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The Scrum

Disadvantages of Traditional software development

 Single-function groups, delayed or weak feedback loops, frontloaded predictive

planning, and a sequential flow from analysis to test
 This approach delays feedback, learning, and potential return on investment due to an
absence of real working software until late in the game, causing a lack of
transparency, lack of ability to improve, reduction in flexibility, and an increase in
business and technical risks.

The Scrum

 Scrum is a development framework

 In scrum cross-functional teams develop products in an iterative and incremental
 The development cycles of work are called Sprints.
 Sprints are no more than four weeks each and take place one after the other without
 The Sprints are timeboxed i.e., they end on a specific date whether the work has been
completed or not, and are never extended.
 Scrum Teams choose one Sprint length and use it for all their Sprints until they
improve and can use a shorter cycle.
 Every day the Team gathers briefly to inspect its progress, and adjust the next steps
needed to complete the work remaining.
 At the end of the Sprint, the Team reviews the Sprint with stakeholders, and
demonstrates what it has built.
 People obtain feedback that can be incorporated in the next Sprint.
There are 3 roles, 3 artifacts and 3 events in Scrum. They are as follws:
1. The 3 roles in scrum
 Product owner
 Scrum master
 The Team
2. The 3 artifacts in scrum
 Product backlog
 Sprint backlog
 Burndown chart
3. The 3 events
 Sprint palnning
 Daily scrum
 Sprint review

The Scrum roles

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