Research Proposal Writing

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Chapter I

A. Background
English language is one of foreign language. It becomes very important in education aspect.
Because English language including to several language lesson in our country. And there are
several functions of foreign language: a. international communication and study of language, b.
language as a system of communication, c. the most complex of man’s tool, d. each language is
structurally different system.
As a international language, it is used to communicate among people in the different country.
However, it can be an important to that it should be learned by the students.
In our country, English learned since elementary school. Because English is not our native
language, the students are difficult to learn it, based on that statement, English taught with many
methods to make student easily to learn English as their second language. One of method that
helps the students to master English is by using a recitation method.
We know that English not our native language, as a fact that mastery it is not easy. The
components and skill of English language is important for language learner. The components
include grammatical structure, phonology, vocabulary and pronunciation that can give the effect
to the English-language skills; such as listening, reading, speaking and writing. Writing is the
written productive language skill. It refers to the ability to communicate to the reader with the
written language. Reading is refers to produce the spoken language. Listening is the receptive
spoken. It refers to the ability to understand the spoken language. It is the skill of a listener or
group of listener to interpret information transferred by the speaker. Speaking is the spoken
productive language. It refers to produce spoken language. It the skill of speaker to communicate
the information to the listener.
In writing, students have to know about grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, sentence
sequence, sentence connection. Sometimes the students could speak English fluently but they did
not definite understand in Writing or making essay.
But in fact, most Indonesian students could not learn English well, especially in Writing. It is
usually indicated when they write paper or thesis in English. Many students make mistake when
they write essay. Not all students had some ability in pouring the ideas when they write essay, it
is because they do not have interest in studying writing skill.
This is also happens at The Junior High School, they ought to write an essay, but many students
got many problems, namely: they have much vocabulary but they could not pour it into a written
text. Students less vocabulary so they can’t write, they do not master in grammar, and many
students were not interested in writing. Because writing activity was considered bored, and they
seldom practice writing in English.
The researcher did observation at The Junior High School. The researcher found some problems
related to the instructional activities at the school. Those problems are that: the students have low
writing ability, the students have low motivation in learning English, and the teacher still uses
monotonous and inappropriate teaching technique. So, probably, it was caused by students’
uninterested in lesson, because there is not variation in teaching English from teacher. The
teachers should implement an appropriate method to improve students’ ability. One way to
improve students writing skills is the students have to be more active than the teacher and the
students also have to be coincident. It can be tired recitation method. By using recitation method,
the researcher would like to the researcher the Junior High School as subject of this research.
Based on explanation above, researcher is interested to do a research entitle “Improving
Students’ Writing Skill By Using Recitation Method To Junior High School”.

B. Research Question
The Reasearch questions posed in this study areas follows:
1. How to use the recitation method in learning english for junior high school students?
2. How recitation method would be developing students interest in learning english?

C. Objectives of the Research

To know whether the Recitation Method can improve students’ writing skill in English at Junior
High Shcool
To help students in improve English language.

D. Significance of the Research

The result of this research is expected to give contribution to teacher, students and other researcher.
The significance of the studies are:
1. For the writer (researcher)
By using this method perhaps to researcher will get one solution to evaluate. The researcher will
know what the advantages are by using recitation method in teaching English language. And
next time, researcher will choose this method as one of solution to evaluate.
2. For the teacher
Teacher can evaluate clearly what the result of teaching English language uses the recitation
method. This research can be given to the teacher as variation in teaching English language.
3. For the student
This research as presence to increase students interest in learning English language with
enjoyable and can be used to broaden and develop.

E. Scope and Limit of the Research

In order to be more effective, efficient, and focus to the research of the problems namely:
Application Recitation Method in teaching writing to improve writing skill at Junior High School

G. Definition of Key Terms

1. Writing
Writing is a process that is translated from language so that the message conveyed by the
writer can be understood by the reader.
2. Recitation
Recitation is the telling of details, or the act of saying something that's been memorized out
loud, or the thing that is read
A. Writing
1. Definition of Writing
Writing is one aspect of language skills programmed in the specific purpose of
language use.
According to Pranoto (2004; 9) writing means pouring thoughts into the form
of writing or telling something to others through writing. Writing can also be
interpreted as an expression or expression of feelings as outlined in writing. In
other words, through the writing process we can communicate indirectly.
According to Gebhardt and Dawn Rodrigues (1989: 1) the writing is one of the
most important things you do in college. Writing is one of the most important
things you do at school.
According to Henry Guntur Tarigan (1986: 15) states that writing can be
interpreted as an activity of pouring ideas / ideas using written language as
delivery media.
2. The purpose of Writing
a. Inform everything, whether facts, data or events, including opinions and views
on facts, data and events so that the audience gets new knowledge and
understanding about various things that can or can happen on this earth.
b. Persuading through the writings of an author also expects the reader to
determine his attitude, whether he approves or supports what he puts forward.
The author must be able to persuade and convince readers by using a
persuasive language style. Therefore, the persuasion function of an article will
be able to produce if the author is able to present in a style that is interesting,
familiar, friendly, and easy to digest.
c. Educating is one of the goals of communication through writing. Through
reading the results of writing the insights of one's knowledge will continue to
grow, intelligence will continue to be sharpened, which in turn will determine
one's behavior. Educated people, for example, tend to be more open and
tolerant, respect other people's opinions more, and naturally tend to be more
d. Entertaining the functions and purposes of entertaining in communication, not
the monopoly of mass media, radio, television, but print media can also play a
role in entertaining the audience. "Light" writings or readings that are rich in
anecdotes, funny stories and experiences can also be penglipur lara readings
or to release tension after a busy day of activities.

Abdurrahman and Waluyo (2000: 223) state that "the purpose of writing
students in elementary schools is to copy, record, and do most of the tasks
given at school in the hope of practicing good language skills".
3. The Type of Writing
a. Expository Writing
The word expository contains the word expose, so the reason expository is an
apt descriptor for this type of writing is that it exposes, or sets forth, facts. It is
probably the most common writing genre you will come across throughout
your day. In an expository piece, a topic will be introduced and laid out in a
logical order without reference to the author’s personal opinions.
b. Descriptive Writing
The aim of descriptive writing is to help the reader visualize, in detail, a
character, event, place, or all of these things at once. The author might
describe the scene in terms of all five senses. Descriptive writing allows the
writer a great deal more artistic freedom than expository writing does.
c. Persuasive Writing
The aim of persuasive writing, or argumentation, is to influence the reader to
assume the author’s point of view. The author will express personal opinions
in the piece and arm him- or herself with evidence so that the reader will agree
with him or her.
d. Narrative Writing
The purpose of narrative writing is to tell a story, whether that story is real or
imaginary. Pieces in a narrative style will have characters, and through the
narrative, the reader learns what happens to them. Narrative writing can also
include dialogue.
B. Recitation Method
Recitation is a direct, teacher-centered approach in which the teacher asks
specific short answer questions with a specific answer in mind. Incorrect answers
are usually corrected by the teacher or by the class. A teacher may use probing
questions in order to help the class come to the correct answer. The repetition of
question and answer helps information retention. It is best used for the
memorization of facts--base level knowledge.
C. Descriptive Teks
a. Definiton
Before seeing what is a descriptive text in its entirety in full, let's understand
what is meant by the word descriptive itself. Descriptive is an adjective which
if we interpret it in Indonesian means description. If you are asked to describe
an object, that means you have to describe the object in question both in size,
color and so on. According to Wikipedia, what is meant by Descriptive text is:
"one method of processing data into something that can be expressed clearly
and precisely in order to be understood by people who do not directly
experience it themselves". So what is meant by descriptive text is a writing or
text that describes the properties inherent in something, whether human,
animal, plant, or inanimate objects such as a house, car and so on.
b. Purpose of Descriptive Teks
Judging from the above understanding, we can actually understand what the
purpose of descriptive text is. The aim is none other than to describe
everything that is human, animal, plant or inanimate object with the properties
attached to it such as size, type, color, etc. so that the reader or reader can
know what something is from the picture that we convey even though he
never seen it.
c. Generic Structure
Descriptive text has its own rules for writing, including structures or
arrangements that must be written in order. If you are asked to make a
descriptive text, make sure the arrangement is as follows:
- Identification
This section - in the first paragraph - the purpose is to identify something
that you want to describe or describe. Explanation is easy, identification
functions to introduce to the reader about the object or something that we
will draw before we tell about its properties. The goal is not to get the
reader wrong. We want to describe a car for example, but the reader thinks
it's a motorbike.
Example: You are asked to describe your new car, then the contents of the
identification are: My father just bought a new car. This car actually had
been my dream for a long time, but only now did my father buy it. (Means
what will be described is my car, not someone else's car).
- Description
This section - in the second paragraph and so on - contains the properties
inherent in something that you have introduced to the reader in the first
For example (continuing about the car above): This new car is the latest
sports car from Toyota. The number of the seats is only two, one for the
driver and the other for the passenger, as well as the door. This car can
accelerate to speeds of 500 km / h, almost the same as the speed of a type
Foker aircraft.
d. Characteristics of Descriptive Teks
- Using Simple Present Tense. Why use simple present tense? this is
because we will describe a fact or truth that is attached to something or
person. And one of the functions of simple present is to describe a fact or
truth (an example of a fact: the sun is hot). Therefore you must always use
the first form verb (verb-1). Suppose you will describe the properties of
your new car: The color of my car is black, it can run up to 500 km / hour.
- Because its function is to describe something by explaining its properties,
adjective adjectives, such as handsome, beautiful, tall, small, big, or if the
adjective comes from a verb, you will find -ve additional, -ing, -nt behind
Create (create) creative (people who are good at making things).
Interest (interesting)> interesting (something interesting)
- In the descriptive text we will also often find the corresponding verb (i.e.
verb) that is is (as in feature number 1). Is in Indonesian often interpreted
as "is". Because the purpose or function of descriptive text is to describe,
then surely we will often find the word is (is). His name is Andy (his name
is Andy), his height is 160 cm (height is 160 cm)

A. Design Of Research
This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR). The researcher used a
collaborative action research in which the researcher and one of other English teacher
conducted thus research. In this case the researcher and collaborative teacher become a
team work who worked together for solving the problem in teaching speaking. The
researcher in this as the teacher to teach in the class room to apply this strategy and the
English teacher as the collaborator.
B. Tyoes and Resources of Data
1. Type of Data
The types of data taken in classroom action research are as follows:
a. Qualitative data about the activities of students and the teachers in the classroom
b. Quantitative data about student’s learning outcomes in the end of each cycle.
2. Sources of Data
Sources is data in this study consisted of several sources they are: the head master,
teachers and students, situation and conditions and documented of the Junior High
C. Setting and Subjects Risearch
1. Setting of Research
Classroom action research was conducted at the Junior High School English subject
at class 9 academic year 2018/2019.
2. Subject of Research
The subject are students class 9 at the Junior High School consist of 30 students.
D. Research Procedure
This type of research comprises four stages, followed procedure by preliminary study,
planning the action, implementing the action, and reflecting the action.
1. Planning the Action
In relation to the application of Collaborative Action Research. The researcher and
the collaborator had preparation prior the implementation of the section based on the
result of the preliminary study, at this stage, both of them prepared a suitable
Numbered Heads Together Strategy in improving writing skill, designing the lesson
plan, and determining the indicators of the performance.
2. Implemmenting the Action
After completing all preparation in planning, then researcher Come to the phase
implementing the action. The follow:
a. Teachers used scenario that will be performed
b. Teachers motivated the students
c. Teachers give a clear instructional goal of lesson
d. Teachers explain the meaning of the questioning the author strategy and the step
of using this strategy in writing English.
e. Teachers give exercise to the students.
3. Observing the Action
In the classroom, the collaborator observes and monitors the implementation of the
action directly to observe the students responses and interaction on learning process
from first time of teaching learning process until end. The collaborator seen, listened
that happen in the classroom, the make a checklist students writing and make a notes
which are not covered in the observation checklist during the teaching.
4. Reflection
This phase intended to consider a whole action that has been done, according to the
data collected, afterwards, being done evaluation in other improve on the next action
Steps that done by teacher are:
a. Analyze students’ activity when learning process by using instrument of
b. Analyze students’ respond and result of study.
c. Analyze Recitation Method that used is effective or not.
d. Determine the next step or way to upgrade the result of this action.
E. Technique and Instrument of Collecting Data
Based on the activities done for action research, the researcher will collect the data from
test, questionnaire and observation checklist.
1. Questionnaire
Questionnaire is the number of written questions used to obtain Information from
respondents in terms of personal reports about, or things That he knew.
Questionnaires is data collected is done by giving a set of questions or written
statement for the respondents to answer. The data collection instrument also called
the questionnaires.
Prepare questionnaire to get comment or response from students about using
questioning the Author strategy in writing English. Questioner will give to students at
the end of the cycle.
2. Observation
The data will be collected by using observation. Observation is the way to collects the
data or information with observe and make a field note in systematically to an event
as an observation aim. The activities are related to the teaching way of teacher, study
of student, the leader of school, and etc. This method is used to express the data that
can observe relate with the classroom activities and development directly. It will be
used by collaborator to collect the information during teaching and learning process
in the classroom.
3. Test
Test conducted each and the cycle, it is intended to measure students’ result obtained
after administration of the action. One a way to view assessment is through various
rating checklist or grids that can indicate to students their areas of strength and
weakness, and in many cases such taxonomies are scoring rubrics. It is a typical list
of general categories that are often the basis for the evaluation of students writing.
In this research, the test is asking the students to write and writing about descriptive
text. Asking the students to make their writing by using the generic structure of
descriptive text. In evaluating the students’ skill in descriptive, the researcher will use
in scoring of composition. The criteria of scoring of composition are described as the
following table:

No Item Score Criteria

1 Content 30-27 Knowledge, substantive, etc

26-22 Some knowledge of subject adequate range,


21-17 Limited knowledge of subject, little

(poor) substantive

16-13 Does not show knowledge of subject, non

(very poor) substantive, etc

2 Organization 20-18 Fluent expression,ideas crealy stated,etc

Somewhat choopy,loosely organized
(Good) Nonfluent,ideas,confused of disconnected

13-10 Virtually no mastery of sentence

(Poor) constructionroles

10-5 Does not communicative no organization

(Very Poor)
3 Vocabulary 20-18 Effective Word

17-14 Occasional error of word


13-10 Error of word


9-7 Litle knowledge of English vocabulary

(Very Poor)

4 Language 25-22 Effective complex constructions

Focus (Excellent)

21-19 Effective but simple construction


17-11 Major problem in simple construction


10-5 Virtually no mastery of sentence constructions

(Very Poor)

5 Mechanics 5 Demonstrates mastery of sentence

(Excellent) construction

4 Occasional error of spelling, punction,and

(Good) capitalization

3 Frequents error
(Poor) spelling,punction,capitalization

2 No mastery of conversations, dominated by

(Very Poor) error

Total 100
F. Data Analysis
The stages of interactive analysis applied in this research are data reduction, data display,
and conclusion. Each of the stages is presented in the following.
1. Data reduction
Data reduction is a stage of summarizing, classifying, and focusing on essential things. In
this stage, the researcher needs to separate the accurate data from the in accurate ones.
Through the data reduction, the research may focus on the data that will be analyzed.
2. Data display
Data display is a stage of organizing the data into pattern of relationship. The data display
can make the collected data easier to be understood. In this stage, the researcher presents
the narrative text.
3. Conclusion
In this stage, the researcher makes a conclusion. The conclusion can be in a form of thick
description. The conclusion is the answer of the research problem that has been








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