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Coastal Clean-up Brgy. 75-A Matina Aplaya, Davao City (May 11, 2019)

Name: Jhan Brian Abanilla Course: BSTM

Section: 1-B Time:
School: Joji Ilagan International School Instructor: Jppet Solis-LPT
Having the best learning for environmental issues and actively engaging in activities in and out of the classroom.
In our clean up drive at Matina Aplaya Davao City, me and my Classmates have done a tiring but fun and fulfilling
work! At first, I thought we couldn't do it well and we would take a long time, but I can say by what we have done
that through helping hand and hand, nothing is impossible Recognizing the environmental issues especially
the problem in garbage’s, help me to develop my discipline and understanding my role in the planet we live in.

Being part of this advocacy, it is a pleasure to have a chance to do and contribute something in our community.
It's not easy to plan as well as to conduct an advocacy that can really help in our community. But, because of our
Professor, Sir Jopet Gee Solis, we did something good! He taught us on how to be part and productive
Citizen of this community. I would like to say THANK YOU Sir for letting us appreciate the beauty of our
Nature and how to taking care of it. As we gone through this activity, I can say it’s more than enough
That you could share and made a history to our community. And ill promise to my self that, it is not just
An activity given by our professor that to accomplish but it will be a part of my daily life that in my own
Simple way I can contribute something that can maintain the beauty of our nature. I learned a lot of
things through this course, especially on how to be a part of our community.

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