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Cytogenetics Notes A.Y.

GENETICS 4. Genetic Counseling – process by which
- Greek γένεσις (genesis) meaning “origin” the patient and relatives at risk of an
- Branch of biology that deals with the study inherited disorders are provided with the
of heredity information towards the disorder or
Heredity – the natural process by which disease
physical and mental qualities are passed from a 5. Cytogenetics – study of inheritance in
parent to a child relation to the number and structure of
human chromosome
Branches of Genetics
1. Behavioral Genetics ~HISTORY OF CYTOGENETICS~
2. Classical Genetics
3. Developmental Genetics 1000 AD >popularly known as Al-Zahrawi
4. Conservation Genetics Albucasis >and Arab Muslim physician and a
5. Ecological Genetics surgeon
>first described haemophilia as a
6. Evolutionary Genetics
genetic disorder in his book “Kitab Al-
7. Genetic Engineering Tasrif”
8. Genetic epidemiology 1600s >looks at structure under microscope
Robert Hooke and called them “cells”
9. Genetics of intelligence
1680s >improved the compound
10. Genetic Testing Antoine van microscope
11. Genomics Leeuwenhoek >first to see sperm in semen
12. Human Genetics - the study of 1809 >theory of evolution
Jean Baptiste >”Theory of Inheritance of
inheritance as it occurs in human beings Lamarck acquired characteristics”
13. Medical Genetics – branch of medicine - if an organism changes during life in
that involves the diagnosis and order to adapt to its environment,
those changes are passed on to its
management of hereditary disorders
14. Microbial Genetics 1840s >Swiss Botanist
15. Molecular Genetics Carl Nageli >described thread-like structures in
plant cells “transitory cytoblasts” now
known as chromosome
1859 >The Origin of Species
1. Molecular Genetics – deals with the Charles >”Theory of Natural Selection”
structure and activity of a genetic Darwin 1. Variation is constant in nature
material at a molecular level 2. Over production of offspring
brings about struggle for
2. Biochemical Genetics – the study of existence
genetics in terms of the biochemical 3. Natural selection operates by
events involved elimination of the unfit and
survival of the fit
3. Clinical Genetics – a medical specialty
4. Heredity continues the lines
which provides a series of diagnostic of survivor
services for individuals at risk of genetic
Lladen Nicolas Espallardo, RMT
Cytogenetics Notes A.Y. 2017-2018
1865 >Austrian Monk Alfred
Gregor Johann >started hybridization work in garden Hershey
Mendel pea entitled “Experiment in Plant 1953 >proposed the double helix model
Hybridization” J.D. Watson & of DNA
>Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance Francis Crick
1. Law of Segregation 1985 >PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
2. Law of Independent Assortment Kary Mullis
1869 >Swiss Physician 1995 >published the first sequence of the
Friedrich >identified the acidic substance found Venter, Frases, free living bacteria Haemophilus
Miescher Hamiton influenzae
in the cell nuclei of white blood cells,
now called DNA
July 5, 1996 >Dolly the sheep was born
1882 >described cell division in salamander
Walther >first ever cloned animal from an
and also in corneal epithelium of
Flemming adult somatic cell
December 22, >CC the cat was born
>coined the terms “Mitosis” &
2001 >first pet to be cloned
1883 >developed the “concept of
Francis Galton regression” (measurement of
resemblance or relatives)
1888 >German Anatomist
Heinrich >coined the term “chromosome”
Wilhelm Chromos = Greek for color
Gottfried Soma = Greek for body
1900 >coined the term “Genetics”
1903 >coined the terms:
Wilhelm “gene”
Johannsen “genotype”
1910 >American Biologist
Thomas Hunt >confirms the chromosome theory of
Morgan heredity using studies of eye color of
fruit flies (Drosophila)
Male fly: heterogametic
Female fly: homogametic
1911 >identified X chromosome as the
Edmun location of the gene for color blindess
1950 >showed that four (4) nucleotides are
Erwin Chargaff present in DNA
1952 >used phages to demonstrate as final
Martha Chase proof that DNA is the element of
& heredity
Lladen Nicolas Espallardo, RMT

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