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NCC Volume Two

Energy Efficiency Provisions



Handbook: NCC Volume Two Energy Efficiency Provisions 2016

Important Notice and Disclaimer

The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) and the participating Governments are
committed to enhancing the availability and dissemination of information relating to the
built environment. Where appropriate, the ABCB seeks to develop non-regulatory
solutions to building-related issues.

This Handbook on NCC Volume Two Energy Efficiency Provisions (the Handbook) is
provided for general information only and should not be taken as providing specific
advice on any issue. In particular, this Handbook is not mandatory or regulatory in
nature. Rather, it is designed to assist in understanding the energy efficiency provisions
in NCC Volume Two.

However, neither the ABCB, the participating Governments, nor the groups which have
endorsed or been involved in the development of the Handbook, accept any
responsibility for the use of the information contained in the Handbook and make no
guarantee or representation whatsoever that the information is an exhaustive treatment
of the subject matters contained therein or is complete, accurate, up-to-date or reliable
for any particular purpose.

The ABCB, the participating Governments and groups which have endorsed or been
involved in the development of the Handbook expressly disclaim all liability for any loss,
damage, injury or other consequence, howsoever caused (including without limitation by
way of negligence) which may arise directly or indirectly from use of, or reliance on, this

Users should exercise their own skill and care with respect to their use of this Handbook
and should obtain appropriate independent professional advice on any specific issues
concerning them.

In particular, and to avoid doubt, the use of this Handbook does not–

• guarantee acceptance or accreditation of a design, material or building solution by

any entity authorised to do so under any law;
• mean that a design, material or building solution complies with the National
Construction Code (NCC); or
• absolve the user from complying with any Local, State, Territory or Australian
Government legal requirements.

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Handbook: NCC Volume Two Energy Efficiency Provisions 2016

© Australian Government and States and Territories of Australia 2016

This work is the copyright of the Australian Government and States and Territories of
Australia and, apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part
may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission. Requests and
enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be directed in the first instance to:

General Manager – Australian Building Codes Board

GPO Box 9839

Canberra ACT 2601

Phone 1300 134 631 – Fax 02 6213 7287 – Email

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Handbook: NCC Volume Two Energy Efficiency Provisions 2016

The Inter-Government Agreement (IGA) that governs the ABCB places a strong
emphasis on reducing reliance on regulation, including consideration of non-regulatory
alternatives such as non-mandatory Handbooks.

This Handbook is one of a series produced by the ABCB. The series of Handbooks is
being developed in response to comments and concerns expressed by government,
industry and the community that relate to the built environment. The topics of
Handbooks expand on areas of existing regulation or relate to topics which have, for a
variety of reasons, been deemed inappropriate for regulation. The aim of the
Handbooks is to provide construction industry participants with non-mandatory advice
and guidance on specific topics.

The NCC Volume Two Energy Efficiency Provisions 2016 have been identified as an
area that requires consistent uniform guidance.

The NCC Volume Two Energy Efficiency Provisions Handbook has been developed to
foster an improved understanding of the energy efficiency provisions amongst users of
the NCC and provide examples where relevant. This Handbook addresses the issues in
generic terms, and is not a document that sets out the specific requirements contained
in the NCC, but aims to explain the intent of the provisions. It is expected that this
Handbook will be used to develop solutions relevant to specific situations in accordance
with the generic principles and criteria contained herein.

This Handbook was first published in 2006 and was previously revised in 2010 and
2015. Minor editorial changes were made to this document in 2016 to ensure currency
with NCC 2016.

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The ABCB acknowledges and would like to thank all those who assisted in the
preparation of previous editions of this Handbook including; industry, academia, and
State and Territory Administrations who were kind enough to provide valuable comment
on the text and assistance in the provision of diagrams and photos.

This edition of the Handbook was produced to update content to ensure it remains
consistent with the energy efficiency provisions in NCC 2016.

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Handbook: NCC Volume Two Energy Efficiency Provisions 2016

Table of Contents
Important Notice and Disclaimer .................................................................................. ii

Preface........................................................................................................................... iv

Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................... v

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... vi

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1
Background ............................................................................................................. 1
Scope ................................................................................................................... 1
Style ................................................................................................................... 2
Limitations ............................................................................................................... 3
Other Handbooks by the ABCB............................................................................... 3

2 Definition of Terms................................................................................................ 4
NCC defined terms .................................................................................................. 4
Other relevant terms ............................................................................................. 14
Acronyms .............................................................................................................. 15

3 Energy Efficiency ................................................................................................ 17

Background ........................................................................................................... 17
Greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency ................................................ 18
Greenhouse gas emissions ...................................................................... 18
Energy efficiency ...................................................................................... 19
Philosophy of the NCC requirements .................................................................... 20
Basis of energy efficiency provisions for differing climates.................................... 22
The approach to energy efficient buildings in warmer climates ................ 23
The approach to energy efficient buildings in colder climates................... 23
The approach to energy efficient buildings in temperate climates ............ 24

4 Introduction to the Performance-based NCC ................................................... 25

The Australian Building Codes Board ................................................................... 25
The NCC and the BCA .......................................................................................... 25
Legislation governing building, plumbing and drainage work ................... 26

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Assessment Methods ............................................................................................ 30

Evidence of Suitability .............................................................................. 30
Verification Methods ................................................................................. 30
Expert Judgement .................................................................................... 32
Comparison with the DtS Provisions ........................................................ 35

5 Performance Requirements ............................................................................... 36

Relevant terms used ............................................................................................. 36
List of defined terms ................................................................................. 36
Introduction ............................................................................................... 38
Objective................................................................................................... 39
Functional Statement ................................................................................ 39
Performance Requirements ...................................................................... 40

6 Verification Method V2.6.2.2............................................................................... 46

Relevant terms used ............................................................................................. 46
List of defined terms ................................................................................. 46
Introduction to the Verification Method V2.6.2.2 ....................................... 47
Intent of V2.6.2.2 ...................................................................................... 47
Application of V2.6.2.2.............................................................................. 48
V2.6.2.2 methodology............................................................................... 48

7 Part 3.12.0 - Application of Part 3.12 ................................................................. 57

Relevant terms used ............................................................................................. 57
List of defined terms ................................................................................. 57
Relevant terminology ................................................................................ 57
Introduction to Part 3.12.0 ........................................................................ 57
Scope of Part 3.12.0 ................................................................................. 58
3.12.0 Application of Part 3.12.................................................................. 58 Heating and cooling loads .......................................................... 62

8 Part 3.12.1 - Building Fabric ............................................................................... 64

Relevant terms used ............................................................................................. 64
List of defined terms ................................................................................. 64
Introduction to Part 3.12.1 ........................................................................ 65
Scope of Part 3.12.1 ................................................................................. 65
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Intent of Part 3.12.1 .................................................................................. 66

3.12.1 Application ..................................................................................... 67 Building fabric thermal insulation ................................................ 67 Roofs .......................................................................................... 71 Roof lights................................................................................... 80 External walls ............................................................................. 82 Floors.......................................................................................... 87 Attached Class 10a buildings ..................................................... 92

9 Part 3.12.2 - External Glazing ............................................................................. 95

Relevant terms used ............................................................................................. 95
List of defined terms ................................................................................. 95
Introduction to Part 3.12.2 ........................................................................ 95
The importance of glazing ........................................................................ 97
Scope of Part 3.12.2 ............................................................................... 101
Intent of Part 3.12.2 ................................................................................ 102
3.12.2 Application ................................................................................... 104 External Glazing ....................................................................... 104 Shading .................................................................................... 113
Glazing Calculator .................................................................................. 114
Constants and allowances ...................................................................... 115
Glazing Strategies .................................................................................. 123
Additional Information ............................................................................. 124

10 Part 3.12.3 - Building Sealing ........................................................................... 128

Relevant terms used ........................................................................................... 128
List of defined terms ............................................................................... 128
Introduction to Part 3.12.3 ...................................................................... 128
Scope of Part 3.12.3 ............................................................................... 129
Intent of Part 3.12.3 ................................................................................ 129
3.12.3 Application ................................................................................... 130 - Chimneys and flues ................................................................ 131 - Roof lights .............................................................................. 131 - External windows and doors................................................... 133 - Exhaust fans........................................................................... 133
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Handbook: NCC Volume Two Energy Efficiency Provisions 2016 - Construction of roofs, walls and floors .................................... 133 - Evaporative coolers ................................................................ 134

11 Part 3.12.4 - Air Movement ............................................................................... 135

Relevant terms used ........................................................................................... 135
List of defined terms ............................................................................... 135
Introduction to Part 3.12.4 ...................................................................... 136
Scope of Part 3.12.4 ............................................................................... 136
Intent of Part 3.12.4 ................................................................................ 136
3.12.4 Application ................................................................................... 137 Air movement ........................................................................... 137 Ventilation openings ................................................................. 139 Ceiling fans and evaporative coolers ........................................ 142

12 Part 3.12.5 - Services ........................................................................................ 143

Relevant terms used ........................................................................................... 143
List of defined terms ............................................................................... 143
Introduction to Part 3.12.5 ...................................................................... 143
Scope of Part 3.12.5 ............................................................................... 144
Intent of Part 3.12.5 ................................................................................ 144
3.12.5 Application ................................................................................... 144 Insulation of services ................................................................ 144 Central heating water piping ..................................................... 145 Heating and cooling ductwork................................................... 145 Electric resistance space heating ............................................. 146 Artificial Lighting ....................................................................... 147 Water heater in a heated water supply system ......................... 155 Swimming pool heating and pumping ....................................... 159 Spa pool heating and pumping ................................................. 160

13 State and Territory administration................................................................... 162

Introduction ......................................................................................................... 162
Administering the NCC Requirements .................................................... 162
Application to alterations and additions .................................................. 162

14 Further reading .................................................................................................. 164

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15 Appendix A - NCC Building Classifications .................................................... 165

Clause 1.3.2 Classification .................................................................................. 165

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1 Introduction
This Handbook is not mandatory or regulatory in nature and compliance with it will not
necessarily discharge a user's legal obligations. The Handbook should only be read and
used subject to, and in conjunction with, the general disclaimer at page ii.

The Handbook also needs to be read in conjunction with the building legislation of the
relevant State or Territory. It is written in generic terms and it is not intended that the
content of the Handbook counteract or conflict with the legislative requirements, any
references in legal documents, any handbooks issued by the Administration or any
directives by the Appropriate Authority.

The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) and the former Australian Department of
the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA), developed this Handbook to
assist users with the application and understanding of the National Construction Code
(NCC) Volume Two energy efficiency provisions.

The ABCB prepared the original version of this Handbook in conjunction with a wide
range of stakeholders, including representatives from State and Territory
Administrations and many industry organisations.

This revised edition of the 2010 Handbook has been updated to align with NCC 2016. It
is also based on material presented at national seminars and common technical
enquiries received on the energy efficiency measures. This Handbook can also be used
as a stand-alone information resource on how to work with the energy efficiency

This document is about the NCC and does not contain State or Territory variations or

The objective of this Handbook is to provide details of the current energy efficiency
provisions of NCC Volume Two. This Handbook aims to give practitioners sufficient
knowledge to successfully apply energy efficiency measures at the design, approval
and construction stages of the building process.

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The Handbook has a practical focus. In addition to giving adequate theoretical

knowledge, the Handbook is intended to provide an understanding of the policy
objectives and the technical basis of the NCC requirements. This will enable
practitioners to manage a range of situations where different design and assessment
tools are needed.

The Handbook is structured to first provide the reader with an understanding of

important terms and terminology used in the energy efficiency requirements of NCC
Volume Two and an overall introduction to the concept of energy efficiency.

The following chapters will provide the reader with an understanding of the
performance-based NCC series and its position in the overall building regulatory

The remaining chapters of the Handbook are generally focussed on describing the
intent of the energy efficiency Deemed-to-Satisfy (DtS) Provisions in Part 3.12 of NCC
Volume Two as well as providing examples where relevant.

To assist in explaining the energy efficiency requirements, various coloured boxes are
used throughout the Handbook to highlight examples, important information and
extracts from the NCC. The following describes these in more detail:

Examples are highlighted in orange boxes and are generally used to explain the
application of a particular NCC requirement.

Reminders and alerts are highlighted in pink boxes and are used to remind or alert the
reader to important information that should be considered in conjunction with the
information under discussion.

NCC extract:
Blue highlighted boxes indicate that this text is an extract of the NCC which was current
at the time this Handbook was published.

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This Handbook is not intended to:

• override or replace any legal rights, responsibilities or requirements; or

• provide users with the specifics of the NCC.

This Handbook is intended to make users aware of provisions that may affect them, not
exactly what is required by those provisions. If users determine that a provision may
apply to them, the NCC should be read to determine the specifics of the provision.

Other Handbooks by the ABCB

The ABCB has produced a range of Handbooks and other educational material relating
to topics associated with the NCC. They can be downloaded from the ABCB website.

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2 Definition of Terms
NCC defined terms
The following terms are defined within NCC Volume Two in Part 1.1 and are used
throughout this Handbook. Some relevant defined terms from NCC Volume Three have
also been included. They are all italicised to indicate they are a defined term. A number
of selected defined terms, relevant to the energy efficiency requirements are discussed
in this chapter to assist with interpretation.

Defined terms are amended in NCC Volume Two from time to time so it is important to
always refer to the current edition for the correct explanation of these terms. States and
Territories may also vary or add to the definitions contained in Part 1.1at the relevant
State or Territory addition in Appendix A of NCC Volume Two.

Appropriate Authority means the relevant authority with the statutory responsibility to
determine the particular matter.

This is usually the State or Territory Building and/or Plumbing Authority responsible for
building and plumbing regulatory matters.

Assessment Method means a method used for determining that a Performance

Solution or Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution complies with the Performance Requirements.

Assessment Methods are the means by which a building proponent proves that an
application for a building permit meets all requirements. They are discussed in detail in
Chapter 4.

Climate zone means an area defined in Figure 1.1.4 and Table 1.1.2 of NCC Volume
Two for specific locations, having energy efficiency provisions based on a range of
similar climatic characteristics.

A climate zone is defined as part of Australia with broadly similar climatic conditions.
The zones have been adjusted to simplify use of the NCC provisions. The definition
includes a map of Australia indicating the various climate zones together with a table
specifying the zones for major cities and towns. Refer to Figure 2-1 of this document for
the current NCC climate zone map.

NCC climate zones 1 and 2 are assigned to locations with hot or warm and humid
summers and warm or mild winters where a desire for cooling is likely for most of the

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Climate zones 3 and 4 have hot dry summers and warm or cool winters so that both
cooling and heating may be desirable. In climate zone 4, a need for heating is for more
of the year than a need for cooling.

Climate zone 5 is considered a warm temperate climate with limited need for cooling or
heating although, in balance, the need for heating is likely to be greater.

Climate zones 6 and 7 are considered to be cool temperate climates respectively, with
the winter cold enough to require significant heating.

Climate zone 8 is an alpine climate where heating is the predominant need.

Individual State and Territory versions of the map are available on the ABCB website at The climate zone maps are updated as local government area
changes are brought to the attention of the ABCB. The latest versions should always be

Figure 2-1 NCC Climate zone map

Conditioned space means a space within a building that is heated or cooled by the
building’s domestic services, excluding a non-habitable room in which a heater with a
capacity of not more than 1.2 kW or 4.3 MJ/hour is installed.

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This heating capacity typically relates to that of a bathroom heater.

A garage or shed is an example of a typical non-habitable and un-conditioned space,

but if it were to be air-conditioned then it would have to comply with the requirements.
The intention of the definition is to capture spaces in a dwelling where the air
temperature is to be controlled by artificial heating or cooling. Also note that the
definition varies for Volume One due to the multiple building classifications being

Cooling load means the calculated amount of energy removed from the cooled spaces
of the building annually by artificial means to maintain the desired temperatures in those

It is not the amount of electrical energy used to run the air-conditioner. These two
amounts of energy are not the same, for instance in a typical refrigerative air-
conditioner, approximately a third of a kW of electricity is needed for each 1 kW of
cooling load.

Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions means provisions which are deemed to satisfy the

Performance Requirements.

DtS Provisions make up the bulk of the NCC. If any designer, builder or the like, does
not want to develop a new means of achieving compliance with Performance
Requirements, they can choose to adopt one of the solutions known as DtS Provisions.

DtS Provisions represent a ‘recipe book’ solution where the required performance of
each design element is described in detail.

Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution means a method of satisfying the Deemed-to-Satisfy


Domestic services means the basic engineering systems that use energy or control
the use of energy; and—

(a) includes—
(i) heating, air-conditioning, mechanical ventilation and artificial lighting; and
(ii) pumps and heaters for swimming pools and spa pools; and
(iii) heated water systems; but
(b) excludes cooking facilities and portable appliances.

This addresses the types of basic services installed in a dwelling and which use energy.

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Envelope, for the purposes of Part 2.6 and Part 3.12, means the parts of a building’s
fabric that separate artificially heated or cooled spaces from—

(a) the exterior of the building; or

(b) other spaces that are not artificially heated or cooled.

This term defines parts of a building’s fabric that separates conditioned spaces from the
exterior of the building or from non-conditioned spaces inside the building.

The easiest way to consider the term envelope is to identify the areas of the building
that are conditioned, can be conditioned or constitute a habitable room which is likely to
be conditioned if uncomfortable. The walls, roofs, ceilings and floors that bound a
conditioned space are considered to be the envelope if there is a non-conditioned space
on the other side. That non-conditioned space would include the outside of the building.

The envelope can apply to both internal and external building elements depending on
the location of the conditioned space. Further, a building envelope is not limited to any
one storey and can enclose multiple floors of a building.

Expert Judgement means the judgement of an expert who has the qualifications and
experience to determine whether a Performance Solution or Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution
complies with the Performance Requirements.

Expert judgement may be used to assess a solution against the relevant Performance
Requirements or against the DtS Provisions if use is being made of an equivalent
Assessment Method. Please refer to Chapter 4 for more information.

External wall means an outer wall of a building which is not a separating wall.

Fabric, for the purposes of Part 2.6 and Part 3.12, means the basic building structural
elements and components of a building including the roof, ceilings, walls and floors.

Floor area means, in relation to a room, the area of the room measured within the
finished surfaces of the walls, and includes the area occupied by any cupboard or other
built-in furniture, fixture or fitting.

Glazing, for the purposes of Part 2.6 and Part 3.12, means a transparent or translucent
element and its supporting frame located in the external fabric of the building, and
includes a window other than a roof light.

This means windows, glazed doors or other transparent and translucent elements (such
as glass bricks) including their frames, located in the building fabric.

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Habitable room means a room used for normal domestic activities, and—

(a) includes a bedroom, living room, lounge room, music room, television room,
kitchen, dining room, sewing room, study, playroom, family room, home theatre and
sunroom; but
(b) excludes a bathroom, laundry, water closet, pantry, walk-in wardrobe, corridor,
hallway, lobby, photographic darkroom, clothes-drying room, and other spaces of a
specialised nature occupied neither frequently nor for extended periods.

Heated water means water that has been intentionally heated. It is normally referred to
as hot water or warm water.

This definition is from NCC Volume Three.

Heating load means the calculated amount of energy delivered to the heated spaces of
the building annually by artificial means to maintain the desired temperatures in those

Likewise with the cooling load, it is not the amount of electrical or gas energy used to
heat the room to that temperature. These two amounts of energy are unlikely to be the
same due to the efficiency of the appliance and losses in any reticulation system. If the
heating is by heat pump, approximately a third of a kW of electricity is needed for each
1 kW of heating load.

House energy rating software means software accredited under the Nationwide
House Energy Rating Scheme and is limited to assessing the potential thermal
efficiency of the dwelling envelope.

The definition describes the software accredited under the Nationwide House Energy
Rating Scheme (NatHERS). NatHERS is the Australian Government’s scheme that
facilitates consistent energy ratings from software tools which are used to assess the
potential thermal efficiency of dwelling envelopes. Refer to the NatHERS website at for more information on NatHERS.

Illumination power density (W/m2) means the total of the power that will be consumed
by the lights in a space, including any lamps, ballasts, current regulators and control
devices (other than those that are plugged into socket outlets for intermittent use such
as floor standing lamps, desk lamps or work station lamps), divided by the area of the

This definition has been developed to specify the total amount of power that can be
consumed by the lighting systems in a space, including the effect of lamps, ballasts,

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current regulators and control devices within the fittings. The total is arrived at by
calculating the power used for the space in watts (W) and then dividing this by the floor
area of the space in square metres (m2). Hence the metric used is W/m2.

The area of the space refers to the area the lights serve. This could be considered a
single room, open plan space, verandah, balcony or the like, or the total area of all
these spaces.

Note that lamps plugged into a general power outlet are not covered by this definition as
they are difficult to regulate and are outside the scope of the NCC requirements, and
therefore do not need to comply with the energy efficiency requirements. However, any
hardwired lamp must comply, as must a fitting plugged into an outlet specifically
designed for a lighting appliance.

Refer to Chapter 12 for the energy efficiency requirements for lighting.

Internal wall excludes a separating wall, common wall or party wall.

Lamp power density (W/m2) means the total of the maximum power rating of the
lamps in a space (other than those that are plugged into socket outlets for intermittent
use such as floor standing lamps, desk lamps or work station lamps) divided by the area
of the space.

This definition has been developed to specify the amount of power that can be used in a
space by the lamps alone (excluding lighting ballasts, etc). The total is determined by
adding the maximum power used by all the lamps in a space, in watts (W), and then
dividing this by the floor area of the space in square metres (m2). Therefore the metric
used is W/m2.

Lamp refers to the globe or globes that are to be installed in a permanently wired light
fitting. The maximum power of a lamp is usually marked on the fitting as the maximum
allowable wattage. It is important to note that lamps plugged into a general power outlet
are not covered by this definition. However, a hardwired lamp must comply.

The area of the space refers to the area the lights serve. This could be considered a
single room, open plan space, verandah, balcony or the like, or the total area of all
these spaces.

Lamp power density is a simple means of setting energy consumption at an efficient

level for Class 1 and associated Class 10a buildings.

Refer to Chapter 12 for the energy efficiency requirements for lighting.

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Performance Requirement means a requirement which states the level of

performance which a Performance Solution or Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution must meet.

Performance Solution means a method of complying with the Performance

Requirements other than by a Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution.

A building proponent may decide to meet the Performance Requirements via a route
which is not included in a DtS Provision. This is referred to as a Performance Solution.
Options are available for people wishing to use a Performance Solution to meet a
Performance Requirement, refer to the different Assessment Methods available in
Chapter 4.

Piping means an assembly of pipes, with or without valves or other fittings, connected
together for the conveyance of liquids.

This term is mainly used in Part 3.12.5 to specify the application of insulation for central
heating water piping, so as to limit heat loss.

R-Value (m2.K/W) means the thermal resistance of a component calculated by dividing

its thickness by its thermal conductivity.

The R-Value of a component relates to the component material itself, and does not
include any surface coatings, air gaps or surface resistances.

R-Values are usually not used independently in the energy efficiency provisions, except
in Part 3.12.5 to specify insulation to be added to ductwork and piping to limit heat loss.
In this instance they are referred to as material R-Values.

Otherwise they are used to express a component’s contribution to an insulating system,

in which case, the thermal resistance expression for the system would become Total R-
Value. Refer to the specifications in Chapter 8 for more information about the use of R-
Value’s in wall, floor and roof constructions.

Reference building means a hypothetical building that is used to determine the

maximum allowable heating load and cooling load for the proposed building.

A reference building is used to determine the maximum heating load and cooling load
allowed. This is done by applying the DtS Provisions, along with certain stated criteria,
to a proposed design. The calculated heating load and cooling load is then used to
assess the energy efficiency of the Performance Solution. Refer to Chapter 6 which
discusses the Verification Method V2.6.2.2, for more information.

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Reflective insulation means a building membrane with a reflective surface such as a

reflective foil laminate, reflective barrier, foil batt or the like capable of reducing radiant
heat flow.

This means a material with a reflective surface capable of reducing radiant heat flow
across an adjacent airspace. It may be a sarking-type material that has specific
reflective qualities, such as reflective foil laminate or it may be combined with other
insulation material.

Renewable energy means energy that is derived from sources that are regenerated,
replenished, or for all practical purposes cannot be depleted and the energy sources
include, but are not limited to, solar, wind, hydroelectric, wave action and geothermal.

The definition of renewable energy clarifies what are the sources of operational energy
that do not result in significant greenhouse gas emissions. Examples given include
solar, wind, hydroelectric, wave action and geothermal. For the purpose of the defined
term, an on-site renewable energy source does not include GreenPower.

Required means required to satisfy a Performance Requirement or a Deemed-to-

Satisfy Provision of the Housing Provisions as appropriate.

Roof light means a skylight, window or the like installed in a roof—

(a) to permit natural light to enter the room below; and

(b) at an angle between 0 and 70 degrees measured from the horizontal plane.

A roof light installed over 71 degrees (measured from the horizontal plane) is
considered a window and is covered by the glazing requirements. The figure below
further explains the difference between a roof light and window.

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Figure 2-2 Defined term roof light

Separating wall means a wall that is common to adjoining Class 1 buildings.

Small-scale Technology Certificates means a certificate issued under the

Commonwealth Government’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme.

This definition is from NCC Volume Three.

Swimming pool means any excavation or structure containing water and principally
used, or designed, manufactured or adapted to be principally used for swimming,
wading, paddling, or the like, including a bathing or wading pool, or spa.

Total R-Value (m2.K/W) means the sum of the R-Values of the individual component
layers in a composite element including any building material, insulating material,
airspace and associated surface resistances.

The definition of the Total R-Value of a thermal insulating system covers the various
materials themselves and any surface coatings, air gaps or surface film resistances. As
a minimum, a system must consist of a material plus two surface films, usually an outer
film exposed to a wind velocity and an inner film exposed to a lower velocity.

A brick veneer wall, for example, has at least five components, i.e. the outer air film, the
brickwork, an air gap across the cavity, plaster lining and an inner air film. Bulk
insulation in the frame cavity may be another component, while reflective insulation
provides a reflective surface as well as one more air gap. Refer to 8 for further

Total System Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) means the fraction of incident
irradiance on glazing or a roof light that adds heat to a building’s space.

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The Total System SHGC is a measure of how readily glazing and roof lights transmit the
energy of sunlight and add heat to a building. The Total System SHGC is expressed as
the fraction of incident solar radiation that is admitted through a glazing element or roof
light, whether directly transmitted or absorbed and subsequently released inward by
both glass and frame. Total System SHGC is expressed as a number between 0 and 1.
The lower the glazing element or roof lights Total System SHGC value, the less solar
energy it transmits.

It then follows that the higher the Total System SHGC number the more heat that can
potentially enter the room and the greater the problem for maintaining cooler internal
temperatures in summer. The converse is also true for cooler climates particularly in
winter, where a higher Total System SHGC will allow more heat into the building from
the sun and so can reduce the need for artificial heating.

Total System SHGC is different to heat from the air that is conducted through the
glazing system or roof light because of the temperature difference between the inside
and outside of the building. This property is termed conduction and is covered by Total
System U-Value.

For the purposes of the NCC definition, “total system” is included to ensure that the
whole glazed assembly (including glass and frame) are included in the value.

Total System U-Value (W/m2.K) means the thermal transmittance of the composite
element allowing for the effect of any airspaces and associated surface resistances.

In simple terms, the Total System U-Value is the opposite of the Total R-Value as an
expression. That is, Total System U-Value is the ability of a composite element, such as
glazing, to conduct heat, while the Total R-Value measures the ability of a composite
element, such as a wall construction, to resist heat flow.

A higher Total System U-Value number means the greater the ability of the composite
element to transfer heat through it by conduction. A lower Total System U-Value means
a better insulator. Heat will flow from the warm side to the cool side.

For the purposes of the NCC definition, “total system” is included to ensure that the
whole glazed assembly (including glass and frame) are included in the value.

Ventilation opening means an opening in the external wall, floor or roof of a building
designed to allow air movement into or out of the building by natural means including a
permanent opening, an open able part of a window, a door or other device which can be
held open.

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Verification Method means a test, inspection, calculation or other method that

determines whether a Performance Solution complies with the relevant Performance

Window includes a roof light, glass panel, glass block or brick, glass louvre, glazed
sash, glazed door, or other device which transmits natural light directly from outside a
building to the room concerned when in the closed position.

Other relevant terms

Administration means the State or Territory Government organisation responsible for
the administration of building and/or plumbing legislation in that jurisdiction.

Breeze path is the path from one ventilation opening in a dwelling to another ventilation
opening in the same dwelling, along which air can move freely. The breeze path must
be unimpeded for natural breezes to pass through the dwelling and, in so doing, provide
natural cooling by skin cooling or admission of outside air when conditions are suitable.

Building approval means granting of an approval, building licence, building permit,

building rules, or other forms of consent or certification by an Appropriate Authority.

CO2-e/MJ means equivalent carbon dioxide per megajoule(s).

Evaporative cooling systems are typical for residential dwellings and are usually
placed on the roofs. They are also commonly known as “swampys”. Evaporative coolers
work best in climates where the air is hot and the humidity is low. They operate by
drawing warm outside air into the unit through filter pads made wet by a cold water
supply. The air passing through the pads drops in temperature due to the dry air
becoming more humid. The cool, humidified air is discharged indoors, but must also be
vented through judiciously opened windows and doors in order to avoid a build-up of
humidity and to maintain the efficiency of the evaporation process.

Functional Statement means a statement providing guidance on how buildings and

building elements achieve the Objectives. It is found in explanatory information within
NCC Volume Two.

Greenhouse gas intensity means the average rate of a given pollutant from a given
source relative to the intensity of a specific activity, commonly measured in CO2-e/MJ.

Joule (J) is the SI (international system of measuring units) unit for energy or work.

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Objective means a statement providing guidance on the community expectations of

requirements in the NCC. It is found in explanatory information within NCC Volume

Opaque means a non-transparent building material, i.e. one that does not allow light to
pass through. This includes masonry, timber, stone, fibre cement lining board, etc. A
typical transparent or translucent material would be glass or polycarbonate sheeting.
The term is important to the application of the building fabric and glazing provisions.

Generally, opaque materials such as walls are considered in Part 3.12.1 – Building
Fabric, whereas transparent or translucent elements are typically considered as glazing
in Part 3.12.2 – External Glazing.

Solar absorptance is a measure of the solar radiation, commonly heat, which an object
can absorb. The higher the solar absorptance, the more heat it can absorb. Prior to the
development of newer technologies, the solar absorptance was commonly related to the
colour of a material, where the darker the colour, the higher the absorptance. Lighter
coloured materials are commonly more reflective and absorb less heat.

Visible transmittance is an optical property of glazing that measures how much

daylight comes in through it. Visible transmittance is expressed as a number between 0
and 1. The higher the number, the more light is transmitted.

Watt (W) is the determined metric or SI (international system of measuring units) value
for power and is used to rate electrical motors, appliances, lights etc and in expressing
both energy loads and energy consumption.

The following acronyms are commonly used throughout this Handbook and are listed
here for ease of reference.

ABCB means the Australian Building Codes Board

AFRC means the Australian Fenestration Rating Council

BCA means Building Code of Australia

DtS means Deemed-to-Satisfy

GHG means greenhouse gas

MEPS means the Minimum Energy Performance Standards

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NatHERS means the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme

NCC means the National Construction Code Series

PCA means the Plumbing Code of Australia

STC means a Small-scale Technology Certificate

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3 Energy Efficiency
Since 2006, the Building Code of Australia (BCA) Volumes One and Two have
contained energy efficiency requirements for all building classifications. The inclusion of
energy efficiency measures in the BCA is part of a comprehensive strategy that was
undertaken by the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments to reduce
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Climate change is considered an issue of major significance for all of us. Most of the
world's leading scientists agree that climate change is occurring due in large part to
human activity. This presents challenges for the way we live and work and will require
action from industry, governments at all levels, the broader community and individuals.

On 20 November 1997, the then Prime Minister released a statement: “Safeguarding

the Future: Australia’s Response to Climate Change”. In this statement, a range of
requirements was announced to address global warming including the need to seek
energy savings from the built environment through the introduction of mandatory
minimum energy performance standards for all classes of buildings. After a period of
consultation with the building industry and key stakeholders, the Australian Government
announced in July 2000 that all State and Territory Governments had agreed to
introduce mandatory energy efficiency standards into the BCA in order to reduce GHG
emissions attributable to the operation of buildings.

The first stage of the initiative was to introduce energy efficiency measures for housing
into BCA Volume Two on 1 January 2003. The second stage was to introduce energy
measures for multi-residential buildings into BCA Volume One on 1 May 2005.

The third stage was to introduce energy efficiency measures for all other building
classifications in BCA Volume One for BCA 2006. Also in 2006, the provisions for
housing were increased in stringency to 5 star or equivalent.

In 2009 the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) announced that it would ask the
ABCB to increase the stringency of all buildings for BCA 2010; with housing to a 6 star
or equivalent level. Refer to Figure 3-1 for a timeline showing when the energy
efficiency requirements were introduced into the NCC.

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Figure 3-1 NCC Energy efficiency requirements - timeline

Since 2010 there have been only been minor changes to the energy efficiency
provisions as a result of the Proposal-for-Change (PFC) process and ABCB project
work. One of the most significant changes since 2010 was the relocation of the heated
water provisions from NCC Volumes One and Two to NCC Volume Three – the
Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA).

Greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency

Greenhouse gas emissions

What are greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases are a natural part of the Earth’s atmosphere. They trap the sun’s
warmth and maintain the Earth’s surface temperature at a level necessary to support
life. The problem we now face is that human activities, particularly the burning of fossil
fuels (such as coal, oil and natural gas) and land clearing, are increasing the
concentrations of these gases in the atmosphere, causing global climate change.

What are the effects?

It is understood that the climate is changing and known temperatures, rainfall and
climatic patterns will change as a result. The impacts may be both positive and negative
affecting the distribution of plants and animals, the frequency of storms and floods and
the spread of weeds, pests and diseases which may influence agriculture and our

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Energy efficiency

Why regulate buildings for energy use?

While the building sector is not the largest contributor to GHG emissions, it is one of the
fastest growing sources. Energy used in buildings accounts for almost 20% of all energy
related GHG emissions.

Improving the energy efficiency of buildings therefore represents one of the most cost-
effective ways to reduce GHG emissions in Australia. The use of renewable or low GHG
intensity fuels can also reduce the GHG emission rate.

Consequently, the construction industry has an extremely important role in the

abatement of Australia’s GHG emissions and in delivering economic, as well as social
and environmental benefits to the community.

How is energy efficiency being progressed in our industry?

A multi-pronged approach has been adopted by the Australian Government to improve
the energy efficiency of buildings. Support has been provided by government and
industry for the introduction of minimum energy efficiency Performance Requirements in
NCC Volume One and Two which are aimed at setting a community agreed baseline.
Industry and consumers are being encouraged to embrace voluntary best-practice
initiatives, and minimum energy performance standards have been developed for major
items of equipment used in buildings.

The Commonwealth, State and Territory governments have a range of programs aimed
at improving the energy efficiency of the building stock.

The ABCB commissioned and prepared many technical reports that have informed
development of the energy efficiency provisions. These can be requested from the
ABCB via the ‘Contact Us’ page of the ABCB website.

What is energy?
For the purposes of the NCC energy efficiency provisions, “energy” is the electricity,
gas, oil or other fuels used in buildings for heating, cooling or ventilation, for lighting or
heated water supply or to operate other domestic services. The NCC addresses
operational energy and does not consider the energy embodied in building materials or
invested in the construction and recycling of buildings, which is known as a product’s
‘life cycle’. The NCC requirements for housing do not apply to portable appliances (such
as refrigerators, office equipment and the like) which are often subject to separate
government schemes such as Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS).

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Burning coal, natural gas and other fuels to produce electricity releases GHG’s into the
atmosphere unless the source is one of the few considered renewable sources.
Renewable sources include photovoltaic (solar) cells, hydroelectric and wind driven
generators. Even these sources will be responsible for emissions at some part of their
life cycle. The NCC recognises low-emitting energy sources through its Performance
Requirements, Verification Methods and DtS Provisions. Since most of the energy
consumed in buildings comes from GHG emitting sources, reducing energy use will also
reduce emissions and their unwanted impacts.

What is energy efficiency?

Energy efficiency is the prudent, or smart, use of energy resulting from regulatory
requirements and voluntary choices in comparison to the amount of energy that would
otherwise have been consumed. Reducing energy consumption by making buildings
less comfortable and less amenable would result in energy savings but would lead to a
lower quality of life, loss of productivity and, possibly poor health. The desired outcome
is using less energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting and other domestic
services whilst maintaining expected standards in these areas. This is the aim of the
NCC requirements.

In relation to dwellings, energy efficiency provisions are two-fold: firstly, related to the
structure; and secondly related to the fixed services within the structure. This means
improving the performance of domestic services that directly consume energy (such as
lighting, air-conditioning and heating), and having greater control over the way that heat
flows into and out of the building through its fabric. The dwelling design, material
selection, and construction determine the amount of heat flowing in and out of the
structure. This heat flow determines how hard the domestic services have to work.
Better fabric thermal performance can mean a smaller air-conditioner, running for less
time, as well as reducing the need for heating or cooling in the first instance. A
combination of these elements, as well as occupant behaviour, contributes to the total
amount of energy consumed.

The stock of buildings grows every year and typical Australian buildings remain in use
for many decades. Adding buildings to the stock with poor energy efficiency means that
GHG emissions will continue to increase and their impact will be felt for a very long

Philosophy of the NCC requirements

Since 2003, the BCA has included Performance Requirements, Verification Methods
and DtS Provisions with the objective of reducing GHG emissions by efficiently using
energy and by using renewable energy or energy from low GHG intensity sources.

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Housing requirements were introduced first, followed by requirements for Class 2 and 3
buildings (apartments and hotels) and Class 4 parts (e.g. a caretaker’s residence) and,
finally, other building classifications. The energy efficiency requirements take into
account the -

• performance of the house including—

• building fabric e.g. walls, floors and roofs;
• external glazing and shading;
• sealing of the building;
• effects of air movement; and
• performance of the house’s domestic services including--
• insulation and sealing of ductwork and central heating water piping;
• space heating,
• artificial lighting; and
• heated water supply system and the heating and pumping of swimming pools
and spas.

The philosophy underpinning these provisions is that both economic and human comfort
benefits are achieved by having a dwelling designed with greater levels of energy
efficiency. The house’s interior is likely to stay warmer in cold weather and cooler in hot
weather. When the internal environment conditions are tolerable for the occupants, it
should minimise the need for artificial cooling and/or heating. This can reduce the size
of any equipment needed and reduce the amount of energy the occupants use.
Consequently, this can reduce the amount of GHG emissions attributable to a dwelling’s
artificial heating and cooling.

A common question asked is ‘isn’t this all about occupant comfort?’ The answer is not
directly, because comfort is a subjective perception that varies between individual
occupants. However, if we can produce houses that keep conditions inside comfortable,
the occupants will be less likely to use heating or cooling services, thereby reducing
energy demand and GHG emissions.

However optimal comfort is not specifically the objective of the NCC. Nor is it directly
reflected in the Performance Requirements or DtS Provisions. Making buildings
inherently comfortable and reducing potential heat stress of occupants are by-products
of the overall NCC energy efficiency requirements.

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Basis of energy efficiency provisions for differing climates

The energy efficiency requirements are generally based on eight broadly defined
climate regions, termed the NCC climate zones. Figure 2-1 in Chapter 2 shows the NCC
climate zone map. As can be seen from the figure the climate zones are based on both
climate data and local government boundaries, so it may change from time to time in
response to changes in those local government boundaries.

The energy efficiency requirements will vary from location to location depending upon
the climate zone. For simplicity, locations with approximately similar climates have been
combined. They are shown in both map format and tabular format for the major cities.

The eight NCC climate zones were based on a list of six zones that were developed by
the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), with the addition of a third temperate zone and the
inclusion of the existing BCA alpine areas. The basis of each climate zone is shown in
Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Basis of NCC climate zones

Average Average
Average 3 pm Average
Climate January annual
Description January water July mean
zones maximum heating
vapour pressure temperature
temperature degree days
High humidity
1 summer, ≥ 2.1 kPa ≥ 30°C - -
warm winter
Warm humid
2 summer, mild ≥ 2.1 kPa ≥ 30°C - -
Hot dry
3 summer, < 2.1 kPa < 30°C ≥ 14°C -
warm winter
Hot dry
4 summer, cool < 2.1 kPa ≥ 30°C < 14°C -
5 < 2.1 kPa < 30°C - ≤ 1,000
6 < 2.1 kPa < 30°C - 1,000 to 1,999
≥ 2,000 other
7 < 2.1 kPa < 30°C - than Alpine

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Average Average
Average 3 pm Average
Climate January annual
Description January water July mean
zones maximum heating
vapour pressure temperature
temperature degree days

Note: For Climate Zone 8 - BCA Alpine areas, determined as per NCC Volume Two

Where appropriate, the map was then adjusted for ease of administration, by aligning
the climate zone boundaries with local government areas, where local knowledge
identified the impact of topographical features such as an escarpment or significant
microclimate variation, and where the type of construction required in another zone was
felt to be more appropriate for a particular location.

There were further minor adjustments made to some zones following thermal modelling
tests of a typical building around the country. These zones are considered sufficiently
accurate for the DtS Provisions. More extensive climate data is available when using
house energy analysis software to meet the Performance Requirements, rather than the
elemental DtS Provisions.

The approach to energy efficient buildings in warmer climates

For Australia’s hotter or warmer climates, climate zones 1, 3 and, to a degree, 2, the
intent is to limit the need for cooling services which generally use electricity. Electricity
has a higher GHG intensity than natural gas which is often used for heating. In these
climates, heating is needed less frequently if at all.

The NCC Volume Two elemental DtS Provisions for these locations, such as thermal
insulation, favourable orientation and shading of glazing, sealing against air infiltration
and other requirements, are primarily aimed at reducing unwanted heat gain. Unwanted
heat gain may increase discomfort levels in the building to a point where the occupants
would want to turn on an air-conditioning system.

External glazing can be the main avenue for unwanted heat gain in summer or
throughout the year in the hottest climates. Chapter 9 discusses in detail the impact of
external glazing.

The approach to energy efficient buildings in colder climates

The coldest climates are found in climate zones 7 and 8, where climate zone 8 is the
only strictly alpine climate. For houses in these cold climates, the intent is primarily to

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reduce the need for heating services although there may still be some use of cooling
services during summer. Provisions addressing the thermal insulation of the envelope,
the size and type of external glazing used and the level of air infiltration are mainly
aimed at reducing unwanted heat loss through the envelope, while making use of
wintertime solar gains.

External glazing can be the main avenue for heat loss unless the glazing has enhanced
insulating properties and is appropriately oriented.

Heat loss may cause temperatures in the house to drop to a point where the occupants
will turn on the heating system. Reducing heat loss (via the envelope) and promoting
natural heat gains (via the glazing receiving winter sun) can reduce the need for heating
services in a house located in a cold climate.

The approach to energy efficient buildings in temperate climates

Many Australians live in areas that have four distinct seasonal changes a year. These
areas are found in climate zones 4, 5 and 6, with even climate zone 2 in this category to
some degree. These climate zones have warm to hot summers and cool to cold winters.
Spring and autumn temperature ranges are generally mild. Air-conditioning systems will,
at different times, have a need for both heating and cooling to cater for the extremes of
the seasons and, therefore, the NCC measures address both heating and cooling.

Thermal treatment of the building envelope is beneficial in both hotter and colder
weather. In summer, limiting heat gain can reduce the desire of occupants to run any
cooling services installed. In winter, the building fabric can reduce the heat loss to the
outside and can also promote solar heat gains through good orientation and treatment
of glazing to offset the conductive heat losses.

Design alert:
Remember, some cooling or heating services are likely to be installed in houses. The
NCC Volume Two measures are attempting to reduce their use or how hard they work,
not eradicate them.

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4 Introduction to the Performance-based NCC

The Australian Building Codes Board
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) is a joint initiative of all three levels of
government in Australia and includes representatives from the building and plumbing
industries. The Board was established by an Inter-government Agreement (IGA) signed
by the Commonwealth, States and Territories on 1 March 1994.

The Board’s mission is to address issues relating to safety, health, amenity and
sustainability in the design and performance of buildings through the NCC and the
development of effective regulatory systems and appropriate non-regulatory solutions.

For further information about the Board and the ABCB office, visit the ABCB website at

The NCC and the BCA

The ABCB is, amongst other roles, the code writing body for the States and Territories.
The series of construction codes is collectively named the NCC. The NCC is a uniform
set of technical provisions for building work and plumbing and drainage installations
throughout Australia whilst allowing for variations in climate and geological conditions.
The NCC comprises the Building Code of Australia (BCA) Volumes One and Two; and
the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA), as Volume Three.

NCC Volume One pertains primarily to Class 2 to Class 9 buildings while NCC Volume
Two pertains primarily to Class 1 and 10 buildings. NCC Volume Three pertains
primarily to plumbing and drainage associated with all classes of buildings. See
Appendix A - NCC Building Classifications of this Handbook for details of the NCC
building classifications.

All three volumes are drafted in a performance-based format allowing flexibility to

develop Performance Solutions based on existing or new innovative building, plumbing
and drainage products, systems and designs, or the use of the DtS Provisions to
develop a DtS Solution.

To assist in interpreting the requirements of NCC Volume One, the ABCB also
publishes a non-mandatory Guide to Volume One. For NCC Volumes Two and Three,
clearly identified non-mandatory explanatory information boxes are included in the text
to assist users.

This Handbook is primarily concerned with the energy efficiency requirements in NCC
Volume Two.

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Legislation governing building, plumbing and drainage work

The NCC is given legal effect by relevant legislation in each State and Territory. This
legislation prescribes or “calls up” the NCC to fulfil any technical requirements which
have to be satisfied when undertaking building work or plumbing and drainage

Each State and Territory’s legislation consists of an Act of Parliament and subordinate
legislation which empowers the regulation of certain aspects of building work or
plumbing and drainage installations, and contains the administrative provisions
necessary to give effect to the legislation.

The NCC should be read in conjunction with the legislation under which it is enacted.
Any queries on such matters should be referred to the State or Territory authority
responsible for building and/or plumbing regulatory matters. Please refer to Figure 4-1

Figure 4-1 Building and plumbing regulatory structure

The NCC Compliance Structure

Practitioners must meet the Performance Requirements. This can be achieved by using
a Performance Solution, a DtS Solution, or a combination of both.

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The top level of the NCC Compliance Structure is the compliance level, the
Performance Requirements. The bottom level is the compliance solution, which are a
Performance Solution or DtS Solution.

The structure of the performance based NCC is shown in Figure 4-2 below.

Figure 4-2 NCC Compliance Structure

Whilst the performance-based hierarchy applies to all three volumes of the NCC, since
this Handbook is primarily focussed on the energy efficiency requirements contained in
NCC Volume Two – the BCA, the descriptions used below are relevant to building only.

The Performance Requirements

The Performance Requirements specify the minimum level of performance which must
be met for all relevant building materials, components, design factors, and construction
methods. They are the core of the NCC and are the only parts of the code with which
compliance is mandatory1. They are expressed in both quantitative and qualitative

The Performance Requirements set the level of performance that must be achieved by
a compliance solution.

The Objectives and Functional Statements provide guidance as to the intent and
interpretation of the Performance Requirements. They are provided as explanatory
information with the Performance Requirements in Part 2 of NCC Volume Two.

The General Requirements of NCC Volume Two contain additional mandatory requirements. They are found in
Section 1.

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Meeting the Performance Requirements

The compliance solutions are the means of satisfying the Performance Requirements.
The NCC provides for different approaches being: a Performance Solution, a DtS
Solution or a combination of these. This is found in the General Requirements of NCC
Volume Two in 1.0.2.

The Performance Requirements can only be satisfied by a –
(a) Performance Solution; or
(b) Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution; or
(c) a combination of (a) and (b).

DtS Solutions
A DtS Solution uses the DtS Provisions and any referenced documents contained within
the NCC. These provisions include examples of materials, components, design factors,
construction and installation methods which, if followed in full, will result in compliance
with the Performance Requirements of the NCC. The DtS Provisions for energy
efficiency are contained in Part 3.12 of NCC Volume Two.

Performance Solutions
A Performance Solution is any solution that can meet the Performance Requirements,
other than by a DtS Solution. A Performance Solution may differ in whole or part from
the DtS Provisions, but will still meet the Performance Requirements as long as it can
be successfully demonstrated to the Appropriate Authority how this will be achieved.

When developing a Performance Solution, one or more of the Assessment Methods

contained in the NCC must be used.

Assessment Methods
Assessment Methods are used to determine whether a Performance Solution or DtS
Solution complies with the relevant Performance Requirements.

The following Assessment Methods are listed in the NCC and each, or any combination,
can be used:

(a) Evidence of Suitability

(b) Verification Methods
(c) Expert Judgement.

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(d) Comparison with the DtS Provisions

These four Assessment Methods will be discussed later in this chapter. Figure 4-3
below outlines the performance-based compliance framework of the NCC.

Figure 4-3 Performance based compliance framework

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Assessment Methods

Evidence of Suitability
This Assessment Method can be used for both a Performance Solution and a DtS
Solution. This Assessment Method is located in NCC Volume Two Part 1.2 clause 1.2.2.

Evidence of suitability can generally be used to support a material, form of construction

or design that satisfies either a Performance Requirement or a DtS Provision.

The form of evidence that may be used consists of one, or a combination, of the
following forms:

(a) report from a Registered Testing Authority;

(b) a Certificate of Conformity or a Certificate of Accreditation;
(c) a certificate from a professional engineer or appropriately qualified person;
(d) a current certificate issued by a product certification body that has been accredited
by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ);
(e) any other form of documentary evidence that adequately demonstrates suitability.

Design alert:
The glazing and lighting performance characteristics specified in NCC Volume Two
need to be proven using documentary evidence in accordance with clause 1.2.2. For
example, this may be achieved by using the glazing and lighting calculations located in
Part 3.12.2 and Part 3.12.5 or the use of the ABCB Glazing and Lighting Calculators.

Verification Methods

What is a Verification Method?

In simple terms a Verification Method is a means of demonstrating that a Performance

Solution complies with the relevant Performance Requirement. It may take a number of
forms including a test, inspection, calculation, another method, or a combination of

What is a test?
A test verifies that a certain product or system achieves a certain performance level.

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An example of a test to demonstrate compliance with a Performance Requirement

would be an on-site field test to determine the actual thermal performance of a window
installed in a building.

What is an inspection?
An inspection to verify whether a Performance Solution satisfies a Performance
Requirement could include an inspection to ensure that a component is constructed or
installed in a manner that satisfies the Performance Requirement. The inspection may
need to be undertaken by an appropriately qualified person.

What is meant by calculation?

Engineering calculations, including computer modelling, may be able to be used to
verify that a design will achieve a desired result, i.e. meet a Performance Requirement.
An example of this is the calculation methodology adopted in the Verification Method
V2.6.2.2 discussed in Chapter 6.

What is meant by another method?

This allows any other suitable method to prove that a design, construction or individual
component meets a Performance Requirement.

The number of possible Verification Methods can be endless depending on the

situation, construction restraints and Performance Requirements to be met.

Due to the broad definition, there are many options available for use as a Verification
Method. However, there must be agreement with the Appropriate Authority on whether
the Verification Method is appropriate.

Ultimately, a Verification Method provides a methodology under which a Performance

Solution can be assessed and generally includes a quantifiable benchmark or
predetermined acceptable criteria that the solution must achieve.

There are two types of Verification Methods that can be used:

(a) the Verification Method contained in NCC Volume Two; and

(b) the Verification Methods that the Appropriate Authority accepts for determining
compliance with the Performance Requirements.

Verification Method V2.6.2.2

The Verification Method contained in NCC Volume Two is V2.6.2.2 Verification using a
reference building.

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If used, Verification Method V2.6.2.2 requires a dwelling to have calculated annual

energy consumption not more than that predicted by computer simulation for a dwelling
built using the DtS Provisions.

This Verification Method is similar to the Assessment Method ‘Comparison with the DtS
Provisions’ described later in this chapter, but with certain constraints.

Verification Method V2.6.2.2 uses a reference building, which complies with the DtS
Provisions to determine the annual energy consumption. This quantifiable benchmark is
the predetermined acceptance criteria that the proposed building design must meet.

The annual energy consumption for the proposed building is then calculated, using the
same thermal calculation method. The acceptance criteria outlined above means that
the annual energy consumption of the proposed design must be no greater than the
quantifiable benchmark calculated by the reference building. This Verification Method is
discussed in detail in Chapter 6.

In previous versions of NCC Volume Two there were other Verification Methods:
V2.6.2.1, Verification using a stated value and V2.6.3 Verification for a heater in a hot
water supply system. The approach in Verification Method V2.6.2.1 was based on
heating and/or cooling loads using energy rating tools to meet the Performance
Requirement and has since been accommodated in the DtS Provisions of Part 3.12.
The Verification Method V2.6.3 was relocated as a result of consolidating the heated
water requirements into NCC Volume Three, the Plumbing Code of Australia.

Other Verification Methods

Other Verification Methods, by definition, allow almost any methodology or procedure to
be used to verify a Performance Solution, subject to that method being suitable and
used in the appropriate way.

An example of another Verification Method may be the use of an overseas code or

standard, noting this must be assessed and approved by the Appropriate Authority as
being appropriate for use.

Expert Judgement
Where physical criteria are unable to be tested or modelled by calculation, the opinion
of a technical expert may be accepted. This is referred to as the use of Expert
Judgement, that is, the judgement of a person who has the qualifications and
experience necessary to determine whether a Performance Solution or DtS Solution
complies with the Performance Requirements.

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In some instances, there can be a degree of overlap between Expert Judgement and
other Assessment Methods.

In deciding whether a person is an expert, a number of questions should be asked; and

suggestions on the types of questions are detailed below. This is especially relevant for
the Approval Authority accepting a particular person as an expert even prior to the
subjective judgement being made.

Each situation may be different, so the capacity of the expert to provide credible
evidence in regards to the issue under consideration must be individually assessed.

Who is an expert?
The NCC defines an “expert” in the context of making an Expert Judgement. The NCC
definition of Expert Judgement is the judgement of a person who has the qualifications
and experience to determine whether a Performance Solution or DtS Solution complies
with the NCC Performance Requirement.

Example: Expert
A scientist experienced in the design, construction and testing of thermal properties of
masonry may be considered an expert on the insulating properties of mud brick.

Is the person providing the Expert Judgement eligible to be a member of

the relevant association?
There is no specific need for a person to be a member of any relevant organisation or
association. However, where appropriate, the eligibility of a person to be a member may
demonstrate that the person has an appropriate level of qualifications and experience.

This can be used as only one component in determining the appropriateness of a

person to be considered an expert for the purposes of NCC assessment. This is
because the degree of experience and the level of qualification necessary to provide an
expert opinion differ in each case.

Are the qualifications and experience of the person still current and
It is important to ensure that the person’s qualifications (when considered appropriate
for the particular circumstance) and experience are still current. A person who has not
been practising for 10 years in the relevant field may be considered inappropriate to
provide Expert Judgement for a specific Performance Solution or DtS Solution. The

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appropriate type of experience is one of the major factors that should be used for
determining whether a person is acceptable to be an expert.

Does the person have the appropriate level and type of professional
indemnity insurance?
In many cases, it would be considered prudent to ensure that the person providing the
Expert Judgement has the appropriate level of professional indemnity insurance. In
some States and Territories, legislation requires building practitioners to have this type
of insurance.

Example 1 - Expert Judgement

A building is proposed to comply with the DtS Provisions of Parts 3.12 to 3.12.5. The
glazing is assessed under Part 3.12.2. Shading is required to windows on the north
elevation and it is proposed to use a steel pergola for this purpose. An external shading
device in the form of slats will be fixed to the pergola. The DtS Provisions under Clause require a shading device to be capable of restricting at least 80% of the
summer solar radiation.

Due to the requirements of the architect’s design and the Planning Permit, the fixed
slats will restrict only 70% of the summer solar radiation but a reveal has been added to
the glazing openings.

An expert has been commissioned to assess this proposed Performance Solution. The
expert has concluded that due to the orientation, the proposed external fabric, roof
construction and the additional reveal that the building will achieve an overall better
energy efficiency than a building constructed to comply with the 80% shading
requirement under the DtS Provisions.

This example is a typical case of a comparative assessment with the DtS Provisions
where only a minor variation to the DtS Provisions is proposed. The expert has not
needed to carry out full calculations via a thermal calculation method due to the minor
nature and the possible limitations of the available software.

The expert assessed the building and determined that the minor non-compliance in one
aspect will not cause the building to be less energy efficient than a building that
complies with the DtS Provisions.

An example is provided below where the proposed design may not be considered a
minor variation to the DtS Provisions and where the expert is required to determine the
performance of a particular material.

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Example 2: Expert Judgement

It is proposed that a house use a Performance Solution as it is to be constructed with
external walls made from reused blue stone blocks. It is claimed that the thermal mass
of the stone blocks exceed the benefit obtained under the DtS Provisions for high mass
walls with a surface density of 220 kg/m2.

A report on the thermal properties of the external wall construction is provided to the
Appropriate Authority from a person who is considered to be an expert. The report
concludes that the walls meet the relevant NCC Performance Requirement, and the
Appropriate Authority assesses the expert’s qualifications and experience and deems
them acceptable.

The Appropriate Authority must then assess the report to determine whether all the
relevant issues applicable to the proposed Performance Solution have been addressed.
If the report addresses all the parameters, the Appropriate Authority may accept the
report’s findings.

Comparison with the DtS Provisions

This Assessment Method involves a comparative analysis, which would demonstrate
that a Performance Solution is better than, or at least equivalent to, the DtS
Provision(s). To carry out this comparison, the applicable DtS Provision(s) and
Performance Solution would both need to be subjected to the same level of analysis
using the same methodology. This would provide the building designer and Appropriate
Authority with a defined benchmark or level for the DtS Provision(s) and the
Performance Solution.

Following this path, it is possible to determine whether the Performance Solution

provides the same level of energy efficiency as that resulting from the use of the DtS
Provisions. In some cases, technical analysis would be carried out using calculation
methods such as computer modelling.

If it is found that the Performance Solution is equal to or better than the DtS Provision, it
can be concluded that the Performance Solution proposal satisfies the NCC
Performance Requirements.

Note that there is a degree of overlap in the available Assessment Methods, for
example V2.6.2.2 is a Verification Method, which uses a comparative analysis
methodology with pre-set input parameters.

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5 Performance Requirements
Relevant terms used

List of defined terms

The following is a list of defined terms used throughout this chapter. Further explanation
of these terms can be found in Chapter 2.

• Appropriate Authority
• Climate zones
• Domestic services
• DtS Provisions
• Envelope
• Performance Requirement
• Performance Solution
• Renewable energy
• Swimming pool
• Verification Method

Relevant terminology
The following terms and phrases are used throughout this chapter and are explained


The word “capable” is used in the Functional Statement and is important, as energy
consumption in a dwelling is highly dependent on how the dwelling is used. Energy
efficiency cannot be assured simply by including appropriate requirements into the
dwelling as it also needs to be operated, managed and maintained in an appropriate

“Capable” is also used to cover buildings that may not initially have domestic services
installed. Many buildings are constructed with minimum domestic services provided;
allowing the occupants or tenants to install their own preferred domestic services at a
later stage. As such, the NCC Volume Two energy efficiency requirements must be
capable of catering for these domestic services after the base dwelling is constructed.

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Efficient use of energy

P2.6.1 refines the intention of the Objective and covers those aspects of the building
fabric that must be considered for the dwelling to achieve the required thermal

The term “facilitate” is used in the Performance Requirement P2.6.1 to highlight the
need to consider energy efficiency measures in a dwelling where it is likely that an
artificial heating or cooling system will be installed. This also includes situations where
artificial cooling is not installed during construction but is considered likely to be installed
at some point during the lifetime of the dwelling.

Factors influencing the likelihood of artificial cooling being installed later include:

• dwelling alterations or additions resulting in a need to contain artificially cooled

• post occupancy need to cool the dwelling beyond what can be naturally
• the likelihood of changing occupant needs; and
• increased capacity to afford artificial cooling.

The term also indicates that energy efficiency is not an assured outcome but may be
achieved if the dwelling is used and maintained correctly. Energy consumption is still
deemed to be largely dependent on occupant behaviour and their interaction with a
building; the NCC does not regulate occupant behaviour.

Functional Statement

This means a statement providing guidance on how buildings and building elements
achieve the Objectives. It is found in explanatory information within NCC Volume Two.

Greenhouse gas intensity

An emission intensity is the average emission rate of a given pollutant from a given
source relative to the intensity of a specific activity; for example grams of carbon dioxide
(g CO2-e) released per megajoule of energy produced. It is used in the Performance
Requirement P2.6.2 to limit the type of energy sources used for heating.

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This means a statement providing guidance on the community expectations of

requirements in the NCC. It is found in explanatory information within NCC Volume

In P2.6.1(d) of the Performance Requirement, the term “permanent” is used to describe
features which will have a long term impact on the house. This could include natural
features of the landscape, such as mountains and escarpments, while permanent man-
made features would include houses likely to be in place for a long period of time.

To the degree necessary

The term “to the degree necessary” has been included in the Performance Requirement

(a) there may be a minimum energy consumption below which it may be unnecessary
or impractical to require energy efficiency features;
(b) there may be dwellings in some situations; where it may be unnecessary or
impractical to require energy efficiency features; and
(c) some of the features may not be appropriate for some dwellings.

It may also be inappropriate to require energy efficiency in some instances, for example
where there may be a conflict with health or safety requirements. Another example of
when it may be impractical to regulate for energy efficiency may be a remote hut that is
occupied on an infrequent basis.

The term also accounts for specific situations where there may not be a need to provide
heating and cooling. For example, free-running dwellings where the design intent and
construction techniques used in the design means the inclusion of artificial cooling at
the time of construction, or post-occupancy, is highly unlikely. Significant alterations
would be needed to enable the containment of conditioned air in free-running dwellings,
which would be likely to require new building approval.

The purpose of this Chapter is to explain the energy efficiency Performance
Requirements in Part 2.6 of NCC Volume Two.

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This Chapter reviews the intent of the energy efficiency measures in Part 2.6 via the
Objective and Functional Statement of Part 3.12 and the mandatory Performance
Requirements of P2.6.1 and P2.6.2.

It further explains the wording used within the Performance Requirements to provide a
clearer understanding of the terminology used as well as provide an enhanced
perspective on the intent of Part 2.6.

Objectives and Functional Statements are used to provide guidance on the intent and
interpretation of the Performance Requirements. They are provided as explanatory
information with the Performance Requirements in Part 2 of NCC Volume Two.

The objective of Part 2.6 (from the explanatory information in NCC Volume Two) is O2.6
and states:

“The Objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

This reflects the Governments’ policy of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
This Objective was stated in a Council of Australian Governments communiqué
following its meeting of 30 April 2009 prior to the BCA 2010 changes.

The Objective to reduce GHG emissions and improve energy efficiency plays a key part
in achieving this goal. It should also be noted that the primary goal is not optimal
occupant comfort. The measures are based on achieving an internal environment in
which conditions are sufficiently moderate for occupants to minimise their use of
artificial heating and cooling.

The energy used over the life of a dwelling can be broken into two distinct components:
an operational energy component and an embodied energy component. Operational
energy is the energy used during occupation/operation of the dwelling and the GHG
emissions attributable from the operational component is the focus of the NCC

The Objective also does not have a limitation or application clause, which means that it
applies to all buildings covered by NCC Volume Two.

Functional Statement
The Functional Statement relevant to Part 2.6 of NCC Volume Two is F2.6 and states:

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To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to the degree necessary—

(a) a building, including its domestic services, is to be capable of efficiently using
energy; and
(b) a building’s domestic services for heating are to obtain their energy from—
(i) a low greenhouse gas intensity source; or
(ii) an on-site renewable energy source; or
(iii) another process as reclaimed energy.

The Functional Statement recognises that there are two key contributors to GHG
emissions from dwellings. The first is the amount of energy the dwelling and its
domestic services use and the second is the GHG intensity of the energy source.

From an emissions perspective, renewable energy is assumed to be better than natural

gas which is better than fuel oil which is better than electricity generated from coal.

In general terms, renewable energy is energy generated from natural resources such as
sunlight, wind, tides and geothermal heat, which are renewable (naturally replenished
and available). For a house, likely sources include solar, geothermal and wind.

The Functional Statement also clarifies that any renewable energy must be on the
allotment to gain a concession. Greenpower supplied over the distribution network does
not qualify because the dwelling owner might stop using it at any time during the
dwelling’s lifetime. The Australian Government’s requirement for a certain percentage of
the electrical energy provided by the grid to be generated from renewable sources also
cannot be considered.

Like the Objective, the Functional Statement does not have a limitation or application
clause and so is relevant to all buildings covered by NCC Volume Two.

Performance Requirements
The Performance Requirements specified in Part 2.6 of the NCC Volume Two are as

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P2.6.1 Building
A building must have, to the degree necessary, a level of thermal performance to
facilitate the efficient use of energy for artificial heating and cooling appropriate to—
(a) the function and use of the building; and
(b) the internal environment; and
(c) the geographic location of the building; and
(d) the effects of nearby permanent features such as topography, structures and
buildings; and
(e) solar radiation being—
(i) utilised for heating; and
(ii) controlled to minimise energy for cooling; and
(f) the sealing of the building envelope against air leakage; and
(g) the utilisation of air movement to assist cooling.
P2.6.1 Services
Domestic services, including any associated distribution system and components must,
to the degree necessary—
(a) have features that facilitate the efficient use of energy appropriate to—
(i) the domestic service and its usage; and
(ii) the geographic location of the building; and
(iii) the location of the domestic service; and
(iv) the energy source; and
(b) obtain heating energy from—
(i) a source that has a greenhouse gas intensity that does not exceed 100 g CO2-
e/MJ of thermal energy load; or
(ii) an on-site renewable energy source; or
(iii) another process as reclaimed energy.

Performance Requirement P2.6.1 relates to the thermal performance of a building that

is needed in order to facilitate the efficient use of energy for artificial heating and
cooling. This Performance Requirement directly corresponds to the DtS Provisions of
Parts 3.12.0 to 3.12.4.

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Performance Requirement P2.6.2 relates to the domestic services and considers

facilitating the efficient use of energy and minimising the GHG emissions from the
energy used for heating. The DtS Provisions of Part 3.12.5 directly corresponds to this
Performance Requirement.

Performance Requirement P2.6.1

The overarching requirement of P2.6.1 is that the house must have features providing
the required level of thermal performance in order to facilitate the efficient use of
energy. This is specific to the elements specified in (a) to (g), which are further
explained below.

(a) The function and use of the building and service

This clause is similar to the Performance Requirements in NCC Volume One in that it
refers to the dwelling's function and use. Considerations for a dwelling, where the
occupant is directly paying the energy costs will be different from those for a commercial
building where the individuals are not paying for the energy costs and hence less likely
to manage the available facilities such as shading devices.

(b) The internal environment

This relates to the space within a house where the internal environment can be
controlled by conditioning or the operation of building elements such as adjustable
shading and ventilation openings. The internal environment is affected by the
occupants’ tolerance to temperature as well as outside influences, such as draughts,
external temperatures and radiant heat gain or loss through windows.

(c) The geographic location of the building

This reflects the climatic and topographical region where the dwelling is located. The
elemental DtS Provisions are specific to 8 different climate zones. The warmer regions
are climate zones 1 to 4, the mildest region is climate zone 5 and the cooler regions are
climate zones 6 to 8. More information about the climate zone maps can be found in
Chapter 2.

(d) The effects of nearby permanent features such as topography, structures and
The impacts of such permanent features, topography and the like are applied in the
Verification Methods which use computer software packages. In some instances,
benefits can be obtained for heavy overshadowing of houses by certain natural or
constructed barriers. Advice should be sought from the Appropriate Authority as to what
features are sufficiently permanent to be included in the assessment.

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These effects may also be considered as part of the Performance Solutions or

Verification Methods within the NCC.

(e) Solar radiation

Solar radiation can be desirable in winter and undesirable in summer in southern areas
of Australia. In the northern parts of the continent, solar radiation is usually undesirable
most of the year.

The requirements for solar radiation to be utilised for heating include locating windows
in cooler climates towards orientations which offer higher solar heat gains during winter.
This will tend to reduce the amount of artificial heating required for the dwelling.

The requirements for solar radiation to be controlled to minimise energy for cooling
include reducing the absorption of solar radiation through the building fabric and its
transmission through glazing in hot climates or during the warmer months.

The DtS Provisions specify requirements to control the amount of solar radiation
through the glazing by shading devices, glass toning or coatings, or the type and area of
glazing facing certain directions. This is to minimise the need for cooling. This is
explained further in Chapter 9, which addresses Part 3.12.2 External Glazing.

(f) The sealing of the building envelope against air leakage

Sealing the building envelope against air infiltration will restrict the leakage of unwanted
hot or cold un-conditioned air into a comfortable interior, and the loss of conditioned air
from that space. Reducing the need for conditioning to account for unwanted air
leakage means lower energy consumption.

(g) The utilisation of air movement to assist cooling

Air movement is especially effective for dwellings in hotter climates. Good design for air
movement through the house will assist natural cross flow ventilation. Air movement can
also be facilitated by ceiling fans, helping occupants to feel cooler, even when the air
temperature has not changed.

Utilising ventilation to purge warm air from the building when outside temperatures are
lower (usually overnight) can also reduce the need for air-conditioning. Once again, a
reduction in the need for air-conditioning means less energy consumption and a
subsequent reduction in GHG emissions.

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Performance Requirement P2.6.2

The overarching requirement of P2.6.2 is that the building’s domestic services must
have features that facilitate the efficient use of energy and minimise greenhouse gas
emissions of the energy used for heating. These are specific to the elements specified
in (a) and (b) and are further explained below.

The intent of P2.6.2 (b) is to constrain the use of a high GHG intensive source of energy
for heating. It does not prevent the use of electricity because the greenhouse gas
intensity is related to the thermal load rather than the energy consumption which is
covered by P2.6.2 (a).

P2.6.2 also contains the qualification that is to be applied “to the degree necessary”,
allowing electricity to be used, even by low efficiency plant where there are no
reasonable alternatives available.

(a)(i) The domestic service and its usage

The particular service is a key consideration as the requirement may vary depending on
how often it is likely to be used and rate of energy consumption during operation.

(a)(ii) The geographic location of the building

As with P2.6.1 described earlier, this requirement reflects the climatic and topographical
region where the building is located.

Where the dwelling is located will determine the level of insulation on ductwork or water
piping. In a more severe climate (e.g., Hobart), more insulation is likely to be needed
and provide greater benefit compared to a relatively mild climate (e.g., Sydney).

(a)(iii) The location of the domestic service

The location of the domestic service within the dwelling will impact the level of insulation
needed to reduce energy consumption. More protected and insulated areas within the
dwelling may require less insulation than those exposed to the external environment.

(a)(iv)The energy source

The energy source of the domestic service whether it be cooling, heating, ventilation,
heated water supply, artificial lighting or heating and pumping for swimming pools and

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spa pools is important as it impacts the amount of annual GHG emissions attributable to
that dwelling.

(b)(i) Greenhouse gas intensity of heating energy

Subclause P2.6.2 (b)(i), which sets a limit for the GHG intensity of an energy source, is
primarily targeting the use of resistance electricity for heating of spaces, swimming
pools and spa pools. Since the limit is expressed in terms of emissions per unit of
thermal energy load, it allows the energy efficiency of the domestic services equipment
to be taken into account. Limits calculated on this basis can permit the use of grid
distributed electricity as the source for high efficiency plant such as heat pumps.

Note that the energy here is not the energy actually used by the heating service, such
as the metered amount of electricity; it is instead, a measure of the amount of energy
produced by a source such as coal or gas. The amount of energy consumed to meet a
particular heating load will vary depending on the efficiencies of different heating
appliances and the fuel source.

(b)(ii) Energy from a renewable source

Energy for heating may also be obtained from renewable energy sourced on-site such
as solar heating, photovoltaic (solar) cells, wind, or geothermal, amongst others, to
reduce GHG emissions.

(b)(iii) Energy from a reclaimed process

The use of reclaimed energy can come in the form of waste heat from other domestic
services. Although unlikely for most dwellings, it is possible to reclaim waste heat from
the refrigerant chillers of air-conditioners and use it to preheat water for the heated
water supply. There are also co-generation units available on the market that utilise the
waste heat from generating electricity for re-use in space and water heating.

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6 Verification Method V2.6.2.2

Relevant terms used

List of defined terms

The following is a list of defined terms used throughout this chapter. Further explanation
of these terms can be found in Chapter 2.

• Assessment Method
• Climate zone
• Cooling load
• DtS Provisions
• Glazing
• Heating load
• Performance Requirement
• Performance Solution
• Reference building
• Separating wall
• Total System SHGC
• Total System U-Value
• Verification Method

Relevant terminology
The following term is used throughout this chapter and is explained here.

Solar absorptance
Solar absorptance is a measure of the solar radiation, commonly heat, which an object
can absorb. The higher the solar absorptance, the more heat it can absorb. Prior to the
development of newer technologies, the solar absorptance was commonly related to the
colour of a material, where the darker the colour, the higher the absorptance. Lighter
coloured materials are commonly more reflective and absorb less heat. Solar
absorptance is measured between ‘0’ (darkest) and ‘1’ (lightest).

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Introduction to the Verification Method V2.6.2.2

A Verification Method used to assess a Performance Solution and demonstrate that it
complies with the mandatory Performance Requirement P2.6.1 for energy efficiency is
the Verification Method V2.6.2.2, Verification using a reference building prescribed in
NCC Volume Two.

When the energy efficiency requirements for Class 1 buildings were introduced in 2003,
there were two Verification Methods, V2.6.2.1 and V2.6.2.2. The Verification Method
V2.6.2.1, Verification using a stated value was previously based on house energy rating
software (i.e. an energy rating) and since 2010, this has been relocated to Part 3.12.0
as an optional compliance path in the DtS Provisions.

Verification Method V2.6.2.2 can be used as a Performance Solution to meet the

Performance Requirement P2.6.1 for a proposed design, instead of using the optional
energy rating or elemental approach in the DtS Provisions of Part 3.12.

It is not mandatory to use a prescribed NCC Verification Method as the Assessment


The Performance Requirement P2.6.1 relates to the building fabric whilst the
Performance Requirement P2.6.2 relates to the domestic services of the building. To
fully satisfy the energy efficiency Performance Requirements, the Performance
Requirement P2.6.2 must also be met. Further information about these Performance
Requirements is located in Chapter 2.

Intent of V2.6.2.2
The intent of any Verification Method is to demonstrate that a Performance Solution
meets the appropriate Performance Requirement(s). It is an optional approach to
demonstrate compliance to the NCC Performance Requirements for energy efficiency.

A Performance Solution can provide flexibility where the prescriptive DtS Provisions are
considered to be too rigid or inappropriate in assessing certain building designs. The
Assessment Method, such as a Verification Method, can allow for innovation and
effective use of the building’s fabric to make the building more energy efficient.

This flexibility can assist in promoting an innovative built environment. While project
home providers have a range of standard house designs, typically no two allotments are
exactly the same. The same home, with a different orientation and exposure to the sun,

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will achieve a different level of energy consumption (unless compensating adjustments

are made to the design). Even based on the same design, the dwelling may be painted
different colours, have different roof materials or be at a different angle.

V2.6.2.2 is a comparative Verification Method because it assesses the heating load

and/or cooling load of the proposed building and compares it to the heating load and/or
cooling load of a reference building. The reference building characteristics are those of
a building modelled using the minimum DtS Provisions of NCC Volume Two Parts
3.12.1 to 3.12.4. In using the elemental DtS Provisions as the basis for the reference
building, the thermal performance of the proposed building fabric may not be decreased
below the minimum required by the DtS Provisions.

Verification Methods other than V2.6.2.2 can be used provided they are acceptable to
the Appropriate Authority. Refer to Chapter 2 for more information.

Application of V2.6.2.2
The use of V2.6.2.2 is only applicable to Class 1 and enclosed Class 10a buildings
attached to a Class 1 building. It is not applicable to detached garages or to open
carports and is limited to the Performance Requirement P2.6.1.

V2.6.2.2 methodology
The basic approach is that the annual heating load and/or cooling load (typically
measured in MJ/m2/annum) of the proposed building must not be more than the annual
heating load and/or cooling load target of a complying theoretical reference building
using the DtS Provisions.

This establishes the theoretical annual heating load and/or cooling load that would have
been generated by that house’s design had it been built to comply with the DtS
Provisions. This sets a quantified target (benchmark) that must be achieved when
modelling the Performance Solution.

This approach requires two modelling runs with software; the first to set the heating load
and/or cooling load targets (i.e. using the reference building described above) and the
second to demonstrate that the proposed building can achieve this minimum target. The
same calculation method, commonly an energy rating tool, is used in both modelling
runs to maintain consistency.

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The Verification Method V2.6.2.2 allows certain “trade-offs” between different elements
of the building fabric, such as a reduction of insulation in the walls whilst increasing the
insulation in the roof or improving the thermal performance of the glazing. This method
also allows for flexibility in the design of the glazing (size, openability and thermal
performance), shading, the sealing of the building envelope (walls, floors and roof) and
air movement.

Determining the heating load and/or cooling load targets through a reference building
approach can also provide additional flexibility as a broader range of energy rating tools
may be used to calculate these loads.

V2.6.2.2(a) – Compliance requirements

The NCC climate zone determines whether the annual heating load and/or cooling load
are necessary in determining compliance because the annual energy load of the
proposed building must be equal to or less than the energy load of the reference
building. An extract of the NCC Volume Two requirements are shown below.

(a) Compliance with P2.6.1 is verified when a proposed building, compared with a
reference building, has—
(i) in climate zones 1 and 2, a cooling load equal to or less than that of the
reference building; or
(ii) in climate zones 7 and 8, a heating load equal to or less than that of the
reference building; or
(iii) in climate zones 3, 4, 5 and 6, a heating load and a cooling load equal to or less
than that of the reference building.

V2.6.2.2(e) – Parameters for the reference building

A reference building is used to determine the maximum annual heating load and/or
cooling load allowed. This is done by applying the DtS Provisions, along with certain
fixed parameters, to a proposed design. The annual heating load and/or cooling load
calculated then becomes the target (or benchmark) for a Performance Solution as
described earlier.

Clause V2.6.2.2(e) is the requirement for the reference building to be modelled in

accordance with the DtS Provisions. The DtS Provisions are those in 3.12.0(a)(ii) which
correspond to the elemental DtS Provisions from Parts 3.12.1, 3.12.2, 3.12.3 and

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The reference building is essentially that which would have been built in accordance
with the DtS Provisions.

V2.6.2.2(b) - Parameters for both buildings (reference building and

proposed building)

There are several parameters that must be the same in both the reference building and
the proposed building. Again, this is to avoid using energy efficiency criteria or
calculations that could result in a more generous target for the reference building and
then criteria or calculations that result in a lower annual heating load and/or cooling load
values for the proposed building. A fair and equal comparison of parameters between
the two building models is required.

The requirements that must be the same in both modelling runs are:

(i) The calculation method

Using the same software program, including its version, in all modelling runs, and the
same operator considerably diminishes the software differences and the operator

(ii) Location specific data

This is either the location where the dwelling is to be constructed, if climatic data is
available, or the nearest location with similar climatic conditions for which climatic data
is available. For instance, it would not be appropriate to use Wagga Wagga for the
reference building and Mildura for the proposed building even though they are both
within the same defined NCC climate zone. This clause requires that the same climatic
file that is used for the reference building also needs to be used for the proposed

(iii) Adjoining structures and features

It would not be appropriate to treat the reference building as a greenfield site but the
proposed building as part of a townhouse development with other proposed buildings
that provide shade. Likewise, in one modelling run it would not be appropriate to
anticipate the demolition of a building or the growth of vegetation, without doing the
same for both modelling runs.

(iv) The soil conditions

These are part of the environmental conditions which need to be the same for both
modelling runs.

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(v) The building orientation

It would not be appropriate to model the reference building along the East-West axis or
with its façade facing East, and then re-orientate it so that it is located along the North-
South axis, or the façade is facing North for the proposed building.

(vi) The floor plan, including the location of glazing

To change the configuration of the building, including its floor plan and room types,
could significantly change the energy consumption. This particularly applies to the
location of glazing. The location of glazing is to remain constant between the reference
building and the proposed building, which includes the orientation that the glazing faces.

The glazing size, openability, the thermal performance of the glazing (Total System U-
value and Total System SHGC) and the degree of shading over the glazing may be
varied between the modelling runs. While the amount of glazing may be varied between
the software runs, it is not appropriate to assume that glazing can be deleted altogether
to enable compliance. Further consideration should also be given to the requirements of
NCC Volume Two Part 2.4 (and the related DtS Provisions of Part 3.8) which contain
the minimum requirements for natural lighting and ventilation commonly achieved using

The principle of the reference building is that it represents the proposed building had it
been designed to comply with the DtS Provisions.

(vii) The ceiling height and the number of storeys

Changing the volume of the internal space between modelling runs can impact the
energy required to artificially heat or cool the house, as there will be a larger or smaller
volume of air inside the house that will require conditioning. Therefore, it would not be
appropriate to change this parameter between software runs.

(viii) The solar absorptance of external surfaces

Solar absorptance is related to the colour of surfaces and external finishes such as
roofs and walls. The solar absorptance of external surfaces impacts on the amount of
the building’s heat gain and loss, and thus the amount of energy required for artificial
heating and cooling and thus needs to remain consistent between the two runs.

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(ix) Roof pitch, roof cladding and roof lights

Given the large impact roofing may have on a home’s heating load and cooling load, it
is important to keep the roof design constant between both runs. The roof pitch and
cladding influence the roof space/volume, and its capacity to absorb or reflect heat, thus
impacting on the potential heat gain and loss within the dwelling. The inclusion of roof
lights can also influence this heat gain or loss. Given the significant impact roofing may
have on a home’s heating load and cooling load, it is important to keep the roof design
constant between both modelling runs.

(x) Separating walls

Separating walls are those that are common to adjoining Class 1 buildings. These walls
are typically required to be of a fire-resisting construction. When undertaking a
comparative assessment for energy efficiency, the construction used for the separating
walls needs to remain consistent between the two modelling runs.

(xi) The external, non-glazed doors

The number and type of doors must be the same even if the software used has the
ability to distinguish between the types of door and the degree of air infiltration.

(xii) The intermediate floors

Further to the building floor plan remaining the same, any intermediate floors present in
the design have to be modelled the same for both modelling runs.

(xiii) The floor and floor coverings

The type of floor construction, for instance timber or concrete slab, and the associated
floor coverings need to be kept constant for both modelling runs as they have different
thermal properties. Changing floor types or floor coverings between the reference
building and the proposed building can result in a change in heating loads and/or
cooling loads.

(xiv) The internal zones

This is to avoid the calculations being manipulated by how the conditioned and
unconditioned zones (or rooms) within the house’s design are defined. Different zones
tend to have different heating and cooling requirements based on their occupancy and
use. If the zones are configured differently for the reference building and the proposed
building, there may be an unintended increase in the energy target(s) that is not related
to the thermal performance of the building fabric, so they need to remain consistent
between both modelling runs.

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(xv) The internal heat gains including people and appliances

This includes people, lighting, appliances, cooking and other power loads. Although the
occupants and appliances may change over the life of the house, they should remain
consistent when comparing the energy consumption of the reference building and the
proposed building to allow for a fair comparison of internal heat loads that influence the
thermal performance of the building fabric.

V2.6.2.2(c) – Calculation method

Clause V2.6.2.2(c) outlines the requirements of the calculation method itself (i.e. the
requirements of the energy rating software where used as the calculation method). This
is to ensure that sufficient parameters are able to be taken into account when
undertaking the calculation of heating loads and cooling loads. The number of hours per
day which heating and cooling is available (as identified in V2.6.2.2(c)(iv)), is likely to lie
between 8 and 17 hours. Hours outside of this duration are considered unlikely, other
than in exceptional circumstances.

The requirements of V2.6.2.2(c) are shown in the extract from NCC Volume Two below.

(c) The calculation method used must be capable of assessing the heating load and
cooling load by modelling—
(i) the building fabric; and
(ii) glazing and shading; and
(iii) air infiltration and ventilation; and
(iv) the function and use of the building including zoning, hours of occupation, hours
of heating and cooling availability and internal heat gains; and
(v) space temperature settings in the range of 20°C to 21°C for heating and 25°C to
28°C for cooling; and
(vi) relevant built-environment and topographical features; and
(vii) the sensible heat component of the cooling load and heating load.

Any energy rating software that meets the requirements for this calculation method, in
conjunction with any other requirement in V2.6.2.2, may be used to determine the
heating loads and cooling loads for this Verification Method.

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V2.6.2.2(d) – Climatic data

The climatic data heavily influences the heating loads and cooling loads calculated for
the house design. Data from a reliable source should be used and be representative of
hourly data over a typical year. Suitable climatic data which includes dry-bulb
temperature, direct and diffuse solar radiation, wind speed, wind direction and cloud
cover may be obtained from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (
An extract of this sub-clause is shown below.

(d) Climatic data employed in the calculation method must be based on hourly recorded
values and be representative of a typical year for the proposed location.

Example: The use of Verification Method V2.6.2.2

A single storey house located in Perth is proposed to be assessed under Verification
Method V2.6.2.2. As Perth is located in climate zone 5 under the NCC, both the heating
load and cooling load must be verified as being equal to or less than that of the
reference building.

In this case, the house’s design meets the minimum insulation of its fabric and envelope
using the DtS Provisions but the client wishes to take advantage of cheaper, less
energy efficient glazing than can be used to comply with the DtS Provisions.

To apply the Verification Method V2.6.2.2 to this scenario, the following steps are

Step 1: Determine the energy efficiency specifications of the reference building.

The design of the reference building is based on the plans for the proposed building.
The energy efficiency features of the reference building are based on it complying with
the minimum DtS Provisions of NCC Volume Two, these being:

- Part 3.12.1 Building Fabric

- Part 3.12.2 External Glazing

- Part 3.12.3 Building Sealing, and

- Part 3.12.4 Air Movement.

This is required by V2.6.2.2(e).

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Using the roof as an example, the minimum R-Value for the roof construction, including
the insulation to comply with the DtS Provisions, would be determined using Part In this example for Perth, using a roof construction with no roof ventilation,
ceiling penetrations greater than 0.5% of the ceiling area and a roof solar absorptance
of 0.4, the minimum R-Value required for the roof and ceiling would be R4.1 (Refer to
NCC Volume Two Roofs).

This process would be repeated for all the DtS Provisions of Parts 3.12.1 to 3.12.4 and
applied to the reference building to determine its energy efficiency specifications.

Step 2: Assess the heating load and/or cooling load for the reference building using the
calculation method.

Using the specifications determined in Step 1, calculate the heating load and/or cooling
load for the reference building. This modelling is ‘software run 1’. The calculation
method used to determine these loads must comply with V2.6.2.2(c).

In this example for Perth, both the heating load and cooling load need to be determined.
This is required by V2.6.2.2(b). The heating load and cooling loads for the reference
building in this example are 38 MJ/m2.annum and 10 MJ/m2.annum, respectively.

Step 3: Modify the reference building to reflect the preferred changes in the proposed
building design.

As the plans used for the reference building are based on the proposed building,
changes can be made to the model used in ‘software ‘run 1’ (using the same energy
rating software). This modelling is ‘software run 2’.

By using the same energy rating software, this satisfies the requirement of using the
same calculation method in V2.6.2.2(b)(i). There are also additional restrictions applied
as to what changes can be made between the reference building and the proposed
building design contained in V2.6.2.2(b.).

In this example, the client would like to install different, less energy efficient windows to
those needed to meet the minimum DtS Provisions. Based on V2.6.2.2(b) the location
of the glazing must remain the same. However, the size, openability and the
performance of the glazing and the shading may be altered. As the windows are less
energy efficient than those required using the DtS Provisions, the heating load and
cooling load for the proposed building are higher than the reference building, this being
42 MJ/m2/annum and 12 MJ/m2/annum respectively.

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Step 4: Compare the heating load and/or cooling load of the reference building and the
proposed building design.

By comparing the outcome of step 2 and step 3 it is now possible to determine whether
the design complies with Verification Method V2.6.2.2. The criteria in V2.6.2.2(a) states
that the heating load and/or cooling load of the proposed building must be equal to or
less than that of the reference building.

In this example, as Perth is in climate zone 5, both the heating load and cooling load
must be verified as being equal to or less than that of the reference building. The
heating load and cooling load of the proposed building design, using the alternative
glazing, are 42 MJ/m2.annum and 12 MJ/m2.annum respectively. As both modelled
values are greater than the heating load and cooling load of the reference building (38
MJ/m2.annum and 10 MJ/m2.annum respectively), the proposed building design would
not satisfy the criteria in V2.6.2.2(a). Therefore the design would not comply with the
Performance Requirement P2.6.1 using Verification Method V2.6.2.2.

The proposed design will require further modifications to other energy efficiency
elements, such as increasing the roof, floor and wall insulation above the levels of the
reference building. Otherwise, a different Assessment Method could be used.

Step 5: Model a modified design that includes reducing the sizes of the glazing,
improving glazing openability and increasing wall insulation to compensate for the
cheaper and less energy efficient glazing than that which can be used to comply with
the DtS Provisions. The Verification Method V2.6.2.2 is applied again to the modified
design (software run 3).

The heating load and cooling load of the modified design are now 37 MJ/m2.annum and
10 MJ/m2.annum respectively. Both are equal to or less than the heating load and
cooling loads from ‘software run 1’ for the reference building. The modified building
design therefore satisfies the criteria in V2.6.2.2(a) and complies with the Performance
Requirement P2.6.1 using Verification Method V2.6.2.2.

Outcome: The client can use cheaper, less energy efficient glazing subject to changes
to glazing and wall insulation in accordance with the design verified in software run 3.

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7 Part 3.12.0 - Application of Part 3.12

Relevant terms used

List of defined terms

The following is a list of defined terms used throughout this chapter. Further explanation
of these terms can be found in Chapter 2.

• Climate zone
• Domestic services
• DtS Provisions
• Envelope
• Fabric
• Glazing
• House energy rating software
• Performance Requirement
• Total R-Value

Relevant terminology
The following term is used throughout this chapter and is explained here.

Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS)

The Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) refers to the Australian
Governments’ scheme that facilitates consistent energy ratings from software tools
which are used to assess the potential thermal efficiency of dwelling envelopes.

Introduction to Part 3.12.0

Part 3.12.0 provides a roadmap for practitioners to demonstrate compliance to the DtS
Provisions. There are two approaches provided for the thermal performance of the
building, the energy rating approach (using house energy rating software) or the
prescriptive elemental approach. Either approach fulfils the Performance Requirement
P2.6.1. The Performance Requirement P2.6.2 (for domestic services) may be satisfied
using the DtS Provisions of Part 3.12.5. This is further represented in Figure 7-1 where
Option 1 relates to the energy rating approach and Option 2 the elemental approach.

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Figure 7-1 Basic flowchart showing the two options for complying with the DtS Provisions

Established users of the energy rating approach of the NCC will recognise its relocation
from a previous Verification Method V2.6.2.1, to being included in the DtS Provisions of
Part 3.12. It became apparent that as the requirements become more stringent, the
more flexible and innovative compliance path is the energy rating approach.

Scope of Part 3.12.0

The DtS Provisions for energy efficiency address the following:

• Part 3.12.1 Building Fabric;

• Part 3.12.2 External Glazing;
• Part 3.12.3 Building Sealing;
• Part 3.12.4 Air Movement; and
• Part 3.12.5 Services.
When using the DtS Provisions, to comply with the relevant Performance Requirements
of Part 2.6, all of the above must be met.

3.12.0 Application of Part 3.12

The energy efficiency requirements in Part 3.12 apply to the thermal performance of the
building and its domestic services.

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3.12.0 Application of Part 3.12

(a) Performance Requirement P2.6.1 for the thermal performance of the building is
satisfied by—
(i) complying with—
(A), for reducing the heating or cooling loads; and
(B), for building fabric thermal insulation; and
(C) and, for thermal breaks; and
(D), for compensating for a loss of ceiling insulation, other than
where the house energy rating software used can automatically
compensate for a loss of ceiling insulation; and
(E) and, for floor edge insulation; and
(F) Part 3.12.3, for building sealing; or
(ii) complying with—
(A) Part 3.12.1, for the building fabric; and
(B) Part 3.12.2, for the external glazing and shading; and
(C) Part 3.12.3, for building sealing; and
(D) Part 3.12.4, for air movement.
(b) Performance Requirement P2.6.2 for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is
satisfied by complying with Part 3.12.5.

Two approaches using the DtS Provisions to satisfy the Performance Requirement
P2.6.1 are provided in 3.12.0. These approaches are referred to as: the energy rating
approach and the elemental provisions. The following flow chart from NCC Volume Two
(Figure 7-2) shows the compliance pathway for these approaches.

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Figure 7-2 Flowchart to demonstrate compliance to the Performance Requirement P2.6.1 using the
DtS Provisions

Energy rating approach

The energy rating approach requires a building to achieve an energy rating using
software accredited under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS).
To achieve compliance to P2.6.1, the requirements in 3.12.0(a)(i) need to be satisfied.
Full compliance to the energy efficiency DtS Provisions is achieved by also satisfying
P2.6.2 through meeting the requirements of Part 3.12.5. Figure 7-3 outlines the relevant
DtS Provisions for this approach.

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Figure 7-3 DtS Provisions relevant to the energy rating approach

The energy rating approach aids in the development of unique building solutions,
however it is limited to assessing the thermal efficiency of the building envelope only.
For this reason, when undertaking a software rating, there are additional requirements
that must be satisfied to achieve full compliance to the DtS Provisions.

Further information on NatHERS is available at the NatHERS website.

Elemental provisions
The elemental provisions approach requires the building to meet the requirements of
the DtS Provisions of Parts 3.12.1, 3.12.2, 3.12.3 and 3.12.4 to satisfy the Performance
Requirement P2.6.1. Full compliance to the energy efficiency DtS Provisions is
achieved by also satisfying P2.6.2 through meeting the requirements of Part 3.12.5.
Figure 7-4 outlines the relevant DtS Provisions for this approach.

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Figure 7-4 DtS Provisions relevant to the elemental approach Heating and cooling loads

The energy rating approach is mostly based on a computer simulation of the annual
demand for heating and cooling, measured as a total heating and cooling load in
megajoules per square metre of conditioned floor area per annum (MJ/m2.annum).
Using the DtS Provisions, software accredited under the Nationwide House Energy
Rating Scheme (NatHERS) must be used to determine the energy rating. NatHERS
accredited software currently recognises 69 distinct climates in Australia, compared to
the NCC elemental approach which is based on 8 climate zones.

Clause contains the energy ratings that must be achieved by the building. A
minimum energy rating of 6 stars must be achieved. A concession is available for
buildings in climate zones 1 or 2 where a complying outdoor living area is provided.
Depending on the design of the outdoor living area, the minimum energy rating is 5.5 or
5 stars and must-

• be fully covered with an impervious roof having a Total R-Value of at least 1.5 (for
downward heat flow); or
• have at least one permanently installed ceiling fan (complying with as per

Starting with the minimum requirement of 6 stars, a credit of 0.5 stars is given for
meeting each of these conditions. So if one condition is met, a minimum energy rating
of 5.5 stars is required. If both conditions are met, a 1 star credit is given, resulting in
the design being required to achieve a minimum energy rating of 5 stars.

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Outdoor living area

There is some evidence that suggests that the majority of home owners turn off their air-
conditioners when using an outdoor area. When an air-conditioner is not being used,
the energy use is significantly reduced, hence the concession. The breeze path created
by the outdoor living area may also facilitate ventilation and provide passive cooling.

Subclause and (c) provide the requirements for an outdoor living space.
These must be met to use this concession. The extract of this clause from NCC Volume
Two is provided below. & (c)

(b) An outdoor living area in (a)(ii) and (a)(iii) is a space that—
(i) is directly adjoining, and directly accessible from, a general purpose living area of
a Class 1 building such as a lounge, kitchen, dining or family room, which is not a
room for sleeping or specialist tasks such as a study or home theatre; and
(ii) has a floor area of not less than 12.0 m2; and
(iii) has length and width dimensions of not less than 2.5 m each; and
(iv) has an opening height above floor level of not less than 2.1 m; and
(v) has one side permanently open with a second side either—
(A) permanently open; or
(B) readily openable.
(c) The sides referred to in (b)(v) must be not less than 900 mm from an allotment
boundary or 900 mm from an obstruction to the breeze path such as a building,
fence or other structure.

Design alert:
Can heavy drapes be included in the software assessment? That is for the building
official to decide but there is no guarantee that future occupants will retain the heavy
drapes initially installed. The software should only accept “Holland blinds” on windows in
the automatic regulatory mode. This is considered reasonable because most people will
have some form of blind or curtain for privacy. Holland blinds are also assumed in the
DtS Provisions, with the energy index option values developed with them incorporated.

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8 Part 3.12.1 - Building Fabric

Relevant terms used

List of defined terms

The following is a list of defined terms used throughout this chapter. Further explanation
of these terms can be found in Chapter 2.

• Climate zone
• Conditioned space
• Domestic service
• DtS Provisions
• Envelope
• External wall
• Fabric
• Floor area
• Glazing
• Internal wall
• Performance Requirement
• Performance Solution
• R-Value
• Reflective insulation
• Required
• Roof light
• Total R-Value
• Total System SHGC
• Total System U-Value
• Window

Relevant terminology
The following terms are used throughout this chapter and are explained here.

Opaque is used to distinguish materials that do not allow light to pass through, such as
masonry and timber, from transparent materials, such as glass or polycarbonate

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sheeting. The term is relevant to the application of the wall and glazing requirements,
where a wall is considered opaque and glazing is considered transparent or translucent.

Solar absorptance
Solar absorptance is a measure of the solar radiation, commonly heat, which an object
can absorb. The higher the solar absorptance, the more heat it can absorb. Prior to the
development of newer technologies, the solar absorptance was commonly related to the
colour of a material, where the darker the colour, the higher the absorptance. Lighter
coloured materials are commonly more reflective and absorb less heat.

Introduction to Part 3.12.1

The NCC Volume Two building fabric DtS Provisions for energy efficiency have been
developed to provide a minimum acceptable level of thermal efficiency for the opaque
elements and roof lights of the building envelope.

As with all aspects of the DtS Provisions, each element within Part 3.12.1 is designed to
work as part of a system approach to ensure the building achieves the desired level of
energy efficiency.

Compliance with the requirements of Part 3.12.1, Building Fabric, is accepted as

complying with the Performance Requirement P2.6.1. As with all DtS Provisions,
compliance is not mandatory as a Performance Solution can be developed to comply
with the Performance Requirements if desired.

Scope of Part 3.12.1

The building fabric requirements address the following:

(a) General requirements for the thermal construction of a building such as the testing,
installation and compression of bulk insulation;
(b) Roof and ceiling construction including the avoidance of thermal bridging, which
occurs when metal elements provide a bridge for heat flow around the insulation.
With some forms of construction this can reduce the effectiveness of the insulation
by half;
(c) Roof lights installed at an angle of between 0 and 70 degrees measured from the
horizontal plane (roof lights that fall outside this range are considered to be windows
and are addressed under Part 3.12.2 External Glazing);
(d) External walls (with separate categories for those with a surface density above and
below 220 kg/m2), again including the avoidance of thermal bridging;
(e) Floors (including any subfloor enclosures); and

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(f) Class 10a buildings attached to a Class 1 building so that the thermal performance
of the dwelling is not compromised.

As previously discussed, the elemental DtS Provisions are based on eight climate
zones. They divide Australia into broad regional areas with similar climatic conditions
allowing the requirements to be applied on a national basis as each climate zone will
have similar thermal requirements irrespective of the State or Territory where the house
is located. Climate zones are explained in more detail in Chapter 2.

Intent of Part 3.12.1

Although occupant comfort is not a primary goal of these requirements, an essential
aspect of energy efficiency in a residential building is to ensure that the building is
constructed in a manner that improves the comfort level of occupants, to the extent that
they feel less need for artificial heating or cooling. This can be achieved by creating a
thermally effective building envelope. Creating a thermally effective building envelope
also means that when artificial heating or cooling is needed, the envelope will be more
effective at retaining the conditioned air due to the barrier between the internal and
external environment.

The intent of the building fabric elemental DtS Provisions in Part 3.12.1 is to ensure that
the construction around conditioned spaces has sufficient levels of thermal performance
to ensure energy is not used unnecessarily. The measures in Part 3.12.1 are intended
to achieve this outcome by requiring certain elements to have minimum levels of
insulation, either through adding insulation, such as batts or reflective insulation, or
through the inherent thermal qualities of the building material, for instance the thermal
mass of a masonry wall.

The fabric requirements are based on the occupant’s likely response to the annual
external climatic conditions. For example, in Hobart, this would be heating due to the
long cooler winters and night time use, therefore, the energy used for winter heating
exceeds the energy used for summer cooling. Accordingly, the NCC Volume Two DtS
Provisions are designed to ensure that the house uses the least amount of energy to

This is often achieved by installing insulation or by otherwise increasing the capacity of

the building elements to resist heat flow.

For Darwin, the opposite is the case and the prevailing mode is cooling so the
underlying philosophy is that, by applying measures to the external fabric, the internal
environment will be more comfortable for the occupants of residences without excessive
use of air-conditioning.

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3.12.1 Application
3.12.1 states that the requirements of to (insulation, roofs, roof lights
external walls and floors) apply to:

• a Class 1 building; and

• a Class 10 building if it has a conditioned space.

3.12.1 also states that only applies to a Class 1 building with an attached Class
10a building, such as a garage. Building fabric thermal insulation contains a broad range of general requirements that apply to the insulation in
the building fabric, so that the required thermal performance is achieved.

In order to ensure the performance of materials is correctly validated, test reports

complying with AS/NZS 4859.1 should be provided in accordance with Part 1.2 of NCC
Volume Two and this documentation forms an integral part of the building approval.

Subclause (a) - Integrity of the insulation

Subclause requires any mandatory insulation, when installed in a building, to
form a consistent and continuous barrier other than at supporting members. This is
important as any gaps in the barrier will allow heat to bypass the insulation and
undermine the effectiveness of the overall energy efficiency requirements.

However, it is recognised that certain gaps are essential, particularly adjoining domestic
services and light fittings, where the close proximity of insulation may create a fire or
smoke hazard. Refer to Figure 8-5 for further explanation in relation to roof insulation.

A key aspect of these requirements is the recognition that certain elements of the
building contribute to achieving the required levels of thermal efficiency without any
added insulation. For instance, wall insulation must closely fit within a wall frame to
achieve the desired level of performance for the wall. The wall elements in conjunction
with the insulation are deemed to achieve the required level of performance, so
calculating the proportion of timber studs to bulk insulation in a wall for example, isn’t
necessary when using the elemental DtS Provisions.

The reference standard for insulation is AS/NZS 4859.1 – Materials for the thermal
insulation of buildings: General criteria and technical provisions. This Standard specifies
the testing criteria for insulation, including both reflective and bulk insulation. In broad
terms, the Standard requires the manufacturer test its products using a specified

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method and then provide a data sheet which explains the thermal performance and the
installation requirements for the product.

The manufacturer’s data sheet should be utilised by both building designers and
building certifiers as documentary evidence of the performance of the insulation and
may be required to form part of the building approval documentation.

Subclause (b) – Installation of reflective insulation

Subclause provides a list of requirements for reflective insulation.

In order to appreciate the requirements of this subclause, it is worthwhile understanding

how reflective insulation works.

Insulating performance is achieved by the ability of the reflective insulation to “reflect”

heat at one surface and not transmit it at another, combined with the insulating qualities
of the thin air films adjacent to the reflective insulation. Some reflective insulation is also
bonded to bulk or board insulation providing enhanced performance of the composite

Accordingly, the reflectivity (emissivity) value and the presence of an airspace at the
reflective surface are critical because, without this airspace the reflection will not occur.
Refer to Figure 8-1 for an illustration of how reflective insulation works.

Figure 8-1 Reflective insulation

The other issue to consider is that reflective insulation generally has a dull or anti-glare
(painted) side and a shiny silver side. Both sides will achieve a degree of reflectivity.
However, the shiny side is far more effective.

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From an Occupational Health and Safety point of view, the dull coloured side is installed
facing outwards to prevent eye injury, which could occur if the high reflectivity from the
silver side was on the outside. This could also cause a person to miss their footing
during construction. outlines the requirement for the reflective insulation to be installed with the
necessary airspace so that the required R-Value can be achieved. The width of the
airspace will vary depending on the particular type of reflective insulation and the R-
Value to be achieved.

Note that overlapping of reflective insulation should be not less than 150mm. This
matches the requirement of Standard AS/NZS 4200, the standard covering the
installation of pliable building membranes. The overlap provides a degree of water
proofing which is suited to typical housing construction.

Design Alert:
Beyond the NCC requirements, the need to install reflective insulation as a vapour
barrier should also be considered and the additional lapping and sealing measures of
AS/NZS 4200.2 applied if necessary. In cases where the reflective insulation is to act as
both a vapour barrier and sarking, both the minimum overlap and taping may be

Subclause (c) - Installation of bulk insulation

Subclause provides requirements specifically for bulk insulation. The term
“bulk insulation” includes glass fibre, wool, cellulose fibre, polyester and polystyrene
foam. These materials tend to have a high percentage of air voids that are fundamental
to their ability to limit heat flow.

The thermal performance of bulk insulation is dependent on the material retaining the
depth specified by the manufacturer, in accordance with the required test results. The
depth of the insulation is critical because of the need to retain the air pockets within the
material. If the insulation is compressed, it will lose some of these air gaps as the fibre
contact increases, which, in turn, will reduce its capacity to achieve the tested R-Value.
Refer to Figure 8-2 for installation of bulk insulation in walls.

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Figure 8-2 Installing bulk insulation in framed walls

A cathedral ceiling is one instance where the thickness of the roof framing dictates the
thickness of the bulk insulation that can be installed, otherwise compression of bulk
insulation may occur. In these instances larger framing members or a thinner, higher
performing insulation may be required.

Design Alert:
An important issue for roof design, especially in cooler climates where insulation with
higher R-Values is required, will be to ensure that the roof structure has sufficient space
to accommodate the insulation without the insulation being compressed. Any
compression of the insulation will reduce its R-Value and consequently the
effectiveness of the insulation.

When determining the location of the bulk and reflective insulation, careful consideration
should be given to avoid possible condensation forming inside the layers of the building
envelope particularly in certain climates and where there are high concentrations of
water vapour. The ABCB has also produced a non-mandatory handbook, Condensation
in Buildings, to assist in understanding condensation risk and to detail measures that
can be taken to help keep buildings dry. This handbook is available for free download
from the ABCB website.

Australian Building Codes Board Page 70

Handbook: NCC Volume Two Energy Efficiency Provisions 2016 Roofs

Subclause (a)
Subclause specifies that a roof, in order to achieve acceptable levels of
thermal efficiency, must have–

• the nominated minimum Total R-Value as specified in Table of NCC

Volume Two for the direction of heat flow; and
• where a pitched roof has a flat ceiling, at least 50% of the added insulation laid on
the ceiling.

The Total R-Values specified in Table vary depending on climate zone,
altitude, direction of heat flow and the solar absorptance of the roof colour and material.
The values in Table differ from those specified in NCC Volume One because
of the difference in the type of buildings covered by NCC Volume One. These
commercial and public buildings have different functions and occupancy profiles to

The reason for specifying heat flow direction is that the performance of insulation varies
with the direction of heat flow, which varies with the dominant character of the climate.

In reading Table “downwards” indicates that summer heat (a downwards heat
flow into the building) is the major concern. A combined “downwards” and “upwards”
requirement means that summer cooling and winter have a roughly similar level of
impact on an annual basis, while an “upwards” flow indicates that heat loss from the
building during winter is the major concern (corresponding to warm conditioned air rising
up through the roof space). The direction of heat flow is therefore dominated by the
climate zone in which the building is located, and forms the first step in reading Table Note that when insulation is tested, its performance is assessed against both
upwards and downwards heat flow and should be selected and installed as per the test
criteria. This concept of upwards and downwards heat flow is explained further in Figure

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Figure 8-3 Downwards and upwards heat flow for residential buildings

While there has been some debate about the direction in climate zone 5; these
directions have been confirmed using computer simulation modelling. It should also be
remembered that the highest energy usage and occupancy rate generally occurs in a
dwelling in the evening, when heating will be the predominant use of energy.

The colour of the roof expressed as the surface solar absorptance value can also affect
the flow of heat from solar radiation and hence, the thermal performance of the dwelling.
The higher the surface solar absorptance value the darker the colour and the more
easily the roof is able to absorb heat and possibly transmit it into the dwelling. For
instance, a dark grey slate colour has a solar absorptance value of 0.90 while an off
white or cream colour will be in the region of 0.35. This is the reason why for lighter
coloured roofs the minimum Total R-Value in Table of NCC Volume Two is

It is important to select the appropriate roof solar absorptance value for use with Table The explanatory information box below Table contains typical
absorptance values and this information is reproduced below in Table 8- 1.

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Table 8-1 Typical absorptance values

Colour Value
Slate (dark grey) 0.90
Red, green 0.75
Yellow, buff 0.60
Zinc aluminium - dull 0.55
Galvanised steel - dull 0.55
Light grey 0.45
Off white 0.35
Light cream 0.30

Subclause (b)
Subclause allows the Total R-Value specified in Table to be
reduced by R0.5 in climate zones 1 to 5 if all the required insulation is laid on the ceiling
and the roof space is sufficiently ventilated. To obtain the concession, ventilation
requirements can be met either passively or with wind-driven roof ventilators as
specified by subclause and (ii) respectively.

The roof space ventilation concession in applies to a pitched roof with a flat
ceiling to ensure that efficient cross ventilation is achieved in the roof space to remove
hot air. Roof space ventilation is generally not suitable for most flat, skillion, cathedral
ceiling and similar roof types because of the lack of space between the ceiling and roof.
Care should be taken to ensure that the roof ventilation openings do not allow rain
penetration and that they comply with appropriate bushfire requirements if applicable.

Note that compliance with may result in the ingress of wind driven rain,
fine dust, corrosive aerosols, or stimulate the growth of mould or fungus in the roof
enclosure. Therefore consideration should be given to the surrounding environmental
features, prior to adopting a particular design.

Subclause (c)
In addition to the minimum Total R-Value requirements, subclause contains
the requirements for thermal breaks and recognises that heat can bypass insulation
travelling along metal framing systems. A thermal break is required in roofing systems
where a metal framing member connects the outer roof cladding with the inner lining, or
where there is no inner lining. Without this thermal break, the insulation's effectiveness

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can be reduced by as much as half, thereby requiring more insulation to achieve the
same Total R-Value.

The purpose of the thermal break is to ensure that the thermal performance of this form
of roof construction is comparable to that of a similar roof with timber purlins or timber
battens. Reflective insulation alone is not suitable for use as a thermal break because it
requires an adjoining airspace to achieve its specified R-Value.

The thermal break must be a material with an R-Value of at least 0.2. 20 mm thick
timber or 12mm thick expanded polystyrene strips, plywood or bulk insulation are
deemed to have an R-Value of 0.2.

Refer to Figure 8-4 below for an illustration of the thermal break requirements for
external walls.

Figure 8-4 Thermal break

Subclause (d)
Subclause outlines that a roof, or roof and associated ceiling, is deemed to
have the Total R-Value in Figure of NCC Volume Two, which provides the
Total R-Value associated with typical roof and ceiling constructions. The R-Value of the
required insulation is calculated by subtracting the inherent Total R-Value for the roof or
ceiling construction in Figure from the Total R-Value specified in Table

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The explanatory information presented immediately after Figure provides

guidance on the added R-Value provided by any reflective insulation installed for
various roof and ceiling constructions. Refer to Figure 8-5 below.

Figure 8-5 Excerpt of explanatory information related to Figure of NCC Volume Two

The added R-Values in the explanatory information table are considered typical
provided the emittance values, as listed in the first column of the table, are achieved by
the reflective insulation and the airspace is as stated.

The actual R-Value added by reflective insulation and its adjoining airspace should be
determined for each product in accordance with AS/NZS 4859.1, which takes into
consideration factors such as the number of adjacent airspaces, dimensions of the
adjacent airspace and whether the space is ventilated.

The lower the emittance value, the more reflective the material and therefore the greater
the insulation performance; as less heat passes through the reflective insulation.

The explanatory information table refers to “inner" and “outer" for reflective insulation. In
this instance, “inner" means facing in towards the inside of the building, while “outer”
means facing externally or outwards from the building.

To gain further insight into the thermal characteristics of materials, air gaps and
reflective surfaces, reference could be made to Specifications J1.2 and J1.3 of NCC
Volume One.

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Example: Determining the Total R-Value specified in Table

Consider a dwelling with a light cream, pitched, metal roof and a flat ceiling, located in
climate zone 6. The roof construction is not ventilated; and both reflective and bulk
insulation will be used.

Step 1: Find the upper solar absorptance of the roof. For a light cream roof this is 0.30.
The typical absorptance values are located in the explanatory information under Table in NCC Volume Two or Table 8- 1of this Handbook.

Step 2: When using the elemental DtS Provisions, determine the minimum Total R-
Value required. This is found in Table of NCC Volume Two. Since the roof
solar absorptance was determined to be 0.30 (from Step 1), the minimum Total R-Value
required for climate zone 6 is 4.6, noting that the direction of heat flow is upwards.

Step 3: The next step is to work out the minimum R-Value of the ceiling insulation to
satisfy This value can be calculated by referring to Figure of NCC
Volume Two which contains the inherent Total R-Values for typical roof and ceiling

For this example, which has a pitched metal roof with a flat ceiling and is unventilated,
the inherent Total R-Value for the construction with upwards heat flow is 0.39 (refer to
(d) in Figure

Since this roof construction will also have reflective insulation installed under the roof
cladding, this is considered in calculating the required R-Value of the ceiling insulation.
Using reflective insulation which has an emittance of 0.2 (outer reflective surface) and
0.05 (inner reflective surface), the R-Value for this type of reflective insulation for an
upwards heat flow direction in a pitched roof with a flat ceiling construction is 0.75. This
R-Value is obtained from the explanatory information table below Figure in
NCC Volume Two.

To calculate the required added R-Value of the ceiling insulation, the inherent Total R-
Value of the roof and ceiling construction, including the reflective insulation is subtracted
from minimum Total R-Value required (from Step 2).

Added R-Value of ceiling insulation = minimum Total R-Value – (inherent Total R-Value
for the construction + R-Value of the reflective insulation)

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= 4.6 – (0.39 + 0.75)

= 4.6 – (1.14)

= 3.46

This means that the minimum R-Value of ceiling insulation required to satisfy must have an R-Value of 3.46, or 3.5 for simplicity.

Subclause (e)
Subclause of NCC Volume Two requires that where an insulated ceiling has
a significant number of penetrations for exhaust fans, flues or recessed downlights, the
amount of insulation must be increased to account for this loss in thermal performance.

The subclause refers to Table of NCC Volume Two which helps calculate the
revised insulation R-Value depending on the initially required R-Value and the
percentage of uninsulated ceiling area. A small area of ceiling penetrations (up to 0.5%)
is allowed before the R-Value of the ceiling insulation is adjusted to account for heat
loss/gain through penetrations in the insulation.

Roof lights (skylights) are exempt from this requirement as their performance is covered
by Clause of NCC Volume Two.

Australian Standard AS/NZS 3000: 2007 – Electrical Installations (known as the

Australian/New Zealand wiring rules) outlines requirements for the safe installation of
downlights, such as keeping insulation at safe distances. A diagram to explain the
requirements of the standard is provided as Figure 8-6 overleaf. Note that this Standard
is not referenced by NCC Volume Two.

The requirements in Subclause of NCC Volume Two doesn’t apply to Class
1 dwellings, where the house energy rating approach has been used and the house
energy rating software used can automatically compensate for a loss of ceiling
insulation. Refer to Chapter 7 for more information.

Design Alert:
Consideration should be given to air leakage effects when installing downlights, exhaust
fans and other openings in ceilings that previously had no openings to the roof space as

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they may break down deliberate protection against air leakage. Sealed light fittings
should be used wherever their installation cannot be avoided.

Figure 8-6 Insulation clearances for downlights and fans

Notes to Figure 8-6

A = 200 mm clearance above the recessed luminaire

B = 200 mm clearance to the side of the recessed luminaire to combustible building


C =50 mm clearance to the side of the recessed luminaire to bulk insulation

D = 50 mm clearance to any auxiliary equipment (This would include the transformer for
the luminaire)

Example: Adjustment of minimum R-Value for a loss of ceiling insulation

This example will build on the previous example and look at how to adjust the minimum
R-value for ceiling insulation required to satisfy

To recap, the dwelling has a light grey pitched metal roof with a flat ceiling, which is
unventilated and located in climate zone 6. It has a floor area of 41m2, a minimum R-
Value of ceiling insulation of 3.5 and has 10 recessed luminaires used throughout the
dwelling. The floor area is also equal to the ceiling area.

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Step 1: Work out the adjustment of the minimum R-Value for loss of ceiling insulation.
This is based on the area of the ceiling that will be uninsulated for safety reasons due to
the 10 recessed luminaries. This information can be obtained from AS/NZS 3000 as
shown in Figure 8-6 of this Handbook.

Each lamp has a diameter of 70 mm, and using Figure 8-6, a clearance of 50 mm
around each lamp is required. This means a circular cut-out with a diameter of 170 mm
is required for each lamp, however for practicality a square shape would probably be cut
out of the insulation.

First convert mm to m:

170 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 = 0.17𝑚𝑚

This means a square of 0.17 m x 0.17 m would be cut for each luminaire and there are
10 luminaires.

The total area required to be cut-out of the insulation would be:

𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 = 0.17 × 0.17 × 10

= 0.289𝑚𝑚2

Step 2: Calculate the uninsulated ceiling as a percentage of the ceiling area and then
determine the adjusted minimum R-Value required for the ceiling insulation.

Percentage of ceiling area uninsulated = uninsulated ceiling area/ceiling area

= × 100 %

= 0.70 %

Step 3: Determine the ‘new’ adjusted minimum R-Value for the ceiling insulation. By
referring to Table of NCC Volume Two the calculated percentage falls into the
‘0.5% to less than 1.0%’ band. Since the ceiling insulation has an R-Value of 3.5 (from
the previous example), the adjusted minimum R-Value for the ceiling insulation is 4.0 as
can be seen in an excerpt of Table of NCC Volume Two below.

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Outcome: This means that to satisfy, the minimum R-Value of the insulation to
be added would be R4.0 for the ceiling and the reflective insulation, which has an
emittance of 0.2 (outer reflective surface) and 0.05 (inner reflective surface), as
specified in the previous example. Roof lights

The DtS Provisions control the area and thermal performance of roof lights in order to
limit heat transfer. From a thermal design perspective, a roof light can be considered as
a large opening in the insulated roof space that allows energy (heat) to either enter or
leave the building in an uncontrolled manner. Accordingly, that opening must be
protected to reduce the energy (heat) loss or gain.

A roof light has a specific meaning within NCC Volume Two as follows:

1.1.1 Definitions
Roof light, for the purposes of Part 2.6, Part 3.8.4 and Part 3.12, means a skylight,
window or the like installed in a roof—
(a) to permit natural light to enter the room below; and
(b) at an angle between 0 and 70 degrees measured from the horizontal plane.

This means that a roof light will include elaborately manufactured units through to
simple sheets of glass or polycarbonate roof cladding. The allowed area will depend
upon the performance of the roof light and the geometry of any light shaft. To keep the
clause simple, the impacts of climate zones and roof light orientation have not been
included. Instead the provisions are based maximum areas of roof lights as a
percentage of the floor area of the room or space the roof lights serve and the thermal
performance of the roof lights. The thermal performance of roof lights is expressed in
terms of Total System U-Value and Total System SHGC. Refer to Chapter 2 for further
information on these terms.

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The approach adopted also recognises the ability of roof light domes and diffusers to
slow the loss of heat and that a roof light with a long shaft will allow less heat to enter
the room below, than the same roof light with no shaft.

The requirements of are broken into two separate categories; roof lights that
are not required for compliance with Part 3.8 and roof lights required for compliance
with Part 3.8 of NCC Volume Two; which covers minimum health and amenity

Design Alert:
Roof lights are not captured by the defined term glazing and therefore cannot be
entered into the ABCB’s Glazing Calculator, which will be discussed in the next chapter.
The energy efficiency requirements for roof lights are contained within of NCC
Volume Two and are considered as part of the building’s fabric.

Subclause (a) requires that where roof lights are not required for compliance with Part 3.8,
Table and a maximum aggregate area of not more than 3% of the total floor
area of the storey served applies. Table covers roof lights up to 5 percent of
the floor area of the room or space they serve and are applied according to the shaft
index of the roof light. This, in turn is based on the size of the roof light opening and the
length of the shaft. The steps required to determine a roof light shaft index are
explained in Figure 8-7.

Another point worth noting in Table is that the calculation of floor area is based
on the floor area of the space the roof lights serve. In multi storey areas, this would
relate only to the top storey immediately below the roof lights. Accordingly, the area of
other floors is not taken into consideration.

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Figure 8-7 Determining roof light shaft index

Subclause (b) specifies the maximum size and required performance of roof lights if they
are the only means of satisfying Part 3.8. In these circumstances, the roof lights will
need to achieve a more stringent Total System SHGC and Total System U-Value while
being limited to an area up to 50% more than that required by Part 3.8.5. External walls

The construction of external walls is a major contributing factor in the overall thermal
performance of the dwelling. Clause states the requirements for the opaque (or
non-transparent) elements of the walls. Glazing in the external walls is addressed in
Part 3.12.2 of NCC Volume Two and is discussed in the next chapter of this Handbook.

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Subclause (a) addresses the thermal performance of external walls by requiring each part
of an external wall to comply with Table; however for external walls with a
high surface density (i.e. not less than 220kg/m2), Table can also be used.

External walls that achieve a surface density greater than 220kg/m2 are considered to
be high mass, which slows heat movement into and out of the dwelling and can act to
moderate temperatures inside the house.

Surface density is the mass of one vertical square metre of wall.

The following are examples of some typical wall constructions that achieve a surface
density of 220kg/m2:

• Two leaves of clay or concrete masonry with each leaf 90 mm or greater in thickness

• Concrete wall panels with all vertical cores filled with concrete grout 140 mm (or
greater) in thickness

• Dense-weight hollow concrete or clay blocks with all vertical cores filled with
concrete grout 140mm (or greater) in thickness

• Earth-wall construction with a minimum wall thickness of 200 mm

There are two exemptions to the requirements of located in (i) and (ii). The
first exemption to the minimum Total R-Value requirements for external walls is for
opaque non-glazed openings, such as doors, garage roller shutters and the like. The
second exemption is for glazing unless it is covered by Table, which allows
some trading between glazing and external wall performance.

If a door has glazing, the glazed area is exempt from requiring insulation but must
comply with Part 3.12.2 External Glazing, which is discussed in the next chapter of this


Table of NCC Volume Two sets the minimum Total R-Value for all external
walls to achieve. A concessional option is given for climate zones 1 to 5 if shading to the

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external wall is also provided as specified. The Total R-Value includes all the individual
elements that make up the wall, such as air films and air gaps and is the sum of these
individual element’s R-Values. However the Total R-Value does not include the R-Value
from the frame as an allowance is already included for framing. Common construction
solutions are described in Figure of NCC Volume Two. These will be discussed
in greater detail later in this section.

No shade concessions are provided for climate zones 6 to 8 as the conditioning

requirement is heating dominated, so shade would not be as beneficial as it would
reduce the amount of solar gain received.


Table is for high density walls with a surface density of greater than 220kg/m2,
and is more prescriptive in nature than Table For climate zones 1 to 7, it
provides a number of options for compliance, however for climate zone 8 the required
performance is the same as that specified in Table

The compliance options in Table recognise that the impact of certain climates
may be moderated by careful design and material selection. A good example of this is
shading which, by keeping the sun off the building walls, reduces the heat build-up. The
walls, in turn, help to keep internal temperatures more stable and reduce dependence
on conditioning systems to maintain internal comfort levels.

Each of the options specified in the table may have more than one requirement that
must be met to satisfy the requirements. In general if the requirements are linked by
‘and’ this indicates that more than one requirement is necessary to fulfil that option.

The options in Table may include combinations of:

• insulation with a specified R-Value that must be incorporated into the external wall;
• external wall shading with a minimum 15 degree angle for the shading projection;
• a reduction of CSHGC values for external glazing which means a reduction in the
glazing allowance for solar gain;
• a reduction of CU values for external glazing which means a reduction in the glazing
allowance for conductance;
• slab-on-ground floor construction; and
• masonry internal walls.

Depending on the construction, insulation incorporated into the external wall may
require a wall battening system to enable the insulation to be installed without

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compressing it, which would reduce its effectiveness. In climate zones with prolonged
periods of cold weather this option recognises that the density of the wall does not
sufficiently restrict the heat loss, so insulation must be installed.

Subclause (b) requires a thermal break similar to that required for roofs. It only applies if
there is a metal framing member that directly connects a lightweight external wall
cladding and it’s lining, or where there is no wall lining. This is because metal framed
walls are more prone to conductive thermal bridging than timber framed walls. The Total
R-Value requirements for walls include an allowance for the effect of bridging from
timber framing. The thermal break for metal framing must be installed between the
external cladding and the metal frame.

Thermal breaks can be provided by materials such as timber battens, plastic strips or
polystyrene insulation sheeting; so long as it achieves the required R-Value of 0.2. The
R-Value of the thermal break is not included when calculating the Total R-Value of the
external wall if the thermal break is only applied to the metal frame, because this
calculation is done for locations free of framing members.

Refer to Figure 8-4 of this Handbook for an illustration of the thermal break

Subclause (c) refers to Figure of NCC Volume Two which shows the inherent
Total R-Value of typical wall constructions (e.g. clay masonry veneer and
weatherboard). Users can work out the amount of additional insulation needed for each
construction in order to meet the required minimum Total R-Value specified in Table or Table Figure 8-9 below illustrates the component R-Values for a
typical wall construction.

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Figure 8-8 Component R-Values for a typical wall

It is not necessary to use Figure of NCC Volume Two in order to comply with
the elemental DtS Provisions for external walls. However, it offers a convenient, if
conservative, source of Total R-Value information. An extract of the table for external
wall construction is given in Figure 8-9.

Figure 8-9 Excerpt of typical external wall constructions

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The explanatory information for Figure of NCC Volume Two provides guidance
on the performance of reflective insulation installed in wall airspaces. Refer to Figure
8-10 below for an excerpt. The values in the explanatory information table for reflective
insulation are based on typical values.

Figure 8-10 Typical values for reflective insulation

If the emittance of the reflective insulation or the arrangement of airspaces is different,

then confirmation of the actual performance of each product should be obtained from
the manufacturer’s test data in accordance with AS/NZS 4859.1. Testing and
subsequent compliance is required under Clause of NCC Volume Two. Floors
Unlike the roof and external wall requirements, the requirements for floors address heat
flow for two directions;

1. Vertical direction – a minimum Total R-Value for suspended ground floors is

required and in some instances under-slab insulation with a specific R-Value; and
2. Horizontal direction – perimeter edge insulation required with a specific R-Value.

Subclauses and (b) cover the requirements for suspended ground floors,
and subclauses and (d) cover the requirements for concrete slab-on-ground

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Subclause (a) outlines the minimum Total R-Value requirements for suspended floors
other than intermediate floors in a building with more than one storey. Put simply, this
only applies to suspended ground floors. The Total R-Values are tabulated in Table of NCC Volume Two and are shown below in Figure 8-11.

Figure 8-11 Total R-Value requirements for suspended ground floors

It should be noted that the inherent R-Value of an enclosed air space underneath a
suspended floor and of the enclosure itself, can be included in the Total R-Value
calculation for the floor.

In addition to the requirements in (a)(i), subclause (a)(ii) outlines requirements for the
insulation of suspended concrete floor slabs with an in-slab or in-screed heating or
cooling system, which apply in all climate zones.

The energy from a heated or cooled slab is distributed to all faces of the slab and not
only to the surface located within the dwelling. This means energy is lost or gained from
the external perimeter edges i.e. in the horizontal direction. To control this heat loss or
gain from the vertical edge of the slab, subclause (a)(ii)(A) states the vertical edge must
be insulated with an R-Value of not less than 1.0.

Subclause (a)(ii)(B) specifies that to control heat loss from the vertical direction, i.e.
through direct conductance into the airspace below, a suspended concrete floor slab
with an in-slab or in-screed heating or cooling system must have under-slab insulation
with an R-Value of not less than 2.0.

Subclause (a)(ii) does not apply to an in-screed heating or cooling system solely used in
a bathroom, amenity area or the like. Refer to subclause (e).

Subclause (a)(iii) requires suspended floors that have enclosed under-floor spaces to
have a barrier installed below floor level to close off any gaps that may occur between
the under-floor space and any wall cavities. It should be noted that imperforate flashing

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for damp proofing purposes is an acceptable barrier for the purposes of this subclause.
Refer to Figure 8-12 and Figure 8-13 for two possible options.

Design alert: What is an unenclosed under-floor space?

An unenclosed under-floor space means that the floor is open to the external weather
conditions (such as cooling breezes), which impact on the thermal performance of the
floor due to air movement. The exposure to external weather increases the heat flow
through the floor, which in turn can increase the energy demand to keep the conditioned
space at the desired temperature. Explanatory information states that an enclosed
under-floor space means that the area beneath the floor is enclosed by ground-to-floor
cladding such as masonry or fibre cement sheeting.

Figure 8-12 Example 1 of cavity barrier

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Figure 8-13 Example 2 of cavity barrier

Design Alert:
Air movement between the under-floor space and any wall cavities is to be prevented by
the use of flashing in order to keep the temperature of the under-floor airspace as stable
as possible.

Subclause (b) provides a reference to Table of NCC Volume Two which shows
the Total R-Values typical suspended floors can provide. This information allows the
additional R-Value of insulation that is needed for each construction to meet the
required Total R-Value from Table to be worked out. It is not necessary to use
the values in Table in order to comply with the DtS Provisions.

Note that the R-Value of any enclosure and the airspace it contains also contributes to
the Total R-Value of the floor. The inherent R-Value of the floor varies with the height of
the enclosed space.

If reflective insulation is used, a higher Total R-Value will be achieved than that
specified in Table of NCC Volume Two, for a particular construction. The
added R-Value due to the use of reflective insulation will need to be determined for
each product in accordance with AS/NZS 4859.1.

The explanatory information for Table of NCC Volume Two notes that single
sided reflective insulation installed shiny silver side up and with a 90mm airspace above
could improve the Total R-Value by 0.43 for upwards heat flow and 1.32 for downwards

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heat flow. Double sided reflective insulation could further improve the Total R-Value.
However as above, the added R-Value due to the use of reflective insulation will need to
be determined for each product in accordance with AS/NZS 4859.1.

Design Alert:
Reflective or non-reflective building insulation should be installed with due consideration
of potentially damaging condensation that may occur in some climate zones, as well as
the associated interaction with adjoining building elements.

Subclause (c) details the requirements for a concrete slab-on-ground. outlines that where the concrete slab has an in-slab or in-screed heating
or cooling system, it must have insulation with an R-Value of not less than 1.0 installed
around the vertical edge of its perimeter. This requirement applies to all climate zones. outlines specific requirements for a concrete slab-on-ground located in

climate zone 8. Perimeter insulation with an R-Value not less than 1.0 must be installed
as well as under slab insulation with an R-Value of not less than 2.0. These
requirements recognise that climate zone 8, which is a heating dominated climate, will
require measures to reduce the loss of heat from the slab for the majority of the year.

Similar to the suspended ground floor requirements of subclause (a), subclause (c)(i)
does not apply to an in-screed heating or cooling system solely used in a bathroom,
amenity area or the like. Refer to subclause (e).

Subclause (d) outlines the specific requirements of the vertical perimeter insulation that
may be installed under (c). The insulation is required to be water resistant due to it
being exposed to external conditions, and either be installed to the full depth of the
vertical edge of the concrete slab or to a depth of not less than 300mm. Care should be
taken to ensure that the type of termite management system selected is compatible with
the slab edge insulation.

Subclause (e)
This subclause identifies the exemption for in-screed heating or cooling systems used
solely for a bathroom, amenity area or the like. This exemption is granted on the
understanding that these areas are typically small areas.

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Handbook: NCC Volume Two Energy Efficiency Provisions 2016 Attached Class 10a buildings

A Class 10a building attached to a Class 1 dwelling, such as a garage or pool enclosure
should not compromise the thermal performance of the Class 1 dwelling. However it
may assist the Class 1 dwelling in meeting the required level of thermal performance.
Therefore the intent of the requirements in is to ensure the thermal
performance of the dwelling, which may include the attached Class 10a building,
remains at a reasonable minimum level.

There are three DtS Provision compliance options for Class 10a buildings which are
attached to a Class 1 building, set out in three subclauses.

Subclause (a)
This option states the Class 10a building must have an external fabric (including roof,
external walls and floor) with the same level of thermal performance that is required for
a Class 1 building. If the Class 10a is a conditioned space then this option would be the
likely one chosen, as the fabric requirements already apply to a Class 10a building with
a conditioned space. This is specified in Part 3.12.1 of NCC Volume Two. However this
option may also be the preferred option for designers or prospective owners who would
like to achieve a degree of thermal comfort in the Class 10a building. An example of this
approach is shown in Figure 8-15.

Figure 8-14 An example of the building envelope where the Class 10a component is considered
with Class 1 dwelling. The building envelope is defined in red.

Subclause (b) outlines that an attached Class 10a building can be separated from the
Class 1 building with construction having the same level of thermal performance that is

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required for the Class 1 building. This may include walls, and floors of the Class 10a
building. An example of this approach is shown in Figure 8-15.

Figure 8-15 An example of the building envelope where the Class 10a component is separated
from the Class 1 dwelling. The building envelope is defined in red.

Subclause (c)
Another option is located in subclause, however it only applies in climate
zone 5. This option outlines that the Class 10a building must have masonry walls,
including between the Class 1 and Class 10 buildings (which must extend to the ceiling
or roof). The ceiling over the Class 10a building must have the same level of
performance as per the Class 1 building. Subclause (c) also requires the garage door of
the attached 10a building to not face the east or west orientation, unless the glazing in
the Class 1 building has its solar heat gain constant (CSHGC) in Table of NCC
Volume Two reduced by 15% (i.e. harsher glazing requirements).

This option can provide an annual total heating and cooling load for the Class 1 building
equivalent to that with a complying "external wall" between the Class 1 building and the
Class 10a building. Note that this option in subclause (c) cannot be used if the Class
10a building is a conditioned space.

The following diagram in Figure 8-16 shows the options available for meeting,
as well as two versions of option (c).

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Figure 8-16 Options for an attached Class 10a building to a Class 1 building

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9 Part 3.12.2 - External Glazing

Relevant terms used

List of defined terms

The following is a list of defined terms used throughout this chapter. Further explanation
of these terms can be found in Chapter 2.

• Appropriate Authority
• Climate zone
• Conditioned space
• DtS Provisions
• Envelope
• Fabric
• Floor area
• Glazing
• Performance Requirement
• Roof lights
• Total System U-Value
• Total System SHGC
• Ventilation opening

Introduction to Part 3.12.2

The treatment of glazing to limit unwanted heat gain or loss is one of the most important
aspects of the energy efficiency requirements in NCC Volume Two.

Many factors contribute to solar heat gain and heat conduction through glazing,

• the location of the building (which includes climate zone and sun angles (refer to
Chapter 2));
• the total area of glazing; the types of glass and frame used (which determine how
readily they conduct heat and transmit solar radiation); and
• the degree of exposure to the sun (which depends on the direction the glazing faces
and the extent of any shading).

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The NCC Volume Two elemental DtS Provisions consider two major thermodynamic
effects on glazing, namely:

(a) heat conduction through the glass and frame by virtue of a temperature difference
between inside and outside; and
(b) solar radiation transmitted through the glass and frame into the building.

NCC Volume Two sets separate maximum allowances for conductance and for solar
heat gain. Two equations are then used to calculate the performance of the proposed
glazing layout for comparison with those allowances. The equations take into account
glazing area, glazing thermal properties (Total System U-Value and Total System
SHGC), solar orientation and external shading projections or shading devices.

For the purposes of the NCC, glazing refers to windows, glazed doors and other
transparent or translucent elements (such as glass bricks) located in the building fabric.
It does not include roof lights. A glazing element includes the glass (or other glazing
material), any air or gas fill, and the supporting frames. The performance of glazing is
measured in terms of Total System U-Value and Total System SHGC. These terms are
explained in more detail in Chapter 2.

It is essential that glazing elements are rated as a whole to account for the different
thermal properties of the glass, any fills, the frame, and also the impact of the frame on
the glass (edge-effect). These areas are indicated in Figure 9-1.

Figure 9-1 Glazing components

The NCC requires glazing products to be rated in accordance with the Australian
Fenestration Rating Council (AFRC) protocols and procedures. Standardised rating of
glazing products ensures that a valid comparison can be made between the
performance of different glazing products.

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Glazing suppliers and manufacturers can provide the rated Total System U-Value and
Total System SHGC for their glazing products.

The calculations in Part 3.12.2 can be done long hand or be automated by using a
spreadsheet calculator. Refer to the ABCB Glazing Calculator in this chapter for more
information. Other aids have also been developed by industry.

The stringency of the NCC Volume Two glazing requirements was increased in BCA
2010 as part of the move to a nominal 6-star equivalent for the elemental DtS
Provisions, and a new glazing calculation methodology was applied for buildings in
climate zones 2 to 8. The combined effect of these changes is that it may be
challenging to design a complying glazing solution using the elemental DtS Provisions
and associated Glazing Calculator.

Early resolution of the glazing design, including the size, orientation and shading of
glazing elements, is critical as high-performance glazing alone may no longer be relied
on to achieve compliance.

The importance of glazing

The importance of glazing in houses

All elements of a house’s fabric present opportunities for energy savings. The energy
efficiency requirements emphasise the importance of maintaining the thermal
performance of the building fabric. Heating and cooling equipment may be replaced
many times over a house’s life but fundamental fabric measures such as wall insulation,
window sizes, shading, orientation and air tightness will likely remain for the life of the

For a unit or apartment with limited external fabric and limited glazing placement
options, glazing can become the greatest source of heat transfer and of infiltration or air
leakage, making it the critical element in achieving energy efficiency.

The importance of glazing generally

Some glazing systems commonly used in Australian houses can have thermal
insulation qualities that are poor compared to other parts of the house fabric. Some
elements of the building envelope of our houses (such as walls, floors and roofs) are
heavily insulated against heat loss or gain. However, much of the heat can pass through

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the glazing unless orientation, shading devices and glazing performance (glass and
frame) are managed appropriately.

In summer, sunlight radiates through the glass, bringing unwanted heat into the interior.
However, in winter, solar heat gains through the glass can contribute usefully to the
energy efficiency of a house where heating is desired. There are resources such as the
Your Home website which discuss these issues and broader passive solar design in

The NCC DtS Provisions contain requirements for the thermal performance of glazing
(including frames) depending on the glazing area, its orientation and the extent of any
shading. This attempts to limit unwanted heat gain into the house in hot weather without
unduly restricting the potential for solar heat gains in winter.

Glazing – the main opportunity to improve energy efficiency

Poorly designed glazing can become the main thoroughfare for unwanted heat gain or
heat loss. However, with the correct design, windows and glazed doors may provide
opportunities to achieve greater energy efficiencies within the house by-

• maximising solar heat gains in cooler seasons lessening the need for heating;
• minimising unwanted heat gains in hotter seasons lessening the need for cooling;
• opening the house to air movement for cooling during the night in hot seasons; and
• providing natural light which can reduce the use of heat-producing artificial lighting
in the house during daylight hours.

Design alert:
One of the main considerations in the design of air-conditioning for a house is the
heating or cooling load resulting from the glazing. Correctly designed and installed
glazing may reduce the size and capacity of the heating and cooling equipment needed
in a house.

If used carelessly glazing elements risk becoming a major weakness in the insulated
building envelope. The requirements in NCC Volume Two Part 3.12.2 are intended to
keep unwanted energy flows through the glazing within limits that are considered
reasonable for each climate zone. In some house types in some locations, greater
energy efficiency can be achieved by also making use of desirable solar gains in the
colder periods.

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The importance of orientation to glazing energy efficiency

A comparison between Figure 9-2 and Figure 9-3 illustrates how the orientation of the
glazing can receive beneficial winter sun but not unwanted summer sun. Figure 9-2
shows the relative size of the total solar gains from eight different orientation sectors
through unshaded glazing in Brisbane during the three summer months from December
to February. The centrelines of the main sectors (North, South, East and West) are
marked by solid lines. The sectors in between align to North East, South East, South
West and North West. The length of each sector shows the relative amount of solar
heat gain received from that direction.

It is obvious that glazing facing the North or South sectors receives the least solar gain
and much less than glazing facing the East and West sectors. In fact, North or South
facing glazing receives just half of the summertime gains of East and West facing

Gains from any of the intermediate sectors are about equal to each other and closer in
size to the East and West gains than they are to the North and South. Although the
diagram illustrates the situation in Brisbane, the pattern is broadly similar in most other
Australian locations. It suggests that the North and South orientation sectors are
particularly favourable for summer conditions.

Figure 9-2 Relative solar gains from eight orientations during summer in Brisbane

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Figure 9-3 Relative solar gains from eight orientations during winter in Brisbane

Figure 9-3 is the wintertime version of Figure 9-2 showing the relative size of total solar
gains from the same eight orientation sectors in Brisbane during the three winter
months from June to August. It is drawn at the same scale as the summertime diagram
so that the size of the sectors on both diagrams can be compared directly.

What might be unexpected is that the North sector is the largest source of solar gain
during winter and the East and West sectors provide gains that are less than half of
those available from the North. This is a complete reversal of the summertime situation.

Solar gains from the intermediate North East and North West sectors again fall
somewhere in-between the two. The remaining sectors (South East, South and South
West) provide negligible heat gains during the months when they are most desirable.

Combining the summer and winter outcomes shows that the East and West sectors
provide the highest level of unwanted summertime heat gains but less than half of this
during winter when solar gains might be beneficial. The South sector provides the
lowest summertime heat gains but virtually no useful heat gains in winter.

By contrast, the North sector has the same advantage during summer as the South
sector but is the best source of heat gains during the winter months. This combination
identifies the North orientation sector as uniquely favourable for avoiding heat gains

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when they are not wanted and being able to make use of them when they will be most

The North East and North West sectors provide comparatively high levels of solar gains
all year round, whether or not they are welcome. The South East and South West
sectors have the disadvantage of high summertime heat gains with minimal
compensating benefit in winter.

Orientation however is not directly important for conductance. Whether glazing faces
North, South, East or West, the same amount of heat gain or loss is calculated to occur
because the heat gain or loss depends on the air temperature inside the house
compared to the air temperature outside, which is assumed to be similar in all
directions. Good orientation however, can compensate for heat lost through conduction
by providing offsetting solar gains.

The effect of sun angles on glazing energy efficiency

The winter sun appears lower on the horizon at any time of day than the summer sun at
the same time. Between the lowest winter position and the highest summer position
there is a difference of about 47°. For unshaded glazing, the angle of the sun’s rays
onto the glass will affect the amount of solar heat gain transmitted through the glass.
The sharper the angle (closer to 90° from the horizontal), the greater the reflectance
from the surface of the glass, which results in less solar heat gain. This is most effective
in summer as the sun is higher in the sky and thus the angle is sharper, whilst the winter
sun is lower in the sky and the angle is more direct. The effect of this and the differing
hours of sunshine between the seasons is reflected in the previous diagrams Figure 9-2
and Figure 9-3, which illustrate results for unshaded glazing.

Another important benefit of the changing sun angles is that it is possible to provide
shading devices that protect glazing from unwanted summer sun while allowing the
lower winter sun to shine directly into the windows providing heat gains when they may
be welcome.

Scope of Part 3.12.2

The glazing provisions apply to a Class 1 building and to a Class 10a building with a
conditioned space using the elemental DtS Provisions. It does not apply to houses
assessed using 3.12.0(a) (the energy rating approach).

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Intent of Part 3.12.2

The intent of Part 3.12.2 is to control the amount of heat entering or leaving a building
through glazing.

Heat energy enters or leaves a room through glazing principally by conduction, radiation
and air infiltration. Infiltration is covered in the next chapter as part of the sealing
requirements in Part 3.12.3, whilst conduction and solar radiation are addressed in this

Conduction through glazing occurs when there is a temperature difference between the
inside and the outside of the glazing. Refer to Figure 9-4. If it is cold outside and warm
inside a building, the warmth inside will tend to travel through the glazing to the outside.
Alternatively, if it is cool inside and warm outside, the warmth from the outside will tend
to travel through the glazing to the inside. Conduction through both glass and frame
must be considered.

Figure 9-4 Conduction and solar heat gain through glazing

Solar radiation passes through glazing principally as direct beams of sunlight. Refer to
Figure 9-5. This figure describes how short wave radiation passes through glass. The
frame also absorbs and re-radiates heat inwards and outwards. Heat is absorbed by
interior surfaces and re-radiated and this re-radiated long wave radiation is trapped
inside the glazing.

However solar radiation also includes significant components of diffuse (or scattered)
radiation and reflected radiation. Shading projections can reduce direct solar radiation
but are less effective against diffuse and reflected radiation.

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The intensity of solar radiation from different directions varies throughout the year
depending on the location of the building. The effect of shading projections also varies.

Figure 9-5 Radiant heat gain through glazing

For the purposes of the requirements, glazing refers to windows, glazed doors and
other transparent or translucent elements (such as glass bricks) located in the building
fabric. It does not include roof lights. A glazing element includes the glass (or other
glazing material), any air or gas fill, and the supporting frames.

Objective and Performance Requirement

The relevant Objective “is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”. Although not directly
aligned to occupant comfort, the measures are based on achieving internal
environments which are sufficiently comfortable for occupants to minimise their use of
artificial heating and cooling.

The relevant part of the Performance Requirement P2.6.1 states:

“A building must have, to the degree necessary, a level of thermal performance to

facilitate the efficient use of energy for artificial heating and cooling appropriate to -…
(e) solar radiation being:
(i) utilised for heating; and
(ii) controlled to minimise energy for cooling; and …”

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The design of the building envelope is a major factor in controlling unwanted heat loss
in winter and heat gain in summer. The main contributors to heat loss or gain through
the envelope are usually window or door openings containing glazing. The rate of
energy transfer through basic single glazing can be 10 to 20 times higher than through
insulated walls.

Reducing unwanted heat movement through the building envelope will provide a major
contribution to occupant satisfaction and subsequent use of energy for heating or
cooling. The DtS Provisions for external glazing are based on this general intent.

3.12.2 Application
Clause 3.12.2 is the application of the Part, and it states that the glazing provisions
apply to a Class 1 building and to a Class 10a building with a conditioned space. This
clause does not apply to the house energy rating DtS Provision option. External Glazing

The glazing requirements are based on conductance and solar heat gain, with the
requirements separated into two main clauses, namely sub-clauses (a) and (b).

Subclause (a) contains the calculation of the aggregate conductance of the glazing in
each storey.

Subclause (b) contains the calculation of the aggregate solar heat gain of the glazing
in each storey.

Both subclauses require the aggregate conductance and solar heat gain not to exceed
the allowances calculated with figures obtained from Table and includes
separate calculations for determining the aggregate allowance and that for the proposed
building. Each storey of the house must be assessed separately.

In addition, for the conductance calculation, climate zone 1 has a different calculation
method to that of the other climate zones. The conductance allowance aims to limit
conduction into a possibly air-conditioned interior. In climate zones other than climate
zone 1, there is a noticeable winter, even if it is short or mild in some locations. And
hence solar heat gain from the glazing is accounted for to balance potential passive
heat gains and the heat lost by conduction.

The calculations lend themselves to being expressed in a spreadsheet (as used for the
ABCB Glazing Calculator) or some other automated approach. It uses the formulas and

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the related constants in to calculate the total (aggregate) conductance and
solar heat gain allowances and that of the proposed design.

Design alert:

“Each storey of a building" is in relation to a building that has more than one level. The
glazing must be assessed separately for each separate storey.

Step 1 – Calculate the allowances

The conductance allowance and the solar heat gain allowance are determined
separately. Climate zone 1 also has a different calculation method to that of the other
climate zones.

Conductance allowance calculation

Climate zone 1
The conductance allowance for climate zone 1 is determined by multiplying the floor
area of the storey by the conductance constant CU. CU is obtained from Table
This calculation for the conductance allowance in climate zone 1 can be simply
expressed by the following formula:

𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 = 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 × 𝐶𝐶𝑢𝑢

Climate zones 2 to 8
The conductance allowance for climate zones 2 to 8 does not depend on floor area. The
allowance is simply the conductance constant CU itself. Again, CU is obtained from
Table The conductance allowance for climate zones 2 to 8 can be simply
expressed as:

𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 = 𝐶𝐶𝑢𝑢

Table gives different constants, depending on the type of floor construction and
the level of air movement provided by ventilation openings on each storey. Refer to the
extract of Table The selection of floor construction and air movement level
must be made separately for each storey if there is more than one. Note the air
movement doesn’t change the conductance allowance, only the solar heat gain

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Solar heat gain allowance calculation

All climate zones

The solar heat gain allowance for all climate zones is determined by multiplying the floor
area of the storey by the solar heat gain constant CSHGC. CSHGC is obtained from Table

This calculation for the solar heat gain allowance can be simply expressed by the
following formula:

𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 = 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 × 𝐶𝐶𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆

As previously mentioned, this table gives different constants, depending on the type of
floor construction and the level of air movement provided by ventilation openings on
each storey. Refer to the extract of Table below. The selection of floor
construction and air movement level must be made separately for each storey if there is
more than one. By increasing the air movement, the solar heat gain allowance is
increased. This is due to the benefit of increased air movement reducing the heat gain
within the house and the related cooling load. High air movement is determined in
conjunction with Part 3.12.4 which is discussed in Chapter 11.

Table Constants for conductance and solar heat gain

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Design alert: What if my house is part suspended floor and part slab on ground
on the same storey?
In this situation, the different floor types can be combined in a single calculation by
averaging the allowances in proportion to area of each type. (The Glazing Calculator
automatically averages allowances for different floor types on the same storey).
Otherwise, the different floor types can be treated as separate calculations or the worst
case allowance can be applied to the whole floor area of the storey (i.e. the whole floor
being suspended).

The floor area of the storey is measured "within the enclosing walls". The floor area of
any storey will include all spaces such as wet areas (bathrooms, laundries and the like),
cupboards, the area of the actual stairs (excluding voids) in two storey houses,
mezzanines, etc.

Step 2 – Calculate the conductance and solar heat gain for the proposed

Conductance calculation
To calculate the aggregate conductance of the proposed design’s glazing in—

1. climate zone 1, use the formula in subclause; and

2. climate zones 2 to 8, use the formula in subclause

Conductance is calculated separately for each storey if there is more than one.

Climate zone 1
Aggregate conductance for climate zone 1 is calculated by a formula which multiplies
the area of each glazing element by the Total System U-Value of that glazing element
and sums the results.

The formula is as follows:

(𝐴𝐴1 × 𝑈𝑈1 ) + (𝐴𝐴2 × 𝑈𝑈2 ) + (𝐴𝐴3 × 𝑈𝑈3 ) + …

A1, 2, etc = the area of each glazing element
U1, 2, etc = the Total System U-Value of each glazing element

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Climate zones 2 to 8

Aggregate conductance for climate zones 2 to 8 uses a formula that is slightly different
to that for climate zone 1. The winter exposure factor and the Total System SHGC for
each glazing element are also accounted for in addition to the glazing area and Total
System U-Value.

The formula is as follows:

[(𝐴𝐴1 × 𝑈𝑈1 ) + (𝐴𝐴2 × 𝑈𝑈2 ) + ⋯ ] ÷ [(𝐴𝐴1 × 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆1 × 𝐸𝐸𝑊𝑊1 ) + (𝐴𝐴2 × 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝐶𝐶2 × 𝐸𝐸𝑊𝑊2 ) + ⋯ ]

A1, 2, etc = the area of each glazing element
U1, 2, etc = the Total System U-Value of each glazing element
SHGC1, 2, etc = the Total System SHGC of each glazing element
EW1, 2, etc = the winter exposure factor of each glazing element obtained
from Table

Solar heat gain calculation

To calculate the aggregate solar heat gain of the proposed design’s glazing in climate
zones 1 to 8, use the formula in NCC Volume Two subclause

Solar heat gain is calculated separately for each storey if there is more than one.

Climate zones 1 to 8

Aggregate solar heat gain is calculated by a formula which multiplies the area of each
glazing element by its Total System SHGC and by the solar exposure factor from Table for each glazing element.

The formula is as follows:

(𝐴𝐴1 × 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆1 × 𝐸𝐸𝑆𝑆1 ) + (𝐴𝐴2 × 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆2 × 𝐸𝐸𝑆𝑆2 ) +….

A1, 2, etc = the area of each glazing element
SHGC1, 2, etc = the Total System SHGC of each glazing element
ES1, 2, etc = the summer exposure factor of each glazing element
obtained from Table

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The formula must be applied separately for the glazing in each storey. The values for
the formula described above are described in greater detail at the end of this section.
The calculations can also be simplified by using the ABCB Glazing Calculator.

Design alert:
This calculation favours orientations with higher potential solar gains in winter and the
use of shading rather than glass toning. Shading that is effective in summer can still
allow welcome solar gains in winter but toning reduces solar gains all year round.

Step 3 – Compliance criterion

Compare the conductance and solar heat gain of the proposed design’s glazing with the
allowances. Both the conductance and solar heat gain must not exceed the allowance.

The criterion can be expressed simply as:


Further explanation of the relevant formula terms

Area of each glazing element (A1,2 etc)

The area of each glazing element includes the area of the glass and the frame. This
information can usually be obtained from the window schedule. Refer to the definition of
glazing in Chapter 2 for more information. In addition, if a window has 6 panes of glass,
then the area of glazing for the window includes all 6 panes and all the framing that
holds the glass.

Total System U-Value (U1, 2 etc) and Total System SGHC (SHGC1, 2 etc)
The Total System U-Value (U1, 2 etc) means the thermal transmittance of the composite
element allowing for the effect of any air spaces and associated surface resistances.
Put simply, it is a measure of the conductance of the glazing.

The Total System SHGC (SHGC1, 2 etc) is the fraction of incident irradiance on glazing
that adds heat to a building’s space. Put simply, it is a measure of the solar heat gain of
the glazing.

These values for each glazing element can be obtained from the glazing manufacturer.
The measurement of the Total System U-Value and Total System SHGC is specified in
the Technical Protocols and Procedures Manual for the Energy Rating of Fenestration

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Products of the Australian Fenestration Rating Council (AFRC). This provides a

standard testing and reporting format that is being adopted internationally.

Various assessors using AFRC procedures might refer to their published performance
values by slightly different terms (including “U-factor”, “U-Value” or “Uw” for Total
System U-Value and “SHGC” for Total System SHGC). Such values may be used in
3.12.2 provided they measure combined glass and frame performance according to
AFRC requirements.

Total System U-Values and Total System SHGCs are shown for some simple types of
residential glazing elements in the explanatory information below The values
give worst case assessments of glazing elements, which can be improved by obtaining
custom product assessments from suppliers, manufacturers, industry associations
(including their online resources) and from competent assessors. Custom assessments
consider glazing element components in more detail and return the highest levels of
assessed performance for a given type of glazing element.

There is a range of frames and glass types with different thermal characteristics that
can have a significant effect on the performance of the glazing system. The basic types
of frame materials include standard aluminium, thermally broken aluminium, timber and
UPVC. Typical glass types include clear, tinted, coated and double glazed (two panes of
glass separated by an air-gap). The type of frame, the details of its geometry and the
fraction it makes up of the glazing element area as well as the type of glass used, all
affects the overall performance of the glazing element.

Design alert: What happens if non-standard windows and one-off architectural

windows and glazed doors are used?
The Total System U-Value and Total System SHGC for the glazing system can still be
obtained from the manufacturer or supplier who will have completed a generic or
custom rating for that particular system.

Winter and summer exposure factors (EW1,2 etc & ES1,2 etc)
The winter exposure factors (Ew) and summer exposure factors (Es) depend upon the
climate zone, orientation sector and any shading of the glazing. The shading is
represented by P/H. Ew and Es for each glazing element are obtained from Table and Table respectively. How to use these tables and the associated
terms are described below.

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1. Determine the relevant climate zone for the building. This was discussed earlier in
Chapter 2.
2. Determine the orientation sector for each glazing element (see further explanation
3. Determine the P/H ratio for shading projections and devices (refer to NCC Volume
Two Figure and Clause or the explanation below).
4. Determine the winter and summer exposure factors from Table and

Orientation Sector
The orientation sector can be determined for each glazing element using Figure in NCC Volume Two, which recognises 8 orientations; North, North East, East,
South East, South, South West, West and North West. Figure is reproduced
below in Figure 9-6.

This figure shows the extent of the sectors within their boundaries labelled as angles
measured clockwise from North. Curved arrows define where each sector begins and
ends. The dot at the tail of each arrow shows that the sector starts just beyond the
nearest marked angle. The head of each arrow falls on the angle that marks the
clockwise limit of the sector. For example, East North East (ENE) falls into the North
East Sector and East South East (ESE) falls into the East sector.

Figure 9-6 Orientation sectors

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P - Projection

P is the horizontal projection of the shading projection from the face of the glazing. The
projection is measured from the external face of the window glass to the shadow-
casting edge of the projection. This may include the guttering on any eaves if it is
mounted no higher on the facia than its own width.

H - Height
H is height of the shadow-casting edge of the projection above the base of the glazing
element and the difference between the two is referred to as G. See Figure 9-7 below. If
the height of the shading projection or device varies, the highest point shall be used.

Note that a shading device that complies with Clause is considered to
achieve a P/H value of 2.00 and when G exceeds 500 mm or more the value of P must
be halved. This information is located in the Notes of Figure

Figure 9-7 Method of measuring P and H

Australian Building Codes Board Page 112

Handbook: NCC Volume Two Energy Efficiency Provisions 2016 Shading
There are a range of options for shading but they commonly fall into two groups,

(a) an external permanent projection; or

(b) an external shading device.

Either can be used for determining P/H.

Subclause specifies that a permanent projection includes those such as a

verandah, balcony, fixed canopy, eaves, shading hood, carport or the like.

A key requirement for a permanent projection is that it must extend horizontally on both
sides of the glazing for at least the same distance as the projection distance P (as
commonly occurs with eaves) or the equivalent shading must be provided by a reveal or
the like.

Design alert: What is a reveal?

This is a surface formed when a window is recessed into the building face. The depth of
a reveal can be increased (for shading purposes) by a vertical fin projecting from the
building face. A reveal that extends for the full height of the opening and projects as far
as the shading projection above would be considered to provide equivalent shading.

The second option for shading under clause is in subclause (b) which specifies
requirements for shading devices such as shutters or blinds or vertical / horizontal
building screens with fabric, blades, battens or slats. Among other possible options,
shutters can be side swing shutters that open or close across a window or roller
shutters that can completely cover the glass.

To meet the requirements of a shading device:

(a) must be capable of restricting at least 80% of summer solar radiation (this may be
measured cumulatively over the three month period December to February for a
fixed device, where the shading effect varies at different times, or be a constant
80% opacity for devices that shade by fully covering the glazing); and
(b) if adjustable, must be readily operated, including types which can be manually,
mechanically or automatically adjusted by the occupants.

There is software available outside of the NCC than can calculate the summer solar

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Glazing Calculator
The ABCB has developed a Glazing Calculator for NCC users to assist with
demonstrating compliance with the NCC energy efficiency requirements for glazing.
Practitioners may undertake to develop their own but need to demonstrate compliance
with the NCC clauses, formulae and tables. Figure 9-8 shows a screenshot of the ABCB

There is also a short YouTube clip describing the ABCB Glazing Calculator for NCC
Volume Two available from the ABCB website.

Figure 9-8 Screenshot of NCC Volume Two Glazing Calculator

The following is a description of key cells in the Glazing Calculator to explain its use.
Additional advice can be found in the Help Screen of the Calculator.

Building parameters
(a) Building name/description – is used to identify the house that is being assessed by
this spreadsheet (for example the street address).
(b) Climate zone – This cell requires the input of the proposed house’s climate zone;
which will be dependent upon the location of the house. Refer to Chapter 2 for more
information on the NCC climate zones.
(c) Storey – Each storey of the house must be assessed using a different calculator
sheet. Since glazing is assessed separately for each storey, input a number or word
that clearly identifies which storey is being assessed by the calculator form.

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(d) Air movement – This cell identifies the air movement as either “Standard”, “High” or
an interpolated value between the two. How to determine the level of air movement
is described in the Notes to Table This input must be separately verified as
the Glazing Calculator does not determine what value should be used.
(e) Floor area - enter the floor area of the storey (as previously described in this
chapter) subdividing the floor, if necessary, into the two floor types recognised,
direct contact or suspended. For the purposes of Table, "Direct contact” is
a floor in direct contact with the ground and "Suspended” is a suspended floor
including a second storey floor. Note you do not need to input the “m2” as this will
automatically occur after you have entered the floor area value.
(f) Wall insulation option chosen for – This outlines optional trading between
external wall and glazing requirements in certain climate zones and relates to high
mass walls. If a wall concession is used, the glazing allowance is decreased making
the glazing requirements harder to achieve.

Constants and allowances

There is no user access to these cells to input data. However, once the building
parameter cells have data in them (i.e. the climate zone, air movement and floor area),
the constants and allowances will automatically change. The aggregate value for all the
glazing elements combined must not be more than the allowances to achieve a pass.

Glazing elements details

(a) ID – The Calculator can display up to 80 rows. Not all the rows will be visible unless
you change the number of rows displayed using the input immediately above the
glazing elements table. Each row is numbered by default. You can use these
numbers or any preferred code to identify each glazing element. Most architectural
drawings and window schedules have nominated window numbers which can be
used in this column or the adjoining “Description” column.
(b) Description - Input any desired description of the glazing element (e.g. room, size
code, etc). This is an optional input for the convenience of the user and the
(c) Facing sector - This is the orientation sector on Figure that the glazing
element faces. Eight orientation sectors are provided in the drop down box. Select
the applicable sector for each glazing element. It is important to select the right
sector as this impacts which summer and winter exposure factors are used.
(d) Height, width, area - Rectangular glazing elements can be described by height and
width. These are the outside frame dimensions. If height and width are entered, it is
not necessary to input the area. If the glazing element is a non-rectangular shape,

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or identifies several identical elements being grouped as one, the area can be
manually calculated and input into the area cell. For glazing elements with shading
projections, it will still be necessary to input the height for the calculator to
determine the shading effect. Note that height is not needed when a shading device
is used.

Glazing performance
(a) Total System U-Value (AFRC) - This is the performance of the glazing (frame +
glass) in terms of conduction. Refer to Chapter 2 for more information as this is a
defined term in the NCC.
(b) Total System SHGC (AFRC) - This is the performance of the glazing (frame +
glass) in terms of its ability to transmit solar heat gain. Refer to Chapter 2 for more
information as this is a defined term in the NCC.

Shading (P/H or device)

(a) P – This is the horizontal distance (in metres) from the glass face to the shadow
casting edge of any shading projection in accordance with clause If a
shading device that complies with subclause is used, input the word
“device” in the cell (and leave the corresponding H cell blank).
(b) H – This is the vertical distance from the base of the glazing element to the same
shadow casting edge used to measure P.

If there is no shading, leave the P and H cells blank.

Calculation data
There is no user access to these cells which show the values being used to calculate
the conductance and solar heat gain of each glazing element.

(a) P/H - This is automatically calculated from the values of P and H previously given.
There are two important points to note: P/H values greater than 2 will receive the
same shading credit as a value of 2 since this is the limit of the exposure factor
tables (any such values will be highlighted in red bold font). Where the shading
edge is more than 0.5 m above the head of the glazing, the value of P is halved
when calculating P/H, in accordance with Figure (any such values will be
also highlighted by red italics font).
(b) Summer exposure factors (Es) - These are taken from Table for the
appropriate climate zone, orientation sector and P/H. Where the P/H value falls
between those shown in the table, the exposure factor is automatically interpolated.

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(c) Area used -This is either the glazing element height multiplied by its width or any
area given in the area column, whichever is the larger value.

Calculated outcomes

Calculated outcomes are not displayed until any input issues have been resolved.
These issues will be highlighted by formatting or advisory messages. There are
separate columns for the conductance and solar heat gain outcomes.

(a) U x area / winter access (conductance) - This automatically calculates the

conductance of the individual glazing element in accordance with sub-clause “Winter access” refers to the availability of wintertime solar gains to
offset conducted heat losses.
(b) Element share of % of allowance used - The text message shows two percentage
figures separated by “of”. The first percentage is the percentage that the individual
glazing element contributes to the aggregate conductance for all listed glazing
elements. It allows users to quickly identify which glazing elements are using the
most from the allowance.
The second percentage shows how the aggregate performance compares to the
conductance allowance. This value will be 100% or less for complying designs.
When it is less than 100%, users can readily see how much “headroom” exists in
the glazing design for conductance. When the second percentage is more than
100%, it shows the extent of “overrun”. By looking at both percentages, users can
identify how far the conductance needs to be improved and which elements are
most influencing the result.
(c) SHGC x Es x area (Solar heat gain) - This automatically calculates the solar heat
gain of the individual glazing element in accordance with Clause
(d) Element share of % of allowance used - This information is comparable to the
details provided for conductance but is based on the outcomes for solar heat gain.
The first percentage figure (for the element’s share of the aggregate outcome) is
particularly important because the effect of exposure and shading make it harder for
users to otherwise identify which elements are having the greatest effect on the
solar heat gain result.
(e) Compliance indicator – The box below the calculated outcomes in the glazing
elements table indicates whether the proposed glazing design meets the
requirements of Part 3.12.2, provided inputs to the calculator are in accordance with
those requirements. The calculator attempts to highlight improbable inputs but
cannot validate every input. Subject to those qualifications, a tick means compliance
has been achieved and a cross means compliance with the glazing requirements
has not been achieved.

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If the overall design does not comply, some of the design parameters (orientation, size,
performance or shading) will need to be changed with the aid of the information
provided in the two “element share of % of allowance used” columns.

The following is an example of how the Part 3.12.2 DtS Provisions are applied to a
single storey house with a total floor area of 100 m2 in climate zone 5 (illustrated below).

There are 8 external glazing elements and the glazing schedule is provided above. All
of the glazing is proposed to be single pane glass in standard aluminium frames, which
has a Total System U-Value of 7.9 and a Total System SHGC of 0.81.

The house has a slab-on-ground floor and brick veneer external walls. The main entry
door faces North West. The ceiling height is 2.4 m and there are 300 mm wide eaves
located 100 mm above the window head height on all 4 sides.

No ceiling fans are installed in the house. However, the glazing and doors provide
ventilation openings equal to about 14% of the floor area, which falls short of the 15%
needed in climate zone 5 to be considered as having ‘high’ air movement. As this falls
between the ‘high’ and ‘standard’ air movement the interpolated value of 1.85 will be
used. (The design is 85% of the difference between standard (7.5%) and high (15%)).

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Step 1 - Determine the allowances for the conductance and solar heat gain

In climate zones 2 to 8, the conductance allowance is equal to the conductance
constant (CU).

𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 = 𝐶𝐶𝑢𝑢

For climate zone 5, the conductance constant (CU) from Table for a house with
a floor in direct contact with the ground is 13.464.

Solar heat gain

The solar heat gain allowance in all climate zones is calculated by multiplying CSHGC by
the floor area of the storey.

𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 = 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 × 𝐶𝐶𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆

The floor area of the house is 100 m2. The solar heat gain constant (CSHGC) from Table for a house with a floor in direct contact with the ground and an interpolated air
movement of 1.85 in climate zone 5 is 0.132. This is calculated as lying at the 85% point
between the standard and high CSHGC values, 0.122 and 0.134.

𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 𝑎𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 = 100 × 0.132 = 13.2

For this house, the solar heat gain allowance is 13.2.

Step 2 - Determine the conductance and solar heat gain of the proposed design

In climate zone 5, the conductance of the proposed design is calculated using the
formula in

[(𝐴𝐴1 × 𝑈𝑈1 ) + (𝐴𝐴2 × 𝑈𝑈2 ) + ⋯ ] ÷ [(𝐴𝐴1 × 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆1 × 𝐸𝐸𝑊𝑊1 ) + (𝐴𝐴2 × 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝐶𝐶2 × 𝐸𝐸𝑊𝑊2 ) + ⋯ ]

The glazing schedule provides the area details and the Total System U-Value and Total
System SHGC were identified earlier as 7.9 and 0.81 respectively. The remaining
values to be determined are the appropriate winter exposure factors (Ew), which
requires the P and H shading values to be calculated.

P is measured horizontally from the face of the glass to the shadow casting edge of the
shading projection. Allowing for no setback of the window (i.e. no external reveal) and a
300 mm eaves, including the standard fascia gutter, P is 300 mm or 0.3 m for all glazing
elements. H is measured vertically from the base of each glazing element to the outer

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shadow casting edge of the projection. In this case, that is the lower edge of the fascia
gutter, which is mounted 100mm or 0.1m above the bottom of the fascia. Assume that
the bottom of the fascia is at head height for all windows and doors. The value of H will
vary for glazing elements of different heights but will be equal to the glazing height plus
0.1 m. The P/H and Ew for the different glazing elements are detailed below.

Table for winter exposure factors, Ew, includes P/H values of 0.10, 0.20 and
0.40. P/H values between those shown in Table must be rounded down to the
nearest smaller P/H value or interpolated if greater precision is wanted. The Ew in the
table above have been interpolated. The Glazing Calculator automatically interpolates
intermediate values.

Using all the information for this example in climate zone 5, the conductance of the
design is calculated below. Note glazing elements with common characteristics have
been grouped together.

[(𝐴𝐴1 × 𝑈𝑈1 ) + (𝐴𝐴2 × 𝑈𝑈2 ) + ⋯ ]

[(𝐴𝐴1 × 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆1 × 𝐸𝐸𝑊𝑊1 ) + (𝐴𝐴2 × 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝐶𝐶2 × 𝐸𝐸𝑊𝑊2 ) + ⋯ ]

[6 × (4.32 × 7.9) + (2.88 × 7.9) + (5.04 × 7.9)]

[3 × (4.32 × 0.81 × 1.27) + (2.88 × 0.81 × 1.24) + (5.04 × 0.81 × 0.29) + 3 × (4.32 × 0.81 × 0.29)]

The aggregate conductance of the proposed design is 13.07. This not more than the
allowance of 13.464 and therefore the conductance complies.

Solar heat gain

In climate zone 5, the solar heat gain of the proposed design is calculated using the
formula in

(𝐴𝐴1 × 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆1 × 𝐸𝐸𝑆𝑆1 ) + (𝐴𝐴2 × 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆2 × 𝐸𝐸𝑆𝑆2 ) +….

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As described earlier, the glazing schedule provides the area details and the Total
System U-Value and Total System SHGC being 7.9 and 0.81 respectively. The
remaining values to be determined are the appropriate summer exposure factors (Es),
which requires the P and H shading values calculated earlier. The Es for the different
glazing elements are added to the previous table and shown below.

Like the winter exposure factors, Table for summer exposure factors, Es,
includes P/H values of 0.10, 0.20 and 0.40. P/H values between those shown in Table must be rounded down to the nearest smaller P/H value or interpolated if
greater precision is wanted. The Es in the table above have been interpolated. The
Glazing Calculator automatically interpolates intermediate values.

Using all the information for this example in climate zone 5, the solar heat gain of the
design is calculated below. Note glazing elements with common characteristics have
been grouped together.

(𝐴𝐴1 × 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆1 × 𝐸𝐸𝑆𝑆1 ) + (𝐴𝐴2 × 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆2 × 𝐸𝐸𝑆𝑆2 ) +….

3 × (4.32 × 0.81 × 0.81) + (2.88 × 0.81 × 0.73) + (5.04 × 0.81 × 0.82) + 3 × (4.32 ×
0.81 × 0.80)

The aggregate of solar heat gain of the proposed design is 21.952. This is more than
the allowance of 13.2 and therefore the solar heat gain does not comply.

Step 3 Compliance criterion

In summary, the aggregate conductance and solar heat gain for the proposed design
must be less than the allowances in both cases.


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All the inputs must accurately represent the climate zone, the floor type, the floor area,
the air movement level, the location and size of every glazing element, the thermal
performance values for the glazing type(s) and any shading provisions. Shading must
also meet the requirements of Clause for the results to be valid.

In this example, the aggregate conductance of the proposed design is 13.07. This not
more than the allowance of 13.464 and therefore the conductance complies.

Solar heat gain

In this example, the solar heat gain of the proposed design is 21.952. This is more than
the allowance of 13.2 and therefore the solar heat gain does not comply.

Since both the conductance and solar heat gain are not less than their respective
allowances, this design does not comply. To achieve compliance, changes to the
glazing are necessary.

The Glazing Calculator

The figure below shows the Glazing Calculator for this example.

Achieving compliance

An option to achieve compliance for this example is to improve the performance of the
glazing elements (i.e. the Total System U-Value and Total System SHGC). By
improving the glazing performance from a single, clear glass in an aluminium frame to a

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tinted, low emissivity glass in a standard aluminium frame, the Total System U-Value
and Total System SHGC change to 4.5 and 0.45, respectively. Note these are not
representative of a specific window manufacturer’s data. Data relevant to the specific
windows being installed should be used.

Changing the glazing performance using the Glazing Calculator, shown below,
demonstrates that this achieves compliance (a pass) for the proposed design.

Glazing Strategies

Balancing summer and winter performance using Ew / Es

The Ew / Es value indicates the relative impact of the winter and summer exposures for
a given glazing orientation and shading arrangement. A number greater than 1 indicates
a glazing element where there is significant benefit in winter without too much penalty in
summer. A number lower than 1 indicates that increasing the area will cause a summer
penalty greater than the winter benefit.

Device shading
One way of balancing winter and summer performance is to use a “device” which can
be adjusted to suit the season (see subclause in NCC Volume Two).
Adjustable shading, such as a rollup awning, can be assessed in the Calculator by
completing two separate reports. A first report, for “summer performance”, would
include the “device” and demonstrate compliance with solar heat gain requirements by
not exceeding 100% of the solar heat gain allowance. The second report, for “winter

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performance” would replace the “device” by shading P/H values which reflect its
retracted state and demonstrate compliance for conductance by not exceeding 100% of
the conductance allowance. The two reports, taken together, would provide evidence of
overall compliance, provided they vary only in the extent of shading provided by the

Additional Information

Changes in the calculation methodology

The methodology used to determine glazing compliance using the DtS Provisions
changed in BCA 2010 to better align with the energy rating approach. These changes
are described below.

Conductance calculation
The conductance calculation for climate zones 2 to 8 no longer sets an allowance based
on the floor area. The calculation is best thought of as “winter performance” and,
despite being labelled “conductance”, is also affected by the Total System SHGC and
shading. The “winter performance” aims to ensure that the total heat lost by conduction
through the glazing will not exceed the direct solar gains available across all glazing in
that storey of the dwelling. The new calculation has a number of implications:

• Lower Total System U-Values are generally better, as they limit the heat lost
through the glazing in winter and the amount of unwanted heat gained by
conduction during summer.
• In cooler climate zones, higher Total System SHGCs are better, as they allow more
direct solar gains.
• Using shading, rather than tinting, can allow compliance with the summer-based
solar heat gain calculation while still achieving useful winter solar gains. Tinting
(which lowers the Total System SHGC) has the same effect in both summer and
• Over-shading (that is, having too much shading) is heavily penalised in cooler
climate zones as it limits the amount of direct solar gains in winter. This can be
recognised when the Calculator shows that the “% of allowance used” for solar heat
gain is very low. Optimal shading for winter conditions still needs to be balanced
with the solar heat gain, or “summer performance”.
• The winter solar gains are generally only high enough to be beneficial on the North,
Northeast and Northwest orientations. The more glazing on the E-SE-S-SW-W
orientations, the greater the amount needed to compensate on the NW-N-NE

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orientations. For alterations and additions, this can have a significant impact.
Further guidance is provided below.
• Because the requirement does not depend on floor area, there is no arbitrary limit to
the amount of glazing. Sometimes the answer is to put in more glazing (of a suitable
type) on beneficial orientations. Changing the shape of glazing can also help. For
an opening of a given area, lowering the sill can expose the glazing to winter sun
while keeping it fully shaded in summer. Where it is not possible to add glazing on
the beneficial orientations, it may be necessary to decrease the amount of glazing
on the other orientations or to select glazing with lower Total System U-Values.

Note that the conductance calculation methodology for climate zone 1 has not changed.

Exposure factors
The calculation now uses exposure factors for both winter and summer performance.
They depend on the orientation and the shading.

• Ew refers to the winter exposure factor. Higher numbers are better. Generally, a
number greater than 1 indicates a “beneficial” exposure, that is, a good combination
of orientation and shading for glazing in winter. Conduction compliance may be
assisted by increasing glazing areas with “beneficial” exposures. Exposure factors
below 1 can still be viable but may require glazing with better (that is, lower) Total
System U-Values.
• Es refers to the summer exposure factor. Lower numbers are better. A larger
number indicates that, for the same glazing type and area, the glazing will use up
more of the solar heat gain allowance.

Guidance on how to balance summer and winter glazing performance using the ratio of
Ew to Es (Ew / Es) is given in other parts of this section.

Changes to the Glazing Calculator Layout

The more significant additions and changes to the layout of the Glazing Calculator (first
issued with BCA 2010 and compared to previous versions BCA 2009 and earlier) are
identified below.

Climate zone
The climate zone is now entered in the cell to the right of the building description.

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Floor construction
The floor construction is now more clearly identified. Rather than the floor type being
identified as Type A or B it is now described as “Direct Contact” or “Suspended”. Either
or both types can be used. Where two floor types are nominated, they must be on the
same storey. The Calculator will determine a composite glazing stringency for the
storey, taking account of the relative areas of each floor type. Previous Calculators
reported the outcomes separately for each floor type.

Orientation/facing sector
The orientation is now a single column due to the change in how the floor construction
is entered.

Air movement
The air movement is now entered in the cell below the storey rather than the cell
beneath the floor area, and is denoted by the words “Standard” or “High” rather than S
or H. A number between 1 and 2 can be entered if the ventilation opening area is
between Standard and High, and the solar heat gain allowance will be adjusted

Wall insulation concession (first added in BCA 2010 Glazing Calculator)

This cell refers to the optional trade-offs between wall insulation and glazing
performance permitted by Table for high-mass walls. Where such an
insulation concession is used, the glazing stringency is increased as indicated in the
top-right-hand corner of the Glazing Calculator.

Exposure factor (variable display first added in BCA 2010 Glazing Calculator)
Clicking in the title row under “Exposure” makes a drop-down menu available to change
the exposure factor information currently displayed. Choose from either “Es”, “Ew” or
“Ew/Es”. These are described previously in the changes to the calculation methodology
and glazing strategies.

Note that dwellings with multiple storeys still require a separate Glazing Calculator
report for each storey.

Glazing in Alterations and Additions

The information below is of a general nature as the application of the NCC requirements
to alterations and additions is governed by State and Territory building and plumbing
legislation. The specific arrangements in the relevant State or Territory jurisdiction may

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be different to that described below. The final decision is at the discretion of the
Appropriate Authority and is dependent upon the particular characteristics of the
existing building, and the type and extent of work being carried out.

Where an upgrade is required by the State or Territory legislation

Where an upgrade to the existing dwelling is required, the existing glazing may also
need to be replaced in accordance with requirements of the Appropriate Authority.

Where an upgrade is not required by the State or Territory legislation

Where an upgrade to the existing dwelling is not required, it would be reasonable to
assess the compliance as if the new glazing were uniformly applied to the whole storey,
but to require the complying glazing to be installed only in the alteration or addition.

It may be very costly or even impossible for new glazing in an alteration or addition to
compensate for the poor performance of existing glazing, especially for an alteration or
addition that does not have any north-facing glazing in a cooler climate.

Figure 9-9 Potential option for assessing glazing in an alteration or addition

Remember to check with the Appropriate Authority as to whether or not this approach is
applicable or acceptable in that jurisdiction.

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10 Part 3.12.3 - Building Sealing

Relevant terms used

List of defined terms

The following is a list of defined terms used throughout this chapter. Further
explanation of these terms can be found in Chapter 2.

• Climate zone
• Conditioned space
• DtS Provisions
• Envelope
• Fabric
• Habitable room
• Roof light
• Ventilation opening
• Window

Relevant terminology
The following term is used throughout this chapter and is explained here.

Evaporative cooler

An evaporative cooler is an air-conditioning system that utilises the evaporation or water

to cool air. They are typical for residential dwellings and are usually placed on the roofs.
They are also commonly known as “swampys”. Evaporative coolers work best in
climates where the air is hot and the humidity is low. They operate by drawing warm
outside air into the unit through filter pads made wet by a cold water supply. The air
passing through the pads drops in temperature due to the dry air becoming more humid.
The cool, humidified air is discharged indoors, but must also be vented through
judiciously opened windows and doors in order to avoid a build-up of humidity and to
maintain the efficiency of the evaporation process.

Introduction to Part 3.12.3

The NCC Volume Two building sealing DtS Provisions have been developed to limit
unwanted air leakage into or out of the building. Any unintended air leakage may mean
the loss of conditioned air, or short circuit the controlled air movement requirements of
Part 3.12.4, which will be discussed in the next chapter of this Handbook.

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Overall, the DtS Provisions encourage ventilation that can be controlled by occupants to
make use of warmer or cooler outside air when desirable, and to also maintain a healthy
indoor environment. Building sealing supports that goal by reducing the pathways for
unseen and unintended leakage of air that has been heated or cooled for the comfort of
occupants. This, in turn, has the capacity to reduce the energy required for artificial
heating, cooling and dehumidifying.

As with all aspects of the DtS Provisions, each element within Part 3.12.3 is designed to
work as part of a system approach to ensure the building achieves the desired level of
energy efficiency.

The requirements in Part 3.12.3 of NCC Volume Two apply to Class 1 dwellings, even if
a house energy rating approach has been used. Refer to Chapter 7 for more

Scope of Part 3.12.3

The building sealing requirements address the following elements of a building:

(a) chimneys and flues;

(b) roof lights;
(c) external windows and doors;
(d) exhaust fans;
(e) construction of external roofs, walls and floors; and
(f) evaporative coolers.

The requirements have been developed to address conditions most likely to be

experienced in the eight climate zones adopted by the NCC, appropriate to the use of
particular spaces within a dwelling, and whether artificial heating or cooling is used.

A number of concessions and exemptions are provided and these are described later in
this chapter.

Intent of Part 3.12.3

The intent of Part 3.12.3 is to restrict the unintended leakage of outdoor air into the
dwelling and the loss of conditioned air from the dwelling.

In addition to unnoticed air leakage, drafts caused by poorly sealed external openings
and construction gaps can affect the building occupants’ sense of comfort, causing

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them to increase the use of artificial heating and cooling. Leakage of humid air into an
air-conditioned building can increase energy needed for dehumidification.

Air leakage most commonly occurs at the:

• roof to wall junction;

• floor to wall junction;
• wall to door frame junction;
• wall to window frame junction; and
• all services penetrations.

The requirements in 3.12.3 are designed to control this leakage and the loss of
conditioned air. In hotter climates, an air-conditioning system will initiate the
requirements through the defined term conditioned space. In cooler climates, where
heating will be used during winter months, the building is required to be sealed to
prevent the undue loss of heated air.

However, the application of these requirements does not prevent occupants from using
windows and doors to control ventilation as needed to maintain indoor air quality, or to
open the house to favourable outdoor conditions. These ventilation requirements are
recognised in Part 3.12.4, which is discussed in the next chapter of this Handbook. The
intention of the sealing requirements of Part 3.12.3 of NCC Volume Two is to minimise
unwanted air leakage only.

3.12.3 Application
The sealing requirements apply to all Class 1 buildings (dwellings) and Class 10a
buildings (garages and carports etc.) with a conditioned space. However there are a
number of exemptions intended to exempt buildings or parts of buildings that should not
be sealed for one reason or another. These exemptions are:

1. buildings in climate zones 1, 2, 3 and 5 where evaporative coolers are the only
means of air-conditioning;
2. ventilation openings needed for the safe use of a gas appliance. However, the
concession is limited only to the opening necessary for the use of that appliance;
3. a Class 10a building used for the accommodation of vehicles.

The first exemption recognises that an evaporative cooler requires external air to be
introduced to allow the cooler to work effectively and climate zones 1, 2, 3 and 5
generally require more cooling rather than heating. This concession does not extend to

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climate zones 4, 6, 7 & 8 due to the likelihood of heating being needed during colder
periods, which will require sealing measures to prevent heat loss.

As outlined in the second exemption, ventilation openings installed in the building for the
safe operation of gas appliances do not need to comply with the requirements. This may
include wall vents and the like, needed for the appliance. However, the concession is
limited to the areas required for the safe operation of that equipment. Appropriate
ventilation and associated area for gas appliances can be obtained from relevant
legislation, standards and product installation manuals.

The third concession for domestic garages is so that there is not a build-up of exhaust
gases if a car is running in a closed garage. - Chimneys and flues

A chimney or flue serving an open solid fuel burning appliance is required to have a
damper or flap fitted that can be closed to seal the chimney or flue. The damper or flap
may be operated by the occupants to close off the flue to prevent conditioned air being
drawn up the chimney or flue when the appliance is not in use, especially during the
summer months.

It is important to note that only appliances with an open face, which burn a solid fuel
such as wood, coal or the like, are required to have a damper or flap. This clause is not
applicable to gas and liquid fuel burning devices. Part 3.7.3 of NCC Volume Two should
also be referred to for relevant fire safety requirements. - Roof lights

What roof lights need to be sealed?

Clause provides general requirements for sealing roof lights, and covers two
distinct situations where roof lights must be sealed, or capable of being sealed. The first
situation is when they serve a conditioned space. The second situation is when they
serve a habitable room in climate zones 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Subclause (a)(i) indicates that all conditioned spaces must have sealed roof lights,
irrespective of whether the room is habitable or not. Accordingly, a roof light in climate
zone 1 will need to be sealed if it serves a laundry that is artificially heated or cooled.
Conversely, it would not require sealing if the laundry was not artificially heated or
cooled, because the room is not considered to be a habitable room for the purposes of
the NCC. Refer to Chapter 2 for defined terms, including a habitable room.

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How are roof lights sealed?

There are three options for achieving a complying seal;

1. An imperforate (secondary) diffuser installed at the ceiling level or the internal lining
level. In cathedral ceilings, the diffuser can be installed at the lower edge of the roof
light shaft opening. The diffuser is typically an opaque sheet of plastic used to
reduce glare from the roof light. Refer to Figure 10-1 for suitable ceiling diffuser
2. A weatherproof seal can be installed and although it is not mentioned in the clause,
the seal could be a foam or rubber compressible strip or the like similar to those for
sealing external doors and windows.
3. A shutter system can be installed that is operated either manually, electronically or
mechanically. It is also a requirement to make sure the operating mechanisms are
easily accessible to the occupant so they can be readily used.
Figure 10-1 Suitable location of ceiling diffusers

A window is considered to be a roof light only when in a plane that is between 0 and 70
degrees measured from the horizontal. Glazed openings that are installed in roofs with

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a greater angle are considered to be windows and are addressed in Chapter 9. Further
detail on roof lights is located in Chapter 8 of this document. - External windows and doors outlines that external doors, operable windows or similar openings must
have a seal to restrict air infiltration, when they serve a conditioned space in any climate
zone, or they serve a habitable room in climate zones 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. exempts windows from the requirements of (a) if they comply with maximum
air infiltration rates in the standard AS 2047 Windows in buildings – selection and
installation. The window sealing requirements within this standard are deemed to be
acceptable. states an external swing door must have a seal on the bottom edge that is
a draft protection device and (ii) outlines that any openable device (door, window or
shutter) must have a seal on all edges, which can be a foam, rubber compressible strip,
fibrous seal or the like.

The intention of these requirements is to limit unintended leakage of outdoor air into the
dwelling and the loss of conditioned air from the dwelling when windows, doors and
other openings are closed. - Exhaust fans

Unsealed exhaust fans are essentially openings in the insulated envelope, through
which conditioned air will escape when they are not operating. Accordingly, the intention
of this requirement is to restrict the extent of air leakage through intermittently operating
fans; requiring them to be sealed when not in operation. The requirement applies to
exhaust fans when they are located in a conditioned space in any climate zone, or
serving a habitable room in climate zones 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

This requirement can be achieved by simple flap damper systems that are readily
available for most fan types. Alternatively, a mesh filter system, similar to that used in
kitchen range hoods, is acceptable as it significantly restricts the flow of air when the fan
is not operating. - Construction of roofs, walls and floors

This requirement applies to the external fabric elements of the building such as roofs,
walls and floors and any opening in those elements, again, when they are located in a

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conditioned space in any climate zone or serving a habitable room in climate zones 4, 5,
6, 7 and 8.

The requirement is intended to limit air leakage through gaps at the junctions of each
element and around openings, such as between a window or door frame and a wall

In most instances, conventional internal fixing and finishing procedures will be sufficient
to comply with the required seal, provided linings are close fitting and trimmed by
skirtings, architraves, cornices or the like.

Design alert: What does close fitting mean?

If we consider that doors and windows require a compressible seal, it would not be
acceptable to have visible gaps surrounding the window or door unit. Accordingly, a
reasonable interpretation of “close fitting” could be having a gap less than that between
a closed window or door and the associated frame, which is typically 2 mm.

It is noted that some lining systems such as plasterboard require gaps to allow for
movement of sheeting, and this is acceptable. Square set ceilings without cornices
could also be sufficient to minimise air leakage.

As already mentioned, in most instances, this clause will be addressed by conventional

construction practices i.e. no additional measures will be required to seal the internal
space from the external space. Where gaps occur and architraves, skirtings or cornices
are not being used, it is necessary to seal any opening with caulking or other flexible
sealant, such as expanded foam or other gap filling material. - Evaporative coolers

Similar to fans, evaporative coolers must have self-closing dampers to prevent loss of
heated air in those climates where heating may be needed in the winter. Typically, as
per the requirement, this would occur in habitable rooms in climate zones 4, 5, 6, 7 and
8. However, dampers are also required in any climate zone if the space served by the
evaporative cooler has a heating system, even if the space is non-habitable. This is
because heated air will leak through the unsealed cooler or its ductwork.

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11 Part 3.12.4 - Air Movement

Relevant terms used

List of defined terms

The following is a list of defined terms used throughout this chapter. Further explanation
of these terms can be found in Chapter 2.

• Climate zone
• DtS Provisions
• External wall
• Habitable room
• Performance Requirement
• Ventilation opening
• Window

Relevant terminology
The following terms are used throughout this chapter and are explained here.

Breeze path

This is the path from one ventilation opening in a dwelling to another ventilation opening
in the same dwelling, along which air can move freely. The breeze path must be
unimpeded for natural breezes to pass through the dwelling and, in so doing, provide
natural cooling by skin cooling or admission of outside air when conditions are suitable.

Evaporative cooler
An evaporative cooler is an artificial cooling system that utilises the evaporation or water
to cool air. They are typical for residential dwellings and are usually placed on the roofs.
They are also commonly known as “swampys”. Evaporative coolers work best in
climates where the air is hot and the humidity is low. They operate by drawing warm
outside air into the unit through filter pads made wet by a cold water supply. The air
passing through the pads drops in temperature due to the dry air becoming more humid.
The cool, humidified air is discharged indoors, but must also be vented through
judiciously opened windows and doors in order to avoid a build-up of humidity and to
maintain the efficiency of the evaporation process.

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Introduction to Part 3.12.4

The NCC Volume Two air movement DtS Provisions for energy efficiency have been
developed to take advantage of two cooling effects that are provided by air movement.
The first effect occurs by increasing the speed of air passing over the skin. Moving air
can make building occupants feel cooler, even when the air temperature inside the
building has not changed. This effect can be provided by fans or by natural cross flow

The second effect occurs when cooler outside air flows into the building and displaces
warmer air. This effect is most likely to be available when overnight temperatures drop
significantly from daytime levels.

Scope of Part 3.12.4

The air movement requirements specify minimum total ventilation openings to habitable
rooms and include some concessions for the use of ceiling fans and evaporative

Intent of Part 3.12.4

The applicable part of the Performance Requirement P2.6.1 states:

P2.6.1 Building
“A building must have, to the degree necessary, a level of thermal performance to
facilitate the efficient use of energy for artificial heating and cooling appropriate to—

(g) the utilisation of air movement to assist cooling.”
The intention of this Performance Requirement is for the building to have features that
enable artificial heating and cooling to be used in an efficient manner, thereby reducing
energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions. By providing the
cooling effects of natural cross flow ventilation and of ceiling fans or evaporative
coolers, the likelihood of artificial cooling systems being used and the extent of their use
may be reduced.

Ventilation, even by ceiling fans or evaporative coolers, is a cost effective solution that
results in lower greenhouse gas emissions than artificial cooling systems such as
refrigerated air-conditioning.

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3.12.4 Application
Clause 3.12.4 outlines that the requirements in Part 3.12.4 are only applicable to
habitable rooms in Class 1 buildings. This means the requirements are not applicable to
non-habitable rooms such as bathrooms, laundries, corridors etc. Refer to the NCC
defined terms in Chapter 2 of this document for more information. Air movement

Subclause (a)
Air movement requirements must be provided in accordance with Table of
NCC Volume Two which specifies the minimum total ventilation opening area required
for each habitable room, expressed as a percentage of the floor area.

The requirements recognise the contribution of ceiling fans and evaporative coolers, as
well as ventilation openings such as windows and doors. Ventilation openings are
required to be sized and located to facilitate cross flow ventilation through all habitable
rooms. The blue dashed arrows in Figure 11-1 below illustrate cross flow ventilation.

Figure 11-1 Cross flow ventilation

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Table includes variables such as climate zones; and whether the room has a
ceiling fan or evaporative cooler with options being:

• without a ceiling fan or evaporative cooler;

• with a ceiling fan; and
• with an evaporative cooler.

Design alert:
As air movement mainly provides a cooling effect, ventilation requirements beyond
those required by Part 3.8.5 of NCC Volume Two are specified only for the climate
zones with extended periods of hot weather, i.e. NCC climate zones 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

This is because the openings required by Part 3.8.5 of NCC Volume Two are
considered sufficient for climate zones 6, 7 and 8.

Part 3.8.5 of NCC Volume Two covers the minimum ventilation requirements to address
adequate health and amenity.

Design alert:
Since evaporative coolers are less effective than ceiling fans in more humid locations,
the requirement for ventilation openings in climate zones 1, 2 and 5 in Table
with an evaporative cooler is the same as without one.

Subclause (b)

In the case where the minimum total ventilation opening area required to a habitable
room by subclause and Table cannot be provided by ventilation
openings in the external wall of the actual room, the minimum total ventilation opening
area may use “borrowed” ventilation from adjoining rooms. This concept is similar to the
requirements of NCC Volume Two Subclause, which utilises “borrowed”
natural ventilation and recognises that whilst the opening may not specifically be located
in that room the effects of that opening may be felt.

Subclause specifies conditions for using “borrowed” ventilation, namely-

• the adjoining room cannot be a sanitary compartment (i.e. a closet pan or urinal);
• the opening/s between the adjoining room and the habitable room complies as the
minimum total ventilation opening area required for the habitable room (note that
this may be in proportion to any partial “borrowing” required for compliance); and

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• the ventilation opening in the adjoining room complies with Table for the
floor area required for both the adjoining room and the habitable room concerned.

Subclause (c)

Subclause (c) provides an alternative for buildings in Region D severe tropical cyclone
areas, where large opening windows are more difficult to protect. This option includes
shading of external walls, such as with a verandah, balcony, eaves, carport or the like.
The shading must project at a minimum angle of 15 degrees in accordance with the
shading requirements which form part of the glazing requirements of Part 3.12.2 of NCC
Volume Two. Refer to Chapter 9 of this document for more information.

Design alert:
Further information on cyclone regions is provided in Figure of NCC Volume
Two. Ventilation openings specifies further requirements for the minimum total ventilation opening area
required by Table, which is referenced in, for climate zones 1 to 5, to
enhance air movement within the building. The requirements cover breeze paths
connecting ventilation openings and the placement of openings in individual rooms.

Subclause (a)

This subclause states that the ventilation opening area required by Table to a
habitable room must be either:

• connected by a breeze path to another ventilation opening in another room, or

• provided by a minimum of two ventilation openings located within the same room.

A breeze path assists cross flow ventilation and is an unimpeded route for air to move
from one ventilation opening in a habitable room to a ventilation opening in another
room via internal openings such as doors. The other room does not need to be a
habitable room. Typically, this could be achieved by a ventilation opening of a bedroom
through the internal door of the bedroom into the adjoining lounge room and out through
the ventilation opening of the lounge room. Subclause (b) contains specific
requirements for breeze paths. The alternative option in subclause (a) to providing a
complying breeze path is to provide two ventilation openings in the same room. In this

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case, any one ventilation opening must be at least 25% of the minimum total ventilation
opening area required by Table

Design alert:
Note that the two ventilation openings, such as windows, may be located in the same
external wall and alongside one another. Although not ideal, in some instances it is
reasonable for the two openings to be in the same wall even though the breeze needs
to take a "U" turn. This can happen, particularly if the wall has reveals or other features
that cause turbulence to the air flow.

There is also no minimum distance specified between the openings.

Subclause (b)
Subclause (b) specifies the requirements for a breeze path used in subclause (a)(i). A
breeze path may pass through no more than two internal wall openings (such as doors)
of an area of not less than 1.5 m2 per opening. In addition, the distance along the
breeze path between the ventilation openings cannot be more than 20 metres.

Figure 11-2 shows how a breeze path can operate with borrowed ventilation.

Figure 11-2 Breeze path for a habitable room using borrowed ventilation from an enclosed

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Example: Breeze path

Using the floorplan below, the following breeze path for Bedroom 2 provides

Start at the window of Bedroom 3 (a ventilation opening compliant with Table
follow it through the bedroom door (having an area not less than 1.5 m2) into the
corridor, then through the Bedroom 2 doorway (having an area not less than 1.5 m2)
and through the ventilation opening in Bedroom 2 (a ventilation opening compliant to

The total distance from the ventilation opening in Bedroom 2 to the ventilation opening
in Bedroom 3 is not more than 20 m. Therefore, the breeze path complies for Bedroom

Note: this breeze path also complies for Bedroom 3 as the breeze may flow in either

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Handbook: NCC Volume Two Energy Efficiency Provisions 2016 Ceiling fans and evaporative coolers

This clause outlines specific requirements for ceiling fans and evaporative coolers
where they are used to meet the requirements of other energy efficiency provisions,
specifically Clause, Table or Table of NCC Volume Two.

Ceiling fans or evaporative coolers must:

• be permanently installed; and

• have a speed controller; and
• for a ceiling fan, have a blade rotation diameter of not less than—
• 900 mm for a space of not more than 15 m2; and
• 1200 mm for a space of not more than 25 m2.

The performance of the fan will depend on a number of factors including blade design,
ceiling clearance, the proximity of walls and the power of the fan.

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12 Part 3.12.5 - Services

Relevant terms used

List of defined terms

The following is a list of defined terms used throughout this chapter. Further explanation
of these terms can be found in Chapter 2.

• Climate zone
• Conditioned space
• Domestic services
• DtS Provisions
• Envelope
• Heated water
• Illumination power density
• Lamp power density
• Performance Requirements
• Piping
• R-Value
• Renewable energy
• Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs)
• Swimming pool

Introduction to Part 3.12.5

The NCC Volume Two services DtS Provisions for energy efficiency have been
developed to minimise the amount of energy lost and used through the various
domestic services of a building that use energy.

As part of the consolidation of NCC heated water energy efficiency provisions for NCC
2014, some provisions which previously appeared in Part 3.12.5 of NCC Volume Two
have been relocated to Part B2 of NCC Volume Three – Plumbing Code of Australia.
Whilst these provisions now appear in NCC Volume Three, they are still discussed in
detail in this chapter.

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Scope of Part 3.12.5

The services requirements address the following domestic services:

• insulating central heating water piping;

• sealing and insulating of air-conditioning ductwork;
• controls and limits on electric resistance space heating;
• controls and limits on artificial lighting;
• heated water supply systems (located in Part B2 of NCC Volume Three);
• swimming pool heating and pumping; and
• spa pool heating and pumping.

Intent of Part 3.12.5

This Part has been developed to reduce the use of energy and generation of
greenhouse gas emissions attributed to specific domestic services.

Requirements for appliances and some plant items have not been included because
they are outside the scope of the NCC and likely to be regulated under the Minimum
Energy Performance Scheme (MEPS) administered by the Australian Government.

3.12.5 Application
The provisions apply to all Class 1 and 10a buildings, as well as Class 10b swimming
pools associated with these buildings. Insulation of services

To be effective over a reasonable period of time, the thermal insulation material used to
insulate central heating water piping and heating and cooling ductwork must be
protected against the adverse effects of the weather and sunlight, must be able to
withstand the temperatures within the piping or ductwork itself and use thermal
insulation material in accordance with AS/NZS 4859.1. This clause contains basic
requirements that address this issue. The central heating water piping requirements
apply to systems designed to heat the building via water, such as a hydronic heating

Protection against the effects of weather and sunlight may be achieved by enclosing the
insulation in a protective sheathing such as formed metal sheeting, external grade
plastics or other similar material.

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AS/NZS 4859.1 is the Australian and New Zealand standard, “Materials for the thermal
buildings” and contains the general criteria and technical provisions for determining the
R-Value of insulation materials. Central heating water piping

The insulation requirements for piping used in a central heating water system are
dependent on the location of the piping in the building and the climate zone where it is
being installed. Generally, the more exposed the piping is to the external environment,
the higher the insulation requirements. Likewise, the colder the climate zone, the higher
the insulation requirements. Table of NCC Volume Two provides the detail of
the specific R-Value required based on the climate zone and location of the piping.

The insulation material must be tested in accordance with AS/NZS 4859.1, as stated in An appropriate test certificate should be provided with the material to ensure
that complying insulation is being used and it achieves the thermal performance
determined by the testing. This information should form part of the building approval
documentation. Alternatively, NCC Volume Two also provides typical R-Values for some
pipe insulation in the explanatory information related to Table These values
are representative of smaller diameter piping.

Note that the pipework inside the conditioned space (but not within an internal wall)
need not be insulated. This is because the heat is intended to be released into that
space and so insulation serves no purpose. Heating and cooling ductwork

Subclause (a) requires heating and cooling ductwork; and fittings to be protected, sealed
and insulated. Like central heating water piping, the amount of insulation differs
depending upon the location in the building and with climate zone. Insulation for
ductwork and associated fittings are specified in Table of NCC Volume Two.

A concession for the required R-Value of the insulation is also available in certain
climate zones for ductwork associated with combined heating and refrigerated cooling
systems if the ductwork is located under a suspended floor with an enclosed perimeter
or in a roof space with insulation of not less than R0.5 directly beneath the roofing.

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The insulation material must be tested in accordance with AS/NZS 4859.1, as stated in An appropriate test certificate should be provided with the material to ensure
that complying insulation is being used and it achieves the thermal performance
determined by the testing. This information should form part of the building approval
documentation. Alternatively, NCC Volume Two also provides typical R-Values for some
ductwork and fittings insulation in the explanatory information related to Table

The ductwork and associated fittings must also be sealed against air loss with
adhesives, mastics, sealants, gaskets or the like as prescribed in AS 4254 or with a
draw band in conjunction with a sealant or adhesive tape for flexible ductwork.

AS 4254 is the Australian standard, “Ductwork for air-handling systems in buildings” for
flexible and rigid ducts. It contains requirements for materials, construction and
installation, including some aspects of performance, for flexible duct for air-handling
systems in buildings and systems designed in accordance with the requirements of
AS/NZS 1668.1 and AS 1668.2.

Subclause (b)
This subclause contains some installation requirements for duct insulation, including its
protection when located outside the building and its continuity. The insulation must also
maintain its position and thickness other than at flanges and supports.

Subclause (c)
Again like central heating water piping, the requirements do not apply where the
ductwork is inside the envelope (essentially the conditioned space). This is because the
heat is intended to be released into that space and so insulation serves little purpose. Electric resistance space heating

These requirements only apply to an electric resistance space heating system that
serves more than one room. The system must have separating isolating switches for
each room, separate temperature controllers and time switches for each group of rooms
with common heating needs and the power loads must not exceed 110 W/m² and 150
W/m² for living areas and bathrooms respectively.

These requirements apply to in-slab electric heating systems.

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Design alert:
The Minimum Energy Performance Scheme (MEPS) administered by the Australian
Government, may also have additional requirements for these systems. The NCC
requirements are in addition to any of these requirements. Artificial Lighting

The artificial lighting requirements have been developed to curb unreasonable energy
use from lighting systems. Given that different types of lamps use different levels of
energy, the NCC requirements promote using more efficient lighting systems through
different lighting technology and/or control devices. To provide an indication of the
energy consumption of different lamps, Figure 12-1 shows a comparison of
incandescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps and light emitting diodes (LEDs).

Figure 12-1 Comparison of the energy use of different lamps (using an incandescent lamp as the

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The energy efficiency requirements for artificial lighting provides limits for the efficiency
or power consumption rate of artificial lighting installations, both inside the dwelling and
those associated with the verandah, balcony or the like of a Class 1 building, associated
Class 10a buildings (such as garages) and perimeter lighting. The artificial lighting
requirements in are also to be read in conjunction with the artificial lighting
requirements in

The DtS Provisions allow two approaches for achieving compliance, based on using the
lamp power density or the illumination power density. Regardless of the approach
taken, both require that the power of the lighting design must not exceed the allowance.

Subclause (a) of provides the maximum allowance in Watts per square metre
for the different space types. The allowed values are:

• 5 W/m2 for a Class 1 building (the dwelling);

• 4 W/m2 for a verandah, balcony or the like attached to the Class 1 building; and
• 3 W/m2 for a Class 10a building associated with a Class 1 building (such as a

The first step in achieving compliance is to determine the relevant lamp power density
or illumination power density allowance. Generally, the lamp power density is the
relevant allowance above. However, the illumination power density allowance increases
this allowance when lighting control devices are used. Table provides the
adjustment factors for ten types of lighting control devices.

The second step in achieving compliance is to assess the design lamp power density or
design illumination power density.

Example: Step 1 Calculating the allowance

This example uses a 110.5 m² house with an associated garage of 12.1 m².

Lamp power density

The house does not have any control devices or regulators applied to the lighting. The
lamp power density is calculated using and the area.

The house wattage allowance is 110.5 m2 x 5 W/m2 = 553 Watts.

The garage wattage allowance is 12.1 m² x 3W/m² = 36 Watts.

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Illumination power density

Using the same house as above and providing a dimmer switch to control the lighting
for 80% of the lounge, living & dining areas, the allowance can be adjusted using the
illumination power density approach. The total area of the lounge, living & dining area
that is controlled by the lighting dimmer switch is 50.4 m². The remaining part of the
house without lighting control devices is 60.1 m².

For the areas of the house and verandah that do not have any control devices or
regulators applied to the lighting, the allowance is calculated using and the
area. For the lounge, living & dining areas controlled by the dimmer switch, the
allowance is calculated using, and the area. From Table, the illumination power density adjustment factor for a dimmer switch is 0.85.

The house wattage allowance (excluding the lounge, living & dining areas) is 60.1 m2 x
5 W/m2 = 301 Watts.

The garage wattage allowance is 12.1 m² x 3 W/m² = 36 Watts.

Lastly, the allowance for the lounge, living and dining area with the adjustment factor is
calculated using Table From Table, we can see that there is a
requisite to have 75% of the area of the space controlled by the manually operated
dimmers to qualify for use of it. This is the case for this design. Next we can see that the
adjustment factor given for use with manual dimming is 0.85.

The house allowance for the lounge, living & dining areas is 5 W/m² ÷ 0.85 = 5.9 W/m².
This is the increased allowance based on applying

The house wattage allowance for the lounge, living & dining areas is 5.9 W/m² x 50.4 m²
= 297 Watts.

Therefore, using the illumination power density approach, the overall allowance for the
house is higher than using the lamp power density approach due to the installation of
the dimmer switch as a lighting control device.

The overall house wattage allowance is 598 Watts (301W + 297 W).

The garage wattage allowance is 36 Watts.

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Example: Step 2 Calculating the design wattage

The design lamp power density and illumination power density is calculated by adding
the maximum power ratings of all the permanently wired lamps in a space and dividing
them by the area of the space.

A. Add up all the wattages for the proposed design.

This is where all the proposed hardwired light’s maximum wattages are added up to
achieve a total. Desk lamps, floor lamps and the like that are plugged into general
power outlets are not included; it is only the permanent lighting in a space that is

B. Compare the wattage of the proposed design to the allowance.

If the proposed design is equal to or less than the allowance then compliance is
achieved. If it is over the allowance – reworking of the proposed design is needed to
achieve compliance.

In the example above, using the—

• lamp power density, if the proposed design total wattage does not exceed 553
Watts, compliance is achieved.

• illumination power density and dimmer switches, if the proposed design total
wattage does not exceed 598 Watts, compliance is achieved.

As demonstrated in the examples above, the allowable design load has to be calculated
separately for each different part of the building (i.e. separately for the dwelling,
verandah and associated Class 10a) and trading of allowances between these different
parts is not allowed. However, trading within each allowance is permitted (e.g. between
rooms within the dwelling).

Due to the defined terms lamp power density and illumination power density, the
requirements only apply to permanently wired artificial lights. Therefore, portable lamps
and lights connected by plugs to general electricity power outlets are exempt.

For simple systems that do not involve current regulators or control devices, the lamp
power density is the easiest way to meet the specified requirements of subclause (a).

For systems that are more complicated, i.e. where current regulators and control
devices are used, the illumination power density approach can be used. In using this
approach, the illumination power density adjustment factor as specified in Table

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Handbook: NCC Volume Two Energy Efficiency Provisions 2016 allows for an increase in the power density allowed (i.e. and increase in the
W/m² allowance). This is because additional lighting controls are likely to further reduce
the energy used.

Subclause (d) of requires halogen and fluorescent lamps to be separately

switched. This is so that the more efficient fluorescent lamps can be used routinely,
while the less efficient halogen lamps can be turned on only when required. Subclause
(e) deals with external artificial lighting around the perimeter of the building. Here the
lighting does not need to comply with a maximum power density as the lighting needed
or the area of the space generally cannot be easily defined. Instead, external lights are
required to be controlled by daylight sensors and must be efficient, having an average
lighting efficacy of not less than 40 Lumens/W.

Figure 12-2 and Table 12-1 shows a typical complying lighting design for a house,
including its garage and porch.

Figure 12-2 Typical complying layout for a house including its garage

Table 12-1 Lighting design for Figure 12-2

Space CFL CFL CFL THL THL THL 35 Fluorescent

11W 18W 20W 10W 20W W lamps 36W
Living/dining - 2 - 1 4 -
Kitchen - 2 - 5 - - -
Meals - - 1 - - 3 -

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Space CFL CFL CFL THL THL THL 35 Fluorescent

11W 18W 20W 10W 20W W lamps 36W
Family - - 1 - - 3 -
Laundry - 1 - - - - -
Toilet 2 - - - - - -
Passage 3 - - - 4 - -
Porch 1 - - - - - -
Bedroom 1 - 1 - - - 2 -
Walk-in Robe 1 - - - - - -
Ensuite - 1 - - 2 - -
Bedroom 2 - 1 - - - - -
Bedroom 3 - - 1 - - - -
Bedroom - 1 - - - 2 -
Bathroom - 1 - - 1 - -
Garage - - - - - - 3

CFL refers to compact fluorescent lamps and THL refers to tungsten halogen lamps.

Lighting Calculator
The ABCB has produced a calculator to assist users in assessing compliance with There is also a short YouTube clip describing the ABCB Lighting Calculator for
NCC Volume Two available from the ABCB website.

The following is a description of key cells in the Lighting Calculator to explain its use.
Additional advice can be found in the Help Screen of the Calculator.

Building parameters
(a) Building Name/Description – is used to identify the building or parts of the building
that is being assessed by this spreadsheet- for example the street address.
(b) Classification cell – requires the nomination of the Class of building that is being
assessed by the spreadsheet.

Lighting details
(a) ID - The calculator can display up to 40 rows. Not all of the rows will be visible
unless you change the number of rows displayed using the input immediately above

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the lighting detail table. Each row is numbered by default (from 1 to 40). You can
use these numbers or any preferred code to identify each space.
(b) Description - Input any desired description of the room or space. This is an optional
input for the convenience of the user and the assessor.
(c) Type of space - This cell is used to select the type of space under assessment.
Each space may have a different power allowance depending upon the function and
use of the space. Select the appropriate option from the dropdown box.
(d) Floor area of the space – This is the floor area of the space that the lights serve.
(e) Design lamp or illumination power load – this is where the total sum of the power (in
Watts) for a space is entered into the spreadsheet.
(f) Location – Select the building classification or location associated with the space
from the dropdown box. The three options available are Class 1 building, Class 10a
building and verandah or balcony.
(g) Adjustment Factor One – The use of the adjustment factor dropdown box can be
used where sophisticated lighting control devices are used, such as dimmers. This
means that the W/m2 will increase for that space. Click on the red adjustment factor
button to view the adjustment factors as well as any prerequisites for their use. The
other columns in the Adjustment Factor One column are used for specific
adjustment factors. Prompts will occur if the input of additional data is required.
(h) Adjustment Factor Two – This column is similar to the Adjustment Factor One
column and is used where more than one control device is used for a space.
Selection of the control device used is the same as for Adjustment Factor One
described above.

Calculated outcomes
There is no need for the user to input additional parameters into the spreadsheet as the
values used to calculate the outcome are automated in the background of the Lighting
Calculator. The calculated outcomes are not displayed until any input issues have been
resolved. These issues will be highlighted by formatting or advisory messages.

(a) Lamp or Illumination Power Density - System Allowance – This shows the current
maximum allowance for that space. Green cells indicate a pass and it is important
to note that any excess wattage for a space that has not been used can be used in
another space.
(b) Lamp or Illumination Power Density - System Design - This shows the calculated
design power density for that space. Green cells indicate a pass and it is important
to note that any excess wattage for a space that has not been used can be used in
another space. White cells with red text identify spaces within the design that are

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above the allowance. Note the excess wattage from other spaces can be used to
enable an overall design pass, even if some spaces are above the allowance.
(c) System Share of % of Aggregate Allowance Used – the first percentage shows how
much the lighting in the individual space is contributing to the total allowance used.
The second percentage is the same for every space in that column, and shows the
total amount of the allowance that has been used by the overall lighting design i.e.
from all the spaces combined. By looking at both percentages, users can identify
which results need to be improved and which spaces are most influencing the
(d) Total floor area and total wattage – These untitled cells are below the floor area of
the space and the design lamp or illumination power load columns. They show the
totals of these columns.
(e) Allowance and Design Average – the allowance column shows the allowance for
the different locations. The design average shows the average design value.
(f) Compliance indicator – The box below the calculated outcomes indicates whether
the proposed lighting design meets the requirements of The Calculator
attempts to highlight improbable inputs but cannot validate every input. Subject to
those qualifications, a green tick means compliance has been achieved and a red
cross means compliance with the lighting requirements has not been achieved.
If the overall design does not comply, some of the design parameters will need to be
changed with the aid of the information provided in the “Lighting System Share of % of
Aggregate Allowance Used” column.

The following figure, Figure 12-3 shows a screenshot of the Lighting Calculator. The
data entered in this screen shot matches the typical complying layout from the previous
figure, Figure 12-2.

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Figure 12-3 Screenshot of the Lighting Calculator Water heater in a heated water supply system

As previously mentioned, the requirements of clause and the related
acceptable construction manual are now contained in the DtS Provision B2.4 of
NCC Volume Three – Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA). Compliance with the relevant
provisions of the PCA satisfies these requirements in the BCA.

The requirements were relocated to the PCA as much of this type of work will be carried
out by plumbers, and in line with other requirements contained in the plumbing and
drainage standards. It has also been transferred to the PCA to avoid duplication and
maintain consistency across the NCC, by consolidating all plumbing requirements into
Volume Three. People need to be aware when using these provisions that State and
Territory plumbing legislation may already require compliance with the standards
irrespective of the NCC requirements.

Research suggests that a heated water supply system accounts for up to 27 percent of
the total greenhouse gas emissions attributed to a house. Accordingly, there are valid
reasons for pursuing control of the way heated water systems are selected and

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Storage water heaters operate by maintaining stored water at a specified temperature,

irrespective of when the water is to be used. Maintaining water at a temperature above
ambient will incur energy loss. Accordingly, measures have been introduced to reduce
the amount of heat loss from these units, which in turn will provide tangible reductions in
greenhouse gas emissions.

NCC Volume Three – Part B2 Heated water services

Part B2.4 in NCC Volume Three contains the heated water requirements related to
energy efficiency previously located in NCC Volume Two. The DtS Provisions state:

B2.4 Water heater in a heated water supply system

In a new Class 1 or Class 10 building—
(a) a water heater in a heated water supply system must be—
(i) a solar heater complying with (b); or
(ii) a heat pump heater complying with (b); or
(iii) a gas water heater complying with (c); or
(iv) an electric resistance water heater only in the circumstances described in (d); or
(v) a wood fired thermosiphon water heater or direct fired water heater each
complying with AS/NZS 3500.4; and
(b) a solar heater and a heat pump heater must have—
(i) for a building with 1 or 2 bedrooms—
(A) at least 14 Small-scale Technology Certificates for the zone where it is
being installed; or
(B) an energy saving of not less than 40% in accordance with AS/NZS 4234 for
a "small" load system; and
(ii) for a building with 3 or 4 bedrooms—
(A) at least 22 Small-scale Technology Certificates for the zone where it is
being installed; or
(B) an energy saving of not less than 60% in accordance with AS/NZS 4234 for
a "medium" load system; and
(iii) for a building with more than 4 bedrooms—
(A) at least 28 Small-scale Technology Certificates for the zone where it is
being installed; or

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(B) an energy saving of not less than 60% in accordance with AS/NZS 4234 for
a "large" load system; and
(c) a gas heater must be rated not less than 5 stars in accordance with AS 4552; and
(d) an electric resistance water heater with no storage or a heated water delivery of not
more than 50 litres in accordance with AS 1056.1 may be installed when—
(i) the building has—
(A) not more than 1 bedroom; and
(B) not more than 1 electric resistance water heater installed; or
(ii) the building has—
(A) a water heater that complies with (b) or (c); and
(B) not more than 1 electric resistance water heater installed; or
(iii) the greenhouse gas emission intensity of the public electricity supply is low.

These requirements have been developed to favour solar, heat pump and gas heated
water supply systems over electric resistance water heaters.

The requirements for solar and heat pump water heaters are based on the number of
bedrooms in the house and once determined, two pathways for compliance are given.
Either the water heater obtains the number of required Small-scale Technology
Certificates (STCs) or it can comply with the specified energy saving in accordance with
AS/NZS 4234.

Design Alert:
AS/NZS 4234 is the Australian and New Zealand standard, “Heated water systems –
Calculation of energy consumption” and contains a method for evaluating the annual
energy performance of water heaters. This approach is also used to determine Small-
scale Technology Certificates (STCs).

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For gas water heaters the only requirement is for it to be rated no less than 5 stars in
accordance with AS 4552.

Design Alert:
AS 4552 is the Australian standard, “Gas fired water heaters for hot water supply and/or
central heating” and contains requirements for gas water heaters and central heating

Where electric resistance heating is used, subclause (d) limits their use to one bedroom

Electrical water heaters also need to be of the “no storage” type, (instantaneous) or if it
is of the storage type not more than 50L of water delivery in accordance with AS
1056.1. An exemption to limit electric resistance water heaters in one bedroom buildings
is made if the electrical resistance water heater is also used in conjunction with a solar,
heat pump or gas system.

Design Alert:
AS 1056.1 is the Australian standard, “Storage water heaters – General requirements”
and contains requirements for storage water heaters using solely electricity for heating. Acceptable construction manuals - Heated water supply

The current text in NCC Volume Two directs the user to where these requirements are
located in NCC Volume Three. As part of the consolidation of these requirements in the
NCC, B2.2 General Requirements for heated water services in NCC Volume Three
specifically captures them.
A heated water supply system must be designed and installed in accordance with Part
B2 of NCC Volume Three – Plumbing Code of Australia.

NCC Volume Three – Part B2 Heated water services

The general requirements of B2.2 in NCC Volume Three contain the heated water
requirements previously located in NCC Volume Two. The DtS Provisions state:

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B2.2 General requirements

(a) The design, construction, installation, replacement, repair, alteration and
maintenance of a heated water service must be in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.4
or Section 3 of AS/NZS 3500.5 as appropriate and the requirements of this Part.
(b) * * * * *
(c) A solar heated water supply system for food preparation and sanitary purposes,
where installed in a new building in climate zones 1, 2, or 3, is not required to
comply with –
(i) Section 8 of AS/NZS 3500.4; or
(ii) for new Class 1 and 10 buildings, Section 3.33 of AS/NZS 3500.5.

It is important to note that solar heated water supply systems in climate zones 1, 2 and
3 are exempt from complying with Section 8 of AS/NZS 3500.4 and Section 3.33 of
AS/NZS 3500.5 (see PCA B2.2(c)). This is because the temperature of the water is not
sufficiently above ambient temperature (the temperature of the air surrounding the
system) to justify insulation, particularly as the solar energy is free and the electric
booster is unlikely to be used. It would not be cost effective to impose the requirements
in these instances. However, in cooler climate zones, where there is likely to be
significant mains boosting, the measures are cost effective.

The other aspect of these requirements is to insulate heated water supply pipes
irrespective of whether the pipes are fitted to a storage or instantaneous water heater.

Design Alert:
AS/NZS 3500 Parts 4 and 5 are the Australian and New Zealand standards, “Plumbing
and drainage – Heated water services” & “Plumbing and drainage – Housing
installations”. They contain requirements for the design, installation and commissioning
of heated water services. Swimming pool heating and pumping

The intent of the DtS Provisions relevant to swimming pools is to-

(a) limit the energy supply to a less greenhouse gas intensive energy source, e.g. not
resistive heating by electricity;
(b) limit the amount of energy used; and
(c) limit the loss of heat by conduction and convection.

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Subclause (a) requires the heating for a swimming pool to be from any one of four
energy sources or from a combination of them. These requirements effectively exclude
oil heating and electric resistance heating, either as the only heating method or to boost
a solar heater system. This requirement is in line with the Performance Requirement
P2.6.2, which limits energy sources used for heating to those with a low GHG intensity
or from a renewable energy source. Swimming pools must be heated by:

• a solar heater not boosted by electric resistance heating; or

• a heater using reclaimed energy; or
• a gas heater; or
• a heat pump; or
• a combination of the above options.

Where a gas heater or a heat pump provides the heating, subclause (b) requires a pool
cover, if the pool is not in a conditioned space, and a time switch to control the
operation of the heater. A cover will reduce evaporation and subsequent heat loss. It
should be noted that some jurisdictions may have a requirement for a pool cover under
the Smart Approved Water Mark Scheme.

Subclause (c) requires the time switch to operate the circulation pump to reduce the
amount of time and associated energy consumed when the pump is operating when not

The fourth subclause, (d) clarifies that this clause is about swimming pools and not
about spa pools. Spa pools are covered by Spa pool heating and pumping

Subclause (a) restricts the heating sources for a spa pool to the same ones permitted
for a swimming pool where it shares a water recirculation system with a swimming pool.
These requirements do not apply to portable spas. The form of heating for the spa pool
must be by:

• a solar heater; or
• a heater using reclaimed energy; or
• a gas heater; or
• a heat pump; or
• a combination of the above.

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The second subclause, (b) requires a cover, regardless of the spa location plus a push
button switch and a time switch to control the heater where either a gas heater or a heat
pump, is used.

Subclause (c) requires a time switch to be provided to control the operation of a

circulation pump for a spa pool having a capacity of 680 litres or more. 680 litres is
generally accepted as the capacity of when a spa bath becomes a spa pool.

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13 State and Territory administration

The administration of the NCC is the responsibility of the State and Territory

State and Territory Governments incorporate the NCC in their building and plumbing
legislation, which means the energy efficiency provisions become part of the
construction law in that particular State or Territory. Typically, the legal arrangement is
such that the NCC and its referenced standards contain the technical provisions, while
the building and plumbing administrative procedures are contained in the Act and any
associated regulations of that jurisdiction.

Please refer to Chapter 4 for more information.

Administering the NCC Requirements

For completely new buildings, the application of energy efficiency provisions of NCC
Volume Two is straightforward because it is applicable to all aspects of the construction.
However, for existing buildings being altered, extended or subject to a change of
classification or use, NCC Volume Two is generally applicable to only the new work, to
those parts of the building directly affected by the new work or to those parts where the
building's use is being changed.

Under certain circumstances, the whole of an existing building may be required to

achieve compliance with NCC Volume Two. This depends on the requirements of the
State or Territory building and plumbing legislation and the extent of any changes to the
building. Some jurisdictions also require a building that is being substantially upgraded
over a few years to comply fully with the current NCC.

Notwithstanding the application of the NCC to existing buildings, in certain States and
Territories, the Appropriate Authority may grant a dispensation from the need to comply
with NCC Volume Two or certain provisions of NCC Volume Two. This will depend upon
the nature of the changes to the existing building and the dispensation powers given to
the Appropriate Authority by the applicable State or Territory building and plumbing

Application to alterations and additions

As previously stated, these provisions are applicable to all new work, unless a
dispensation has been given by the Appropriate Authority in a particular State and
Territory. Generally, the extent of compliance required of the new work will depend on

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the size of the proposed alterations and additions and the difficulties in achieving

To ensure that the requirements are applied in a practical and logical manner, many of
the State and Territory administrative requirements are based on discretionary
decisions by the Appropriate Authority. Guidance on the discretionary powers of the
Appropriate Authority can be obtained from the relevant State or Territory Administration
and their contact details are provided on the ABCB website.

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14 Further reading
The following reference documents are recommended if further information is required
regarding the energy efficiency provisions of NCC Volume Two.

Each document, or information about the document, is available from the ABCB upon

• Supporting Commentary on the Proposed Energy Efficiency Amendments for BCA

2010 Volume Two, ABCB, July 2009
• Building Improvements to Raise House Energy Ratings From 5.0 Stars,
Constructive Concepts & Tony Isaacs Consulting Pty Ltd, June 2009
• Specifying the Performance of Water Heaters for New Houses in the BCA, George
Wilkenfeld & Associates, December 2007
• Swimming Pools and Electric Space Heating - The Case for Coverage by the BCA,
George Wilkenfeld & Associates, January 2009
• Residential Lighting Control, Lighting, Art + Science Pty Ltd, May 2009
• An Investigation of Potential Health Benefits from Increasing Energy Efficiency
Stringency Requirements, The University of Adelaide, September 2009
• Report on the Impact of Ceiling Fans on Cooling Energy Use in Selected Australian
Cities as Simulated by AccuRate v1.1.2.0, Tony Isaacs Consulting Pty Ltd, June
• Testing of Proposed BCA 2010 Volume Two House Energy Efficiency Deemed-to-
Satisfy Measures with BERS Pro Energy Ratings, Clyde Anderson Pty Ltd, July
• Revision of the Energy Efficiency Provisions for Housing to Better Allow for the
Impact of Ventilation, Tony Isaacs Consulting Pty Ltd, October 2004
• Effect of Thermal Bridging on Heat Losses of Walls in Australian Homes, HA
Trethowen, August 2004
• Comparison of Thermal Performance of Roof and Ceiling Insulation for Tropical
Houses, University of Queensland, September 2001
• NatHERS Memorandum of Understanding, November 2011
• Protocol for House Energy Rating Software 2006.1, ABCB 2006

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15 Appendix A - NCC Building Classifications

Clause 1.3.2 Classification

Class 1: one or more buildings which in association constitute—

(a) Class 1a — a single dwelling being—

(i) a detached house; or

(ii) one of a group of two or more attached dwellings, each being a building,
separated by a fire-resisting wall, including a row house, terrace house,
town house or villa unit; or

(b) Class 1b —

(i) a boarding house, guest house, hostel or the like—

(A) with a total area of all floors not exceeding 300 m2 measured over
the enclosing walls of the Class 1b; and
(B) in which not more than 12 persons would ordinarily be resident; or
(ii) 4 or more single dwellings located on one allotment and used for short-
term holiday accommodation which are not located above or below
another dwelling or another Class of building other than a private garage.

Class 2: a building containing 2 or more sole-occupancy units each being a separate


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Class 3: a residential building, other than a building of Class 1 or 2, which is a common

place of long term or transient living for a number of unrelated persons, including—

(a) a boarding house, guest house, hostel, lodging house or backpackers

accommodation; or
(b) a residential part of a hotel or motel; or
(c) a residential part of a school; or
(d) accommodation for the aged, children or people with a disability; or
(e) a residential part of a health-care building which accommodates members of staff;
(f) a residential part of a detention centre.

Class 4: a dwelling in a building that is Class 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 if it is the only dwelling in the


Class 5: an office building used for professional or commercial purposes, excluding

buildings of Class 6, 7, 8 or 9.

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Class 6: a shop or other building for the sale of goods by retail or the supply of services
direct to the public, including—

(a) an eating room, café, restaurant, milk or soft-drink bar; or

(b) a dining room, bar area that is not an assembly building, shop or kiosk part of a
hotel or motel; or
(c) a hairdresser’s or barber’s shop, public laundry, or undertaker’s establishment; or
(d) market or sale room, showroom, or service station.

Class 7: a building which is—

(a) Class 7a — a carpark; or

(b) Class 7b — for storage, or display of goods or produce for sale by wholesale.

Class 8: a laboratory, or a building in which a handicraft or process for the production,

assembling, altering, repairing, packing, finishing, or cleaning of goods or produce is
carried on for trade, sale, or gain.

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Class 9: a building of a public nature—

(a) Class 9a — a health-care building, including those parts of the building set aside
as a laboratory; or

b) Class 9b — an assembly building, including a trade workshop, laboratory or the

like in a primary or secondary school, but excluding any other parts of the building that
are of another Class; or

(c) Class 9c — an aged care building.

Class 10: a non-habitable building or structure—

(a) Class 10a — a non-habitable building being a private garage, carport, shed, or
the like; or

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(b) Class 10b — a structure being a fence, mast, antenna, retaining or free-standing
wall, swimming pool, or the like; or

(c) Class 10c — a private bushfire shelter.

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