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Physiology of Mastitis and Factors Affecting

Somatic Cell Counts'
Department of Animal Science
University of Kentucky
Lexington 40546

ABSTRACT proximately $2 billion in the United States

Inflammation of the mammary gland alone. This number excludes the additional
that results from the introduction and untold losses from altered milk quality and
multiplication of pathogenic microorgan- composition and the effects on dairy products
isms in the mammary gland is a complex that occur once milk has left the farm. The
series of events leading to reduced syn- complexity is reflected in the numerous causa-
tive pathogens, the variety and magnitude of
thetic activity, compositional changes,
the physiological responses to these pathogens,
and elevated SCC. The magnitude and
and the variation in efficacy of control meas-
temporal relationships of these responses
ures for different causative organisms. The
vary with nutritional status, other animal
purpose of this review is to describe the in-
factors, and the pathogen involved. Be-
flammatory response in the bovine mammary
cause the elevation of SCC is a response gland and the factors that influence SCC in
to an insult to the mammary gland and is milk.
modulated by inflammatory mediators,
the major factor influencing SCC is in-
fection status. The effects of stage of DISCUSSION
lactation, age, season, and various
stresses on SCC are minor if the gland is Mastitis Pathogens
uninfected. Except for normal diurnal 'Ihe causative bacteria can be categorized as
variation, few factors other than infection major or minor pathogens (13,23, 27, 54). The
status have a significant impact on milk
most common major pathogens include
SCC. Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalac-
(Key words: mastitis, somatic cell count) riae, and coliforms, streptococci, and en-
Abbreviation key: BTSCC = bulk tank SCC, terococci of environmental origin. Individual
GSH-Px = glutathione peroxidase, PMN = cases or sporadic outbreaks of mastitis may be
polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocyte. caused by Pseudomonas spp., Actinomyces
pyogenes, Serratia spp., or other unusual
pathogens. Mastitis caused by the major patho-
gens results in the greatest compositional
Mastitis, or inflammation of the mammary changes of milk, including increases in SCC,
gland, is one of the most complex and costly and has the most economic impact of all
diseases of the dairy industry (13). The wide- causative organisms. Coagulase-negative
spread occurrence of the disease in dairy herds staphylococci and Corynebacterium bovis are
creates an estimated loss to producers of ap- considered to be minor pathogens (23, 24).
Infections by these organisms cause only
moderate inflammation with SCC exceeding
those of uninfected glands by only two- to
Received June 16, 1993. threefold. Minor pathogen infections are infre-
Accepted November 4, 1993.
'This manuscript (93-5-105) is published with the ap-
quently associated with clinical mastitis,
proval of the director of the Kentucky Agricultural Experi- marked compositional changes in milk, or dra-
ment Station. matic decreases in milk production.

1994 J Dairy Sci 77:2103-2112 2103

Staphylococcus aureus and Strep. agalac- the production of numerous mediators of in-
tiae are contagious mastitis pathogens (13) for flammation by inflammatory cells that may be
which the major reservoir is the infected udder, directly involved in the pathogenesis of the
and infections are spread among cows during disease (18). These mediators include comple-
the milking process. Infections tend to be ment components (18, 30), prostaglandins (1,
chronic and subclinical but with periodic clini- 19). leukotrienes (52). histamine (54, 68),
cal episodes. The environmental pathogens in- serotonin, interleukins (10, 61), tumor necrosis
clude the coliforms and environmental strep- factor (2, 61), interferon (2), and other
tococci and enterococci. The coliforms are a cytokines (2, 10, 29). The classical symptoms
group of Gram-negative pathogens that include of inflammation include increased vascular
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter permeability, vasodilation, edema, increased
spp., and Citrobacter spp. Streptococcus dys- blood flow, neutrophil margination and migra-
galactiae, Streptococcus uberis, Streptococcus tion, decreased mammary synthetic activity,
bovis, Enterococcus faecium and Enterococ- pain, and fever (18). Marked mononuclear leu-
cus faecalis are common environmental strep- kocyte infiltration may be noted with chronic
tococci and enterococci (27,63). The source of infections (44).Elevated serum cortisol (59)
environmental pathogens, as the term suggests, and decreased plasma iron and zinc (34) have
is the surroundings of the cow (e.g., bedding, been observed in clinical models for mastitis.
manure, and soil). Although new infections by The new infection rate, as well as the mag-
environmental pathogens can occur at milking, nitude of the inflammatory response once an
primary exposure appears to be between milk- infection occurs, may be influenced by the
ings. Approximately 70 to 80% of coliform causative pathogen (13, 54, 63), stage of lacta-
infections become clinical (abnormal milk, ud- tion (27,63), age (27,63), immune status of the
der swelling, or systemic symptoms), and cow (9, 41), genetics (30), and nutritional sta-
about 50% of environmental streptococcal in- tus. Deficiencies in dietary selenium and vita-
fections display clinical symptoms. Sixty to min E result in increased incidence of mastitis,
70% of environmental pathogen infections ex- but supplemental dietary Se and vitamin E
ist for less than 30 d. lower the frequency and shorten the duration
of clinical mastitis (62). Herd prevalence of
intramammary infection decreased as mean ac-
tivity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) in-
Infections of the mammary gland by patho- creased; Se is an essential component of this
genic bacteria result in decreased milk produc- enzyme (17). Erskine et al. (16) showed that
tion and compositional changes that vary with experimental E. coli mastitis was less severe
the intensity and duration of the infection (13, and shorter for cows supplemented with Se
54). Subclinical infections are those for which than for cows deficient in Se. Killing of E. coli
no visible changes occur in the appearance of by milk neutrophils from cows deficient in Se
the milk or the udder, but milk production was decreased. Also, diets deficient in vitamin
decreases, bacteria are present in the secretion, A or &carotene resulted in increased incidence
and composition is altered. Clinical mastitis is of mastitis (7).
characterized by abnormal milk and swelling There is considerable current interest in the
or pain in the udder and may be accompanied role of free radical biology and antioxidant
by systemic signs such as elevated rectal tem- systems in health and disease. Highly reactive
perature, lethargy, or anorexia. As in subclini- oxygen species or free radicals can be gener-
cal mastitis, milk production declines, bacteria ated in the presence of oxygen during normal
are present in the milk, and dramatic changes cellular metabolism or during inflammation
in milk composition are usually present. (4). These free radicals or other reactive
An inflammatory response is initiated when molecules can result in tissue damage through
bacteria enter the mammary gland through the lipid peroxidation of cellular membrane com-
teat canal and multiply in the milk (13). Bac- ponents, inactivation or denaturation of en-
terial toxins, enzymes, and cell-wall compo- zymes, DNA damage, or damage to carbohy-
nents may have a direct effect on the function drates that can alter cellular receptor function
of the mammary epithelium but also stimulate (4). Several naturally occumng antioxidant

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 77. No. 7, 1994

compounds can inactivate these free radicals or TABLE 1. Compositional changes in milk constituents
prevent their generation. Naturally occurring associated with elevated SCC.1
antioxidants include superoxide dismutase, Milk
GSH-Px, vitamin E, catalase, ascorbic acid, Normal with high Percentage
and &carotene. Increased dietary Se resulted Constituent milk SCC of normal
in increased activities of GSH-Px, a selenoen- (W
zyme (17). The benefits of supplemental die- SNF 8.9 8.8 99
tary Se and vitamin E on mastitis (16, 17, 62) Fat 3.5 3.2 91
may be related to their effects on antioxidant -0% 4.9 4.4 90
mechanisms. Total protein 3.61 3.56 99
Total casein 2.8 2.3 82
One of the initial components of the i d a m - whey protein .8 1.3 162
matory response that is a major line of defense Scnun albumin .a .07 350
for the udder is the influx of polymor- Lactofenin .02 .10 500
phonuclear neutrophil (PMN) leukocytes into Immunoglobulins .10 .60 600
sodium .057 .lo5 184
the mammary tissue (8, 21, 22, 42, 47). The Chloridt ,091 .147 161
P M N normally flow freely through capillaries Potassium .173 ,157 91
with only minimal adherence to vessel walls. Calcium .12 .04 33
During infection and inflammation, adhesion 1Examples of compositional changes found in various
molecules are expressed, and P M N marginate studies. Adapted from work of Eberhart et al. (13) and
or adhere to the endothelium of smaller blood Kitchen (31).
vessels and pass between cells lining the ves-
sel. Chemical messengers or chemotactic
agents released from leukocytes normally in
the milk or from damaged tissues attract PMN In addition to elevated SCC, infection
into milk in large numbers (8). The PMN causes a number of other events in the mam-
appear in large numbers lined up outside some mary gland. Toxins produced by bacteria or
alveoli (22, 42). In other areas, damage to mediators of inflammation damage milk-
milk-synthesizing cells may be apparent, and producing tissue, resulting in less total synthe-
masses of PMN may pass between epithelial sis of milk (8, 13, 59, 60,61). Changes in the
cells into the lumen of the alveolus. Thus, the permeability of blood vessels and mammary
end result of this process is an increase in the epithelium lead to the leakage of blood compo-
SCC in milk resulting from P M N migration to nents into milk and the movement of some
the site of infection. The PMN also infiltrate normal milk components out of the alveolar
the linings of teat and duct cisterns and the teat lumen into the perivascular space. Clots
duct (22, 42, 43). These areas may be sites of formed by the aggregation of leukocytes and
migration during the initial response to inva- blood clotting factors may block small ducts
sion. and prevent complete milk removal (13). Dam-
The function of PMN in milk is to engulf age to epithelial cells and blockage of small
and to digest the invading bacteria (8, 47). ducts can result in the formation of scar tissue
When PMN enter milk, they also engulf other in some cases with a permanent loss of func-
particles such as fat globules and casein, which tion of that portion of the gland. In other cases,
decreases their efficiency compared with that inflammation may subside, tissue repair may
of blood cells. However, P M N still remain a occur, and function may return in that lactation
key defense mechanism in the udder. The leu- or the subsequent one.
kocytes in milk may also release specific sub-
stances that change the permeability of blood Comporltlonal Changm
vessels or attract more leukocytes to the area
to fight the infection (8, 18). With persistent Compositional changes accompany the ele-
bacterial infections, leukocyte numbers may vation of SCC and inflammation in an infected
fluctuate, but generally remain abnormally mammary gland (31, 36). Table 1 lists exam-
high. Such abnormal numbers of somatic cells ples of some changes in milk components that
continue after bacteria are eliminated until accompany mastitis. Mastitis or elevated SCC
healing of the gland occurs. are associated with a decrease in lactose, a-
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 77, No. 7, 1994

lactalbumin, and fat in milk because of cows with clinical or subclinical mastitis from
reduced synthetic activity of the mammary tis- proteolytic enzymes. Plasmin, an important
sue. Some studies [review (31)] have shown no proteolytic enzyme in milk with high SCC (3,
change in fat content, yet total fat yield 65). is normally found in milk; however, there
decreases because of a decline in milk produc- may be more than 2-fold increases in its ac-
tion. Some components, such as lactose (60) tivity in milk during mastitis. Plasminogen, the
and a-lactalbumin (38), may leak out of the inactive precursor to plasmin, normally occurs
alveolus between epithelial cells; these compo- in plasma. From a series of proteolytic
nents have been measured in urine or blood of cleavages, plasminogen is converted to the ac-
cows with mastitis. Although total protein con- tive form of plasmin (65). The activation is
tent may undergo little change, the types of thought to occur in the lumen of the alveolus
proteins present change dramatically. The con- or early during the process of milk synthesis.
tent of casein, the major milk protein of high Plasmin and enzymes derived from somatic
nutritional quality, declines, but lower quality cells can cause extensive damage to casein in
(for dauy products) whey proteins increase. the udder before milk removal. One study
Serum albumin, immunoglobulins, transfemn, showed a drop of approximately 20% for the
and other serum proteins pass into milk be- intact casein content of fresh raw milk from
cause vascular permeability changes (31, 36). proteolysis during Strep. ugulucriue infections
Lactofemn, the major antibacterial iron- (53). Although the rate of plasmin-related
binding protein in mammary secretions, in- casein breakdown is slowed at refrigeration
creases in concentration, likely because of in- temperatures, plasmin is extremely heat stable.
creased output by the mammary tissue and a Normal milk pasteurization times and tempera-
minor contribution from PMN (25). tures are not adequate to inactivate elevated
Mastitis also markedly changes the ionic plasmin activities in abnormal milk. Thus, de-
environment and increases the conductivity of terioration of milk protein as a result of masti-
milk (32,36). Sodium and chloride increase tis may continue during processing and stor-
because of passage from blood into milk. age, and further activation of plasmin may
Potassium, normally the predominant mineral continue.
in milk, declines because of paracellular pas- Because of a strong relationship between
sage out of the alveolar lumen between some of the inflammatory or compositional
damaged epithelial cells. Because most cal- changes in milk and the presence of infection
cium in milk is associated with casein, the (8, 31, 36, 37), the measurement of certain
disruption of casein synthesis contributes to components has been used to monitor udder
lowered calcium in milk. health and, thus, milk quality. Milk SCC prob-
The pH may increase from a normal of 6.6 ably has been most widely used as a measure
to 6.9or higher because of movement of blood of milk quality worldwide since the develop-
components into milk (31). Many enzymes and ment of rapid, electronic cell counting tech-
other whey proteins originating from damaged niques. Other proposed screening tests or tests
tissue, the blood, or leukocytes are elevated in to monitor the course of infections have in-
milk. Examples of enzymes that may have cluded the measurement of catalase, NAGase,
increased activity are acid phosphatase, al- antitrypsin, chloride, sodium, and serum albu-
antitrypsin (antitrypsin or al-protease inhibi- min in milk (31, 36, 37).
tor), alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase, 8-
glucuronidase, catalase, glutamic-oxaloacetic
transaminase, lactate dehydrogenase, lipase, Factors Affwlng Milk SCC
lysozyme, NAGase, plasmin, xanthine oxidase,
and various esterases (31). Increased free fatty Somatic cell counts are readily available to
acids also occur in milk with high SCC. most dauy farmers today on a monthly basis
Kitchen (31) suggested that the lysosomal en- through the Dairy Herd Improvement program.
zyme NAGase is an indicator of tissue damage Extensive data are now available on large
during mastitis. numbers of cows concerning factors affecting
Milk protein breakdown that is dependent SCC in milk. When these data are combined
on time and temperature can occur for milk of with bacteriological culture results, the factors

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 77, No. 7, 1994

TABLE 2. Estimated infection prevalence and losses in showed that infection prevalence was the ma-
milk production associated with elevated bulk tank SCC jor determinant of BTSCC.
(SncC). At the cow and quarter levels, SCC from
Infected normal (i.e., uninfected) quarters are generally
quarters Production below 200,000 but may be below 100,000
BTSCC in herd loss' during first lactations of cows. One study esti-
(103/ml) (%I mated that 50% of uninfected cows have SCC
200 6 0 under 100,W/ml, and 80% have under
500 16 6 200,000 (12). A higher elevation is abnormal
lo00 32 18 and an indication of inflammation in the udder.
1500 48 29
The major pathogens cause the greatest SCC
1Produaion loss calculated as a percentage of p d u c - increase and include Staph. uureus, Strep.
tion expected at 2C0.000 celldml. From Eberhart et al. ugulucriue, coliforms, and Streptococcus spp.
(14). other than Strep. ugulactiue (12, 58). As noted
earlier, the minor pathogens (C. bovis and
coagulase-negative staphylococci) usually
cause only a moderate increase in SCC over
of greatest importance can be determined, and that of uninfected quarters (23).
some misconceptions concerning changes in Most studies indicate that the use of SCC
SCC can be clarified. Several comprehensive alone to classify quarters as infected or unin-
reviews and individual studies over the past 20 fected results in error from false positives and
yr have addressed issues surrounding SCC, false negatives (11, 49, SO). These errors may,
their variation, and the potential use of SCC in part, be because of the normal fluctuation of
for monitoring milk quality (5, 6, 11, 12, 14, SCC observed throughout the course of an
39, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55, 58). The previous infection. Temporal changes in SCC following
discussion of the inflammatory response in the experimental challenge of mammary glands
mammary gland is helpful for considering (16, 56, 60,61) suggest dramatic changes in
those factors that influence SCC in milk. the magnitude of the SCC during the early,
Milk somatic cells are primarily leukocytes acute stages of the infection reaching a peak
or white blood cells, which include macro- SCC within hours or days, depending on the
phages, lymphocytes, and PMN. Studies iden- challenge organism. This peak may be fol-
tifymg cell types in milk have shown that lowed by a modest reduction in SCC as bacte-
epithelial cells infrequently occur in udder ria are killed by PMN. The magnitude of de-
secretions, including those from the dry gland, cline in SCC can vary considerably and may
and range from 0 to 7% of the cell population be dependent upon the bacteriological outcome
(32). Thus, increases in SCC at the end of of the infection, the pathogen involved, and
lactation are not from sloughing of epithelial cow differences. Examples of SCC changes
cells. During inflammation, the major increase with time during naturally occurring Staph.
in SCC is because of the influx of PMN into uureus infections are shown in Table 3 for the
the milk (8, 22, 39, 42, 47). At this time, over University of Kentucky herd. The SCC in in-
90% of the cells may be PMN. fected quarters apparently tend to fluctuate.
Infecrion Status. The major factor affecting For chronic infections, SCC and bacterial num-
SCC at the quarter, cow, or bulk tank level is bers tend to fluctuate with time (40,56).Table
an infection of the mammary gland (11). 3 also shows variation in SCC for uninfected
Eberhart et al. (14) studied infection prevalence quarters, but the SCC still remains below
for 80 herds and related this to bulk tank SCC 200,000.
(BTSCC),which ranged from 103,000 to The magnitude of SCC responses to major
1,591,000 celldml. Table 2 shows estimates of pathogens varies among cows, and differentia-
infection prevalence by major pathogens and tion between the types of pathogens does not
production losses reported in this study. Obvi- seem possible with SCC alone (11). Schultz
ously, an increase in BTSCC is related to (55) reported that days, weeks, or longer may
increased infection prevalence and decreased be required for SCC to decrease after the
milk production. An analysis of these data pathogens have been eliminated from the
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 77, No. 7, 1994

TABLE 3. The SCC of uninfectcd quarters or quarters infected with Stuphylococcus aureus.
cow 46 Cow 834 cow 602
Date Infcclcd Uninfd Infected Uninfected Infected
~ ~~~~~~~~~~

(x 103/ml)
Sep 16 Presh Fresh 62 1 182 5447
Sep 30 419 169 1484 124 1344
Oct 14 151 90 940 28 720
Oct 28 203 117 838 101 495
Nov 18 350 54 193 67 3371
Dec 09 243 117 220 81 837
Ian 06 278 128 385 87 464
Feb 04 1551 99 43 1 74 62 1
Mar 04 377 84 47 1 I40 Culled
1Negative culture.

gland. The SCC in the bucket or composite herd and should be used to monitor trends and
milk would also be expected to be related to alert the dauy producer of problems. Treat-
the number of quarters infected and the ment during lactation based solely on in-
amount of milk being produced by each. How- dividual SCC has been shown to be impracti-
ever, if all quarters of a cow are uninfected, fxl (64).
generally SCC below 200,000 would be ex- Age and Stage of Lacfation.Generally SCC
pected for bucket milk. increases with advancing age and stage of
The DHI program has adopted an SCC lactation. However, work by Eberhart et al.
scoring system (48) that divides the SCC of (12) showed that, if cows are separated into
composite milk into 10 categories from 0 to 9 groups by infection status, little change in SCC
(Table 4). This system has an advantage over occurs for uninfected cows, either as they age
BTSCC because changes in the SCC of a small or during late lactation (Tables 5 and 6). Shel-
number of cows does not markedly change the drake et al. (58) confumed that milk from
herd mean score. About 50% of the cows are uninfected quarters displays little change in
above, and 50% are below, the herd mean SCC as number of lactations increase. In addi-
score. Both the BTSCC and herd mean SCC tion, they (58) showed that the SCC of milk
score indicate the state of udder health of the from uninfected quarters rose from 83,000 at

TABLE 4. Estimated differences in lactation milk produc-

tion associated with an incnase in SCC score. TABLE 5. Mean SCC by cow age and infection status.l
Difference in Infection status
M a milk production' All
SCC Mean Age cows None Minor2 Major3
Score SCC Lactation1 Ladation2
@103/ml) -& m a - - - (yr)
2 232 126
190 614
12.5 ... ... 3 314 149 218 661
25 ... ... 4 390 148 233 753
50 ... ... 5 564 180 308 977
100 -9 1 -181 6 544 194 322 880
200 -181 -363 7 654 25 1 320 986
400 -272 -544 >7 868 113 519 1207
800 -363 -726 ~~ ~

1600 454 -907 'Data from 3130 cows. From Eberhart et al. (12).
~Comparisoosare with lactation production at SCC 2lnfections by minor pathogens.
scores of 2. From Raubertas and Shook (48). 3Infections by major pathogens.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 77, No. 7, 1994

TABLE 6. Mean SCC by days of laaation and infection (uninfected and infected with Staphylococcus
spp.) subjected to either heat stress or housed
Infection status in a thermoregulated environment were
Lactation cows None Minor2 Major3

145,000 and 105,000/ml. A portion of this

difference in SCC may be because of the
(4 (XI@/ml) decreased milk production that is observed
049 380 164 247 839 with heat stress. A 10 to 20% decline in milk
50-99 429 138 286 861 production is not unusual for dairy cattle ex-
100-149 498 125 240 1068
150-199 399 126 295 735
periencing heat stress (57). Although stray volt-
200-249 452 208 240 902 age may result in behavioral changes in dairy
250-299 445 139 267 758 cattle, no evidence exists that stray voltage
>300 634 165 374 1031 directly influences SCC in healthy udders (33).
Guidry et al. (20) reported that estrus has no
~ ~

1Data from 3130 cows. From Eberhatt et al. (12).

zlnfections by minor pathogens.
significant effect on SCC.
Somatic cell counts are generally lowest
3lnfections by major pathogens.
during the winter and highest during the sum-
mer (11). which coincides with an increased
incidence of clinical mastitis during the sum-
mer months (28, 46, 63). Smith et al. (63)
35 d postpartum to 160,OOO by 285 d. How- showed that rate of infection with environmen-
ever, the SCC of milk from quarters infected tal pathogens was highest during the summer
with Staph. aureus rose from 234,000 to and coincided with highest number of coli-
1,000,OOO over the same period. All quarters, forms in bedding. They suggested that the
regardless of infection status, had elevated stress of high temperatures and humidity could
SCC immediately postpartum, but those quar- have increased the susceptibility to infection as
ters with no infections or with minor pathogen well as increased the numbers of pathogens to
infections showed a rapid decline in SCC to 35 which cows were exposed. Additional data
d postpartum; SCC in uninfected cows should support the association of rates of clinical
be less than 300,000 by 5 d postpartum (50). mastitis with bacterial counts in bedding (28).
Bodoh et al. (5) found SCC at the end of These findings support the concept that tem-
lactation rose only after production had perature stress per se is not the cause of in-
dropped below 4 kg/d, but the infection status creased SCC, but the increased SCC is a result
of these cows was not determined. Feed or of greater exposure of teat ends to pathogens,
water deprivation results in dramatic decreases resulting in more new infections and clinical
in milk production and proportional increases cases during the summer months.
in SCC (35, 50). This result can be interpreted Other Factors. A normal variation in SCC
as a dilution phenomenon. Some (50, 55) have occurs with the fraction of milk collected
throughout a milking, and diurnal variation
suggested that the modest rise in SCC of unin- occurs during the time between milkings (1 1,
fected quarters at the end of lactation is in fact 67). In general, SCC are highest in the strip-
a dilution effect. Thus, the major influence of pings and lowest immediately before milking.
parity and stage of lactation on SCC is related The elevated SCC may persist for up to 4 h
to intramammary infection status. after milking and then gradually decline. This
Stress and Season. Stresses of various types difference in high and low SCC varies from
have been implicated as causing increases in 4- to 70-fold for individual quarters (67). Be-
SCC (11). However, attempts to induce SCC cause correlation is high (r = .86) between SCC
changes experimentally for uninfected cows by in foremilk and composite or bucket milk (ll),
injection of ACTH or corticosteroids or by either of these types of samples can be rou-
placing cows in environmentally controlled tinely used to collect SCC data.
chambers have shown only modest or no ef- Brolund (6) has reported that variability in
fects on milk SCC (45, 56, 66). Although a SCC within breed was greater than differences
recent Florida study (15) showed a significant in SCC among breeds. Neither of these factors
increase in SCC of milk from heat-stressed approaches the impact of bacteriological status
cows, the respective mean SCC from cows on SCC.
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 77, No. 7, 1994
21 10 HARMON

Limitations of SCC. Certainly the use of are a result of cells being attracted to the
SCC records on a monthly basis can be a mammary tissue because of the mediators
useful tool for monitoring udder health of a produced during a local infection, events that
dairy herd. Multiple SCC records for in- do not affect udder health are unlikely to have
dividual cows or the entire herd are most a direct or dramatic effect on SCC. Little
useful, but a single SCC record is relatively evidence exists that any factor other than nor-
inconclusive for reasons cited (50). The in- mal diurnal variation has a major influence on
terpretation of SCC records is particularly ap- SCC in the absence of intramammary infec-
plicable to herds experiencing infections from tion.
contagious pathogens. Because infections by
these pathogens tend to be of long duration, REFERENCES
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