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Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666

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Environmental health impacts of dispersed mineralisation in South Africa

T.C. Davies ⇑, H.R. Mundalamo
Department of Mining and Environmental Geology, University of Venda, Private Bag X5050, Thohoyandou 0950, South Africa

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The crust of South Africa has undergone various episodes and styles of mineralisation, dating as far back
Available online 31 August 2010 as the Archaean. The suite of minerals produced is diverse and includes metals, non-metals and industrial
minerals. Since the Pleistocene, substantial quantities of elements, both nutritional and toxic, that were
Keywords: involved in ore forming processes, have been remobilised and redistributed by surficial processes of
Dispersed mineralisation intense tropical weathering, leaching, eluviation, podsolisation and gleying; and more recently, by min-
Environmental diseases ing and related processes, as well as by other urban and industrial activities. As a result of this ‘‘disper-
South Africa
sion” it is not uncommon to find large tracts of the country containing anomalous trace element contents
or deficiencies in essential micro-nutrient elements. Through water and food crops, extremes in trace ele-
ment variation in soils are transmitted into the food chain, with often undesirable consequences for
human and animal health. But the known variations are not as yet adequately documented. Nor is there
sufficient knowledge on the implications of these variations for the health of the environment and its eco-
systems. Nutrient deficient soils may be the principal causative factor in the devastating endemic osteo-
arthritic disease that afflicts two-thirds of the women in Maputaland, for instance. The generally low Se
status of agricultural soils could represent an important co-factor in the relatively high diffusion rates of
HIV-AIDS in the country. The impact of geology on animal health also remains an area of critical concern
to both farmers and managers of the hugely important wildlife game reserves. This paper discusses a few
known relationships between trace element excess/deficiency stemming originally from mineralisation
processes, and the local and regional distribution of diseases in man and animals in South Africa. It is sub-
mitted that the challenge for future research in medical geology would lie in an organised effort aimed at
detecting, verifying and documenting such relationships. This would help greatly in broadening the diag-
nostic spectrum and therapy for a number of environmental diseases in the country.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 1.1. Brief summary of economic geology

The occurrence and mining of widespread metallic, non- Dating back some 3.7 billion years, the geological history of
metallic and industrial minerals in South Africa have enabled the South Africa is extremely varied and economically very important.
construction of a superb infrastructure and a vibrant economy. A major geological feature is the Kaapvaal Craton (Fig. 1), which
The agricultural industry too, is a vital arm of the country’s econ- underlies the northeastern part of the country. The Craton consists
omy, with between 80% and 85% of the country’s surface area de- largely of Archaean gneisses and granitoids, along with lesser
voted to agriculture, and some 1.5 million people dependent on amounts of metamorphosed, volcanosedimentary rocks, the green-
this production (Fuggle and Rabbie, 1992). The two industries of stone belts. The greenstones host many Au, Sb, Cu–Zn, Fe, Hg,
mining and agriculture are not only complementary but inextrica- asbestos, talc, magnesite and gemstone deposits.
bly linked, in a way that negative impacts arising from the The Bushveld Complex, the world’s largest known layered
development of mining, may impinge on the development of agri- intrusion, contains an ultrabasic to basic unit surrounding an acid
culture. However, the troubling legacies of environmental degrada- core of largely granitic rocks. The Merensky Reef, the best known
tion and declining public health, loom, partly as a result of over and most commonly exploited platiniferous horizon in the Com-
100 years of mining and mineral processing. Severe pollution of plex, contains Pt group metals as well as significant resources of
the country’s soil and water resources affect the food chain and Co, Cu and Ni.
consequently the health of the population and surrounding The alkaline (carbonatite) Phalaborwa Complex which has a
ecosystems. similar age to the Bushveld Complex hosts significant Cu
⇑ Corresponding author. The Karoo Supergroup covers about two-thirds of the surface
E-mail address: (T.C. Davies). area of South Africa, and hosts the fluvio-deltaic sediments and

1464-343X/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.C. Davies, H.R. Mundalamo / Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666 653

Fig. 1. Simplified geology of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Source: Modified after Johnson et al., 2006.

coal deposits of the Ecca Group (Fig. 1). The coal deposits provide a due to deficiency in some micro-nutrient(s), such as is illustrated
massive export industry of mainly bituminous, thermal-grade coal in the link between Mseleni joint disease and the nutrient poor
with a relatively low S content. soils of Maputaland (see later section on ‘‘Endemic Osteoarthritis”).

1.3. Potential exposure pathways

1.2. Mineralisation and mining
Health hazards from trace elements are both dose and exposure
Sami and Druzynski (2003) have listed and described several related. In addition, risk is also affected by ingestion through vari-
mineralisation types, widely dispersed within the crust of South ous pathways, and by interaction between constituents (Fig. 3).
Africa. These include Pb–Zn deposits, volcanogenic massive sulp-
hides, Pt group element seams, pegmatite-uranium veins, coal
deposits, phosphates and hydrothermal terranes (Fig. 2). Many of
the ores contain large concentrations of potentially harmful ele-
ments such as As, Pb, Hg and U.
Developed around these mineralisation types was a natural
geochemical halo that has, since around Pleistocene times, been
modified by surficial processes, such as weathering, leaching, elu-
viation, podsolisation, gleying, and the like. In addition, imprints
with anthropogenic signatures on a more recent time scale, are ob-
served in many areas as a result of mining and related processes, as
well as by urbanisation. The net result is the entry of potentially
harmful elements and other toxicants into biotic systems (includ-
ing agricultural lands) and the food chain, through various path-
ways (Fig. 3). On the other hand, there are also areas of
(nutrient) element deficiencies brought about by processes identi-
cal to those given above.
The generally high acidity, together with the highly organic-rich
nature of tropical soils leads invariably to mobilisation (and loss) of
some important micro-nutrients, leading to deficiency. Soil nutri-
ent deficiency may also arise through the binding of nutrient trace
elements (metals) on organic matter, clay minerals or Fe and Mn Fig. 2. Some major mineral occurrences in South Africa (scale approx. as in Fig. 1).
oxides and hydroxides, making them non-available (an apparent Source: (Accessed 29 June
deficiency). This leads to a wide range of environmental diseases 2010).
654 T.C. Davies, H.R. Mundalamo / Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666

Fig. 3. Health risk exposure pathways. Source: (Accessed 30 June 2010).

Three main pathways can be identified, by which elements de- 2003 and 2004) to inhalation of silica dust; cerebro-vascular
rived from natural processes of mineralisation, as well as from disease (rank 3 in 2003) to heavy metal (Hg, Pb) exposure; heart
mining and ore processing operations and associated activities, disease (rank 5 in 2003 and 2004) to insufficiency of Mg in drinking
can enter the human body: water supplies; diabetes mellitus (rank 6 in 2003 and 2004) to hea-
vy metal exposure; chronic lower respiratory diseases (rank 7 in
1. Ingestion: (i) through consumption of food crops having anom- 2003) to geogenic dust; certain disorders involving the immune
alous concentrations of elements derived from agricultural soils system (rank 7 in 2004) to heavy metals and Se (HIV-AIDS), and
that were developed over mineralised bedrock; (ii) through so on. A review of some of these correlations is given in subsequent
consumption of food crops from soils contaminated by leach- sections of this discourse.
ates, effluents and emissions from nearby mining sites, ore pro- Some environmental health effects due to excesses and
cessing plants, or other industrial operations, e.g., as in acid deficiencies of nutritional elements in agricultural systems of
mine drainage (AMD) or acid rain; and (iii) through deliberate South Africa have been documented; for example, Zn, P, K, Ca,
or inadvertent consumption of various forms of Earth materials Mn (Abrahams, 2005; Ceruti et al., 1999, 2003); I (Jooste and
as in geophagic practices. Zimmermann, 2008; Kalk, 1998; Kavishe, 1996); F (Louw et al.,
2. Inhalation of particulate matter and dust in the mining environ- 2002; Muller et al., 1998; Ncube and Schutte, 2005; Se (Burcher,
ment or from other industrial sites. 2004; Foster, 2003; Utiger, 1998); Fe (Joffe, 1964; Wapnick et al.,
3. Direct dermal contact with ores and associated materials. 1971); Fe, Zn and Mn (Cvitanich et al., 2009).
However, the health impacts of potentially harmful elements,
2. Health issues arising from dispersed mineralsation especially toxic heavy metals, such as Hg, Pb and Zn, stemming
from sulphide mineralisation, mining and ore processing or mine
Almost every one of the top ten leading underlying natural waste disposal are generally less known, but are considered by
causes of death in South Africa (Table 1) can arguably be linked these authors (TCD and HRM) to be quite significant in determina-
to some geo-environmental co-factor(s): tuberculosis (rank 1 in tion of environmental disease ranking in the country (Table 1).

Table 1
The ten leading underlying natural causes of death in South Africa in 2003 and 2004. Source: Statistics South Africa (SSA), 2006.

2003 2004
Cause of death* Rank Number Percent Rank Number Percent
Tuberculosis (A15 – A19) 1 67,609 12.2 1 69,689 12.3
Influenza and pneumonia (J10 – J18) 2 45,351 8.2 2 45,376 8.0
Cerebro-vascular disease (160 – 169) 3 27,445 5.0 4 25,006 4.4
Intestinal infectious Diseases (A00 – A09) 4 24,394 4.4 3 26,581 4.7
Other forms of heart disease (130 – 152) 5 23,996 4.3 5 23,753 4.2
Diabetes mellitus (E10 – E14) 6 16,761 3.0 6 16,980 3.0
Chronic lower respiratory diseases (J40 – J47) 7 16,130 2.9 8 15,333 2.8
Certain disorders involving the immune mechanism (D80 – D89) 8 15,109 2.7 7 16,052 2.7
Ischaemic heart disease (120 – 125) 9 13,324 2.4 ... ... ...
Respiratory and cardiovascular disorders-perinatal (P20 – P29) 10 12,756 2.3 10 13,271 2.3
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease (B20 – B24) ... ... ... 9 13,319 2.3
Other causes 289,950 52.4 302,200 53.3
All causes 552,825 100.0 567,488 100.0
Causes of death based on the Tenth Revision, International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (WHO, 1992).
T.C. Davies, H.R. Mundalamo / Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666 655

Environmental exposure to heavy metal toxicity from mine 3.2. Mercury (Hg)
waste may be directly or indirectly linked to many maladies,
including headaches, anger, irritability, depression, and so on, Due to the chalcophilic nature of its associations, Hg is found in
and can contribute to arthritis, asthma, chronic fatigue, diabetes, higher abundances in intrusive magmatic rocks and locations of
fibromyalgia, heart disease, arterial sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, subaerial and submarine volcanism. In South Africa, Hg occurs in
Parkinson’s disease, ulcers, and many others (Chapman, 2008). a number of deposit types, commonly as cinnabar (HgS) in metal
Five elements have been selected to illustrate the complex pat- sulphide deposits, and in coals. It also occurs in placer deposits to-
tern of element overload that can occur in humans and animals gether with Au particles, as in the Witwatersrand. It is suggested
when the food chain has been impacted upon by dispersed miner- that the major source of the Hg in the Witwatersrand Au is the sur-
alisation or associated anthropogenic processes. A review is carried rounding sediments from which the element was mobilised and
out of health conditions that may be precipitated by systemic over- subsequently amalgamated with Au as a result of metamorphism
load of U, Hg, Mn, Fe, F and elements in metal sulphide associa- (Oberthuer and Saager, 1986).
tions, and geophagic materials, through ingestion via any of the Current literature suggests that South Africa may be the second
pathways identified in Fig. 3. highest emitter of Hg in the world, after China (Pacyna et al., 2006).
While geologically bound Hg is emitted to the atmosphere via nat-
ural processes, the major source of Hg emissions in South Africa is
3. Health issues arising from dispersion of some potentially thought to be anthropogenic. Coal combustion (e.g. in power gen-
harmful elements eration and residential heating), large-scale and artisanal Au pro-
duction, waste incineration, base metal smelting, and cement
3.1. Uranium (U) production are the most important anthropogenic sources of Hg
emissions to the environment (Pacyna et al., 2001). Of these
U is widely dispersed in the South African environment, with sources, coal combustion in power generation and residential heat-
radiometric highs occurring at several localities, regardless of ing represent possibly the most important contribution in the
whether or not U concentrations in these lithologies reach ore country (Pacyna et al., 2001).
grade. The element’s geological occurrence in the country is well In South Africa, very little is known about Hg emissions from
documented. The variety of deposits is wide, genetically different, natural (geogenic) sources, such as from rock, soil, vegetation
and of differing ages (Appendix A, Table A1). and water surfaces, due perhaps to difficulty in estimating natural
Radiometric surveys and scintillometer-assisted field traverses emissions and uncertainties in the natural emissions process. The
over a number of radiometric highs near Springbok, Vaalputs magnitude of their extent is therefore relatively poorly con-
and Steenkampskraal underlain by granulite-facies ortho and strained, though considered to constitute an important part of
paragneisses, often give above-average contents of U and Th the atmospheric Hg input. Most studies on Hg pollution and its im-
(Albat, 1984; Robb, 1986; Andreoli et al., 1986; Raith et al., pacts have been in reaction to emergency incidents. In South Africa
2003). Also, a number of areas in Limpopo Province (H. Mouri, several Hg spills have occurred contaminating soils and rivers. The
personal communication) and in the North-West Province (Kgabi effluent spill into the Mngcewni River in KwaZulu-Natal during the
et al., 2009) have high background levels of the element. late 1990’s is one example. This spill was as a result of the trans-
Although its occurrence in groundwater has only been docu- portation of foreign Hg waste (SAMAP, 2007). As a result of that
mented in limited case studies, desktop-level predictive model- pollution, it was recommended that consumption of fish by local
ling has identified a number of areas in the country, where communities be significantly reduced.
naturally elevated U concentrations may be expected in ground- Although there have been many studies of Hg geochemistry in
water (Coetzee et al., 2008). the environment (e.g., its bioaccumulation in the aquatic food
The need for having such a comprehensive information on chain), there is still a dearth of information regarding the bioacces-
South Africa’s U deposits has been considered crucial, because of sibility of the element in human receptors exposed to environmen-
implementation of significant nuclear power programmes in the tal Hg ingestion.
country. However, the health impacts of radioactivity emanating We do know, however, that the aquatic food chain can concen-
from natural occurrences as well as from radioactivity released trate organic Hg compounds in fish and seafood, which, if eaten by
during mining, processing and related activities involving U, have humans, can affect the central nervous system, impairing muscle,
to date, been given very little attention. vision, and cerebral function, leading to paralysis and sometimes
As much as 85% of the radioactivity in the ore remains in the death (e.g., as in Minamata disease). Acute Hg poisoning causes a
tailings with a half-life of 80,000 years. Tailings are blown by the range of disorders, including severe digestive-tract inflammation.
wind and washed by rain into water systems. When mining com- Chronic poisoning from inhalation or skin absorption causes oral
panies close down, there is a problem as to who will deal with the inflammation, extremity pain and tremor, weight loss and mental
waste. Tailings generate Rn gas that can travel up to thousands of changes.
kilometers in a light breeze. As it drifts, it deposits radioactive by-
products on vegetation. It is transmitted to animals, fish and plants 3.3. Manganese (Mn)
miles away from the U mine.
Negative impacts from radioactivity include: air pollution from South Africa currently accounts for about 80% of the world’s
radionuclide-contaminated dust, soil contamination, aquatic sedi- identified Mn deposits. Extensive karsting of the dolomites in the
ment contamination and bioaccumulation of radionuclides in eco- Griqualand West Supergroup (middle Proterozoic) in the Northern
systems; and the impact on human health includes lung cancer, Cape Province, near Kuruman, resulted in the formation and
genetic mutations, and mental retardation at high levels. accumulation of substantial Mn deposits which, along with the
South Africa’s U mines are situated amongst some of the best vast deposits in the Kalahari Manganese Field to the north around
producing agricultural lands in the country. The level of pollution Hotazel, constitute the largest land-based repository of Mn on
from U mining means that agricultural land cannot be used for Earth (Evans et al., 2001).
either crop cultivation or grazing. Uranium and other heavy metals Manganese is one of the most abundant metals in soils, where it
(pollution) remains in the ground and surrounding rivers for many occurs as oxides and hydroxides. The Mn content of soil and plants
years. in certain areas can be quite variable, as both the distribution and
656 T.C. Davies, H.R. Mundalamo / Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666

availability of this element are markedly influenced by local soil excreted when the vitamin is injected, and it has been concluded
factors including drainage conditions and pH. that accelerated oxidative catabolism due to the presence of large
The concentration of Mn in the air is enhanced by mining and deposits of ferric Fe contributes to the depletion of tissue ascorbic
other industrial activities and through burning of fossil fuels. acid (Seftel et al., 1966; Wapnick et al., 1968).
Manganese from human sources can also enter surface water,
groundwater and sewage. Through the application of Mn pesti- 3.5. Fluorine (F)
cides, Mn will enter soils.
Manganese is an essential element for all species, including Fluorine is the most electronegative of all known elements
humans; but when the recommended daily intake doses are ex- (electronegativity 4.0; Pauling, 1960), and also the most reactive.
ceeded, health problems (respiratory tract and neurological prob- Since some F compounds in the Earth’s upper crust are soluble
lems) can occur. Chronic Mn poisoning may result from in water, F is found in both surface waters and groundwater. In
prolonged inhalation of dust and fume during mining and process- surface freshwater, however, F concentrations are usually low
ing of ores. Very small Mn particles may track up nerve fibres into 0.01 ppm to 0.3 ppm.
the brain. Manganese miners may also develop Mn toxicity from Fluoride enriched environments are those mainly linked with
exposure to much larger particles. The central nervous system is the Precambrian basement areas (especially granite), areas affected
the chief site of damage from the disease, which may result in per- by recent volcanism and some sedimentary basins (Edmunds,
manent disability. 2008). For instance, significant fluorite (CaF2) mineralisation in
Symptoms of chronic Mn poisoning include obesity, glucose South Africa is hosted within the acid phase of the Bushveld Com-
intolerance, blood clotting, skin problems, lowered cholesterol lev- plex. Fluorite also occurs in dolomite formations of the Transvaal
els, skeletal disorders, birth defects, changes of hair colour and Supergroup, in the north of the country. In groundwater, the natu-
neurological symptoms. When Mn uptake occurs through the skin ral concentration of F depends on the geological, chemical and
it can cause tremors and coordination failures. physical characteristics of the aquifer, the porosity and acidity of
Elsenbroek and Neser (2000) have described a specific form of the soil and rocks, the temperature, the action of other chemical
geophagy which may involve Mn, in young cattle and sheep in re- elements, and the depth of wells. Because of the large number of
stricted areas of the Barkley-West, Postmasburg and Vryburg Dis- variables, the F concentrations in South Africa’s groundwater
tricts of the Northern Cape- and North-West Provinces of South can range from well under 1 ppm to more than 25 ppm (WHO,
Africa. It results in severe, subacute to chronic hepatitis and jaun- 1984).
dice, with a high mortality rate in untreated cases. An association The beneficial effects of F to human and animal health, as well
between the disease and high concentrations of Mn in soils was as to tocxicity produced as a result of excessive intake, have now
shown since all affected farms are situated on outcrops of the been well documented (e.g., Du Plessis, 1995; Davies, 2010). How-
Reivilo Formation of the Campbell Rand Subgroup, which consists ever, because of a general lack of accurate data on the current sta-
mainly of manganiferous dolomite. tus of F in South Africa’s groundwater and food resources, there is
still inadequate information on the local impacts of F on health
3.4. Iron (Fe): siderosis in the South African Bantu and the environment.
The awareness, though, of excess F consumption through
Post-mortem examinations have shown that siderosis (Fe drinking water has been growing countrywide (McCaffrey and
overload) is a common finding in South African Bantu males in Willis, 1993; Fayazi, 1994; Rudolph et al., 1995; Du Plessis, 1995;
Johannesburg (e.g., Joffe, 1964). The Fe accumulation and overload WRC, 2001).
in the Bantu population develops as a consequence of the presence Fluoride enriched groundwaters in South Africa have been
of large quantities of inorganic Fe in the diet (Wapnick et al., 1971). mapped by Ncube and Schutte (2005); the most important occur-
The soils of Johannesburg are Fe-rich, and are thought to have been rences are in Limpopo, Northern Cape, North-West and KwaZulu-
formed by the metamorphism of ultrabasic rocks by the Johannes- Natal Provinces. These provinces have a high population still living
burg Dome (Anhaeusser, 1999), a granitic intrusion lying between in rural areas and prior to 1994 most villagers used groundwater
Johannesburg and Pretoria. and surface water for drinking purposes. According to Ncube and
The deposition of Fe occurs mainly in the liver and reticulo- Schutte (2005), many sources of drinking water in these provinces
endothelial system. Radiological investigations showed that a are in need of partial defluoridation to the optimum level of F
marked increase in density of the liver and spleen may be observed concentration safe for drinking water purposes. Very few areas
in Bantu patients with severe siderosis (Joffe, 1964). Liver autopsy show any real deficiency in F with respect to the WHO (1992) rec-
studies have demonstrated that these radiological changes are ommended limits for drinking water, and F deficiency in ground-
undoubtedly due to the excessive Fe deposits in the liver and waters is currently not considered to be a national problem.
spleen. Iron overload may also lead to tissue damage as a result
of oxidative stress (Edison et al., 2008). 3.6. Some metal sulphide associations
Iron is handled differently by the human body than all other
physiologically essential elements (Bullen and Walczyk, 2009). It Massive sulphide ores are made up primarily of sulphide miner-
is the only element the human body cannot excrete in case of als. Some of the largest ore deposits are found in greenstone belts
excessive absorption. For humans, Fe is soluble at gastric pH but of South Africa, e.g., the Murchison greenstone belt, and the
insoluble at the neutral pH of the intestine, the primary site of Barberton Mountain Land (Fig. 1). Massive sulphides have received
mammalian Fe absorption (Miret et al., 2003). As a result, the hu- considerable attention throughout history, not only because they
man body has evolved into a virtually closed system for Fe. Levels are a major source of many metals (in particular Au, Pb, Zn, Cu,
of functional Fe for oxygen transport, oxygen storage, and cellular Ag and Sb) critical in human technological development and vital
function are maintained by intestinal regulation of Fe absorption in to modern industrial economy, but also because of the potential
concert with Fe deposition in, or release from, storage organs they hold for preserving the record of the magmatic and hydro-
(Bleackley et al., 2009). thermal processes that control the composition of the Earth’s crust,
Evidence has been obtained that the Fe overload plays an oceans, and atmosphere.
important part in the development of ascorbic acid deficiency. It The importance of massive sulphide mineralisation, how-
has been shown that oxidation products of ascorbic acid are ever, stems from our interest in estimating the extent of the
T.C. Davies, H.R. Mundalamo / Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666 657

environmental health problems that can occur in man and animals high soil: herbage ratio, such as Co. Under these conditions cattle
as a result of exposure to associated metals via one or more of the may possibly ingest up to ten times the amount of Cu and Pb
pathways illustrated in Fig. 3. (and possibly As) in the form of soil compared with that in herbage.
The subject of metal toxicity has engaged geochemists and phy- Thus for those elements of low availability to the plant such as
sicians for decades. The best researched disorders due to metal tox- Co and Cr, and on soils heavily contaminated with trace metals, the
icity are peripheral vascular disease, coronary vascular disease and soil-animal relationship may well over-ride or at any rate comple-
cerebral vascular disease, i.e., diminished circulation/perfusion to ment that of the soil–plant-animal system, though naturally we
the legs, the heart and the brain, respectively (Chapman, 2008). need to investigate in detail those factors governing availability
Other studies have shown that exposure to toxic elements such and absorption within the animal before the importance of this
as Hg, Cd, Pb, As, Al, Ni and some other heavy metals can be linked pathway can be fully assessed.
to the autoimmune process. The heavy metals induce autoantibod-
ies, which then create autoimmune diseases (Table 1). Mercury
4. Health issues arising from the evolution of nutrient poor
causes neurotoxic effects in humans, which is particularly prob-
lematic in children and developing foetuses.
The epidemic of neurological disorders could be explained in
Separation, remobilisation and redistribution of elements by
part by exposure to contaminants released into the environment
surficial geogenic processes have created areas exhibiting defi-
through mining and ore processing operations that involve heavy
ciency in some key nutritional elements, and excessive amounts
metals (Chapman, 2008).
in others. Examples of public health conditions that may reflect
In addition, the biosphere catalyses a variety of biochemical
such nutrient poor environments in South Africa include iodine
reactions that can transform metals. Microbiological weathering
deficiency disorders (IDD), F deficiency symptoms, Mseleni Joint
contributes to the mobilisation of metals by releasing the elemen-
Disease (MJD), HIV-AIDS and an apparent Mg insufficiency that
tal form trapped within minerals and by solubilising the metal via
has been implicated in ischaemic heart disease. A brief description
oxidation-promoting complexation. Subsequent microbial desta-
of these conditions follows.
bilisation of metal complexes coupled with bioprecipitation and
biomineralisation can immobilise metals.
Both alluvial and upland sites are often found to be contami- 4.1. Idione (I) deficiency disorders (IDD) in South Africa
nated with chalcophilic metals such as, Cu, Pb, Zn, (As) and Sn,
when these are released through mining and associated activities. The principal sources of I are volcanic emanations, sea spray,
In other areas, pasture samples may reflect this contamination to formation waters and fluid inclusions (Fuge, 2007). The leaching
only a minor degree, perhaps, as a consequence of the low avail- of I originally supplied by volcanic activity, from acid mineralised
ability of the metal in the soil or regulatory processes limiting up- soils, is also an important determinant of the element’s geograph-
take and translocation at the soil-root and root-shoot interfaces. ical distribution.
A Pb–Zn–Cu mine may create a complex set of occupational South Africa is bounded on its western, southern and eastern
exposures and it is difficult to separate individual mineral impacts sides by the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. So, with the pos-
for all metals. Consequently, an understanding of geochemical pro- sible exception of the central parts of the country and the lee sides
cesses and conditions is important to decipher whether the pres- of highly mountainous regions, severe iodine deficiency should
ence of trace constituents in the host rock may lead to a risk of hardly be expected in the country. The I contents of surface sedi-
their presence in surface environments of groundwater, soil and ments from the South West African shelf, for instance, is high,
food crops. ranging from 96 to 1990 ppm (Price and Calvert, 1973).
However, South Africa, like most of the countries of Africa, still
3.7. The role of geophagy in increasing toxic metal burden in suffered from a lack of I in the environment in many geographical
populations areas. In the past, this lack of I resulted in insufficient I in the food
chain and consequently, due to inadequate dietary intake, in IDD.
The direct soil-animal pathway of mineral nutrients that com- These disorders include thyroid function abnormalities, ende-
plements the soil–plant-animal route in agricultural systems is mic goiter, mental retardation, cretinism, reproductive failure,
very important. However, ingested soil can also be an important and perinatal and infant mortality. The most damaging disorder
source of potentially harmful elements in geochemically anoma- resulting from I deficiency is irreversible mental retardation occur-
lous areas represented by the widespread mineralised provinces ring during the critical period from the foetal stage until the third
of South Africa. In other parts of Africa, where the subject has been month after birth (Jooste and Zimmermann, 2008). In South Africa,
more extensively researched, reports abound of Pb poisoning and the primary concern about I deficiency is the damage to the mental
other toxicities in children eating contaminated soil; blockage of development of children; severe I deficiency can cause the death of
the large intestines, hyperkalemia (abnormally high levels of K in a child.
the blood), P intoxication and dental injury have also been cited Efforts to eliminate IDD in South Africa have been met with
(Tayie, 2004). remarkable progress and the goiter status of the population im-
The literature on geophagy in South Africa is scant, but it is a to- proved, since the introduction of mandatory iodisation of table salt
pic that deserves considerable interest, in view of the generally in 1995 (Jooste and Zimmermann, 2008). However, some major
heavy loading of toxic elements in soils over large areas of disperse challenges still remain, not least of which is the presence in the
metalliferous mineralisation in the country, and the large number South African diet of goitrogens; these are substances that
of people who practise geophagy. suppress the activity of iodine (e.g., kale, cabbage, radish and
Ingested soil may increase the intake of metals by livestock on broccoli) (see e.g., Davies, 2010).
polluted land, and sub-lethal effects could well affect both produc-
tion and the composition of animal tissue. 4.2. Endemic osteoarthritis (Mseleni Joint Disease; MJD)
Healy (1967, 1968) has shown that appreciable amounts of soil
may be involuntarily ingested by both sheep and cattle. It was sug- Unusually high incidences of dwarfism and endemic osteoar-
gested that soil could be an important source of trace elements in thritis, termed Mseleni Joint Disease (MJD), afflict up to 25% of
the ruminant diet, particularly of those elements with a relatively the local population of adults living on the sandy coastal plain of
658 T.C. Davies, H.R. Mundalamo / Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666

Maputaland in South Africa (Ceruti et al. 1999). This rare disease (a sulphide mineralised areas. However, the Se content of overlying
local arthritis) begins with stiffness and pain in the joints and pro- soils, and hence the crops grown on them, is determined not only
gresses to varying degrees of disability, with some of the afflicted by the geology of the parent rocks, but also by a number of bio-
requiring aid in walking and others without the ability to walk at physio-chemical parameters.
all. Selenium is an integral part of a number of enzymes (Fig. 4). It
The disease is typified by a combination of multiple epiphyseal supports the body’s immune system by protecting against the ef-
dysplasia, polyarticular osteoarthritis, and protrusion acetabuli, fects of free radicals.
with earlier stages of MJD displaying osteoarthritis, and advanced Some research has indicated a geographical link between re-
cases typified by severe joint surface irregularity. Medical studies gions of Se-deficient soils and peak incidences of HIV-AIDS infec-
have, until recently, been unable to determine conclusively the tion. For example, the epicentre of the HIV-AIDS pandemic is in
aetiology of MJD or the dwarfism, but work at the University of southern Africa, where soils are thought to be depleted of Se
Cape Town (Ceruti et al. 2003) has indicated the possible role of (Foster, 2003; Burcher, 2004; Davies et al., 2010). The country of
environmental factors; in particular, extremely variable concentra- Senegal in West Africa, on the other hand, has maintained one of
tions of available nutrient elements, as causative factors. the lowest HIV-AIDS prevalence levels on the continent, with HIV
The sandy soils are known to be nutrient poor, suggesting the prevalence stable at just under 1% of the adult population since
possibility of the existence of isolated pockets of land, where defi- 1997 (USAID, 2004).
ciencies (e.g., available soil Ca, K, P, Zn and Cu) may be acute. Plant What might explain this geographical distribution of HIV? Why
growth trials in the Mseleni area, using a subtractive element tech- has the diffusion of HIV-1 virtually halted in Senegal, a country
nique confirmed these deficiencies in maize (Zea mays) for P, K, Ca, with such a high level of promiscuity, while the virus has been
Mg, Cu and Zn (Ceruti et al. 2003). rapidly spreading in countries in southern Africa?
Although few studies have dealt with the role of adequate Se
4.3. Selenium and HIV-AIDS in South Africa nutrition and HIV-AIDS diffusion rates, a logical and thoroughly
scientific explanation for this geographical anomaly could be that
Naturally occurring Se is another trace element of concern in of the Se co-factor (deficiency); viz., that HIV-1 needs a co-factor
the South African geological environment; however, little is known to infect and subsequently cause the immune system collapse
about its occurrence. Selenium is a metalloid element belonging to associated with AIDS. Senegal is essentially a desiccated Creta-
Group 16 (more traditionally Group VI), period 4, of the periodic ceous and Early Eocene sea. As a result, calcium phosphate, mined
table of elements, along with O, S, Te and Po. Being a chalcogen for use in fertilisers, is the country’s principal mineral product.
(ore-former) it is unsurprising to know that in South Africa, it is This is derived from Se-enriched phosphorites (Gulbrandsen,
present in higher than background concentrations in metal 1966).

Fig. 4. Health benefits of selenium. Source: (Accessed 28 June 2010).

T.C. Davies, H.R. Mundalamo / Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666 659

4.4. Magnesium content of drinking water and ischaemic heart disease 5.1. Three interrelated epidemics: silicosis, tuberculosis (TB) and HIV
(IHD) in South Africa infection

Since the publication of articles by Kobayashi (1957) and Sch- From a geochemical standpoint, Si is a component of a variety of
roeder (1960a,b, 1969) numerous epidemiologists throughout the Earth materials, including silicate-hosted ores, silica sands, diato-
world have studied the inverse (protective) association between mite and asbestos, all of which, except asbestos, are currently
drinking water hardness and cardiovascular disease mortality. mined and processed in South Africa.
Lower cardiovascular death rates were found in populations, Respirable (<5 l in diameter) particles of silica are produced
where the water supply contained relatively high levels of water when crystalline silica-containing rock, ore or soil is mined, pro-
hardness or Mg and Ca, compared to populations in areas with cessed or used (quarrying, drilling, sand blasting, milling, and so
low levels. on). The dust from mining and processing and handling of these
In South Africa, Leary et al. (1983) and Leary (1985) have materials can cause serious and fatal illness, not only in those with
found that the incidence of death from IHD and acute cardiac heavy occupational exposure, but also in people who live near the
arrhythmias is increased in some regions, where Mg levels are re- industrial site or even simply in the same household with an ex-
duced in soil and water. Derry et al. (1990) have shown that a sig- posed worker. The illnesses include a nodular pulmonary fibrosis
nificant negative correlation exists between cardiovascular (silicosis) which may be chronic, accelerated or acute, progressive
disease mortality for the South African urban white population pulmonary fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, lung
and total water hardness (equivalent calcium carbonate mg/l). cancer and an increased risk of tuberculosis (Hnizdo and Murray,
These authors (Derry et al. (1990)) also showed that negative cor- 1998).
relations exist with the hardness-associated factors, K, SO24 , Cl A nested case-control study for lung cancer performed on a co-
and Mn. hort of 2260 South African gold miners in whom an association be-
Magnesium mineralisation in South Africa occurs chiefly in the tween exposure to silica dust and risk of lung cancer was
form of magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) in the Mpumalanga and previously reported (Hnizdo et al., 1997), found that the risk of
Limpopo provinces. Major occurrences are as veins and stock- lung cancer was associated with tobacco smoking, cumulative dust
works, and as an alteration products of ultramafic rocks, serpenti- exposure, duration of underground mining and silicosis.
nite and other Mg-rich rock types. Many reasons can be advanced for the high levels of silicosis in
The dynamics of Mg geochemistry in the surficial environment, gold miners. The silica (quartz) is freshly fractured by drilling,
and the element’s uptake by food crops, are determined by parent blasting and moving rock, and the particles are probably very
rock type as well as by biogeochemical factors operating in South small (Phillips, 2007) and largely uncontaminated by associated
Africa’s humid tropical environment. As such, even in areas ini- clays: all factors thought to increase the fibrogenicity of silica
tially having relatively high levels of Mg in the soil from minerali- (Health and Safety Executive, 2002). Deep-level mining in con-
sation, the element can easily be washed out of light soils in wet stantly changing workplaces introduces difficulties for dust
season, or, excessive K fertilizer usage can also cause Mg to become control.
unavailable to the growing plant. Vast quantities of dusts are also emitted in the limestone and
Magnesium plays important roles in the structure and function dolomite industries, such as in the exploitation of vast thicknesses
of the human body. It is involved in more than 300 essential of carbonate sediments at the base of the Transvaal Supergroup.
metabolic reactions, including energy production, synthesis of It has been known for some time that silicosis increases the risk
essential molecules, cell signalling and cell migration (Spencer of TB, and increased rates of the disease have been found in South
et al., 1994). African gold miners with pneumoconiosis (Cowie, 1994) and,
Few studies though, have considered potential confounders in importantly in those exposed to silica without silicosis (Hnizdo
the correlation with IHD, and it is difficult to determine whether and Murray, 1998). HIV is also a strong risk factor for TB.
the observations are due to minerals that make up water hardness, Tuberculosis acquired in the mines has the potential to fuel TB
other water quality parameters associated with hardness, or other transmission in home regions through oscillatory migration (Rees
exposures, risk factors and characteristics that are associated with et al., 2009). Once TB was introduced onto the gold mines it
hardness. spreads rapidly to communities through the migrant labour
The South African gold mining industry employs a labour force
5. Geogenic dust of several hundred thousand miners. Most gold mining is done on
the Witwatersrand reefs at depths of up to 3500 m. The (Witwa-
Worries about South African population exposed to particulate tersrand) reefs consist of quartz-pebble conglomerates composed
matter (PM) in ambient air, especially in cities, continue to grow. of a coarse fraction of waterworn pebbles set in a finer grained ma-
Most dust of concern originate from geogenic sources or from trix. The rock is composed of quartz (70–90%), silicates (10–30%),
industrial processes. Dust arising from contaminated land, some pyrite (1–4%) and heavy minerals (2–4%) which include grains of
mineral tips, and some natural soils may contain significant con- Au and U-bearing minerals.
centrations of potentially harmful elements. Particles may be inor- Because so many people work in agriculture, and because silica
ganic, organic or even include micro-organisms. They may include exposure and silicosis are associated with serious diseases such as
toxic, corrosive or radioactive materials and pathogens. TB, particularly in those immunological compromised by the HIV
Several economic mineral deposits in South Africa are hosted in virus, silica exposure in agriculture is potentially very important.
silicate rocks, or are highly enriched in silica. Examples are: (i) the Many studies (e.g., Swanepoel et al., 2009) have indicated that
Witwatersrand Au-U-FeS2 deposits; (ii) major sand deposits occur- quartz exposure in agriculture might be a risk to farm workers in
ring in the Western Cape, Mpumalanga and Gauteng regions; (iii) South Africa, but generally no systematic data are available on
gold quartz vein deposits in the Barberton greenstone belt (iv) the magnitude of the risk. Although exposure to quartz during agri-
vermiculite (hydrated aluminium silicate), (Mg, Fe+2, Al)3(Al, cultural activities has been found to be variable, exposure can ex-
Si)4O10(OH)24H2O) at Phalaborwa in the Limpopo Province, the tend throughout the growing season. The duration of specific
world’s largest resource of high-grade vermiculite, and (iv) The activities varies due to many factors, and lifetime exposure to
Witkop silica deposit, a greenstone-hosted quartz vein. quartz may be considerable.
660 T.C. Davies, H.R. Mundalamo / Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666

(OH)2] and actinolite [Ca2(Fe, Mg)5Si8O22(OH)2] all belong to the

amphibole group, while chrysotile [(Mg6(Si4O10)(OH)8] is a
Rich deposits of three commercial asbestiform minerals make
South Africa unique, and this country produced most of the world’s
supply of crocidolite (blue) and amosite (brown) asbestos and a
smaller proportion of chrysotile (white) asbestos throughout the
20th century. Most amphibole asbestos was mined as crocidolite
(Fig. 6) and amosite from Precambrian banded ironstones in South
Africa. The last mine closed in 2002 and left in its wake what pos-
sibly is ‘‘South Africa’s largest public health disaster” (Braun and
Kisting, 2006). Asbestos dumps are still scattered all over the min-
ing areas, with up to 82 in the Northern Cape.
As a consequence of particularly exploitative social conditions,
former workers and residents of mining regions suffered – and
continue to suffer – from a serious, yet still largely undocumented
burden of asbestos-related disease. This epidemic has been invisi-
ble both internationally and inside South Africa (Braun and Kisting,
Blue and brown asbestos not only can induce asbestosis at low-
Fig. 5. High resolution images of advanced coal worker’s pneumoconiosis with
parenchymal nodules, calcifications, and progressive and massive fibrosis. er concentrations than white asbestos, but they are highly carcin-
Advanced-stage silicosis is indistinguishable from this condition. Source: Jedynak ogenic. These minerals were exploited largely in the past century
et al. (2009) (Accessed 04 in industrial applications because of their versatile and unique
October 2010). properties. Applications include their use in insulation, pipe lag-
ging, roofing and brake linings. In South Africa today, asbestos is
mainly used for building materials and pipes. These include sheets
5.2. Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (CWP)
for roofing, walls and ceilings, gutters, chimneys, pipes, sewerage
pipes and water pipes. But usage is, thankfully, decreasing rapidly.
South Africa ranks among the three largest coal exploiting
Unlike other minerals, asbestos is milled dry, thereby creating
countries in the world (Naidoo et al., 2005). The coal industry also
clouds of dust. The host ore, banded ironstone, is particularly abra-
represents the second largest mining sector in South Africa, after
sive, which meant that as production levels rose, so too did dust
gold, providing 77% of the country’s energy needs, and with sales
emissions. The risks posed extend far beyond the workplace to
contributing 16% of export revenue in 2003.
those who lived in adjacent communities.
Coal is found in South Africa in several coal fields located mainly
The number of contemporary sources of environmental expo-
in KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Limpopo and the Free State, with
sure include unrehabilitated or partially rehabilitated dumps, dried
lesser amounts in Gauteng, the North-West Province and Eastern
riverbeds, roads, transport spillage, deteriorated housing materials,
Cape (Fig. 2; Jeffrey, 2005).
factory emissions, and a variety of manufactured products (South
About 46.5% of South African coal mining is conducted under-
African Department of Labour, 2000). The unrehabilitated dumps
ground and about 53.5% is produced by opencast methods (Jeffrey,
that dot the landscape throughout rural provinces are of particular
2005). Whatever method is applied in mining and processing, a
concern to communities. Thus, exposure to asbestos through both
number of adverse environmental effects are produced, not the
work and the contaminated environment was – and is – continu-
least of which is the dust nuisance.
ous, intense and largely undocumented. Despite the lack of firm
Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis or Black Lung Disease can be de-
fined as the accumulation of coal dust in the lungs and the tissues’
reaction to its presence.
It is caused by long exposure to coal dust. Huang et al. (2004)
have shown that the incidence of CWP is a function of the pyrite
content of the coal. The disease is a common affliction of coal min-
ers and others who work with coal, similar to both silicosis from
inhaling silica dust, and to the long term effects of tobacco smok-
ing. Inhaled coal dust progressively builds up in the lungs and is
unable to be removed by the body; this leads to inflammation,
fibrosis, and in the worst case, necrosis (Fig. 5).
Data exist on dose response relationships between CWP and
respiratory dust exposure, and relationships between pneumoco-
niosis and both lung function deterioration and respiratory symp-
toms for three bituminous coal mines in Mpumalanga (e.g., Naidoo
et al., 2004). The presence of pneumoconiosis is associated with
serious health effects, including deterioration in lung function.

5.3. The asbestos legacy in South Africa

Asbestos is the general industrial term encompassing six Fig. 6. Partial vein of grayish-blue crocidolite from South Africa with matrix host
rock attached at bottom; shown as it might appear in its natural state. Source:
different natural fibrous silicates. Amosite [grunerite, (Fe, Mg)7 (Accessed 18 August,
Si8O22(OH)2], crocidolite [riebeckite, Na2(Fe, Mg)3Fe2Si8O22(OH)2], 2010). (For interpretation of color in this figure legend the reader is referred to
tremolite [Ca2Mg5Si8O22OH2], anthophyllite [(Mg, Fe)7Si8O22- see the web version of this article.)
T.C. Davies, H.R. Mundalamo / Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666 661

data, most would agree that exposure to asbestos is a serious dis- (closed) flooded underground mine workings in August, 2002 (ER-
ease burden for exposed communities. MITE Consortium, 2004).
Health hazards from breathing asbestos dust include asbestosis, Acid mine drainage, flowing out from (usually abandoned)
a lung scarring disease, and various forms of cancer (including lung metal mines or coal mines in South Africa, is characterized by
cancer and mesothelioma of the pleura and peristonium). These low pH (high acidity); high salinity levels; elevated concentrations
diseases usually arise decades after the onset of asbestos exposure. of SO24 , Fe, Al and Mn; raised levels of toxic heavy metals, such as
Asbestosis is caused when a person breathes in the invisible, very Cd, Co, Cu, Mo and Zn, and possibly contain radionuclides.
fine asbestos fibres, which are suspended in the air. These lodge Acid mine drainage is the single most important concern from
mainly in the lower parts of the lungs and cause inflammation. mining activities. Its effects are numerous, and includes the
As the inflammation heals, it leaves a scar tissue so that the deli- following:
cate tissues of the lungs begin to lose their elasticity. As this scar-
ring process continues, the lungs lose their ability to deliver  The acidic water dissolves salts, mobilises metals from mine
enough O2 to the blood. In advanced disease the person has diffi- workings and residue deposits.
culty in breathing and performing daily tasks. Many patients may  AMD is associated with surface and groundwater pollution.
experience years of poor quality life and disability. They may die  AMD is associated with degradation of soil quality.
of shortness of breath or heart failure due to the increased strain  AMD is associated with degradation of aquatic habitats.
on the heart.  AMD allows heavy metals to seep into the environment.
Mesothelioma, a signal tumour for asbestos exposure, occurs
among workers’ family members from dust on the worker’s However, it is thought that the threat of AMD to the environment
clothes. People who are exposed to asbestos and smoke as well, is not solved in the short to long term, and is likely to persist for
greatly increase their chances of developing lung cancer. Many centuries to come.
cases of asbestosis were mis-diagnosed as heart disease by inexpe-
rienced doctors who do not expect asbestosis, or do not appreciate 6.2. Acid rain
the role of geological materials in disease causation.
Each of the asbestos-related diseases has a long and highly var- Quite considerable concerns in South Africa, as in the rest of the
iable period between initial exposure to asbestos and the develop- world, centre around greenhouse gas emissions. Continued com-
ment of disease. Latency for asbestosis is approximately 15 years, bustion of coal as a foundation of our national energy security is
depending on the level of exposure, for lung cancer, approximately starting to have a detrimental effect on our national food security.
20 years, and for mesothelioma between 20 and 50 years (Gibbons, Most greenhouse gases are derivatives of carbon and much is
2000). said about carbon in the context of global climate change. How-
The asbestos mining industry is no longer in operation. How- ever, some consider SO2 to be far more important to the immediate
ever, the scale of environmental contamination and the wide- future of the South African economy than carbon will ever be (Tur-
spread use of manufactured products will continue to have a ton, 2010). While South Africa’s coal has a relatively low S content
devastating impact on the health of South Africans. there is considerable concern about the potential environmental
and economic impact of acid rain.
Sulphur is relevant in South Africa in two important ways: (i)
6. Further impacts of mining on the water environment Atmospheric sulphur, in the form of SO2, combines with moisture
in clouds and falls to the Earth as acid rain; (ii) Aquatic S, in the
The potential impacts of mining on the water environment can form of sulphate salt, combines with water in underground mine
be: through the act of mining itself; seepage of contaminated voids and produces H2SO4, which manifests as AMD (Turton,
water from mine residue deposits (waste rock dumps and tailings 2010). Yet, we have no reliable public-domain data on the total
dams) resulting from mineral processing/beneficiation; dewater- deposition of S at national level.
ing of active mining operations; and rewatering (flooding) of de- The principal cause of acid rain is S and N compounds from hu-
funct/closed mine voids, and discharge of mine water (ERMITE man sources, such as, in the case of South Africa, electricity gener-
Consortium, 2004). ation (coal-power plants). But, factories, motor vehicles and
In South Africa acid deposition occurs to an extent that deserves livestock production also contribute gases that produce acid rain.
urgent attention by our scientists and law-makers. Acid rain is Combustion of fuels creates SO2 and NOx, which are converted to
mainly caused by the release of SO2 and nitrogen oxides (NOx) dur- H2SO4 and HNO3 respectively.
ing fossil fuel (coal) combustion. When these gases are discharged Acid rain has been shown to have adverse impacts on forests,
into the atmosphere they react with the water, oxygen and other freshwaters, and soils, killing insect and aquatic life-forms as well
gases already present there to form sulphuric acid (H2SO4), ammo- as causing damage to buildings and having direct impacts on hu-
nium nitrate (NH4NO3) and nitric acid (HNO3). These acids then man health. Fine particles, a large fraction of which are formed
disperse over large areas because of wind patterns and fall back from the same gases as rain (SO2 and NOx), have been shown to
to the ground as acid rain or other forms of precipitation. cause illness and premature deaths such as from cancer and other
Acid rain can also damage buildings and historical monuments,
6.1. Acid mine drainage (AMD) especially those made of rocks such as limestone and marble, that
contain large amounts of CaCO3. Acids in the rain react with the
A major environmental problem is uncontrolled discharge of calcium compounds in the stones to create gypsum, which then
contaminated water (or decant) from abandoned mines in South flakes off. Acid deposition also has an impact on architecture and
Africa. AMD is the single most important impact on the water envi- art because of its ability to corrode certain materials. As acid lands
ronment due to mining. It is responsible for costly environmental on buildings (especially those constructed with limestone) it reacts
and social impacts and is the most difficult mine waste problem with minerals in the stones sometimes causing it to disintegrate
to address. and wash away. Acid deposition can also corrode modern build-
An often cited example of AMD is that occurring on the West ings, cars, tracks, airplanes, steel bridges, and pipes above and be-
Rand in Gauteng Province. It started to decant from defunct low ground.
662 T.C. Davies, H.R. Mundalamo / Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666

7.1. Uranium

Radioactivity maps of rocks, soils and groundwater are urgently

needed for South Africa, to be used as a basis for informing the
development of policy recommendations regarding groundwater
development and housing construction in areas, where elevated
U concentrations are predicted.
In its U mining policy, South Africa is facing a potential human
crisis, as well as an environmental one, because nuclear energy is
seen as ‘‘clean energy”. It is essential that miners wear protective
clothing at all times and are afforded monthly health checks; ade-
quate medical aid cover and regular checks of their DNA. It is nec-
essary to urge government to take steps in ensuring that pertinent
EIA processes be conducted around the power station sites.
Despite the many possible sources of Rn within the country, and
potential health hazards, there is a problem of data availability and
Fig. 7. The Olifants River draining Mpumelanga is collapsing, specifically because of hence the need for direct quantification of Rn concentrations and
acid rain. Source: Turton, 2010. exposure.

7.2. Curbing mercury emissions

Soil biology and chemistry can be seriously damaged by acid
rain. Some microbes are unable to tolerate changes to low pH Although several studies have been devoted to estimating
and are killed. The enzymes of these microbes are denatured anthropogenic Hg emissions in South Africa, little is known about
(changed in shape so that they no longer function) by the acid. Hg emissions from natural sources. Continuous efforts are required
The hydronium ions of rain also mobilise toxins such as Al, and to quantify these fluxes, since they constitute an important part of
leach away essential nutrients and minerals such as Mg. the atmospheric Hg input.
Soil chemistry can be dramatically changed when base cations In South Africa, control devices installed in coal-fired power
such as Ca and Mg are leached by acid rain thereby affecting sen- plants to minimise polluting emissions (Hg, SO2, NOx) include fab-
sitive species, such as sugar maple (Acer saccharum). ric filters, electrostatic precipitators and flue-gas conditioning sys-
Both dry and wet deposition also runs off of forests, roads and tems or scrubbers. Since the control devices reduce Hg emissions
flows into lakes, rivers and streams (Fig. 7). As this acidic liquid to the atmosphere to varying degrees, their associated Hg reduc-
flows into larger bodies of water, it is diluted, but over time, acids tion factors also differ.
can accrue and lower the overall pH of the body. Research into Hg stable isotope biogeochemistry is rapidly
Acid deposition also causes clay soils to release Al and Mg, fur- providing new insight into the behavior of Hg. With the recent
ther lowering the pH in some areas. If the pH of a lake drops below discovery that Hg can exhibit both mass-dependent (MDF) and
4.8, its plants and animals risk death. mass-independent fractionation (MIF) (range of >60 parts per
thousand for both) (Bergquist and Blum, 2009), Hg isotopes are
7. Addressing the issues providing a valuable new tool for tracing this important toxin
through the environment. Mass-dependent fractionation alone,
During the past few decades, public health scholars, practitio- which occurs during redox transformations, biological cycling,
ners and activists have argued convincingly that more broadly con- and volatilization of Hg, can be exploited to increase under-
textualised notions of disease causality – in which social, political, standing of the processes that control Hg distribution and bioaccu-
and economic conditions are integrated with biological knowledge mulation. The addition of MIF signatures greatly increases the
– would provide more effective guides for developing disease pre- usefulness of Hg isotopes because MIF provides unique fingerprint
vention strategies (Braun and Kisting 2006). To these conditions, of specific chemical pathways, such as photochemical reduction
one could also add the geo-environmental. ((Bergquist and Blum, 2009).
Detailed theoretical and experimental studies of ore deposit for-
mation, have provided us with a good understanding of how ore 7.3. Iron absorption and siderosis
elements are transported and dispersed, and of the mechanisms
that may cause their deposition in hypogene and supergene envi- Although a definite relationship between Bantu siderosis and
ronments. It is therefore now relatively easy to establish natural osteoporosis of bone with vertebral collapse is as yet unproven,
geochemical background variability in terms of provenance, pro- it is suggested that radiological findings in siderosis patients be
cess and past; and by linking hazard potential to the physical careful re-assessed. Further radiological observations (Joffe, 1964)
and chemical transformation due to weathering, leaching, eluvia- in these patients have suggested that the 3rd and/or 4th lumbar
tion and other soil formation processes. Geoscientists are now bet- vertebral bodies would provide the most suitable material for
ter able to decipher the reasons for extreme variability in element any pathological study which may be undertaken to investigate
concentrations (deficiencies/excesses) and the environmental the possibility of a direct relationship between vertebral siderosis
health conditions associated with exposure pathways. This type and osteoporosis.
of knowledge would continue to enhance the potential to identify Tools to reveal impairments of iron absorption regulatory sys-
covariant relations between hazard indicators and disease, and to tems are needed to help identify individuals or population groups
resolve potential causal factors. at risk of becoming iron deficient or overloaded.
It is important to monitor heavy metal concentrations in crop
fields near abandoned mine sites to indicate the status of heavy 7.4. Addressing fluoride imbalance
metal contamination and assess environmental quality of agricul-
tural soils. The use of metal accumulator plants for rehabilitation In South Africa, F content can vary greatly in wells in the same
at such sites is also gaining acceptance. area, depending on the geological structure of the aquifer and the
T.C. Davies, H.R. Mundalamo / Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666 663

depth at which water is drawn. In cases of low-fluoride groundwa- Dust suppression has involved expensive equipment and com-
ter, deepening tubewells or sinking new wells in another site may plicated systems, such as extraction fans, bag houses, electrostatic
solve the problem. The fact that F is unevenly distributed in precipitators, as well as advanced high-pressure water fog systems
groundwater, both vertically and horizontally, means that every known as DryMist, which is considered to be one of the most effec-
well has to be tested individually for F in areas endemic for tive dust control management systems in the market.
Fluoride poisoning can be prevented or minimized by using 7.8. The asbestos legacy: the complete story is yet untold
alternative water sources (e.g., surface water, rainwater, and low-
fluoride water), by removing excessive F from drinking water, The asbestos mining industry is no longer in operation. How-
and by improving the nutritional status of populations at risk. ever, the scale of environmental contamination and the wide-
There are basically two approaches for treating water supplies spread use of manufactured products will continue to have a
to remove excess F , namely, flocculation (e.g., the Nalgonda tech- devastating impact on the health of South Africans.
nique, which utilizes a coagulant such as alum (hydrated Al salts) In South Africa today, asbestos is mainly used for building mate-
to flocculate F ions in the water); and adsorption, which involves rials and pipes. These include sheets for roofing, walls and ceilings,
filtering the water down through a column packed with a strong gutters, chimney, sewerage pipes and water pipes. But usage is,
adsorbent, such as activated alumina (Al2O3), activated charcoal thankfully, decreasing rapidly.
or ion exchange resins. Both these techniques are suitable for both
community and household use.
7.9. Nullifying acid mine drainage

7.5. Eliminating iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) Whilst AMD threatens the scarce water resources of South Afri-
ca, and as a result also human health and food security in mining
The success achieved in the national iodisation programme sup- areas, it also presents an opportunity to provide usable water
ports and strengthens the continuation of the fight against IDD in through appropriate treatment technologies.
South Africa. The challenge now is for producers and health offi- It is, and will continue to be of paramount importance to ex-
cials to eliminate factors precluding a coverage of 90% adequately plore more efficiently, extract sulphur-bearing ores with minimal
iodised salt in the country (such as possible iodine loss during impact on local ecosystems and water supplies, and ensure the
transport and storage) in order to sustain the successes achieved application of adequate containment and acid-neutralisation
until now. Reducing the intake of goitrogenic substances in the measures.
South African diet should also be targeted, if ever a foolproof solu-
tion is contemplated. Effecting these measures requires continued
7.10. Reducing the threat of acid rain
advocacy, resource mobilisation, as well as mentoring and
Because of the environmental problems brought about by acid
rain, especially the adverse effects of air pollution on human
7.6. Cardiovascular disease and hardness of drinking water health, a number of steps are being taken to reduce S and N emis-
sions. However, we do not yet have high-confidence data on which
Research on verifying the link between cardiovascular disease to base management decisions. For example, we need to generate
in South African urban whites and the hardness of drinking water geographic information system maps so that we can understand
is a big challenge for the country’s environmental epidemiologists. the connection between specific soil types and plumes of atmo-
Future, prospective, multivariate studies are required to elucidate spheric pollution downwind of major points of coal combustion.
whether Mg scarcity in a geological environment is a major coro- Most notably, the South African Government is now requiring
nary risk factor. They may need to review the role of ecological energy producers to clean smoke stacks by using scrubbers which
variables as confounding factors in carefully designed case-control trap pollutants before they are released into the atmosphere, and
studies and cohort studies. The role played by inorganic elements the installation of catalytic converters in cars to reduce their emis-
(mainly As and Pb) and above all the role of Mg content of drinking sions. Additionally, alternative energy sources are gaining more
water and its possible cardioprotective effects would need to be prominence today and funding is being given to the restoration
established. It would be impossible to understand these environ- of ecosystems damaged by acid rain.
mental findings without large intervention studies performed in
well-controlled public health programmes. 7.11. Rehabilitating mine sites

7.7. Silica dust, silicosis and tuberculosis In cases, where past extraction processes have impacted the
environment, it is necessary to base remediation measures on re-
Though South Africa’s environmental statutes now require dust search-based studies that evaluate the reactivity of the minerals
control management systems to be put in place on mines and other in question with the fluids that they are now in contact with,
locations, where dust is a problem, controlling fugitive dust emis- and the likely reaction products.
sions remains one of the most intractable problems of the South In South Africa, in addition to chemical components comprising
African mining industry. the natural geochemical halo (over mineralisation) trace element
Monitoring of the levels and compositions of dust emissions is content of soils and plants may be considerably enhanced by con-
now undertaken by many mining institutions in South Africa, but tamination from past and present-day metalliferous mining as well
these activities are often challenging because of the practical diffi- as from other urban and industrial sources. It is therefore impor-
culties in securing sufficient representative samples from different tant to understand the parameters which control the balance be-
levels within the atmosphere and weather systems. tween retention and mobility of contaminants in soils. Therefore,
The dispersal of dust clouds can be monitored, to some extent, a risk assessment approach should be requirement for all tailings
by remote sensing, but it is not generally possible, at present, to dams and reclaimed sites to identify those sites which need reha-
investigate the three dimensional structure and variations within bilitation and to define the type and extent of remedial measures
dust clouds to any great extent. required.
664 T.C. Davies, H.R. Mundalamo / Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666

In potential crop lands with high PHE values due to mineralisa- as a promising species for phytoremediation and phytomining
tion, mining or urbanisation, initial rehabilitation requirements due to its large biomass production and high nickel content.
could consist of soil management measures such as liming and B. coddii, is presently cultivated commercially by Rustenberg
the addition of organic material and fertilisers to minimise the con- Metals Refiners and has been tested for phytoremediation of Cd,
taminant migration from the topsoil into the subsoil and ground- Ni, Zn and Pb from industrial tailings and waste water effluents
water as well as to provide suitable conditions for vegetation at disposal sites.
growth and future land use. Removal of remaining tailings and The ladder brake or Chinese brake fern Pteris vittata, common in
excavation of those portions of the soil which are excessively con- South Africa, has numerous characteristics that make it suitable for
taminated will be necessary. phytoremediation of As contaminated soil and water (such as by
Tailings dams which pose a high risk to the environment would AMD).
require a well-engineered soil and vegetation cover to limit rainfall
infiltration into the impoundment, and thus to reduce the oxida-
8. Conclusion
tion of sulphide-bearing minerals such as pyrite. Long-term moni-
toring is an absolute prerequisite to ensure the success of
1. Significant exposure to PHE occurs among populations that
rehabilitation, and therefore the safe use of land and water.
subsist on crop lands influenced by distinctive geochemical
haloes above widely dispersed bedrock mineralisation in
South Africa.
7.12. Applications of metal hyperaccumulator plants
2. A combination of a number of surficial processes has brought
about reconstitution of minerals, as well as remobilisation and
Metal hyperaccumulator plants are in the focus of research in
redistribution of both PHE and nutritional elements, leading
recent decades due mainly to their applicability in phytoremedia-
to the evolution of large (cultivable) areas of element deficiency
tion techniques; but there are also many other potential applica-
and excess; this has brought about a number of undesirable
tions for these plants. They are applicable in detecting soil
public health conditions mainly relating to excessive or insuffi-
pollution and phytoremediation (of cultivated land in the vicinity
cient quantities of certain key nutritional elements entering the
of metal pollution sites); extraction of metal ions from contami-
food chain.
nated waters; phytomining from large naturally metalliferous
3. Later anthropogenic dispersion from mining, ore processing and
areas; detecting subsurface mineralisation in residual and trans-
urbanisation, has superimposed on primary and secondary dis-
ported overburden (geobotany/biogeochemistry) and detecting
persion haloes, a further imprint that is characterized largely by
geophagic materials unfit for consumption.
the evolution of landscapes with areas of extreme variations in
In South Africa, the practical importance of heavy metal toler-
element concentrations.
ance has been recognised in the regeneration of mine-devastated
4. Evidence continues to accumulate that many diseases in
environments. Entensive studies have been carried out during
South Africans may be related to the trace metal status of
the past decades on the vegetation of mineralised soils. Attention
the environment in which they live, an environment shaped
has also been given to establishing metal-tolerant plants on mine
largely by the geochemical dispersion processes described in
dumps in South Africa (Reilly and Reilly, 1973). Metal hyperaccu-
1–3 above.
mulators are characterized by the ability to accumulate very high
5. It is submitted that better collaboration between medical prac-
concentrations of certain elements from the soil in which they
titioners and geoscientists should be encouraged to enhance the
grow, far in excess of normal physiological requirements (if any),
accuracy of diagnoses and therapy for these diseases.
and far in excess of the levels found in the majority of other species
6. Diseases such as arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis), osteoarthritis,
tolerant of metalliferous soils.
gout and fibromyalgia syndrome are all thought to be influ-
Selection of a variety of perennial grasses, shrubs, and trees for
enced by nutritional intake. Elimination of certain foods,
revegetation of mine tailings is important for phytostabilisation.
increasing other nutrients through food supplementation, as
Berkheya coddii Roessler (Asteraceae) (Fig. 8), an endemic herba-
well as making changes to lifestyle choices, can play an enor-
ceous and perennial nickel-accumulating plant grows on Ni-
mous role in the symptom management and even alleviation
enriched ultramafic soils in South Africa. This plant is perceived
of some of these disorders.
7. The legacies of historic mining sites will remain problematic
for many years to come due to the magnitude of the associ-
ated problems. Fortunately, recent advances in technology
now permit application of remediation techniques (such as
phytostabilisation) with proven effectiveness in pollution
8. Phytostabilisation of mine tailings is a promising remedial
technology but requires further research to identify factors
affecting its long-term success by expanding knowledge of suit-
able plant species and mine tailings chemistry in ongoing field
9. The introduction of best practice techniques in mining, milling
and mineral processing should be made mandatory in order to
achieve sustainability in the maintenance of environmental

Appendix A. Appendix
Fig. 8. The nickel hyperaccumulator Berkheya coddii native to South Africa. Source:
Anderson and Meech, 2002. See Table A1.
T.C. Davies, H.R. Mundalamo / Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (2010) 652–666 665

Table A1
List of uranium deposits in South Africa (as of March, 2009). Source. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, 2009).

Deposit name Deposit type Status Resource range (t U)

Beaufort west Sandstone–Tabular Unknown 10,000–25,000
Beisa Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Unknown Unknown
Blyvooruitzicht Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Development Unknown
Buffelsfontein Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Development 5000–10,000
Chemwes–stilfontein Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Dormant Unknown
Cooke-section (randfontein mine) Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Unknown 50,000–100,000
Denny dalton Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Dormant 5000–10,000
Dreifontein mine Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Dormant Unknown
East rand (tailing project) Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Dormant 5000–10,000
Ezulwini Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Development 50,000–100,000
Free state geduld mine Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Dormant 5000–10,000
Harmony Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Dormant Unknown
Hartebeestfontein Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Operating 5,000–10,000
Henkries Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Dormant 1000–2500
Klerksdorp Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Unknown Unknown
Loraine Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Dormant Unknown
Mudug province Unknown Unknown 2500–5000
Old randfontein section Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Dormant 50,000–100,000
Phalabora Intrusive Closed 2500–5000
President Brand mine Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Operating 2500–5000
President steyn Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Operating 5000–10,000
Rietkuil dominion Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Exploration 25,000–50,000
Ryst kuil Sandstone-Basal Channel Exploration 10,000–25,000
St. Helena (beisa section) Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Dormant 10,000–25,000
Vaal reefs mines Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Operating 50,000–100,000
Vaal river area Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Operating 50,000–100,000
Western area mine Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Closed Unknown
Western deep levels mine Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Dormant 10,000–25,000
Western holdings Quartz-pebble conglomerate Unknown Unknown
Western rand goldfields mines (uranium section) Quartz-pebble Conglomerate Development Unknown

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