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February 2009


Arriaza, G. & Krovetz, M. L. (2006). Collaborative teacher leadership: How teachers can foster equitable
schools. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.

ISBN: cloth: 1-4129-0501-X

ISBN: pbk: 1-4129-0502-8

The authors of this book use “teachers’ voices and stories to reveal how approaches like collaboration, the use
of data, a focus on equity, and job-embedded professional development have been incorporated into real-
world settings to lead and manage change successfully.” This book also includes “reflective questions to help
apply teacher stories to specific situations; dozens of first-person narratives representing a wide range of
voices; and strategies for documenting and sustaining growth as a teacher leader.”

Blase, J, & Blase, J. J. (2006). Teachers bringing out the best in teachers. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press,

ISBN: cloth: 1-4129-2595-9

ISBN: pbk: 1-4129-2596-7

Based on a study of almost 300 teachers, this book “provides informative teacher perspectives of informal,
naturally occurring, teacher-to-teacher professional development.” It also discusses the “five teacher
behaviors that can positively influence other teachers’ morale, teaching skills, and professional growth.” Also,
“each chapter presents practical concepts and strategies that can occur in and out of the classroom,” allowing
“school leaders to promote a culture that encourages lasting professional development.”

Bolman, L. G. & Deal, T. E. (2001). Leading with soul: An uncommon journey of spirit. San Francisco, CA: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.

ISBN: 0-7879-5547-7

This book “presents insights about the changing nature of work and the new face of workers. It adds an
entirely new chapter that highlights stories from readers who share their own real experiences with soul at
February 2009

Crowther, F., Ferguson, M., Hann, L., & Kaagan, S. S. (2002). Developing teacher leaders: How teacher
leadership enhances school success. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.

ISBN: cloth: 0-7619-4561-X

ISBN: pbk: 0-7619-4562-8

Developing Teacher Leaders “offers compelling evidence that the answer to school vitality lies largely in the
redefinition of traditional leadership in education and in the elevation of the perception, status, and role of
classroom teachers.” It also “offers definite concepts and vital tools, including: fourteen detailed, hands-on
group exercises for practical application of teacher leadership concepts perfect for staff development; real-life
examples and vignettes to vividly illustrate successful teacher leadership in action; five keys to enhancing the
teaching profession to reinvigorate educators at every level of experience; and concrete strategies for teacher-
administrator collaboration.

Cuper, P. & Stone, R.. (2006). Best practices for teacher leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.

ISBN: cloth: 1-4129-1579-1

ISBN: pbk: 1-4129-1580-5

This book shares the “best ideas for achieving excellence in education through staff development, hands-on
learning, new technologies, mentoring, parent involvement, and much more.”

Danielson, C. (2006). Teacher leadership that strengthens professional practice. Alexandria, VA: Association
for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

ISBN: 1-4166-0271-2

Prospective teacher leaders and administrators “who want to better support the development of outstanding
teacher leaders may want this book. Teachers seeking to expand their leadership capacity will learn how to:
recognize an opportunity and take initiative; mobilize colleagues around a common purpose; marshal resources
and take action; monitor and adjust the initiative; sustain the commitments of others; and contribute to the
learning organization. Administrators will find advice on how to cultivate, promote, honor, and empower
teacher leaders, and how to work with them to successfully present innovations to the school community.”

Gabriel, J. G. (2005). How to thrive as a teacher leader. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.

ISBN: 1-4166-0031-0

How to Thrive as a Teacher Leader “explores the responsibilities and rewards of teacher leadership, offering
practical, positive advice on: identifying leadership qualities and building a team; enhancing communication
and earning respect; overcoming obstacles and implementing change; energizing colleagues and strengthening
morale; and improving student and teacher achievement. From setting goals to mediating conflicts, from
mentoring colleagues to motivating students, this book provides clear strategies-grounded in experience and
illustrated by examples-for becoming an effective teacher leader.”
February 2009

Garmston, R. (2005). The presenter’s fieldbook: A practical guide (2nd ed). Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon
Publishers, Inc.

ISBN: 1-929024-88-6

In this book you will find information on how to “structure and deliver presentations to support” the many
changes our world is going through, for example, technology and culture. It also gives tips on talking to
“groups with languages and cultures different from your own, tips and traps for PowerPoint, “stealable”
examples of presentation strategies, and speaking globally.”

Katzenmeyer, M., & Moller, G. (2001). Awakening the sleeping giant: Helping teachers develop as leaders
(2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.

ISBN: cloth: 0-7619-7829-1

ISBN: pbk: 0-7619-7830-5

Awaking the Sleeping Giant includes “updated research, fresh examples, and the insights of over 5,000
teacher leaders have produced a revitalized edition of this definitive work on teacher leadership, including:
defining teacher leadership; garnering support for teacher leadership; developing teacher leaders; honoring
the uniqueness of teacher leaders; building a culture that supports teacher leadership; influencing schools
through teacher leadership; providing time for teacher leadership; and anticipating the future of teacher

Lambert, L. (1998). Building leadership capacity in schools. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development.

ISBN: pbk: 0-87120-307-3

“This book outlines what schools and districts must do to build leadership capacity, including how to get
started, how to sustain the momentum, and how to design school districts capable of supporting such work.” It
also includes stories about “how school people can lead their communities to improve student learning” from
an elementary school, a middle school, and a high school.”

Lambert, L. (2003). Leadership capacity for lasting school improvement. Alexandria, VA: Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development.

ISBN: 0-87120-778-8

“This book begins by outlining the five major prerequisites for high leadership capacity: skillful participation in
the work of leadership; inquiry-based use of data to inform decisions and practice; broad involvement and
collective responsibility for student learning; reflective practice that leads to innovation; and high or steadily
improving student achievement.” Also included are “helpful rubrics and surveys that teachers and
administrators alike can use to personally assess their leadership skills.”
February 2009

Martin-Kniep, G. O. (2004). Developing learning communities through teacher expertise. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Corwin Press, Inc.

ISBN: cloth: 0-7619-4616-0

ISBN: pbk: 0-7619-4617-9

The author “offers practical methods for developing a reflective, collaborative environment where teachers
and administrators work together to enhance teachers’ practices, increase student learning, and produce
valuable school processes.” It “includes frameworks, templates, and examples that can be employed to
determine the value and implications surrounding the use of teacher-designed standard-based curriculum and
assessment, data-driven inquiry, and professional portfolios.”

Marzano, R. J., McNulty, B. A., & Waters, T. (2005). School leadership that works: From research to results.
Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development & Aurora, CO: Mid-continent
Research for Education and Learning.

ISNB: pbk: 1-4166-0227-5

Readers will learn “the specific behaviors associated with the 21 leadership responsibilities; the difference
between first-order change and second-order change and the leadership responsibilities that are most
important for each; how to work smart by choosing the right work that improves student achievement; the
advantages and disadvantages of comprehensive school reform models for improving student achievement; how
to develop a site-specific approach to improving student achievement, using a framework of 11 factors and 39
action steps; and a 5-step plan for effective school leadership.”

McEwan, E. K. (2003). 7 Steps to effective instructional leadership (2nd ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press,

ISBN: cloth: 0-7619-4629-2

ISBN: pbk: 0-7619-4630-6

The author discusses the “differences between leadership and instructional leadership, and defines the critical
attributes of effective instructional leadership.” It also goes into detail about the 7 steps, giving “explicit
behavioral indicators related to each step that will enable you to evaluate yourself and solicit feedback from
the teachers with whom you work, and offer practical suggestions from actual principals regarding how they
have implemented the seven steps.”

McLaughlin, M. W., & Talbert, J. E. (2006). Building school-based teacher learning Communities: Professional
strategies to improve student achievement. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

ISBN-13: cloth: 978-0-8077-4680-6

ISBN-13: pbk: 978-0-8077-4679-0

This book gives “an agenda to develop and sustain collaborative professional cultures.” It also “provides an
inside look as the processes, resources, and system strategies that are needed to build vibrant school-based
teacher learning communities.”
February 2009

Merideth, E. M. (2007). Leadership strategies for teachers (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.

ISBN: cloth: 1-4129-3708-6

ISBN: pbk: 1-4129-3709-4

“This practical handbook shows you how to expand your leadership skills by offering strategies for improving
student achievement, extending your own learning, collaborating with other for school improvement, and
supporting shared vision and values in your learning community. Educators at all levels will find invaluable
information for developing leadership skills and strengthening their school communities. Included are
strategies for: goal setting and strategic planning; team building; conflict resolution; reflective inquiry and
practice; and professional development and networking.”

Murphy, J. (2005). Connecting teacher leadership and school improvement. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press,

ISBN: cloth: 0-7619-3199-6

ISBN: pbk: 0-7619-8830-0

Murphy “synthesizes theoretical, empirical, and practice-based literature in order to provide a comprehensive
look at what is known about teacher leadership and what works to support it. This first part of the book
explores the core concepts of teacher leadership, while the second part shows readers how to establish the
context in their school or district to cultivate and support teacher leaders.”

Reeves, D. B. (2008). Reframing teacher leadership to improve your school. Alexandria, VA: Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development.

ISBN: 978-1-4166-0666-6

The author of this book has “proposed a new framework to promote effective change efforts through teacher
leadership.” This book explores “cutting-edge research findings and practical applications that can help
improve student achievement and educational equity. You can learn from other teacher researchers how to
infuse your classroom, school, or district with enthusiasm, meaningful teaching, improved results, and greater

Wilmore, E. L. (2007). Teacher leadership: Improving teaching and learning from inside the classroom.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc.

ISBN: cloth: 978-1-4129-4904-0

ISBN: pbk: 978-1-4129-4905-7

This resource on teacher leadership “offers a global perspective on classroom teachers’ participation as leaders
of students and focuses on increasing classroom leadership capacity.” It also “integrates leadership and school
reform research with strategies for improvement from inside classrooms; gives teachers the tools to improve
teaching, student learning, and job satisfaction; and shows how teachers can create change, grow as
professionals, and become true leaders to other teachers, their schools, and their communities.”
February 2009

National Staff Development Council (NSDC)
Publications available to NSDC members:
Quarterly journal addresses timely issues such as restructuring, the role of principals, program
planning, ensuring results with students, and follow-up strategies.

• The Learning Principal

Eight-page newsletter published eight times a year. Focuses on the important and unique work of
school principals.

• The Learning System

Eight-page newsletter published eight times a year. Designed for superintendents and central office
staff with professional learning responsibilities.

• Tools for Schools

Eight-page newsletter published four times a year. Each issue of Tools focuses on a single essential
component of school improvement and features timeless "tools" and resources that can be used in
school improvement efforts now and in years to come.

• Teachers Teaching Teachers

Eight pages published as an electronic newsletter eight times a year. Designed with school-based staff
developers in mind.

• NSDC Policy Points

Published quarterly with support from College Board, this four-page newsletter is aimed at policy
makers to help them develop greater understanding of government's role in supporting teacher learning
that directly affects student achievement. Each issue examines a specific aspect of professional
development and its relevance to policy making.

• PD in the News
A periodic electronic compilation of recent news and reports on developments in professional learning,
school improvement, and education policy from local, regional, national, and international news

Blogs and online electronic newsletters; available to members and non-members:

Voice of a Teacher Leader, a blog by Bill Ferriter, a 6th-grade teacher in N.C.

• Connect with NSDC-electronic newsletter

This monthly electronic newsletter alerts NSDC member to new postings on the website, new
publications, and other organizational updates.

Michigan Staff Development Council (MSDC)
Online publications available to members and non-members
• Newsletter Archives
• PD in the News
• District Leadership Column
February 2009

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
Published Journals—must be a member to receive
• Science and Children, for elementary teachers
• Science Scope, for middle school teachers
• The Science Teacher, for high school teachers
• Journal of College Science Teaching, for college professors
Michigan Science Teachers Association (MSTA)
Sent to all current members
• MSTA Newsletter, for all science teachers, published four times per year (Sept., Nov., Feb., May)
• MSTA Journal, for all science teachers, published twice per year (Apr., Oct.)
National Science Education Leadership Association (NSELA)
Journals requiring subscription
• The Science Educator, a peer-reviewed journal focusing primarily on K-16 STEM issues.
Online publications for members and non-members
• Safe Science Series, comprehensive and continuing series dedicated to the improvement of safety in
the science classroom.
• Navigator Newsletter, for all science educators
• Online Articles, select articles from The Science Educator available free, online
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Requires full membership
• Teaching Children Mathematics (Pre-K–6)
Addresses the teaching and learning of mathematics in grades pre-K–6.
• Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (5-9)
Features teaching concepts, issues, and practical ideas for the middle grades.
• Mathematics Teacher (8-14)
Focuses on mathematics instruction in secondary schools, two-year colleges, and teacher education
• Journal for Research in Mathematics Education
Reports on the results of major research studies in mathematics education.

E-membership required
• E-Members can download up to 10 journal articles per membership year from any NCTM school journal.

Membership required
• FREE Member Exclusive Online Resources
o FREE access to Members Only area of the NCTM Web site. Chock full of lessons, activities, and
resources, including sample problems, interactive applets and multimedia for your students,
and comprehensive topic collections.
o FREE access to ON Math, NCTM's online-only school journal presents ideas for teaching and
learning mathematics at all grade levels.
February 2009

o FREE access to NCTM's e-Standards, the fully-searchable Principles and Standards for School

ublications and Resources

o FREE subscription to the NCTM News Bulletin, NCTM's informative newsletter that provides the
latest on Council activities, reports on math education legislation, and updates from the NCTM

o FREE subscription to Student Math Notes, an insert to the NCTM News Bulletin that offers
ready-to-use mathematics activities for students in grades 5-10.
o FREE subscription to Member Update, NCTM's monthly e-newsletters with the latest online
activities and resources available only to NCTM members.
o 20% members-only discount through the NCTM Catalog, on a wide variety of books, software,
and other resources that cover mathematics education.

Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM)
No membership required
• MCTM Newsletter, online publication
• SumMore Math - Mathematics Activity Workbooks (K-5 or 4-8), available to order online

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
Membership Required
• Educational Leadership, the authoritative source on teaching and learning, new ideas, and practices
relevant to educators.
• Journal of Curriculum and Supervision,
• Education Update, covers a variety of education topics.
• Curriculum Technology Quarterly in the ASCD online library.
• ASCD Express is delivered every two weeks as part of a low-cost electronic membership; the newsletter
is also available to Premium and Comprehensive members who opt in.

No membership required
• Blogging
• Podcasts
• A Lexicon of Learning, an online dictionary with educational terms
• ASCD Infobrief is a quarterly policy publication that is available for free online and in print to Premium
• ASCD SmartBrief is a free daily e-mail news service that provides summaries and links to major
education stories and issues, as well as education employment opportunities.

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