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srr ara 18 1893 (Part 2) : 2014 Indian Standard ee arerait a yet Teagt & ards am 2 re ena Se (eet ater) Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures Part2 Liquid Retaining Tanks (Fifth Revision ) ies s1a20.25 © BIS 2014 arta wae =p BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS ee TE, 9 wee eee ari, af fee 110002 ANAK BHAVAN. 3 SAAADUR shalt ZAFAR MARO iw bettors ‘msisarain mst ia ‘August 2014 Price Group 8 Eanhquake Engineenng Sectoaal Commitee, CED 39. FOREWORD ‘Tai inom Stacund (Part 2 (ith Revision} wits adopied by the Bureau of Indian Standards afer he draft rated by the Earthquake Engiseering Sectional Commitee had been approved by dhe Civil Engineering Division Council Ante Fifi revision 1S 189 has Peen spilt ino Tive parts. The other sri inthe series re: Part! General provisions and halidings Part? Brlges nd retaining walls Pore Tehsrial structures eluding stack Hike scares Pat Darm and embankments Pan} contais provisions that me geneeal im ature and applicable to all typex of structures. It use contains provisions that are specific to bildiags ony, Unless stat aterwte, the provisions in Part 2 t Part Saha fend in sonjanetin With the general pecvisions in Pas | ‘This wandand (Part 2) eonies provinions fr liquid etuining tanks. Unless otherwise stated, this standard shall be read necessarily sm conjunction with 1S 1898 (Part 1) 2002, [As compared to provision of 1893 : 1984, in this emda following important provisions and changes have been incorporsiod: 4) Analysis of ground supported ans is included, 1). Forclevaed inks, the single degree of feeiom idealization of tank Is done wwny with: instead a two= eprec of from Meulzation is ued for anulyeis. ) Bracing beam flexibility is explicitly inoded inthe exlenlation of lateral sffeess of tank staging. 4) The effec of convective hydrodynamic posaur i inciudel i the analysis £) The distribution of impulsive ani eonpective hydrodynamic presse is represented graphically For “convenience in snalynic simplified hydrodynamic pressure citribution is uso suggested for stress analysis of the tank wal 1) Bitet of verieat ground acceleration on hydeodymamic pressure is considered. 2) Quilty emirol mewuies considered nevessary in eign und construction of reinforced concrete tanks for achicring safe performance under aerial as well as seismic onions are uly includes. “The nits mec wth he items covered by the synbets stall be consistent throughout histandand,unkess specifically ote oberwie ‘ithe formation of thie sanlan! dee weightae has been given to atemational ecordination amon the standards and practices prevailing indifferent counts in an to slang i fo the practices inthe fie of ths eum Inthe formalation ofthis snd conser hap has hee taken by the Indian Tnstute of Technology Kang, Institute of Techtology Roorkee, Visvesvaraya National Intute of Technology, Nagpar and several otver ‘orgenizations inctading Guidelines prepared by NT, Kanpur for GSDMA. Reference as been mle 1 the following dacumeis inthe formolnton ofthis standand: 8) ACT 3503, 2001, “Seimlc design of uid oomsiving coneret strctures', American ConsreteIntitate, Farmingioa Hill. MI, USA, 1) Barocode 8, 1098, ‘Design provisions for earthquake rxitance of traces, Par 1 Gevetat ules and art 4 — Silos, tanks nnd pipelines” European Comite for Standardization, Brussels. (Comennued on third corer) 415 1893 (Part ) = 2014 Indian Standard CRITERIA FOR EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT DESIGN OF STRUCTURES PART 2 LIQUID RETAINING TANKS ( Fifth Revision ) 1 SCOPE ‘This sandra (Part 2) covers ground suppste iid ‘etenirg tna an elevated tans sepportedon staging ‘Guidance is also provided en seismic design of buried ans. 2 REFERENCES, ‘The following standards coursin provisions which, ‘rough reference in this ten. eonsitule provisions of this sunderd. AC the dine of publication, the editions Indwatee were valid. AM standards are subjost uo ‘evinion, und paitiey (0 agreements hased cn this omar ave encouraged to lavesigate the possi, of seplving the most recent editors Wf the sous ‘tiated below: BN Tie 456:2000 Code of Practice fot plain und Reinforced Concrete Yourrk revislon) ays Criteria. for earthguake resistin) (Pat 1): 2002, design of structures: Part | General Provisions and buildings Gita tevirion 3370 Code of Praction For toncrete ‘clues forthe storage of itis (Pat 1): 2009 General requirernens is revision) (Pur 2): 2009 Reiniored concrete strvtuten irs! revision) (Pat 3): 1967 Proseected suserte ruts (Pa): 1967 Design bios 4326: 2013 Coo of Fractie for earthquake ‘esistantdesige and construction of tulldings (ihird revision) N68: 1985 Cuter for desigh OF RCC saging Far overhead water tacks 13920; 1993. Ductile detaillag. of reinforced concrete strucruies subjected to seismic sorces — Coe of Practice 3 SYMBOLS ‘The symbols ana moans given Below apply to the robisions ofthis sundare: A, = Design bovizental seismic epeficiont A). =Desigh horizontal seismic seetficieat for exavectite mode (49, = Design horizostal seismic cosificien for impulive rade 4, = Design vertical seismic coefficient 8 = lund wit of rectangular task perpeadicule ‘othe direction of seismic foree ,= Coefficient of time periad for sonvective mode (; = Coefficient of time pated for impulsive mode ‘Deflection of wal of rectangular tank, onthe vtical centre fine a height, wen loaded ym uniformly diseibated pressure g, inthe sitestion of seismic force ly = Mlatinunssosting wave height = Inver diumeter of circular tank Modulos of elasticity of tank wall sponse quuntty due to eurhquake loud ‘pple’ in cretion FL, = Respoase-quantty due 10 eanhquake load pplicd ny -drection = Acvelestion due to gravity (= Maximum dept of gid FL, Fr Height of combined cenit of pai tate ius mas of lid mf) and ao ne wal () = Height of omiexive mets above btm of tak wal Withom comierng tes pense) ‘= Height of impuisve mane sbove toto of tank wl itou considering tae precas) ‘h= Situ eight of sing: eased fro {0p of foto othe botiom of somainer wall 4 = Height fen of gravity fro ms above roto tak wall ‘= Hels feat af raiy of wl mass above boner tank wall ‘= Host OF convective mas above bot a 15 1999 (Part): 2014 taal wall (consdensig base reine) +h? = Heighe of impulsive mass above bettom of ‘ak wall (consering base presaire) fy = Height of conte of grasity of the empty ‘container of elevated tank, messed ro the top of footing, Importance factor given in Table | A, = Spring stfiness of convective mede 4, = Lateral stiffness of slevated tank staying ‘Length of arp a the ie of eolar ank, ‘eng he direction of seismic tones Indie length of rectanpular tne parallel to the divecto of yeixmie forse m= Tota mass of liquid in ink ‘m= Mass of base slab ar plate ‘m, = Convective mass uf ig ‘m= Impulsive mass of liga ‘m, = Mass of empiy container (inelides mess of ‘members like roof, wall, unk Moor. Noor beams, ete) of elevated tank and ond-bind mass of staging (mess of tower excluding soreaiver sn foundation. Aas of columns braces an any other mass athe to saying shal Be included in mass of staging. Mas ot pedestal above foundation can be assmod to be attached to foundation) (m= Mass of roo slab ‘Mass of tank wall Hi, = Mass of one wall of rectangular tank Perpendicular to the diestion of loading = Total bending moment atthe hem of tank vall 4" = Total overturning moment at hase Mz Bending moment in convective mode a the bottom of tank wall M’,= Overtursing mene in convective mede at the base ‘M,= Bending moment in impalsive mode atthe bottom of tank wet (7, = Overurning memest in impulsive mi atthe bise ‘P= Maximum hydrodynamic presse on all = Convective hyecody namie pression tank bw Convective hycrodynamic pressure gn tank wall nppulsive bydrodynamic pressure um tank ate ‘Aa = Impulsive hydrodynamic presse om tink fh wat = Hyitrodymamic pressure on tank wall due fo ‘Yentcal ground acceleration Presse cn wall due tits initia = Unifornly distributed pressure an giie wall of rectangular tank inthe direchon of ground. rotion Gq Coettsien of convective pressure on tank tase Pr ,, = Cocticient of convective pressure on tk val 4, = Coefficient uinnpalsive peesureoatank base ,, = Coxfficientof impulsive prevure ontank wall ‘fe Responve reduction factor giver it Tbe 2 (5/8) = Average cesponge acceleration coetficient as fer IS 1808 Part 1) sod 4S {= Thickness of tank wal 14> Thicknens of base sind T= Time period of convestive mod (is) J, = Time period of impulsive moe (ins) V =Total be seat ¥. Base shear n convective made ¥,= Base shear in impulsive mode += Honizantal distice in the direction of seisatic forse, of a point an tase slab from the ‘ference oni a the venti of tank 1 = Venta! distance ofa point on tank wal from the hoween of tank wall 2 = Seismic sane frtor as pet Table 2 of 1S 1899 (Part) P= Mass density of tiguia Pe = Mass desity of tank wall © = Crounnferentish ungle 4 PROVISIONS FOR SEISMIC ANALYSIS 41 General Hiyextymamicfowves exerted by liguid a tank wal Shall he considered in she analysis in wddtion to ‘hydrostatic forces. These tydrodynamic forces are ‘valuated sth che help of spring mass model of tanks For tank fll as well asempty conditions, tank shall be ‘analysed fr al the load combinations as per 1S 130% (Past 1), For oad combinaticn with ses lsd, the noun of quid considered ithe ank shall be normal ligule under service condition only. 42 Spring Mass Model for Seismic Analysis ‘Wher tak contising liquid betes, be fig exers Luypulsive ond convective hydrodynamic pressure on the tan wall and the tank bane ic ation te tho ‘yds pressure In order ta include the ltt of Iyskodamie pressure inthe analysis, nk Gan be ‘eliza by an equivalent spring mass mde, Which nels che tle of tank valli interaction The arimetrs ofthis model depend on geomet Of ths tank 42:1 Grouad suppoed Teak 42.11 Grount supported tanks can be idealized as springemass node shown in Fig. 1, The ampulive ina of Higa my Figidly ovached 10 tan walt height 4 (or 43). Similar, convective mas mis Mlached tore tank wall at height k fori) By aspring of silfnessX.. 42.1.2 Cireuler and rectangular tank ‘For circular tanks, parameters mJ she aid sal be obtained rom Fig. 2 and fr petgar ish ine praeen shal Be ote rom Fp 3. 4, al A asst Yor hydrodynamic presse OF the funk wall only ané the tank bse Hence ie vale of 4 aad 4 shall be ured o calculate moment die to #ydivdynamicpresue athe bolton o! the tak wall ‘The vahic of hy and A sll be avod (o Gaedate oxeruming mien the Bis of nk 15 1893 (Part 2): 2014 = bf © YL ’ » | f AT opt i aa Fic Siac) Mass Mopets rox Chun SisomteD CCERCULAN AND RECTANGULAR TANK 422 Elevated Tonk 42.2.1 Blevated tanks (see Fig. 4a) canbe idealized! by ativo-maas model as shown in Fig. 4, 42.22 For clevatod tanks wit eueulat container, Peameters mie shal ie obtains from Fig. 2 For clovated tanks with reelangular ‘onine.thete parameters shall be obtained fsa Fig.) 42.23 In Fig. 4e;m, isthe steustural ras tl ‘comprise of mass of tank contained vie thd ae of staging, (h) Hein reve and Canvasive Mason Fic. 2 Paxawurees of mie Spano Mass Mcost FoR CIRCULAR TaN 4.2.24 For slevaed unks, tne wo degree of freon xslem of Fig decay betreaedaswouncouplelsingle degree of freedom systems (sve Fig. dl), one representing the impulsive plus structural mass ‘behavinggas an inverted pedulur th ater stifness equal to thot of she staging, K, and the other fepreseniing the conveutive mass with a spring of stiles, 4.2.3 For tank shapes other than circular ike intze, truncated conic! shape), the value of shall ‘Somipord 1 that of an eaivaleot circular tank of sane volime ard dumeter equal to diameter of tank ALtop level of liquid and mt fA hv and K, ‘ofequivalenirclar unk salle used. The equivalent «ylinenicl tn shouldbe assumed to be located such Shut top evel of the igo inequivalent tank is same asin seta tak, 15 1893 Wart 2): 2004 a3 o4 0 ° 08 1 15 2 ha (a) impulse snd Carvactin Mat ond Connectve ‘tess Seem eRe : (Holt ortmeutive ane Conve Nes Fig. 3 PARAMIEtERS cr 11 Sraive Mass Moor or RECTANGULAR TANK. 43 Time Period 431 Impulsive Mode Ground supported ciresar ank Foca ground supported cirelar tink, wherein wall is Figidly eosnested withthe base slab tree Fig. 3, 6h una ete pedo of impulsive mode of vibration Tm second, is given by: crs TBE here coefficien: of time period for impulsive mode. Value of C, can he obtained from Fig. += maximam depth of tiguits (D= inner diameter of eter tak, 1S thickness of tank wall 2B mculis of slasvty of tank wall and = mass density of quid, NOTE ~ tw one esl tka wll may hae exe onscton te te sa llr Hoge ul ‘eer i teens we asia In Fp) Fr ake ‘hy lene somes eth ane aa, tne por ration my pty cn fr iy wal ae eroneton 43:12 Ground supported rectangular tank Fora ground supported sectangilar tan. wherein wall 'S Fidly comsacted with the Bee sab, time pernd of Impulsive moe of vibration, Tins is given hy 1a 2K Te where = deflection ofthe tank: wall on the vertical cenier-ineata height of 2, when lade by “niformly distributed pressure of stent h Atm, = rs om, i = mas of one tank wall perpendicular tthe iretion of seismic Free: and B= inde wih of tke 43.1.3 Elenoted nk aoe. a ns of emp container and onethied mass ‘of staging, and = atral sttines of staging. Lateral stifiness of ce staging isthe horizontal force Fequited 10 be upplieg atthe centre of gravity of the tank to cause a corresponding unit horizontal Ssplacemont NOTE the enbiiy uf acing ben sal be easier Inala the hw les Ko slevted mune ‘esi me yp ak aging 43.2 Convective Mode ‘Time period of convective mode can be calculated wing 43.2.1 and 43.22. However. shores time pend shall be used far design purposes 15 1895 (Part 2): 2014 Contain St =} 6 Wat “t ‘2900 7] (b) Sng Mass Mog ke (6) Two Mass ideatason of Elevated Tank (6) Eauaie Uncouples Syston Tank Fe. dTWo Mast loeauzrion soe Eeavarte Taste Fro, 5 Cosraciasr oF Dar save ano Convecave Mane Tine Peon rox Cacsi.ak Task 3 1S 1993 (Port 3) +2014 “Tank war Bas0 Sab (0. Yranchores Uneenianed io. 6 Tv0t oF Conmecrions Berween Tav Walt snp Bate Stan 43.21 Time pec of eowvective moda, in second, is given by: T=2n [te i= oR ‘The values of mand K; canbe obtained from Figs. 2a and 3a respectively, for circwlar aad rectangnar tanks. 43.22 Since the exoressions farm, and Kr known, the expression for T, can be alternatively exprested 8) Cieiar tank — Tine period of comective mode. 7. ins, is given by a where C,= cotfficiom: of time period far convective made. Value of C. can be obtained from Fig. 5; and D= inner diameter of tank bl Rectangular tank — Time period of omective mode of vibration, 7. in secon, is givenby where ©, = wwelficient of time period for eenvective mode. Valve of C, can be abiained from Fig. 7: and sie length of tank parallel to the direction of sete free. 43.3 Fortamts resting on sot soil, eflectaf Hexibily of vol may be considewed while evaivatg the tre peril Generals. sail enbility does not fect the ‘convective mode time period. However, sil flexibility may affect impulsive mode time petied. Fio.7 Cursctenr uf Cowvecrive Mene Ta Pros (C,) rom Rectascutan Tasie 44 Damping, ‘Damping ine convective mode foralliypes a gui nd for al types of tanks shal be ier as 0.5 pene of te cial. Damping in the impulsive made shall be tks as 2 percest ofthe critical forsee! nk ad S percent of the ritical for concrete cr masonry tanks, 45 Design Hertzontal Selsmic Coometent Design horizontal seismic cvefficiert, Ay shall be iain by the Following expressicn, suet i045. and 4.82: where Z=aune facior given in Table 2 of 1S. 1893 (Pat), 1 importance factor giver in Tobie |; = cesponse eduction fctor gives in Tale? ind Table 3; nd Sis = average response acceleration geetfsient a siven by Fig. 2 and multilying fucors for ‘olxining values for other dauaping 2 given a Table 3 of 1S 1893(Past 1) and subjet to 48 and 482 Yabe 1 Importance Factor, (Clause 4.3) = “Type of gd Stra Ts 7 Tass wed or soa doug wane ale 13 tne fw aval stan ence oy ‘szeuy secs such ie Hwee ‘ar post enters (i) Aled tt vin tak ea wt ee 1.0 sete tenon oi nd aan UTE — get ive Ff saponace ten. 1 ave. {atS Lvs Punt) maybe wed se oie 45:1 Design horizontal seismic woeffciea, 4 shal be calculated separctely for impulsive (Ay), and comective (4), moses. 445.2 Value of multiplying fictor salle ten as 1.0 {or3 percent, 14 for2 percent ae | 75 for 0.5 pervem ‘duping. 46 Base Shear 46.1. Grose Supported Towle Base aiear in impulsive move, atthe bosom of tank walls given by Weg imtmemy 15 1898 (Part 2): 2014, ‘Table 2 Suggested Values of *R for Flevated Tans (Clause 45 e Topo Eka Tam © ay ® 2 1 Ta upon wasn a (press Tend V 5) Memory sat nie orn a2 3) Macy dl rtoed wi hart tie 3 ‘nee 4) Fa apo RC nt RE sel Sih sri af, ‘oh sei) cea sal chee 1) RE mattis iwcaramin 33 toardaon| ©) RC tall witheosemeitwocamineia 4 Se wad pd iv) Tk spp a Ke eam {onary Moen es ame (OME) ep 25 Speci nen essing taome (SRE) Strate ay requ s 800 2) Speco smn aaa tae (SMIRF who 3.6 stig pane Spec mow csi fr (SMR ih ena baa "Tee Ries nest fc Hg wen ion ae tnpenmaging mic arsnrene penaiun ope arash Wt al note adersea obese em we as {15 AV forbid ees NOTE P-atefetaball by nme he eg i ing ‘Table 3 Suguested Values of for Ground ‘Supported Tanks (Glawe 45) a “Typ Ground Seppe Ta © Ni a 2 ° 1 ion an 2) Mesery rad ith hrc Ba 20 otpetusted eines ead 1) Masts warner wih Boal bad 3.0 “era foe cme an umbetopeing 1) RC prereset 3) Rachertnpelpnen tn tk One ig 23 i Arche ene basen Fe 6) 30 Fe too i) Set oe 2) Urano se 2 19 indy Hn ot ie Nae) “ NOTE — Fer pacly bard unk vu of ca be ‘serps einen goin speed om ergo nk 15 1893 (Part 2): 2014 nd hase shear in convective mode is given by: Meetadioe wre 149, design horizontal setsmic coetfictent For mpulsive mode; design horizontal seismic coetticient oF eoaveotive mode: pulsive mas of wate, 5, = ass of tank wall 1m, = mass of roo saben {= aoveleraion due to gravity, 462 Blevated Tank Base sheae in impulsive mode, just above the base of sing is theo fot of aging) igen (Ave (Ah nm) fn hase shear in convective mode is given by: Yeon t where 2m, = mass of container and one-thiré ss of staging 46.3 Taal ase shear V can be obiitedy combining the base shea in impulsive and convective made ough squece ootot sum of squares (SRSS) re snd in given a falows: vee 47 Base Moment 47. Ground Supported Tank ATLA Bending moment in ispulsive mde, at the bettom of wall giver Mm IAQ mht mcg ANE and bending mement in convective made ix piven by: Maan he where shy = helghrofsenteor gravity of wall as nd ‘= beigh of centre of gravity af ray mass 47.12 Overuming moment in impulsive moss x0 be tod for chucking the tank stmilty atthe bottom oF bose slapiote is piven by: MM, = (Ah Lm 5) + my +) + mh) mnths and everurning moment jn convective mode is given by Mt, mike rn de swheee ‘My = ass of base spate; and 1, thickness of fe slabplae, 492 Elevated Tank Overtiing ome in inpuive mod, tthe bse he gg is en Mi=tA [ohio didn tc] an overturning moms in osvetve mode gen me Ms A) mht hye fern 4 = strug of sg meee om top offing of angie te been of ‘a wl gad Indl oP conic 6 pv ete Soy loro eed sk aged or the top of footing. 423 Toa momen sal fe ettned by combining the moment in impulsive an convective moles under 47.1 and 47.2 hough squace of sum of squats {SRSS) nd is wiven as follows: w= fara) ana cS wre) 474 Hor olevated tanks, the design shall be word tt for zak empty anda all eoniions 44 Direction of Seismic Force 48.1 Ground supported rectangular tanks shall be Analyzed for hor zontal earthquake force acting non- ‘consureny along each of the erizontal ais of the tan Fr evaluating forces em tank walls, 4.82 For elevated tanks, saging components should be designe fr the erica direction af seismic force, Different componeats uf staging may have diffrent critica directions 4.83 As an ahemative wo 4.82, saging compenents cate Uesipmed for either of the following loud ‘combination rales 12) 100 porscot + 30 percent rule 38, 203 £1, und =0.3 Bl, 2b, b) SRS Role: (eu =Ec 18.1893 (Part 2): 2014 whore = sicamfconial angle; and ‘EL, response quantity du to earthquake load y= ‘vertical datunce of polnton tink wal from applied in xicecton: are the bottom of tank wall EL, = response quantity dus fo earthquake fond Coeficient af impulsive hyérodyemic pressore on ‘pple in y-eeetion, Wal. Q., (9/08 lu be ebtnmed foun Fip 9a. 49 Hydradynamie Pressure Ampuisiv fydrdynanié pressure in verical ection, Daring teal Bue eco, snk wal djeted 2° BE aby ~ Dons sep of ent ingen: 1 lateral hydrodynamic prossure and tank base i subjected "0 hyérodynamic presse in veri! direction, 4941 Inpive Hvdridymari Presare ‘The impuive hydrosymum: pressure exerted by the 4s hurigoma distance of apoint co bave of tk Heid on eth wal pel eg inthe deco of lm fers ro he 4) For Citeular Tank (ee Fig. $a): centre of tank, Lateral bydrodynamic impulsive pressure on the wall, ty = Ree teste Taek er Mg ras gen by {tert hydra mpalive pressure or wal Pw = Qe () (Ay) PR NEO iatrealhy i Pe = Qu NA hp ah 2) = 0866 [1~(918) an where where Qe) is sme that ora isla tak sd Gabe ea fa Fig 9a wn i eing wed P= sana deasty of tgula oo ‘* r ° 0) Crodar Tank sai s Sone 2 Pap eta F sen nati ‘ z Ed rr Li Sectoral elevation (2) Ratan Tek Fc. 8 Guonsray ot (9) Cucucan Tae ab th) RECrARGUAR TARR ° 18 1803 (Port 2) 12014 Impulsive hydrodynamic pressure in vertical dieeton, ‘on the base slab (y=), is given by: Pre QucAyos® ‘The value of eneficient of impulsive hydrodynamic pressure ontase Q, (»), can slsobe read from Fig. 9 492 Convective iydrodynamic Presyare ‘The curvective pressure exerted by the oscillating liquid ox the tank wal and bese shall be calculated allows: 8) Circular Tank (se Fig. 8) Lateral cunvecsive pressure co the Wally «it given : rea.oaroeho i-foveas cosh 2.674 2 Ot) ‘The Valve of Qs) can alsa be rea from Fig, 10a, Convective presse is vertical discon, om the Have stab (= 0) is given by Pa = Onl) skp 8D where eae aus = tin 5 (5) Frfom ) Toe rl of Qa) mi alo be eal fom Fe 106 by Rectangular Tanke (se Fig. 8) ‘Toe hysrogynamic pressure onthe wall Pass given by Po Doe HAND RE Ql) = OATES feosh (2.162 Leos (3.162 WN ‘Tre vals of, (v)ean aio be tired rom Fig. a ‘The prune on the base sab =) ego by Fey = O40 A, BL ass ife-( J fmt) where ‘Tho wali of Qo canals be isin fora Fig, Lb, 4.9.3 In circular tars, hyrodymamie presse de 0 ‘horizontal exciton varies wround the sreumferene ofthe ant. However, for eenvenienesin sess aesyais ‘ot he tank Wall, he Bydrodynamic pressure on the lurk wall may beappeoximatedby an outward pressure slinibation of ieteosty equal o that ofthe masimsin hteedyommic pressnre (See Fig. 128). 494 Hydrodynamic pressure duc to horizontal ‘excitation has cervilineat variation along Wall beg, However inthe absense of mote exact analyais. en ‘sptivalert litear pressure distribution maybe asmired 0.8 give he same base shear an beneing moment tthe botom ofan wal (reeFigs. 126 and 12e). The following expressions shall be used to lincaise the pressure disbibution: (ah 8 (0828) a (Ahhh, = f5(64,-28) 495 Presure Due Wot teria Prose on tn wl de i ner rey Pct tA Pn ® were Pq = mass density of tank wall and = wall thickness 420 limect of Versieal Ground Acceleration Due to vertical ground acceleration, effect weight ‘of ligutd increases, his induces action pressure on tank wall, whose distibution s similar wo that of hydeouatie presse, 4.10.1 Hydrodynimie pressure en tank watl due 10 ‘estical ground soceleition ty be tken le?) s Serontaring bseederonee tit Celcom comet ee piven by Fig.2 and Table oF (893 (Part 1) and subject 1045.2 and 48.3, IS 1893 (Part 2); 2015. 28. hi =O. ne {b) On Base of Réctanguar Tark Fis, 9 Tuwuusive PRessune Comrie (a) oh Wau, (Cb) on Base 1s 1893 (Part 2): 2014 yh 1 08 06 Oa 0.2 Fic, 10 Comvecrve Pisstint Cosrricieer rom Crncvar Tank (1) On Wats (8) ON Base 415 1893 Part 2): 2014 (a) On Wall ob (b) On Base io. 11 Cowvecnvs Prasstns Courrctity ax Recranouian Tae (a) OWL) Ox Race ip 15 1893 (Part 2) : 2014 pce ‘Actual Distribution Simplified Distribution (a) Simplifed Pressure Distribution in Circumferential Direction on Tenk Wall bj Be ties ae ; 4 hi | | hy a bi a\-b, Actual impulsive: Equivalent Pressure = Uniform Linear Pressure Distribution _ Distribution (b) Equivalent Linear Distribution Along Wall Height for impulsive Pressure bor ae be . 9 ry] as be To Be a = 7 | | et Be z ‘Actual Impulsive Equivalent Pressure Uniform Linear Pressure Distribution Distribution (c) Equivelent Linear Distribution Along Wall Height for Convective Pressure Fis, 12 Hyosoovnasaic Pressute Ditmmumos ror Wats ANALYSIS (ov Wat (b) Os Base {i sbicnes of more refined analy time: pera of vertical made of wibraticn for al types tank ey be taken 35 03 4.10.2 The maximum value oF tydrodynaatic peasure should be obiaited by combining pressure due to horizontal and vertical excitation through square root of sam of squares(SRSS) rule, which cane given as; (eee ae 4.11 Sloshing Wave Height Maxima sloshing wave heigh ie given by 4) For circular tan: 4 wa? iimcsegiens 4, L (AD, BE here i).= design horizontal seismic coeificieut coerespanding te convective time period. 4.12 Anchorage Requirement Circus round supported tanks shal be anichoned their foundation (ae Fig, 13) when 15 1895 (Part 2): 2014 1 cane f fectengetar tank, te same expression may be usd with J ingoad of D. 5 SEISMIC DESIGN OF LIQUID RETAINING TANKS 5.1 Two Mass tdeatization ‘The ational method of analysts using the woo masses impulsive and convective a presented ina. to 412 ity be set for decermining the seismic desiga forces ‘0 grvund supported a» vell as elevated water tanks ‘of ay caparity and material of construction samely, feinforced concrete or sce. 52 One Mass Approximation {nthe light af the on going pnetice fr contruction of lexyenumber of water inks, ki considered expect ‘oper the opion of one mas idealization. incerain 54968. as sted howe below, in. Which the wile water mass aken a if in impulsive moe, 321 Ground supported or elevated fguid retaining RC siucure of upto md including | 000 4 capacity, ‘Nall oF e container ifn constete, which ean De eure right 5.2.2 Wallin steel may notbe regarded a rig hence for design of steel inks by obe mass model, the ‘opacity should not exceed 200 kl and WD oF hil soul be Or hizher. 5229 Foc one mass model, water mass in convective ‘ode shall wot be ensidered Total waser mass stall ‘be asuined in iypusive anode andthe impulsive fave Fio.13 Bemation oF Reckina oF Tani 15 151893 Part 2): 2018 shulbe assumed 1040 at cere of grit ofthe whole water mass. $2.4 ‘The design shall be work ott both when the tanks full and when empry. When empty. te welght ‘Wed in the design shall eoxsist ofthe dead load of the tank anid one-third the weight of the staging limped a the ceawre of gravity of the tank, Woes ull, the ‘weigh ofthe Paid contents sto Be dled tothe weight lunder empty conditions 6 MISCELLANEOUS 641 Piping Piping system conected to tanks should be given o ® nay develop. Beeeteisity up 16 20 mm may be allowed in column between two brace levels. Additional moment due (e this eecentticily should be vonsidered in the smalysis. 812 Braces 8) Minimum width of urflanged brace shall wot be les than 130th fils lear leagth bewsea “ities ') ‘In Zones TV aed V, use of eigonal brecngs In vertical plane shall be encouraged, Jnfoximation cn dewiling of RC and see! ‘agonal binge is given in IS 11682. 813 Foundevion For Isolate footings, te beam sear top of Fut sal be provided as per 18-4326 82. RC Shaft Staging 821 Thickness of Shap 48) Minin hicks fsa sal be stable for constretaility whick depots om bight ‘af formwork for one lift of eonerete ‘Miniruen thick of shat shal be 150 for shat diameter up to im, For larger hamster shafts, fllowingcouatons shall be ‘veto arive st wan thickness: 1), Por shits wits dmeter fe ti 8m, fn = 150+ (04 COOYD a 2) For shafts with diameter equal to or areatec than 8m, ‘y= 200+ (08 0909120 ma ere = dameter of tun, in ms, ‘Additions! thickeaing of shaft and exica Vertical and ciccuuferertil reinforcement shal be provided st top and bottom level of shat that is atjunctions with foundation sad ‘with coetainer. This ic mqined tw acount for secondary moments and eccentricities, Additional vertical and circumferential ‘einforcernent shall be same ay that reired 1 per design esleulavons » 8.22 Reinforcement in Shae 8) Minimum vertical einfosesent shal 0.28. percent of tonerets wba, The reinforcement stall be provided in wo layers. The minimum, ameter of vertical bars sball be 10 mn ‘Maximum centre-ts-cnty distance between, ‘Yettcal ciforeeient in each ayer shall ot esceed 300 mm ‘Sirounierensal reinforcement shal not Be Jess than 02 percent of concrete area in ‘vettieal section. Since vertical reinforcement Jn provided in two layers, circumferential reinforcement shall be divided exually in wo Jayers, The spacing of circumferential bars in veh layer sal ot be mere han 30) sm oF shell thickness, whichever Circumferential reiaforcement shal be pines nee the f2ce9 of shel A horizontal construction joint insta, one ‘additonal layer of vertical bars prajecting on ithe: side of the joint with L, anchorage Jengit, sail be provided, Contisuity ef ‘coneitigg a constuction iat stall be dome with appication of mest cement aury ‘Openings in shel Detailing of salt 2 the ‘opengl ak ito consideration effective entiouty of reinforcement at all sides, More Information on detasing near openings is ziven in IS | 1082. At verical edges of dace ‘pening stiffeners may be reyuirsd. neta ing hears reinforcement bas ia sive tees shal have lap lagi tice the developmen length in teasica. The xpicad length of the ring beums in tension shall be <’telosed in spirals made of bars rot less haa 6 mm dis ye pate aot more than 100 a, ‘orenslosed in ssrups of 8 mum dia wih pitch ‘pet anoce thas 140-mm,the stip hall ave 135" hous beat ino the core camerete with ‘mnisium S0-mm extension. If diameter ie ‘more than 22 mm, couplers may be used. 423 Construction Control a) Vertical Alignment — ‘The centre poi of sinh shal} not vary from is vertical axis by ‘more than 02 perce of shalt height (Over any height of 1.6 m, wall of shat shal ‘te ot plum by mere than 10m, ‘Shaft dtumeier — The measured centerline \umeter of sf aany section sal no vary from the specified diameter by mere thas 20 mm plu O.1 percent of the xpecifice theoretical dlumeter Shaft thickness — The measured wall thickness shall aot vary from the specified ‘wall thickness by more than -$ mum or 10 am, 2A Mar Foundsion In ct of mat foundations, iting of maton tonsiot ‘ide can be allowed at sol] contact. The maximum sccoitricity ot base may be permitted up 100.25 tines the tse diameter provided the maximam compression ‘eas within permissible Timi 2 ® 8 b a a 1S 1893 (Part 2):2014 83 RETank and Stat » » {nthe tank tig beams, reinforcestent bars in sltzt tension sl na lap length twice the ‘evelopment length in tension, The spliced Jength of the ring bean iv tension shall be snelosed in spires made of ars not ess shar ‘Sramdiamerer with ith wot more than 100, ‘nm, er enclosed timupsof § mm dameter (with pltch noc more than 159 mm, se stirrups ‘shal have 133° hooks beat into the core ‘concrete with minicnusn SU mu extension {nan wall or sft ot more than ose third of erical bar halle splicedat any section. Por circumferential bars, lp length shall be 154 ines developement eign ted the lupe shall be stappered so tha wot more than ‘one-third the bars shall be spliced a any one section. ‘84 Strong-Coturnn — Weak Beam ‘For column and beam type of taglag of elevated tank, ‘at of iogient of cesitanee of column xt junction should not be less than | times the sum of moment ‘ofresistanceaf beams in any one plane ker ata tine ‘Thin check i o be upplied by lint state meted, 85 Stalrcase Design Provisions of 15 11682 shall be followed for he sicase design. (Consnued from second cover) 8) a ¢ Hoosier, G. W., 196i, ‘Dynamic anslysx of fhide in continetsexhjected to acclaration”, Nuctesr ‘Reactors and Earthquakes, Report No. TTD 7024, US. Alomie Energy Commission, Washington D.C. Housne. G. W.. 1963h, ‘The dynamic hehavinr of water nk’. Buletia OF Seismological Society of America, Vol $3, Nu, 2. 381-387, Jain, S: K. and Medhekit, M.S, 1993, "Proposed provisions for aside design of ligui storage tanks: Pus — Cada provisions, Journal of Stuctural Engineering. Vol. 20, No. 3, 119-128, Jain, S. K. and Mediekar, M. S., 1994, ‘Proposed provision fora seismic design of liquid storage tanks Part ~ Commentary and examples’ Jounal of Structural Enpneering, Wo. 20, No, 4, 167-175. Jaiyval, ©. RR D. Cant Jain, SK, 2004a, "Cuda provision or design seismic fore for guid storage tanks a review’, Report No. ITK-GSDMA-EQ-OI- V1.0, aa Iba o Technology. Keopar Jaiswal O.R., Rai D.C. and Juin, $.K..2004b, ‘Coda provisions.on seismic araysis of Tq worage lane a review’ Report No, ITK-GSDMA-FQ.01.V1 0, Indian Insite of Teennology, Kanpu. Priestey, M.J.N. etal, 1986, ‘Sei design of storage tke’. Recommendations of a study group of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering. ). Veletscs. A. S., 1984, ‘Seismic response and desig of fiquid storage tanks’, Standard fr the seimie design of oll snd gas pipeline systems, Techuical Council on Lifeine Exthcuale Engineering, ASCE, N.Y. 255-370, 483461 For the purpose of deciding wheter a particular requitemest ofthis stand is complied with the inal value bgerredor calculated expressing the reyult of atest or analysis, shall be round a in the uccordance with TS 2 1860 Rules for rounding ff numerical values (revised) The nurse of igificat places retain nthe rounded ‘value shuld be the sume 4 that of the specified value inthis Standard. ‘Bureau of Indian Standards BIS ia statwory institution established under the Bureaw of Indian Standards Aci, 1986 to promote brmonious developmest of the activities of slanéadzation, marking ind quality cenifiation of poods and atending 1 connected raters in the eountry Copyright HIS fas the Copyright cf all its publications. No part ofthese publications may be reproduced in any form without the prof permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the courve of \mplementng the standard, of necessary details, such ns symbols and ses, ype or grade designations. Enquiries relating io.copyright he addressed tthe Duwi (Publications), BIS Review of Indian Standards Amendments ave ised Io standards the nesd arses en the avis of comment. Suundards ae aso reviewed Pevstically, stasdard along with amendments is refirmed when such review indicaes tha no changes ere seededi if the review indicat that chonges are nud It taken up for revision. 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