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Deconstruct Practical

You are tasked with designing a logical, coherent, and detailed biological investigation.
This will be done by deconstructing a simple yeast practical and designing your own
variables to investigate. It’s important to show the process along the way, this can be
done through a mind map. Make sure to give reasoning and explanation behind decisions
you make. You must show why and how you went about designing the practical.

Evidence of deconstruction (where applicable) should outline the deconstruction process,

the method designed as most appropriate, and a justification of the plan of action, to a
maximum of 4 sides of an A4 page. This evidence must be attached to the practical
Suggested formats for this evidence include flow charts, concept maps, tables, or notes.
In order to manage the implementation of an investigation efficiently, students could
individually design investigations and then conduct one of these as a group, or design
hypothetical investigations at the end of a practical activity.
A practical report must include:
 introduction with relevant biological concepts, and either a hypothesis and variables, or
an investigable question
 materials/apparatus
 the method that was implemented
 identification and management of safety and/or ethical risks
 results, including table(s) and/or graph(s)
 analysis of results, including identifying trends and linking results to concepts
 evaluation of procedures and their effect on data, and identifying sources of uncertainty
 conclusion, with justification.
Suggested Method For Your Design Experiment With Yeast.
Per pair:
5 X 100 ml measuring cylinders
5 X 50 ml beaker
25 ml measuring cylinder
250 ml beaker
Stirring rod

Per class:
Kitchen teaspoon measures set (have one but could buy more)
Dried yeast
Glucose, Maltose, Fructose, Lactose
Ammonium Phosphate
2 X Water baths set at 37oC

1. Dissolve 2½ tsp yeast + 2½ tsp of sugar in 100 ml warm (37oC) water.
2. In each of 5 X 50ml labeled beakers add the test substances.
3. Add 20 ml of yeast solution to each beaker and mix well ensuring all the
test material has dissolves.
4. Pour the contents of each beaker into separate 100 ml labeled measuring
5. Place all measuring cylinders in the water bath at once and start the
6. Remove all the measuring cylinders after 15 minutes (or when one of
them reaches the 100 ml mark - but remember to note the time)
7. Record level of foam in each measuring cylinder.

Possible Variables:
 Concentration of yeast
 Concentration of sugar
 Concentration of salt (1/2 tsp will kill the yeast ie no foam production)
 Concentration of Ammonium Phosphate (a small amount is said to help)
 Different brands/freshness of yeast
 Different sugars (Sucrose, Glucose, Maltose, Fructose, Lactose)
 Temperature

NB: Tiny variations in yeast concentration give large variations in the rate of foam productions, so
mixing it together & then dividing it will give better results.

NB: If changing temperature, you need to equilibrate the yeast solution to the temperature before
starting otherwise 60oC will give no show the yeast is killed!
Science Inquiry Skills
Scientific methods enable systematic investigation to obtain measurable evidence.
 Deconstruct a problem to determine and justify the most appropriate method for investigation.
 Design investigations, including:
 a hypothesis or inquiry question
 types of variables
 dependent
 independent
 factors held constant (how and why they are controlled)
 factors that may not be able to be controlled (and why not)
 materials required
 the method to be followed
 the type and amount of data to be collected
 identification of ethical and safety considerations.

Obtaining meaningful data depends on conducting investigations using appropriate procedures and safe,
ethical working practices.
 Conduct investigations, including:
 selection and safe use of appropriate materials, apparatus, and equipment
 collection of appropriate primary and/or secondary data (numerical, visual, descriptive)
 individual and collaborative work.

Results of investigations are represented in a well-organised way to allow them to be interpreted.

 Represent results of investigations in appropriate ways, including:
 use of appropriate SI units, symbols
 construction of appropriately labelled tables
 drawing of graphs: linear, non-linear, lines of best fit
 use of significant figures.

Scientific information can be presented using different types of symbols and representations.
 Select, use, and interpret appropriate representations, including:
 mathematical relationships, such as ratios
 diagrams
 equations
to explain concepts, solve problems, and make predictions.
Analysis of the results of investigations allows them to be interpreted in a meaningful way.
 Analyse data, including:
 identification and discussion of trends, patterns, and relationships
 interpolation/extrapolation where appropriate.

Critical evaluation of procedures and data can determine the meaningfulness of the results.
 Identify sources of uncertainty, including:
 random and systematic errors
 uncontrolled factors.
 Evaluate reliability, accuracy, and validity of results, by discussing factors including:
 sample size
 precision
 resolution of equipment
 random error
 systematic error
 factors that cannot be controlled.

Conclusions can be formulated that relate to the hypothesis or inquiry question.

 Select and use evidence and scientific understanding to make and justify conclusions.
 Recognise the limitations of conclusions.
 Recognise that the results of some investigations may not lead to definitive conclusions.
Risk assess below. (formatting troubles)
Name and nature of activity Deconstruct Practical: Yeast respiration
Location and date of activity
Name of teacher/technician Andrew Ayliffe
Activity type Technician procedure Teacher demonstration Student activity – Student year group
Physics and general equipment Type of hazard Controls and other measures
Relevant signage
Radiation ionising laser
Glassware: Beakers, Glass Stirring rods. Perspex safety shield
Electrical Sharps container
Thermal Glassware free from cracks or chips
Projectiles Safety glasses
Sharps Thermally insulated gloves
Other – Other –
Chemicals used and produced Type of hazard Controls and other measures
Limit quantity/concentration
Explosive Acute toxicity Perspex safety shield
Ventilation: natural/exhaust
Health hazards Fume cupboard
Safety glasses
Laboratory coat/apron
Oxidising Chronic health
Gloves: latex/nitrile/neoprene/PVC
Safety shower
Gases under Other –
pressure Environmental

Corrosive Other –

Biological/geological materials used Type of hazard Controls and other measures

Sourdough Culture Biohazard Disinfectant
Flour Dust/aerosols Sharps container
Water Sharps Dust mask
Safety glasses
Manual handling
Other –
Other –
Waste produced Waste disposal procedure
Pre-treatment of waste –
Sink with water –
Regular waste –
Licenced hazardous waste company –
Other –
Standard Operating Procedures
I have read the relevant Standard Operating Procedure.
I am experienced/trained in using all the equipment listed.
All chemicals used and produced are approved for use.
I have read the current SDSs for all hazardous chemicals used and produced.
I am aware of safety guidelines for using all chemicals, materials and equipment.
I will follow local guidelines for waste disposal (water authority, local council, EPA).
I am aware of first aid procedures if required.
Other comments:
Risks not significant now and not likely to increase.
Risks significant but effectively controlled at the moment.
Risks significant and not adequately controlled at the moment.
Uncertain about risks; more detailed assessment required.
Assessment carried out by: Signature: Andrew Ayliffe Date:
Andrew Ayliffe
Assessment approved by: Signature: Date:

Next assessment due:

This Risk Assessment assumes that the activity will be conducted in a science teaching area with the following facilities: electricity, running water, emergency
shut-offs for electricity, gas if applicable, and water, regular testing and tagging of portable appliances; emergency contingencies such as evacuation/emergency
plans, appropriate fire extinguishers, spill kits, hand washing facilities, eyewash/safety shower and first aid supplies. It is also assumed that all the necessary
licencing requirements and approvals are obtained prior to the activity.

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