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Nama : Ester Hartina Ria Sinaga

NIM : 8196141006
Kelas : Pendidikan A 2019

No Jurnal 1
1 Author Fian Linggra Prahasta, Rudiana Agustini, and Rusly Hidayah
2 Journal Name Unesa Journal of Chemical Education:vol (7)1
3 Title Development Of Student Worksheet Based On Guided Inquiry
Model With Kit Instrument On Reaction Rate Matter To Train
The Science Process Skills In XI Grade Senior High School 1
4 Hypothesis Development kit to train process skills in the learning process
through the development of student worksheets.
5 Method At the stage of the research conducted review, revision, and trial
of limited use. And Instruments used in this study include a
review sheet, validation sheet, student response questionnaire,
observation sheet, and science process skill test instrument.
The results of pre-test and post-test then analyzed using gain
score to see the improvement of students science process skill
between before and after use of student worksheet. Based on the
gain category, student worksheet based on guided inquiry
model with KIT instrument on reaction rate matter to train the
science process skills said to be feasible if there is an increase
of gain score with medium or high category.
6 Results and The results of Student worksheet based on guided inquiry with
Discusion the KIT instrument in terms of the theoretical feasibility of the
reaction rate matter to train the science process skill is deemed
very feasible. on the validation results with the percentage of
each criterion in the range of 80.55-89.58%. And Observation
result of student activity at first meeting with range 72.22-
94.44% and at second meeting with range 80.56-94.44% with
activity category to learning well until very good. in pre-test
results to the post-test calculated by n-gain score. Completeness
percentage range of 64.5897.92% with n-gain score range 0.50-
0.91 with medium to high category.

No Jurnal 2
1 Author Innieq Yassa Nimara and Bertha Yonata
2 Journal Name Unesa Journal of Chemical Education:vol (6)2
3 Title The Development Of Kit Student Worksheet On Acid Base To
Train Science Process Skill Of 11th Grade Student
4 Hypothesis The development kit were expected to train student to balance
their soft skills and hard skills which contained with affective,
cognitive, and psychomotor aspects included science process
5 Method Method which used was observation for student activities
observation sheet; questionnaire for review, validation, and
student responses sheet; test for science process skill test of
student. Subject of this research was 16 students from XI-MIA
2 SMAN 11 Surabaya.
6 Results and Data which obtained in this research were validation data,
Discusion student respond data, and result of science process skill test of
student. Validation data was obtained to know the theoretically
Based on Validation data, prove that all criteria of validation
has reached percentage ≥61% which at very feasible category.
And Based on the average percentage of student respond for
content criteria was 96.88% with very feasible category. Based
on the four aspects in content criteria, it can conclude that
student worksheet which developed was easily to use and the
content was suitable with learning acitivy. Presenting criteria
has fourteen aspects which has average percentage 92.41% with
very feasible category. The percentage was shown that kit
student worksheet has science process skill component which
suitable with submatter in worksheet.
Student score for pretest 1 was on range 10.00-30.00 and for
pretest 2 was 14.29-39.29. and The result of posttest 1 is shown
the science process skill of student after trained with kit student
worksheet. Their score was increased with range 60.00-75.00.
The n-gain 1 shown medium-high category which mean kit
student worksheet be able to train science process skill of
student. Posttest 2 has range 75.00-96.40 which has dominancy
high category on n-gain 2.

No Jurnal 3
1 Author Rani Kurnia Ningsih and Rusly Hidayah
2 Journal Name Journal of Chemistry Education Research : Vol (3):1
3 Title The Effectiviness Of Chemical Practicum Kit To Train Science
Process Skill In 10th Grade
4 Hypothesis Pengembangan KIT untuk menunjang kegiatan praktikum di
sekolah dan untuk melatihkan KPS .
5 Method Pelaksanaan uji coba terbatas dilakukan terhadap 12 orang
siswa kelas XI MIPA 3 di SMA Negeri 1 Porong Sidoarjo
dengan menggunakan One Group Pretest Posttest Design.
6 Results and Hasil belajar dengan kategori “sedang” dan “tinggi”. Oleh
Discusion karena pada penelitian inihasil belajar siswa telah mengalami
ketuntasan secara klasikal dengan persentase sebesar 100% baik
hasil belajar aspek pengetahuan dan KPS serta data hasil pretest
dan posttes siswa mengalami peningkatan yang berada pada
kategori sedang dan tinggi baik itu hasil belajar aspek
pengetahuan maupun hasil belajar KPS, maka dapat
disimpulkan bahwa media KIT praktikum kimia untuk
melatihkan keterampilan proses sains siswa kelas X pada materi
metode ilmiah, senyawa kovalen polar dan non polar, serta
larutan eleketrolit dan non elektrolit telah efektif dan layak
untuk digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran kimia.

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