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High Performance

Work System,
Employee Well-being
and Job Involvement:
an Empirical Study

Jamshed Ahmad
MS Management Sciences
FAST School of Management Sciences

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To propose mediator of employee well-

being to explain the hypothesized multilevel
relationship b/w HPWS & job involvement.

Given importance of HPWS.

Hold contribution of HPWS

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a coherent set of HRM practices

that improve company performance
by promoting the commitment and
involvement of employees in their
jobs and the organization's
objectives. (Farndale et al., 2011;
Guthrie, 2001; Kroon et al., 2009;
Sun et al., 2007; Way, 2002).

Jamshed, ARM Presentation 2018 3

‘A comprehensive
concept of happiness
(Ryan and Deci, 2001;
Waterman, 1993), and When employees
represents an would put more time
evaluation of one’s life, and effort on their
including life own jobs, as namely,
satisfaction and positive job involvement
affect’ (Lu, 2001). (Lodahl & Kejner,

Jamshed, ARM Presentation 2018 4

Authors Year Variables Relations

Kim et al., 2010

Subramony, 2009 HPWS & Organizational
Sun et al., 2007 effectiveness
Townsend et al., 2011
HPWS & Organizational
Cavanagh et al., 2013
performance Positive
Lepak et al., 2006

Huang et al., 2016 HPWS & employee well being Positive

Huang et al., 2016 Employee well being & employee Mediating

Employee well-being & organization

Podsakoff et al., 2003) 2003 Positive
Cropanzano & Wright, 2001 Employee well-being & job
Judge et al., 2001 performance
Boxall & Macky, 2009
HPWS & Organizational
Sun et al., 2007 Positive
Wright et al., 2005). 2005 Jamshed, ARM Presentation 2018 5

Hypothesis 1.
HPWS are positively related to
employee well-being.

Hypothesis 2.
Employee well-being is positively
related to job involvement.

Hypothesis 3.
Employee well-being mediates the
relationship between HPWS and job

Jamshed, ARM Presentation 2018 6

Framework, Sample, & Procedures

- Telephoned & asked for participating

- HR Professional & Current employee/Taiwan
- 54 companies agreed
- Top 500 Manufacture/Service organization
- Survey package / 2Q (HR/10E)
- Top 100 Finance firms
- Questionnaires: HR/HPWS & Emp/EW & JI
- Randomly selected / list of HR dept
- Received 54 HR & 509 E from 51 companies
- At least 1 HR & 10 employees
- Finalized 50 company & 451 cases

Jamshed, ARM Presentation 2018 7

Sun et al. (2007) 27-item HPWS scale adopted in this study.
used an additive index to reflect a single comprehensive measure of an HR system
(Batt, 2002; Guthrie, 2001).
A high score on this measure indicates a relatively intensive use of and investment
in HPWS. The overall scale reliability was α = 0.76.

Employee well-being
Adopted Hills and Argyle’s (2002) “The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ)” to
measure employee well-being in this study. There are total 29 items in OHQ.
The scale reliability was α = 0.91

Job involvement
We adopted Kanungo’s (1982) Job Involvement Questionnaire ( JIQ) to measure job
involvement in this study. Ten items are included in JIQ scale.
The scale reliability was α = 0.87.
Jamshed, ARM Presentation 2018 8
Result & Discussion

HPWS positively influences employee well-being; and

HPWS positively affect employee job involvement
through the mediating effect of employee well-being.

Theoretical Contribution

Practical Contribution

Empirical Contribution
Limitation & Future Direction

Can try to validate the result with larger sample.

Can implement the investigation in developed cities of

China (Beijing, Shanghai).

Examination of how/why HPWS affects EW.

To provide holistic view of EW to understand HPWS and +

psychology employee/firm performance.

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Organizations can create improved working environment.

Made theory, empirical and methodological contribution

as well as PS.

Satisfied employees are more productive.

Employee well-being can enhance employee/firm

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Thank you.

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