Final E Portfolio PDF

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Junior High School

S.Y. 2018 - 2019

4th Quarter E-Portfolio and Reflection

1. Name, Section, Title

2. Answer the reflection questions in the table concisely.

A. What is something we did this year that B. What is one piece of advice that you
you think you will remember for the would share with a student who is
rest of your life? entering this class next year?

C. Any personal message for your English teacher

3. Four memes, one word - just like your e-portfolio last quarter, attach pictures of your best
and not-so best work (both summative and formative). Accompany it with a meme-ified version
of yourself to describe how you feel about that activity/test. Caption your pictures with one
word to summarize it.

4. Attach any picture of you doing the PeTA this quarter. It may be from your preparations,
photoshoot, during the play itself, or after. Make sure to include a short anecdote of your
experience with your Drama PeTa this 4th Quarter.

5. Note to self. A whole school year has passed, and you have definitely come a long way. In a
short sticky note reminder, write something to your future self. It may be your apologies,
pieces of advice, words of caution, encouragement, gratefulness, or reminders. You may keep
it short and sweet or long and thoughtful. It’s up to you! After all, it’s a message from you to
you. J

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