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Marie Misty Guenevere V.


Homework Assignment: Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism

1. How does our college or university define plagiarism? Be sure to explain the definition in
your own words and cite your source(s)— in other words, do not plagiarize!

- According to the 2012 Code of Student Conduct of UP Diliman, “Plagiarism,

defined as ‘the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results or
words without giving proper credit.’”.1 Plagiarism, in other words, is considered
as theft. You commit plagiarism when you forget to cite someone else’s work
and give proper credit to them. You’re basically copying other people’s work and
passing it off as your own. It is something that is frowned upon by the university
and the academic/literary world.

2. Explain in your own words why it is important for you to avoid plagiarism.

- Avoiding plagiarism is important for us students because this serves as a

training for when we go out to the real world. As future information
professionals, we have to respect other people’s work and give them credit for
their thoughts and ideas. We have to uphold our school values which are honour
and excellence. By avoiding plagiarism, we are doing our part as an Iskolar ng

3. Explain in your own words some strategies that you can use to avoid plagiarism.

- When use things that are existing or present to create something new, for
example, I am editing a video project and I decide to grab a catchy song I found
on the internet, we have to give credit to the song artist for his/her work. We can
do so by citing them on the end credit of the video. If we were writing a paper
and read up more about the topic, we may find something that reflects what we
want to say or serves as proof to a point we wanted to establish, we have the
option to paraphrase some statements, cite their work, get a direct or indirect
quote from it, or do a combination of the three.

We may also avoid plagiarism by reading up more about it and making ourselves
informed about how we may give credit to other people’s work properly.

4. The following excerpt was taken directly from Smith, Cook, and Buskist (2011):

These results suggest that a teacher adopting a more lenient grading standard when
using subjective testing methods may receive higher student evaluations of teaching
performance (taken from p. 227).

Summarize the ideas expressed in your own words, and do anything else to ba sure
that you are not plagiarizing.

- According to a study, in order to gain increased rating in student

evaluations for teaching performance, one must have a laid-back system
of assessment, alongside subjective examinations. (Smith, Cook, &
Buskist, 2011)

5. Which of the following would be considered plagiarism of the Smith, Cook, and Buskist
(2011) excerpt? Circle all that apply.

a. These results suggest that a teacher adopting a more lenient grading standard
when using subjective testing methods may receive higher student evaluations
of teaching performance (Smith, Cook, & Buskist, 2011).

b. These findings indicate that an instructor using a more easy evaluation standard
if using testing methods that are subjective may get better class evaluations of
their teaching performance (Smith, Cook, & Buskist, 2011).

c. The study’s results indicate that, at least when testing methods are more
subjective than objective, leniency in grading can result in more positive student
evaluations (Smith, Cook, & Buskist, 2011).

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