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School: Liceul Tehnologic Nr.1 Alexandria

Teacher: Liliana Raducu

Grade: 9th

Level: intermediate

Time: 50 minutes

Book: Limba Engleza, Front Runner, Ed. Corint

Topic: Modal Verbs expressing Present and Past Ability, Permission and Prohibition;

Type of Lesson: communication of new knowledge

Skills involved: speaking, reading, listening, writing;

Teaching Aims:

- To make the students use the modal verbs “Can”, “May” and “Could” in sentences of their

- To have the students eliciting the contexts where the modal verbs “Can”, “May” and “Could”

- To make the students see the difference between the modals “Can” and “May”;

- To get the students interested in the subject;

Learning Aims:

- The students should express themselves freely and make statements on their own;

- They will identify the modal verbs “Can”, “May” and “Could” and the meaning they convey.

- Students will be able to generate their own sentences using the modal verbs

Aids: book, blackboard, chalk, worksheets, computer, video projector.


- continue - through analyzing Ss’ answers;

- final – throug worksheets;
Anticipated problems:
- Some students may have problems in expressing themselves;

Class Management: the classroom must be clean, comfortable and bright.


1. Introduction 3min

Skills involved: speaking

Interaction: T - whole class

The teacher makes an informal conversation.

- She greets the students and asks them how they are.

- The student on duty tells the absent students

2. Checking the homework 3 min

Skills involved: speaking, reading

Interaction: T – whole class

- The teacher checks the Students’ homework and gives necessary explanation ;

- Ss read their homework and correct the mistakes, if necessary.

3. Presentation 8 min

Skills involved: speaking, reading, writing

Interaction: T - whole class

- T. writes the title of the new lesson on the blackboard: “Modal Verbs expressing Ability,
Permission and Prohibition”.

- The teacher introduces an interactive PPT presentation about modal verbs expressing ability,
permission and prohibition and explains the uses of: “Can”, “May” and “Could”

- while presenting the uses of the modal verbs, T asks students to give examples on their own.

4. Practice 17 min

Activity 1 (7min.)

Skills involved: listening, speaking, writing

Interaction: T – Ss; Ss – Ss

- Students are asked to watch a short movie about the differences between “may” and “can”
when asking for permission;


- The Teacher tells the Students to work in pairs to fill in a worksheet with the appropriate
modal verb.

- After completing the worksheet, Ss read their answers and Teacher corrects them if

Activity 2 (4 min.)

Skills involved: reading, speaking

Interaction: T – Ss; Ss – Ss

- Students read some sentences with modal verbs and identify their meaning(Exercise

- Teacher helps them when needed.

Activity 3 (5min.)

Skills involved: reading, speaking, writing

Interaction: T – Ss; Ss – T

- Teacher asks the Students to take a look on exercise 6/page 35 and to fill in the blanks with
can/can’t, may/may not or could.

- Students read the exercise and Teacher gives explanation if needed.

4. Reading Activity 4 min

Skills involved: reading, speaking

Interaction: T – Ss; Ss – T

- Students read a text about Dr Robot

- After reading Ss find out what Dr Robot can do.

- Teacher checks their answers.

5. Assessment 13 min

Skills involved: listening, writing, reading, speaking

Interaction: T – Ss; Ss – Ss

-Teacher asks Ss some questions: What their opinion is about having a robot and if it’s possible
that they have feelings.

- Students are asked to watch a short fragment from the movie “Bicentennial Man” so that they
could find out more about what robots can do .

- Teacher asks the students to complete a worksheet with what Bicentennial Man Could do
using the appropriate modal verb.

- Students read their answers and the teacher corrects them if necessary.
6. Evaluation 3 min

- Considering the students’ answers during the lesson, the teacher makes positive remarks and puts
marks in the catalogue.

Worksheet 1

A. Read the dialog between a Brazilian teacher of English and a Brazilian student. Then
complete the blanks with Can or May:

T - Hello, students.

S - Hello, teacher. __________ I go to the restroom?

T - Not now. After class, OK?

S - Okay. _______ I speak Portuguese?

T - Only if it is really important. Is it?

S - No, it isn't. __________ I do the homework now?

T - Not now. It is HOME work, dear.

S - Okay, teacher. But _______ I do the homework or is it very difficult?

T - The homework is easy, relax.

S - ____ I speak English like an American?

T - Well, not now, but in a near future...

S - Great! _______ I drink some water now?

T - Okay, but be fast.

Worksheet 2
A. Complete the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses, according to the
video segment.

1) Andrew ___________ (play) chess.

2) He________________(speak).

3) He ______________ (decide) what is best for himself.

4) He ______________ (jump) very high.

5) He _______________(fly).

6) He ______________ (read) books.

7) He ______________ (feel) what humans feel.

8) Andrew and the girl _____________ (play) the piano.

B. Write two things you may do and two things you may not do at school.


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