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Possibility or how much something is likely to happen

apparently as far as one knows or can see

certainly Undoubtedly, definitely, surely
clearly without doubt, obviously
definitely without doubt (used for emphasis)
obviously in a way that is easily understood, clearly
presumably something that is likely to be true but not known for certain
probably almost certainly, as far as one knows or can tell
undoubtedly without doubt, certainly

Attitude or feeling
astonishingly surprisingly impressive, astounding, staggering, amazing, incredible
frankly in an open, honest, and direct manner
generally in most cases, usually
honestly in a truthful, fair, or honourable way
luckily it is fortunate that
interestingly engaging or exciting or strange
naturally in a natural manner, as expected, of course
sadly showing or feeling sadness
happily In a happy way, thankfully
seriously in a solemn or grave manner, not funny
surprisingly to occur with a sudden feeling of wonder or astonishment, unexpectedly
unbelievably too uncertain, doubtful or incredible to believe

Judgement of someone’s action

bravely showing courage
carelessly not caring, negligent
foolishly in a stupid way
generously giving and sharing, not selfish
kindly loving, warm
rightly correctly, with good reason, with justice
stupidly lacking quickness of mind, foolishly
wisely having power to judge correctly, truly, rightly
wrongly not correct, unreasonable
ignorantly uneducated, knowing nothing

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