N Q Si: I. Objectives

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I. Objectives:
A. Content Standards
Listens critically to news reports and other radio broadcasts and
expresses ideas accurately in oral and in written forms
B. Performance Standards
Demonstrates confidence in the use of the language to meet everyday’s
needs; and reads independently and gets relevant information from
various text types.
C. Learning Competencies
 Order adjectives in series
 Appreciate the love and care of people
 Arrange the order of adjectives accurately
Curriculum Links-Mathematics, Arts, Music
*Value: Appreciation of life’s important event
II. Content
a. Skill: Order of Adjectives
b. Resources
1. Learner’s Materials- powerpoint, boxes, Manila papers, colored
papers, activity cards, balloons, pictures, flaglets, thumbs up, thumbs
down sticks, story, cupcakes, paints, horn, candies, tarpaper
c. Other Learning Resources
* Order of Adjectives (downloaded DLL)
III. Procedures
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Song
Adjective Types (Tune: Happy Birthday)

Adjectives have diff’rent types

Adjectives have diff’rent types
These are numbers, quality, color
Sizes, Shapes and many more
2. Drill
Teacher shows five boxes with picture labels (number, quality, size,
shape and color) calling 10 volunteer pupils one by one to put the
words written on the balloons into proper boxes. Pupils will raise
thumbs up or thumbs down sticks if they agree or disagree.
(Constructivist Approach)

N Q Si
Sh C

four huge pretty

rectangular round bluish small

orange ninety kind

3. Motivation
*Who among is celebrating his/her birthday today?
B. Activity
1. Presentation
I have a story for you and try to find out the adjectives used in the
Pointers in listening to a story. (Reflective Approach- localization,
(Powerpoint with pictures)
Answer the questions after the paragraph.
Mommy Carrie Ann is going to Cardona Public Market to buy things for the birthday
of her pretty little daughter, Sia. She will buy Sia a new yellow dress and will bake two
big round brown Goldilocks cakes. Sia’s mother will also prepare five delicious dishes
for visitors, classmates and friends.
Daddy Gio hired the Event Center as birthday party venue. He also asked the
services of the two jolly clowns on that day. This is going to be fun, exciting and colorful
C. Analysis
Questions: (One pupil reads and answers question and call his/her
classmate to answer the next question and so on) HOTS questions (Inquiry
Who is going to have a birthday party? (writing the answer on the board)

What will mother buy for her?

What will mother bake for her?

What will mother prepare for her?

D. Abstraction
“ Class, let’s go back to your answers awhile ago. Take note that when two or
more adjectives are used before a noun, it is said to be in series and we
follow a correct pattern. The order of adjectives is NUMBER, QUALITY, SIZE,
SHAPE AND COLOR before the noun
Pretty- quality little- size
A – number new- quality yellow- color
Two- number big-size round- shaper brown- color
Five-number delicious- quality
Two number jolly- quality
Buddy System - Let us work in pairs. Any volunteer? Give two examples of Number,
the other gives examples of quality. Another pair is called. One pupil gives
examples of size and his/her partner gives examples of shapes. The next
buddies are color and numbers (Integrative Approach)
Teacher stresses the Order of adjectives using the horn as signal …if they
hear the horn sound they will say: NUMBER, QUALITY, SIZE, SHAPE AND
Teaching and Modelling
Using flaglets – True or False. Raise orange flag when the order of adjectives in
the following phrases is right and yellow flag when it is wrong.
1. white wide Event Center F
2. one small photobooth T
3. funny fat red-nosed clown T
4. five delicious desserts T
(Teacher blows the horn)
E. Application (Group Task)
Group Activity (5min) (Collaborative Approach)
Group I- Face Paint Me-
Directions: Make a simple face art painting to one of your co-member then
describe it in class
Group II- Simple Face Painting a member of the group
Group III- Jigsaw Puzzle
(Teacher blows the horn)
(Individual Task)
Using your drillboard, arrange the adjectives in order to make the sentence
correct. When I say, “Time is up, stop writing and raise your answer”.
Real things inside a plastic container
1. gummy bear - These are ten small sticky gummy bears for desserts. (ten,
sticky, small)
2. stik-o – Do you want me to get these crunchy,many,long Stik-O? (many,
crunchy, long)
3. balloon- Lala needs to take home this round, red, small balloon for her
younger sister.
(small, round, red)
4. choey choco- We can also eat this rectangular, brown delicious Choey Choco.
(delicious, rectangular brown)
5. jelly ace- Caleb came back for this round, sweet green Jelly Ace.

F. Generalization

What is the order of adjectives?

(Pupils who answer the generalization correctly shall get their rewards in the
The teacher gets puffer after all the pupils answer the generalization

IV. Evaluation
Arrange the following adjectives in order.
1. big, sweet, yellow, corn _____ _____ _____ corn
2. red, beautiful, one, rose _____ _____ _____ rose
3. long , two, sharp, pencils _____ _____ _____ pencils
4. big, three, white, milkfish _____ _____ _____ milkfish

5. White, big, round, pillow _____ _____ _____ pillow

V. Assignment:

1. Make an invitation card for a seventh birthday party using the proper order of
adjectives. Underline the adjectives used in the invitation.
2. What is origin of objectives? Write at least five examples of origin of adjectives.

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