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2019-06-08: Part 1

1. Do you often use social websites? Why?

2. What are the advantages of social websites?
3. Is it a good idea for people to spend more time on social websites?
4. Would you like to spend more time on social websites? Why?

1. What do people usually do with rubbish and recycling in your country?

2. What do you think when you see rubbish on the roads?
3. What do you think that people throw rubbish on the streets?
4. Do you ever recycle paper and plastic?

1. Do you like perfume? Why or why not?

2. Do you use perfume? Why or why not?
3. Have you ever bought a perfume as a gift?
4. Will you spend much for perfume?

1. What is importance of transportation?

2. Do you think transportation on the street’s damages environment? Why?
3. Which development is required in transport facilities in your country?

1. Are you a patient person?

2. Is it important to be patient? Why? Why not?
3. Are you more patient now than you were younger? Why?
4. Do you think this is important?
5. Have you ever been waiting patiently and how it feels?

1. Do you like travelling?

2. Why is travelling important to you?
3. Where is best destination for traveling in your country? Why?
4. Would you like to have a job which demands traveling to different countries?

1. Have you borrowed something from your friends?

2. Have you lent something to your friends?
3. Do you think its good to lend something to others? Why or why not?
4. Is it good to borrow money from friends? Why or why not?
Part 2
Describe a favorite piece of clothing.

You should say:

 what the item is
 how often you wear it
 why you like it
 whether my friends like the same item that I described
Part 3
 What do you think the designer of clothes and the brands are popular?
 Do you think there are some reasons behind the high price range of designer goods?
 What do you think the fashion differences between the old and new generation?
 Is it important for designers to be up to date with latest trends?
 Do you think fashion is more important than clothing according to climatic conditions?

Part 2
Describe a skill you have taught a younger person.

You should say:

 what you taught
 when you taught to that child
 why you taught to that child
 How you felt after completing the teaching process
Part 3
 What skills should be taught to children?
 What can children learn from teachers and parents?
 What are the skills that you wanted to learn?
 What skills do adults need to have?
 How can people be motivated to learn new things?

Part 2
Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal recently.

You should say:

 Who the person is
 How the person motivated you
 Was it helpful to achieve your goal
 Why do you often give advice
Part 3
 Do you think children should be motivated to achieve something?
 Who should be responsible for motivating children, parents, or teachers?
 Is it always necessary to set long-term goals for children to motivate them?
 How people get motivated?
 Why do some people seem to be more motivated than others?
 How can people sustain motivation for long time to achieve something?
Part 2
Describe a favorite piece of clothing.

You should say:

 what the item is
 how often you wear it
 why you like it
 whether my friends like the same item that I described

Part 2
Describe a skill you have taught a younger person.

You should say:

 what you taught
 when you taught to that child
 why you taught to that child
 How you felt after completing the teaching process

Part 2
Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal recently.

You should say:

 Who the person is
 How the person motivated you
 Was it helpful to achieve your goal
 Why do you often give advice

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