Bullying: Kapitolyo High School San Ignacio St. Bo. Kapitolyo, Pasig City

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Kapitolyo High School

San Ignacio St. Bo. Kapitolyo, Pasig City

Submitted to:

Allin John O. Junio

H.E 2

Submitted to:

Roy N. Nalagon

School is said to be the place where children learns and molds

themselves into someone they wanted to be. Bullying now a days become a serious
problem in our societies and it is so alarming. According to Olweus (1996), bullying is
when “ a student is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the
part of one or more students”. Bullying at school affects academic achievement since
bullied children feel fear and weak and in the same time it affects students’ personality
traits and self-confidence. Therefore such situation makes bullied students unable to
follow or to pay attention for their study well and even they might do not like to go to
school. Moreover they miss opportunities to participate with their colloquies or even
enjoy school activities.

School bullying has made the headlines whether on the

television, or in the newspaper, mostly for the negative effects it has on students.
Bullying negatively affects students on the playground, in the classroom, and on the
Internet. Since educators have a responsibility to protect the children in the school
setting, student bullying directly impacts the role of the educator. Experts have had a
difficult time defining the phenomenon of bullying, and it has been identified in many
different ways with different terminology, meanings, connotations, and implications
(Carrera, De Palma , & Lameiras , 2011). Victims of bullying have taken their own lives,
and even bullied themselves. In addition, bullying in conjunction with depression results
in much worse outcomes than bullying a student free of other problems (Klomek
,Kleinman , Altschuler , Marrocco , Amakawa, & Gould, 2011). A school district’s job is
to ensure that its students get the best education possible. To establish an effective
learning environment within its district, school leaders need to establish ways to identify
and combat bullying. Educational leaders are responsible for creating and sustaining
environments for learning and practicing civic virtue for all stakeholders in a school
(Starratt, 2004)

Many years past by bullying is increasing. According to the consolidated

report of Department of Education (DEPED), bullying cases on elementary and high
schools of both private and public schools on 2014 rose by 21% or a total of 6,363 case
compare with the 5,236 on 2013.in this case we can say that bullying is increasing
every year.

Have you ever bullied or been bullied?

If you have bullied or been bullied then you should know how bullying
feels like. Bullying is very negative and creates major problems for our society. Nothing
good comes out of bullying. It could very well change or ruin a person’s life. In fact, it
does ruin many people’s lives. Kids can be mentally scarred if they are teased often. Even
worse, they could be killed or fatally injured if the bullying gets extreme. There are many
causes for bullying which must be taken care of before bullying can be stopped. T.V.
violence, families in poverty, and miss-teachings are just several of the many serious
causes for bullying.
Also, T.V. shows are quite readily available for anyone to watch. Kids
may try “moves” on people at school because they believe it’s cool. As well, cooperation
from children parents is important, some parents actually encourage their children to
fight to look cool or don’t teach them properly. Kids must take their own initiative, as
well, they must find out what’s wrong and what’s right for themselves sometimes. Many
kids don’t take bullying seriously. However, when a real incident occurs, they are
unprepared, shocked, regretful, or dead. Bullying must stop, for it is destroying the lives
and futures of many innocents, perhaps not killing them, but ruining them. People may
end up physically distorted, paralyzed,or dead because of bullying. Aside from physical
harm, there is also mental harm. This is equally as destructive. Kids may become
extremely depressed from being bullied.

Bullying is most frequently the cause of a lot of the problems in the society; it is the most common cause of
suicides in the whole world. This problem is also more frequent in children’s that are in school, because in all the
schools are someone that likes to disturb or to make others feel bad

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