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Understanding types of speech

According to purpose
 Informative Speech
This type of speech aims to get the listeners to know more about the topic.
It is designed to enlighten or to instruct, as well as to increase their
knowledge and understanding about the topic.
 Persuasive Speech
This type of speech aims to influence the judgement, decision, and
perspective of listeners on a certain topic or to convince them to do a
particular set of actions
According to manner of delivery
 Reading or Speaking from a Manuscript
- the speech is fully written or printed out.
- embellished your thoughts and you want to deliver your sentences
exactly as you wrote them.
 Drawbacks of Reading from a Manuscript
- the speaker tends to read without emotion and may sound boring
- most of the time never looks up from the manuscript being read
- can lose his/her place on the speech by turning it to the wrong page
- papers will be disarranged by the wind or fan
-uses of jargon or technical language.
 Memorized Speech
Drawbacks of Memorized Speech

- forgetting the lines

- lack of eye contact
- tendency to deliver the speech without any inflection.
 Impromptu Speech
-delivered on a short notice with little or no preparation
 Advantages of Impromptu Speech
- delivered in a spontaneous manner in a more conversational tone
- the speaker can adjust the speech(make it long or short)
 Drawbacks of Impromptu Speech
- can go on and on
- may be rattle and disorganized
 Extemporaneous Speech
-outlined speech; may sound like it is delivered "off the cuff" as it were with
hardly any preparation because it sounds so spontaneous
 Advantages of Extemporaneous Speech
- outline helps the speaker remember the particular order of the points
he/she wants to make
- outline allows he speaker to jump from one point to another or even
rearrange the order of the speech's points

According to occasion
 Introduction of speech
A speech of introduction introduces a person, organization, program, or

• Presentation of speech
Presentation speech is used for presenting an award, a prize or a gift
• Acceptance of speech
An acceptance speech is delivered when receiving a prize, honor, or
a gift at an awards ceremony. It is a reply to a presentation speech.
When an individual receives a kind of award or prize, an acceptance
speech is given. Here, the speech usually comprises the individual
sharing praises for people who supported him/her to reach this far
and genuinely feel thankful and/or appreciative of the award.
Welcome speech

- The goal of the welcome speech or welcome address is to receive

and greet the audience. The main difference between this speech
and the speech of introduction is that this kind of speech focuses on
the audience, not on the upcoming guest speaker (which is the focus
of introduction speech). A welcome speech is given to bring people
or group of people together. Its purpose is to introduce formally an
individual or group, explain who they are, where they came from and
what they plan to do.

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