Mechanics: What We Did Last Time

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Physics 151

Lecture 10
Rigid Body Motion
(Chapter 5)

What We Did Last Time

! Found the velocity due to rotation d d
  =   + ω×
! Used it to find Coriolis effect  dt  s  dt r
! Connected ω with the Euler angles
! Lagrangian " translational and rotational parts
! Often possible if body axes are defined from the CoM
! Defined the inertia tensor I jk = mi ( ri 2δ jk − xij xik )
! Calculated angular momentum
ω ⋅ Iω 1 2
and kinetic energy L = Iω T = = Iω
2 2

Diagonalizing Inertia Tensor
 mi (ri 2 − xi2 ) −mi xi yi −mi xi zi 
 
I =  − mi yi xi mi (ri 2 − yi2 ) −mi yi zi  = mi ( ri 2δ jk − xij xik )
 − mi zi xi − mi zi yi mi (ri 2 − zi2 ) 

! Inertia tensor I can be made diagonal
 I1 0 0
! = 0
I D = RIR I2 0  R is a rotation matrix

 0 0 I 3  Ii > 0

Kinematical properties of a rigid body are fully described by its

mass, principal axes, and moments of inertia

Principal Axes
! Consider a rigid body with body axes x-y-z
! Inertia tensor I is (in general) not diagonal
! But it can be made diagonal by I D = RIR !
! Rotate x-y-z by R " New body axes x’-y’-z’
! In x’-y’-z’ coordinates
ω′ = Rω L′ = RL
= RIω ! =1
= RIRRω One can choose a set of
= I D ω′ body axes that make the
inertia tensor diagonal
How do I " Principal Axes
find them?

 I1 0 0
Finding Principal Axes I D = RIR =  0
! I2 0 
 0 0 I 3 
! Consider unit vectors n1, n2, n3 along principal axes
Ini = I i ni ni is an eigenvector of I with eigenvalue Ii
! To find the principal axes and principal moments:
! Express I in in any body coordinates
! Solve eigenvalue equation
(I − λ )r = 0 I−λ = 0 λ = I1 , I 2 , I 3
! Eigenvectors point the principal axes
! Use them to re-define the body coordinates to simplify I
! You can often find the principal axes by just looking at
the object

Rotational Equation of Motion

    d d
! Concentrate on the rotational motion  dt  =  dt  + ω ×
s b
! Newtonian equation of motion gives
 dL   dL 
  =N   + ω×L = N
 dt  s  dt b
“space” axes “body” axes
! Take the principal axes as the body axes
 I1 0 0  ω1   I1ω1 
L = Iω =  0 I2 0  ω 2  =  I 2ω 2 
 0 0 I 3  ω3   I 3ω3 

Euler’s Equation of Motion
 I1ω1  ω1   I1ω1   N1  I1ω"1 − ω 2ω3 ( I 2 − I 3 ) = N1
d 
 I 2ω 2  + ω 2  ×  I 2ω 2  =  N 2  I 2ω" 2 − ω3ω1 ( I 3 − I1 ) = N 2
 I 3ω3  ω3   I 3ω3   N 3  I 3ω" 3 − ω1ω 2 ( I1 − I 2 ) = N 3

Euler’s equation of motion for rigid body

with one point fixed
! Special cases:
! ω 2 = ω3 = 0 I1ω"1 = N1
! I 2 = I3 I1ω"1 = N1

Torque-Free Motion
! No linear force " Conservation of linear momentum
! No torque " Conservation of angular momentum
! Try N = 0 in Euler’s equation of motion
I1ω"1 − ω 2ω3 ( I 2 − I 3 ) = 0 Integrating these equation will give us
I 2ω" 2 − ω3ω1 ( I 3 − I1 ) = 0 energy and angular momentum
I 3ω" 3 − ω1ω 2 ( I1 − I 2 ) = 0

! We will do something more intuitive (hopefully)

! Geometrical trick by L. Poinsot

Inertia Ellipsoid
Moment of inertia
! For any direction n, I = n ⋅ In = ni I ij n j about axis n
! If we express n using principal axes x’-y’-z’
I = I i ni2 = I1n12 + I 2 n22 + I 3 n32

! Consider a vector ρ =
1 = I i ρi2 = I1 ρ12 + I 2 ρ 22 + I 3 ρ32 Inertia ellipsoid

Inertia Ellipsoid
ρ= 1 = I1 ρ12 + I 2 ρ 22 + I 3 ρ32

Inertia ellipsoid represents

1 I3 z′ the moment of inertia of a
ρ rigid body in all directions

Usefulness of this
1 I2 definition will become
x′ apparent soon …
1 I1

Inertia Ellipsoid ρ=

! Inertia along axis n is I = n ⋅ In

F (ρ) ≡ ρ ⋅ Iρ = I1 ρ12 + I 2 ρ 22 + I 3 ρ32 = 1

! F is a function (like potential) defined in the ρ space

! F(ρ) = 1 " Inertia ellipsoid ∇ρ F
! Normal of the ellipsoid
given by the gradient
∇ρ F = 2Iρ
! Using ρ = n I =ω 2T
2 Surface of the
∇ρ F = L inertia ellipsoid is
T perpendicular to L

Invariable Plane L is conserved!

∇ρ F =
L Surface of inertia ellipsoid at ρ is
T perpendicular to the angular momentum L
! As ρ moves, inertia ellipsoid must rotate to satisfy this
condition continuously
! Consider the projection of ρ on L
ρ⋅L ω⋅L 2T
= = constant
L L 2T L
ρ 2T
! The ellipsoid is touching
a fixed plane perpendicular to L
Invariable plane

Invariable Plane
! Inertia ellipsoid touches the invariable plane
! Distance between the center and the plane is 2T L
Determined by the initial conditions
! Touching point = instantaneous axis of rotation
! Tip of the ρ vector is momentarily at rest in space
dρ ω ×ω
= ω×ρ = =0
dt 2T
! i.e. it’s not sliding, but
rolling without slipping ρ
on the invariable plane

Invariable Plane
! Inertia ellipsoid rolls on the invariable plane
! Rotation of ellipsoid gives the rotation of the body
! Direction of ρ gives the direction of ω in space
! Touching point draws curves
! Curve drawn on the ellipsoid = polhode
! Curve drawn on the invariable plane
= herpolhode
! Let’s examine a few
simple cases

Simple Cases
! Inertia ellipsoid is a sphere (I1 = I2 = I3)
! ρ is constant and parallel to L
! Stable rotation

Simple Cases
! Initial axis is close to one of the principal axes
! Assume I1 > I2 > I3
! Stable rotation around I1 and I3
! Not so obvious around I2 1 I1
! If ω1 = ω3 = 0, ω2 is constant

I1ω"1 − ω 2ω3 ( I 2 − I 3 ) = 0
I 2ω" 2 − ω3ω1 ( I 3 − I1 ) = 0 1 I3
I 3ω" 3 − ω1ω 2 ( I1 − I 2 ) = 0
! Small deviation leads to instability

Simple Cases
! Since I1 > I2 > I3, distance 1 I 2 allows a polhode that
wraps around the inertia ellipsoid

! Rotation around a principal axis is stable except for the

one with the intermediate moment of inertia

Simple Cases
! Inertia ellipsoid is symmetric around one axis
! I1 = I2 ≠ I3
! ρ draws a cone (space cone) on the invariable plane
! ρ draws a cone (body cone) in the inertia ellipsoid
! Body cone rolls on the space cone

! I1 = I2 turns the Euler’s equation of motion to
I1ω"1 = ω 2ω3 ( I1 − I 3 )
I1ω" 2 = ω3ω1 ( I 3 − I1 ) ω3 is constant
Consider it as a given initial condition
I 3ω" 3 = 0
I 3 − I1
ω"1 = −Ωω 2 , ω" 2 = Ωω1 Ω≡ ω3

ω1 = A cos Ωt , ω 2 = A sin Ωt
! ω precesses around the I3 axis
! Draws the body cone ω3 ω

Rotation Under Torque

! We introduce torque I1ω"1 − ω 2ω3 ( I 2 − I 3 ) = N1
! Things get messy I 2ω" 2 − ω3ω1 ( I 3 − I1 ) = N 2
! Consider a spinning top I 3ω" 3 − ω1ω 2 ( I1 − I 2 ) = N 3
! Define Euler angles
z θ


! Assume I1 = I2 ≠ I3
1 1
! Kinetic energy given by T = I1 (ω12 + ω 22 ) + I 3ω32
2 2
! Use Euler angles
φ" sin ψ sin θ + θ" cosψ 
 
ω = φ" cosψ sin θ − θ" sin ψ 
 φ" cos θ + ψ" 
 
I1 " 2 "2 2 I
T= (θ + φ sin θ ) + 3 (φ" cos θ + ψ" ) 2
2 2

! Potential energy is given by the height of the CoM
V = Mgl cos θ
! Lagrangian is
I1 " 2 " 2 2 I
L= (θ + φ sin θ ) + 3 (φ" cos θ + ψ" ) 2 − Mgl cos θ
2 2
! Finally we are in real business!
! How we solve this? l
! Note φ and ψ are cyclic
! Can define conjugate momenta that conserve
! To be continued …

! Discussed rotational motion of rigid bodies
! Euler’s equation of motion
1 I3 z′
! Analyzed torque-free rotation
! Introduced the inertia ellipsoid
! It rolls on the invariant plane
1 I2
! Dealt with simple cases x′
1 I1
! Started discussing heavy top
! Found Lagrangian " Will solve this next time
L = 1 (θ" 2 + φ" 2 sin 2 θ ) + 3 (φ" cos θ + ψ" ) 2 − Mgl cos θ
2 2


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