Questionnaire - Drugs

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Name:_______________________ (optional)
Gender: ___ Male ___ Female
Age: ___ 25-30 ___ 31-40 ___41-50 ___ 51 and above
Civil Status ___ Single ___ Married ___ Widow
Position __________________________________

General Directions: Please check (/) and rate each criterion honestly
(based on what you actually undertake) the given statements using the
following scale:

4 - Strongly Agree
3 - Agree
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

1 2 3 4
1. Monitoring of drug cases are streamlined.
2. Policemen are empowered to carry out actions
related to drug enforcement.
3. The public is made more cautious in dealing
with drugs.
4. Societal awareness on the adverse effects of
drugs is increased.
5. Stigma on drug use is strengthened.
6. The rate of drug use and abuse is pulled down.
7. Proliferation of drugs is inhibited.
8. Networks connecting drug users to pushers are
cut off.
9. Raids and confiscation of drugs as corpus delicti
and paraphernalia are hastened.
10. Application of penal provisions on culpable
parties are properly administered.
1. Lives are wrongfully claimed in the process of
2. Poor verification of culprits.
3. Lack of due process afforded to apprehended
4. Persons are arrested despite absence of corpus
delicti or drug-related evidence.
5. Lack of concrete legal basis for arrests of
persons and/or searches of vicinities.
6. Policemen are given too wide array of powers
that are susceptible to abuse.
7. Lack of judicial blessing (i.e. issuance of proper
warrants) before executive actions on drug war
are carried out.
8. People are tagged as culprits without proper
executive verification.
9. Justice system is evaded by people who have
more financial influence.
10. Only culprits belonging to the lower brackets of
social demographics are held accountable.

For the following items, please use the rating below:

4 - Great extent
3 - Moderate extent
2 - Least extent
1 - Not at all

Effectiveness of the OPLAN TOKHANG 1 2 3 4

A. Affective Effectiveness (The respondents…)
1. Develop less attachment to drugs and its
2. Exhibit intense condemnation for drug use and
3. Identify with the necessity and relevance of
4. Genuinely want to participate in the building of a
drug-free society.
5. Sincerely feels safe starting from the
implementation of OPLAN TOKHANG.
B. Continuance Effectiveness (The respondents…)
1. Weighs up the pros and cons before arresting a
person or searching a vicinity.
2. Believes that the intrusion on another’s privacy
will yield to the safety of the society as a whole.
3. Would lose the decent quality of life that is due
to everyone when drugs abuse is left
4. Would lose the capacity to be better members of
society when drug abuse is not hampered.
5. Would lose societal harmony when drugs abuse
is left unchecked.
C. Normative Effectiveness (The respondent…)
1. Generally feels the need for the consistent
implementation of OPLAN TOKHANG.
2. Would likely to recommend not changing
anything on the status quo implementation of
3. Feels like the government has already invested
a lot of resources and efforts in the initial stages
of OPLAN TOKHANG that warrant its
continuance of implementation.
4. Believes that nationalism and loyalty to one’s
government demands self control to do away
with drugs.
5. Accepts the view that OPLAN TOKHANG will
yield to a better society where its members are
free from the shackles of drugs and its adverse

Thank you and God Bless!

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