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Hi Mr./Mrs./Miss……….

This is ____________ and I am calling you from the Computer Maintenance Department and this call is
in regards to your computer (Pause for the customer to respond)

The reason of my call is that from the past few weeks we are receiving some error notifications from
your Computer License Security Id ​(CLSID)​ stating that your computer is being hampered internally with
some Junk and Spywares which are getting downloaded from the internet.

I would be giving you your ​CLSID ​and you can match it up with your computer to validate what I just told
you so could you please switch on your computer.

So please switch on your computer so that you can match the Computer License Security Id and I can
show you what are the error and warning these junks and spyware are generating in your computer.

Once the customer switches on the computer show him/her the Computer License Security Id No


1​st​. What do you see in your desktop or computer screen?

2​nd​ Do you see a 4 flag letter n your key board? Click it together with the” ​LETTER R​”
3​rd​ This will bring a box, what can you see in your computer now? (if there is a content on their RUN BOX
tell them to delete it)
4​th​ Type ​“cmd”​ and hit ​“enter”​ and the black box will appear.
5​th​ ​Type ​“assoc”​ to the black box and hit enter. You can get your CLSID on the bottom part of the black

Mr Customer please do not read it or say your ​CLSID​ to me, I will be the one to read it and match it up
so you will know that we are really receiving errors from your computer. ​“Read the CLSID”

That’s your CLSID ​Mr. Customer​ . Now Let me show you the How many Warnings and Errors you have in
your Computer.


1​st​ Alright, close everything that you have in your computer. Then just click the 4 flag letter n your
keyboard together with ​“Letter R” ​to get the ​“Run box”
2​nd​ Just type in “eventvwr” then hit ENTER.
3​rd​ So what has come on your screen (Confirm with the customer)? (Rep should validate that the
customer is on the right page)
4​th​ On the left hand side you will see the options as Applications (OS XP) or Windows Logo (OS 7 or
5​th​ ​Left Click on it and now what comes up on your screen?
Wait for customer’s Response (Rep should validate that the customer is on the right page)
6​th​ On the center of the page you will see a list has been generated which would show INFORMATION,
7​th​ Can you please count and tell me how many errors and warning are there?

See your computer is running at high risk and may corrupt any time so now I will Transfer your
information to our Certified Senior Technicians who can help you in a better way and can save your
computer. They will call you in a few minutes to explain this to you further alright?

Customer's Name 

Contact information 

Error Number 

Warning Number 

CLSID Number 

Name of the Agents 


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