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A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Social Studies III- World Studies

Interdisciplinary Approach

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Recognize factors that give birth to Indian civilization and describe the migration of Indo-
European group of people;
b. Demonstrate personal views about the influence of India in world literature, art, religion
and society;
c. Perform a 3-minute puppet play showing the interaction of the members of Indian
II. Materials
a. Video presentation downloaded from
b. LCD projector, laptop, speakers
c. Worksheets of :alphabet letters, questions and answers
d. Handouts
e. Rubrics for puppet presentation
f. Power point presentation

III. Reference
Topic: Indian Civilization
Pagayon, Liza S. (2010). Social studies in perspective. Second ed. Diwa Learning System
Inc. Makati City, Philippines. P. 58-62.

IV. Procedure and Developmental Activities

A. Drill
a. The class will be divided into 5. Each group will receive a table of alphabet
letters. This activity is called as “1-minute Enumeration test” wherein the group
has to enumerate things, concepts, or ideas related to INDIA in just 1 minute.
The group who finished first or who got the most number of letters to fill will be
the winner and special incentive will be given. This is a speed test for the

B. Motivation
a. The teacher will show a 5-minute video presentation about Harappan civilization
(also known as The Indus Valley Civilization ) which has its earliest roots in
cultures. The two greatest cities, Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, emerged circa
2600 BCE along the Indus River valley in Punjab and Sindh. Video was
downloaded from
g. Before the showing of the video, the following questions will be asked first so
that students will be guided in their watching.
i. What body of water contributes to the development of Indian
Civilization? How does it help to the emergence of civilization?
ii. What are the achievements of ancient people?
iii. How did Harappan Civilization considered as Urban Civilization?
iv. How did the Harappan and Mohenjo-Daro Civilization declined?
h. Mentioned questions will be answered by the members of the group. The
teacher will facilitate the sharing activity.

C. Activity
a. Mentioned questions will be answered by the members of the group. The
teacher will facilitate the sharing activity.
b. After the sharing activity, the class will proceed to a new activity which also
support to the factors that bring India into civilization – that is the migration of
Aryans. Each group will receive a text which describe and narrate the arrival of
Aryans in India. [Text is attached here] They are going to accomplish the table
below but before accomplishing it, explain to the class that each Social Science
disciplines play vital role to support each other in order to provide a full
knowledge and understanding a social science concept.
c. Also, tell them that there are more than 3 social science disciplines present in
the text. From those disciplines they have found out, each group has to create
questions related to each disciplines and leave it unanswered. Other groups
have to answer those questions. This is the table:

Social Science Disciplines Question(s) Answer(s)




After writing questions, the teacher will collect it, fold it and distribute to other
groups. Once the group had finished answering, they will return it to the original
owner of the paper.
d. The teacher will process the questioning-and-answering activity by asking each
group to tell one of their questions and let the class answer it orally. The group
has to analyze if their classmates’ answer is correct.
e. For reflective questioning:
i. How was the experience of writing questions? Was it easy to formulate
ii. How was the experience of answering classmates’ questions? Do the
questions support your understanding on the topic?
f. After the activity, the teacher will present pictures about India’s contribution to
the world literature, art, religion, and society. Discussion about this will take
World literature Art

Religions Society

D. Summary
a. What are the factors that brought about India into civilization?
b. What are the contributions of India to the world literature, art, religion, and
E. Valuing
a. If you were an Indian in today’s time, how will you show or demonstrate the
importance of those contributions? Do you think those ancient contributions
will help to raise India’s economy? Develop a system of government? How?

F. Application
a. India has a distinct social class structure called the caste system. It shows social
stratification and somewhat bring about attitudes and behaviors. The final task
that each group has to do is performing a 3-minute puppet show about ancient
India’s social structure. Each group has to create a short story showing the
interaction of people between each class. The puppet show will be graded based
on the given rubric. [rubric is attached here]
b. After the activity, the following question will be asked:
i. Why do you think there’s a need to have class system in a society?

G. Evaluation
Direction: Unscramble the letters to form the correct word. Write your answer on
the blank space. (Note: Hints are given inside the box below.)
1. The rebirth of a soul in a new human body.
2. A social structure in India into which certain groups of people have been born
and which is often believed the result of reincarnation
3. Group of priests, scholars, and intelligent men
4. Moral obligation bestowed upon someone from birth
5. The sacred book of hymns

H. Assignment
a. Research more on different civilizations emerged in the world during ancient

Prepared by:

John Lawrence G. Carandang

Louie C. Valerio
Approaches in Teaching Secondary Social Studies

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