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WORKSHEET-1 ( Chp -2)

1) Find the marginal utilities for Pepsi and Lays given the total utilities

Units of Pepsi Total Units of lays Total

consumed utility consumed utility
1 100 1 160
2 180 2 280
3 240 3 340
4 270 4 360
5 280 5 365
6 280 6 0

2) Following table depicts the impact of rasgulla per week for a

consumer. Find the total benefit derived by the consumer

Rasgulla Marginal Total

consumed benefit benefit
1 15
2 12
3 8
4 4

3) Calculate APC, MPC, APS, MPS for the following consumption


Income in Rs 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

Consumption 800 1200 1600 1900 2100 2200

4) If the mpc is 0.9, than mps will be____________

5) If aps is 0.5 , than apc will be ________________

6) Given the price of one slice bread at Rs 2 and a cup of tea at Rs 5,
find the best combination of consumer’s equilibrium using the Law of
Equi-marginal utility

Quantity Marginal MU / P Quantity MU of Tea MU / P

of bread utility of tea

1 14 7 1 40 8

2 12 6 2 35 7

3 10 5 3 30 6

4 8 4 4 25 5

5 6 3 5 20 4

6 4 2 6 15 3

7 2 1 7 10 2


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