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Segmentation questionnaire of potential buyers of service

Example questionnaire/ market research/ segmentation

Part A- activities in the organization (please mention the activity or service)

1. The current form of_____provision of services?

2. How many companies did you contracted as_______?

3 Which_____tools are available at your company?

4. In what extent are you familiar with service_____?

5. Which providers do you know of service_______?

6. Did your company in the past used services of___________?

7.What kind of benefits do you see for service____for your company?

8. Which disadvantages are allied with service_____for your company?

9. What would be a reason to outsource_______provision of services in the form of_______?

10. What keeps your company from using a_______?

11. What are you missing____(kind of service)?

12.What is in your opinion redundant of_____(service X)?

13. Do you think that through using _____(service X) the current ____service standard can be

14.What is the most important aspect of service X?

15. Do you think your company will ever use a similar service like service X?

16. Please answer this question if you answer on question 15 was: No.
To which extent has this to do with the sector you are working?

17. What is the advantage of the current way in which the_____provision of services is designed as to
service X?

Deel B – Information about the company

18. In which region is your company located?

o _________
o _________
o _________
o __________
o __________
o __________

19. Number of employees:

o None
o 1-10
o 11-99
o 100-250
o 251-500
o >500

20.In which sector is your company doing business?

o Agriculture and fishery

o Industry
o Construction
o Wholesale
o Retail
o Hotel and catering industry
o Transport
o Finance
o Advisory
o Facility services
o Additional/No information

If you need more demographic information about the respondent or the

organisation, go to:

Here you can find organization example questions about demograpic


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