Project Portfolio Selection Through Decision Support: F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archer

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Decision Support Systems 29 Ž2000.


Project portfolio selection through decision support

F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archer )
Michael G. DeGroote School of Business, McMaster UniÕersity, Hamilton, ON, Canada L8S 4M4

Accepted 24 February 2000


Project portfolio selection is a crucial decision in many organizations, which must make informed decisions on
investment, where the appropriate distribution of investment is complex, due to varying levels of risk, resource requirements,
and interaction among the proposed projects. In this paper, we discuss the implementation of an organized framework for
project portfolio selection through a decision support system ŽDSS., which we call Project Analysis and Selection System
ŽPASS.. We describe the results of laboratory tests undertaken to measure its usability and quality, compared to manual
selection processes, in typical portfolio selection problems. We also discuss the potential of PASS in supporting corporate
decision making, through exposure this system has received through demonstrations for several companies. q 2000 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Decision support systems; Project portfolio selection; Project management

1. Introduction availability of resources, and risk level of the project

portfolio w37x.
Project portfolio selection is the periodic activity Difficulties associated with project portfolio selec-
involved in selecting a portfolio of projects, that tion result from several factors: Ž1. there are multiple
meets an organization’s stated objectives without and often-conflicting objectives, Ž2. some of the
exceeding available resources or violating other con- objectives may be qualitative, Ž3. uncertainty and
straints. Some of the issues that have to be addressed risk can affect projects, Ž4. the selected portfolio
in this process are the organization’s objectives and may need to be balanced in terms of important
priorities, financial benefits, intangible benefits, factors, such as risk and time to completion, Ž5.
some projects may be interdependent, and Ž6. the
number of feasible portfolios is often enormous.
In addition to these difficulties, due to resource
Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-905-525-9140 ext. 23944;
limitations there are usually constraints such as fi-
fax: q1-905-521-8995. nance, work force, and facilities or equipment, to be
E-mail address: ŽN.P. Archer.. considered. As some researchers have noted w30x, the

0167-9236r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 9 2 3 6 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 0 6 5 - 8
74 F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88

major reason why some projects are selected but not techniqueŽs. at each stage, and Žc. involves full
completed is that resource limitations are not always participation by decision makers. This is partly be-
formally included in the project selection process. In cause of the complexities involved in project portfo-
cases where resource limitations are at fault for a lio selection, as explained before. A few attempts to
failed project, a selection model that incorporated build integrated support for portfolio selection have
resource limitations could have aided the decision been reported w16,23,27x. However, these have been
maker in avoiding such mistakes w37x. Portfolio se- limited and specific to the methods used, rather than
lection becomes more complex when resource avail- providing flexible choices of techniques and interac-
ability and consumption are not uniform over time. tive system support for users.
There are many different techniques that can be In an attempt to overcome these difficulties, we
used to estimate, evaluate, and choose project portfo- have developed an integrated framework for project
lios w11,18x. Some of these techniques are not widely portfolio selection, which takes advantage of the best
used because they address only some of the above characteristics of some of the existing methods w4x.
issues, they are too complex and require too much The proposed framework combines methods, which
input data, they may be too difficult for decision have a good theoretical base with other methods,
makers to understand and use, or they may not be which are commonly used because of their desirable
used in the form of an organized process w10x. Among decision support characteristics. The framework in-
all of the techniques that are available, optimization cludes a staged approach, where the most relevant
techniques are the most fundamental quantitative and appropriate methods can be selected by the
tool for project portfolio selection w26x and address organization and used at each stage.
most of the important issues. However, they have To increase the likelihood of user acceptability,
largely failed to gain user acceptance w31x, and few we use a decision support approach to project portfo-
modeling approaches, from a variety of optimization lio selection w7,29x. This approach is consistent with
approaches that have been developed, are being uti- the recent shift of researcher interest from solving
lized as aids to decision making in this area w29x. well-structured problems under often unrealistic as-
According to Hess w24x ‘‘management science has sumptions, to developing decision support systems
failed altogether to implement project selection mod- ŽDSSs. that support decision makers in capturing and
els; we have proposed more and more sophistication making explicit their own actual preferences, inter-
with less and less practical impact’’. One of the acting with them in several steps of decision making
major reasons for the failure of traditional optimiza- w19x. Criteria identified for success in implementing
tion techniques is that they prescribe solutions to such systems include: Ža. a committed senior execu-
portfolio selection problems without allowing for the tive sponsor, Žb. carefully defined system require-
judgment, experience and insight of the decision- ments, Žc. carefully defined information require-
maker w31x. ments, Žd. a team approach to system development,
A literature review we conducted in this field w3x Že. an evolutionary development approach, and Žf.
clearly showed that, although there are many differ- careful computer hardware and software selection
ent methods for project evaluation and portfolio se- w25x. The framework we propose lends itself to these
lection that have their own advantages, no single implementation criteria.
technique addresses all of the issues that should be In the following, first we describe the proposed
considered in project portfolio selection. Among framework briefly. The model, which manages opti-
published methodologies for project portfolio selec- mization and interaction, among the projects avail-
tion, there has been little progress towards achieving able for the portfolio during on-line decision making,
an integrated framework that: Ža. simultaneously is outlined. Then, in order to demonstrate the poten-
considers all the different criteria in determining the tial of the framework, we describe a prototype DSS,
most suitable project portfolio, Žb. takes advantage called Project Analysis and Selection System ŽPASS.
of the best characteristics of existing methods by that we developed for this purpose. A set of hypothe-
decomposing the process into a flexible and logical ses are developed to test PASS usefulness, perceived
series of activities and applying the most appropriate usefulness and perceived ease of use. The experi-
F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88 75

mental design and results of lab experiments are ing stages is to eliminate any obvious non-starter and
discussed. We outline implementation requirements thus reduce the number of projects to be considered
and our experience in discussing the system with two by the committee.
high tech companies, and finally some of the addi- The last two stages Žoptimal portfolio selection
tional work needed to address some related and and portfolio adjustment., the major focus of this
unsolved issues in project portfolio selection. paper, can be performed in an on-line session by
management decision makers through an appropriate
DSS. Selecting project portfolios is commonly car-
2. A framework for project portfolio selection ried out by a management committee w12x at regular
Že.g. quarterly. intervals. At the Optimal Portfolio
Project portfolio selection should be considered as Selection stage, there may be more than one objec-
a process that includes several related steps, rather tive involved, such as maximizing net present value
than just evaluating or scoring projects, or solving an and maximizing estimated score for market suitabil-
optimization problem. The proposed framework con- ity. These objectives are first integrated by means of
sists of discrete stages. Pre-process stages provide a weighted value function, and reduced to one objec-
high level guidance to the portfolio selection process. tive. Then an optimization model is applied that
These include Strategy DeÕelopment Ždetermination considers resource limitations, timing, project inter-
of strategic focus and setting resource constraints., dependencies, balancing criteria, and other con-
and Methodology Selection Žchoosing the techniques straints, and maximizes total portfolio benefit. Port-
to use for portfolio selection.. Strategy development folio Adjustment is the final stage of the process,
may be carried out at higher managerial levels, since where decision-makers apply their knowledge and
it involves the firm’s strategic direction. Selecting experience to balance and make other adjustments to
methodologies that suit the project class at hand, the the portfolio by adding or deleting projects. Once the
organization’s culture, problem-solving style, and portfolio has been adjusted, results can be finalized
project environment, must also be done in advance by cycling back to re-calculate portfolio parameters
of the portfolio selection process. such as project schedules and time-dependent re-
There are five major process stages in the pro- source requirements. Obviously, in terms of the orig-
posed framework for project portfolio selection. The inal problem specification only, adjustments to the
first three stages Žpre-screening, individual project initial solution will result in a mathematically sub-
analysis, and screening. are off-line activities Ždone optimal result. But the adjustment phase allows the
in advance of the management committee meeting consideration of issues and constraints that are diffi-
normally used for portfolio selection.. These can be cult for decision-makers to articulate analytically.
accomplished by decision analysts or managers Thus, since the final solution will be more satisfac-
working individually. Pre-screening applies guide- tory to decision-makers than the initial optimal solu-
lines developed in the strategy development stage to tion, we could say that they are ‘‘satisficing’’ rather
ensure that any project being considered fits the than ‘‘optimizing’’.
strategic focus of the portfolio, has undergone a In this final stage, the group dynamic among
preliminary analysis, and has a champion to ensure management committee members becomes the gov-
its implementation if chosen. At the IndiÕidual Pro- erning process, supported by the PASS decision tool.
ject Analysis stage, a common set of parameters, Research has shown that Group Support Systems
such as net present value, internal rate of return, or ŽGSS., which are DSS applications adapted to group
weighted score is calculated for each project. During decision making in decision rooms or other syn-
portfolio selection, these parameters allow compari- chronous situations, can improve decision quality
son of projects on a common basis. Finally, during significantly w20,39x. Although this paper does not
the Screening stage, project attributes from the pre- address group support by PASS directly, the next
vious stage are examined to eliminate any project, step in the evolution of this technology in the sup-
which do not meet pre-set criteria such as minimum port of real business applications will be to test it in
rate of return. The intent of pre-screening and screen- a GSS environment.
76 F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88

3. Optimal portfolio selection alternative projects by criteria can be used at this

point. However, many portfolio projects involve tens
Optimal portfolio selection is a major stage in the of projects, and the number of pairwise comparisons
framework. It consists of two phases. The first phase necessary would rule this out. Instead, the relative
applies only when projects are characterized by mul- value of each project can be determined by using the
tiple objective functions. It is used to integrate the weights already determined, after scores are supplied
multiple objectives into a single objective function, for the project on each criteria by the decision
which represents the relative value of each project, makerŽs.. AHP has been implemented in the form of
and serves as input to the second phase. If projects a commercial software package called Expert
have a single objective, such as net present value or Choice w .
expected net present value, this can be input directly The second phase of the optimization process is
into the second phase. When there are multiple the application of an optimization model, using the
objectives, we suggest that the objectives be approxi- single objective function values derived in phase
mated as additive value functions, using expected one. We have chosen a zero–one integer linear
values as certainty replacements where necessary for programming Ž0–1 ILP. model that maximizes the
stochastic elements. The decomposition form of such overall objective of the portfolio, while satisfying
objectives requires the assumption of mutual prefer- existing constraints. Together with the phase one
ence independence. Any related risk characteristics process, this approach handles Ža. multiple, conflict-
are not discarded, but are carried forward as at- ing goals, Žb. qualitative or judgmental as well as
tributes to be used in balancing portfolio risk in the objective criteria, and Žc. explicit constraints such as
final adjustment stage. resource limitations and project interdependencies.
There are a number of techniques that can be used We have also included the facility to perform portfo-
for multiple objective problems in the first phase of lio balancing in an interactive manner, to handle
optimal portfolio selection. Linear goal programming non-uniform resource consumption over time, and to
is one possibility. However, most projects are char- select and schedule the optimal set of projects that
acterized by both objective and judgmental criteria, will maximize overall benefit, based on the relative
and goal programming is best suited to situations value of the projects being considered.
involving objective criteria. Arguably, the most The decision variables, objective function, and
widely used technique for value determination, where constraints of the 0–1 ILP model are shown below.
there are multiple criteria of both types, is weighted
scoring. Here, each criteria is weighted according to 3.1. Decision Õariables
its importance, and each candidate project is then
scored on each criteria by the decision makerŽs.. The The decision variables of the model are defined
sum of the weighted scores for each project is then by:
the relative value of the project. The aspect of this
Xi j
technique, which gives the greatest difficulty, is
weight determination. Another technique, which is 1 if project i is included in the portfolio and starts in period j
arguably better at handling the weight determination
s ½ 0 otherwise
problem, is the analytical hierarchy process ŽAHP.. for i s 1, . . . , N, where N is the total number of
In AHP w36x, the criteria are decomposed into a projects being considered, and j s 1, . . . ,T, when the
hierarchy and the relative priority or importance of planning horizon is divided into T periods.
the elements at the bottom level are determined
through pair-wise comparison by the decision 3.2. ObjectiÕe function
makerŽs.. These are combined at the next higher
level into relative priorities at that level, until the The objective function is given by:
highest level is reached. A linear model is then N T
derived, and used for weighting the criteria. If there Maximize Z s Ý Ý ai Xi j Ž 1.
are only a few projects, a pairwise comparison of is1 js1
F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88 77

where Z is the value function to be maximized, and 4. Project portfolio selection through DSS support
a i is the potential benefit from project i.
From the foregoing discussion, in all stages of the
3.3. Constraints portfolio selection process, decision makers and ana-
lysts should be able to interact with the system since
There are a very large set of possible constraints, it provides models and data to support the decision
which can be invoked through constraint equations, process. Provision for continuous interaction be-
including some or all of the following examples w20x: tween system and decision makers is important be-
cause: Ža. it is extremely difficult to formulate ex-
1. a guarantee that each project, if selected, will not plicitly in advance all of the preferences of the
start twice during the planning horizon, decision makers, Žb. involvement of decision makers
2. maximum expenditures will not exceed specified in the solution process indirectly motivates success-
amounts in each of a set of time periods, ful implementation of the selected projects, and Žc.
3. other resource demands, such as personnel or interactive decision making has been accepted as the
facility requirements, must not exceed the amount most appropriate way to obtain the correct prefer-
available in each time period, ences of decision makers w31,33x, whether working
4. all of the projects selected must be completed as individuals or as a group in the context of a GSS
within the planning horizon, w8x.
5. precursor projects must be completed before suc- If this interaction is to be supported by a com-
cessor projects start, puter-based system, then there is a need for a sub-
6. certain projects are mandatory and must be sched- system to manage the related techniquesrmodels,
uled, another sub-system to support the data needs of the
7. only one of several mutually exclusive projects process, and finally a sub-system that acts as an
can be chosen. interface between the decision maker and the system.
This is a system, which is equivalent conceptually to
There are many other types of constraints, which a DSS. According to Turban w40x ‘‘A Decision Sup-
can be added to this model, depending on the situa- port System ŽDSS. is an interactive, flexible, and
tion at hand w21x. Every company using this approach adaptable computer-based information system, spe-
will have its own policies and procedures, and the cially developed for supporting the solution of a
choice of criteria to use will also depend upon its non-structured management problem for improved
ability to actually specify the various parameters decision making. It utilizes data, provides an easy-to-
involved in both the benefit measures and the con- use interface, and allows for the decision maker’s
straint equations. The model we suggest should be own insights’’.
flexible enough to suit the requirements of most A DSS to support the main stages in the frame-
companies. Solving the model the company chooses work requires a carefully designed model manage-
will select and schedule a portfolio of projects that ment module to handle models of the many different
maximizes the total benefit of the portfolio and types, which may be chosen. Its implementation
satisfy any constraint specified. Shadow prices are requires considerations of model representation and
not applicable in 0–1 ILP models. As an alternative, integration. Integrated DSS modeling approaches in-
because of the sensitivity of the optimal solution to clude process integration w17x where heterogeneous
the constraint coefficients in integer programming models Žmodels from different paradigms. are to be
models, the model should be re-solved several times, integrated. The major issues that arise during process
with slight variations in the coefficients each time, to integration are synchronization and Õariable corre-
test model sensitivity to parameters and data before spondence integration w28x. Synchronization deals
attempting to choose a solution for implementation with the order in which models must be executed,
w2x. We will discuss such a DSS in the following, and timing of dynamic interactions among the mod-
which implements the optimization and portfolio ad- els. Variable correspondence deals with inputrout-
justment stages. put relationships among the component variables in
78 F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88

the various models being used, and assuring dimen- qualitative judgmental inputs Žduring the portfolio
sional consistency among these variables. In our adjustment stage.. In addition, we apply their sug-
DSS, models are not executed in parallel. They gested approach of integrating model fragments Žin-
terminate after transferring their outputs for use by dividual projects in our case. to construct a portfolio
subsequent models, so synchronization is not a criti- model that can be optimized and then adjusted,
cal issue. within given resource and time constraints, to meet
To handle variable correspondence, a central overall objectives.
database is used. This acts as a data repository, The DSS must also have a user-friendly interface,
which is open to inspection by users during the which hides the complexities of the system and its
portfolio selection process, and as a transfer site to models from decision-makers, and provides a bridge
provide matched data for the input and output vari- between users and other components of the DSS. It
ables of the various models being used. The database is used by decision-makers to input data and deci-
can be updated during the portfolio selection process sions, to retrieve data from related databases, and to
through direct user input, interactions with associated provide direction and control of the system. It also
project databases, and from the outputs of models presents the results of computations to users and
and their components. Portfolio database updates allows them to interact with the system to arrive at
also include relevant data extracted from other satisfactory solutions.
databases that relate to ongoing management of ex-
isting projects.
In accordance with the enterprise-wide modelling 5. Design and implementation of PASS
system suggested by Ba et al. w6x, we have also
adopted an approach that allows the use of both We developed a prototype DSS called PASS to
quantitative inputs Žat the optimization stage. and support decision-makers in project portfolio selec-

Fig. 1. Project portfolio matrix.

F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88 79

tion. The conceptual design of this system has been perform sensitivity analysis in order to examine the
discussed elsewhere w5x. DSS support of project port- robustness of the solution to changes in different
folio selection can be divided into off-line and on-line variables and parameters. In addition, optimal solu-
sessions. Decision analysts are the major players in tions that are proposed by the system can be modi-
the off-line sessions, where data are gathered, manip- fied by adding or dropping different projects to find
ulated, and results stored for each project. Tasks a more balanced and intuitively satisfactory portfo-
such as data entry, pre-screening, individual project lio. Moreover, PASS allows decision-makers to ob-
evaluation and scoring, screening, and optimization serve the resulting impact of any proposed change on
model definition can be performed in off-line ses- the optimality of the solution and on the availability
sions, to prepare candidate projects for consideration. of required resources.
Portfolio selection requires that a common set of During the adjustment stage, PASS prevents deci-
parameters be generated for all the projects in ad- sion makers from selecting or de-selecting a project
vance of the selection process, with or without the when certain constraints, such as resource limitations
direct involvement of individual decision-makers. or interdependence among projects, are binding the
Commercially available software packages such as decision maker; the system also provides the user
spreadsheets can be used to support these activities. with the necessary feedback in such situations. The
On-line sessions, involving optimal portfolio selec- final portfolio that decision-makers choose might not
tion and portfolio adjustment, are performed directly be optimal. However, this should not be a critical
by committees of decision-makers. The current ver- issue as long as the decision-makers know how far
sion of PASS supports decision-makers in on-line the selected portfolio is from the optimal portfolio
sessions. initially recommended by the system, and how much
PASS initially applies an optimization model to of each resource is actually required.
find an optimal solution, which maximizes the bene-
fitŽs. of interest. At the present time, net present
6. Effectiveness measures
value ŽNPV. and Expected NPV ŽENPV. are avail-
able, but this can be expanded to a variety of benefit Sharda et al. w38x provide a good overview of
measures. Solutions are presented to decision makers measures of DSS-aided decision performance. These
in a portfolio matrix display ŽFig. 1. and used as include hard measures such as profit or earnings, and
starting points for decision makers to reach satisfac- efficiency measures such as time spent in making
tory portfolios through interactions with PASS. A decisions. Moderators that may affect either effi-
portfolio matrix display style is used since it displays ciency or effectiveness include the number of alter-
the end product of the selection process, and is more natives generated and the confidence of decision-
understandable by users. There are different types of makers in their decisions. This paper also included
portfolio matrices that can be used at this stage w12x. an experimental study of the time dependency of
PASS also provides decision-makers with a modified decision quality by groups. Decision quality and
Gantt chart that shows a project implementation number of alternatives examined was compared, be-
schedule based on optimization model output. tween DSS-supported groups and groups that per-
PASS not only supports the intuition of the deci- formed manual calculations. However, there are sev-
sion makers in the process, but it avoids the deve- eral issues they did not examine. First, they did not
lopment of, and direct interaction with, complex apply subjective measures of usability to compare
models, which are typically developed by decision the reactions of the two types of decision groups
analysts in advance during off-line sessions. This Žmanual and DSS supported. to the techniques they
eliminates a major obstacle that often inhibits man- were using. User-friendliness is of critical impor-
agers from using more sophisticated models at the tance because ease of use and user acceptance are
strategic level, and enhances the possibility of sys- significant determinants of intention to use a com-
tem use by higher level managers. puter technology, and users are not likely to adopt a
Decision makers, who are active elements in the system unless they perceive it as a useful and easy-
decision making process, can also use PASS to to-use tool w14,15,32x. Even in mandatory use situa-
80 F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88

tions or when there is no other alternative but to use since decision makers need to examine alternative
a DSS Žcaptive situation., perceived usefulness and solutions quickly and the results must be presented
perceived ease of use can enhance user satisfaction in an easily understood format. Relevant interface
w1x. issues are the usability constructs of usefulness and
Second, it is important to measure performance ease of use w34x. Positive user perceptions of these
with problems of different size. This is an important constructs does not necessarily mean that the system
variable, especially when problems are to be solved helps decision-makers to make better decisions.
by groups of management decision-makers, and However, if test results show that users do not
meeting time is a very scarce commodity. Larger perceive a DSS as a useful tool, even if it really
problems are likely to take much longer to solve offers better solutions, its perceived usefulness needs
manually than with DSS support, directly affecting to be improved. The problem size dimension of
how many alternative choices can be examined, with portfolio problems also should be examined, to de-
a resulting impact on decision quality. termine user reaction to DSS support for small prob-
Project portfolio problems, the focus of our study, lems Žhandled with little difficulty manually. and
have their own peculiar characteristics, for which larger problems Ždifficult to consider manually be-
there is little DSS application literature available. cause of calculation time considerations, thus limit-
These characteristics include the following. ing the number of alternatives that can be evaluated..
Ž1. Problems can be large, complex, and sensitive
to variations in parameters such as resource con-
straints. There are likely to be many alternatives that 7. Hypotheses and experimental design
are close to, if not optimal. Managerial discretion is
typically used to choose a final solution, which is 7.1. Hypotheses
more likely to be satisfying than optimal, although
the optimal solution can provide a starting point for The following three hypotheses were developed to
the investigation. test the effectiveness of PASS, as well as user per-
Ž2. Problems differ greatly from one company to ceptions of its usefulness and ease of use. The first
another. This emphasizes the importance of the flexi- hypothesis concerns the improvement of project
ble, framework-based approach we suggest w4x, mak- portfolio decisions when using PASS vs. normal
ing it easy to adapt to a particular company’s envi- Manual Methods ŽMM.. The second and third hy-
ronment by using different strategies, models, and potheses examine the perceived usefulness and per-
procedures. To examine adaptability issues, we vis- ceived ease of use of PASS. Davis w14x has devel-
ited several companies to get their reactions to our oped and validated measurement constructs for per-
approach and to determine if we could meet their ceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, and
needs easily by adapting our model Žsee Section 9.. these constructs were validated later by other re-
Ž3. Portfolio selection problems differ greatly in searchers w1x. We adapted his questionnaire in our
size, ranging from four or five to hundreds of poten- research, with some minor changes.
tial projects. The Sharda et al. study w38x did not find
a significant difference in the number of alternatives Hypothesis 1. The use of PASS improÕes the quality
examined by the DSS-supported and manual groups. of project portfolio selection decisions.
Perhaps they would have come to a different conclu-
sion if they had also compared small with large H 0 : PFB F 0.5
problems. H 1: PFB ) 0.5
Clearly, manual approaches are not adequate for
exploring alternative solutions for any but the small- where PFB is the probability of finding a portfolio
est of portfolios, since manual investigations are with PASS, which is better than the portfolio found
likely to be too time-consuming for a committee of by the cc (MM). We define a higher quality decision
decision-makers to consider in real time. DSS inter- as selection of a portfolio that: (1) proÕides more
face design and usability is critical in such situations, benefits oÕerall, (2) is better balanced, (3) considers
F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88 81

interdependencies among projects, and (4) satisfies scale, and Mi is the estimated median of responses
resource constraints. to question i (5 F i F 10).

Hypothesis 2. Users perceiÕe PASS as a useful tool H 0 : Mi F 4

for project portfolio selection. H 1: Mi ) 4
This hypothesis deals with the perceiÕed usefulness
of PASS and was tested by the following sub-hy-
potheses, using responses to questions 1 to 4 in a
questionnaire (see Appendix A.. We applied tests of these hypotheses to both small
and larger problems. We define small problems as
H 2.1: PASS helps to accomplish project portfolio problems with five candidate projects Žor less. to be
selection more quickly than MM. selected over a time horizon of 10 periods Žor less.
H 2.2 : PASS improÕes project portfolio selection and larger problems as problems with more than five
decisions. projects to be selected and scheduled over at least 10
H 2.3 : PASS makes it easier to do project portfolio periods.
H 2.4 : OÕerall, PASS is a useful tool for project 7.2. Experimental design
portfolio selection.
Two project portfolio cases were developed. The
The null and alternatiÕe hypotheses are stated be- first test case ŽAcme. is a small problem in which
low. A seÕen-point Likert scale was used for mea- subjects were asked to select a portfolio from a list
surement in the questionnaire. A score of four, which of four candidate projects and schedule them within
has been used in the following, indicates the middle a 10-period time horizon. The second case ŽMerritt.
(neutral) point on each scale, and Mi is the esti- is a larger problem in which subjects were asked to
mated median of responses to question i (1 F i F 4). select a portfolio from a list of 12 candidate projects
and schedule them within a 10-period time horizon.
H 0 : Mi F 4 Since the solution space for project portfolio selec-
H 1: Mi ) 4 tion problems is usually huge, finding the optimal
solution manually can be difficult. For example,
since in the Merritt Case, the number of projects and
Hypothesis 3. Users perceiÕe PASS as an easy-to-use periods is 12 and 10 successively, and since each
tool. project can be selected or not selected in each period,
This hypothesis deals with the perceiÕed ease of use the number of possible combinations is 2 120 . It should
of PASS and was tested by the following six sub-hy- be noted that, due to real world considerations, the
potheses using responses to questions 5 to 10 in the number of alternative solutions is usually much less,
questionnaire. but a large solution space still must be searched in
order to find the global optimal solution. For exam-
H 3.1: It was easy to learn PASS. ple, if we impose a constraint related to project
H 3.2 : It was easy to get PASS to do what I wanted length, where projects must be completed during the
to do. planning horizon, the number of feasible solutions
H 3.3 : PASS was clear and understandable. reduces to Ł is1 T y Di q 2. where N and T are the
H 3.4 : PASS was flexible to interact with. total number of projects and periods, respectively,
H 3.5 : It would be easy to become skillful at using and Di is the duration of project i.
PASS. Due to the size of the solution space in project
H 3.6 : OÕerall, PASS is easy to use. portfolio selection problems, although PASS can eas-
ily solve larger and more complex problems, in this
The null and alternatiÕe hypotheses are stated be- experiment we simplified the cases to reduce frustra-
low. A score of four indicates the middle point on the tion of subjects when solving the problem. For ex-
82 F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88

ample, in the larger problem ŽMerritt., a company scheduling problems and the heuristics that could be
wants to select a portfolio of projects from a list of applied for these kinds of problems than others. To
12 candidate projects and schedule them within a decrease the impact of this potential difference among
10-period time horizon to maximize the total bene- participants, a sheet was given to each subject, which
fits. Some of the major issues that the company contained some heuristics for manually solving the
needs to address include: Ž1. total and periodic bud- case. The use of these heuristics was not mandatory
get limitations, Ž2. balancing the portfolio in terms of and subjects could use any MM they found to be
risk and time to complete Žthe company does not useful.
want too much investment in high risk or long term In order to collect data on the variables of interest
projects., Ž3. some projects are interdependent, Ž4. during the test, a test data sheet and a questionnaire
projects selected must be able to be completed by the Žsee Appendix A. were developed. The test data
end of the 10-period plan, and Ž5. projects, once sheet gathered data about the solution that subjects
started, cannot be interrupted. Many other types of found by using the MM. The questionnaire, which
issues might exist in a real case that can be ad- was filled out by subjects at the end of the test,
dressed by adding appropriate sets of constraints to contained questions that measured different aspects
the optimization model. of user perception of usefulness and ease of use. The
The objective of developing these cases was to questionnaire contained 10 questions where user per-
have one relatively straightforward portfolio problem ceptions were measured on a seven-point Likert scale
ŽAcme. and one more complex one ŽMerritt., to in which 1 means ‘‘strongly disagree’’, and 7 means
compare the quality of manual vs. PASS solutions ‘‘strongly agree’’.
for two quite different problems. In all cases, sub-
jects solved the case manually first, and then solved
it with the help of PASS, to avoid biasing the results 8. Experimental results
obtained in the manual part of the test towards the
optimal PASS solutions. The subjects who received A pilot test was conducted with seven subjects to
the Acme case were expected to solve it in about 20 collect some initial data and to identify and correct
min and those who received the Merritt case, in potential problems in PASS, the test procedure and
about 40 min. These timings were not rigidly en- questionnaire, and to finalize the hypotheses before
forced and subjects could keep working on their embarking on the full-scale test. The pilot test helped
cases as long as they felt comfortable in continuing. us to modify and improve the experimental design
After using PASS to obtain the optimal solution, the and interface as well as the hypotheses. A full-scale
subjects performed a sensitivity analysis with PASS test was conducted with 26 third- and fourth-year
by increasing financial resources by 10%. They also Commerce undergraduate volunteers. All had com-
changed the balancing criteria and observed the im- pleted introductory micro-economics and finance
pact of such changes on the optimal solution. The courses. The Acme and Merritt cases were randomly
time taken by PASS to generate a solution on a assigned to individual participating subjects; each
150-Mhz Pentium w laptop computer was 5 and 8 s case was assigned to 13 subjects. Subjects first solved
for the Acme and Merritt cases, respectively. the case that was assigned to them manually to find a
To reduce learning effects, and also to prepare the portfolio, from the candidate projects, that maxi-
subjects for the test, we developed a simple case mized the net present value ŽNPV. of the portfolio
ŽABC., which consisted of three candidate projects while satisfying all of the existing constraints. Infor-
that could be selected and scheduled within a 10- mation that was required, such as project character-
period time horizon, with few constraints. Solving istics and existing constraints Žfor example, financial
this case with both the MM and PASS helped the constraints, balancing criteria, and project interde-
subjects to learn both methods before undertaking pendencies. was provided with the case. After solv-
their assigned tasks. ing their assigned cases manually, subjects then used
Some participants, due to past experience, might PASS to find the optimal solutions to the identical
have been more familiar with project selection and problems, using data that had previously been input
F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88 83

to the computer. Comparisons between the manual

and PASS solutions were made on the basis of these
results, and subject perceptions of usefulness and
ease of use, based on their experiences with the two
approaches, were collected through the questionnaire
shown in Appendix A. The results of the tests are
described below.

8.1. Data consistency test

Fig. 3. Manual solutions for the larger problem.
The reliability of responses to the questionnaire
was evaluated with the Cronbach w13x alpha test.
Reliability assesses the internal consistency of the solution. Five subjects found feasible solutions that
data; that is, how consistently individuals responded were less than 1% below the optimal PASS solution.
to questions. For perceived usefulness, the Cronbach The test result for Hypothesis 1 for the small prob-
alpha was 0.67, and for perceived ease of use, it was lem was highly significant Ž p s 0.002.. The null
0.81. A reliability score of 0.6 is considered accept- hypothesis was rejected and we can conclude that for
able w35x. the small problem ‘‘The use of PASS improves the
quality of project portfolio selection decisions’’.
8.2. Data analysis
8.2.2. Test results for the larger problem
The three hypotheses were examined, for small Of the 13 subjects, three found infeasible solu-
and larger problems, respectively. In order to test tions and only three found the optimal solution.
each hypothesis, its sub-hypotheses were examined Thus, in 10 of 13 cases PASS found a better portfo-
to see how well they supported the main hypothesis. lio than the MM to the problem as initially stated.
Hypothesis 1 was analyzed using quantitative data Fig. 3 shows the distribution of the feasible solutions
collected during the test. Since a yesrno nominal found by subjects in comparison with the optimal
scale was used for measurement, the Binomial test PASS solution. Six subjects found feasible solutions
was used. that were less than 1% below the optimal solution.
The Binomial test result for Hypothesis 1 for the
8.2.1. Test results for the small problem larger problem was significant Ž p s 0.046.. The null
Of the 13 subjects, two found infeasible solutions hypothesis was rejected and so we can conclude that
and only one subject found the optimal solution. for the larger problem ‘‘The use of PASS improves
Thus, in 12 of 13 cases PASS found a better portfo- the quality of project portfolio selection decisions’’.
lio than the MM to the problem as initially stated. In comparing the results from the two problem
Fig. 2 shows the distribution of the feasible solutions sizes, we had anticipated that users would have more
found by subjects in comparison with the optimal difficulty in manually achieving optimal or near-op-
timal results for the larger problem than for the
smaller one. Surprisingly, there was no qualitative
difference between results from the two types of
Hypothesis 2 was examined by four sub-hypothe-
ses using the answers to questions 1 to 4, using the
Median test.

8.2.3. Test results for the small problem

The statistical results for all of the first three
Fig. 2. Manual solutions for the small problem. sub-hypotheses were very significant Ž p s 0.00.. The
84 F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88

null hypotheses for these questions were rejected. As combines methods that are well grounded in theory
a result, we can conclude that for the small problem with those that are easy to understand, and applies
‘‘Users perceive PASS as a useful tool for project them in a logical manner. It also allows a choice of
portfolio selection’’. This conclusion was also techniques by decision makers. Our approach is not
strongly supported by the result Ž p s 0.00. for sub- intended to prescribe a certain portfolio, but rather to
hypothesis H 2.4 that claims ‘‘Overall, PASS is a assist decision makers to find a satisfactory portfolio,
useful tool for project portfolio selection’’. which is close to or at optimality, but at the same
time satisfies any resource constraints that have been
8.2.4. Test results for the larger problem imposed.
The statistical results for all of the first three The implementation of the framework in our PASS
sub-hypotheses were very significant Ž p s 0.00.. The DSS gave an opportunity for a limited test of the
null hypotheses for these questions were rejected. As on-line portion of the framework. Although the test
a result, we can conclude that for the larger problem results suggest that PASS is a useful tool, users will
‘‘Users perceive PASS as a useful tool for project not adopt and use PASS unless they perceiÕe it as a
portfolio selection’’. This conclusion is also strongly useful and easy to use tool. Our test results strongly
supported by the result Ž p s 0.00. for sub-hypothe- supported the hypothesis that ‘‘users perceive PASS
sis H 2.4 that claims ‘‘Overall, PASS is a useful tool as a useful tool for project portfolio selection’’ in
for project portfolio selection’’. both the small and the larger problems. Moreover,
Hypothesis 3 was examined by six sub-hypothe- the test results strongly supported the hypothesis that
ses using the answers to questions 5 to 10 in the ‘‘Users perceive PASS as an easy to use tool’’ in
questionnaire, with the Median test. both small and the larger problems’’. These two
fundamental determinants of user acceptance show
8.2.5. Test results for the small problem the high potential of using PASS in practical situa-
The statistical results for all of the first five tions. Since solving problems without violating con-
sub-hypotheses were very significant Ž p s 0.00.. The straints would seem to be less difficult in smaller
null hypotheses for these questions were rejected. As problems, we expected more subjects to find optimal
a result, we can conclude that for the small problem or close to optimal solutions in the small problem
‘‘Users perceive PASS as an easy to use tool for case. Surprisingly, this did not happen, but to obtain
project portfolio selection’’. This conclusion was an appropriate interpretation of these results would
also strongly supported by the result Ž p s 0.00. for require additional experiments with a spectrum of
sub-hypothesis H 3.6 that claims ‘‘Overall, PASS is problem sizes and constraint numbers and values.
easy to use’’. This was beyond the scope of our study.
8.2.6. Test results for the larger problem Due to human limitations in handling larger and
The statistical results for all of the first three more sophisticated problems we expect even better
sub-hypotheses were very significant Ž p s 0.00.. The support for this hypothesis in real world problems,
null hypotheses for these questions were rejected. As since they are typically larger and more complex
a result, we can conclude that for the larger problem than the simplified example cases developed for this
‘‘Users perceive PASS as an easy to use tool for experiment. For example, since both of the cases
project portfolio selection’’. This conclusion was used for the test ŽAcme and Merritt. were intention-
also strongly supported by the result Ž p s 0.00. for ally simplified to prevent subject frustration at the
sub-hypothesis H 3.6 that claims ‘‘Overall, PASS is outset, six subjects in each of the two cases were
easy to use’’. able to find a portfolio that was only 2% below the
optimal solution. Although these results are accept-
able in practical situations Žconsidering that many of
9. Discussion the model parameters, such as NPV, are based on
uncertain estimates., typical real world problems are
In this paper, we proposed a framework for pro- not as small and simple as the cases developed for
ject portfolio selection. The proposed framework this test. As the number of projects or periods in-
F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88 85

creases, the solution space grows exponentially Žad- situations, we demonstrated PASS for two high-tech
dition of only one project or one time period doubles companies. These meetings were very useful and the
the solution space., and addition of real world con- participants were very supportive and enthusiastic
straints Žsuch as having more than one limited re- about using the proposed framework and PASS.
source, more than one project interdependency, and Officials in both firms raised major concerns and
so on. makes real problems much more complex. As problems that they had with project portfolio selec-
a result we do not expect as many people to find the tion. These are discussed briefly below, with pro-
optimal or close to optimal portfolios in a real posed solutions arising from our framework and the
environment as they did in this experiment with the PASS DSS.
simplified cases. The department with whom we met in company A
An additional effect in real world situation is the was an internal support organization, which needed
need to re-calculate solutions each time portfolio to select the best projects from among about 200
adjustments are made, so the impact of adjustments candidate projects. Because of the large number of
can be estimated. The same issue applies when projects, the pre-screening and screening stages in
decision makers want to perform sensitivity analysis our framework would be useful in reducing the
to investigate the impact of changes in certain pa- number of projects by eliminating from considera-
rameters Žsuch as balancing criteria. on the solution tion any that clearly would not be appropriate to
and on the availability of resources Žwhich can also consider in the on-line stages. Some other problems
be varied during sensitivity studies.. Clearly, this in this organization, and how they could be resolved
would be impractical if manual calculations had to by using our framework and DSS included the fol-
be re-done at each iteration, because of the long time lowing.
delays involved. The time taken for PASS to solve a Ži. There were candidate projects from more than
case is relatively small Žonly a few seconds in the one major category Že.g. customer requests, internal
cases we studied., allowing more time to study projects, etc.. with different objectives for each cate-
important sensitivity and balance issues, by making gory. A solution would be to use overall importance
adjustments to the portfolio chosen or by changing weights derived for each category, and weights for
resource or financial constraints. attributes within each category. These could be de-
In terms of potential success of PASS in a real rived off-line using an interactive procedure such as
implementation environment w25x, we note that the the Analytic Hierarchy Process w22,36x. These
system is based on a framework that supports a weights could then be used interactively to calculate
flexible team approach to system development and the relative value of projects across all the cate-
use, since users can choose their own methodologies gories, for input to the optimization stage of the
for preparing project parameters and setting con- on-line selection process.
straints. It is also evolutionary, allowing models to Žii. The department had limited human expertise,
be developed across the range of the simple to the with the added complication of interdependencies
complex, as the decision makers wish. Ease of use is created by the fact that some of their workers had
critical for executive users, and response time is fast. expertise in more than one area. These interactions
Successful application depends upon careful choice can be resolved by including additional constraint
of both the data to use and the methodologies with equations in the optimization model. Suppose the
which to analyze the data, and these are open to the company has three types of experts, each with differ-
users. Satisfying these criteria fits four of the six ent expertise: Ža. Expertise A: can only perform job
success factors noted for decision support by 1, Žb. Expertise B: can only perform job 2, and Žc.
Houdeshel and Watson w25x Žthe other two are a Expertise C: can perform both jobs 1 and 2. Each of
committed senior executive sponsor and careful these types of expertise can be considered as a scarce
computer software and hardware selection, not exam- resource and more constraints can be added to the
ined in this study.. model, to handle these resource interdependencies.
To examine the potential for applying the pro- For example, if the company has only 100 h per
posed framework and the PASS DSS in practical month available from each of the three types of
86 F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88

expertise, the following sets of constraints would start at time zero, the following constraint equations
address this issue: could be added to the optimization model.
N k
Ý Ý RA Ž i ,k q 1 y j . X i , j F 200 Ý X i1 s 1
is1 js1

for i g S0 where S0 is the set of ongoing projects.

for k s 1, . . . T Ž 2.
Ž 5.
N k
Ý Ý RB Ž i ,k q 1 y j . Xi , j F 200 Žii. For certain special projects, the company
is1 js1 needed to establish completion dates to meet deliv-
ery schedules. Adding the following constraint equa-
for k s 1, . . . T Ž 3. tions to the model would ensure that such projects, if
selected, would be scheduled for completion before
n k
the due date. This was, of course, subject to the
Ý Ý RA Ž i ,k q 1 y j . X i , j q RB Ž i . X i , kq1yj
provision that it was feasible to do so within the time
i s 1 i s js1
F 300 L1

for k s 1, . . . T Ž 4. Ý jX i j q Di F Li q 1 for i g Sf Ž 6.

where RAŽ i,k q 1 y j ., RBŽ i,k q 1 y j . are respec- where Sf is the set of projects that should be finished
tively the amount of expertise A and B, required by before their delivery time L i , and Di is the duration
project i in period k, N is the total number of of project i.
projects being considered, and T is the last period in These solutions can be implemented easily within
the planning horizon. X i , j , the decision variable, is 1 the proposed framework and DSS. This demonstrates
if project i is selected to start in period j and is 0 the importance of the flexibility of the proposed
otherwise. framework in a real working environment, where
Company B had two departments Žnew product there is no way to predict in advance all possible
research, and development., each with up to 12 problems.
product development projects underway at any time. Additional research is needed to extend our work.
A major concern was to achieve a balance among the For example, the proposed approach takes uncer-
projects included in each portfolio. Adding a con- tainty and risk into consideration but it assumes that
straint to the optimization model Žsimilar to those, these parameters can be estimated accurately. How-
which can be used to maintain portfolio balance in ever, risk estimation is a challenging task and more
terms of risk and duration. would maintain the re- research is required to find suitable methods for
quired balance between the portfolios. Obviously, evaluating project risks and their impact on portfolio
this balance could be adjusted interactively by adding selection. Depending on the type of application at
or deleting specific projects during the on-line ad- hand and decision maker preferences about items to
justment stage. Other problems identified were as be balanced in the selected portfolio, different types
follows. of portfolio matrix displays can be provided. Re-
Ži. An important requirement was to select previ- search is required to find the most appropriate port-
ously specified mandatory projects and projects al- folio matrices to use for information display in the
ready started, and to ensure that ongoing projects adjustment stage of the proposed framework.
‘‘started’’ at time zero. This requires that ongoing There are other important issues as well, such as
projects be identified during data entry, and also representativeness of the displayed information, that
displayed in a special manner by altering the inter- should be taken into consideration. These may at
face iconic display. To ensure that ongoing projects times conflict with user friendliness of the system.
F. Ghasemzadeh, N.P. Archerr Decision Support Systems 29 (2000) 73–88 87

For example, although the use of circles in displays 10. Uncited references
to represent certain aspects of a project, such as its
benefit, seems to be very suitable, some researchers w11x
contend that circles cause the decision makers to w33x
overvalue or undervalue the amounts that are repre-
sented w9x. This issue requires further research. Fi-
nally, in most situations, a committee of decision
makers makes portfolio selection decisions. Decision Acknowledgements
makers may often disagree in such situations and the
DSS should provide support for reaching a consen- This research was supported by a grant from the
sus. This will also require adjusting the PASS con- Innovation Research Centre, Michael G. DeGroote
cept to a group support system environment. School of Business, McMaster University.

Appendix A

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