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cardiovascular and respiratory systems - Lobes that increase the surface area of the mucosa

- share responsibility for supplying the body with exposed to the Air
oxygen and disposing of carbon dioxide. - Increase the air turbulence in the nasal cavity - to
deflext inhaled particles onto the mucus-coated
respiratory system organs surfaces
- Oversee the gas exchanges that occur between the Palate
blood and the - Separates the nasal cavity and oral cavity
external environment - Hard palate- supported by a bone, anterior part
- pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and their - Soft palate- unsupported, posterior part
smaller branches, and the lungs, which contain the
alveoli - or terminal air sacs Pharynx
- where gas exchange with the blood happens - The throat
- the other respiratory system - Muscular passageway Taht serves a passageway for
structures are really just conducting passageways food and air
- Continuous with that nasal cavity anteriorly via the
that carry air through the lungs
posterior nasal aperture
- Has three regions
upper respiratory tract - from the nose to the larynx - Nasopharynx - superior portion
lower respiratory tract - from the trachea to the alveoli - Oropharynx
- Laryngopharynx
conducting passageways - purify, humidify, and warm - Food travels from the mouth, with air travels through
incoming air along the oropharynx and laryngopharynx.
- Food is directed to the esophagus, by the epiglottis.
- Pharyngotympanic tubes - drain middle ears, open
into the nasopharynx
- Button and hooked in shape
- Tonsils - cluster of lymphatic tissue, protects the body form
- Only external visible part of the respiratory system
Pharyngeal tissue -
- single,
- Also called nares - adenoid
- where air enters the nose - Located high in the nasopharynx
Palatine tonsils
Interior of the nose - nasal cavity, divided by a midline, nasal - A pair
septum - In the oropharynx ate the end of the soft palate
Lingual tonsils
Olfactory receptors - located in the mucosain the slitlike - Lies at the base of the tongue
superior part of the nasal cavity, beneath the ethmoid bone
Respiratory Mucosa - The voice box
- Routes air and food into the proper channels
- the rest of the mucosa lining the nasal cavity
- Plays a role in speech
- warms the air
- Inferior to the pharynx, formed by the eight rigid
- the mucosa’s glands produce sticky mucus that
hyaline cartilages and a spoon-shaped flap of elastic
moistens the airs, and traps incoming bacteria and
cartilage, the epiglottis
other foreign debris
- Thyroid cartilage
- has lysozyme enzymes that destroy bacteria
- Largest hyaline cartilage
chemically - Protrudes anteriorly
- ciliated cells of nasal mucosa, create a gentle current - The adam’s apple
that moves the sheet of contaminated mucus - Epiglottis
- Referred to as the “guardian of the airway”
Cilia - protects the superior opeing of the larynx
- when cold, they become sluggish, allowing micks to - Allows the passage of air into the lower
accumulate in the nasal cavity respiratory pasaages
- Smoking inhibits and ultimately destroys the cilia - Closes during food intakes, and forms a lid
over the larynx's opening
Conchae - Cough reflex
- Mucosa-covered projections - if anything, aside form air, enters the larynx
- To prevent the substance from continuing
into the lungs
- Vocal folds
- Or true vocal cords - Bronchial tree
- Vibrate with expelled air, which allows us to - Respiratory tree
speak - main bronchi subdivided into smaller
- Glottis - the vocal folds and the slitlike branches after entering the lungs, broncioles
passageway between them - Because of the branching and rebranching of
the respiratory passageways
- Or windpipe Respiratory zone structures and the respiratory
- Lined with ciliated mucosa, surrounded by goblet membrane
called that produce mucus - Terminal bronchioles lead into respiratory zone
- Cilia beat continuously, in an opposite direction of structures - smaller conduits that eventually
the incoming air terminate in alveoli, or air sacs
- Rigid, reinforced with c-shaped rings of hyaline
Respiratory zone
- Open rings - abut the esophagus, and allows
- Respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs,
it expand anteriorly when we swallow a
large piece of food
- Only site of gas exchange
- Solid portions - support the trachea walls
- Keep it patent or open in spite of pressure
changes Conducting zone structures
- Trachealis muscle - lies next to the esophagus - Other respiratory pasagges
- Completes the wall of the trachea posteriorly - Serve as conduits to and from the respiratory zone

Main (primary) Bronchi ● Millions of clustered alveoli make up the bulk of the
- Formed by the division of the trachea lungs
- Each bronchus runs obliquely and plunges into the
medial depression (hillum) Stroma
Right main bronchus - balance of lung tissue
- wider, shorter and straighter than the left - Mainly elastic connective tissue that allows the lungs
- Most common site for an inhaled foreign to stretch and recoil
object to become lodged
Alveolar Walls
When inhaled air reaches the Bronchi, it is warm, cleansed of - made of single thin layer of squamous epithelial cells
most impurities, and humid. - Provide a total gas exchange of 50 to 70 square
Lungs - Formed by cuboidal surfactant-secreting cells
- Occupies the entire thoracic cavity produces surfactants
- Mediastinum Surfactants - lipid (fat) molecule, coats the gas exposed
- Houses the heart, blood vessels, bronchi, alveolar surfaces
- Apex Alveolar pores
- Narrow superior portion of each lung - connect neighboring air sacs and provide alternative
- Base routes for air to reach alveoli whose feeder
- The broad lunch area resting on the
bronchioles have been clogged by mucus or
otherwise blocked
- Divided into two lobes by fissures
- Left lung has two lobes
- Right lung has three lobes Respiratory membrane
- Visceral pleura or pulmonary pleura - Visceral - made of occasional elastic fibers
serosa that covers the surface area of each lung
- Pleural fluid Simple diffusion
- produced by pleural membrane, allows the - manner of gas exchange, through the respiratory
lungs to glide easily over the thorax wall membrane
during breathing - movement occurs toward the area of lower
- Causes the two pleural layers to cling concentration of the diffusing substance
together, for normal breaching
Alveolar macrophages Inspiration
- Also called “dust cells” - Inspiratory muscles, diaphragm and external
- Final line of defense for respiratory system in the thoracic intercostals, contract, size of thoracic
alveoli cavity increases
- Wander in and out of the alveoli picking up bacteria, - Series of events:
carbon particles and other debris - As the diaphragm contracts inferiorly, the height of
the toxic cavity increase
RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY - As the external intercostal contracts, it lifts the rib
cage and thrusts the sternum forward, increases the
Respiratory anteroposterior and lateral dimensions of the thorax
- Major function of the respiratory system is to - Lungs adhere tightly to the thorax walls, so they are
supplement the body with oxygen and to dispose stretched to the new, largely size of the thorax.
- Intrapulmonary volume
carbon dioxide
- Volume within the lungs
- Four distinct events
- As it increases, the gases within the lungs
spread out to fill the larger space
1. Pulmonary ventilation. - The resulting decrease in gas pressure in the lungs,
- Air moves into and out of the lungs
produces a partial vacuum, which causes air to flow
- Causes the alveoli or the lungs continuously
into the lungs
- Partial vacuum - pressure less than
- Commonly called as breathing
atmospheric pressure outside the body
- Air continues to move into the lungs until the
2. External respiration.
intrapulmonary pressure equals atmospheric pressure
- Gas exchange between the pulmonary blood and
- Gas exchanges are being made between the blood
- Exhalation
and the body exterior
- A passive process that depends more on the natural
elasticity if the lungs
3. Respiratory gas transport - Series of events
- Oxygen and carbon dioxide transported to and from - As the inspiratory muscles relax and resume their
the lungs and tissue cells of the body initial resting length, the rib cages descend, recoil,
- via the bloodstream both thoracic and intrapulmonary volume decrease,
- As the intrapulmonary volume decreases, gases
4. Internal respiration inside the lungs are forced more closely together,
- Gas exchange occurs between the blood and cells intrapulmonary pressure rises to a point higher than
inside the body atmospheric pressure.
- At systemic capillaries - This causes the gases to passively flow out to
equalize the pressure with the outside.
● First two processes are the special responsibility of - If respiratory passageways are narrowed by spams of
the respiratory system the bronchioles, or clogged with mucus or fluid,
expiration becomes an active process
Cellular respiration
- the use of oxygen to produce ATP and carbon dioxide - Forced expiration
- Cornerstone of all energy-producing chemical - The internal intercostal muscles are
reactions and occurs in all cells activated to help depress the rib cage, and
the abdominal muscles contract
MECHANICS OF BREATHING - and help to force air from the lungs by
squeezing the abdominal organs upward
Breathing against the diaphragm.
- Pulmonary ventilation - Intrapleural pressure -
- A mechanical process that depends on volume - pressure within the space
- Always negative
changes occurring in the thoracic cavity
- Major factor preventing lung collapse
- Volume changes leat to pressure changes, which lead
- If equal with the atmospheric pressure, lungs
to the flow of gases to equalize the pressure.
collapse and recoil
- Two phases of breathing
- Inspiration - flowing of air into the lungs
- Expiration - air leaving the lungs RESPIRATORY VOLUMES AND CAPACITY
– Coughs and sneezes clear the air passages of debris
Factors that affect respiratory capacity or collected mucus.
- A person’s: Size, sex, age and physical condition – Laughing and crying reflect our emotions.
– nonrespiratory air movements are a result of reflex
activity, but some may be produced voluntarily
tidal volume (TV)
- respiratory volume Respiratory Sounds
- a person is capable of inhaling much more air than is – Bronchial sounds
taken in during a tidal breath – produced by air rushing through the large
- Normal quiet breathing
respiratory passageways (trachea and bronchi).
- approximately 500 ml of air into and out of the lungs
– Vesicular breathing sounds
with each breath
– occur as air fills the alveoli.
inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) – soft murmurs that resemble a muffled breeze
- the amount of air that can be taken in forcibly above
the tidal volume External Respiration, Gas Transport, and Internal Respiration
- around 3,100 ml.
– external respiration - the actual exchange of gases
the expiratory reserve volume (ERV) between the alveoli and the blood (pulmonary gas
- after a normal expiration, more air can be exhaled. exchange)
- the amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled beyond – internal respiration - the gas exchange process that
tidal expiration occurs between the blood and the tissue cells (systemic
- approximately 1,200 ml. capillary gas exchange)


- about 1,200 ml of air still remains in the lungs and – dark red blood flowing through the pulmonary circuit
cannot voluntarily be expelled. is transformed into the scarlet river that is returned to
- allows gas exchange to go on continuously even
the heart for distribution to the systemic circuit.
between breaths and helps to keep the alveoli open
– carbon dioxide is being unloaded from the blood
equally fast.
– Because body cells continually remove oxygen from
vital capacity (VC)
blood, there is always more oxygen in the alveoli
- total amount of exchangeable air
than in the blood.
- around 4,800 ml in healthy young men
– oxygen tends to diffuse from the air of the alveoli
- 3,100 ml in healthy young women
through the respiratory membrane into the more
- the sum of the tidal volume plus the inspiratory and
oxygen-poor blood of the pulmonary capillaries
expiratory reserve volumes.
– as tissue cells remove oxygen from the blood in the
systemic circulation, they release carbon dioxide into
dead space volume
the blood.
- some of the air that enters the respiratory tract
– Because the concentration of carbon dioxide is much
remains in the conducting zone passageways and
higher in the pulmonary capillaries than it is in the
never reaches the alveoli
- during a normal tidal breath is about 150 ml alveolar air, it will diffuse from the blood into the
alveoli and be flushed out of the lungs during
functional volume expiration.
- air that actually reaches the respiratory zone and – blood draining from the lungs into the pulmonary
contributes to gas exchange veins is rich in oxygen and poor in carbon dioxide
- is about 350 ml
Gas Transport in the Blood O
spirometer – Oxygen is transported in the blood in two ways.
– measures respiratory capacities 1. Most attaches to hemoglobin molecules inside
– me inside the apparatus. Spirometer testing is useful the red blood cells (RBCs) to form
for evaluating losses in respiratory functioning and in oxyhemoglobin —HbO2
following the course of some respiratory diseases 2. A very small amount of oxygen is carried
dissolved in the plasma.
Nonrespiratory Air Movements
– Carbon dioxide is twenty times more soluble in medulla contains two respiratory centers:
plasma compared to oxygen. 1. the ventral respiratory group (VRG)
– As a result, most carbon dioxide is transported in - contains both inspiratory and expiratory neurons that
plasma as bicarbonate ion (HCO3−), which plays a alternately send impulses to control the rhythm of
very important role in buffering blood pH. breathing.
– Carbon dioxide is enzymatically converted to - The inspiratory neurons stimulate the diaphragm and
bicarbonate ion within red blood cells; then the newly external intercostal muscles via the phrenic and
formed bicarbonate ions diffuse into the plasma. intercostal nerves, respectively, during quiet
– A smaller amount of the transported CO2 (between breathing.
20 and 30 percent) is carried inside the RBCs bound - Impulses from the expiratory neurons stop the
to hemoglobin. stimulation of the diaphragm and external intercostal
– Carbon dioxide binds to hemoglobin at a different site muscles, allowing passive exhalation to occur.
from oxygen, so it does not interfere with oxygen - Impulses from the VRG maintain eupnea
– Before carbon dioxide can diffuse out of the blood Eupnea - a normal quiet breathing rate of 12 to 15
into the alveoli, it must first be released from its respirations/minute, a rate called
bicarbonate ion form.
– For this to occur, bicarbonate ions (HCO3–) must 2. the dorsal respiratory group (DRG)
enter the red blood cells, where they combine with - integrates sensory information from chemoreceptors
hydrogen ions (H+) to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). and peripheral stretch receptors.
Carbonic acid quickly splits to form water and carbon - communicates this information to the VRG to help
dioxide, and carbon dioxide then diffuses from the modify breathing rhythms
blood into the alveoli.
pons respiratory centers
 most of the conversion of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate - communicate with the VRG, help to smooth the
ions occurs inside the RBCs, where a special enzyme transitions (modify timing) between inhalation and
(carbonic anhydrase) speeds up this reaction. exhalation during activities such as singing, sleeping
or exercising
- opposite of what occurs in the lungs Stretch receptors
- oxygen leaves and carbon dioxide enters the blood - espond to extreme overinflation (of bronchioles and
- In the blood, carbon dioxide combines with water to alveoli) by initiating protective reflexes
form carbonic acid (H2CO3), which quickly releases - In the case of overinflation, the vagus nerves send
bicarbonate ions. impulses from the stretch receptors to the medulla;
- Then the bicarbonate ions diffuse out into plasma, soon thereafter, inspiration ends and expiration
where they are transported. occurs. (one example of DRG integration during
- At the same time, oxygen is released from respiratory control)
hemoglobin, and the oxygen diffuses quickly out of
the blood to enter the cells. Hyperpnea - we breathing more vigorously and deeply
- As a result of these exchanges, venous blood in the because the brain centers send more impulses to the
systemic circulation is much poorer in oxygen and respiratory muscles
richer in carbon dioxide than blood leaving the lungs

Neural Regulation: Setting the Basic Rhythm Physical Factors

 phrenic nerves and intercostal nerves Volition (Conscious Control)

– transmit nerve impulses from the brain for the activity - voluntary control of breathing is limited, and the
of the respiratory muscles, the diaphragm respiratory centers will simply ignore messages from
the cortex when the oxygen supply in the blood is
Neural centers that control respiratory rhythm and depth are getting low or blood pH is falling.
located mainly in the medulla and pons
Emotional factors
- result from reflexes initiated by emotional stimuli
acting through centers in the hypothalamus sinus headache
- results when the passageways connecting the sinuses
Chemical Factors to the nasal cavity are blocked with mucus or
- the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood infectious matter, the air in the sinus cavities is
- An increased level of carbon dioxide and a decreased absorbed.
blood pH are the most important stimuli leading to
an increase in the rate and depth of breathing. pharyngeal tonsil becomes inflamed and swollen
- An increase in the carbon dioxide level can cause a - (as during a bacterial infection)
decreased blood pH because high CO2 results in - it obstructs the nasopharynx and forces the person to
more carbonic acid, which lowers blood pH. breathe through the mouth.
- However, a low blood pH could also result from - In mouth breathing, air is not properly moistened,
metabolic activities independent of breathing. warmed, or filtered before reaching the lungs.

- Changes in the carbon dioxide concentration or H+ tracheal obstruction

ion concentration (which affects pH) in brain tissue - Heimlich maneuver, a procedure in which the air in
seem to act directly on the medulla centers by a person’s own lungs is used to “pop out,” or expel,
influencing the pH of local tissues in the brain stem an obstructing piece of food, has saved many people
from becoming victims of choking.
peripheral chemoreceptor - Tracheostomy - surgical opening of the trachea,
- detect changes in oxygen concentration in the blood done to provide an alternative route for air to reach
from the regions in the aorta (aortic body in the aortic the lungs. Individuals with tracheostomy tubes in
arch) and in the fork of the common carotid artery place form huge amounts of mucus the first few days
(the carotid body). because of irritation to the trachea
- send impulses to the medulla when the blood oxygen
level is dropping. Pleurisy (
- When oxygen levels are low, these same - inflammation of the pleurae,
chemoreceptors are also able to detect high carbon - can be caused by insufficient secretion of pleural
dioxide levels. fluid. The pleural surfaces become dry and rough,
- the body’s need to rid itself of carbon dioxide that resulting in friction and stabbing pain with each
is the most important stimulus for breathing. breath.
- A decrease in the oxygen level becomes an important - Conversely, the pleurae may produce excessive
stimulus only when the level is dangerously low amounts of fluid, which exerts pressure on the lungs.
- This type of pleurisy hinders breathing movements,
HOMEOSTATIC IMBALANCES but it is much less painful than the dry rubbing type

cleft palate atelectasis

- a genetic defect - lung collapse
- failure of the bones forming the palate to fuse - the lung is useless for ventilation.
medially - occurs when air enters the pleural space through a
- results in breathing difficulty as well as problems chest wound, but it may also result from a rupture of
with oral cavity functions, such as nursing and the visceral pleura, which allows air to enter the
speaking pleural space from the respiratory tract.

rhinitis pneumothorax
- inflammation of the nasal mucosa - The presence of air in the intrapleural space, which
- Caused by cold viruses and various allergens disrupts the fluid bond between the pleurae
- excessive mucus produced results in nasal congestion - reversed by drawing air out of the intrapleural space
and postnasal drip with a chest tube, which allows the lung to reinflate
and resume its normal function
- sinus inflammation, crackle (a bubbling sound, wheezing (a whistling sound),
- difficult to treat and can cause marked changes in rales
voice quality
- abnormal sounds produced by diseased respiratory - The pooled mucus impairs ventilation and gas
tissue, mucus, or pus exchange and dramatically increases the risk of lung
Rales - abnormal bronchial sounds produced by the presence infections, including pneumonias.
of mucus or exudate in the lung passages or by thickening of - patients are sometimes called “blue bloaters” because
the bronchial walls hypoxia and carbon dioxide retention occur early in
the disease and cyanosis is common
hypoxia emphysema
- due to impaired oxygen transport: - the walls of some alveoli are destroyed, causing the
- inadequate oxygen delivery to body tissues remaining alveoli to be enlarged.
- easy to recognize in light-skinned people because - chronic inflammation promotes fibrosis of the lungs.
their skin and mucosae take on a bluish cast (become - As the lungs become less elastic, the airways collapse
cyanotic) during expiration and obstruct outflow of air.
- In dark-skinned individuals, this color change can be - As a result, these patients use an incredible amount of
observed only in the mucosae and nailbeds energy to exhale, and they are always exhausted.
- may be the result of anemia, pulmonary disease, or - Because air is retained in the lungs, oxygen exchange
impaired or blocked blood circulation. is surprisingly efficient, and cyanosis does not
usually appear until late in the disease.
Carbon monoxide poisoning - sufferers are sometimes referred to as “pink puffers.”
- represents a unique type of hypoxia. - overinflation of the lungs leads to a permanently
- Carbon monoxide competes vigorously with oxygen expanded barrel chest
for the same binding sites on hemoglobin. Moreover,
because hemoglobin binds to CO more readily than Lung Cancer
to oxygen, carbon monoxide is a very successful - nearly 90 percent of lung cancers result from
competitor smoking.
- leading cause of death from fire - aggressive and metastasizes rapidly and widely, so
- victim becomes confused and has a throbbing most cases are not diagnosed until they are well
headache advanced.
- In rare cases, the skin becomes cherry red (the color - The cure rate for lung cancer is notoriously low; most
of the hemoglobin CO complex), which is often victims die within 1 year of diagnosis.
interpreted as a healthy “blush.” - The overall 5-year survival of people with lung
Hyperventilation - often brought on by anxiety attacks, cancer is about 17 percent.
frequently leads to brief periods of apnea, until the carbon - Ordinarily, nasal hairs, sticky mucus, and the action
dioxide builds up in the blood again of cilia do a fine job of protecting the lungs from
irritants, but smoking overwhelms these cleansing
Apnea - cessation of breathing devices, and they eventually stop functioning.

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - Continuous irritation prompts the production of more
- the group of diseases collectively referred to as mucus, but smoking slows the movements of cilia
- chronic bronchitis and emphysema that clear this mucus and depresses lung
certain features in common: macrophages.
(1) Patients almost always have a history of smoking;
(2) dyspnea, difficult or labored breathing, often referred to as - One result is a pooling of mucus in the lower
“air hunger,” occurs and becomes progressively worse; respiratory tract and an increased frequency of
(3) coughing and frequent pulmonary infections are common; pulmonary infections, including pneumonia and
(4) most COPD victims are hypoxic, retain carbon dioxide and COPD.
have respiratory acidosis, and ultimately develop respiratory
failure - However, it is the irritating effects of the “cocktail”
of toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke that ultimately
chronic bronchitis lead to lung cancer. The three most common types of
- the mucosa of the lower respiratory passages lung cancer are (1) adenocarcinoma (40 percent of
becomes severely inflamed and produces excessive cases), which originates as solitary nodules in
mucus. peripheral lung areas and develops from bronchial
glands and alveolar cells; (2) squamous cell
carcinoma (25–30 percent), which arises in the
epithelium of the larger bronchi and tends to form
masses that hollow out and bleed; and (3) small cell
carcinoma (about 20 percent), which contains
lymphocytelike cells that originate in the main
bronchi and grow aggressively in small grapelike
clusters within the mediastinum, a site from which
metastasis is especially rapid. The most effective
treatment for lung cancer is complete removal of the
diseased lung lobes in an attempt to halt metastasis.
However, removal is an option only if metastasis has
not already occurred. In most cases, radiation therapy
and chemotherapy are the only options, but most lung
cancers are resistant to these treatments. Fortunately,
there are several new therapies on the horizon. These
include (1) antibodies that target specific molecules
required by the tumor or that deliver toxic agents
directly to the tumor,
- (2) cancer vaccines to stimulate the immune system,
and (3) various forms of gene therapy to replace the
defective genes that make tumor cells divide
continuously. As clinical trials progress, we will learn
about the effectiveness of these approaches.
However, prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Quitting smoking is a valuable goal.

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