Zuo Mo finally saw the ling butterfly that Cheng Shidi spoke about. At first glance, he was
very shocked. The wings of this ling butterfly were different colours, one black and one
white, and were without any blemishes. The most unique part were the two antennae. A
ball of mist floated at the end of each antenna, also black and white. It was possible to make
out the figures of two little people within the two balls of mist.

But what truly shocked Zuo Mo was the faint presence released by the ling butterfly. This
presence was extremely weak, but it was very clear, and made Zuo Mo think of that fifth-
grade Bloody Horned Serpent.

Was this a fifth-grade ling butterfly?

“This ling butterfly is very unique.” Chun Yu Cheng had a proud expression. “I call it
the twin butterfly.”

The twin butterfly noticed Zuo Mo, and instantly had a wary expression. Zuo Mo’s mind
moved, and he released a thread of the presence of the Great Day mo physique. The twin
butterfly was shocked and shrank back to the corner of the beast pool.

Such an intelligent ling butterfly!

Zuo Mo praised inside. He was even more sure that this twin butterfly wasn’t far from

Thinking about this, he knocked on the beast service card at his waist. The Black
Butterfly flew out. After the Rainbow Mark Butterfly leveled into the Black Butterfly, it was
fourth-grade, and one step away from fifth-grade. When the Black Butterfly flew out, it
noticed the twin butterfly. It seemed to be slightly wary of the twin butterfly.

At this time, the mist at the two ends of the twin butterfly’s antennae flew out like a bolt
of intertwined black and white lightning that accurately struck the Black Butterfly!

The Black Butterfly froze on its spot as its vitality quickly flowed away. In a flick of the
finger, the black and white mist flew back into the beast pool.

Hiss, Zuo Mo and Chun Yu Cheng inhaled sharply.

The change was so sudden. Zuo Mo hadn’t thought the black and white mist of the twin
butterfly could ignore the jinzhi of the beast pool.

As the black and white mist entered the body of the twin butterfly, Zuo Mo sensitively
detected the presence of the twin butterfly had greatly increased! He saw the colors of the
black and white wings of the twin butterfly were even purer, and the greatest changes were
in the two little people in the balls of mist. The features of the two little people in the mist
were more distinct than before. They were the size of a thumb as they floated in the mist.

Such an eerie and weird ling butterfly!

Just as Zuo Mo was astonished, Pu Yao suddenly spoke, “Hm, this Yin-yang Twin
Butterfly is a little interesting.”

“Yin-yang Twin Butterfly?” Zuo Mo’s reaction was extremely quick.

“This shidi of yours really does have some skill to be able to raise such a rare ling
butterfly.” Pu Yao first praised Chun Yu Cheng before he said, “I’ve never seen a Yin-yang
Twin Butterfly before so my knowledge is limited. This Twin Butterfly of your Shidi’s is
slightly different than the Yin-yang Twin Butterfly I know of. Take a look with your
Ling Eye.”
Zuo Mo hurriedly opened his Ling Eye and saw threads of black energy continuously fly
into the beast pool and enter the body of the Twin Butterfly.

“Black fiendish energy?” Zuo Mo inhaled sharply again. “It is absorbing black fiendish

“Your shidi has raised something good.” Pu Yao reminded, “Quick, get it into the beast
service card. Remember to first use the Great Day mo physique.”

Receiving Pu Yao’s guidance, Zuo Mo hurriedly explained the situation to Cheng Shidi.
Cheng Shidi was both surprised and joyful. He hurriedly said, “Shixiong, quick, tame it!”
Chun Yu Cheng’s cultivation was too low. There wasn’t a problem when he was raising ling
beasts, but he did not have the power to tame a powerful ling beast like the twin butterfly.

Even Zuo Mo needed to use the power of the Great Day mo physique to tame the twin

Zuo Mo did not hesitate and took out an empty beast service card. Activating the Great
Day mo physique, the Light Void Wings on his back appeared. The husbandry room was
filled with a tangible pressure. All the ling beasts in the beast pools curled up in balls as
they shook. The two little people on the tips of the twin butterfly’s antennae trembled. It
seemed to have realized something, but the powerful pressure of the Great Day mo
physique made it lower its wings.

Seeing the situation, Zuo Mo unhesitatingly cut his finger to squeeze out a drop of blood
to throw at the twin butterfly as he cast a spell at the same time, calling out, “In!”

The black and white wings of the twin butterfly shook, and it did not dare to dodge. The
drop of blood and the spell quickly permeated it when it touched the wings like water
sinking into sand. In a moment, a bloody crescent mark appeared on each of the black and
white wings. The twin butterfly turned into a light of intermingling black and white and
entered the beast card.

Two little people, one black and one white, floated onto the service of the beast service
card back to back. Five stars lit up the back of the beast service card. Chun Yu Cheng and
Zuo Mo both had joyous expressions. This twin butterfly was a fifth-grade ling butterfly!

“I raised a fifth-grade ling butterfly! I raised a fifth-grade ling butterfly!” The ecstatic
Chun Yu Cheng murmured, unable to say anything else.

It had been his dream to raise a fifth-grade ling butterfly. He had talent in husbandry, but
he was from a small sect. Compared to the disciples from the large sects, the resources he
could receive were limited. Raising a fifth-grade ling butterfly was his limit. He had always
worked towards this target.
But today, the goal that he thought he would need to struggle towards for a lifetime had
already been achieved.

He felt he was dreaming and it was unrealistic. Among the joyfulness was a thread of
confusion. The greatest goal of his life had been completed so easily.

Looking at the excited yet bewildered Cheng Shidi, Zuo Mo smiled. He understood Cheng
Shidi’s mood very well. He shoved a jade scroll into Cheng Shidi’s hand and then left the
husbandry room.

Chun Yu Cheng was excited for a long time, after he finally calmed down and found a jade
scroll in his hand.

He reflexively inspected the contents and became dumbstruck as though he was struck
by a bolt of lightning.


Zuo Mo walked out of the slave transporting boat and found Bao Yi to tell him to not
short Cheng Shidi on any materials he requested. Bao Yi hurriedly agreed. Inside, he
celebrated his carefulness. He had always tried to satisfied all of Chun Yu Cheng’s requests.
In his view, Chun Yu Cheng did not ask about matters, but he was Boss’ Shidi. It seemed
that he had acted correctly.

The jade scroll Zuo Mo had given Chun Yu Cheng included all of the content on the beast
pools. The modifications Chun Shidi had made to the beast pool caused him to realize his
shidi’s exceptional talent in husbandry. He decided to give everything about the beast pool
to Cheng Shidi to study. The present Cheng Shidi needed a completely new goal.

He summoned the twin butterfly and examined this unique ling butterfly. He had to
admit that only a maniac like Cheng Shidi could raise such a unique ling butterfly based on
the disorderly and fragmented jade scroll Zuo Mo had given him and his own knowledge.

However, he then creased his brow. If Cheng Shidi wanted to progress another step, he
would face a problem – cultivation. Cheng Shidi would find it difficult to suppress any
action of a fifth-grade ling beast. The twin butterfly had been a very lucky incident.

Another with the same problem was Gongsun Shidi. Zuo Mo had learned more about
battle generals, and knew that battle generals had a system of unique cultivation spells. The
demands on cultivation of beginner battle generals were not high, but as they progressed,
the demands on cultivation increased.

This was really a troublesome problem.

Zuo Mo frowned and sank into deep thought. He did not notice the actions of the twin

Translator Ramblings: Chun Yu Cheng finally gets a chapter focusing on him. Ling
butterflies have really short generation times compared to everything else. Nine
generations from Desolate Wood Reef to now or in even less time. I feel that this might end
up being more profitable than being a ling plant farmer.

Today is also a pretty nice day except I have discovered listening to music to make me
focus is not working anymore.
Chapter 328
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Eight – Upheaval of Sword Cave

Inside the sword cave, Lin Qian finished reading the jade scroll and said with a sigh, “Just
passed by, what a pity, what a pity.”

Wei Sheng raised his head to look but did not say anything. His time in the sword cave
could not be called pleasant. It wasn’t that it was dull to stay in the sword cave every day.
He cultivated the sword and had gone through hundreds of hardships. What was in front of
him now didn’t amount to anything.

What made him feel dislike was the inability to mesh with this group of people.
Truthfully, Lin Qian thought highly of him, and was very courteous in tone and speech, and
never lost his manners. The xiuzhe under Lin Qian’s command did not try to find trouble
with him, but the distance in their backgrounds would lead to subtle and unconsciously

Wei Sheng wasn’t dumb. How could he not feel it? He didn’t find it strange. He had
started as a sword servant. What kind of attitudes hadn’t he been subjected to? He just
disliked it. What he disliked even more was that Lin Qian would always target Zuo Mo

He usually wasn’t a chatty person. After entering the sword cave, he became increasingly

Lin Qian handed the jade scroll to Wei Sheng.

Wei Sheng was slightly puzzled as he took the jade scroll and started reading. After he
finished reading the jade scroll, Wei Sheng’s expression was normal, but enormous waves
of emotion started in his heart.

Taking the name of the Master of Golden Crow City, killing multiple jindan, tens of
thousands of xiuzhe gathering at his call … …

Was this Shidi? Wei Sheng didn’t quite believe it. In the jade scroll, Shidi’s appearance
had changed greatly, but Wei Sheng had instantly recognized the attitude and movements.
He also recognized Gongsun Cha and Chun Yu Cheng. After Shidi had been sent to Desolate
Wood Reef, Wei Sheng had especially investigated the shidi of the sect that had gone with
Zuo Mo Shidi and he had a general impression of these two people.
Shidi really was Shidi!

Wei Sheng was filled with an unspeakable joy. He felt peerlessly happy knowing that
Shidi was alive and living well. Excitement unconsciously showed in his eyes. Shidi was so
powerful now. As the shixiong, how could he be left behind?

Lin Qian had been staring at Wei Sheng and suddenly spoke, “Do you know what secret
technique is this golden pair of wings on Zuo Mo’s back? Does it originate from the

Wei Sheng opened his eyes, and said solemnly, “Zuo Shidi usually has great luck. It
wouldn’t be strange for him to have fortuitous encounters.”

Lin Qian looked with pity at Wei Sheng and said faintly, “Really? This one is familiar
with the records and feel the pair of golden wings on Zuo Mo’s back matches the
supposed transformations of a mo physique.”

Wei Sheng was not moved. “Oh, really? But based on what Wei knows, the dhyana’s
abhinna have similar ones. Xin Shishu has passed on [Vajra Profound Sutra] to Shidi.
Shidi is exceptionally talented, and was just a step away from forming an abhinna.”

Lin Qian took back his gaze and said calmly, “Brother Wei, why argue with me? I
already have people guarding at Buddhist Flower Jie. Sect Leader Pei is righteous and
just, and has agreed to this one to investigate this matter. The result will naturally be
clear at that time.”

Wei Sheng’s hands fisted together, his eyes angry. The xiuzhe around Lin Qian shifted
and stared with murderous eyes at Wei Sheng.

“Brother Wei has no need to be nervous. If Zuo Mo really has achieved an abhinna,
this one will be happy. Even if Zuo Mo is being threatened by yaomo, this one will save
his life.” Lin Qian raised his head, his eyes deep and serene. “The battle between us xiuzhe
and yaomo is like water and fire, and cannot be avoided. Brother Wei is exceptionally
talented. You should remain neutral. Do not fail the hopes of your sect leader.”

As he finished, he turned and ordered, “Everyone prepare. We are returning tomorrow


Wei Sheng shook upon hearing this. The snippets of conversation he heard when the
xiuzhe had chatted floating into his mind. The xiuzhe in the surroundings looked coldly at
Wei Sheng and scattered.

In the deepest part of the sword cave, Wei Sheng travelled here alone. His eyes scanned
the surroundings and was filled with reluctance. He knew that Lin Qian and his fellows
were going to completely abandon Sky Moon Jie. When the group of xiuzhe had been
chatting, he heard that the upper ranks were planning to completely seal the jie river from
Sky Moon Jie to Bright Wave Jie. Supposedly, almost all of the jindan experts of Bright Wave
Jie were being gathered to set up the formation.

They didn’t plan to recapture Sky Moon Jie.

The atmosphere in the dark sword cave seemed to become more agreeable at this time.
Thinking about how he would be unable to return to Sky Moon Jie in the future, Wei Sheng’
heart was dark. He silently walked to the deeper parts of the sword cave. He had killed his
way through all eighteen levels of the sword cave. Thinking about it now, it seemed like
yesterday. The shixiong and shidi of Wu Kong Mountain seemed to be right in front of him.

Thinking of the complex fighting inside the sect, his heart felt irritated. He hadn’t
increased his cultivation one bit in this past year. He knew why that was. He had already
planned it out. After returning this time, and the matter of Zuo Shidi was cleared up, he
would go out to travel. He only wanted to cultivate the sword. He didn’t want to manage the
matters of the sect and he couldn’t manage them.

For some reason, he wasn’t too worried about the matter of Shidi. Thinking of Zuo Mo, he
smiled. Shidi’s cunning could only be understood by those who felt it. None of the people
that had targeted Shidi before had ever gotten away.

Lin Qian’s origins were extraordinary, and had astounding power on his hands. Wei
Sheng was very clear of that. But if Lin Qian thought he would be able to pin down Shidi so
easily, then he was too naïve. Thinking about it, mirth unconsciously came to the corner of
Wei Sheng’s mouth.

As to Lin Qian’s talk about yaomo. Wei Sheng felt disdain. He was clear that yaomo and
xiuzhe were mortal enemies. He didn’t have any good feelings about yaomo, but did not
hold negative feelings. The conflict of xiuzhe and yaomo at its core was the conflict over
resources. Xiuzhe cultivation required large amounts of jingshi and all kinds of talismans.
Where would these things come from?

There was a system for the production of materials, but it was far from being able to
satisfy the demands of those great sects. The discovery of new jie had never stopped. Each
jie’s discovery would be accompanied by rivers of blood.

What did the battle of yaomo and xiuzhe have to do with him?

Those big sects weren’t good entities. He missed the past Wu Kong Sword Sect.

Unknowingly, he walked to the deepest level. The yin fiends along the way had not
recovered, and didn’t dare to come near Wei Sheng as they knew his power.

The deepest level was empty. In the past, there had been a very powerful yin fiend here.
He had killed it at the expense of heavy injuries. His gaze landed on the ground. There was a
thick layer of copper tile beneath his feet, and along the stone wall was a copper table.
There was a jade box on the copper table. Wei Sheng’s complete version of [Void Sword
Scripture] had been taken from this jade box.

Everything here had not changed compared to when he had left.

After tomorrow, everything here would be sealed forever.

Wei Sheng was very emotion. His hand caressed the copper table. A wave of coldness
passed back. He suddenly made a slight sound of surprise. There was another weak
presence among this wave of coldness! This presence was very weak. If it wasn’t that he
was much stronger than when he had previously been in the sword cave, then he would not
have detected this presence.

There was something strange!

His mind jumped. Closing his eyes and calming his mind, this weak presence slowly
became clear.

He opened his eyes and sent out his sword essence to swipe a few times on the copper
table. The surface of the table flashed with light and revealed a jade box.

Wei Sheng had a surprised and joyful expression as he hurriedly opened the jade box.
Inside was a damaged jade pendant and a jade scroll. Wei Sheng carefully picked up the
jade scroll. As he read, he became even more shocked.

Remaining in the jade scroll was a thread of thought that the sect’s ancestral master had
left before death. It told the history of this jade pendant. This pendant was a talisman the
ancestral master had serendipitously received when he was young, which had a unique
presence that lingered on it. The sect’s [Void Sword Scripture] had been comprehended by
the ancestral master from this presence. When he read this, Wei Sheng’s heart beat wildly.

A presence was enough for the ancestral master to comprehend a sixth-grade sword
scripture. This presence should have been so powerful he couldn’t imagine it

The ancestral master spent his entire life studying this jade scroll, and finally gained
something before the end of his life. However, he had no power to personally uncover the
mystery of the pendant so he had carved what he knowledge had gained on the underside
of the copper tile. But considering that while the presence of the jade pendant was weak,
but it was vastly immeasurable and pure, he was afraid it would cause a calamity. The
ancestral master decided to hide it. If a disciple from the sect had the fate, he naturally
would receive it. This was an opportunity.

Putting down the jade scroll, Wei Sheng’ gaze moved to the damaged jade pendant. His
heart beat hard. A presence that was complex enough that the ancestral master took a
lifetime to comprehend, it definitely was exceptional.
He carefully picked up the jade pendant. The jade pendant was very non-descript. One
corner was damaged, and its style was very old. Holding it on his hand, he could feel the
mysterious presence even more clearly. Suppressing his strong curiosity, he did not dare to
use his mind to touch this weak presence. A presence that even the ancestral master had to
study for a lifetime wasn’t something he could touch with his present cultivation.

He gravely hung the jade scroll on his neck and then his eyes landed on the copper tiles.
He started the core scripture of [Void Sword Scripture] and pressed his hand to a copper
tile. This copper tile instantly became light as air, and was easily taken up.

There was something!

A strange pattern was revealed on the ground. Wei Sheng’s mind jumped again, and he
picked up the tiles one after the other.

In a short while, all of the copper tiles on the ground were removed to reveal the ground
below. The ground was as smooth as a mirror. An enormous formation appeared below
Wei Sheng’s feet.

This was … …

Wei Sheng’s eyes flashed as he carefully examined the formation under his feet.
However, the complex seal scripts made him dizzy. He thought it would be wonderful if Zuo
Shidi was here. With Shidi’s skill in formations, he definitely would know what this
formation did.

He did not notice the jade pendant hanging on his neck started to imperceptibly light up.

When the light covered the entire jade pendant, and Wei Sheng noticed it, the formation
under his feet lit up with a bright bloody light, so bright that Wei Sheng could not open his

The dazzling blood coloured light formed a pillar and shot upwards.

The rock over his head turned to dust in front of the pillar of light.


On the highest level of the sword cave, Lin Qian’s expression suddenly changed. His
figure suddenly leap to the side. A blinding bloody pillar of light shot out of the ground, and
brushed past him. Some of the xiuzhe that couldn’t react in time didn’t even have the time
to wail before they were reduced to dust.
The pillar of light destructively penetrated the jinzhi of the sword cave with its lingering
energy, went through the thick rock and rose into the sky.

Lin Qian’s expression was extremely ugly. At this time, he could not do anything else but
shout, “Leave! Leave immediately!”

The erupting pillar of bloody light was like an enormous sword of blood that pierced the

The yao army camped on Wu Kong Mountain looked in shock at the thick pillar of light.

Mu Xi reacted the quickest. Her expression tightened with shock, “Go investigate what
is going on!”

The deepest level of the sword cave was empty of everything.

Translator Ramblings: After the two shidi with Zuo Mo, it’s time to focus on the Shixiong
of Zuo Mo. Things are not what they appear to be and Wei Sheng has his own struggles.
He’s burdened by the expectations of the sect while Zuo Mo only needs to meet the
requirement “don’t shame us.” It’s a simplification but there is a system of debts and
repayment. Wu Kong Sword Sect put more resources in Wei Sheng and expects more out of
him. You can think of it as Luo Li being the blood child of the masters, Wei Sheng being the
child they adopted and Zuo Mo the one that was a freebie when they went shopping. Luo Li
also has his own burdens and struggles.

I don’t think I actually wrote that the black butterfly is dead. It just lost a lot of life force.
Chapter 329
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and warlord212.

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Nine – The Name of Tenth Grade

The twin butterfly slowly waved its wings. The black fiendish energy continuously
flowed into its body like a whale swallowing water. The black miniature figure hanging on
the black antennae slowly became clearer. The features became more and more defined out
of the blurriness, becoming more detailed.

The little miniature black person on the antenna was about three cun tall. Black clothing,
and black hair, his face was cold, his eyes holding killing intent as he stood aloofly.

When Zuo Mo raised his head from his thoughts, he coincidentally saw the formation of
the little black person. He was very surprised. This twin butterfly was really unusual!

The little black person glanced at Zuo Mo but had no intentions of paying attention to
him. He suddenly raised his arms, his hair standing on end, his eyes lighting up as he said in
a crisp voice, “In!”

A strong twister suddenly formed around the twin butterfly with wind, sand and rock.

Hiss! Zuo Mo inhaled sharply was amazement. The view within his Ling Eye, the black
fiendish energy was furiously flowing towards the arms that the little black person was

The noise caused by the little black person was too loud. The entire camp was disturbed.
Everyone thought they were under attack and flew into the sky. The first to react was Xie
Shan, the second to charge over was Shu Long. He was extremely sensitive to black fiendish
energy, and instantly detected the change.

When they ran over with nervous expressions, and found the culprit was a strange black
and white ling butterfly in front of Zuo Mo, they were stunned.

Zuo Mo looked dazedly at the little black person. The black fiendish energy within five li
of here had all been moved. In the Ling Eye, the black fiendish energy within five li formed
an enormous black and red whirlpool. At the center of this whirlpool was this little black
person not even three cun tall.

The little black person had a stern expression as it focused intently on absorbing the
black fiendish energy.
The entire process took a whole two hours before the little black person contentedly
stopped. At this time, he clearly looked different. The black hair now was blood red like a
burning flame. The black pupils were deep as the night. Its handsome little face was wore a
cold expression , the killing intent between the brows even more evident.

The twin butterfly stopped absorbing the black fiendish energy, and the restless air
gradually calmed down.

Just as Zuo Mo was dumbstruck, the twin butterfly flew in front of him. The little black
person raised its little face filled with sternness and killing intent and gazed at Zuo Mo.
When it spoke, it was with a crisp and child-like voice, “Please, Master, bestow a name!”

Oh, it seemed alive … …

His face filled with disbelief, Zuo Mo seemed to have seen a ghost and put his face near.
“You are alive?”

The killing intent on the little black person’s face froze. The corner of his eyes twitched.
The little face had also darkened, but was also helpless. “Yes!”

“Hm, interesting … …” Zuo Mo was excited. He suddenly raised his right hand, and poke
a finger in curiosity on the body of the little black person. “Oh, it’s soft … …”

Murderous intent rose on the face of the little black person. The little face was dark as it
said, “A soldier can be killed, but cannot be humiliated!”

It was a pity that the crisp childish tone neutralized the effect of all of the murderous

However, Zuo Mo still took his finger back guiltily. He rubbed his chin in pretension.
“Naming … …” His eyes suddenly lit up. “Inviting Wealth! How about this? Is it mighty
enough … …”

The features of the little black person convulsed. Suppressing his anger, he gritted his
teeth. “The warrior can only be killed, but not humiliated … …”

“Ooh, how about Jingshi?”

“The warrior can only be killed, but not humiliated … ..” The crisp child-like tone
showed signs of collapsing.

“You don’t like Jingshi either? This habit isn’t good. It seems we need to teach your
taste. The common saying is good, jingshi can even move ghosts … … ooh, All Wealth
Belongs To Me, how about this … …”

“The warrior can only be killed, but not humiliated … …” The little black person weakly
“The First Treasure in the World?”

“The warrior can only be killed, but not humiliated … …”

Xie Shan and Shu Long looked with sympathy at the little black person that was tortured
to the point of death by Zuo Mo. They exchanged a look and rapidly left the scene.

Zuo Mo looked contentedly at the drooping figure of Tenth Grade. That was right, just
now, the little black person that was being endlessly tormented finally agreed to the
strange name of Tenth Grade.

“Tenth Grade, don’t feel that this name is common.” Zuo Mo said with a solemn face.
“Tenth Grade, it represents the highest grade. This twin butterfly is just fifth-grade.
Tenth Grade, it means the highest and the strongest! The strongest in the world. What,
isn’t this what you are pursuing?”

The depressed little black person’s eyes suddenly lit up. He straightened, filled with
battle intent, and said gravely, “Thank you Master for giving me a name!”

Zuo Mo’s expression was very stern, but he was laughing in his heart. Oh, tenth-grade,
how much jingshi would that be … …

Tenth Grade was just three cun tall, but he was fifth-grade. Fifth-grade ling beasts had
space shields. Tenth Grade’s space shield was even more unique and had hints of the black
fiendish energy. Zuo Mo had never heard of black fiendish energy before, but after these
days, he had some understanding of the uniqueness of the black fiendish energy.

For Shu Long and the others, black fiendish energy was a great nutrient, but for xiuzhe,
black fiendish energy was akin to a powerful poison. Black fiendish energy was usually
created from brutal battlefields, it was yin and had the utmost vicious nature. If it met
another entity, if it did not completely destroy it, it would not rest.

A fifth-grade ling beast was as powerful as a jindan. Even more importantly, Tenth Grade
was very intelligent. When a ling beast or talisman had more intelligence, it mean that it
had greater room to grow.

The most powerful quality of Tenth Grade was that it could learn spells. This was
something that Zuo Mo had never heard of. He instantly taught [Hardship Guard] to Tenth
Grade. [Hardship Guard] could absorb black fiendish energy, and was suitable for Tenth
Grade to practice. Zuo Mo planned to get a stronger mo skill out of Pu Yao and the
gravestone at a later time.

Even though Tenth Grade’s power was not strong now, but Zuo Mo was full of
anticipation about Tenth Grade’s future.

After a temporary rest, the troop departed again.

The vast ancient battlefield was covered in marks. Over time, even these terrifying marks
had become blurry.

After advancing for more than ten days, the scenery still hadn’t changed. They hadn’t
discovered anything. This ancient battlefield was so large that one couldn’t imagine it.

The twin butterfly danced in flight, Tenth Grade sitting cross-legged on the black antenna
as he cultivated. His progressed made all of Guard Camp sweat. In just ten days, he had
created black armor. He could also take it on or off based on his will while Shu Long and the
other’s black armor could not be taken off.

Tenth Grade was a cultivation person, no, was a cultivation wild beast. He didn’t like to
stay in the beast service card, and stayed on the antenna all day motionlessly cultivating.
Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Fire were full of curiosity about Tenth Grade and would occasionally
come over to look but Tenth Grade would just ignore them.

It was strange to speak of it. The great majority of Vermillion Bird Camp stayed inside
the slave transporting boats. The thick black fiendish energy was extremely bad for them,
so Zuo Mo had set up formation inside the boats to separate the black fiendish energy to
stop it from corroding everyone. But the little ones, including Silly Bird, did not react at all
to the black fiendish energy. Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Fire had the most energy and spend
everyday playing. Lil’ Black was unusually sleep, and spent more than half the days lying on
A Gui’s head.

What puzzled Zuo Mo the most was that A Gui did not respond at all to the black fiendish

A Gui’s complexion was much better than before, and seemed to show some signs of life.
After inspection, Zuo Mo found that a thread of the strange purple light had appeared in A
Gui’s body. This purple power was extremely weak, but it was unusually valuable to A Gui’s
crippled body.

A Gui’s situation turning for the better made Zuo Mo’s mood better.

However, Zuo Mo was still filled with worry. They hadn’t found anything in more than
ten days. They hadn’t encountered any living being, and did not see one stalk of grass. This
ancient battlefield was so desolate that it made people feel hopeless. Nothing could make a
person feel as terrified and hopeless as this deathly cold and empty vastness. Even if they
encountered a danger, or a yao beast, that would be much better than this.

If it continued like this, after just a short while, the people would go crazy.

Had they really come to a death ground that had nothing?

Suddenly, Zuo Mo stopped in his steps. He had a joyous expression in his eyes.

Water … … there was moisture in the air … …

He closed his eyes, spread his right hand, his fingers lightly wiped. [Little Art of Cloud
and Rain]!

After ten breathers, a faint white cloud the size of an infant’s face floated on Zuo Mo’s

Now, it wasn’t just Zuo Mo but everyone had that joyful expressions. The moisture in the
air was higher than ten days before and higher than the places they travelled through.
Water, that meant there was life.

What people were most afraid of was not hardship, but not being able to see hope.

Morale rose greatly. The advancing speed of the troop increased. The black fiendish
energy in the air became thicker. Zuo Mo became even more careful. According to Pu Yao,
the direction they were heading in was towards the center of the battlefield.

After travelling another five days, everyone saw the first water pond. The shallow water
pond was just a puddle, but for everyone, it was a salvation.

But at this time, the troop had to stop because Shu Long was having a breakthrough.

The black fiendish energy was like fertilizer for the [Hardship Guard] mo skill that Shu
Long and the others cultivated. Their progression speed was astounding. The other people
of Guard Camp progressed quickly, but no one surpassed Shu Long.

The mood of the camp was nervous. If Shu Long could successfully complete his
breakthrough, it would be a fortunate matter for them.

The three Golden Armor Guards lined up in a fan shape. The blinding golden scaled
armor was now covered in black patterns, and looked extremely terrifying. The black
patterns on the Golden Armor Guards was formed by the black fiendish energy that they
had absorbed during this time. According to Pu Yao, this was due to the fact that ancient
dragon bone had been used to make the Golden Armor Guards.

Pu Yao also said that if they were lucky, the three Golden Armor Guards may even level

However, what Zuo Mo was concerned with now wasn’t the Golden Armor Guards, but
another problem.

“Pu, what spell could prevent xiuzhe from being corroded by black fiendish energy?
Or process black fiendish energy? One that doesn’t need them to start cultivating from
the beginning,” Zuo Mo asked.

Pu Yao glanced at him, and dawdled, “Of course there are spells.”

Zuo Mo rubbed his hands, and said, “Then can you give me a copy?”
“What can you give me in trade?” Pu Yao raised his eyebrow.

Zuo Mo swore inside, this damned renyao’s attitude was fickle and really hateful.

But he also knew that Pu Yao definitely would not let him have it easily. Pu Yao would get
his pound of flesh. Zuo Mo gritted his teeth and said, “What do you want?”

Pu Yao’s bloody pupil narrowed as he smiled darkly.

Translator Ramblings: Naming-Fail-Zuo-Mo. Poor Tenth Grade, he doesn’t know what his
master is thinking. Pu Yao’s not giving anything more for free now that there is no life-
threatening danger. He has aims he wants accomplished.
Chapter 330
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiofDoom and walord212.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty – Shu Long Black Halberd

“In the past, I had a nickname in the yao world … …” Pu Yao said but he seemed to
realize something and switched the topic. “Oh, let’s not mention what is in the past. The
people you have don’t have bad personalities, but their talent isn’t great.”

Pu Yao had a face full of helplessness. Zuo Mo knew he had more to say, and didn’t

“You have been practicing the six transformations of the Great Day mo physique, and
you have let go of your yao arts. There hasn’t been much development in your study of
formations.” Pu Yao’s expression darkened. “Hmph, that guy took all the benefits.”

Zuo Mo knew that Pu Yao was speaking of the gravestone. He rolled his eyes. “Don’t say
that I’m not cultivating the yao arts. Who made it that your [Little Thousand Leaf
Hands] isn’t as strong as the Great Day mo physique. You can’t have me lose my life.”

Pu Yao stopped speaking. The Great Day mo physique was domineering and unyielding.
It really wasn’t an easy matter to find a yao art that could rival it at this stage. The few that
he knew were extremely rigid in their cultivation. Actually, the progression of Great Day
mo physique was extremely difficult, but Zuo Mo had muddled through it and succeeded.
Pu Yao felt very surprised at that fact.

Was Zuo Mo fated to cultivate mo skills?

Pu Yao felt even more discontent.

“Ha, I don’t care about that.” Pu Yao smirked. “Don’t you want spells? No problem.
Here, this is the Little Yao Art Record. It is a very simple thing. Five hundred types.
When you can cultivate all of them, I will give you a spell.”

Finishing, he threw a jade scroll at Zuo Mo. Ignoring the gaping Zuo Mo, he disappeared.

This guy was crazy!

After a while, Zuo Mo’s first thought was that Pu Yao was crazy. He then was furious. This
guy didn’t look at the time. In such a dangerous place, he had the idle time act passive-
aggressively against the gravestone.
“Pu! Come out!”

“Idiot, ge is telling you. If you don’t want to live, don’t pull ge along!”

No matter how Zuo Mo swore, Pu Yao did not respond. After swearing for a while, Zuo
Mo was tired, and sat down. Scanning the jade scroll, his expression instantly became

He had once been troubled by the lack of spells. He had never thought there would be a
day where he would be troubled by having too many spells and yao arts to practice.

The power of the six transformations of the Great Day mo physique was out of his
imagination. He liked them a lot. He naturally would practise such life-saving moves
everyday. The six transformations didn’t have many changes, but each transformation was
vast and profound. It wasn’t an easy matter to master them.

He had just familiarized himself with the second transformation [Golden Crow Feet].
How couldn’t Zuo Mo be angry about Pu Yao doing this at such an important time?

If he could master all six changes, Zuo Mo’s power would rival that of a jindan third
stratum xiuzhe!

Zuo Mo suddenly swearing made everyone else still where they stood, their faces


Shu Long’s entire body was covered by thick black energy. In the last three days, he was
motionless like a statue wrapped in black energy. The entire Guard Camp was on their
guard. Shu Long was the first to make a breakthrough among them, and had attracted all of
their attention.

The black energy roiled like countless snakes slithering about.

Two balls shocking red light suddenly lit up among the thick inky black energy. The
blood-thirsty savage eyes of a wild beast were Shu Long’s eyes.


Shu Long’s right hand rose in front of his chest, then his right hand pressed against the
air as he made an extremely strange posture. He suddenly made a hoarse and deep roar.
The black energy around his body seemed to be stimulated and started to furiously flood
towards his hands. Large volumes of black energy flowed on his arms like a black snake.

In the blink of an eye, the black energy on his hands was so thick it seemed tangible.

The inky black energy dripped and flowed down to form a black stream about one zhang

The black energy on Shu Long’s body continuously flowed towards this slender black
flow. The shocking red eyes revealed a hint of pain. The black energy around Shu Long’s
body suddenly shook, and showed signs of dissipating. The surrounding people exclaimed
in shock. But the light of the red eyes brightened, and the slightly unsteady black energy
seemed to be steadily attracted by an invisible force. Everyone in the surroundings
released a breath.

Between the two hands, the slender black flow slowly flowed and became even thicker
and more viscous. The speed of the flow became increasingly slow.

Even Zuo Mo ignored his headache and ran over. The other people didn’t even dare to
blink. They all knew that Shu Long’s weapon was about to form.

The black energy of the black slender flow suddenly grew. At the same time, Shu Long’s
eyes brightened. His two hands that had been grasping at air suddenly tightened.


The two large hands were like two pincers that suddenly gripped the black slender flow.

The threads of black energy spreading around the black slender flow dissipated. A long
black spear appeared on front of everyone. Hiss, the black energy around Shu Long’s body
burrowed into his body, and revealed his black armor.

“Shu Long has fortunately succeeded!” Shu Long suppressed his excitement, and came
in front of Zuo Mo to bow.

After leveling up, the authority that Shu Long exuded was even more stern, and his
power had clearly gone up a stage.

“Good good good!” Zuo Mo was very happy. On one hand, he was happy that Shu Long
had made a breakthrough. On the other, the success of Shu Long’s breakthrough created a
great increase in morale.

Zuo Mo’s eyes quickly landed on the long black halberd in Shu Long’s hands. The long
halberd was about one zhang long, with a crescent curve, and a point. The shape was old-
fashioned. The body of the halberdwas as thick as a goose egg, smooth and glowing, it was
extremely fine. At the blade of the halberd was a hint of eerie red like the fangs of a wild
beast tinged with blood. Deep thick killing essence came from the body of the halberd.
Looking at it from afar, it definitely was a vicious weapon

Shu Long didn’t just get the addition of the black halberd in this breakthrough. His armor
had also changed greatly. The thick black scales of armor became much thinner, the black
color even purer. The thick clumsy feeling had disappeared, and it seemed to become

The other people in Guard Camp couldn’t resist any long and flooded over.

Seeing the situation, Zuo Mo smiled and stepped to the side.


Lei Peng looked from afar at the joyful Guard Camp and muttered, “Shu Long’s bunch is
really weird. They can even use black fiendish energy. We are unfortunate. We have to
stay on the boats every day. It’s enough to suffocate us to death.”

Blue-white sword lotuses bloomed and died among Nian Lu’s fingers. He said without
raising his head, “If you have the energy to complain, spend some time practicing your
sabre scripture.”

Lei Peng’s expression became even more depressed. “Cultivate my ass! An isn’t like you,
if an cultivates that sabre scripture, this boat will break.”

Nian Lu’s sword scripture did not lack exquisite and small sword moves, but Lei Peng’s
sabre scripture was wide and broad. If he left the slave transporting boats, under the
corrosion of the black fiendish energy, it wasn’t just dangerous but the rate that ling power
was expended was also multiple times what it usually was. He would run out of ling power
after just a few moves.

Ma Fan coincidentally passed by the two. Hearing this, he stopped and stared at Lei Peng.

At the beginning, Lei Peng didn’t care, but after being stared at for a while, and seeing Ma
Fan still remain silent, he said self-consciously, “What, why are you looking at an?”

Ma Fan thought and then said, “Your sabre scripture is powerful and domineering, but
if you could get it to become finer, its power will definitely go up a step.”

Lei Peng stilled and then started to ponder it. He looked rough, but he wasn’t dumb. If he
was dumb, he couldn’t have comprehended sabre essence. Ma Fan’s words caused him to
sink into deep thought.
Ma Fan prepared to leave after speaking, but Nian Lu hurriedly pulled him back, and said
fawningly, “Head, how can you be so cruel? I’m also your vice commander! Teach me

Ma Fan had an expression between smiling and crying. Two vice commanders, Lei Peng’s
temper was explosive, but he was a chatterbox, while Nian Lu was warm, but he was a
show-off. He lowered his head to think. “Your [Blue Lotus Sword Scripture] has many
complex transformations, but if you want to progress, don’t linger on these
transformations. You have to make the complex simple, using sword essence at the

“Sword essence at the core … …” Nian Lu murmured unfocusedly.

Ma Fan silently left, but he also looked outside the boat and felt dejected. Xie Shan
becoming a jindan had been a great stimulus to him. His talent at cultivating the sword was
exceptional, and he had progressed very quickly when he focused, especially in the area of
sword essence. He had touched the border of sword essence manifestation. The only thing
limiting him was his cultivation.

But who would have thought they suddenly landed in this ghastly place. The ling energy
was thin, and that horrid black fiendish energy made it even worse than Little Mountain Jie.
While Little Mountain Jie was thin on ling power, but there was jingshi. They had jingshi
right now, but everyone didn’t dare to use it to cultivate. Who knew how long they would
stay in this ghastly place? If they encountered danger, these jingshi would be life-saving!

Stuck at this point, how could his mood not be terrible? But his mentality was much more
stable than Nian Lu and Lei Peng and he could suppress it.


Zuo Mo stared in a daze as he held the Records of Little Yao Arts. Little Yao Arts were
another name for basic yao arts. They weren’t anything profound, but the contents were
something every yao had to practise. As he flipped through, Zuo Mo found that the difficulty
of these little yao arts were not hard. He didn’t immediately start cultivating them, but
pondered on what Pu Yao’s goal was.

Pu Yao was whimsical and ever changing. Zuo Mo had learned this countless times
before, but he had a strong feeling this time – this was just the beginning of something.

This was the part that Zuo Mo really had a headache about.

He didn’t know what was going on in Pu Yao’s mind but it seemed he was very
determined this time. What would happen after would definitely affect his practice of the
six transformations of the Great Day mo physique. At this time, these six transformations
were the basis of his life-saving measures!

Zuo Mo rubbed his forehead in a headache. He had to think of a way to satisfy both.

Zuo Mo suddenly thought of the matter where Pu Yao had gotten him to study mo
matrixes. His mind moved. Was this Pu Yao’s true goal? He remembered very clearly how
much Pu Yao had cared about formations. Even though he had eaten a jindan’s golden core,
and Pu Yao looked to have recovered greatly, but upon deeper thought, if Pu Yao could be
healed with a single golden core, he definitely wouldn’t have been so nervous back then!

Was it the study of formations? Zuo Mo was slightly unsure.

After leaving Little Mountain Jie, Zuo Mo had been rushed by the series of events and
hadn’t had the time to calm down to study formations. Zuo Mo was very clear about the
value of formations. If he slacked off right now, it was a pity. But right now, he didn’t have
the time to personally work on it.

After thinking for a long time, Zuo Mo still couldn’t get Pu Yao’s goal, but he still decided
to restart his study of formations.

This time, he decided to make it a big move.

Translator Ramblings: In the middle of Pu Yao’s plot. Zuo Mo can’t do anything except go
along when he has no leverage.
Chapter 331
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty One – Disseminating

Zuo Mo sat cross-legged as he recalled everything he had learned.

Formations, forging, fire manipulation, dan-making, he had dabbled in all of them, and
formed his own knowledge over time, but he had never systematically examined his
knowledge. Having a moment for self-assessment today, he unexpectedly found that what
he learned was extremely heterogeneous and the great majority of things were not

How could he work with this? He thought with a furrowed brow.


Wei Cheng Bin concentrated on reading the jade scroll in his hand. After leaving Little
Mountain Jie, all of Golden Crow Camp had been very idle. There were no missions and
everyone could study topics that they were interested in. Some people were very interested
in conversing with others. The present environment of Golden Crow Camp was extremely
positive. Everyone had went through hardship together, and had formed deep
relationships. They had long thrown the ideals of sect and family away. The two masters, Ji
Wei and Sun Bao, would occasionally hold lectures. Wei Cheng Bin would attend each one
of them and would learn much.

It was a pity that they couldn’t cultivate at present. Daren had allowed them to access
great numbers of jade scrolls, and there were many fourth-grade core scriptures suitable
for production xiuzhe. Everyone had originally been filled with motivation and planned on
working hard on their cultivation in the hopes of reaching jindan as early as possible. Who
could have thought they would end up in this place where they couldn’t even cultivate.
Everyone could only put their attention on the jade scrolls, and content themselves with

“Cheng Bin!” A male popped his head in.

This male was called Wan Tian. His features were unusually ugly, but his fire
manipulation skills were uncanny and ranked first in the entire camp. Even the two
masters, Sun Bao, and Ji Wei, praised it endlessly.
“What terrible idea do you have now?” Wei Cheng Bin helplessly put down the jade
scroll in his hands.

“Hee hee,” Wan Tian snickered, and whispered, “I want to get a bit of black fiendish
energy to study.”

“Black fiendish energy?” Wei Cheng Bin’s heart jumped as he said with a serious
expression. “Old Wan, don’t mess around. Black fiendish energy is extremely
dangerous. It isn’t anything that people of our cultivation can touch!”

“I know that.” Wan Tian knew how dangerous it was. “I just want to get a thread, and
see the mysteries of this black fiendish energy. This is a rare chance. We probably
won’t ever encounter black fiendish energy again in the future.”

Wei Cheng Bin was persuaded. It would be false to say he was not curious, but his
personality was a cautious one. He thought, and then said, “This probably needs the
approval of the two masters.”

“Of course, of course. The masters usually rely on you. If you go to ask for it, there
definitely wouldn’t be a problem,” Wan Tian was overjoyed as he hurriedly said.

Just at this time, Master Sun Bao’s voice suddenly boomed out from from above,
“Everyone, come to Golden Crow Hall immediately!”

Wei Cheng Bin and Wan Tian exchanged a look and were both shocked. There was a hint
of excitement in Master Sun Bao’s voice.

Golden Crow Hall was the largest room in this slave transporting boat, and had been
modified by the two masters to be the place they held their lessons. When the two arrived,
Golden Crow Hall was filled with people. The two masters sat at the very front with barely
disguised excitement.

After everyone had gathered, Master Sun Bao slowly swept a look across the people and
took a deep breath before saying solemnly, “Today, Daren has given us a jade scroll.
Recorded within it is Daren’s knowledge and insights, including the Great Golden Crow
Formation, how to make yin fire beads, the fire paper method, a chapter on the seal
scripts of the formation battle watchtowers, the seal scripts for the body formations,
and so on.”

Boom, it was like an explosion occurred. Some were dumbstruck, some were unable to
speak, some were breathing heavily. Every name that came from the mouth of the master
was a blow that was like lightning streaking over their bodies.

Wei Cheng Bin and Wan Tian gaped as they were dumbstruck where they stood.

Wei Cheng Bin felt his head was ringing. He felt like he was dreaming. Was this real … …
was this real … …
Each name was a kind of lost knowledge, a bit of lost knowledge that should not be easily
passed onto others! For example, the Great Golden Crow Formation that could gather
sunlight to form Golden Crow Fire. If a sect knew someone had this formation, they would
try to obtain it at any cost.

Each person had uncontrollable joy on their faces, but gradually, the joy on their faces
disappeared and became serious.

The entire Golden Crow Hall was completely silent. The gravity of the situation showed
on everyone’s faces because this jade scroll was like mountain that weighed on everyone’s

The usually warm Master Ji Wei’s expression was cold and serious. When he spoke, his
tone was stern. “Everyone knows the value of this jade scroll, there’s no need for me to
say more. Daren led us out of Little Mountain Jie and did not abandon us. Now, he is
imparting these rare and lost knowledge to us. Let me ask, which sect can do so?”

No one said a word. That was right, which sect could do so? No sect would be able to do
so. They had all been members of large sects before. Lost knowledge like this was
unavailable to anyone except the core disciples, no matter how much an individual

In just a few words, Master Ji Wei’s words made everyone’s hearts feel heavy.

“So,” Master Ji Wei’s heavy tone paused, his eyes lighting up and flashing across the
people present, “I and Master Sun Bao have discussed and agreed that anyone who will
learn from this jade scroll must first make a killing heart oath. Our Golden Crow Camp
will become its own sect loyal to Daren!”


Zuo Mo did not know what effect his actions created.

After putting in large amounts of effort, and producing that jade scroll, he sunk into
frenzied cultivation. But what made Pu Yao discontent was that Zuo Mo did not just
cultivate the little yao arts but practiced them together with the six transformations of the
Great Day mo physique.

Was even this method useless?

Pu Yao wondered, but then he understood when he changed his way of thinking. Zuo Mo
had experienced the power of the Great Day mo physique and thought it was stronger,
which was why he was working so hard on it. Pu Yao’s eyes looked towards the sky.
Threads of black energy floated in the blood-tinged sky. His eyes lit up. He snickered, and
instantly felt unhurried.

Then his figure disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared in the Ten Finger Prison. Pu Yao was like a ghost, those
yao art jinzhi had no effect on him. His speed was wondrously fast as the scenery flashed


Chi suddenly stopped in his steps, his hair was red and his features were masculine like a
lion, and looked with shock towards the sky.

“Teacher? What is it?” the students beside him hurriedly asked.

“Oh, nothing.” Chi turned his gaze back, and pretended to be calm. “Everyone, be
careful. It is your first trip to Ten Finger Prison. Vast Water Clear Skies should not have
any dangers for you, but still be careful, especially of provoking other yao.”

The students beside him all agreed, their faces full of anticipation. They had all gotten to
the soul-planting stage, and were starting to try out real battle.

Chi did not speak. His gaze uncontrollably went back to the distance. Just now, he had
barely detected that a peerlessly powerful yao had passed by. This feeling wasn’t clear, but
it made him feel fear.

Was it a Sky Yao?


“I can’t find it? That place is a bit strange!” Pu Yao murmured to himself, his brows
tightly locked.

Zuo Mo’s legs were glittering with golden light as though they were made from gold. The
pattern of each muscle was clear and distinct. Dong, Zuo Mo was unable to control it well,
and like a knife carving into tofu, his right leg was deeply imbedded into the earth up to his
hamstrings. At the side, Shu Long and Xie Shan’s jaws gaped. The earth here had been
tempered by thousands of years of black fiendish energy, and was as hard as steel. But in
front of Zuo Mo’s legs, they seemed to be made of tofu.

If they were hit with that leg … …

Shu Long and Xie Shan reflexively turned their eyes away.

Zuo Mo’s forehead was covered with sweat. He pulled his right leg from the earth, but he
lost control of his left leg. Pew, that also sank into the earth. His figure lost balance and fell
on the ground. His body wasn’t as strong as his legs, and he bared his teeth in pain.

The troop maintained a constant speed as it travelled, so Zuo Mo decided to cultivate

using this method.

[Light Void Wings] was meant for speed, and [Golden Crow Feet] was for power. Before
this, Zuo Mo found it hard to understand how those mo that focused on strength could rival
the xiuzhe that had powerful long-distance attacks. He only started to understand as he
started to cultivate [Golden Crow Feet].

Any kind of power was extremely terrifying when it reached a certain level.

When pure strength reached a certain level, it would form a boundary in the
surroundings to make a force boundary. Any other power that entered this area would be
fiercely attacked. It was possible to imagine how a flying sword of a xiuzhe would have to
break this force boundary before wounding its target.

Entering the force boundary, what the flying sword would face was a collision of power
without any finesse.

Zuo Mo was still a long way off from forming a force boundary, but he wasn’t in a hurry.
The beautiful feeling of pure power intoxicated him. He used the time on the road every
day to practice the six transformations of the Great Day mo physique, and when he was
resting, he would cultivate the little yao arts.

As to the dangers in front, was of little concern to him but his cultivation took up all his

Compared to the difficulty of Zuo Mo’s cultivation, the cultivation speed of Tenth Grade
was astoundingly fast. He now had a black crescent flying blade beside him. This black
flying knife was like a black butterfly that danced and circled around Tenth Grade without
Even Shu Long was jealous. He had overcome great hardships to form his weapon, yet
Tenth Grade had cultivated his weapon in a month.

Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Fire curiously floated around Tenth Grade. The two little ones clearly
were filled with curiosity about this little black person.

Tenth Grade didn’t even bat an eye. He concentrated on cultivation. Of course, he also
knew the connection between Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Fire to Master so he did not act.

But Tenth Grade, his goal was to reach tenth-grade! With such a high and grand goal,
how could he live a life of idleness with these people that only knew how to play everyday?

Tenth Grade raised his eyelid a crack and imperceptibly glanced at the two little ones as
he thought proudly.

Who knew that Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Fire found the black crescent blade flying around
Tenth Grade was very fun. They started to chase the black crescent and twirled around
Tenth Grade .

Tenth Grade that wanted to focus on cultivation felt very irritated. He could not resist
any longer. Opening his eyes, his murderous intent brimmed. “Go play somewhere else!
Stop bothering me!”

Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Fire shook and flew far away in fear.

Silly Bird who had been dozing suddenly opened her eyes. The bird eyes narrowed and
flashed savagely. Her figure suddenly disappeared from her spot.

Tenth Grade felt alarm, but he was unable to muster a response before a powerful force
whipped his body.


He was like a rock that had been kicked and landed head first in the ground.

“Who … …”

The dizzy Tenth Grade tried to struggle up, his heart brimming with killing intent as he
wanted to attack.

An enormously big bird claw came from the sky. The enormous shadow covered Tenth
Grade .


Limbs spread out, Tenth Grade was splayed out and pinned to the ground by Silly Bird’s
claws. He was unable to move.
In Tenth Grade‘s eyes, an enormous bird head with a pair of vicious eyes came down and
stared at him.

Tenth Grade‘s body froze as he was dumbstruck.

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo is jade of all trades, master of none and worse off than
being master of one. He needs time, lots of time, ling power needs time to accumulate, mo
physique needs to be exercised and he needs to study and memorize yao arts. Golden Crow
Camp takes control of their own development.

Tenth Grade needs to learn the pecking order, which is Silly Bird at the top. Tenth Grade
might be a fifth-grade ling beast but he’s just born and Silly Bird is stronger and more
experienced. Who knows what Silly Bird has eaten has affected her. I also realized
something about the black butterfly. Since Zuo Mo kept the butterfly in the card, it hasn’t
had much interaction with the rest of the pets and so Zuo Mo doesn’t seem to care about it
the way he cares about other pets, even weaker ones like Lil’ Black.
Chapter 332
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiofDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Two – Fiendish Mist

Hoo, finally finished learning the three hundredth little yao art.

Zuo Mo exhaled deeply. Little yao arts were not complicated at all, but there were so
many kinds it was a headache. If it wasn’t that his consciousness’ foundation wasn’t bad, it
probably would be much harder.

He suddenly raised his head. A disturbance was occurring at the front.

There was a situation!

Zuo Mo was not frightened and was happy. After so many days that he couldn’t even
remember clearly, they hadn’t encountered anything ever since entering this damned
ancient battlefield. His figure shifted and he appeared at the very front of the troop.

Not far away was a spread of thin bloody mist that seemed to have things moving inside
it. The bloody mist was very vast, and showed no end.

Out of caution, the troop had stopped.

Pu Yao came out and looked gravely at the bloody mist up head. “Careful, this is fiendish
mist. Inside are fiend soul beasts.”

It wasn’t the first time Zuo Mo had heard Pu Yao mention fiendish soul beasts. Every time
Pu Yao spoke of them, his tone was very grave. He couldn’t resist asking, “Are those things
very powerful?”

“En,” Pu Yao looked at the bloody mist up head, amazement unable to be disguised in his
bloody pupil, “In any battlefield that has souls that have not transcended after death,
the souls of those dead would roam the battlefield. If the fiendish energy of the
battlefield is heavy, these souls will not dissipate, and will absorb fiendish energy to
form fiendish souls. Over time, fiendish souls will become fiendish soul beasts. This
fiendish mist is a size never heard of before. The fiend soul beasts inside will also be

Pu Yao’s words made Zuo Mo feel hesitant. If it really was so dangerous, going into this
bloody mist … …
After a few moments of thought, he ordered for camp to be set.


Golden Crow Camp had completely transformed.

Golden Crow Hall was filled with people that gathered in groups of three to five to
discuss their studies. It was very noisy. This was an unique habit that they had formed
during their time in Little Mountain Jie. Everyone had come from small sects, and were
limited in their knowledge. Many of the problems that they encountered were not ones that
could be resolved by themselves. Out of helplessness, consolidating everyone’s strength
became the only choice. Over time, this became an unique habit of Golden Crow Camp.

The unique open environment of Golden Crow Camp and the trust built up due to
persevering through hardship together was the most fertile ground to grow these
relationships. Zuo Mo’s jade scroll was like a spring rain that instantly created vitality.

But today, they had not gathered to discuss problems of formations.

“The fiendish mist is in front of us. Even though Daren has decided to temporarily
make camp, we need to prepare for entering the fiendish mist,” Sun Bao said seriously.

Everyone listened careful. After they had all sworn the killing heart oath, they became
much closer. If before they were more like partners working together, then now everyone
was of the same sect.

“I don’t want to interrupt everyone’s cultivation plans, but the situation is an

emergency,” Ji Wei continued. “Our Golden Crow Camp must not drag Daren down, and
needs to do our best to help Daren. Otherwise, aren’t we useless?”

Everyone nodded their heads with expressions of agreement.

Sun Bao nodded his head inside, and said in a deep voice, “So, I and Master Sun Bao
have decided to gather all the strength of the camp to forge a talisman!”


The five hundredth type!

An exhausted Zuo Mo collapsed onto the ground.

Zuo Mo had furiously cultivated the little yao arts just so he could get that spell from Pu
Yao as soon as possible. If they entered this fiendish mist, the ones in most danger were
Vermillion Bird Camp and Golden Crow Camp.

Entering the fiendish mist was truly stepping into the inner span on the ancient

Even though it was dangerous up ahead, but Zuo Mo saw more hope than in the
desolation that he had seen these previous days. Pu Yao also supported this. The closer
they were to the center of the battlefield, the more likely he could recognize where they

Unless they could find a working transportation formation, finding the general position
of this jie was their only hope of leaving this place.

The bean-sized beads of sweat gathered in streams that flowed down his face. Zuo Mo
didn’t wipe them off, and said in a hoarse voice, “Pu, spell!”

“Alright.” Pu Yao did not waste words and briskly handed over a jade scroll.

Grabbing the jade scroll, Zuo Mo felt he had recovered some energy and forced himself
up to run towards Vermillion Bird Camp. Behind him, Pu Yao’s eyes flashed with an
unusual light. He imperceptibly murmured, “Divine Summon Art … … really makes me
anticipate … …”


In front of Gongsun Cha, Vermillion Bird Camp finished their organization.

Everyone was silent and their eyes were full of anticipation. This was the first time they
had gathered after entering this ghastly place. Was there a mission? Many people couldn’t
help but feel excitement. These battle maniacs felt moldy after spending every day on the

“From today, all of your training missions are temporarily cancelled, and changed
to cultivating this spell.”

Gongsun Cha smiled slightly, and then Zong Ru and the others beside him quickly handed
jade scrolls to every person.
Everyone had a puzzled expression. Cultivate a new spell? But they suppressed their
curiosity and remained motionless.

“Take a look.”

Only when Gongsun Cha said these words did they hurry to read the jade scroll in their

[Fiend Ling]

Gongsun Cha saw the shock and joy on all the faces, and smiled. With this spell, the
combat abilities of Vermillion Bird Camp would not drop but go up a level.

However, his own strength … …

His gaze turned to Zuo Shixiong who was cultivating in the distance and suddenly smiled.

After some more time, maybe he could give Zuo Shixiong a surprise.

The troop camped down at the border of the fiendish mist. The entire camp was busy.
Even Zuo Mo was cultivating. With the fiendish mist in front of their eyes, there was
nothing else that could motivate Zuo Mo even more. If he increased his strength by a
fraction, then his chance of surviving would increase by a fraction.

Motivated by the looming threat of impending doom, Zuo Mo uncovered his own
potential, and progressed quickly.

Right now, he had cultivated to the third transformation of the Great Day mo physique,
[Day Script Palm]. He felt very excited at the power of this move. This move would gather
an enormous golden palm over ten zhang in size. Under a palm strike, half of a mountain
peak would disappear. Even Xie Shan and Shu Long couldn’t help but turn pale when they
saw Zuo Mo perform this move.

Xie Shan rejoiced greatly now that he hadn’t let achieving jindan go to his head . He didn’t
know where Daren had learned this strange moves from. Each move was enormously
powerful. He was certain if he fought against Daren, he had no chance of victory.

The longer he stayed with Zuo Mo, the more respect and awe Xie Shan felt. In his eyes,
Zuo Mo was filled with mysteries and enigmas.

Zuo Mo’s face was dusty. The palm of his hand hurt like it had been sliced with a blade.
Three golden lines could be made out on his palm. Relative to the power of the [Day Script
Palm] was its cultivation difficulty. Zuo Mo needed to cultivate to the point that his entire
hand was covered in golden lines that formed a network. At that point, the [Day Script
Palm] could be considered somewhat complete.
Each transformation of the six transformations of the Great Day mo physique was vast
profound, easy to learn but hard to master.

Pu Yao was unusual in that he did not disturb Zuo Mo’s cultivation of Great Day mo
physique. Did this guy also know it was dangerous up ahead? Zuo Mo was slightly
reassured. If Pu Yao went crazy, no one could stop him.

He raised his head and saw that everyone else was focusing on their cultivation. He was
instantly filled with motivation. So what if it was the fiendish mist? With this group of
brothers, even if it was places more dangerous than the fiendish mist, he was not afraid!

Having understood something, Zuo Mo said to Tenth Grade that was playing with Lil’
Pagoda and Lil’ Fire, “Tenth Grade, you have to work on your cultivation, and do not
slack off!”

Tenth Grade felt humiliated and his little face dropped. He looked with trepidation at
Silly Bird, and coincidentally saw a cold light flash through the small crack of Silly Bird’s
eye as she was resting. Tenth Grade‘s body froze, and fully felt the impact of Lil’ Pagoda’s

Lil’ Pagoda was so excited it spun, and Lil’ Fire chirped happily from the side.

Silly Bird glanced at Tenth Grade and then closed her eyes.

Tenth Grade felt coldness shoot up from his spine and turned back to docilely play with
Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Fire.

Zuo Mo did not detect the strangeness of it. In his view, it was normal for Tenth Grade to
play with Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Fire. He turned his face, and looked with concern at A Gui.

Grabbing A Gui’s hand, a thread of consciousness was put into her body. Zuo Mo frowned.
The purple light inside A Gui’s body was very weak and showed no signs of strengthening.
However, what reassured him was that the black fiendish energy had no effect on A Gui.

Zuo Mo marvelled at this point. A Gui’s spells and secret techniques were strange and
profound. Even Pu Yao who thought himself as knowledgeable did not know of its origins.

However, Zuo Mo did not care about all that.

“A Gui, we will definitely get out.”

Zuo Mo’s voice was not loud, but was filled with determination.

Tenth Grade was filled with humiliation. To him whose goal was to become tenth-grade,
it was a great blow to submit to Silly Bird’s power even if it was done out of helplessness.
He had originally assumed he was Master’s strongest ling beast but he hadn’t thought
there would be one even stronger!

Truthfully, Tenth Grade did not like Silly Bird at all. This narcissistic and show-off bird
had a cold attitude towards Master, and should be executed for! He had the thought
multiple times of taking care of this silly bird for Master.

He hadn’t expected he would be taken care off first … …

He wasn’t just taken care off, but like an idiot, he had to play with these children of low
intelligence… …

Such a dark life!

Lil’ Pagoda didn’t know Tenth Grade’s depressed mood. It was playing very happily.
Having successfully nudged Tenth Grade just now, both it and Lil’ Fire were greatly
motivated to continue playing. That was the first time they had managed to catch Tenth
Grade .

Without noticing the three little ones gradually neared the fiendish mist.

Tenth Grade was enveloped in his low mood after being dominated while Lil’ Pagoda and
Lil’ Fire had completely gone off playing.

No one noticed the arrival of danger.

A dark red light suddenly flew out of the fiendish mist, and accurately struck Lil’ Pagoda.

The happily playing Lil’ Pagoda suddenly froze and dropped down like dead weight. This
dark red light rolled up like the long tongue of a monster and pulled Lil’ Pagoda to burrow
back into the fiendish mist.

This change happened without warning and was lightning fast.

Another dark red light leapt out at Lil’ Fire, and was going to strike Lil’ Fire.

Tenth Grade finally reacted by this time. The dark little face filled with killing intent, the
two eyes glaring angrily as the flying black crescent blade turned to a black light and struck
the red light.

The red light hissed and fled towards the fiendish mist.

Silly Bird suddenly opened her eyes, viciousness flashing through both of her eyes. With
a call, her figure disappeared.

Translator Ramblings: The easy peace has been broken … … peaceful arcs are much
easier to translate.
The Little One a.k.a Zuo Mo’s quasi-son is now in trouble. I’m sorry you didn’t get to see
the yao arts even though Zuo Mo has master all five hundred little yao arts but that will
come in the future.
Chapter 333
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Three – Fiend Soul Tide

With an explosive sound echoing through the air, Silly Bird darted off like a grey bolt of
lightning and headed into the fiendish mist.

A piercing wail came out of the fiendish mist as the red light that Tenth Grade wounded
suddenly exploded into dots of red light. Among the red dots, Silly Bird stood with
murderous eyes.

Yet Lil’ Pagoda’s figure had disappeared.

The killing intent in Silly Bird’s eyes grew. The grey feathers on her forehead stood on

Tenth Grade flew next to Silly Bird, his face heavy. The black crescent blade danced
around his body, killing energy spreading outwards in threads. Even if he was at odds with
Silly Bird and the others, but they were all Master’s ling beasts. Even more, the change had
occurred right in front of his eyes. How could he not be angry?

Without any hesitation, Silly Bird’s large eyes narrowed, and like an arrow, she charged
into the fiendish mist.

Tenth Grade‘s face froze. He jumped up, turning into a black light, and entered the
fiendish mist.

Everyone else was alerted and prepared to enter the fiendish mist.

“Do not go in!”

Zuo Mo’s voice came from behind them. They saw Zuo Mo’s face full of suppressed pain,
and he sat down cross-legged immediately after saying this.

Everyone stared at each other. Many people had panicked expressions.

Zuo Mo’s present situation was not very good. Lil’ Pagoda was his soul-tethered talisman,
and was connected in mind with him. The moment that Lil’ Pagoda was attacked, Zuo Mo
felt it. The injuries that Lil’ Pagoda had taken also affected Zuo Mo. Zuo Mo felt his mind
was shaken and had almost shattered. Shocked, he instantly sank into his mind.
A thread of his mind connected him with the distant Lil’ Pagoda.

Zuo Mo’s consciousness was not weak, and his mind was strong. Even though he shook,
he quickly steadied, and the connection with Lil’ Pagoda cleared up.

But Zuo Mo was not happy at all and felt terrible. His connection to Lil’ Pagoda had not
been cut off, but no matter how he called out mentally, Lil’ Pagoda did not respond. Gritting
his teeth, Zuo Mo put a thread of his mind, he entered Lil’ Pagoda’s body.

When his mind entered Lil’ Pagoda’s body, Zuo Mo finally understood how terrible the
situation was.

The balls of pure five element energies inside the pagoda had stopped moving and hung
motionless inside the void of the pagoda. Usually, the pure five element energies would be
in balance, creating and subduing each other, as they spun endlessly to form a simple yet
wondrous little five element world.

Zuo Mo was clear on the wondrous process of the five element being created and
destroyed within the pagoda. How could he not be shocked finding that the pure five
element energies inside Lil’ Pagoda’s body had stopped moving?

The amount of pure five element energies inside Lil’ Pagoda was hundreds of times
larger than when Zuo Mo had first bought it. This enormous amount had come from Lil’
Pagoda’s continuous deconstruction of talismans and materials. Zuo Mo could see the five
element marrow that was being formed out of the five elemental energies. Eventually these
five element marrow would reach a critical mass and it would form small amounts of five
element base source.

Every bit of five element base source was unusually valuable and powerful.

Lil’ Pagoda’s body was filled with abundant pure five element energies, and even
contained a small amount of five element marrow, but it had not created any five element
base source yet.

Zuo Mo took a deep breath. He had no way to push the gigantic balls of pure five element
energies floating above his head. He was the owner, but it had always been Lil’ Pagoda itself
that had always controlled the circulation of pure five element energies.

The most effective method was for Lil’ Pagoda itself to recover.

However, he still did not know what Lil’ Pagoda had been wounded by. He could feel the
existence of Lil’ Pagoda, could enter Lil’ Pagoda’s body, but was unable to communicate
with Lil’ Pagoda.

Pu Yao suddenly appeared next to Zuo Mo.

“It is a fiend soul.” Pu Yao stared at the five balls of five element pure energy in the void,
and said faintly, “This five element pagoda is filled with intelligence, and is irresistible
to fiend souls.”

“Fiend souls?’ Zuo Mo didn’t have the time to ask how Pu Yao could come in and
hurriedly asked, “What does this have to do with fiend souls?”

“Fiend souls are born from the fiendish mist, and over time, they will form a slight
intelligence. When they become more intelligent, they will start to process fiendish
energy and become fiend soul beasts.” Pu Yao looked back and said gravely, “Fiend souls
love materials and talismans that have intelligence the most. They can slowly corrupt
it and make it their own so they can quickly progress to becoming fiend soul beasts.”

Zuo Mo’s eyes turned cold.

“They usually kill each other to capture the intelligence and to continuously become
stronger. Not just fiend souls do this, fiend soul beasts also do this.” Pu Yao reminded
him, “You have to be careful. I’ve never seen a fiend mist cloud of this size. The number
of fiend souls contained in it should be astounding.”

As Pu Yao’s voice landed, Zuo Mo’s expression suddenly changed.

Because he saw three red lights.

It was the first time Zuo Mo had seen a fiend soul. They were like balls of mist covered in
a layer of blood red fiend mist. From afar, they looked like curving red worms of various
sizes. The longest was one chi, and the smallest was not even half a cun in size.

The vicious and destructive presence that each one had was like the dark wind from hell
that filled every part of the void.

Zuo Mo could feel the primitive and innate viciousness killing intent in the fiend souls.

Suddenly, Zuo Mo thought of being at Wu Kong Mountain and using [Art of Aged Gold] to
kill worms inside the ling grains. The presence of those pests could not compare to these
fiend souls, of course, but he was far more powerful than he was in the past.

After experiencing so many battles, would Zuo Mo become timid and panicked by such a
little scene?

Zuo Mo was preparing to activate [Light Void Wings] to smash these three fiend souls
when he suddenly remembered that he was just a bit of soul at the moment. How could he
activate [Light Void Wings]? However, he reacted quickly, and raised his hands for three
bolts of Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning.

Pia pia pia.

The three bolts of Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning accurately hit the three fiend souls. The
three fiend souls didn’t even have the time to wail before they were destroyed.

Zuo Mo released a breath. So these fiend souls were paper tigers. They made a lot of
noise, but there weren’t even worth a single blow.

So when he saw six fiend souls burrow in, he did not hesitate to continue casting Yang
Fiendish Hard Lightning.

Fiend souls continuously crawled in so Zuo Mo continuously cast Yang Fiendish Hard
Lightning. After a few dozen bolts, his expression became ugly.

The fiend souls did not amount to much individually but their numbers continuously
increased as they borrowed in. Zuo Mo was just being supported by a thread of
consciousness at the moment. The Yang Fiendish Hard Lightning was strong, but it
expended a lot of spiritual power. If it continued like this, he wouldn’t be able to continue
for much longer.

“Use the little yao arts,” Pu Yao reminded idly from the side.

Zuo Mo’s hand shook, and he was instantly furious. “Pu Yao, what do you mean? Are
you just standing aside and watching?”

Pu Yao spread his hands and shrugged, his face full of helplessness. “It isn’t that I don’t
want to help, but I can’t. This is your soul-tethered talisman. You who can use ling
power here, but no other person can. It wasn’t easy for me to come in. If I acted, it won’t
be the fiend souls, but these five big guys above will instantly attack me.”

Pia pia pia!

Large amounts of multi-colored light flew out of the five balls of five element pure
energy. These five colored energies were like sword energies and were very sharp. When
they hit a fiend soul, the fiend soul would instantly be destroyed. In the blink of an eye, a
large patch had been cleared.

Seeing the situation, Zuo Mo was overjoyed. The pressure on him would lessen if these
five balls of five element pure energy could automatically defend themselves.

Pu Yao naturally understood what Zuo Mo was thinking, and poured cold water. “Don’t
be prematurely happy. The number of fiend souls in this fiendish mist is much higher
than you can imagine.”

As he said, the number of fiend souls that crawled in increased dramatically. Zuo Mo’s
heart beat wildly. The fiend souls were like an endless tide. The defense of the pure five
element energies were still just as sharp, but Zuo Mo could see that the pure five element
energies were smaller than before.
If it continued like this … ..

Zuo Mo instantly felt panic. The fiend souls that burrowed in covered all the spaces as
they furiously leapt at the pure five element energies. Some even leapt at Zuo Mo.

Damn it!

Just as Zuo Mo was stuck on what to do, Pu Yao’s reminder sounded at his ears, “Use
little yao arts.”

Pu Yao’s voice was not idle like before and was full of panic.


Inside the fiendish mist, an enormous blood-colored twister was forming. The fiend mist
seemed to suddenly wake up and became restless. Countless fiend souls came from all
directions and furiously charged at this twister. At the center of this blood red twister, Lil’
Pagoda rolled among countless fiend souls. This fiend souls furiously tried to burrow into
the pagoda, but there were so many fiend souls that no more could enter.

The countless fiend souls formed a terrifying tide that pulled the flashing Lil’ Pagoda
deeper into the fiendish mist.

Such a large noise disturbed even the stronger fiend soul beasts inside the fiend mist.
Countless pairs of eyes opened and flashed viciously.

Silly Bird charged recklessly in the fiendish mist. For some unknown reason, the fiendish
mist that was like poison to others couldn’t come within three chi of Silly Bird. Everywhere
she passed, the rolling red fiend souls seemed to have been frightened and rushed to dodge.

Silly Bird’s vicious eyes showed signs of panic. She charged in all directions and looked
around to search for Lil’ Pagoda’s figure.

Tenth Grade‘s little body was like a fish in the water in the fiend mist. Inside the fiend
mist, the black crescent blade that expanded to more than ten zhang large. With a long
black energy, it was like a powerful axe. What was most strange was that this enormous
black axe seemed to have a powerful magnetism that stopped fiend souls from struggling
and sucked them in.

Tenth Grade ‘s expression was serious. The blood red hair floated up like a ball of flame.

“Little yao arts? Which type?” Zuo Mo’s hands did not stop moving as he rapidly asked.

“Number seventy six, and three hundred and thirteen, use Interlocking Gold Form,”
Pu Yao hurriedly said.

The damned Pu Yao!

Making ge play with high difficulty moves at this time!

Zuo Mo wanted to spit blood, but he didn’t have the time to swear at Pu Yao now. The
situation was becoming more dangerous. Several fiend souls had almost charged into the
pure five element energies.

He gritted his teeth and his hand movements changed.

Number seventy six … … number three hundred and thirteen … …

Zuo Mo’s eyes widened greatly. Gritting his teeth, his left hand was like water flowing
that created threads of light, his right hand seemed to weigh thirty thousand catties,
moving slow and heavy without sound.

Zuo Mo tried to maintain the yao arts on his two hands. The two little yao arts alone did
not pose any difficulty, but he instantly felt burdened when he casted them at the same

The left hand that moved so rapidly it was blurring with light, and the quiet, snail-slow
right hand was abnormally fitting, and strangely reached the front of his chest at the same

… … Interlocking Gold Form … …

Zuo Mo boldened his heart and channelled all his consciousness.

At the same time, his hands crossed, the left hand covered in thread of light like water
flowing into the motionless right hand and tangled together.

Pu Yao’s bloody pupil suddenly widened!

Translator Ramblings: We get to witness Lil’ Pagoda’s gluttony … … I wonder how many
jingshi is the equivalent of talismans and materials it has consumed.
Chapter 334
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Four – Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art

Time seemed to suddenly slow at this moment.

The threads of flowing light were like sprouting branches of light that slowly crept and
wrapped around Zuo Mo’s empty right hand.

Pu Yao’s mind was suddenly pulled into his memories. Some blurry and distant scenes
seemed to overlap onto what was happening in front of him, as though they had occurred

“ … … Teacher … …”

With the imperceptible murmur, the edges and coldness within the bloody pupil

All of Zuo Mo’s attention was focused on the change occurring on his hands. He could feel
a strange transformation taking formation in this short moment.

… … what was this?

This was just combining two kinds of little yao arts. Compared to the [Yang Fiendish
Hard Lightning] that came from the [Little Thousand Leaf Hands], it wasn’t just simple
and low level, there was no way to compare them. [Little Thousand Leaf Hands] contained
all kinds of yao arts and was created by a Sky Yao. It was vast and profound. Even a person
with his eyes at the top of his head like Pu Yao praised it.

But little yao arts?

Five hundred kinds of little yao arts. They were the essential contents every yao had to
cultivate. Any yao must finish learning the five hundred kinds of little yao arts within their
clan before they could enter the yao art houses. In other words, little yao arts were the
most rudimentary knowledge of yao cultivation.

But … …

The power that exploded between his hands … …

The last bit of light flowed from Zuo Mo’s left hand and wrapped onto his right hand.

Zuo Mo suddenly felt blinding light burst forth in front of his chest. A power filled with
destructiveness formed on his right hand like an ancient and wasteland great beast
breathing an aged presence as it reared up and authoritatively gazed down upon those it
tread beneath its feet.

All of the fiend souls seemed to be paralyzed. Time seemed to stop inside the chaotic

As extreme movement turned to extreme calm, Pu Yao stared soullessly at Zuo Mo’s right
hand, his murmur clear to hear, “… … Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art … …”

Zuo Mo didn’t hear any of Pu Yao’s murmur. He was shocked by the light and terrifying
presence on his hand. He had completely lost the ability to think. He seemed to
unconsciously move his right hand. He saw his right hand lightly sway easily like the flick of
a fish’s tail.

Among the blinding light, an extremely faint shadow flew out of his right hand and
suddenly grew. It was like a monster that suddenly opened its bloody maw and swallowed
all the fiend souls inside the pagoda.


In the fiendish mist, Lil’ Pagoda that was completely surrounded by fiend souls suddenly
shot out countless blinding rays of light. An enormously strong suction force came
from inside the tower. Tens of thousands of fiend souls were unable to run away and were
instantly sucked into the pagoda.

Just at the same time, a simple and bleak presence came from inside the pagoda.

The fiend souls that had not been sucked in seemed to be frightened. They instantly
scattered like there was a frightening monster inside Lil’ Paogda. In the deeps of the
fiendish mist, those fiend soul beasts that were higher on the food chain wore frightened
expressions in their faces. All of them laid on the ground, and didn’t dare to move.

Zuo Mo felt very terrible now. The fiend souls were completely eaten, but he was stuffed
full right now like he had eaten too much. What caused him to panic even more was that
these fiend souls hadn’t died, and were just restrained in a layer of this strange power.

If this power lost control of these fiend souls, they would charge out again!

“Little yao art number one and number five hundred, use Straight Pass-Through

Pu Yao’s voice coincidentally arrived. Zuo Mo’s hands paused slightly. His first feeling
was that it was not possible. Of the five hundred little yao arts, it encompassed almost all of
the basics of yao arts, and many of them had incompatible characteristics. Number one and
five hundred were the two yao arts that had the most incompatible and conflicted
attributes of almost all antithetical yao arts.

How could two antithetical little yao arts be cast at the same time?

But time did not permit him to think. After pausing, his hands uncontrollably moved
according to Pu Yao’s words.

Number one … … number five hundred … …

A peerlessly strange feeling came. Zuo Mo felt unspeakably awkward. He had felt
awkward when he had cast number seventy six and number three hundred and thirteen at
the same time. Compared to that, his feeling of awkwardness was multiple times stronger.

What method was this … …

Zuo Mo endured the peerlessly awkward feeling and managed to cast the two little yao
arts together.

Pu Yao’s bloody pupil stared unblinkingly at the coiling light that formed in front of Zuo
Mo, and unconsciously stopped breathing. He appeared as though he feared his breath
would frighten this enchanting and grand light. The two hands that he usually liked to hide
in his sleeves unconsciously extended outwards.

His expression was also very strange. It was filled with anticipation, but was also as
though he was facing a great enemy.

The strong feeling of awkwardness increased as the light rose. Zuo Mo felt as though his
body was being twisted from the left and right in opposite directions.

He knew this was a false feeling. At this time, he was just a thread of soul, what body was
there to twist and contort? But he also knew this feeling of conflict actually existed. This
was the conflict between laws.

As soon as he casted them, he knew it wasn’t good.

Under the effect of two extreme laws, if he wasn’t careful, he would be ground to powder
at any time. Under the conflict between two basic laws, this bit of his consciousness was as
weak as paper. His mind was being supported on this thread of consciousness. If this was
destroyed, his outcome would not be any different than death.

The hardest injury to heal was an injury to the soul.

A Gui was wounded in the soul, and was left like a puppet. Was he going to become like

With the stimulation of death, Zuo Mo got a burst of energy from somewhere and forcibly
calmed himself down.

However, how could two such opposed yao arts be combined using the Straight Pass-
Through Form?

Not possible … … It was completely impossible … …

In a flash, countless thoughts flashed through his mind but he still did not know what to
do with the two little yao arts in front of him. The two little yao arts were simple and
straightforward. Any change tn the two were noticed by his awareness, but due to this, he
increasingly felt it was impossible.

The two were like two carriages that were rushing in opposite directions. Right now, he
had to pull them together. How was it possible?

Impossible … … impossible … …

Zuo Mo panicked. The two little yao arts started to conflict. He was able to feel every
conflict that happen between the two forces. The feeling of danger grew like there was a
sword hanging above his head. He was unable to move, and right now, there was a mouse
gnawing on the rope holding the sword.

Calm, he had to be calm!

Zuo Mo’s breathing almost stopped. He told himself repeatedly to be calm, he forced
himself to calm.

What to do … … what to do … …

Suddenly, it was like a bolt of lightning from the sky. He suddenly recalled the spell
formation that he had created in the past. In that variety of spells and sword scriptures,
there were also conflicting and incompatible spells and sword scriptures, but he had
successfully merged them together.

That heterogeneous spell formation was what he had bet on with Pu Yao to win the six
transformations of the Great Day mo physique.
It was a pity that he had thrown that set of spell formations to the side when he got the
Great Day mo physique six transformations and concentrated on cultivating the six

Zuo Mo had no time to regret why he hadn’t kept on working with the spell formations.
He worked his brain and tried to remember how he had merged those incompatible spells
and sword scriptures into the formation at the time.

He thought of how he had controlled those conflicting spells.

His mind moved. Ignoring the ever increasing feeling of danger, he patiently felt every bit
of conflict between the two little yao arts.

His consciousness suddenly split into two like two thin whips, and used two completely
different powers to insert into the light of the two little yao arts.

A strange transformation occurred.

The two powers that had been furiously conflicting with each other used a strange form
and started to spin in opposite directions.

Light lit up in Zuo Mo’s eyes. The conflict between the two little yao arts decreased and
the distance between the two lights decreased. There was none of the enmity and conflict
seen before. They were like twins that gathered together.

Moving naturally, Zuo Mo’s hands seemed to be controlled by something and used the
Straight Pass-Through Form.

A force that was not strong accurately passed through the center of the two little yao

Zuo Mo instantly understood.

The light of Pu Yao’s bloody pupil was as deep as the ocean. He looked dazedly at the
strange yet familiar power in front of Zuo Mo and lightly breathed three words.

“Divine Summoning Art!”

The shape on front of Zuo Mo’s chest was like that of a mill stone. The light clearly
divided into black and white suddenly created a strong suction. This suction was so strong
that even Pu Yao was affected. His black robe flapped as it was pulled. Pu Yao’s bloody
pupil lit up, his figure remaining motionless.

The strange power that had been enveloping the fiend souls was like a cat that smelled
fish, impatiently chasing the countless fiend souls towards this strange black-and white
The black and white lights were like the upper and lower parts of the millstone. With
astounding speed, it silently crushed countless fiend souls.

The fiend souls did not even have the time to wail before they were completely crushed.

Dots of white light floated off the millstone.

Zuo Mo’s mind moved and he started [Embryonic Breathing Spiritual Cultivation]. The
dots of white light gathered from all directions like raindrops and entered his body. At the
same, the white light that Zuo Mo did not absorb entered the five balls of five element pure

Zuo Mo’s entire body was enveloped in the white light to the point his figure was

Pu Yao’s black robe flapped. His bloody pupil stared without movement at Zuo Mo. He
just stood there silently without a word.


Silly Bird who had been running around in the fiendish mist suddenly turned her head.
The vicious eyes slowly became gentle until she resumed her usual lazy and proud state.
She idly turned and strutted her bird walk. There was none of the killing energy that had
just been present.


Riding the black crescent blade that was like a huge axe, Tenth Grade‘s little face
suddenly stilled. Feeling it in his mind, he did not hesitate to ride the black crescent and
turn. His speed was suddenly raised to its limit as he cut through the heavy fiendish mist,
howling by.

In the fiendish mist, Lil’ Pagoda was covered in a layer of faint white light. The fiendish
mist in the surroundings was separated out.


Just at this time, Zuo Mo opened his eyes within the pagoda.

Translator Ramblings: Oh Pu Yao, if you just want something, ask for it. You went around
in such a roundabout way … … doesn’t it waste time? But this way, it is free since Zuo Mo is
forced to do it and Pu Yao didn’t have to pay him.

Also, I should be in the middle of my road trip at the time this chapter is posted if I
haven’t screwed up scheduling. I’ll return home within the next ten hours or so if
everything is according to plan.
Chapter 335
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiofDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Five – Gains

Opening his eyes, joy flashed across Zuo Mo’s eyes. The richness of his gains this time far
surpassed his imagination.

Each fiend soul was refined to powder, leaving behind only the purest thread of soul base
source. Soul base source like this was so valuable that every xiuzhe dreamed about
obtaining it. The thread of consciousness that was Zuo Mo at this moment was forcibly
expanded at an exponential rate.

Savoring the intoxicating taste, Zuo Mo seemed to have just tasted gourmet food. Other
than satisfaction, he wanted to taste it again.

However, this thread of greed spun once in his mind before disappearing.

He cared more about Lil’ Pagoda’s situation.

Of all the little ones, Lil’ Pagoda was the most obedient and the one that Zuo Mo liked the
most. However, when his gaze turned to the five enormous balls of pure five element
energies above his head, he couldn’t help but release a breath. There was none of the
slowness and stiffness from before. The pure five element energies spun continuously.

A simple yet profound five element power was displayed in front of him.

Before he could examine it closely, a five colored light suddenly flew in front of him. It
was Lil’ Pagoda.

Seeing Lil’ Pagoda was uninjured, Zuo Mo instantly smiled. He grabbed Lil’ Pagoda, and
said in concern. “My good son, you are alright!”

He found that Lil’ Pagoda seemed to have slightly changed. Other than becoming more
round in shape, the feeling was much softer, and the five element marrow were much
rounder than before and twinkled with light.

Lil’ Pagoda snuggled in Zuo Mo’s hands and rolled around to prove it was fine.

A lively and fawning thought was communicated into Zuo Mo’s mind. Zuo Mo couldn’t
resist grinning. Zuo Mo quickly found to his shock that Lil’ Pagoda was more lively and
smarter than before! The thoughts that Lil’ Pagoda passed to him were clearer and it had a
wider variety of emotions.

It seemed that he wasn’t the only one that had benefited this time!

When he looked around, Zuo Mo made a sound of surprise when he looked at the pure
five element energies. His mind was connected with Lil’ Pagoda. In his eyes, the pure five
element energies were transparent. There were basket sized inner cores within the pure
five element energies. This was five element marrow!

Such large balls of five element marrow. Zuo Mo drooled when he saw them.

Five element marrow was a very rare kind of marrow. Even the tiniest bit was very

Feeling the desire in Zuo Mo’s heart, the five large balls of five element marrow instantly
floated in front of Zuo Mo. Seeing the five enormous balls of five element marrow, it would
be a lie to say he didn’t covet it, but when Zuo Mo saw the obedient and adorable Lil’
Pagoda beside him, his heart warmed and the greed disappeared.

Zuo Mo rubbed Lil’ Pagoda’s head, and said with a smile, “Alright, put them back. They
are for you.”

Lil’ Pagoda seemed puzzled that Zuo Mo wanted them yet he refused.

“Only with five element marrow can you create five element base source in the
future. When you have five element base source, our Lil’ Pagoda will be very strong!”

Lil’ Pagoda didn’t quite understand but it could feel Zuo Mo’s happiness so it happily flew
around Zuo Mo.


Zuo Mo felt the world shake. His heart shook. Had they come again?

When he spread out his consciousness, he found it was Silly Bird that had create the


Silly Bird seemed to know Zuo Mo was watching her. She rolled her eyes and ignored
him. Holding Lil’ Pagoda in her beak, she raised her wings and headed straight for the
Along the way, she encountered Tenth Grade. When Tenth Grade saw Silly Bird holding
Lil’ Pagoda in her beak, his little face eased slightly. But his expression quickly became
extremely ugly. Silly Bird was like a bolt of lightning that flashed by him and disappeared.

That speed … …

Gritting his teeth, he pushed the black moon to its limits and chased the whole way but
he still couldn’t see Silly Bird’s back.

Last time, Tenth Grade had not accepted his defeat at Silly Bird’s claws. But the speed
that Silly Bird displayed today made him feel suffocated.

Detecting the difference in ability, it did not discourage Tenth Grade but lit up his

If he couldn’t defeat a bird, how could he reach the peak of tenth-grade?

On the black moon, Tenth Grade balled his fists, pressed his lips together, his tender face
was filled with determination.


At the same time Silly Bird carried Lil’ Pagoda back to camp, Zuo Mo woke up from his
meditation. When the enormous thread of consciousness returned to his body, it was like
an abundant stream of water flowing into a deep pond. The level of water in the pond
instantly exploded.

Zuo Mo was so comfortable he wanted to groan.

Three times!

The consciousness in his body had grown three times over!

This was a number that almost drove Zuo Mo insane. When he opened his eyes, he felt as
though he had a fantastical dream. Multiplying three times in one night. He had never heard
of such an impossible matter,and it had happened on his body.

He rushed to find Pu Yao. “Pu, what happened?”

Pu Yao’s expression was calm and he did not look any different than usual. He twisted his
mouth. “Nothing, you have good luck.”
Seeing the enthusiasm on Zuo Mo’s face, Pu Yao who hadn’t prepared to say more
suddenly saw the scene of Zuo Mo casting the little yao arts in front of him. He thought and
then said, “Fiend souls are created from remnant threads of soul. You absorbed their
soul base source. It is the first time I have seen something like this.”

He did not lie. Only a fiendish mist of such scale could form such a large number of fiend
souls. Everything here was far out of Pu Yao’s imagination.

“So fiend souls can nurture the consciousness!” Zuo Mo’s eyes lit up. “Good thing!
Good thing!”

Pu Yao saw Zuo Mo and knew what he was planning. To other people, these fiend souls
were very dangerous, and their minds would be easily corroded if they were not careful. It
was not a simple matter to forge fiend souls into pure soul base source. Yes, fiend souls
were created by that thread of soul, but these soul remnants were the convictions of those
that died, and contained all kinds of negative emotions. Over long periods of slaughter and
fighting, they became even more vicious and dangerous.

Would it be an easy matter to process them?

Unless … …

Pu Yao looked dazedly at Zuo Mo. Even though he had speculations and anticipation
before, but when he saw Zuo Mo cast the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art with his own
eyes, the blow of shock he received was stronger than anyone else.

He suddenly turned and glanced at the gravestone.

Many of the previous incidents had just been him acting rashly in anger against the
gravestone, but now … …

The gravestone seemed to detect Pu Yao’s thoughts. The black energy suddenly grew!

Immersed in his wonderful dreams, Zuo Mo noticed the abnormality of the gravestone.
He pointed with shock at the gravestone and asked Pu Yao with a curious expression,
“What is it doing?”

Pu Yao’s mood suddenly became good. Glancing at the gravestone, he snicked, “Oh, he
saw your consciousness improved greatly and is happy for you.”

“Oh!” Zuo Mo understood and then asked, “Right, Pu, what are the two moves you
taught me today called? They are very powerful!”

Looking at Zuo Mo, Pu Yao felt even better and looked, with mirth at the corner of his
mouth, at the gravestone.

Before, I did not compete with you, but now … …

The mirth at his lips disappeared. He turned his gaze to Zuo Mo, and raised an eyebrow.
“How is it? Nice to use? Not lacking compared to the Great Day mo physique?”

“Not lacking, not lacking!” Zuo Mo rubbed his hands and snickered.

… … Have you not clearly seen the true quality of this person … … this person would call
anyone that gives him milk mother … …

Pu Yao was very smug.

… … But my path overall has more of a future than your road … …

… … Teacher, are you happy … …

Countless thoughts flashed through Pu Yao’s mind.

Zuo Mo found to his surprise that Pu Yao’s expression had become stern.

“It is called the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art.” Pu Yao’s voice was deep. “Just like
[Little Thousand Leaf Hands] it is an entire set of yao arts, and was created by another
Sky Yao, my teacher.”

“Your teacher?” Zuo Mo was very shocked.

Pu Yao would rarely speak of the past. This was the first time Pu Yao had spoken of his
own history.

“Yes, my teacher!” Pu Yao had an reminiscent expression. His expression was stern
without any of the nonchalance he usually had. He looked focusedly at Zuo Mo. “Zuo Mo,
are you sure you want to learn?”

Pu Yao’s complete shift in attitude caused Zuo Mo to feel the unusual nature of this

He didn’t agree immediately and asked cautiously, “Pu, to learn this set of Archaic
Wasteland Sacrificial Art, are there any requirements?”

“Very simple, you accept the succession of this branch.”

“Can you be more concrete?” Zuo Mo carefully asked.

“Concrete?” Pu Yao stilled. He had never thought about the problem of accepting
students. Being asked by Zuo Mo now, he didn’t know what to say. He tilted his head and
thought back to when Teacher had accepted him.

“Before you accept students, you must travel to the First Yao Art House of the yao
realm and enter your name into the Sky Yao Pavilion.”
Thinking about it, Pu Yao suddenly felt ashamed. He remembered the hopes Teacher had
for him. Even though he had become a Sky Yao, but due to other reasons, he had not
realized Teacher’s hopes.

This demand surprised Zuo Mo.

“Oh, you don’t need me to swear an oath?”

“Not necessary.”

“No rules?”


“No restrictions?”


The more Zuo Mo asked, the stranger he felt the situation was. This sect, oh, in his
understanding, it was a sect. The requirements for acceptance for this sect was really low.
As to being entered in Sky Yao Pavilion, Zuo Mo didn’t think of it as an important matter.

Accept students? That matter had nothing to do with him. Sky Yao Pavilion, who even
knew what that was? But as long as he did not accept students, that had nothing to do with

By the end of the inquiry, Zuo Mo still didn’t quite believe it. Were yao sects so easy to

In xiuzhe sects, every disciple had their duties, each needed to contribute to the sect in
order to receive benefits.

Yet Pu Yao’s sect didn’t need any service and he could get benefits. It was so strange!

After thinking for a while, Zuo Mo felt there was only one possibility left.

Pu Yao’s sect was definitely a pitifully small sect.

Only the lowest and smallest sects would be so indiscriminating … …

Spat spat spat!

Zuo Mo found that he was now a part of the sect, and hurriedly stopped.

However, he had found the differences after such a contrast.

The gravestone had something like oaths to abide by and probably originated from a
large sect which was why it had so many rules. Pu Yao’s sect was so loose and definitely
was a small one.

“Oh, if I learn the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art, can I still cultivate the Great Day
mo physique?”

Zuo Mo shamelessly asked.

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo, always asking for a mile when he’s given an inch. Some
things have to do with talent but there are also complicating factors.

The five hundred little yao arts are “little” so in this case, it means they are elementary
and for beginners. They are not powerful enough to affect the world. In fact, it is probably
going to be a disappointment if you have the expectation that “laws” are hugely powerful
and understanding grants you a magical power or ability. Understanding something doesn’t
mean you have the power to change or affect the world even if you understand how it
works. So they are more limited than what other stories depict.
Chapter 336
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Six – Try

Pu Yao stared at Zuo Mo without speaking.

Zuo Mo felt uncomfortable under the gaze and smiled weakly, “It would be a pity to not
cultivate the Great Day mo physique!”

After being stared at while, just as Zuo Mo thought Pu Yao was going to be angry, Pu Yao
suddenly spoke, “I have to think about this.”

Even though Pu Yao didn’t immediately answer, Zuo Mo still saw hope. He hurriedly left
the sea of consciousness.

Once Zuo Mo left the sea of consciousness, large amounts of black mist came out of the
gravestone. Figures flitted across the surface of the stone.

Pu Yao seemed to not see them, and spoke to himself, “Cultivate yao and mo together,
this idea is quite interesting.”

The relationship between yao and mo was much closer than with xiuzhe, but the two of
them had never heard of a person cultivating yao and mo at the same time. Pu Yao was a
knowledgeable yao, and the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art was a lost and great
knowledge. But the Great Day mo physique was also a high ranking mo physique. If Zuo Mo
had not successful cultivated it, Pu Yao definitely wouldn’t rack his brains over the issue.
But since Zuo Mo had successfully cultivated the Great Day mo physique, it would really be
a pity to throw it away.

Yao cultivation was the most free and liberal of all three cultivations. Education methods
like the yao art houses were much more liberal than the sect succession of the xiuzhe or the
clan succession of the mo.

Figures flashed across the gravestone.

“You feel it is possible to try?” Pu Yao raised an eyebrow in puzzlement.

He sank into thought. He had all kinds of anger and dissatisfaction with the gravestone,
but being the one to guard the gravestone for tens of thousands of years, the other was a
significant factor. The gravestone had many places that he felt were stupid, stubborn, and
too conservative, but he was familiar with the accomplishments and knowledge the
gravestone had.

Pu Yao became unusually hesitant. Since Zuo Mo could comprehend the Divine
Summoning Art on his own, he was perfect for cultivating the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial
Art, and was the best successor. If Zuo Mo focused on cultivating the Archaic Wasteland
Sacrificial Art, there was a high possibility that he could reach the stage of a Sky Yao. But if
he cultivated the mo physique and the yao art at the same time, it was hard to predict the
outcome The journey of cultivating a mo physique was the most dangerous of the three
paths. His soul would be destroyed due to the slightest carelessness.

The flashing shadow of a person on the surface of the gravestone silently waited for Pu
Yao’s decision.

Pu Yao glanced at the gravestone out of the corner of his eyes. Its silence, and the events
that happened in the past flashed across his mind. His bloody pupil suddenly became deep,
and an imperceptible sorrow floated at the deepest part of his eye.

In a moment, his expression turned normal. He smiled mockingly and said, “What?
Afraid your line of succession will end? Your set of stuff is so old its teeth is falling out,
it should have been thrown into the trash a long time ago!”

“Hmph! If he wants to cultivate, then cultivate. I’m also slightly curious. Tsk tsk, yao
art, mo physique, spells, formations, what kind of weirdo will this boy cultivate to

A hint of insanity flashed across Pu Yao’s bloody pupil.


In the camp, after Zuo Mo opened his eyes, everyone’s hearts finally landed. However,
this incident rang the alarm for everyone. This ghastly place was more dangerous than they
had imagined.

The people of Guard Camp worked even harder on their cultivation.

The black fiendish energy had benefits for them. The black fiendish energy inside the
fiendish mist was even denser, and harder to process. They had to carefully control the rate
at which they absorbed fiendish mist. Otherwise, the fiendish mist would corrode their
minds and they would gradually turn to fiend soul beasts.

However, this was a good place to cultivate [Hardship Guard]. All of them progressed
quickly. Another person cultivated and formed their weapon. This person was an
unexpected surprise to everyone. It was actually A Wen. After A Wen healed completely, he
stayed with Guard Camp, and started cultivating [Hardship Guard] with everyone else.

In Guard Camp, A Wen had spent the shortest time cultivating [Hardship Guard] but his
progression rate was amazing. When Zuo Mo was informed that A Wen had formed his
weapon, he also jumped in fright. This talent was too outrageous.

A Wen’s weapon was a spear. Its entire body was black without any light. A dark red
tassel hung below the head of the spear like a dark flame.

Once this black spear formed, A Wen hugged it and sank into meditation.

What also surprised Zuo Mo were the three hundred flower slaves. After these flower
slaves were rescued from Hundred Flower Alliance, Shu Long had been taking care of them
as they cultivated the [Flower Yao Mutual Existence Art]. This yao art was very wondrous.
In a short period of time, they regained their clarity of mind and managed to suppressed
the ling flowers planted on their bodies.

The flowers that Hundred Flower Alliance picked to grow on these flower slaves were all
rare and valuable ling flowers. These ling flowers were all fifth-grade, and by themselves
were rare ling objects that could automatically absorb the ling energy in the surroundings.
However, this place was thin in ling energy and was filled with black fiendish energy. The
ling flowers on their bodies had all turned to absorbing black fiendish energy instead.

It had to be said that everything in the world had their own abilities.

The brutal and dark black fiendish energy was not dark at all after being absorbed by the
ling flowers, and became warm and lively. They progressed quickly.

Compared to the Guard Camp being fishes in the water, the situation of Vermillion Bird
Camp was not too good. Even though Zuo Mo had given them the scrolls of [Fiend Ling] so
they did not have to fear black fiendish energy as much as before, they still needed to
cultivate it to a certain stage to regain their full combat abilities.

Among them, the sixteen seal xiu led by Gong Liang Wei were the worst off.

After they were captured in Little Mountain Jie, they had been put into Vermillion Bird
Camp by Gongsun Cha. However, due to their unique cultivating methods, their position in
Vermillion Bird Camp was very awkward.

At present, the combat tactic of Vermillion Bird Camp depended on speed and sharpness.
This was the tactic that sword xiu were most skilled in. What seal xiu were more skilled in
was support. Adding on that the spells they cultivated weren’t anything profound, the
increases they could provide were limited. To date, before they could act, the battle would
be finished.
Even though Gongsun Cha Daren put importance on them, it could not change the fact
that they were in an awkward position.

Their cultivation was at the bottom of Vermillion Bird Camp, and the [Fiend Ling] had
high demands of cultivation. They found it even harder.

“Why don’t we ask Gongsun Cha Daren to move to Golden Crow Camp,” one of the
people said with his head down.

Gong Liang Wei was silent. He was over his forties, his talent was average, but due to his
steadiness, he was the shixiong of this group of people. He also knew that Golden Crow
Camp was more appropriate for them at this time.

They were skilled in all kinds of seal, and one among them called Li Zhuo was able to
make second-grade seal soldiers. This was a great achievement for ningmai level seal xiu.

Seal xiu were skilled in all kinds of seals, were skilled in formations and making all kinds
of seals, and to attack through use of seals.

In a seal xiu’s normal cultivation, they needed to use all kinds of formations and seals.
This was the point that they differed from other xiuzhe. This place was thin in ling power.
The formations that they needed for their cultivation could not perform fully, and their
cultivation was not enough that they could cultivate [Fiend Ling].

As they spoke, Zong Ru walked towards them.

Gong Liang Wei hurriedly stood and went up to welcome Zong Ru. Zong Ru was the
leader of the Shield Guard Platoon, and was responsible for Gongsun Daren’s safety. He had
a high position in Vermillion Bird Camp. Gong Liang Wei was skilled in interaction, and did
not show any of the trouble on his face. He said with a smile, “It is rare for Zong Daren to
come here, is there something you wish to order?”

Zong Ru smiled warmly and passed over several jade scrolls. “Gongsun Daren has asked
me to deliver some things to everyone.”

Gong Liang Wei took the jade scrolls with slight puzzlement. “What is worth Daren
personally making a trip?”

“Everyone will know after reading.”

After Zong Ru spoke, he raised his folded hands and left. Zong Ru’s cultivation deepened
by the day, and was increasingly warm and subdued like he was a normal person without
any sharp edges.

After Zong Ru left, everyone crowded over.

Gong Liang Wei’s consciousness swept the jade scroll, and his body uncontrollably

The jade scrolls on their hands were the jade scrolls Zuo Mo had sent to Golden Crow

The content on formations made everyone’s eyes lit up.


Gongsun Cha was immersed in playing war chess everyday. That mysterious person did
not appear so he studied by himself. Ever since he heard that battle generals had their
cultivation spells, his thoughts started to wander.

He was completely enchanted with the highly difficult profession of battle general.

Since he did not have the spells that battle generals cultivated, then why couldn’t he
explore by himself?

Gongsun Cha’s personality was a bit insane to begin with, he was always filled with
interest and enthusiasm towards matters that normal people would find irrational.
Creating battle general spells, another person wouldn’t even dare to think of it, but he had
no fear.

However, in terms of knowledge of cultivation, he had a good grasp of his own

limitations, but he also had his own solution, war chess. The craftsmanship of these war
chess games were exquisitely detailed, and they closely mimicked to reality. The person
that designed them definitely was a great battle general. Of course, the possibility it was a
yaomo general was great.

However, this difference wasn’t major in Gongsun Cha’s view.

He tried to find hints and clues in the war chess games. He was curious how true battle
generals cultivated. He had been immersed in this highly difficult pursuit recently.

He had made discoveries.


Pu Yao who had been teaching Zuo Mo suddenly raised his head, shock flashing through
his bloody pupil.
Zuo Mo stilled, raised his head and asked, “What is it?”

“Oh, nothing.” Pu Yao’s expression turned normal .He looked at Zuo Mo. “You can
continue to practice the Great Day mo physique. The condition is that your yao art
cultivation meets my demands.”

“What demands?” Zuo Mo weakly asked.

Pu Yao gave a teeth-baring smile. “When I was in the yao art house, I had a nickname.”

“Nickname?” Zuo Mo was dazed. “What nickname?”

“They liked to call me the Encyclopedia Of Yao Arts.” The faint voice came from Pu
Yao’s shadowed face. A sharp smile flashed. “As my successor, you need to maintain this
great tradition.”

A bad feeling washed over Zuo Mo’s mind.

“From today onwards, immerse yourself in the ocean of yao arts!”

Pu Yao’s arrogant voice threw Zuo Mo completely into hell.

There were many kinds of yao arts, and could not be counted. Just basic little yao arts
had five hundred kinds, so the true scale could be imagined.

Also, Pu Yao had no intentions of passing Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art onto Zuo Mo,
and started to explain things beginning with little yao arts. Zuo Mo found to his shock that
the little yao arts that he though he learned were more complicated and intricate than he
had previously imagined.

A completely different world started to reveal itself to him.

Pu Yao had never spoken of yao arts like this before. He was confident with each type of
yao art, free and high-flying.

The person and yao were immersed and completely forgot the flow of time.

After an unknown number of days, they were suddenly disturbed.

It was Golden Crow Camp!

Translator Ramblings: There might be some ambiguity which is probably deliberate but
you guys are really good at picking at the details so I’m going to clarify about the
gravestone. When Pu Yao talks about the “gravestone,” it is usually as though the
“gravestone” is a person which is communicating back to him in this chapter. However, the
gravestone is also an object and the “gravestone” or “he” that Pu Yao refers to is not the
gravestone as an object.

Poor Zuo Mo, you are a little lab rat. Pu Yao is crazy enough to risk gambling with his
own life on Zuo Mo being able to cultivate the three different methods at the same time
since if Zuo Mo dies, he will as well.
Chapter 337
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Seven – Crimson Fiend Cauldron

The center of the slave transporting boat had been completely transformed. The rooms
on multiple floors had been completely torn down. Right now, what stood in their place
was a double-handled red cauldron about five zhang tall. The crimson red cauldron
appeared to have been just taken from a strong fire. The shape was simple, but the
presence was heavy. If one went to closer, they would see that the body of the cauldron was
covered in formation scripts written in the size of ants. The complexity would make one

If a xiuzhe skilled in forging saw this cauldron, they would be very shocked. Such small
and complex formation scripts could not be completed even if a jindan forging xiuzhe
worked for three to five years.

This enormous Crimson Fiend Cauldron was the effort by all of the people in Golden
Crow Camp.

The body of the cauldron was made from a mixture of fire element materials like
Crimson Fire Rock. The great majority were fourth-grade materials. The forging method to
make the Crimson Fire Cauldron was different than normal methods. After the plan had
been confirmed, the large cauldron had been divided into three hundred and twenty six
pieces. There had been clear discussion regarding the size of each piece and the seal scripts
carved into them. Due to the fact the sizes of the parts were relatively small after being
dismembered, the forging difficulty was much lower. Each piece was repeatedly forged, and
each line on the seal scriptshad been exquisitely planned.

In other words, the large cauldron was a puzzle that was pieced together. The entire
assembly process took seven whole days and nights, members of Golden Crow Camp forged
without sleep and rest to finish. After that, the entire camp used Golden Crow Fire to forge
it for fourteen days to melt it into one body.

Today, the large cauldron took form!

When every Golden Crow Camp member looked at this astounding large Crimson Fiend
Cauldron, their eyes were filled with head and pride!


The grade of this large cauldron was fifth-grade!

When the masters announced this result, all of the camp cheered. Fifth-grade, that was
enough for every person of Golden Crow Camp to feel proud. Golden Crow Camp did not
have one jindan in its ranks, all of them were ningmai.

Only jindan xiuzhe, of at least the second stratum, had the ability to forging fifth-grade

But Golden Crow Camp that had no jindan at all did it!

However, the cheers only continued for a short period of time. Everyone’s expression
turned serious because an even more crucial step was arriving.

Black red fiendish mist flowed towards the slave transporting boat like a tide.

Inside the slave transporting boat, the mood was nervous, and the loud voices of the two
masters could be heard.

“Pay attention and control the flow rate of the fiendish mist!”

“Maintain the Golden Crow Fire, keep it up!”

The fiendish mist that was absorbed turned to a slender black-red flow and entered the
large cauldron. The Golden Crow Fire within the cauldron seemed to have had a bucket of
oil poured over it and grew.

Everyone uncontrollably stopped breathing.

The fine seal scripts on the Crimson Fiend Cauldron suddenly shot up with gold light. A
vast ling power wave filled every corner of the slave transporting boat. The formations on
the boat lit up at almost the same time.

Only now did the hearts of Golden Crow Camp members land. Cheers suddenly exploded.

Master Ji Wei’s face was covered in tears. Sun Bao was also very emotional, swallowing
hard and unable to speak. He felt it would be worth it even if he died now!

Before Wan Tian had been urging Wei Cheng Bin to get some black fiendish energy, he
and Sun Bao had already started to study the black fiendish energy.

The jade scroll that Zuo Mo had sent over had resolved many problems they could not
overcome. Even though they had done this through the combined effort of the entire camp,
but being able to forge such a cauldron when they were just ningmai was enough to make
them famous throughout the entire world.

It wasn’t just the two masters. The people of Golden Crow Camp came from small sects,
and most were those that did not have great ambitions. Everyone was uncontrollably
excited at being able to complete such an amazing work. Many people couldn’t stop
themselves from crying.

When Zuo Mo rushed over, this was what he saw.

Then his gaze was securely attracted to this five zhang tall Crimson Fiend Cauldron, and
was dumbstruck.

“You forged this?” Zuo Mo pointed at the large cauldron and asked disbelievingly.

Sun Bao said respectfully and with pride, “Yes, Daren!”

Zuo Mo was shocked!

That was right, he was completely shocked!

He couldn’t be called skilled in formations, but his understanding of formations was far
above everyone else. However, he was still amazed at the clever thinking behind the
forging of the Crimson Fiend Cauldron. The forging of the Crimson Fiend Cauldron used
Golden Crow Fire, and what Zuo Mo hadn’t expected was that they actually put the Great
Golden Crow Formation onto this cauldron.

This way, the Golden Crow Fire inside the cauldron would be maintained for a long time
and could gather Golden Crow Fire from sunlight. In the future, there would be no need to
worry about the supply of Golden Crow Fire. As the amount of Golden Crow Fire inside the
cauldron increased, it was very likely that it could produce even higher grade flames.

In other words, the Crimson Fire Cauldron still had room to improve.

But this wasn’t what shocked Zuo Mo the most. What gave him the greatest shock was
the Crimson Fiend Cauldron could process fiendish mist and turn it to ling power.

Wasn’t … … wasn’t this the method of [Fiend Ling]?

[Fiend Ling] could transform fiendish energy to ling power. Vermillion Bird Camp was
furiously cultivating this spell, but who could have expected that Golden Crow Camp would
walk ahead of them.

“A pretty good talisman!” Pu Yao couldn’t help but praise.

The rich and lively ling power inside the slave transporting boat made a person feel
comfortable. In this place, black fiendish energy was in endless supply. With the Crimson
Fiend Cauldron, they did not need to worry about the problem of ling power at all. Their
jingshi supply could also provide ling power but there would be a day when it was all used
The members of Golden Crow Camp all floated in this direction. Daren’s shocked
expression made them feel very good.

“Can you make a few more?” Zuo Mo asked Sun Bao.

Sun Bao showed a difficult expression. “It isn’t hard to forge, but I’m afraid we cannot
find suitable materials.”

In order to forge the Crimson Fiend Cauldron, all the rare materials from Bao Yi’s stores
had been swept clean. If it wasn’t that Sun Bao and Ji Wei had both personally gone to
demand them from Bao Yi, Bao Yi definitely would not have given the materials up.

Zuo Mo was slightly disappointed but he was not surprised. Low grade materials could
not endure such powerful ling power and the domineering Golden Crow Fire.

“I’m really greedy!” Zuo Mo said mockingly. He then said to Sun Bao and Ji Wei, “Good
work! In the future if you need any materials, go to Bao Yi to get them. If that bamboo
stick won’t give them to you, come find me directly.”

Sun Bao and Ji Wei were overjoy, “Thanks, Daren!”

To people that enjoyed forging, this promise made them happier than anything else.

Golden Crow Camp gave Zuo Mo a big surprise. With the Crimson Fire Cauldron, the
pressure placed on him instantly decreased. They could be at more ease while exploring
this strange place.


Coming out of the slave transporting boat, Zuo Mo was in a very good mood. He looked
around. The camp was very busy. Everyone had not sunk into a depression but worked
harder on their cultivation. Seeing the situation, Zuo Mo started to cultivate himself.
Becoming stronger was better than anything else.

Pu Yao said that he had a nickname of the “Encyclopaedia of Yao Arts.” Zuo Mo felt that
this nickname was a bit of an exaggeration. It wasn’t the first time this guy liked to boast,
but this guy really displayed his aptitude when he started to explain yao arts.

Five hundred types of little yao arts. After Pu Yao explained them to him again, Zuo Mo
had a completely different perspective.

However, Zuo Mo cared more about the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art.
“Pu, teach me another two moves of the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art!” Zuo Mo
raised his face and said fawningly.

Pu Yao replied absentmindedly, “Oh, don’t try to always get free benefits. It’s a dream
to think that you can combine two little yao arts to get something powerful.”

“Then you can teach me some powerful yao arts?”

“You understand all of the little yao arts?” Pu Yao glanced at him.

“Pretty much.” Zuo Mo had some confidence about this.

“Really?” Pu Yao had a slightly smile. “Then let’s test it.”

“Test? What test?” Zuo Mo became alert.

Before he finished asking, the scene in the surroundings seemed to retreat like a wave,
and turn to a dark void.

This was … … Ten Finger Prison!

Damn it!

Zuo Mo didn’t have the time to swear. His vision blurred and pushed the swear words at
his mouth back.

“Your consciousness has become much stronger, and you should be able to stay for
twelve hours now,” Pu Yao did not waste words and said crisply. “Walk forward using the
method I taught you last time. I don’t demand anything too highly of you. Twelve hours,
walk thirty li forward. Ooh, this demand is just one-tenth of mine when I first came

Finishing, Pu Yao did not allow Zuo Mo to speak and disappeared.

Vast Water Clear Skies, Zuo Mo had come last time and wasn’t unfamiliar with this place.
According to Pu Yao, the entire Vast Water Clear Skies was constructed from thirteen
thousand low-level yao arts.

Hm, just thirty li, you think this will trouble ge?

Provoked by Pu Yao’s disdainful tone, Zuo Mo did not procrastinate. He lowered his head
and started to deconstruct the yao art under his feet.

Every bit of soil, every piece of rock, every stalk of grass here was made from yao arts.

His consciousness made a close inspection. The yao arts here were completely different
in Zuo Mo’s eyes than the ones from last time. Last time, if it wasn’t for Pu Yao guiding him
continuously, he couldn’t have even advanced a single step. But right now, even facing low
level yao arts he had never seen before, he could think of solutions.

It was a great help to him that his consciousness was stronger than in the past. No
wonder they said that the consciousness was the basis of yao arts. Comparing the two
visits, Zuo Mo gave a direct and deeply engraining experience. The yao arts borrowed all
kinds of powers from within the world. The consciousness was like a level that leverage the
power of the world.

The first yao art did not take Zuo Mo long before he deconstructed it.

Walking one step by one step, deconstructing one yao art by one yao art.

This feeling … … was somewhat familiar … …

Zuo Mo suddenly remembered why he found it familiar. In Wu Kong Mountain, he had

also studied the questions of the [Preliminary Formations] jade scroll from Kun Lun. The
feeling now was slightly similar.

This was a little bit interesting!

Zuo Mo did not find it dull, but found it interesting.

He gradually found some patterns, and his speed became faster. These low level yao arts
had many transformations and he did not recognize the great majority of them. However,
he found that if he used the right method, they were all able to be deconstructed using little
yao arts.

Immersed in deconstructing yao arts, he did not notice the scenery behind him that he
just deconstructed was changing.

Even more so, he did not notice a pair of eyes staring at him from nearby.

Translator Ramblings: Golden Crow Camp is a think tank coming up with new ideas. Zuo
Mo’s very lucky that Sun Bao and Ji Wei are smart and dedicated to him. Otherwise, he will
be having a much harder time.

Pu Yao got tired of negotiating and not getting anything paid. So the brute force move is
now used.
Chapter 338
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Eight – Nan Yue

Nan Yue looked with curiosity at the male in front of her.

To be able to enter Vast Water Clear Skies in the first year of entering a yao art house,
she had some fame in the art house, even though the yao art house that she belonged to
was not a famed one. Even though she was very young, she was very experienced in Vast
Water Clear Skies.

Last time, she had accidentally found there was a place that showed major marks of
damage and instantly took note. Only today when she saw this unfamiliar male did she
instantly realize she found the culprit.

She did not go up to warn him. She had stayed for a long time in Vast Water Clear Skies,
and naturally had no problems with basic knowledge. The Ten Finger Prison was
completely constructed from yao arts. It included almost all the yao arts. Due to this, it also
became the place the yao learned yao arts. She had once learned three relatively powerful
yao arts from Vast Water Clear Skies, and many places in Vast Water Clear Skies that were
filled with danger were good places to gain experience.

Nan Yue had encountered incidents of destruction before, but that was mostly when
some yao that destroyed the area after finding a good yao art to prevent it from landing in
another person’s hands. This kind of destruction had no effect on Vast Water Clear Skies.
Vast Water Clear Skies was completely constructed from yao arts. Any grass or art that was
destroyed would be recreated. It was always kept at an equilibrium.

Ten Finger Prison had existed for many years, and countless Sky Yao had come through,
but nothing had ever happened to Ten Finger Prison.

What Nan Yue found curious was that the other’s strange actions looked more like a kind
of cultivation method.

But … … what effect would it have?

She sank into thought. It was not hard to destroy the grasses and plants of Vast Water
Clear Skies. They were constructed out of yao arts, and other than some rare defensive yao
arts, they were usually easily destroyed.

Was this person a destructive maniac?

She laughed. These days, there were all kinds of strange yao. There were some weird yao
in her yao art house. Supposedly, there were even more of these people at famed yao arts

She really had too much free time that she would spend it on such a boring matter.

Was it that she had good results in the recent tests that caused her to be slightly proud?
She couldn’t help but feel ashamed. She instantly warned herself to not be proud.

Just as she was going to leave, she suddenly saw the process of the rock collapsing in
front of the unfamiliar male. Her heart shook and paused mid step.

Just now, that rock had turned to powder without any warning and disappeared into the

This was … … this was … …

Nan Yue’s mouth was opened wide, her face written with disbelief as she looked dazedly
at Zuo Mo.

Without any sound, another entire piece of rock collapsed at the exact same moment to
the smallest bits of powder that dissipated into the air. After three whole breaths, Nan Yue
finally reacted, and couldn’t help but yell, “Deconstruction!”

When the words came out, she frightened herself. She hurriedly covered her mouth in
fear of alarming the other.

However, the other fortunately had not been disturbed and was still in a trance.

After observing for a long time, Nan Yue was certain the other was deconstructing these
yao arts, and was not destroying them. If he used brute force to destroy these rocks made
from yao arts, the rock will just turn to a ball of light and then disappear.

Deconstruction and destruction were two completely different concepts. Destruction

was to damage from the outside, and deconstruction was to dismember from the inside,
and cause it to be destroyed.

The difficulty of deconstruction was far higher than destruction. It required a deep
understanding of yao arts. Vast Water Clear Skies was only the first prison of Ten Finger
Prison and there were only low-level yao arts here, but the yao arts here were
innumerable. How could one be familiar with all of them?

The more Nan Yue saw, the more shocked she was. The speed the other deconstructed at
made her heart beat wildly.
The ever-changing yao arts did not seem to be an obstacle to this male. His movements
flowed without hurry. Everywhere he passed, the plants and grasses turned to dust and
disappeared from beside his feet.

He did not look, and he did not stop in his steps.

Nan Yue was dazed as she watched.

At the beginning, she had doubted if her guess had been accurate. Even those high level
students in the yao art house wouldn’t be so smooth and quick.

This was a daren!

Daren was the general term for those powerful and profound yao.

Maybe this great yao was trying a certain yao art? Or he was trying to comprehending
some secret technique?

This was the only possibility that she was able to think of. Vast Water Clear Skies was the
first level of Ten Finger Prison. Most of those who came here were little yao that had just
entered the yao art houses. There were only low level yao arts here, and were not of help to
those powerful yao.

But the strength shown by this person far surpassed them.

Nan Yue quickly realized this was a rare chance. She instantly thought rapidly how she
could go up and initiate a conversation. In the yao art houses, everyone like to call
situations like this wild wondrous encounters.

The yao arts houses publicly passed on many yao arts but these were the basic yao arts
of each yao art level. As to the skills of each teacher, those were secret. Using the Purple
Lotus Yao Art House that Nan Yue belonged to as the example, they took in two thousand
students annually. After five to seven years of education, they would graduate with results
based on each person’s consciousness and skill in the yao arts.

In these five to seven years, those little yao that studied hard and were talented might
receive the favor of a certain teacher and become their student. Only these students had the
possibility of receiving their line of succession. The teachers had the freedom to choose
their students. Normally, the teachers only had to teach basic yao arts to all the students .

The best way to learn more profound yao arts was to become the personal student of a
teacher. However, the competition inside the yao art house was very fierce. Every teacher
was being targeted by countless students that wanted to enter their doors. Nan Yue’s talent
was not high. The reason she had the achieved grades she did was due to her hard work.
The teachers of the schools were perceptive. How could they not see this? Right now, the
teachers all hoped to pick students with talent. Students like her only had the tiniest of
Maybe this Daren was an opportunity!

At this time, she had to be shameless!

Nan Yue thought of the stories and experiences that her elder classmates had passed
onto her. Gritting her teeth, she went next to Zuo Mo.

However, she did not speak, but silently stood and did not make a sound.


Zuo Mo felt a thread of exhaustion. He stopped because he found that when he was tired
due to manipulating his consciousness, his rate of deconstruction would quickly decrease.
He turned his head back to look at the path he had just walked. In one hour, he had
advanced about two li. Based on this rate, he would only make twenty four li in twelve
hours. There was quite a distance to the thirty li that Pu Yao set down. But Zuo Mo was not
in a hurry, and took the time of rest to recall the experiences.

As the number of yao arts he deconstructed increased, his speed moving forward had
increased. He could clearly feel that the time he spent on the last li was much shorter than
the time he spent on the first li. Even though each type of yao art was different, he still
understood and gradually became accustomed to the process.

These yao arts changed greatly, but they did not leave the area of little yao arts.

Thinking back to when Pu Yao had spoke of the little yao arts to him, he suddenly

These yao arts were just constructions made up of different combinations of little yao
arts. He instantly understood Pu Yao’s intentions. Pu Yao wanted to use this method to give
him a deeper understanding of little yao arts.

Thinking about what he had felt just now, Zuo Mo instantly became excited because he
felt this was an effective method.

Pu Yao wasn’t useless after all!

After criticizing Pu Yao out of habit, Zuo Mo decided to rest and recover his spiritual
power. When he raised his head, a stammering and nervous voice suddenly sounded in his
ear, “El … … Elder … …”

Zuo Mo stilled and found Nan Yue standing nearby. However, his first response was to
look around. When he found that no one was standing next to him, he finally realized this
little girl was calling him.

He rubbed his head and watched as the other was in a trance. This term was slightly
weird, and he didn’t know them. Oh, the other was a yao … …

Wait, yao?

Zuo Mo stilled again and curiously examined the other. This yao looked very normal, and
didn’t have any of Pu Yao’s presence. Oh, compared to the yao soldiers that he encountered
at Desolate Wood Reef, she seemed much weaker.

An interested expression came onto his face. This little yao should be the most normal
little yao. Truthfully, he had never seen a normal little yao before!

So normal yao looked like this … …

Nan Yue had faint green hair, her eyes were also faint green like a transparent olive
stone. Her chin was slightly pointed and didn’t look any different from any other person.
She was dressed in a short robe and looked very capable.


Nan Yue felt uncomfortable under Zuo Mo’s gaze. She couldn’t help but panic inside. Was
this daren a perverted yao?

Yao were very liberal about sexual matters. Most yao came from flora, and the process
took a long number of years. The combinations between yao would strengthen the clan.
The Council of Elders encouraged reproduction. Adding on that yao were born with long
life spans, they were very uncaring regarding the matters of sex.

If it was a female yao that had some experience, they would have instantly shown a
seductive posture immediately.

But Nan Yue clearly could not do it.

Compared to Nan Yue’s caution and discomfort, Zuo Mo was much more casual. He was
young, but he had seen much. Right now, he even had a large group of people under his
command. If he was still in Sky Moon Jie, he definitely qualified as a warlord. Additionally,
he purely thought of this event as broadening his visions.

The yao world didn’t have a jingshi of a connection to him.

“What are you called?” Zuo Mo asked curiously.

“Nan Yue,” The slightly nervous Nan Yue instantly replied.

“Oh, what kind of yao are you?” Zuo Mo asked. He had a pitiful understanding of yao.


The way that this daren asked questions was really very strange.

Nan Yue’s nervousness disappeared greatly. “Is Elder asking about Nan Yue’s birth?
Nan Yue comes from the Wisteria Clan of the South Sky.”

“Wisteria Clan of the South Sky?” Zuo Mo was confused. He could understand the
individual words, but he did not understand what they referred to when put together.

“Wisteria Clan of the South Sky!”

With a light sound of surprise, Pu Yao suddenly popped up.

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo’s so curious. It’s not like he’s never seen a yao before. This
is the second person to think that Zuo Mo is a pervert on first impression but she’s got the
wrong plotline. Zuo Mo only wants a harem of jingshi.
Chapter 339
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Nine – Origin?

Hearing Pu Yao’s voice, Zuo Mo instantly realized that this Wisteria Clan of the South Sky
had some significance.

Before he could ask, he heard Pu Yao say to him, “Ask her if it is the Wisteria Clan of the
South Sky at Purple Arrow Jie?”

Zuo Mo could only listen and ask, “Is it the Wisteria Clan of the South Sky at Purple
Arrow Jie?”

Nan Yue was very shocked. “Does Elder also know the Wisteria Clan of the South Sky
at Purple Arrow Jie?” Her expression then dimmed. “We migrated from Purple Arrow Jie
to Core Wind Jie six hundred years ago.”

Pu Yao did not make a sound for a while.

Zuo Mo was slightly surprised. It seemed that Pu Yao really knew this Wisteria Clan of
the South Sky.

After a while, Pu Yao said to Zuo Mo, “Ask her how many people remain of the Wisteria
Clan of the South Sky.”

Zuo Mo obediently spoke.

Nan Yue’s expression became even dimmer. “There is only eleven people left in the clan

“Eleven people … …” Pu Yao was dumbstruck.

As the situation of the clan was spoken of, Nan Yue felt very bad. The Wisteria Clan of the
South Sky had been in decline for a long time. She had no memories of the glory they held
in the past. Ever since she could remember, the clan’s living conditions had been very

She hadn’t thought that this elder would know the Wisteria Clan of the South Sky. She
was quite shocked. There were not many teachers in the school that knew of the Wisteria
Clan of the South Sky.

“Do you practice the [South Sky Arrow Art] of the Wisteria Clan of the South Sky?”
The elder’s question made her pause, but she shook her head. “[South Sky Arrow Art]
was lost a thousand years ago.”

Zuo Mo could clearly feel these words made Pu Yao shake.

Nan Yue was also very shocked. The elder was very familiar with the Wisteria Clan of the
South Sky. If it wasn’t that she liked learning and had worked hard, she wouldn’t know
much of the clan history. If it was her other sibling of the clan, they probably wouldn’t even
know what [South Sky Arrow Art] was.

Did this elder have a history with the clan?

Hope suddenly rose in her heart.

Even though Elder looked very young, but Nan Yue would not underestimate him for
that. The age of yao had nothing to do with their appearances. The smooth deconstruction
that Elder had performed just now had amazed her.

As her thoughts grew, her mood became unconfident.

What made her feel even more insecure was that Elder was silent for a long time and did
not speak.

Her heart continued to sink. It seemed there was no hope.

Suddenly, Elder’s voice came. “I will pass [South Sky Arrow Art] on to you. In return
you will follow me for a hundred years and will be free after that.”

Nan Yue seemed to have been struck by lightning. Her mind was blank. [South Sky
Arrow Art]! Elder knew [South Sky Arrow Art]? Her face was filled with disbelief. The
records of the clan said that [South Sky Arrow Art] was the most powerful yao art treasure
of the Wisteria Clan of the South Sky, and the ultimate skill of the clan! But the records of
the clan also did not leave any mention behind except how powerful [South Sky Arrow Art]
was. She had even doubted the validity of these records and if they had been exaggerated.

[South Sky Arrow Art] … … so this world really had [South Sky Arrow Art] … …

Just as Nan Yue’s emotions changed, Zuo Mo pursued Pu Yao and continued to urge Pu
Yao in a suspicious tone, “Pu, you really know that [South Sky Arrow Art? You really
know? Don’t fool little kids! If you don’t know, and you can’t follow through with the lie,
it will be embarrassing … …”

Pu Yao who had been immersed in his emotions instantly felt conflicting emotions.
“Nonsense, of course I know.”

“You sure?” The suspicion on Zuo Mo’s face did not decrease. “How come I never heard
you say so?”
“There’s a lot you never heard of,” Pu Yao rolled his eyes and said in a negative tone.

“Ooh, right. A gentleman is open, the little person hides his schemes. You are usually
hidden very deeply. “ Zuo Mo nodded his head, and then snickered. He raised his face
and said, “Then let’s add another century. We cannot be unprofitable!”

Pu Yao looked dumbly at Zuo Mo. At this moment, he lost the ability to talk.

Zuo Mo had no hint of shame. He was very smug. “Pu, as a yao, ge isn’t as good as you,
but in business, you are far less than ge!”

After a beat, Nan Yue refocused. She did not hesitate in kneeling on the ground.

Yao usually had long lives, and a century was not a long time for them. Also, the
conditions were really too good. In Nan Yue’s view, this elder definitely had a deep history
with the clan so he would use this method to help her.

In the sea of consciousness, Zuo Mo sighed at Pu Yao, “It’s over, can’t increase the

Nan Yue knelt on the ground motionlessly.

After a while, she heard Elder say gravely, “Stand up. I do not have the qualifications to
accept students and cannot be your teacher. This is a transaction to pass on [South Sky
Arrow Art] to you. You can call me daren in the future.”

Zuo Mo pretended.

Nan Yue was slightly disappointed. Daren was still unwilling to take her as his student. It
must be that Daren was very rigorous in accepting students, and she did not meet his
requirements. She secretly made a resolution to cultivate and work hard to satisfy Daren as
early as possible to be accepted. Also, Daren had promised to pass [South Sky Arrow Art]
onto her. This yao art which had been lost for so long, was it as powerful as the records

She was full of anticipation!

“What to do next?” Zuo Mo spread his hands and asked Pu Yao.

Pu Yao said seriously, “You will first teach her little yao arts.”

Zuo Mo stilled and then stammered as he pointed at his nose, “Me teaching?”

“Is there a problem?” Pu Yao tilted his head to look at Zuo Mo.
Zuo Mo forced a smile and said, “You are really too irresponsible to that little girl.” He
was slightly unconfident. He wasn’t afraid at all about explaining spells or formations, but
yao arts … …

The other was a true yao. He was a xiuzhe teaching a true yao how to cultivate yao arts …
… it was too ridiculous!

“Just teach whatever,” Pu Yao said irresponsibly and then disappeared.

Zuo Mo stood dumbly in the empty sea of consciousness.

Coming out of the sea of consciousness, Zuo Mo looked at Nan Yue who had an yearning
expression on her face and instantly had a headache. A beat later, he emboldened his heart.
Since Pu Yao said to teach her whatever, if he didn’t teach her well, it couldn’t be blamed on

He coughed lightly. “Let’s first start from little yao arts.”

“Little yao arts?” Nan Yue stilled. She hadn’t thought what Daren would teach first were
little yao arts.

Didn’t every yao know little yao arts?

Zuo Mo ignored Nan Yue’s puzzled gaze and started to talk to himself. Luckily, Pu Yao
had just taught him little yao arts recently and he remembered them clearly. He thought
back as he talked. As he talked, he couldn’t help but add in some of his understandings that
he had just gotten through deconstruction.

At the beginning, Nan Yue’s expression was filled with puzzlement and curiosity. But her
expression gradually became stern and focused.

The little yao arts that Daren talked about were different in many places than what she

Those little yao arts that seemed so simple in her view actually contained a very
abundant number of permutations. She had never thought the permutations of little yao
arts could be so plentiful and complex. There were such deep connections between
different little yao arts … …

For the first time, the little yao arts were so profound in her eyes!

A bottomless, and borderless ocean appeared in front of her.

Zuo Mo finally stopped talking. He released a breath. His talk was not as detailed as Pu
Yao but there was nothing incorrect about the main concepts.
Seeing that Nan Yue had fallen for his con, he was slightly reassured. But after the talk,
what to do next? His mind shifted, and he instantly thought of a good idea. He pointed at
the flowers and grasses and said pretentiously, “From today onwards, you will start to
learn how to deconstruct the yao arts of Vast Water Clear Skies. There are thirteen
thousand yao arts in Vast Water Clear Skies. If you can deconstruct all of them, your
understanding of little yao arts has just begun.”

Zuo Mo felt he was like a conman at this time, especially when he saw Nan Yue’s gaze
filled with respect. He felt even guiltier. He immediately got Nan Yue to start learning how
to deconstruct yao arts.

At this time, Nan Yue realized why Daren had been deconstructing little yao arts all this
time! She happily started to learn from Zuo Mo about deconstructing little yao arts. Seeing
the situation, Zuo Mo instantly relaxed and started his deconstruction again.

The person and yao buried their heads and started to make “damage.”

After two hours, Nan Yue took a break. When she raised her head, she was very shocked.
Daren was one and a half li in front of her!

The shock in Nan Yue’s eyes faded and was replaced by awe and respect.

As expected of Daren!

She definitely had to work harder to reach Daren’s qualifications for taking students!

Nan Yue balled her fists and made a decision.


Ma Fan did not cultivate [Fiend Ling]. He was the only xiuzhe of Vermillion Bird Camp
that did not cultivate [Fiend Ling]. Even Xie Shan had taken [Fiend Ling] to study.

Ma Fan was studying [Clear Sky Sword Scripture].

This fifth-grade sword scripture was the sect-establishing ultimate skill of Clear Sky Sect.
Zuo Mo did not have much interest in sword scriptures, and after experiencing so much
together, everyone had deeper bonds, so Zuo Mo made this public for everyone to study.

However, [Clear Sky Sword Scripture] was profound and hard to understand. Many
places were unclear, and those that were just the slightest bit lacking had no ability to
understand it. All those of Vermillion Bird Camp that cultivated the sword desired this
sword scripture, but there were only a few that could persist in studying it.

Ma Fan was one of them.

The sword scripture he cultivated had no name, and was incomplete. Other than the
power of [Illusory Shadowless Sword of Destruction], the other moves were scattered
sword moves that he had gathered from other sword scriptures.

For other people, [Clear Sky Sword Scripture] was too difficult, but for him, it was a
treasure. He was one of the first to comprehend sword essence. The stage of his sword
essence rivalled Xie Shan after he broke through to jindan.

He was used to taking the best parts from other sword scriptures to use for himself. His
sword moves were gathered from a scattering of scriptures, but this allowed him to quickly
adjust to using a brand new sword scripture.

The destruction caused by Clear Sky Old Forefather while using the [Clear Sky Sword
Scripture] frequently crossed his mind, and reinforced his decision to cultivate this sword

As he comprehended more of the scripture, many places he did not understand instantly

Everyone only saw him in meditation daily. No one knew that his understanding of
sword essence increased every day.

The silently sitting Ma Fan suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes lit up, and his presence
suddenly changed!

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo, the swindler of young and innocent yao. Teaching
someone when he’s just started out himself … … A little bit of Pu Yao’s history is now

Day 2 of another road trip. I’ll have enough internet to read your comments but I’m not
sure if I want to log in on an open wifi network to respond and do other stuff.
Chapter 340
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty – Going Fishing

Even sitting cross-legged on the ground, Ma Fan was like an unsheathed sword exuding
sword essence!

He didn’t seem to move but disappeared.

Xie Shan who was cultivating [Fiend Ling] sudden felt his heart move and stopped to
look at the sky. At the same time, Shu Long also raised his head to look at the sky with a
shocked expression.

In the air, Ma Fan silently stood in the fiendish mist.

The poisonous fiendish mist was being repelled by an invisible force, and unable to go
with in seven chi of Ma Fan’s body. Ma Fan’s clothes flapped, but what was strange was that
while he looked to be of great presence, people only felt the faintest ling power vibrations
from him.

“Sword essence … …” Xie Shan’s eyes suddenly widened and lit up. His expression
changed slightly.

Ma Fan’s arms were spread out like a great bird in flight. The fiendish mist seemed to
retreat in fear. In the blink of an eye, there was nothing within thirty zhang of him.

Such a presence made the people of Vermillion Bird Camp below full of admiration. Boss
Ma Fan was really Boss Ma Fan! Vermillion Bird Camp was primarily sword xiu. Everyone’s
cultivation was not high, but their eyes were not lacking. They understood that Boss Ma
Fan had gained a new comprehension of sword essence.

The one that saw the most clearly was Xie Shan.

The reason the fiendish mist would retreat was because that there were countless
invisible and ethereal sword essences in Ma Fan’s surrounding space! These sword
essences were silently moving as though they were nurturing something.

Xie Shan seemed to be suddenly struck by lightning. His mouth was wide and his eyes full
of disbelief as he looked at the stern Ma Fan.

Sword essence manifestation!


Wasn’t sword essence manifestation a stage that only jindan xiuzhe could reach? He
found it hard to accept what was happening in front of him. A beat later, the dumbstruck
Xie Shan gradually regained focus. The taste in his mouth was bitter. He was a xiuzhe in
jindan who hadn’t cultivated to sword essence manifestation, but Ma Fan who was a
ningmai comprehended it first.

Ma Fan’s entire body was covered in uncountable sword essences, these fine,
transparent and intangible Sky sword essences.

Sky … … Sky … …

Ma Fan tightly closed his eyes and seemed to understand something.

A vast and greatly vicious presence gathered from all directions. Ma Fan seemed like a
leaf boat floating precariously in the storm and rain, to be destroyed at the next moment!

This was … …

Xie Shan instantly understood. Ma Fan was cultivating [Clear Sky Sword Scripture]! He
instantly furrowed his brows and had a worried expression. Looking at the crimson tinged
sky, the uncertainty in his heart increased.

The sky here … … it wasn’t a good place to cultivate [Clear Sky Sword Scripture]!

The crimson red sky became even more terrifying. Black clouds rapidly formed.

At the center of the storm, the environment Ma Fan faced was even worse. When he
realized that there was a problem, he already had no avenue of retreat. The sky here was
filled with black fiendish energy. They originated from the ferocious battle of ten thousand
years ago, and after thousands of years, they could easily corrode one’s mind.

The sky here had too many elements that did not belong to the sky!

The fiendish mist that had been trying to avoid him just now suddenly roiled fiercely.
Dozens of tentacles made from the fiendish mist leapt at Ma Fan and seal him off in all
directions. These fiendish mist tentacles were quick like arrows that pierced towards Ma
Fan. Just as Ma Fan was going to be entangled and taken away, pia pia pia, the fiendish mist
tentacles that approached Ma Fan exploded.

These tentacles were destroyed by the sword essence around Ma Fan.

But this was just the beginning!

Countless red-black fiendish mist tentacles rose from the fiendish mist and leapt at Ma

Explosions continued. There was too much fiendish mist that had exploded. A while later,
they formed a thick fiendish mist. The sound of explosions did not stop among the fiendish
mist. A red-black egg-shaped fiendish mist ball hung high in the sky.

Everyone couldn’t help but have worried expressions, but they could only look. They
could not help at all.


Vast Water Clear Skies.

Nan Yue looked at Elder who had collapsed onto the ground. Her eyes were filled with
respect. She had worked very hard in the yao art houses, but when she saw how Elder
cultivated, she instantly felt her hard work was nothing in front of Elder.

“I will come back after some time.”

Elder threw out these words and disappeared.

Nan Yue was not too puzzled. At this time, she was filled with motivation. Elder had used
his actions to explain to her how to cultivate. She wasn’t in such a hurry to get [South Sky
Arrow Art] now. The things she learned today were enough for her to cultivate for a long

She left Vast Water Clear Skies. She needed to digest what she had learned today.


Zuo Mo felt very good, very very good.

He only took ten hours to go thirty li, two hours shorter than Pu Yao’s demand. If he
subtracted the time that he had spent explaining little yao arts to Nan Yue, he only took
nine hours. When Zuo Mo caught the shock and surprise in Pu Yao’s eye, he felt very good.

In reality, his spiritual power had almost been exhausted. After nine hours of high speed
deconstruction, his response this time was much stronger than the first time around.

Unable to slowly savor his pleasure, he hurried into meditation to recover his spiritual
After a whole day, Zuo Mo finally woke up from his meditation. His spiritual power had
only half recovered. It was a pity there were no stars in the sky here so he could not absorb
the power of the skies. His consciousness had exploded in growth from last time. The
number of stars in the void above his sea of consciousness had not grown, but each star
became even brighter and sparkled in the void.

Zuo Mo’s sea of consciousness had completely changed.

The ice sword river from the past had almost completely disappeared. This made Zuo Mo
sweat. Those enchanting black flames had no longer rampaged like they had in the past.
The black flames had almost disappeared in the area around the gravestone, and shown the
black steel-like ground. The black energy that shrouded the gravestone seemed thicker
than before.

According to Pu Yao, the path he walked was star spiritual cultivation. The star spiritual
sand in his consciousness contained star power.

Zuo Mo didn’t feel anything like star power. However, the ten stars had grown, and his
spiritual power recovery rate was stronger than before. Each star spread its light, and the
sea of consciousness was bathed in star light.

When Zuo Mo saw the enormous fiendish mist ball in the air, he was astounded. He
hurriedly grabbed Xie Shan to ask. When he was informed that Ma Fan was cultivating
[Clear Sky Sword Scripture], he couldn’t help but worry. However, he did not have a
solution. Of everything he cultivated, his sword scriptures were the weakest at this

Right now, the strongest was his Great Day mo physique. The next was his yao arts. He
couldn’t help but grimace. As one that originated as a xiuzhe, there wasn’t really much to be
proud off. Ma Fan’s matter wouldn’t end anytime soon so Zuo Mo did not go to observe.

He turned around his face and found to his shock that A Gui was looking at him. Usually,
A Gui was always steps away from him.

“Are you better?” Zuo Mo probed.

A Gui did not respond. Zuo Mo shook his head. He really was fantasizing. He grabbed A
Gui’s hand and his consciousness went into her body to make a close inspection.

His brow quickly furrowed together.

A Gui’s body was a mess, so withered there was no life. From this point, it didn’t seem
any different than usual, but Zuo Mo found there was an extremely small patch of purple on
A Gui’s heart which had not been there before. Zuo Mo would examine A Gui every two or
three days, and was very familiar with the condition of A Gui’s body.
There was no purple mark in his last inspection. It was possible to see that the purple
mark had formed in the last few days.

Zuo Mo’s body suddenly dropped down. This meant that new changes had happened in
the last few days to A Gui’s body. He couldn’t help but become worried. If it was a good
change, then that naturally was very fortunate. But if it was a bad change, he did not have a
measure to deal with it.

Zuo Mo suddenly felt a strong sense of urgency.

He had to find Water Cloud Embryo as soon as possible! But he also knew if he rashly
went into the depths of the fiendish mist, his bones wouldn’t even remain. Everyone was
working hard at this moment, and this was not the best time to enter the fiendish mist.

Zuo Mo’s heart suddenly became restless. He walked out of the campsite.

The campsite was at the border of the fiendish mist. It was possible to see threads of thin
fiendish mist float by. His eyes turned to the deeper parts of the fiendish mist. What would
it be like in there?

“You can fish!” Pu Yao suddenly said.

“Fish?” Zuo Mo asked with shock.

“Oh, you can take an intelligent talisman, and it will naturally attract many fiend
souls,” Pu yao explained. “You can practice your little yao arts, and also,”

“Also what?”

“Do you remember the soul base essence you swallowed? If you want to strengthen
your consciousness in the short them, this isn’t a bad method.” Then Pu Yao sighed. “You
have pretty good luck!”

Zuo Mo instantly became alert. In his view, fiend souls were food. The main reason that
he wanted to learn Archaic Desolate Sacrificial Art was to get fiend souls to strengthen his
consciousness. With his present strength, entering the deeper parts of the fiend mist was
too dangerous.

As expected, Pu Yao was cunning!

Zuo Mo thought and took out a talisman. This was the only sixth-grade talisman that he
had, the Nine Turn Sky Earth Disk. He didn’t dare to use Lil’ Paogda as the bait. The trouble
last time was too much. There was a thread of intelligence on the Nine Turn Sky Earth Disk.
Even though it wasn’t as intelligent as Lil’ pagoda, it was perfect as bait.

The Nine Turn Sky Earth Disk that could make many jealous was thrown onto the
ground. Zuo Mo stood nearby and widened his eyes.
A short while later, a red light suddenly charged out of the fiendish mist and headed
straight for the Nine Turn Sky Earth Disk on the ground.

Zuo Mo snickered. The little yao art that had already been prepped on his hand was
thrown out.


The little yao art was not powerful, but yao arts could subdue fiend souls to start with.
This fiend soul didn’t even get the time to shriek before it was destroyed. Zuo Mo casually
opened his mouth and sucked it in. That thin strand of base source entered his mouth.

Fiend souls continued to come over.

Zuo Mo quickly found that little yao arts were perfect for dealing with fiend souls. Right
now, he was very familiar with little yao arts, and didn’t even need to think before he could
successfully cast.

What he actually needed to be careful of was that the soul base sources did not slip away.
He felt it even more clearly this time. The soul base sources absorbed into his body all
entered the stars in the void of his sea of consciousness.

Compared to last time, there was a much less number of fiend souls. Zuo Mo was very

“Shixiong, what are you doing?” At some unknown time, Gongsun Cha had come over
and asked curiously.

Zuo Mo’s hand shook. Several strands of soul base source drifted towards Gongsun Cha.

Translator Ramblings: Day three of roadtrip. I might have secure internet but it doesn’t
matter. Zuo Mo is a terrible xiuzhe, dishonour! Dishonour on you! Dishonour on your sect!
Chapter 341
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty One – Shidi’s Spell

The threads of soul base source was very faint as though they would dissipate in the air
at any moment.

“What is this?” Gongsun Cha had a curious expression. He opened his hand and the
threads of soul base source flew towards his palm.

The soul base source flew into his palm. Before he could study it, they entered his skin.

Three shocked exclamations sounded out. The curiosity on Gongsun Cha’s face turned to
surprise. Zuo Mo was also very surprised, and the last sound of shock came from Pu Yao
inside Zuo Mo’s sea of consciousness.

Gongsun Cha closed his eyes and savored it for a while. After a moment, he suddenly
opened his eyes and said joyfully, “Shixiong, what is this? This is really good!”

Of course it was really good … …

Zuo Mo muttered inside but he was also happy. He could see that the soul base source of
the fiend souls were of great benefit to Gongsun Cha!

His mind suddenly moved and he asked, “Shidi, what spell are you cultivating right

Gongsun Cha’s face blushed shyly. He said embarrassedly, “I … …. I just randomly made
a way to cultivate. I don’t know if it is useful. I was just thinking of asking Shixiong to

Zuo Mo looked with shock at the shy Gongsun Shidi like he was seeing a ghost.

Seeing Zuo Mo’s expression, Gongsun Cha’s pale face became even redder like a mature
peach. “I … … I heard that battle generals have specialized cultivation spells. Since I
didn’t have any, I thought about making something close to it.”

His words became smoother as he spoke, and his eyes flashed with excitement. “I found
later that there are many battle generals in the war chess games. Even though they are
yaomo battle generals, but I could use them as references. So I got some stuff. Shixiong,
help me take a look.”
He ignored Zuo Mo’s strange expression and spoke of his idea.

At the beginning, Zuo Mo was unconcerned. If it wasn’t Gongsun Shidi, and it was any
other zhuji xiuzhe that ran to him and said they were going to create their own cultivation
spell, Zuo Mo would definitely put his feet on their face.

Zuo Mo’s expression slowly became grave.

It was very clear that Gongsun Shidi’s idea was much more developed than he had
predicted. When he finished listening, the first thought he had was

–– it was too crazy!

He looked dazedly at Gongsun Cha.

Gongsun Cha finished speaking in one go and finally noticed the strangeness in Zuo Mo’s
gaze. He instantly felt uncomfortable. Had his thinking been incorrect somewhere?

This shy and bashful shidi in front of him had created such an insane and extreme
cultivation spell. The contrast was too big!

Zuo Mo felt it was very strange.

Gongsun Cha’s idea was very simple. First, he concluded what was most important to a
battle general was the consciousness because the consciousness was of the greatest help to
controlling the battle situation. This was also why yao battle generals were the most
outstanding of all battle generals.

Of course, ling power was necessary. Xiuzhe battle generals had their own unique

Where did spiritual power and ling power come form?

The core of the spell Gongsun Cha had created was one word, steal!

When Zuo Mo understood this point, he had to sigh. As expected of a battle general’s
cultivation spell. It completely fit with the thinking of a battle general! He was even
suspicious. Had the frequent raids in Little Mountain Jie left aftereffects on Gongsun Shidi?

What surprised Zuo Mo even more was that while this technique was very rudimentary
and not complete, there were no fatal mistakes.

He now understood why those threads of soul base source would enter Gongsun Cha’s

Base source substances like the soul base source were great nutrients for Gongsun Shidi.
“Somewhat interesting!” Pu Yao couldn’t resist praising. “In zhuji and knows to create
this spell, his future is limitless.” He suddenly felt it was very absurd. Without noticing it,
there was a great number of people with power and good talent that gathered beside Zuo

And all of these people without exception had been unknown and disregarded before.

Like Gongsun Cha. He only knew of a few rare battle generals that could comprehend
spells on their own. This spell in his view was very rough and rudimentary, but as Gongsun
Cha’s knowledge and strength increased, the spell could be gradually perfected. It was also
the beginning stages of this spell that caused Pu Yao to see the rise of a peerless battle

Pu Yao was very emotional. Even he had never thought that Gongsun Cha would reach
this step. Gongsun Cha’s speed of improvement made him feel shock. Was this guy born to
be a battle general?

Such talent. There were only a few familiar names that he knew who could rival it.

He couldn’t help but glance at Zuo Mo. This boy had great luck!

Pu Yao suddenly felt anticipation. He already felt amazement at Zuo Mo’s talent. Now
that he had the help of a battle general of limitless potential, what heights could they reach?

At this moment, he deeply felt that he really made a profit in taking this student!

The terrible accounts from the past, maybe there was the chance to get them back … …

Pu Yao rubbed his chin and smiled darkly.

Zuo Mo did not know Pu Yao’s schemes. After asking Pu Yao and being informed that
there were no significant problems with the spell, he started to help Gongsun Shidi.
Gongsun Shidi’s spell did not have any major problems, but the most difficult part was the
first step. The core of this spell was to steal the consciousness and ling power of other
entities for themselves. But at the beginning, he was like an infant and did not have the
power to steal.

But right now, there was a great change. The soul base sources of these fiend souls had
no impurities, were warm and nurturing. Gongsun Cha had no problems absorbing them.

After discussing with Gongsun Cha for a while, Gongsun Cha instantly wanted to try it

Battle generals were really not normal people!

Zuo Mo muttered inside. His actions were not slow as he continued his “fishing.” But this
time, the soul base sources were given to Gongsun Shidi. Gongsun Cha did not refuse and
absorbed as much as possible.

In a short while, two smears of red came onto Gongsun Cha’s face as though he was
drunk. He instantly sat down cross-legged.

Zuo Mo stopped. Gongsun Shidi’s cultivation was still too shallow. It would take time to
completely absorb all of this soul base source. So he started to swallow soul base source
himself. These were great food to him too.

This patch of fiendish mist was endless, and it seemed there was no end to the fiend
souls inside. They continuously leapt towards the Nine Turn Sky Earth Disk. None of them
were able to touch the Nine Turn Sky Earth Disk before they were struck by little yao arts
and were dissipated like steam to only leave behind a thin thread of soul base source.

After four hours, Gongsun Cha opened his eyes. With a joyful expression, he leapt up and
said shamelessly, “Shixiong, let’s do it again!”

Zuo Mo nodded. He didn’t waste words, and continued to cast little yao arts.

He used each of the five hundred little yao arts multiple times, and included some of the
low level yao arts that he had learned from Vast Water Clear Skies or he tried to combine
different little yao arts together. The amount of spiritual power expended by little yao arts
was very little. Zuo Mo was also very practiced. Adding on that he continuously absorbed
soul base source, his consciousness continued to grow and he became even more at ease.

This time, Gongsun Cha absorbed two-tenths more soul base source than last time before
he sat down again.

After twenty hours, Zuo Mo felt a bit tired and hurriedly put away the Nine Turn Sky
Earth Disk. Having lost their target, the fiend souls instantly left. The surrounding became

Zuo Mo sat down with crossed legs. Each of the ten stars inside his body were bright, and
the falling starlight seemed to turn as tangible as mist.

He could feel his spiritual power was full as though it was going to spill.

Was he going to level up?

Zuo Mo’s mind moved, and he started his scripture.

Sword light flashed in Wei Sheng’s hands. The fiend souls that leapt forward were
instantly destroyed. The few threads of soul base source flew into the flying sword in his
hand. This long black sword in his hand was tall, standing up to his chest, and looked like a
horse chopping saber. It was simple in design. The black sheath did not have many
adornments. He had found this black sword the first day he had been transported here.

At that time, this black sword had been inserted into the ground. He had found the sword
sheath nearby. This black sword was filled with a violent presence. Holding it in his hand,
his mind would easily be affected. Originally, Wei Sheng did not like such a vicious sword.

However, he did not throw this black sword away but held it in his hand. He was using
this vicious sword to train his resolve!

His expression was calm, his steps unusually determined. The fiendish mist could not go
within one zhang of him.

He did not remember how long he had been in this patch of blood mist but he was not
nervous. He was actually very excited. The blood mist in his view was just a harder version
of the sword cave. Going through the sword cave alone was very dangerous , but his
strength had increased most rapidly in that period of time.

Nothing could excite him more than increasing his strength!

Also, being far removed from the common matters of the sect which irritated him, his
mind was abnormally clear. He could feel his improvement. This feeling hadn’t appeared
for a very long time.

Each step was a steady step he took towards the peak of the sword path.

The first day he had been transported to this bloody mist, he had detected the
strangeness of the bloody mist. After finding the black sword, he quickly found that the
black sword was not affected by the bloody mist at all.

When he found that the black sword could swallow the soul base source, he was shocked.
This meant that there was a sword spirit inside the sword.

Flying swords had had sword spirits were the finest quality flying swords, but Wei Sheng
did not have much joy. This black sword had such a vicious and violent presence, if it had a
sword spirit, it would be a vicious spirit!

Strangely, no matter how he investigated, he could not find the existence of the sword
His heart did not wallow in the strangeness of the black sword. Even the best flying
sword was just a material object to him. If his sword heart was strong, it would not be
corroded by external evils.

After walking for multiple hours, he stopped and shoved the black sword in his hand into
the ground beside his feet.

He had discovered that the fiend souls did not fear the black sword when it was in his
hand. Once the black sword left his hand, there would definitely be nothing like the fiend
souls within one hundred zhang.

The surroundings were blurry.

Wei Sheng’s brow furrowed. These past days, he tried to control his ling power, but his
ling power was almost at its bottom. The ling energy in this patch of bloody mist was very
thin. He could only replenish his ling power through jingshi, but he usually did not carry
much jingshi with him.

The situation wasn’t good!

Translator Ramblings: If the chapter tomorrow is late, it’s probably because I was too
exhausted by the last few days to wake up in the morning. WordPress’ old editor is much
easier to use to copy posts and schedule them.

Gongsun Cha’s new spell will be expanded on in the future and Pu Yao is so delighted at
having a good student. Gongsun Cha: battle general extraordinaire, pretty boy
extraordinaire and now stealer of soul energy.

We also get a scene for Wei Sheng. Lucky him to get transported to a dangerous place but
have the good fortune to pick up a mysterious weapon that is very helpful in this situation.
Chapter 342
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Two – Nan Yue’s Little Yao Arts

Nan Yue walked into the yao art house as usual. Her expression was calm. She met many
classmates and good friends along the way. Everyone chatted but no one had the carefree
expressions they usually had. The mood was slightly tense.

Today was the annual house exam. The results of the exam would greatly determine
their future fate. The Purple Lotus Yao Art House wasn’t a famous house, but it had some
influence in this jie. This could not be separated from their strict exam.

“A Yue!”

A familiar shout came from behind her. Without needing to turn her head, Nan Yue knew
who it was. She stopped walking, turned around, and said curiously, “Hong, aren’t you
exempt from the exam? Why are you here?”

Hong was Nan Yue’s best friend. They knew each other from childhood and had a close
relationship. Hong came from a very obscure little clan. However, this clan’s yao were all
skilled in illusory yao arts from birth. Hong naturally studied those yao arts. Due to her
outstanding talent, Hong had been accepted as a student by a teacher when she entered the
yao art house.

Hong did not need to go through the exam so Nan Yue felt shock at Hong’s appearance.

Hong was dressed colorfully and had a blooming smile on her face. “I came to see your
exam. How can I miss such an important time?”

Nan Yue was very moved, and said, “It’s just an exam. There is no need to be nervous.”

“En en, with A Yue’s strength, it definitely wouldn’t be a problem.” Hong was filled
with confidence. She suddenly came over with a secretive expression and said in a low
voice, “They said that a daren from the Creeping Sedges Corps.”

“A daren from the Creeping Sedges Corps?” Nan Yue stilled and then her expression
changed. “The Creeping Sedge Corps of Bing Lan Daren?”

Hong was very satisfied with Nan Yue’s expression and giggled. “Other than Bing Lan
Daren’s Creeping Sedges Corps, where is there any other Creeping Sedges Corps? How
about it, are you moved?”
Other than being taken as a student by a teacher, going into the military was also a pretty
good path. In the military, one would be able to learn many practical yao arts, and when
enough service was accumulated, it was possible to learn more profound yao arts. Right
now, the fighting at the front was raging, and this was the best chance to accumulate

Nan Yue smiled and didn’t speak. If she had not encountered Daren, she would definitely
be moved. But right now, she did not have any extraneous thoughts.

It was great honor to be able to follow Daren!

She was not clear to Elder’s identity, but there was a point that was undoubtable, Elder
had a deep history with the Wisteria Clan of the South Sky. In these past days, she was left
full of respect towards Elder. She could clearly feel her own strength leaping forward.

The nondescript little yao arts actually contained such deep meaning.

Nan Yue’s indifference was unexpected to Hong. She made a sound of surprise and re-
examined her good friend. Nan Yue did not look any different than usual. She still wore
plain clothing, but there seemed to be something extra to her. But what was it? Hong could
not say.

“A Yue, did something happen recently?” Hong asked probingly.

“Nothing.” Nan Yue shook her head. Seeing Hong’s concern, her heart warmed. She
hesitated but did not speak of Elder to Hong. Without Daren’s permission, she did not dare
to carelessly speak of it.

However, Creeping Sedge Corps … …

In the past, entering Creeping Sedge Corps was one of her goals.

The mood of the yao art house was tense, and slightly restless. The news that a daren
from the Creeping Sedge Corps came to see the exams made every student participating in
the exams excited. Creeping Sedge Corps was very strong, and Bing Lan Daren was
immeasurable in her power. Bing Lan Daren was also very beautiful, and the dream of
countless male students.

For female yao, being able to enter the Creeping Sedge Corps was a good route.

Afterwards, Nan Yue saw the daren that came from the Creeping Sedge Corps. This
daren’s figure was upright and she was handsome and attractive. Her golden eyes were
especially enchanting. This daren most likely came from the Gold Clan. Standing on the
stage, a sharp presence filled the room.

Nan Yue found that this presence was stronger than the great majority of teachers in this
yao art house. The yao art house teachers may have deeper skill on the yao arts, but
compared to the combat yao that came back from the front lines, they were lacking in their
killing aura.

Many students became excited. It was rare to be able to enter a military troop like the
Creeping Sedge Corps that was known all over the yao world. Without any encouragement,
every yao was filled with competitiveness.

The exam began with this anticipation and restlessness.

The exam this time was much fiercer than in the past, but Nan Yue was not excited at all.
Purple Lotus Yao Art House was not a famed house, and there were only those few familiar
faces. There were no new people that made her eyes light up.

Also, these novel yao arts that she would have been excited about before could not cause
any ripples in her heart.

She felt very strange.

It was the first time she felt so strange. In her eyes, those grand and dazzling yao arts
seemed to be insubstantial. Her mind would uncontrollably think of little yao art
combinations that could replace these dazzling yao arts.

This feeling made her uncomfortable. Before, she would be excited when she saw this
yao arts and she would constantly rehearse them in her mind.

She silently warned herself to not be proud. She could not underestimate everyone just
because she learned something. She suddenly thought about Elder talking of little yao arts
to her that day. She remembered every word that Elder had said.

Suddenly, Hong poked her from the side. “A Yue, it’s your turn.”

“Oh,” she responded. She refocused and looked at the exam area. Focusing her mind, she
flew to the field.

Her opponent was Shi Zheng. This was a familiar opponent. Shi Zheng’s experiences
were very similar to hers. He also worked very hard, but similarly, no teacher had accepted
him. However, he was older than Nan Yue, making his situation even worse.


When Shi Zheng saw Nan Yue, he was joyed. The yao arts he was skilled in could subdue
Nan Yue to a certain extent.

The teacher responsible for judging shouted. Shi Zheng’s body lit up with light. This was
the yao art that he was most skilled in, [Rock Driving Flow]!

Shi Zheng’s clan was yao from rock, and was innately skilled in rock-type yao arts.

This [Rock Driving Flow] was Shi Zheng’s best yao art. The lights on his body could
perform greatly in defense, and it could stop the enemy from harming him when it was

A light flashed at the other side. The corner of Shi Zheng’s eye jerked. So fast!1

Nan Yue’s yao art was already completed!

However, he did not panic. The higher the level of the yao art, the more time it took to
cast. Since Nan Yue finished the yao art so quickly, it definitely was a low level yao art, and
couldn’t stop [Rock Driving Flow].

Shi Zheng was full of confidence. He knew very few moves, but due to this, the power of
his [Rock Driving Flow] was far greater than normal low level yao arts and was at the
borders of intermediate yao arts.

Just as he was thinking, Nan Yue’s yao art had already hit the light on his body.

The presence of his body loosened.

This was … … Little Yao Art – Mist Manifestation!

The concentrated rock energy suddenly lightened and he almost lost control of it. Shi
Zheng was shocked. Little yao arts could be used like this?

Several sounds of surprise occurred on the spectator stage. The eyes of the daren from
the Creeping Sedge Corps flashed with light.

Shi Zheng was shocked but not panicked. Little yao arts were just little yao arts. Their
power was very limited. If she thought she could use this little yao art to make him lose
control of the rock energy, that was a delusion.

He hurriedly adjusted his consciousness to strengthen his control. He heard pia pia pia,
three yao arts in a row which was cast with blurring speed. Two of them hit his body, and
one hit the ground under his feet.

Little Yao Art – Compression!

Little Yao Art – Gold Transformation!

Shi Zheng’s consciousness gathered the rock energy to prevent it from dissipating. He
hadn’t expected a pressure to push over. When the two powers collided together, the rock
energy immediately collapsed and turned to granite!

In the blink of an eye, a thin layer of rock amor appeared on Shi Zheng’s body.

Yet when the rock armor took form, it blinked with a metallic gleam as though it was a
thin metal armor that wrapped securely around Shi Zheng.

Shi Zheng felt unable to breath. His entire body was enclosed and separated from the
outside. Gritting his teeth, he tried to absorb rock energy from below his feet when a great
force suddenly came from under him. His figure instantly unbalanced and flew to one side.

The others only saw a rush of water shoot up from under Shi Zheng’s feet and throw him
to the side. It was another little yao art they were very familiar with, Spring Summon!

Shi Zheng was hit with another light as he flew through the air. His figure was strangely
pinned in midair.

Little Yao Art – Spider Restraint!

Nan Yue’s ten fingers lit up with light like ten little lanterns.

The ten fingers was poised to act, Little Yao Art – Wind Spear!

Shi Zheng’s head rang. He knew he lost. His body was unable to move, and was trapped
and isolated by the metallic armor meaning he could not absorb any rock energy. He would
only be a sitting target. The power of wind spears was not high, but ten wind spears were
more than enough to penetrate him.

“I lost!”

His mind was blank. He didn’t even know how he said the words. The spectators
rumbled. The struggle they had originally imagined ended with such a strange way.


Clap clap clap, on the stage, the daren from the Creeping Sedge Corps clapped her hands
as she rose, and said in praise, “Good! Little girl, are you willing to come to Creeping
Sedge Corps?”

Woosh, countless eyes gathered at the same time on Nan Yue’s body filled with
admiration and envy.
“Many thanks for Daren’s favor!” Nan Yue respectfully bowed and raised her head. Her
eyes were crystal clear. “Nan Yue is planning on staying longer in the house. Daren,
please forgive me.”

Hong shouted from below the field. She looked with disbelief at Nan Yue and thought she
had heard it incorrectly.

The daren from the Creeping Sedge Corps was also surprised but she was not angry. She
said faintly, “Never mind then.” Then she sat down.

But those with eyes could see the dissatisfaction of this daren. On the field, Nan Yue
seemed unconcerned. Under the strange looks of everyone else, she casually flew off the

The exam did not stop due to this little detour. When it ended, there were three students
that were picked to enter Creeping Sedge Corps. This daren did not stay. After picking the
three people, she took them and flew away from Purple Lotus Yao Art House.

And Nan Yue that shook all of the house was facing Hong, who had a terrible expression,
and felt a headache.

Translator Ramblings: Wu Kong Sword Sect and Zuo Mo’s group are not extremely
different. There is a lot of people around, it is better to focus on being good at one thing so
you can differentiate yourself and also put your energies into making yourself more
powerful in one field so you can trade for services. I imagine the elders and the other
disciples get hired for protection jobs and such. They encourage other areas to specialize in,
such as what Xin Yan, Yan Le and Shi Feng Rong has done in forging, business and dan-
making because it is also of benefit to their cultivation.

Zuo Mo is in a different environment, one where he was isolated in Little Mountain Jie
from any services. Unlike Wu Kong Sword Sect that could trade with other sects for
services or hire people, he really had no allies or people to trade with. His only option was
to forge and gather what he needed and train people. In this aspect, Zuo Mo’s group is
actually not too different from Wu Kong Sword Sect who also trains disciples. However,
both Golden Crow Camp and Vermillion Bird Camp have more members and Golden Crow
Camp in particular have become a workshop that is running a profitable business. Zuo Mo
and Gongsun Cha have combined to essentially “mass-manufacture” fighters with sword
essence. In conclusion, Zuo Mo is just better at pumping out fighters to make an army and
forging more porducts to sell than Wu Kong Sword Sect. Zuo Mo himself is better at
cultivating in the way of yao and mo, but his group is essentially a forging-and-sword sect.
Chapter 343
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiofDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Three – Integration

Zuo Mo was very tired, but Gongsun Cha looked as though he had just ate a full meal. At
the side, Lil’ Pagoda was also very content. It may have been due to Lil’ Pagoda’s urging that
while Zuo Mo was “fishing”, the three little ones had come over, and divided the threads of
soul base source among themselves.

Lil’ Black was the first to become full, then it was Lil’ Fire. But Lil’ Pagoda’s round body
seemed to hide a bottomless pit.

When his last bit of spiritual power was used up, Zuo Mo still didn’t get even one bite.

Lil’ Pagoda contently patted its body had had become slightly rounder, snuggled on Zuo
Mo’s body and ran off to play.

Zuo Mo didn’t even have the energy to swear. Dropping to the ground, he quickly started
to meditate. The spiritual power in his body had been completely squeezed out. The ten
stars in his sea of consciousness started to slowly spin.

As the star light swirled, the void above the sea of consciousness seemed to become
brighter. Pu Yao raised his head and his expression changed as he looked at the turning

If Zuo Mo could look into himself at this time, he would find to his shock the starlight
given off by the ten stars in his sea of consciousness was integrating into his flesh and

Threads of golden light suddenly flooded out from his flesh and blood. These golden
lights were as thin as hairs, and were moving freely in the flesh. These golden lights might
be small, but when they appeared, they had a domineering and fiery presence. Pu Yao did
not understand much about mo physiques, but he had deep cultivation, and naturally could
recognize what these tyrannical golden lights were.

The golden lights were the Great Day essence energies that were born from Zuo Mo’s
cultivation of the Great Day mo physique. The Great Day essence energies nurtured his
body and made it even stronger. At this time, these Great Day essence energies were like a
school of fish that smelt blood and leapt at the dots of starlight merging into the flesh and
This was … …

Pu Yao was shocked. How could Great Day essence energies swallow star spiritual sand?

Shocked, his expression became grave. What was happening in front of him was beyond
the realms of his knowledge. He was skilled in all kinds of yao arts. To his knowledge,
spiritual cultivation and the mo physique were clearly divided and never interacted.

Who could have thought the two would actually integrate!

It appeared as though the Great Day essence energies were swallowing the star spiritual
sand, but Pu Yao clearly saw that the star spiritual sand did not put up any resistance.
Otherwise Zuo Mo’s body would have become a terrifying battlefield.

The Great Day essence energies were tyrannical but the star spiritual sand was profound.
If the two conflicted, it definitely would be a fierce battle.

This was what Pu Yao was worried about the most. In his predictions, the best result was
the two sides were fine. Out of caution, he made up several plans to resolve this issue, but
he had not expected that the Great Day essence energies and the star spiritual sand
wouldn’t conflict at all, but attracted each other.

He looked dazedly at such a fantastical scene.

Could the spirit and the mo physique be cultivated together? But it had never succeeded
in history. He actually knew of many great geniuses who had died on this path. The
connection between yao and mo had never been broken. The two sides general maintained
a friendly relationship since they had the same enemy.

Under this kind of cultural exchange, the idea of cultivating the spirit and the body at the
same time naturally was produced. This idea had appeared many years ago, but there had
never been one that actually cultivated the spirit and the body. The conclusion everyone
made was that the combination of the two were fine in lower stages. But as one cultivated
to higher stages, the drastic gap between the two sides would be expressed.

The reason that Pu Yao had not restricted Zuo Mo from cultivating the Great Day mo
physique was because of how powerful the Great Day mo physique was at this stage as it
was life-saving. The other reason was that his level was presently too low to cause
significant problems.

But the scene in front of him defied Pu Yao’s expectations and knowledge.

These Great Day essence energies were not great in number but each was peerlessly
powerful. The dots of star spiritual sand could only be produced by yao that had awakened
their second spirit. How could they integrate?
The entire process continued for six hours. Dots of star light came continuously from
between Zuo Mo’s brows. The Great Day essence energies swam everywhere and furiously
swallowed the starlight. The starlight released between the brows gradually thinned. When
the last bit of star light was consumed, the Great Day essence energies retreated back into
the flesh and blood.

Zuo Mo opened his eyes at this time.

His body felt unspeakably comfortable and content. His spiritual power had completely
recovered, and he felt it was slightly full as though it had leveled up again. His body was
also filled with strength. Had Great Day mo physique also advanced?

Zuo Mo felt it was strange. When he had been at Wu Kong Mountain, the feeling when he
was cultivating [Embryonic Breathing Spiritual Cultivation] was not so beautiful. Now, he
felt very pleasurable each time and it was really addicting. The difference between past and
present was too great. He was worried that his cultivation had gone wrong somewhere.

“Pu,” The slightly worried Zuo Mo hurriedly found Pu Yao in the sea of consciousness,
“there isn’t any incorrect places in my cultivation, right?”

A strange look flashed across Pu Yao’s face. He did not answer directly, and asked
interestedly, “What? Is somewhere feeling not right?”

“No, that’s not it.” Zuo Mo shook his head. “I feel that cultivation is becoming
increasingly pleasurable. If cultivation is always this pleasurable, wouldn’t everyone
be intoxicated with cultivating every day?”

The dullness and hardship of cultivation was very securely rooted in Zuo Mo’s

Pu Yao’s expression was slightly displeasured. He felt Zuo Mo’s words were too
ungrateful. Despite his displeasure, he was very interested in this matter. Taking Zuo Mo’s
start, he followed along and said, “Then let me inspect you.”

As Zuo Mo’s strength increased over time, Pu Yao could not manipulate Zuo Mo’s body
like he used to without getting permission.

After the inspection, the strange expression on Pu Yao’s face grew. Zuo Mo instantly
panic, “What is it?”

“Your Great Day mo physique is almost at first maturation!”

“First maturation? Maturation? This quickly?” Zuo Mo still and was then overjoyed.
The maturation of a mo physique was the representation that a mo physique was
advancing. After each maturation was completed, the maturation level of the mo physique
would go up a whole level. The more mature a mo physique was, the more power it
No wonder he felt a bit strange. So his Great Day mo physique was maturing!

Zuo Mo was very happy. He hadn’t though the first maturation of the Great Day mo
physique would come so quickly. He was also slightly surprised. He had only spent a short
time with the Great Day mo physique, and he was already facing the first maturation.

As expected of the Great Day mo physique that ranked second of all brigadier mo
physiques. It wasn’t just powerful, it was easy to cultivate.

If Pu Yao knew what Zuo Mo was thinking at this moment, he would die from spitting
blood. He didn’t look any different on the surface but there were tsunamis in his heart.

It was true that Zuo Mo’s Great Day mo physique was facing its first maturation, but Pu
Yao hadn’t said the second part which was the maturation of the Great Day mo physique
had already begun! The maturation of the Great Day mo physique this time was completely
different than any of the mo physiques maturations he knew about.

Mo physique maturation was an extremely important and dangerous time for any mo
because the mo physique would reorganize itself during this time. If it was successful, their
strength would grow, but if it failed, then it was the end. So mo were extremely sensitive to
the maturation of their mo physique. When it was the time for a mo maturation, they would
find a safe place to safely finish the maturation.

Zuo Mo did not know that his Great Day mo physique had entered the time of
maturation. The Great Day essence energies were silently changing his body, yet he did not
know. The maturation process that should have been strong and dangerous had become
much slower in tempo, so slow that Zuo Mo could not detect it.

As the tempo slowed, risk decreased to the point there almost was no danger at all. It
was very clear to Pu Yao that Zuo Mo would have no problems in finishing the first
maturation, but it would just occur over a longer time frame.

Pu Yao knew what this meant. The percentage of mo that died during their maturations
was the highest of those that cultivated the mo physique.

His expression changed slightly.

Zuo Mo did not notice Pu Yao’s abnormality. Since it was a good thing, he was too lazy to
think further. Just as he left the sea of consciousness, Lil’ Pagoda came over and glued itself
onto him. Lil’ Fire chirped as it floated around his body.

Lil’ Black was in deep slumber on A Gui’s head, and Silly Bird was lazily lying beside A

A black figure flew out of the fiendish mist like a sharp arrow in front of Zuo Mo. It was
Tenth Grade. Tenth Grade exuded a killing energy all over. His black crescent had grown
slightly. Zuo Mo couldn’t resist praising him, “Tenth Grade is really working hard!”
Tenth Grade clearly was very motivated by Zuo Mo’s praise. He raised his little head. Just
as he was going to start a speech, he suddenly saw a light flash through the narrow crack of
Silly Bird’s eyelids who had been sleeping. He instantly shook, and the words that reached
his mouth were swallowed back down.

Just at this time, a strange sound came from the sky. The enormous egg-shaped fiendish
mist ball suddenly cracked!

A vast and viciously sharp presence exploded and spread like a gale wind.

Such strong sword essence!

Zuo Mo was shocked. Ma Fan was in that ball of fiendish mist. He hurriedly raised his
head and looked at the sky. The noise disturbed the entire camp. Vermillion Bird Camp and
Guard Camp all stopped.

The vast yet vicious sword essence made them feel fear.

Ma Fan looked to be in very sorry state. His clothing was in tatters, and was covered in
wounds that seeped blood. What made others feel strange was that his face was unusually
peaceful and calm without any hint of pain.

He slowly opened his eyes.

Even though he was very far away, Zuo Mo still clearly captured the joy that spilled from
Ma Fan’s eyes.

Had he succeeded?

Zuo Mo didn’t get to think closely when he saw Ma Fan’s body began free falling. He
paled. The Light Void Wings suddenly appeared on his back, and he disappeared from his

Almost at the same time, he appeared below where Ma Fan was falling. He caught the
unconscious Ma Fan and flashed back to the camp.

This change happened in a lightning flash. Before everyone could react, Zuo Mo had
retreated to the campsite.

He carefully place Ma Fan on the ground. Xie Shan worriedly came over. ”Daren, is Ma
Fan alright?”

Zuo Mo carefully inspected and said, “Nothing, he only fainted from exhaustion.”

Everyone finally was released from their worry.


In the depth of the fiendish mist, Wei Sheng suddenly stopped moving and his eyes lit up.
“Sword essence!”

Translator Ramblings: Yes, I was a bit off yesterday. I edited and then scheduled the post
before dropping off into sleep. I’m still very tired but perfectly fine otherwise. Sitting on a
car is tiring and so is driving even if there are breaks. I have never appreciated those long
distance bus drivers more than now. Unfortunately, I didn’t translate at all on the trip so I
need to find my rhythm again.

Wei Sheng senses Ma Fan’s sword essence first. There’s going to be POV switching going
on in the upcoming chapters as we are introduced to new characters and stuff will be going
Chapter 344
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Four – Yi Zheng

Mu Xi observed the troop of xiuzhe in the distance and could not disguise the shock in
her eyes. It wasn’t just her, even Yan Feng who usually looked down on everyone had
uncertain and shocked expressions.

The formation of this xiuzhe troop was not organized, they appeared interlocked
together which gave Mu Xi the impression of teeth. The murderous intent was like an
undercurrent. The continued fights between the two forces had left a deep impression of
this troop.

These xiuzhe were not powerful, and were of equal strength to her subordinates, but she
had not won any advantage from this troop in their successive battles.

Her eyes landed on the white-clothed youth at the very center. She suddenly had a
feeling that this person may be her archrival.

In their successive encounters, this young xiuzhe was cautious in command, slow and
unhurried with the mannerism of a great battle general. She admired him. This person
definitely was a core disciple of a large sect and had been well-taught. It was possible to see
hints of this from the xiuzhe around him. In order to protect him, they did not care for their

Mu Xi’s eyes glittered. She suddenly floated out of the ranks and loudly said, “This one is
Mu Xi. We will bid farewell today and meet on another battlefield. Sire, take care!”

The enemy ranks separated, and the white-clothed youth came forward. He said with a
slightly smile, “No wonder. As expected of the Palace Lake Wood Clan! Lin Qian is

Mu Xi was shocked and did not disguise the shock on her face. “Brother Lin actually
knows of the Palace Lake Wood Clan, you have vast knowledge, this little female is full
of admiration!”

Wood Clan was one of the five largest clans of the yao world, and was the clan with the
most branches. Even in the yao world, not every person would recognize her origins. It was
a testament to how powerful Lin Qian’s background was to know her origins, especially
since he was a xiuzhe.
Lin Qian saw Mu Xi was straightforward and honest and was not putting on a
performance. He couldn’t help but show hints of admiration in his eyes. “Miss, take care!”

Mu Xi smiled brightly and gracefully bowed. “Have a good trip, Brother Lin!”

Seeing the people disappear, Yan Feng said with slightly anger, “We are just letting
them escape like this?”

Mu Xi glanced at him. “Can we stop them?”

Yan Feng stopped. He argued, “If we can slow them down, when the other daren rush
over and surround … …”

“Then we won’t have completed our task,” Mu Xi interrupted him. She said faintly,
“Don’t forget what we came to do!”

Yan Feng was speechless.

“This person will become a great enemy of Daren!” the middle-aged person beside Mu
Xi said worriedly with a grave face.

Mu Xi combed her hair, and said with a smile, “There are so many daren in the military,
when would it ever be my turn to worry about this?”

“Daren is too modest!” the middle-aged person said smilingly. He deeply believed that
Mu Xi had a bright future. Off to the side, Yan Feng dismissively twisted his mouth but did
not say any words that would provoke public fury.

Lin Qian’s procession quickly travelled away. After fighting multiple times with this yao
military troop, they had sustained fatalities and injuries on both dies. Lin Qian’s expression
was as clear as water, calm and steady. No hint of hurry was shown. The xiuzhe that
accompanied him were well trained and disciplined. No one spoke extraneously.


Xuan Kong Realm

The sound of bells echoed among the mountain range. A nondescript little temple was
settled amongst the peaks. The yellow temple walls were covered in creeping vines, and
were topped with grey-green terracotta shingles. There were many stone statues of life-like
buddhas placed inside the temples. A small rainstorm had just passed, and the air was filled
with the sweet scent of green grass. The rain remaining on the shingles flowed following
the eaves like pearls off a broken string. As they hit the puddles on the stones, ding ding
dong dong, the sound was very pleasing to hear.
Two dhyana xiu were sitting in the main hall of the little temple.

“Shixiong, I’m afraid I will have difficulty getting time to come visit Shixiong during
this trip!” The young dhyana xiu was reluctant to leave. He was wearing blue monk robes.
His features were handsome, untouched by mortal matters. A faint layer of light glistened
over the pair of eyes. He looked to be about twenty years old, a kind of stillness within his
handsomeness. Kneeling on the meditation mat, one could still feel his high spirits.

The older dhyana xiu smiled warmly and said, “It’s good for you to go, you will return
in the end.”

The faint yellow monk robe that he wore had been washed for innumerable times. The
colour was already faded and patchwork mending could be seen to dot the robe. There
were no signs of ling power anywhere on his body. He was not any different than a normal

“En, I’ve already ordered the people below to deliver each month’s allowance on
schedule!” the young dhyana xiu said in a light voice. “I’ll return very soon.”

Shixiong waved his hand and smiled lightly. He said, “You know that I do not need these
material items.”

“That is not alright!” The spine of the young dhyana xiu straightened and he said
seriously, “Shixiong needs to promise me to take care of yourself. Only then can I feel
safe leaving. There are still some more ling grasses needed for the Nine Song Dan. I can
go and thoroughly search when I leave this time. When the Nine Song Dan is made,
Shixiong’s cultivation will recover. Hmph, let’s see who dares to harass Shixiong then!”

When he got to the end, a thread of violence flashed through his eyes.

“Shidi, you have to avoid corruption,” the yellow-robed dhyana xiu said lightly.

”Shixiong is right to lecture me.” The young dhyana xiu lowered his head and hurried to
admit his wrongs.

“Even if you are out, do not slack in training your Samadhi.”


Yi Zheng looked back at the little temple at the back of the mountain, leapt up and
disappeared into the sky. He hadn’t flown for a long time before he encountered some
people. When he saw the people clearly, Yi Zheng’s brows couldn’t help but slightly furrow.

The others quickly noticed Yi Zheng as well, and slowed down their flight speed.

“I heard that Shidi is going on a long trip, congratulations, congratulations!” The

person coming smiled as he bowed with folded hands.
Yi Zheng calmly returned the greeting, “It is due to the protection and love from all the

The two sides chatted a bit more, and then left after detecting that the other had no
intentions of talking more.

Yi Zheng’s mood hadn’t been good to start with, and his mood now was even worse. This
group of people were the disciples of Cui Shishu’s branch. The sect was prosperous right
now. The number of disciples had increased, and the number of conflicts and inner
struggles had grown.

Yi Zheng’s master had left on a mission and never returned. Shixiong had raised him
alone. Shixiong was very talented, and ranked within the top ten of this generation. All the
elders of the sect thought he had a good future. Unexpectedly, Shixiong was heavily
wounded during a mission. Even though his life had been saved, but his cultivation became

Starting from that point on their branch declined even further. Shixiong came to Little
Stone Buddha Temple to recuperate. Yi Zheng had been thirteen then, and had worked
even harder after that. Fortunately, while Shixiong’s cultivation had disappeared, he could
still guide Yi Zheng’s cultivation. In the last dhyana exam, he had claimed the fifteenth rank
and re-entered the eyes of the sect elders to take on this mission.

The rule of the sect was that each disciple had a monthly allowance, but this allowance
was just enough for daily cultivation needs. The other disciples received gifts from their
masters but Yi Zheng could only rely on other avenues such as teaching lower disciples on
cultivation. That was his primary source of income. The sect was still generous to its
disciples, and the payment of every mission was very generous. However, there were many
geniuses in the sect, and the competition for missions was the fiercest. In the past, he did
not have the power to compete.

Until now.

After some preparations, he decided to leave the mountain.

He had already memorized the contents of the mission. During his flight, he started to
think. The mission this time was not complex. One of the smaller subordinate sects found a
very deep and strange hole. Bloody light roiled in the deep hole. None of the people that
went in had come out. What he needed to do was to investigate and see what the situation
inside was like. Then he would have to report back to the sect.

After flying for more than ten days, he finally arrived at the sect of the incident, One Light

Ma Fan still had not regained consciousness when Zuo Mo was pulled back into Vast
Water Clear Skies by Pu Yao.

“Pu, what connection does that Wisteria Clan of the South Sky have with you?” Zuo
Mo asked. He could see that Pu Yao cared for Nan Yue. With this guy’s frugal personality,
having him proactively passing on yao arts was akin to the sun rising from the west.

Zuo Mo also saw that Pu Yao didn’t just intend to pass [South Sky Arrow Art] to Nan Yue.

“The descendants of old friends,” Pu Yao said faintly.

Pu Yao’s answer provided the speculation Zuo Mo had. He then asked curiously, “What
yao art is [South Sky Arrow Art]? A yao art using arrows?”

“A very strong yao art.”

Pu Yao’s answer seemed to avoid the point but Zuo Mo pondered it. A yao art that Pu Yao
called strong, then it really was powerful!

Just as Zuo Mo’s gossiping soul was stirred by Pu Yao’s scarce words and he was
preparing to delve into this mystery, Nan Yue came.


Nan Yue respectfully bowed to Zuo Mo. “Daren!”

She had shone in the spotlight in the last house exam and shocked all members of the
house. Her status in the house had rocketed, and several teachers had come over
requesting to take her as a student. However, she had refused all of them respectfully. She
had not learned any profound yao arts, but Daren’s teachings had opened a completely new
world to her.

She believed that even if there really was no [South Sky Arrow Art], she would still find a

It was the understandings she had gained during this past while that had caused her to
become even more respectful towards Zuo Mo. Daren’s strength was even more profound!
In her eyes, there was a large chasm between the teachers of the house compared to Daren.

“Oh, you’re here,” Zuo Mo pretentiously responded and then asked, “Do you have any
questions? If you have them, then ask.”
Nan Yue suppressed the excitement inside, and raised up all the problems she had
encountered and thought about in the recent days.

Because they were all about little yao arts, Zuo Mo did not slack off and tried to answer
them by himself rather than throw the questions to Pu Yao. Zuo Mo had been with Pu Yao
for a long time, and through listening and watching, the yao art theory that he had come
into contact with was much more profound than Nan Yue. Due to this, the perspective from
which he approached at the questions was a few fractions deeper than Nan Yue. Nan Yue’s
eyes lit up upon hearing the explanations and continuously nodded her head.

For Zuo Mo, this was also a significant test. There were two questions that Nan Yue
raised which he had not thought about, and greatly affected him.

After all the questions were resolved, Nan Yue smiled happily. Zuo Mo’s head was
covered with sweat as he released a breath.

If he hadn’t been able to answer a question, then it really was embarrassing!

And to be embarrassed in front of a yao … …[i]

Just as this nonsensical thought came into Zuo Mo’s head, he suddenly heard someone
shout, “Nan Yue! Nan Yue!”

Zuo Mo raised his head, and saw a group of people, no, a group of yao wave their hands
at Nan Yue as they excitedly ran over.

[i] Embarrassing here is 丢人, or lost person. So this is also “lost person” in front of a yao
which has another meaning since Zuo Mo is a human and not a yao.

Translator Ramblings: POV switching galore. Lin Qian and Mu Xi make an appearance,
and so does a new character. Mu Xi is holding on hard to her mission which means that she
won’t overstep. She is a very prudent person who isn’t risking herself to make
achievements and no one can say her actions were incorrect because she stayed true to the
words of her mission, even though her actions have already caused the true objective of her
mission to slip away.

Xuan Kong is the second realm we are introduced to. It is the Xuan Kong Temple or the
Mystical Void/Space Temple and so Xuan Kong Sect is the strongest sect hence its name is
put on the realm’s name just like Kun Lun Sect and Kun Lun realm. I’m actually uncertain if
the dhyana xiu are monks and nuns. I can’t remember if Zong Ru has shaved his head so he
actually looks like a monk. There also hasn’t been any mention of nuns.
Chapter 345
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiofDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Five – The Prison Battlefield

Nan Yue hadn’t expected to meet her schoolmates here, and silently thought this was a
terrible situation. She discretely looked to Daren. Inside, she secretly prayed that this
incident would not infuriate Daren! This was the second time she had met Daren and she
did not know what Daren’s temper was like.

However, she had heard that many daren did not like their movements to be known.

“Student Nan Yue, this is?” A deep and calm voice suddenly sounded out by her ears.

She raised her head and felt that the situation was now even worse. This was Teacher
Chi! Chi had been one of the teachers that had sought her out after the house exam and
wanted to take her as a student. Chi was born from the Fire Clan and was very skilled in fire
yao arts. Among the teachers of the house, his power was enough to rank him in the top

Seeing so many yao art once, Zuo Mo felt his vision was broadened. This group of yao
were of various shapes, most of which were humanoid. There were two individuals that
were very eye-catching. One of them had the body like a crisp green tree. Their numerous
roots were like unusually nimble feet. They seemed to have a very lively personality, the
tree branches were like soft whips that waved in the ar. The other one’s body was made
from hundreds of flowers that gathered and dispersed in the air as they changed shape.

Looking like this, how was it possible to distinguish between the sexes?

This slightly profound question troubled Zuo Mo.

Chi’s fire red hair and lion-like features were not all that attention-grabbing in this group
of weirdos. However, Zuo Mo noticed him at first glance because he was the strongest of
this group of yao, and wasn’t just marginally stronger.

Hearing what Chi called Nan Yue, Zuo Mo instantly understood Chi’s identity.

“Sir is Nan Yue’s teacher? Sorry, sorry! I am Nan Yue’s cousin,” Zuo Mo raised his
folded hands and said with a smile.

The group’s gazes swept between Nan Yue and Zuo Mo, and their expressions instantly
became suspicious.

Daren’s skill at lying really sucked! Nan Yue felt very ashamed. From any angle, Daren
showed no hint of being of the same clan as her. However, since Daren had said it, she could
only force herself to say, “My distant cousin.”

Distant… the yao all had understanding expressions.

Such a terrible lie could only fool naïve students, but how could it fool an experienced old
yao like Chi? However, since the other was not willing to state his origins, Chi did not have
to pry.

Everyone had secrets.

“Nice to meet you.” Chi politely bowed to Zuo Mo. Zuo Mo’s consciousness was not as
high as his, but it was above these students. Considering the other’s age, he clearly had
great talent.

Great talent … …

Chi’s thought moved, and he pretended to unconcernedly ask, “Which house is Sir in?”

“I’m not in a yao art house.” Zuo Mo shook his head honestly.

Not in a yao art house. The yao couldn’t believe these words.

“Why not?” The tree yao waved its branches. This guy looked like an outgoing one and it
quickly rushed to be the first to ask.

“I’m being taught by a teacher.”

Zuo Mo’s response instantly caused murmurs of admiration. Yao art houses were pretty
good places for normal yao, but students of a teacher could receive more guidance. Chi
nodded his head inside. Zuo Mo had not lied this time.

He suddenly thought of the string of little yao arts that Nan Yue had showed during the
exam. Had it been this cousin of hers that had taught her? The more he thought, the more
Chi found it likely. He had taught Nan Yue’s class before, and understood this student well.
There was nothing to be said of Nan Yue’s dedication and work ethic, but her talent could
only be considered good. The dazzling performance of her last exam really was not her

Chi finally realized why Nan Yue had refused his invitation. It must be that the teacher of
her cousin had also chosen to take Nan Yue on as a student.
“Can I ask for the name of your teacher?” Chi asked respectfully. That glimpse of the tip
of the iceberg had been enough. Those little yao arts had shocked Chi for a long time.

“Oh, he’s called Pu,” Zuo Mo’s thought moved as he said.

Pu? Chi careful searched his memory for this name but did not find anything. It didn’t
seem to be a very famous yao.

Nan Yue wanted to roll her eyes when she heard it. Daren’s skill at lying wasn’t just
terrible! Nan Yue thought the “Pu” that Zuo Mo spoke off was just a random answer. Which
yao would be so casual with their teacher’s name?

As expected, the flower yao snorted coldly. “If you don’t want to say, don’t say. There’s
no need to lie!”

The other yao had expressions of agreement.

Zuo Mo was confused but he did not argue. He took the chance to go into the sea of
consciousness and mock Pu Yao. “Pu, aren’t you a Sky Yao? How come no yao knows you?
You really ended up terribly!”

Pu Yao’s expression was visibly unwell.

Having gotten his face back from Pu Yao, Zuo Mo did not care for the cold snort of the
flower yao.

Nan Yue secretly glanced at Zuo Mo and thought inside, Daren’s lying skill was somewhat
terrible, but his face was thick enough.

Chi did not think that Zuo Mo was lying. He had met many powerful and great yao before,
and knew many yao had weird personalities and did not care for these things. However, he
did not plan on wasting too much time on chatter. He said with a smile, “I came today to
show them the prison battlefield. It is getting late so we will bid farewell.”

Zuo Mo hurriedly bowed with his hands. Chi took the bunch of little yao and quickly

After they went far away, Zuo Mo turned to ask Nan Yue, “What is the prison

Nan Yue’s expression instantly became slightly strange. Did Daren not know the prison
battlefield? She didn’t quite believe it. What yao didn’t know the prison battlefield?
However, she suppressed the suspicion inside and obediently answered, “The prison
battlefield is the place for real combat practice. There are many yao formations inside
which can only be solved with yao arts.”
“Yao formations?” Zuo Mo’s eyes lit up. Just this phrase stirred great interest in him. Yao
formation, true to the name, should be the formations that yao use. Was there any
differences compared to the seal formations that xiuzhe used?

He instantly said, “Oh, take me to see.”

Nan Yue found it even stranger, but still said respectfully, “Yes!’

Twelve hours was plenty of time for Zuo Mo. He wasn’t in a hurry and taught Nan Yue
yao arts along the way. He explained in great detail the many variants of the little yao arts,
and along the way, explained why he had deconstructed yao arts last time.

Nan Yue learned a lot, and unknowingly arrived at the prison battlefield. It was the first
time she found time passed so quickly.

“Daren, this is the prison battlefield!”

Zuo Mo curiously examined the prison battlefield. After the first glance, he couldn’t move
his eyes away.

Countless curved streams and rivers criss-crossed and passed through the void like
glowing pipes. Some of these water flows were slow, some soft, some flowed against the
current, and there were all kinds of weird ones. Among the river flows, there were some
that had all kinds of strange water grasses growing in them and others had multi-colored
fish that swam within. Zuo Mo’s eyes landed on an enormous fish that was thirty zhang in
size that occasionally opened its gigantic mouth. Zuo Mo’s heart tightened as he looked at it.

Other than the river flows, the other places were all filled with other things like lightning
balls, and clouds of fire which could be seen everywhere.

Such powerful yao formations!

After looking closely, Zuo Mo felt dizzy and shocked! No matter if it was the river flows,
the water grasses, the fish, the lightning balls or the clouds of fire, they were all part of the
bigger formation. One move against them would affect the entire entity.

This was a “living” great formation. Any change of one part of the formation would cause
a change in the entire formation.

After observing for a long time, he turned and asked Nan Yue, “How do you play?”

“Play?” Nan Yue stumbled over Zuo Mo’s strange way of asking. She could only say, “Just
go in. There are three levels to the Clear Skies prison battlefield. If you can enter the
innermost level, you can enter the second prison.”

“The second prison?” Zuo Mo was yearning to try. Were there ten levels in Ten Finger
Prison? He was already so amazed at the first prison. What was the second prison like?
“Come, let’s go try it out!” Finishing, he pulled Nan Yue and charged in.

Nan Yue hadn’t expected Daren to charge when he said so. She saw how excited Daren
appeared. Had Daren really never came before? Thinking to that, she couldn’t help but
hurriedly remind him, “Daren, if you fail, it may wound the consciousness.”

“No problem.”

Before Daren’s words landed, Nan Yue felt the scenery in front change and become bright

Not good, a fire cloud!

Her expression changed drastically. In the prison battlefield, the yao arts that she was
most afraid of were those like the fire cloud.

A dragon made out of fire seemed to smell them and with a burning presence, leapt over.


Daren’s voice came over from the side. She finally remembered that Daren was beside
her, and her heart instantly was greatly reassured.

Zuo Mo really felt it was interesting. This fire dragon was made from seven interlocking
fire yao arts and was very clever. The seven fire yao arts were all little yao arts, and were
not complex yao arts. What it tested was the reaction abilities of those trying to go through
the prison.

There were many ways of dealing with the fire dragon. Zuo Mo chose the simplest one.

Little Yao Art—Water Blade!

A transparent water blade entered the center of the fire dragon


The fire dragon instantly turned to seven balls of fire and exploded.

Nan Yue’s eyeballs almost dropped out. She had clearly seen the little yao art that Daren
had just casted. She was able to generally estimate the power of the fire dragon from its
presence . She did not doubt that Daren could overcome this fire dragon.

But it was only a Water Blade!

There wasn’t any difference compared to the Water Blade she could cast. How was it
possible … … how was it possible … …

She looked dazedly as the balls of fire flew.

Zuo Mo noticed Nan Yue’s expression and recalled that he had this “follower.” He
explained, “You have to look at the structure of the fire dragon. It was made from seven
interlocking fire yao arts. If you can find the crux of this kind of yao art, it really saves

There wasn’t time to say more. A lightning arrow shot in front of Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo unhurriedly raise a finger, and a transparent water ball appeared in front of him.

Little Yao Art—Water Ball!

The lightning entered the Water Ball. Countless arcs of electricity sparked and crackled
on the surface of the water ball.

“There is no trick to this. Just respond quickly,” Zuo Mo flicked the Water Ball covered
in layers of electricity and said sedately. “When casting little yao arts, the most basic
point is speed.”

Before his words landed, countless water grasses in the surroundings suddenly and
violently headed over!

Zuo Mo flipped his hand and a fire dragon that was just the same as the one before swam
around the two of them. Everywhere it passed, the water grasses turned to dust.

“You have to learn and use … …”

He appeared to have the mannerisms of a master, and was very composed. He enjoyed
Nan Yue’s awestruck gaze, and his ego was very satisfied.

What Zuo Mo did not know that his three continuous attacks seemed to rouse the silent
prison battlefield out of its slumber.

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo is very ignorant but it is not his fault. Who expects to be
pulled into a completely different culture without their permission? Nan Yue continues her
education by a half-educated Zuo Mo. It is the blind leading the blind except Zuo Mo is
being led by someone who isn’t but still likes seeing him trip.
Chapter 346
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Six – The Prison-Breaking Battle

“Nan Yue’s cousin really looks weird,” the tree yao waved its branches and spouted
words like a spring spouting water, “doesn’t look anything like Nan Yue. From a glance,
you can see he isn’t a good yao. How can Nan Yue have a cousin like this, it really is
strange … …”

A cold snort came from the ball of flowers floating in the air, “Shut up!”

“Don’t you find it strange?” The tree yao was slightly puzzled. “How can you not find
such a strange matter strange? Don’t you find it strange … …”

Chi felt a headache and shouted lowly, “Shut up!”

The tree yao’s words stopped. He obediently closed his mouth. He didn’t dare to
disregard Teacher’s words. After being silent for a moment, he really couldn’t stop himself
and murmured, “Teacher, don’t you find it strange … …”

Everyone wanted to faint.

Chi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. The tree yao was the descendant of one of his
friends. If he had the chance, he would always take the tree yao along. But this guy was a
chatterbox, and had really strong sense of curiosity. If he was attracted by something, he
definitely would not let it be.

“The prison battlefield is up ahead!” Chi’s topic changed as he pointed at the front to
try to deflect this guy’s attention.

As expected, the tree yao’s attention turned to the prison battlefield. “So this is the
prison battlefield!”

The other yao didn’t feel much. Several of the yao in this group had already gone through
the prison battlefield already. After entering Vast Water Clear Skies, many people would
give it a try. Even if they didn’t have the strength, they wouldn’t actually lose their lives in
the prison battlefield, they would only be minorly wounded. If they were lucky, not even a
hair would be damaged.

Little yao with guts liked to explore the prison battlefield. The yao arts in the prison
battlefield were a few fractions stronger than what was in other areas, and were suited for
real combat. Also, if they wanted to enter the next prison, they must go through the prison

“Go, let’s go in.” Chi saw the tree yao was attracted to the prison battlefield and released
a breath. He hurriedly took the yao in.

Entering the prison battlefield, the scenery instantly changed. The tree yao waved its
branches and said emotionally, “It is such a strange place … …”

But no one paid attention to him at this time. The other yao had come to the prison
battlefield before and their nerves tensed.

Teacher Chi was beside them, but he was responsible for teaching and guidance. Of
course, in moments of danger, he would act and protect them. However, they all still hoped
to become Teacher Chi’s student, and naturally did not slack off. All of them paid attention
as they started to defend.

Due to their high numbers, the pressure was much less, and they appeared to be at ease.

“All of you, spread out,” Chi said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the yao instantly spread out, and entered their own battle modes. The
prison battlefield was a place to practice for real combat. In here, slacking off and short-
cuts gave no benefits.

Yao arts successively came at them. All the yao were one hundred and twenty percent
alert as they carefully responded.

“The fire dragon is a commonly used fire yao art, and has pretty good powerful. It
will be suitable for your use for a long time. The most important place of this kind of
fire yao art is its structure. Different structures will form different fire dragons. Like
this fire dragon, it is made from six different little yao arts. Oh, not a bad combination.”

Chi casually stopped a fire dragon, and reviewed it calmly.

“It needs you to be very familiar with little yao arts. Nan Yue is very outstanding on
this point. You need to learn from her.”

When the other yao heard this, they worked even harder. Clearly, Chi’s praise of Nan Yue
motivated them.


“Do not copy these yao arts.”

Zuo Mo’s words shocked Nan Yue. She couldn’t help but say, “Why not? Aren’t these yao
arts good?”

Three lights flew out of Zuo Mo’s hand like three sharp sword energies. The entered a
mountain-like lightning cloud. In the blink of an eye, the lightning cloud brimming with
astonishing primary lightning was like a bubble that popped and disappeared. Nan Yue’s
eyes almost fell out as she watched.

“Yao arts are full of innumerable transformations. There are five hundred kinds of
the most basic little yao arts. This is unique among all cultivation methods. How many
yao arts are there now? No one …. … oh, no yao knows. But in Vast Water Clear Skies,
there is no less than ten thousand kinds. If you just copy, you will forever be led by the
nose by other people, and be exhausted by the pursuit. It is very simple, you will never
finish learning!”

It was the first time that Nan Yue heard such a daring way of thinking. She listened
extremely carefully and was afraid of missing a word.

“We will not copy them, we will deconstruct them.” Zuo Mo’s tone was faint and his
attitude calm. With the flick of a finger, the yao art heading towards him turned to dust as
though it was an example of his perspective.

“The number of yao art permutations is innumerable but there are patterns to be
found. What we need to do is to find their patterns. When we find their patterns, you
will be able to create yao arts that belong to you. And how do we grasp the patterns
hidden behind the multitude of variations of yao arts?”

“Deconstruction!” Nan Yue blurted out.

“Right, how did it go? The person that understands you the best will forever be your
enemy and not your friend. This phrase also works with yao arts. Oh, we need to first
be the enemy of the yao arts.”

“Nan Yue understands!” Nan Yue felt like she was filled with awareness, her face
flashing with light. There had never been a moment like this when she was so aware that
she had clearly grabbed the pulse of destiny!

The respect and awe in Nan Yue’s eyes made Zuo Mo feel as pleasurable as though he
was in a hot spring. In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao couldn’t help but mock, “You’re
pretty good at learning and selling at the same time.”

But he clearly underestimated the thickness of Zuo Mo’s face. This guy snickered and
said proudly, “Right, I feel the same.”

Pu Yao finally remembered Little Mo ge was someone that could tolerate everything.
Talking about face with him was never as good as talking about jingshi.
His happy mood assisted Zuo Mo’s performance. His hands flew and streamed. No matter
how powerful the yao art was, none of them could get within thirty zhang of him.

Just as Zuo Mo was having fun playing, the surroundings suddenly became silent. All the
yao arts seemed to have disappeared.

Silence, a deathly silence. All the river flows became silent.

Zuo Mo’s hairs on end.


The sudden stop of the prison battlefield bewildered Chi’s students who stared at each

Chi made a light sound and his eyes brightened as they widened. “Prison-breaking
battle? You guys will get a great spectacle today!”

“Prison-breaking battle!” all the students exclaimed in shock. Prison-breaking. Most of

the yao who entered the Ten Finger Prison had heard of it. But most only heard of it. It was
more like a legend.

Prison-breaking battle. It referred to the prison battlefield that had detected an enemy
that could pose a threat to it. It would then use the power of the entire prison battlefield to
deal with the enemy.

Prison-breaking battle, creation after destruction.

If a yao won this ferocious prison-breaking battle, Vast Water Clear Skies would be

Vast Water Clear Skies had been created three hundred years ago when a great yao
skilled in water yao arts had completed the first prison’s prison-breaking battle.

Those that could break the prison had a certain connection to power, but that was not
the definite trigger. Otherwise, there wouldn’t have been so many powerful great yao that
went through Vast Water Clear Skies without activating the prison-breaking battle.

Today, someone had activated the prison-breaking battle!

Exclamations of shock sounded in the prison battlefield. They all understood what the
unusual scene in front of them meant.
The news that the prison-breaking battle was activated spread with astounding speed.
Every yao in Vast Water Clear Skies was disturbed. Like a tide, they flooded towards the
prison battlefield.

At the same time in the second prison that was neighbouring to the first prison, many
yao raised their heads with shocked expressions. Immediately after, numerous figures
flashed towards the door of the prison with astounding speed!

Prison-breaking battle!

The prison-breaking battle that had not appeared for three hundred years!


“Daren … …” Nan Yue’s voice was shaky. She looked with fear at the deathly silent prison

“You have to remember not to lose your calm at any time. The more you panic, the
quicker you die on the battlefield.”

Daren’s words caused shame to appear on Nan Yue’s face. “Yes!”

If she was so timid, how could she follow Daren in the future?

The terror inside decreased greatly. She raised her small face with a determined

What she didn’t know was that Zuo Mo’s entire scalp was prickling at this moment. He
had rich battle experience. Even though the surroundings were silent and motionless, but
the dangerous presence was rising.

“Pu, what is happening?” he carefully asked Pu Yao.

Pu Yao narrowed his blood red eye, and lightly said, “There’s only this much stuff in the
prison battlefield, what situation can happen?”

“There really isn’t anything?” Zuo Mo didn’t quite believe it.

Pu Yao’s face was mocking. “This is just the first prison.”

Hearing this, Zuo Mo changed his thinking. That was right, Vast Water Clear Skies was
only the first prison of the Ten Finger Prison. If it really was so dangerous, there wouldn’t
be so many people. He hadn’t done anything. If something unfortunate happened, it
wouldn’t be his turn.
Comforting himself so, his heart was reassured.

Before the stone in his heart landed, a strange power passed over, and Nan Yue
disappeared from beside him.

All the other yao in the entire prison battlefield except for Zuo Mo were sent by this
mysterious power out of the prison battlefield.

Many of the yao that were transported out had confused expressions, but when they saw
the area surrounding the prison battlefield was filled with yao, they all shook.

But right now, no yao paid attention to them. Everyone’s gaze was staring into the prison

The rivers that followed constantly through the void of the prison battlefield, the
lightning balls, the fire clouds, they had all disappeared. They could clearly see that figure
that was at the very center of the prison battlefield.

All the yao widened their eyes. A yao that could activate the prison-breaking battle
definitely had a limitless future!

Chi and his procession of yao stared so much their eyes almost dropped out. The tree yao
excitedly waved the tree branches. “Strange cousin! It’s the strange cousin!”

Light flashed through Chi’s eyes as waves were created inside his heart. The yao that had
activated prison-breaking battles before were all great yao that had each left a deep mark
on history.

This person of average appearance was so powerful?

When Nan Yue was sent out, Zuo Mo instantly understood the situation was targeting

Since the other had such powers, they definitely wouldn’t give him the chance to leave
the prison battlefield.

He had been tricked!

Someone dared to trick ge!

Zuo Mo’s anger rose, and his stubbornness came out. The tendons in his neck bulged. His
features enraged, he pushed up his sleeves, and murderously gritted his teeth as he uttered
Dong Fu slang.

“Come on, baby!” [i]

[i] This part was the Chinese homonym of Come on, baby, and the “baby” part was 卑鄙
(bei bi) which means low, contemptible.

Translator Ramblings: Pu Yao is totally fine with seeing Zuo Mo in trouble if it isn’t
dangerous. Zuo Mo doesn’t understand what is going on but no one can trick ge!
Chapter 347
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Seven – One Battle!

Zuo Mo was filled with battle intent, his blood boiling. His back arched forward, his
hands placed in the air in front of his chest with his ten fingers spread out like a wild beast
waiting to pounce. He gave others the feeling of danger! This was the starting position of
Great Day mo physique for physical battle which he instinctively used.

The surroundings were deathly silent, and caused Zuo Mo’s concentration to be highly
focused. He was using all of his consciousness. Recently, his consciousness had greatly
advanced. He had never used so much spiritual power at once as he was doing today. The
usual “fishing” would always wring out his spiritual power, but the expenditure of little
yao arts was very low so the process had been a drain of small increments.

The movement this time was without keeping anything back, and he was going all in.

The lively spiritual power wrapped around his body. Everything in the surroundings was
quickly drawn out in his mind, and was as clear as it was a mirror image.

The temperature of the surroundings rose, and the heated air grew heavy. The dark and
deep void started to light up, and the surroundings turned crimson red.

Zuo Mo was motionless. His eyes narrowed, the presence of his entire body was quietly
restrained inside. He was like a statue.


“How many has it been years since someone activated a prison-breaking battle? He
doesn’t look very good, really a monster!” Leng Yue said emotionally to his good friend
Chang Zheng. The two of them had charged from the second prison to Vast Water Clear
Skies. Before they even took a breath, they saw Zuo Mo standing alone in the prison

Leng Yue wore a black silk robe, the sleeves of which were woven with gold silk into
complex patterns. His figure was upright and handsome. He was from a famous family, and
was usually very lofty. Pride and condescension had already deeply entered his bones.
However, he was not stupid. Facing the monster that was in the prison battlefield right
now, he had no assets to be proud of.
Individuals that could activate the prison-breaking battle were all monsters that stood
above all monsters. If they could continue being monsters, after one or two centuries, they
would even have the qualifications to enter the Council of Elders.

Chang Zheng stared unblinkingly, and tsked in wonder. “As expected, a monster. I
cannot even feel his presence. Just this method of concealment is nothing our
generation can do.” He then said suspiciously, “But this position … … why does it look
like a mo skill … …”

Leng Yue was from a famed family and naturally knew more. He examined for a long time
before he nodded. “It is a mo skill!”

“Cultivating yaomo together? That is ridiculous!” Chang Zheng’s face was full of

Leng Yue was also filled with doubt. He did not dare to make a conclusion, and could only
say, “We’ll know later.”

The two yao stared unblinkingly at the prison battlefield. They had gone through Vast
Water Clear Skies’ battlefield in the past. With their power, they naturally had not had a
hard time. They were very curious. Was the legendary prison-breaking battle really that

At this time, the prison battlefield started its first wave of attack.

The red light seemed to be pulled by an invisible power. They came from all directions,
drawing out lines of dazzling red light as they gathered into a red mark with astounding

The red mark of light dramatically expanded. An enormous ball of fire instantly floated
about one hundred zhang from where Zuo Mo was. The crimson red flames continuously
spat its fiery tongues. Rich fire elemental power spread following the waves of heat. Zuo Mo
felt he was situated in a large dan cauldron, and it was hard to endure the baking.


The eye-catching red light, the meteor-like red energy, the burning ball of fire, the
flickering tongues of flames, they all caused the yao looking in from the outside to have
expressions of praise.

“Qian Liu Daren of peerless water yao arts, I hadn’t expected his fire yao arts to be so
domineering.” Chang Zheng’s expression was full of admiration.

Leng Yue also had a face full of respect, and said, “Supposedly, Qian Liu Daren was only
twenty eight when he broke the prison and remade it into Vast Water Clear Skies. It
really is worthy of respect and terrifying that he could set down the name of a prison
when he was twenty eight.”

“Ah, if there wasn’t someone having a prison-breaking battle now, we would not
have the good fortune to watch.” Chang Zheng suddenly smiled and said, “I wonder what
Qian Liu Daren would think if he knew his Vast Water Clear Skies is being challenged?”

The enormous ball of fire burned and spread a scorching presence. The fire element
power that was able to wound the mind splashed in waves against everything in the
surroundings. Zuo Mo’s figure under the fireball was as minuscule as an ant.

“He seems to have confidence,” Leng Yue suddenly said.

“Of course. Those who are average cannot activate the prison-breaking battle.”
Chang Zheng had a matter-of-fact expression but then his tone changed. “However, the fire
yao arts left by Qian Liu Daren’s impression in the Ten Finger Prison is not so easy to
deal with.”

“Who are you helping? That’s like not saying anything at all.” Leng Yue rolled his eyes.

“Haha, we’re here to see the spectacle, the spectacle!” Chang Zheng laughed

The two spoke quickly, but their eyes were unmoving as they locked onto Zuo Mo in the


Zuo Mo narrowed his eyes and only showed a narrow crack. No one could see that there
seemed to be a cold and eerie fire burning soundlessly in the depths of his eyes.

The open arms, the spread fingers, the slightly curved figure, they all give the yao a
feeling that he was planning to hug this fatal and tyrannical ball of fire!

Zuo Mo was not nervous at all.

The burning and fatal presence given off by the enormous ball of fire in front of him did
not cause any ripple in his heart.

Of the five elements, the fire element was his most familiar element after water. From the
first Li Water Sword Scripture, to the Golden Crow Fire after that, he was an expert at
playing with fire.

The fireball in front of him was somewhat similar to the fireball that Pu Yao had once
demonstrated to him. In the beginning, Zuo Mo had encountered difficulties when he was
comprehending the Li Water Sword Scripture. When Pu Yao taught him, he had also
created an enormous ball of fire.

This familiar scene made his mind go slightly astray, but it was only a sliver. His body
naturally entered battle mode. He no longer was that inexperienced Wu Kong Sword Sect
disciple. After so many battles, he sensitively caught the opportunity.

He attacked first.

In the void, he stepped forward and then disappeared from the view of the yao.

The strange step stirred exclamations of shock. What the yao were even more shocked
about was his action. To charge straight at the ball of fire, wasn’t that just going to find
death? This fireball was formed from almost all the power of the entire prison battlefield.
The fire element power contained within it reached a terrifying level. If he was touched by
any of the streaks of flame, he most likely would not be able to retreat withhis body intact.

The fireball seemed to felt the threat. The tongues of flame rose, and crimson red whips
of fire shot at Zuo Mo. In the void, the fire element power reached a horrifying level.

Sweat rolled down Chi’s forehead. The density of fire element power in the prison
battlefield made him, someone skilled in fire yao arts, feel his heart speed up.

Zuo Mo stepped out of the void, his steps not slowing. He stepped forward and seemed to
step into the void again.

Without knowing it, a faint layer of gold covered his legs

The bursting tongues of fire furiously leapt at Zuo Mo, and he was almost struck a few
times. There was only the difference of a few hairs. Such a risky scene made Nan Yue’s face
pale and she almost shouted a few times.

Zuo Mo’s expression was indifferent as though he did not detect the danger. His steps
were like a stroll, at ease and calm.

The crowd of yao watching did not lack those who had knowledge. Their expressions
changed. None of them had seen such a strange walk before. Leng Yue and Chang Zheng felt
their bodies freeze as their eyes shocked shock.

As all the yao were shocked by Zuo Mo’s steps, no one noticed layer of faint light on Zuo
Mo’s hands.

With each step, the light on Zuo Mo’s hand would become slightly brighter.

When Zuo Mo made his twelfth step, the light on his two hands was so thick it was
almost tangible and could flow like liquid.
What was this?

The yao’s eyes were unconsciously attracted to the light covering both of Zuo Mo’s
hands. They were filled with curiosity

Everyone knew this was Zuo Mo’s killing move. No matter how profound his steps were,
they could not defeat the fireball. He still needed to rely on an offensive yao art. The
multicolored light created multicolored afterimages during Zuo Mo’s high speed
movement. As Zuo Mo flickered in and out, it became broken sections of a rainbow.

Killing move!

It definitely was a great killing move!

Everyone widened their eyes and didn’t dare to blink.

Nan Yue suddenly covered her mouth and muffled the shout that had reached her mouth,
her eyes were filled with disbelief.

Heavens, how … … how was it possible?

That was … …


Zuo Mo’s mind was almost icy cold, as he made another step, as he went closer to the
fireball, continued to rise in temperature. His presence continuously grew with his steps.

His figure slightly paused as it went against how people normally moved.

Thirty zhang away, the domineering and scorching heat hit his body as though it was
incinerating him.

He crouched down slightly and both of his hands dropped to his side.

The slightly lowered eyelids were completely open now, revealing the calmness in the
depths of his eyes. It was like cold butter thrown into the fire. The flame exploded. The
boiling battle intent burned every one of Zuo Mo’s nerves.

All the tongues of fire of the fireball flooded towards Zuo Mo, the fire twisted into a
burning sea.

The continuously rising presence reached a peak. He suddenly raised his face.

The rampaging and violent killing essence suddenly shot outwards with Zuo Mo as the

Zuo Mo jumped up into the air like a flying sword leaving its sheath. Carrying a patch of
multicolored light, he struck towards the sea of flame in front of him!

Among the sea of flames that covered the sky, a multicolored smear carved out a straight
and blinding line, causing sparks to fly like the rain.

Among the sparks, the multicolored light struck the ball of fire!

All of the domineering and explosive presence, all of the battle intent, it all seemed to
enter the ball of fire along with this blow.

The prison battlefield paused.

Everything paused.

Time seemed to have stopped.


A sound like an eggshell being cracked. The domineering and terrifying crimson red ball
lightly exploded and turned to a handful of sparks.

The sparks were like rain and mist as they fell. Zuo Mo’s figure floated in and out of view.
The presence on his body disappeared, the multicolored light on his hands also


Silence, deathly silence.

For ten whole breaths, no one made any sound. Only ten breaths later did the yao seem
to suddenly wake up. Exclamation rose and fell.

“Who saw what yao art that was?”

“Too powerful!”

“Haven’t seen it before. Definitely a secret yao art! Such a weirdo! I wonder which
hidden family he came from!”

“Worth it! Didn’t come for nothing! It is so worth it … …”

None of the yao in the surroundings could keep their calm. The crowd was very excited.
Among the yao, Nan Yue tightly covered her mouth. There was only one thought
repeating in her mind.

That was … …

The discussion in the surroundings seemed to be far away to her ears. No one could have
thought that among all of these many yao, only she understood that move.

That was—

——Little yao arts!

Translator Ramblings: Not really too much plot in this chapter, everything is action. Nan
Yue is the lone mind that understands among this group.
Chapter 348
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Eight – Scheming

Little yao art, a sixteen little yao art combination!

The rainbow colored light lingered in Nan Yue’s pupils. She had almost stopped
breathing. Sixteen kinds of little yao art versus the fire yao art of Qian Liu Daren. The
difference between the two was like comparing a child and a battle hardened warrior.

Standing aloofly among the rain of light, there was no joy on Zuo Mo’s face, nor

Nan Yue suddenly felt that Daren had a great presence.

Leng Yue and Chang Zheng’s were shocked, but the shock quickly turned to extreme
passion and excitement. No one knew what Qian Liu Daren’s fire yao art was called, but no
one cared at this moment.

Clear Skies Qian Liu was a name that was legendary for the yao.

They had not personally seen how Qian Liu Daren completed the prison-breaking battle
three hundred years ago, how he had reformed “Vast Water Clear Skies,” they could only
imagine from hearing the tales and histories. Yet today, another yao had activated the
prison-breaking battle. A new legend was being created front of them.

Zuo Mo’s grand and dazzling lights and the fierce combat in the battle just now made
every yao present feel their blood boil.

A new legend was going to begin!

Even if this yao of unknown origins was so young that it was almost outrageous, no one
doubted his power at this time.

“Do you recognize his movement technique?” Chang Zheng impatiently asked. Leng
Yue’s eyes and knowledge were just a bit higher than his.

Leng Yue’s face was serious. “It’s a bit like [Nether Stepping Movement Art] but his feet
have a golden aura. This does not match the records of [Nether Stepping Movement
Art]. It is very strange. It must be another high level yao art.”
The organization of yao arts was chaotic and complex because too many kinds of yao arts
existed throughout history. Additionally, after the thousand year war, yao arts gradually
entered a phase of rapid development. All kinds of novel and wondrous yao arts appeared,
and this also became a huge problem for the ranking system of yao arts.

As the large yao art houses developed, the house-taught yao arts gradually replaced the
clan-taught yao arts. Due to this, the yao art rankings finally settled.

From the most basic little yao arts, to low-level yao arts, to intermediate-level yao arts, to
the astonishing high-level yao arts, to the even stronger earth-level yao arts, and then to
the sky-level yao arts. This complete yao art system was constructed. This system had an
extremely strict division. It wasn’t just based just on the power of the yao arts but included
such things as the difficulty of casting, and the amount of spiritual power used. There was a
special bureaucracy whose purpose was to judge the levels of yao arts.

Chang Zheng’s expression was solemn. “Can you guess which yao art house it is from?”

“Can’t see it.”

The use of clan-taught yao arts had declined. Even the young yao that came from the
large clans mostly chose to enter a yao art house to learn. The famed clan yao arts of the
past had been gradually merged into the yao arts of the various yao art houses, and became
the ultimate skill of those houses.

Sky-level arts mostly existed in the legends. Almost all the experts, including all of the
Sky Yao, had died in the great battle thousands of years ago. The earth-level and sky-level
yao arts they knew were lost in the rivers of history.

What the largest yao art houses competed with were the high-level yao arts. These were
the trademark arts of each yao art house. There were similarities between the basicand
intermediate yao arts between some yao art houses but it was rare that high-level yao arts
were the same between houses. Each yao art house was extremely careful when passing
down their house’s high-level yao art. Only the most accomplished and core disciples had
the qualifications to learn.

“This kind of level is probably also the peak if it’s in the Great Ten.” Chang Zheng
threw his confusion to the back of his mind and praised.

Leng Yue asked in response, “Great Ten? These three hundred years, how come not
even one of the students of the Great Ten activated the prison-breaking battle?”

“True,” Chang Zheng nodded his head, “this yao art house is going to be famous. It may
even enter the Great Ten.”

“This guy may not be from a yao art house.” Leng Yue’s words were shocking.
“Not from a yao art house?” Chang Zheng turned his face in shock. “You mean that he’s
using clan-taught yao arts?”

“Maybe.” Ling Yue’s gaze focused. “Look at his battle method. Does he look like one
from a yao art house?”

Chang Zheng pondered this and an expression of agreement grew. “Since you mentioned
it, I also had this feeling. It doesn’t seem like the stuff from yao art houses.” He
responded very quickly and said with a smile, “I wonder which yao art house will benefit
this time.”

Clan-taught yao arts like this were what the large yao art houses desired the most. In the
great war thousands of years ago, the yaomo had lost, and greatly suffered. Countless kinds
of knowledge had been lost. The lost knowledge had formed through countless years, and
represented the highest level of yao arts. They were the brightest pearl of the entire yao art

The yao arts that were developed after the war had developed mostly from the
remaining basic yao arts and intermediate yao arts. That was the origins of most high-level
yao arts. But higher ranks? The legendary earth and sky-level?

A few thousand of years was too short for them to be redeveloped. Other than the top
yao art houses, the great majority of yao art houses only had high-level yao arts. The yao
art houses that possessed earth and sky-level yao arts had not gained them through their
own power, but were just luckier.

The clan-taught yao arts of the past were the best part of the ancient yao arts. If they
could regain these clan-taught yao arts, it would be of great help in understanding higher-
level yao arts. Of course, there were differences between clan-taught yao arts. What they
needed the most were those outstanding clan-taught yao arts.

If this yao really was using clan-taught yao arts, he was a tasty morsel for any yao art

[Nether Stepping Movement Art] was a high-level yao art and one of the trademark arts
of the Dragon River Yao Art House.

The amazing scene just now, in Leng Yue’s perspective, this movement art was not worse
than the [Nether Stepping Movement Art] of the legend. Even he couldn’t help start

Behind the back of each yao art house was the shadow of some large clans. When the
thousand year war had just finished, due to the fact that the peak and high level individuals
of each clan had been lost in high levels, it lead to the loss of large amounts of yao arts.
Many clans encountered difficulties in their cultivation paths, and lacking guidance, they
had to openly discuss and study with other clans. This marked the rise of the yao art

As the Council of Elders supported and administered it, the yao art houses became even
more popular. Now, a yao art house was like a rope that tied several, or even a dozen, clans
together to become a singular being with a common purpose. This was also why the clans
were willing to share their clan yao arts.

In the Ice Day Yao Art House that Leng Yue attended, the Western Mountain Cold Clan
occupied a seat on the Council of Elders of the yao art house.

If he could recruit this yao into the Ice Day Yao Art House, then he would have
contributed greatly! He wouldn’t just be able to receive the top art of the house, [Cold Day
Ice Art], but maybe his clan would get another sea on the art house’s Council of Elders.

Even though Leng Yue was usually proud and cold, his breathing sped up when he
thought about it. He wrung out his mind thinking of what conditions he could use to
persuade the other. He felt lucky about this prison-breaking battle occurred in the first
prison. Otherwise, even thinking about recruitment was a delusion.

At his side, Chang Zheng looked with shock at his good friend. But then he thought and

However, he did not think well of Leng Yue’s plan. In his view, those that could activate
the prison-breaking battles were the top geniuses of each era. The two of them could see
this, would the other yao art houses not? In terms of competitive power, how could Ice Day
Yao Art House compare to those top yao art houses?

His gaze swept around, and found that there were more yao around now than before. He
was very calm. He wasn’t from a large clan, just a normal student.

Light continuously flashed. In the blink of an eye, the surroundings were filled with yao.

This was really a spectacle!

Chang Zheng thought inside.

Nan Yue was still immersed in the grand battle and did not notice Teacher Chi drift next
to her.

Seeing this, Chi could only cough.

The startled Nan Yue noticed Teacher Chi, and hurriedly bowed. “Teacher Chi.”

“Oh, Nan Yue!” Chi’s masculine face was filled by a smile, and he said intimately, “The
role of the Chief Student Elder in the school is empty. Are you interested? You are very
young, and it is rare for you to have the strength you do now. With great power, you
have to be brave and take on responsibilities.”

Nan Yue stilled where she stood. Chief Student Elder meant being the elder of all the
students. This was a role that every student dreamed about. The Chief Student Elder could
receive the guidance of all the elders in the entire Council of Elders of the yao art house.
When they graduated, they could enter the yao art house and take on a core role. Even
though they were students, their status would be much higher than normal teachers.

This role was far too important so in the last seven years, the Purple Lotus Yao Art House
that Nan Yue was in had kept its Chief Student Elder position empty.

Now Teacher Chi was telling her she could be Chief Student Elder?

She felt she was dreaming.

Taking a few deep breaths, Nan Yue tried to calm the excitement inside. This world
changed so quickly. A few days ago, she was working to become a student of a teacher.
Now, the position of Chief Student Elder was being offered to her.

All of this was so fantastical, and unrealistic.

But Nan Yue quickly calmed down. Her experiences of hardship caused her to
understand worldly matters better than normal students. The calm Nan Yue did not need to
waste much effort to understand Teacher Chi’s motivations.

Looking at the calm Nan Yue, Chi was slightly shocked. For the first time, he properly
looked at this student that didn’t have outstanding talent. To be able to maintain calmness
in the face of such a great temptation, she wasn’t average.

Maybe he had missed a good seed. Regret flashed through Chi’s mind but that dot of
regret quickly disappeared. The role of Chief Student Elder was far above anything he could
promise. However, he was also very clear if they wanted to compete for the mysterious
male yao in the prison battlefield, the only advantage the Purple Lotus Yao Art House had
was Nan Yue.

Compared to an expert that could activate a prison-breaking battle, a position of Chief

Student Elder really was not anything. He believed those cunning and slippery elders of the
house would see this clearly.

If he could help bring this matter to a favorable conclusion, would his efforts be

He looked with burning eyes at Nan Yue.

Translator Ramblings: Some major plot expansion to make up for last chapter.
Essentially, the yao lost a great deal of knowledge but it has actually increased innovation.
The problem is so much knowledge has been lost it is taking them a long time to recover
and they are technically weaker than they had been before the thousand year war. Zuo Mo
isn’t going to be the answer to this, he’s a very weak “yao” with great potential and some
skills but he can’t make up for thousands of years of knowledge lost (*cough* someone
could be a great help but they aren’t willing.) So we finally have the answer why the yao
were so desperate in searching.

I have been slowly adding to the table of contents but the linkage tool in the editor
crashes every three links or so making this a slow process. Please be patient.
Chapter 349
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiofDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Forty Nine – Rage

Nan Yue shook her head and said, “I need to first ask Cousin’s opinion.”

Chi knew his intentions had been seen. His old face reddened slightly but it quickly
turned back. “Of course, of course.”

The tree yao, the flower yao and the other students looked from a distance as Chi talked
with enthusiasm on his face and all of them were shocked without an exception.


The sparks fell like rain.

Zuo Mo widened his eyes as he warily observed the surroundings. The scenery in the
surroundings had not changed, but the feeling of danger did not lessen, but had become
even more oppressing.

Had that just been a warm-up?

Zuo Mo felt no fear. Just the opposite, an excited battle desire filled his body. He wanted
the upcoming fight to be even fiercer!

The exquisite sixteen little yao art combination had dismembered the other’s fireball in
an instant. What really excited him was that he had actually used one of the
transformations of the Great Day mo physique, [Light Void Wings], in his crisis.

What [Light Void Wings] strengthened was speed, to become as fast as lightning. It was
the first transformation Zuo Mo learned. When he had used it just now, he had a great idea.
He suppressed the formation of the pair of golden wings, and diverted the power to his
legs. It actually produced the effect of stepping through the void.

So [Light Void Wings] could be used like this!

Zuo Mo suddenly felt there was light, and was greatly inspired. Since the power of the
Light Void Wings could be pushed to his legs, what would happen if he pushed it to his
arms? Or any other place? He was even considering, could the other transformations be
used like this?

He was yearning to try and filled with the intent to battle.

He had really made a profit today!


What he did not know was that Pu Yao’s eyes almost dropped to the floor in his sea of

In his view, the new change of the Light Void Wings was somewhat wondrous but it was
not enough for him, a great Sky Yao, to be shocked. What he felt was inconceivable was the
use of mo skills in the Ten Finger Prison!

This was not possible!

He almost shouted.

Ten Finger Prison was constructed from yao arts, and only the power of yao arts could be
used in the Ten Finger Prison. No matter if it was mo skills, or xiu spells, they definitely
could not appear in the Ten Finger Prison. Even the first prison, Vast Water Clear Skies, was
not an exception!

But what happened in front of him completely broke this rule that had existed for
countless years.

What … … what was this?

Strangely, a thread of fright appeared in Pu Yao’s heart.


Zuo Mo did not know of the thread of fright floating in Pu Yao’s heart, but even if he
knew, he would only snort and mock. He cultivated a variety of things, and did not have a
bias towards any kind of power, and was curious about them all.
Even more so, he didn’t have the time to chat with Pu Yao. Even though the fireball had
been destroyed, but the dangerous presence filling the surroundings had not weakened but
had increased.

When the last spark fell, a change occurred.

In the void, a faint incorporeal shadow appeared. A heavy water element based power

Glittering and transparent rivers of water criss-crossed as they appeared around him.
Some were fast, some were slow, some were clear like precious gems, some were as turbid
as mud.

The prison battlefield seemed to have returned to its usual state.

Zuo Mo’s consciousness didn’t dare to stay back and suddenly spread out.


A water arrow suddenly flew out of a river flow in front of him. This transparent water
arrow announced the start of battle.

Blue light suddenly exploded!

Numerous water yao arts flew out of the criss-crossing river flows. They covered the
skies and ground like a thunderstorm!

The yao in the surroundings changed expression. Even those experts that thought they
were skilled in water yao arts were so shocked they almost jumped up when they saw the

This attack included three hundred and sixty one water yao arts, from the simplest water
arrow, the water bomb, to the combinations that formed water birds, water butterflies, to
the higher level water dragons and beasts. What was even more astounding was that each
water bird seemed almost alive, the transparent feathers extremely detailed.

The yao at this time finally knew what terrifying level Qian Liu Daren’s water yao arts
had reached!

Clear Skies Thousand Streams, awe-inspiring and terrifying!

Shocked, the faces of the yao became slightly intoxicated. Such beautiful water yao arts
definitely were peerless. As to Zuo Mo who had activated the prison-breaking battle, no one
looked at him again.

Maybe he was amazingly talented, maybe he was the successor to a mysterious yao art,
but in front of Qian Liu Daren, he was fated to lose his halo, he was fated to become as
inconsequential as a speck of dust.


Inside the battlefield, Zuo Mo’s expression changed drastically.

His vision was filled with the flooding blue sea that was made from the light of numerous
water yao arts. These glowing and beautiful water yao arts were of different shapes and
various speeds, but they all had the smell of danger.

The hairs on Zuo Mo’s body stood on end. Each water yao art was not difficult or complex
for him, but when three hundred and sixty one water yao arts came at the same time, he
was instantly in a life threatening predicament, and did not even have to room to dodge!

Incredible water yao arts!

The scent of death was so close. His face was slightly cold as though Death’s decaying
face was pressed against his with a strange smile.

His mind was blank, his limbs were wooden. All of his battle intent gone, all of his
motivation became fragile like glass in front of such a peerless attack, and was instantly

Zuo Mo’s body was frozen and unable to move a finger.

He could only looked dazedly at the ocean-like blue light rushing towards him. The
almost tangible water element power was pressing at his brows. He watched as he was
going to be swallowed by this vast ocean of blue light.

Damn it!

Zuo Mo suddenly shook and woke up from his dumbstruck state. What followed right
after was shame from the heart! He had actually been shocked by the enemy’s attack, so
frightened that he had lost all intent of rebelling!

Damn it!
Zuo Mo’s eyes suddenly turned bright red like two balls of flame. The cold blood in his
body suddenly boiled. Strong anger filled every part of his chest! He was furious because of
his weakness, he felt furious for losing his resolve!

Breaking through the hard ice, the erupting desire to battle, his anger and shame merged

Zuo Mo instantly sank into a rage.

His eyes crimson red, in a raging Zuo Mo’s hands closed together and then opened. Hiss-
crack, a blinding lightning net appeared between his hands. The thin silver lightning snakes
curved as they swam. Thirty thumb-sized hard lightning bolts moved uncertainly in the
lightning net.

[Yang Fiend Hard Lightning]!

If Zuo Mo was clear in mind at this time, he would be joyful at his improvement in the
yao arts. When he used the [Yang Fiend Hard Lightning] this time, the presence it gave
was completely different, and was very pressuring. No matter if it was the increase in
spiritual power or his understanding of the yao arts, all of it was completely on display
through the [Yang Fiend Hard Lightning] that he had used so many times.


A furious bellow suddenly sounded from inside the blue light.

Immediately after, a dot of silver energy suddenly lit up inside the blue light. Then this
silver energy became increasingly brighter and bigger!

What was this?

The yao watching were slightly shocked. They speculated on what kind of yao art this
silver energy was.

Boom boom boom … …

Sounds of explosions continued inside the thick blue light like explosions from the
bottom of the water.

But quickly, the faces of the yao who were more attentive were slightly weird. They
found to their shock that the sound of the explosions had changed starting from the tenth
explosion. It was not as deep and muffled, and was increasingly bright.
Was it … …

They couldn’t help but show shock in their eyes.

The explosions were like thunder and rolled in waves.

Just as the yao were uncertain, an enormous sound exploded. Every yao felt the silver
light turn blindingly bright and their vision instantly turned to white.

When the light dissipated, and the eyes of the yao recovered to look at the battlefield
clearly, they instantly were amazed.

How … … how was it possible … …

In the battlefield, Zuo Mo’s body was covered in smoke and fire. He cut a very sorry

But no yao laughed at him now. They looked in disbelief at Zuo Mo, their mouths
unconsciously sighing in shock. The yells of those young and beautiful female yao came in
waves. Their expressions were excited and uncontrollable.

Chi was dumbstruck. Just now, he had also lost himself in Qian Liu Daren’s water yao arts
and judged that Zuo Mo could not win, then he saw the hardy Zuo Mo standing in the
battlefield. Shocked, he had to sigh lightly. If before this battle, he had thought that Purple
Lotus Yao Art House had a chance of recruiting the other, after this battle, he understood
that Purple Lotus Yao Art house could not keep the other.

Deep respect and joy stemming from the heart showed in Nan Yue’s crystal-like eyes!

The yells of the female yao quickly infected the other yao. Even those people that usually
did not show their emotions now used all kinds of ways to vent the excitement inside.

In the last round, they saw the hope of Zuo Mo’s victory!

This was a prison-breaking battle!

The one that broke one of the prisons would be able to rename the prison they defeated!

This was an honor that each yao dreamed of, this was the beginning of a legend … …

Right now, this was happening in front of them. Such a lucky matter to be able to
personally see it. This was also why they could not maintain their calm, and were so

The spectators were peerlessly excited. They used all kinds of methods to tell their
friends and family what was happening. The people that had started recording yao arts
previously grinned up to their ears as though they had won the lottery.

Just as every yao was excited, Zuo Mo opened his eyes in the battlefield.

The pure red eyes did not show any signs of dissipating.

Still in a rage, Zuo Mo turned and looked around like a wild beast.


The yao on the outside gradually calmed down. The criss-crossing rivers in the
battlefield had not disappeared. This meant that the prison-breaking battle had not
finished. Qian Liu Daren definitely left another move behind.

Just as the yao were speculating, they suddenly found the guy that was smoking in the
battlefield looked around as though he was searching for prey. He quickly walked
murderously towards one of the river flows. The abnormal movement in the battlefield
instantly attracted all of the yao’s eyes. Some yao with good eyes even noticed that Zuo Mo
seemed to be shouting something.

In the blink of an eye, Zuo Mo charged in front of a river flow.

The movement that Zuo Mo made immediately after caused the hearts of all the yao to
stop. Outside the battlefield, it was a deathly silence—

——he inserted his hand into the river flow in front of him.

This guy … … what did he want to do?

Translator Ramblings: Did you guys think that last chapter was the end of it? We’re not
done yet. Insert evil laugh here.
Chapter 350
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty – You Dare Attack Ge!

The raging Zuo Mo seemed to be insane, growling from the deepest part of his throat like
a furious animal roaring.

“You dare attack ge … … dare attack ge … …”

“… … you will definitely die … …”

“… … destroy you f***ers … …”

.. …

Zuo Mo seemed to have been messed with. Angry, he searched for anything that he could
attack. He changed his reactive and defensive posture, and attacked head on!

Didn’t the water yao arts fly out from these river flows?

Then he will flatten all of these river flows!

With both of his hands in the river flow he attacked, his fury and rage did not make him
lose his judgement, but heightened the sensitive intuition of a wild beast. In just that
instant, the structure of the river flow constructed of yao arts seemed to flashed across his
mind like flowing water.

Without needing to think, he started to deconstruct it.

In his eyes, the enormous river flow was not any different than those rocks and flora he
previously deconstructed, just a little bit bigger in scale.

Who had left the impression of the river flows? What was Clear Skies Thousand Flow?
Prison-breaking battle?

What was that?

His eyes crimson red and only held the most primitive crazy desire for battle and

Deconstruction, deconstruction, complete deconstruction!

The river flow was more complex than any yao art he had deconstructed before, but Zuo
Mo’s attacking capabilities were far stronger in this moment than normal. His mind was
unprecedentedly focused, his reactions unusually sensitive and his intuition abnormally

The hands that were in the river flow swayed gently like reeds. The water flow was lit up
with a faint glowing like and had a blurry beauty.


The yao outside the battlefield were completely struck dumb by Zuo Mo’s actions.


Simultaneous sounds of swallowing. It was so clear and ear-piercing in the deathly silent
Vast Water Clear Skies. No one cared. Their eyes couldn’t bear to stray from the figure in
the battlefield for a moment.

Of course they could see that Zuo Mo was like a provoked lion who had started to
furiously retaliate. Anyone who wasn’t an idiot could see.

But … …

But didn’t this guy know this was the prison battlefield that Qian Liu Daren set down?
That was Qian Liu Daren! The Qian Liu Daren who had the appellation of Clear Sky
Thousand Flows, the King of water yao arts, the Qian Liu Daren known in the world and
had the qualifications to enter the Council of Elders!

Shouldn’t every yao be shaking and filled with admiration and respect in front of the
marks such a legend left behind?

But that furious figure in their field of vision was such an eyesore, so painful that they felt

Why was he angry? How could he be angry? That was Qian Liu Daren … …


A term jumped out in the hearts of the yao. They could not believe that one of a younger
generation dared to use this kind of posture to face the prison battlefield that Qian Liu
Daren had set down! No, this was not facing off, this was a challenge!

That was right, this was a challenge!

Heavens! There was a yao who dared to challenge Qian Liu Daren!

All the yao were shocked by their thoughts and looked dazedly at the battlefield.


Nan Yue did not notice Teacher Chi whose mouth was wide and had a dazed expression.
Her black eyes were tightly locked onto the hands that Zuo Mo had immersed into the river
flows. When those hands lit up with the familiar glow, her eyes instantly became very wide.

Daren was using… … deconstruction!

For a whole moment, her mind was blank, but she shook and reacted. She did not know
just how shocked the expression on her face was. She pressed hard against her furiously
beating heart, her lips white from being bitten by her teeth as she stared at Daren’s hands!

As though that pair of hands had a kind of magnetism!

If Daren was really deconstructing Qian Liu Daren’s … …

She almost didn’t dare to keep thinking, but she knew that the scene in front of her was a
once-in-a-thousand chance. To be able to see Daren deconstructing the water yao art of
Qian Liu Daren, even if it was not successful, it was a chance that would only appear once in
her lifetime!

The taste of blood suddenly spread inside her mouth. She instantly reacted. She had been
too nervous and bit through the skin of her lip. However, this little distraction caused her
heart to relax slightly. Out of the corners of her eyes, she noticed that people were casting
recording yao arts. She instantly thought, she was so stupid, she even forgot about the
recording yao arts.

There were recoding yao arts among all the yao arts, and had the same purpose as the
xiuzhe’s mirage jade scrolls. However, the recording yao arts could be stored in the sea of
consciousness of the yao, and were more convenient.

She hurriedly cast a recording yao art to prepare for her to study slowly when she

This entire distraction caused her to calm down greatly. She could finally act calmly.
Watching the lights on Daren’s hands, her mind quickly matched the corresponding yao
arts. Very quickly, the face that had just calmed down showed shock again.

Little yao arts!

All of them were little yao arts!

Nan Yue could clearly see. She was able to match the little yao arts to the dozen of lights
that lit up. When she realized this, she was truly stunned.

Did … … Daren plan on using little yao arts to deconstruct Qian Liu Daren’s water yao

She had been amazed when Daren had used a little yao art combination to defeat Qian
Liu Daren’s fire yao art. Even though she felt shocked, but she could still accept it. Qian Liu
Daren was famed for his water yao arts, and no one had heard of his fire yao arts. But Daren
was now using little yao arts to deconstruct the water yao arts that Qian Liu Daren had
become famous for. This caused Nan Yue’s mind to short-circuit.


No matter if it was the disbelief of the yao outside the battlefield or Nan Yue’s blank
mind, they did not affect Zuo Mo inside the battlefield at all.

He wasn’t deliberately using little yao arts, but it was because he only knew little yao
arts. From when he had started to deconstruct yao arts, Pu Yao had only taught him one
method, to use little yao arts. Pu Yao had also made little yao arts appear wonderful, and
that any yao art could be deconstructed with little yao arts etc etc.

This directly gave Zuo Mo the wrong impression, that all deconstruction should be done
with little yao arts.

Also, these river flows that were in front of him in his view were just some more complex
yao arts. So he did not hesitate in following his usual habits as he started to deconstruct it.

What he did not know was that Pu Yao in his sea of consciousness was gaping and wide
eyed. The usually cold and evil face was dumb, and his eyes had almost dropped out.

There was only one thought left in his mind, this guy was using little yao arts to
deconstruct … ..

This river flow was more complex than any object that Zuo Mo had encountered in Vast
Water Clear Skies. He was even able to see the deep laws of water yao arts within them.

However, there was no true difference in Zuo Mo’s eyes, it was just more complex.
When the raging Zuo Mo encountered a complex problem, his response once again was
unexpected to Pu Yao He didn’t become more restless, but he was like a lion that met a
comparable rival. His desire to fight and compete expanded!

He had attacked first, and unconsciously became the proactive one.

The lights on his hands continuously changed, and the rate of change accelerated, so fast
that it was hard to decipher. The speed that his hand cast little yao arts continuously grew
faster. In a short time, it surpassed the fastest speed he could cast at.

Zou Mo did not notice this.

But he was clear that just this speed was not enough to deconstruct the river flow in
front of him.

Zuo Mo’s repeated attacks of little yao arts instantly caused the river flow to retaliate.
The river flow in front of him suddenly lit up with faint light. In the void, it looked like a
glowing belt of light that floated.

Zuo Mo made a muffled grunt and his crimson red eyes became even more reddened.

Just now, five water yao arts had silently sneaked near him from the river flow. He had
almost been hit. The raging Zuo Mo became even more furious. Without another word, the
rate of little yao art changes on his hands increased another step.

The speed he was casting little yao arts now was two times his fastest speed!

The effect was immediately seen!

The peaceful river flow suddenly severely rippled. The river flow in front of Zuo Mo
suddenly shook fiercely like the twisted body of a snake in pain struggling fiercely.

In response the speed of the river flow also increased.

Numerous translucent schools of fish appeared in the river flow. These schools of fish all
had various shapes, their bodies transparent and made completely of water. If they were
not seen from at a close distance, it was very difficult to detect them.

There were so many schools of fish that they could not be counted. Once they were
formed, they furiously leaped towards Zuo Mo’s hands in the river flow.

His mind unprecedentedly focused, Zuo Mo instantly noticed the change of the river flow.
But his feeling was completely different than those of the spectators. These furiously
charging schools of fish, in his mind, were just new changes in the structure of the yao art
making up the river flow.
He didn’t have any fear, and felt very excited because this meant that his deconstruction
method was right. The river flow had detected the danger which was the reason it
retaliated so fiercely.

Come on, baby!

Zuo Mo’s blood rose to his head, his desire for battle rising to a peak. The little yao arts
his hands were casting were even more insane and became faster!

His two hands turned to one ball of intangible shadows. It was impossible to see his ten
fingers clearly. His consciousness and finger movements were unusually in sync at this
moment. With the smallest change of his finger, his consciousness would automatically
make the corresponding change.

Lights flew between his flying hands with astounding speed. Some of these various
colored lights headed straight for the schools of fish, some grouped together , and there
were even several dozen that welcomed the school of fish like a net.

Zuo Mo felt unspeakably great. The little yao arts seemed to have become an instinctive
part of him, and he had no problems casting them!

But he did not immerse himself in the feeling of pleasure. He only had one target in his
eyes. Deconstruction! Complete destruction!

He was going to completely deconstruct this damned river flow!

Dare attack ge!

Die die!

All die!

Faster! Even faster! Just a bit more!

The speed of the two hands seemed to suddenly decrease. If it was put in slow motion,
one would find the practiced motions seemed to pause, but this stop was very short, so
short that people would find it hard to detect.

After this extremely short pause, the two hands that had been blurry into one ball slowly

Two balls of shadow, two balls of furiously changing light balls!

The river flow that had been vibrating fiercely suddenly stopped. The body of the
continuously struggling glittering snaking river seemed to freeze in this moment!

The rushing river flows around, the spraying waves, they all stopped in the sky.
Time seemed to suddenly stop. All the river flows in the entire prison battlefield froze,
silent and motionless.

Translator Ramblings: Still not over, Lil’ Cliffy is in full force. It’s not that Zuo Mo is trying
to be cool, he only knows so many yao arts to start with.
Chapter 351
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and Brian.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty One – Thousand Flow Water Breath

Pia pia pia … …

The dense sounds of corn popping rang without warning. With Zuo Mo’s hands as the
starting point, the explosions rapidly spread with astounding speed towards the two ends
of the river flow. When it reached the very end, the entire river flow was bombed into
countless snowy-white water foam by another even stronger explosion.

Zuo Mo’s figure was instantly swallowed by the wave of water foam.

The fine water foam was like snowflakes which had been blown free, sombre and

This beautiful scene was forever imprinted upon the minds of the female yao that were
watching. The desolate and silent void, the sky full of snowflakes that had been thrown
about; the scene was picturesque.

It wasn’t just the female yao. Even those male yao that only admired strength were
shocked by the scene in front of them.

However, they quickly broke free of their shock. The deathly silent Vast Water Clear
Skies seemed to be suddenly ignited. The soundwave instantly swallowed all of the yao.
The yao could not hear other people’s words, not even their own words, but they were so
excited they could only uncontrollably shout in awe.

“Heavens, what did I just see? Who can tell me?”

“Too crazy! Too crazy!”

“Impossible, this is impossible! This is Qian Liu Daren’s water yao arts! Qian Liu
Daren’s water yao arts … …” a male yao held his head as he looked dazedly at the
battlefield and murmured.

Leng Yue and Chang Zheng looked soullessly at the battlefield. All the power they had
seemed to have been drained away. They didn’t even have the strength to speak.

Compared to the disbelief and shock of the male yao, the female yao were very excited
and exuberant.
“Oh, so handsome! Who knows who this guys is? I definitely have to pursue him. He is
too handsome, too intoxicating!” A beautiful female yao’s face was blushing as she spoke.

“So beautiful, he definitely is a romantic yao!” Another female yao’s eyes were
intoxicated, and her face adoring.

The excited Nan Yue was instantly shocked inside and out. She shook, and the hairs on
her body began standing up. Then she couldn’t help but think, if Daren heard this, she
didn’t know how he would respond.

This thought flashed through her mind before disappearing. She suppressed her
excitement, and start to think back to the little yao arts that Daren had just cast. She was
very familiar with little yao arts. If she could see it, she definitely could quickly identify
what kind of little yao art it was.

But the light that just covered Daren’s hands was completely different than the little yao
arts that she had seen before. Had Daren used new yao arts?

This suspicion flashed past her mind.

She shook her head. Intuition told her that Daren had still used little yao arts. She didn’t
recognize those strange lights but they seemed to be slightly familiar.

Her eyes suddenly widened. She thought of a possibility.

If the speed that little yao arts were cast was fast enough, and broke through the normal
barrier … …

The shock of Qian Liu Daren’s water yao arts being defeated was a far greater blow to all
the yao than the fireball being dissipated before. Qian Liu Daren had been young when he
had set Vast Water Clear Skies but the male yao in the battlefield certainly did not appear to
be of a great age.

Qian Liu Daren had established his name of Clear Skies Thousand Flow.

It was possible to predict that the mysterious male young yao in the battlefield would be
known throughout the world regardless of whether he finished the prison-breaking battle
in the end.

Previously, everyone had felt Zuo Mo had been too arrogant to challenge Qian Liu
Daren’s water yao arts, but right now, many yao were seriously considering how probable
it was that Zuo Mo could win.

The short attack allowed them to understand the mysterious young male yao in the
battlefield had potential no less than Crystal Clear Thousand Flow.

This world was really crazy.

A legend that only existed in heroic stales was really happening in front of them. The
feeling of dreamy surrealism made many yao felt dazed for a moment.

Chi’s mouth was bitter as he grimaced. He knew his plan had failed. Chi couldn’t predict
what level Nan Yue’s strange coursin would reach, but the power that he displayed now
was not lacking compared to the young Clear Skies Thousand Flow.

A genius whose future was limitless, was it even possible that the little Purple Lotus Yao
Art House could recruit him?

“Strange Cousin isn’t just strange, he had some talent!” The tree yao carelessly praised
as though what he had just seen was a normal house battle.

Every single blossom on the flower yao’s body flipped like numerous pairs of eyes
simultaneously rolling their eyes.

The other students at the side really could not resist themselves due to the tree yao’s
otherworldly conduct. “Shut up!”

Before, they had felt that Zuo Mo’s conduct was full of ignorance about his own abilities,
but now, Zuo Mo had risen to a height that they could admire. In their view, even the House
Elder of the Purple Lotus Yao Art House might not have the qualifications to judge Zuo Mo.
So what was the tree yao? How could he speak so grandly?

The tree yao waved his branches in shock. “Don’t you also feel the same? So strange!
Has some skill! Really strange! How can you be more strange than the Strange Cousin
… …”

This time, even the other yao that had been preparing to mock saw the situation clearly
and shrunk back.

To argue with this deluded person was to find displeasure for themselves.

Before the fine snowy-white water foam had dissipated, there was another string of
explosions and the layers of snowy-white foam rippled. The attention of all the yao were
attracted. The explosions came endlessly. Thick snowy-white water foam completely
covered the entire prison battlefield. No yao was able to clearly see Zuo Mo’s figure.

But those explosions were enough to prove that Zuo Mo was still in the battlefield.

Zuo Mo charged in every direction, his eyes crimson red as he howled like a crazed wild
beast. If he found a river flow, he would instantly leap over.

Roused by the killing, he inexhaustibly searched for the next river flow, and continued to
deconstruct. He became even more practised and his efficiency increased drastically. After
a while, he was able to locate the weak points to break through before the first wave of
counter-attacks arrived. It was like solving problems. There were many kinds of problems,
but as he became familiar, his way of thinking became clear, and naturally became more at

He completely had no intention of leaving face for the other. There was only one thought
in his mind.

You dare to attack ge, all die, die!

Destroy, destroy, completely destroy!

The criss-crossing river flows continuously exploded into snowy foam.

When the last flowing river was deconstructed, Zuo Mo widened his eyes among the
snowy foam turbulence and looked around. He wanted to find his next target. As his
consciousness expanded, he suddenly found that they all seem to have been resolved.

All resolved?

There was nothing left?

Fine cold water foam covered his face. The temperature of his boiling hot head couldn’t
help but decrease. The anger inside seemed to have been pretty much vented. He showed
an expression of reluctance. He felt very exhilarated at doing deconstruction.

Just as he was enjoying it, the target disappeared.

Suddenly, a warm and gentle presence suddenly shot out of the void. The flying and
moving snowy-white foam seemed to have suddenly come to life. Their speed slowly
decreased until they were set in the void.

This presence could not be considered strong, there was no tyrannical presence that
could conquer the world. It was warm but not conspicuous, yet peerlessly weighty. It was
like a boundless ocean, so vast that it inspired awe. Under this warm and vast presence,
threads of vitality like the sun being born slowly rose up from the water.

As the presence appeared, it covered the entire Vast Water Clear Skies, and covered
every yao in Vast Water Clear Skies.

“Is this water breath?” Leng Yue reached out with his palm as though he wanted to grab
this presence, and murmured to himself.
Every yao who cultivated water yao arts had serious expressions at this moment. They
spread out their arms as though they wanted to throw themselves into this vast presence.

Yao like Chi who cultivated fire yao arts seemed to be sitting on pins. Without knowing it,
a thin layer of sweat covered their heads.

Water breath was one of the base sources of power comprehended after water yao arts
were cultivated to a very deep level. There were many kinds of little yao arts. Each yao’s
water yao arts were different, and the water breath they would comprehend would vary.
When yao that comprehended water breath cast water yao arts, the power was much
greater than normal water yao arts.

As the cultivation deepened, the comprehension of water breath would continuously

change. The more the comprehension of water breath was perfected, the deeper the
understanding of water yao arts.

Comprehending water breath was the most important badge for every water art
cultivating yao to have a deep understanding. Countless yao who had spent decades
cultivating water yao arts were unable to comprehend water breath.

It was not strange or unexpected that Qian Liu Daren had comprehended water breath
when he was young. But that attributes that Qian Liu Daren’s water breath showed made
every yao feel awe.

Vast and full of life!

The more the yao was skilled in water yao arts, the faster their hearts beat. Shouldn’t
such high level laws only appeared on those old yao that had cultivated for centuries?

Zuo Mo was also very shocked.

He was very familiar with water element spells. Even though water element spells and
water yao arts were completely different, but the base source of water did not change. This
presence was not dominating, but it was extremely pure.

Then an unprecedented feeling of anger filled every pore of Zuo Mo’s body.

He wasn’t a greenhorn that just stepped onto the battlefield. When this water breath
appeared, he instantly found the terrifying power under its warm and peaceful surface.

It was like a basin of cold water was poured from his head to his toes, and cooled his

Zuo Mo found that, in front of this vast presence full of life, he was so minuscule he was
like a speck of dust.

Minuscule like a speck of dust … ..

A dot of light suddenly appeared in Zuo Mo’s eyes that were still bloodshot. It was like
the spark that lit up in the wild. He raised his face and looked forward as though he was
going to penetrate the thick white water foam with his eyes.

He suddenly smiled. With the mannerism of a peerless expert, filled with nonchalance.

The curve of his mouth increased until the corners of his mouth reached his ears and
revealed the snowy-white, neat and sharp teeth. The tone of his voice as it came out was
completely opposite his aloof appearance. It was gritted through his teeth, and was filled
with undisguised ferocity.

“Ge dislikes people that never commit the most!”

The murderous Zuo Mo started his insane actions.

A golden light flashed on his back, and a pair of faint golden and transparent wings
appeared. Countless hair-thin gold threads climbed up from the bottom of Zuo Mo’s feet
until they entirely covered his legs. The golden threads suddenly tightened as though they
tied up his legs.

Light Void Wings, Golden Crow Feet!

Immediately after, numerous hard lightning appeared and floated around Zuo Mo to
form a thick net of lightning.

Yang Fiend Hard Lightning!

One hundred and eight bolts of yang fiend hard lightning!

After finishing all this, Zuo Mo didn’t raise his head, and his hands started to swipe and
move with difficulty!

Translator Ramblings: And it continues! Qian Liu literally means thousand flow, hence
the name. I’m not sure if he changed his name to fit the arts that he is good at or his parents
named him and then he decided to use his arts to literally make thousands of water flows.
Zuo Mo’s getting even angrier … … he might burst a blood vessel soon.
Chapter 352
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Two – The Reappearance of Wasteland Sacrificial Art

A grey shadow flew out from Zuo Mo’s right hand.

The grey shadow was like a wasteland beast that had left its cage. It grew in size, and the
deep hissing it made shocked people down to their souls.

Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art!

The last joker in Zuo Mo’s hands was unhesitatingly thrown out at this moment.


In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao had a complicated expression, one that Zuo Mo would
think was spectacular at this time. His expression was complex and showed a faint
bitterness. The Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art was the yao art that his teacher had
created. Teacher had never hidden any part of it from him. He could recite any part of the
yao art, but even so, after one thousand years, he still could not successfully cast this yao

Thinking back to his nickname of [Encyclopedia of Yao Arts], it seemed full of irony.

[Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art] looked simple but it actually was complex in many
places. Otherwise, how could Pu Yao still not be able to find the method to cast it after so
many years had passed? Last time, he had only wanted to try, and just gave a few words of
guidance. He had not expected Zuo Mo to successfully cast the art.

Today, Zuo Mo’s movements were still unpractised, but he had successfully cast it again.
It was enough to show that he had grasped the crux of this yao art, and his success was not
just a matter of luck.

What was an incredibly difficult yao art in Pu Yao’s eyes was easily grasped by Zuo Mo
and without the other knowing its difficulty. Other than bitterness and mockery, he
couldn’t help but admire Zuo Mo’s talent. Thinking back carefully, he found that
inexperienced youth he had first met was more average in all areas compared to the

This guy’s staying power was very strong!

He suddenly snickered. His consciousness was greater than Zuo Mo’s. The prison
battlefield could block Zuo Mo’s consciousness, but could not stop Pu Yao’s consciousness.
Pu Yao knew everything about what was happening outside.

His mood instantly made a one hundred and eighty degree turn, especially when he saw
the spectacular expressions of the spectating yao.

Maybe it was pretty good to have such a student. Even though Zuo Mo was not a yao, and
was a human, but in the eyes of Pu Yao who usually did not tread the conventional path,
this wasn’t a concern at all.

At some time in the future, he definitely had to urge Zuo Mo to go to the yao world.

It would be really fun to cause a storm!

Imagining the shocked expressions of those old guys, he couldn’t help but roar with

In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao’s free yet somewhat insane laughter echoed.


Zuo Mo did not hear Pu Yao’s laughter. His mind was focused as he cast the Archaic
Wasteland Sacrificial Art.

The simple yet authoritative presence was like a vicious wasteland beast slowly walking
out of the mist. The oncoming presence was suffocating!

Its movements were not fast, but were filled with perfect ease.

It suddenly stopped its movement.

The spectating yao felt their throats tighten as though a noose had been suddenly
tightened around their necks. They couldn’t breath.

Terror suddenly jumped from their feet up, the bone-aching coldness spreading through
their entire bodies, their minds completely blank.

He seemed to see an ancient wasteland beast the size of a mountain looking down
The mountain-like presence covered the world, and bore down like a mountain.

The yao lost their courage. They wanted to turn and run. Those that were less daring
collapsed onto the ground. Even those guys who thought themselves powerful had ashen
faces at this moment.

Qian Liu Daren’s water breath was vastness and full of life.

And this grey figure was filled with tyranny and destruction!


The second prison.

Numerous yao suddenly stopped what they were doing at the same moment. They raised
their heads in shock.

A dangerous presence filled with tyranny and destruction rushed past them like a gust of

The enormous second prison sank into a strange silence.

A moment later, these yao that had been hard at work unhesitatingly dropped what they
were doing, and started to fly in the same direction. If one looked from above the second
prison, they would find that numerous figures seemed to be attracted to one location.

It was the entrance to the first prison.


Feeling the danger of the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art presented, the vast water
breath that had been warm and peaceful a moment ago suddenly roiled.

Zuo Mo seemed to be situated in an angry ocean. The enormous waves that charged up
could swallow him at any instant. These furious waves contained power that could crumble
mountains and upend seas. If he was touched the tiniest bit, even with the Great Day mo
physique, there would only be one outcome—his body completely shattered!

The complete reverse of the peace and harmony, the prison battlefield had turned to the
other extreme. Zuo Mo understood this represented another attribute of the water breath.
After experiencing the voyages on Endless Ocean, he understood just how the furious water
could be terrifying powerful.
His surroundings were filled with abundant moisture.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a boundless ocean appeared under Zuo Mo’s feet.

Minuscule, Zuo Mo once again felt just how minuscule he was!

In front of this raging and vast water breath, people were forced to admit their

Zuo Mo bit his lips tightly and tried to maintain his resolve. His hands were still
methodically swiping in the air.

All of his strength was gathered in his body!


Zuo Mo suddenly raised his flushed eyes.

Almost at the same time, two empty red lights suddenly lit up in the grey shadow. They
were like a pair of vicious eyes. The ignited red eyes were lantern sized, and like giving the
touch of life to a painting, the figure of the wasteland beast that had been slightly intangible
did not seem to feel transient any longer.

It was alive.

Even though the figure of the wasteland beast was not defined, but all of the yao had a
strong feeling, it was alive!

The tyrannical and destructive presence suddenly exploded like a volcano and headed
into the clouds!

It really was alive!

The spectating yao all shook. The two terrifying presences conflicted. They were like
beauties that had just been abused getting abused again!

Among the crowds of yao, light flashed occasionally outside the prison battlefield. Each
flash of light meant that a yao could not withstand the two oppressive presences and was
forced out of the Ten Finger Prison.

Inside the Ten Finger Prison, if their mental defenses were broken, they would be
forcibly ejected from the Ten Finger Prison. This kind of situation was not common. The
yao cultivated their consciousness. In terms of mental strength, they were much stronger
than xiuzhe or mo.
But today, after the successive blows from two peerlessly presences, the yao that usually
cultivated in the first prison could not bear it. Even Nan Yue only stood for three breaths
before she was pushed out of the Ten Finger Prison.

In comparison Leng Yue and Chang Zheng’s situation was much better. They usually
cultivated in the second prison, but there was no ease on their faces. They seemed to be
struggling to bear it. The other yao fortunate enough to remain all had pained expressions
on their faces but no one retreated of their own accord.

Everyone knew that the faceoff between the two presences that was coming would be a
great conflict!

To be able to personally see a battle of such a level, even if they had to pay a great price
to watch, they would unhesitatingly choose to do so, much less just tolerate some pain. This
kind of opportunity was rare!

The lantern-sized vicious eyes glowed with red light. The waves that seemed to cover the
sky did not seem to affect it.

It suddenly opened its mouth.

The open mouth suddenly formed a great suction force.

Numerous waves were forcibly pulled away from the water by this force and flew
towards the open mouth of the wasteland beast. The furious ocean suddenly paused

The surface of the water that had instantly calmed rippled. It was rebelling against this

The light of the two enormous pupils in the grey shadow increased. The suction power

Whoosh whoosh!

Like a whale drinking rivers, numerous pillars of water were sucked into the mouth of
the wasteland beast. The wasteland beast’s mouth seemed to be a bottomless hole. No
matter how much water entered, it showed no signs of expanding.

But how could the vast ocean formed by the water breath be defeated so easily?

That was the water breath that Crystal Void Qian Liu Daren had left behind!

The vast ocean was colossal and showed no signs of shrinking. Many schools of fish
suddenly appeared under the water. These schools of fish were different than the schools
of fish that appeared before. They were of flesh of blood.

Zuo Mo suddenly understood. These schools of fish were truly lives that had been
created by the water breath!

There were innumerable schools of fish. They furiously leapt at the wasteland beast. The
strong vitality they carried was like boiling water and caused fear.

The shaking vitality did not serve as nutrients, but poison.

This blow was like the grass that broke the camel’s back for the yao who had been
struggling outside the battlefield.

Innumerable lights flashed. None of the yao outside the battlefield remained!

For the first time, the wasteland beast showed wariness. These fragile lives caused the
powerful wasteland beast to feel danger. Zuo Mo was very surprised!

Just as Zuo Mo felt shock, the lantern eyes of the wasteland beast suddenly blinked slyly.

Zuo Mo was shocked still by this person-like action of the wasteland beast.

The figure of the wasteland beast suddenly started to change.

Its body suddenly turned to shadow and divided into a top and bottom half.

Almost at the same time, Zuo Mo’s hands seemed to be out of his control as they
unconsciously started to move.

Little yao arts, number one, number five hundred.

The top half of the grey shadow suddenly started to furiously spin clockwise, while the
bottom half spun counter-clockwise.

That absurd and conflicting feeling appeared again. Zuo Mo felt as though he was being
pulled by two wagons in opposite directions, and was unspeakably uncomfortable.

After having experienced it before, Zuo Mo instantly understood what he needed to to.

Straight Pass-Through Form!

A power that was not strong instantly penetrated the centers of the two yao arts.

Under the feet of the wasteland beast that had turned to a whirlwind, a thread of white
light suddenly rose, and above its head, a blackness started to spread.

In the blink of an eye, the grey shadow turned to black and white parts that were clearly
A black and white millstone.

The furiously turning millstone produced a much stronger suction force than before.

The schools of fish that came from all directions were like thin streams that were pulled
into the millstone before they could even resist.

There was no flesh or blood flying. Everything was so silent it looked like a picture.

In the center of the millstone, a glowing bead gradually took shape.

The vast water breath filled with life quickly decreased, and the bead in the middle of the
millstone became larger and glowed like a drop of dew.

The blood in Zuo Mo’s eyes gradually retreated. His consciousness was extremely

Having recovered his calm, the first action Zuo Mo did was gather his last thread of
strength, grabbing the bead, and shoving it into his mouth.

His vision darkened and he instantly lost consciousness.

Translator Ramblings: Finally over! Seriously, Zuo Mo, swallowing it … … are you three
years old? Is your greed that overpowering? His rationale makes sense in a weird way. He’s
a piece of soul and if he leaves, the water breath might stay and someone else can take it.
What to do? Digest it so that it is a part of him.
Chapter 353
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Three – Spread

Wei Sheng progressed with difficulty. Each step required a great deal of concentration
from him.

His clothing was in tatters and covered in dust, his entire person looked very fragile. Only
that pair of black eyes showed a sharp light that seemed to penetrate the thick fiendish

The dangers of this journey was hundreds of times greater compared to this trip in the
sword cave.

Those soul beasts that could take form were especially vicious and cunning. They seemed
to be one with the fiend mist, would silently approach to ambush and were hard to defend
against. They also had an endless supply of illusory techniques that enchanted a person’s
mind. If it wasn’t for the strength of Wei Sheng’s resolve, he would have fallen a long time
go. They came like the wind, their speed was lightning fast, their attacks vicious. If he was
the slightest bit careless, he would land in a precarious situation.

In the most dangerous incident, he had encountered three fiend soul beasts. What
surprised him was that these three fiend soul beasts knew to cooperate among themselves.
In that battle, he had been wounded in a dozen places. The most serious wound was so
deep his rib bones could be seen.

If he did not have healing lingdan in his dimension ring, he would have died from the
wound alone.

However, Wei Sheng was still Wei Sheng. Having left the sect to come to such an
unfamiliar and dangerous place, it was as though he had been released from a heavy
burden. The chains on his heart were shattered. He was like a bird that had escaped the
cage and was unspeakably relaxed. He did not feel uncomfortable at the dangers in front of

He continuously experienced the ambush of all kinds of fiend soul beasts, the illusory
techniques that ensnared a person’s mind. These dangers did not made him want to
retreat, but tempered his sword heart even making it more refined and pure.

His talent in cultivating the sword was very exceptional in the beginning. The worldly
apparition when he entered zhuji had caused everyone to feel anticipation about his future.
Even Lin Qian of mysterious origins treated his talent slightly favorably. It was possible to
see just how talented he was.

Having rediscovered the calm of his sword heart, and adding on the honing from the
dangerous situation, he was like a treasure sword uncovered from the dust, and gradually
showed his sharpened edges!

There wasn’t much ling power left.

He thought inside as his gaze looked towards the depths of the fiendish mist. Previously,
sword essence had exploded suddenly in the direction he had been travelling. This gave
him hope. He had a strong feeling that he was not far from his target.

But right now, he needed to think of everything he could do and control the consumption
of ling power.

He was like the most frugal miser. If he could use one thread of ling power, he would not
use two threads. He also tried to absorb ling power from the jingshi in the dimensional
ring, and tried to purify it of impurities. He did everything he could do.

Even so, he was a sorry figure.

Caressing the black sword in his hands, he raised his head again and walked forward
with determination.

He trusted the sword in his hands.


“Shixiong fainted again?” Gongsun Cha gazed curiously at the unconscious Zuo Mo. He
reached out to poke and see if Shixiong was really unconscious.

The “again” of Gongsun Cha’s words made the other people’s features twitch.

“Ehm, Daren must be cultivating a special technique.” Xie Shan found a shoddy excuse.
Zuo Mo was his boss. He had to help disguise it.

Shu Long’s mouth imperceptibly curved up but he quickly became stern again.

Gongsun Cha’s face was regretful as he muttered, “I had been hoping he could help me
fish today … …”

“Hm, Daren will rest. He probably will wake up soon,” Xie Shan could only say.
He had checked. There were no problems with Daren’s body.


Shu Long had been planning on reporting to Zuo Mo. He could only leave now. He was
the leader of the Hardship Guards. There was a pile of matters waiting for him everyday.

The camp of the Hardship Guard was always set up separately. Walking into the camp, it
was very busy.

For other people, the abundant black fiendish energy was akin to poison, but for them, it
was nothing less than the best nutrients.

“Head, when will Daren come to the camp?” When A Wen saw Shu Long, his eyes lit up,
and he ran over with his black spear. The other Hardship Guards also crowded over.

Shu Long felt a head but still said expressionlessly, “Daren is cultivating now. When
Daren finishes, I will report at the first moment.”

“Oh.” Everyone’s sounds carried slight disappointment.

In this period of time, the Hardship Guard had all improved greatly. There were many
people that had finished forming their weapons. Almost half of the Guard Camp had
finished forming their weapons. Compared to before, their combat capabilities were much
stronger. Some more accomplished, like A Wen, rocketed in their improvement.

In this short amount of time, he had become the second strongest in Guard Camp after
Shu Long. He had just woken up from his meditation, and had gained greatly. He was very
innocent and he desired Daren’s praise. Everyone in the camp had improved greatly. Every
one of the flower slaves had comprehended a few spells.

Shu Long also hoped that Daren could come to the camp. That would greatly increase

He hadn’t expected that Daren was unconscious again.

He could only go tomorrow, Shu Long thought.

Nan Yue rubbed her forehead as her head ached. Being forcibly ejected from the Ten
Finger Prison meant that her consciousness had been wounded slightly. But at this time,
she did not put any attention on her lightly wounded consciousness.

She only wanted to know one thing now—had Daren finished the prison-breaking battle!

She wanted to enter Vast Water Clear Skies again, but before her consciousness
recovered, she had no way of entering Vast Water Clear Skies.

Tightly biting her lips, her heart was in the air. What would Vast Water Clear Skies look
like now?

But she could only be impatient. She comforted herself, tomorrow, by tomorrow, she
would know the result. No matter if Daren had completed the prison-breaking battle or not,
this matter would spread tomorrow, and the result would naturally float to the surface.

Daren had accidentally activated the prison-breaking battle. Due to this, other than the
first and second prison, no one had managed to rush over in time. Right now, the news had
not spread, but she dared to guarantee that by tomorrow, this matter would shake all of the
yao world.

This was a prison-breaking battle!

She suddenly became excited. To be able to follow such a daren, what honor this was!

In the yao word, powerful yao would usually have many followers. Many of them would
become their daren’s students, but most of them would only have the identity of a follower.
However, this did not mean that they were lower than others. The guidance of a master,
even if it was just a tiny bit, would greatly benefit them.

Even more, Daren had promised to pass her [South Sky Arrow Art]!

Thinking about this, she unconsciously tightened her fisted hands.

Nan Yue, you have to work hard, and cannot disappoint Daren!

She repeatedly motivated herself, her little face filled with determination. She
understood her responsibilities. South Sky Wisteria Clan had already declined and was tiny.
She did not think about recovering the past prosperity of the Wisteria Clan of the South
Sky. Her only hope was to use her efforts to help the clansmen leave behind their situation
of poverty. At least, they would have better lives.

Nan Yue, you can do it!

She told herself.


The vast ocean seemed borderless.

Water shifted at a part of the ocean, and in a moment, a terrifying whirlpool over two
hundred li in diameter formed. The whirlpool spun with astonishing speed, the strong force
pulling the center of the whirlpool to collapse into itself.

A deep passage appeared in the center of the whirlpool.

A handsome male flew out of the passage. His features were soft in its lines, a warm and
elegant smile on his face that would create positive feelings, and had a transparent crystal
on his forehead.

“He broke Vast Water Clear Skies, and swallowed my water breath bead as well,” the
male shook his head and smiled. “Looks like a pretty talented young little yao.”

Just as he was talking to himself, a dash of fire landed from the sky.

“Ha ha! Little Qian Qian, your Vast Water Clear Skies was broken!”

A face appeared in the mountain-sized ball of fire. He was roaring with amused laughter.

Hearing the other’s appellation of him, Qian Liu’s forehead twitched. But he knew if he
argued with this unreasonable guy, that was definitely going up against a wall. He could
only smile and say, “Three hundred years have passed, it’s time for it to be broken.”

The fire-faced person that had been laughing at his misfortune a moment ago couldn’t
help but snort. “Hmph! Three hundreds years and no one came out. That group of old
guys talk that whole set every day, there’s no use.”

Qian Liu hurriedly urged, “That can’t be said. Even though there are no experts, but
their methods at nurturing intermediate level yao is very effective.”

The temper of the fire-faced person was very explosive. He swore, “Effective my ass! No
experts, there won’t be one to be able to be seen in public.”

“They have it hard.” Qian Liu sighed. “Supposedly, a few good seedlings have come
from the yao art houses. They can be considered to have set up a path.”

The fire-face person’s temper lowered slightly, but he still growled, “It’s too late. We’ve
already started the battle with the xiuzhe. If they came a few years earlier, then that
would have worked.”

Qian Liu said with a smile, “It may not be a bad matter for them to arrive in time for
this great battle. Without the tempering of true battle, it is hard for these people gain
“In any case, you always have excuses!” The fire-faced person clearly was impatient
and did not want to stay on this topic. He changed direction. “What, don’t you want to
know what the new first prison looks like?”

Qian Liu blinked. “There is still one day until the new first prison will form.”

The flames around the body of the fire-faced person stilled. He had forgotten this. He
hurriedly glossed over. “What do you think this boy’s origins are?”

“How can I guess? I’ll know when I see tomorrow.”

“Hee hee, I can’t wait.”


Vast Water Clear Skies had been broken.

The news quickly spread through all of the large yao jies like it had wings, and instantly
created waves. Right now, the yao army was winning on the front lines. This news was a
boost in morale for the troops. All of the yao felt excited.

Was a new era about to come?

The prison-breaking battle that had not been activated for three hundred years once
again entered everyone’s view. Some old yao were so excited they started to reminiscence
about the prosperity of the yao before the thousand year war.

However, no one knew the origins of the mysterious guy.

All kinds of recording yao arts appeared, but people quickly found that all the recording
yao arts did not have an ending, lacking the most important and crucial part.

Speculation and discussion filled every corner of the yao world. Each yao was waiting for
the arrival of the second day, waiting for the new first prison to take form! Each yao desired
to know—

——What would the new first prison be like?

Translator Ramblings: Wei Sheng keeps going and becomes a miser to survive. Zuo Mo is
unconscious and Xie Shan is such a good subordinate to make excuses for him.
Chapter 354
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Four – The Wasteland Beast Chessboard

Bam bam bam.

The sound of knocking on the door woke Nan Yue up. She really had been too tired
yesterday and slept deeply. She opened her heavy eyes, and opened the door to the room.
When she saw the people that come outside, all the drowsiness instantly disappeared.

The person that had knocked was Chi. His face was full of a warm smile. Behind him was
a large crowd of people. Nan Yue found many of them familiar to the eye. But when she saw
the House Elder of the Purple Lotus Yao Art House, she couldn’t help but still.

“Nan Yue, did we disturb your rest?” Chi’s tone was filled with warmth and concern,
and none of the usual sternness as though he had become a completely different person.

“Oh, no no.” Nan Yue instinctively shook her head.

She finally recalled what those old looking people that looked familiar were. They were
the elders of the yao art house.

Two, three… … twelve!

Nan Yue’s scalp turned numb. All of the elders of the Purple Lotus Yao Art House Council
of Elders was standing in front of her home! These elders that usually were high up and
indifferent all had smiles on their faces, and harmonious auras. All of the upper level of the
Purple Lotus Yao Art House was here without an exception.

Seeing Nan Yue still where she stood, Chi instantly understood what it was. He couldn’t
help but smile and say, “What? Are you not going to invite us in to sit?”

“Oh oh oh!” Nan Yue finally reacted and seemed to wake up from her dream. She
hurriedly moved away from the door. “Please come in, come in!”

The procession streamed in.

The House Elder examined the bare room and said with a slight smile, “Student Nan Yue
is really living simply! As expected of the role model of our house’s other students. Our
other students should learn from this valuable attitude.”

Nan Yue sweated. She wasn’t simple, she was just poor. At this moment, she did not
know how to respond, and could only murmur in agreement.
“However,” the House Elder’s tone changed as he said passionately, “as the Chief
Student Elder of the Purple Lotus Yao Art House, Student Nan Yue should shoulder a
heavier burden! This is too far away, and not convenient. Oo, The house’s Purple Lotus
Park has a Spirit Clarity Residence still empty. Student Nan Yue will find it much more
convenient when moved over there.”

Chi’s gaze showed threads of admiration. Spirit Clarity Residence was the highest level of
residence in the Purple Lotus Yao Art House. There were only three suites in total. The
House Elder actually gave one to Nan Yue. The most valuable part of the Spirit Clarity
Residence was the Spirit Clarity Pool. It could increase the cultivation speed of the
consciousness. To say nothing of the high price in constructing the Spirit Clarity Pool, it
could only be built on special geological forms.

After that, the elders took their turns to persuade and were unparalleled in their

Nan Yue seemed to go through the entire process as though it was a dream. She did not
know what to do. She only gradually refocused when the House Elder and the others had
left for a while.

Chief student elder? She had become the Chief Student Elder? And they had given her a
Spirit Clarity Residence to use?

Was she still dreaming?

But when she pulled herself out of the initial excitement, she quickly understood the
crux. It was not hard to guess what the attitude of the House Elder and the elders were for.

They were here for Daren!

Even though they hadn’t mentioned one word about Daren today, but Nan Yue was one
hundred percent certain that they had come for Daren!

No, she had to report this to Daren!

She suddenly remembered today was the day the first prison formed.

Thinking to this, she instantly became excited. She inspected her consciousness. Even
though she had not fully healed her injuries, but she had recovered enough to enter the first
prison. She instantly entered meditation and directly entered the first prison.


“Argh, motherf***er!” the pained Zuo Mo wailed.

It had been a long time since his consciousness had been wounded. The long-absent pain
appeared again. The feeling of pain seemed to have grown even stronger.

“This is the result of trying to show off,” Pu Yao mocked neutrally.

“Ouch … … ouch, which guy was scheming against me? No, I can’t have suffered for
nothing, I have to return it!” The pained Zuo Mo still exposed his vengeful nature.

“You aren’t a match,” Pu Yao said mercilessly.

“How can it be known without a fight? Tell me quickly!” Zuo Mo looked as though he
would not give up and was murderous.

“Crystal Void Qian Liu.”

“Crytal Void Qian Liu? What thing is that?” Zuo Mo’s face was curious.

“It isn’t a thing, just a three hundred years little yao.”

“Che, just a three hundred year little yao.” Zuo Mo said unconcernedly.

A tendon throbbed in Pu Yao’s forehead. He forcibly suppressed it. “He comprehended

water breath.”

“Water Breath?” Zuo Mo instantly became alert and said braggingly, “That was water
breath? Didn’t it get destroyed by my Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art!”

Your Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art … …

The tendon in Pu Yao’s forehead jumped again. He pretended to be calm and said, “That
was an imprint he left behind three hundred years ago.”

“An imprint left three hundred years ago!” Zuo Mo jumped in fright. “In other words,
he was this powerful three hundred years ago?”


The expression on Zuo Mo’s face changed as he said embarrassedly, “Peace is valuable,
peace is valuable. It’s not good to fight and kill for nothing!”

Ignoring Pu Yao’s disdainful gaze, he asked curiously, “Why did his imprint attack me? I
didn’t offend him.”

“He finds you an eyesore.”

Pu Yao’s caused Zuo Mo’s expression to become even more embarrassed. “It seems that
Ten Finger Prison is really a dangerous place. I should not go to such a kind of place.”
Pu Yao heard this and thought inside, no, if Zuo Mo was afraid and did not go to the Ten
Finger Prison in the future, it would be a troublesome matter. He was very familiar with
Zuo Mo’s personality. This guy could not be forced, and could only be tempted. If there
were enough benefits, this guy would howl and charge.

“There’s a bit of danger, but there are also many benefits.” Pu Yao’s expression was
indifferent as though he was speaking objectively. “You destroyed his imprint, and
swallowed his water breath bead. Haven’t you felt anything?”

Zuo Mo finally remembered after Pu Yao’s remember the bead he had swallowed before
he had fainted. He hurriedly made an examination and immediately found the water breath

A glowing dewy bead floated in his sea of consciousness. The sea of consciousness where
a sea of flames danced had a lively and abundant humidity. The faint moisture spread from
the dew bead. Wherever the moisture passed, the wounded consciousness was like burnt
soil receiving nurturing and became full of life again. Zuo Mo felt unspeakably comfortable.

This was something really good!

Zuo Mo’s mind moved. The dew bead flew in front of him and a warm moisture blew into
his face.

“The water breath bead can heal?”

To make Zuo Mo understand the value of the water breath bead, Pu Yao naturally spoke
endlessly. “Not just healing. With it, you will have an easier time comprehending your
own water breath. Once you have comprehended water breath, it will merge into the
water breath that you comprehend. You will have an easier time casting the great
majority of water yao arts, and water element spells, their power would also be

“This powerful?” Zuo Mo felt very excited. He was clear to the value embodied. With this
water breath bead, it meant that his affinity to water had increased. This would increase
the strength of a major type of yao arts and spells.

Water element spells, ge knows them! He cast a [Little Art of Cloud and Rain] with
pride. A palm-size could instantly floated in his palm.

Hm, the cloud ball from the [Little Art of Cloud and Rain] this time was different than

The cloud ball seemed to be alive. The threads of rain that fell seemed to contain vitality.
When they landed in Zuo Mo’s palm, then sunk into Zuo Mo’s skin and disappeared. Zuo Mo
felt refreshed.

The sixth level of [Little Art of Cloud and Rain]!

Zuo Mo’s eyes widened, his face full of disbelief. Just with the addition of a water breath
bead, his [Little Art of Cloud and Rain] had leveled up to the sixth level!

The sixth level of [Little Art of Cloud and Rain] was significantly useful!

Zuo Mo was overjoyed.

Treasure! Great treasure!

“Can this even be called a treasure?” Pu Yao seemed to know Zuo Mo’s thoughts, and an
imperceptible smile floated on the corners of Pu Yao’s mouth. He continued to tempt Zuo
Mo, “The water breath was just from the prison-breaking battle of the first prison. Each
prison of the Ten Finger Prison has something good. Only what is in the later prisons
can be called treasures.”

“Each prison has their own?” Zuo Mo’s eyes lit up.

“What? Are you interested?” Pu Yao glanced at Zuo Mo with deliberate calmness.

“Interested! Very interested!” Zuo Mo nodded frantically. He rubbed his palms and said
warmly, “Pu Yao, let’s get them all! So many treasures, they can’t be wasted!”

“This will depend on your skills.” Pu Yao did not refute it. “The later prison-breaking
battles will be more powerful than this.”

Countless jingshi spun in Zuo Mo’s eyes. He drooled and said with a stupid smile, “That’s
nothing, we can wear them down, wear them to death!”

The water breath bead was wondrous as expected. Not long after, Zuo Mo’s injured
consciousness was healed. Zuo Mo was full of praise, and desired the other treasures even

“Let’s go, you have not named your prison battlefield yet,” Pu Yao said as he pulled
Zuo Mo into Vast Water Clear Skies.

Zuo Mo looked at the unfamiliar environment, his mouth wide, and his face stunned.

The criss-crossing river flows from before had all disappeared. The shards of stone
under his feet had also disappeared. What replaced them were squares of different colors.
The various colored tiles extended into the distance like an enormous chess board.

“What what is this?”

“Nothing big.” Pu Yao suppressed the shock inside and said in a normal tone. “You broke
the first prison left by someone before you, so the first prison will be reconstructed.”

“Oh, so it’s like that.” Zuo Mo’s face showed realization

He casually walked forward and stepped into a green square. There were no changes. He
stepped into another square, and there was still no change.

It just changed appearance.

The shock in Zuo Mo’s heart disappeared. He felt it was very boring, and his expression

Suddenly, the scene in front of him changed again.

He seemed to have flown to a very high place and was looking down from an aerial view.
He saw an enormous chessboard, the disorderly tiles formed a strange shape. The figure
seemed slightly familiar to Zuo Mo. He quickly understood what the pattern was.
Wasteland beast, that was a wasteland beast!

“Create a name.” Pu Yao’s light voice sounded at Zuo Mo’s ears.

“Wasteland Beast Chessboard.” Zuo Mo’s mind moved, and he blurted out.

Boom boom boom!

The sound was like thunder. The pattern of the wasteland beast on the chessboard
seemed to suddenly become alive. A thread of grey smoke came out of the chessboard, and
in a blink, turn to a wasteland beast.

The lantern sized red and vicious eyes, the bleak and disdainful presence, the roiling and
shapeless body.

It glanced at Zuo Mo and suddenly burrowed back into the chessboard.

The chessboard under him once again became what it was originally.

In the minds of the yao that had excitedly charged into the first prison, three words
floated up simultaneously—Wasteland Beast Chessboard!

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo’s proven history of terrible names have been broken … …
actually, the name come from what Pu Yao’s teacher created so this isn’t really something
he made. Nan Yue is so protective of her Daren … …
Chapter 355
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Five – Bidding.

Wasteland Beast Chessboard!

Nan Yue couldn’t resist repeating it lightly. The squares of various colors under her feet
spread into the horizon without end.

Lights occasionally flashed. Every yao who entered the Wasteland Beast Chessboard was
filled with shock. There were no obstacles in their vision. They seemed to be on a broad
plain. The yao further away seemed like black dots in their field of view

The strange colored squares under their feet reminded them this was a place filled with

Some of the people that had been doubting the prison-breaking battle had their
suspicious dissipate when they saw the completely transformed first prison. They stared
dazedly with wide mouths as they looked at the borderless chessboard that was almost

Nan Yue fought free from her shock. She released a long breath. She was filled with
curiosity. What was unique about Daren’s Wasteland Beast Chessboard?

She wanted to try when a slightly cold voice sounded from behind her.

“Pardon me, are you Student Nan Yue?”

Nan Yue turned around and saw a slightly thin but handsome youth standing with a
smile. He bowed slightly. “This one is Leng Yue, from Western Mountain Cold Clan.”

“Western Mountain Cold Clan?” Nan Yue was slightly bewildered. The Wisteria Clan of
the South Sky might have a glorious past, but it had been in decline for a long time.
Struggling on the poverty line, how could Nan Yue pay attention to those rich and powerful

Leng Yue responded very quickly. Seeing the expression on Nan Yue’s face, he
understood that the other’s birth was definitely very normal. He couldn’t help but rejoice
inside. Yesterday, the news he had sent back to the sect had attracted attention from the
clan. For this, they had used all their power to investigate the origins of the mysterious
prison-breaking yao.
Even though the origins of the prison-breaking yao was a puzzle, but they still found
some clues. For example, Nan Yue.

Up to here, there was nothing that Leng Yue had to do. He did not have the qualifications
for future matters. But his luck was really good, and coincidentally encountered Nan Yue
when he entered the Wasteland Beast Chessboard.

Towards a very alert Leng Yue, how could he pass such a good chance?

It was a pity that he wasn’t the only one with good luck. Those that had the power to find
Nan Yue weren’t just the Cold Family.

“Are you Miss Nan Yue?” A ethereal looking female clad in a white robe appeared at the
side and politely bowed to Nan Yue. “This one is Bai Rou Lian.”

“Haha! Such a coincidence!” A brawny large male about three zhang tall appeared out of
nowhere and bowed with great politeness towards Nan Yue. “Miss Nan Yue, an is Cang

Leng Yue and Bai Rou Lian’s expressions were not too good, but they were all from
influential families, and had some shrewdness. Even though they were wary, but their faces
quickly were covered with smiles again as though they were good friends.

Nan Yue was not dumb. When she saw this, she knew what was happening, and grimaced

At this time, a voice that was like a blessing from Heaven sounded at Nan Yue’s ears.
“Nan Yue.”

Zuo Mo had detected Nan Yue’s position and ran over. Nan Yue was his follower in name,
and was really one of his people. Towards his own people, Zuo Mo usually cared for them.
From their recent interactions, Zuo Mo felt that Nan Yue was good in all areas, and hard
working. She was worthy of being fostered.

When Nan Yue saw Zuo Mo, it was like she had seen her savior. “Daren!”

Woosh, the other three people’s eyes landed on Zuo Mo. Even though they had all seen
Zuo Mo’s figure from the yao recording art, but when they saw him from close up, they
were still stunned by Zuo Mo’s youth.


The three of them were abnormally in sync as they respectfully bowed. The respect on
their faces were not out of politeness but came from their hearts. They had a good family
background, and received the best teachings, their strength was far above those of their
age, but all of this could not be discussed when compared with the daren in front of them.
In front of such a genius that was able to leave behind his mark on yao society, what
assets did they have to be proud of?

“En?” Zuo Mo paused. These three people he did not know called him Daren?

Their brains were wonky?

He looked suspiciously at Nan Yue and pointed at the trio. “What is this?”

“Daren, I’m not very clear either.” Nan Yue’s expression was pitiable.

Zuo Mo turned his face around. “Who can tell me what is going on?”

As a boss of a group of experts, he naturally formed a presence over time. Once he was
serious, the unquestionable tone made the trio’s hearts shake. All three of them were
smart. In that short sentence, the three could detect many things.

Even Leng Yue who had originally assumed that Zuo Mo came from an unknown family
turned changed his previous speculation.

“This junior is Bai Rou Lian, and is representing the White Family to congratulate
Daren for his successful prison-breaking.” Bai Rou Lian was the first to speak. Her tone
was respectful, her voice was sweet and pleasing to hear. “The White Family has prepared
some gifts for Elder. Daren, please accept them.”

Leng Yue and Cang Ze felt depressed. This wench had gone one step in front of them.
They instantly felt as though they had eaten a fly, and were unspeakably uncomfortable.
However, the two reacted quickly and hurried to speak.

“The Cold Family … …”

“The Grey Clan … …”

Zuo Mo listened and generally understood what was going on. He waved his hand and
interrupted the two people. “Alright, say what you need. One by one.” Finishing, he
pointed at Bai Rou Lian. “You first.”

Bai Rou Lian was smug inside but did not dare to forget herself. She respectfully said,
“The White Family earnestly requests for Daren to enter the Peace River Yao Art House.
The entire house will give you the best treatment. The White Family is willing to give
six million each year, and a Heart Spirit Residence. The White Family will pay for all of
Daren’s expenses, and Daren can cultivate all the yao arts of the Peace River Yao Art

Nan Yue gaped. Heavens, six million each year! Even if she graduated from the Purple
Lotus Yao Art House and found a job, her monthly income definitely would not surpass one
thousand. Yet what was more valuable was that Heart Spirit Residence. Compared to the
Spirit Clarity Residence that the House Elder had given to her this morning, the Heart Spirit
Residence was even more expensive. A Heart Spirit Residence’s price on the market would
start at ten million on the market.

Really generous! Nan Yue’s expression was stunned.

Zuo Mo was very happy. Haha, so much jingshi! Oh, no, the yao world should not be using
jingshi, but Zuo Mo understood that this definitely was not a low price. It could be seen
from Nan Yue’s expression.

However, Zuo Mo was a very experienced person. He had an innate intuition about
bargaining. Adding on his wealth of battle experience, the three brats in front of him were
three rich and sweet lambs.

Zzt zzt zzt … …

The sound of knives being honed sounded in Zuo Mo’s heart, but his expression
remained neutral as though he was a person who did not care for mortal matters.

He pointed at Cang Ze and said, “You talk.”

Cang Ze became alert. “Daren, our clan is willing to give Daren eight million annually.
The clan does not have a Heart Spirit Residence but the clan is willing to provide Daren
three Golden Souls each year.”

Bai Rou Lian’s expression instantly became terrible. She was not shocked that Cang Ze
was able to give a tribute of eight million each year. What she was shocked about was
Golden Souls!

The rumors said that the Grey Clan possessed a Gold Tree. It seemed that it was true!

Leng Yue’s expression was ashen. The last hope in his heart was destroyed. To say
nothing about the fact the clan had not given him the power to negotiate, but even with the
permission, he believed that the clan would not be able to give a price higher than this.

It was not just the Cold Clan was unable to do so, the White Clan was also unable. When
he saw Bai Rou Lian’s black face, the depressed Leng Yue felt much better.

Even though he didn’t know what Golden Soul was, but his intuition told Zuo Mo this
definitely was something rare and good.

“Golden Soul!” Pu Yao’s voice trembled slightly. “Take this one!”

Zuo Mo did not accept. He nodded to Cang Ze and then turned his gaze to Leng Yue.

Leng Yue docilely said, “Daren, we cannot give a price higher than Brother Cang Ze.”
This result was not unexpected to Zuo Mo. Something that even Pu Yao changed
expression at, it definitely was something good. He guessed that Leng Yue could not give a
higher price, but out of caution, he still asked.

“Okay.” Zuo Mo said to Cang Ze, “You follow me. Nan Yue, come as well.”

Cang Ze was overjoyed and hurried to follow.

Bai Rou Lian’s black expression disappeared. Leng Yue did not have any more interest in
seeing the Wasteland Beast Chessboard, and returned to report this matter.

There was no one around. Zuo Mo sat down and said to the two, “Sit.”

Cang Ze respectfully sat down, and Nan Yue sat down next to Zuo Mo.

In just this little while, Pu Yao quickly introduced Zuo Mo to the Golden Soul. The Golden
Soul was born from the Golden Tree and was very rare. Pu Yao had assumed that the
Golden Tree had gone extinct. The Golden Soul could quickly strengthen the consciousness
and also expand the sea of consciousness. What it was most valuable at was that it could
strength the spirit, and cause it to become even more pure and refined.

Yao cultivated the consciousness. How strong the consciousness was what determined
strength. But the strength of the consciousness could not cause it to become pure and
refined. Pure spirit was even more stabilized, and the sea of consciousness was even more
secure. Unpure consciousness would become a hidden weakness. The deeper one
cultivated, the more dangerous it would become.

Golden Soul was a great treasure that was not easily found, and for Pu Yao whose spirit
was greatly wounded, Golden Soul was what he desperately needed to heal himself!

So when he heard the words Golden Soul, he couldn’t control himself.

What Zuo Mo cared about was another problem. The only place he could interact with
them was in the Wasteland Beast Chessboard. To say nothing of the fact he was now
trapped in the ancient battlefield, even if he left, he could not come to the yao world.

Golden Soul was like the water breath bead. It could be taken into the Ten Finger Prison.
This was what Zuo Mo prioritized.

However, there were no problems on his side, but he was not sure that Cang Ze would
accept his conditions. The other would not easily give something like Golden Soul away.

So he spoke of his problem.

As expected, when he heard that Zuo Mo could not move to the Grey Clan, Cang Ze’s
expression was not good. Truthfully, the price that Cang Ze gave was already the highest
Zuo Mo might have reconstructed the Wasteland Beast Chessboard but this was only the
first prison.

In other words, what Zuo Mo displayed now was astonishing potential and not great
strength. Before it became strength, potential was just potential no matter how amazing it
was. It was filled with uncertainty and risk.

Cang Ze was silent for a long time. Zuo Mo instantly thought it was bad.

Damn it, if something this good flew away, he would cry!

Just as Zuo Mo had a headache, Pu Yao finally couldn’t resist speaking.

Translator Ramblings: My third trip in thirty days but this is the big one … … I’m moving
to another city. I have tentative mobile internet but I’m scheduling all the chapters ahead of
time so there shouldn’t be any problems.
Chapter 356
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Six – New Changes

“Ask him what level of Grey Scar Art he has cultivated to?”

Zuo Mo immediately detected Pu Yao’s urgent tone when he suddenly spoke. After being
in contact with Pu Yao for a long time, Zuo Mo gradually learned some of Pu Yao’s habits.
Usually, Pu Yao looked down his nose at the great majority of matters, but when it was
something that was of great help to him, he would not disguise his urgent desire.

Speaking from this perspective, Pu Yao was very straightforward. However, the great
majority of the time, his straightforwardness was not very easy for a person to accept.

For example, he did not disguise his desire for the Golden Souls. Also, for example, if Zuo
Mo did not get the Golden Souls for him, then what was waiting for him were countless

Pu Yao’s threats were bare naked.

Zuo Mo knew this very well. He coughed lightly, and said, “What step have you reached
with your Grey Scar Art?”

Cang Ze was very shocked. Grey Scar Art, the other knew Grey Scar Art? Nan Yue
detected Cang Ze’s shock from the side. She thought inside, was this another yao art like the
[South Sky Arrow Art]?

Daren was really mysterious!

Cang Ze tightly stared at Zuo Mo as he wanted to see hints from Zuo Mo’s face.

But Zuo Mo was a very experienced person. He stiffened his face, and copied Pu Yao’s
expressionless face very well. Inside, he muttered, I was such a pure and generous person
before. After staying so long with Pu Yao, I’m now skilled in conning and lying.

Of course, he would not feel any guilt. He was trying to act out his role properly.

Cang Ze could not find any clues. Since the other could say the name of the Grey Scar Art,
he should not be speaking nonsense. Of the many yao arts that existed now in the Grey
Clan, [Grey Scar Art] was very unnoticeable. Those youths of the clan who had the slightest
talent would not choose this yao art as their primary cultivation. They would like yao arts
such as [Grey Sea Art] or [Grey Cloud Art] that were more powerful.

But as the grandson of the clan leader, he knew more than normal Grey Clan members.
For example, the council of elders had never stopped their secret studies of the [Grey Scar

The Grey Clan had so many yao arts, but why did the other just mention the [Grey Scar

Countless thoughts flashed through Cang Ze’s mind He lowered his head and said
respectfully, “This one has not cultivated Grey Scar Art.”

“Not cultivated?” Pu Yao stilled.

Zuo Mo reacted rapidly and stilled as well. “You have not cultivated Grey Scar Art?”

“Has the Grey Clan created some other powerful yao art?” Pu Yao murmured to
himself. His brows furrowed, and he was slightly surprised.

“Has your Grey Clan created some powerful yao art?” Zuo Mo learned and sold it at the
same time.

Cang Ze gritted his teeth. “Not created new yao art, but this student is stupid and has
not been allowed access to Grey Scar Art.” His heart beat wildly, his term for himself
changing from “this one” to “this student.”

In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao’s brow smoothed as he released a breath. “Tell him
you will teach him Grey Scar Art, and exchange for five Golden Souls each year.”

“You know Grey Scar Art?” Zuo Mo asked Pu Yao suspiciously.

“That thing is very simple, it just curves from normal.” Having found his confidence,
Pu Yao waved his hand with bravado.

Zuo Mo was both trusting and suspicious. Pu Yao really knew too many things. However,
his thoughts did not affect his reaction. He lightly coughed, “I happen to know a bit about
cultivating Grey Scar Art.”

Cang Ze felt a strong feeling of happiness burst over his mental defenses. He actually felt
a thread of dizziness.

His voice trembled slightly. “Really?”

“Yes,” Zuo Mo forced himself to say.

At this time, Cang Ze showed his quality as the grandson of the clan leader. He did not
lose control due, but suppressed his excitement. He asked respectfully, “What can my Grey
Clan do for Teacher?”

Zuo Mo looked with praise at Cang Ze. He thought inside that this boy was very adept.
However, he did not give the other a discount due to his praise. “Ten Golden Souls each

When he opened, Zuo Mo doubled Pu Yao’s price.

It’s not ge is greedy, ge has a home and people to support!

In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao gazed with bulging eyes.

Hiss, Cang Ze sucked in a breath. Even though he had predicted that the price the Grey
Clan would pay would not be low, but ten Golden Souls annually, this price still far
surpassed his estimate.

“This matter is grave. This Student needs to ask the elders of the sect.”

Cang Ze carefully answered.

“Alright.” Zuo Mo did not waste words. He pointed at Nan Yue and said, “She is my
follower, just find her in the future.”

Hearing this, Cang Ze hurriedly exchanged spirit imprints with Nan Yue. A simple “Grey”
character flew in front of Cang Ze. At the sides were two grey-green sparse shrubs. Nan Yue
also took out her own spirit imprint. Her spirit imprint was the two characters “South Sky”
formed by a curved purple vine.

Noticing Nan Yue’s spirit imprint, Cang Ze’s heart moved. In his investigation, Nan Yue
did not have much of a background. She was born from a very small clan, their living
conditions were difficult, and they were very normal. Seeing her spirit imprint, he couldn’t
help but be shocked.

Being from an influential family, he naturally would not lack knowledge about spirit
imprints. The way that the “South Sky” was written was completely different than what it
was written like now. This kind of spirit imprint would mostly appear on those clans with
long histories.

He noted it down, and planned on making an investigation when he returned. He reached

out with a finger and gently poked the “South Sky.” A purple light flew into his spirit
imprint. Nan Yue did the same.

After exchanging spirit imprints, the two sides would easily get in contact.
Cang Ze hurriedly bid farewell. He was in a hurry to go back and report. He had a feeling
that this chance was very likely to be a chance in the Grey Clan’s fortunes.

After Cang Ze left, Zuo Mo taught Nan Yue for a while before he left.


“So he went the way of deconstruction.” Qian Liu was slightly puzzled. “A pretty unique

The fire-faced person seemed to be uninterested in the Wasteland Beast Chessboard.

Looking around, he suddenly snickered and said, “Those little brats probably can’t stop
themselves now.”

Qian Liu knew the people the fire-faced person was referring to. He smiled but did not
speak. He continued to observe the Wasteland Beast Chessboard. He had left Vast Water
Clear Skies three hundred years ago when he had broken the prison. He had not paid much
attention to this incident in the past.

But his curiosity did not decrease today. He could not remember how long it had been
since he came to Vast Water Clear Skies. As an expert that stayed in the seventh prison, the
first prison was really a distant memory. Today, he had come especially to take a lot what
the newly constructed prison by the guy who had broken his Vast Water Clear Skies looked

“I heard he is also very young?” Qian Liu asked interestedly.

“Very young!” The fire-faced person’s eyes raised his eyebrows. The face inside the ball
of fire raised his brows with schadenfreude. “He’s probably on the list of the little brats
as a target to challenge.”

“That’s not bad.” Qian Liu said neutrally, “Competition is good.”

He took back his consciousness and said with regret, “Pity I cannot activate the prison-
breaking battle. The powerful stuff is all in there.”

The conditions to activate the prison-breaking battle were mysterious. For example, no
one had activated the first prison, Vast Water Clear Skies, in the three hundred years.
However, in the last three hundred years, the second, fourth, and fifth prisons had all been
activated. The pattern involved was hard to predict.

Qian Liu had activated a prison-breaking battle and knew much more than normal
The conditions to activate the prison-breaking battle did not have a direction connection
with power, but the level of the person. It was also a very subtle connection. It would not
work if the person’s level was too high, like he was currently. He could activate the first
prison’s prison-breaking battle three hundred years ago, but the present him could not do

It would also not work if their level was too low.

Also, the Ten Finger Prison seemed to favor young yao. More accurately, young yao with
high levels.

It really was a pity!

Qian Liu shook his head regretfully. The other’s most powerful yao art imprint was inside
the prison-breaking battle. The Wasteland Beast Chessboard was filled with profound and
exquisite deconstructing yao arts. It was like a rich sea of problems.

Qian Liu had fought against many experts before but it was the first time he had seen
such an unique style. His heart itched and was hard to resist.

The fire-faced person saw the regret on Qian Liu’s face and suddenly crowded over. “I
have a solution.”

“What solution?”

“Get the group of brats to come.” The fire-faced person seemed to want the world in
chaos. “That group of brats definitely is full of motivation right now. Let them come
break the Wasteland Beast Chessboard.”

Qian Liu’s thoughts shifted, but he shook his head and said, “The prison-breaking battle
is not so easy to activate.”

“Hee hee, that isn’t our business. I speculate that the group of old farts is also
interested,” the fire-faced said and snickered. He then said with righteous magnanimity,
“Don’t worry about this matter, I’ll get them to come!”

Qian Liu was truly curious about Zuo Mo’s yao arts. He smiled and did not stop the other,
only saying, “Don’t make it too big.”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry.” The fire-faced person’s expression was excited.


Zuo Mo came out of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard and felt a warm gust of air on his
He shook, and hurriedly opened his eyes. A familiar face was almost pressed to his.

“A Gui!”

He released a breath. Holding up A Gui’s face, he asked curiously, “What were you

A Gui stared dazedly at him and did not reply.

When Zuo Mo finished speaking, he stilled. Wait. Joy suddenly came into his eyes. “A Gui,
A Gui!”

A Gui stilled looked dumbly at Zuo Mo without any response

The joy on Zuo Mo’s face gradually retreated. He examined A Gui closely. Her eyes were
still empty and wooden. He couldn’t help but have a disappointed expression. A Gui had not
recovered. He shook his head, and mocked himself. He was really too greedy.

He quickly recovered from his disappointment. Even though A Gui had not recovered, but
she was much more lively now compared to before.

At the very least, this was a sign of a good turn of fortunes!

Thinking it through, the depression over Zuo Mo’s heart instantly swept away, and he
roused himself. Jumping up, he picked A Gui up and put her on his back as he charged

“A Gui, let’s go. We’ll go to Shu Long’s place to play!”

Translator Ramblings: Since I haven’t taken this notice off, I’m on limited internet.

Pu Yao reveals his connection to another yao clan … … and Zuo Mo drives a super hard
bargain. Poor Cang Ze, you are so innocent.
Chapter 357
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Seven – Shadow Mo Guard A Wen

Ever since the Guard Camp was established, it seemed fated to have a hidden competitive
relationship with Vermillion Bird Camp, even though the majority of the camp guards were
once Vermillion Bird Camp’s captives. At the start, Vermillion Bird Camp had been
unparalleled in its strength, and dominated all of Little Mountain Jie. In reality, for a very
long time after the camp was formed, Guard Camp had been in a very awkward state. They
were weak offensively, could not fight for Daren, and in many occasions, they were a

Even many people from Vermillion Bird Camp could not understand why Daren would
set up Guard Camp who was so weak in battle.

Everyone in Guard Camp had a grudge. They furiously cultivated without holding back
any energy back. They never asked why they were cultivating, why were they cultivating
like this. They only buried their heads and cultivated. Hardship? They were xiu slaves, they
were not afraid of hardship.

Finally, the situation changed when Shu Long formed his armor. After forming his armor,
Shu Long did not just recover his youth, but his combat abilities had become comparable to
the top tier under Daren’s command. The Crow Fiend Mo Kill Formation was finally
effective in battle, but the main force in battles was still Vermillion Bird Camp.

Their heavy and clumsy armor caused their movements to be slow. This made them take
up a more defensive position in battles.

The situation had finally changed now.

Shu Long tightly grasped the long halberd in his hand. A cold feeling passed back as
though a burst of strength burrowed into his body. His chest was filled with motivation.

It wasn’t as simple as just getting a weapon!

Shu Long suddenly saw Zuo Mo and A Gui in the doorway, and hurriedly bowed.

Zuo Mo looked around. Seeing everyone working hard, a smile came onto his face. “Not
Zuo Mo had been worried about morale previously. Seeing the business of the campsite,
his heart relaxed slightly. In reality, Guard Camp’s morale had been good all along. This
place was filled with black fiendish energy. It gave the Guard Camp the hope of surpassing
Vermillion Bird Camp. They worked even harder on their cultivation. Vermillion Bird
Camp’s morale was more severely affected, but after Zuo Mo threw them [Fiend Ling], they
had settled down.

The path to leave this land could be slowly searched for, but if they did not even have the
ling energy to cultivate, that was a blade that hung above the necks of xiuzhe.

A Wen saw Zuo Mo and ran over. “Daren, Daren.”

When Zuo Mo saw A Wen, he asked with a smile, “A Wen, how’s your cultivation

A Wen was much healthier than when he had been rescued. His exquisite armor did not
feel clumsy at all, but nimble and light.

“Ha ha, Daren, look.” A Wen held up his black spear as though he was presenting a
treasure. “My weapon formed too! And I also comprehended some fun things!”

The completely black long spear had no adornment, but it gave the feeling of being finely
crafted. The lines were smooth and flowing, two grooves on either side of the spearpoint.
The fiery red charm hung at the head of spear and caused the black spear which originally
seemed murderous and cold to have a hint of fire.

“Can the spear leave your body?” Zuo Mo asked.

“No.” A Wen scratched his head and said, “The black speak is condensed from killing
energy. If it leaves my hand, it will dissipate.”

Zuo Mo’s interest was stirred. “Come, show me.”

A Wen obeyed. With a somersault, he flew out twenty zhang. Seeing this, the other
people in the campsite stopped what they were doing and cheered A Wen on.

“Little Monkey, one more!”

“Little Monkey, don’t embarrass yourself in front of Daren!”

“Ha ha, Little Monkey, if you can’t do it, switch for someone else!”

When A Wen had been rescued, his figure had been very small. Even though he was
much healthier now, but among this camp of burly men, his figure really was on the small
side. Adding on that A Wen’s personality was lively and active, he was also clever, everyone
called him Little Monkey.
“Ha, just be jealous!”

A Wen shot back. His smiling face suddenly turned serious as he stood holding his spear.

The noisy camp instantly quieted. Everyone’s mirth retreated, their expressions
becoming serious. A Wen might be young, but he was exceptionally talented, and was
firmly held his spot as the second strongest member of the Guard Camp, his strength just a
bit less than Shu Long’s. They were also very curious about what A Wen had comprehended
from staying in meditation for so long in the fiendish mist.

Shu Long had a gratified expression. He was the oldest, his personality was steady and
well-established. His competitive desire was weak. He had basically taught everything to A
Wen. Seeing A Wen improve rapidly, he was very happy.

A Wen’s expression was serious. The air flowed in streams around him and gradually
sped up. In an instant, the air started to hiss like an arrow travelling at a high speed.


With the sound of metallic impact, many black and gold plumes popped out of the black

Zuo Mo was very shocked.

A Wen’s figure was thin and slender to begin with. With the addition of these long
feather-like black gold plumes, he looked even more nimble. A Wen bent his legs slightly
and then his figure disappeared from his spot.

So fast! Zuo Mo’s pupils slightly shrunk. His eyes were not ordinary but he could only see
a streak of black. He was shocked. Unless Zuo Mo used the Light Void Wings, he would be
left eating dust behind A Wen with that speed.

“This boy’s talent isn’t bad.” Pu Yao couldn’t resist popping in. “Look, this is the
difference! He can cultivate to this step using a trashy [Hardship Guard]. Don’t you feel

“Ashamed? Why should I be ashamed?” Zuo Mo did not turn his eyes and responded,
“It’s better the stronger he is.”

Pu Yao finally recalled the person in front of him had such a thick face that he was
immune to mockery of this degree.

Zuo Mo rubbed his chin and said directly, “Not bad, not bad! This fast, we don’t have to
use turtle tactics in the future. Can he fly? It will be great if there is flight!”

“Don’t think so optimistically.” Pu Yao could not bear to see Zuo Mo’s content state, and
smirked. “This boy is very talented. The other people lack greatly compared to him.
They can only be heavy armor Hardship Guards.” His tone then turned. “So many
cultivation sects, they are all blind to dismiss such a good seed.”

Pu Yao started his usual habit of mocking everyone.

Zuo Mo ignored him and looked seriously at A Wen. A Wen’s speed was extremely fast,
and rivaled the sword xiu when they flew on their swords. His nimbleness was actually
better than sword xiu.

Zuo Mo, who could be considered to be an old-timer, was very clear how much of an
advantage such speed would be in combat.

Midair, A Wen flipped again, and the black spear in his hand suddenly thrust.


A section of the spear-point suddenly appeared out of the air in a place thirty zhang from
his body!

“What is that?” Zuo Mo’s expression changed.

“Air-breaker, a little technique. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.” Even

though he said this, Pu Yao could not disguise the pride on his face. “So young and he
comprehended Air-breaker. It can be considered rare for mo guards.”

Pu Yao’s tone turned to be slightly regretful. “Actually, Shu Long’s talent is also not
bad, but it is a pity that his age when he started cultivation is slightly old.”

All of the others sighed in shock. They widened their eyes in fear of missing any detail.
Many of the techniques that A Wen was showing now was great inspiration to him,
especially the camp guards that had broken through and formed their weapon.

In the air, A Wen seemed unconstrained by space. The tip of his spear thrust would
appear in any place within one hundred zhang of him according to his will.

In a good mood, Pu Yao started to urge. “Actually, hardship guards like this boy’s kind
is rare. The greatest duty of mo guards are to protect their master, not to kill enemies.
That is why mo guards are frequently large blockheads. These people from Guard
Camp are too weak. The best mo guards are Mountain Range Bull Mo, and Stone
Rhinoceros Mo. If they cultivate [Hardship Guard], tsk tsk, they are just moving
mountains. If it is the mantis mo that cultivate [Hardship Guard], it is more common
for shadow mo guards specialized in speed to appear. But mantis mo are guys who will
die if they are touched. Who would use them as guards?Maybe if they do not want to
live a long time.”

Hearing this, Zuo Mo noticed the other people in Guard Camp. As expected, they were all
big blockheads. Each person’s body was full of exaggerated muscles. Their figures were half
again as large as normal people on average. Adding on the thick armor, they were like
mobile steel forts.

At this time, the red charm on A Wen’s black spear suddenly turned to a thread of fire
and wrapped around the tip of the spear.


A Wen shouted. A light that intermingled red and black tore apart the air.


Everyone felt their vision light up. A burning and fiendish wave of air blew through the
entire Guard Camp.

When the air gust subsided, a deep pit about five zhang wide appeared on the corner of
the campsite.

It was an easy matter to make a pit five zhang wide. However, this pit seemed slightly
deep. Zuo Mo flew to beside the pit, and looked inside. His heart was instantly shocked.
This pit most likely was not less than twenty zhang deep.

Making a pit with a width of five zhang was not hard, but a pit that was deeper than
twenty zhang was very difficult to accomplish!

This pit was formed like a knife cutting tofu. The bottom and top part of the hole were
the same width. This showed one thing. A Wen’s attacking force was concentrated and
evenly distributed.

Zuo Mo judged that if he was hit, he would probably lose half of his life.

A Wen’s figure flashed and he appeared next to Zuo Mo.

“Not bad, Little Monkey,” Zuo Mo praised. “You have really broadened my vision.”

A Wen’s face suddenly became flushed, and slightly embarrassed. “Daren, do not
ridicule this humble performance.”

“Ho, Little Monkey, you’re embarrassed now?”

“Ha ha, Little Monkey’s face is very thin!”

The people in the surroundings instantly started. A Wen was even more embarrassed. He
scratched his head and stood at the side. Seeing this, the other people laughed even more

Zuo Mo also couldn’t resist roaring in laughter.


“Is what you say true?”

The elders in the room exploded. Many of the elders unconsciously stood up. These
elder’s emotions were turbulent, and they forgot to keep their strength back. All the
furniture in the room creaked and exploded in pieces.

Cang Ze’s scalp turned numb. He did not dare to breath. “He said so.”

“How can he know how to cultivate Grey Scar Art? He definitely is a liar!”

“Who cares if he is a liar. Catch him and then we will know!”

“Catch? What if he really knows? If we offend him, we will really lose greatly!”

The Grey Clan elders talked over each other, their faces red and their necks thick as
though they were going to kill someone.

Cang Ze buried his head lower, and grimaced inside.

“Alright, all of you shut up!” A deep voice sounded. All of the voices disappeared.

The Chief Elder finally spoke. Cang Ze wiped away the cold sweat and celebrated inside.

‘What conditions does he have?” The Chief Elder opened his eyes in his wrinkle-filled

“Ten Golden Souls. Each Year.”

The enormous elder room was deathly silent.

Translator Ramblings: Guard Camp is growing in this environment that suits them
better. Zuo Mo is lucky he is the leader of himself and doesn’t have to answer to elders or
family members any longer … … other than Pu Yao. He has a lot more freedom than typical
protagonists who have to do missions for the sect, help get revenge slights against this ally
or this girl.
Chapter 358
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Eight – Public Challenge

“Have you gone to see the Wasteland Beast Chessboard?” a student excitedly asked his

Another student hurriedly took up the topic. “Of course, how can I miss it? They are
really strong! They say it is a very young yao. I wonder which yao art house this
monster came from.”

“There are yao beyond yao, bro!” Student A said emotionally.

“Right? I had assumed before that all the geniuses were part of the Genius Alliance.
Didn’t think there would be people outside.” Student B felt it was slightly impossible to

“Ha, I’ve long found that group of lily-white faces an eyesore. They take away all the
girls based on their strength, and leave us with nothing. A hero finally comes down
from the Heavens. Hero! He definitely has to strike a blow against their arrogant aura
and save all of us!” Student A spread out his arms and shouted.

At the side, a snort suddenly came. “Delusional!”

Student A was enraged and suddenly turned around his face. However, he instantly
faltered when he saw who had come. He dejectedly pulled Student B and fled.

Mu Wu Shang disdainfully stared at the two fleeing figures, but a shadow came over his
mood. His steps grew slightly faster. He quickly reached the lecture room. When he stepped
into the room, a wave of noise blew into his face. He unconsciously frowned.

The terms of prison-breaking battle, and Wasteland Beast Chessboard continuously

appeared. His mood became even more terrible. He noticed that when some students saw
him, they purposefully increased their volume and made expressions in secret.

Mu Wu Shang unconsciously clenched his fists. He snorted coldly, turned and walked out
of the lecture room.

“Che, what Genius Alliance, that is a true genius … …”

“Yes, yes … …”
The sounds of discussion behind him burrowed into his ears. His face was blackened.

In a depressed mood, Mu Wu Shang flew to Daytime Peak. Right now, it was class time
and there were not many people on Daytime Peak. Standing on the six thousand chi
Daytime Peak, he looked into the distance. Mu Wu Shang’s depressed mood instantly eased

“Haha, I guess you were here.” A familiar voice came from behind him.

Without needing to turn his head, Wu Mu Shang knew who had come. Jin Ling, his best
friend from childhood. The two were from large clans, and had close relations. The two of
them had played together from very young and could be considered childhood sweethearts.
However, the two of them had developed a platonic friendship, and were like siblings
rather than the more intimate relationship their parents wanted.

“Why concern yourself with these people.” Jin Ling urged, “It seems that we suppress
them too much usually.”

Mu Wu Shang did not speak, but his heart eased.

There were two members of Genius Alliance in Bright Might Yao Art House, one was Mu
Wu Shang, the other was Jin Ling. Genius Alliance was a loose organization among students.
It was established four hundred years ago and was created by the twelve top genius
students from the many yao art houses of the yao world.

The Genius Alliance only recruited those with outstanding students. After developing for
more than four centuries, the influence of Genius Alliance was much greater than it started
with. In four centuries, each generation’s alliance leader of the Genius Alliance was the
undoubted leader of their generation of students. When these geniuses finished their
schooling, if they would enter the important systems of the yao world or they were
managing major areas. In its four century history, nine Sky Yao had appeared among their
numbers. This was almost seven-tenths of the Sky Yao that had appeared over this four
century period.

Each student thought it an honour to enter the Genius Alliance, and the scheduled
exchanges inside the alliance was fatally attractive to these people who were cultivating

If they could enter the Genius Alliance, they would definitely have a bright future.

However, these great talents also garnered much ire. On one hand, due to thinking highly
of themselves, they were very brazen in their actions, and naturally did not attract favor.
On the other hand, the elders that had already left the Genius Alliance liked to take care of
their younger juniors in the Genius Alliance. This meant that the Genius Alliance was given
a great amount of resources, and caused many yao to feel it was unfair.
The reason that this prison-breaking battle was related to the Genius Alliance was that
the Genius Alliance had been planning on a prison-breaking battle recently. They were used
to being high-profile and so this plan had been made public early on so everyone knew.

But at this time, the sudden prison-breaking battle that appeared caused the Genius
Alliance’s position to be very awkward. Those students that disliked the Genius Alliance
before were naturally happy. The Genius Alliance that had never been in a reactive position
before finally tasted what it was like to be roasted on a fire.

However, these young geniuses were all very proud. How could they swallow this?

Mu Wu Shang was also the same.

Jin Ling’s tone was light, but she also had a fire suppressed inside.

Suddenly, the spirit imprint on Mu Wu Shang’s arm lit up. Mu Wu Shang noticed the
“Ancient” character inside the light, and a blush came onto his black face. His eyes became

A ball of light floated from the spirit imprint and a face that they were very familiar with
showed up. He said excitedly, “Great, both of you are here. Saves me from making
another trip. Quick, come to the Wasteland Beast Chessboard now!”

Mu Wu Shang and Jing Ling exchanged looks. They were excited. The Alliance was going
to act!

The two did not waste words and instantly stood to fly with their greatest speed to the
cultivation seclusion rooms. The two each rented a seclusion room, and entered the
Wasteland Beast Chessboard. They quickly found the Alliance.

Forty six yao.

Mu Wu Shang and Jin Ling were all greatly shocked, and then they immediately became
excited. It was possible to see how much the Alliance prioritized this matter when so many
alliance members were present. When they saw the youth that looked very honest at the
front, they couldn’t help but become excited again.

He had an very interesting name, Huai Boy. He was one of the supervisors of the Genius
Alliance. Those that had roles inside the Genius Alliance were those that were very
powerful, more powerful than normal members.

Huai Boy’s appearance was very normal. He always had a smile on his face, appeared to
be harmless, and honest. But today, the smile on Huai Boy’s smile disappeared. The
narrowed eyes were lit up.

“Just received news that the master of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard has
challenged us directly!”
Mu Wu Shang’s excited expression froze on his face. He looked dazedly at Huai Boy, his
mouth gaping. The other student members all had shocked and disbelieving faces.

Challenging the Genius Alliance!

Was this guy crazy?

“This has already been broadcasted by all the major yao channels.”

“We do not know if someone is scheming and pushing their agenda from the
shadows, or if it is the person’s challenge. But this is not important.”

“Because we will use reality to tell everyone that doubts us.”

“Who is truly the geniuses!”


Like usual, Nan Yue entered the Wasteland Beast Chessboard.

However, today seemed … …

She looked strangely at the surrounding yao. She noticed that they all seemed to be very
excited. Has something major happened?

Did someone activate the prison breaking battle again? She shook her head and smiled,
and felt amused that she would have such an absurd thought.

“I heard that the Genius Alliance are coming to break the Wasteland Beast

This sentence burrowed into Nan Yue’s ears. Nan Yue shook and felt a basin of cold water
had been poured over her head. What? Genius Alliance wanted to break Daren’s Wasteland
Beast Chessboard? She focused and listened closely.

“Ah? Why is Genius Alliance at odds with the Wasteland Beast Chessboard? I
remember now. They seemed to have said they were going to break a prison before.
Had their goal also been Vast Water Clear Skies?”

“Ha, you definitely do not know. The one making the challenge is the mystery

“Mystery person? The owner of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard?”

“Just that one! Go watch the news, they’re broadcasting it everywhere.”

Nan Yue wasn’t in the mood to cultivate and immediately left the Wasteland Beast
Chessboard. Her room was just four walls, where would she have the yao news tree? She
hurriedly put on an outer garment, pushed open the door and flew up. She recalled that the
center of the city had an enormous yao news tree.

She saw the yao news tree that reached up to the clouds from a long way off, and
adjusted her direction to fly towards it.

This yao news tree was the largest of the three closest cities. The enormous crown of the
tree was like a small mountain with innumerable forts. Countless vines drooped down from
the tree branches and were heavy with pod-like fruits.

Yao filled all of the yao news tree.

Nan Yue picked a place with few people and landed. When she just steadied her body, her
consciousness wrapped on a thin vine in front of her.

With a pop, the fruit of the yao news tree exploded and turned to a multi-coloured mist.

The rainbow mist quickly changed and became a beautiful female yao. The female yao’s
expression was very excited, and spoke very quickly.

“The mystery young expert that just finished the prison breaking battle and
reconstructed the Wasteland Beast Chessboard has publicly challenged the Genius
Alliance. We are now doing a special report about this matter. Up until now, the Genius
Alliance has not made any formal statements about this matter, and the new master of
the Wasteland Beast Chessboard has not been seen. However, this matter is definitely
not unsubstantiated. Maybe we will soon see a spectacular struggle … …”

Nan Yue’s head rang.

Impossible! This was impossible!

Daren definitely would not challenge the Genius Alliance!

This thought was so strong that Nan Yue did not doubt it. She had not spent much time
with Daren, but she did not feel that Daren, from any perspective, would be such an
arrogant and impulsive yao.

There definitely was someone spreading fake information!

Nan Yue was not dumb and instantly understood. However, her expression did not turn
for the better but became even worse. No one was ignorant of the power of the Genius
Almost all yao knew what those geniuses were like. Regardless of whether this
information was real, with the conduct of the Genius Alliance, they definitely would not

Why was it like this … …


“Shixiong, move faster,” Gongsun Cha said, unsatisfied.

In the fiendish mist, Zuo Mo’s face instantly fell. After absorbing the soul base source of
the fiend souls, Gongsun Cha’s speed had increased which caused Zuo Mo’s “fishing” to be
unable to keep up.

Zuo Mo was discontent. “So noisy! It’s good that you even have something to eat!”

Tenth Grade flew up and down at the side, his little face slightly distressed.

“No, Shixiong, you have to be responsible for satiation since you are responsible for
the food!” Gongsun Cha’s face was rascally.

The corner of Zuo Mo’s eyes twitched. He forcibly suppressed the impulse to kick
Gongsun Cha away. Suddenly, his gaze focused and he stopped all movement. Raising his
face, he looked towards the deeper parts of the fiendish mist.

Sword essence!

Translator Ramblings: More about yao society beyond what Pu Yao has shown since he
was gone for these “modern developments.”
Chapter 359
This chapter has been brought to you by me, Brian and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Fifty Nine – Activation

Sword essence!

There was sword essence within the fiendish mist!

Zuo Mo’s eyes flashed. The sword essence coming from the fiendish mist was faint, but
he was sure it wasn’t an illusion. Out of caution, he closed his eyes and spread out his
consciousness. A moment later, he opened his eyes. They were ecstatic.

There were people!

There were people inside the fiendish mist!

Nothing could excite him more. He hadn’t been this excited even after he completed the
prison-break battle. Ever since they stepped into this vast, desolate, and mysterious ancient
battlefield, uncertainty and worry had always been clouds over his heart regardless of how
calm and composed he appeared.

There was no sign of life to be seen on this unknown ancient battlefield. This place was
silent and barren, filled with danger. All the signs supported that this was a land of death.
The scariest part of a dead land was the dangers all around it. The impoverished and
dangerous environment meant that Zuo Mo and the others did not even have a chance to

But now, Zuo Mo suddenly found that there were people existing in a place he assumed
was dead. How could he not be ecstatic? It was like searching endlessly in the darkness, and
suddenly seeing a glimmer of light. At least, they had a chance to rest. Zuo Mo believed that
if they had enough time, they could definitely walk out of the ancient battlefield.

“There are people ahead!” Zuo Mo pointed excitedly at the depth of the fiendish mist as
he said to Gongsun Cha.

“People?” Gongsun Cha was stunned. After a moment, he suddenly reacted. “There are
people inside?”

“En.” Zuo Mo nodded heavily. “Someone is using sword essence in there. In that
direction. It’s a bit far from us, but not impossibly so. I can feel it, but it is not very

“What should we do?” Gongsun Cha hurriedly asked.

“Gather everyone, and we will advance in that direction. We need to be fast, or we
will miss them.” At this time, Zuo Mo showed the decisiveness of a leader and did not
hesitate in issuing instructions.


Wei Sheng stared at the fiend soul beast in front of him, the black sword in his hand
slightly raised. However, his heart sank slightly. The body of this fiend soul beast was
longer than three zhang. It was shaped like a scorpion. Between the two pincers, he was
able to see the criss-crossing teeth that sent chills through his heart.

It’s body was completely covered in shiny, black armour covered with red seal scripts
that curved like earthworms. There were two dark red dots for eyes that lit up in the
fiendish mist, and shocked one’s soul.

Its body was close to the ground, the two pincers slightly raised as a dark and vicious
presence tightly locked onto Wei Sheng.

This fiend soul beast had silently closed in with intentions of ambushing him. If it wasn’t
for the fact that Wei Sheng’ cultivation level had progressed greatly, his sword essence
spiritually clear and taken to heart, Wei Sheng himself was not sure he could survive after
an ambush by such a vicious beast.

However, Wei Sheng did not panic due to his shock. He was not willing to show
weakness, and his sword essence locked onto the other.

This fiend soul scorpion seemed to know the prey in front of it should not be
underestimated. It did not dare to move rashly, and it seemed very wary of the great black
sword in Wei Sheng’ hands.

The two descended into a stand off.

Wei Sheng closely watched the fiend soul scorpion, the black sword in his hand did not
tremble at all. He had killed his every step the entire way on his trip through the fiendish
mist. After continuous, hard battles, his body was very tired and at the end of its strength.
The black sword seemed to lose its spirit. The aura had gradually faded. This caused Wei
Sheng to feel it progressing was even harder, and basically had left him no opportunity to

The exhaustion of his body was like a tide, wave after wave crashing against Wei Sheng’s
mental defenses. Suddenly, Wei Sheng recalled the time when he had been a sword servant.
Just with his simple and crude sword art, he had been searching for his sword path in the

At that time, he had been so innocent and so satisfied!

There were no conflicts inside the sect, no unspoken criticism about the sect, no other
thoughts. He was like the sword in his hand, simple to the utmost.

He lightly sighed.

There were many matters in the world that people were helpless against, could not
brush off or dodge. Like this patch of fiendish mist. It continuously corroded his ling power.
Now he understood why so many xiuzhe would stay in a distance place away from the
troubles of the world.

As Wei Sheng’s mind was distracted, the cunning and vicious fiend soul scorpion
instantly seized at a chance.

The glowing red eyes drew out two soul-shaking streaks in the fiendish mist. The speed
of the fiend soul scorpion was like lightning. It was so fast, and the sound was so muffled
that there wasn’t even a vibration in the air.

Wei Sheng’s heart was shocked. He knew he was in an unprecedentedly dangerous

situation. When he had sighed just now, he instantly knew. That the wandering thought
was a sign of extreme danger. It mean that his body was weak to the point of collapsing
which was why his mental defenses had been so lax.

But he had not expected this vicious beast to be so sensitive and cunning to accurately
seize this chance!

His wrist flipped, and the horse-chopping sabre that was up to Wei Sheng’s chest seemed
to be as light as air as it block in front of his chest.


Among the sound of steel striking, Wei Sheng’s body shook and he retreated seven steps.

Wei Sheng grimaced inside. If his condition wasn’t so poor, then he wouldn’t have
retreated even one step under such a force. But his endurance, and ling power had reached
their tail ends. His battle experience was rich and he knew that the vicious beast in front of
him was cunning and deceitful. It definitely had detected that he was weak inside.

As expected, the red light of the fiend soul scorpion exploded. It did not attack but like
before, it dashed forward.

Such a cautious beast!

Wei Sheng did not have the time to finish praising it when a great force passed over. He
made a muffled grunt, and took ten steps back before he steadied his figure.

Was he going to be buried here today?

Wei Sheng sighed inside.

Only now did the fiend soul scorpion truly confirm that Wei Sheng had reached his last
legs. It attacked without hesitation. It was very cunning, and knew that Wei Sheng had
almost no strength left, so it tried to use brute force to destroy Wei Sheng.

Dong dong dong!

The sound of impacts were endless like a tempest.

Wei Sheng struggled to endure like a little boat in a hurricane, suddenly moving up and
down as though he could be swallowed by the waves at any moment. The attacks of the
fiend soul scorpion were relentless and as fast as lightning. Wei Sheng was surrounded by
danger. The already tattered clothing at this time was destroyed by the small yet sharp
turbulence like butterflies in flight.

A stream of blood came from the corner of Wei Sheng’s mouth. The ling power in his
body was drained, his channels started to crack. He would not be able to persist for much
longer, as his channels would shatter into countless pieces, and his cultivation would
instantly collapse.

The black sword that had seemed vicious before was like a dull sword of ordinary metal
without any sheen.

Was he really going to lose his life here?

Wei Sheng was in a daze, his moves slow as though he could fall at any moment. Yet
unexpectedly, after more than ten continuous attacks, he was still standing, barely. If one
looked closely, they would find that when the fiend soul scorpion’s pair of pincers was
going to strike him, the black sword in his hand would coincidentally appear in front of the
giant pincers.

The moment his body was in danger, Wei Sheng would always make an instinctive

Without conscious thought, without ling power, his mind was completely blank.

Dong dong dong … …

The hurricane was ongoing, so long it made one feel hopeless.

Yet the scene was filled with weirdness. Wei Sheng’s eyes were wooden, empty and
without thought, his movements were slow. Yet the instant the giant pincers were going to
touch his body, his hesitation would disappear. His movements would be unspeakably
simple and crisp, but when paired with his wooden expression, it was even stranger.

It was as though if one more straw was added to his load, Wei Sheng would fall.
But no matter how the fiend soul scorpion tried, even when the giant pincers tore the air
apart in their attacks, they were stopped by Wei Sheng’ movements that were filled with


Nan Yue stood on the borderless Wasteland Beast Chessboard.

She bit her lips tightly. Just on her way here, she had already seen seven groups of people
from the Genius Alliance. The Genius Alliance did not have any intentions of disguising its

Dozens of the Genius Alliance Supervisors continued to announce that they would
definitely break the Wasteland Beast Chessboard.

The Genius Alliance were usually high-profile, but declaring such a thing in public had
never happened before. Anyone with eyes could see the master of the Wasteland Beast
Chessboard had infuriated the Genius Alliance. A guy that offended the Genius Alliance,
what good outcome would he have?

How could Nan Yue, who had been hearing of the Genius Alliance since she was very
young, not know this? Before, the Genius Alliance was a place that was high and out of
reach. She did not dare to even think of having a connection with the Genius Alliance, much
less entering it.

But in a night, the Genius Alliance actually became her enemy. How could she not feel
terror? She knew they were targeting Daren; but as Daren’s follower, Daren’s enemies were
her enemies!

She felt great pressure from the groups of Genius Alliance members that appeared on the
Wasteland Beast Chessboard.

Nan Yue did not know how many yao were paying attention to the Wasteland Beast
Chessboard, but she could clearly feel that there were multiple times more yao at the
Wasteland Beast Chessboard than there were normally.

“Hey, has there been a result?”

“No. Supposedly, the Genius Alliance of Fixed Sky Jie have come. This is going to be
something good to see.”

“Fixed Sky Jie also came? Then isn’t it already six jie that have come?”

“It’s the eighth jie! Central Pond Jie and Lilium Jie also came.”
“Wow, this scary?”

“Yes, none of the Genius Alliance is willing to be defeated. How can they rest? In my
view, even if this matter concluded here, this conflict won’t end!”

“In your view, who do you favor?”

“It’s hard to say. On the surface, the Genius Alliance of course has the advantage, but
a person that set down the Wasteland Beast Chessboard, can he be a nice guy? Only
idiots would believe such a thing! Look at how many people came from the Genius
Alliance, but no one has activated the prison-breaking battle … …”

Hearing the discussion drifting into her hears, Nan Yue felt unspeakably irritated and

Which damned guys dared to slander Daren. They should be slowly sliced to death!

At this time, a wave of sound suddenly came over.

“Prison-breaking battle!”

“Someone activated the prison-breaking battle!”

The soundwave came from far and rolled over. Nan Yue’s head rang and blanked.

Her face was pale as she was stunned where she stood.

The yao in the surroundings hated that they were born without two more legs as they
furiously charged towards the prison battlefield. Countless yao of different shapes formed a
flood towards the prison battlefield.

Nan Yue was sandwiched in the middle and uncontrollably followed the flood towards
the prison battlefield.

How was it possible … … how was … …

Was the Genius Alliance really this powerful?

Her expression was filled with hopelessness!

Translator Ramblings: A string of Lil’ Cliffy. I think Lil’ Cliffy is breeding … …

Zuo Mo thinks there are inhabitants on this jie, Wei Sheng is now in danger and Nan Yue
fears for her daren. So many points of view in a chapter.
Chapter 360
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty – Start

“I didn’t think that someone would activate the prison-breaking battle so quickly. It
is slightly unexpected to me,” Qian Liu said with a smile.

The fire-faced person twisted his mouth. “You’re the only one interested in this low-
level stuff. However,” he had a proud expression, “my skill isn’t bad.”

“Utmost base.” Qian Liu did not hesitate in giving his opinion.

“But very effective.” The pride on the fire-faced person did not decrease in the slightest.

Qian Liu was too lazy to speak and stared at the prison battlefield.


Huai Boy vigilantly paid attention to his surroundings.

The supervisors of the Genius Alliance were set for each jie, each jie had one supervisor.
This year, Huai Boy was twenty, and his strength and talent was undisputed to be able to
become a supervisor of the Genius Alliance. However, Huai Boy had not thought that he
would activate the prison-breaking battle. Of the eight supervisors that had entered the
Wasteland Beast Chessboard, in terms of power, he was ranked in the middle.

However, he quickly reacted, and was very excited. This was a chance from the Heavens!

There were not many rules in the Genius Alliance, but being rewarded for one’s service
was the one upheld the strictest. There had been nine Sky Yao to come out of the Genius
Alliance, and five of them had left yao arts behind for the Genius Alliance. This was added
onto the wondrous techniques and strange arts that the generations of alliance leaders had
collected, which were all stored in a yao art tree in the center of the yao realm. This tree
surpassed any yao art tree from any yao art house.

This was a place that all yao dreamed of. Huai Boy was not an exception. Huai Boy came
from Ying Wind Scholar Clan. It was one of the major clans locally, but in all of the yao
realm, it could only be considered middling. The [Blue Thorn Secret Art] was a very good
yao art, but Huai Boy did not feel satisfied.
He had become a supervisor of the Genius Alliance at such a young age and had great
ambitions. No one, in the Scholar Clan’s history, had become a sky yao by cultivating [Blue
Thorn Secret Art]. How could he be satisfied? The clan did not withhold any resources
when nurturing him, and used all kinds of methods to collect even more powerful yao arts
for him. However, each of the top yao arts were peerless in value. After so many years, they
still were unable to acquire a top yao art.

Prison-breaking battle, no matter what, he had to achieve victory! Huai Boy made a

This service would probably be able to be traded for a pretty good yao art.


Huai Boy’s eyes lit up, and he was full of fighting spirit.


The procession of boats silently and rapidly progressed in the fiendish mist.

Of the five slave transporting boats, the slave transporting boat of Golden Crow Camp
was at the very center. The formation scripts on the body of the boat released faint light.
The Crimson Fiend Cauldron continuously transformed the fiendish mist into ling power,
and guided it into the formations carved on the boat.

Compared to when it was made, the Crimson Fiend Cauldron was much smaller now.
This was due to being used day and night without an moment of rest. The ling power
transformed by the Crimson Fiend Cauldron, a fifth-grade talisman, was not just vast and
rich, it was of high quality. As it worked day and night, this rich and pure ling power was a
small fire that finely baked the cauldron and continuously processed it.

The Crimson Fiend Cauldron was created by everyone of Golden Crow Camp, and it was
unprecedented in its invention. However, many parts of the Crimson Fiend Cauldron could
not help but be somewhat heterogeneous due to the differences in cultivation of Sun Bao, Ji
Wei, and the others. After a long period of ling power forging, the impurities of the Crimson
Fiend Cauldron were slowly processed, and its quality was higher than before, but its size
shrunk greatly.

Zuo Mo was standing at the bow of the slave transporting boat at the very front. His gaze
was fixed into the mist. The formations of the boat reflected light on his tense face, and
flickered. Beside him, A Gui propped up her chin and copied Zuo Mo to look into the
A Gui’s wounds were clearly recovering, and her face gradually had some expression,
even though it was still very wooden.

Woosh woosh woosh.

There were hardship guards in black armor that ran around constantly on their patrol.
Their expressions were watchful, and they were all hardship guards that had that had
created their weapons. A Wen ran at the very front with the black spear in his hand. The
bright red tassel was like a flame flickering in the wind.

These Guard Camp elite that had finished forming their weapons were like fish in the
water among the fiendish mist. They also became the primary combat force.

Gongsun Cha led the Vermillion Bird Camp, Shu Long led the Guard Camp, Xie Shan was
on the last slave transporting boat as the rear guard. In the remaining slave transporting
boat, Ma Fan sat on top of the boat. The other people of the Sky Peak Platoon were
scattered around the boat. After the epiphany last time, Ma Fan’s sword essence had
reached manifestation, and the suppression the fiendish mist had on him was minimized.

Everyone seemed to be on their guard, their expressions heavy. A murderous presence

was thick and roiling among the troop like an enormous beast slowly travelling close to the
ground without hurry or slowness.

Even though he was in a hurry to find the person inside the fiendish mist, but Zuo Mo
knew very well how dangerous the depths of the fiendish mist were. He did not dare to
move without forethought. In such a dangerous territory, the slightest bit of carelessness
could cause all of them to die.

Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Fire nervously burrowed into A Gui’s arms. Lil’ Black had a death grip
on A Gui’s hair. Silly Bird’s expression was unconcerned. The tense situation did not invoke
any response from her. Tenth Grade floated on the black antennae of the twin butterfly, the
murderous and cold little face showing yearning.

It was strange to speak of it. A ball of faint white mist still hung at the end of the white
antennae of the twin butterfly and showed no signs of becoming tangible.

Tenth Grade was born from the twin butterfly absorbing black fiendish energy. Rather
than being afraid of the fiendish mist, he felt it was very intimate. However, his sense of
danger was more sensitive than normal xiuzhe. The deeps of the fiendish mist gave him a
strong feeling of danger, so much that he did not dare to go deep in. He was proud, but he
was not stupid. After “fishing” with Zuo Mo and Gongsun Cha these past days, Tenth Grade
had an even clearer understanding of the fiendish mist’s dangers.

Of course, most important was that the unreasonable and vicious bird was at the side …

Tenth Grade glanced out of the corner of his eye at Silly Bird whose eyes were closed in
rest, and instinctively shrunk his neck.

“There are people in such a damned place?” Lei Peng rumbled, and could not

“Maybe it is the lost descendants of ancient cultivators.” Nian Lu brushed his bangs
and fully expressed his imagination.

“Ancient cultivator descendants … …”

The people in the surroundings groaned. This guy had read too many legends and

Lei Peng’s gaze landed on the hardship guards that were moving nimbly and was filled
with admiration. “This poor place really has a finger on our weak spot. But the Guard
Camp, they are having a really good time! Even an wants to go cultivate [Hardship

They were cultivating [Fiend Ling] but due to the short time cultivating it, they could just
manage to defend against the corrosion of the fiendish mist. The fiendish mist that was
filled with danger towards them wasn’t just harmless against Guard Camp, but was
beneficial. How could these people that were long used to leading the charge not be

“Don’t be jealous of them!” Nian Lu adjusted his clothing and said, “You can copy the
Captain. When your sword essence reaches the level of manifestation, you cannot be
corroded by anything. The measly fiendish mist is naturally not an exception.”

Lei Peng was speechless.

There seemed to be an invisible wall around Ma Fan’s body. The red-black fiendish mist
could not enter the area around him. Everyone did not feel any ling power rippling which
meant that Captain had not used ling power. This area had naturally formed after Ma Fan
achieved sword essence manifestation.

However, compared to starting from the beginning and cultivating [Hardship Guard],
the difficulty of reaching sword essence manifestation was even higher. Unless they
cultivated to jindan, it wasn’t just any normal monster that could reach sword essence
manifestation in ningmai. But even from ningmai to jindan, the difficulty involved … …

“Blast it!” Lei Peng shot out an angry breath.

While everyone felt somewhat suppressed at not being able to charge at the very front,
but they also felt slight anticipation. If there really were xiuzhe inside the fiendish mist,
then that meant they also could use their full power within the fiendish mist. They had
persisted in practicing [Fiend Ling] but they needed to reach the third level before they
could directly transform the fiend mist into ling power.

Before that, while they still could absorb fiendish mist and transform it to ling power, the
rate was very slow. That was fine for cultivation, but during battle, that meant that their
ling power would basically be unreplenished.

Many of them put their hopes on the xiuzhe inside the fiendish mist.


A crisp collision sound occurred on the outside.

Everyone’s expressions changed. Enemy attack!

This was the first attack they had encountered up until now. No one had good
expressions. They had just travelled fifty li into the fiendish mist, and started to encounter
attacks from unknown and vicious beings. The dangers up ahead could be imagined.

The one that encountered the enemy was A Wen.

A Wen’s eyes tracked the unknown and vicious beast in front of him. This vicious being
was shaped like a tiger or panther, the long and nimble figure filled with beauty. Its entire
body was covered in thick metal-hard scales in layers and gleamed with a cold light. The
paws on the ground had hooked and sharp claws that effortlessly dug into the soil. The eyes
were set deep, the cheekbones protruded, but there were no eyeballs in the sockets, only
red light.

When A Wen’s gaze came into contact with the red light inside the eyes of the vicious
being, he felt his body tighten, and was shocked inside.

Zuo Mo’s gaze landed on the vicious beast. Thinking about what Pu Yao had said to him
before, he asked, “This is a fiend soul beast?”

“Yes.” Pu Yao’s tone did not have the aloofness it usually did and was filled with gravity.
“Such a powerful fiend soul beast! This fiendish mist has been through an unknown
amount of time. I’ve never seen black fiendish mist of such intensity, and have never
heard of it. This fiendish soul beast surpasses any fiend soul beast of my knowledge.
You need to be careful.”

Zuo Mo was shocked. This grave tone could be said to be very rare for Pu Yao.

A strong feeling of danger formed but Zuo Mo forcibly suppressed it. He decided to see
just how powerful this fiendish soul beast really was.

A Wen was a lucky survivor of the dueling stadium and had experienced many cruel
battles. The fiend soul beast in front of him gave him enormous pressure but did not cause
him to lose his calm.

A cold feeling came from the black spear. He suddenly had a burst of confidence. In the
dueling stadium, he had defeated many opponents stronger than him, and now, he was
stronger than before!

The expression on the handsome face silently changed. Killing essence rose, his eyes
vicious, a thick black mist came from the thenar space where he grasped his black spear,
and like a black snake, it coiled around the black spear.

His presence suddenly exploded, his vicious eyes glaring as he shouted lowly, “Kill!”

The black spear in his hand was held flat and thrust forward without finesse.

Translator Ramblings: Lil’ Cliffy is going to invade in the next few chapters … … and I am
on rationed internet … … though I am very grateful for “cheap” mobile data.

Someone was right, it is the fire-faced person who was manipulating all this. The Grey
Clan is too insignificant to be able to do this.
Chapter 361
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three hundred and Sixty One – The Childhood Wish

Yi Zheng cut a sorry figure.

His blue monk robe was in tatters as he staggered forward, lacking any of the usual grace
that the sect taught him. However, who would care about grace at this time?

He had never ever thought that the most normal sect mission would take him to such a
ghastly place. Many times, he had thought that he had come to the Avīci Hell that only
appeared on the records. Fortunately, he had worked hard on his cultivation these years,
and with Eldest Shixiong’s focused teaching, while his combat abilities were not strong, his
body of steel tendons and metal bones was unrivalled.

By relying on his great defensive abilities, he had managed to survive in this endless mist
until now.

Before, he had not understood why Eldest Shixiong made him cultivate [Wisdom
Dhyana Body], but now he felt the wonders of this dhyana technique. A circle of Buddhist
script whirled around his body without rest. This was why the corrosive fiendish mist did
not infect his body.

“Impervious to all evils … … impervious to all evils … …”

Yi Zheng continuously chanted. Beads of sweat could be clearly seen on his shiny and
clean head. He had entered this mist for just three days, but in these three days, his heart
jumped around, and he was very afraid. He was a dhyana xiu, and most sensitive to corrupt,
yin and fiendish beings. But this fiendish mist in front of him was endless, and it was so
dense it was almost unimaginable.

Other than hell, Yi Zheng really could not think of a place that would have such vicious

Fortunately, his Wisdom Dhyana Body could naturally subdue these corrupt beings. Even
though he had struggled on his way, but he was not wounded. However, his heart did not
dare relax. Even the records of the sect had never mentioned such a vicious place. The
vicious beings it formed would definitely be terrifying.

Exterminate evil?
Don’t joke. Yi Zheng was very clearly how much he was worth. He believed it was a
miracle that he had not been wounded up until now. Right now, he could only hope that the
news of his disappearance would quickly arrive to the sect, and the sect would send people
to rescue him. Actually, at the bottom of his heart, he also knew that chances were very

He was only a person at the borders of the sect. He did know how long it would take for
the sect to respond after his disappearance.

He thought about Eldest Shixiong, thought about how Eldest Shixiong would be further
neglected now that he was not in the sect. His mood instantly became slightly low.

He aimlessly travelled through the fiendish mist.

After walking for a short while, sounds of fierce combat could be heard from up ahead. Yi
Zheng was startled awake. After pausing, he was overjoyed, and ran with bare feet towards
the sound.

The sound of battle became clearer.

He quickly saw a man fighting fiercely with a fiend soul scorpion.

He carefully walked closer. When he saw the scorpion closely, he couldn’t help but inhale
sharply. More than three zhang tall and two pincers, each the size of a door. Yi Zheng felt
his scalp become numb. If he was grazed by those enormous pincers, even his Wisdom
Dhyana Body definitely would be unable to tolerate it.

My dear Buddha!

Yi Zheng swallowed with difficulty. His gaze seemed to be glued and unable to be moved
away. It was not due to the great strength of the scorpion, but how strange the scene was.

The scorpion’s opponent was a sword xiu. Even though the black sword looked more like
a horse chopping sabre, but Yi Zheng recognized that the other was a sword xiu at first
glance, and a very traditional sword xiu.

Such a strong sword xiu!

Yi Zheng was greatly alarmed. He recognized the origins of this scorpion. Fiend soul
beast, this was a fiend soul beast, a vicious being born from the fiendish mist! He had
previously been worried that the corrupt grounds would produce something
extraordinary, but upon seeing this fiend soul scorpion, he finally realized just how
powerful these vicious beings created were!

If Yi Zheng’s mind was clear now, his face would be pale and alarmed, but at this
moment, his gaze was completely attracted by this odd looking battle.
The expression of the sword xiu was dull, as though he was ill, his movements were slow
and his gaze wooden … …

Every time the enormous pincers of the fiend soul scorpion were about to tear the sword
xiu in half, his slow movements would suddenly become nimble, and stop the giant pincer
by a hair. The confused expression on the sword xiu’s face, the dull and slow responses, and
the sudden nimbleness formed a strong contrast and was very weird.

After watching for a few moments, Yi Zheng felt his ling power roil and showed signs of
losing control. He paled greatly. In terms of the peacefulness of ling power, dhyana xiu
were blessed by the heavens. His ling power was going wild just because he was watching
someone else fight?

Yi Zheng started his core scripture before he dared to look back at the battle.

The signs of his ling power escaping his control instantly disappeared.

Yi Zheng exhaled. His eyes returned to the person and scorpion that were fighting. The
amazement on his face increased. He looked at the sword xiu as though he was looking at a
ghost. Before, he had thought that the sword xiu was in danger, and would be killed at
anytime. Now that he saw it clearly, he found to his shock that there seemed to be an
invisible stickiness to the sword xiu’s black sword. The vicious fiend soul scorpion was like
a puppet manipulated by many strings and was struggling in this invisible force.

A terrifying sword essence!

Yi Zheng could not detect the sword xiu’s sword essence at all. At this moment, he
admired this sword xiu’s strength greatly. It wasn’t that he had not encountered sword xiu
before, but it was the first time he had seen one so powerful. Also, the other seemed close
in age to him. So young and possessing such power, it definitely was an accomplished
disciple of a large sword cultivating sect.

Was he a disciple of Kun Lun?

Once he saw the state of the situation clearly, Yi Zheng was not in a hurry anymore, and
thought about how he would exchange greetings with the person later. He was slightly
stuck. This was his first time off the mountain, and he had no experience to speak of.

However, being able to encounter a xiuzhe in such a dangerous place, Yi Zheng felt his
luck was already pretty good.

After a while, the battle still had not finished. Now Yi Zheng saw that something was

The sword xiu’s expression was confused and showed no signs of waking up.

Was he … …
Yi Zheng was daring but paid attention to details. His mind moved. After waiting another
moment and seeing the situation did not turn for the better, he thought for an instant and
then started to chant in a low voice.


Countless scenes flashed across Wei Sheng’s eyes. They were mirages and shadows, but
they were also so clear.

The resolution he made as a child, the pursuit of it without fear through dangers, through
hardships, sustaining wounds, comprehending the sword at the waterfall, becoming the
Eldest Disciple, drinking alcohol with Zuo Shidi under the stars, the order from the sect … …

Countless scenes merged together and suddenly formed an enormous net that swept
over him.

There was no place to escape or dodge.

The net grew tighter and restrained him. He felt he could not breathe. The feeling of
suffocation filled his entire body. He was like a fish in the net. The more he struggled, the
tighter the net was.


Why was it like this?

I only wanted to cultivate the sword … …

A burst of anger suddenly came from deep in his heart. He was like a beast trapped in a
net that struggled fruitlessly.

Why … … why … …

It was like a silent shout, a furious bellow.

Why … … why … ..

He shouted at the top of his lungs, he wailed sorrowfully.

In a daze, he dreamed of a patch of stars. In the dark night, the stars in the sky were
numerous. A light wind brushed across an empty wilderness. The faint Blue Sparrow-
Tailed grasses swayed in the wind.
A child about seven or eight years old was sleeping amongst the grass. Raising his head
to look at the lights streaking across the sky, the tender child voice carried deep
amazement. “So beautiful!”

The child jumped up from the grass. The wind brushed across his face and revealed his
glittering eyes.

A seed was silently planted in the heart of the child.

The dream was so real, as though he could touch it, but distant like how the moon
reflected in the water’s surface. At this moment, Wei Sheng was like a statue. He looked
dazedly at the child.

Suddenly, something seemed to burst in his heart, and something came forth.

The distance and unfamiliar childhood memory suddenly floated into his mind. Some
reasons he had forgotten, those simple thoughts, they were like the Blue Sparrow Tailed
grass seeds bursting from their shells, germination, and then growing.

Yes, my dream is to cultivate the sword.

A pure dream, a pure pursuit, a wish that a child made under the stars.

A strange relaxation came into his mind. The feeling of suffocation disappeared without a
trace. Wei Sheng looked entranced at the child underneath the stars. A slightly smile came
onto his face, and warmth was shoved into his chest.

Yes, it all came from this affection.

The complex and common mortal matters that made him feel helpless seemed so small,
so insignificant.

He opened his eyes, his gaze was clear without any impurity.

Ling power suddenly flooded from his dry channels like water sprouting from a spring.
When this new ling power passed, the parts of his channels that had been wounded
instantly became filled with life like a tree welcoming spring.

The ling power that followed out was endless. In a short period of time, his ling power
had reached his best state. However, the ling power showed no signs of stopping. They
continued to rush into Wei Sheng’s channels, and filled every bit of the channels.

When all of Wei Sheng’s channels were filled with ling power, the new ling power started
to progress towards his dantian.

Wei Sheng did not stop it. He did not do a thing. But that pair of eyes became even bright
in the fiendish mist. It was filled with joy, joy from the heart.
A faint light covered the black sword in his hand.

The fiendish mist around him seemed to suddenly be pushed by an enormous force,
pushed far from Wei Sheng and vanished in the blink of an eye.

Yi Zheng gaped as he looked at what was happening and even forgot to continue


The fiend soul beast shattered into dozens of pieces without warning and dropped to the
ground. The cuts were peerlessly smooth. Even that pair of unbreakable pincers were
dismembered into several sections.

A sword shadow appeared behind Wei Sheng.

The shadow of the sword went from blurry to clear, and continued to grow. In a few
dozen breaths, the sword figure was dozens of zhang tall.

The tip of the sword pointed at the sky. It showed no signs of stopping. It broke through
the fiendish mist as though it was going to pierce the sky.

Under the colossal sword shadow, Wei Sheng stood majestically.

Thunder rolled through the fiendish mist, tens of thousands of fiend soul beasts howled
simultaneously. The blood red sky seemed to boil.

A worldly apparition!

Translator Ramblings: I think the likelihood of chance encounters are pretty low for Yi
Zheng to find Wei Sheng but Fang Xiang has written it this way. Wei Sheng’s reason to
pursue the sword has been showcased and this almost seems a “higher” motivation than
wanting to make money … … it seems a much more “heroic” reason.

Second day of rationed internet … … a week or so to go.

Chapter 362
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Two – A Wen Fighting All Out

Huai Boy’s head was covered in sweat.

He had solved five of the dozen problems in front of him, but he was stuck on the sixth
question. The hourglass beside him did not show any signs of stopping. Seeing the layer of
sand at the top half decrease at a visible rate, another layer of sweat appeared on Huai
Boy’s forehead.

He had never thought that the prison-breaking battle of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard
would require him to solve problems. In this era of yao art houses, intermediate yao arts
made up the majority of yao arts, working cooperatively in groups was the mainstream. In
the history of yao, there had never been such a time when teamwork had been so
emphasized. To gather the power of a team to explore yao arts was the dominant method.

The yao art houses that understood this, and could teach their student very well .
Analysis and deconstruction were techniques which every student was required to learn. In
order to exercise the students’ skills, a rich library of problems could not be lacking. In
addition to those public question banks, each yao art house had their own question banks.

As one of the top students of a yao art house, solving problems was a task that he was
very familiar with and skilled in.

However, his confidence had been quickly crushed in front of the twelve questions of the
prison battlefield. Truthfully, when he encountered the third question, he had started to

These problems were not esoteric. Quite the opposite, these questions were in an area
every yao was very familiar with.

Little yao arts!

Even though he was at the sixth question now, it was still a problem about little yao arts.

To Huai Boy, the little yao arts that were the rudimentary and quite distant in his
memory. He had finished learning little yao arts before he had entered the yao art house.
How old had he been then?

Six? Seven?
Huai Boy himself couldn’t remember it.

However, these problems concerning the simple little yao arts made him feel helpless
from the bottom of his heart. The problems that were formulated were not obscure, the
ways of thinking were not weird, they were actually open and honest.

This made him feel the failure even more.

He encountered difficulty on simple and straightforward little yao art problems … …

Huai Boy’s face was slightly ashen.


Compared to Huai Boy’s nervousness and depression, the spectators outside felt this
scene was very boring.

There were no dazzling lights, no murderous presences, no complex and profound

changes … …

The honored prison-breaking battle was a student solving problems yet only Huai Boy
could see the problems. They could only be bored and count how many beads of sweat
were on Huai Boy’s forehead.

The fire-faced person was totally bored and complained, “What are they doing! I
thought I could see something major. This long, and it’s so boring! If I knew it would be
so boring, I wouldn’t have gone to the trouble.”

“Don’t be impatient,” Qian Liu could only comfort. “The result will be out soon.”

He hadn’t expected the prison-breaking battle of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard would
be solving problems. He had never heard of such a peaceful and non-violent prison-
breaking battle.

“That boy can’t do it.” The fire-faced person glanced over and snorted coldly, “Strong on
the outside and dry on the inside!”

The fire-faced person suddenly changed his way of thinking and had a smile filled with
schadenfreude. “Haha, there’s going to be drama to see now!”

“Drama?” Qian Liu did not react in time. Truthfully, he was slightly disappointed too.
“Think about it. The little guy that those old farts taught can’t even outcompete
others on solving problems. Won’t their faces be even more ugly than they already
are?” The fire-faced person was very smug. “In their style, solving problems is a
fundamental skill. If their fundamentals are less than others, haha, is there anything
that is more ironic than this?”

Thinking about it, the fire-faced person seemed to visualize the ugly faces of those old
people and laughed freely.

Qian Liu finally reacted. The fire-faced person was not wrong. The old farts and the
young brats shared a characteristic. They were conceited. Conceited yao always thought
highly of their face. If they lost through yao spells, that was not anything major. But if they
lost on solving problems, no matter if it was the old guys or the young brats, they definitely
would not accept that.

Thinking about it, Qian Liu couldn’t help but feel anticipation.

“Ha, that guy came out!” The fire-faced person was very excited.

Qian Liu took back his thoughts as his eyes landed on the battlefield.

The prison-battlefield resumed its original appearance

Huai Boy dejectedly and woodenly stood in place.

He had failed.


In the fiendish mist, two figures flickered in and out of view.

A Wen’s speed was just slightly less than Zuo Mo’s Light Void Wings. Wearing black
armour, it was as if he was a black bolt of lightning. A Wen was able to rival the fiend soul
panther’s speed. It had explosive speed and power was. Each impact echoed like thunder.

Everyone’s expressions became serious. Shu Long tightly gripped the long ji in his hand,
and prepared to give aid at any moment.

Both sides were amazingly fast. Even the members of Vermillion Bird Camp that always
aspired towards rapid attacks had slightly changed expressions. Many people were judging
inside. Could they retreat unharmed under such an explosive and sharp attack? Other than
the small minority that could maintain their calm, the great majority had ugly expressions.
They did not have a grasp of the battle.

The rhythm was so fast it surpassed their imagination!

They gaped with wide eyes at A Wen’s light and rapid figure. Was this still the clumsy
and slow Guard Camp? One person and one panther were like two bolts of black lightning
that chased each other and struggled. The hard spear thrust randomly and could freely
pass through the void, far and near without any dead spots. It was unable to be defended

The strength of the fiend soul panther also surpassed everyone’s expectations. Its speed
was not any less, and its strength was greater than A Wen’s. The sharp spear that howled as
it thrust looked like it would be shattered with a blow. People’s hearts felt cold when they
saw this. If that blow really landed, they would instantly be crushed into powder.

A Wen hadn’t expected this fiend soul panther would be this hard to deal with.

He was much stronger than before, but he still could not do anything to the panther in
front of him.

No, he had to battle quickly and not hinder the advance of the troop!

They had just entered the fiendish mist. The monsters that roamed the deeps of the
fiendish mist would be even more powerful. If he could not defeat this panther, what would
he do in the future? Thinking about it, A Wen’s presence suddenly became vicious and

“Hm!” Xie Shan’s expression was shocked. Ma Fan also had an astonished expression.
They were very sensitive to presence and could clearly detect A Wen’s change.

To kill the other!


The red tassel turned to a ball of red fire that enveloped the head of the spear. The black
fiendish energy coiled around the pole of the spear and burrowed into the burning

The fiend soul panther showed desire to retreat. It was intelligent. The troop in front of it
was enormous and not one he could tear something off. If it was wounded here, it wouldn’t
just have lost its prey, even it would become the prey of the other fiend soul beasts.

It slowly retreated.

A Wen’s eyes were deep black, the black energy shrouding the black armor as the
spearpoint burned.
A familiar feeling came. Every time he decided to go all out in the dueling stadium, he
would enter this strange state. The killing essence in his body boiled, but the his heart was
ice cold. This strange state was the talisman that saved his life and allowed him to
fortunately survive so many cruel battles.

This was the first time A Wen decided to go all out after entering Guard Camp.

The contents of [Hardship Guard] flowed like water across his mind. His eyes became
even deeper.

The black armour on his body was exquisite and light like it was made from layers of
feathers. It was unique in Guard Camp. At this time, the black armour on his body slowly
swayed as though it was alive. It caused the people watching to have goosebumps. The
layers of metal feathers spread up A Wen’s face, and became a mask of small feathers.

Clang clang clang!

There was a string of sounds of iron brushing together like many blades being suddenly
pulled out of their sheathes at the same time. Many long feathers suddenly bounced out of
A Wen’s black armor. The long feathers were extremely thin, the edges as sharp as knives.
In an instant, a vicious and murderous energy sudden spread out.

Arching his body and holding the spear, A Wen’s legs were slightly spaced apart as he
bent down slightly.

A Wen raised his face. His slender black feathers of his mask had a fine shine that was
savage and cold.

The fiend soul panther smelt the scent of danger and retreated even more quickly. In a
blink, it disappeared in the fiendish mist.

Just at this time, the steel long feathers that rose up off A Wen’s black armour shook
simultaneously .A power that could destroy mountains and upend seas instantly passed
into his right arm. He yelled under his mask, “Kill!”

The black spear suddenly disappeared from his hand.


A light sound of rupture came from the depths of the fiendish mist.

Everyone’s expressions changed.

A Wen fell down face first. Before his body could reach the ground, he was caught by a
black-armoured hand. It was Shu Long who had managed to get to him.
Xie Shan’s figure flashed and burrowed into the fiendish mist. He returned after two
breaths, and had a panther on his hands. There was a hole the size of an egg on the fiend
soul panther’s forehead. The hole penetrated the entire head. On Xie Shan’s hands, the fiend
soul beast quickly turned into threads of black energy.

Zuo Mo hurriedly ran over to Shu Long. “How is he?”

“No great harm. Just exhaustion,” Shu Long said respectfully.

Zuo Mo’s heart landed now. He had originally wanted A Wen to test the power of the
fiend soul beast. He had not expected this handsome person to have such a fiery
personality and actually kill the fiend soul beast.

Everyone was shocked by A Wen’s spectacular attack, especially Vermillion Bird Camp
that usually had bug eyes. They received the greatest blow. The biggest impression they
had of Guard Camp was the [Crow Fiend Mo Kill Formation]. In their views, the individual
combat abilities of the Hardship Guards was not strong.

But A Wen’s performance today completely flipped their entrenched impressions.

So Guard Camp had already grown to this level!

Zuo Mo’s attention was then put onto the fiend soul beast that Xie Shan had taken over.
The fiend soul beast quickly dissipated, and only felt behind a paw and a bead.

The panther paw was covered in fine scales, and extremely hard. The sharp and curved
long claws up to five cun long were the most eye-catching. The bead was the size of a
thumb, glowing and transparent. It wasn’t ordinary. This was not the time to investigate
these items so Zuo Mo carelessly threw them into his ring.

Zuo Mo suddenly raised his head, his eyes as sharp as a sword that pointed straight at
the deeper parts of the fiendish mist.

Xie Shan and the others were only a beat behind Zuo Mo. They all raised their heads and
looked with shock at the fiendish mist in front of them.

A black tide was quickly spreading from the deeps of the fiendish mist towards them
with astounding speed. Everywhere it passed, everything turned to black void. This black
tide came extremely quickly. In a blink, it came in front of Zuo Mo and the others. The void
that seemed endless swallowed everything.

The fiendish mist that was so corrosive turned to nothing.

Zuo Mo’s procession seemed to be situated in a void.

A the middle of the void, an enormous sword reaching the sky entered everyone’s eyes.
Xie Shan, who was already in jindan, was completely pale now. Like his tail had been
stepped on, he shouted in a high-pitch, “Sword essence!”

Ma Fan, Shu Long and the others had white faces.

Zuo Mo seemed to be struck by lightning. His body freezing suddenly, he dazedly

murmured lightly.

“Eldest Shixiong… …”

Translator Ramblings: Getting closer by the chapter if that is any consolation.

Zuo Mo’s new prison isn’t as easy as it first appears … …

Chapter 363
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and Brian.

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Three – The Prison-Breaking Six

“These are the problems I encountered.” Huai Boy’s mouth felt bitter. He had thought
he would become a hero and had unexpectedly ended up with nothing. He had received the
heavy blow in a field that he had never thought would cause him trouble. In the next few
days, his mind would be quite scattered.

He had memorized the problems, including the unsolved sixth problem.

The other supervisors came over.

“Little yao arts?”

“It is actually little yao arts?”

They all wore shocked expressions. Some people felt it was nothing. How hard could a
little yao art problem be? Huai Boy saw the dismissive expressions, but he did not argue.

The noise quickly faded. After a while, everyone started to sweat. No one had a
dismissive expression anymore.

In a patch of silence, everyone’s sweat increased.


“This junior’s name is Yi Zheng, a disciple of the Great Buddha Temple,” Yi Zheng
rearranged his clothing and respectfully said with a bow. The greeting he gave was one of a
junior. The worldly apparition had stunned him. He could clearly feel the difference of the
sword xiu’s before and after states.

Was that core formation?

He wasn’t sure, but any breakthrough that was accompanied by a worldly apparition was
extraordinary. This was why he had given the bow of a junior even though the other did not
look older compared to himself.
Wei Sheng opened his eyes. The ephemeral presence around him suddenly disappeared
like it had been brushed away by wind. His eyes became peaceful again like a sharp sword
being sheathed so its edges could not be seen.

But after experiencing that soul-shaking scene, Yi Zheng did not dare to slack off and
offend. Even more, he glanced at the remnants of the fiend soul beast that had been cut up
into multiple pieces, and his heart tightened.

“I am Wei Sheng, from Wu Kong Sword Sect.” Wei Sheng smiled, his attitude warm and

“It’s an honor to meet you at last!” Yi Zheng hurriedly said.

Wei Sheng roared with laughter. “Mine is a small sect. You definitely have not heard of

Yi Zheng instantly became a bit embarrassed. He did not know what it was. Even though
this Wei Sheng’s attitude was friendly and warm, but he still felt an invisible pressure. It
was this invisible pressure that caused him to do some actions that he usually would not.

“You can just call me Wei Sheng.” Wei Sheng waved his hand. “Not Elder, I don’t want
to be old so quickly.”

Yi Zheng instantly felt a predicament, but he had a spark of inspiration. “Big Brother

Wei Sheng smiled and did not argue. He asked, “How did you come to this place?”

Speaking of this, Yi Zheng’s face instantly became a bitter gourd. “I don’t know either. I
took a mission from my sect and assumed that I could earn some contribution points. I
didn’t expect to be this unlucky and get sent to this ghastly place. I probably can’t go

Finishing, he sighed.

“You definitely can go back,” Wei Sheng said. His tone was not strong and it was a
sentence that was very ordinary; but when Yi Zheng heard it, he actually believed it.

“We will continue walking forward. Before this, I felt a sword essence in this
direction.” Wei Sheng did not waste words. Raising the horse-chopping sword, he walked
forward. Seeing the situation, Yi Zheng hurriedly followed.

The two hadn’t walked for a long time when Wei Sheng suddenly stopped walking. An
excited expression abruptly came onto his face.

“Big Brother Wei, what is it?” Yi Zheng carefully asked.

Wei Sheng did not answer him, his eyes tightly staring at the fiendish mist in front of him.
The excitement on his face grew until even his lips started to tremble. “Li Water sword
essence… … Li Water sword essence … … Shidi … …”

The familiar Li Water Sword essence was faintly discernable in the fiendish mist ahead of

Wei Sheng unhesitatingly threw out the flying sword. Grabbing Yi Zheng, he stepped onto
the horse-chopping sword. He currently wanted to to grow wings. Taking a deep breath, he
urged the sword with all his power and charge forward.


Qian Liu was staring at the six little yao art problems in front of him. A moment later, he
raised his head. “The little guy is a bit interesting.”

The fire-faced person asked in wonder. “Little yao art problems? This guy is really
creative! I wonder which great master taught this little yao monster.” He then
snickered. “There is good drama to be seen now. Little yao arts, ha, this slap in the face
is really hard!”

Qian Liu did not pay attention to the schadenfreude of the fire-faced person and turned
his gaze back to the little yao art problems. He was very curious what the remaining six
problems were like. If it was said that he had been slightly curious before, then the six little
yao art problems had successfully raised his curiosity.

“Little yao arts … …” Qian Liu murmured lowly as he thought inside.

In his memory, there had not been any Sky Yao that had such a style in the past eight
hundred years. If one went even further back, then it was the thousand year war. The
records from then were very chaotic, and it was the era they had lost the most records on.
There were too many yao arts, too many Sky Yao that could not be verified.

“What are you thinking so much for?” the fire-faced person said unconcernedly. “In
any case, there is a spectacle to be seen. If you are lucky, maybe you will be able to see
the next six problems. Haha, I hope the little brats work hard, so yeye won’t be

Qian Liu helplessly rubbed his forehead. With the fire-person’s rumble, his line of
thinking had been interrupted.

However, he agreed with the fire-faced person’s words.

This matter had just started. The good drama hadn’t even come on stage yet.


It was unknown who leaked the information, but the six problems of the Wasteland
Beast Chessboard’s prison-breaking battle quickly spread. All the major yao channels were
studying these six little yao art problems. When many yao first received these six problems,
they were very dismissive. Many yao were even suspicious that these Prison-Breaking Six
Problems were fake.

Little yao art problems, what a joke!

But no matter if it was those that were dismissive or curious, what all the yao did when
they first received the six problems was strangely similar; they tried to solve them.

They quickly discovered just how laughable and naïve their thinking had been.

At this moment, those spectators that had been so bored outside the prison battlefield
finally understood how soul-shaking the seemingly boring prison-breaking battle had been.

Little yao arts were the fundamentals of all yao arts. No yao or school of thought would
doubt this. The study of little yao arts had only been of interest in the yao art houses for a
few years before their studied was considered complete. It was not that the yao of the time
dismissed little yao arts. It was the exact opposite. They put great importance on little yao
arts. Due to this, they had put in great amounts of yao-power and ran through all the
permutations of little yao arts. From that onwards, there were almost no new
developments in little yao arts. Those with knowledge at the time started to put more effort
into intermediate yao arts and high yao arts.

The Prison-Breaking Six Problems seemed to be like throwing six heavy stones into a
peaceful pond churning the shores with great waves.

The six little yao art problems, put in their order, went from easy to hard. The first three
were extremely easy and did not leave the scope of the present little yao arts. But starting
from the fourth question, it went beyond the scope of the general understanding of little
yao arts.

Truthfully, Huai Boy was very skilled to have been able to reach the sixth problem. With
the aid of his firm foundation, even though there were new transformations, he still used
his outstanding intelligence and managed to solve the fifth problem.

But up to here, he could not go any further. His head was filled with the sixth problem.
He did not eat or rest, and his mind was scattered.
Higher yao, like Qian Liu, could detect a completely new road from these six problems
that increased in difficulty, a road that was completely different than what the general
understanding of little yao art was now. This discovery made them happy and filled with
curiosity. As yao that cultivated to their level, how could their eyes be shallow?

Presently the six little yao art problems were the most popular topic of study for the yao
art houses. The teachers of many yao art houses acted, but they quickly all encountered a
roadblock. Consequently, many “Little Yao Art Study Teams” came out of every yao art
house like spring bamboo after the rain.


Cang Ze stayed in the corner and didn’t dare to breathe. The reason was very simple. The
room was too silent! Staring at the tips of his feet, his heart was a storm. This was definitely
the most silent meeting of the Council of Elders in the clan’s history.

The elders of great status and power had furrowed brows and did not make any sound.

“What does everyone think?” The one that spoke was the clan leader, Cang Ze’s father.
However, even though Cang Ze’s father was the clan leader, but in this room, Cang Ze did
not have a place to sit. In fact, if it wasn’t that he had successfully established a dialogue
with the master of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard, he wouldn’t even have had the
qualifications to enter this room.

“The Genius Alliance will not rest,” an elder said hesitantly. “If we worsen our
relations with the Genius Alliance, it won’t be good for us.”

“Everyone knows that, do you need to waste your breath?” an elder that did not have a
good temper snorted coldly. “But he knows [Grey Scar Art]”

“That’s what he says, it may not be true.”

The room descended into noise. Those that were shouting, those that had faces red, those
that were winding up their sleeves to start fighting. Cang Ze released a breath, and felt
much more at ease.

The clan leader really could not bear it anymore and said in a deep voice, “Stop!”

The voices finally calmed. The clan leader turned around his face. “Chief Elder, what do
you think?”

“Has everyone seen the six problems?” The Chief Elder opened his eyes, his voice was
The elders all nodded.

“What does everyone think of these six problems?” the Chief Elder asked directly.

“Pretty interesting.”



The elders chattered.

The Chief Elder shook his head. He waited for everyone to stop talking before he opened,
“In my view, these six questions open a new school of thought within Yao arts.”

When these words came out, the others rumbled. No one had expected the Chief Elder to
have such a high opinion of the six little yao art problems, but no one doubted the Chief
Elder’s judgement. Because his judgement in countless matters had proved that Chief
Elder’s eyes were terrifyingly accurate.

“Do we have any relationship with the Genius Alliance?” the Chief Elder suddenly

“No.” The other elders shook their heads together. They might have some power locally,
but for them, the Genius Alliance was high up and unreachable.

“Without a relationship, there is no saying that our relations will worsen,” the Chief
Elder said faintly. But his authoritative gaze contained a thread of heat. “Everyone seated
here today understands what [Grey Scar Art] means to us. There are no free benefits in
this world, so everyone should understand there is no profit without risk.”

The Chief Elder suddenly stood. “Does everyone remember their oaths when they
entered the council of elders?”

The other elders were excited and simultaneously stood. “Do not dare to forget!”

“We have waited for this chance,” the Chief Elder looked at the old visages of the other
elders and sighed deeply, “waited for too long!”

Translator Ramblings: Wei Sheng is heading towards the sword essence he felt and Zuo
Mo is trying to find him from the other end. I know everyone’s sword essence is slightly
different in the story but it is supposed to keep developing so I wonder if Zuo Mo managed
to recognize the sword essence as Wei Sheng because he hadn’t progressed greatly in his
sword essence after the sword test conference.
I’m conflicted about the title. “The Prison-Breaking Six” sounds a lot like a group of
prisoners trying to escape … …
Chapter 364
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Four – Reunion

Standing in the middle of the five element sword formation, sweat was flowing down Zuo
Mo’s back.

A glowing and transparent water-shaped flame jumped silently in the air above the
formation. Two opposite presences of icy cold and explosively hot formed an exquisite
balance. It was the first time that many people saw Zuo Mo’s Li Water Sword essence and
they had curious expressions.

In their impression, Zuo Mo during battle was like an ancient wasteland beast, especially
his brutal and physical attacks that gave people great shocks. They knew that Zuo Mo had
once been a sword xiu but they rarely saw Zuo Mo using a flying sword.

It was true that Zuo Mo had decreased his use of a flying sword, especially after
cultivating the Great Day mo physique. All six changes of the Great Day mo physique were
extremely powerful, both speed and power were so strong it was almost absurd. The other
important reason was that his improvement on sword essence was not very large. He didn’t
know why. If he cultivated mo skills and yao arts, he advanced a thousand li a day, but
when he cultivated sword scriptures, he was just slightly better than the average xiuzhe. He
gradually found that the power of the [Li Water Sword Scripture] could not satisfy his

He had even gave the five element sword formation to Vermillion Bird Camp to use to
comprehend sword essence.

When he discovered the sword xiu in the fiendish mist was very likely to be Eldest
Shixiong Wei Sheng, he instantly started to hurry. What was most important now was to
get in contact with Eldest Shixiong. Otherwise, if the two of them moved past each other, it
would not be easy to find each other again in this fiendish mist.

The worldly apparition just now should be Eldest Shixiong making a break through.

As expected of Eldest Shixiong, Wei Sheng’s talent in the sword wasn’t just a bit stronger
than his.

The Void sword essence that Eldest Shixiong had released during his breakthrough had
given him inspiration. If Eldest Shixiong could detect his sword essence, couldn’t he get into
contact with Eldest Shixiong? Eldest Shixiong had just made a break through, his energy
and mind should be in his best condition, and it would be easier for him to detect the sword
essence that was released.

In order to release the strongest sword essence, Zuo Mo even took out his five element
sword formation that he had not used for a long time. In the five element sword formation,
the water element formation was his Li Water sword essence, and it was perfect for this

The Li Water Sword Scripture that he had not used for a long time seemed multiple times
more difficult to control at the beginning, but he gradually found the feeling.

In the cold and silent water flame sword essence, the explosive power was like the
undercurrents beneath the surface of the water. Zuo Mo channeled ling power in and the
five flying swords lit up. The sword essence also grew explosively. Zuo Mo’s sword essence
had not improved, but his ling power and skill in formations were much stronger than
before. When he used all his power, the sword essence instantly became large.

Ling power was being used up with astounding speed. Zuo Mo gradually had an
expression of effort on his face.

The other people looked on curiously as Zuo Mo set up a formation and casted his sword
scripture. They did not understand Zuo Mo’s intentions.

After a while, a thin thread-like howl sounded from deep within the fiendish mist as
though it came from the horizon. This howl was very weak, but everyone present had
pretty good strength and could detect it clearly. All of them were alarmed and readied their

The howl became louder and started to hum. Two breaths later, the sound changed and
became thunderous as it neared with terrifying speed!

Xie Shan and Ma Fan paled. Before they could react, a sword xiu on a flying sword
appeared out of the air in front of everyone.

The sword xiu stared hard at Zuo Mo inside the sword formation.


The fiendish mist behind him exploded towards the two sides without any warning. With
explosive sounds, a ruler straight and wide passage appeared behind him as though it was
opening a road in the fiendish mist.

The air gust and blew, but the figure of the sword xiu did not move at all.

A breath later.

Like an avalanche, the fiendish mist followed the long path behind the sword xiu.

The tailwind was so strong!

Everyone’s desire to fight almost instantly collapsed. No matter if it was Xie Shan in
jindan, or Ma Fan that had his sword essence manifestation, or Shu Long that had formed
his weapon, their rock-hard mentality cracked a sliver.

The figure appeared first before the sound came. Such speed was shocking to even hear

“Is it Shidi?”

“Eldest Shixiong!”

Two voices were filled with joy and emotion as they sounded at the same time.

Wei Sheng jumped down from the flying sword in front of Zuo Mo. After examining him
for a moment, he smiled brightly and said, “This appearance is much more pleasing to
the eye than before.” Lin Qian had a jade scroll that had Zuo Mo’s new appearance mirage.
This was the first time he had seen Shidi’s new face in person. The face in front of his eyes
was very unfamiliar but Wei Sheng could still feel the familiar presence. This caused him to

Zuo Mo felt something in his throat, and his nose went sour.

Wei Sheng patted Zuo Mo’s shoulder and smiled. He said, “It is a happy occasion for us
brothers to gather together. Don’t be like a woman.”

“Eldest Shixiong should not underestimate me.” Infected by Wei Sheng’ smile, Zuo Mo
puffed out his chest and pretended to be a manly man.

The two looked at each other. Finding the joy in each other’s eyes, they laughed together.

None of them had thought that they would encounter each other in this place. The joy at
reuniting overcame everything else. The dangerous fiendish mist seemed so adorable right
now. The two of them did not worry at all.


The situation at the front line was stabilizing. Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie was already
completely possessed by yaomo. Previously the jie was like the xiuzhe’s backyard, where
they hunted yaomo and was now split between the yao and the mo.
Mu Xi looked at the completely transformed Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie. She was filled
with confidence that the yaomo would achieve the final victory of this war. Wherever she
looked, countless war yao trees formed a forest. The air was filled with the poison released
by highland hell’s bells. Even jindan xiuzhe, if they were careless and their ling power
touched the poison, they would be in extreme danger.

Large amounts of dangerous plants almost covered all of the empty ground. For xiuzhe,
this was a definitely a swamp. If they entered, they would not come out. But for yao, in this
place, their advantages could increase their combat abilities multiple times.

Supposedly, the Council of Elders was inviting some Sky Yao Daren to add another layer
of defenses to the Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie. By that time, the Blood Sky Metropolis Jie
would be impenetrable.

In the region that the mo had occupied, they were changing it to grow mo seed sea.

Once the mo seed sea was constructed, it would become a natural barrier that was
almost impossible to cross.

In Mu Xi’s view, if the yaomo could construct the defensive line of Bloody Sky Metropolis
Jie, the yaomo would be in an undefeatable position and have the initiative.

From the start of the war until now, the strategic goals of the Council of Elders had been
fulfilled remarkably well, and the results were outstanding. The reason that it had
proceeded so smoothly was due to the element of surprise. The long peace had numbed the
high levels of the large xiuzhe sects, so in this stage of battle, the responses of the xiuzhe
were very slow, and they continuously lost.

What would happen next was that the war would enter a state of attrition. This was a
cruel and tragic phase. Mu Xi did not dare to underestimate the xiuzhe. On the surface, the
yao were dominating, but she knew what they had encountered up until now were the
fringe sects of the xiuzhe. She suddenly thought of the youth called Lin Qian and the elite
xiuzhe under his command.

Lin Qian had the great mannerisms of a general, and had pointed out her origins from a
single sentence. What shocked her was that he was a battle general with abilities
comparable to her.

How many battle generals did the xiuzhe have that were like Lin Qian?

She did not know.

In the higher levels of the yao realm, no one assumed that they would easily obtain
victory. The xiuzhe had won the thousand year war. They had captured a countless amount
of resources. Adding on the development of a thousand years, no one knew how rich they
So before starting the war, everyone had prepared for hard battle. However, the victories
came easier than expected. She was worried that the string of victories make some of the
elders overconfident.

In these few days in Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie, she occasionally would hear young
combat yao in groups that demanded to continue their advance. This place had an over-
zealous mood, and showed signs of losing control. In the following battles, if they relied on
the defensive line of Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie, and turned this place into a meat grinder
that would greatly reduce the strength of xiuzhe, and when the final battle came, the yao
would have a great advantage.

If they attacked first and lost the strategic advantage of Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie’s
natural barrier, they would end up in an extremely reactive position.

However, she knew her words carried little weight, and could only keep her worries to

It probably was that she was just worried for nothing, she mocked herself inside.

The middle-aged person did not think as deeply as Mu Xi. The busy scene in front of him
caused all the blood in his body to boil, and filled with the desire to fight. However, he had
been Mu Xi’s vice commander for a long time and was very familiar with Mu Xi. He asked in
curiosity, “What is Daren thinking?”

“Nothing.” Mu Xi shook her head.

Noticing that Mu Xi’s mood was not good, the middle-aged person was slightly puzzled
but he was wise and did not ask. He switched the top and said with a smile, “Does Daren
know? Something big happened recently!”

“What big matter?” Mu Xi said disinterestedly.

“Vast Water Clear Skies was broken, the new prison is called Wasteland Beast
Chessboard,” the middle-aged person said with a smile.

“Oh.” Mu Xi was slightly astonished. Of course she knew of Vast Water Clear Skies. Even
though as a battle general, her proficiency with normal yao arts was very average, but she
still knew Vast Water Clear Skies. How many years had it been since the last prison-
breaking battle?

Seeing Mu Xie finally have an interested expression, the mood of the middle-aged person
became slightly better. He narrated, “Supposedly, many people saw that prison-breaking
battle. The entire battle was very fierce, but this mysterious youth in the end
succeeded. However, the matter is just beginning. Rumors quickly spread that this
youth was challenging the Genius Alliance.”

“Someone is causing trouble.” Mu Xi raised an eyebrow.

“This subordinate thinks the same.” The middle-aged person continued, “But this
youth did not come out and refute it. Daren, you also know the personalities of the
Genius Alliance.”

“Proud.” Mu Xi unhesitatingly blurted out. She suddenly thought of her younger brother
that had the label of a genius. He also was a member of the Genius Alliance. The clan
had great hopes for him.

“Daren’s evaluation is very accurate,” the middle-aged person said with a smile. “So
how could the Genius Alliance let it rest? They gathered and decided to break the
Wasteland Beast Chessboard.”

“The prison-breaking battle should not be activated so easily.”

“Of course, but Genius Alliance is really full of geniuses. One of their supervisors
really activated the prison-breaking battle.”

“And then?” Mu Xi asked curiously. Her appetite had been whetted.

“In that prison-breaking battle, the prison battlefield demanded that this Genius
Alliance supervisor to solve twelve yao art problems within a required time. At first,
this supervisor had a smooth time, but he was left stuck on the sixth question, and in
the end, did not complete the prison-breaking battle.”

“Such a pity.” Mu Xi smacked her lips, but her tone was not pitying at all.

“When this supervisor came out, he wrote down these six problems, and this caused
a great ruckus.”

“What type of yao art problems are these six yao art problems?” Mu Xi was very

The middle-aged person’s expression was slightly strange. “Little yao art problems.”

“Little yao art?” Mu Xi’s face was shocked. Her expression quickly became weird. She
could imagine what expressions those geniuses had when they saw the six little yao art

“These six problems are being called the Prison-Breaking Six Problems. Even though
they are little yao art problems, but they are very difficult and of a new perspective.
They clearly are of a new school of thought,” The middle-aged person said sternly.

Mu Xi nodded. She understood the difficulty involved.

“Unexpectedly, this matter had new developments yesterday.” The expression of the
middle-aged person became strange again.
Translator Ramblings: There you go! Wei Sheng and Zuo Mo have met up in this strange
new place.

Mu Xi learns of her old target now in a new form … … I don’t think she knows what Zuo
Mo looks like now so she wouldn’t know he was a xiuzhe, and not a yao. The main reason
that people assume that Zuo Mo is a yao and not a human is that it is the simplest and most
reasonable assumption. He appears in the Ten Finger Prison like all other yao and he
cultivates yao arts which are lost or highly skilled. What could he be if not a yao? If it wasn’t
that Pu Yao was a sky yao, Zuo Mo wouldn’t have been able to enter the Ten Finger Prison.
Most yao would never think there would be a powerful yao who is helping out the “enemy”
enter their training grounds.
Chapter 365
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Five – Let’s Have A Discussion

The sixth problem had been solved.

The news swept through almost all the yao art houses like a strong gust of wind and was
as if someone had thrown a spark into a pot of oil.

Originally, the prison-breaking six problems were unexpected and unconventional, but it
was not enough to cause everyone to pursue a solution. Even though the conflict between
the mysterious prison-breaking yao and the Genius Alliance had been aggrandized, those
with some intelligence would not put too much importance on it. The matter clearly a
manipulation by someone from the shadows. Everyone watched it with the intentions of
witnessing the spectacle and for amusement. No one believed the mysterious prison-
breaking yao could defeat the Genius Alliance. Any normal yao would clearly arrive at this

So when Huai Boy had succeeded in activating the prison breaking battle, everyone
watched but felt it was expected. Everyone had been speculating on when the Genius
Alliance would break the prison. One of the Genius Alliance’s supervisors had activated the
prison-breaking battle. The Genius Alliance had so many supervisors. Breaking the prison
was just a matter of time.

The prison-breaking six problems were novel to everyone, and showed everyone a
completely different way of thinking. To be able to create something unique in the little yao
arts which had been studied so thoroughly, the strength of the mysterious prison-breaking
yao could not be underestimated. Some powerful great yao and famed teachers from famed
yao art houses gave their praises, and were in agreement that they favored the potential of
the mysterious prison-breaking yao and thought his future was limitless.

Even as the prison-breaking six problems increasingly attracted the attention of more
and more yao, but in the eyes of the public, this wasn’t anything.

Each year, a few brilliant stars would appear and be praised by these so-called famed
teachers, but the great majority would gradually grow dim and lose their standing.

But just as everyone was waiting for the Genius Alliance to make a new move, everyone
noticed a strange occurrence.

The solution to the sixth prison-breaking problem had not been announced.
One day, two days, three days … …

The topic of the mysterious prison-breaking yao vs the Genius Alliance had lost its fervor
and interest waned, but there was still no news of the answer to the sixth problem. It
wasn’t known who first mentioned this strange situation, but it instantly attracted
everyone’s attention.

Was the sixth problem this difficult?

Everyone had been somewhat disinterested in this matter, but their appetites were whet

The people inside the Genius Alliance did not place much importance on this matter.
They were full of confidence. Huai Boy had not successfully completed the prison-breaking,
but it definitely was a good beginning. Young geniuses? The alliance did not lack geniuses..
Many supervisors were wondrously in consensus over this matter. They did not disturb the
higher ranks. They firmly believed that they could solve this matter based on their
individual strengths.

Yet when the outside world started to discuss when the answer to the sixth problem
would come out, they suddenly found to their shock, that without their notice, they had all
been stuck on this problem.

Now everyone was in a hurry.

The branches of the Genius Alliance at each jie changed their lax attitude and quickly
formed teams to work together on the problem.

At last, on the ninth day, the answer to the sixth problem came out.

The appetite of the outside world was very high. When the sixth problem’s answer came
out, it pushed the matter of mystery prison-breaking yao vs Genius Alliance to the top
again. Everyone suddenly found that it wouldn’t be so easy for the Genius Alliance to win.

A battle with great power disparity naturally would not be interesting to many eyes. But
when the underdog they had thought would lose in one round had endured for ten, left in a
better shape than they anticipated and with a glimmer of hope, , the interest of the
spectators skyrocketed.

There wasn’t just one or two groups that wanted to see the Genius Alliance be left
looking like fools.

“We must retaliate!” the supervisor from the Lilium Jie said excitedly. His temper was
explosive to start with, and he had been very stimulated by the words from the outside.

“Yes! We have to retaliate!” the other supervisors agree with excited expressions.

When had these proud individuals ever endured so much mockery and disdain? They
firmly believed that the Genius Alliance gathered the most outstanding geniuses of the yao.
They felt very proud of themselves for being among them.

“Hmph, just took us a few extra days of effort, and all the scum have come out!”

“We have to make them see the reality.” Another supervisor shrugged with a helpless
expression. “Even if it is a bit cruel.”

“What does everyone think? We can’t just get beat up like this. When has our Genius
Alliance ever lost like this?” the supervisor from the Lilium Jie said.

“Ha, very simple, increase the reward!”

“Yes, brave ones will come for a great reward!”

The yao supervisors had a common enemy and all gave their suggestions towards a plan.

“Everyone contribute a few credits. Once we have a few hundred. I don’t believe that
no one in the alliance won’t take it! I will contribute ten credit points.”

“I will donate twenty!”

The supervisors discussed and felt that this was a good plan. Not every member of the
Genius Alliance had an outstanding family to support them. The alliance did not lack
members that came from those poor families. The majority of these people that entered the
Genius Alliance chose to do so due to the great benefits the Genius Alliance provided. These
yao cared about material gain, and not reputation. They usually did not interact with these
supervisors, and could be considered to be a clearly separated group.

However, these yao had a fatal weakness, credit points. The credits of the Genius Alliance
were really just contribution points. They were able to exchanged all kinds of yao arts and
worldly treasures for credit points from the alliance.

When they encountered a troublesome problem, the supervisors instantly remembered

these people that they usually looked down upon.

In the corner, Huai Boy did not make a sound. His complexion was fragile, but an
indiscernible cold smile floated at the corner of his mouth. These past few days, the other
supervisors had been ignoring and shunning him, and he deeply felt how cold people here
were. He knew the reason. Many supervisors felt discontented that of all the supervisors it
was he that activated the prison-breaking battle. If he had succeeded, he would be a hero
and the discontent would have been suppressed. They would have fawned over him. But he
was defeated so he became the target of disdain.

He suddenly felt he was slightly laughable.

Why was he together with such an ungenerous and obnoxious crowd that thought
highly of themselves?

He silently looked on and smirked coldly inside.


The troop would advance a distance every day.

If they stopped, Zuo Mo would start drinking with Wei Sheng. The alcohol wasn’t
anything good, but the two were very happy when they drank. They spoke of what
happened to them in these few years, reminiscing on the interesting things that happened
in their sect in the past.

They sighed.

“Speaking of it, if it wasn’t for these incidents, we wouldn’t be who we are today.” The
alcohol was going to Zuo Mo’s head. He did not use ling power to suppress the effects of the
alcohol. He said with a smile, “Without the troubles and worries in the past, how could
Shixiong’s sword heart be so strong? Without the dangers along this road, I don’t know
in which little corner I would be in trying to pass the days. I’d probably be just farming
ling fields or something.”

“Right!” Wei Sheng gulped down a large mouthful of alcohol, and allowed the excess
liquid to freely flow down along his neck. He suddenly said, “Shidi, what is your goal?”

“Goal?” Zuo Mo stilled. He tilted his head and thought for a while. Then he counted on his
fingers as he said, “First, heal A Gui, and then investigate my origins. However, this
second matter cannot be forced. I don’t have too much hope. Most importantly, make
more jingshi and give everyone good days so I do not fail them for choosing to
accompanying me through these dangers.”

“Haha!” Wei Sheng gave a booming laugh. “Apart three days, I have a different view of
you! Shidi in the past was the one most afraid of trouble. You now have great goals.
Good, good!”

Zuo Mo’s face blushed at Wei Sheng’s words. “What great ambitions? I’m unable to get
off the horse! Shixiong, don’t laugh at me!”
“This is good!” Wei Sheng put down the wine pouch in his hand and said seriously, “I
always felt that Shidi did not lack talent, but your personality was somewhat carefree.
Now that Shidi has resolve, you naturally will have accomplishments. Even our sect
cannot compare at all to the followers that Shidi has now.”

“What about Shixiong? What goals do you have?” Zuo Mo asked curiously.

“Me?” Wei Sheng thought for a second and suddenly gulped wine. When he put down the
pouch, his expression was grave. “In this life, I pursue the pinnacle of the sword!”

Wei Sheng’s words were strong and steely without any hesitation or fright!

“Good!” In Zuo Mo’s sea of consciousness, Pu Yao couldn’t resist praising.

Threads of admiration came into Zuo Mo’s heart. He recalled the jade scroll that Eldest
Shixiong had given him that recorded the hardships that Eldest Shixiong encountered in his
search for the sword. They flowed past his eyes. Of all the people he ever encountered, in
terms of determination, Eldest Shixiong was undoubtedly ranked first.

Only people like Eldest Shixiong were able to walk to the peak of the sword path!

Zuo Mo was shocked and admiring, but when the words reached his mouth, they became
“Shixiong, let’s have a discussion?”

“Discussion? What matter?” Zuo Mo’s change was so sudden that Wei Sheng did not
have the time to react.

“Shixiong pursues the sword path, how can it work without true combat? Combat is
the best way to advance!” Zuo Mo lowered his face and did not disguise his true
expression. He snickered and said fawningly, “How about we go together, I’ll provide
food, shelter, and jingshi! Shixiong, don’t worry, we lack for everything, but we won’t
lack for fighting! We will definitely satisfy Shixiong and make it extremely fulfilling!
That sword path comprehension, experience, they will rise, and be unable to be
stopped even if you want it too! If you are lucky, you might get an intimate friend of the
fairer sex, a sword couple in paired cultivation, and to seek the path together! Didn’t
they say something like the warm home is the hero something? Oh oh oh, Shixiong is a
true and honest person, and naturally will not be affected by beauty … …”

Wei Sheng gaped and did not realize the alcohol was spilling on to his body.

Zuo Mo continued to talk for a while until his throat was dry. He finally stopped and took
a gulp of alcohol to moisten his throat before he asked Wei Sheng with a strong face,
“Shixiong, your opinion?”

Wei Sheng pointed at Zuo Mo and laughed. “To hope that a lazy guy like you would be
serious is like hoping a sow can climb up a tree.”
It seemed that he hadn’t put in enough effort!

Seeing this, Zuo Mo took a large gulp of alcohol, moistened his throat and prepared to
start again.

A crisp voice came into Zuo Mo’s years. Zuo Mo who had been preparing his emotions
and preparing to start persuading again and didn’t react in time and almost spat out the


Choked by the wine, Zuo Mo had dead fish eyes as he turned to look at Wei Sheng.

Wei raised the alcohol pouch and put it in front of Zuo Mo. He smiled freely. “Yes!”

Zuo Mo was overjoyed when he reacted. Raising his alcohol pouch, the two pouches
collided together.

That night, Zuo Mo dreamed off Shixiong as a giant that killed in all directions at the
front, and he was at the back and furiously counting jingshi with a dumb smile on his face.
So much jingshi, he couldn’t count it all … …

Translator Ramblings: Some comedy to lighten up the mood. The problem with building
up the tension is that payoffs are hard, especially if it isn’t an epic battle. It’s like going up a
rollercoaster, and then when you are expecting to have a fast rush down, you find that it is
flat. What to keep in mind for this story is that there is a somewhat cohesive story arc so
every little arc is a little step up the climbing part of the rollercoaster and you are not at the
big fall yet.
Chapter 366
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and Brian.

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Six – Yi Zheng of the Great Buddha Temple

Opening his eyes, Zuo Mo felt a splitting headache. He finally recalled that he and
Shixiong had drank all night and apparently had gone crazy later on, singing and dancing.
He didn’t even know how they had finally passed out.

He struggled up and walked out of the room. The outside was still misty.

Not far away, Xie Shan was respectfully asking Wei Sheng for advice. He occasionally
nodded and was as obedient as an underling. Zuo Mo lifted the corners of his mouth and
silently snickered. It must have been that Shixiong’s worldly apparition that had had deeply
shocked Xie Shan.

Zuo Mo did not disturb the two and randomly walked about. The five slave transporting
boats were placed apart and formed an enormous circle around the campsite.

Having suddenly added a strong member, everyone’s morale grew. They put even more
effort into their daily cultivation. The worldly apparition when Wei Sheng had his
breakthrough hadn’t shocked just Xie Shan.

A Wen had awoken. Thinking about how the fiend soul beast had forced him into such a
state, and especially in front of Boss, he was very dejected. Starting early in the morning, he
started to run around the campsite wanting to encounter another fiend soul beast to defeat.
The warlike Tenth Grade was not willing to fall back and tightly followed behind.

Lil’ Pagoda and Lil’ Fire affectionately nudged A Gui. A Gui was wooden and would only
respond once in a while. Whenever it happened, Lil’ Fire and Lil’ Pagoda would be very
excited. Silly Bird raised her head high, and stalked around with her unique bird walk as
she passed majestically beside Zuo Mo without even glancing at him. For some unknown
reason, Zuo Mo’s heart was filled with warmth. His mood seemed full of sunlight and was
unusually bright. Even the blood-red sky seemed to become much more amicable.

He suddenly remembered that the fiend soul beast A Wen had killed had left behind a
paw and a bead. He hurriedly took them out. The paw was as hard as steel, deep black and
shiny. The claws on the paw were especially sharp. When he gently swiped it against the
ground, it created five deep scratches. With Zuo Mo’s eyes, he was unable to distinguish
what kind of material it was.
“This is a fiend heavy weapon, very rare. It is a natural weapon. It is the first time I
have seen a fiend heavy weapon of such quality. You brat, you really have good luck.
Only a vicious fiendish land sealed for tens of thousands of years like this can form
such powerful fiend soul beasts, and produce these kind of fiend heavy weapons.”

Pu Yao was filled with emotion.

Zuo Mo waved the paw around a bit, and felt it was not very comfortable. He said, “This
is probably worth a lot of jingshi.”

The emotional Pu Yao stopped breathing. His temple throbbed. He forcibly suppressed
himself. “This isn’t for xiuzhe use, it’s for yao.”

Zuo Mo was very disappointed, and his expression was disinterested. If something could
not be traded for jingshi, how could it be considered good? He had so many subordinates
that cultivated a mo skills, but there were none that cultivate the yao arts. Wait, he
suddenly thought of the flower slaves in Guard Camp. Didn’t they cultivate yao arts?

“They can’t use them.” Pu Yao finally learned the joy of beating down Zuo Mo’s hopes,
and drawled, “What they cultivate is the [Flower Yao Coexistence Art]. Their weapon is
the ling flower in their bodies. Oh, they should be called yao flowers now. Fiend heavy
weapons are vicious things, they are not something that normal yao can use.”

Could not be traded for jingshi, none of his subordinates could use it, and neither could
normal yao … …

Was this just trash?”

Without another words, Zuo Mo threw it into the ring, and picked up the bead.

“Hmm, this is something good!” Zuo Mo became alert. He didn’t understand something
like the fiend heavy weapon, but he could recognize this bead.

Normal fiend souls would have a thread of soul base source. How could fiend soul beasts
not have any? This bead was their core, and inside was a huge amount of soul base essence
that was extremely pure. Upon further thought, Zuo Mo understood. These fiend soul
beasts were formed from fiend souls. They consumed other fiend souls and continuously
grew. It would take at least a hundred thousand fiend souls to form a fiend soul beast.
Fiend souls beasts had a basic intelligence and instinctively understood how to cultivate
the rudimentary spells of the fiendish energy.

No one had disturbed this ancient battlefield for tens of thousands of years. The fiend
souls formed here had experienced the cruelest slaughter. It could be imagined how strong
their soul was.

Zuo Mo instantly found that the “fishing” they had been so proud of before was really
very inefficient and idiotic … …
Out of the corner of his eyes, he coincidentally saw Gongsun Cha coming over. His body
flashed and he jumped next to Gongsun Cha. Before Gongsun Cha could relax, he shoved the
bead into Gongsun Cha’s mouth.

With a moment of inattentiveness, Gongsun Cha’s eyes bulged out as he was tricked. One
breath later, Lil’ Miss’ shy face that originally had a faint blush became completely red.

Gongsun Cha’s entire body quickly became red. He pointed with a trembling finger at Zuo
Mo but could not say a word.

His eyes suddenly widened, and then he ran away.


Behind him was Zuo Mo’s heartless laughter.

The fiend heavy weapon was useless, the core bead was used to trick Lil’ Miss, Zuo Mo
suddenly felt that there was nothing to do. The troop was temporarily resting at this spot.
Through Shixiong’s description, Zuo Mo knew that the size of this fiendish mist surpassed
his imagination. The native beings that he had originally thought were present turned out
to be Eldest Shixiong. Now he wasn’t in a rush to advance.

“Golden soul! Did you forget Golden Soul?” Pu Yao couldn’t resist reminding.

Zuo Mo hit his head. Right, how could he forget that matter.


Yi Zheng’s shock grew. He might not be a core disciple of Great Buddha Temple, but he
had rudimentary knowledge. Great Buddha Temple was already a strong sect in their jie
but … …

His eyes swept across those xiuzhe working hard at their cultivation. Even though it was
not the first time he saw them, his heart couldn’t resist jumping. The cultivations of these
xiuzhe were not high, and their ningmai cultivation were comparable to the normal
disciples of the temple. However, if the disciples of the temple had a conflict with these
group of people, not even their bones would remain!

This was killing intent!

Killing energy that made his heart beat rapidly. Elite! This word suddenly jumped into
his head. Only those elite that had experienced hundreds of bloody fights would have such
concentrated killing energy.
The temple also had these kind of elite dhyana soldiers. He had seen them before. Those
dhyana soldiers did not have high individual cultivation. One would only know how strong
they were only when one fought them. They were vicious and battle hardened, and did not
care about sustaining wounds. Yi Zheng had once been completely suppressed by a dhyana
soldier with a cultivation lower than his own. In the following five on five match, they had
not even lasted for twenty breaths before they lost.

If it wasn’t that it was a match with the sect, they would have died.

“This shixiong, greetings.”

A warm and gentle voice sounded from behind him.

Yi Zheng’s mind shifted. Turning around, joy instantly came onto his face. He was facing a
dhyana xiu. This troop actually had dhyana xiu! Yi Zheng carefully examined the other.
Even though the other was not wearing a monk robe and a kasaya, but the trace of a
dhyana xiu aura could not be faked. He instantly felt much closer to the other and hurriedly
returned the greeting. “This little monk gives greetings!”

“This little brother is Zong Ru. If Shixiong has any matters, you can find me.” Zong Ru
had a faint smile hanging on his face.

Yi Zheng felt astonished inside. The other’s cultivation was not lower than his. Dhyana
xiu emphasized their Samadhi skill the most. He gave a slight smile as well, and bowed
deeply. “Shixiong is too courteous. This little brother is of low cultivation, I am
currently lost and in need of help. Please, Shixiong, take care of me.”

“Everyone is together in this dangerous land. Helping each other is rational.” Zong
Ru smiled and waved his right hand. “Why don’t we go this little brother’s room. If
Shixiong has any questions, please ask there.”

“Yes!” Yi Zheng hurriedly said.

He followed behind Zong Ru and walked as xiuzhe occasionally bowed to Zong Ru along
the way. He thought inside, it seemed that this Zong Ru Shixiong had a high status among
this group.

Zong Ru’s room was very simple. Other than the two meditation mats, there were no
other objects.

“A simple place, you have seen a joke,” Zong Ru said with a smile.

“No, no! Shixiong’s place is perfect for the serene Samadhi path. This little brother
feels admiration,” Yi Zheng hurriedly said.

Zong Ru smiled. “Which sect does Shixiong come from? Where did you cultivate
Yi Zheng thought inside that the true aim had come out. He answered, “This little monk
is a disciple from Great Buddha Temple, and cultivated at He Residence Mountain

“Great Buddha Temple?” Zong Ru made a sound and suddenly thought of something. He
asked with shock, “Great Buddha Temple of Temple Sea Jie.”

“Shixiong knows this humble temple?” Yi Zheng slightly let out a breath at the other’s
shock. To his shock, he found that everything he had seen in this day and night had
unconsciously put pressure on him.

“Ha ha, the honored temple’s [Great Buddha Dhyana Records] is one of the Eight
Great Dhyana records of Xuan Kong Territoires and is renowned. This little brother
may be sheltered and ignorant but still knows the honored Great Buddha Temple.”

Yi Zheng did not feel any smugness. If it really was like the other had said, Zong Ru would
not have made a sound like he did. His mind shifted. “Where did Shixiong learn?”

Zong Ru gave a reminiscent expression. He said with a smile, “Speaking of that, I’m not
afraid Shixiong would laugh. This one has no teacher. This one only encountered a
master in the past that passed on some basic dhyana spells.”

Yi Zheng did not believe it. Zong Ru’s cultivation was clearly not weaker than his, and his
Samadhi skill was even deeper. The study of any other spells could have the possibility of a
shortcut, but not Samadhi. Even if it was a fundamental, but there was no room for
shortcuts. Zong Ru’s ling power ripples were as deep and steady as the ocean. His Samadhi
skill was clearly very high.

Seeing Yi Zheng’s expression, Zong Ru understood. He did not explain. “Shixiong has
come from the Xuan Kong Territories, we have come from the Kun Lun Territoires.
There are thousands of li between us. It is a matter of dhyana karma that we have met
on this ancient battlefield.”

Yi Zheng nodded. “Shixiong’s words are great kindness!” He already believed the
words. Almost all the dhyana xiu temples of the world gathered in the Xuan Kong
Territories. The Kun Lun Territories were famed for their sword xiu. He had never heard of
them having a large dhyana xiu temple.

Upon closer examination, he found that while Zong Ru had deep dhyana cultivation, but
it was possible to see signs of age and hardship between the brows. He clearly had gone
through hardships in his cultivation. The dhyana xiu disciples of large temples did not like
luxury, but they did not have to worry about material things. They could rest their hearts
and cultivate their dhyana, and it was rare for them to have hard times.

He suddenly thought of the “ancient battlefield” that Zong Ru had just mentioned, and
couldn’t help but ask, “This is an ancient battlefield?”
“En. We came in from the outer fringes, and saw many corpses and bones along the
way. But it has been too long, and they would disintegrate when touched. Daren said
that this ancient battlefield is tens of thousands of years old.” Zong Ru did not conceal it.

“Tens of thousands of years?” Yi Zheng’s expression shifted, and then he sank into
thousand, “Ten thousand years … … ancient battlefield … … ancient battlefield … …”

The Great Buddha Temple was one of the Eight Great Temples. With a long history, it had
many temple records. He thought back and tried to recall what records would match this.

Seeing Yi Zheng in deep thought, Zong Ru did not hurry him and patiently waited.

A long while later, Yi Zheng suddenly murmured in a low voice, “Can it be … … can it be
… …”

Deep terror suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo is so nice to Lil’ Miss. Pu Yao wants his golden souls.
Chapter 367
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiofDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Seven – Illusory Formations and Qinghua Zang Shui

Nan Yue looked helplessly at Cang Ze who was beside her.

A few days ago, this guy had found her and was sticking to her without moving a step
away. No matter how she tried, she couldn’t get him to go away. Fortunately, his attitude
was respectful and he was not impolite. When Nan Yue had the time, she would come to the
Wasteland Beast Chessboard to wait for Daren. Cang Ze also waited alongside her.

Daren had not appeared for many days.

Did something happen? Nan Yue was slightly worried.

But this strong female yao did not show her worries in her expressions. In front of Cang
Ze, she was always steady and composed. She had never felt the days were so hard to go
through. When each piece of news surfaced, her heart would tighten.

The prison-breaking battle was activated, the sixth problem was solved, the challenge
from the Genius Alliance … …

She lived every day with a rapidly drumming heart. She never doubted Daren’s strength
because she never believed that Daren could defeat the Genius Alliance. But she would still
be worried.

No matter how strong the Genius Alliance was, what did it have to do with her? She was
Daren’s follower!

Just as she was panicking, a familiar voice came from behind her. “This is where you

Hearing this voice, Nan Yue almost cried. She suppressed the urge and said with a
lowered head, Daren.”

“How was your recent cultivation?” Zuo Mo asked. He glanced at Cang Ze at the side.

Nan Yue instantly stammered. Her mind distracted with all kinds of news these past
days, how could she be in a mood to cultivate?
Zuo Mo creased his brow and did not blame her. He asked curiously, “What happened?”
In his eyes, Nan Yue was a cultivation obsessed person, no, a cultivation obsessed yao. It
was really abnormal for her to neglect cultivating.

Nan Yue instantly felt ashamed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to burrow into.
“Daren, it’s the matter of the Genius Alliance … …”

Nan Yue, Nan Yue, you are too weak, just this minor bit of news, and you cannot
cultivate! She was filled with self-blame.

“Genius Alliance?” Zuo Mo paused. His first response was, what a grandiose name! His
second response was, “What is that?”

What is that … …

Nan Yue’s tongue tied up and she did not know how to reply. At the side, Cang Ze’s
expression was also strange.

“Daren has not heard of Genius Alliance?” Cang Ze probed.

“No.” Zuo Mo shook his head. “Very strong? Do they have Sky Yao?”

Cang Ze swallowed. “They did before. In their history, the Genius Alliance produced …

“Oh.” Zuo Mo realized. “So they had ancestors who were.”

Cang Ze swallowed the words that reached his mouth, his expression abject.

Out of caution, Zuo Mo secretly asked Pu Yao, “Have you heard of this Genius Alliance?”

Pu Yao didn’t even bat an eye and said irritably, “Don’t bother me with these
insignificant nobodies.”

Seemed that this wasn’t a famous faction. Zuo Mo silently judged according to Pu Yao’s

“Have they made trouble for you?” Zuo Mo’s courage grew and his tone was slightly

“No … …” Nan Yue weakly replied. She hesitated before saying, “They are trying to find
trouble with you.”

“Me?” Zuo Mo pointed at his nose as he asked in shock.

Nan Yue quietly narrated the cause. Looking at Daren’s attitude, he did not seem to know
the Genius Alliance. Her explanation was very detailed. However, how could Daren not
know Genius Alliance? How could there be a yao that did not know the Genius Alliance?

“Understood.” Zuo Mo nodded and smacked his lips. With a dismissive face, he made his
final conclusion. “They don’t have the skills, and dislike people that earn more than they

Seeing Nan Yue’s face was still worried, he waved his hand and said, “Why care about
them? A deranged group! Putting so much effort into prison-breaking, there isn’t any
money there.. Full of it and have nothing better to do.”

Nan Yue and Cang Ze’s expressions were strange. At this time, they could not find the
words to describe their current mood.

Daren was really deep and profound!

“Hee hee! It really is full of it and they have nothing better to do!” A sweet voice
passed over. A shapely body appeared in everyone’s field of view. The tight evening dress
highlighted her curvaceous body, the full and soft chest almost bursting out, the hair styled
in a high up-do and revealing the snowy-white neck. A faintly discernable smile on the face,
was highly seductive. There was a small mole at the corner of her red and moist lips that
added a hint of enchantment.

Cang Ze and Nan Yue were dazed.

This female yao was like a burning flame that could melt people’s bones.

This restless feeling … … was a bit familiar … …

Zuo Mo was dazed for a moment and then was furious. She dared to use illusions!

The tragic memory that the paper crane female had left on him back on Wu Kong
Mountain surfaced in his mind. Ge hates illusory techniques the most!

The furious Zuo Mo did not hesitate to give a powerful counterattack.

His hands secretly made a move, [Little Thousand Leaf Art—Bone-Crushing Obscuring

A invisible wind spread in ripples.

The female yao seemed to be heavy struck. Her body shook, and her face paled as she
gave a delicate cry of pain. Her expression was pained, her brow slightly creased, her eyes
unfocused. On the slightly bent body, the snowy white mounds on her chest moved. Even
the delicate cry was seductive and caused people’s hearts to heat up.
Cang Ze’s breathing suddenly became heavy as his eyes turned red. Nan Yue also felt her
body was unusually heated. She felt the female in front of her was overbearingly beautiful.

Such a powerful illusory technique!

Still not giving up?

Zuo Mo glared and his anger increased. His hand gave three [Bone-Crushing Obscuring
Wind]! [Bone-Crushing Obscuring Wind] was the ninth move of Little Thousand Leaf
Hands. After the encounter at Hundred Flower Alliance, Zuo Mo had relentlessly urged Pu
Yao to teach him a move of Little Thousand Leaf Hands that specialized in breaking illusory

He hadn’t thought he would encounter such a powerful illusory technique the first time
he used it!

Three bursts of wind hit the female yao at the same time. The female yao’s eyes suddenly
straightened as though she was struck by lightning. Her hairdo exploded. As her locks fell
down, a stream of blood came from the corner of her mouth.

“You … …”

The hate filled and piercing voice suddenly stopped. The light flashed on her body and
she disappeared. She had been pushed out of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard by Zuo Mo’s
fourth [Bone-Crushing Obscuring Wind].

Zuo Mo finally released a breath. Turning his face, he saw Cang Ze and Nan Yue look
dumbly at him, and warned them gravely, “This female’s illusory technique is very
powerful! You have to be very careful! Do not fall for it!”

Illusory technique … …

Nan Yue and Cang Ze looked at each other in confusion. They still did not know what had
happened. Where had there been an illusory art?

Had there really been a powerful illusory art?

Cang Ze’s heart was filled with regret. It was the first time he had seen such a seductive
being! Such a pity. But why would she cast an illusory art?

Even though he was filled with regret, Cang Ze finally calmed down and felt that Zuo Mo
was even more powerful. It definitely was a very powerful illusory art if he hadn’t detected
it at all. Daren’s strength was, as expected, immeasurable!

He suddenly rejoiced slightly that the council of elders had made a correct decision.

“Daren!” he said with unusual respect.

“Un-huh.” Zuo Mo was still immersed in the satisfaction from defeating the illusory
technique with the [Bone-Crushing Obscuring Wind]. Zuo Mo knew some of the Little
Thousand Leaf Hands. At the beginning, Pu Yao had taught him five moves, and then
periodically taught a few more here and there. However, Zuo Mo always felt that the effect
of Little Thousand Leaf Hands was average, even less than the [Sky Glass Wave] and was
far cry from the Great Day mo physique.

However this time, he experienced the exquisiteness of Little Thousand Leaf Hands. If he
was familiar with the move, he would have defeated the other’s illusory technique with one
[Bone-crushing Obscuring Wind]. Would he have needed to cast it four times? Zuo Mo
finally recalled that the Great and Little Thousand Leaf Hands were created by a Sky Yao,
and naturally was extraordinary.

Hmph, just a half-learned illusory technique and dare to show off in front of ge, they
don’t want to live.

If she knew ge’s glorious battles in illusory formations, she definitely wouldn’t dare.
Before ge learned [Bone-crushing Obscuring Wind], ge still defeated the illusory
technique of the Hundred Flower Alliance.

Zuo Mo felt very proud. The only grudge he had left was the paper crane girl. If he
encountered the paper crane girl now, he would definitely pin her down on the ground and
then beat her until her head swelled like a pig’s head, get a batch of jingshi off her, and then
use a similar illusory technique on her before letting her go.

“Daren.” Cang Ze did not discover that Zuo Mo was still in his fantasy and said with the
utmost respect. “The clan has agreed to give Daren ten Golden Souls annually as

“Good!” Zuo Mo refocused and was overjoyed. He hurriedly asked. “When will you give
the Golden Souls to me?”

Cang Ze suddenly had a feeling that he seemed to have met a conman. Daren wasn’t a
conman, right? He muttered inside but did not show any of it on his face. He carefully
reminded, “Daren, do you remember, the [Grey Scar Art]?”

“Oh, right, wait a moment.” Zuo Mo hurriedly found Pu Yao.

Pu Yao’s eye at this moment was like a hungry wolf that gleamed eerily. He stared at Zuo
Mo for a while without a word.

Zuo Mo’s hair rose under his gaze. He muttered inside, was Pu Yao also going to cast an
illusory technique?

Pu Yao stared at Zuo Mo for a while before shaking his head and saying to himself,
“Black-hearted, really black-hearted!”
Speaking of this, Zuo Mo’s spine instantly became straight. He instantly said, full of
disdain, “Getting the benefit and you still complain. If you feel it’s black, take one less
Golden Soul!”

Pu Yao’s mouth was instantly tightly closed.

“Right, the more we make, the more we can divide.” Zuo Mo had an expression like he
was teaching a child. He reached out. “Give it.”

“What?” Pu Yao instinctively asked.

“Grey Scar Art. Don’t you want the Golden Souls?”

“Oh.” Pu Yao instinctively threw a ball of light at Zuo Mo.

“And give me that [South Sky Arrow Art] along with it so I don’t have to run over

“Oh.” Another ball of light.

Zuo Mo contentedly left the sea of consciousness before Pu Yao could react.

You antique from thousands of years ago, how can you fight with ge? Don’t you know
that ge is the sun at eight or nine? The present is ge’s, the future is ge’s, all of it is ge’s!

Before the satisfied Zuo Mo could make the transaction, a cold voice interrupted. “You
are the master of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard.

A male yao covered in blue marks stared coldly at Zuo Mo.

The master of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard?

Zuo Mo rolled his eyes but did not answer him. He asked Cang Ze. “When will we carry
out the transaction?”

The blue yao swept Cang Ze and said neutrally, “The Grey Clan is very daring to dare be
enemies against our Genius Alliance!”

Cang Ze’s pupils suddenly shrunk. “Genius Alliance? Sire, who are you?”

“Qinghua Zang Shui,” the blue yao said faintly.

Cang Ze’s body shook and a layer of fine sweat began to cover his forehead.

His business disturbed, Zuo Mo instantly became discontent. He flipped his hand, and a
little stool appeared. He shoved it in front of the blue yao. “Hold this.”
“En?” Qinghua Zang Shui looked with puzzlement at the stool made from yao arts. His
gaze flashed. It was very rough and simple. Was he planning to compete in yao arts?

Zuo Mo pointed. “There, take the stool. Go to the corner and draw circles.”

Qinghua Zang Shui’s indigo face instantly became red. In an instant, his mind turned

Humiliated, he had actually been humiliated!

Translator Ramblings: Still without residential internet … …

Anyways, Fang Xiang decided to leave the cliff hanging from the previous chapter. Zuo
Mo has now stunned Pu Yao with being even greedier… … and having it work.
Chapter 368
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and Brian.

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Eight – Battle of Tongues

As the exceptional successor of the young generation of the Blue Flower Family, Qinghua
Zang Shui had an talent unrivalled within the clan. Cloud Ridge Blue Flower had been a
famed and influential clan that flourished for thousands of years and never declined. Each
generation had outstanding descendants. If they went back a few hundred years, the Blue
Flower Clan had occupied a seat on the Council of Elders that oversaw the entire yao world.

The present Blue Flower did not have the status of its past, but it was still a large sect
that was firmly established and admired. Compared to them, the Grey Clan was just a wild,
little clan from some backwater mountain, so when Cang Ze heard the other’s name, he
instantly became silent.

Usually, just based on the words “Cloud Ridge Blue Flower,” Qinghua Zang Shui could
charge recklessly anywhere. When had he ever been humiliated so?

When had the Blue Flower Family ever been humiliated like this?

Qinghua Zang Shui was so ashamed that he could die. A burst of hot blood rushed into his
head. His eyes glaring, he pointed at Zuo Mo and gritted, “Those that humiliate my Blue
Flower Family shall die!”

Zuo Mo rolled his eyes. “Are you mental? Am I humiliating your Blue Flower Family?”

“So- you … …” The anger in Qinghua Zang Shui’s chest calmed slightly before he was
interrupted by Zuo Mo.

“Who I am humiliating is you.” Zuo Mo looked at Qinghua Zang Shui like he was looking
at an idiot and said mockingly, “Just a person like you, you aren’t ashamed to be called a
genius? Don’t come out to frighten people? Oh, you definitely want to kill me right now,
I know this. So, people like you only have this little bit of patience, only this bit of
breadth of chest! Compete with me?” He suddenly increased his volume. “What
qualifications do you have to compete with me? Does the Blue Flower Family have more
face than other people? You who eats soft rice, go and break the prison. Don’t bother
me before you break the prison. Ge is very busy, understand?”

Qinghua Zang Shui’s face flushed turned black and then white. His entire figure wavered

Qinghua Zang Shui’s blurred figure suddenly exploded into a ball of light and

Zuo Mo shook his head and sighed. “He is mentally weak, his mind is really low in

Turning around his face, he looked at the gaping Nan Yue and Cang Ze. He said, “Ooh,
let’s continue.”



A shriek filled with fury came from the room. Ji Cheng stopped in his steps and then
forced himself to push open the door. Pia! An extremely fine crystal decoration smashed
loudly beside his feet into countless pieces.

Ji Cheng did not dare to block the shrapnel and allowed the crystal shards to hit his body.
He wore a smile as he said in a fawning tone, “Sis, what is the matter? Who made you so
angry? I’ll go beat him up! Grind his bones into powder, skin him and pluck out his
tendons … …”

His voice suddenly stopped. Ji Li Yu stared fiercely at him.


Old Sis’s angry face was filled with killing intent. In that pair of eyes that enchanted
countless male yao was burning fire!

Heavens! Ji Cheng felt his scalp tighten. He had never seen Old Sis so angry ever. He
didn’t know which pitiful person had infuriated Old Sis. So pitiful!

In her anger, Old Sis did not recognize anyone. Ji Cheng was filled with regret. Why had
he been so dumb to stare down the barrel of this gun.

Ji Cheng knew the time to show his loyalty had come. He pretended to be angry and said,
“Sis, don’t be so anxious! I’ll go send for people! They dare to provoke my sis, they must
not want to live!”

Ji Li Yu stared at Ji Cheng for a while, which caused Ji Cheng’s hairs to stand up.
“Alright! Don’t act in front of me!” Ji Li Yu snorted coldly and sat down. There was still
anger on her face, but she finally calmed down. She propped up her chin, and it was
unknown if she was in a daze or considering something.

Ji Cheng released a deep sigh inside. The most dangerous moment had past. However he
knew that if he left at this time, he would definitely receive retribution. He carefully and
curiously went forward. “What happened?”

Which saint had caused Old Sis to be so furious? That skill wasn’t just high! Ji Cheng was
full of admiration towards this unknown expert to the point of kowtowing to his or her
skills. Of course, he didn’t dare to show any of it on his face.

“My [Charm Clothing] was defeated.” Ji Li Yu said lightly.

“Ah!” Ji Cheng was stunned. He was sincerely concerned now. “Are you wounded?”


Ji Cheng released a breath but still wasn’t able to believe it. “How is it possible? How can
[Charm Clothing] be defeated?”

The Ji Family’s [Sky Clothing] was full of transformations and was one of the few
remaining earth level yao arts in the yao world. Many of the parts had been previously lost.
Afterwards, the Ji Family had founded the Sky Clothing Yao Art House. Under accumulation
of research and study over years, they finally recovered the original appearance. There
were nine transformations of the Sky Clothing, [Charm Clothing] was one of them.

But compared to the [Emperor Clothing] and [Domination Clothing] of the Ji Family,
those that knew the [Charm Clothing] were the least common. Of the generations of Ji
Family disciples, there were rarely those who cultivated the [Charm Clothing]. The
conditions to cultivate [Charm Clothing] were extremely strict. It demanded that the one
cultivating it was naturally beautiful with a flawless consciousness; but the most important
part was that their heart had to be as clean as jade and untainted. The purer the heart, the
stronger the power was in their hands.

Even in the Ji Family, it was one of the most tightly guarded secrets that Ji Li Yu had
successfully cultivated [Charm Clothing]. There were less than five people who knew. The
most powerful quality of the [Charm Clothing] was that it was intangible and invisible as it
affected others. It was one of the best illusory arts.

Using the power of the [Charm Clothing], Ji Li Yu lived a really a good life. Ever since she
was little, she was someone who had always been liked by all. After entering the yao art
house, she became blinding and dazzling, she was the dream lover of countless young and
accomplished yao. The second year she entered the yao art house, she entered the Genius
Alliance and received attention from the leader of the Genius Alliance, Ming Yue Ye. The
third year, she entered the Genius Alliance council of elders and became the youngest elder
in the Alliance’s history. After becoming the youngest elder of the Genius Alliance, she was
appointed by Ming Yue Ye as the Relations Minister of the Genius Alliance and was
specifically in charge of recruiting talent.

She had completely utilized the powers of the [Charm Clothing]. These years, she had
outstanding results, and her seat as an elder was rock solid.

Even as the successor of the Ji Family and someone stronger, Ji Cheng still lived in her

No one other than Ji Cheng who also cultivated [Sky Clothing] knew how powerful
[Charm Clothing] was. From a certain perspective, it was a nearly undetectable illusory
art, and its effects directly gripped the heart. He had personally seen countless vicious
serial killers and mass murders face Old Sis with a face full of warmth.

What kind of monster could bear to attack her?

“It is that prison-breaking yao.” Ji Li Yu’s expression was slightly ugly.

“Prison-breaking yao?” Ji Cheng stilled and then reacted in a moment. He stammered,

“The master of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard? Old Sis, why did you provoke him? Did
Ming Yue Ye send you to deal with him? It shouldn’t be so, when did it become the
elder’s turn to attack?”

“Who said we are attacking him?” Ji Li Yu rolled her eyes, and her expression became
even uglier. “The masses are talking so much about our failures. If the prison-breaking
yao joined the Genius Alliance at this moment, what expression do you think those
people would have?”

Ji Cheng pondered it for a while and then nodded. “This move is great! Completely
pulling the carpet from beneath them! And then? You went to find him?”

“En, I had people keeping watch on that little girl called Nan Yue.” Ji Li Yu’s expression
suddenly became black as she gritted. “I just spoke, and that guy instantly flipped.
Without a word, he used four attacks of a very strange yao art.”

“Attacked without a word?” Ji Cheng’s expression became slightly strange. “Old Sis, is
this a romantic debt that you left behind in the past?”

Ji Li Yu’s eyes glared and frightened Ji Cheng to shrink his head back into his neck.

But he could not bear his own curiosity and said, “And then?”


“Nothing?” Ji Cheng was confused.

“I was directly thrown out of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard.”

“Directly thrown out of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard … …” Ji Cheng stammered

and then inhaled sharply! Whoa, this guy was that vicious? The first meeting and he threw
Old Sis out of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard without a word … ..

On pain of his death, Ji Cheng could promise Old Sis wouldn’t easily let this matter go. He
carefully asked. “Old Sis, what are you planning to do now?”

“Hmph, this isn’t finished!” Ji Li Yi spat out with a dark face.

In this instant, Ji Cheng was filled with sympathy for that vicious prison-breaking


Qinghua Zang Shui’s body uncontrollably trembled, his teeth were creaking. He was
going mad from anger!

He had been humiliated! The Blue Flower Family had been humiliated!

Eating soft rice … … no qualifications … …

The words were like a poisonous snake continuously tearing and consuming his
peerlessly proud heart.

He suddenly raised his head, those who humiliate me, die!


“That right now wasn’t good?” Cang Ze weakly said. He suddenly remembered who that
seductive female yao was. His heart had almost stopped breathing. He suddenly felt that
the decision by the elders was a humongous mistake. Daren’s conduct was completely
unpredictable. In the blink of an eye, he had offended two big families.

The Ji Family and Blue Flower Family!

Either of these families could lift a little finger and swept the Grey Clan out. He had just
watched as Daren had humiliated the two big families. His heart was freezing cold.

“We need to save time.” Zuo Mo said unconcernedly, “Who has the time to waste on
these nobodies?”

Nobodies … … the Ji Family and the Blue Flower Family were nobodies … …

Cang Ze trembled. Just this matter was enough to create a conflict where blood would
flow like rivers. He intelligently skipped past this problem. If he let Daren keep talking, the
matter would become even worse. He finally understood the meaning of “disaster coming
from the mouth.”

“Are you the prison-breaking yao?” A weak voice passed over.

“Why are you guys so irritating?” Zuo Mo was completely irritated by these people that
constantly interrupted him. He turned around, and swore all over.

“Ah!” The female yelled and retreated five steps in fear.

When Zuo Mo saw this was just a normal female, his anger instantly dissipated, but his
tone was still slightly unfriendly. “What is it?”

“You really are the prison-breaking yao?” the little girl gathered her courage and

“Prison-breaking yao? If you mean the prison-breaking battle, yes, it’s me,” said Zuo
Mo impatiently. “If you have something to say, say it quickly. Otherwise leave!” Seeing
that a big transaction was just going to be completed but being successively interrupted by
others, Zuo Mo’s mood could be imagined.

“Wow! Great!” The little girl was so excited she almost jumped up. “I am a reporter for
the Tomorrow Yao Channel, can I interview you?”

“Interview?” Zuo Mo stilled. He thought about it and then said openly. “No problem, no
problem, but you have to pay! Just a reminder, ge’s price is very high!”

The little girl immediately turned to stone.

Cang Ze and Nan Yue covered their faces and could not bear to watch.

Translator Ramblings: That was such a nice debate about Zuo Mo’s reaction to Ji Li Yu …
… and it turns out he did not over-react. There was some really good logic that I hadn’t
even thought of like how Zuo Mo only reacted to the elder of Hundred Flower Pavilion after
she used an illusion. It is a tricky skill. People will attribute what they feel to attraction
towards the enemy rather than an illusion at work.
Chapter 369
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Sixty Nine – I Am Xiao Mo Ge

In the end, the one that accepted the fee was Nan Yue. Zuo Mo wasn’t willing to hand
over the fee from the bottom of his heart, but this was not something that could be avoided.
As for the price, he doubled the amount that Cang Ze suggested. When the little girl heard
this price, her expression changed. When she asked her superior, her voice had been

The interview quickly proceeded. After getting the fee, Zuo Mo was very professional.

But as the interview continued, Nan Yue and Cang Ze’s expressions became increasingly
ugly. In the end, their faces were ashen white and wore expressions of terror.

The little girl gaped with wide eyes in shock, but she quickly became excited.


The interview this time would definitely sell!

After the interview, the little girl hurriedly left.

Watching as the little girl left, Nan Yue and Cang Ze wanted to speak when Zuo Mo
suddenly disappeared with a sound—his time was up.

Nan Yue and Cang Ze looked at the dissipating white light with dazed expressions.

A beat later, Cang Ze said with exasperation, “It’s big trouble this time.”

Nan Yue knew what Cang Ze was saying. She remained silent. Even though her heart was
filled with worry, she made a resolution that she wouldn’t be moved no matter what
hardships Daren encountered!

As Daren’s follower, any wavering, even if it was wavering of the heart, was shameful!

Daren, you created great trouble this time!

Zuo Mo had a down expression. “After this group of people interrupting today, we
didn’t even finish discussing the matters at hand.”

Pu Yao looked at Zuo Mo with extreme displeasure. But after considering he had to rely
on Zuo Mo to get the Golden Souls, he decided to keep quiet.

Just at this time, he heard Zong Ru’s voice come from the outside. “Daren.”

“Come in, come in!” Zuo Mo felt slightly puzzled as he could hear the urgency in Zong
Ru’s voice. Zong Ru wasn’t like some Qinghua Zang Shui, he was mentally strong. A dhyana
xiu that was raised outside a sect and could still cultivate an abhinna, that wasn’t
something any average person could accomplish.

Zong Ru had someone else with him. It was the guy that Shixiong had been carrying the
other day.

“Daren, this shixiong is a high ranked disciple of Great Buddha Temple.” Zong Ru first
introduced Yi Zheng.

“Great Buddha Temple!” In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao shrieked and then gritted,
“No wonder this person has a smell I dislike! Great Buddha Temple! Great Buddha
Temple! So Great Buddha Temple had not been destroyed yet!”

Zuo Mo jumped in fright at Pu Yao’s shriek and fury. It was the first time he had seen Pu
Yao lose his composure so. He carefully asked, “You had encounters?”

“Hmph!” A cold snort. Pu Yao suddenly calmed down, but his bloody pupil dimmed and
brightened in turn. The killing energy around his body was also uncertain.

Zong Ru saw Zuo Mo did not react and continued, “Yi Zheng Shixiong said that he may
know what place this is.”

Zuo Mo’s attention came back at the mention of this. He was slightly shocked. “Ah, what
place is this?”

Yi Zheng was studying Zuo Mo all this time. It was the first time that he had seen the boss
of this strange troop. The person in front of him was clearly younger than himself. When he
first encountered Wei Sheng, he had been astounded by Wei Sheng’s age, but seeing an
even younger Zuo Mo, there was only one phrase in his mind.

Only freaks thrived!

Yi Zheng reflected inside, but he did not dare to slight the other because of his age. The
power the other controlled was enough to easily crush him a few hundred times over.

He hurried to say respectfully, “This little monk is just guessing and is not sure. This
little monk has frequently read my Shixiong’s various records, and happened to come
across a vague reference. It referred to something called the Battle of Sealed
Extinction. Supposedly, it occurred about twenty thousand years ago. This little monk
once felt it the description was absurd and skimmed past the notes, but thinking about
it now, the description seems similar.”

“Battle of Sealed Extinction.” In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao’s body shook suddenly.

“This little monk’s shixiong likes and collects all kinds of wondrous legends and tales.
This little monk was influenced and has read about many such tales. What this little monk
was initially interested in was the great battle from three thousand years ago. Later, this
little monk found that there were several separate references to battles in these legends.
One was three thousand years ago, one was ten thousand years ago. These are the two
most common references . Naturally, nothing needs to be said about the great Battle three
thousand years ago. But starting from three thousand years ago to ten thousand years ago,
there were numerous legends and rumors about that period, but if we go back even further,
there are a few rare records. Of those battles only one could be called a great battle, the
Battle of Sealed Extinction that occurred twenty thousand years ago. This battle is so
ancient that the only obscure mentions are in Shixiong’s collection of anecdotes and fantasy

Yi Zheng’s words flowed. He knew this was the time to display his value. He could not
fail. He furiously tried to think back to the folk tales and anecdotes that he had read at
Shixiong’s place.

“Even though the Battle of Seal Extinction is rarely mentioned, but those tales all say
that the mountains and rivers changed color, the sky and earth completely red, and the
land was blanketed with corpses.”

A great Battle twenty thousand years ago … …

Zuo Mo gaped upon hearing this, like he was listening to a story. Not just twenty
thousand years ago, but Zuo Mo even felt the battle three thousand years ago was like a
distant rumour. Twenty thousand years ago, how ancient would that be, were there even
xiuzhe at that time … …

Even though Zuo Mo seemed to be listening to the story, he was secretly paying attention
to Pu Yao’s reaction. Pu Yao had been silent, and seemed to be thinking of something. This
caused Zuo Mo to feel that Yi Zheng suggestion was not nonsense.

Yi Zheng wanted to perform well from the bottom of his heart. But other than the time
period of when the battle occurred, he did not know anything else about the Battle of
Sealed Extinction. He couldn’t help but be upset with himself. If he knew before what he did
now, he should have studied Shixiong’s books.

Just as Yi Zheng was panicking, he suddenly heard Zuo Mo asked, “Is Master Da Zheng
still alive?”
Yi Zheng stilled and his expression was slightly strange. “The ancestral master passed
away the eighth year after the war.”

In Zuo Mo’s sea of consciousness, a sigh suddenly sounded. The viciousness on Pu Yao’s
face dissipated to only leave behind a thick aura of loneliness.

He turned around and silently stared at the gravestone. He lightly murmured, “You are
dead … … they are also dead … … only I am still alive … …”

Just having bid farewell to Yi Zheng, Zuo Mo entered the sea of consciousness and saw
this. He perceptively closed his mouth. Just as he prepared to leave the sea of
consciousness, he was called by Pu Yao.

“The Battle of Sealed Extinction that he just mentioned is very plausible.” Pu Yao
turned around, his expression normal. There were no hints on his face as though what had
just happened was Zuo Mo’s delusion. He said calmly, “The Battle of Sealed Extinction is
too ancient. Even I did not think of it. I know very little about this great battle. We need
to research information about it.”

“How?” Zuo Mo asked, bewildered. They were in the fiendish mist, and lacked
communication with the outside world. How could they research anything?

“You forgot the Ten Finger Prison,” Pu Yao said faintly.

Zuo Mo stilled and then instantly reacted. His eyes lit up. Their biggest problem now was
that they lacked a method of communication with the outside world, and they were
trapped in this mysterious ancient battlefield. If they could contact the outside, then they
could receive help. The help they needed the most was general information!

If they knew the general location of this ancient battlefield, Zuo Mo would be even able to
use transportation formations to take everyone and leave this ghastly place. They had
entered this place through a transportation formation, then they were definitely able to
leave this place through a transportation formation. However, there was a prerequisite. He
needed to know the general location of where they were now.

Otherwise, if he was careless and transported everyone into chaotic turbulence, that was
seeking death.

Zuo Mo’s eyes brightened.

He felt he had been a headless chicken before, running around in this fiendish mist in
search of that chance that only existed in theory. But it was different now. They didn’t just
have a clue. If they could find the path, the hope that they could walk out of this ghastly
place would increase!

Zuo Mo wanted to rush into the Ten Finger Prison. This was the first time he desired to
enter the Ten Finger Prison so much.
Of course, this was just an impulse. He had to let his consciousness recover to its best
state before he could re-enter the Wasteland Beast Chessboard again.

However, there was still something he was puzzled by.

If this really was the battlefield of the Battle of Sealed Extinction, then how did Shixiong
and Yi Zheng get here?


“This is Tomorrow Yao Channel, right now, we are broadcasting an exclusive

interview that we have just finished recording. The interviewee is the prison-breaking
yao that just completed the prison-breaking battle! To get this interview, we went
through great … …”

Nan Yue and Cang Ze looked at the news that the Tomorrow Yao Channel were
broadcasting and both of them had ugly expressions.

“This is somewhat embarrassing … …” Cang Ze gave a long sigh.

Nan Yue kept her jaw clenched and did not make a sound. However, the expression on
her face seemed to be that of a devoted martyr.

The little girl appeared on the news. She seemed slightly nervous, “The public has been
constantly speculating to your name, can you introduce yourself to everyone?”

Zuo Mo’s behavior was very normal and did not have any of the nervousness of being
interviewed for the first time. “Hello everyone, I am Xiao Mo Ge.”

“Xiao Mo Ge? Such a strange name!” The little girl quickly memorized it. She quickly
asked the second question, “Why did you call the first prison the Wasteland Beast

“Don’t you feel that it is like a chessboard?” Zuo Mo asked in response with a puzzled

“What is a wasteland beast?”

“A wasteland beast is a wasteland beast!”

“Mister Xiao Mo Ge, can you speak about the conflict between you and the Genius
Alliance?” The little girl asked as she lead the conversation, with malicious intent.
“I don’t know them,” Zuo Mo obediently replied.

“Ah, Mister Xiao Mo Ge has never heard of the Genius Alliance?” The little girl
purposefully misinterpreted Zuo Mo’s meaning.

“Heard of them,” Zuo Mo continued to obediently answer, “just now.”

Nan Yue and Cang Ze’s expressions were very terrible. Even though they already knew
the content before hand, but seeing it again, their scalps still felt numb

“Is this your plan to retaliate against them?” the little girl cunningly asked.

“Retaliation? Why do I have to retaliate?” Zuo Mo asked curiously.

“The Genius Alliance is currently challenging your Wasteland Beast Chessboard!”

The little girl had a matter-of-fact expression.

“Can I charge fees?”

“Fees?” The little girl had an astonished expression.

“According to the number of times, challenge once, pay a fee, very fair.” Zuo Mo felt
his idea was great.

The little girl’s face was exasperated. She forcibly suppressed it. “Are you going to
accept challenges from the Genius Alliance? What I mean are individual challenges.”

“No.” Zuo Mo shook his head.

“Why not?”

“There is no money to be made?”

“Hm, don’t you feel this is ruining your prestige?”

“Prestige? I have a lot of prestige?” Zuo Mo asked back.

“Hem hem!” The little girl almost choked. “If they are willing to pay?”

“There are idiots like that?” Zuo Mo was very shocked. Then he thought and said with
some reluctance, “Ooh, if they are willing to pay, then I can consider it.”

“What is your price?” the little girl continued to ask.

Zuo Mo pulled Cang Ze over. “Talk to him.”

When Cang Ze saw this part, he wanted to find a hole in the ground and burrow into it.
Nan Yue looked sympathetically at Cang Ze, while rejoicing inside that Daren knew she had
been impoverished from youth, and was not skilled in bargaining and negotiating.
Otherwise, this would be really embarrassing!

“Is any yao allowed?” the little girl continued to ask.

“No female yao,” Zuo Mo said resolutely.

“Why?” the little girl asked curiously.

“Today, I encountered One Mole … …”

“One Mole?”

“She had a mole by her mouth.”


“When One Mole saw me, she immediately used an illusory art on me.” Zuo Mo
recalled the restless and heated feeling inside his body and was instantly angry. “It was
lucky that I reacted fast, and attacked back without a word.”

“We carried out a thorough investigation into this event Xiao Mo Ge mentioned.
According to bystanders, the One Mole that Mister Xiao Mo Ge saw is very likely to be
Miss Ji Li Yu. Later, we offered a great reward and found a yao recording art from a
bystander that recorded this scene. Other than this, we also unexpectedly found Mister
Qinghua Zang Shui was also present. He seemed to have been forced out of the
Wasteland Beast Chessboard by Mister Xiao Mo Ge as well, but we did not find any
signs that Mister Xiao Mo Ge used a yao art. Experts speculate that Mister Qinghua
Zang Shui was attacked by a mysterious yao art, which destabilized his mind, and he
was forced to leave the Wasteland Beast Chessboard.”

“Both Miss Ji Li Yu and Mister Qinghua Zang Shui belong to the Genius Alliance, and
Miss Ji Li Yu is also one of the elders of the Genius Alliance. This incident means that the
conflict between the two sides has escalated!”

The host yao quickly spat out this string of words in an excited tone. He was very clear.

An enormous storm was formally beginning.

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo gets a hint of where they are. The situation has improved
… … slightly.
Just when Zuo Mo’s sense of naming seems to have improved, it seems he’s back to his
original level. Xiao Mo Ge, Little Mo Ge which is written as 小莫哥 in the past. This alias is
written in Chinese is different as 笑摩戈, laugh-rub-spear.

Also, I appreciate all the thank you comments!

Chapter 370

Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy – Jade Pendant

Zuo Mo told Wei Sheng about Yi Zheng’s hypothesis.

Wei Sheng made a sound. “Does Shidi still remember the sword cave?”

“Of course I remember.” Zuo Mo nodded. He did not dare to mention that he had
explored that place many times.

“I was transported from there.” Wei Sheng said, “There is a person called Lin Qian
that has been investigating you all this time. This time, they found that the yao military
had taken over our Wu Kong Mountain, and thought that the matter was connected to
you. They persuaded the Sect Leader to allow them into the sword cave. I accompanied
them in. Later, in the deepest level of the sword cave, I found a place that was unique.”

Wei’s words made Zuo Mo jump in fright. He urgently asked, “Wait, you say he’s called
Lin Qian?”

“Yes, Shidi knows him?” Wei Sheng described Lin Qian’s appearance and then gravely
said, “Shidi needs to be very careful of this person. This man’s background is very high
and strong. The xiuzhe under his command are all elite. He led just a hundred people,
but I wasn’t even a match for a normal guard.”

Wei Sheng only needed to slightly describe him and Zuo Mo knew that the Lin Qian
Shixiong spoke about was the same Lin Qian that he had met. Thinking about it now, it may
not have been a coincidence that he had encountered Lin Qian at that time. He thought it
was very unlucky. He had been very careful but people still locked onto him. Of course, it
was just a shock. Right now, they were in the ancient battlefield. Even if Lin Qian had
enormously powerful backing, this place had no connection to him.

However, he had to be careful when they left. He knew how powerful Eldest Shixiong
was. Even though Eldest Shixiong had not been jindan then, but his combat abilities could
not be underestimated. If even a normal guard was stronger than Eldest Shixiong, then
what level would that troop be!

Seeing Zuo Mo was listening carefully, Wei Sheng narrated everything that he knew.

Zuo Mo generally understood the problem of Lin Qian, but there were some words that
could not be said and could only be left to rot inside. His attention quickly moved away
from Lin Qian. If they could not find a path of exit, even if Lin Qian did not attack, they
would not survive. The urgent matter now was to leave this place as soon as possible.
After Zuo Mo mentioned it, Wei Sheng suddenly remembered the jade pendant remnant.
“Right, ancestral master mentioned that the transportation formation had been
comprehended from this talisman. Is there a clue here?”

Zuo Mo took the jade pendant. The jade pendant was very old and had a broken corner.
At a glance, it was possible to see this was a relic that had lasted through ages. Zuo Mo was
very curious about an object of the ancestral master.

“Hm.” He suddenly made a light sound, “There’s something strange.”

“Hm.” Pu Yao in the sea of consciousness made a light sound at the same time. “There is
something strange!”

The person and yao spoke together.

“What is strange?” Wei Sheng hurriedly asked.

Zuo Mo did not speak. He closed his eyes, and his consciousness wrapped around this
jade pendant like it was the tide.

Wei Sheng’s expression shifted. Shidi’s consciousness was so strong! Was Shidi planning
to walk the path of the dhyana xiu? He then recalled Shidi’s preference for formations, and
then felt he could be a seal xiu. Dhyana xiu and seal xiu both emphasized the training of the
consciousness, but they did so in completely opposite directions. The dhyana xiu’s
consciousness was to be clear and steady, vast and peaceful, while the consciousness of a
seal xiu was the path of transformation and cooperation.

“En?” Wei Sheng was shocked. Shidi’s consciousness was far stronger than those dhyana
and formation xiu that he had seen before. It reached an almost fantastical level. He
imperceptibly furrowed his brows. He knew the consciousness was good. Even as a sword
xiu, if he could cultivate the consciousness at the same time, it would be of great aid.

Shidi’s consciousness was stronger but it made a person feel it was too unrooted. No
matter if it was dhyana xiu or formation xiu, they all emphasized the consciousness but in
the end, their foundation was based on ling power. Without ling power, no matter how
strong the consciousness was, it was like a person with a weak body, and they were unable
to wave the sharp heavy axe.

Had a problem occurred to Shidi’s cultivation? Wei Sheng was puzzled but he did not
speak. Shidi always had his own definite opinions. Even early on at Wu Kong Mountain,
everyone’s cultivation path had been different.

Thinking about the time at Wu Kong Mountain, he couldn’t help but shake his head and
smile. He really was worrying for nothing. With Shidi’s practical personality, even on pain
of death, he wouldn’t cultivate a useless technique. Also, Shidi was usually very strange,
and liked to work on those weird and wondrous things.
“Has Shidi found something?” Wei Sheng asked.

Zuo Mo’s expression was strange. “It seems that the ancestral master of ours isn’t
some normal person! This jade pendant’s origins is most likely extraordinary. The
presence on it is very strange and I have never seen it before.”

Wei Sheng smiled slightly and was not too shocked. In his view, he and Shidi were both
too young and their knowledge was limited. It was normal for them to not have seen or
heard of something. If they had seen it before, then it would be abnormal. What he did not
know was that there was an old yao thousands of years old in Zuo Mo’s sea of

Zuo Mo almost never saw a shocked expression on Pu Yao’s face. This was the first time.
Usually, Pu Yao loved to act as though he was the greatest yao in the word. It was rare for
his expression to shift and show surprise.

“What did you find?” Zuo Mo was curious as his eyes widened.

“Powerful!” Opening his eye, Pu Yao released a long sigh, and the shock on his face did
not retreat. “The presence on the jade pendant was left behind twenty thousand years

“Twenty thousand years ago … …” Zuo Mo felt his tongue was knotted as he stammered
the question.

Twenty thousand years!

After twenty thousand years, even the most powerful xiuzhe and yaomo would have
turned to dust, and dissipated without a trace. On the battlefield they were in, the piles of
corpses had weathered and would turn to dust at a touch.

There was someone that could make a presence remain for twenty thousand years, what
kind of power would that take?

The person and yao were immersed in enormous shock and unable to pull themselves

A long while later, Zuo Mo heard Pu Yao sigh. “Compared to them, we are
insignificant.” With Pu Yao’s egotistic personality, for him to say such a thing, it was clear
just how enormous the blow that the jade pendant had caused.

Zuo Mo didn’t know what to say. Twenty thousand years, it really … … really was … …

He could not find the words to describe his mood right now.

After a while, he woodenly left the sea of consciousness and said to Wei Sheng, “Eldest
Shixiong, I’m going to study this jade pendant for a while.”
“En, just take it.” Wei Sheng nodded. In the field of studying strange and weird objects,
he could not compare to Shidi.


Wei Sheng did not idle around. There was an endless amount of people asking him for
guidance, all of them were members of the Vermillion Bird Camp. Vermillion Bird Camp’s
daily cultivation was primarily in two areas. One was individual cultivation, the other was
battle tactics. In the area of battle tactics, there was guidance from Gongsun Cha and they
progressed smoothly, but their individual cultivation was a problematic.

Most of them were had come from grassroots and had never received a complete and
proper education. What Zuo Mo was able to provide them were numerous kinds of sword
scriptures and sword formations. But just the sword scriptures were not enough. No one
could guide them through the problems they encountered in their daily cultivation. They
could only rely on their own explorations. The sword formation was only useful for those
sword xiu who had a firm foundation such as Ma Fan.

Wei Sheng’s arrival caused the people of Vermillion Bird Camp that had been wandering
in the dark to see light.

The worldly apparition that day had been deeply branded into their minds. Just this was
enough to make them feel admiration and respect, but many people still had doubts. People
that were skilled in cultivation were not necessarily good at teaching. Even more, what
reason did Wei Sheng have for teaching them? So everyone thought of testing the waters
and had Xie Shan go first to investigate.

Xie Shan clearly understood everyone’s worries. He did manage to enter jindan but this
was the result of a long period accumulation. In other words, he had used the stupidest
method possible to break through to jindan. There was pitifully little he could teach the
others. He was also curious just how powerful a genius that could cause a worldly
apparition was. He agreed and ran over to ask aid from Wei Sheng.

When a professional reached out, it was possible to see if they had the ability or not.

Wei Sheng did not withhold any advice. Just a few words, and Xie Shan had such
admiration he could kowtow. After going back, Xie Shan greatly advertised how powerful
Wei Sheng was. As expected of Daren’s Eldest Shixiong, the two were generous, did not
hide anything, were just the same etc etc.
This time, all the sword xiu of Vermillion Bird Camp could not sit still. But to avoid
irritating Wei Sheng, the camp used the method of drawing straws to establish an order to
ask guidance.

This move instantly was effective.

To pursue the sword path, Wei Sheng had gone through thousands of hardships, and
almost lost his life multiple times. After becoming an inner sect disciple, the one that taught
him the sword was Xin Yan, the one in Wu Kong Sword Sect most skilled in sword essence;
in addition to the fact that Wei Sheng was frighteningly hard working. Due to this, his
foundation was extremely secure. After receiving the complete [Void Sword Scripture], his
breadth of knowledge was much stronger than normal sword xiu.

His early experiences taught him the pain of not having someone to ask for guidance.
These sword xiu were also Shidi’s subordinates. This could be considered helping Shidi out.
So when the sword xiu of Vermillion Bird Camp came over to ask for his guidance, he easily

Wei Sheng quickly found that the problems many people encountered were very similar.
When he mentioned this to Zuo Mo, and Zuo Mo’s eyes turned and thought of a great

Open a lecture hall.

Before, at Wu Kong Mountain, there would be inner sect disciples that would come at
regular intervals to teach outer sect disciples.

Wei Sheng felt that this method was pretty good and followed it.

The Sword Teaching Hall opened in this fiendish mist.

After having this idea, Zuo Mo instantly went into the Ten Finger Prison.

Entering the Wasteland Beast Chessboard again, Zuo Mo’s mentality had completely
changed. Before, he had treated it as if he was playing a game, but now that the Ten Finger
Prison was connected to whether or not they could escape, he could not be as reckless as

He desperately desired any information about the Battle of Sealed Extinction. This desire
surpassed his thirst for Golden Souls!

He didn’t know how to use the Ten Finger Prison to get information about the Battle of
Sealed Extinction, but still he stepped into the Wasteland Beast Chessboard.

When the light faded, when the chessboard was laid out, he inhaled deeply.

A new battlefield, a new battle.


Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo finally learns about Lin Qian. Accidentally being
transported into this place really was fortunate for him.
Chapter 371
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy One – Bounty

Nan Yue was not here, Cang Ze was also not here, Zuo Mo was slightly disappointed. He
had originally wanted to ask them if there were any methods to research information about
the Battle of Sealed Extinction. Since the two were actual yao, they would be more familiar
with yao society. Pu Yao was a true blooded yao, but after three thousand years, he also
didn’t know anything about what the present yao world was like.

“He dared … … dared to humiliate Miss Ji Li Yu! He cannot be forgiven! This person is
too hateful!”

“Yes! Who cares about the Genius Alliance, but he dares call her One Mole. Darn it, if
I find him, I’ll definitely have a good chat with him.”

“We aren’t a match for him … …”

“We cannot just sit back because we are not a match! We need to make him
understand offending Miss Ji Li Yu means offending us! If he offends us, we won’t let
him have good days!”

“Brother Wang, do you have some good ideas? Tell us!”

“Ha, those garbage scum from the Genius Alliance, they cannot even protect Miss Ji
Li Yu’s reputation. We cannot rely on them. We need to rely on our own power and fight
on behalf of Miss Ji Li Yu! Of course we are not a match for Xiao Mo Ge, but there
naturally are those who are a match. We’ll put out a bounty!”


“Yes! There are many people like us who are protectors of Miss Ji Li Yu. Even though our
individual powers are weak, but if we gather together, we can definitely let Xiao Mo Ge
have a taste of our power. I’ve taken out all my allowance money for the last half year to
place a bounty out for a powerful expert to deal with him.

“Brother Wang, this bit of money isn’t enough.”

“Of course it is not enough. Ha, I don’t know who had the idea, but they opened a
bounty in the yao market to deal with Xiao Mo Ge and allows adding to the bounty. The
money inside has already reached two million!”
“Two million! Heavens! Xiao Mo Ge is in for a tragically bad time!”

“Ha, this is just here. Supposedly, there is a bounty in every city. Xiao Mo Ge will
quickly know the power of Miss Ji!”

“Haha! This idea is too clever! I’ll go immediately! For Miss Ji, I’ll take out my
allowance for this whole year!”

Zuo Mo’s face was flabbergasted where he stood.

No way, had he poked the hornet’s nest? One Mole shouldn’t be this powerful … …

Wailing inside, Zuo Mo even wanted to cry. If this was in the past, he would dust off his
butt, ge won’t play with you anymore, and leave. What of Ji Li Yu? What of Qinghua Zang
Shui? They would only get to stare.

He had just prepared to think of the Ten Finger Prison as a new battlefield and suddenly
found that the battlefield was now filled with his enemies.

Heavens, don’t play people like this!

“Pu Yao, are there any methods of changing my appearance?” Zuo Mo hurriedly

“Starting from the fifth prison one can change their appearance, but it is not possible
in the first four prisons.” Pu Yao’s answer mercilessly killed Zuo Mo’s last hope.

Zuo Mo’s eyes flickered around like he was a thief. Good good, maybe they only know the
name of Xiao Mo Ge and not his appearance. Just at this moment, a light suddenly flashed
nearby and a little yao appeared.

The little yao saw Zuo Mo and was dazed.

Zuo Mo saw the other’s expression and thought, uh-oh.

“Xiao Mo Ge!”

The little yao shouted furiously and pointed at Zuo Mo with a finger.

Woosh, all the noise disappeared. The surroundings were silent. Zuo Mo could feel many
eyes landing on his body. Even though he had seen grand scenes before, Zuo Mo’s scalp
turned numb and he felt uncomfortable.

Now that he was in this situation, Zuo Mo could only force himself to continue. He
pretended to be calm and glanced at the other before moving his gaze aside. He walked
forward and had every intention of ignoring the other.
The little yao reacted, and his face turned pale. He felt regretful. Why had he been so
reckless and shouted?

Free combat was allowed inside the Ten Finger Prison. Even though it would not be
deadly as in reality, but consciousness injuries could not be voided. In the past, there were
those that had been too heavily wounded in the Ten Finger Prison that it had caused their
consciousness to weaken two stages. After that, incidents of fighting in the Ten Finger
Prison quickly decreased. Later, everyone found that it wasn’t just fighting that could create
injuries. Even being in the prison battlefield could cause people to be wounded spiritually.

If the consciousness was wounded, they could not avoid experiencing the pain involved.

Under so many eyes, Zuo Mo turned into light and left the Wasteland Beast Chessboard.

“Hahahaha!” Pu Yao’s explosion of laughter spread out far into the sea of consciousness.
He pointed at Zuo Mo without any composure, one hand on his stomach, as he laughed
without restraint.

Zuo Mo’s face was as black as a pot, his tone unfriendly. “Laughing? What is laughable!”

“Hahahaha!” Pu Yao did not have any intentions of restraining himself and laughed even
more outrageously. “I’m going to die from laughter! Street rat, haha, you are a literal
street rat right now!”

Already very discontent, Zuo Mo’s discontent increased because of Pu Yao’s laughter.

His stubbornness rose. Wasn’t it just the Ten Finger Prison? He wasn’t afraid of anyone!

He wanted to see what kinds of people had come!

Zuo Mo’s mood was vicious and murderous as he entered the Wasteland Beast
Chessboard again!

The scenery in front of him changed as he re-entered the Wasteland Beast chessboard.
When he saw the surroundings clearly, his heart was reassured. Good. The position when
he entered the Wasteland Beast Chessboard each time was different. This was very
advantageous for him. At the least, if he couldn’t win, he could run!

With a trick up his sleeve, Zuo Mo wasn’t panicked anymore.

He started to think about the influence this incident would have on him. He had had a
very casual attitude about what had happened before, and did not treat the incident
seriously. Now that the situation was different, his demands were also different.

The incident of One Mole seemed to be pretty big. After experiencing so much, Zuo Mo
was clear that making a big fuss had its own advantages, like becoming famous faster.
When he had successfully completed the prison-breaking battle, people had come to recruit

What he needed was information on the Battle of Sealed Extinction. Truthfully, Zuo Mo
had no hopes that this would be easy. This was something that even Pu Yao was not clear
about. It was a question even if the yao world still had information on the topic. Even if
there was information on it, it definitely would not be so easy to access.

Nan Yue was a normal little yao. The Wisteria Clan of the South Sky had been in decline
for too long. Cang Ze’s situation was better than Nan Yue but that was just by a little bit. Zuo
Mo had a feeling that investigating the Battle of Sealed Extinction was probably not an easy
task. If he needed to use large amounts of resources, it would not be possible to realize it
with the two of them.

The spiritual imprint on his arm shifted. Nan Yue and Cang Ze had come.

Zuo Mo put a thought and passed it through the spiritual imprint on his arm. Moments
later, the two arrived.

“Daren!” The two hurriedly bowed.

“Hmph, is there a quiet place?” Zuo Mo really felt that there were too many people

Cang Ze was the first to react and hurriedly said, “Daren only needs to put down an
illusory formation.”

Zuo Mo wanted to facepalm. He was so dumb, unable to even think of such a simple
solution. It really was an easy matter for him to put down an illusory formation. His right
hand rose slightly. A light energy left his hand and landed on the ground. A thin circular
curtain of light rose around them and surrounded them.

Cang Ze knew when things were good. Daren’s formation building methods were very
powerful. His admiration rose. Daren was not old but he seemed to be able to do anything,
and was skilled in all of them.

Nan Yue’s thoughts were much simpler. She looked curiously at the curtain of light.
“Daren, what illusory formation is this?”

“Little Coverup, a variant of a water yao art. Water can create illusions, refract light,
and is very suitable for setting up illusory formations.” Zuo Mo explained as they moved
inside the curtain.

Cang Ze looked with admiration at Nan Yue. Nan Yue and Daren’s relationship was
clearly unordinary. It seemed that Nan Yue was Daren’s follower. If she was his student, she
would not call him daren, and would call him teacher. Daren still treated Nan Yue as though
she was a student, and did not seem like he was interacting with a follower.
It was rare to see a daren that were like this!

Nan Yue was very fortunate!

After Zuo Mo finished his pointer, he asked, “What is Ji Li Yu’s background?”

Nan Yue and Cang Ze’s expressions were slightly strange. Daren, you finally thought of
asking about this now?

Cang Ze knew that Nan Yue definitely did not know as many details as he did and said
proactively, “Daren, Ji Li Yu is the woman you threw out last time.”

“En, I know.” Zuo Mo said expressionlessly.

“She is the eldest granddaughter of the Ji Family Leader, and is loved by all the
elders in the sect. She was very outstanding from youth, and it really was that everyone
who saw her was in love with her. The second year after entering the yao art house, she
and her younger brother, Ji Cheng, were invited into the Genius Alliance at the same
time. Her rise inside the Genius Alliance is much faster than Ji Cheng. She quickly
entered the council of elders and is the youngest elder on the council of the Genius

“Genius Alliance again?” Zuo Mo’s brow furrowed slightly. “Continue.”

“Ji Li Yu might not be the next successor to the Ji Family, but she is the most famous
yao of the Ji Family. Even the Ji Clan Elder is not as well-known as she is. Ji Li Yu might
come from the Ji Family but she is not interested in cultivating yao arts, and studies
dancing, singing, and the instruments. She is especially skilled in singing. The sound is
enchanting and well-liked by the public.”

“She has many defenders.” Cang Ze paused, and then emphasized, “Many.”

After listening to Cang Ze’s introduction, Zuo Mo instantly felt it was problematic to have
offended such a powerful person.

However, Zuo Mo just felt it was troublesome. His attention was still primarily on the
Battle of Sealed Extinction.

“Have you heard of the Battle of Sealed Extinction?” Zuo Mo suddenly asked.

“Battle of Sealed Extinction, what is that?” Nan Yu asked curiously.

Cang Ze shook his head. “No.”

Just as Zuo Mo had thought. He mused and then said, “I need to research some
information about an ancient battle, do you have any suggestions?”
“Will the records room of our yao art house have it?” Nan Yue said.

Cang Ze said, “If the information Daren is searching for is very rare and obscure,
there are some places to try.”

Zuo Mo’s eyes lit up. “Speak.”

“The first is the yao art house that Nan Yue just mentioned. Each yao art house has
records rooms, and the scale of the records rooms of those large yao art houses are
extremely astonishing, and have complete information in all areas. The second is some
special little circles. Each profession will have their own little circles. They would have
information exchanges at regular intervals. The third is the simplest, a bounty.”

“Bounty?” Zuo Mo’s eyes gradually became bright.

Translator Ramblings: This chapter might feel shorter but it is normal length. Zuo Mo has
now had a shift in attitude. Before, he was playing around, and now he has to actually be
serious. He essentially angered a pop-star who is also strong and respected by the “junior
government” of the yao world which the Genius Alliance seems to be.
Chapter 372
This chapter has been brought to you by me and Brian.

Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Two Golden Soul

“Yes, Daren.” Cang Ze had started to become familiar with Zuo Mo’s temperament. “This
is the most convenient and most plausible solution. The information that Daren needs
is most likely uncommon, and we aren’t familiar with this area at all. Since this is the
case, we can give the task to a professional yao to do. We only need to supply an
appropriate price, one that will move their hearts, and they will definitely try their best
to find the information that Daren wants.”

Zuo Mo was persuaded by Cang Ze’s suggestion. “Where do I have to go to put a


“You can go to the yao market; but if it is a more difficult bounty, you will have to go
to the yao markets of bigger cities,” Cang Ze said.

“Then you can find the biggest city for me. I’ll provide the money,” Zuo Mo said
without hesitation.

Cang Ze instantly had an expression of difficulty.

“There is a problem?” Zuo Mo asked with puzzlement.

“Daren might not know, but there are access requirements to go to these large cities.
My yao designation level is not high, and so I cannot … …” Cang Ze thought inside, how
could Daren not know even this? Was Daren a hidden yao that lived in the deep forests?

“Yao designation level? What is that?” Zuo Mo did not understand.

As expected. Cang Ze was even more sure of his speculation. No wonder Daren’s conduct
was so unique. He impatiently explained, “Daren, the yao designation is an imprint that
signals each yao’s identity. Every city usually has a big formation. If one cannot reach a
certain cultivation, they are unable to enter. The more prosperous the city, the higer
the yao designation level needed.”

Zuo Mo became very interested, “Then wouldn’t one city all be experts? They would
have to have people to do labor, or do they do everything on their own?”

“These doorways are just directed to the yao that come and go. The locals can enter
and leave as they will. The locals of these places usually have low cultivation, and their
yao designation is another kind. The management of local yao designations is
extremely strict and unable to be faked.”

“This troublesome?” Zuo Mo felt the problem was somewhat difficult and asked, “Then
how does one increase their yao designation level?”

“There are many ways. Like a certification of power. With Daren’s strength, you only
need to go to the Yao Designation Ministry, and get an examination of power to get a
pretty good yao designation level. Other than this, you can increase your contribution.
Every city has their needs. If you can provide what they need, one can receive an
appropriate contribution credit. When contribution credits reach a certain number,
one can receive access permissions.”

Zuo Mo said, “It’s not convenient for me to go. Can I hire a yao with a high yao
designation level to go?”

“It is probably very difficult.” Cang Ze shook his head and said, “Yao of high
designation levels basically will go to live in the bigger cities. The bigger the city, the
better the environment. Like Wind Creek Pond, Victory Mountain, they are all famous
holy cultivation grounds. Even if the living in the cities is hard, they would not want to
come back because the rate of cultivation progress is higher in those places.”

“What is your yao designation level?” Zuo Mo asked.

“Second.” Cang Ze was slightly embarrassed.

Zuo Mo turned around to ask Nan Yue. “You?”

“Second.” Nan Yue was very open.

“How many levels in total?”

“Twenty four.” Cang Ze thought and then said, “Daren, maybe you can go to the higher
prisons to look. Supposedly, there are also places in there that are like yao markets.
One of my cousins once went to the third prison and mentioned this to me.”

Zuo Mo nodded. He said, “From today, I will start passing on [Grey Scar Art] to you.”

“Thank you Daren!” Cang Ze suddenly became excited. He suddenly lifted and opened
his palm. A golden ball of light appeared in his palm. He respectfully presented it. “This
little one’s consciousness is too weak, and can only bring one golden soul every time. In
the future, this little one will bring a golden soul each time.”

“This is the Golden Soul?” Zuo Mo took over the Golden Soul curiously.

It looked like a golden cloud the size of a palm. It was insubstantially light in his hand.
Like it was alive, it was slightly rippling. Zuo Mo could feel a strong presence of vitality!
Suddenly, deep and raw ancient words came from Zuo Mo’s mouth. No matter how hard
Nan Yue and Cang Ze tried to listen, they could not hear it clearly. It was so blurry like it
came from the depths of the earth.

With speed visible to the naked eye, the cloud turned to a puddle of golden water. The
presence of life suddenly became exponentially stronger.


The golden water suddenly exploded and turned into a handful of golden mist. Amidst
the deep and indistinct chant, the golden mist silently surrounded Zuo Mo. It was like
moisture permeating long-parched sand and quickly entered the body constructed of Zuo
Mo’s consciousness without leaving a drop behind.

In Zuo Mo’s sea of consciousness, Pu Yao’s body was covered by a layer of faint golden
light. He was sitting cross-legged with a solemn expression.

A powerful presence of vitality filled every corner of the sea of consciousness. The
presence that spilled out were all absorbed by Zuo Mo’s sea of consciousness. Zuo Mo felt
unspeakably refreshed.

“This is really good!” Zuo Mo said with lingering hunger. He looked at Pu Yao in
meditation and couldn’t help but smile. This guy was so urgent and impatient. It seemed
that the Golden Soul was very important to him.

He did not disturb Pu Yao and retreated from the sea of consciousness.

Cang Ze was increasingly respectful. He did not understand the deep and indistinct chant
that Zuo Mo had just said, but it made him think of some things that Grandfather had said
to him on accident. The Grey Clan had guarded its Golden Tree for more than three
thousand years, and their understanding of the Golden Soul was much deeper than any
other yao. Cang Ze knew of all kinds of legends about the Golden Soul.

The method Daren used to absorb the Golden Soul was completely different than any
passed down through the clan.

Cultivating in the deep forests, possessing an inheritance from the ancient ages … …

Cang Ze gradually drew out Zuo Mo’s identity in his mind.

Just as Cang Ze was thinking nonsense, Zuo Mo turned and asked Nan Yue, “How have
you been recently?”

“I’ve solved the sixth problem.” Nan Yue seriously replied.

“Hm, pretty good progress.” Zuo Mo was slightly shocked. Nan Yue’s rate of
improvement was faster than he had imagined. It seemed that the little girl worked pretty
hard during this time. What he did not know was that Nan Yue cultivated with an attitude
of putting her life on the line. She had securely remembered Zuo Mo’s reprimand from last
time. She cultivated day and night, and spent any free time on cultivation.

Her fundamentals could not be said to be good, and her talent was not outstanding; but
she was the first to come into contact with Zuo Mo’s way of thinking. In reality, when the
prison-breaking six problems had spread, she had also tried to solve them. Compared to
other yao, she had received Zuo Mo’s thinking, and it naturally was easier for her to solve
them. She quickly solved up to the fourth problem, but she became stuck.

Her weak foundation stopped her from moving forward. Nan Yue was not stupid and
instantly realized this. She recalled a dumb method that Daren had mentioned to her—
deconstruct all the yao arts she encountered on the path.

She really ran into the Wasteland Beast Chessboard, and following the chessboard, she
deconstructed tile by tile.

Deconstruction of the chessboard, forced to leave, recover her spiritual power, and enter
the chessboard again to deconstruct … …

She repeated this. She did not dare to relax one bit. Every time she thought about giving
up, she told herself that this was her only chance.

When Zuo Mo finished listening to Nan Yue narrate her daily cultivation, looking at Nan
Yue’s focused face, the admiration in his eyes increased. At the side, Cang Ze also had
admiration on his face. He had personally seen how crazy Nan Yue had been. Everyone was
about the same in age, but this persistence was enough to make him embarrassed.

Zuo Mo motivated Nan Yue. “This method might be dumb, but it once produced a sky

Cang Ze’s heart shook. There was a lot of room to ponder behind Daren’s words.

Nan Yue did not think much and nodded seriously.

“The foundations are a matter of practicing. Persisting has great benefits.” Zuo Mo
then said, “From today, you can start learning [South Sky Arrow Art.] Do not slack off.”

“Yes, Daren!” Nan Yue said with the same seriousness.

Zuo Mo started to pass the two yao arts.

After asking for Zuo Mo’s permission, Cang Ze released a recording yao art in case he
could not remember it all. Then he would become the criminal of his clan. After hearing just
a few sentences, he could not control himself, and almost cried.
[Grey Scar Art]! Lost for three thousand years, [Grey Scar Art] was going to see the light
of day again!

Compared to Cang Ze’s excitement, Nan Yue was much more peaceful. The Wisteria Clan
of the South Sky was far too distant for her. She only hoped that she could reach Daren’s
requirements to be able to follow Daren and to give her clansmen better lives.

“Daren, can I teach my clansmen [South Sky Arrow Art]?” Nan Yue asked.

“Of course, This was your South Sky Wisteria Clan’s yao art in the first place,” Zuo Mo
said with a smile.

After passing it on to the two, Zuo Mo did not disturb them anymore. This was the best
time for them to digest it. Zuo Mo sat down and started to ponder the two yao arts. [Grey
Scar Art] and [South Sky Arrow Art] had been on his hands for a while but he hadn’t had
the time to examine them.

The two yao arts had their unique aspects.

Zuo Mo had seen many yao arts by now, and could see good or bad at a glance. [Grey
Scar Art] was a very unusual illusory killing yao art, and the way of thinking was extremely
strange. Zuo Mo had to read it over three times before he understood. The requirements for
cultivating [South Sky Arrow Art] was even more strict. It was impossible to cultivate for
anyone not a wisteria yao because only wisteria yao could create wisteria arrows, and the
succeeding string of arts could be cast.

After reading through both sets of yao arts, many of Zuo Mo’s questions disappeared. No
wonder each yao clan had their own inheritances. These inherited yao arts were
continuously developed and perfected based on the unique traits of their clan. It would not
be a great problem even if these yao arts ended up in the hands of other yao clans because
the other basically could not cultivate it. Even if they could, the power would decrease

But if these yao arts were lost, it was definitely a heavy blow to a clan.

To Zuo Mo, these yao arts were not of great use. Only now did he understand the power
of the [Great Thousand Leaf Hands] and [Little Thousand Leaf Hands]. These two yao
arts were ones that the great majority of clans could cultivate.

“Hey, there’s an illusory formation!”

An arrogant voice suddenly came from the outside.

“Let’s go, don’t create trouble,” another voice urged.

“Just a bit longer. The person inside is doing something that can’t be seen in the light
if they put up an illusory formation.”
“Fine, be quick … …”

A group of ripples came from the outside. Zuo Mo looked at Nan Yue and Cang Ze still
immersed in their thoughts, and two bolts of light came out of his eyes.

He rose and walked out of the illusory formation.

Translator Ramblings:

So to answer some questions that have been posed … … why doesn’t Nan Yue and the
others have a time limit in Ten Finger Prison like Zuo Mo does?

They probably do and Zuo Mo’s time limit has increased as he has gotten stronger. The
first time he came to Ten Finger Prison, I’m not sure if he is actually spiritually stronger
than Nan Yue. Pu Yao has never told Zuo Mo how his consciousness would rank among
normal yao. Zuo Mo has a lot of knowledge but he uses little yao arts which are the most
basic of all yao techniques and probably doesn’t cost much spiritual power to use. He could
likely be weaker than Nan Yue in terms of spiritual power, but he knows how to use that
power better so he is stronger overall in the beginning. This might explain some of why he
can stay in the Ten Finger Prison for a shorter time than Nan Yue.

Second, why doesn’t Zuo Mo consume base soul source himself?

He probably could. From a perspective inside the story, I’m going to say that Zuo Mo is a
utilitarian and that Gongsun Cha needs the base soul source more than Zuo Mo does. The
overall benefits to doing so are greater. If Gongsun Cha gets stronger, he will be a better
battle general and this will benefit the entire group. If Zuo Mo gets stronger, he will just be
stronger in yao arts which isn’t his primary focus (that’s the mo physique) so it makes
sense for Gongsun Cha to eat as much base soul source as possible rather than for Zuo Mo
to. From an objective point of view, I would say that Fang Xiang forgot because he ended up
writing about other things.

I bought an actual keyboard a few days ago. It seems to make typing a lot more enjoyable
after constantly typing on a laptop keyboard for about 5 years.
Chapter 373
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and Brian.

Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Three – Orange-Haired Yao

There were two yao outside the formation.

The first was a male yao was looking eagerly at the illusory formation. What was most
eye-catching about him was his bright orange hair. It looked like a flickering fire. The other
was completely shrouded in a ball of black smoke so light, it looked as though it would
dissipate with a wind gust.

A flame lit up on the orange-haired yao’s hand. His hand rose and a handful of fire rain
slowly flew towards the illusory formation.

“You dare!”

A cold snort suddenly rang out from inside the formation. A bolt of silver light flew out of
the formation and hit the rain of fire.


The rain of fire suddenly was destroyed. The silver light still had power and continued to
fly at the orange-haired yao.

“Great attack!” The orange-haired yao’s eyes lit up, and he became even more excited. A
thread of fire extended from his finger, and he pointed it at the incoming bolt of silver light.


Several arcs of electricity flashed in the air. The silver light disappeared.

“Hard lightning!” the black smoke yao exclaimed lowly, and thought that the situation
was not proceeding favorably.

“Hard lightning!” The orange-haired yao’s eyes became even brighter.

A blur came in front of the two yao and a figure appeared. Zuo Mo looked coldly at the
two yao. He usually had no positive feelings towards those that like causing trouble.

“You know hard lightning?” The orange-haired yao was very excited and he said as he
rubbed his hands, “Let’s have another one!”
Before he finished his words, a hard lightning bolt flew towards him. People that had
battle experience, like Zuo Mo, did not have mercy when they decided to attack. However,
he hadn’t expected the orange-haired yao to not dodge, and was surprised when the yao
opened his arms as though he was going to embrace the hard lightning.


The yang fiend hard lightning accurately struck the orange-haired yao. Standing among
the cracking, the orange-haired yao’s body shook like dice, the strands of orange hair were
standing on end and giving off green smoke.

“Puh!” The orange-haired yao gave a long exhaled of black smoke when he finished
shaking and said to himself, “So hard lightning tastes like this!”

Zuo Mo’s anger turned to astonishment. He had prepared a whole string of moves after
the initial yang fiend hard lightning attack but since the other had not dodged at all, he was
not able to use any of the moves he had prepared.

“Brother, give me another one!” The orange-haired yao looked with desire at Zuo Mo.

Was this guy not normal? Whichever way Zuo Mo looked at him, he felt the other was not

“Xiao Mo Ge!” The black smoke yao suddenly exclaimed.

Zuo Mo shuddered. He was overly reactive to this name now.

The orange-haired yao’s eyes became brighter as he laughed. “So you are Xiao Mo Ge. No
wonder you know hard lightning. Powerful, powerful! Brother, give me another one!”
With the last words, his gaze turned to begging.

“Ahem, your friend isn’t normal.” Zuo Mo couldn’t help but turn and ask the black
smoke yao. This guy looked more normal. It was a very unintelligent matter to argue with
an abnormal person.

The black smoke yao took withdrew his black smoke and turned to a black male. His
expression was very awkward and he did not know what to say.

“Who isn’t normal?” The orange-haired yao’s eyes glared, his expression unwilling, but
when Zuo Mo’s eyes came back to him, a fawning expression came back to his face.
“Brother, give me another one!”

Zuo Mo examined the orange-haired yao for a while and felt the other was brimming
with strangeness. He turned and acted to leave.

“Hey hey hey! Don’t leave!” The orange-haired yao was slightly displeasured. “Give me
some face, give me another one!”
Without looking back, Zuo Mo walked away as he shook his head. Meeting such an
extreme person, he could not maintain his anger.

“If you won’t, I will!” The orange-haired yao laughed and stepped forward. He raised his
hand for a stream of fire. The flame came unusually quickly, pulling out a ruler straight line
in the air like an arrow of fire which howled.

Why was this person still bothering him?

Zuo Mo’s brow creased. Without turning his head back, his hand opened as he grabbed
behind his back.


The fire arrow suddenly exploded in the air like it was crushed by an invisible hand.

“Powerful, powerful!” The orange-haired yao was even more eager. “Again, again!”

Zuo Mo finally became angry and raised his hand and released three bolts of yang fiend
hard lightning.

Pia pia pia!

The three yang fiend hard lightning accurately struck the orange-haired yao.

Hiss-crack, hiss-crack, hiss-crack!

The eyes of the orange-haired yao suddenly became straight, his entire body shaking
randomly as his hairs stood up.

“Hm!” Zuo Mo was slightly surprised. The other had been struck simultaneously with
three bolts of yang fiend hard lightning but still wasn’t thrown out of the Wasteland Beast
chessboard. He knew some rules of the Ten Finger Prison now. Being attacked inside the
Ten Finger Prison was just the same as being attacked in reality, but what was wounded
was not the flesh body but the consciousness.

“Puh!” The orange-haired yao slowly exhaled a mouthful of black smoke. His paralyzed
eyes slowly became normal. He closed his eyes and was motionless.

The black smoke yao that had been idling around now looked warily at Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo detected the wariness of the black smoke yao. He was thoughtful and did not
attack. He looked with interest at the other.

The orange-haired yao opened his eyes and roared with laughter. “I got it, I got it!”
A ball of lightning suddenly appeared on his hand which twirled around. However, the
color was different than Zuo Mo’s silver hard lightning. The ball of lightning in the other’s
hand was a dazzling red as it snapped.

“Flame-infused hard lightning!” Zuo Mo was even more surprised.

“Good eyes, good eyes!” The orange-haired yao laughed loudly and said proudly, “But
still not as powerful as yours, Brother. Just about seven or eight tenths.”

“You can copy other people’s yao arts?” Zuo Mo asked curiously.

“Am I not strong?” The orange-haired yao laughed loudly. “Don’t be jealous!”

Zuo Mo couldn’t resist grinning.

At the side, the black smoke male continuously wiped his sweat. Did this guy not know
who he was talking to?

“Can your hard lightning be more powerful?” the orange-haired yao asked probingly.

“Yes.” Zuo Mo nodded. Seeing the eyes of the orange-haired yao light up, he said with a
smile, “But I don’t know how.” What Zuo Mo said was true. There were many
transformations of [Little Thousand Leaf Hands], and every yao art had their unique
aspects. However, if he really wanted to express the full powerful of the [Little Thousand
Leaf Hands], it required cultivating [Great Thousand Leaf Hands] to a certain stage.

Zuo Mo had used [Little Thousand Leaf Hands] all this time, but his time on [Great
Thousand Leaf Hands] was much less.

The orange-haired yao had an understanding expression as he made a sound of

acknowledgement. He suddenly thought of something. “Hm, you are Xiao Mo Ge?”

“En, yes.”

“Whoa, a famous yao!” The orange-haired yao was startled. He suddenly examined Zuo
Mo from top to bottom deeply. “Brother, your bounty is very high. It’s at least five
hundred thousand to kill you once. Over ten times and it is above six million. How
about we work together and split the money?”

Zuo Mo smiled unconcernedly.

“Nevermind if you are not willing.” The orange-haired yao felt slight regret but then he
patted his chest. “Don’t worry, I’ve gotten attacked by you so now we are brothers. My
maxim is that to be brothers, one has to be loyal.”

The black smoke yao’s face was filled with helplessness as though he was going to cover
his face and sigh.
“Then thank you very much,” Zuo Mo said with a smile.

“Haha, I’m very loyal!” The orange-haired yao had a proud expression.

Zuo Mo felt this person was very interesting. His thumb went up. “Loyal yao!”

“Haha! This name is good!” The orange-haired yao was full of bravado. “In the future,
call me Loyal Yao.”

Zuo Mo suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked behind the orange-haired yao. A figure
was quickly coming towards them.

“Xiao Mo Ge, it took me great trouble to find you!” Qinghua Zang Shui’s dark and
poisonous voice was like the hissing of a venomous snake in the darkness.

“Brother, to be a yao, you have to loyal. As a male yao, you cannot bend your spine to
the influence of money!” The orange-haired yao stopped Qinghua Zang Shui with his body
and sincerely addressed him, “Brother, if you lack money, I can lend to you, but don’t be
a disloyal yao.”

The expression of the black smoke yao changed slightly. It was possible to see at a glance
from Qinghua Zang Shui’s presence that he was not an ordinary yao.

Qinghua Zang Shui’s expression became even darker. He squeezed out between his teeth,

“Hey! Your temper is really bad! It’s not good to be like this. To be a yao, you have to
have a breadth of chest, of course, even more importantly, you have to be loyal … …”

Qinghua Zang Shu was infuriated. “Where did this idiot come from? Leave! If you keep
chatting, I’ll destroy you!”

“Fight? Come come come! Ha, I like this the most!” The orange-haired yao’s eyes lit up
in eagerness.

Qinghua Zang Shui could not suppress it any longer. He raised his hand and a blue light
flew out. The blue light danced in the air and quickly formed the shape of a flower.

“Blue Flower Family!” The black smoke yao’s expression changed greatly.

The blue flower in the air suddenly lit up and flew towards the orange-haired yao. The
speed of the blue flower was slow and idle.

“Ha! Taste my fire hard lightning!” The orange-haired yao excitedly threw out a fire
red hard lightning.
The fire hard lightning directly struck the floating blue flower but an unexpected scene
occurred. The fire hard lightning directly passed through the blue flower and flew into the
distance. The blue flower was not damaged at all and still flew lightly towards the orange-
haired yao.

“Hm.” The orange-haired yao did not believe his bad luck and sent out a few more yao
arts. Without exception, they all seemed to pass through the air, and did not stop the blue
flower at all.

“Go die!” the completely rampaging Qinghua Zang Shui bellowed.

Zuo Mo’s brow furrowed. He smelled danger from the slowly moving blue flower.Yang
Fiend Hard Lightning, Bone-crushing Obscuring Wind, Void Pass, the three yao arts were
sent in succession.

The three yao arts passed through the blue flower without any resistance.

“Haha!” Qinghua Zang Shui laughed proudly at this time. “It’s useless! All of you, die!”

Dozens of blue flowers rose up beside him and howled as they flew towards Zuo Mo and
the black smoke yao. These blue flowers were light and seemed very slow.

The blue flower landed on the body of the orange-haired yao. Pia, a clear blue flower
pattern was imprinted on the body of the orange-haired yao.

“Blue Flower Soul Bite! All of you, wait for your death … …”

Qinghua Zang Shui’s wild laugh suddenly stopped. He looked in disbelief at the orange-
haired yao. “You you you … …”

The orange-haired yao looked curiously at the blinking blue flower on his body. He
raised his head, and his eyes seemed to be ignited. His body suddenly shifted and like a gust
of wind, it intercepted the blue flowers.

Pia pia pia!

His body became covered with flashing blue flowers, and looked extremely strange.
Qinghua Zang Shui gaped at the orange-haired yao covered in blue flower imprints as
though he was struck by lightning.

The orange-haired yao looked his head to look and tsked in praise. He suddenly raised
his head and looked at Qinghua Zang Shui. He pointed at the empty places on his body and
asked desirously, “Brother, add two more here.”

“Aaaaah… …”
Qinghua Zang Shui’s expression wavered. He suddenly shrieked. His figure became
blurred and after struggling for a moment, he disappeared with a clap.

“Miser.” The orange-haired yao twisted his mouth. “It’s fine if you don’t want to give it,
don’t run!”

He rubbed his chin and said with a serious face, “This kind of yao, one cannot be
brothers with.” He turned his face and looked towards Zuo Mo. “Right, Brother?”

Zuo Mo looked dumbly at the orange-haired yao’s body covered in blue flowers and was

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo’s fight ended prematurely … … due to a weird yao. Poor
Qinhua Zang Shui.
Chapter 374
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Four – [Wasteland Beast Chessboard—Match]

In reality, the orange-haired yao looked extremely weird at this moment. Especially since
he did not know a glowing blue flower was imprinted on his lips. But he was extremely
chatty, so that the blue flower opened and closed. It was very strange.

“Ahem, do you not feel discomfort?” Zuo Mo couldn’t resist asking.

The orange-haired yao’s body was covered in blue flowers that shined. He seemed to be
unaffected. Zuo Mo was not so naïve to think that the blue flowers just looked pretty. In
reality, he considered the blue flowers “vicious and deadly”. The [Little Thousand Leaf
Hands] that had been so successful before was unable to stop the blue flowers. This was
the first time he had encountered such a situation after he learned [Little Thousand Leaf

In terms of strangeness and viciousness, the blue flower definitely ranked in the top
three of the yao arts Zuo Mo had encountered. When the blue flowers had appeared, Zuo
Mo’s hairs had stood on end. The strong feeling of danger that had erupted out of the
bottom of his heart back then were still a faint mist on his heart now and had not

“No.” The orange-haired yao was very proud. “The honored undying body like the one I
have, how can I fear these ruined flowers? Do not admire me!”

The black smoke yao’s expression froze and it quickly became strange.

Zuo Mo couldn’t help but grin. This guy was pretty interesting.

“But these ruined flowers do have some substance. I can’t decipher all of it.” The face
of the orange-haired yao that had been proud suddenly collapsed as he said, full of struggle,
“It is such a pity. I wanted to learn this move. So tempting.”

“This is probably a yao art related to the Blue Flower Family, it is definitely not easy
to copy.” Zuo Mo comforted. “This move is also too feminine, and it is not suited for real

“That’s right.” The orange-haired yao’s mood quickly rose. He laughed and said,
“Brother, it is you who understands me. We don’t want these ruined flowers. Loyal
males need yao arts with presence! Ooh, the fire lightning is perfect!”
Looking at the oblivious orange-haired yao, the mouth of the black smoke yao was bitter.
Blue Flower Family! That was the Blue Flower Family just now! Was the Blue Flower
Family so easy to offend? He was full of regret at this moment. How come he hadn’t stopped
Big Orange? If they hadn’t disrupted the other’s illusory formation, they would not have
stirred Xiao Mo Ge. If they did not draw out Xiao Mo Ge, they would not have become
enemies with the Blue Flower Family.

His face was black to begin with and now its colour was as deep as the bottom of a pot.
However, he also knew that the enmity had already formed. Just now, Big Orange had
completely offended the Blue Flower Family.

The orange-haired yao was heartless and did not worry at all. He excitedly ran next to
Zuo Mo. “Brother, if there is something fun, remember to call me.”

Zuo Mo saw other yao pointing towards them out of the corner of his eyes. His heart
suddenly jumped. He knew that the yao had recognized him. He smiled at the orange-
haired yao and said. “En en, if there is anything fun in the future, I’ll definitely go find
you. But I’ve got something I need to attend to right now.”

The orange-haired yao was slightly regretful and reluctantly left after exchanging
spiritual imprints with Zuo Mo. He clearly had not had enough fun. The black smoke yao
noticed the situation in the distance and glanced at Zuo Mo with surprise.

The orange-haired yao had been exhausted. After waving to Zuo Mo, he left with the
black smoke yao.

Zuo Mo liked this slightly idiotic person very much. Due to this, he did not want the other
to be drawn into this matter. He glanced at the yao in the distance that were pointing at
him. He knew that his tracks could not be concealed. Nan Yue and Cang Ze were
comprehending the yao arts they had just received and it was not a good time to be

Zuo Mo knew very well what was going to happen next. He was at great ease. His mood
did not change at all. His experiences after leaving Wu Kong Mountain, the developments
along the road and the many battles, he no longer felt terror when facing combat.

He stood silently and waited for the others to appear.

A short while later, several figures quickly neared with astounding speed.

“Xiao Mo Ge!”

“He’s over there!”

These voices were filled with excitement and joy. The bounties every large yao market
had on Xiao Mo Ge had been continuously rising. If they could use yao arts to record the
process of defeating Xiao Mo Ge, they would receive a great reward. Money did not just
move the hearts of people, they also moved the hearts of yao. Even more, the one that
defeated Xiao Mo Ge would not just receive wealth; any person that defeated Xiao Mo Ge
would become famous. In any case, this was the Ten Finger Prison and no one would die. At
most, it would just be wounds to the consciousness. Compared to the rewards, this bit of
risk was easy to dismiss. Where else could they find a matter where they could get fame
and wealth together?

Zuo Mo was like a powerful magnet continuously attracting other yao.

Seeing the figures approaching, Zuo Mo’s clear and indifferent pupils suddenly shot out
several cold and intimidating lights.

Without any warning, these people gave sharp wails.

The figures seemed to be split in half by something. Body parts that were cleaved off flew
out a few zhang before they disappeared.

“Careful! There are ice blades!”

“It’s an illusory formation!”

Exclamations rang out. No one had expected that Xiao Mo Ge had set out ice blades
illusory formations so far away from his position without leaving any traces! Hiss, many
people couldn’t help but inhale sharply. Ice blade illusory formations, these were not high
level yao arts. Ice blade was a little yao art, the illusory formations had been composed of
two kinds of low level water yao arts.

What made all the yao inhale in shock that these people had been struck by the blades
least one hundred and fifty zhang away from Xiao Mo Ge.

Without changing expression, he had set down traps one hundred and fifty zhang away.
His tactics and power were all essential to this. Many people that had vulturous ideas
previously seemed to have a bucket of cold water poured over their heads. The chilling fear
struck their hearts.

The bounty was not so easy to get.

Pia pia.

Another few lights flashed. Another few people had been thrown out of the Wasteland
Beast Chessboard. Many yao were not even able to make out what trick these people had
fallen for. The mood suddenly became tense. Some yao even had thoughts of retreat. Their
steps slowed down as they looked uncertainly at Xiao Mo Ge.

The other seemed too calm. Did he have something to rely on? If he did not have support,
how could he not be nervous at all?
The troop quickly spread out. Those with nimble minds seemed to feel the danger. It was
good to let other people test the waters. Only those that could remain until the end could
reap the benefits.

Zuo Mo calmly stood there as though he did not see the enemies coming at him from all

He was not pretending to be calm. His heart was as serene as water, his consciousness
was unprecedentedly lively. Every action in the surroundings seemed to be seen in the
palm of his hand. The comfortability he felt was like being a fish in the water made every
nerve in his body feel pleasure. He could clearly feel the surrounding environment was
filled with closeness.

Suddenly, he understood.

This was the Wasteland Beast Chessboard, this was his territory!


His mind seemed to suddenly exploded. The barely discernable bond with the
surroundings became blinding like oil poured onto fire.

Wasteland Beast Chessboard!

He seemed to see a wasteland beast shrouded in the smoke that looked at him. That pair
of vicious lantern-sized red eyes did not hold viciousness and savagery. It only stared
deeply at him.

In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao’s sigh sounded out.

Zuo Mo heard this sigh filled with the burden of age, but at this time, he did not have the
time to study the meaning behind this sigh. His eyes did not move away from the wasteland
beast at all. His face was raised. The wasteland beast was half crouched in front of him. Zuo
Mo was not short, but he was just able to reach the toe of the wasteland beast. The
wasteland beast looked down at Zuo Mo. The deep red eyes were as deep as the ocean and
were unable to be understood.

It stared at Zuo Mo for a while as its body slowly disappeared from in front of him.

Zuo Mo suddenly shook. The shouts and roars suddenly entered his ears like a tide. He
seemed to be in a different world. Had it been a delusion just now? Zuo Mo shook his head
hard. Where was the wasteland beast in front of him?

There was no time to think. The closest enemy was already within one hundred zhang of

Ice blades illusory formations were not high level illusory formations, and if the other
had even the slightest awareness, they were ineffective. All of the ice blade formations were
completely swept away. The crowd of yao’s morale rose!

Even if Xiao Mo Ge had some great ability, he could not defend against so many people!
There were more than forty yao that were charging and many of the yao that had been
watching could not resist charging as well. Maybe they could get some benefits in this
mess? Then they would really profit!

The yao arts on the hands of many yao started to flash. The crowds became excited. In
the next second, hundreds of yao arts flew towards Xiao Mo Ge like rain!

No matter how strong Xiao Mo Ge was, he could not dodge all of them.

Victory was right in front of their eyes, the crowd of yao was excited, and the spectators
continuously casted recording yao arts in the fear they would fail. Xiao Mo Ge was being
ganged up on, this was great news that would shake the yao world. Those that were
experienced always warned their students this was the outcome of offending great
personages. So what if you could break the prison? People could torment you however they

In the battlefield, Xiao Mo Ge was still motionless. He seemed to not see the lights of the
yao spells in the hands of the yao. He lightly raised his right hand.

A right hand that was extremely normal!

A light that was not blinding lit up on the fingers of his right hand.

He slowly breathed out, “[Wasteland Beast Chessboard—Match]!”

The voice was not loud and was as soft as the wind, but it blew into every corner of the
Wasteland Beast Chessboard. All of the yao in the Wasteland Beast Chessboard were
disturbed and raised their heads in shock.

Silently, the black and white tiles within one hundred and fifty zhang of Zuo Mo seemed
to become alive and slowly turned.

Time seemed to have stopped in this second. All the yao that had charged into this area
of a radius of one hundred and fifty zhang froze where they stood.

Many strange statues stood next to Zuo Mo. They maintained their running posture.
Some still had lights on their hands, others were slanted forward as though they could fall
at any moment.
All the noise disappeared. It was deathly silently within one hundred and fifty zhang of
Zuo Mo. The yao watching from a distance looked at this strange and fantastical scene.
What had happened? No one understood. Under their puzzled eyes, Zuo Mo slowly sat
down cross-legged.

Among the spectators, one person’s body suddenly shook fiercely.

His shock-filled face suddenly became as snowy white as paper, his eyes filled with

Was it … …

Translator Ramblings: Lil’ Cliffy has come back to remind people not forget it. The
orange-haired yao really is something.
Chapter 375
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiofDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Five – [Yao Art Cage]

Was it … … that he was able to control the Wasteland Beast Chessboard?

Ming Jue Zi’s heart beat wildly. In his eyes, the process of Xiao Mo Ge folding his legs as
he sat was occurring in slow motion. He looked with disbelief at Xiao Mo Ge.

He had vast knowledge, and he knew that the battle now had reached another level. It
seemed that those yao that had charged towards Xiao Mo Ge were being controlled but that
was not true.

Another battle had just started. Xiao Mo Ge’s focused expression caused Ming Jue Zi to
believe his speculation even more.

It was just … … he hadn’t really expected there were people able to control a prison … …

Ming Jue Zi looked dazedly at Xiao Mo Ge and his thoughts wandered. He was suddenly
full of curiosity about what Xiao Mo Ge’s last move in the prison-breaking battle was.
Breaking the prison did not mean controlling a prison. For example, Qian Liu Daren had set
down Vast Water Clear Skies, but he was not able to control Vast Water Clear Skies, it just
provided a slight advantage for him.

Throughout history, successful prison breakers were mostly like Qian Liu Daren but
there were exceptions. Throughout history, there had been three prison-breaker yao that
could control a prison.

This kind of secret information was only usually known by family with long histories.
Supposedly, to control a prison, the crux was in the last attack of the prison-breaking battle.
In a prison-breaking battle, the further it proceeded, the more ferocious it was. The last
attack was usually the strongest and most vicious attack. The formation of the new prison
had a large connection to the last attack, and the ability to control a prison was connected
to the last attack as well.

Of course, these were all speculations, ones that circulated in a certain group.

Because it could not be proven, no one knew what the last move of the three daren in the
past had been. Up until their death, they had not revealed the secret. This speculation had
been formed by some concerned people from all kinds of hints and clues. Everyone had
found to their shock that, through different channels, that all three daren had mentioned
the last move to a certain degree. However, many people also did not believe this because
these hints could not prove anything.

But Ming Jue Zi believed it.

Because he coincidentally knew a bit more than other people.

Ming Jue Zi was not interested in the matter of Xiao Mo Ge and the Genius Alliance to
start with. This matter might have made a fuss but not many of Ming Jue Zi’s peers paid
much attention to it. High level yao family had their own high level groups. They were only
interested in matters of their circle. Ming Jue Zi was not too interested, but just curious
what the Wasteland Beast Chessboard looked like so he came to see. He had not expected
to see such an amazing scene.


The one hundred and fifty zhang radius around Zuo Mo was like a grey and white
territory of death. Everyone seemed to be unmoving and silent.

There was a circle of yao surrounding it but no one dared to step into the area. The scene
in front of them surpassed their limits. Countless recording yao arts flashed.

The scenery in front of Zuo Mo changed. An enormous chessboard appeared in front of


On this chessboard, there was only him, and his opponents that had been pulled in.
However, the number of opponents was very high. All seventy one yao that had been drawn
in were his opponents. In other words, he needed to fight against seventy one opponents

There was not one thread of fear in Zuo Mo’s heart. This was his territory.

Hiss hiss hiss!

Countless lights suddenly flew out of the black and white chessboard and grabbed onto
the yao.

Wasteland Beast Chessboard!

Everyone felt their vision blur and they lost sight of Zuo Mo. When they could see the
surroundings clearly again, they found to their shock they were inside cages of light. The
arm-thick pillars of light flashed with complex and eerie lights.
[Yao Art Cage]!

The match had begun.

Some yao that thought highly of themselves snorted coldly and cast yao arts towards the
cage. Yet no matter how they released their yao arts, the could not move the light pillars at
all. Smarter yao did not move rashly and carefully examined the surroundings.

There were those with power among the seventy one yao. Jin Zhen was one of them. He
was from a branch family of one of the five Great Clans, the Gold Clan. He was young and
smart, his power unordinary.

In this length of time, there were no yao arts that attacked him. He instantly understood
that the way to exit was on this light cage. He calmed his mind and inspected the pillars of
light. The lights that flashed on each arm-thick pillar were different. Through the light, he
was able to see layers of interwoven little yao arts. Hm, he suddenly felt they were familiar
to his eyes.

He suddenly recalled what the yao art lights that glowed on the pillar of light seemed
like—the prison-breaking six problems!

Yes, it was the prison breaking six problems!

The construction of yao arts on the light pillars were the same as the prison breaking six

Sweat poured off Jin Zhen. He opened his mouth but could not produce a sound. How
could he not be familiar with the prison-breaking six problems that had been so popular in
the recent past? He was even able to recite every problem, including their answer.

But when he faced yao art problems that were similar to the prison-breaking six
problems, there was only hopelessness in his heart. Based on his own power, he could only
solve three of the prison-breaking six problems. Even when the answer to the sixth
problem had come out, it had taken him six whole days to understand.

Please … … please don’t be too difficult … …

Jin Zhen grabbed the last thread of hope and prayed inside. He trembled and suppressed
the wild beating of his heart as he looked closely.

Upon closer inspection, he almost fainted away.

Little yao arts were packed together and connected with abnormally complex ways.
Looking over, it made one have a big head.
He really had been possessed to come running into this matter. Jin Zhen was very
dispirited. He probably could not avoid being wounded this time. This was great. He
needed to pay a fee for healing. It was really unprofitable!

His heart suddenly moved. He definitely had not hopes of solving, but he could record
what he was seeing. He might even make a sum. The more he thought, the more excited he
was. He hurriedly cast a recording yao art.

When the light of the recording yao art rose, he couldn’t help but laugh. It was useable! A
door closed, but a window had opened. He had some ideas, and knew what was the most
important. He did not spare his spiritual power and carefully recorded the yao arts on
every pillar of light completely.

Ha ha, this was all money!

Just as he finished recording, the pillars of light lit up to a blinding degree, and suddenly
were like thorns piercing his body. An excruciating pain came. With a wail, his vision

Woosh woosh woosh!

The yao that maintained their strange position around Zuo Mo continuously turned to
balls of light and disappeared.


Ming Jue Zi knew these people definitely were thrown out of the Wasteland Beast
Chessboard. Amazement flashed through his eyes. From beginning to now, Xiao Mo Ge was
sitting at his original spot and had not moved at all. What was that battle which was unable
to be seen like? How did so many people get defeated?

He was filled with curiosity and his gaze was bright.

Zuo Mo slowly opened his eyes. A smear of exhaustion flashed through his eyes. Seventy
one [Yao Art Cages]. Even with the advantage of being on his home territory, this was not
an easy matter for him.

The entire battle did not look to be very fierce, but at many places, it was as though he
was walking on wire with dangers all around. This was the first time that he used the
Wasteland Beast Chessboard. Fortunately, what he encountered were not experts.
Otherwise, if they entered battle, he would probably be unable to attend to all of them and
could not escape defeat.
If he lost, the backlash would heavily injure his consciousness. The wasteland beast was
behind him as it looked down. It was like a blade on his back.

Suddenly, several figures charged out of the yao crowd lightning fast towards Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo’s eyes narrowed. His heart felt grave. These people that were charging over had
timed it perfectly. They were not average! His consciousness had been greatly expended in
the [Match] just now, and this was the time he was most exhausted. If they gave him two
breaths of time, no, even one breath, he would be able to resolve these attacks.

It seemed he still was inexperienced in fighting with yao. He silently made note of the
mistakes he made this time.

He did not care too much about being killed and thrown out of the Wasteland Beast
Chessboard. In any case, it was just wounding of his consciousness. If he could learn
something from it, it was a profitable transaction because this could save his little life.

So Zuo Mo was not panicked. He was even slightly curious what it would feel like to be
thrown out of the Ten Finger Prison.


A sound like a copper wire being plucked sounded from behind him. A purple arrow of
light flashed past Zuo Mo’s face.

The purple arrows of light were so fast that people were hard pressed to dodge them. It
passed through a yao moving forward at fast speed. This yao didn’t even have the time to
make a wail before turning into a ball of light and disappearing.

Crash, the yao at the very front suddenly tripped without any signs. Two grey green
chains of mist were wrapped on his feet.

This yao was of considerable power. He reacted very quickly. In the instant he fell, the
light blade on his hand sliced towards the green mist chains on his feet.


The tip of grey green sword suddenly came out of his chest.

The sword tip dissipated into mist. His eyes were full of disbelief as he turned to a ball of
light and disappeared.

Zzt zzt zzt!

The sound of a copper wire being plucked continued. A vine bow had appeared in Nan
Yue’s hands at some unknown time. Every time the bow was stretched, a purple light would
flash and a vine arrow would be on the string.
Cang Ze’s appearance had changed greatly at this time. His hair was grey green and
waved like water grass at a strange rhythm. His eyes were covered in a layer of faint green
mist. His body was shaking like dice. Every time he shook, ripples that were hard to discern
would spread, and an icily murderous energy spread.

The spectators all changed expression.

“High level yao arts!” Ming Jue Zi was unable to control himself any longer and

Nan Yue had coincidentally woken up from her meditation. Seeing Zuo Mo was being
attacked, she did not hesitate in attacking. What she used was the [South Sky Arrow Art]
that she had learned. Today was the first time she had cultivated it, but [South Sky Arrow
Art] was truly the inherited yao art of the South Sky Wisteria Clan. Nan Yue learned it with
ease. There was none of the difficulty she encountered with normal yao arts. At many
places, it seemed like instinct.

She was in a hurry to support Zuo Mo. There was no other thought in her heart, and she
gradually entered the perfect state.

Cang Ze had woken up a bit earlier than Nan Yue. He had not cultivated [Grey Scar Art]
to the point he forgot his surroundings like Nan Yue did. It was the opposite. He had a sense
of everything that was happening outside. Seeing Daren protecting them, he felt grateful.
Even though he knew that this would offend people, he did not hesitate.

[South Sky Arrow Art]! [Grey Scar Art]!

Two sets of yao arts that had once dominated, and been lost through time. They were like
a sword that had the dust brushed off, the sharp edges appeared in front of the world again.

Just like the glory of three thousand years ago!

Translator Ramblings: Someone asked why Zuo Mo’s Chessboard was activated so soon
when Qian Liu’s prison took three hundred years. I think it might have been that a prison
break had not been defeated in three hundred, not that no prison-breaking battle occurred
where the challenger failed. Also, it seems that the Chessboard’s prison-breaking battle
increases drastically in difficulty as it progresses. While the Wasteland Beast Sacrificial Art
is essentially a sky-level art (since it came from a sky yao) and that is what Zuo Mo used to
defeat the prison, he started out the challenge with little yao arts which are very basic.
Therefore, the activation point is lower than in the previous prison. Another factor is that
Huai Boy is very talented in his own right and Genius Alliance has gathered a lot of really
smart and powerful people so it isn’t a leap for him to activate the prison.
The chessboard refers to the black and white tiles that take their color from the
millstones in Zuo Mo’s technique. It is a very shallow name.
Chapter 376
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiofDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Six – We Need Real Combat!

Nan Yue and Cang Ze instantly intimidated the crowd of yao.

The purple vine arrows were as quick as lightning. No yao was able to dodge. The purple
lights tore apart the air. The grey green streaks were full of transformations. They were like
assassins wearing face-skin masks that could not be predicted or defended against. In the
blink of an eye, the murderous ambushers all turned to white light and disappeared.

No spectator dared to move.

They may not be like Ming Jue Zi and realized with a glance that what Nan Yue and Cang
Ze were using were high-level yao arts but they were able to see that the two yao arts were
unique. Nan Yue and Cang Ze had been staying inside the illusory formation. The yao had
been focused on Zuo Mo and none of them had noticed them.

Their sudden appearance, and their lightning attacks afterwards extinguished the
thoughts of some yao that wanted to benefit from the chaos.

Nan Yue panted lightly as she held the vine bow and stood next to Zuo Mo. She looked
warily at the surroundings. Cang Ze’s forehead was covered in sweat. The grey green mist
on his body was much fainter than before.

Zuo Mo knew that this was the first time Nan Yue and Cang Ze had cultivated these new
yao arts. After their actions, they were, undoubtedly, tired to the bone.

“Go back, have a good rest.” Having recovered, Zuo Mo said warmly. His hands moved
together, and dozens of lights of various colors spilled forth like a storm. They entered the
empty ground around him and disappeared.

A trap!

The hearts of everyone watching secretly shook.

Nan Yue and Cang Ze were at the end of their rope. They were just hanging on. Seeing the
situation, they released a breath. Without dragging it out, they quickly left.

Zuo Mo coldly looked around. Many yao lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.
His eyes paused on Ming Yue Zi. This unfamiliar yao smiled slightly at him.
He did not think about the meaning in Ming Jue Zi’s smile and left the Wasteland Beast

The moment he left the Wasteland Beast Chessboard, Zuo Mo finally felt how serious his
consciousness had been expended this time. He hurriedly entered meditation to recover.


“This sword formation is good and can help you comprehend sword essence.
However, do not rely too much on external things. We are sword xiu. What is sword
xiu? Other than the sword, there is nothing else! No matter if you comprehended sword
essence or not, when you start cultivating the sword, your heart is like a sword billet.
You need to continuously hammer it, grind it, cause it to become purer, and stronger.
What can hammer and temper your sword hearts? Combat, continuous combat!
Without combat, there are no sword xiu. We sword xiu come into the world with our
sharp edges!”

Wei Sheng’s voice was not charismatic, but his determined gaze, and his indomitable
voice made every sword xiu’s blood boil.

Previously, they were like a headless snake due to the lack of a teacher. Now, Wei Sheng’
sudden appearance caused every sword xiu to see hope. In other sects, disciples like Wei
Sheng were still disciples. But here, Wei Sheng quickly became every sword xiu’s teacher.
No one doubted any word that he said.

He was a true sword xiu!

If this was in the past, everyone would feel that Wei Sheng’s cultivation methods were
very dumb. Who could think that a jindan xiuzhe would spend four hours each day slicing
and thrusting like a beginner? But he quickly used reality to make everyone understand
how important the basics were.

He used sword moves from the stage of lianqi, the ling power of a lianqi, and defeated all
the experts of Vermillion Bird Camp, including Ma Fan.

After such a fantastical competition, all of Vermillion Bird Camp sank into a deathly
silence for multiple days. Wei Sheng’s performance completely overturned the common
understandings that had formed over time.

What ling power, what sword moves, in front of Wei Sheng, they were useless. He used
reality to teach everyone their cultivation had gone in a wrong direction. Gradually, people
started to copy Wei Sheng’s cultivation method, and methodically practiced the basic
sword moves they had left behind a long time ago.
Wei Sheng’s Sword Lecture Hall was full of people daily.

In the Sword Lecture Hall, everyone gathered after class and discussed what Wei Sheng
had just spoken on.

“Teacher Wei is really great!” Lei Peng did not cultivate a sword scripture, but he never
missed any lecture. Wei Sheng’s words today really fit his appetite. The young Wei Sheng
was called Teacher Wei by everyone.

“But where is there combat,” someone muttered.

“It’s not that there isn’t combat,” Ma Fan said in a deep voice. After he had been
defeated by Wei Sheng last time, he had reflected for a long time. His cultivation of the
sword was unorthodox and he only had a half-complete understanding of many things
which left behind hidden weaknesses. Now that Wei Sheng had pointed every one of them
out, he had benefited greatly. He would reflect and study every word that Wei Sheng said
many times.

“That’s right, there are fiend souls outside, and even stronger fiend soul beasts.
Aren’t they the best opponents?” Nian Lu inserted.

“Right! Let’s get them!”

“En en, we need to plan, how about this … …”

The pitiful fiend soul beasts. They had been living in relative peace and dominated this
fiendish mist for thousands of years, but were facing a calamity due to one of Wei Sheng’s


Originally, Shu Long, A Wen, and the major fighters of Guard Camp were planning to
attend the Sword Lecture Hall. Even though what Wei Sheng discussed was cultivating the
sword, but many of the contents were also useful for them.

However, this plan was mercilessly killed by Pu Yao.

Were they joking? A branch of the honored Sky Yao, even if only in name, when was it
ever someone else’s turn to lecture them?

To Pu Yao, this was a humiliation. That’s right, it was a humiliation!

Pu Yao, who was becoming more discontent the more he thought about it, instantly
ordered Guard Camp into lockdown. What was good about the Sword Lecture Hall?
Speaking of cultivation, hmph, who can compare to ge?

Pu Yao smirked coldly inside.

With a wave of his hand, the Mo Cultivating Hall was opened.

Even though Pu was a yao, he was familiar with the cultivation set that the mo used.
Lazily and smugly, he freely spoke. What he taught was long and not limited to [Hardship
Guard]. If those mo colonels of the mo world sat hear and listened, their hearts would have
beat out of their chests. The hardship guards only listened docilely. Many parts caused
them to have suddenly understandings. As to anything else, they didn’t feel anything.

Even if the camp door was tightly closed, but the actions of Vermillion Bird Camp caught
the attention of Shu Long and the others.

“Combat? Oh, it is essential.” Pu Yao propped up his chin and blinked his bloody pupil.

Compared to the sword xiu of Vermillion Bird Camp, the hardship guards of Guard Camp
had an even more pitiful amount of combat experience. They were born xiu slaves, and
were truly unorthodox. It could be said that innately, the hardship guards were greatly
lacking compared to the sword xiu of Vermillion Bird Camp.

If Guard Camp was suppressed by Vermillion Bird Camp, would there be any face for

Even if it was Wei Sheng!

Hmph! Just a jindan … …

How could the proud Pu Yao tolerate this result?

Even more, there was the Golden Souls! After absorbing one Golden Soul, his soul had
greatly stabilized. Other than releasing a breath, he desired the remaining Golden Souls
even more. At this point, he had to prove his value.

There was no way around it. This student of his was the utmost pragmatic!

Pu Yao aimed at those fiend soul beasts. He did not have any intentions of discussion. He
waved his hand and sent out the order.

Guard Camp started to move.

Gongsun Cha did not know anything of what was happening at the campsite. Wei Sheng’s
arrival did not affect him greatly. When he had left Wu Kong Mountain, he had just entered
the sect for a few months, and he did not have many attachments to Wu Kong Sword Sect.
He had only ever heard the name of the Eldest Shixiong Wei Sheng and it was the first time
he had seen the real person.

At this time, his entire body was red like a boiled shrimp. His appearance was handsome
to start with, and he had the shyness and bashfulness unique to youths. With his entire
body red at this time, he seemed even more adorable.

His soul was trembling ferociously. When the bead had entered his mouth, the flooding
soul base source was like a tide and almost swallowed him. His soul was like a leaf
struggling on a great wave.

If it was a normal person, their first thought in this situation would be to protect

But Gongsun Cha was vicious and decisive. At the very first moment, he started a suicidal
method of absorbing. As he struggled, he continuously swallowed soul base source to
strength his own body. The level of danger in this was the most dangerous of Gongsun
Cha’s entire cultivation.

Gongsun Cha’s cultivation was the lowest of everyone. But in terms of mental resolve,
even Zuo Mo underestimated how strong Gongsun Cha’s resolve was. From the moment he
met the concept of battle, he had stubbornly stood against Pu Yao’s repeated abuse. In that
period, Pu Yao did not teach him at all. Gongsun Cha needed to find the patterns from his
continuous failures. There was no motivation, no support, only failure.

The cruelest nurturing method had formed Gongsun Cha.

This had formed Lil’ Miss’ vicious and cruel battle style but there were only a few that
knew he was even crueler to himself.

He was a weirdo with a weak body, a low cultivation but a strong and vicious inner heart.

To him, this was just another battle. The dangerous situation did not make him waver.
His resolve that had been tempered by Pu Yao’s countless abuse was as steady as rock.
What he was most skilled at was finding that one sliver of opportunity in a hopeless

The tsunami like blow to his soul caused him to waver and almost fall but he was
extremely calm as he swallowed threads of soul base source.

His consciousness quickly grew and it became even easier.

He seemed to direct his consciousness like he directed Vermillion Bird Camp.

Flank, deep thrust, circle, and annihilate … …

This was the method he was most familiar with, and he easily used it. He was like a
cunning wolf wandering. When he saw the chance, he would leapt and tear a bite off.

The soul base source was so vast, and he was so weak. He did not panic. It was the
opposite. He was very excited because he found the exhilaration of battle. This exhilaration
was like an addictive poison, and intoxicated him.

He gradually took control of the situation.

His consciousness became increasingly stronger. Due to this, his calculations became
even more precise, and his consciousness easier to control. They were like the fresh
greenhorns that quickly turned to elite soldiers.

Gradually, a thread of understanding came.

This understanding became clearer, so clear it seemed to be held behind a paper

window. If he could poke through, he could see its true appearance.

His consciousness was like a twister pulling the wind that swallowed the last thread of
the soul base source.

Pia, it was like something had broken, and also something had erupted.

He stood on the battlefield that held no person, his mind abnormally clear.

Ha, so this was what it meant to be a battle general!

Translator Ramblings: Teacher Wei takes his students back to the basics and Pu Yao
shows more signs of how he has fallen. What happened to the person that said he was a
honoured Sky Yao?

Major step for Gongsun Cha, crazy person who doesn’t die and gets stronger.
Chapter 377
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Seven – Qinghua Xue

Two kinds of high level yao arts!

Ming Jue Zi studied the recording yao art and searched mentally what yao arts these two
were. He knew at some details about the majority of high level yao arts. It had to be said
this was not three thousand years ago. High level yao arts were no longer common.

However, no matter how long he thought for, he could not identify the origins of these
two yao arts. His curiosity increased. His first idea was, was this a new kind of yao art?

In the great war three thousand years ago, even though large numbers of yao arts had
been lost, the low and intermediate yao arts were still passed down untouched. After three
thousand years of development, each yao art house had focused their efforts to create new
yao arts, and those famed houses all focused on creating new high level yao arts. Even
those Sky Yao were working towards the same goal.

The development of yao arts had reached a new era of creativity. In these years, new
high level yao arts had been continuously invented. This had become one of the measures
to judge a yao art house. Without a high level yao art of their own, a yao art house could not
push into the ranks of famed houses.

Was these high level yao arts that were created by a yao art house?

This was the most plausible hypothesis. But Ming Jue Zi’s intuition told him it was not
like that. Xiao Mo Ge’s origins had always been a mystery but he had a completely different
quality to the yao that came from yao art hoses. Ming Jue Zi was confident in his eyes. When
he saw Xiao Mo Ge for the first time, this feeling was very strong.

Maybe it was an ancient high level yao art that had been lost?

Ming Jue Zi decided to do deep research.

Qinghua Zang Shui felt he was going crazy!

Xiao Mo Ge’s rudeness infuriated him. Even that idiotic nobody was so impolite to him!

When had the yao of the Blue Flower Family been treated so rudely?

But damn it, the blue flower was useless against that idiotic bastard! Qinghua Zang Shui
tightly balled his fists, his eyes sprouting fire. Why? Why were the blue flowers useless
against the idiot?

Did the [Blue Flower] have some fatal weakness … …


The reason that the Blue Flower family had such status was due to this blue flower.

This idea that suddenly came was like a poisonous vine that creeped over his mind.
Without knowing it, his face became ashen, and his back soaked.


There definitely was not a problem with the [Blue Flower]! It definitely was that he had
incorrectly cultivated somehow! Yes! It definitely was like that!

His heart tightened again. Had something gone wrong with his cultivation?

“Brother, what is it?” Qinghua Xue who coincidentally pushed open the door to come in
saw Qinghua Zang Shui’s pale face and jumped in fright.

“I’m fine,” Qinghua Zang Shui said with a forced smile. But his voice was dry and rough,
and caused the concern on Qinghua Xue’s face to grow.

Qinghua Xue’s body was tall and about the same as Qinghua Zang Shui. The slightly blue
skin had a fine glossy sheen and contrasted beautifully against the amber eyes. It was
unspeakably moving. Especially her long and curled eyelashes that evoked one’s pity.

“Is Brother still angry at that Xiao Mo Ge?” Qinghua Xue’s voice was warm and seemed
to hold a special power. Qinghua Zang Shui quickly calmed down.

Qinghua Zang Shui hesitated for a moment, but when he recalled that poisonous thought,
he couldn’t help but say, “Sister, is my [Blue Flower] not being cultivated properly?”

Qinghua Xue was slightly astonished. “Why does Brother have such a strange idea?”

“Today, I met a person in the Wasteland Beast Chessboard. He wasn’t afraid of the
blue flower at all. I had sent out twelve blue flowers, each hit his body but nothing
happened to him.” Traces of terror showed in Qinghua Zang Shui’s gaze.
“Aah!” Qinghua Xue was very shocked, but when she saw Qinghua Zang Shui’s gaze full
of terror and dispiritedness, she quickly composed herself. After thinking for a moment,
she slowly opened, “The world is great, and has all kinds of wonders. Even the
[Forbidden Night] of the Night Clan doesn’t dare to say that it is undefeatable. Does
Brother remember what happened two years ago?”

Qinghua Zang Shui’s expression instantly relaxed.

“Our cultivation of [Blue Flower] lacks the last three levels but there are definitely
are no problems.” Qinghua Xue’s voice was confidence.

Qinghua Zang Shui was relieved of his worries. He felt his younger sister was right, and
mocked himself inside for having a weak mentality. The two were siblings from the same
father but of different mothers. However, they had a great relationship. Qinghua Xue was
the younger sister, but she was very intelligent, and Qinghua Zang Shui respected her from
a young age, especially in the area of cultivation.

Even though Qinghua Zang Shui was a member of the Genius Alliance, he had no
thoughts of pride in front of his younger sister. He knew of his younger sister’s talents in
cultivation. From very young, he would ask help from his sister whenever he encountered a
problem in cultivation. But his sister did not like conflict, and never used yao arts in front of
other people. Even their father did not know of his sister’s talent in cultivating [Blue

Almost no one knew the name of Qinghua Xue.

Their declining family was a branch family of the Blue Flower Family. In the eyes of
others, their branch had started to prosper after Qinghua Zang Shui entered the Genius
Alliance. Only Qinghua Zang Shui himself knew that the one with the most potential of their
branch was not him.

Even he did not know just how strong his younger sister was. But he was used to trusting
Qinghua Xue from a young age. Over time, all the hopes of the family had been placed on his
shoulders. He was sensitive and slightly moody, he would frequently become irritated and
insecure. But in front of his sister, he would unconsciously feel at peace.

The air around his sister seemed to have the taste of peace.

Since Sister said there wasn’t a problem, then there definitely was not a problem.

“Brother has had to deal with too much pressure recently,” Qinghua Xue urged in a
soft voice, “Brother shouldn’t care too much about Xiao Mo Ge. This male is arrogant in
conduct, making enemies everywhere. He would not have a good ending. Brother’s
[Blue Flower] is at a crucial time. If you can progress another step, your cultivation
would truly reach a vast place.”
“Sister is right, I forced myself into a dead end.” Qinghua Zang Shui said. Thinking
about how he seemed disturbed in this recent while, he couldn’t help but feel shame.

Qinghua Xue smiled sweetly. “Then I’m going out to play.”

Finishing, she floated away like a blue snowflake. Qinghua Zang Shui looked at his
younger sister’s back and felt warm in his heart. Since Sister liked a peaceful life, then as
her older brother, he needed to work harder!

Qinghua Xue returned to her room and sat in thought silently for a moment. Coldness
suddenly came into the amber eyes.

“Xiao Mo Ge … …”


Nan Yue opened her eyes, and felt her mind was unspeakably content and fulfilled. There
was no exhaustion at all. Joy floated into her mind. No wonder [South Sky Arrow Art] was
the inherited yao art of her clan, it really was powerful!

Her mind moved slightly, a purple light flashed at her fingertips and a three cun vine
arrow appeared. The small and exquisite vine arrow was made from two slender green
vines interwoven together. At the tail were three green and crisp leaves. It was very
charming. The vine arrow was very soft yet strong. She could fold it however she wished
and it would not break. Playing with the vine arrow, her thoughts wandered.

She had not secretly passed the little yao arts and other things Daren had taught her onto
her clansmen. Without Daren’s permission, she definitely would not share any of it. She
also did not have those intentions. Her idea was to learn some skills. In the future, she
could earn more money and help her clan members have a good life.

But when she learned this [South Sky Arrow Art], she had the urge to pass it to her clan

The [South Sky Arrow Art] was far too suited to the Wisteria Clan. It was just the first
time she cultivated it, and her consciousness had grown by a tenth. This degree of
improvement almost scared her. If this improvement was maintained over the long-term,
then the power of the yao art was tangible. In the Wasteland Beast Chessboard yesterday,
how many enemies had she destroyed? Ten!

Before this, it was an unimaginable feat to her! Also, this was just her first time
cultivating it! Thinking about it now, the ancient records of [South Sky Arrow Art] of her
clan were not exaggerating when they talked about its power.
Fortunately, Daren allowed her to pass [South Sky Arrow Art] to her clan members.
Thinking about this, her heart was filled with gratefulness. She could see a great and open
path in front of her and her clan. Sometimes, she couldn’t help but feel this was unreal. The
poor and harsh life she previously had faced seemed to be just yesterday.

No matter which reason it originated from, she could be grateful to Daren!

She propped up her chin. Daren was so powerful, so strong, she could not be a burden on
Daren! She definitely had to work on her cultivation! If she could help Daren in the future,
then it would be even more perfect!

Ooh, how could she help Daren?

Her eyes lit up.


Zuo Mo was furiously cultivating yao arts. At the side, A Gui looked on with a wooden
expression. The light of the yao arts reflected on her face, and added another thread of light
to her eyes.

Lil’ Fire curiously circled from the side. It would sometimes approach very close to the
light on Zuo Mo’s hands. Lil’ pagoda continuously nudged at Lil’ Fire. It was unmoved, and
only looked curiously at the yao arts on Zuo Mo’s hands. Lil’ Pagoda could only dejectedly
fly back into A Gui’s arms and snuggle around.

Yao arts!

Last time in the Wasteland Beast Chessboard, he had almost been tripped up by that
group of yao, Zuo Mo was greatly stimulated.

Damn it! If the tiger didn’t roar, they mistook it ge for a sick cat!

Wasn’t it just yao arts!

Zuo Mo resolved inside that he won’t let go of those people when he went next time. Last
time, if it wasn’t for the wasteland beast that had helped him, he may have been thrown out
immediately. There was nothing major about being thrown out, but it was a great loss of

“Xiao Mo Ge” was a personage right now, how could face be lost?

If he could not suppress this terrible conduct, how could it show Xiao Mo Ge’s power?
Yet he did not know just as he buried his hard and work on yao arts, a major event

Translator Ramblings: Here you go, reaction chapter from the perspective of yao.
Chapter 378
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiofDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Eight – Black Smoke Yao’s Suggestion

Feng Xing Zi had reconstructed the third prison to be renamed Wind Song!

This event created more noise than Zuo Mo reconstructing the Wasteland beast
Chessboard. The first prison was just the ground of little yao that just entered yao art
houses. If it wasn’t that it had been a long time since the first prison’s prison-breaking
battle had been won, it wouldn’t have been any news at all. But the third prison was
completely different. The yao that cultivated in the third pression were usually in the later
stages of spirit planting, and the beginning stages of yin spirit.

The difficulty in reconstructing the third prison was several magnitudes greater than
reconstructing the first prison.

Feng Xin Zi was a high level supervisor of the Genius Alliance, and based on the
accomplishments from this battle, he had successfully entered the elder council of the
Genius Alliance. Those that had discussed Xiao Mo Ge vs. the Genius Alliance were now
collectively silent. The Genius Alliance used action to prove how laughable it was to
compare Xiao Mo Ge and the Genius Alliance together.

However, Zuo Mo did not feel that his troubles had lessened.

This was due to the bounties from the large yao markets!

The bounty to kill him once in the Ten Finger Prison had grown from five million to eight
million. What made him even more speechless was that it did not limit the number of times.
The enormous sum made Zuo Mo’s eyes turn red. He turned to Nan Yue and said, “How
about you all try to kill me and take the recording yao art to get the bounty, then we
can split it?”

Nan Yue and Cang Ze’s expressions were like they had swallowed a fly, and they did not
know what to say.

“So much money!” Zuo Mo’s eyes were bright as he furiously rubbed his hands together.

Nan Yue and Cang Ze stalwartly helped him destroy the enemies that came like moths to
a flame. They were becoming familiar with their new yao arts. Taking turns and attacking,
they were swift and efficient.
A short while later, the orange-haired yao excitedly ran over with the black smoke yao.

“Brother, the Genius Alliance broke the third prison!” The orange-haired yao shouted
loudly when he saw Zuo Mo. “We cannot submit. Brother, go break the third prison!
Show the Genius Alliance your power!”

Nan Yue and Cang Ze’s faces grew even darker. The black smoke yao behind the orange-
haired yao couldn’t help but have an awkward expression and show an apologetic
expression to the two yao.

Zuo Mo was unconcerned. “Not going!”

“Why not?” The orange-haired yao gaped, his face disbelieving.

“There’s no money!” Zuo Mo rubbed his hands.

“That is true.” The orange-haired yao stilled, thought and then nodded in agreement.

“Brother, why don’t you kill me, and then we split the money?” Zuo Mo brought up the
old topic and looked with desire at the orange-haired yao.

“This idea is good.” The orange-haired yao then said with some bashfulness, “But I am
Loyal Yao, how can I kill my brother?”

“That’s fine, just remember to give me a bigger portion.” Zuo Mo waved his hand

Cang Ze finally could not resist. “Daren, there are many ways of making money, do not
humiliate yourself so!”

Heavens! He could not think of it. If Daren really used this method to make money,
everyone would collapse from laughter. Daren’s face was thick enough, and could dismiss
all kinds of criticism, but he could not. Behind him was the entire Grey Clan! Daren’s idea
made him shiver.

Too scary! No, he had to stop Daren’s insane idea!

Seeing Zuo Mo’s unaffected face, he almost cried. “Daren, if you need money, I’ll give it
to you, alright?”

“How much money do you have?” Zuo Mo’s face was full of disdain and caused him to

The black smoke male suddenly spoke, “Actually, I have a method.”

“Say it, say it!” The orange-haired yao was very excited
The black smoke male slowly spoke and caused everyone to become silent.

“Smoky, you are too devious!” The orange-haired yao exclaimed in shock and then his
expression became ecstatic. He turned and asked Zuo Mo, “Brother, is this idea great or

Zuo Mo didn’t think and nodded. “Do it!”


“The most recent news. Just after Feng Xin Zi reconstructed the third prison, Xiao Mo
Ge has also made a move.”

“Xiao Mo Ge has put down a stage in the Wasteland Beast Chessboard Prison. He has
announced he will accept any challenge. The challenger only needs to pay a fee of fifty
thousand, and can receive a preliminary qualification of challenge.

“Those that receive the preliminary qualification will need to go through a

preliminary battle. Those that win can directly challenge Xiao Mo Ge. Those that pay
two hundred thousand don’t need to go through a preliminary round and can directly
challenge Xiao Mo Ge.”

Ji Li Yu’s complexion was black, and she remained silent. On the side, Ji Cheng’s
expression was strange but he closed his mouth tightly. He knew his sister was at the point
of erupting. He didn’t dare to make a sound at this time. He was full of respect towards Xiao
Mo Ge right now. No matter how powerful this guy was, he definitely had a thick face and
black heart to dare to do something like this.

The most extreme of extremes! A personage among personages!

He wanted to go and acquaint himself. However, when he saw Old Sis’ eyes that seemed
to sprout fire, he forcibly suppressed this impulse.

“Very good.” Ji Li Yu’s voice as it was forced through her teeth was like the cold wind in
the deep of winter. “But will he manage to survive?”

Ji Cheng shook.

Old Sis was angry!

“Congratulations, Elder Feng! Congratulations, Elder Feng!” Another supervisor
bowed to Feng Xin Zi, unable to disguise the envy on his face and a hint of fawning. Feng
Xin Zi had become the newest elder of the Genius Alliance Elder Council. The status of the
two were completely different.

Congratulatory greetings came from the surroundings.

Feng Xin Zi had a humble smile on his face. “Thanks.”

He had come to bid farewell to everyone. After he reconstructed the third prison, the
discussions about the Genius Alliance had abruptly stopped. All the major yao channels had
stopped their scorn and praised the power of the Genius Alliance.

The enormous potential he displayed was very well favored by the higher levels. Even
the leader of the Genius Alliance, Ming Yue Ye, had on multiple occasions, expressed her

Feng Xin Zi patiently bid farewell with every supervisor and member before leaving.

“Daren, I heard that the main division has countless yao arts, including sky and
earth levels, is it true?” Xiao Jin blinked her adorable eyes and was full of anticipation. She
was Feng Xin Zi’s follower, growing up with Feng Xin Zi like a sibling.

“Supposedly.” Feng Xin Zi was looking into the distance. He turned and replied with a

“That’s wonderful! In the future, Daren will have sky level yao arts!” Xiao Jin was
extremely happy.

Feng Xin Zi gave another slight smile but did not speak.

“Daren Daren, there is a very fun matter. That Xiao Mo Ge actually put up a stage,
and is taking fees. How can there be such a greedy yao in the world!” Xiao Jin’s round
face was filled with shock.

Feng Xin Zi saw Xiao Jin’s adorable appearance and couldn’t help but rub her head.

Xiao Jin’s face wrinkled and she said discontently, “Daren, you messed up Xiao Jin’s hair

“Haha!” Feng Xin Zi laughed freely. “Let’s go!”

“Daren, wait for me!”


“Do you think we are going to get money?” Nan Yue asked Cang Ze uncertainly.

“I don’t know.” Cang’s mood was low and he almost seemed to cry. The Grey Clan had
been in decline for a long time, and resorted to staying in an out of the way place, but it was
an ancient clan that had guarded the Golden Tree. When had they done such embarrassing
things? He was the junior clan leader, and he was going to be clan leader in the future!

But he did not display any temper at all. His objections in front of Daren’s decisiveness
was as weak as the breath of an ant.

Daren had a decisive presence, his eyes filled with domination, a great hero. Cang Ze
admired him inside, but that quality of greediness … …

Nan Yue did not notice Cang Ze’s low mood and was eager. “I hadn’t expected that black
ghost with such an ordinary appearance to have such evil ideas. So black. But this idea
is really good! I hope we can earn a lot this time!”

The Wisteria Clan of the South Sky had declined far more than the Grey Clan. After
struggling at the lowest level of society for such a long time, they had long ago forgotten
their past glory and the pride of a great clan. Such a taxing life had taught Nan Yue the
difficulty of survival and the importance of money. Due to this, she was in strong agreement
with the black smoke yao’s idea.

To be able to get money honestly, and to resolve trouble at the same time, the black
smoke male’s idea fit Zuo Mo’s intentions very well.

“Nan Yue, pay attention to taking in the money. Only those that have paid have the
qualifications.” Zuo Mo was like an experienced battle general calmly directing, “It would
be best to hire a yao for the accounts. Oh, the first round, Cang Ze is up first.”

“I’m up first!” The orange-haired yao impatiently jumped out. He put his hands on his
waist and laughed. “Haha, today is the day I become famous. You need to keep your eyes
open and watch how I beat down all of them!”

Zuo Mo did not object. The orange-haired yao’s strange physique which could not be
killed made him the best choice for the first round.

However, since they were paying, he naturally had to provide the best service. Ooh, the
prison battlefield should be changed. Compared to other places, the intimate presence of
the battlefield was greater. What reassured Zuo Mo the most was that barely discernable
presence of the wasteland beast.
The strength of the wasteland beast was branded into his heart. He had asked Pu Yao
about the wasteland beast but Pu Yao had been silent each time. Zuo Mo was used to Pu
Yao’s secretiveness. This guy had too many secrets.

Okay, let all those secrets and old anitques go to hell, what ge loves is jingshi!

Zuo Mo was full of motivation.

The prison battlefield was completely transformed. This place had become Zuo Mo’s
home territory. Compared to the peace outside, the prison battlefield was full of danger
with each step. Lots of yao arts in the style of “Little Mo Ge” were swimming about. If it
touched anything the slightest bit, then the successive attacks were like debtors being
chased by creditors.

To guarantee that only yao that had paid the fee could enter, Zuo Mo had used the prison
battlefield to its limits. The densely packed yao arts made even his scalp prickle. Zuo Mo
even put down large amounts of illusory formations in the pathway that he left behind. This
weren’t the low level things like ice blade illusory formations. This was a big illusory
formation he had spent four hours to finish.

The yao arts inside the prison battlefield were obedient in his hands. He could merge
them into the illusory formation as he wished. After the illusory formation was complete,
he was well satisfied.

If they planned on forcing their way in, ha, wait to feel the pain.

Zuo Mo’s confidence in formations was much stronger than his confidence in his half-
learned yao arts. Zuo Mo’s beautiful illusory formation shocked Nan Yue and the other yao.
The admiration in their eyes was like a flood. Even the black smoke yao that had a black
face and a black heart was very astonished.

In the yao world, the path of formations was famed for its difficulty in comprehension.
There were very few yao that were skilled in formations.

Xiao Mo Ge was skilled in formations!

A thread of strangeness flashed across the eyes of the black smoke yao.

Translator Ramblings: The back and forth between Zuo Mo and the Genius Alliance
continues! Zuo Mo needs money. Isn’t the black smoke yao clever? A yao after Zuo Mo’s
own heart!
Chapter 379
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Seventy Nine – Tide of Battle

Nan Yue really found a yao to come collect the money, her good friend Hong. Only things
like souls could enter the Ten Finger Prison, money could not be taken in. But the method
of transactions inside Ten Finger Prison had developed over the years, and everyone had
naturally found a method.

There were merchants that specialized in this kind of business.

One only needed to go to these merchants to buy a type of soul that had a special soul
imprint with money. In the Ten Finger Prison, these souls with special yao art imprints
were akin to money. Only wealthy merchants could be involved in this kind of business.
The souls that were used as money were seed souls born from special yao trees. The seed
souls each merchant family used were different, and the spiritual imprint on the seed souls
could effectively stop fraud.

Some old businesses had a good reputation in this field.

What Hong was hired to collect was this kind of seed soul.

The little girl was a daring one. In the beginning, she had been scared to due Zuo Mo’s
reputation but she quickly became excited. When she saw the endless stream of people
registering, she became even more excited.

Cang Ze looked at the packed mass of registrants. His vision blackened and he almost
fainted. When he saw the major yao channels with their logos, his scalp prickled and his
consciousness almost shattered. No, he hopelessly shouted in silence from the bottom of
his heart!

Looking over it all, all the yao channels that he had heard of were present and there were
even many he had not heard of.

“There is a bit too many!” the black smoke yao said weakly. He swallowed. The amount
of registrants far surpassed his expectations. A hint of regret formed. They had played it too
big this time … …

The orange-haired yao wasn’t nervous at all. He was very motivated, laughing with his
hands on his hips. “Ha ha ha ha, this is fated to be the day that I become famous! I will
quickly surpass you, Brother, feel the great pressure! Do not be nervous, I’m very loyal,
but I won’t let you off!”

Zuo Mo did not hear the orange-haired yao’s words at all. There was only a jingshi ocean
in his eyes, vast and rippling with an attractive light.

Ooh ooh ooh, it was enchanting!

By Zuo Mo’s side, Nan Yue was slightly excited. She balled her fists, and made a
resolution. She had to make money for Daren!


“Who could have thought of it? Who could have thought of it? Just after Feng Xin Zi
reconstructed the third prison, just as everyone is maintaining their silence due to
their previous scorn of the Genius Alliance, Xiao Mo Ge made a move no one expected.
This matter has been deflected dramatically into a new direction.”

“No matter how powerful the Genius Alliance is, Miss Ji Li Yu, and Mister Qinghua
Zang Shui have all tripped when facing Xiao Mo Ge, and this blemish cannot be erased.
At this time, people finally remember that the Genius Alliance has their eyes at the top
of their heads did not get their face back from Xiao Mo Ge! Of course, maybe Miss Ji Li
Yu and Mister Qinghua Zang Shui cannot represent the Genius Alliance.”

“If the two sides are facing off, then Xiao Mo Ge’s move this time is shockingly


Wearing a deep blue mask was covered with silver flower patterns and filled with a
strange presence. At this moment, the eyes behind the mask were filled with coldness.
Murderous intent flashed across the eyes, sharp as a blade’s edge, but that pair of amber
eyes quickly became calm like a deep lake.

“Xiao Mo Ge … …”

A slow and light sigh sounded behind the mask like tendrils of smoke and did not
dissipate for a long time.
Her steps were slow, her upper body not moving at all as though she was sliding on ice.
Her appearance was unspeakably elegant and ethereal.

She glanced at the registration area that was tightly packed before turning to look at the
completely transformed prison battlefield.

“Hm!” A light sound came from behind the mask. There was a thread of surprise in her
eyes. Formations! Xiao Mo Ge was actually skilled in formations. She noted it down inside.
After studying outside the prison battlefield for a few moment, she turned and walked
towards the registration spot.

Wherever she passed, the crowd seemed to be moved aside by an invisible hand and
created a passageway.

Some yao with fiery tempers turned and prepared to swear. When they saw the dark
blue mask, their expressions changed, and the words that had reached their mouths were
swallowed back down. Anything that could be brought into the Ten Finger Prison were
treasures! On this yao’s face was a soul mask. It was an extremely rare treasure. Those that
possessed such a great treasure, if they were not rich, they were powerful!

And when they saw the streaming figure of the masked female yao, their hearts jumped!
They recognized power!

Just like this, the masked female yao did not encounter any resistance and walked
directly in front of Hong.

“You want to register?” Hong also noticed this unusual female yao and raised her head
to ask.

“Yes.” It was possible to hear from the voice coming from behind the mask, that this was
a female yao. She threw out a seed soul.

Hong took it and was slightly surprised. “Two hundred thousand! You want to make a
direct challenge?”

“Is it not possible?” the masked female yao asked.

Pausing, Hong nodded hurriedly. “Possible, possible.” Then she shouted towards the
inside of the formation, “Daren, there is a person who is challenging you directly.”

After shouting, she said to the female yao, “You can go in. Don’t worry, the formation
will not attack you.”

The masked female yao walked steadily inside the prison battlefield. She did not seem to
fear those strangely changing formations at all.

“Formations! Xiao Mo Ge actually knows formations?” Su Wei turned his face with
astonishment. “This guy does have some skills. I remember you’ve always had an
interest in formations. You didn’t come to such a low-level place like the first prison
just for this? And pulling me along as well. Bro, I’m very busy.”

Ming Jue Zi shook his head. “I have only found out today that he knows formations.
This guy is very strange.” He said with deep meaning, “He can control this prison.”

“What?” Su Wei’s eyes widened suddenly. “That’s impossible!”

He knew what controlling a prison meant.

“Look at the prison battlefield.” Ming Jue Zi pointed at the completely transformed
prison battlefield. “This place has completely changed.”

“That doesn’t mean anything.” Su Wei did not believe it. His head shook like a rattle
drum. “He reconstructed this prison and naturally has the home advantage. This
degree of transformation does not prove anything.”

Ming Jue Zi did not argue. “You’ll understand later.”

He thought back to the recording yao arts that he had been studying in recent days. He
had bought them for a high price from a little yao called Jin Zhen. Jin Zhen had been
involved in attacking Xiao Mo Ge that day, and the recording yao art recorded everything
he had encountered that day.

The deep and cryptic yao art problems on each pillar of the dazzling cage of light
astonished him.

He knew that Su Wei and the others didn’t even have any attentions to look at a little yao
that was muddling through the first prison. Previously, Su Wei had mocked him for wasting
time on such a little personage, but as he studied more, the shock and puzzlement in Ming
Jue Zi’s heart accumulated.

There were too many places that he could not understand and think through.

He had read through a large amount of information to find something similar to the high-
level yao arts that the two followers of Xiao Mo Ge had used that day. This discovery
instantly attracted his attention, because these high level yao arts that were possibly a
match were both lost a long time ago.
He also researched the background of Xiao Mo Ge’s two followers. What was worth
celebrating was that while Xiao Mo Ge’s origins were unknown, it was not hard to find the
origins of the two followers.

The male yao was from the Grey Clan, a clan that had declined. The female yao came from
the South Sky Wisteria Clan, a yao clan that was almost extinct. The intelligent Ming Jue Zi
quickly found something worthy of deep thought.

Both the Grey Clan and the South Sky Arrow Clan were yao clans that could be traced
back to three thousand years ago. The reason that the high level yao arts of the two clans
were lost were strangely the same, they were lost in the great war three thousand years

The formations in front of him … … looked like a xiuzhe’s seal formations.

These unusual traces caused Xiao Mo Ge to become even more mysterious.

But he did not tell any of this to Su Wei. There was too much speculations. He also
believed that Xiao Mo Ge would shock Su Wei greatly.

Su Wei was also wondering inside. Even though Ming Jue Zi did not focus on what he
should be doing some of the time, but his intuition far surpassed normal yao. Did this Xiao
Mo Ge really have something strange about him?

Just at this time, he saw a familiar figure walking towards the prison battlefield from the
corner of his eyes. His expression instantly became strange.

“Yu Zi Zhou has come as well! Is this person going to go up?”

Ming Jue Zi saw that figure and stilled.


“Big Sis, you really aren’t going to send someone?” Ji Cheng suppressed the impulse to
laugh and asked Ji Li Yu seriously.

Ji Li Yu lightly snorted. “Such a small person, is he worthy of my attention?”

“He besmirched our Ji Family’s reputation. How can we let him off?” Ji Cheng
pretended to be indignant as he said.

“Let him off?” Ji Li Yu giggled. “He will quickly get a taste of trouble.”
Ji Cheng hurriedly asked. “Does Sis have some insider information?”

“You want to know?” Ji Li Yu raised her eyelids.

“Want to know, want to know!” Ji Cheng nodded rapidly. He was very curious. He had
originally thought that Old Sis’ was going to send an expert to teach this guy a lesson. The Ji
Family did not lack for experts. Who would have expected that Old Sis’ had ordered the
clansmen not to go make trouble for Xiao Mo Ge.

If he hadn’t seen Old Sis’ look as though she wanted to eat Xiao Mo Ge raw, he would
have thought that Old Sis’ was interested in Xiao Mo Ge.

“I’m thirsty. Get me some Heart Moistening Fruits,” Ji Li Yu casually said.

“I knew it. It’s like this every time,” Ji Cheng muttered. He obediently went to get the
Heart Moistening Fruits and put them in front of Old Sis.

Ji Li Yu opened a Heart Moistening Fruit. The glistening and tender flesh of the fruit and
her long and white fingers formed a beautiful picture.

“Yu Ji Zhou has pursued me for so many years. How can he let go of such a chance as
this?” Taking a small bite of the Heart Moistening Fruit, Ji Li Yu’s expression was like a
child eating candy in secret. “Even though I do not like him, he is a good subordinate.”

Translator Ramblings: A lot of people really want Zuo Mo to get defeated. This upcoming
bunch of chapters is going to be interesting. Ming Jue Zi probably isn’t the only one that has
the knowledge but he is so interested in “Xiao Mo Ge” while the other people occupy
themselves with “higher” pursuits.
Chapter 380
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiofDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty – The Blue Flowers of Qinghua Xue

Zuo Mo was waiting for the first person to directly challenge him.

Even though he did not know how much two hundred thousand in the yao world was in
terms of jingshi, but from the responses of Nan Yue and the others, he could see it wasn’t a
small sum.

He really could not understand it. If it was him, would he spend such a considerable sum
of jingshi to have a fight with someone else? Didn’t they have anything else they could do?
But there were so many registrants. For the bounty? Or for One Mole?

Zuo Mo was very surprised by the reach of One Mole’s influence. He thought back to the
interaction that day. Other than using an illusory art the moment they met, he did not feel
there was anything special about One Mole.

When Zuo Mo saw the challenger clearly, he paused and then asked Pu Yao, “Pu, how can
there be masks in the Ten Finger Prison?”

“What is strange about that?” Pu Yao was discontent at being interrupted while
teaching the Guard Camp. He said impatiently, “Golden Souls can be brought in, it’s
natural other things can also be brought in. Right, I’m very busy, don’t bother me!”

Burning the bridge after crossing the river … … Zuo Mo muttered inside. Before he got
the Golden Soul, this guy’s attitude was great. The moment he got it, he instantly made a
one hundred and eighty degree turn. Zuo Mo expressed deep disdain at Pu Yao’s horrid

His gaze landed on the blue mask of the other person, and felt this object was very useful.
He hadn’t come to the Ten Finger Prison to make money. He needed to think of a way to
find information on the Battle of Sealed Extinction.

Thinking about his present situation, the joy in Zuo Mo’s heart at making money faded

“Start.” Zuo Mo focused. It was not fun to divide one’s attention during a fight.

Qinghua Xue carefully examined Xiao Mo Ge in front of her. The other’s eyes were
peaceful and was not arrogant like the Xiao Mo Ge of the rumors.
She remained silent and threw this question to the back of her mind. Since she had
already entered the battlefield, why think of all these details?

She stepped forward, and the silent pupils suddenly lit up with a pressuring light.

The female yao that had been peaceful and serene like a lady was like a longsword that
was unsheathed from its scabbard. The cold icy presence was like an visible wave that
rushed towards Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo’s heart wavered. His eyes became serious and he also stepped forward with his
right foot.

The presence around him also changed. It was like the wind that blew from the desert,
carrying a heart-shaking viciousness that rushed up without fear.

Pia pia pia!

Countless sparks formed like popcorn between the two.

The light in Qinghua Xue’s eyes grew, so bright that one could not stare directly at it.
From since she was very little, she had started to practice [Blue Flower]. This had become
a routine of her life and she had never stopped. She didn’t even know what level she had
reached with her [Blue Flower]. Was it high or low?

This was the first time she fought, and it was the first time she channeled [Blue Flower]
without holding back.

An unprecedented feeling flooded out of her body. The familiar power of [Blue Flower]
seemed slightly strange to her. Under the stimulation of this domineering yet unfamiliar
power, a strong yet unfamiliar feeling formed as though something was moving inside her

She had a strong sense she could do it! Under the stimulation of this emotion, she was
filled with anticipation towards the upcoming battle. She felt like there was a monster
hiding in her heart that revealed its great horns at this time.

Anticipation, terror, and wonder all mixed together causing her to be briefly dazed.
When she refocused, she found a familiar light in her hand.

[Blue Flower]!

When Zuo Mo saw that blue flower, his pupils suddenly shrunk! Damn it, a yao from the
Blue Flower Family!

He had almost tripped up on the [Blue Flower] that Qinghua Zang Shui had released. If it
wasn’t that the orange-haired yao could naturally suppress the blue flower, it was
uncertain what the outcome would have been.
Zuo Mo’s figure suddenly retreated. Usual yao arts were of no use against the blue

As he retreated, his eyes were tightly locked onto this blue flower. A strong feeling of
danger formed. The hairs on his body stood up on end.

This blue flower was even more beautiful and complete than the one Qinghua Zang Shui
had released, and even more dangerous!

The mask wearing female yao was more powerful than Qinghua Zang Shui!

When Zuo Mo noticed a second blue flower forming on Qinghua Xue’s hand, his eyelids
couldn’t help but jump. If he kept on retreating, as the number of blue flowers increased,
his situation would become increasingly dangerous!

Thinking about this, Zuo Mo gritted his teeth. A gold light flashed at his feet and he
suddenly charged forward.

With such urgency, he did not hold anything back. The gold light flashed on his feet and
his figure moved like lightning!

To capture the group, capture the leader first!

Experienced in combat, Zuo Mo instantly made a decision. Since the blue flower was hard
to defeat, then he would directly attack the true body!

Zuo Mo’s figure disappeared from where he stood and appeared like a ghost in front of
Qinghua Xue.

The hard lightning covering his hand crackled and long arcing streaks of electricity
danced as his fist chopped towards Qinghua Xue’s head like an axe of lightning!

The domineering presence of the hard lightning caused terror to form in Qinghua Xue’s
heart. But this bit of terror was washed away by the excitement that came after. She
elegantly let go of the blue flower in her hand.

The blue flower floated in front of her and suddenly gave a dazzling light.

Zuo Mo felt as though his blow was stopped by a flexible yet soft invisible wall. The
domineering and savage yang fiend hard lightning was forcibly stopped. Zuo Mo knew the
situation was not good and he quickly reacted. His open palm shifting to a crane strike and
the rampaging yang fiend hard lightning steamed out of Zuo Mo’s fingertips.


The blinding silver and blue lights exploded between the two people. The flooding power
suddenly lost control and swept in all directions.
The two figures were separated.

The blue flower in front of Qinghua Xue had disappeared, and Zuo Mo looked to be in a
sorry state with many dots of blue on his body. His hanging right arm was continuously
trembling. He looked at the other. The yang fiend hard lightning he had just used was the
strongest he could create but it still was unable to harm the other. In this short round, he
was able to judge that the female yao was much stronger than Qinghua Zang Shui. The two
were not on the same level.

Such a powerful yao art!

However, he had not been defeated!

Seeing another blue flower flying at him out of the corner of his eye, Zuo Mo’s figure
flashed and he disappeared from where he stood again.

The Blue Flower was powerful, but it was not without its weak spots.

Zuo Mo’s mind was clear, he did not rest as he moved at high speeds, and released twelve
yang fiend hard lightning blows in succession! The twelve yang fiend hard lightning
charged at Qinghua Xue from all directions. It was a pity that he could not cultivate [South
Sky Arrow Art]. The vine arrows that Nan Yue shot were faster than yang fiend hard

It was the first time Qinghua Xue had ever fought but she displayed extraordinary talent
at combat. In a moment she was surrounded, but Qinghua Xue did not panic at all. She took
a deep breath and a clear shout came from under the mask, “Blue Flower Clothes!”

Before her shout was complete, tendrils of blue vines of light appeared on her body. The
blue vines of light spread and wrapped around her legs, then her waist, and then her arms.
In a blink, the blue vines covered her entire body like a blue flower closing its bud.

Under the blows of the yang fiend hard lightning, Qinghua Xue covered in the blue flower
was like a weak flower in a storm, swaying and appeared ready to break at any moment.

The twelve yang fiend hard lightning smashed on Qinghua Xue’s body like explosive

Hiss hiss hiss!

It was like a net of lightning had been spread over Qinghua Xue who was barely
discernable inside the blue flower. Countless silver snakes moved about. The silver
electricity lit up Qinghua Xue’s amber eyes and they were full of the desire to fight!

Qinghua Xue was untouched. The hard lightning arcing on her body quickly weakened
and the vines of light tightly wrapped around her body brightened like they were being fed
nutrients and water. The vines had actually absorbed the hard lightning completely!
Zuo Mo inhaled sharply. His scalp prickled!

Such a weird yao art!

The situation was becoming worse. The speed of the blue flower was not fast, but its
defensive power was also unable to be defeated. There were no weaknesses! He could
almost predict what was waiting for him. The other only needed to continue releasing blue
flowers. That day, Qinghua Zang Shui had released dozens of blue flowers in one go. With
the power of this mask-wearing female yao, it probably was not difficult for her to release
hundreds. If the number of blue flowers increased, the space that he could utilize to dodge
would decrease. Then he would be in danger!

Damn it!

Zuo Mo’s mind moved quickly as he thought furiously. What move would be effective?

Did he have to use the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art?

Zuo Mo was confident in the power of the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art but in his
mind, that was his ultimate move. If he used his ultimate move on the first challenger, what
could he do for the rest?

He could use the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art on every one of them.

The power of the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art was powerful, but the expenditure
was also astounding. If Zuo Mo used it once, he probably would have to leave the
Wasteland Beast Chessboard.

Then there would be no challenge he could accept! Definitely unprofitable!

An extra challenger was an extra sum of money. The longer he persisted, the more he
would make. Zuo Mo knew this very well. His goal in coming to the Ten Finger Prison was
to find a clue to the Battle of Sealed Extinction. But this required money, lots of money!


He could not use the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art!

The gold light under his feet flashed. He continuously disappeared and then appeared as
though he was teleporting and roamed around Qinghua Xue to search for an opportunity.

As Zuo Mo expected, blossoms of blue flowers continuously formed and floated up from
Qinghua Xue’s upheld hands. She was still elegant and relaxed like a girl putting out flower
lanterns at the river’s edge. But when she raised her head, it was possible to see the
burning battle desire occasionally from her amber eyes.
The gold light flashed under his feet. He seemed to pass through the void, suddenly
appearing and then disappearing.

The gold light entered Zuo Mo’s vision. Not knowing what to do, Zuo Mo’s heart suddenly

Since [Golden Crow Feet] was able to be used in the Wasteland Beast Chessboard, then
what about the other transformations?

There were six transformations of the Great Day mo physique. Other than the [Golden
Crow Feet], there were five more. Were they also able to be used?

Zuo Mo’s eyes suddenly burned. He had never used some of the transformations of the
Great Day mo physique. He finally had the chance to use the ultimate moves he had worked
so long on. It was like a sword that had been sharpened for a long time. It was being
unsheathed to drink the fresh blood of the enemy!

In a moment, a strong desire for battle came from the deepest part of his body like a
burning lava flow that spread throughout his entire body!

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo is not off to a good start. Additionally, Pu Yao isn’t going to
hand out lost arts nilly-willy. He has his own rationale for doing things and he isn’t a
generous person.
Chapter 381
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty One – Walked Out of the Gravestone … …

The six transformations of the Great Day mo physique: Light Void Wings, Golden Crow
Feet, Day Script Palm, Flame Seal Armor, Midday Blade, and Great Day.

Light Void Wings primarily enhanced speed and were as fast as lightning. The Golden
Crow Feet enhanced strength and had the power of thirty thousand catties. When the two
were used together, they lead to endless possibilities, and were the two moves that Zuo Mo
was most familiar with. He had also practiced the other four moves but never used them in
actual combat before.

Zuo Mo’s mind moved again. An even more outrageous thought came out. If … … he used
all six transformations simultaneously … … what would it be like?

When this thought came about, it securely took hold over Zuo Mo’s thoughts and was
unable to be forgotten.

Why didn’t he try … …

The gold light under his feet seemed to unwind like golden threads and quickly climbed
up along his calves.

Qinghua Xue had no other thoughts in her mind. Blue flowers rose in the two hands she
held up. The blossoms flew into the sky. These blue flowers that floated in the sky did not
blindly chase Zuo Mo, but were spaced apart. There seemed to be invisible lines connecting
the blue flowers to one another.

Reproducing and communicating among themselves.

When the golden threads reached Zuo Mo’s waist, his legs were completely enveloped by
the golden threads, they were especially thick on his feet. The golden threads continued to
climb onto his upper body. Woosh, a pair of transparent wings suddenly shot out of Zuo
Mo’s back.

The dense golden threads continued to spread up Zuo Mo’s chest, onto his neck and then
covered his face.

In a flash, Zuo Mo was covered completely by the golden threads all over except for his
eyes. The bright golden threads quickly dimmed, and a dark golden suit of armor covered
Zuo Mo’s body.
The dark gold scales were the size of fingernails and were in layers like fish scales. When
Zuo Mo made the slightest move, they would sparkle like a wave of water. The helmet was
round and tightly followed the contours of Zuo Mo’s face. There was a black horn
protruding from the top of the helmet, and rings of patterns were inlaid on the horn. The
horn curved slightly forward and came to a sharp point.

The pauldrons were like two balls of burning flame. On his left arm was a small dark
golden round shield. In bright red the image of a flame was inscribed on the round shield.
His right hand held a strangely shaped blade. It was broad at the front and narrow at the
back. There was no curve on the blade at all. It was a straight as a ruler. The entire blade
was enveloped in the flame.

The armour was made of small scales that tightly wrapped around Zuo Mo’s legs, but
from the outside, they appeared even thicker. From his feet five sharp claws extended
outwards, similar to the sabaton like the claws of the fiendish soul panther. The five claws
of the Golden Crow Feet were like hooks that tightly gripped onto the ground.

Zuo Mo curiously examined himself.


“Hm.” In the sea of consciousness, Pu Yao’s expression shifted. He suddenly stopped

commanding the Guard Camp. He carefully inspected Zuo Mo. His expression quickly
changed, his bloody pupil expanding as he exclaimed in shock. “Great mo physique!”

Shu Long who had been receiving Pu Yao’s instruction was confused. “Daren, what is
great mo physique?”

Pu Yao ignored Shu Long, his bloody pupil tightly locked onto Zuo Mo.

“How is this possible? How is this possible? How can this boy use great mo physique?
He clearly is not a true-blooded mo!”

He suddenly turned around his face, his gaze as sharp as a sword. He stared hard at the
gravestone. “It’s you!”

A faint figure floated on top of the black gravestone.

What surprised Pu Yao was this blurry figure gradually became distinct.

Clean lines drew out a figure with feminine curves. Wearing a tight fitting suit of battle
armor, she held an extremely strange weapon—an enormous claw that was even taller
than her body!
The enormous claw was so life like it seemed alive. It was hard to imagine what being
could have such a terrifying enormous claw. It seemed like the entire figure of the female
warrior was under the enormous claw.

“You you you … …” Pu Yao seemed to see a ghost. He paled and was speechless.

“Little Pu Pu, long time no see!” A sweet teasing voice filled with laziness suddenly
came from the gravestone.

“You you you … …” Pu Yao’s lips shook.

“You miss me this much!” A seductive soft laugh came from the gravestone. The
sweetness in the voice seemed to come from the bone. The simple figure drawn by the
clean lines on the gravestone continued to come into focus. It was like an invisible pen that
was drawing stroke by stroke.

On the blank face, eyes appeared and then eyebrows … …

In a blink, an ambiguously smiling beautiful face appeared on the gravestone.

The eyes on this face suddenly blinked at Pu Yao. Pu Yao was stunned, he seemed to be

Long legs reached out of the gravestone as their armor rattled. The figure that floated out
of the gravestone like this. Complex patterns encircled eyes that were black like the deep of
midnight, , eyes filled with a wildness and seductive gaze. The bark-brown skin that was
exposed were as glossy as the best silk. The sexy figure was unable to be hidden
underneath the battle armor.

She walked lightly in front of a statue-like Pu Yao. Bending down, she wore a dazzling
smile, “Little Pu Pu … …”

Pia, without any warning, her right hand grabbed onto Pu Yao’s neck and pulled him up
like holding up a little chick. Then with a sudden tug, she jerked him in front of her. There
was still an enchanting smile on her face, but something seemed to roil in her black eyes,
and her tone became extremely hostile.

“Little Pu Pu, your attitude right now is not very good!”

The stunned Pu Yao looked dazedly at this pair of eyes. Countless memories came like
the tide. His eye suddenly became moist.

“Sniveling again, so boring.” Pia, the female warrior relaxed her hand. The vicious
expression on her face turned to nothing and she muttered as she walked to the side.

After a moment, Pu Yao finally focused. He stammered out a question, “Da-Daren, you
are still alive?”
“You want me dead?” the female warrior lazily replied. She threw the enormous claw
onto the ground, laid on it, and yawned. She said indistinctly, “Why am I so sleepy again …

Pu Yao was unable to restrain himself from showing joy. His lips trembled. After a
moment, for some unknown reason, his nose became stuffy and tears welled up in his eyes.
He said, “Daren, they all died, Everyone is dead!”

The female warrior’s body froze. A long while later, she sighed lightly, “Yes, everyone is
dead, we are the only ones left.”

The long sigh carried deep loneliness, grief and guilt.


The fully armored Zuo Mo felt as though he was a burning ball of fire. There seemed to be
thousands of burning streams colliding, bursting and splashing inside his body. They
released a destructive presence that made even Zuo Mo’s mind waver.

This was the first time Zuo Mo used all six transformations of the Great Day mo physique
at the same time.

What entered the Ten Finger Prison was only the consciousness. There was no fleshly
body nor ling power here, so how was he able to use the six transformations of the Great
Day mo physique? Was it that his consciousness what was burning now?

When this thought came about, Zuo Mo felt an explosion inside his mind.

Countless golden flames suddenly shot out of the armor and burned.

Zuo Mo turned to a person made up of fire.


“What is happening?” Pu Yao gaped with wide eyes. He felt everything happening today
was challenging the limits of his imagination. Everything was so fantastical, and
There was an astonishing change happening right now in Zuo Mo’s consciousness that he
could not understand at all.

“His Great Day mo physique is about to advance,” the female warrior had her laziness
back and said unconcernedly.

“How can he use the Great Day mo physique inside the Ten Finger Prison?” Pu Yao
asked a question that had long been in his mind.

“The Great Day mo physique has some substance,” the female warrior casually said.
“This boy has pretty good luck. You taught him to cultivate the consciousness and he
accidentally found a correct path to practicing the Great Day mo physique.

Pu Yao’s expression suddenly became strange. What Great Day mo physique, who
wanted to cultivate that thing? After struggling inside, he gritted his teeth and opened,
“Daren, I took him as my student.”

“Oh, that’s your freedom, you don’t have to report it,” the female warrior waved her
hand and said unconcernedly.

Thinking about his Teacher, Pu Yao forced himself to say, “Please, Daren, do not pass
mo skills to him.”

“Little Pu Pu, this is not good!” The female warrior had a smiling face.

Pu Yao’s heart shook and he knew it was not good. However, he still decided to fight.
“Daren, please respect the order of arrival!”

“Tsk tsk tsk, Little Pu Pu, weren’t you the one that taught him the Great Day mo
physique? Yao arts, so feminine, such a good little man, how can he be wasted by you?”
The female warrior still had a smiling face.

Pu Yao’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, the tendons in his forehead jumping.

“Little Pu Pu, change to cultivating mo skills too. I like men who are very masculine
the most … …” The female warrior’s eyes became intoxicated.

Pu Yao finally could not suppress it. He jumped up and swore, “Damned woman, you
dare call me feminine. Come on, let’s have a good fight … …”

The female warrior instantly had an excited expression. With one move, she raised the
enormous claw that was multiple times larger than her body. “Great great, after sleeping
for three thousand years, it’s been so suffocating. I want a fight!”

The two figures fought fiercely in Zuo Mo’s consciousness.

“Stupid woman, don’t think I’m afraid of you. You were only the commander because
I let you .,. …”

“Little Pu Pu, my dear vice commander, you’ve never beat me!”

“I was having mercy. In front of everyone, giving you face!”

“Little Pu Pu, you still like to boast as you ever did! Looking at the fact you guarded
Older Sister for three thousand years, Sister will let you attack three times first!”

“Guard you? My honored Commander that thinks so highly about yourself! What I
protected was the reputation of the Corps! If the corpse of the Corps Commander
landed in the hands of the enemy, it would be the shame of our corps!”

“Little Pu Pu, your mouth is still as sharp as before!”

“Corps Commander, you are still this shameless!”


Qinghua Xue looked in shock at Xiao Mo Ge who was swallowed in flame. Her hand
couldn’t help but shake once.

Was this a backlash from the yao art?

The invisible power released by the flame spread in ripples of heat.

Her heart shook and her expression changed slightly.

Inside the flame, the strange blade seemed to lift slightly.

Translator Ramblings: When the chapter about Zuo Mo trying to find a way out of the
battlefield meant he had to go through the Ten Finger Prison, WanderingGummiOfDoom
talked to me and it almost appears Fang Xiang might have invented the battlefield just so
Zuo Mo could avoid Lin Qian. So Ten Finger Prison is the solution to his solution of avoiding
Zuo Mo’s pursuers.

In any case, Ten Finger Prison is serving up a lot of functions: getting him out of the
battlefield, making sure Zuo Mo’s yao arts are up to par, getting him more “followers” and
now, igniting something that he had no idea he could do.

Pu Yao is sad in this chapter but take it with a grain of salt. Speculate away~
Chapter 382
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Two – Midday Blade Strike

The temperature of the prison battlefield suddenly rose. The blackness of the void
became dark red. Invisible waves of heat came from all directions, and twisted everything
in view. Qinghua Xue felt as though she was wading through molten lava and was going to
burn at any moment.

The blue flower held in her hands was like a candle flickering in the wind, likely to be
extinguished at any moment.

Xiao Mo Ge was covered in flame on the other side was like a twisting ball of flame she
could not clearly see.

What was most terrifying was that her consciousness was unable to find Xiao Mo Ge!

Qinghua Xue was shocked and couldn’t help but panic.

The sky full of blue flowers showed signs of becoming uncontrolled. The connection
between her and them became increasingly weak. Pia pia pia! The sounds that were so
weak they were almost indiscernible landed in her ears but were akin to lightning on a
clear day. Seven blue flowers cut off their connection to her consciousness!

Her complexion suddenly became white!

From the day she first cultivated [Blue Flower], these beautiful blue flowers were like
her closest friends, and were connected with her in her mind. She played with them, told
them her innermost thoughts. She had never encountered any problems on the complex
yao arts recorded on [Blue Flower] because her friends would help her.

It was the first time that she had encountered the blue flowers cutting their connections
to her.

Why was it like this?

Qinghua Xue had a bewildered expression. She did not know what to do about this
sudden change.

Amidst her bewildered eyes, that strange straight blade that was shrouded in the fiery
flame sliced from top to bottom!
This blow was unusually slow, so slow that Qinghua Xue could see it clearly.

When the strange blade started to move downwards, the surrounding flame seemed to
have been pushed by an invisible power and quickly left the blade. It broke into countless
tiny flames that shot off towards the sides. Qinghua Xue seemed to have a feeling that this
blade had sliced a ball of flame into a rain of fire.

The entire space seemed to be ignited in this moment.

The bright flame spread through the entire space like a snowstorm of the winter. It was
so hot that waves of heat which could melt steel rose and lifted up a sky full of fiery rain.
The sky suddenly became bright, wind and fire joining together. The power of the fiery rain

The wind and fire twisted and engulfed the blue flowers. The strange and cryptic blue
flowers disappeared in the air like bubbles popping.

With the destruction of each blue flower, Qinghua Xue’s face became a fraction paler. She


When the last blue flower was destroyed, Qinghua Xue’s face was as pale as paper. The
light inside the amber eyes disappeared. Everything in her vision quickly became blurry.

At this moment, a deep voice could be heard through the roaring of flame and wind.

“Midday Blade Strike!”


The yao and the mo that were fighting fiercely suddenly separated and stopped. They
raised their heads at the same time to look at the void above their head.

Pu Yao’s expression was uncertain. The female warrior had a joyous expression.

Pu Yao suddenly spoke, “Your entire life was ruined by that suit of armor, are you
going to ruin him as well?”

The joy on the female warrior’s face stilled, and gradually dissipated. She seemed to
think of something. Pain floated on her face. She held the enormous claw and stood
woodenly. The expression on her face continued to change, sometimes joyful, sometimes
Pu Yao did not speak, and only looked silently at her.


Hot! So hot!

Zuo Mo felt as though his entire body was burning. His blood, flesh, and bones were like
dry timber that were being furiously swallowed by a crimson flame. His eyes were
completely red, the colour of red-hot steel!

He did not know that a clear flame had appeared above his head. This clear flame was
silent, but the outer flame had faint rainbow patterns.

This flame quickly spread along Zuo Mo’s body.

The moment the flame appeared out of Zuo Mo’s body, the wooden A Gui suddenly raised
her head, and a deep purple light lit up in the deepest part of the dull and unfocused eyes.
Lil’ Fire who had been sleeping in her arms seemed to smell something delicious and woke
up from its dreams.


“I had originally thought Daren was dead,” Pu Yao stared at the female warrior and
slowly spoke.

“To swear my oath! To abide by my ceremony!” An extremely scornful expression came

onto Pu Yao’s face. “Something so inflexible and trite, it is a miracle that it managed to
pass down!”

The female warrior stood silently.

“It was this thing!” Pu Yao’s voice suddenly became high and filled with fury. “It ruined
Daren’s entire life! Ruined the entire corps. Everyone was originally able to survive!”

The female warrior bit her lips, her black eyes filled with pain.

“Daren said right before death that she wanted me to guard it, so it will not land in
the hands of xiuzhe.” Pu Yao’s tone was low. “I consented. I stood guard for three
thousand years, it did not land in the hands of xiuzhe. I hated it, wanted to destroy it. I
once thought the day that I managed to escape, I will throw this damned thing into the
rivers of hell.”

“The time in the Yao Subduing Tower was really arduous to get through.” Pu Yao had
a reminiscing expression. “If I had not promised Daren, I would not have made it
through. I could not destroy it, so I had to endure. Being punished by lightning daily
was nothing, what is most terrifying is to have no one to talk to, so I started to talk to it.
Later, I did not hate it anymore. It is a inflexible idiot. There is no meaning in hating an

“However, Daren,” Pu Yao suddenly lifted his head and stared directly at the female
warrior, “are you going to ruin Zuo Mo as well.”

The female warrior was silent.

“He is my student,” Pu Yao said calmly. The black robe on his body seemed to flap in the
wind, his black hair like countless snakes dancing. In the dark red bloody eye, the eerie red
light slowly started to spin. His tone was as calm as usual. “To follow Daren in the past, I
did not complete my Teacher’s final wish. Daren, instead I fulfilled my promise to you. I
cannot finish Teacher’s last wish, but I cannot let Teacher’s line of succession break in
my hands. Zuo Mo is my student. Daren, if you are going to put this ball and chain on
my student’s body, please do so after stepping over my corpse.”

The cold voice landed in the sea of consciousness. Black flames came out of the ground
and turned to curving snakes of fire that gathered from all directions below Pu Yao’s feet.


Ming Jue Zi suddenly raised his head, his pupils shrinking. He stared at the prison
battlefield. Beside him, Su Wei’s expression changed as well.

Covered in the formation, the prison battlefield lit up with a dark red light. This patch of
red light was massive and almost covered the entire prison battlefield. Ming Jue Zi and Su
Wei exchanged a lot, and found shock in each other’s eyes.

“Such powerful fire yao arts!” Su Wei was frazzled.

Due to the formations outside the prison battlefield, the presence that leaked out was not
strong. However, the pure fire contained in this thread of presence made every spectator
change their expression.
“Fire yao art … …” Ming Jue Zi murmured soullessly. His expression was very strange,
his eyes shocked and puzzled. He paid far more attention to Xiao Mo Ge than Su Wei did,
and knew much more information than Su Wei.

The strange Wasteland Beast Chessboard, the strange yao art problems, the strange yao
art cages, adding on fire yao arts now … …

How many yao arts did Xiao Mo Ge really know?

He was so young, how had he cultivated?

Everything that Ming Jue Zi thought was common knowledge seemed to be completely
upended by this mystery person.

Who was he?


Yu Zi Zhou raised his head to look at the sky filled with red light in the prison battlefield.
His expression became serious. He had regretted being late and to not have been the first to
challenge Xiao Mo Ge. Before today, Xiao Mo Ge was just a dancing clown in his eyes. If it
was not for Miss Ji Li Yu, he definitely would not waste time on such a minor character.

But such powerful yao fire arts!

He had just finished registering with Hong and was at the edge of the prison battlefield.
The pure fire yao art presence spilling out of the prison battlefield shocked him.

“Hong, send one in.”

A deep voice came from inside the prison battlefield. The speaker seemed to be
suppressing something.

“Alright, Daren.” Hong seemed to wake up from a dream, turning to Yu Ji Zhou and
saying, “Mister, you may enter.”

Yu Zi focused his attention. He did not dare to slack off, his consciousness at full power as
he stepped forward with a grave expression.

The scenery in front of him changed.

The surroundings were bright red as though he was submerged in molten metal.
Invisible heat waves blew against him. His expression changed. Such strong fire yao art! He
had to channel his powers to withstand these terrifying heat waves. His expression became
even more grave.

As one of the Jade Clan, he was not afraid of fire. However, he was forced to use his
powers to just stay here up so he recognized how powerful it was.


Zuo Mo stared with blood red eyes at Yu Zi Zhou in front of him. His entire body was
inside a golden flame. The pain of burning tore at his nerves.

He could clearly feel the pure flame slowly permeating his consciousness. His
consciousness seemed to shun these flames. Yet the golden flames were domineering and
forcibly permeated his consciousness thread by thread.

What was this thing?

He gritted his teeth and bore the pain. The rich and tyrannical power occupied his entire
body and the pain was like thousands of ants chewing on his body, especially his palms and

Zuo Mo had to focus his attention on the enemy in front of him. This way, it seemed that
the pain he felt would lessen.

He gathered all the strength in his body, and the Midday Blade in his hand viciously
struck at Yu Zi Zhou!

Midday Blade Strike!

The sky was full of wind and fire that howled as it shot at Yu Zi Zhou!

Yu Zi Zhou’s expression changed slightly. With a cold snort, his left leg shifted back
slightly, his hands made a shape as they were holding a large ball, and drew a perfect circle
with ease in front of his chest.

If Su Wei and the others saw this scene, they would have exclaimed, the ultimate
defensive technique of Yu Zi Zhou—[Interconnected Jade Rings]!

An ultimate move right at the start! Without time to think, Yu Zi Zhou instinctively used
the strongest defensive yao art he could do!

One created two, two created four … …

In a flash, rings of light covered Yu Zi Zhou.

Pew pew pew!

The storm of fire hit the rings of light, and both were destroyed. Rains of fire
continuously landed on the rings of light, and rings of light were continuously destroyed.
But the number of light rings did not lessen. Instead they increased, and became more

Zuo Mo felt there was an unstoppable flood inside his body that spread along his left
hand and was going to burst from his left palm.

He did not even think before slamming his palm towards the thick rings of light.

Translator Ramblings: We finally get to learn what really happened to Pu Yao, but Zuo
Mo still is ignorant as he goes on berserk rage. I’m not sure what is going on with Qinghua
Xue’s flowers but she seems to have only done as much as what the flowers told her so she
had nothing left after Zuo Mo destroyed the flowers. She had no cards in the back of her
hand like Zuo Mo does with the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art.
Chapter 383
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and Brian.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Three – You Should Die!

This palm struck the rings directly.

The Day Script on the center of Zuo Mo’s palm suddenly lit up. A vast and scorching
power burst forth from the center of his palm. This power was extremely strange. It did not
blow away the rings of light, instead like a tiger reaching out with its head from the cage, it
bit and held its prey.

The sea of light rings were securely latched onto by Zuo Mo’s left palm.

The Day Script continuously released golden yellow light that corroded the rings of light.
A golden boundary rippled through the rings of light as it moved towards the center of the

Yu Zi Zhou’s expression changed greatly. He felt a tyrannical presence corroding his

Interconnected Jade Rings at an astounding speed!

What … … what was this? It was the first time he had encountered such a strange yao art!

This domineering power spread so quickly it almost exceeded Yu Zi Zhou’s imagination.

He had just managed to gather all of his consciousness, and his vision already turned to a
golden yellow ocean. Yu Zi Zhou had never thought he would ever be pushed to such a
sorry state one day. No, such a hopeless situation! This was only the second move the other
had used. The second move, and it forced him to such a state!

A dancing clown … …

He suddenly thought of this phrase. A feeling of humiliation like never before instantly
rushed every inch of his nerves.

How could a person as proud as him be defeated in two moves by a person he thought of
as a dancing clown?

How could he!

Yu Zi Zhou glared. The elegance and relaxed face was now unusually twisted. Deep pride
was mixed with unprecedented humiliation. He was like a gambler that had lost it all, and
went all in with his life!
All of his consciousness and his strength was channeled into his arms. He held his arms
as though he was embracing the oncoming golden light and slowly pushed forward like he
was pushing a mountain. His face trembled fiercely and showed signs of instability.

“Jade … …”

Gritting through his teeth, Yu Zi Zhou slowly spoke while visibly trembling. Every part of
his body was trembling. The two curved arms he held in front of his chest slowly moved
forward amidst this shuddering. Every fraction he pushed forward, the vibrations in the
space around him increased by a fraction.

“Born … …”

Just as the “born” was squeezed from his mouth, the golden light had spread to the last
ring of light in front of Yu Zi Zhou.

The golden light collided with Yu Zi Zhou’s arms without any finesse. Yu Zi Zhou’s body
froze and his pupils suddenly expanded.

Pia! Yu Zi Zhou’s palms popped!

Pia! The wrists exploded!

Pia! The forearms exploded!

Pia pia pia … …

After a string of noises like popcorn popping, the explosions spread along Yu Zi Zhou’s
arms to his body. Yu Zi Zhou’s eyes were enormously wide. He looked in disbelief as his
body exploded inch by inch.

An unwilling wail suddenly was stopped.

There was a dazzling golden ball of light that covered Zuo Mo’s left palm that was like a
sun. He maintained his striking pose motionlessly. All the flames over his body suddenly
burrowed into his body.

The red light faded from his crimson eyes and revealed golden yellow pupils.

The golden yellow pupils were indifferent like that of a deity gazing down on ants, but
the expression of pain on his face did not fade but increased. The indifferent gaze
contrasted with the pained and twisted expression forming an extremely strange image.
The Midday Blade in his right hand was trembling. The golden ball of light on the left palm
dissipated, and the Sun Script at the center of the palm faded.

“Hong, let another one in!”

The hoarse and deep voice contained threads of insanity as it came out of the formation.


“What Little Pu Pu has said is very wise!” The female warrior suddenly raised her head
and looked smilingly at Pu Yao. She nodded heavily and said, “This stupid armor really
shouldn’t be passed down any more.”

The gravestone shook fiercely as though it was very discontent with the female warrior’s
words. The roiling black clouds looked as they were going to burst out.

“Shut up!” The female warrior’s expression cooled. She raised the enormous claw in one
hand and heavily smashed it down on the gravestone. With a clang, the earth shook. The
shaking gravestone froze. From the point it was smashed, a web of cracks snaked out.

Crack-woosh, a pile of broken rock fell off the gravestone. The black clouds that had just
came out of the gravestone seemed to be hit with a body paralysis curse, and froze in the

Such … … such a powerful blow!

His presence almost at his peak, Pu Yao’s eyelids jumped. Pia pia pia, the black flames
that had burrowed under his feet suddenly exploded simultaneously, and he was covered
by a burst of black smoke. “Cough cough cough!” Pu Yao’s coughing passed out of the black
smoke. When the black smoke dissipated, Pu Yao was singed and covered with ash.

He looked with unfriendliness at the female warrior.

The female warrior gave Pu Yao a flirtatious glance as though nothing had happened. She
turned her face and when she looked at the gravestone, her tone was cold. “Clean it up.”

The gravestone shook. Woosh, the broken pieces that had broken off seemed to grow
legs and climb into the place that had been smashed. Piece by piece, they went back to their
original spot. In a blink, the gravestone seemed to be untouched again except for the web of
cracks extending from the top of the gravestone.

The power was just as terrifying as it had been in the past … …

Pu Yao glanced at the female warrior and sat down. There were too much to consider
about everything that had happened today. Hadn’t Daren died? How could she become
alive again?

Death could not be reversed. This had no connection to cultivation.

Unless Daren did not die!

If Daren had not died in the past, then there were too many possibilities in this … …
Golden Soul? That was very possible!

So Daren hadn’t died then … …

Wait a moment!

Pu Yao’s head was lowered. His bloody pupil unconsciously narrowed into icicles.

Daren died in his arms. Even if it had been three thousand years, he still remembered
that scene clearly! He was familiar with Daren, her personality, her temper, he was familiar
with everything!

The Daren in front of him was so familiar, as familiar as she was three thousand years

But … … Daren had died … … she had really died … …

There seemed to be a silent sigh in the cold pupil. The pain seemed to have been washed
away by time, so faint there was almost no trace, but … …

Pu Yao suddenly raised his head.

“Daren is already dead.”

The female warrior furrowed her brow and was slightly discontent.

Pu Yao seemed to not see it, and said to himself in a light voice, “Daren is dead, both her
soul and body destroyed, there was nothing left.” His right hand came out of its wide
sleeve and spread its fingers, feeling the air rush past them.

He looked directly at the female warrior and said calmly, “I know it, Daren died.”

The blood red pupil was so cold there was not a shred of warmth. He raised his hand, and
a black flame jumped in his hand. His black hair started to dance again, and the silk-like
black clothing moved despite the lack of wind.

The entire sea of consciousness seemed to slow down. Gradually, only one rhythm could
be heard, only one sound.

Dong dong … … dong dong … … dong dong … …

The female warrior’s expression changed slightly. Her eyes locked onto the thread of
black yao fire on Pu Yao’s hands. The strange rhythm in the space was the exact same as the
rhythmic flickering flame on Pu Yao’s hand.
“The Golden Soul really is a good thing. It seems you’ve recovered a fair bit.” Pu Yao’s
expression was indifferent. The bottomless crimson pupil slowly revolved and a scornful
smile that was as cold and sharp as a knife’s edge suddenly jerked at the corner of his
mouth. “You also recovered your usual idiocy.”

The female warrior suddenly spoke. But the voice changed from the sweetness and
flirtatiousness of just now and became as simple and wizened as an old person. “How did
you find out?”

Before the sound landed, the female warrior’s body collapsed into fine black powder. The
black dust danced and gathered in the air to turn into a ball of black smoke. Inside the black
smoke, the figure of a male was discernable.

“You want me to tell you how idiotic you are? Ha!” The scorn on Pu Yao’s face grew.
“Tsk tsk, three thousand years, you finally showed your face, it really wasn’t easy.”

“Haven’t you wanted to force me out all along?” The male inside the black smoke
glanced at the black fire on Pu Yao’s hands. He said in a deep voice, “I think we need to
have a good discussion.”

“Discussion?” Pu Yao raised an eyebrow ambiguously. He took away the black fire in his
hand and said unconcernedly. “Fine, discuss! Who are you?”

“Gravestone armor, called Protection, you can call me Wei.” The black smoke covering
his body disappeared, and revealed Wei’s true appearance. He was wearing a body of black
armor and seemed to have great bearing. His brow was straight and his eyes bright, he
seemed full of righteousness. He was not as old as his voice seemed, and he bowed towards
Pu Yao respectfully.

“Wei? Oh, not a bad name.” Pu Yao narrowed his eye.

“Due to the previous owner, your heart is filled with hatred towards me. I am able to
understand this,” Wei slowly said. His voice was calm and neutral. It had a power that
reached straight into the heart. “What she protected seemed to be idiocy to you but her
resolve to protect was the source of her power.”

Pu Yao smirked coldly. “Tsk tsk, so high-sounding!”

Wei’s gaze looked into the distance as he was reminiscing on something. His voice
became distant. “Every soul has something they are willing to give their life for.” His
gaze came back and looked at Pu Yao. “Isn’t it also the same for you?”

Pu Yao still had a cold smirk. “Don’t spout these little pretenses in front of me.”

“Alright, you say.” Wei did not argue, nodding and saying without hesitation.
“I say?” Pu Yao narrowed his eye that was like a bloody red blade. He said lightly, “I say
… … you should die!”

Wei’s expression changed greatly. His figure turned to rolls of black smoke and flew
towards the gravestone.


Black flames sprouted from under the gravestone and completely enveloped the

Wei hurriedly stopped his body. He seemed to be extremely wary of this kind of black

“You should die!” Pu Yao stalked towards Pu Yao, a jumping flame being held in the air
above his hand. The beautiful and dark face was filled with murderousness, his voice so
cold there was no thread of warmth. “For pretending to be her, you should die!”

“Pu, you cannot kill me.” Wei stared at Pu Yao with a calm expression.

“I know.” The murderousness on Pu Yao’s face suddenly disappeared and he said with a
strange and dark smile, “However, after three thousand years, how can I not have spent
any of my thoughts on you?”

Wei’s expression really changed this time.

A dazzling light lit up on Pu Yao’s hands and illuminated the entire sea of consciousness!

Translator Ramblings: Lies, lies, lies all around! Well, Pu Yao’s grief is real but he didn’t
let it stop himself from thinking clearly. Also, I know a lot of you were excited about the
female character but Fang Xiang has made this person male. It’s not going to be a fake
Chapter 384
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and Brian.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eight Four – New Tenant

Zuo Mo seemed to have an extremely long dream, a dream of red and gold. A world full of
flame, dazzling, golden light filled the entire dream. But he could not remember what

Opening his eyes, pia, a warm and soft bubble-like thing smashed into his embrace.

Zuo Mo lowered his head. He saw a golden yellow body frolicking in his arms.

This was … …

“Lil’ Fire?”

Zuo Mo’s expression instantly became slightly strange. He gripped the little golden guy
and raised it up. Lil’ Fire seemed to be recalling a certain painful memory. Its soft body
suddenly froze. A moment later, it chirped weakly and looked at Zuo Mo.

It really was Lil’ Fire! Zuo Mo’s gaze relaxed and then he became curious. How did this
guy become like this? The body which had originally been red was now golden red, and his
figure had shrunk a few fractions.

“How did you become this?” Zuo Mo asked curiously. Lil’ Fire hurriedly chirped but Zuo
Mo couldn’t understand one sound at all. Zuo Mo ignored it, and squeezed around as he
muttered, “Forgot where the spot is … …”

The chirping suddenly stopped. Pew, a golden red flame shot out of Lil’ Fire’s body.

Lil’ Fire’s expression was full of sorrow.

“Ha, found it! Ooh ooh, it’s good that you are normal, normal.” Zuo Mo relaxed his

When Lil’ Fire left the demonic hands, it shot into A Gui’s embrace and chirped
sorrowfully as it rolled in search of comfort.

A Gui was still just as usual. Zuo Mo sighed inside. He didn’t know when they would
reach Cloud Sea Jie. He walked next to A Gui, and inspected A Gui’s body again. An
uncontrollable expression of joy appeared on his face.
The strange purple light seemed to have grown stronger. Even though he did not know
what the purple light was, Zuo Mo knew it was of great benefit to A Gui. The first time he
had encountered an unconscious A Gui, he had discovered the attributes of this purple

The purple energy showed signs of growth. This was a good thing. Zuo Mo’s mood
instantly became much lighter. Oh, what should he be doing right now? Zuo Mo furrowed
his brow. He felt slightly strange. How could he not have anything to do?


That wasn’t right! His gaze focused. He remembered, the battle stage at Wasteland Beast
Chessboard! The memories were like a flood that burst through the dam. He thought of
more and more matters. That was right! Wasteland Beast Chessboard! Stage!

But … …

Why couldn’t he remember what happened?

What had happened?

His expression became grave. He knew that something had definitely happened, but no
matter how hard he tried, he could not recall anything. After thinking for a few moments,
he entered the sea of consciousness. Pu Yao definitely would know.

Entering the sea of consciousness, Zuo Mo couldn’t help but make a sound of surprise.
The sea of consciousness seemed to have changed. However, he was not in the mood to
examine the sea of consciousness at this time. He sprinted directly in the direction of Pu
Yao’s location.

Zuo Mo stopped his feet and gaped as he looked at Pu Yao.

There was another person standing beside Pu Yao!

After gaping for a moment, Zuo Mo suddenly became enraged. He shot forward a step,
pointed at Pu Yao and started to scold, “You lazy glutton, ge tolerated you even though
you don’t pay rent, now you bring another person in? You really think of ge’s sea of
consciousness as a free residence? Ah-ha! Didn’t even inform me, you really think this
is your home?”

Pu Yao who had been full of pride suddenly froze.

“I- I- I … …”

“I, what I? Do you know whose territory this is? This is ge’s sea of consciousness!
You’re great, you don’t even have one piece of jingshi, and you have your nose pointing
at the sky all day? Ge found you an eyesore a long time ago, you really think you are a
benefit to ge? Ah-humph! Now you even took a subordinate in?”

“He- he- he … …”

“He, what he? Little Pu Pu, you disappoint ge greatly. Thinking back to the past at
Wu Kong Mountain, even with that powerful formation from the paper crane woman,
ge’s heart was like granite and did not waver at all! You meet just one male beauty,
and you surrendered! Do you know why you are an old antique, but ge is the Little Mo
ge that dominates the word? Let me tell you, there is a difference between people and

Pu Yao was completely stunned by Zuo Mo’s barrage of scolding.

After Zuo Mo finished ranting, he felt extremely comfortable, and very satisfied,
especially when he saw Pu Yao’s stupefaction. A feeling of victory rose. A cold snort coming
out of his nose, he raised his face and glanced at the male beside Pu Yao. “Who are you?”

“I am Wei, greetings to you.” The other stood and bowed to Zuo Mo.

Wei’s motions were relaxed and his expression serious. It caused people to feel his

However, Zuo Mo did not fall for this. He crisply shook his head. “Wei? Never heard of
you.” Not waiting for Wei to speak, he continued, “I don’t care where you came from. But
let’s talk about the problem of rent.”

“Very rational. Please continue.” Wei did not argue and cleanly nodded.

“Ha! I like brisk people!” Zuo Mo smiled. “Very simple and to the point. Ooh, you can
use all kinds of valuable things as rent. Like spells, yao arts, jingshi, rare materials,
they all work.”

Wei said, “I have a set of dhyana xiu [Attainment Golden Body], is this acceptable?”

“[Attainment Golden Body]? Dhyana xiu?” Zuo Mo thought and then said, “Don’t use
trash to fool me!”

“You can test it out first.” Wei handed over a ball of light with a calm expression.

Zuo Mo showed a satisfied expression. This guy really knew how to get with the
program. Taking in the ball of light, a set of spells flowed like water across his mind. After
musing over it, he couldn’t help but show an abnormal expression.

A sixth-grade spell!

What was the origin of this guy? A sixth-grade spell just to start?
Zuo Mo refocused and raised his eyebrows. “Oh, not bad! This can be your yearly rent!”
He then twisted his mouth at Pu Yao. “Pu, learn from this, look how proactive this person

“Your praise is Wei’s honor!” Wei bowed towards Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo did not even look at Pu Yao’s pot black face and left with bravado.

Pu Yao’s expression was unfriendly. The shadowed bloody pupil stared with coldness at

Wei calmly met Pu Yao’s gaze. “As per our agreement, I did not pass him a mo skill.”

“Remember your situation. Do not try to infuriate me.” Pu Yao’s bloody pupil
narrowed as he coldly spoke, “I’ve sealed your wretched stele. I cannot destroy it, hee
hee, but if you anger me, you can think of the consequences.”

“You do not need to threaten me.” Wei was not afraid, “I’ve never betrayed my oath.”

“Tsk tsk, so honourable! So honourable that you had to pretend to be Daren?”

“The oath is will. Actions that do not betray the will are weapons; there is no right or


“My will!”

Zuo Mo’s mood was even better now that he received a sixth-grade spell. He had guessed
Wei’s identity at the start because he noticed the light of the seal on the gravestone. Even
though Pu Yao was usually very arrogant, he could not casually bring other souls into Zuo
Mo’s sea of consciousness. In the past, even Pu Yao had caused a great disturbance when he
had entered the sea of consciousness. How could another person arrive in the sea of
consciousness without Zuo Mo detecting it?

Even more, he noticed that Pu Yao’s attitude towards Wei was unfriendly, but there were
no further actions. Thinking about the ancient voice back when Pu Yao had entered his sea
of consciousness, the answer was obvious.

He had originally planned on squeezing out a small sum, but Wei’s offering was much
more than he had imagined. A sixth-grade spell to start with, ha, this was very profitable!

Zuo Mo was filled with smugness.

Even though [Attainment Golden Body] was a dhyana xiu spell, but it still held great
value as a reference for him. Also, he had a dhyana xiu subordinate. Wasn’t Zong Ru just
lacking a good dhyana xiu spell? Zong Ru was from an unorthodox background but he was
still able to form an abnhinna. If this sixth-grade dhyana xiu spell was added, he could
definitely go up another level.

In a good mood, Zuo Mo did not forget what was most urgent at this moment. There
wasn’t enough time to carefully inspect the good thing in his hand, he hurried towards the
Wasteland Beast Chessboard.

What had happened with the stage in the prison battlefield? He was very curious and
bewildered. What had happened? Why could he not remember anything at all? He had been
too worked up just now and forgotten to ask Pu Yao. However, since he was going to the
Wasteland Beast Chessboard, it would be the same if he asked Nan Yue and Cang Ze. They
would definitely know.

When Zuo Mo came to the prison battlefield, he couldn’t help but pause.

The prison battlefield was extremely unpopulated with only a few figures about. Even
though he did not remember what happened, but he clearly remembered the crowds of yao
that had surrounded the prison battlefield that day.

His heart suddenly jumped. Had he gone out of business?

When the figures that were wandering around the prison battlefield saw Zuo Mo, all of
their expressions changed. They looked as though they were seeing a ghost. Their gazes
were filled with terror and fear.

Zuo Mo was puzzled. What was with this group of people? Did he have something
frightening on his body?

It shouldn’t be so!

He remembered that these people in the past had looked at him as though they were
drooling dogs seeing meat buns. Why was it that now they looked as though they were
mice that had seen a cat?

Was it … … something had happened that day? The bewilderment inside grew. He
wanted to call a yao and ask for clarification. But when this yao saw Zuo Mo reach out, his
face suddenly paled, his gaze unfocused, and he disappeared in a flash of white light.

This this this … …

Zuo Mo was stunned where he stood. He had never thought there would be a day that he
could frighten a yao straight out of the Ten Finger Prison.

A moment later, he refocused. Moving his feet, he walked into the prison battlefield.
The formations on the outside had not changed compared to the past day. It was only
when he went into the stage area that he saw Cang Ze. In the enormous stage age, Cang Ze
sat alone.

“Daren!” Cang Ze saw Zuo Mo and joyfully ran over.

“Oh,” he made a sound in response. He then looked at the surroundings, and asked with a
frown, “What happened here? Where’s Nan Yue?”

“Nan Yue went to cultivate. We’ve been taking turns waiting for Daren.” Cang Ze saw
Zuo Mo’s expression was unfriendly and hurriedly said, “This place … … this place … …” At
this moment, he could not find the words to describe and was stuck.

“We lost?” Zuo Mo asked.

Cang Ze swallowed and shook his head. “No.”

“Then why haven’t people come?” Zuo Mo asked curiously.

“Daren, you do not remember?” Cang Ze carefully asked.

“Don’t remember.” Zuo Mo shook his head. “I was just going to ask you what
happened that day?”

The sound of Cang Ze swallowing became louder. His gaze was full of respect, and his
expression even had threads of terror. “That day … … that day, Daren successively killed
twenty six yao! As a result … … result … … all … … all the yao that registered ran away
in fear!”

Thinking about the scene that day, Cang Ze’s body uncontrollably shook.

“Successively killed twenty six yao … …”

Zuo Mo was stunned.

Translator Ramblings: I’ve finished moving and its getting busy now that I’m settled in
and everything has started. Some of you probably noticed that I haven’t been responding to
comments as frequently and correcting the minor typos. I do see them, and thank you for
pointing them out but these days, translating a chapter is about as much as I can get during
the weekdays and I make up for the rest during the weekends.

Zuo Mo’s now a landlord of two old and knowledgeable spirits.

Chapter 385
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Five – The Fame of a Brute

“Yes, Daren.” Cang Ze’s respectful voice carried great passion. Before when Zuo Mo had
decided to set up the battle stage, he had felt it was absurd. But now, in his mind, Daren was
like a deity, undefeated and with immeasurable power.

He had a feeling that Daren, even being so young, would definitely leave his name in the
annals of yao history. This feeling was so strong that he had even spoke of it to the clan
elders in the hopes that they could provide more aid to Daren.

In the beginning the clan elders did not believe him, but after the yao art recordings
started appearing, they subdued the doubts of the elders. These yao art recordings were
made by those that had challenged Xiao Mo Ge and had recorded the entire process of their
battles with Xiao Mo Ge.

Twenty six challengers, and there were nine yao art recordings that had been publicized.

Of the twenty six challengers, the most famous was Yu Zi Zhou. The most accomplished
genius of the Jade Clan’s new generation, he once had the chance to enter the Elder’s
Council of the Genius Alliance. However, in order to concentrate on cultivation, he had
refused Ming Yue Ye’s invitation. The Jade Clan was not a large one, but it had a long history
that stretched back into the prehistoric era.

When Yu Zi Zhou appeared on the Wasteland Beast Chessboard prison battlefield,

everyone had thought that the battle had lost meaning. No yao in the yao world did not
know that Yu Zi Zhou was pursuing Ji Li Yu. He was also publicly recognized as the one
most likely to receive Ji Li Yu’s favor.

But no one had thought that Xiao Mo Ge was so powerful he defeated Yu Zi Zhou in an

What happened after that seemed to challenge the limits of the spectator’s imaginations.

Xiao Mo Ge was like a terrifying monster that did not know exhaustion. Any enemy
standing in front of him would be crushed in an instant.

One person, then another, and another … …

Other than the first mysterious challenger no challenger was able to resist for five
breaths, not even Yu Zi Zhou. Among them were genius youths, like Yu Zi Zhou, those that
were experienced in death, and there were even two combat yao from the military. There
were also five supervisors from the Genius Alliance.

Such a grand line up, it was possible to make a powerful offensive yao troop at the front

However, in front of Xiao Mo Ge, they were cut up and diced like vegetables! In the third
prison and above, there was a rumor that was going around: all the yao that failed in their
challenge, including Yu Zi Zhou, had serious consciousness wounds and they had to seek
healing. There were a few that had even more terrible situations. Other than wounds, this
battle had left a great shadow in their hearts. It was possible that they would not progress
anymore in their life.

Xiao Mo Ge became famed after this battle!

His fame as a brute was unparalleled at this time!


“Have you found what yao art this is?” Su Wei crowded over and asked curiously.

Ming Jue Zi shook his head. “No.”

His gaze once again landed on Xiao Mo Ge inside the yao recording art, and he was
extremely puzzled. The body was covered in flame, the golden yellow light, the full suit of
armor, a shield on the left and a blade on the right, the transparent golden wings, the
golden claws, this extremely strange attire was recorded in all nine yao recording arts.
What caused the greatest fear were those golden eyes made of crimson flame, they were so
cold like there was no emotion. This indifference was the antithesis to his savageness and
bloodthirstiness in combat. He was like a wild beast that only knew how to kill.

All of the enemies were like weak prey and were torn into pieces under his sharp claws.

“Even you were not able to find anything?” Su Wei really was surprised this time. Ming
Jue Zi’s power was not enough to bring him fame, but in terms of breadth of knowledge,
few could trump over him. He was familiar with all kinds of secret histories and
information that were not widely known. He even was well-studied in the yao history
before the thousand year war.

“En.” Ming Jue Zi did not move his gaze away. He stared at the yao art recording. A
moment later, he spoke, “I have a feeling this may not be a yao art.”
“Not a yao art?” Su Wei paused. He then shook his head like a rattle drum. “Impossible?
If it is not a yao art, what is it?”

Ming Jue Zi was silent for a moment. “It looks a bit like a mo skill.”

“Mo skill?” Su Wei’s gaze instantly became strange. “Brother, you have a fever! Mo
skill? Mo skill appearing in the Ten Finger Prison? Other than yao arts, there is nothing
else that can appear in the Ten Finger Prison.”

“I don’t know either.” Ming Jue Zi spread his hands. “But I really feel it does not look
like a yao art.”

Su Wei said in a deep voice, “Don’t be impatient. We can slowly search, there is
definitely someone who will recognize it.”

“We can only do this.” Ming Jue Zi could only nod. He suddenly thought of something,
and said seriously, “Don’t involve yourself in this mess. This Xiao Mo Ge is very savage.”

“No no!” Su Wei said without hesitation. “I don’t want to find death! This guy can be
seen to be one that treats yao lives like grass. In his hands, if it is not death, it is serious
injury! A bloodthirsty murderer! This guy really is a bloodthirsty murderer! Look at
the two people from the military, didn’t they get end up killed with a stroke?”

The two yao did not have good expressions. They repeated watched the nine yao art
recordings. That brute that was like a demonic god was deeply imprinted in their minds.


“How can the Great Day mo physique appear in the Ten Finger Prison?” Pu Yao stared
at Wei and asked. This was a question that had lingered in his mind.

Wei sat with his legs crossed, arms against his legs, his hands dangling off his knees. His
gaze was like the sea. “The Great Day mo physique is an extremely rare mo physique.
Only a few know its origins.”

“Origins?” Pu Yao raised his eyelid. “I have never heard that mo physiques had

Wei smiled and did not refute. He only said, “In prehistoric times, there were no
divisions between xiuzhe, yao, and mo. The cultivation at that time was not as complex
as it was now. Actually, the cultivators of that time cultivated everything. The
cultivation method of that time was very heterogeneous, varied. Mo physiques existed
very early on but not many would know that the creator of the mo physique cultivation
method, according to today’s categories, was more like yao.”

“Ha! You say that mo physiques are actually created by a yao?” Pu Yao seemed to
have heard the best joke.

“Yes.” Wei did not argue and said, “When he found at that time the technique he was
cultivating was unsupportable without a powerful body, he had to spend large
amounts of time on body cultivation. He scorned the mainstream body cultivation
methods of that time for being too slow so he created the mo physique cultivation

Pu Yao did not speak. He realized this fake gentleman was not speaking nonsense. The
mo physique cultivation method was really efficient, but the process of cultivation was
truly dangerous. Pu Yao had great breadth of knowledge. He knew very well that there
were all kinds of divisions in history. It looked as though it was due to chance, but under
the surface, one would find that there were all kinds of inevitable occurrences. There were
historical requirements to the developments.”

“At the time, he was not the only one developing a mo physique cultivation method
but his results were the most obvious. The Great Day mo physique was his greatest
work. The mo physiques did not have such great variety as they do now, and the Great
Day mo physique was the peak of all mo physiques at that time. What this elder was
most skilled in was still yao arts, so in developing the cultivation method of the Great
Day mo physique, he drew inspiration from yao arts. The Great Day mo physique is the
mo physique that most closely resembles yao arts. In today’s terms, the Great Day mo
physique emphasizes the use of spiritual power.”

Wei continued on, his presence forming naturally.

Pu Yao did not answer. He pondered with his head down and then said with realization,
“So that’s why.” He was a genius to start with, a weirdo with the name of the Encyclopedia
of Yao Arts. After continuous battle, the number of spells and mo skills that he had won and
collected could not be counted. He was very knowledgeable. There were parts he did not
understand before but now that Wei spoke a bit about it, it was enough for him to clearly
see the crux of the matter.

“The guy that thought of this method is really a genius!” Pu Yao praised. He seemed to
have a new idea and said to himself, “Maybe this can be tried out?”

Wei’s expression was calm, but a shiver flashed through his mind. Being enemies with Pu
Yao, he directly felt the immeasurable nature of this guy. Pu Yao’s mind was sharp,
sensitive, reacted extremely quickly, vicious and decisive, especially the insanity that came
from his bones, that insanity that would destroy everything to reach his goal!

Such a terrifying enemy!

A wave rippled in Wei’s heart but he quickly resumed calmness. He looked openly at Pu
Yao without any trembling in his gaze.

The two had their own thoughts and it became silent.


Zuo Mo dazedly looked at Cang Ze, and gaped for a long moment. Successively killed
twenty six yao? He was joking! How could he be so ferocious? He was clear how much he
was worth. Even though he didn’t know names of the people that fell under his blade, but
military combat yao, high level supervisors of the Genius Alliance, and guys that could
enter the Elder Council of the Genius Alliance. Hearing Cang Ze heatedly narrate his results
with awe, Zuo Mo felt like he was being told a story.

What yao world joke?

That was the words that were echoing inside his mind the most, but when he saw Cang
Ze’s face which was so excited his lips were trembling, he felt that it was not pretense.

Had he really done it? Zuo Mo was full of suspicion and it was like he was listening to a

Okay, maybe it really was he that did it … …

Zuo Mo said to himself. Oh, let’s focus on something more practical. He raised his head
and asked, “How much did we make?”

Cang Ze that had been going on heatedly suddenly choked. His expression froze. In an
instant, the giant figure of Daren in his mind wavered. He seemed to feel his breath was
being choked at his throat.

Seeing Cang Ze’s expression, Zuo Mo instantly panicked, “Did we lose money?”

Cang Ze almost collapsed. Why … … why … …

In the legends, shouldn’t those great heroes treat gold like dirt?

The great battle god statue in Cang Ze’s mind collapsed.

“Da … … Daren, we earned … … earned thirty million … …” Cang Ze felt like he was a
server reporting to the manager of the store.
“This much?” Zuo Mo’s eyes suddenly widened and lit up. All the suspicions in his heart
instantly dissipated in front of true income.

How could the number of yao he defeated be as tangible as how much he made? Zuo Mo
wanted to roar with laughter!

Translator Ramblings: Belated reaction chapter. Pu Yao is back to his schemes again … …
Chapter 386
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Six – Cang Lin

“Daren, this is my cousin, Cang Lin. He has been to the third prison before. If Daren
has any questions, you can ask him,” Cang Ze said respectfully. There was a male yao
standing next to him with features similar to Cang Ze, but he looked slightly worn down.
Cang Lin also followed with a bow to Zuo Mo. His eyes were filled with respect and awe. In
the last few days, the brutish reputation of this mysterious daren had spread everywhere.

Zuo Mo looked at him and then suddenly made a sound of surprise. “You were

“Yes, Daren,” Cang Lin said in a hoarse voice. His voice was drier than Cang Ze and his
gaze dim. In the past, he had been the most talented of the younger generation of the sect.
Young and he was able to enter the third prison. He got into a conflict with someone else in
the third prison once and was wounded in combat that resulted long lasting damage to his
consciousness. He had not expected the other’s imprint to be extremely malicious. The
elders of the sect tried all they could but had no solutions.

Cang Ze had called him over this time because Zuo Mo had asked about the yao market
bounties. Of the younger generation of the clan, only Cang Lin had gone to the third prison.

“Let’s heal you first and then talk.” Zuo Mo beckoned with his hand at Cang Lin. “Come

Cang Lin stilled. Cang Ze reacted first, and said in a joyful and trembling voice, “Daren,
can you heal this kind of wound?”

He could not be blamed for his loss of composure. The glory of the Grey Clan had long
faded, and the Grey Clan was continuously declining. The greatest problem the Grey Clan
faced was that they had no able successors. Cang Lin had once been the hope of the Grey
Clan. In order to heal his wound, the clan had spent great sums. Cang Ze was the youth with
the greatest talent next to Cang Lin but if it was not for the [Grey Scar Art], it probably
would take him far more time to pass the first prison.

If Cang Lin’s wound could be healed, that meant the Grey Clan would have an able
assistance! So when Cang Ze heard that Zuo Mo was able to heal Cang Lin’s wounds, his
state could be described as overjoyed. Cang Lin was completely stunned, his mind blank.

He dumbly walked in front of Zuo Mo.


Just like normal, Zuo Mo’s spiritual power was like nimble tentacles that connected to
Cang Lin’s consciousness. The scenery in front of him changed. He seemed to be situated in
a patch of grey and blue mist that moved relentlessly. It was possible to see dozens of mist
streams that slowly flowed along specific paths.

Zuo Mo was shocked. The scene in front of him was so clear it was slightly outrageous.

His consciousness had improved again! Other than joy, Zuo Mo felt slightly puzzled. The
improvement of his consciousness seemed too fast recently , it seemed to improve at a rate
visible to the naked eye. He started to worry. Would this rate of increase have any

He needed to find a time to ask Pu Yao.

Suppressing the worry and shock inside, Zuo Mo started to seriously inspect Cang Lin’s
consciousness. He quickly found the cause of the problem. These blue streams were flowing
slowly, too slowly.

He closed his eyes, and the scenery inside the blue mist continuously appeared in front of

The slender flows were like rivers and streams. Some were thick, and others extremely
thin. They criss-crossed and did not interfere in certain places. Zuo Mo seemed to
understand. These slender flows were like the ling channels inside people’s bodies and
supported all of the consciousness.

At a place where the blue slender flows intersected was a blood-coloured vine covered in

This was it!

Zuo Mo narrowed his eyes. He was not skilled in healing and only understood a bit after
repeatedly inspecting A Gui’s body. Vitality, this intangible and ethereal substance was
something he could measure. From the beginning using the [Little Art of Cloud and Rain]
to inspecting A Gui’s body, he had gained a direct impression. In the prison-breaking battle
of Vast Water Clear Skies, facing the vast water breath filled with vitality, he had a new
understanding of vitality.

Seeing Cang Lin today, he detected that Cang Lin’s vitality was not flowing smoothly so
he had asked.

He examined it for a while longer and confirmed that the red thorny vine was the culprit
that disrupted the flow of the blue streams. He did not hesitate and started to deconstruct
it. In his eyes, the thorny vine was completely made from yao arts.
When he touched the red thorny vine, Zuo Mo couldn’t help but shiver.

An excited expression quickly came over. The construction of the red thorny vine was a
new structure he had never seen before. It was also more complex than the yao arts which
appeared in the Wasteland Beast Chessboard. From when they entered Vast Water Clear
Skies, Pu Yao had continuously emphasized deconstruction to Zuo Mo.

How many yao arts had Zuo Mo deconstructed up until now?

He himself could not remember it but deconstructing yao arts almost had become a kind
of instinct. When he saw a completely novel and complex yao art, he had a twinge of
excitement like a gourmand that that saw delicious food!

Without hesitating, Zuo Mo started to deconstruct it.

Zuo Mo quickly encountered a blockage but this did not discourage him. It was the
opposite and his fighting spirit was stimulated. He was like a battle seeking warrior who
encountered an opponent of similar skill.

It had been so long since he had encountered such a powerful yao art!

Zuo Mo was excited!

This really was a complex yao art problem. Zuo Mo’s mind revolved quickly. His focus
narrowed. The lights of all kinds of little yao arts continuously flashed on his hands. He was
truly familiar with the set of little yao arts now and could confidently use them without any
struggle. It was natural like eating and drinking. When an idea formed in his mind, the little
yao art on his hand would have formed as well.

Cang Lin’s expression continuously changed. Sometimes pained and sometimes relaxed.
Cang Ze did not dare to relax and silently informed the elders of the clan. To the grey Clan,
this was really an important matter.

A moment later, six wizened looking Grey Clan elders appeared next to Cang Ze.

“How is the situation?” the Chief Elder asked in a deep voice. His gaze landed on Cang
Lin and did not shift away. From the lights that were flashing on Cang Lin’s body, it was
clear the other was undergoing healing.

“It’s been going for two hours,” Cang Ze hurriedly replied.

The elders instantly had serious expression. They had all tried to heal Cang Lin before
but in the end, they were ineffective. The yao art imprint inside Cang Lin was not strong,
but was extremely hardy. No matter which method they used, they could not destroy it.

Without needing to ask, the elders encircled Zuo Mo and Cang Lin and shielded in the
middle, preventing others from disturbing them and affecting the healing.
Looking at Cang Lin’s pale and weary face, Chief Elder’s heart couldn’t help but hurt. He
and the other elders worked to support the Grey Clan but they were already in the last
stages of their life. But watching as they aged day by day, and there was no successor from
the descendants of the Clan, the urgency they felt could be imagined.

The Grey Clan had declined but they possessed the Golden Tree so they had barely
managed to survive until now. The reason the Grey Clan could protect the Golden Tree was
that the elders were strong. Each of them was not individually strong but they were united.
Others did not dare to easily provoke them. But if they were no longer there, the Golden
Tree would end up being fatal to the Grey Clan.

The appearance of the [Grey Scar Art] undoubtedly filled the elders with hope of the
future again.

If Cang Lin could recover, then their last worry would disappear. With Cang Lin’s talent,
his cultivation would definitely skyrocket if he cultivated [Grey Scar Art].

The lights on Cang Lin’s body suddenly flashed rapidly. This change caused the
expressions of the elders to deepen. They knew this was the most crucial moment!


An abnormally crisp sound suddenly came out of Cang Lin’s body.

Chief Elder stilled and then his eyes lit up. He could not control himself from showing an
overjoyed expression. The other elders quickly reacted, all of them with joy on their face.

Cang Lin opened his eyes. There was another light in that pair of dim eyes.

Zuo Mo did not move. He was like a statue of wood.

Seeing the situation, the other elders did not dare to slack off. They persisted in shielding
Zuo Mo.

A long while later, Zuo Mo slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a long breath. “Such a
strange yao art!”

Seeing Zuo Mo open his eyes, Cang Lin forcibly suppressed the excitement inside and
made a deep bow towards Zuo Mo. “Cang Lin cannot repay Daren’s great boon of
rebirth. But whatever Daren orders, Cang Lin will do his best to accomplish!”

The Chief Elder just wanted to stop him, and hadn’t expected that he would be too late.
He couldn’t help but sigh inside. As expected of a young person! With these words, it was
akin to putting the future of the Grey Clan into the hands of Xiao Mo Ge. Of the young
people of the clan, the most promising successor to the position of clan leader were Cang Ze
and Cang Lin. But he could see the attitudes of these two towards Xiao Mo Ge.
But Chief Elder altered his way of thinking. This was not a terrible thing. If the Grey Clan
had the aid of such a powerful expert in the future, at least, they did not have to worry
about others targeting the Golden Tree.

Thinking about this, he stepped forward and bowed to Zuo Mo. “This old man is the
Chief Elder of the Grey Clan. Greetings to the honored Xiao Mo Ge! The boon that Sir has
given us is something all of the Grey Clan is grateful for. This is just a small token. Sire,
please accept it.”

The other elders saw the two Golden Souls in the Chief Elder’s hand and couldn’t not stop
their disbelieving expression. The production of Golden Souls was very low. Last time to
exchange for the [Grey Scar Art], they had paid ten Golden Souls. What was left in the clan
could be counted on the fingers. They had not expected the Chief Elder to give out two
Golden Souls in their first meeting!

However, they all know that the Chief Elder usually had deep insight and carefully
considered his actions. They were puzzled but no one spoke in opposition. They
simultaneously bowed towards Zuo Mo. “Please accept it!”

Zuo Mo was not courteous and took the Golden Souls. He said that he wanted to ponder
what he had learned today. The elders were all very intelligent and hurriedly bid farewell.

A cold light flashed past Zuo Mo’s eyes. He sat down cross-legged on the ground to
recover his spiritual power.

Moments later, a figure appeared in the distance.

Zuo Mo detected it. He opened his eyes and stood up. Just now when he had succeeded in
deconstructing the yao art imprint inside Cang Lin’s body, at the moment the blood colored
thorny vine turned to dust, he received a challenge.

The yao that had left the yao art imprint in Cang Lin had challenged him.

This was a letter delivered in an arrogant tone and filled with unconcealed threats. The
other had detected that Zuo Mo was deconstructing his yao art imprint. He could not bear it
and wanted to see who was stronger with Zuo Mo.

If this was a usual time, Zuo Mo would definitely ignore the challenge, but today, he had a
different idea.

This kind of complex and weird yao art had many unique places. Zuo Mo might have
deconstructed the yao art imprint on Cang Lin, but there were still many places he did not
understand. The other’s challenge was like a fat sheep that was being delivered to his
mouth. A starving Zuo Mo unhesitatingly accepted it.

The blood colored thorny vine’s yao art … … was very interesting!
Zuo Mo was thoughtful.

Translator Ramblings: A relaxed chapter after all that excitement. If the tension is always
so high, people get tired.
Chapter 387
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom and Brian.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Seven – Mo Ru Huo

The Desolate Flat Slope was an extremely barren place. Weeds were growing
everywhere and withered, graveley earth covered the land. No faction had any interest in
such a poor and barren place. However, the South Sky Wisteria Clan lived here.

Just like the many times before, Nan Yue’s figure flashed past. Because there were no
plentiful water sources nearby, and the air was dry. This kind of environment was not
suited to their survival. The Wisteria Clan liked to live in places with dense forests, shade,
and plenty of water. But places like those, even if they had no valuable resources, were
everyone’s targets.

The Wisteria Clan which only had the old, the children, and the crippled, what offensive
power did they have?

Looking at the piles of pebbles that flashed by below, Nan Yue’s mood was dour. She
resolved inside that she had to made a breakthrough as early as possible to increase her
yao designation. If she could increase her yao designation, she could take her clansmen into
the city to live. The environment inside the cities was much better than in the wilderness.

Thinking of the [South Sky Arrow Art] she was cultivating, she was full of confidence in
the future!

With her present improvement speed, it would not be long before she could receive a
satisfactory yao designation level.

“A Yue has come back! A Yue has come back!”

The clanspeople saw Nan Yue and were very excited. Nan Yue was the most outstanding
young yao of the Wisteria Clan and the hope of the clan. If it was not for the fact that she
was so young, the clan leader would have passed the position onto her. In the younger
generation, she was the undoubted big sister. When she arrived, everyone crowded over.

Nan Yue showed a smile, “Is everyone fine?”

“Great! A Yue, don’t worry about us!”

“Yes, Big Sister A Yue, we’ve been working hard on our cultivation!”
Everyone talked over each other. Listening to the clanspeople speak of what had
happened in this past while, Nan Yue’s heart was filled with warmth. She took out a large
pile of daily essentials from her date seed bracelet. This was bought using the money she
earned outside of her time spent cultivating.

“We really troubled A Yue!”

The elders of the clan sigh. Their turbid eyes were filled with deep guilt. The entire clan
was almost supported entirely by A Yue right now.

“It is my duty.” Nan Yue smiled, and comforted, “It is a kind of cultivation! If Uncles
need something, tell me.”

When she had been little, her parents had died. It was these elders that had raised her.
This situation was very common in the clan. Right now, the entire clan was eleven people.
Other than the two elders, the rest were all children. They had survived only due to the toil
and farming of these elders. It was this kind of hardship and poverty that caused the entire
clan to become unusually united.

The elders of the clan had low cultivation. They did not have any other skill to earn
money. They could only plant some basic grains in this patch of pebbly land and barely
satisfy their hunger.

After talking about daily life with the elders, she stood, patted her hands and gathered all
the children.

“How has everyone cultivated?”

The children squealed and talked. Nan Yue patiently inspected them one by one. She
quickly had a happy expression. Three children were not far from igniting their star fire
and entering the stage of star fire where they would be able to form vine arrows, giving
them basic offensive abilities. All of this was due to the [South Sky Arrow Art]. [South Sky
Arrow Art] was really the inherited yao art of the South Sky Wisteria Clan. It seemed to be
custom-made for them and was the best suited for them to cultivate.

She praised the children that had improved the quickest, and patiently explained the
problems that they encountered in their cultivation. However, she did not teach them the
attacking yao arts of [South Sky Arrow Art] but taught them little yao arts.

She took Zuo Mo’s entire set of teachings and transferred it to them it over directly.

What Daren said was definitely correct!

Looking at the focused little faces, Nan Yue was full of anticipation towards the future.

Mo Ru Huo’s expression was dark. Just now, he had felt the yao art imprint that he had
put in Cang Lin had been destroyed!

Who was this person who had no eyes! Who dared to meddle in matters not of his

Looking for death!

He showed a bloodthirsty smile. Hee hee, it had been very long since he met someone
worth fighting. It was good to have something to do today! He had also recently had a
breakthrough and was at the time where his confidence was at its peak. A person who did
not have eyes coming up to him, was there anything better than this?

My axe is hungering, and wants to drink fresh blood!

It was a pity that this was the Ten Finger Prison and there was no way to taste blood. He
regretfully smacked his lips. He had a full and bristly beard. His eyes were deep set and a
strange deep red. The slightly hooked nose made him seem sly.

When he flew, it was like a blazing thread of fire, he had no intention of concealment. His
attitude was extremely arrogant and proud. The yao he encountered along the way all
changed expression when they saw this thread of fire and moved aside in panic. Mo Ru
Huo’s infamy was known by everyone in this area.

A free and smug laugh came from inside the fire thread. With the sound of the fire
crackling as it burned, it spread into the surroundings!

Inside the fierce fire, Mo Ru Huo narrowed his eyes. He wondered, what would the
other’s face look like when they saw him? He had seen too many guys who thought they
were experts get ashen expressions when they saw him. That was way too amusing! Every
time it happened, he would find it amusing. He was like a cat playing with the mice under
his claw!

This kind of life was so wonderful!

He greedily sighed. How would he torment that unfortunate person later? Oh, use the yao
art he had just comprehended? This idea wasn’t bad!

A ball of fierce fire crackled as it flashed past at astounding speed.

Entering the first prison, he quickly found the traces of the other. If ever his yao art
imprint was destroyed, it would release an extremely weak imprint. This imprint would not
do any damage, but it could guide him to find the other.
No one had ever escape untouched if they met him! Never!

Without needing much effort, he found the other. Looking from the distance, it was a lone
figure. Mo Ru Huo suddenly became excited. Thinking how the other would desire death in
front of his yao art, he felt the blood inside heat up.

It would be such a wonderful feeling!

He unhesitatingly sped up. This figure became closer and clearer. The other showed no
intentions of fleeing. Wait, he seemed to be waiting! Suddenly, the figure raised its head and
looked over. Mo Ru Huo sensed something unusual.

The distance between them decreased. The other’s appearance became clearer. Hm, why
did he find this guy somewhat familiar?

Had they interacted before? Mo Ru Huo was slightly puzzled. He frowned, and thought
back where he had seen this guy before. He did not decrease his speed. Surrounded by fire,
Mo Ru Huo charged straight towards Zuo Mo.

When he was about three zhang from the other, a name suddenly jumped into Mo Ru
Huo’s mind. His face instantly became white. That pair of bloody red eyes filled with
viciousness and killing intent turned instantly into terror that reached his bones!

Xiao Mo Ge!

He was Xiao Mo Ge!

Mo Ru Huo’s heart seemed to be gripped tightly by an invisible hand without any

warning. The sudden feeling of suffocation made his entire body soften. In a moment, his
mind was blank and his eyes lost focus. The blow caused by this name almost destroyed his
mental defenses!

Brute! This was a true brute! A heartless brute that killed twenty six yao successively! A
truly lawless brute that caused even the military combat yao to lose their halo! Thinking
about that undefeatable figure wrapped in fire, Mo Ru Huo felt his entire body tremble!

Compared to Xiao Mo Ge, he was just a sheep wrapped in wolfskin, so weak and gentle,
so innocent and harmless!~

Those that fell under the butchering knife of Xiao Mo Ge included geniuses that Mo Ru
Huo heard of like Yu Zi Zhou, battle hardened combat yao, and a few that he was very
familiar with. Those yao channels had just mentioned them, but Mo Ru Huo knew them. He
even had good relations with one of them.

Those people were truly lawless people that worked in the shadows. They did not blink
when they killed, vicious and emotionless. They were all people that Mo Ru Huo was very
wary about. But all of them, without exception, had fallen under the blade of Xiao Mo Ge,
even though the battles were in the Ten Finger Prison.

But this was not what caused him to feel terror.

Just yesterday, the one he had the closest relationship with had died in front of him.
Speaking of him, Mo Ru Huo was not close to the guy, they had just interacted a few times.
But that guy had no friends and had found him in the end. Mo Ru Huo could only go. In the
end, he had taken care of the corpse. On the surface, it seemed the death was caused by old
wounds like injuries to the consciousness, but the true fatal blow was the powerful blow
that person’s mind had received.

That was the true cause of his death.

That blow of Xiao Mo Ge had not just wounded his consciousness, it had completely
destroyed his will!

What the person had said to him at that time, Mo Ru Huo almost didn’t believe his ears!

The guy that died definitely had taken more than thirty lives , his will was definitely as
sturdy as rock. Normal illusory arts could not affect him. He was so vicious and cruel that
even Mo Ru Huo felt some fear of him. But a guy as powerful as him had met his end by one
blow from Xiao Mo Ge.

And that was in the Ten Finger Prison.

This guy was terrifying to an extreme degree!

After that incident, in Mo Ru Huo’s heart, Xiao Mo Ge was a terrifying existence like a
demonic god, and ranked first among those that he would not dare provoke.

What were Ming Yue Ye, Ji Li Yu? They can all go to hell!

Mo Ru Huo usually did not place any importance on those geniuses. In his eyes, those so-
called geniuses were garden flowers that lived in the greenhouse. No matter how attractive
they looked, they were only able to be admired but not used.

Those that did not experience blood and fire, they were just greenhorns. But Xiao Mo Ge
was a vicious beast that climbed out of hell.

He had actually ran over to make trouble for Xiao Mo Ge … … a phrase jumped out of his
mind … … he didn’t want to live … …

Did he not want to live? … …

His mind was completely blank. He lost the ability to speak, and to think. He could only
look at Xiao Mo Ge dumbly. Every bone in his body, every piece of muscle was frozen

Was today the apocalypse?

When he refocused, he was less than one zhang from Xiao Mo Ge.

Translator Ramblings: Mo Ru Huo’s about-face … … This is also more of a reaction

chapter on what happened in certain parts of yao society after Zuo Mo’s “killing” spree. I
think the use of “killing” in that previous chapter might have ended up more of a spoiler
since I was affected by what I knew.
Chapter 388
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Eight – Fantasy Flame Tornado

Pu Yao greedily absorbed the Golden Souls. In the battle between him and Wei, he held
the advantage, but he also had expended himself greatly. The two Golden Souls the Chief
Elder of the Grey Clan had delivered were a rain that came at the right time. He
unhesitatingly stole them from Zuo Mo’s hand. Zuo Mo did not stop him. He had probably
guessed that it would be impossible to prevent.

The golden mist permeated Pu Yao’s body at a visible rate. Pu Yao showed a satisfied
expression. However, a portion of the golden mist drifted towards Wei. Even though it was
just a quarter, Pu Yao was still slightly discontent.

However, he had no solution to this problem. Just like no matter how much he found this
false gentleman an eyesore, he was not able to kill the other. There was a direction
connection between his three thousand years of survival in the Yao Forging Tower and this
strange wretched armor. Wei was the armor spirit of this wretched armor. Pu Yao was
about the same, but he was not restricted by the armor.

He had worked his mind for three thousand years to try to take over this gravestone
armor. But this gravestone armor was a closed system and extremely strange.

However, when he thought about how this false gentleman was unable to shrink back
into the turtle shell, Pu Yao couldn’t help but be smug. Anyway about it, he was a Sky Yao.
He understood all kinds of obscure methods, and he finally found a few that were effective.

From a certain perspective, he and Wei shared an existence. The two could not destroy
each other. Pu Yao could not even absorb the Golden Souls completely by himself. There
definitely would be a portion which Wei would absorb. Even though Pu Yao clearly held the
more powerful position, there was nothing for him to feel happy about. Even if this false
gentleman had an extraordinary background, but in the eyes of Pu Yao, whose eyes were on
the top of his head, this was a very low thing.

A piece of armor sitting in a position equal to his … … this was too motherf***ing
displeasing to ge!

Having finished absorbing the Golden Soul, Pu Yao’s hair became even darker and
shinier, and his bloody pupil had an additional sheen. The snake-like tongue unconsciously
licked his lips with lingering hunger. He glanced at Wei who was sitting cross-legged. He
could see that the Golden Soul was also of significant help to Wei.

A cold smirk floated at the corner of Pu Yao’s mouth. After three thousand years
together, he understood his neighbor very well. Even if this guy agreed to not pass mo skills
to Zuo Mo, he would not give up so easily.

However, Wei definitely would not think that his scant words that day had inspired great
trust in Pu Yao .

To a person as perverse as Pu Yao, the inspiration brought by the most minuscule hint
could change too many things.

Just wait and see!

Pu Yao narrowed his eyes.


Zuo Mo stared at Mo Ru Huo and was slightly surprised. A person that looked so rough
used such strange yao arts. Yao really could not be judged based on their appearances.

Mo Ru Huo shivered under Zuo Mo’s stare. Zuo Mo’s silence pressured him. What should
he say at this time?

“Sorry, I got the wrong person?” Or “Brother, I’ve long heard of you, give your little
brother mercy!” Or just run away immediately … …

Various thoughts formed in the pitiful Mo Ru Huo’s mind. He did not think of resisting at
all. Even if he was facing Yu Zi Zhou, he definitely would not be so nervous. Yu Zi Zhou was
stronger than him but he believed if he gritted his teeth and did not fear death, he would
have a chance at survival. He felt that in terms of viciousness, the great majority of geniuses
could not compare to him.

But facing Xiao Mo Ge, no matter if they competed on strength or viciousness, he thought
he had no chance at all.

What made him want to cry the was that he had been the one to instigate this matter! He
really was seeking death! He wanted to slap himself. Such an idiotic matter had happened
to him! All of the fighters of the yao world were trying to avoid this brute right now, and he
had pushed himself in front of the other … …
Even he knew that the bounties of the yao markets for Xiao Mo Ge were continuously
decreasing. The yao that had been wanting to watch a spectacle were really frightened this
time. Vicious and savage, bloodthirsty and murderous, this kind of presence wasn’t
something a yao with clean hands could have. The consciousness could not be faked.

On this point, almost all the yao had come to an unusual consensus.

Xiao Mo Ge was a lawless brute whose hands were drenched in blood!

The elders of those students ordered them to stop their actions against Xiao Mo Ge, and
some over zealous students were put under house arrest by their clan, unable to leave. The
Ji Family and the Blue Flower Family kept low key and clearly did not want any further
incidents. Even the Genius Alliance which was usually loud-spoken collectively lost their

They had enough privilege, enough strength, but none were willing to provoke a lawless
brute. Even more so a lawless brute who was so young but had such power. Some
experienced yao discussed secretly among themselves suggesting that if Xiao Mo Ge could
live for another twenty years, then the yao world would have another butcher.

Just as Mo Ru Huo was thinking what to do, Xiao Mo Ge suddenly spoke.

“You left behind the yao art imprint on Cang Lin?”

Mo Ru Huo’s heart shook once. This was the classic interrogation! Zuo Mo’s words
destroyed the last lingering thread of hope inside. Mo Ru Huo was truly a vicious person.
The desperate situation provoked his viciousness. He raised his head and said harshly,
“Yes! I left it!”

Zuo Mo made sure and so he did not hesitate. A few little yao arts smashed from his
hands towards Mo Ru Huo.

As they started to fight, Mo Ru Huo started to calm down and settled to receive Zuo Mo’s
attacks. After a few rounds, he quickly found that Xiao Mo Ge did not have the unstoppable
presence he had in the yao recording arts. His attacks could not be considered strong.
However, Mo Ru Huo was very battle-experienced. His murderousness was usually high,
but he was cautious when he fought.

After standing up for twenty more breaths, Xiao Mo Ge was still as soft as water and did
not pose too much of a threat. At this time, Mo Ru Huo finally relaxed completely and his
attacks increased.

Mo Ru Huo’s yao art was extremely unique. His hands would continuously flick and
swipe at the space in front of him as he was surrounded by dancing flames. The flames in
the air floated along to strange paths. It was as though there were invisible threads in front
of him that pulled the flames surrounding him.
Zuo Mo randomly threw out a little yao art and stopped a thread of flame. A feeling of
danger rose. He did not hesitate and saw a blade of flame brush past his scalp. There was
no time for him to dodge as a spear of flame jumped up and pointed straight at his stomach.

Zuo Mo’s legs crossed, and the fingers of his left hand flicked. A little yao art accurately
hit the flame spear and caused it to divert from its path. However, Mo Ru Huo’s attack did
not stop, and became even fiercer! The flames surrounding him were not just able to dance
and attack to his will, but could transform into all kinds of attack forms.

It was the first time that Zuo Mo encountered a yao art as strange as this. His actions
were uncoordinated and he made a somewhat sorry figure.

Mo Ru Huo saw this and his morale rose. He guessed that Xiao Mo Ge’s golden yellow
armor probably had some special restriction. Another possibility was that Xiao Mo Ge had
been wounded last time. Otherwise, he should not be refraining from using the armor.

Thinking about it this way, the terror in Mo Ru Huo’s heart retreated. Xiao Mo Ge’s
situation was not uncommon. Those yao arts that were wondrously powerful usually had
stringent requirements, or one had to pay a weighty price.

If it was like that, then this was undoubtedly the time where Xiao Mo Ge was the

Was this a chance given by the heavens?

Thinking about this brute that shook all of the yao world being abused under his hands, a
feeling of exhilaration that he never had before filled his body. His body was even
trembling from his excitement! Such a wonderful matter! A matter that he didn’t even dare
to think of was happening in front of him. The extreme terror and the hopelessness from
before decreased. The stimulation and pleasure produced almost consumed him. In this
kind of wondrous situation, his state reached the highest peak of his life. The yao art that he
had just had a breakthrough with did not seem raw in his hands and was confidently
executed. Each yao art was carried out instinctively, so perfect that he felt this was a
pleasurable experience!

Zuo Mo felt as though he had suddenly landed in a flaming hurricane. All kinds of fire yao
arts covered the skies and earth as they shot at him. Even worse, he had no room to dodge.
The other’s yao arts spread out, and their presence was bigger than Zuo Mo imagined.

However, Zuo Mo was not panicking. His figure looked sorry, but both his expression and
his gaze had was dead still.

The light on his hands never stopped. To him, little yao arts were as simple as breathing.
Sometimes it was one light, sometimes many. Five hundred kinds of little yao arts formed
from the many combinations in his hands. These little yao art combinations either guided
or stopped. Zuo Mo would frequently find the smallest space and use them to dodge

The flame hurricane continuously strengthened!

Looking at Xiao Mo Ge who was in a sorry state under his yao arts, Mo Ru Huo felt
extremely smug. The longer his [Fantasy Flame Tornado] persisted, the more powerful it
was. It would continuously strengthen itself, and the amount of spiritual power he
expended would not change greatly.

The longer this battle dragged out, the more advantageous it was for him.

As expected, Xiao Mo Ge became even more harried. There were a few wounds on his

Even though it was just a few small wounds, Mo Ru Huo could not help but roar with
laughter. “Xiao Mo Ge! Struggle! Experience such wonderful yao arts! Haha! Ooh,
another wound, so pitiful!”

Mo Ru Huo started to play his favorite game of cat and mouse. Looking at Xiao Mo Ge
who was holding on in the tornado, he did not want to miss any scene.

“Tsk tsk! Really hardy! As expected of Xiao Mo Ge! Such beautiful movements! Come
on! Let’s have another one! Haha!”

Mo Ru Huo laughed freely.

Inside the tornado, Zuo Mo was silent as he withstood with effort. But Mo Ru Huo did not
notice that the lights on Zuo Mo’s dangling hands were slowly changing.

Translator Ramblings: Anyone want to compute how many possible combinations of the
little yao arts are possible? There’s probably an upper limit to how many yao arts can be
used in a string.

There was a comment about Nan Yue and the little yao arts that
WanderingGummiOfDoom informed me about. The knowledge that Pu Yao taught Zuo Mo
who then taught Nan Yue is technically “secret.” Some of you think that Nan Yue should
keep it a secret rather than teaching her clansmen. The other side of the matter is that Nan
Yue is strengthening Zuo Mo because her clan will grow stronger and then they can be of
help to Zuo Mo. I think this is actually a pretty interesting problem and we have been
infected so much by Pu Yao and Zuo Mo pricing knowledge and skills that we want Zuo Mo
to get something out of it.

However, if we look at Zuo Mo’s actions in the past, he doesn’t price knowledge and
expect a great deal when he shares his own knowledge. In this case, little yao arts was a
freebie he got from Pu Yao. In the past, he has shared his forging knowledge and also his
sword formation with his camps. So he doesn’t have a problem with sharing at all. Pu Yao
thinks this is simple stuff so he doesn’t have a problem either. Therefore, I don’t think Nan
Yue actually “broke” any rules in sharing. Things might be different for the mo but yao and
mo might be similar. Pu Yao has mentioned in the past that mo would work for their
generals/leaders who will reward them with techniques they could give back to their clan.
This might be one of those cases.
Chapter 389
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and Brian.

Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty Nine – The Goal

The lights continuously changed on Zuo Mo’s hands. His brow was tightly furrowed.
Little yao arts flowed like water past his fingertips. He had a serious expression and did not
dare to slack off. As the tornado increased in strength, he could clearly feel the pressure
increase along with it. He to use one hundred and twenty percent of his attention for each
step. If he was the least bit careless, he would be drowned in the barrage of attacks.

The fire yao arts the other cast were extremely unorthodox and completely different
than anything he had encountered before. What had attracted his attention though was the
yao art imprint from Cang Lin’s consciousness that he had deconstructed. That yao art
imprint had been strange and poisonous. It was completely different than these explosive
yao arts he was seeing now.

Zuo Mo focused attentively on the chaotic looking fire yao arts. Like a fish swimming, his
consciousness locked onto every yao art that passed in front of him. He was unusually calm,
his mind and eyes clear like a serene lake. The yao arts passed like flickering silhouettes
flashing across the lake.

The reflections that these yao arts created on the lake surface gradually became clear.

Zuo Mo did not blink. His steps were like that of a butterfly weaving between flowers, the
little yao arts on his hands extremely accurate and appearing at the most appropriate time!
With his attention occupied, even he did not detect his own transformation.

Time was like a line that grew longer the more it was pulled. The lightning fast yao arts
and fire seemed to become increasingly slow.

Each yao art was unprecedentedly clear in Zuo Mo’s eyes. They seemed to pass by like
snails. Every minuscule detail clearly landed in Zuo Mo’s eyes.

The wondrous feeling did not cause Zuo Mo to feel excited. His face was peaceful, and he
searched for the traces of what interested him among these yao arts! The yao art imprint
inside Cang Lin was his target this time!

The abundant fire yao arts looked domineering, but were not what he desired.

Just at this time, the lights on Zuo Mo’s hands finally stabilized. The faint glowing light
seemed to form a thin and small glove of light that enveloped his palm. This yao art was
called [Tactile Knowledge Grip]. This was a yao art that Zuo Mo had created. It was not
complex, but it had taken great mental effort. This yao art could clearly identify the
attributes of a yao art and was a yao art he created especially to help him deconstruct other
yao arts.

But it was the first time that he used [Tactile Knowledge Grip] in battle.

A bloody red blade of fire came towards his neck at a difficult angle.

Zuo Mo raised his hand and grabbed at the blade of fire. A hand of light projected from
his own and grabbed the blade of fire!

The blade of fire shook fiercely as if it was a fish that had been captured and wanted to
jerk out of the hand. Pew pew pew! The outer layers of the blade of flame quickly
dissipated, and revealed a section of bloody vine. Zuo Mo’s eyes brightened and his hands
moved in the air. The hand of light gripped onto the bloody vine.

Such an unique construction … …

Zuo Mo closed his eyes, and his consciousness shot at the bloody vine!

The excited Mo Ru Huo stilled. Xiao Mo Ge actually closed his eyes! What was this guy
thinking of doing? Did he want to surrender? Hmph! Did Xiao Mo Ge think that he would let
him off like that? Mo Ru Huo’s bloodlust had been aroused, and his fear of Zuo Mo had been
thrown out of his mind.

A cruel smile suddenly came onto his face. Suddenly, his pupils expanded and his smile
froze on his face.

Inside the tornado, the figure of Xiao Mo Ge with his closed eyes became even hard to
predict like wisps of smoke. The sky full of yao arts couldn’t even touch the corner of his

Why … …

Mo Ru Huo suddenly had a bad feeling. Just now, Xiao Mo Ge had been a sorry figure, but
now he seemed so at ease as though he was strolling around. Had he been pretending

There was a section of blood vine inside the blade of flame!

Shocked, Zuo Mo’s interest rose. This was it! The bloody vine was what he was interested
in! When he had been healing Cang Lin, he had found the bloody vine was very unique. It
could securely root itself inside the consciousness of the enemy and was extremely hard to
eradicate. Zuo Mo had spent a great deal of effort to deconstruct that little section of bloody
vine. Some of its unique structure had interested him greatly. This was why he had
especially waited for Mo Ru Huo to come find him!
Zuo Mo’s style was to only act if there were benefits. He would not make trouble merely
on behalf of Cang Lin.

That little section of bloody vine excited Zuo Mo, but it was just a little section and not a
complete structure. Zuo Mo required a more complete bloody vine because this seemed
related to another yao art.

Ten breaths later, Zuo Mo crushed the little section of bloody vine that he had finished
studying and started to search for the next target.

The light grip was a new yao art he made. It was constructed from twelve little yao arts
and specifically used to peel away the outer layers of the other’s fire yao arts. His use of
little yao arts were at a mastery level. Even Pu Yao would occasionally praise it.

After continuously capturing six fire yao arts, Zuo Mo found that the bloody vine inside
these fire yao arts were not very different. He frowned again. The bloody vines inside these
fire yao arts were still incomplete.

He raised his head and narrowed his eyes towards Mo Ru Huo. It seemed that he had to
get this guy to put more effort in!

Mo Ru Huo coincidentally saw Zuo Mo’s gaze and his body was instantly chilled. His face
was ugly. The other seemed to have adjusted to his illusory flame tornado.

Damn it!

Why was it like this? The Fantasy Flame Tornado was one of his killing moves and had
never failed before.

Viciousness flashed through his eyes. Having escalated the fighting to this point, if it was
not you that died, it would be me! He gritted his teeth and burrowed into the tornado.

Zuo Mo stilled at Mo Ru Huo’s action. He quickly had a wary expression.

The Fantasy Flame Tornado that had been rampaging about suddenly became silent
without any decrease in speed. The fire yao arts inside the tornado flew backwards rapidly.
Mo Ru Hou was like a strong magnet, attracting all the fire yao arts to fly over.

A strange and dangerous presence covered Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo was motionless as he stared at up Mo Ru Huo in the sky.

Mo Ru Huo was surrounded by all kinds of fire yao arts. He glared at Zuo Mo and insanity
flashed through his eyes! All of his thoughts disappeared at this time, his consciousness
was all consumed. The fire yao arts floating around him suddenly released an enchanting
red light.

Like magnets, fire yao arts were attracted to each other.

Pia pia pia!

The fire yao arts around Mo Ru Huo were combining into pairs and trios to become even
larger fire yao art.

The powerful presence was like a gust of wind that blew at Zuo Mo.

Zuo Mo narrowed his eyes, his hands were like blooming flowers. [Tactile Knowledge
Grip] was used to its limits. Threads of light floated from between his hands and the mist
like light formed a crystal like ball of light in the air above Zuo Mo’s dancing hands. He used
the layering method of [Sky Glass Wave] on [Tactile Knowledge Grip] to form this crystal
ball of light.

Lights continuously flew out of Zuo Mo’s blurred fingers and entered the crystal ball of

The ball of lightly slowly revolved and gradually formed a glass-like hand.

Zuo Mo’s narrowed eyes became brighter. Every minuscule change in the space
surrounding the glass hand would appear in his eyes. Even the thin hair-like strands of
spiritual power that passed by the hand would be accurately captured by Zuo Mo.

It was the first time he had used the [Tactile Knowledge Grip] like this!

Mo Ru Huo seemed to be surrounded by an aura of red light. The enchanting red light
carried the presence of blood. The fire yao arts floating by his side had completely changed.
Their mass was five or six times what it had been before.

Zuo Mo’s eyes brightened.

Waves of strange spiritual thought came from these bloated fire yao arts! Zuo Mo
suddenly had a feeling that there seemed to be something alive inside each fire yao art!

Zuo Mo thought of one of his own yao arts—Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art!

Up until now, he had seen many yao arts but this was the second yao art that was like the
Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art! Yao arts were yao arts. No matter how strong they were,
how powerful the presence it produced, but only these two yao arts could produce vitality!

When Zuo Mo had been deconstructing the yao art imprint inside Cang Lin, he had
detected the faint presence of life contained in the blood vine. This made him very curious.
But it had not been as strong as what he was feeling now!
The threads of spiritual thought inside the fire yao arts were filled with a feeling of
darkness and maliciousness. Compared to the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial art, the vitality
contained in these fire yao arts was much weaker and incomplete. But those threads of
spiritual thought filled with vitality made Zuo Mo feel spirited like he never had been

Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art was his final ultimate move, and would be used to save
his life at a crucial moment! Pu Yao had told him that the Archaic Wasteland Sacrificial Art
was not one move, but a set of yao arts. But no matter how Zuo Mo asked about the topic,
Pu Yao never mentioned one bit about the other moves of this set of yao arts. Pu Yao closed
his mouth and never even discussed the origins of this wasteland beast.

What Zuo Mo felt even more helpless about was that he could not find any similar yao
arts to refer to. He did not fear if Pu Yao did not tell him, but if he did not even have a yao
art to use as reference, then he could do nothing!

Until today!

This was the first yao art Zuo Mo encountered that had attributes similar to the Archaic
Wasteland Sacrificial Art. How could he let pass by?

Five enormous fire yao arts floated next to Mo Ru Huo. The five fire yao arts were of
different shapes. One was like the head of an axe, another like a snake, while the remaining
three were hard to distinguish. Mo Ru Huo’s entire body was covered in the enchanting red
light. The twisted face had a few hints of evil.

“Go die!”

Mo Ru Huo bellowed. Five dashes of red light tore the air and smashed towards Zuo Mo!

Zuo Mo’s pupils suddenly shrank, his hand seemed to wave weakly. The crystal hand was
like the willow branch blown by the wind and coincidentally caught one of the red lights!

In a moment, countless bits of information entered Zuo Mo’s mind.

Time seemed to stop during this moment. Zuo Mo’s mind moved at an unprecedented
speed as it digested the enormous amount of information that flooded it! In order to digest
the information, he stopped all of his actions, and his body became motionless.

He suddenly turned to a wooden puppet.

A faint enchanting red light suddenly lit up in Zuo Mo’s puppet-like eyes.

The other four streaks of red light instantly flew in front of him. The bright red light
reflected onto Zuo Mo’s face. Mo Ru Huo’s roars of laughter came into his ears. Zuo Mo was
motionless and had no intentions of dodging.
No one noticed that the red light in his eyes suddenly exploded!

The red light instantly engulfed Zuo Mo.

Laughing furiously in the air, Mo Ru Huo did not notice a hair-think grey energy silently
crept up his back, quickly permeated through it, and disappeared.

Translator Ramblings: Okay, considering the gigantic number of possible combinations

of little yao arts, Ten Finger Prison is valuable and so is Pu Yao’s knowledge. In this case,
Zuo Mo’s two moves and an action Wasteland Sacrificial Art is sort of elegant in its
simplicity … … and people have most likely tried it and failed in the past. No comments
about the name of Zuo Mo’s new technique, please.
Chapter 390
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety – Working Together

Wei Sheng sat cross-legged with the black sword upright by his side. For some unknown
reason, the corrosive fiendish mist would not come within three zhang of him. He opened
his inky black eyes that shone with a determined light.

His daily life was extremely routine, so routine it was frightening.

Practicing the sword, meditation, and teaching others became the essential and only
parts of his daily life. He would repeat the dull and monotonous cultivation over and over.
He did not use ling power, relying on just his physical body, to slice and chop until all of his
strength was exhausted and his entire body trembled.

A jindan expert cultivating to the point that his body would not stop trembling! Both
Zong Ru and Yi Zheng whose cultivation emphasized hard work felt ashamed when they
saw this kind of self-abusive and sadistic cultivation method, much less the sword xiu and
Guard Camp. When everyone mentioned Wei Sheng Daren, they would feel admiration
from the depths of their hearts. Every person knew hard work and persistence could lead
to improvement, but how many could do it? The only one that could reach Wei Sheng’s
level was only Wei Sheng Daren!

Also a jindan, Xie Shan had essentially become Wei Sheng’s manservant and followed
him like a shadow.

Wei Sheng breathed out. Hiss, the fiendish mist three zhang away tore apart as though an
invisible sword essence had cut through it. He had a satisfied expression. It may have been
due to teaching others that he had recently comprehended much and improved greatly.

Suddenly, a wail came from Zuo Mo’s tent. It was Shidi!

Wei Sheng’s figure suddenly disappeared from his spot.

“Pain pain! Ow ow, so painful!”

Inside the tent, Zuo Mo was jumping about as though a fire was lit on his butt. His mouth
was open and his nose and brow was almost squeezed together.

“It hurts … … hiss … … so much!”

Zuo Mo ran around in the tent like a headless chicken as though it could relieve his pain.
Lil’ Fire seemed to have found a new toy and instantly became excited. It hung on to Zuo
Mo’s behind and swung around as it chirped cheerfully.

Seeing the chaotic scene, Wei Sheng had a wry smile on his face. His heart relaxed. “Shidi,
what is it? You alright?”

“Hisss … … hiss … …”

The sound of Zuo Mo inhaling could be clearly heard. As he ran around, he waved his
hand. “Nothing … … hiss … … nothing!”

Lil’ Fire found it fun and seemed to mimic his speech. “Chirp chirp … … chirp … … chirp
chirp!” Zuo Mo glared angrily. Lil’ Fire was frightened and its body froze in the air.

“… … hiss … …” Zuo Mo inhaled again. His expression of fury instantly dissipated. His
expression was very strange as he started to jumped around in a hurry. Lil’ Fire recovered
from fright and thought that Zuo Mo was playing with it. It chirped happily as it leapt over
and hung on behind Zuo Mo.

Wei Sheng was helpless against Shidi’s weirdness. He shook his head and left.

Zuo Mo knew that if he was thrown out of the Wasteland Beast Chessboard, his
consciousness would probably be injured, but he had not expected his consciousness injury
to be so painful! If he had known, he definitely would not have done this “dumb thing.” It
had been too long since he was last injured. Zuo Mo had almost forgotten the pain of
consciousness injuries. This time, it really was so painful he wanted to die!

The damned Little Red!

Wait for ge, ge will return!

As he breathed in jerks, Zuo Mo gritted his teeth and swore an oath.


Several black figures passed by like lightning, and several sharp edges criss-crossed in
the air before suddenly appearing on the fiend soul beast. The fiend soul beast was
instantly dismembered, and leaving behind only a black fang and a bead.

The fang and the bead were put away. The hardship guards had joyful expressions.
At this time, the expression of one of the people shifted. “Gathering orders! Back to the
camp, immediately!” The other people quickly disappeared in the fiendish mist without
another word.

In the Guard campgrounds, Shu Long looked at everyone who had finished gathering and
was very comforted. Everyone’s improvement in this time had been great and unexpected
to him. All of the Hardship Guards that cultivated [Hardship Guard] had formed their
weapons. He had originally predicted they would need one or two years and had not
expected it to be complete in less than a month.

He was filled with respect and awe towards the mystery daren inside the necklace. In his
view, that daren could do anything! It was the guidance of this daren in this recent while
that caused everyone to all finish forming their weapons. All of the cultivation regimes had
been personally prescribed by the mystery daren. In this short month, the power of the
entire Guard Camp had multiplied!

His thoughts were interrupted by the gazes of those below him. He focused and said in a
deep voice, “In this recent while, everyone has cultivated successfully and finished
forming the weapons! Good! Very good!”

Shu Long’s praise caused the hardship guards below to raised their heads and puff up
their chests, their faces bright. Shu Long had a warm personality, but he was extremely
stern when he supervised their cultivation. Everyone felt honored to receive his praise and
were very proud.

The expressions of everyone landing in his eyes, the corners of Shu Long’s mouth
imperceptibly smiled. He then said in a serious tone, “In order to commend everyone’s
recent efforts, Daren has passed down new cultivation techniques.”

Everyone below instantly had joy and anticipation on their faces.

“Everyone has to work hard on this [Great Day Hardship Guard]. Its power is even
greater! I won’t say much but only when our strength becomes strong can we give our
service to Daren, to be able to protect Daren! Does everyone still remember the oath we
took in the past?”

Woosh, everyone simultaneously bowed, and said together, “Do not dare to forget!”

Every hardship guard had excitement on their faces!

“You are too daring.” Wei’s expression was at ease as though he was narrating a small
non-descript matter. “It is not so easy to modify a mo skill.”

“You feel guilty,” Pu Yao said coldly. There was no warmth in his bloody pupil.

“What do I feel guilty for?” Wei’s voice did not ripple at all.

Pu Yao smirked, his expression filled with scorn. “You definitely regret saying so much
that day. You did not expect that I would deduce so much from your scattered

“Yes, this point is unexpected to me.” Wei openly nodded. “Your skill in yao arts
surpasses my imagination. A yao who is able to change mo skills using yao arts. I
cannot accomplish this.”

“Of course you cannot do it.” Pu Yao was not modest at all.

Wei smiled slightly, and his star like eyes were bright. “Your theoretical level is
definitely the most outstanding that I have ever seen but you lack experience. Spells,
yao arts, mo skills, they do come from a common root, but after so many years of
development, the divisions are clear. No matter if it is yao arts or mo skills, they have
developed far on their own paths.”

Pu Yao lowered his head to think for a moment. When he raised his head, the scorn on
his face had disappeared. He said seriously, “Your words are not wrong. My yao art
theory and knowledge are based on the experience of those before me. These are my
fundamentals, but I lack the fundamentals of mo skills.”

“A very clear awareness,” Wei calmly praised.

“Your conditions,” Pu Yao glanced at Wei and said coldly.

“A complete Golden Soul.” Wei raised a finger.

“Half.” Pu Yao shook his head.

“Agreed.” Wei unhesitantly nodded.

He knew that even if he did not tell Pu Yao, with Pu Yao’s talents, it would not be difficult
to study and come to understand. He only needed to find some experimental subjects and
make comparisons to come to the conclusion. Righteous Yao might not use these kinds of
extreme methods, but for someone who was insane like Pu Yao, there was nothing that he
would not do.

Also, Wei’s original intention was not to gain something from this transaction. He hoped
that this was a good beginning.
No matter if it was against Pu Yao or Zuo Mo, this was extremely important as those that
cultivated [Great Day Hardship Guard] were Zuo Mo’s subordinates.

Wei was clear to the contents of the [Great Day Hardship Guard] that Pu Yao had
modified using the Great Day mo physique. Pu Yao had not concealed any part of the
process from him. He was also clear about the problems of the [Great Day Hardship
Guard]. Truthfully, Pu Yao had shocked him greatly.

A yao that modified a mo skill. He had never heard of such a thing in his past. More
crucially, the [Great Day Hardship Guard] that Pu Yao had modified had an extremely high
level skill. If this mo skill was thrown into the mo world, it definitely would become a mo
skill that would be passed down in a clan.

Wei was also clear that if he wanted to do anything, he needed to first prove his value.
Because he had a practical “landlord.”

He did not conceal anything, and proactively discussed with Pu Yao to make this mo skill
even more complete. Pu Yao also saw Wei in a different light. Existences such as armor
spirits might accumulate large amounts of knowledge because they had long lifespans but
they were not necessarily outstanding in terms of intelligence.

But Wei showed how he was different compared to normal armor spirits. He did not just
have a wealth of knowledge, he also had outstanding intelligence. This completely upended
Pu Yao’s understanding of armor spirits. He was slightly curious. The origins of this false
gentleman didn’t seem to be small.

No matter how much of a biased opinion Pu Yao had towards Wei, the discussion went
extremely smooth. These two geniuses quickly found synergy.

A completely new [Great Day Hardship Guard] came out of the stove.

When the skill was completed, Pu Yao and Wei exchanged a look and found the
anticipations in each other’s eyes.

This completely new mo art, with the [Hardship Guard] as the foundation and merging
the Great Day mo physique as well as Pu Yao’s yao arts, what heights would this reach?

This was really worthy of anticipating!


The next morning when Zuo Mo work up, he found that the wounded consciousness that
had caused him so much pain, had healed.
Hm, what happened?

Zuo Mo jumped up. He touched around and found that there was no pain. He hurriedly
inspected his body. Had something new occurred inside his body?

Calming down, he entered his inner perspective.

He was completely shocked by the scene in front of him!

Translator Ramblings: Does Wei come off as a nice person? Remember how nice Pu Yao
was the first time he and Zuo Mo met? Pu Yao is right in saying he is a fake gentleman but
Zuo Mo can keep his illusions up for a while … ….
Chapter 391
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety One – Great Mo Physique

The flame seed inside Zuo Mo’s body tinged with gold flickered. These golden flames had
extremely unique shapes. They seemed to be like overlapping waves, layered together.
There were more than five layers. The color of each layer was different. The innermost
layer was almost transparent, and the outermost layer was pure dazzling golden yellow.
They burned silently.

Zuo Mo suddenly recalled his Golden Crow Fire seed. He hurried to look and his
expression changed slightly. The Golden Crow Fire had disappeared without a trace. Golden
Crow Fire was a fourth-grade flame and it could completely fulfill any of his present
demands. It could melt gold and iron easily, and was one of Zuo Mo’s greatest assistants. Its
sudden disappearance instantly made Zuo Mo slightly panicked.

A thought suddenly jumped into his mind.

Had some new change happened to the Golden Crow Fire?

His thoughts shifted, and the layered flame changed as expected. Pew, large amounts of
layered flame suddenly erupted out of Zuo Mo’s palm and formed a hand of fire. Zuo Mo
curiously put his hand in front of him. The boundaries between the layers of the golden
layered flame were extremely clear. It exuded an astonishing heat but his palm was as cold
as ice.

Zuo Mo found it interesting and his counsciousness burrowed into the golden layered


The golden layered flame suddenly erupted. A pressuring heat, with Zuo Mo at the
center, exploded outwards. The defensive formations of the tent suddenly lit up with a red
glow and stopped this wave of heat. Pia pia pia. The red light retreated. There was a
crackling like glass breaking and Zuo Mo’s heart leapt when he heard this.

The last layer of formations forcibly stopped this terrifying wave of heat. Zuo Mo
instantly released a breath. However, when he saw the mess inside the tent, his heart
shivered. There was a layer of black glass on the ground. This was because the heat had
melted the granite. Zuo Mo instantly judged that the golden layered flame was better than
the Golden Crow Fire!
At least fifth-grade!

Zuo Mo thought to himself somewhat cheerfully. If it wasn’t that he knew the Golden
Crow Macro Formation and could harvest Golden Crow Fire at will, obtaining the fourth-
grade Golden Crow Fire would not be easy, much less obtaining this golden layered flame of
a high grade. The golden layered flame had a higher grade, and was even more powerful.
The requirement to control it was even higher. Zuo Mo thought to himself that he had to
spend time studying this golden layered flame. Otherwise, it was shameful if he had a
treasure and could not use it.

The changes to Zuo Mo’s body were not just limited to the golden layered flame. If he did
not see it with his own eyes, Zuo Mo would not believe that this body was his!

Bones like crystal, the blood vessels that all glowed, and the patterns on them could be
clearly seen. The blood inside the vessels was bright and fresh, filled with vitality and
shining with a faint golden light. They circulated extremely slowly. If Zuo Mo’s
consciousness was not extremely sensitive, he would have thought that the blood was
unmoving. Zuo Mo quickly found the cause. The blood that was tinged with golden light
was now much more viscous . Even the blood vessels were multiple times thicker and gave
off the feeling of power.

Other than the channels and blood vessels, the muscles and tendons inside Zuo Mo’s
body had completely transformed. The strong muscles had a faint gold sheen like it had
been brushed with a layer of golden oil. The tendons inside his body were thinner and
more slender than before but Zuo Mo could feel the astonishing power contained inside.

Zuo Mo had a strange feeling that he had become a weirdo.

A weirdo that had endless strength and an inhumanly strong body.

Slightly insecure, Zuo Mo instantly ran into the sea of consciousness. When he saw Pu
Yao, he burst out, “Pu, what is with my body?”

Pu Yao’s eyes were closed in relaxation. He said lazily, “Don’t startle over nothing. Your
Great Day mo physique advanced, that’s all.”

“Great Day mo physique advanced?” Zuo Mo realized and the stone inside his heart
landed. He was instantly interested. “Haha! So it advanced! What are the benefits from
advancing? Pu, tell me more!”

The corner of Pu Yao’s uncovered eye imperceptibly twitched and then he drawled. “An
insignificant Great Day mo physique advancement, what else is there to say?”

Zuo Mo instantly was discontent. He smirked. “An insignificant Great Day mo physique
advancement? If you have the skill, do this insignificant thing as well! Don’t hold the
bread and say you don’t have food. Ge is relying on this to kill yao and mo. If we can’t
walk out of this ghastly place, can you?”

Pu Yao was speechless.

Wei felt very good inside. Even though helping Zuo Mo in secret had been an action taken
out of helplessness, but now he found that this guy was truly a weirdo! He had lost a few
times to Pu Yao. He had a deep experience of Pu Yao’s cunning and maliciousness. Seeing
Pu Yao defeated by Zuo Mo, he felt great no matter how he looked at it. If he wasn’t wary of
Pu Yao, he wanted to clap his hands in pleasure.

However, he maintained his position and pretended to not overhear Zuo Mo and Pu Yao’s
argument. Pu Yao was one to get even. Zuo Mo was unafraid, but he could not say the same.
Unable to go back into the gravestone, his power was weaker than Pu Yao. Even more, Pu
Yao was more cunning than him, more vicious than him, and dominated him in all aspects.

“Look at the time, you are still hiding things?” Zuo Mo was furious.

Pu Yao suddenly opened his eyes. “You can ask him about the Great Day mo physique.”

“Wei?” Zuo Mo was slightly puzzled. He turned to ask Wei, “You understand the Great
Day mo physique?” He suddenly nodded in realization. “Right, right! You jumped out of
the gravestone, you definitely understand the Great Day mo physique!”

Wei was shocked inside. He looked at Pu Yao who had closed his eyes again and was
puzzled. After the gravestone had been sealed by Pu Yao, he had been forced into an
agreement with Pu Yao and could not to pass mo skills onto Zuo Mo. This time, Pu Yao had
actually suggested of his own initiative for Zuo Mo to ask him for help with the Great Day
mo physique. Wasn’t this strange?

Out of caution, he shook his head. “I cannot teach you mo skills.”

“Why?” Zuo Mo stilled. His eyes widened and he suddenly showed realization. He said
generously, “What do you want? Name a price!”

Wei closed his mouth and did not speak.

Pu Yao opened his eyes again and said to Wei, “This guy is right. If we cannot leave this
ghastly place, no one will be well off. Since his Great Day mo physique has advanced, it
is beneficial for everyone if you teach him a bit. This does not betray your oath.”

Wei’s bewilderment increased. Pu Yao’s words were righteous and appeared reasonable
but the more it appeared so, the more Wei felt the other had a scheme. Wei pondered it
momentarily inside and then made a decision. He nodded. “Alright.”

What he needed to do was not betray his oath and be able to pass mo skills to Zuo Mo.
Even if Pu Yao had secret intentions, he decided to take the chance.
Seeing Wei agree, Zuo Mo was overjoyed. He hurriedly sat opposite Wei. Pu Yao closed
his eye again. He might have been resting his mind or meditating.

Wei pushed aside his stray thoughts and slowly began, “The Great Day mo physique is
an extremely rare mo physique, extremely yang and strong, unparalleled in
dominance. You are familiar with the six transformations of the Great Day mo
physique. Do you still remember when you had used all six transformations at the
same time?”

“A bit.” Zuo Mo nodded.

“It has a name, Great mo physique,” Wei said faintly, and a strange look flashed through
his eyes.

“Great mo physique?”

“The Great mo physique is the sign that amo physique has reached maturation, but
this situation is very strange.” Wei said in a deep voice, “You are not a pure mo.
Theoretically, the possibility of achieving Great mo physique is very low, but you
managed to do it. Even now, I do not understand the cause of this.”

“Would there be any danger?” Zuo Mo hurried to ask. The Great Day mo physique did
have great power, but if he lost his life in trade for this, then it was not profitable.

“There is no danger.” Wei said with a warm smile, “For you, there are only benefits
and no harmful effects. You should have found the changes in your body. Those are
traits unique to your Great mo physique. Your body right now is a body that cannot be
unbroken. The flying swords controlled by ningmai xiuzhe cannot harm you. The
dhyana xiu have similar techniques that create a body that cannot be damaged. Other
than a few traits, there is no basic difference.”

Zuo Mo listened extremely carefully. Wei’s understanding of the mo physique seemed to

be deeper than Pu Yao.

“The layered flame inside your body is called the Great Day Banded Flame. It is a
kind of sixth-grade fire seed. Very few mo that cultivate the Great Day mo physique can
form the Great Day Banded Flame. This must be related to the xiuzhe spells you
cultivated before.” Wei said humbly, “The Great Day mo physique is very rarely seen. I
do not know much about it and can only use some of what I know for you as reference.”

The Great Day Banded Flame was actually a sixth-grade fire seed. In this moment, Zuo
Mo felt so happy he could faint!

Sixth-grade fire seed! This mean that his forging and dan-making would increase by two

Zuo Mo wore a stupid smile.

Wei saw Zuo Mo’s expression and couldn’t help but grin. He did not hurry Zuo Mo along,
and waited for Zuo Mo to come out of his daze. When Zuo Mo’s gaze became clear again, he
continued, “After using the six changes of the Great Day mo physique to form the Great
mo physique, it can open the deep mo levels.”

“How is it different?”

Wei smiled and then said seriously, “The six changes of the deep mo levels
dramatically increase in power. Only then will you truly have the power to equal the
top jindan xiuzhe.”

With an outstanding appearance, a humble presence, a serious expression, the cross-

legged Wei was like the most devout preacher.

“How do you open the deep mo layer’s six transformations?” Zuo Mo asked.


“How do I gain comprehension?”

“Very sorry, I do not know that either.” Wei shook his head with a slight smile. “Let me
tell you of an example of someone that comprehend the deep mo level. Maybe this will
give you some help.”

The deep pupils lit up with the sheen of remembrance, the handsome face filled with

“My previous master’s mo physique when entering the colonel stage was called
Serene Python. It cannot compare to your Great Day mo physique. The Serene Python is
a mo physique famed for its strength, and it only has three transformations.”

Wei’s tone was deep and carried an inexplicable charisma as he narrated.

“She was fourteen when she reached the Great mo physique of the Serene Python.”
Wei raised his head to see the shock on Zuo Mo’s face and smiled. He then said, “However,
it was only when she was seventeen that she opened the deep mo layer of the three
Serene Python changes. In these three years, she journeyed through nine mo jies.”

Zuo Mo was stunned. He murmured, “Nine … …”

He could not imagine travelling over nine mo jies. Even if they were little jie like Sky
Moon Jie, it wasn’t just a matter of one or two months to cross one of them. Zuo Mo felt that
he had gone many places, but compared to this person, it was an embarrassing comparison.

Even more, at fourteen … …

“She fought four hundred and twenty seven times, killed fifty nine mo, wounded
another thirty, and was wounded twenty four times.”

Zuo Mo froze in shock.

Translator Ramblings: There was just a very abrupt POV change between the last chapter
and the one before it. It’s implied that Mo Ru Huo most likely did not end well. The way I
thought was the grey thing was either a way to track him or to wound/kill him in some
Chapter 392
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Two – Making A Wish

What deep mo level, go to hell, this was the only thing Zuo Mo thought after hearing Wei
speak of his previous master.

If he really followed what Wei suggested, Zuo Mo guessed that the only person among his
compatriots that could accomplish this would be Wei Sheng Shixiong. Other people,
including him, definitely could not realize it.

Since it was an insurmountable task, then there was no need to trouble himself over it.
This was Zuo Mo’s usual style.

Compared to the unreliable deep mo level, it was more important to find news regarding
the Battle of Sealed Extinction. Due to his lack of wealth in the past, he had delayed going to
the second prison. Now that he had money, this matter had to progress quickly. Thinking
about it, Zuo Mo entered the Wasteland Beast Chessboard again.

This time, he did not go to find Nan Yue and Cang Ze, and went alone into the second
prison. Cang Lin’s grievous injury had just healed and he needed to recover. Cang Ze and
Nan Yue had to go through the test of the prison battlefield before they could enter the
second prison. Zuo Mo, due to finishing the prison breaking battle, had already received the
qualifications to enter the second prison.

The second prison was called Dance of Falling Maples.

Endless mountain ranges, and large groves of fire red maple trees extended endlessly
into the distance. When a gentle wind blew past, the woods would creak, and fire red maple
leaves would be caught up in the wind and leave their branches. In that time, the maple
leaves would be like red pixies that danced in the wind. Even the clouds in the sky would be
slightly tinged with red.

The scenery in front of him was as bright as fire, but Zuo Mo felt an unspeakable feeling
of sorrow and desolation in his chest. Zuo Mo looked dazedly at the maple leaves floating in
the wind.

Was it that his calm had decreased after his consciousness was wounded?

Zuo Mo focused and mocked himself. He walked forward.


Nan Yue looked with determination at the prison battlefield in front of her. Suddenly,
Cang Ze’s laugh came from behind her. “A Yue has also come here.”

Nan Yue turned around and couldn’t help but be surprised. Today, Cang Ze seemed to be
completely different than usual. Battle intent exuded faintly from his body, and his steps
were determined. She instantly understood. “Cang da ge is also planning on today?”

“Yes, I can’t fall too much behind A Yue,” Cang Ze said with an open laugh.

Nan Yue had slightly mirth on her face, the competitiveness in her eyes rising. “Then let’s
see who succeed first!”

“Alright! See you in the second prison!”

“See you in the second prison!”

The two figures charged into the prison battlefield at the same time.


The Maple Leaf Market was the yao city of the second prison and also one of the largest
cities of the Ten Finger Prison. Usually, most yao that entered the second prison were yao
that had successfully achieved planting of the spirit. Those who were successfully managed
to rise above the lowest classes of little yao and ghost attendant yao. The yao of this stage
were called night stock yao.

The yao that just ignited their star fire were called little yao, those yao that completed
transformation were called ghost attendant yao, and those that successfully planted their
spirit were night stock yao.

Night stock yao was the true fundamental level of the yao world. The local corps’s lowest
requirement was ghost attendant yao, but the true backbone of these corps were the night
stock yao. A corps commanded directly by the Council of Elders were at minimum night
stock yao.

Zuo Mo could clearly feel that the yao that passed by were much stronger than the
Wasteland Beast Chessboard as he had expected. Night stock yao were equivalent to
ningmai xiuzhe. However, due to how cultivating yao arts meant communicating with the
world, the presence exuded by night stock yao was stronger than ningmai xiuzhe.

Many night stock yao that successfully planted their spirit were unable to gather and
conceal their power. All kinds of flowing rings of light would appear in the surroundings.
Along the way, Zuo Mo saw many strange and weird rings of light. Some were bright green,
others fire red, some were shaped like a sickle while others had teeth or were crescents. It
broadened his visions.

These moving rings of light were related to the yao arts they cultivated. Night stock yao
that just entered the spirit planting stage were unable to completely control their
consciousness. A portion of the consciousness that leaked out would naturally form the yao
art they cultivated and produce stray rings of light. Yao who had good eyes were even able
to judge the attribute of the yao art from the rings of light.

Those night stock yao that did not have rings of light were actually stronger.

But no matter if they had a light ring or not, any yao coming that saw Zuo Mo’s face
clearly would pale and then hurriedly jumped to the side.

One’s name was like the shadow of a tree. With the name of “Xiao Mo Ge,” Zuo Mo was a
young expert that was known through the yao world, especially after he had killed twenty
six yao successively, it had given him a reputation of brutality and no one dared to
cause trouble for him.

Anywhere he passed, the crowds of yao avoided him.

But a problem also came along. Zuo Mo was planning to ask for directions. Before he
could speak, the other would turn and run as though their butts were on fire. A few ran
even faster when they heard Zuo Mo speak, hating that their parents hadn’t given birth to
them with two more legs.

Zuo Mo could only grimace.

After a lot of effort, he finally learned the position of the Maple Leaf Market.

After a few rounds at the Maple Leaf Market, he was slightly disappointed. As expected,
this place was still quite low-level. The things sold and the contents of those bounties were
also low-level. No wonder Cang Lin suggested for him to go to the third prison.

He was doubtful if he could find information on the Battle of Sealed Extinction at the
third prison.

A short while later, there were many yao surrounding him. They looked at Zuo Mo with
respect and awe and occasionally discuss. However, no one came over, clearly wary of Xiao
Mo Ge’s reputation as a butcher.
Zuo Mo shook his head. After asking for directions to the prison battlefield, he left.

Everything Zuo Mo passed was extremely novel and unfamiliar, but Zuo Mo wasn’t in the
mood at this time. The Sealed Extinction battlefield was like a heavy rock weighing on his
heart. Right now, they seemed to have it easier, but Zuo Mo knew if it dragged on, their
situation would become even more precarious.

The prison battlefield of the Dance of Falling Maples was a stand of beautiful and
enchanting maple tries.

Zuo Mo did not stop and unhesitatingly stepped into it.


Zong Ru’s complexion was red gold, his lips slightly curved upward as though in a smile,
his right hand seemed to be holding a flower as he sat with his legs crossed. His entire body
seemed to be made from copper, a dignified and grave presence filling the entire room.

A long while later, he slowly opened his eyes. Gold light flashed through his eyes, and the
spell on his fingers disappeared. The dignified and grave presence around him instantly
disappeared. An uncontrollable look of joy floated in Zong Ru’s pupils. He finally saw a
great path towards jindan!

When he had received [Attainment Golden Body] from Daren, even a person as
composed as him was stunned where he stood! Sixth-grade spell! Daren had given him a
sixth-grade spell! And it was also a sixth-grade dhyana xiu spell! For some reason, his nose
had become sore, and he had almost cried.

No one knew the greatest reason he had chosen the path of the dhyana xiu was that he
lacked spells. His talent was not outstanding, and sects would not accept him based on
merit. His family was also extremely poor and could not pay the tribute. No sect was willing
to accept disciples like him. A dhyana xiu that had wandered by had felt pity at his situation
and given him [Sky Wave Fist Scripture].

This fist scripture was very simple and could even be called rough, but Zong Ru was still
very grateful to that dhyana xiu.

He knew this fist scripture was extremely rudimentary. If he wanted to progress, other
than obtaining higher-level spells, he could only work on his Samadhi to achieve ningmai.
He used his outstanding persistence and finally reached ningmai, even forming an abhinna.

Only he knew the hardship of this entire journey.

However, Samadhi meditation was not the solution to all. He furiously worked on his
Samadhi but he quickly found that relying on just the practice of Samadhi was unable to
allow him to progress further. Zong Ru had been disappointed but he had not felt sad. He
was not an ambitious person, and only worked hard on cultivation each day.

But when Zuo Mo handed [Attainment Golden Body] to him, everything changed.

His cultivation that had remained still for so long actually grew a little sliver. Such a
wondrous effect, as expected of a sixth-grade spell.

What he had never expected was that, other than the [Attainment Golden Body] Daren
also gave him the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk!

A sixth-grade spell, and a sixth-grade talisman!

Things the he didn’t even dare to dream about were now in his hands.

Daren had also said, using the Vajra Gada as the spindle, the Nine Turn Sky Soil Disk as
the wheel, he would reforge the two into a prayer wheel that would definitely be powerful.

Threads of warmth rose in Zong Ru’s heart, and a smile floated at the corner of his

Daren never did unprofitable business. He wanted him to sell his life for his entire life.

Then … … he will sell himself to Daren!

His hands suddenly came together, he lowered his eyes, his features dignified.

His dhyana heart was calm like an old well, a determined and grave voice echoing in his

“Zong Ru wishes, forsaking the path to Buddhahood, to use this body as a vajra to
protect Daren.”

His dhyana heart that was calm suddenly became covered with black clouds. Wind and
rain came, lightning flashed, thunder roared, and created waves that reached the sky.

Zong Ru gave a muffled grunt and his expression changed slightly. But he seemed to not
detect it. He closed his eyes, his voice as determined as usual.

“Zong Ru wishes, forsaking the path to Buddhahood, to use this body as a vajra to
protect Daren!”

His body trembled fiercely, his dhyana heart cracking all over and on the edge of
Zong Ru gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, reciting his wish over and over. He seemed
to be situated in a terrible storm, lightning snakes flashing above him and illuminating his
determined face. He piously recited again and again the wish he gave!


A strange power suddenly formed from his nearly destroyed dhyana heart and quickly
burrowed into his limbs and organs. Even more wondrous was that it permeated Zong Ru’s
ling power, and every bit of blood and flesh of his body.

At the same time, the ling power inside his body seemed to be awakened, and started to
flow according to [Attainment Golden Body].

A thread of strange power burrowed into his forehead.


In the camp, everyone suddenly stopped their actions and turned to look at a corner of
the camp.

Everyone had shock on their faces.

Core formation!

Someone was entering jindan!

Yi Zheng who was not far away from Zong Ru suddenly paled. His lips trembled and he
exclaimed, “Wish power! Buddhahood Abandonment Death Wish!”

How was it possible?

Someone had given a death wish!

Did he not know that if one gave a death wish, they could not become a Buddha

Was he crazy?

Translator Ramblings: The problem with having a fearsome reputation is that everyone
is scared and reluctant to help you … …
Chapter 393
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDom, and Brian.

Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Three – Buddhahood Abandonment Death Wish

Core formation!

Up until now, the camp had two jindan in total, Wei Sheng and Xie Shan.

Zong Ru undergoing core formation was unexpected by everyone. Wei Sheng’s core
formation was caused by the condensation of his sword heart after killing something, and
Xie Shan’s core formation was an innate change due to power. Zong Ru’s talent could only
be called normal. While his cultivation was not bad, but he had not accumulated power on
the level that Xie Shan had.

Zong Ru, who was not the most outstanding in any area, was the third to undergo core

Shocked, everyone naturally spread out and raised their guard to defend against the
fiendish mist that would come and disturb Zong Ru.

After seeing two core formations, everyone was familiar with the apparitions during core
formation. In the sky above Zong Ru’s tent was an enormous shadow that was like a faint
ball of mist. The mist flowed and twisted as though something was struggling inside.

When everyone raised their heads to look at the enormous shadow in the air, they all
expressed shock. As the mist appeared, a faint presence covered everyone’s minds like a
little mountain. The only ones that could keep their composure were Wei Sheng and Xie
Shan. But even these two had nervous expressions. If core formation failed, the lightest
consequence was injury and the degradation of cultivation; the most serious was loss of


A sound that was like a dragon and elephant thundered through the depths of the
shadows like waves.

Irregular ripples formed in the air like ripples in water. Everyone guarding the
surroundings felt their ears ring as though something had exploded by their ears. Those
with deep cultivation wavered, and those that were of lower cultivation paled and took
multiple steps back.
Only at this time did a hard wave of wind reach everyone.


“Wish power! A Buddhahood Abandonment Death Wish! How long has it been since
I’ve seen such pure and extreme wish power?” In Wei’s deep pupils, there seemed to be
something flashing.

Pu Yao looked at the continuously changing mist in the sky, as a hint of trepidation
flashed through his mind.

Wish power!

A taste that he had almost forgotten. But when it appeared again, that familiar
trepidation once again appeared.

In that great war three thousand years ago, he had fought against many dhyana xiu. Of
course, there were dhyana xiu that possessed wish power. Dhyana xiu that possessed wish
power were enemies that all yao did not want to encounter. It didn’t matter if it was yao
arts or mo skills, there were many malicious and evil techniques he could think of; but if Pu
Yao had to pick out the ten most malicious powers, wish power was definitely among them.

Wish power did not have any connection with the cultivation level of the dhyana xiu. It
was a power that could permeate all kinds of ling power. It was only connected with the
wish inside the heart of the wisher. The more determined the wisher’s belief was, the
stronger the wish power was.

In the legends, if the dhyana xiu who made a wish could complete the oath they gave,
they could become a buddha.

The strongest belief of every dhyana xiu was to become a Buddha. A death wish was a
wish that could not be completed. Buddhahood Abandonment Death Wish, was when the
dhyana xiu made the cruelest and harshest oath and because of this, of all the kinds of wish
power, Buddhahood Abandonment Death Wish was the most extreme wish power.

No one wanted to be enemies that had made a Buddhahood Abandonment Death Wish. If
one touched this terrifying wish power, it would directly damage their soul, and this
damage was almost irreparable. It was a synonym for death.

Luckily, not every dhyana xiu could make wishes. Otherwise, the great battle in the past
would not have lasted for long. In reality, it was rare to find dhyana xiu that could receive
wish power; and of those the dhyana xiu that could make a Buddhahood Abandonment
Death Wish, even Pu Yao hadn’t seen more than five.
But they actually encountered one here!

Pu Yao and Wei were frightened.


Of the entire campsite, in terms of who was most shocked, it would undoubtedly be Yi

Coming from the Great Buddha Temple, Yi Zheng was from an orthodox and famed sect.
But at this time, he was gaping as he looked at the sky, his entire mind a mess.

Dropped into this ghastly place, what he had seen in these short months had completely
upset everything he had learned on the mountain.

When he had seen Wei Sheng the first time, he was awed by the other’s talent and felt
that he, in comparison, had achieved nothing. However, he never would have thought that
it was just the beginning. Everything that followed was so fantastical it was like a dream.

A guy who was of similar age to him was the leader of thousands of people, and everyone
was strangely loyal.

In a place called Golden Crow Camp, everyone had a fourth-grade Golden Crow Fire seed.
He had almost gone insane then. Could that fire seed be made wholesale?

In a place called Vermillion Bird Camp, everyone there were battlemaniacs. Even their
gaze when they walked by were like blades. Yi Zheng was a greenhorn. He did not know
how strong these people were but the presence exuded by these people made his heart
beat wildly.

A place called Guard Camp had its doors locked all day. However, there would
occasionally be the sounds of howling like wild beasts and battle coming from inside. Every
time he passed by, he would uncontrollably shake.

There was one that rested all day hugging the sword, one that held a black spear and
killed all day without any weariness, little people that could fly, and mischievous pagoda …

All kinds of weird, strange, and impossible things were found here.

We are from Great Buddha Temple, we are dhyana xiu, we won’t compete with you on
strangeness, Yi Zheng repeatedly comforted himself in multiple nights.
But today, he saw with his own eyes a dhyana xiu’s coreformation, saw a dhyana xiu give
a wish, saw a dhyana xiu give a Buddhahood Abandonment Death Wish, and consequently,
he completely broke down!

Who is the dhyana xiu here!

Great Buddha Temple, one of the ten dhyana xiu holy grounds. He knew of three that had
wish power, the shishu from the Discipline Hall, the ancestral forefather, and Seventh

Buddhahood Abandonment Death Wish, oh, the stuff of legends, it’s good to hear about it.

But why did it have to appear in front of him … …

Yi Zheng suddenly felt that the glittering sigh of the Great Buddha Temple was still
dazzling in front of this unorthodox dhyana xiu, but for some unknown reason, its presence
had lessened greatly.

All hail the Buddha!

Yi Zheng grabbed his head with his hands and looked dazedly at the dark shadow
gradually forming in the sky.


A blurry shadow gradually formed above the camp.

The enormous slave transporting boats in the face of this figure’s foot was like a toe. The
shadow was like an ancient giant looking down at the world. Everyone in the camp without
exception inhaled sharply. An endless presence came at them like a tsunami.

Wei Sheng showed a grave expression. He stepped forward, and gestured in a circle and
swiped with his fingers.

Everyone felt the presence oppressing their bodies instantly lesson and their terror-filled
expressions eased slightly.

Wei Sheng and Xie Shan exchanged a look. Both had grave expressions. The two of them
had detected the unusualness of Zong Ru’s core formation.

The blurry giant suddenly raised its head and bellowed. The sound travelled far in all

Waves of motion came from the depths of the fiendish mist.

The giant’s blurry figure continued to change.


Zuo Mo who was going through the Dance of Falling Maple’s prison battlefield did not
know of the enormous noise at the campground.

This time, he did not activate the prison breaking battle and he sighed in relief. If he
activated the prison breaking battle again, then he would want to smash his head of a wall.
He thought of how much endless trouble breaking Vast Water Clear Skies had been.

With money in his hand, Zuo Mo did not want trouble. These things might also be money,
but there were not as likable as jingshi. In any case, ge couldn’t waste it.

The prison battlefield of the Dance of Falling Maple was primarily based on killing
illusions. Zuo Mo felt good after using [Bone-Crushing Obscuring Wind]. Powerful yao arts
only worked if they were used frequently. Zuo Mo clearly detected that he could use [Bone-
Crushing Obscuring Wind] now.

Zuo Mo quickly was not satisfied with purely using [Bone-Crushing Obscuring Wind].
He started to try to change yao arts.

Suddenly thinking of the feeling he caught at the last moment in the battle against Mo Ru
Huo … …

Zuo Mo’s eyes suddenly lit up.


The door created by blue and green vines twined together released a serene light. This
was a yao door. The xiuzhe had their transportation formations, the yao had the their yao
doors, the mo had their blood pools.

They were going home.

Looking at the yao door, Mu Xi’s thoughts flowed. She couldn’t say how she felt after
being able to safely return home after fighting for several years. Before this campaign, she
had never left home for so long. Thinking about how her mother had cried until she was
made of tears when she had been preparing, her heart felt sore.

Returning in victory, this was the only part she felt was worth it. From a young age, her
talent was not very eye-catching among the youths of the clan. It was only when she began
to study being a battle general that her talent was seen. It had been unexpected that the
chance to represent the Wood Clan had landed on her head. The clan leader’s order had
created many doubting voices. It had to be known that of all military commanders, she was
the youngest.

Fortunately, she had not failed. Even though there were no great achievements, there
were not any failures.

“Let’s go,” she said serenely.

Just at this time, a yao that was wearing the military uniform hurried past. Mu Xi
recognized this yao. The other was an intermediate-level battle general at the front line of
the Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie. Mu Xi had once met him. The other’s expression was
panicked and had slight terror. Mu Xi’s heart suddenly jumped.

“Mang Zang Daren!” she called the other.

Mang Zang’s steps paused. He finally saw Mu Xi like he had woken up from a dream. “It’s
Mu Xi Daren!”

To any battle general, the skill to remain calm was the most fundamental of all
fundamentals. Seeing the other so uncomposed, the bad feeling inside grew. She asked in a
light voice, “Has something happened?”

Zang Mang’s expression changed. His eyes suddenly became slightly red, his voice
hoarse. “The front lines were defeated.”

“Ah!” Mu Xi and her vice commander’s expression changed dramatically.

“Three days ago, small numbers of xiuzhe appeared on the outskirts of the defensive
line. We sent out little teams to clean out the area. We quickly received news that the
teams were surrounded and were asking for aid. Yan Shang Daren led the troops to
give aid. But the other took the chance to attack the defense line. The attack was
strong. Yan Shang Daren was ambushed on the way back to give aid. The Fierce Fire
Corps were completely killed. Yan Daren has also given his life in sacrifice. The troops
that went to give aid to Yan Shang Daren were also ambushed and lost great

Mang Zhan’s voice was sorrowful.

Mu Xi’s face suddenly became as white as paper.

Translator Ramblings: Poor Yi Zheng, it’s been one shock after another. Also, Mu Xi is
going home. Her mission to find the daren who set off the Stars in Daytime has ended. From
her perspective, it is possible to see the restrictions of being in a military organization. She
is cautious and has to always consider her service and achievements as well as the effects
on her fmaily. Also, she is under another person’s command so there is a lack of freedom.
She is very restricted in her actions compared to Zuo Mo who is really only constrained by
the environment, his money or lack of, and his own desire to survive.
Chapter 394
This chapter has been brought to you by me and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Four – Speculation

When the news of the defeat at the front line reached the rear, all were shocked. This was
the first defeat the yao had suffered after the war began. The losses were so severe they
surpassed imagination.

In the previous battles, the yao military forces had advanced smoothly. The xiuzhe hadn’t
just retreated out of Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie, they had also lost multiple jie. But looking at
it with a calm eye now, the xiuzhe had not been truly wounded at all. What they had lost
were just the lowest level of sects, and the true elite had not suffered losses at all.

In this defeat, the yao casualties were all combat yao above the stage of spirit planting.

Normal yao and combat yao were both were spirit planting stage, but there was an
enormous difference in ability. This was not as evident when it was a small skirmish, but
the difference would certainly show in mass combat. Even if it was the local militia, they
needed to training for at least five years to form preliminary combat abilities.

Even more, Fierce Fire Corps was a regular corps commanded directly by the Council of

None one had expected the xiuzhe’s counterattack was so ferocious and decisive. When
they attacked, it was like thunder.

When the situation at the front lines were good, the mood at the rear was very relaxed,
but with the news of the defeat the mood of the rear instantly became tense.

The Fierce Fire Corps of Yan Shang Daren were famed for their ferocity. They were
completely defeated. Then how strong was the power of the enemy?

The yao finally remembered that the xiuzhe had possessed Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie for
three thousand years. Three thousand years, even if Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie was not
suited for xiuzhe to fight, they would still be as familiar with that place like it was their
back yard.

The light on his hand flashed continuously, Zuo Mo was very careful.

Pia, the light disappeared.

Zuo Mo shook his head. It still didn’t work. He tried to recall the feeling he captured with
the [Tactile Knowledge Grip] that day, and seemed to comprehend something but he could
not describe it. He knew this was due to not having a deep enough understanding. That
barely discernable understanding needed more accumulation.

It seemed that he needed to go find Little Red soon.

The pitiful Mo Ru Huo was a pretty famous character, but due to his completely red body,
Zuo Mo intimately called him Little Red. If he heard this nickname, he would probably go
insane immediately.

He had been planning to use the prison battlefield to practice his yao arts. Now that he
did not have any ideas, Zuo Mo did not decide to procrastinate any further.

As long as he did not activate the prison breaking battle, passing through was still pretty
easy for him.

He quickly received the qualification to enter the third prison.

He thought, he had spent enough time in the Ten Finger Prison today. His consciousness
swept across the spiritual imprint. He found that Cang Ze and Nan Yue were both present
and headed to the Wasteland Beast Chessboard.

When Zuo Mo found Cang Ze and Nan Yue, he found the two were dejected and had
worried expressions.

“What is it?” Zuo Mo asked in puzzlement, “Has something happened?”

Cang Ze narrated the news of the loss at the front lines in a low voice. At the side, Nan
Yue showed worry. They lived in the yao world. If the yao army were defeated, their lives
would become even worse. They had just seen hope. If the yao world became destabilized,
would anyone remain unaffected?

After Cang Ze finished, Zuo Mo was stunned where he stood, with only shock left inside.

After a long time, he came back.

His first response was, how was it possible?

He had personally seen the great strength of the yao army. Sky Moon Jie, Little Mountain
Jie, when hadn’t the xiuzhe retreated continually? Those large sects retreated when they
heard of the advance of the yao army and ran back to Bright Wave Jie like homeless dogs.
After that, Zuo Mo had lost complete confidence in Kun Lun. Even the present Vermillion
Bird Camp and Guard Camp in Zuo Mo’s eyes could not compare to the elite forces of the
yao army.

Now he was hearing Cang Ze say that the yao army had been defeated by the xiuzhe.

The yao military that was so powerful was actually defeated? And defeated right in front
of their own doorstep?

When he heard that the total death count reached twelve thousand, Zuo Mo didn’t know
what to say.

So the xiuzhe had powerful people too … …

He still didn’t believe it but he knew that Cang Ze and Nan Yue definitely would not try to
con him.

Such a dazzling victory completely upended Zuo Mo’s impression of the fragility of those
great sects. He suddenly realized the depths of those great sects were not as he had

But he couldn’t help but have a strange feeling.

The past weak display of the xiuzhe was a stark contrast against this great victory.

The two were so different they were like mud and clouds.

Was it … … was it … …

Zuo Mo’s eyes suddenly widened. His body froze and a wave of coldness rose from his

Pretend to be weak?

The four words tore his mind like lightning.

His expression changed.

With multiple jie of territory, countless sects as the bait … … it was insane!

His mind blanked as he mindlessly murmured.

If it really was so, then the one who planned this was a madman! An undoubted madman!

Zuo Mo soullessly returned to the camp.


The grey mist in the sky continuously retreated back towards the center. The figure of
the giant continuously shrunk and became clearer.

When it completely appeared, simultaneous inhales sounded in the camp again.

An extremely weird giant floated in the sky. Twenty zhang high like a little mountain. It
had three heads that faced three directions, each with a different expression. There was
one glaring angrily, one smiling slightly, and one with eyes closed in deep thought. The six
arms were either making seals, or the pair of hands were together.

Endless dignity was like an invisible wave that struck everyone’s minds.

Staring at the colossal being in the sky, Yi Zheng’s face was a pale as paper, his pupils
scattered as he unconsciously murmured.

“Dragon and Elephant Attainment … …”


When Zuo Mo returned to the camp, Zong Ru’s core formation was in its ending stages.

He looked towards where Zong Ru was. He was first shocked and then he showed joy.
However, this thread of joy was quickly shrouded by thick darkness. His face became
extremely dark and he called everyone to his tent.

The mood inside the camp was extremely low. Everyone had terrible expressions. The
news that Zuo Mo had brought from the Ten Finger Prison was a shock and everyone was

“We are bait.”

Gongsun Cha narrowed his eyes as his finger gently swiped across his face. His bashful
and shy face was completely frosty at this time.

“If this really is their plan, then they definitely have successive plans,” Gongsun Cha
continued to speak. His voice was cold like the collision of ice cubs. His autumn like pupils
were filled with murderousness. “A person who is able to make such a scheme definitely
would not just aim for this kind of small victory.”
“Damn it!” Xie Shan bellowed, his eyes sprouting fire and his features twisted.

The other xiuzhe who came out of Little Mountain Jie had completely red eyes. Not even
one out ten xiuzhe had managed to survive Little Mountain Jie. No one experienced more
than they did. Every one of them had crawling out of piles of corpses.

No one doubted Gongsun Cha’s speculation.

Sword essence flowed in Wei Sheng’s black eyes and his expression was black. He had
felt things were strange when he had accompanied Lin Qian and his group to the sword
cave. Every one of Lin Qian’s bodyguards had exceptional power. With that kind of
strength, why did they not defend Sky Moon Jie? It seemed more like they had given Sky
Moon Jie to the yao army.

With the comparison now, he understood. A strong fury and dislike instantly filled his
chest. The sword essence in his body felt it and roiled as it wanted to burst out of his body.

Kun Lun governed the entire Kun Lun Territory. Every sect needed to pay taxes to Kun
Lun. A portion of their income had to flow towards Kun Lun, turned to jingshi, turned to
materials for Kun Lun disciples to cultivate, for Kun Lun to use for daily expenditures.

But … …

Killing essence flowed through the tent and the mood was extremely low.

Zuo Mo who had been silent all this time suddenly raised his face. As though nothing had
happened, he gave a bright smile. “Everyone, cultivate! If they really did this, ha, there
naturally will be chances to slowly settle our debts with them.”


“Faster, faster!”

“Accelerate! We must reach the defensive line within forty eight hours!”

Every yao soldier had tired expressions. They had received orders. In order to rush to
Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie as fast as possible, they had almost used all their power.

“General, we will reach Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie soon.”

As the corps commander of Ice Frost Crops, Lan was in his prime. Twenty years ago, he
had become a golden battle general. The twenty years of experience of commanding a troop
had caused him to show hints of making a breakthrough. As one of the most influential
people of the Water Clan, everyone speculated that he would have a good future.

Lan had a cautious personality. His battle style was steady and he rarely made mistakes.

The reason that the Elder Council sent him was in hopes that he could quickly stabilize
the theatre of war and prevent the collapse of the defensive line.

Looking at the bloody mist that was endless in front of him, Lan was silent. The troops
streamed past him and entered the bloody mist. His vice commander silently stood next to
him and did not disturb him.

“Do you know the origins of the Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie?” Lan asked.

The vice commander respectfully said, “Three thousand years ago, we were defeated.
In order to halt the advance of the xiuzhe, the four major jie masters used their fleshly
bodies in sacrifice, with seven intermediate jie as the axle, forty nine little jie as the
screen, to create what is called Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie.”

Lan said emotionally, “Yes, born of our elders’ blood and flesh. I hope they can protect
us to safely return.”

The vice commander said in shock, “Does Daren have such a low outlook on our
mission this time?”

“The other definitely has more plans.” Lan shook his head. “The complete defeat of the
Fierce Fire Corps is not an accident. The destruction of a corps is at least an
intermediate scale battle. If they did not put in enough power, they other could not
have completely killed the Fierce Fire Corps.”

The vice commander couldn’t help but have a worried expression. He had followed his
commander for many years. Daren would never speculate.

Noticing the vice commander’s expression, Lan said with a smile, “Don’t be nervous. We
will use earth to deal with water, generals to deal with soldiers. We just have to be
more careful.”

“This subordinate thinks too much,” the vice commander hurriedly replied.

“Being more cautious is good.” Lan was silent for a moment before he suddenly raised
his head. A light flashed through his pupils. “Order! Collectively accelerate! We need to
reach the defensive line in twenty four hours.”

The vice commander apprehensively responded, “Yes!”

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo wants his tax money back.
Chapter 395
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Five – Gold Battle General

Zong Ru opened his eyes. The chaotic air turbulence around him instantly stopped and a
glowing light flashed and disappeared in his eyes. The skin on his face became extremely
smooth, the weathering due to hard days in his past had disappeared. His appearance was
not handsome and not exceptional in the campsite but the dhyana serene aura on his body
was unique to him.

It had to be said that the people of the camp were very unique. Wei Sheng’s
determination, Gongsun Cha’s insanity and viciousness hidden under bashfulness, Shu
Long’s steadiness, Ma Fan’s laziness etc.

On Zong Ru’s clean forehead was a blood red lotus. Two auras, one holy and one
demonic, were merged together, and filled with a soul-shaking power.

He stood and slowly walked out of the tent.

“Old Ru!”

Seeing Zong Ru, Lei Peng and Nian Lu first stopped and then were overjoyed. The three
of them had once been in a team and had a good relationship. While Zong Ru had
undergone his core formation, the two of them had stood guard outside the tent.

“Lei Man! Little Nian Nian!” A sincere smile came onto Zong Ru’s face.

Nian Lu’s smile froze on his face, and the tendons in his forehead pulsed. Lei Peng
laughed instead, and rushed in front of Zong Ru, opening his eyes and giving a hard hug.

“Old Ru, you did it! Secretly having your core formation! Isn’t this forcing the rest of
us to work hard?”

Lei Peng’s voice was like thunder and exploded next to Zong Ru’s ear. Zong Ru had a
slight smile as he patted Lei Peng’s back.

Nian Lu’s gaze swept across Zong Ru and landed on Zong Ru’s face. His eyes suddenly lit
up. “So core formation can make one more handsome! Excellent! No, no, I have to enter
jindan soon! I’m so handsome now, if I’m a jindan, how handsome would I be? It is such
a hard question … …”
Hearing Nian Lu’s narcissistic and nonsensical words, Zong Ru’s heart felt unspeakably

The news that Zong Ru had come out made the entire camp erupt.

The mood of the camp had been extremely heavy these past days. Zong Ru’s re-
appearance caused everyone to be filled with joy. Zong Ru was humble and low-key
usually. In this time, the people that came to congratulate him was endless. Compared to
everyone’s worry when Xie Shan had his core formation, everyone was extremely calm this

When Zong Ru saw Zuo Mo and the others, he hurriedly walked forward. He made a deep
bow and said respectfully, “Daren!”

A smile came onto Zuo Mo’s face and he unhesitatingly went forward to give Zong Ru a
hard hug. Just as Zong Ru was very moved, Daren muttered in a small voice next to his ear,
“You have to work hard on the healing techniques of [Attainment Golden Body]. There
is so many people in the camp, think how much jingshi we can save when the time
comes … …”


“Daren, we cannot sustain this,” the vice commander’s expression was fragile and his
voice bitter and burdened.

Lan’s face was unaffected. “How many have we lost?”

“Another two hundred were just killed, three hundred wounded!”

The vice commander had a terrible expression when he reported the numbers. In the
short eight hours since they stepped into the Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie, they had
encountered six waves of attack! Up until now, fatalities reached more than one thousand
people, more than one-tenth of the entire corps.

The other’s attacks were extremely fierce and unpredictable. They seemed to be able to
move without restriction in Bloody Sky Metropolis Jie. No one knew how they were able to
do this. The Blood Sky Metropolis Jie was the battlefield suited for yaomo, yet they were
suppressed in this place. But the xiuzhe who attacked them seemed to be unaffected at all
and were at great ease.

How was the other able to do this?

Lan gazed into the distance and asked, “How long until we can reach the defensive

“The other’s attacks have slowed our advancement … …”

Lan interrupted the vice commander and asked sternly, “How long?”

The vice commander’s heart shook. He gritted his teeth and said, “At this speed, we will
only reach the line after ninety six hours.”

Lan was silent for a moment before he said in a deep voice, “Gather the other daren.”

“Yes.” The vice commander heeded the order. Moments later, the nine officers hurried
over. Their expressions were all bad.

In eight short hours, one-tenth of their forces had been killed. This kind of attrition rate
made their hearts beat rapidly. Based on this speed, their numbers would be expended
before they reached the defensive line.

Lan’s gaze swept across the nine officers. Their faces were terrible but not panicked. He
had personally promoted all nine commanders who had outstanding skills.

Military positions had very strict requirements. For a regular corps like the Ice Frost
Corps, the corps commander must be a gold battle general, and the officers had to be silver
battle generals.

“I need one that is willing to go to his death.”

Lan did not waste words and directly said it.

The nine officers all changed expressions. From Daren’s words, they could surmise the
state of the situation. Daren’s gaze made them feel there was a blade at their back.

But … …

They hesitated.

At this time, a youth stood out.

“Daren, this subordinate is willing.”

Lan’s expressionless face imperceptibly twitched. He looked closely at the youth and his
heart couldn’t help but hurt. This youth that had become a silver battle general at the age of
twenty had a limitless potential and one of his favored commanders.

Liang Wei belonged to one of the side branches of the Water Clan. His results in the yao
art house had been average until he had turned to study as a battle general, where his
results shot up. When he was twenty, he had successfully passed the exam of a silver battle
general. Even though he was not eye-catching compared to the little monsters of the yao
world, Lan still felt that his future was limitless.

Liang Wei stood upright, full of bravery.

Lan could not refuse at this time. He nodded. “I will give you three thousand combat
yao. Take up the rear, sweep the flanks of the troop, and stop the attacks.”

The other officers had complex expressions. From the harassment they had endured in
the last eight hours, they could predict just how great the pressure Liang Wei would face.

Liang Wei calmly accepted and made a bow towards Lan.

“If I die in combat, Daren, please give some care to my clansmen.”

“I will!” Lan gravely replied. He turned to the other officers and said in a deep voice,
“Proceed at full speed! Military law for those that slow down!”

“Yes!” The officers all shook.


Wei gazed at the development of the battle situation. He felt great shock at the combat
capabilities that Gongsun Cha showed.

The battle had been at a stand still for two whole days.

Wei saw a rare seriousness on Pu Yao’s face. After interacting for several thousand years,
no one could rival his understanding of Pu Yao. When his previous owner had been the
corps commander, all of the strategic decisions had come from Pu Yao.

Pu Yao was forced to such a state by such a young guy!

If he didn’t see it with his own eyes, he definitely would not believe it.

From the start of this war chess match, he had watched as the two fought without a
moment of inattention. He had sighed in amazement many times throughout. The eye-
dazzling fighting had caused him to exclaim. The time rate of war chess was much faster
than regular time. The span of two days was equivalent to a whole month inside the match.

He did not understand battle generals. At every dangerous moment, his heart couldn’t
help but jump. He had thought hundreds of time inside, how could they be so devious?
Even though the advantage of the match was in Pu Yao’s hands, but Wei put more of his
attention of Gongsun Cha. Such a young person that was able to resist Pu Yao for so long,
his skill definitely was not low!

Gradually, the balance began to tilt and the Pu Yao’s advantage had grown.

Pu Yao’s sweeping attacks in the final stages of battle were, in Wei’s view, this guy
venting for having lost face.

As expected, when Pu Yao came out of the war chess, his expression was not good.

“A very powerful young person.” Wei’s words were slightly pouring salt onto the

Pu Yao’s expression became even uglier, but he seemed to think of something and his
expression instantly recovered. He said proudly, “Don’t give young people too much
praise. This is not good for his improvement.”

Wei stilled. He reacted very quickly. “He is?”

“My student.” Pu Yao showed a smug and sly smile. “How about it? Give a review!”

Wei really was stunned this time. “He is also your student? What about Zuo Mo?”

“Why can’t I have two students?” Pu Yao glanced at Wei, his tone filled with smugness
and showiness. “I have good eyes for judging people!”

“Strong!” Wei’s praise seemed sincere.

“Of course!” Pu Yao was even more smug. “Nothing needs to be said of Zuo Mo, that
guy is a weirdo that even I don’t understand. Gongsun Cha is born to be a battle
general. Ha, a twenty year old gold battle general, he’ll frighten those old guys to

“Gold battle general?” Wei was frightened. He stammered out, “That little guy is a gold
battle general?”

Wei’s display made Pu Yao’s smugness reach a peak. His devious and cunning face
seemed to glow at this moment. “Definitely a gold battle general! I jumped in fright this
time when he attacked! If I wasn’t careful, I would have lost. Tsk tsk, a scripture he
comprehended himself, twenty year old gold battle general. As expected of one that I
taught from the beginning! Most importantly … …”

Pu Yao suddenly closed his mouth and did not speak. Wei unconsciously asked, “What is
“Hahahaha! He didn’t not just inherit my skills as a battle general, but also my
handsome appearance! On this point, Zuo Mo lacks a lot … …”

Wei looked wordlessly at Pu Yao.


Gongsun Cha’s mood was terrible to the bone.

He had originally thought that after just having a breakthrough, he could rival the
mystery person. Who knew that he had lost again. Even though he knew he could not rival
the other, but he disliked failure, extremely disliked it!

After swallowing the fiend soul beast bead, he had just reached the border of a
breakthrough. Just at this time, Zuo Mo had given him a Golden Soul and successfully
allowed him to make a breakthrough!

The strong confidence brought by the breakthrough caused him to unhesitatingly

challenge Pu Yao.

But it still ended in defeat. Thinking about how he had never beat the other once, his
mood became even worse!

The speculation about being bait made him even angrier. With his understanding of
Shixiong, even though Shixiong had said it easily that day, he definitely would not give up
inside. They would get even. As the battle general, he would undoubtedly play the most
crucial part.

He could not fail!

Craziness flashed through Gongsun Cha’s eyes.

A daring and insane idea quickly formed in his mind.

Translator Ramblings: Lil’ Miss knows Xiao Mo Ge so well.

Also, to be clear, Gongsun Cha is a gold battle general but it doesn’t mean that if he fights
in “real life” the army he leads will win against another army. As mentioned before,
training takes several years until a battalion actually takes form and the strength of
Gongsun Cha’s soldiers also matter.
Chapter 396
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom

Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Six News

The high temperatures produced by the white hot Samadhi Truth Fire twisted
everything in his field of vision.

Staring at the remnants of the defensive line burning, Liang Wei’s vision darkened. He
viciously bit down and stopped himself from collapsing. He forcibly steadied himself as he
tasted blood, but tears uncontrollably left his eyes.

Liang Wei and the soldiers beside him were covered in wounds, their blood covered
clothing was torn everywhere. He could not remember how many attackers he had killed
on the way here but he had been resilient and managed to block them from attacking the
larger troop. In the end, to prevent the enemy attacks from their rear, he had resolutely led
the troops as the rear guard.

They had travelled twelve hours behind the rest of the troop.

Liang Wei’s face was covered in tears and was like a wooden puppet. Looking at the
flames that rose into the sky and rampaged, his body became increasingly cold. A long
while later, the wails and cries of his compatriots became clear in his ears. He looked
blankly at the grieving comrades around him.

His scattered gaze gradually became bright. He bit down hard on his lips and wiped away
the tears. He turned around, his hoarse voice full of resolve as he said, “Let’s go!”

“Go? Go where?” The combat yao under his command raised their grieving and empty

“To get revenge!” Liang Wei said without turning his head.


Zuo Mo had been in the Ten Finger Prison in the past few days, not the third prison, but
the Wasteland Beast Chessboard. The bounty for information had been posted, and what
remained was to patiently wait.
At the same time, he was waiting for the results of another matter.

Gongsun Shidi’s speculation was stuck in his heart like a thorn. Everyone in the camp
was waiting for the result.

According to Gongsun Shidi’s speculation, it would be quickly proven.

It may have been caused by this matter that Zuo Mo was disinterested in everything,
even lacking interest in studying new yao arts.

Suddenly, Zuo Mo noticed Cang Ze arrive with an ugly expression.

“Daren, the newest information, the front lines were defeated again! Ice Frost Corps
were almost completely destroyed, less than six hundred people remain.” Cang Ze’s
voice was trembling. His heart was filled with terror. When Daren had told him to pay
attention to news from the frontline, he had found it puzzling. But when he heard this news,
he was frightened!

He suddenly found that Daren was standing in a daze.


“How does Daren find out news about the outside?” Nian Lu pressed his voice low and

“Daren is like a ghost, an doesn’t know!” Lei Peng said in what was not a good tone.
“It’s not like you don’t know how much of a monster Daren is!’

Nian Lu nodded repeated. “Yes! However, I get angry just thinking about it! Those
great sects are not good! We need to cultivate and get even. As a handsome person, I
cannot swallow this breath!”

Lei Peng showed an understanding and devious smile. “Don’t worry! Daren has said
that he will take us and settle the odds! Hee hee, I’m telling you in secret, Lil’ Miss
Daren privately said that it probably is people from Kun Lun that did this!”

“Kun Lun!” Nian Lu was shocked and then furious, “It is actually Kun Lun!”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry! There’s no need to worry even if it is Kun Lun,” Lei Peng’s
expression was twisted as he smiled and said, “Daren said, if you have something of ours,
spit it out. If you dug a trap for us, we’ll dig one for you! Little Nian Nian, go cultivate!
Even Old Ru is a jindan, it’s not easy to live if we aren’t jindan in the future … …”
“Everyone wants to have a core formation, is the core that easy to form … …” Nian Lu
murmured. “Shouldn’t core formations be achieved according to the degree of
handsomeness … …”


Coming out of the Ten Finger Prison, Zuo Mo walked out of the camp with a fire in his

The xiuzhe in the camp criss-crossed around busily, but looking at this busy scene, Zuo
Mo’s heart did not calm down but became even more irritated.

He walked aimlessly out of the camp.

Walking out of the campsite, and losing the barrier provided by the campsite formations,
the fiendish mist rushed towards him. The thick fiendish energy inside the fiendish mist
made his raging fire grow even greater.

Nearby, there were xiuzhe from Vermillion Bird Camp that were cultivating. The [Fiend
Ling] that they cultivated needed to use the power of the fiendish energy.

Zuo Mo did not disturb them and walked forward. At this moment, his heart was full of
the impulse to destroy. Without thinking, he charged into the depths of the fiendish mist.

The presence of danger increased but he did not seem to detect it, and his steps did not

Several fiend soul beasts silently stalked him. In the black-red fiendish mist, several dark
red pairs of eerie eyes tightly locked onto Zuo Mo.

Without noticing, Zuo Mo had walked at least three hundred li from the camp. This
distance far surpassed the camp’s usual cultivation and living area. Even Guard Camp
would not go outside one hundred li of the camp.

A fiend soul beast could not resist any longer. With a roar, he charged at Zuo Mo!

The accumulated rage and savagery inside Zuo Mo were ignited at this moment!

“Go die!”

His eyes suddenly became red. He did not dodge. Facing the charge of the fiend soul
beast, he punched out!
The fiend soul beast had not expected Zuo Mo to be so courageous and did not have the
time to dodge.


The two figures were like two arrows that flew apart. The fiend soul beast’s enormous
body flew back with even faster speed, and Zuo Mo was like a ball hit by a stick that
smashed heavily into the ground.

The other fiend soul beasts saw the chance and unhesitatingly leapt over.

Pia pia pia!

With sounds like that of a whip, the fiend soul beasts that leapt over all flew backwards.

Zuo Mo’s body floated up. A suit of dark golden armor stood proudly. The bright red eyes
were filled with murderousness, his entire body exuding viciousness and savagery like a
demon that walked out of hell.

The fiend soul beasts showed wariness. They crouched down and continued to growl.
Their dark red eyes stared at Zuo Mo but they did not dare to move forward.

Zuo Mo raised his murderous eyes, and his figure disappeared from his spot.

The fiend soul beasts were alarmed and scattered.

Suddenly, an armoured hand appeared on the forehead of a fiend soul beast. This hand
pressed it down. The fiend soul beast felt an enormous power pass over. It was unable to
move! Now it became panicked. It growled urgently, its four limbs furiously tearing at the
ground to try to resist this terrifying hand!

Zuo Mo’s left hand did not move a sliver. He raised his right hand and formed a fist.

“Go die!”

Zuo Mo bellowed. Brutality increased in his completely red eyes. The right hand heavily
smashed onto the head of the fiend soul beast.


The fiend soul beast’s body froze.

“Go die!”


“Go die!”

The berserk Zuo Mo bellowed as his fist rained down on the head of the fiend soul beast.
Gradually, the body of this fiend soul beast became blurry.


Zuo Mo’s fist penetrated the head of the fiend soul beast and struck the ground. It
instantly smashed a large hole in the ground! The body of the fiend soul beast completely
disappeared, leaving behind a black fang and a fiend soul beast bead.

The seemingly insane Zuo Mo made the other fiend soul beasts feel a thread of terror.
While this fiend soul beast was smashed to nothingness by Zuo Mo, they did not dare to go

Zuo Mo did not look at his spoils of victory. He raised his head and slowly stood. His gaze
swept towards the other fiend soul beasts.

The fiend soul beasts that encountered his gaze all retreated without exception.

“You should all die!”

The dark and icy voice came out of Zuo Mo’s chest. Before his words landed, his figure
disappeared again!

The fiend soul beasts were alarmed and scattered, fleeing in all directions.

Zuo Mo’s figure seemed to appear out of thin air beside a fiend soul beast. Just like the
previous one, his hand grabbed the head of this fiend soul beast.

He hadn’t expected this fiend soul beast to be unusually clever. Its figure changed, and it
escaped Zuo Mo’s grip.

A red light suddenly flashed across the dark red pupils of the fiend soul beast.

Zuo Mo suddenly felt a burst of dizziness. It was like he had entered the crevasse of a
glacier. All the ling power inside his body seemed to be frozen and he was unable to move
at all!

The eyes of this fiend soul beast showed smugness and cruelty. Midair, its body twisted
as though it had no bones and it turned to face Zuo Mo. Its body crouched and jumped
without needing to gather power, and like an arrow leaving the bowstring, it leapt at Zuo

The cold and sharp fangs and claws swiped out cold lights in the air.

The lights flashed towards Zuo Mo’s throat.

Suddenly, a fist appeared without warning in its field of vision and dramatically


Like a large drum being struck but also with a metallic clang!

This fist firmly punched the fiend soul beast without any finesse. The moment the fist
and its body touched, threads of mist roiled on the surface of its body.

With speed even faster than just before, it flew backwards!


Midair, a golden figure flashed, and the fiendish soul beast that was retreating
immediately changed directions and smashed heavily into the ground! The ground
trembled and dust flew up.

When the dust dissipated, there were only a few spoils of victory left in the large hole.

The other fiend soul beasts showed terror. They whined a few times before turning and

They did not lack intelligence to have survived and grown up in such a cruel and harsh

Zuo Mo’s surroundings instantly became silent.

Gradually, the blood slowly faded from Zuo Mo’s eyes. The angry and savagery inside
was vented, and his mind became clear. With clarity came a strong feeling of exhaustion.
His legs softened and he sat down on the ground.

The sweat permeated his entire body. Weakness and softness came. He panted hard.

Ha-ah … … ha-ah… …

His rushed breathing in his ears were like bellows.

His heart gradually calmed down.

Zuo Mo had a grimace on his lips. It seemed that his resolve was not strong enough. Full
of self-disdain, he couldn’t help but think back to his journey. Without realizing it, he felt his
heart was warmed.

No matter how terrible the situation was, he would always have a crowd of people beside
him, following him, fighting with him, risking their lives together with him … …
No matter how dangerous the future was, everyone was still supporting him, trusting
him, following him, and protecting him.

A slight smile on the corners of his mouth, his heart gradually became warm and calm.

The sky full of fiendish mist in his eyes seemed to become an endless bright blue sky.

A strong will silently birthed and spread inside.

He balled his fists.

When he raised his head again, the confusion had cleared and was replaced by strong

After resting for a moment, Zuo Mo found a terrible problem and his face instantly fell.

Damn it, how was he to return?

At this time, a proud bird figure slowly stalked its bird walk and appeared in his vision.

Translator Ramblings: Physical exhaustion and a mental release are good for growth.
Silly Bird is a good bird … … with a terrible attitude.
Chapter 397
This chapter has been brought to you by me, and WanderingGummiOfDoom.

Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Seven – Totem Fragments

Even though Silly Bird’s gaze was still so proud, so discontent, but in front of Zuo Mo’s
scoundrel-like and hoodlum laugh, there was nothing to do. Zuo Mo used his arms and legs
to climb onto Silly Bird’s back and pretended to be dead.

However, Zuo Mo was muttering on the inside.

After Silly Bird’s strength had strangely skyrocketed, her personality had become even
prouder. Adding on that all the little ones listened to her, she acted as the leader of them all,
and completely forgot her actual profession as a steed, much less think of him, the owner!

This could not be tolerated!

Education could not be relaxed!

Planning on educating Silly Bird, Zuo Mo was going to speak when he felt himself shoot
up. His entire body was almost thrown off. With a shake, he hurriedly hugged Silly Bird’s

When they were flying in the air, the feeling was completely different. It was like

The wind blew so hard Zuo Mo could not open his eyes. Such an exhilarating speed
caused Zuo Mo to be in a good mood. Hands tightly grabbing on to Silly Bird’s slender neck,
he raised his head and started to sing.

“I want to fly even higher … … fly even higher … … ah ah ah … …”

The cymbal like sound flew across the sky.

Silly Bird’s eyes looked back with unfriendliness and glanced maliciously at Zuo Mo, who
was in a world of his own. Her wings suddenly flapped and she flew straight up.

“Ah ah aaaaah … …”

Zuo Mo’s wail followed Silly Bird’s acceleration, as they floated up.
When he dismounted from Silly Bird’s back, his legs were as soft as noodles. His entire
person was intoxicated as though he was drunk. Before he walked a few steps, he found all
the little ones had come over, nudging and crowding intimately around Silly Bird.

Like the moon surrounded by stars, Silly Bird didn’t even look at Zuo Mo. Stalking her
bird walk, she flounced off.

That presence, that manner, it made Zuo Mo gape.

Suddenly recalling what Silly Bird looked like before, Zuo Mo couldn’t help but laugh.
After shaking his head in self-mockery, he went into the tent.

A Gui who was in the corner of the tent saw Zuo Mo come in, and the wooden and empty
pupils seemed to become slightly more livelier.

“A Gui, have you rested well these days?”

Just like usual, even though he knew that A Gui would not reply, Zuo Mo spoke to her as
he took out his spoils.


When the tiny sound, that was like that of an ant, landed in Zuo Mo’s ears and was akin to
thunder! Zuo Mo’s movements suddenly froze. He raised his head, and his face was filled
with disbelief.

The disbelief on his face rapidly turned to ecstasy. He shot in front of A Gui. “A Gui! A
Gui! You can speak?”

A Gui’s face was wooden, her pupils empty and she was unresponsive to Zuo Mo’s words
as though the sound of response had been Zuo Mo’s delusion.

That definitely had not been a delusion!

Zuo Mo’s eyes were filled with joy. Even though A Gui’s body gradually shows signs of a
good turn, but the response today was a breakthrough.

“A Gui, can you hear me speak?”

Zuo Mo slowed his talking speed and tried to make his tone warm. His eyes looked hard
at A Gui’s face.


It was another mosquito-sized response. It caused Zuo Mo to break out in a grin. He

jumped up like a child and whooped.
“Haha! A Gui can talk! A Gui can talk!”

A slight ripple was produced in A Gui’s empty pupils.

After celebrating, Zuo Mo inspected A Gui’s body. He quickly found that the purple
energy inside A Gui’s body had grown. The purple energy inside A Gui’s body was the
decisive change and surely had an effect in A Gui’s recovery.

But this purple energy was extremely dark and unpredictable. Even Pu Yao did not know
of its origins. Even weirder was that Zuo Mo could not sense any signs of life from the
purple energy. It was the extreme opposite. It was dark, varied, and filled with
destructiveness, the presence of death. Theoretically, such a strange power should bring
death so how come it could make A Gui recover?

Even though he did not understand, Zuo Mo couldn’t help but ponder the purple energy.
How could he increase the strength of the purple energy?

This thought flashed through Zuo Mo’s mind. Calming down, Zuo Mo suppressed the
urgency inside. He had to be cautious with this matter! A Gui’s body was extremely delicate.
Any change, and there was a possibility the body could shatter into pieces.

Those two sounds of response seemed to have taken great energy from A Gui. She closed
her eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing her state, Zuo Mo hurriedly quieted down and carefully laid her down.

After thinking for a long time, Zuo Mo finally returned his attention to his spoils. This
time, he had killed two fiend soul beasts, and the spoils that remained were slightly

It was strange, because there was something else other than the fiend soul beast bead
and the remnants of limbs.

It was a piece of metal about the size of a fingernail. There were some special patterns on
the surface of the piece. Zuo Mo felt the patterns were like seal scripts. This piece was left
behind by the fiend soul beast that froze his ling power.

The composition of the metal was extremely unique. Zuo Mo could not say what it was
made out of and had never seen the scripts on it before. Luckily, there was an old antique
from three thousand years ago with him.

“Pu, do you recognize this?”

Pu Yao sprouted out, and grabbed the piece from Zuo Mo’s hand. Putting it on front of his
eyes and studying it, his expression was grave as he shook his head. “I can see it is
something ancient. But I don’t know what it actually is.”
Zuo Mo was not shocked. If this really was the Sealed Extinction battlefield, it was normal
to not recognize something from tens of thousands of years ago.

“Can I have a look?” Wei suddenly spoke.

Pu Yao glanced at Wei and threw the fragment in his hand over. Wei received it, put it in
front of him, and closely inspected it.

“This is a fragment of a totem. In order to be preserved until now, it should be the

best part of the totem. The patterns on it is a kind of ancient totem.” Wei’s black eyes
flashed with an unique light.

“Ancient totem?” Zuo Mo had a shocked expression.

“It is a kind of primitive seal script,” Wei explained. “In ancient times humans, yao, or
mo lived in tribes. They gradually formed their own beliefs and totems were born from
that. The xiuzhe’s scripts were developed from totems. However, the two have core
differences. Seal scripts are the changes of ling power, while totems are related to ling
power, they are related more to sacrificial offerings.”

“Sacrificial offering?”

“Sacrificial offerings are the most important matters of each tribe.” When Wei spoke
to this, he suddenly said, “I cannot explain the reason behind this.”

But this was enough for Zuo Mo and Pu Yao to feel shock. The person and the yao
exchanged a look and saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

Wei could speak so much about such ancient matters. What was this guy’s true origins?

“Then what is the use of this totem fragment?” Zuo Mo raised the fragment in his hand
and asked what he was most concerned about.

Wei said, “The best materials that each tribe could find were used to make totems.
Other than being made of extraordinary material, it must have undergone countless
years of sacrificial offerings to survive tens of thousands of years and not be destroyed.
Maybe this fragment has ling kernel.”

“Has ling kernel … …” Zuo Mo’s eyes lit up.

He hurriedly channeled his spiritual power into the fragment in his hand, but when his
consciousness was blocked on the outside, he was even happier. Ling kernel! It actually was
ling kernel! The stronger the material resisted, it mean the higher the grade of the ling
kernel of the material.
Materials that had ling kernels, no matter what material it was, was the best materials.
Because the talismans that could be forged from it could have cognition. Talismans that had
cognition meant they had room to grow, for example, Lil’ Pagoda.

There were countless ways to substitute for the poor quality of a material, but ling kernel
was something that was a matter of chance.

He had picked up a treasure!

Zuo Mo suddenly became excited! He was just saying. How could such a big and ancient
battlefield not leave behind anything good. He understood now. The fiendish energy of this
place was so thick that the fiend soul beasts born were intelligent. If there was anything
good, they could not have escaped the eyes of these fiend soul beasts.

It seemed the good stuff of this ancient battlefield had been divided up by the fiend soul

Zuo Mo’s eyes flashed greedily and his drool escaped the corner of his mouth.

If this was the case, they only needed to focus on the fiend soul beasts!

Thinking about the endless fiendish mist, and the abundant fiend soul beasts … ..

Oh! Heavens!

Zuo Mo’s drool dripped. Those ugly fiend soul beasts suddenly became peerlessly
adorable in his eyes! The prizes of hunting fiend soul beasts were only remnants of limbs
and fiend soul beasts. Supposedly, those remnants could be used to make mo weapons, but
for Zuo Mo right now, there wasn’t any big uses. Fiend soul beast beads were slightly useful
but were unable to stir Zuo Mo’s interest.

But right now, the totem fragment was enough to move Zuo Mo’s heart and upend his

What could materials with ling kernels be used for! Making talismans! Who wouldn’t
want many talismans? Who wouldn’t want many good talismans!

Also, Zuo Mo knew that everyone in the camp was hunting the fiend soul beasts for
practice. Tsk tsk, able to increase combat experience, able to increase cultivation, and able
to get good things. Such a good opportunity, where else could he find it?

He suddenly recalled that everyone had killed many fiend soul beasts these days. Then in
the spoils … …

Like his butt was on fire, he rushed out and headed for Bao Yi. The pitiful Bao Yi was
frightened when he saw Zuo Mo. When he heard Zuo Mo ask about the spoils from hunting
fiend soul beasts, he hurriedly pointed them out.
Seeing the items piled up in the corner like garbage, Zuo Mo instantly felt pain in his

He quickly found two more totem fragments from the pile.

So risky!

Pearls in the dust!

He was full of self-blame. Hadn’t ever thought that an, Little Mo ge, almost let something
good slip by! He then gravely instructed Bao Yi to take good care of these things, especially
fragments like what he had.

Bao Yi was clever. Seeing the pain on Boss’ face, cold sweat instantly poured down and
he agreed frantically.

Coming out of Bao Yi’s place, Zuo Mo instantly ran to Vermillion Bird Camp and Guard
Camp to pass down the instructions regarding the totem fragments. If someone threw away
the totem fragments like garbage, he wouldn’t even have the time to cry.

After doing all this, he finally relaxed and started to ponder another problem.

What talismans could be forged from this?

Translator Ramblings: Oh fiend soul beasts, you are so adorable, your pearly jade teeth,
your glistening red eyes, your soft fiendish energy fur … …
Chapter 398
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiofDoom and Brian.

Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Eight – The New Mood of Golden Crow Camp

Speaking of forging, Zuo Mo had not done it for a very long time. In the past, he had
needed to rely on the power of talismans. He had an unorthodox background in forging, but
he did have a powerful weapon in Golden Crow Fire. Adding on that he had practiced
arduously, his handiwork was relatively good. When his cultivation path had leaned
towards emphasizing Great Day mo physique later on, the time spent practicing forging and
dan-making had naturally been reduced.

Rawness was one factor, and the other was the lack of high level forging techniques. This
caused him to not know what talisman to forge with the totem fragments on hand even
though he had a sixth-grade flame, the Great Day Striped Flame.

Also, these totem fragments were great materials, but he wasn’t familiar with them at all.

After wavering for a while, Zuo Mo still decided to go to Golden Crow Camp.


The campsite of Golden Crow Camp was completely different than others. Only they had
set up camp on a slave transporting boat. The entire interior of the slave transporting boat
had been completely remodelled. It wasn’t just the layout that was completely different,
almost all the formations had been changed. Every board of the ship had been carved with
large and small formations. Right now, the structural integrity of this slave transporting
boat was frightening.

This group of people were extremely bored yet also scared of death. So they used
everything they could think of to insure this boat as their life-saver.

At the very center of the boat was the most important talisman of this slave transporting
boat, the Crimson Fiend Cauldron.

The present Crimson Fiend Cauldron had shrunk to the height of a person. The cauldron
had also turned from crimson-red to jet black. Its design had been simple to start with, and
now it seemed even denser and dignified. The Crimson Fiend Cauldron had continuously
tempered itself and now showed signs that it was going to level up.

At the present, the Crimson Fiend Cauldron had become the heart of this slave
transporting boat. Every day, it turned large amounts of fiendish energy into ling power,
and passed the ling power through the dense spider-web formations to every corner of the
slave transporting boat.

Some ling plant farmers decided to just stay in the rooms and plant ling grains together.
The beast speakers, led by Chun Yu Cheng, raised all kinds of ling beasts in the boat. It was
possible to hear the calls of all kinds of ling beasts and very busy workers.

Everyone loved this boat. The density of ling energy inside the slave transporting boat
could compare to some secret paradises.

What satisfied everyone the most was the atmosphere inside the boat, especially after
Zuo Mo had assigned the study of mo matrixes to Golden Crow Camp. The seal xiu that had
originally been in Vermillion Bird Camp had been moved here to study mo matrixes
together. These production xiuzhe were not as fearless as combat xiuzhe but they had more
skills. Additionally, the mood of the Golden Crow Camp was very liberal, the two masters, Ji
Wei and Sun Bao, encouraged everyone to play around, so the youthfulness and liveliness
of this group of young people were expressed to the maximum.

In this place, every person could do what interested them. There was nothing that was
forced upon them, but it was not easy if they just wanted to get by through slacking. One
factor was that the mood was so, and everyone looked down upon those that slacked off.
The other factor was, beyond their basic needs, every person’s income and access to
resources was based on their efforts. If one wanted more materials? Wanted more spells?
Then work hard!

So when Zuo Mo visited Golden Crow Camp again, the completely new Golden Crow
Camp stunned him.

Fortunately, every still recognized Boss. The two masters quickly hurried over.

“Daren!” The two respectfully bowed. Their cultivations had improved greatly and
reached the later stages of ningmai.

Zuo Mo looked at the two people and found that their complexions were much better
than they had been in the past. Thinking about their cautious and timid conduct of the past,
and looking at the steady presence of these two people, it was a completely different world.

Zuo Mo said with a smile, “It seems everyone is living pretty well.”
“This place isn’t actually bad,” Sun Bao said with a smile. “Everyone has something to
do, the ling power is abundant, and there is materials to waste. It’s natural for us to
live well.”

The two of them were very content with the present life. They were all people that were
intoxicated with forging and very experienced. The spells and formations that Zuo Mo had
given them could be said to be invaluable. Adding on the abundant ling power inside the
slave transporting boat, the two of them even felt indications of having a breakthrough.

However, what made the two of them feel the most proud about was not their individual
breakthroughs, but the growth of the entire Golden Crow Camp. The good atmosphere, the
abundant supplies, large amounts of spells as reference, and all kinds of novel problems
had caused the youthful xiuzhe of Golden Crow Camp to grow at astounding speed. These
young xiuzhe of meager backgrounds did not waste such a valuable opportunity. Their
efforts and hard work caused both masters to feel very comforted.

“Has Daren come for the Golden-Winged Great Roc?” Ji Wei asked.

Master Jie Wei’s question reminded Zuo Mo. He hurriedly asked, “How’s the progress on
the Golden-Winged Great Roc?”

“We’ve only solved half.” Ji Wei said embarrassedly, “The Golden-Winged Great Roc
matrix is extremely complex. Our cultivation is not enough. Thankfully, with the
addition of Li Zhuo, the rate of advancement quickened. Up until now, we have found
three formations and they are wondrous!”

The two people’s faces were bright. The wonders of the three formations had broadened
their visions. The reason that the two of them showed signs of core formation was a benefit
from comprehending these three formations.

Zuo Mo had formed some impression of Li Zhuo. At ningmai stage and he was able to
forge second-grade seal soldiers, he was very talented.

“This is not urgent, we advance go slowly.” Zuo Mo knew how complex the Golden-
Winged Great Roc matrix was. In the past, he had studied it for a long time. He was already
shocked at Ji Wei and the other’s advancement speed.

He then stated the goal of his trip. “I’ve come this time for another matter.”

The two hurriedly piqued their ears.

Zuo Mo took out the totem fragments and handed them to the two. “These are
fragments of ancient totems that have remained over tens of thousands of years. They
have formed ling kernels.”

“Ancient totem fragments!”

“Ling kernels!”

The two paled. Zuo Mo’s words instantly destroyed their mental barriers.

“En. These are good, but even the best stuff, if they cannot be used, are useless.” Zuo
Mo continued, “I’ve come to find you to see what ways you guys have to forge them into

Sun Bao and Ji Wei stared at each other. After a while, Sun Bao hesitantly opened. “Why
doesn’t Daren forge them? Such a precious treasure, it would be too much of a pity if it
was ruined.”

Zuo Mo naturally would be ashamed to say that his skills had been lain to waste.
However, facing the duo’s worries, he said with a smile, “Don’t worry about ruining
them!” After speaking, he took out two more pieces.

The two instantly became dumbstruck.

“These might be valuable, but everyone should not be timid due to this,” Zuo Mo said
smugly. “These have come from the bodies of the fiend soul beasts. We probably can get
more in the future.”

Sun Bao and Ji Wei’s eyes instantly lit up. No forging xiuzhe would not be moved when
they heard this!

“You guys take it and study it!”

Zuo Mo gave each of them a totem fragment and kept one for himself. He didn’t want to
lose a skill like forging that could earn jingshi. If he became poor one day, he might have to
rely on this to eat. Also, he had the sixth-grade flame, Great Day Striped Flame, it would be
too much of a pity if his forging skills were left to rust.

He asked Sun Bao to find an empty room and started to ponder it himself.


“Hm, Xiao Mo Ge!”

Ming Yue Zi who was sweeping around the yao city saw this name and his gaze couldn’t
help but still as he stopped walking. He had a surprised expression. To be able to see Xiao
Mo Ge’s bounty on the yao city of the third presion, that meant that Xiao Mo Ge had already
entered the third prison. With Xiao Mo Ge’s strength, it did not surprise him that Xiao Mo
Ge had entered the third prison.
What surprised him was that Xiao Mo Ge had put up a bounty of his own.

Ming Jue Zi’s first response was, “Is this guy wanted to retaliate against the Ji Family?”

His fingertip swiped across this bounty. The contents that opened up caused his to still.
Battle of Seal Extinction? This extremely unfamiliar phrase caused Ming Jue Zi to not
remember anything about it in a moment. A while later, he finally recalled some blurry
impression about the Battle of Sealed Extinction.

The curiosity in Ming Jue Zi’s heart instantly rose. He hurriedly read on. Xiao Mo Ge’s
bounty desired information on the Battle of Sealed Extinction. The more specific, the better,
and they could even talk face-to-face. He then looked at the reward. His heart instantly
jumped: It was a very high number!

This was an extremely strange bounty.

The requirements of the bounty was very indistinct, just that the more specific the better.
And the goal of the bounty was unusually obscure. A battle that happened in ancient times?

Xiao Mo Ge was a historical enthusiast?

This speculation was too funny!

Did he have some treasure map of the Battle of Sealed Extinction? That was possible! If it
was like that, then it was very probably that Xiao Mo Ge would put up such a bounty.

Thinking about the results of his past investigation, Ming Jue Zi’s heart suddenly started
to burn.

He had expended great energy to finally pin down what high-level yao arts were used by
Nan Yue and Cang Ze!

[South Sky Arrow Art] and [Grey Scar Art]!

These two yao arts that had been lost for a long time once again appeared in front of the
word, and the crux of this entire matter all pointed to one yao—Xiao Mo Ge!

Maybe … …

Thinking about this, Ming Jue Zi decided to take this quest.


Bao Yi felt today was an unfortunate day.

Just after Boss had left, Gongsun Daren had arrived. It was fine to interact with Boss, but
he couldn’t help but tremble whenever he interacted with Gongsun Daren. Whenever he
saw Gongsun Daren’s peerlessly bashful smile, he couldn’t help but shiver.

“Daren, do you have any orders?” Bao Yi was very respectful.

“I’ve come to find fiend soul beast beads.” Gongsun Cha was slightly embarrassed.

For some unknown reason, when he saw Gongsun Cha’s shy expression like that of a
seventeen year old, Bao Yi’s legs started to tremble slightly.

“How-how many do you need?”

“Give me all of them.” Gongsun Cha seemed to be even more embarrassed.

If it was any other person that came to Bao Yi and said this, he would definitely kick them
in the face. Opening their mouths and demanding all of a certain material? Go dream! But
facing Gongsun Daren, he said with the utmost respect, “Yes!”

Immediately, he used the fastest speed he was able to achieve to take out all the fiend
soul beast beads and gave them to Gongsun Cha.

Gongsun Cha contentedly left.

Bao Yi’s legs softened and he sat down on the ground with lingering fear on his face. He
finally sent off this killing god!

However, he was slightly puzzled. What did Gongsun Daren want so many fiend soul
beast beads for?

Translator Ramblings: Zuo Mo is a forgetful person … …

Chapter 399
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiOfDoom, and Brian.

Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety Nine – Weaknesses

“How was your troop’s harvest today?” a Vermillion Bird Camp xiuzhe asked his
comrade beside him.

“Alright. It’s better than a few days ago. We killed two fiend soul beasts, but our luck
wasn’t bad; and we got one totem fragment.” This fellow was truly proud inside, but he
pretended to be indifferent.

“You guys really got lucky!” the other said with admiration. “I don’t know what is
going on right now, so many good things becoming available at once. Did you see that
Daren has announced three more kinds of formations that can be engraved?”

“Yes! They’re really good!” He licked his lips and was full of desire. “Much stronger
than the engraved formations that were carved previously! However, the number of
points that need to be used is really not cheap!”

“There’s no reason for good things to be cheap!” The person seemed very experienced.
“And it’s just for us. Outsiders don’t even need to think about it. Even Ma Fan Daren has
been furiously hunting fiend soul beasts these days. Isn’t it because he wants to trade
for the engraved formations?”

“Ha, that’s true. Everyone is crazy! Who can sit still now? I’m not going to chat, going
to work now! The faster I get points, the earlier I can get the formations engraved!”

In these past days, the relatively peaceful camp’s ambition had instantly been ignited by
Zuo Mo’s announcement.

He had announced the three new formations, and the number of points needed for them
to be engraved. In addition it was also announced that the mission for obtaining points
would be the collection of totem fragments and fiend soul beast beads.

The number of points needed for each of the three newly announced formations were
not low, but when everyone finished looking at the descriptions of the three formations,
their eyes instantly turned red. A furious hunting wave had started due to this.

Compared to Vermillion Bird Camp, Guard Camp was much more peaceful.
The engraved formations did not have much use for them. What they cultivated was the
fleshy body; but it did not mean that were not moved to action this time.

Fiend soul beast beads and totem fragments could be traded for points. For them, points
were also of great use.

However Shu Long did not leave the camp and instead stayed locked up inside his tent by

He was cultivating [Great Day Hardship Guard]. This mo skill had been greatly modified
by Pu Yao again. Compared to [Hardship Guard], [Great Day Hardship Guard] was higher
level. But the cultivation difficulty had also increased greatly. Out of caution, Pu Yao had
Shu Long cultivate it first to prevent any problems from appearing.

[Hardship Guard] was a mo skill especially suited for those that did not have
outstanding talent but were persistent.

The [Great Day Hardship Guard] that Pu Yao had modified had used [Hardship Guard]
as the basis for a new mo skill. Even though his primary area was yao arts, to a peak expert
like him that could touch the core nature of power, one solution was every solution. His
knowledge was extremely broad. To say nothing of yao arts, he had studied an
extraordinary amount of spells and mo skills.

Even Wei praised it after analyzing this [Great Day Hardship Guard] that he created.
Afterwards, Wei had made adjustments to some details and further perfected it.

The [Great Day Hardship Guard] for which two great experts had teamed up to create
was a top level mo skill even in the mo world.

But this top level mo skill was not so easy to cultivate. Pu Yao had added in many
methods of cultivating from the Great Day mo physique, or rather, the cultivation of mo

The cultivation of mo physiques was extremely dangerous.

Shu Long’s entire body was tense. The armour on his body liquefied at a rate visible to
the naked eye into a jet black liquid. Moments later, this black liquid wrapped him
completely to the point even his eyes could not be seen.

“The hardest step is over,” Pu Yao said indifferent from within Zuo Mo’s consciousness.

“I feel some anticipation.” Wei’s eyes flashed. “If he can really cultivate into a mo
physique … …”

He did not say what was after, but Pu Yao understood what Wei meant. If Shu Long could
really cultivate into a mo physique, that meant that the possibility that other people could
cultivate into mo physiques was very high.
In the mo world, the ability to cultivate into a mo physique depended on bloodlines and
talent. If Shu Long could really cultivate into a mo physique, that Pu Yao undoubtedly had
opened a completely new path! To cultivate into a mo physique by cultivating mo skills…
instead of innate talent!

Wei was very clear about the terrifying power encapsulated in this!

Such a terrifying madman!


Zuo Mo’s expression was ugly as he stared at the totem fragment in his hand.

There was an aura of ancient desolation in this tiny fragment that made him think of the
wasteland beast. Even though the presence of the totem fragment was not as powerful,
vast, or savage as the wasteland beast, that bleakness was extremely similar. However, the
bleakness of the wasteland beast carried a deathly stillness, and the bleakness of this totem
fragment had birthed an extremely tiny thread of vitality.

That was the ling kernel!

Tens of thousands of years had caused this little fragment of life essence, to birth a
thread of cognition.

He was almost certain that normal forging methods were unsuitable for the totem
fragment. Normal forging methods could easily destroy the ling kernel of the totem
fragment. That would be a great pity.

Zuo Mo placed great importance on this totem fragment. Due to this, he had specially
used the Great Day Banded Flame to reforge the Sonic Lightning Walnuts to familiarize
himself with the more domineering and purer Great Day Banded Flame.

It had to be said that the sixth-grade flame’s strength was as extraordinary as expected.
He had almost forged a Sonic Lightning Walnut into a pile of silver water. The dominant
nature of the fire could be seen. This also caused Zuo Mo to realize his weakest area.

The skill of a forger was primarily decided by three factors.

The first was forging knowledge: one had to be familiar with all kinds of materials, their
combinations, and the formations.
The second was cultivation: one’s cultivation directly determined the control over the
flame, the carving of formations. The higher the formation, the more complex it was, and
the more it demanded of ling power.

The third were forging tools: fire seeds and cauldrons. If it was a water method, one also
needed ling springs and cold ponds etc.

Zuo Mo was not weak on forging knowledge. Even though he did not understand high
level forging methods, he had read a great variety of forging jade scrolls. In the area of
formations, the entire Golden Crow Camp had no one that could compare to him. After the
grind of the Ten Finger Prison, the endless yao arts broadened his visions and his affinity
for formations came even more easily to him.

And tools were his strong points. Sixth-grade Great Day Banded Flame was definitely a
peak fire seed that could not be bought with jingshi.

His weakest area was cultivation.

When he had been reforging the Sonic Lightning Walnut, he had detected this. In terms of
cultivation, he was just in ningmai. Originally, he had not felt this kind of cultivation was
low, but when he had channeled the Great Day Banded Flame today, he had found just how
weak his ling power was.

The Great Day Banded Flame was like a colossal being, and his ling power wasn’t enough
to even get a good glance at it.

If the Great Day Banded Flame had not been formed from his Great Day mo physique and
was from the same origins, he would have been harmed in the backlash, much less
channeled it.

Now Zuo Mo was depressed.

What was more depressing than having a treasure and not being able to use it?

Cultivation, cultivation! He was stuck at cultivation!

Deeply struck by this blow, Zuo Mo ran into the sea of consciousness and found Pu Yao.
He asked without any greeting, “Pu, is there any methods that can immediately increase
my cultivation?”

Pu Yao looked at Zuo Mo like he was looking at an idiot. “What do you think ling power

Zuo Mo was unsatisfied. “Are there really no methods?”

“I do have a good amount of spells here,” Pu Yao glanced at Zuo Mo, “but with your
quality of physique, you probably have to cultivate ten more years to reach jindan.
Unless you have worldly treasures. Do you have such things?”

Zuo Mo was instantly sorrowful. Worldly treasures that could increase cultivation, how
could he have those?

With his present ling power, it was a delusion to think that he could control the sixth-
grade Great Day Banded Flame. It wasn’t that he had not thought of using formations to
control the Great Day Banded Flame, but no normal materials could tolerate the sixth-grade
Great Day Banded Flame .

Damn it!

Wasn’t he wasting it?

Zuo Mo turned to Wei. Wei also showed an apologetic expression. He also didn’t have any
good solutions.

Coming out of the sea of consciousness, Zuo Mo’s mood was terrible. The Great Day
Banded Flame was a top fire seed, the totem fragment was a top material, but he could only
stare at them. It wasn’t even as good as Golden Crow Fire. That was just fourth-grade, but at
least he could control that easily.

He finally realized a great problem. Ling power would always be his greatest weakness
and he had to improve in it unless he wanted to give up on dan-making and forging. No
matter if it was yao arts or mo skills, they were very powerful, but they could not replace
ling power’s uses in other areas.

Fine, he wouldn’t think on it so much. Surviving and leaving the Sealed Extinction
battlefield was the biggest priority right now.

Zuo Mo quickly let go of his mood.

He ran into the Ten Finger Prison. He first went to the yao city and received a letter left
for him. The writer was a yao named Ming Jue Zi. He had written detailed inquiries on what
kind of information Zuo Mo needed on the Battle of Sealed Extinction.

This letter instantly caused Zuo Mo’s low mood to rise greatly. Compared to his losses in
forging, the information on the Battle of Sealed Extinction was much more important. He
hurriedly wrote a response and replied to every question the other had.

After doing this, Zuo Mo’s depression was swept away. He excitedly ran to the Wasteland
Beast Chessboard to find Nan Yue and Cang Ze. However, he did not find the two but found
Cang Lin first. This young person was gradually recovering and was very happy when he
saw Zuo Mo. Cang Ze was one of the primary hopes of the clan, and was urgently cultivating
[Grey Scar Art].
A short while later, Zuo Mo saw a slightly tired Nan Yue. Due to the defeats at the front
lines, everyone was furiously cultivating now. Nan Yue had a strong feeling of danger and
was furiously teaching her clansmen to cultivate.

Zuo Mo thought of Nan Yue’s financial situation. The front lines had lost, so the prices of
necessities would definitely have skyrocketed. Nan Yue’s days were probably very difficult.
He gave a portion of the money he had to Nan Yue.

Having experienced war, Zuo Mo told her to spend more time on cultivation. In troubled
times, strength was the basis of survival.

Nan Yue pressed her lips together tightly. She did not refuse and seriously nodded.

Zuo Mo explained in detail what to pay attention to during wartime. These were all his
experiences. Nan Yue was not the only one to listen carefully. Cang Lin who was at the side
hurriedly cast a recording yao art to record Zuo Mo’s words.

Zuo Mo’s stream of words caused Cang Lin to think. Had Daren experienced war before?

Was Daren at the front lines?

His heart was filled with questions.

Translator Ramblings: Ling power is still a problem for Zuo Mo which is ironic. Even
back in Dong Fu, he had problems getting enough ling power to match what he could do
with his consciousness.
Chapter 400
This chapter has been brought to you by me, WanderingGummiofDoom, and Brian.

Chapter Four Hundred – Draft Notice

Zuo Mo was downcast at the thought that his ling power was a constraint, but he was not
demotivated by this. Instead it had roused his fighting spirit. Didn’t have any other ways?
What he first thought of was the five element glass bead inside his body.

This five element glass bead was of extraordinary origins and greatly increased his
affinity towards the five elements. When he had been at Wu Kong Mountain, he had
benefited greatly from this.

At present, the five element glass bead was not one of Zuo Mo’s top talismans, but it was
closely connected to Zuo Mo’s origins and had a special importance.

Zuo Mo had always been preoccupied and was unable to study it. At this time, Zuo Mo
thought of it.

The five element glass bead had merged into Zuo Mo’s blood and flesh so he could only
inspect it with his consciousness. However, when his consciousness inspected the five
element glass bead, it was blocked by a gentle power.

Zuo Mo stilled. He recalled that Pu Yao had said to him that something was sealed inside
the five element glass bead. A cautious expression came onto his face. This ling power was
not strong, but it was very pure. The sealer should be a xiuzhe above jindan.

Surprised by his finding, Zuo Mo didn’t think much about it. In these two short years, he
had encountered many battles and had almost died a few times. His life philosophies had
also changed. Like his stance regarding his changed appearance and his origins, he still
cared greatly and would endeavor to discover the truth, but he would not be as impulsive
as he had been in the past.

Facing the threat of war, living in an unpredictable environment where he could perish
at a moment’s notice, surviving was more important than anything else. Having personally
experienced the cruelties of war, he knew just how small and insignificant a person’s life
was. They were like a sapling in the middle of the storm. It took all of his strength to
struggle and search for that thread of life.

After being baptised in battle, his heart was much stronger, and his self-control was
stronger as well.
Pu Yao had also said clearly told him that he could not break the seal on the five element
glass bead with his low cultivation. So Zuo Mo was not astonished about his failure.

His consciousness wrapped around the five element glass bead. Zuo Mo tried to find the
smallest weakness in the seal, but this thin layer of ling power showed him that difference
between cultivation stages was not so easy to overcome.

He shook his head, withdrew his consciousness from the five element glass bead. His
hopes of using the five element glass bead was bankrupt.

Then what methods were there?

While Zuo Mo’s mind dwelled on the topic, a light flashed through his mind. He thought
of another method, yao arts.

Could he use yao arts to forge? Yao arts could also control fire. Of all yao arts, five
element yao arts were something every yao knew a little of because they were powerful
and easy to learn. Zuo Mo’s fire yao art skill was not his best, but it wasn’t bad.

However, the fire of fire yao arts and the fire of forging had fundamental differences.
Formations needed a medium in order to be engraved onto talismans, and flames could act
as the medium. Fire yao arts might have powerful fires, but they could not be used in this

Why so?

Zuo Mo sank into thought.

If things were different, Zuo Mo would not waste time on such a ridiculous problem, but
there was no way around it. Even if it was ridiculous, he still had to do it.

As he thought, Zuo Mo’s right hand unconsciously cast a fire yao art. The simplest fire yao
art of little yao arts, [Fire]. A weak flame wavered on the tip of his finger. Zuo Mo was
extremely familiar with little yao arts. His mind did not need to move, and the wisp of flame
twisted and danced around his finger like a snake of fire.

He closely felt every detail of the wisp. The snake of fire was very nimble and spirited.

Deep in thought, Zuo Mo completely did not realize the flow of time.

Draft notice!

Heavy Earth Corps had sent a draft notice!

Nan Yue looked at the draft notice in her hand. Her heart suddenly sank. The draft notice
was compulsory. The tense wording requested the draftee to report to Heavy Earth Corps
before a deadline. The one being drafted was not Nan Yue. She did show potential, but her
strength was not enough that she qualified for a draft.

The draft notice was for Daren!

Nan Yue quickly understood. They could not find Daren’s location, but it was not hard to
find her origins. Her mood instantly became dour. She had followed Daren for a while and
generally grasped Daren’s temper.

Daren definitely would ignore this draft notice. At that time, conflict would be

Which person was scheming against Daren from the shadows?

She turned and looked at the clansmen that were working hard on their cultivation.

Her gaze was full of worry, but then her determination rose up.

She quickly entered the Wasteland Beast Chessboard. No matter what, she had to let
Daren know as soon as possible!

Daren would definitely have a solution!

She was filled with confidence.


The black fire wrapped around a Golden Armor Guard. The Golden Armor Guard stood
motionlessly like a wooden puppet. Pu Yao’s hands were like two blooming flowers. Yao
arts rained down and entered the bodies of the Golden Armor Guards.

“Pity, the materials are a bit lacking,” Wei said with slight pity.

Due to the combination of Pu Yao’s skilled techniques and the the large amounts of black
fiendish energy the Golden Armored Guards absorbed from this vicious and fiendish
ground, they had the conditions to level up. The only thing Wei felt pity about was that
these Golden Armor Guards had all been xiuzhe that cultivated the sword before death. The
door-sized swords they held were frightening to see, but if it was a mo with a strong body,
the power would have been several levels higher.

“Let’s just work with what we have,” Pu Yao said lazily. “Compared to the past, these
days are already much better.”
“En.” Wei nodded and agreed with Pu Yao’s words.

This vicious ground to Zuo Mo and the others was undoubtedly a poor one. However, for
Pu Yao and Wei, it was much better than Wu Kong Mountain. At the very least, they no
longer needed to constantly worry about that withered old man suddenly coming with his
sword to exterminate yaomo.

“Your student seems to have encountered trouble,” Wei reminded Pu Yao.

“I can’t help him,” Pu Yao said unconcernedly. His hands did not stop. “Do you
understand that the methods of xiuzhe forging?”

Wei shook his head. “Mo cultivate their bodies and cannot forging.”

“It’s not that you cannot understand, but there is no need to understand.” Pu Yao was
clearly opposed to the xiuzhe methods. “Yao cultivate the spirit, mo their bodies, why do
they need to forge? If he wants to work on forging, he can only rely on himself.”

Wei was silent for a moment before he suddenly said, “Why not let him cultivate yao
arts and mo skills at the same time?”

“If you don’t want all of us to end up dead, it’s best if you do not have such a
dangerous idea,” Pu Yao said warningly, “If he dies, you and I cannot escape either.
Hmph, it already makes me feel unsafe that he cultivated a mo physique. Who made it
so that your mo physique cultivation is so dangerous. I don’t want to die so soon.”

“Mo physique cultivation is not as dangerous as you think … …”

Pu Yao impatiently interrupted Wei. “If there are safer ways, then why risk it? Do
you have a problem with your head? If you want to find a successor, other than him,
you can pick anyone. Guard Camp has so many people, just pick one. Shu Long isn’t bad,
how about it? Have you considered it?”

Wei shook his head. “His talent is not enough.”

“Wake up!” Pu Yao was full of disdain. “Look at our state, you are still holding on to
those traditions. It’s already good if you can find a successor, yet you’re still so picky!”

Pu Yao ranted on disdainfully, but his hand movements did not slow at all. When the last
few lights entered the bodies of the Golden Armor Guards, he finally showed slight

The Golden Armor Guards were completely transformed. The scaled golden armor that
had covered their bodies had disappeared, a complete suit of heavy black armor replaced it.
The heavy armor was fitted so well it seemed like one object. They were like metal
monsters. The terrifying presence that emanated from their bodies made people fearful.
Black spikes protruded from their shoulders, elbows, knees and other important places.
The tip of each black spike was a strange blood-like red. At the crown of their helmets was
a rhombus shaped golden mark that resembled the blood rhombus on Pu Yao’s forehead.

Pu Yao rubbed his chin and scanned the new Golden Armor Guards. He said to himself,
“These trashy swords are no longer suitable. Oh, that broken sword in Wei Sheng’s
hands isn’t bad, I wonder where he got it … …”

A moment later, he shook his head, and muttered, “Never mind. First we will work on
this, let’s think about weapons in the future.”

Suddenly, Pu Yao raised his head and his eyes flashed.

At the same time, Wei also raised his head.


Lei Peng and Nian Lu’s faces were pale white.

After Daren had announced the fiend soul beast hunting mission, everyone was very
enthusiastic. Other than engraving new formations, a piece of gossip was secretly passed
on—the totem fragments were materials that had ling kernels! Supposedly Daren had
already tasked the Golden Crow Camp with studying the forging talismans out of the totem

Those with foresight instantly detected the opportunity. Their past experiences told
them if Daren gave something to Golden Crow Camp, it probably was in preparation to give
to everyone.

No matter if it was the new formations, or the new talismans that hadn’t been forged yet,
they all needed to be traded for by points. If they didn’t take this opportunity to earn
points, were they dumb?

Lei Peng and Nian Lu were stronger than the average Vermillion Bird Camp members but
they were still weaker than Ma Fan and the others. The two of them decided to pair up to
hunt fiend soul beasts.

They worked very well together and were efficient producing great results. The past
combat experiences had not been wasted. The strength of Vermillion Bird Camp had clearly
increased. Many people did not even need to use the sword formation to comprehend
sword essence. Of course, part of this was Wei Sheng’s work.
Lei Peng and Nian Lu’s improvement was especially evident. The fiend soul beasts they
were afraid of in the past gradually became less dangerous for them.

Without detecting it, they had travelled a long way from the campsite.

Everything had been proceeding smoothly. Their luck was unusually good. They had
encountered many more fiend soul beasts than usual. The outstanding result caused the
two to start fantasizing about their wonderful future lives, with engraved new formations
and using their new talismans.

Until they encountered this terrifying fiend soul beast!

Translator Ramblings: Slow and steady plot progression.


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