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A Research Presented To
The Faculty Of College Of Criminology
New Northern Mindanao Colleges, Inc.
City Of Cabadbaran

In Partial Fulfillment
Of The Requirements For The Degree


Richard Buenviaje

Paterno Escol Jr.

Juniby Olvidado

Jethru Pitogo

JUNE 2019


The Problem and its setting

The rapid urbanization that has been taking place during the 20th century
virtually transformed the work of the communities of cities and town facing similar
changes on environmental issues in which most them have to be addressed at
international level (Smith, 2010). Among those environmental issues solid waste
management is a critical one because as long as human have been living in settled
communities, solid waste generation has been an inviolable and critical issue both in
developed and developing nations (Muhammad Irfan 2017).

Solid waste management is defined as the collection transportation, processing,

recycling, and disposal of solid waste material so as to reduce their effect on health,
environment and aesthetics. It is highly related with urbanization and introduction
(Webpage accessed, June 2019). In response, many cities started to set up
municipalities’ garbage collection team which would dispose of unusable garbage.
This is mainly because modern societies generates for more solid waste than early
humans ever did. As a result, recent events in major urban center both to develop and
developing countries have shown that municipal solid waste management has become
a big challenge (Webpage accessed, August 20, 2010).

This started in the Section 10 of the act that "pursuant to the relevant previous
of R.A N0. 7160, otherwise known as the local government code, the LGUs shall be
enforcement of the previous of this Act within their respective Jurisdiction " Our
local government units (LGUs) are responsible for enforcing the law Government
agencies on the LGUs in carrying out this responsibility (Webpage accessed).

Nowadays, we are suffering environmental dilemmas such as global warning,

Flash floods and etc. One of the causes of these problems is the misbehavior of the
people towards waste management. Some people are reckless in throwing their
garbage they do not think of the possible of the action on environment as well as on
health. (CSU webpage accessed 2017). Furthermore, the collection, transfer and
disposal of waste have been assumed by metropolitan government in both developed
and developing world. This constitutes a basic and expected government function.
The format varies the most urban areas where solid waste is collected either by a
government agency or private contractor. Despite the fact that developing countries
do spend about 20 to 40 per cent of metropolitan revenues on waste management
they are unable to keep face with scope of problem (Zerbock, 2003).

Segregation of source must be properly observed solid waste shall be classified

as compostable materials, recyclable materials, non recyclable materials and special
waste. Waste containers must be properly labeled. Non segregated wastes shall not b
collected and the household-owners and entities of the un-segregated waste shall be
subject to penalty as prescribed under the penalty provisions of this ordinance. Only
dry and segregated waste shall be collected / and shall be properly disposed of. No
scavenging of unauthorized collection in designated segregation containers or areas
shall be allowed collection or pickup points and transportation schedule shall be
decided by the ecological solid waste management board and must be widely
disseminated. Purpose of the study is to determine the most common violation
committed by resident under ordinance#007Solid Waste Management Among The
Selected Barangay In The Municipality Of Magallanes. To ensure the protection of the
public health and environment welfare and to set guidelines and targets on solid waste
management by using the three R,s (3R,s) namely; Reduce, Re-use and recycle. This

segregation of source must be properly observed solid wasted shall be classified as

compostable materials, recyclable materials, non recyclable material and special waste.

Theoretical Framework

Waste management theory (WMT) has been introduced to the channel environmental
science into engineering design. WMT is unified body of knowledge about waste and
waste management. It is an effort organizes the diverse variable of the waste
management system as its stands today. WMT is considered within the Paradigm of
industrial ecology, and built side-by-side with others relevance. Theories, most notable
design theory, Design theory is relatively new discipline, still under development.
Following its development offers valuable insight about involving technical theories.
According to Love (2002), it is crucial to theory development to integrate theories of
other nodes of knowledge, as well as the clarification of definition (Industrial Ecology,
Waste minimization, waste management theory.

The 20TH century witnessed unprecedented rate of technological developments where

scientific research meets engineering design. Consider the development of
information technology within the lifetime of an adult human electronic devices have
evolved from luxury item accessible to only a select few, into millions of tones worth
Piles junk, Puzzling entire nation, alerting legislators and environmental authorities. It
appears so that the technology has been selective is adopting scientific advance and
disregarded the needs of environmental science Products and technologies were
developed time and again, with no consideration for recovering and re-circulating
material resources. The electronic waste Problem of the Present is caused by the fact
that electronic equipment now entering the waste stream have not been designed with
disassembly , re-use or recycling in mind. With our Present knowledge of causalities,
the WEEE legislation was introduced in an attempt to stop this avalanche of fine

metals and Plastics assembled in ingenious ways. However, legislation only sets the
goal, but does not pave the road to it. There appears to be a gap between science and
technology, one that can be bridged by technical theories.

The theory of waste management represents a more in-depth account of the

domain and contains conceptual analysis of waste, the activity upon waste, and
holistic view of the goals of waste management. Waste management theory was
founded on the expectation that waste management is to prevent waste causing harm
to human health and the environment. The proper definition of waste is crucial to
contracting sustainable agenda of waste management. It is largely the case that current
legislation attends to existing waste. Definition emerging from this condition may,
however, conflict with the goals of waste Prevention from arising. When materials is
assigned the label of waste, it will be treated such as, consequently, despite its explicit
wish of waste Prevention, implicitly, legislation essentially a masses waste. The
inherent Philosophical implication f such definition is that they not able to facilitate a
sustainable waste management system. Therefore, new, dynamic definition for waste
and waste management must be sought which can explain why waste created and can
offer an intrinsic solution for the Problem. A radical new approach, based on an
object oriented modeling language, is Presented to define the key of concept of waste
management (International journal of Environment and waste management 2004 ).

Schematic Diagram

Independent Variable Dependent Variables

Profile of respondent in
terms of:

 Age  Most common

 Gender committed by the
residents under
 Educational level ordinance no. 007
among the
 Employment selected barangay
in the
Municipality of

Figure 1. Research paradigm which show tha independent and dependent variables

Statement of the problem

Most common violation committed by the resident under ordinance # 007
Waste Management Among the Selected Barangay in The Municipality of Magallanes.

Specifically,it sought to answer the following questions.

1. What is the respondent profile of the respondent in term of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Educational attainment; and

1.4 Position

2. What are the most common violation commit most common violation committed
by the residents under ordinance # 007 among the selected barangay in the
municipality of Magallanes?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the respondent in the age, gender,

educational attain, position?

Significant of the Study

The result is delimited the most common violation committed by the resident
under ordinance # 007 solid waste management among the selected Barangay in
the Municipality of Magallanes.

LGU – This study would help to the Local Government Unit to strengthen their laws
being implemented such as the MRF that whoever disobeyed the roles will be strictly
punished by penalties.

Residence of Barangay Sto. Niño – This study well help and encourage every
member of the community to take the responsibility of their own waste.

The Future Researcher – This study would help the future researchers as their basis
of their study and additional literature for their future investigations.

The Student – This study would help them to know the way of the proper waste
disposal. In addition, it will give them an idea of managing their own waste.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focused on the selected Barangay of Magallanes, Agusan del Norte.
This study is limited of the most common violation committed by the Residents
under ordinate # 007 solid waste Management among the selected Barangay in the
Municipality of Magallanes in terms of their age, gender, educational level and
position in the society. The data on this study were taken from the respondents’
answer in their respective questionnaire.

Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding of this study, the following term were defined
conceptually and operationally.

Barangay Sto. Niño – is one of the Barangay of the Municipality of Magallanes,

Agusan del Norte.

LGU – (Local Government Unit) are divided into three levels – provinces and
independent cities; component Cities and Municipalities and Barangay.

Ordinance – A law or regulation made by a City or Town Government.

Segregation – Means dividing waste into dry and wet.

Solid Waste – Means any garbage, refuse, sludge from a waste water treatment plant,
water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility and the discard materials
in dividing solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material, resulting from
industrial, commercial, mining and agricultural operation, and from community
activities, but does not include solid or dissolved material in domestic sewage.

Waste – is any solid, liquid and gaseous waste emitted by the people. It could either
be biodegradable or non-biodegradable waste.

Waste management – is the collection, transport, processing or disposal, managing

and monitoring of waste material.


This chapter presents the reviewed related literature that give significant insight
to this present day.’

The classification of waste varies and depends country by country waste can be
divided into many different types. The most common method of classification is by
their physical, chemical, and biological characteristics. Solid waste is broadly defined
as including non-hazardous industrial, commercial land domestic refuse including
household organic trash, street sweepings, hospital and institution garbage, liquid
waste problem outside the scope of MSW, (Zerbock 2003).

Waste management in developed countries brought basically by their more

developed industries and more advance technology, developed nations have more
efficient and standard liquid waste management plans. Developed countries however,
still employ different method of waste disposal (which largely depends on a countries
policies and preferences). The large amount of solid waste (including its collection,
transfer and disposal) generated in developed nation has been generally assumed by
municipal government. The format varies, however, in most urban areas, where
garbage is collected either by a government agency or private contractor, and this
constitutes a basic and expected government functions in the developed world
(Zerbock 2003).

This type of waste may contain high concentration of dissolved salt and metals.
Liquid waste is often classification into two broad types; sewage and toxic waste.
Generally there are various types of liquid waste generated in urban center; excreta,
domestics’ waste produce in households, hospital waste, industrial effluents, disposed

of liquid waste and nuclear waste. When improperly handled and the environment
because of their ability to enter watershed, pollute ground water and drinking water
(US Epa, 2009) sludge it is a class of waste between liquid and solid. They usually
contain between 3% and 25% solid, while the rest of the material is dissolved water
hazardous waste are waste which by themselves or often coming into contact with
other waste have characteristics such as chemical reactivity, toxity, corrosiveness or
tendency to explode that pose a risk to human health or the environment. Hazardous
waste are generated from a wide range of industrial, commercial, and agriculture the
placement of solid waste in landfills is properly the oldest and definite the most
prevalent form of ultimate garbage disposal (Zerbock 2003).

However in modern landfills refuse is spread thin compacted layers of dear

earth. Pollution of surface water and ground water minimized by living and
countering the fill competing and planting the uppermost cover layer, diverting
drainage, and selecting proper soil in sites not subject to flooding or high ground
water level. The best soil for landfill is clay because day is less permeable than other
types of soil material disposed of in landfill can be further secured from leakage by
solidifying them in material such as cement, fly ash from power plants asphalt, or
organic polymers.(Bassis, 2005) It is to be noted thus that most landfills refers to
nothing more than open dump. Nonetheless, in the case of developed countries,
waste disposal is often in the form of sanitary landfills which differ from open dumps
by their higher degree of engineering, planning and administration. Landfills account
for the disposal of 90% of the united state solid waste. It is also the most common
disposal method in the united kingdom where annually approximately million tons of
controlled water are disposed in their 400 landfills site (Baker, 2005) landfills can also
be shifted to another use after their capacities have been reached. The city of Evaston,
illinous, built a landfill up into a hill and the how complete it. Trashmore is a ski area

golf course built over landfills site are also increasingly common(Montgomery, 2000).


There are many stringent regulations governing the treatment and disposal of waste
in the UK, both onshore and offshore, and in most other countries as well. Facilities
involved in waste transfer and treatment require licenses, and all personnel who work
at such facilities require the proper kind of training that goes with the handling of
waste that can often be dangerous if not handled properly. Waste management
facilities also need to be able to respond quickly to emergency situations. By their very
nature there is rarely any warning that an emergency is about to occur. For that reason
emergency response teams need to be on standby every hour of every day, and every
day of every year. Waste management disposal and treatment can originate from both
domestic and industrial sources (Rose, 2009).


Foreign studies

A detailed investigation was made regarding the methods of practices associated

with sources, quantity generated, collection, transportation, storage, treatment and
disposal of Municipal solid waste in Mysore City. The data concerning to SWM in
Mysore was obtained through questionnaire, individual field visit, interacting with
people and authentic record of municipal corporation. Photographic evidences were
also made about generation, storage, collection, transportation, treatment and disposal
of MSW. This study reveals that the present system of MSWM in Mysore City is not
satisfactory based on Municipal Solid Waste Management & Handling Rules 2000
(Chandra, et al., 2009).

Another case study across North America conducted by Whoilistic Environmental

Consulting (WEC, 2007), yard and food waste make up over a quarter of all the
ordinary garbage we throw away. That's 25% by weight. In the U.S., that 25% is
almost equally divided between yard waste (32.6 million tons, or 12.8% of all MSW)
and food scraps (31.7 million tons, or 12.5%). And then there's all the other organic
stuff that could be composted: all the clothing, towels, and bedding made of organic
fibers, plus wood, old furniture and sawdust. Then there's paper, which at 83 million
tons accounts for another 30% of municipal solid waste. As of 2006, the latest year
for which figures are available, over 64% of the yard waste we throw away was
recovered and composted, as was 54.5% of the paper and cardboard. Only 2.6% of
food waste reached a compost heap.

Local studies

The experiences and practices of household waste management of people in a

barangay (village) in Manila, Philippines are documented. The data were gathered
through an interview with household members using open-ended questions.
Interviews were also conducted with garbage collectors as well as scavengers. Results
showed that the households generated an average of 3.2 kg of solid waste per day, or
0.50 kg/capita/day. The types of wastes commonly generated are food/kitchen
wastes, papers, PET bottles, metals, and cans, boxes/cartons, glass bottles,
cellophane/plastics, and yard/garden wastes. The respondents segregate their wastes
into PET bottles, glass bottles, and other waste (mixed wastes). No respondents
perform composting. It is worth noting, however, that burning of waste is not done
by the respondents. The households rely on garbage collection by the government.
Collection is done twice daily, except Sundays, and household members bring their
garbage when the garbage truck arrives. However, there are those who dump their

garbage in non-designated pick-up points, usually in a corner of the street. The

dumped garbage becomes a breeding ground for disease-causing organisms. Some
household respondents said that it is possible that the dumping in certain areas caused
the dengue fever suffered by some of their family members. Mothers and household
helpers are responsible for household waste management. Scavengers generally look
for recyclable items in the dumped garbage. All of them said that it is their only source
of income, which is generally not enough for their meals. Most of the respondents
said that garbage collection and disposal is the responsibility of the government. The
results of the study showed that RA 9003, also known as the Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000, is not fully implemented in Metro Manila (Bernardo, 2008).

This study highlights the results of the study that was conducted to analyze the
solid waste management practices of the waste generators, and the extent of their
compliance with the Republic Act 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid
Waste Management Act of 2000. The study was conducted in Bacolod City,
Philippines in 2007. The findings of this study served as basis in developing a
handbook on solid waste management (Ballados, 2010).

The Motiong town government in Samar has vowed to intensify the

implementation of its Solid Waste Management Program after barangay chairmen
here took at one-day seminar-workshop on the program. The activity was held at the
Legislative Building here last Wednesday, August 29.Motiong Mayor Francisco M.
Langi Sr. said 30 barangay chairmen of his municipality attended said seminar-
workshop sponsored by the town government conducted Municipal Planning and
Development Officer, Engr. NicasioPermejo. Langi said all the barangay chairmen
were educated on the provisions of the Solid Waste Management Act of 2003 so that
they would be acquainted with and help implement the law in their respective

barangays and propagate environmental preservation. He said the town government

will strictly implement the “no segregation, no collection policy” in all of Motiong’s
barangays and urged the barangay officials to put up a Materials Recovery Facility
(MRF) where they can segregate bio-degradable and non-biodegradable waste
materials. Such materials can be turned into a livelihood as, according to Langi, “there
is money in junk” (Abrematea, 2012).

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