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A Detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 10


I. Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
a. Be familiar with the specific term of the sensory images;
b. Identify sensory images present in the literary text;
c. Categorize the sensory images based from the provided material; and
d. Construct meaningful poem using sensory imagery.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Writing Objective and Logical Definitions and The Missing Axe
Materials: Cartolina, Printed Images, Teacher-made worksheet, and PowerPoint Presentation
Strategies: Transformational Drill, Question and Answer, Individual Seatwork, Group Writing Work Game
Time Allotment: 60 Minutes

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
"Let us first ask for the blessing and guidance of the (A student will lead the prayer.)
Lord." “Good morning, Ma'am!"
"Good morning, class!"
"Ms. Secretary do we have any absent in my class?”
(Students will have a 10-item words for their spelling)
“Okay, let’s have our spelling.”

“Yes Ma’am, it is a wonderful day.”

B. Review
“What a wonderful day, isn’t it?"
"That's right, and what is a dictionary, class?"

"And what are the parts of a dictionary?"

"Very good!”

C. Prewriting/ Motivation (Transformational Drill)

"Talking about meanings, I have here a number of
definitions which are disarranged.” (Mechanics will
flash in the PowerPoint presentation.)

D. Writing Activity (Writing Seatwork, Question and

Answer and Group Game)

“And today, we are going to have a parable about

how a person’s way of defining, thinking and
deciding form a situation.
(Attached herewith is the hand-out of the The
Missing Axe by Lieh Tzu which has several questions
after the story. This serves as their writing activity/

“What did the man lose in the beginning of the

“Now, what did he do after realizing he lost his axe,
his tool for living?”

“Afterwards, how did the man think about the

situation – about the neighbor’s son?”

“Now, what have you learned from the parable,


“Excellent. What about this situation. If you were the

man who lost his axe, would you be doing the same?

“That’s right! It seems like you assessed the
conditions much.

E. Presentation of the Lesson

“So, our lesson for today will strengthen how we
decide and communicate whether it is spoken or
written, and it is Writing Objective and Logical
Definitions. An objective and logical definition has the
following parts:

“Here are some examples: First, Parable is short

allegorical story specifically written to teach a moral
or spiritual lesson. Second, (The teacher will point
into which parts of the definition are the specie,
genus, and differentia.)

“In addition class, if this is the example, Neighbor is a

person who is living near or next to our door and who
loves to sing karaoke at night. Is it still objective?

“And for the next examples, we would be playing a

labelling game.”
(Mechanics will flash in the screen.)
“First phase.”

For the second phase, you need to pick out a word,

and construct objective and logical definitions.

F. Generalization
“Class, what did you learn and realized from our
discussion today?”

“That’s right! Other hands?”

“That’s true! We have to be objective and logical.

Isn’t it?”

Very good!

“That is a brilliant realization! I am glad you have

learned much from our discussion for today”

IV. Evaluation
A. Identify whether the sentences below are logical and objective definitions, or not. Write LAO if they are, and
NLAO if not.
1. Ink is a colored fluid used for making marks on paper which Ana had spilled to my bag last Friday.
2. The wrist is the joint which connects the hand with the forearm.
3. Vegetarians are those who use or promote a diet which excludes animal products.
4. A window is an opening on the wall of a building for the purpose of admitting light and air.
5. Water is a chemical compound consisting of two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen, and is my
one and only favorite drink.

B. Without using a dictionary, construct objective and logical definitions of the following words:
1. Cellphone 3. University 5. Anecdote
2. Facebook 4. Rostrum

V. Assignment
A. Study the following words or species that lack either its genus or differentia. Supply a word or group of words
that will satisfactorily complete the sentence to have an objective and logical definition.

1. A refrigerator is a __________________ that keeps food and beverages cool.

2. To dribble is to propel a ball by _________________________________.
3. Geometry is a _____________ that investigates the measurements and properties of lines, angles,
surfaces and solids.
4. Zeus is the _____________ of the king of the gods of Olympus.
5. A book is ______________ that ________________________________.

B. Visit the school’s library. Get an Encyclopedia. Copy and write down the biography of William Shakespeare.

Prepared by:

Rina C. Constantino
Junior High Teacher

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