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The Effects of Modern Technological Advancements to the Physical and

Mental Aspects of Selected Grade 12 Students of Unida Christian

Colleges A.Y. 2019-2020

A Research Presented to the

Faculty of Unida Christian Colleges

Imus City, Cavite

Burgos, Mike Gabriel

Carillo, Kurt Russel

Laspoña, Nicho

Mijares, John Michael

Pantin, Jomarie Carl

Tanggote, Mohammad Asnor

STEM 12-Amos

The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without the

participation and assistance of so many people whose name may not all be enumerated.

Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledge. However, the

group would like to express their deep appreciation indebtedness particularly to the


Ms. Jessa Espinoza this research validator, Mr. Jerome Ramos this research’s

statistician, Mr. Vince Chamorro this research’ proof reader, for their endless support, kind

and understanding spirit.

To all relatives, friends, and others who in one way or another shared their support,

either morally, financially and physically, thank you.

Above all, to the Great Almighty, the author knowledge and wisdom, for His

countless love

We thank you.

Research II – Group 4


This page is for dedicating the thesis to our family for their understanding and for

their overwhelming support morally and financially, to our friends who gave their support

and helped us to conduct this research, to our teachers for their support to us. And lastly,

we dedicate this research to God for his wisdom and unconditional love.













Background of the Study

Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Significance of the Study

Definition of Terms


Foreign Literature and Studies

Local Literature and Studies



Research Design

Research Respondents

Research Instrument

Data Collection and Management

Statistical Treatment of Data


Profile of the Respondents

English Proficiency Level


Summary of the Findings







Figure 1 – Conceptual Framework

Table 2.1 – Data, Mean, and Standard Deviation

Table 2.2 – Cohen’s D and Interpretation of Physical Aspect

Table 2.3 – Cohen’s D and Interpretation of Mental Aspect


The Problem and its Background


“The real problem is not whether machines think but whether the men do.”

This is a quotation from B.F. Skinner, an American psychologist, which still applies

in the modern world. Living in today’s age had exposed people to several technological

advancements which are evident among improved health care, education, and many more.

This said advancements made everything a lot easier and more convenient than ever.

For students, technology is one of the most essential tools in their lives, especially

in their academics. Some of these technologies are the internet, computers, high-end

smartphones, laptops, tablets, and smart tv’s. The study can help in understanding of the

effects of modern technologies to the physical and mental aspects of the students, cause

these technological advancements have their own effects that the researchers are aiming to


Since advancements are not all helpful to everyone, the researchers must find the

positive and negatives effects of technological advancements in both physical and mental

aspects of selected Grade 12. To balance the results of the study, finding both the effects

of technological advancements to the physical and mental aspects of students will have

accurate results. However, in addition to the study, the researchers must find the aspect that

is affected the most by the technological advancements used by the selected Grade 12

Students. The most affected aspect will be the focus of the study’s conclusion.


There is a shift in the learning environment that is brought about by the use of the

technology in the students’ learning; from being teachers centered to student centered.

Students are enabled to define their personal leaning objectives. This encourages the

students to be more engaged in their process of education. The initiative also prays a very

significant role of making students to take the ownership and responsibility of their

education (Middleton, & Murray, 1999). Students who gets opportunities to use technology

are exposed to learning through technology portray an advanced level of learning

comprehension and a higher likelihood of putting into practice what they learn in their lives

(Middleton, & Murray, 1999).

The self-esteem of students is amplified if they learn from technological exposure.

When they manage to put into practice what they learn, they feel motivated to share that

knowledge and seek further knowledge. They gain greater confidence and abilities in their

approach to challenges (Jonassen, Howland, Mara, & Crismond, 2006). The studies have

also identified that the students exposed to technology understands concepts more easily

and are able to put into practice that which they learn (Grabe, & Grabe, 2004).

The study focuses in modern technological advancements and its effects to

students. By modern technological advancements we are pertaining to the modern

technological advancements that are accessible by the selected grade 12 students. The said

technological advancements are appliances, smart phones, computers, and internet.


The people’s personal life is highly dependent on the technology that people have

developed. Technology has advanced with years and it has changed the way people

purchase products, the people live, the way people communicate, travel, learn and so many

changes have been brought about these continuous technological advancements. As the

people’s demands for advancing the type of technology individually use is high. Almost

everything a human use has been innovated to better standards a good example is the

“Mobile Phone”, the type mobile phones an individual have in 1995 are no longer on

demand in this century, the demands of mobile phone users have changed greatly, and this

has resulted in the advancement of mobile phone technologies.

The development of technology is bound up with education in two basic ways. First,

it creates a need for training, such as training staff when new equipment arrives in an

organization (Emad, 2010), but also with less formal and more educative effect on the

development of computer skills in personal life. The second way in which technology is

integrated into education is by opening up new possibilities that allow one to increase the

effectiveness of the educational activity. At the same time technological changes express

themselves in questions about the current curriculum and the methods by which it is

implemented (Fung, 2005).

Considering the speed of change seen over the last few decades is likely that some

theories which arose before some of these changes in possibilities can take on new forms

and acquire new tools to achieve the desired results. This paper aims to review some of

these theories and provide them with new footholds which are to be found in new

technologies. In doing so, the researchers will focus mainly on Ivan Illich's theory of de-

schooling society, Malcolm S. Knowles's self-organized learning theory and the critical

theory of Paulo Freire's pedagogy of the oppressed. The work is primarily focused on the

consequences for adult education, but at some points the text does deal with education in

general and thus also addresses the education of children and adolescents. (Dočekala, Vit

and Tulinskáb, Hana, The impact of technology on education theory, 2014).


This chapter contains the conceptual framework of the research and their relation

to the effects of Modern Technological Advancements to the Physical and Mental aspects

to selected grade 12 students in Unida Christian Colleges Academic Year 2019-2020.

The figure shows the overall conceptual framework of the study. The input shows

the data that researchers observed which are the advancement of modern technological to

the aspects of selected senior high school students of Unida Christian Colleges, that

struggles to their performance in school and the importance of the advance technology to

individuals. The first box show that the students are struggling towards studies through

technologies. However, the second box shows the process or the methodology in which the

researcher will use to gather the data needed. The data will be gathered directly from the

selected grade 12 students through survey questionnaires. On the other hand, the third box

displays the possible outcomes of the study from the selected senior high school students

of Unida Christian Colleges Academic year 2019 – 2020. The researchers have chosen

quantitative data to identify the excellence of the respondents in the said topic. Weather

researchers are hoping that this research study can also provide some knowledge about the

advancement of modern technologies to the physical and mental aspects of the students.





-The data will be

-The students are in
- The students gathered directly
lack of knowledge
struggled toward from the selected
towards academic
studies through grade 12 students
technologies through survey

Figure 1 Conceptual Map


The study aims to know and further understand the effects of modern

technological advancements to the physical and mental aspects of the selected grade 12

students at the Unida Christian Colleges, A.Y. 2019-2020.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following:

1. What are the effects of modern technological advancements to the physical aspect

of the respondents?

2. What are the effects of modern technological advancements to the mental aspect

of the respondents?

3. In what aspect did modern technological advancements affect the most in the



This research will only focus on our study covered such as “The Effects of

Modern Technological Advancements to the Physical and Mental aspects”, specifically

the way of thinking of the students. The selected Grade 12 students of Unida Christian

Colleges are the only respondents covered in this study. This research has no intention of

pondering with any other personal information of the respondents in exception to the

information needed for the study.


This study provides the potential to benefit the:

 To the students, the study will provide knowledge about the negative and

positive effects of modern technological advancements to their physical and mental

aspects and used this knowledge to control their usage of the mentioned

technological advancements to harness the positive effects and lower the chance of

being affected by the negative effects

 To the researchers, the study will provide a strong basis to enumerate the

positive and negative effects of modern technological advancements to the physical

and mental aspects of selected grade 12 students and be able to compare which

aspect is affected the most.

 To the Teachers, the study will help them in understanding how modern

technological advancements can affect their students in their physical and mental


 To future researchers, the study will serve as a reference for them and an

additional source of information for their research that may have a connection to

our topic or to some parts of it, which can be used as added to their RRL or be cited

in their research.


Pedagogy- the art, science, or profession of teaching.

Computer Vision Syndrome- CVS) is a condition resulting from focusing the eyes on

a computer or other display device for protracted, uninterrupted periods of time and the

eye muscles being unable to recover from the strain due to a lack of adequate sleep.

Embarked- to make a start

Extensive- covering or affecting a large area.

Diaspora- a group of people who live outside the area in which they had lived for a long

time or in which their ancestors lived.

Integration- coordination of mental processes into a normal effective personality or with

the environment.

Myriad- countless or extremely great in number.

Detrimental effects- something else has a harmful or damaging effect on it.

Hunching- to bend your body forward and down so that your back is rounded.

Leisure- free time.


Review of Related Literatures and Studies

- The review of related literature and studies for this study is focused on basis that

can be used to support the researchers in their topic which aims to identify the positive

and negative effects of technological advancements to the physical and mental aspects of

selected Grade 12 students.

Foreign Literatures


In the book Distraction Caused by Technology, Rosen (2004) stated that the

students could only concentrate for an average of a measly three minutes at a stretch and

its major factor is technology. Students who tended to multitask or to check Facebook even

once every 15 minutes they were monitored were likely to be poor students. Students

reported that even without constant reminders provided by notification lights and sounds,

they were internally preoccupied with whether anyone was trying to get in touch with them

or commenting on their statuses. The Professor wants to give us knowledge about the

negative effects of technological advancements to the students. He uses his students as an

example to his studies. He said that his students, can't focus on studying as are easily

distracted by technology. Furthermore, he concluded that Facebook has the biggest role in

students’ distraction. They get easily distracted when they hear the notification sounds or

lights. When multitasking, students are struggling to focus when their smartphones or

gadgets are near, as they get easily distracted by it.


In the book Technology and Vision Problems by Soltan (2004) stated that aside

from its effect on our psychological and social well-being, spending a large portion of their

day in front of a screen can lead to a panoply of physical health issues. Here are some

examples of problems and some ideas for prevention and treatment. Soltan identifies

“Computer Vision Syndrome” as the complex of problems associated with excessive

screen time, including eyestrain, blurred vision, and dry eyes. As the technology becomes

more advance, we also spend more time using it. And these technological advancements

had a big impact in our physical health. The given example are the effects of technological

advancements to the eyesight. Professor Soltan said that CVS or Computer Vision

Syndrome is the excessive use of gadgets that damages the eyesight of a person. Spending

large amount of time facing a gadget will damage the eye and that is a negative effect of

technology. But technological advancements also have a positive effect in the eyesight,

because of technology scientist invented a “glass” and also invented a laser that cleanses

the eye that gives hope to poor sighted person because it gives them a 20-20 vision.


Technological advancement in Agriculture Williams (2012), Agricultural

technological advancement has played a big role in changing the face of agriculture. This

has resulted into increased production and abundant food supply. The farmers in a

developing world using poor methods or irrigating their plants. During droughts, crops will

run out of water, so farmers have to irrigate their crops for a better yield, but with the type

of irrigation method, the crops will not yield well so the farmer will make a big loss.

Advanced sprinklers are used to irrigate a big farm and this saves the farmer time. A farmer

who used thus advanced technology will have a large output as well as produce high quality

products. This is an automated water sprinkler, which can be set basing on the time of the

day and movement of the sun, so the crops will always get sufficient water. The source

stated that technological advancements has a large impact to the agriculture in todays’ time.

It made their life easy from irrigation and normal harvesting to advance sprinklers and

using highly-equipped machine. The big changes in technology means easy life in

agriculture society because the more the technology gets advance the way of their living

gets easier and easier.


Technological Advancements in Education Edwards (2014), Technology

advancement has greatly changed the education sector. The students now days learn

through mobile gadgets and tablets. Technology has simplified the way teachers reach their

students and it has also helped students learn from access academic information at anytime

from anywhere. Information is power, so both students and teachers can use advanced

technologies for education to make research on subjects of interest. Some of the most

popular technology advances which have changed the face of education include: Use of

smart phones in classroom, use of tablets and mobile computers in education and

classroom, use of smart whiteboards for visual illustration in the classroom, use of internet

for long distance learning, Use of social, media to connect students with teachers.

Technology is a big factor in all terms and when it comes to education, it’s not only the

students that benefits it but also the teachers. Their way of teaching improved as they used

the advance technology like using laptops and projectors as visual aids or providing

softcopies of lessons online so they won’t need to provide printed copies of it.


Technological advancement in medicine and health care Simons (2013),

Technology has helped in saving many innocent lives. Human medicine and health

sciences have improved. Doctors and medical students have embarked on medical

technological tools to carry out extensive research on human health problems and

challenges. This extensive research has resulted into the development of new drugs, and

statements which have helped in curing most challenging human diseases and this has

helped in saving so many lives and it has also prolonged the human lifespan. Let’s look at

some cool medical technological advancements and now they help us. Technological

advancements gave high hopes to the patients, especially to the students who are studying

to be a future doctor or nurse. New technology gave them more knowledge on how to save

lives, as it made studying easy it also easier for them to learn. Technology made them more

educated in their profession. When it comes to patients, it gave them high hopes as new

technology gave them higher chances of surviving sever deceases.



Amorsolo (2017) Technology is an essential part to better reflect the lessons taught

within the class. There are a lot of inventive technology since the past centuries. The only

example is the computer where you can check, research and explore the things you want

to know or need at school. But in today's modern times, the most widely used instrument

in education is the computers that can access the internet. The Internet is even more

important because if there is no internet you can’t use the value of knowledge or you can’t

research what you are looking for. Students are more effective in sharing their lessons with

the Internet. According to Amorsolo (2017). Internet, which is one of the modern

technological advancements accessible by students, has become one of the most important

tools in studying as students rely on internet to gather information that they need which is

only one click away in computers.


Lawang (2014). At present, various modern technologies spread in our developing

world. One of these technologies is the computer. (according to wikipedia) The computer

is a machine used to make calculations or operations that can be done by numerical or

logical terms. It delivers comfort, speeds up activities and enriches people's lives through

additional programs. According to Lawang (2014). Technologies, especially computers,

can help our lives in a massive way. In computing and other kinds of operations, which

makes our lives easier.


Tenorio (2008). Many people often argue if the technology is good or bad. Many

believe that technology has a negative effect on our society, but there is much in favor of

technology development as it provides a good source of livelihood to Filipinos. According

to Tenorio (2008). Modern technological advancements both have negative and positive

effects which can affect individual in different ways. This stirs up a debate between people

who experience different effects of the modern technological advancements.


Florentino (2009). It is believed that the abacus is considered a computer in the first

period because its purpose is to facilitate the calculation of merchants. At present, the

abacus is no longer considered a computer because it has a far-reaching ability and its

performance in the current computer. Old-fashioned, fast-paced, advanced and easy-to-use

studies have been geared toward the technological gear. Its versatility is a result of the

creativity and patience of people. The computer was regarded as one of the best man-made

because it is a powerful device that manages almost every part of the world to make life

easier and easier. According to Florentino (2009). Modern technological advancements are

created through time by people’s innovation and necessity. That’s why it was created to

appeal to the needs of the men to make work easier and faster.


Angcanan (2015). Technology is one of the most important sources of information

for today's students through cell phones, laptops, computers, and projectors. and by

searching you will find that you are looking for information unlike then that still need books

to find the necessary information. briefly the technology helps us because it speeds up the

various human activities in their daily lives. According to Angcanan (2015). The modern

technological advancements today that are accessible by students are very useful sources

on information that they need and it renders further searching in books or libraries




Antoine-Chagar (2018) stated in his study that the Physical Inactivity means the

development of technology has created great benefits to populations over the world,

reducing physical hardships and increasing worker productivity, however this has had

grave implications on the physical body. Without physical activity the human body cannot

function in its optimal way leading to a diaspora of health problems. Seconds to smoking,

physical inactivity is the second highest cause of preventable death in the world. There has

been an increasing amount of research linking digital technology to a lack of physical

activity, with children and adolescents all over the world spending large amounts of time

in front of screens. A study conducted in Australia using 2,200 children between the ages

of 9 to 16 discovered a positive correlation between a child being overweight and the

amount of time they spend if front of a screen. The elders also say that facing a gadget for

too long can damage eyesight, but in some research they stated that it doesn’t only affects

the eyesight but also the physical aspects of the body and the mental health. Lacking in

physical activities weakens our body and lowers the immune system of the body.


Findeto (2018) concluded that Technology has been proven to lead to many health

problems but recent times have seen society integrate technology as an aid to healthy

lifestyles and improving fitness. In this digital age maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be

difficult, but a large increase in fitness and health related apps have made increasing

physical activity and leading a healthy lifestyle easier than ever before, as you can carry

them around in your pocket. Fitness apps help people easily track and visualize their

progress. They also allow easy access to workouts allowing for increased freedom when

choosing when and where you want to work out. Helping boost user motivation is also a

key feature of fitness apps, creating online and local communities allowing people to

compete with friends and family and watching each other progress. Some apps also feature

integration with social media, allowing people to share their achievements with friends on

social media. Spending too much time using social media lessens the productivity of a

student, as their time are being abused and spent in using social media. But some are using

social media as an instrument in being productive. They are using apps produced to help

them have a healthy lifestyle and plan for the rest of their day.


Dermento (2018) said that Technology has transformed life in a myriad of ways,

changing the ways we work, live and relax. It has benefited society in many ways such as

advancing education, entertainment, communication and health, allowing us to surpass the

dreams of the generations before us. Our world today is experiencing rapid growth which

is being driven by new technology. These technological advances continue to possess vast

potential and benefits; however, these new developments also bring world changing

implications. Technology is now transforming and creating physical, social and cultural

behaviors all over the world. The more technology continues to develop, the bigger

influence it has on the world that surrounds it and the people in it. One of the biggest

implications that the increase of modern technology has had on the world comes in the

form of its impact on physical health. Technology has been proven to have a large impact

on people’s physical health. Spending large amounts of a day glued to a screen can result

in a magnitude of physical health problems. With the increasing everyday use of

technology, the risks have never been greater. While technology is evolving the global

problems are getting worse and worse.


According to Bolash (2018) another implications technology has on the body comes

in the form of physical strain on the user’s bodies. Many studies have found that prolonged

use of mobile phones has had detrimental effects on people’s upper body, specifically the

neck and back. Health experts such as Dr. Robert Bolash have suggested that the constant

hunching over smartphones and screens have led to muscle pain in the neck and shoulders

of teens and adolescents, terming the condition ‘text neck’. A scientific study conducted

by Dr. Bolash has shown that the use of mobile phones and computer related activities have

increased the incidences of neck shoulders and lower back pain. Hakala’s study also found

that the risk of neck shoulder pain increased when computers were used 2-3 hours a day or

more, and lower back when computers were used for 5 hours a day. She states that the

increase of technology and the activities it creates pose a new health risk for the younger

generations. The effects of technological advancements to the physical aspects is getting

more serious. The best thing about technological advancements is that it creates problem

but also it creates its own solution.


As claimed by Michelles (2018) Interactive video games are also proving to

provide benefits to an active and healthy lifestyle while still appealing to the digital society.

Research has shown that games such as Wii sports and Wii fit are increasing energy

expenditure leading to health benefits. Many leisure centers and schools are now offering

these interactive games as a means of encouraging young people to exercise. They offer an

easy access interesting sports, providing access to activities at any time during the day or

in any weather and even serve as a transition into the sports. The interactive games are the

games that involves both physical and mental features of a person. By interactive they are

meant to involve physical movements in a game in able for the person to still have exercise

even though they are playing games.



The Philippines depends on the technology that is growing today and the young

people today as well as in the use of technology are being so addicted to it. Many of youths

do not want to go to school because of the addiction in technology. Some youths trying to

miss a class just to go on internet cafe and play computer games and parents are not aware

and as a result their grades fail, so many of today's kids are out of school and you will only

find at internet cafes playing (Roget, 2001). As Roget claimed, one of the most common

issue that schools are facing is about students skipping schools in order to play in computer

cafes. This is one of the examples of negative effects of modern technological

advancements in mental aspect. Because the accessible technology causes an addiction in

which leads to poor performance in school and absenteeism. According to Roget (2001)

Philippines were manipulated by technologies because as the technologies change people

adjust, for them to relate themselves on it.


Gadgets have become a part of our lives. It is also called "needs". It is used

anywhere-or older to be entertained or unable to communicate. But it is not clear to us, the

excessive use of gadgets has a bad effect on our health. Here are some: Sleep Problems -

Gadgets have become a part of our lives. It is also called "needs". It is used anywhere-or

older to be entertained or unable to communicate. But it is not clear to us, the excessive

use of gadgets has a bad effect on our health. Here are some: Sleep Problems - is the leading

effect of excessive use of gadgets. The blue light we get from our gadgets can produce slow

sleep hormone production. We feel that we need to be awake and alert but in fact it keeps

us from going to sleep, Diostado (2003). According to Diostado (2003) Technologies are

making huge impact on the people especially on youth and on their daily routine, but the

negative effect of technologies is a thing to watch out because of bad effects on health.


Technology is invented to speed up each task. We use it in our daily lives. It is

possible that without it, our lives are more complex. Actually, the tasks are helping us with

technology but are being abused so that there are adverse effects. As claimed by Garcia

(2008) Technologies are part of human lives but the negative effects of it can doom

humanities if we continue abuse it.


Technology has a great impact on the mental and physical health of those who use

it. The likelihood of using technology can have an adverse effect on our people's health if

we can override or become addicted to the use of technologies. The use of technology also

affects the physical health of people causing vision problems, hearing loss, and neck strain

Fernando (2002). According to Fernando (2002) Using modern technological

advancements can cause physical injuries especially when it is more than normal.


In our generation today, more people are having these diseases caused by

technology because now they are more focused on it and they are already curious and / or

addicted to using it (Sanwa, 2009). According to Sanwa (2009) Abuse in usage of

technologies can lead into dangerous diseases which can be lethal when not avoided.


The researchers come up that the negative effects almost focused in the physical

and mental health of a person. Some of this are having poor eyesight, insomnia, lack of

sleep, etc. The researchers also concluded that the users spend more time in using

technologies than doing it themselves. The positive effects almost focused in physical and

mental acts, like the students can deliver their works easily in the help of technologies. The

life of a student or person can be easier because of the help of the technologies we have

today, like the projector; The person can use this instead of visual aids in manila papers or

cartolina, the tablets, computers, and smartphones, which can help the students for their

research, activities, reviewers, and other school works.


Research Methodology

-This chapter describes what methods the researchers will use in order to gather

data and conduct the study. The researchers will explain how the data gathering method

to be used for acquiring the necessary data and information is suitable. The respondents,

research instruments, data collection and management and statistical treatment are also

included in this chapter and will also be explained.


A descriptive survey was used. A survey is used to collect original data for

describing a population too large to observe directly (Mounton, 1996). In this study the

information was collected through self-administered questionnaires distributed personally

to the subjects by the researcher.

A descriptive survey was selected because it provides an accurate portrayal or

account of the characteristics, for example behavior, opinions, abilities, beliefs and

knowledge of particular individual, situations or group.

In this study, the researcher used descriptive survey method to assist the effects of modern

technological advancements to the physical and mental aspects of selected grade 12

students of Unida Christian Colleges A.Y. 2019-2020. Descriptive research is a study

designed to depict the participants in an accurate way.

 Research Respondents

The researchers’ respondents are selected grade 12 students of Unida

Christian Colleges.

 Research Instrument

The questionnaire will be the major instrument used in this study so that we

are secure despondence to certain questions. The questionnaire that was used in this

study was designed to obtain information on the effects of modern technological

advancement to the physical and mental aspect being neglected /despoiled by


The questionnaire will prepare by the researcher was develop by reading

reference materials and related about the effects of modern technological

advancements to the physical and mental aspects affecting their learning process.

 Data Collection and Management

The researchers used survey questionnaires to conduct a random sampling

survey to collect the necessary data and distributed it to the same number of

students per solution.

 Statistical Treatment of Data

To interpret the data effectively, the researcher had employed the following
statistical treatment.

Weighted mean

- Weighted Mean = Σw

Cohen’s D

- Cohen's d = (M2 - M1) ⁄ SDpooled

- SDpooled = √((SD12 + SD22) ⁄ 2)

Standard Deviation

- SD=√ 𝑁

Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Descriptive Statistic

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Effect in Physical 160 1.70 3.50 2.6319 .34557
Effect in Mental 160 1.20 3.50 2.4775 .32504
Effect of Modern 160 1.80 3.15 2.5547 .25690

Valid N (listwise) 160

Table 1.1 Data, Mean, and Standard Deviation

This table shows the data that is needed for the formula that the researchers will be

using to get the exact interpretation base on our scale. The table shows the population,

mean, and standard deviation which is needed to get the Cohen’s D. And the researchers

will use it as a bases for our interpretation where Cohen’s D = 0.2 be considered a 'small'

effect size, 0.5 represents a 'medium' effect size and 0.8 a 'large' effect size. This means

that if two groups don't differ by 0.2 or 0.8 standard deviations, the difference is trivial,

even if it is statistically significant. By the use of the scale, the researchers will get the

results that they wanted and they will be able to see how much the Modern Technological

Advancements affects the Physical and Mental aspects of the selected Grade 12 students

in Unida Christian Colleges.

A. Physical Aspect

Group Mean Std. Cohen’s Interpretation

Deviation D
Physical 2.6319 .34557 0.253547 Small effect
Total Effect 2.5547 .25690
Table 2.2 Cohen’s D and Interpretation Physical Aspect

The figure above shows how the Modern Technological Advancements affects the

Physical aspects of the selected Grade 12 students base on the Cohen’s D results. In a scale

where Cohen’s D = 0.2 be considered a 'small' effect size, 0.5 represents a 'medium' effect

size and 0.8 a 'large' effect size. The Physical aspect got a Cohen’s D that is 0.25347 which

means that the Modern Technological Advancements has a ‘small effect’ on the Physical

aspects of the selected Grade 12 students of Unida Christian Colleges.

B. Mental Aspect

Group Mean Std. Cohen’s Interpretation

Deviation D

Mental 2.4775 .32504 0.263519 Small effect
Total Effect 2.5547 .25690
Figure 2.3 Cohen’s D and Interpretation of Mental Aspect

The figure above shows how the Modern Technological Advancements affects the

Mental aspects of the selected Grade 12 students base on the Cohen’s D results. In a scale

where Cohen’s D = 0.2 be considered a 'small' effect size, 0.5 represents a 'medium' effect

size and 0.8 a 'large' effect size. The Mental aspect got a Cohen’s D that is 0.263519 which

means that the Modern Technological Advancements has a ‘small effect’ on the Physical

aspects of the selected Grade 12 students of Unida Christian Colleges.

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations



Mga bulok


We researchers












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