Examine Cause and Effects: Natural Behaviour of Animals

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Examine cause and effects

Climate change happen when the suden changes in Earth’s climate system resulted
into a new weather patterns that remain in place for a long period of time. When the
coming energy is greater than the outgoing energy then the earth’s energy budget is
positive and the climate system will turn into warming, while on the other hand if more
energy will go out the energy budget will turn out to be negative and the result will be
the earth experciences cool temperature, thus it will affect the animal habitat and can
cause serious problem that can lead to instinction of some species that cannot easily
adopt the drastic changes of the climate temperature.



The first step on preventing climate change is to move away from the fossil fuels. We
should use renewable energies like solar, wind, biomass and geothermal.

We should encourage everyone to use the natural resources in a proper way rather
than abusing it, we should stop massive deforestation and we should start making
agriculture more greener and more efficient should also be a priority.

Adopting once responsibility consumption habits is very crucial, regarding to food,

clothing cosmetics or products for sanitation.

Lastly we should know how to segregate each garbage and make a proper use of them
like recycling the products and avoid making things that can only be used once.



For this study the following was assumed:

1.)Climate changes have a drastic changes in the biodiversity that can affect the habitat
of the animals.

2.)Long term climate change can lead to extinction on some species of animals.

3.)The climate change affects the natural behaviour of animals.

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