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The Peugeot 505 maroon car was trying to park in front of the supermarket at that time of
the night was full of people and cars coming and going to and from all directions,
especially because that was the end of the month and week before the beginning of the
Summer Vacation. That's why when Nicolas Ramirez managed to park felt relieved, of
course if it hadn’t been without the child who led and cared parking who helped him with
great enthusiasm (probably because at seeing the car make , he figured out he could get big
tip) . Nicholas closed the doors of his car and told the boy:
-“Keep your eyes in it; I leave it in your hands”.
- “Be quiet, boss, I'll care it as mine” Answered the parking boy.
Nicholas went into the supermarket and began to choose products; He was reaching a
package of noodles when someone fell on him, making him bounce other packages of
noodles that fell down noisily. He turned to rebuke his attacker by saying:
- “What's wrong with you?”
- “Ha, ha, ha ..Hi Nicholas Ramírez! Exclaimed the man laughing.
- “What a way to show up” Said Nicolas.
- “You know Julius will never change” - exclaimed a woman coming toward them.
- “Hortense; this is a real plot!” Stated Nicolas
-“Of course not. Julius is acting alone, as usual” Declared the woman
“And deliberately” Added Nicolas.
“See this too much talk! I'm going to help collect these noodles. Instead” Told Julius
- “better if you’re helpful with the mess you’ve made over here. And what are you doing?
Asked Nicolas
“Nothing much! We are just putting our feet on the ground” joked Julius

Didn’t I tell you! He will never change? We are doing our monthly shopping” Subsidized
Hortense to cover Nicola’s funny answers, but this continued to joke by saying:
-“As soon as I get my salary she brings me here to spend it immediately” declared Nicolas
-“I assure my children’s food and I make sure you won’t spend the money in nonsense, as
you usually do” Said Hortense sarcastically

“Do you believe her?” Requested Julius directing to Nicolas.

“I'm about to do it” Confessed Nicolas kidding
.- “what about you? Are you living the same situation?” Asked Julius.
-“Of course not. I sent my "witch" to spend the summer away” declared Nicolas
-“Is that True? Inquired Hortense
“Certainly” He answered.
-“You are worse than Julius!” Exclaimed the girl.
- “No, if she has a nice time. She went to the south, to the land of my parents in-laws with
my daughters” Replied Nicolas
- “I see while you stay here as a “summer widower” It’s very convenient for you “Said the
woman ironically.
- “Well, It’s only a lucky coincidence” He said laughing
-“And what are you going to eat?” Asked Julius
- “You’ve just thrown my food. I only know how to cook noodles to the Italian way”
Explain Nicolas
- Well, Niko, if your noodles are not going well, drop by to eat with us” Invited Hortense.
- I’ll keep it in mind, thank you” told Niko very pleased.
-“Do you really believe he'll go home to spend the night with us when he has all this time
ahead to be by himself, specially counting on the car he has bought ?” Commented Julius
with envy in his eyes.
“What do you think? Asked Hortense to Julius and he answered:
“I wouldn’t do it”
-- “I know but he is not like you, remember?. Now, let’s go! There is still too much to buy.
So long Nico Have a nice day! Said Hortense starting to leave the place.
- I’m sure He’ll be quite alright. Don’t worry. What envy!” Expressed Julius.
Nicolas went shopping and was going to go through the Express Checkout to save time.
When he was placing the noodles on the counter He stumbled and fell off scattering all the
noodles on the skirt of the cashier who was very bad tempered for overwork.
“Oh! I’m very sorry” Said Nicolas apologizing immediately.
“No problem” Exclaimed the cashier.
“Luckily they were not cooked “Joked Nicolas for distressing, but the cashier didn’t reacted
well by saying:
“This doesn’t make me laugh!”
“Did you want them cooked?” Continued Niko
“Yes, with sauce, please” told the cashier taking the joke.
-“Would you like to eat them with me after you leave” Said Niko.
- “Whenever I leave here, I’m so tired I couldn’t think about eating” said the cashier.
“What do you think of?” Insisted Niko.
“I think of nothing.You owe five thousand five hundred pesos” Declared the cashier and
Niko said:
-“Here you have! Thank you. How boring! My future this evening is to eat noodles alone”
“That If you do not fall them back on the road” told the cashier
“You’re right” accepted Nico and went towards the exit door, just in the moment when it
occurs: an avalanche of people which fell on him. Everyone was running terrified,
distressed and some shots were heard, but nobody knew where they came from. At the
same time ambulance and police sirens were felt everywhere; all shouted and some people

remained the ground and there was a great confusion the situation began to produce many
dialogues, among excited customers
“What will it be happening? –Wonder someone near.
“May They're robbing a bank” said someone else.

“At this time?” Exclaimed a woman.

- “Extremists do not have time to act” Reflected an old man.

- “Might they be Lautaristas front members?” Questioned a youngster.
“Anyway, that is not important, now. The important thing is to get out of here alive” told a
- “This should be blame on presidential pardons” said the youngster
- Something must be done by someone” said the woman
-“By who? Asked the man
-“By The politicians” said the youngster
- “They’re all wet by evil money” Stated the woman.
- “What are you saying, ma'am? Enquired the old man
- “Just the truth” .Declared the woman.
- “Your truth I would say” Replied the man
- “Maybe you are politician or have a family member who is one.” Declared the woman
- “Stop saying nonsense! These are some broken resentful guys wanting to have what
others have without working or making efforts. Said the man very convinced.
-“The divine curse says: "you will earn your bread by the sweat of your brow." Reflected
the youngster
-“Now, here it comes the police” told the man
-“The shooting is over” Shouted someone
-“That’s what you believe. I'm not moving from here nor even tied” Stated the woman.
- “As for me, I'll rush from her but in less than the blink of an eye” Said the man.
Nicholas began to pick up their packages to leave and many imitated him. Suddenly, he
found a lotion in the floor that it used to be familiar to him; He wanted to remember
something, but that was deleted in his mind. Then, a beautiful and elegantly dressed woman
approached him saying:
-“It's mine”
Nicholas looked at her as thoughtful, and then he handed it to her.
-“Excuse me” he said and left the parking lot, he tried to find the child who has cared his
car but he could not. He did not know how long it had lasted the parking, but I just wanted
to be out of there. He opened the trunk, put his packages, closed, sought his keys and got
into the car. Many were trying to leave at the same time, so it took a huge amount to get out
of it. He succeeded after much effort so, he took a deep breath:
-“I've finally come out of that hell” Said to himself.
He needed a few laps to get home. He exclaimed with relief:
-“I was close to be hurt! So now let’s have fun” Told loudly very satisfied
He hadn’t finished saying the last sentence, when he felt cold gun cannon in his head. A
nervous man was pointing behind it.
“To the North road” He ordered with a dry voice
“What? Goodness me!” Said Nicholas Trembling

“Relax, bud! We’re going to the Elqui Valley nothing will happen if you do exactly as I
asked” Stated the man.
- “I don’t have enough gasoline” Said Nicholas
- “We will fill the tank. Don’t try any action that you might regret later. Do you
understand?” Sentenced the man.
“Ok” he exclaimed and thought to himself: “Oh my God! So many cars in the parking lot
and he had to get into mine”
Nicholas makes the tank fill while hidden in his ribs he could feel the gun of the man in his
car. Finally, they resumed the trip .In that moment Nicholas noticed they’re being followed
by white Toyota Corona car. He said nothing and continued to drive only with the idea of
preserving his life.
-“Ay! Ay! Ay! ...” Shouted someone inside the car.
-What is that? Who's complaining? Is anyone injured, a friend of yours? Asked Nicholas
- “No, it’s this damn child who is waking up ... I’ve forgotten him” said the gunman
-“What a child?” demanded Nicholas
-“The parking cars one. I left him here” Said gunman
- “Don’t hurt him. Please!” Begged Nicholas
- If you go on driving in silence, I won’t do anything to him” Declared gunman
“What's up?” Asked the boy raising his head.
-“We have been kidnapped” Answered Nicholas.
-“I have no money, my parents are poor, nobody will pay anything for me” Complained the
-Do you really think so? Said gunman.
“Yes, I do. Let me get out here”.
“Shut up and sit down here!” Ordered gunman and grabbed him by his shoulders while
sitting beside him.
-“It really hurts” said the boy touching his head..
-“What did you do to the child?” Asked Nicholas
- “He was near the car when I went up, I hit him with the gun and got him into the car”
Confessed gunman.
- “Why didn’t you leave him lying around?” asked Nicholas
- “He could warn someone” replied gunman
-“Let him go now; I'll take you to the Elqui Valley” Claimed Nicholas.
“Impossible! He knows a lot.
- “I know nothing, I swear” Shouted the boy.
-“Why are you doing this?” Asked Nicholas
- “Shut up! I don’t want more questions, I do them, you know?
- Alright, but don’t be angry! Why do we go to the Elqui Valley?” Inquired Nicholas
- “I ‘m warning you, no questions or you’ll be sorry I asked you to drive and shut up”
Stated gunman
-“May I smoke?” Requested Nicholas
-“Don’t do that! Replied gunman
-“I am nervous” Confessed Nicholas
-“Calm down” Suggested gunman.
- “It is not easy with that cannon in my neck”. Declared Nicholas tempting his luck.
- - “You will have to get used to it, and no gimmicks.” Ordered gunman.

Continue the journey in silence. The child, more awake, looking Niko through the mirror
without the assailant noticing. Nicholas makes a gesture with his eyes and the boy hit the
assailant with kick in the underbelly. At the same time, Nicolas gives a sudden braking. E1
man hits his head against the seat and he drops the gun. Nicholas opened the door and get
down, the child does the same and both run to the pasture on the edge of the road full of
shrubs, they are escaping; meanwhile, a shouting assailant picks up the gun, and jumped
out of car and runs after them. The man with the instinct of an animal follows their
footsteps. Nicholas looks at the child and said:
- “He still has the gun. If we are caught, that man will be able to shoot us”
-“What are we going to do?” Said the kid.
- “Let's separate then, if he catches me if he will not catch you and you may go for help”
Said Niko
-“It’s a deal” said the kid.
The child runs to his right and Nicholas, somewhat confusing spins in circles, until at one
place the assailant appears behind him, pointing a gun at him
- “You wanted to escape, didn’t you? Told gunman very angry.
-“By all means” Answered Niko with anger
-“And the boy?” asked the gunman
-“I do not know. He fled to the other side” Stated Niko
- “Don’t lie at me, damn man!” - Said, giving him a kick in the ankle - let's look he
shouldn’t be far away, but first I'm going to tie your hands and feet. Remember I told you
no gimmicks, I’m losing my patience
A few meters there was a hidden child, trembling. The man drove up Nicolas to his car
with his hands tied behind his back and then throw it in the back seat, his feet bound at the
ankles and simultaneously he tied his hands against the front seat of the car; eaving him
completely immobile. Then he went to look for the child without success, because despite
being a few meters from him he could not discover him.
- “Little shit! - He exclaimed. He took the car keys from Nicholas and got into the car
sitting in the driver's seat.
“Damn it, if I’m not in time. He will regret and all will be lost” Said gunman
-“What are you talking about?” Requested Niko
-“About all the time we have lost thanks of you and that boy of the demon” Declared
- “Please tell me! Are you going to kill me? Asked Niko.
-“No, if it isn’t necessary. Now shut your mouth, we go to the Elqui Valley. Said gunman.
And he left.
The boy went to the road to see the car going away and stopped the first car on the route by
hitchhiking. It was a white Toyota Corona, a beautiful and elegant woman was driving it;
she asked him:
- “What's the matter, kid?” Asked the woman
- “An assailant kidnapped a man who was buying at the supermarket” Answered the kid
- “What is your relation to him?” In quested the woman
-“I take care of the parked cars there, only that” Declared the boy.
-“Oh Yes! The shooting! He must be one of those assailants. What is your friend like?”
Inquired the woman.
-“He is tall with a mustache” Said the kid Don’t you know his name? Inquired the woman

“No, I don’t but he is an excellent person” said the kid.

- “What is he wearing?” asked the woman

“A sport brown jacket” He answered
- “And white shirt?” She suggested
-“Yes, you’re right” He answered.
- “With a gray tie?” Continued the lady.
-“Yes, a blue tie” He replied.
- “It’s him!” She declared
- “Who?” Requested the kid
- “Get in , we're going after him” Ordered the woman.
- “But do you know him?” Insisted the boy
- “Let’s say I haven’t seen him for a long time” Confessed the woman
The child was picked up by the Toyota car and left behind the maroon car.
- “We will accelerate to reach them. We will follow them at short distance. If we see as a
patrol, we call its attention” Said the woman
“Could it be dangerous?” Told the boy.
- Sure it could be, but I have to talk to Nicholas” Declared the woman.
- “Were you his girlfriend?” Questioned the boy.
- “God knows more but finds out less, boy” Said the lady
- “As you talk it seems you did something against him” suggested the kid
-Something against him? Ha! Ha! Ha!, who knows? She said laughing
-“He knows?” He replied
- “Of course he knows!” Told the lady.
Meanwhile, in the other car the man realizes that is being followed.
- “For a long time a white Toyota has been behind us. I will slow down for it to go ahead”
asserted the gunman.
The man took his foot off the accelerator but the white car did the same.
-“That’s weird! The car doesn’t want to overtake. Perhaps that child.. May have found
someone" - thought Nicholas inside.
- “I will accelerate now to see if it is a wrong perception” Said gunman.
- The man sank his foot on the accelerator and the car going behind did the same.
- “No, it's not my idea. They are Following us; They should be them.
“Them? Who?”
- “Those who pursue me”
- Who is pursuing you?
- “Some damn bastards”
-“What are you going to do?”
-“Just what we need. I will overtake that tractor-trailer to lose them
- “What will you pretend to achieve?”
“This! See what happens”
The man anticipates the trailer and then put on his right and following the same speed of
the truck remained long minutes until the white car passed forward as a fireball.
-“It was just as I expected” said gunman with pleasure.
-“What's going on? - Asked Nicholas all over tied and face down in the back seat.
-“Now let’s follow them instead.
Meanwhile inside the Toyota, the woman was frightened:

- “What is it, ma'am?” Asked the kid

- “The assailant realized that we were following them and made a dirty trick” She
“What will we do now?” Inquired the boy
-“Just run away from him” Declared the woman.
-“Don’t you have a cell phone?” Asked the boy and the woman answered:
- “No they haven’t delivered yet”
- “So what will you do then? The road is deserted and everything looks so empty” Stated
the boy extremely worried.
- “We will try to get to Los Vilos avoiding they could reach us”
“But he comes very close” - the boy said looking back.
The man was a master of driving, while women felt inexperienced. He began a spectacular
chase. Finally the man overtook the Toyota, hitting it with his car the woman’s. This
destabilized her car at full of speed and ran off the road, falling down in a small -
chasm. The woman and the child escaped unharmed; They got out of the car and
ran into some tall grass to hide. E1 assailant got out of the car of Nicolas, who remained
attached to the back seat. The boy and the woman decided to flee in opposite directions; the
man followed the trail of the woman led by the strong smelling of her perfume; the lady
was tired and sat for a while reflecting:
- “Why did I ever get into this? ”Just in that moment she heard someone saying:
-“Look at what we have here!” It was the assailant so she begged:
- “Don’t hurt me please!” The said with a rough voice:
-“ Who are you and why were you following me?”. She replied with innocence:
- I wasn’t. You were following me” the man laughed ironically and said:
-“Very funny no doubt” and added Where’s the child?”. The woman answered coldly:
-Which one?. The man didn’t stop her game and said:
- “The one that stopped you on the road” The woman went on lying:
-“ I do not know who you mean” Then, the assailant started to lose his temper and told:
-“Where did he go? I do not want to be rude” The woman scared replied:
- “He fled towards the river” The man uncertain said:
- “That should mean he went the other side, didn’t he?
- “No, Don’t try to confuse me? She said.
- “You don’t know what you have mixed on” Said the assailant in a threatening tone.
- “What will you do with me? She asked
-“ First of all, tie your hands and feet” He replied
-“And after that? She inquired extremely concerned
-Who knows? Perhaps take you with your friend Elqui Valley.
- “Nicholas, where he is?” She requested
The man did not answer. He tied her feet and hands to a tree and went to get
Nicholas from the car; he got with him in between the grasslands to hide. Nicholas stood
before the woman tied.The man said shortly afterwards:
- I'll go for that child, we aren’t leaving without him. He has already caused many
- “What will you do to him?” Asked the woman
- “Only what he sought” replied the assailant
“Will you kill him? Don’t you have children?” Shouted the woman

“Shut up or I gag you; After all, who's going to hear you in this place” Declared the man
and walked forward going inside the long grass.
-“Nicholas, do something, please! She begged
“What? Would I you know? Asked Nicholas
-“What a strange way to meet us again!” declared the woman
-“Who are you?” Questioned Niko
- “Don’t you remember me? You don’t recognize me as at the supermarket? She said
- “You were there?” He asked
- “From there I have been following you” She confessed.
-“What for?” He requested
- “Because a woman scorned by a man never forgets” She declared openly.
-“Are you Becky! He exclaimed surprised
-“What happens to you? Are you confused? I'm not the "ugly duckling" anymore. You left
me pregnant, remember?” Said the woman with tears falling down her eyes
-“What do you say! Were you pregnant? He asked pale by the new.
- “Yes, but you didn’t care, anyhow” she said with pain
-“I didn’t know it! I didn’t know it! I promise” He said desperate
-“But if you had known things wouldn’t have changed at all? Didn’t you already have
plans with who is now your wife? Who gave you the money and the status I couldn’t and to
why denying it, she was also prettier? You had no choice
- - “And was that child born?” Asked Niko
-“Do you really mind? She asked.
-“What do you think? He requested
- “I don’t know, but I know in the hands of the assailant we’ll all die” She said with
-“He will not kill us. All he wants is to get to Valle del Elqui. Cleared up Niko.
“What for? She asked
“How should I know? He has something or someone waiting there for him.
-“He cannot understand that if we go with him we will be witness against him: he knows
we could go to the police. When being able to ponderate that we will be in danger” said the
-“You are right. I’m sorry I don’t know how to escape I cannot untie me, damn it!”
Confessed Niko.
-“I know what you mean I once felt like you feel know; All over tied” She stated sadly..
- “Was that child born?” He insisted
- “What do you want to know that for?” she asked
- “It’s my last wish before I died ...” He answered
- “He's fine, if that releases you” She stated with reserve.
- “Who is he with?” Demanded Niko.
- “What could I say? He is okay, that's all” She whispered
-“Please...! He urged
-“Alright! With my parents” she said trying to escape from his questions.
- “I knew they had died in an accident” He said trying to prove her.
- “So you knew things about me after all! She complained
- “I only knew that, but nothing else” He replied
- “Did you know anything about your son? She in quested
- “Nothing! If I had known anything I wouldn’t have asked” He replied

-“I gave him up for adoption”.

-“Why did you do that?” He asked
-“I couldn’t offer him a family, money, security; anything he needed to survive” She said.
- “And that car, your clothes ...?” He replied
- “I've done well, lately” She answered
- “Then you could raise him” He said
- “No, I couldn’t do it in that moment” She said defending herself..
“Why? You have money now” Stated Niko
- “Well, yes I have money now, but that’s just because I sold my son to a rich American
couple. They paid me good money” told the woman.
- “How could you do that?” Complained Niko
- “How could you leave him without a father?” She replied.
- “You are a mercenary” Accused Niko.
- “My God, Nicholas! Are you going to give me moral lessons? You; that marry for
money? Said angrily
- “My life hasn’t been easy” Defended Niko
- “Mine either, especially after I met you” She said.
- “It was your destiny” He said.
- “And now that we're going to die you make fun of me” Criticized the woman and added:
-“Yes, because all you have achieved in life doesn’t serve at the time of death”
-“You are a...” Was saying Niko when he was interrupted but the assailant returning very
upset exclaiming:
- “Damn brat! He is lost or very well hidden”
- “And what will you do then?” asked Niko
- “I have no choice” Answered the assailant
- “Are you going to kill us?” Asked the woman
-No, I don’t. Replied the man
-“Don’t you? Asked Niko
- “No, I'll tell you the truth and after that you will decide” Said the man.
-“Decide what? Asked the woman.
- “If you help me or not” Said the man.
-“Help you do what?” Asked Niko
- “To save humanity” Said surprisingly the assailant.
-“What are you saying? You are a bank robber fleeing abducting people at gunpoint”
Said the woman.
- “I haven’t robbed any bank” told the man.
- “What about the shooting near the supermarket?” Inquired Niko
- “I fled from my captors” Declared the man.
-“What are you telling? You were the kidnapped? Asked Niko
- “Yes, I was for a few gringos” Stated the man.
-“Why would they do that?” Asked the woman
- “That's the truth I would like tell” Expressed the man.
- “We listen to you but you’d better untie us first”
- “I'll do it after you hear” Explain the man..
- Almost fifteen years ago we began to develop the idea of achieving a computer able to get
the images and the sounds that are made in our minds.
- “It’s amazing but crazy” Exclaimed Niko.

-“Be silent; listen to me, please, then you will talk all you want

“I have little time to react and do something” Warned the man.

“Do what? Asked” To prevent what Miller propose to get

“Who is Miller and what does he propose to get?”

- “He pretends to put the humanity at his service” declared the man.
- “I can’t find a reasonable relation with us” Exclaimed Niko
- “That’s a reason to hear” Declared the man
-“Go ahead! We are all ears” Said Niko
- As I was telling, fifteen years ago some people began to work a draft on computing and
advanced medical technology. This project aimed, through the waves like an ultrasound and
EEG to take images forged by the mind when thinking. This reproduction was confusing at
first; but with the help of laser and computer graphics decomposition they managed to
reach preliminary figures from consistent dreams on psychiatric patients. Gradually they
progressed and the last hurdle was that the speed of those images was faster than the
computer. Unlike the figures of computing movement with the video, but in reverse there is
a card that produced the balanced in computer speeds images. I managed to create the card;
I was congratulated and celebrated by my achievement. That night of festivities, amid the
euphoria we decided to make a joke and at the same time the machine test. So, we made
Mr. Miller sleep and we amazingly discover when checking the images on his mind that he
had made plans with the machine and he wanted to take advantage of these advances in
communications technology to be able to convey signals from one exact point on Earth to
any place on Earth.
-“One moment, please! What kind of signs? I don’t understand how they managed to take
pictures of the mind, yet” Expressed Niko.
“Well, what I did not tell you is that as we managed to take pictures of the mind, we could
also introduce them into it.” Confessed the man
-“What do you mean by that?” Asked Becky
- “It is clear, Becky. They could take pictures of the mind, put them in a video, copy them
and then put them in another mind” said Niko
- “Of course that could also be done, but that's not the point. With this achievement the
psychiatry could return to normal the sick minds by changing their ravings for realities”
Added the man and he continued to talk:
-“In addition, the police would be able to see the murders in the minds of the murderers or
someone just thinking could create stories record them in a video and display images
-“A new cinema-like art” exclaimed Niko
- “Well, what do you want us to do?” In quested Niko.
- “Help me destroy Miller” He declared.
- “Why must we believe you?” Asked Becky.
- “Yes, how do we know you will not use the card to put the world at your feet? Inquired
- “If it were so I would have accepted the proposal of Miller” Cleared up the man.
- “You're right, I'll help you” Said Niko.

-“I do too; release us at once” Requested Becky.

-“I will trust you and you trust me” Appointed the man
“It’s a deal” Expressed Niko.
The man quickly got into the car and untied them. Nicholas took the wheel, Rebecca sat
beside her. The man with his arms resting on the back of the front seat sat back. Nicholas
breathed deep and so did Rebecca.
- “Now you will not need this” – said Becky taking the gun and putting it in the glove
-“Let’s go to the Elqui Valley to save humanity” Stated Niko.
- “I feel I am member of the Mod Squad” Said Becky with enthusiasm And then she
-“How exciting!
They returned to the road resuming the march. Everyone immersed in their thoughts
without saying anything. Suddenly, Nicholas opened the glove compartment, took the gun
and pointed it at the man to the astonishment of Becky and the man:
-“What happens?” Asked the man still surprised
- “Give me the suitcase” Demanded Nicholas showing a new face
-“What do you want it for? Begged the man.
- “To have that card. Will make me the new owner of the world” Declared shameless.
-“What do you say? Are you kidding?” Expressed Becky
“No, Rebecca, this is the chance every human being is looking for; to submit to the others,
their consciousness” Added Nicholas with wide open eyes that proved ambition and lack of
-“You've gone mad! You don’t know what you're doing!” told Becky
-“Yes, yes, of course I know” And saying this shot the head of the man slumped in the back
seat, which died instantly.
- “Nicholas, You have never control your ambition!” Said Becky disappointed:
-“What about yours!” Challenged Nicholas
-“I will never let you make it” Stated Becky with decision
- “ I won’t allow you to stop the success of my world administration” He told solemnly
-“Just think a little. How will you manage to enter that laboratory if Miller is inside?
Explained Becky.
- “I can’t answer that now I'll think of something. I need time to think” He replied
- “He must have guards. He carries a remote control.
- You do not know how operate computers” Detailed Becky
- “I'm a Computer Engineer. Nothing is so unknown to me in that field” He answered.
- “And what will you do with me? She asked almost foretelling his answer.
- “This” - he said shooting her just in between her eyes. She also died instantly.
After that he wiped the gun and the car. He took the dead corpses one after the other and
threw them into a swamp that was on the edge of the road. He took the briefcase, rubbed
his hands and continued the way. I had so many ideas crossing his mind that he wanted to
put them into order. Suddenly, by mere chance in life he would become the absolute
master of humanity. He could make the dream of Hitler come true. As well as the
Napoleon’s or the Alexander the Great one. He looked ahead and noticed that he had to go
through a toll; it called his attention to see so many cars in a row. He stopped in the queue
and went to see what happened. A policeman said:

- “A guy flees armed with two hostages. Return to your car until your turn for the checking
Nicholas obeyed the instructions .He was waiting when he heard a voice asking:
- “And the lady from the supermarket?” - It was the boy who cared cars, who continued by
“Did you finally get rid of the madman?
-“Madman? Asked Niko
- Yes, I found out He was a schizophrenic who escaped from the psychiatric clinic around
the supermarket .He is very dangerous.
- We are glad he couldn’t catch me, right? Said the boy exciting.
-“A madman you say? He asked livid
- Yeah a madman, a sick mind, that killed two assistants and a doctor on duty. The guards
tried to stop him and followed him, producing an incredible shooting in the neighborhood
What’s the matter? Where is this madman and the blonde lady who used to be your
girlfriend, where is she? What happens? Aren’t you feeling well? Asked the boy but all his
questions were left without answers. People around could only hear a shocking thrill of a
perturbed man whose ambition had gone beyond the limits of what is reasonable:
-“Oh my God! What have I done?!

The End


The night was almost over, and so was the winter; the while nation breathed spring air.
Maybe that night, last winter night, has been the longest; it would be as long as the month
of August that it was told it took the old people to the tomb every year. Anyway Matias
Méndez had already survived it once more and I felt with a renewed vigor. That morning he
had got up early and the sun was burgle ring the corner of the garden of his house and tried
to exceed the curtains of the large window in the living room, there was still a little cold in
the air as he opened the door and went into the garden of his house, it was imperative for
him to go out that morning so having a hat, a warm coat and his favorite scarf he came out
strongly to the street, smiling with satisfaction .He was in his eighties, but he didn’t
represent that age, because his vigorous stamp made him rejuvenate as an old oak tree.
Besides that, his economic achievements had been so outstanding that life seemed to smile
at him.
He had a large family, five children and nine grandchildren, and a bit more, as he used to
say, when mentioning the fact his daughter in law, the one married to his younger son was
in the state of tender expecting of her first baby. He had done well in business; although it
had been only after he was twenty years when he charged his batteries to become who he
was now, before that he had been a young lad like many others in the country, who lead
their lives without wanting to put their shoulders to lift heavy things. He had never been
able to remember what had produced the change of switch in his life direction. To bring
back memories about the events that had changed his life guidelines had been completely
useless so far. He used to think he couldn’t recall because maybe that very moment should
have been so extremely traumatic that his mind just left it blocked forever.
As he felt rejuvenated, the air was different for him. He hadn’t even got a cold that winter;
in fact in many years of intensive work he didn’t even remember to have been ever sick, but
his gait was slow. His steps led him to limits of the suburb neighborhood where he lived

now. He arrived at a bus stop. He sat down to rest just in time when the traffic light was in
red and a bus was a prisoner of it, it was in that moment when he saw ... a young teenager,
who was maybe seventeen years like one of his grandchildren, though his gaze was fixed
on nothing perhaps he was lost in thought. The man was impacted because the youngster
had an expression of unusual distress. As a spring I stood and when the light changed color,
managed to climb to the bus, canceled his fare and went down the hallway if the bus which
came half empty probably because it was Saturday, the young man reminded him of
someone or something he did not know what exactly was, He sat in front of him and began
to contemplate him, his staring at him was so notorious that the young man realized and
starting to feel annoyed and frowned him, but Matias didn’t take the hint, the young man
looked at him visibly upset and asked:
- “What happens to you, old man, what do you want from me?”
- “Excuse me young, I’ve got the feeling we have met before” Replied Matias.
-“Are you sure you have the right person?” Question the youngster.
-“Where are you from?” Questioned the old man
-“What? Why do you need to know?” Exclaimed youngster.
- “You know I have grandchildren of your age, maybe ... you look like Sergio, the second
son of Octavio, my first child, he must be your age.
Do you have problems?” Asked Matias
“Problems! Life itself is a problem” confessed the youngster.
- “Don’t say that! Life is beautiful, you only have to know how to enjoy it” Declared
Matias ,the old man
- “Do you really believe that?” Said the youngster.
- “Certainly, I am convinced about it. You can achieve anything with just wanting it, one
must overcome all barriers that puts our fate” Stated solemnly the old man.
- “Easier said than done! You’d better shut up or else I will declare you a liar” Said young
- “Ok but if I can help you anyway just let me know” Offered The olds man.
- “My mother always taught me not to talk to strangers” told the youngster.
- “What a coincidence! My mother taught me the same
-“You are a complete stranger to me” Said the boy.
“I know let me introduce myself; I’m Matias Méndez ...” He said
- “The owner of the toy store?” He asked
-“The same who wears and speaks here” Exclaimed the old man
- That’s hard to believe! What Would you be doing in a bus?, you’re supposed to have a lot
of money, and a good car with a chauffeur” Said the boy
- “I wanted to walk today it is a very special day for me” Replied the old man
-“I see and what's so special about it?” Inquired the youngster
- “Today is the beginning of the spring ...” Answered old man
- “Let me check your ID to make sure you are who you say you are” Requested the young.
- Sure, here is my name but that's my fantasy name, all the important people use a
nickname to sell my real name is ...” Declared the old man.
- “No, I don’t care about you or fancy names, You’re just deceiving and that's all, Please
tell me what you really want from me?” Demanded the youngster
- “Maybe I just have a strong desire of justifying my existence; I’m glad August didn’t take
me with as it has done with many people of my age.” Replied the old man

-“ I don’t know what that means to you, but for me it means nothing, and I don’t want to
talk to you anymore, understood!” Stated the man emphasizing every word.
“Why so drastic?” In quested the old man
-“Because this world sucks and we all have to be immersed in it”
Confessed the guy
-What’s the matter with you? Questioned the old man
“Nothing special. I’m very disappointed about people in general
.It disgusts me that no one is who pretends to be and as you they use fancy names, they're
all cynical, hypocritical! Isn’t it a real shame? Asked the youngster
- “You shouldn’t generalize Not all are equal; there are some people who fight for high and
noble ideals” Said The old man.
- “Just to give you an example; how would you sustain you are not a cynical, when
declaring, I don`t know with which purpose : “ I’m Matias Mendez”, which is only your
fancy name. Where did you see it Grandpa? Said with sarcasm the young man
- “It's true, it's true, but ...” Accepted the old man being interrupted by the angry youngster:
“But nothing! The only truth is that you're a fag who wants to receive my favors , but
please understand you’re losing your time I am not one of those guys, the only person who
I care about is , Lorena, but she has replaced me by a university student, dammit! As if that
were not enough, my father left the house and my mother had to go to work, and she will
not be able to keep paying the school I go and I must change to a state school. Actually, I'm
not even going to stay in school; I might be even stop living soon ...” Explained the
youngster very depressed.
-“But...” Tried to say the old man being interrupted once more for the guy:
- But nothing, I’ve told you. Just leave me alone I beg you.”
-“I could help you if you let me” Declared the old man
- “What will you give me? Money? In exchange for what? EH!”
Matias did not answer and lowered his head the young man stood up and began to walk
down the aisle toward the door down.
- “Wait! Shouted Matias, but the young man did not answer and made a gesture of disgust
and dropped from the bus as soon as it stopped.
In that moment when the light turned red Matias, who hadn’t understand why he had been
treated in that way, who was that young and why it mattered, then in that precise time he
realized and with difficulty he stood up and shouted:
- “I know who he is ...I know who he is!
In that very moment the traffic light changed color and the driver of the bus resumed the
march, just as Matthias was moving down the hall to get to the driver's side.
- “Wait a moment please!” He begged
“What do you want Grandpa ...?” Asked the driver”
“I’ll get off here” he answered.
- Why didn’t you warn before? I was stuck at the bus stop longer than I thought and now
you come to bother me” complained the driver
“Stop stop! I need to reach that young man the one who got off on the previous
whereabouts” he declared
- “Why? Did he steal you anything?
“No, I have to reach him because he is me, myself when I was that age”. Claimed the old
“What are you saying? Did you get mad!

- “No, you couldn’t understand, please stop me or else I will cease to exist together with all
my offspring ...” told desperate the old man
- “What are you talking grandpa? You’re turning into a real nut!Shoted the driver..
- “No, I don’t expect you could understand .I can’t hardly do it, just stop now Or we’ll
sorry for being too late” Stated old man losing his patience.
- “It's okay I let you get off to stop with all this scrubbing ...” remarked the driver.
Matthias could hardly move with his eighty years over his shoulders. Now he could
remember everything that had happened to him in the past, so he tried to find that young
man who fled from him and everything in his sad life. Sometimes h felt that collapsed and
crumbled in the air. However, he went on with his searching . Finally he reached the corner
and reflected the fact that youngster was him. Him but a lot of years younger .His memory
had refreshed and he could recall at that time was going through a crisis and he had almost
committed suicide if only this young guy could know he had a future; it was essential to
find him and told him he would succeed in business eventually and that he would start a
family; if he killed himself all that would be useless, nothing of what he had accomplished
would exist. In this strange way life had put him face to face to himself, as if he had been in
the past, the time of the greatest crisis in his existence, exactly the part of the story that his
mind refuses to evoke what had occurred in the past and had turned around his whole life.
All that was completely irrational, but in fact if he didn’t prevent the boy about his
promising time ahead all his accomplishments would be killed with him. In the air they
would vanish all his struggles to be someone. The youngster death meant the holocaust of
their children and grandchildren. Something incomprehensible for reasoning but absolutely
real, he was living it and could not ignore it. He turned the corner gasping, his thoughts
were confused with the tiredness he felt his legs hurting by the physical effort deployed ...
After a short passage that ended in an empty site, he finally found what he was looking for.
with a gun in his right hand, pointed at his head, was the youngster, ready to meet with
what he considered his fate.He was going to embrace it when he heard a voice:
-“Don’t do it, please!.
- “The young man hesitated, though he looked decided
- “Henry” ... the old man shouted.
- “How do you know my name?” Said pausing the youngster
- “Because we are the same person at different times” Answered the old man
-“What are you talking about? Crazy old man!” Exclaimed the youngster
- “They say time is a string of seconds composed of our walk in a millionth of figures that
are sequentially ordered according to our actions. For some unknown reason we have
crashed in the time but this should not be a twist of fate, it was strictly necessary to avoid
unreasonable deed that would have ruined our lives .
“You don’t know what you’re saying .You are nut!. Really nut!
- Don’t kill yourself, life will bring only good things for you, you will succeed in life
eventually, you will fall in love again and you'll have mountains of money This is what the
future has for you, please believe me” Said the old man, but the youngster didn’t want to
hear him and just repeated:
- “You must have escaped from a hospital to speak in that way”
- “You have to believe me, put that gun out. If you kill yourself I will also die, I am your
future” told old man desperate
- “Don’t get closer! Not a step more Can you understand?.

- Okay, but don’t fire that gun please!. You will be killing my family too, the same that will
be yours”
- “You know nothing about me, what has happened to me all this time, I've never had
anything to be proud of, living in misery, left by every person I love” Declared with tear
drops falling down his face
-“With the time you will achieve a lot of things, the years will heal all your wounds and
will help you move forward again to get new illusions. Your heart break is only temporary”
Explained the old man
- What could you know about the way I feel?
“I know it more than you believe” Confessed the old man
“Will you continue with the same crazy story” Asked the youngster
-“Henry come and take a look on my license! You will be surprised to notice we have the
same name and same birth date” Invited the old man
-“It's just crazy”
- “It’s the only way I can prove that what I tell it’s true. You have to read it .now” Begged
the old man.
- “It's only a trap to get me” Shouted the youngster
-“No it isn’t .Tell me how I knew your name then?” Replied the old man
- “You said your name was Matias Méndez, didn’t you?” Asked the young man
-“ I don’t remember well where I got that name, but once I had success with it I started to
use it for my business” Answered the old man
- “Leave me alone I only want to die!”
- “You will be killing a promising future” Insisted the old man
- “I have no future! Screamed out loud.
- “I am your living future” Stated the old man
- “You're only a psychotic” Said the young.
- “Don’t shoot” said the old man - and jumped over the young while the boy pulled the
trigger of the gun and fell wrapped in dust and blood.
“Oh no! Cried the old man. And then he shouted: “AN AMBULANCE”. I shall die or
fade away in the air, I feel I’ll extinct fast”
- “Keep away grandpa, I'm a doctor. I will avoid bleeding while the ambulance arrives ...”
Said the doctor
-“ Is he still alive?” He asked
- “Yes, the bullet only grazed his head. He had only a scratch which it heals fast, You have
to go home and rest. At your age you have to avoid strong emotions. There will be time
later for the police report and testify”
“I can’t do that, the young man and I are the same person; however, he only exists sixty-
three years ago, but He is here now”
-“What are you saying? Asked the doctor.
- Forget it! Will he get well?” Asked the old man.
- “Of course He will do. The head is high-strung and bleeds too much in proportion to the
damage, but I assure the bullet did not penetrate deep” Told the doctor
- “Then, he will survive ...” Suggested old man.
- “Sure, but keep apart, here comes the ambulance” Shouted the doctor.
- “I’ll go with you to the hospital ...” Said determined the old man
- “You can make it there you will be only an obstacle. Grandpa return home; just leave me
your address, please”

-“In what hospital will he be?” Demanded the old man

- “I don’t know yet, in the closest I guess” Answered the doctor
The old man watched with great apprehension everything was very fast, some orderlies put
him in the ambulance and this left, while increasingly distant sirens were heard, people who
had gathered around the wounded - was slowly dispersing. Matias Méndez had had a
very special day, but calmer reflected: “if I hadn’t gone for a walk this morning would I
still be alive” He couldn’t find the answer but maybe in the depths of her being and soul
had a slight uneasiness.




It was nearly three o'clock in the morning in the control room of department stores CHILE-
TODAY. The guards who watched to make sure everything ran without any setbacks,
repeatedly blinked and opened their eyes, trying not to fall asleep, and supervised the
monitor screens of the closed circuit television that showed the entire warehouse units.
Suddenly George Dons cry:
“Store house B1”!
This woke up Hannibal who had stayed resolutely asleep.
-“What's going on?” Asked startled.
- “I saw a weird shadow moving in the store houseB1
- “That’s impossible! It must be your imagination”
-“ No, it isn’t ... Look moves the googles to the right.
- “It seems you're right ... I see something strange, but I can’t distinguish what it is really.
The image is confusing”.
- “He must be using makeup to hide his face”
- “Do I sound the alarm?” Asked Hannibal.
- “No, not yet, we'll see what it is first” Answered George.
- “Alright , let’s go to check it out” Said decidly Hannibal.
They headed for the store house quickly and cautiously, gun in hand and began reviewing
the access corridors until they came strongly to the exact place and then they saw him:
- “A Cro-Magnon ...!” - Shouted Hannibal.
“What is that?” –Asked George scared and surprised
“It is a kind of prehistoric man ...” Declared Hannibal who couldn’t believe his eyes
- “And how did he get here?” Inquired his mate
- “I don’t know but I was dreaming of something similar just a moment ago, when got
asleep” Confessed Hannibal
-“What do you mean by that? Asked George.
- “Today before coming I was watching a film related to this topic that explained the way
people communicated at that time; they did it only by gestures” Said Hannibal
- “And did this man escaped out that movie?” Asked George laughing
- - “No, I think he has escaped out of my dream”
- “You have to be crazy to suggest something like that. How could that happen? That’s not
reasonable. He must be a thief in a fancy dress who is disguising” Stated George trying to
put his feet back on the ground. So He took action against the man by saying:
“Stop there! hands up”
-“Don’t you understand, it is a prehistoric man, look how he runs from side to side like a
chimpanzee, He can only communicate by the sign language” Told Hannibal

-Will you continue with the same absurd story; it’s just crazy. Nobody can come out from
our dreams!
-“You have to believe me. It is absolutely true! Begged Hannibal.
-“How would that be possible” how would he materialize? What for? All that has no sense,
no logical explanation” Clarified George
-“He wants to tell us something look how he makes some gestures to us. Don’t do anything
you should regret afterwards! Don’t shoot him please!” Claimed Hannibal adding:
- “Look what’s behind him what is it? If I’m not wrong that's a pterodactyl”
-“Did it also come out of your dreams? Asked George.
-“Yeah, I think so, Watch out! Watch out!. Warned
-“Moron, why didn’t you dream of a blonde naked woman? What are we going to do now?
Inquired George without losing his sense of humor.
“I don’t know, be careful! be careful !, Watch out!”
-“What happens to you, George? Why do you cry in that way?” Asked Hannibal
- The pterodactyl. Exclaimed George
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about? Wake up better, please!” Requested
“What's up? Where I am? He asked
-“George You are in the Control room you fell asleep you were having a nightmare”
Cleared up Hannibal
-“Didn’t we go down to the store house B1 when we saw a prehistoric man through the
camera? Asked George
-“What are you saying? You’ve been snoring here for about an hour” Stated Hannibal
- “So it was only a dream, right?” He demanded
Wait a minute! What’s that in B1? I’m sure I saw something is moving there” Observed
-“Goodness me what's going on now?” Asked George
- “for sure there's someone in the B1” said Hannibal
- “Exactly as in my dream. It may come true my God! Exclaimed George
- “What was your primitive like?
- “He was similar to chimpanzee, I guess”
- “Move the sights to check out better ... look there is someone but He can’t be compared to
a chimpanzee; it is only a teenager”
- “But why is he wearing that white robe?”
- Yes, that’s strange, as strange as his shaved brilliant head”
- “What is he doing there wearing in such a way?”
“Maybe he has he been imprisoned accident in that store house”
- “Or he might be a sexual pervert, According to the way he dresses”
“The most outstanding feature he has is that skinny head. There are so freaks out there”
- “Well, we have to get him out of the store and give him to the police”
- “I’ve got my apprehensions on the matter”
- “What should you fear?”
- “I don’t fear, however you can’t deny this strange baldy looks like someone taken out
from thriller film”
- “You shouldn’t allow yourself to think this nonsense; let’s go for him, it’s our duty”
-“Can’t you go alone, please?”

“Ah! I see the problem is that you are scared. I’ll refresh your memory; we’re paid to do
this job. Come with me, you know these kinds of things are day bread in what we do, so
let's go behind this strange individual, he must be another drug addict who lost his way.
Move yourself! We have to justify our salary”
- “OK but I can’t help wondering what he is doing around here”
- “That's what we must find out. Just stop your fantasies with prehistoric men and
pterodactyls” ...
“It is true that dream left me confused. Let’s meet that bald transvestite.
They went downstairs and opened the gateway that led to the store house with guns in their
hands. There it was the young man calmly watching as if he wanted to say something.
-“What are you doing here?” interrogated George.
The young man did not answer and looked without understanding.
“Why don’t you answer?” Asked George.
-“He wants to communicate with his eyes” Said Hannibal.
-“You’re starting again with your weird stuff. Call the cops to take him away, that’s all.”
Said George
- “Sorry but he wants to tell us something” Interrupted Hannibal
“Why doesn’t he speak, perhaps he’s dumb” Commented George and then addressing the
young added:
-“Go up! What's the matter? Can’t you hear me? Let’s walk toward the control room”.
- “He is also deaf” Declared Hannibal
-“Nonsense” Said George and directing to the young ordered: “walk! Then approaching
him tried to kick him; amazingly there was something around him that acted as shield an
invisible energy that violently blocked his hit and dropped George who had to feel the
rough floor.
“What happened to you?” Asked Hannibal.
“He threw me away” Confessed George...
“How did he do that without moving a muscle? What are we going to do? In quested
“Shoot him!” Ordered George
- “I wish I could but I can’t. My fingers are paralyzed” Declared desperate Hannibal.
In that moment, for their surprise the young made his voice hear telling:
- “Do not be afraid will not hurt you”.
- “Ah yeah you can talk! Then, tell us what are you doing here?” Questioned George.
-“I’ve traveled through my sleep with the primitive beings like you” Answered the young.
-“Are you mad? you don’t know what you’re saying” Shouted George. ...
- “I have tried to communicate with you telepathically but your primitive brains failed to
capture my thoughts” Asserted the young.
“We? Primitive? You’re talking to people who have lived more than twenty centuries”
Stated Hannibal
- ¿ - “History research has proved that normal beings communicated orally until
about the year three thousand. We don’t use that basic communication in our time; we
express only telepathically” Replied The young man
-“Are you from the Tibet?” Asked George
-“No, I'm not, I come from the year five thousand; I’m making an effort to communicate
using this ancient oral way.In my time we practice mind reading, rather than hearing what

people say, so we just think and we understand each other. It is an introspective life where
you can’t have bad thoughts or evil plans” Explained young man
-“Please, tell me more” Begged Hannibal.
-“we live more within ourselves than superficially. We sleep long hour, since we travel
through the dreams we can get inside any dream and reach any time of human existence; It
is like a cocoon, I mean Travelling enveloped in a protective and comfort way” Described
the young man.
-“I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you’re saying, what are you talking about?. Be
more specific, please
-“I’m trying to say you are one of my dreams in my present life, the future for you”
Clarified the young man
“I'm not anyone's dream; I am an independent being who exist” Screamed George
- Existing or not my mind has created you as an image of the past, Projecting myself from
the year five thousand to 1999. This is a very special time because you will be experiencing
a decisive change in your society, that will allow us in the future to live as we live now.
-What’s that change?
- A marked decrease from the prominent materialism that you are involved now to a more
spiritual life, because if they had continued that way you were entitled to self-destruction.
This particular change will stimuli the use of the mind that in the next millennium will be
crucial to develop our nowadays state of fullness .It’s good for you to know that mankind
will be finally happy in my time” Said the young man enthusiastic..
- “You must know I’m coming from home, where I left my wife and kids who are my
most valuable treasure”
-“Quite right, I understand, at this time family is still the basis of society, though that fact
will also changes in the next millennium because we’ll all seek a more contemplative life
seeking to find answers to the great questions of our existence, worries that will still persist
in humans for a while” Stated the young man.
“And how do you reproduce? Asked George with curiosity. Young man Answered:
“We are all the result of a laboratory work. We use in-vitro pregnancy, and artificial
wombs, we are incubated scientifically. Only the necessary life is created and is regulated
to expand in all its potential”
-“ I can’t imagine life constrained with those conditions , it must be boring” Declared
- “But who really exist, you or us? Who is figuring out whom?” Interrupted Hannibal
- “Everyone has a time to exist” Reflected the young man.
- Is there death in your time? Asked George.
- “Sure, but it is only a change of state of matter, tissue regeneration you enter the lab and
they put you back in a good shape. They actually make you born again, however you keep
an awareness of who you were before, it’s the mind of someone whose body no longer
serves its stuff but this is regenerated to go on its way to reach fullness.”
-Does that mean in your time babies can think? Asked Hannibal
- Of course, that allows the brain to mature better and deeper developing as a great
emotional intelligence conductor to know how to live or adapt to changes” Explained the
young man.
- “What will happen to us if you cease to dream us?” Asked George

You will still exist in your time with your surroundings.

- Do you guarantee we will exist in flesh and bones? Demanded Hannibal.
- Of course you do, you will always be the same people at the same time, as the Cro-
Magnon in his, whether I think you or not. Concluded the young man ready to go back to
his times to exist too.



By that morning, the question of the day in the town of Charming was Where Juan Perez
was? Where had he been hiding? Or who could be hiding him? were the two questions that
local people and of course the ones of two strangers who sought him almost desperately, to
settle accounts with him, apparently he owed him something, perhaps a lot of money, by
the tone of voice they used when they asked for him; naturally, they didn’t say or explain
why and what they sought for. As a result of the curiosity that caused this situation, a series
of rumors were running, all of them responding to the pressure of the outsiders who were
looking for him; It seems that he left the village or maybe he is dead in some path anywhere
.He could have fallen into the river and then he was dragged downstream. No one has seen
or heard from him since yesterday; it looked as if Juan Perez had been swallowed by the
earth; certainly none of these answers or comments contented to outsiders who desperately
continued their searching:
“Why are you seeking him? What are you going to do to him when you find him? What has
he done to you?” - had asked Jacinto when being questioned by strangers, those showing a
ten thousand pesos bill to encourage him:
-“Do you know anything?, yes or no? Well, we’ll pay any piece of information or track that
may lead to locate him”
-“I know nothing at all” Answered Jacinto
- “Something that you could remember for sure it would be useful for us” Said the men
- “He was a” poor devil” who appeared one day in the village. Nobody caught him too
much. He spoke rather strange” told Jacinto with despair
“With foreign accent perhaps?” They asked
- “No exactly; I think he spoke slow and tangled. He skipped from one topic to the other”
He described.
- “Inconsistencies ...?” they asked
“Yes, just what you say” Expressed Jacinto.
- “I thought this was going to happen” said one of the men
“Why? How could you know?”
- Listen Jacinto: We make the questions; is it clear?” Determined one of the men
- “I haven’t answered anything yet have I? Replied Jacinto.
- - “Nothing yet, but keep talking. Tell us what else do you remember?” they said
- -“we all avoided meeting him. He smelled very bad, since he never bathed. He is
as dirty as pig. He continually scratched his head and his body seems to be
flaky. The fact is we all tried to be far from him, even though, he always found
someone to help him.
- - “What kind of help did they give him?” asked one of the outsiders
- - “They gave him food, some people in town even took him to their homes, but he
himself liked to sleep in the squares or at the side of the road. He is inevitably a
wanderer” Said Jacinto.

- -“What do you mean by that?” asked one of the outsiders

- - That he was born to lead that kind of life and nothing in it is going to change. If
he is still alive. Will you try to kill him?” Questioned Jacinto
- “Of course not” they replied.
- - “I said if He is still alive because to sleep outdoors is risky” Declared Jacinto.
- “Head to the night!” Told one of the outsiders
- - “You are talking like him” Stated Jacinto
- “You don’t know what you say?” Said the outsider
- “Maybe, but I didn’t understand him as Lucy did” Expressed Jacinto.
- - “Who is Lucy?” They demanded
- - “She is an old single woman as crazy as a loon as people say who fell in love
with him” Said Jacinto
- - “Tell us about it” Requested the outsiders
- - “What of importance could I say?” Claimed Jacinto.
- - “Everything you know is of importance” said the outsider.
- - Oh no, I don’t want to be mixed up in anyone's life since after that people say
you’re a gossiper ...” Told Jacinto
- -“Who would say such a thing?” asked the outsiders
- - The town people, you don’t know the way they are” Said Jacinto.
- - “How old is she? I mean Lucy” Asked one outsider
- - “She’s an old woman, older than a flock of parrots” Declared Jacinto.
- - “It's funny, but tell me how did she fall in love with Juan Perez?” Asked
- - “I don’t know if it's true, sometimes people talk only because they malicious, but
it’s commented she had a love affair when she was young” explain Jacinto
- - “Yeah, and what was the trouble with it?” Asked one of the outsider
- - “Well, she fell in love with a guy of the capital who came to town in those years
and he left her pregnant, it was a matter renowned for those years in the village.
She is the daughter of a wealthy merchant who at death left her his home and
business, but she haven’t had head to manage all and she has been has losing
everything, she now owns a seedy rundown store where Juan Perez went ask
for bread. I don’t know how he softened her heart when she’s a despot and
bitter spinster” Detailed Jacinto
- -“She’s maybe so for what happened to her fatherless son” Said one outsider
- Yes, after she had her son in the village people made life impossible for both
.They all just called him the orphan, so life turned complex for them here.
They never let him live in peace so as soon as he grew up when he was only
fifteen he caught his things and took his way out this town .We haven’t known
about him since then ;even though, that happened so many years ago. She never
received any letter from his son. You know what some people say, that her son
is the mere Juan Perez himself.” Ended Jacinto
- “Why would they say that? Asked one outsider
- -“For the way she looks at him as if he reminded her of that capital guy
- - who was the father of her child.
- - That's right, but that guy must be an old man now” reflected the outsider and
- - “How old is Juan Perez”

- - It is impossible to calculate, but for me he is as young as his son what happens is

that it has abused of his body a lot for the kind of life he has led” Answered
- - “then what happened to this lady and Juan Perez?”
- - She took him home to live with her; but he always escaped. We were sorry at the
way she was after him looking for him all these times. It was really painful to
me; believe me. I don’t how she always persuaded him to come back, but after
a few days he ran away again to repeat de vicious circle” explained Jacinto
- - Do you believe that ... they were…? Started to say the outsider but he didn’t
dare to finish
- -“They were what?” asked Jacinto
- - “Well ... they were a couple or so” completed the outsider
- “See if they slept together or not ,it’s a matter I’m absolutely unaware of .I never enter
someone else bedrooms and I try to not I mix up in anyone's life; but if you asked me to
give my opinion I would have to say yes .
-“Thanks Jacinto, take this money!” said one of the outsider extending him to bills of ten
thousand pesos.
- “But I have not said anything, I have no idea where it may be this Juan Perez” he
complained after receiving the money.
-“ We know Jacinto, now can you tell us where this particular lady lives?”Requested the
“Don’t tell me you‘re going to see her!” Stated Jacinto
“Of course we’ll do visit her” They answered
- “Ok but make her clear I haven’t said anything about her life ...”Warned Jacinth
-“Certainly, Jacinto will keep that in mind but what's her name? and where does she live?”
Asked one of the outsiders.
-“Everyone calls her “
mad Lucy. She lives down the path which is up the hill” Directed Jacinto signing with his
“Many thanks Jacinto! You have been very helpful! Bye...”
“What about another bill?... see things are not going very well around here !” Requested
Jacinth with smartness.
-“Oh sorry I was forgetting your reward even though I know how uninterested you are.
Please take this money I hope it will be useful for you Bye” Said the men ironically...
Strangers walked away down the road with the certainty of having something to locate the
mere Juan Perez. They headed towards mad Lucy house "mad Lucy" as he had called her
Jacinth. Once on the hill they distinguished the house; it was an old country farmhouse, half
abandoned, where the time had left its marks on every corner, the grown weeds and stained
walls, noticeably peeling, the glass of the wet windows looked shabby. All there seemed
not to give a good welcome. They called aloud, that woman " the mad Lucy" as he had
called her out Jacinth. It did not take long for the woman to show up, disheveled and half
wiping her hands on her apron apparently she was cooking something.
- “Good evening, are you Lucy? ...” Greeted one of the outsiders
- “Yes, I am. Who are you? And what do you want here? Answer quickly; please because
I'm in a hurry I have a kuchen in the oven” Said the woman on a very unfriendly tone
“We would like to have a word with you ...” explained one of the outsider
-“About what? Be fast because I don’t have much time.

- “May we come in for a while? Asked the other outsider.

-“No you may not, but since you are here, please tell me, what you want?” she answered.
- “We want to know about a friend of yours” Told one of the outsiders
- Ah ... you are the outsiders who are running after Johnny. What do you want from him?
Why are you seeking him?” Inquired mad Lucy
- “Do you know where we could find him” In quested one of the outsiders
- “No, I don’t imagine where he could be. He must be walking around, he’s a wanderer you
know. I only wanted help me more than once. ...” Declare mad Lucy
“Why did you want to help him? Asked one outsider
- “What were your reasons to help him? Demanded the outsiders
- That’s none on your business or on anyone else business here! Anyway it is not what you
imagine and what people of this town of hell imagine. Sorry but your time is over” Said the
woman angrily.
-“Is he your son? They asked.
“What? Are you crazy? What people of this shitty town might have told you, it’s all just
“Our interest is not what you think” confessed one of the outsiders
- - You could never know what I think; these people are never going to get tired

of mixing up in my life, for them it’s not enough to hurt my son’s feelings;

everyone bothered until they destroyed his self-image. Orphaned of the mad

they used to call him throwing all my sins over him; what on the hell made

them be involved on what I may have done with my life, I have already paid

enough for that. The very fact of blaming on an innocent creature for all the

mistakes I have had in all my life story sounds repulsive. But these damned

pigs cursed him with no rest until he felt humiliated, and totally destroyed.

What else do they want? Since the day he left I haven’t heard a word from him,

I think he ended up hating me just because of them. They never understood

how much I loved his father or how much I hated him after leaving me. What

else do they want with all this stuff? Why can’t they see I’m, like my son, a

destroyed person? Well, of course I am” declared the woman and her voice

broke visibly

- distraught; She hid her eyes looking down motioned to go back into the house.

- “Sorry Miss! Please don’t think we wanted to hurt you remembering al this” Said
one of the outsider.
- -“Do not worry I’ve spent many years defending myself about this. I still don’t
think it was a sin and if it were a mistake that’s not important anymore”
Exclaimed the woman.
- -“Sorry for insisting on the matter, due the circumstances but we need to know
whether Juan Perez is your child or not?” asked the outsiders
- - “How would this change things? Replied the woman
- -“Listen to me: If Juan is your son he is the heir to a vast fortune left by his
father” Announced the outsiders.
- -“His father, what can you tell about him?” Claimed the woman
- - “He's dead. He died repented of all damage that caused to you and your child”
Declared the outsider
- - “How could he know about the damage done? Stated the woman
- - “Every man has a conscience and when something bothers you in this, never let
you have peace. He worked a lot, became an entrepreneur. His money grew up
and multiplied his profits; He married a capital city woman with whom he had
no children and they didn’t even heard of happiness. His life was a tragedy. He
had all the material things a man can aspire, but he was never happy with her”
Declared the outsiders
- “Are you sure you have the right person?” She asked.
- - “Look! You’ve been very honest with us and so we should also be with you. I
feel it a duty after all we’ve heard today” Stated one of the outsiders
- -“Who are you, then? She asked
- - “I'm his lawyer and friend, My partner here is the responsible of his business. He
commanded us to find you and your son and we hoped to do it easily, we
learned all the history we made some inquiries but we lost his trail when he left
- -“Well, I think You've wasted your time. He is not my son” Declared the woman.
- “Will you make us believe that a stranger would cause you so much

- concern. Where is your son then?” They asked

- “He died...” she replied

. When did you know it?” They inquired

- “A few years ago, I received the information, from a traveling salesman He saw him for
the last time after he fell off from a train wagon” Explained the woman
-“Is that true? Asked the outsiders
- “No, it is a vulgar lie”. Said a man sticking out the front door. He was wearing poorly and
he had a half-grown beard.
- “Who are you?” asked one of the outsiders guessing the answer.
- “I’m Juan Perez; the one that you’re looking for. I've heard enough from the kitchen
where I hid when I see you coming” Said the wanderer with security
- “And what else do you declare?” Asked one of the outsider
-“I declared she's my mother” Said the wanderer
- “My dear son, we don’t need that money” Said Lucy

-“Why not Miss? This money is yours, you have already suffered enough, and this could
give a new life, a change you both deserve” Said the lawyer
- “Mom, I think we have to accept this chance life is giving us. It should be the solution to
all our problems” Said Juan
“You may leave this town. You will be the owner of several properties .we will ensure you
receive everything that legally belong to you according to your father’s will” Affirmed The
- “What are we going to do in the capital?” Asked Lucy
“Mom! Let’s pack up and get out of here forever. Don’t delay, please!” Begged Juan
- “But I still have to prepare so many things” Said Lucy
- “Forget about that everything, you won’t need anything there. We’ll personally put
everything in order here. Life not always gives you the chance to be happy and get what
you have dreamed. Think that your father was never happy in life but wherever he is now
he will have the opportunity to be happy when seeing you and your mother living so happy
using the social position you should have had forever for being his authentic wife and son.



The plane of the Chilean airline perched on the slab of Commodore Arturo Merino Benitez
airport to the expectation of the crowd that came to receive the return from a tour of Europe
of the newly elected President of the Republic Raymond Ibanez Mena, who had promised
to make some confessions about his management in the mandate once the tour ended. That
is why the expectation among his fellow citizens had grown a lot; he had counted on an
overwhelming majority over his electoral rivals. Actually, he had been elected with 87% of
the votes of the electorate; figures that had never seen before in any democratic country.
Base of that support he had managed to gain it through the sympathy that he awakes in the
youth of the country. He had been the host of a popular youth television program, unique in
style which had raised fame and glory to his name. Thereafter, his brilliant thoughts,
transparency and clarity to express his objectives had made him become an incredible
leader. His smart proposals to solve the most serious problems that affected the country.
His human sense, together with the effectiveness to achieve success on most of his projects
had given him a glamor that shines with incandescent lights.
Finally the door of the plane opened, the ladder to come down installed to give way to
dozens of journalists and political party members that formed presidential entourage who
were placed first. When the president finally showed up to the euphoria of his fans that
gathered there, and unfortunate event came to happen; a shot was heard breaking the magic
of the moment and then another and another, they all stayed accurately in the body of the

president who fell victim to the impacts. The guards and the police who were in the place of
course repelled the attack and then unleashed mass hysteria, madness all screamed and ran
in different directions:
As the ambulance was carrying the badly wounded president piercing screams were heard:
“The President. The president has been shot” shouted the crow.
“He’s alive!” declared a voice
- “He's badly hurt” said another.
- “An ambulance he is bleeding, a doctor please” Told someone
“the Entourage member where are they? Asked a woman
- Let him go by, please! Said one of the guards

Journalists from different media crowded around him for the exclusive; it soon appeared an
ambulance in the airport while some doctors tried to stop his bleeding. They were moving
to the nearest hospital or clinic.
“What has happened? Does anyone have an explanation?” were asking the reporters.
“It was a sniper” declared someone of the security
- “Was he caught?” Asked the reporters
-“He killed himself” Answered the keeper
“Where did he shoot from? Continued to asked one of the reporters
- “From the control tower” replied the keeper
-“But how did he get there? Why no proper security measures were taken?” Asked the
- “For the moment nobody knows anything, there will be time to research now the most
important thing is that the president must be saved” Expressed the security man
-“He must be a madman! Only a crazy could done this” Expressed someone among people..
-“What reasons might he have to do something like this?” Asked the press
-“The reason of a mad is not our reasons. It just a real nightmare that hasn’t ended up yet”
said the security guy.
.Nobody knows anything, there will be time to research what is important now is that the
president be saved
. As the ambulance was carrying the badly wounded president piercing screams of pain
were heard: They were the hysterical cries of his followers who couldn’t believe what was
“President! President! You must live!, you cannot die now right now we have put all our
hopes in you Mr. President
Inside the ambulance medical team tried to keep the wounded alive and inside the mind of
the president these cries mingled with the cries of acclamation in his favor, the night he was
elected President of the Republic of Chile. ..
“So fellow citizens, we will begin today to write the most brilliant pages of our history, in
which everyone always wanted to participate, however, so far, many have been
marginalized by the system and while some others self-marginalized when seeing it was
hopeless the struggle to establish lofty ideals in the pursuit of a more just and equitable
society, without losing the freedom to choose the way to a forward world; although We
know will find many closed doors, we also know many others will be opened to our
futuristic vision and perspective. Today we are at the beginning of the year 2000, We are
invited to build participation in our history ahead, because we have now chosen the best

mechanism for doing it; the new democracy Young Chileans, today the doors are open, and
come in to join us in this crucial and historical step for our country, it is imperative to count
on your commitment with us, with the country and with the world ... thank you very much.
The vibrant speech encouraged the present followers who started cheer him up, shouting
the slogans of his campaign:
“Mena! Mena! Mena! Mena yes other not” they said with enthusiasm. He left the place
amidst those cheers and applauses the press was waiting for him:
- “Congratulations president” they said
-“Thank you, thank you...” told the president
-“What will you do now, what's next?” asked a radio reporter, in direct to his studios
-“I’ve just gone elected. Let me assume properly first” he answered
- But What will you do before assuming the charge?” Asked a TV reporter , pointing to his
-“First, I’ll take a few days break to put my ideas into order. Thereafter, I’ll start planning
how to focus my mandate on implementing from the first day this new project of
democracy we have offered the citizens. I mean, the country's participatory democracy ...
mocracy ... mocracy ... mocracy... the last syllabus of his campaign keyword replayed in his
mind, while now he starts to remember the last forum in which he had participated during
his election campaign:
-“Mr. Mena please explain to the country how do you propose to implement that what you
call Participatory Democracy? Had questioned the chairman of the conference
- “The truth is that it is nothing new, I wish I had time to explain it better, though” he said.
- “Take the necessary time we all need to keep clear in mind these innovating ideas on
which it may be based your possible election to be the president of our country.
- Well, then I’ll tell something that everyone is likely to know already but absolutely
necessary to introduce my ideas man from the very beginning. Mankind since the origin
existence has been grouped to live in society. Certain laws are stablished to rule the social
behaviors on behalf of the group. This social control is ranked. In one of these social
groups, known as what we call countries is Greece which is considered to be the cradle of
our culture. Democracy was born there and it is the most important legacy for the western
part of world which countries have adopted as a genuine way to govern. It is true the
fundaments of democracy have evolved for better from its beginnings. This evolution has
been signed for the new
Social urgencies and the needs of the times we live. As far as the opinion of connotative
politicians today it is the least imperfect system to rule countries that exists. Although the
basic principles of democracy is based on the secret ballot and mandate of the majority,
their weaknesses and vices makes us think that the system must evolve even more and
adjustments should even go further to perfect it. Experiments on its conception have been
made in a lot of countries so far. Many of them have brought blood and suffering for
humanity. This should make us
reflect and look for the changes within the system to assure and equitable share of the
common wealth and citizen participation in the big social decisions; perfecting democracy
means to stop privileges of those who have been appointed for the electors who have put
them in their leading positions to represent them and not to empower for personal interests
and benefits I return to say democracy is the least imperfect system of all ; however it has
been created by men who are extremely imperfect that’s why those who believe in it should
make a great effort to turn democracy from being the least imperfect system to the best we

are able to create as human beings. We have that compromise with the history. The main
improvement is in terms of equalizing theory with practice. We have to concrete what we
say in what we do from our perspective, and this has been the basement of our proposal to
the country, the great failure of democratic systems is in the application of its fundaments
on practical and daily things, I mean the real problems people may have from living in our
country or in the planet. Then consistency seems to be the answer and the clue word for all
our evils. It means to look for the solutions in our concepts contrasted with the problems we
are facing for technological advancements, scientific and ethical issues or transculturation
together with the implementation of the economic systems that have been occurring on the
whole planet. All this requires us to understand we are in new political and social scenery.
The world is different from it used to be a century ago. People of this new world want to
participate directly in the changes history is having. My proposal gives common people the
protagonist roles they are demanding. I think my contribution in the field of ideas and
political stuff is to guarantee that even the most humble being of my country and the planet
has something important to say and do we only need to open them real spaces to
participate in the society construction .That's why I invite all those who believe in the
effectiveness of our democratic system to avoid being contaminated with those who don’t
believe in the citizen participation, for they are polarized extremes of the right or left side
of the political spectrum who attempts to dismiss, submit or eliminate anyone who
disagrees with their ideas which are almost always a totalitarian way of promoting a
political slant; as a popular poet said and I do the correction: “The extreme right and left
side will never be defeated because one needs to the other to justify their heinous atrocities
in the name of an ideal or an institution” I think it's time to join those who believe in
progress, leaving behind the old and false paradigms and enter the free play of democracy,
putting the old obsolete and outdated schemes in the historical place they deserve. The old
political views must be replaced for a hopeful modernism that will be an inclusive method
of making the history in union rather than being focused on the interest of any opportunist
candidate that may appear at a certain time.
I propose that we, the people who dominate the different fields in Education, Health and
economy, assume our social responsibilities and work together based in the ideas of this
new democracy; I’m saying
Everyone, not only proficient professionals but also the workers who are in labor to
perform numbers of projects must take the active role on putting the system at the service
of people and not people at the service of the system, as it has been so far. The
contributions of all are necessary to grow and improve the common wealth and develop in
peace. we must first get together on working days planned by specialty to see Which the
needs are how they were born and try to the possible solutions under the basic principle:
“the common benefit is first” and in that way solve all the problems coming from the
members of this social group called CHILE. We’ll work every region and every province
using these procedures. We will choose a representative for each region to lead the meeting
and to present the conclusions in a national plenary we have dated for the end by the end
our first year which was the agreed deadline. If I were elected President would act as a
coordinator of this system because I don’t feel my main job is to bring the solutions to the
major problems of the country, Thing that could only be achieved by an almighty being and
I will bejust "facilitator" to serve people and the common wealth of this country expressing
his ideas and views about what is the best for us, looking for consensus by direct an
effective ways and leading the theory to life with clear methods. And so I don’t think I

would like to be praised by the stupid nickname of excellence or Mr president terms that
sound better when they are associated to monarchies and in this case only deifies and
puffed someone who should have an attitude of service to the country,
Giving all he does a personalist interest that hinders the work to be executed; I’m not a
revolutionary but an innovator who pretends that democracy which is a system of
government for the social groups evolve positively in the quest for more social justice in
human life: I know many of my phrases and cliché might have been heard on the lips of
many other candidates in political campaign but for me and my followers it’s a way to
express a commitment with the things we are offering. It's time to resign to ourselves all
who believe in the participatory democracy must put at the service of this political plan
without precedents in our civic history. It isn’t easy, if it were which would be the merit in
us. Anyway, it’s not matter of merit I think it requires heroism and compromise with the
country history which will finally judge us.

- Cheer! Cheer! ... Long life to ... Mena Mena Mena ... ... Mena ...

Someone calls him from behind those Scrubs...

And the images on his mind evoked the countryside house where he used to make all his
plans and developed strategies to start implementing all his ideas for optimizing his
participatory democratic system.
He had gone for a walk along his property which had been inherited from his in-laws. He
had strayed a bit from where they were all the others and he was near a creek that ran
around which frolicked in the branches of a willow ... But someone was calling him. He
would maybe one of his new workers, He jumped out the creek giving momentum with his
feet and then he saw him. Although he felt no fear he was surprised at seeing him, it was a
strange being in a normal physical shape but his face was full of hairs. He thought it was a
joke of his brother so he went defiantly to ask:
-“What do you want?”
- “I came to talk to you” Answered the creature.
-“About what?” inquired the candidate “You are one of us and thanks to the tactical moves
we've made you are where you are ...” Said the strange creature.
- “What the hell are you talking about?” exclaimed the candidate angry.
- “I have been sent to tell you what you must do now, when you have the power in your
hands” Replied the weird man
- “Please stop antics! Who are you? Genaro?” asked the candidate.
“Of course this is not what you call slapstick, do you understand? Told the man upset.
- “Take off that horrible mask that you’ve got covering your face! Requested the candidate.
- “It's not a mask! Shouted the man.
- “And what is it then?” he asked
- “It’s my true face, I guarantee it
- “Couldn’t you have a better one? He asked the candidate
- “It’s normal where I come from we are all alike”
-“Oh yeah! And where are you supposed to come from? Dude!
-“I’m from the same place Where you’re from; Saturn”
-“You have to be crazy or something like that! Exclaimed the candidate.

- “You were born on Earth .You were put here by us; we make you grow up in this planet
with the intension to receive your help to dominate the Earth” Confessed the alien.
- “You let yourself jokes - said approaching the ape trying to get the alleged mask out and
then asking “What kind of joke is this? How you did you make up?
- “I told you it wasn’t makeup” Insisted the man
- Raymond! ... Raymond! ... It was his brother in law Hugo’s voice coming from inside the
- “Come to watch you yourself on TV” he added
- “If you’re not Hugo, who the hell are you?”
-“I’ve already told you. From now on you will see me here every day to receive my
instructions” declared the man
-“What are you saying? You are completely mad” Stated the candidate.
- “Don’t you realize yet this is not a joke” Demanded the man
- “I am from the earth, I’m a human being who seeks to do good and not to harm anyone”
- “Hell is paved with good intentions” Declared the man
-“What do you mean by that? He asked
- “That your reality is very different, I’m afraid” Answered the man.
- - “But I intend to put an end to corruption” Said the candidate.
- - “Those are nice words I know they have been useful for you to come to power.
They have been very convincing but our mission now is to use the power got
for our utility. Don`t ever try to betray your roots , you must serve yours or you
might regret!” Stated the man proudly
- “Raymond what's wrong with you? I have kept calling you without Answer for
a long time ...” Said Hugo his brother in law.
- “This man has been trying to confuse me and I don’t know what to think.”
Declared Raymond
- “Which one? I can’t see anyone here” Confessed Hugo..
- - “He was just there, his words were cruel and ruthless” He said.
- - “Don’t listen to him it must be a plot of your political opponents. Nevertheless,
we’ll call the guards and police to investigate about what happened here” Stated
- After that, he remembered the unsuccessful operation to capture the man who had
said he was an alien. The police commander just told him that man had been
caught but he had turned out to be a madman, who wasn’t worth listening.
However, he urged him for more information:
- -“I insist what kind of crazy this man was? He asked.
- -“Well, a member of a satanic cult who didn’t want you to produce all the positive
things you pretend to get with your mandate. This factice power, declare the
management and Earth control is in the hands of evil and as you refused to be
one of them, they’ll go after you until persuading to do it, no matter what they
would have to do” Said the policeman
- -“What does all this mean?” he asked worried
- - “It means it’s just bullshit or….” told the policeman
- -“Or what?” He demanded
- - “Or it means you have powerful and dangerous enemies who are capable of
sacrificing their lives, instead of accepting your interference in their intend to
continue controlling the society according their paradigms

- - “And which are their paradigms or cause?” He asked with curiosity

- - To worship Evil over all things fighting goodness and love promoting hatred
and division.
- “What a crazy thing. They are really out of mind” Said the elected president
- “No, they are not out of mind they are consistent with their world interpretation
and the way human relations have to be led. It’s a social control that gives them
good dividends in the” here and now” since they don`t believe there’s a better
life after this if you behave under the paradigms of love and kindness. I’ve told
several times…. President! President !.President” exclaimed the policeman, but
the president was far from listening to him; he was now hearing the distant
voice of his wife in his mind saying:
- , You are well inspired you are a person of good feelings who believes it’s
possible to build a better life if we all put our best and we are allowed to
participate in the big decisions that makes you different from other people .
- “There are many interests at stake I will not rest until I see a united South
America. Till The Bolivarian ideal be a reality. We will be the biggest and the
most powerful and richest nation in the world, thanks to our perfect
participatory democracy” He declared with conviction and strength of
- - “You know the powerful nations will never allow it if this affects their economic
interests” said his wife fading in his mind
- -“They will be persuaded by our resul……” he was saying but couldn’t go on.
- “President! ... President!, oxygen, please! Be watchful we are losing him” said
one of the doctors there
- .”Oxygen, is useless now, his heart stopped beating” Told the other doctor
present in the last minute of the president with resignation
- - “I wonder who could be his murderers and who could have got in his goals to
kill a so excellent man that only wanted to help build a better world? Said the
one of the doctor while the other next to the president corpse answered with
solemnly as if he was offering the first honors:
-“I’m sure He knew who was after him and that he could end up in this way but he was
brave and determined to stablish his political plan, as all the great men that have outstood in
our society have done before him but - now that doesn’t really matter. The important thing
is to promote his ideas as a legacy for humanity. In that way he will continue among us
inviting to join him for building a society where everyone could have a real participation in
the big decisions and could help give the practical steps to implement the necessary
changes to live better, all this surrounded by kindness and love.
“Until always Mr. President!”



His heart was beating fast and nervousness makes him prey of impulses and memories even
though it was dark as ever in his world. He knew it would come the light that belonged to
the world of the Haps. What would that be? Him from his world (that of the Heps) could
never imagine how it was, there; where he lived, everything smelled of: rats. Bugs and lice
were abundant and scarce bread with honey, jam or chocolate; rarely these residues come to
the world of Hep. That happens when they were no longer wanted in the world of Hap.
Max looked at the dark and stony road, only thick mud and bushes were distinguished;
Mer his grandfather had told him so much about the world of Hap; he was one of them but
never told him how he had come to the world of Hep. His stories and fables had awakened
him from the beginning of his existence the occurrence of fixing the deteriorated old truck
with which his grandfather had always moved in the world of Hap, but Max, who wasn’t
selfish, decided when he finally achieved this goal, ha was not going to stay there forever,
he felt he didn’t belong to that bright world; he only loved the idea of returning to his
authentic world in the same granpa truck loaded with sweets and chocolate to distribute
them among his, as him, hungry and ragged friends. Finally an emotion shook his heart
and blinded his eyes, that would be the sunlight; "The sun perhaps at some point in our
history there was planet rotation - Max thought - and then my world of shadows had been
stopped for the sun When will it rotate again ?, if he could only fix that, as he pretended to
fix his old grandpa’s car” ... .He smiled and slowly became accustomed to the increasingly
clear, bright golden light getting closer. His car gave a little jump and stopped, he tried to
start it, several times, however the stubborn machine refused to work but he was already in
the border. A dark fear invaded his mind, remembering the old Legends involving that
world. Most of them saying that nobody
returned alive from the world of Hap. They also said their
flesh accustomed to moisture and shadows with the light and the heat there disappeared,
making them walking skeletons. In spite all these mental speculations,, he was determined
to cross the border; these were stories taken from old gossips, he said to himself and foisted
decidedly the way to the world of Hap. It was difficult to walk against the heat and
blinding sunlight with his body burning everywhere, but after the first experience,
recovered and went resolutely to the world of Hap crouched behind lush and fragrant
shrubs. He watched in wonder around. That world was more wonderful than the one
described by his grandfather. He was sure nobody in his world could imagine such beauty:
the colorful flowers, the clothes of the people, the Happers themselves were beautiful
creatures, with pink skin and delicate features, where they outstood their yellow hair and

blue eyes; as clear as sky. There it could be breathed an air full of fragrances, all the
children had beautiful prams and each of the older ones tasted delicious ice cream with
flavors like: raspberry, cherry, chocolate. There were also so many candies at sight. " we
wish we were all Happpers and not Heppers ..." He thought sadly as he remembered his
dark and gloomy world. Of course, the fragrant scent of flowers and the smell of candy
contrasted with the smell of swamp mud of his world. Here, there were beautiful
multicolored birds chirping, not owls and night birds as in the world of Heppers. Who to
speak there? How could he know if they would accept him? Why would they want to be
friends with him, those children who looked and smelled good while he looked, ragged,
smelly and dirty. He was certain he would never be one of them. The coarse features of his
pale yellow face and his deep black eyes bulging and restless, but if he had got there he
would have to try. There was a group of children playing carelessly. Max hesitantly
approached them and greeted:
“Hello how are you? I’d like to be friends with you”.
Hap children looked at him as if they wouldn’t understand anything at all; Max; caught by
the surprising reaction made a gesture to continue talking but then panic broke out: The
collective hysteria involved everything. A kind of madness unleashed; the Hap children
screamed and ran in all
- A Hep! A Hep, please help! Save yourselves, we are being invaded...
They fled the scene leaving behind their cars, toys, sweets, candies and chocolates. Max
cried with sadness, but then he recovered and began collecting everything that Hap children
had left abandoned in their runaway. He loaded three to four bags with candies and
chocolates and went back to his world full of sweets and cakes. "I’ll share all this with my
own comrades" - he said - And he went to his world. As if by magic, now his car worked
immediately and the way back was a lot shorter. He was received as a hero. It took them
three long days to eat all chocolate and candy, and once they had finished, they began to
wonder how to get more. Max told them his experience and he declared:
“They are quite silly those Happers! It will be just matter of approaching our car and they
will flee screaming frightened by our presence and leave everything thrown away. That
easy: to get there and to carry delicious things. About the sun and its power to melt our
flesh to bones , I guarantee they are pure stories. Look at me! Do I look roasted or melted?
Let’s go for more chocolate and candy, then!” Said challenging his mates
-“Ok, let’s!” - They shouted all.
And so the Heppers emboldened by Max approached the world of Happers to seek for more
sweets and chocolate with evident success. Therefore, they repeated this experience several
times, their reward was to finish full of caramel and chocolate each day they dared, until
one day the Hap children gathered and began to organize to stop the trend and the common
saying among themselves was:
- “We cannot allow this to continue happening. We must confront the evil, Heppers can’t
just come and take our chocolate”
Myriam, one of the Happers stood up took a look at them said:
“What does it matter? In our world there is a lot of chocolate” but someone who heard her
“And what if they then want our clothes, our cars, our homes or our side, the sun? That’s
the risk”
- “Yes, yes, you're right” - shouted the audience angry.and then someone added:

- “We must put an end to this soon”

-“How will we stop them? - Asked others also altered.
-“ Let's take our weapons and give them what they deserve” - said the leader of the
Happers., adding:
- “It isn’t enough to drive them home; we must go to their own world and hence give them
a recipe of their own medicine” Someone replied very surprised:
- “Do you mean going to the world of the Heppers ? You don’t know what you’re saying!”.
The leader asked:
-“Why don’t I?” and someone declared:
- “My mother says there are lice and rats” Another person added:
- “Not only that, everything is gloomy, dark and filthy, but we must go, we have no choice.
They already have mocked us enough”
- “We cannot be afraid. Are we going or not? Requested the Happers leader with fire in his
-“Yes We think so” Declared the audience. But the leader wasn’t satisfied with the shy
answer and asked once more:
- “Without hesitation, are we going or not?” - “We certainly go” - they all said
And they went decidedly to the world of Heppers in their wonderful cars. They came when
they were sleeping satisfied after eating the last chocolate got in its final approach to the
world of Happers. It was easy. They rushed upon them with sticks, bottles, kicks and fists.
The contest was uneven. When Max saw what happened to his friends I stood up and went
to Tom, who had led the Happers and asked him:
- “Why have done all this?
“It’s a lesson that will teach you not to cross the border” Answered Tom.
- “All we want is your chocolate ,your caramel and to be friends with you” Declared Max..
“A Hep a friend of ours? Take this for idiot”Said Tom
And he hit him in the face again and again. Half dead Max insisted:
“You have everything and we have nothing; you live lighted while we live in darkness
.Why not share?”
“What happens to you? It wasn’t enough the beating I gave you? ... Take this again” Was
the only answered given by Tom and he returned to fiercely hit Max.
Myriam felt sorry and berating Tom said:
“Enough! Stop hitting him. Aren’t you satisfied?” But Tom warned her:
- “I don’t want you to get involved in this”.
-“I’ll shove to get involved if it is necessary”. Confessed Miriam
-“Why so committed in this? Inquired Tom
“Because he's right” Answered Miriam.
-“Are you also a Hepper?”Questioned Tom
-“No, I'm not” Said Miriam
-“Of course you are...If not you wouldn’t support them” Declared angrily Tom
-“He is right! Just giving them some chocolate and caramel will make them happy. We
have mountains of them. It spare us”
- Nothing we have in our world spare us if it is to share with Heppers” Said Tom with
“What is your merit to be Happer?” Asked Miriam
“What do you mean? In quested Tom

“I mean it is just a matter of luck to have been born on the sunny side while they were
born in the dark one” Stated Miriam.
“You are crazy!!” - Shouted all the Happers And then Tom directing to Max said:

-“And you, stupid, don’t dare to say anything or you'll be sorry. Now let us go from this
world once” After that, Tom told to Miriam:
“As for you, if you want you stay with these filthy beggars in this dark world, just stay we
won’t miss you”
-“Don’t talk to her like that? She is confused. Now, the way we got here, is the way we
leave. Move yourselves!” Ordered a man taking the leading role. Anyhow Miriam spoke
loudly to declare:
“I'm not going back with you. I'll stay here to heal the wounds that we have caused to these
poor creatures. I don’t know how I could help you in this”.
-“You talk as a Happer” Said Tom..
- “If being a Happer means to be arrogant, aggressive and merciless , Of course, I’m not
one of yours” Stated solemnly Miriam
“Whatever you say! If you stay here don’t regret and never return to us
“You won’t be one of us anymore” Declared Tom
Miriam began to cry as she watched them leave in their beautiful cars. Gradually she
recovered and started healing the wounds of the Heppers one by one, mainly those of Max.
- Why did you stay with us? - He asked.
- Because it is unfair that in this planet, without rotation, some could live on the sunny side
with all kinds of facilities and yet, those who are on this dark side haven’t got the essential
to live. After knowing this reality I wouldn’t be happy even if I had everything on the
sunny side, knowing that in this dark side all is scarce and there’s nothing but suffering,
while in the world of Happers enjoy all the privileges without wanting to renounce not
even the leftovers on behalf of you”
- “Nothing we can be done about it” said Max
“There's something that can be done but there’s no time to lose” Said Miriam
“What can be done? “- They all asked
“What the Happers did to come where you live and attack: organize yourselves.
-“But you said : they had everything, even the sun” How we could get a similar
organization” Stated Max
-“Let’s take the sun and their privileges away, Why don’t we make a revolution to make
them live in the darkness, instead of us” Suggested Max.
- “How are we going to do? We have no weapons and We are weaker than them; we are
malnourished” Said another Hepper
-“Let’s fight, don’t give up before the battle start .Don’t you want to eat more chocolate and
candy and bread with honey?” Encouraged Max.
- Yes, we want - answered the battered Heppers.
Max sat on the floor as he could and looked at them mainly to Miriam and cautiously
“What if all this is only a trap?
“In what terms?! - All surprised asked
“How could we trust you? You are one of them; you're a Happer”Said addressing Miriam.
- “I've given up being a Happer. I don’t know why you doubt me” Defended Miriam
- “You'll never be one of us” He said.

-“I promise I’ll try to be one of you” She declared.

- “And if you wanted to lead us into a trap when taking us to a clash with your comrades
and your world. What if the fact that you stay with us obeys only a Happer plan to bring our
holocaust?” He said
- “You're right, we hadn’t thought of that” - said all the others.
Miriam, visibly confused, shouted:
“In our world there must be a place for everyone, being Hep or Hap.We have all the
conditions to build a civilization of love based on justice and equal rights for all. You have
to believe me.
“Why should we do it with you if you are a Happer? You’d better go away. Leave us
alone” Said Max.
“Don’t you understand you have the same rights of Happers” Stated Miriam.
“Who told so?” Asked Max
“The common sense” she answered
“The common sense doesn’t govern your world and neither mine.Go off from here. Please
don’t fill our minds with your ideas of justice and human rights for everyone” He said.
“Alright, I’ll go but from there I will fight with my equals until they recognize you have
rights too. Maybe on that moment you will notice how sincere I’m being” Told Miriam
very sad.
“I’ll take you there by my car the way is long and dangerous” Offered Max.
“You don’t have to do that, my friends destroyed it” Replied Miriam
-“I won’t take longer to fix it, just wait for a while” Said Max
“Well if you insist I’m really acknowledged, I don’t like to walk in the darkness I’m not
accustomed. I still don’t know how you can live here when the sun rises for all, but for the
Heppers. We need to struggle to stop the privilege of the Happers , obliging them to share
them with you. I’m sure our creator wants that, in spite our differences we have with you
we could have the chance to meet in the diversity. In a planet like this without rotation
with a dark full of shadows side and the other bright and sunny the only way to survive is
with love and with capacity to share” Stated Miriam
“How could that be achieved when the ones in the bright side refused to share with those in
disgrace” Asked Max.
“I will rise social awareness in my people and you will do the same with yours. We’ll tell
them we are brothers with a common father” Declared Miriam.
“We won’t be able to understand this reality while we keep starved and cold” Said Max.
“In our world there should be place for everyone, being Happer or have at last a
love civilization based in justice and equal rights for all.



It had been an exhausting day at the garage; many complains and many apologies. Pete my
young friend, laughed at the ease with which I unfolded on the comings and goings of
customers, cars and panned; but we finally arrived at the house of my parents who were
celebrating their wedding anniversary, and it was an idea l day for the family to gather, so I
would see my nephews, sons and my brothers. I got home so tired that I threw myself on
the bed of my father; my two nieces, Andrea and Soledad frolicked in a room next to the
one where I was. My sister wanted to put them in silence and Pete offered to help. My
nephews were playing in the living room. My parents were talking in the kitchen. The truth
is that Pete had fueled more the party rather than make it quiet……………………
It was about nine o'clock when it happened; it was a strong stampede as laughter
erupted by all children. Then, there was a strong aftershock. The roof of the house opened
and the sky, which until then it had been dark, cleared up. It was like a beautiful dawn with
chirping birds and clouds that frolicked like giant cottons. Those clouds wandered across
the sky and Pete and my nieces started to rise gently flying "dying of laughter" they moved
at ease with tenderness. They were irreverently happy. Suddenly the rest of my nephews
also started to rise happily in the air; they stood at the top of the blue sky. It was the new
dawn. All at once, I raised my eyes to heaven and I saw it with colorful reflections of
thousands of children of all nations, of all races, creeds, social classes, rising and flying
high into the sky. They mingled fiddling with the clouds. Some youngsters and some adults
also were raised; they all laughed ecstatic with joy and pleasure. No one spoke, all of them
Ascending floated like a dream full of magic……………………………
My parents also rose, but only some meters and then they returned, descending and
inviting my brother and me to go with them, but by a strange circumstance we couldn’t fly.
I went to see my brother who was crying lying on the couch, and asked:
“What happens to us? Why we cannot fly and go with the others? My feet are making me
increasingly heavy and cannot unstick them from the ground. I want to go with the other,
don’t you?”
I suddenly remembered my children and my wife, I discovered them on the top also

climbing away from me, unattainable which increased my despair, my parents fell further

and approached me, asking me to go with

them; their sweetness was infinite. My brother continued depressed, crying lying on the
couch. I went out to a street full of color with a special air. I started running long meters to
get enough impulse to see if from there I could detach from the ground, but it was useless:
Sometimes I was about to do but my desperation to fly was so intensive that I wasn’t able

to get it. So many times I had dreamed I could fly that it seemed so easy to rise from the
ground. After that with the help of my parents I produced a sort of trampoline. I ran long
meters giving me momentum until I managed to jump on the trampoline and I actually
began to fly. It was an exquisite sensation. I tried hard to take more height; however once
more I was unable to do it. In spite of that I could see the city at my feet. My parents
continued to encourage me to keep trying to fly, I intended vainly and, as a result, I began
to descend slowly at first and then with the speed of lightning I was falling down heavily
onto a neighborhood which was still in darkness. The night was obscure and dingy. Sordid
laughter rude drunkenness and lust were perceived in the air. I noticed I was surrounded by
dozens of drunken, unsavory, vicious, perverted people; all the humanity failure itself who
hadn’t even been aware of what it was happening on other sides of the world, I think it
wouldn’t have been interesting for them although they had known. I tried to talk to some of
them to see if they could help me to go back home, but they only laughed at me and they
just invited me to drink together with them without letting me get out of that place. There
were loose women throwing all kinds of dirty words. They threw grabs whoever crossing
nearby. In few words, They were living their lives with a different perspective where they
privileged sin and weren’t interested in anything else, but in their sordid thoughts,
accompanied by their clumsy and blind attitudes to life which prevented them from seeing
beyond their short sighted eyes………….
My parents, distressed as they were, went down towards where I was; in the plain darkness,
where there was no light to illuminate the night. They warned me to stay away from there
because someone was stealing a nearby store while it wasn’t being noticed by anyone or
maybe, they pretended to ignore it. The shadows wavered mingling with the other ironic
and scathing hysterical laughter, which apparently concealed a deep grief. I guessed in each
of them there was a real tragedy and my fantasy of flying faded intermingling with pain and
the frustration of being stuck there. Suddenly some guys came up to me to ask:
- “You're the famous actor Miguel Morell, aren’t you?
- “I don’t know what you’re talking about” I replied in fear.
- “Don’t try to fake and come with us for a drink. Wouldn’t you like to smoke anything or
inhale a substance?” They offered
I walked away from them, after seeing everything I had chosen not to see. I went home
with my parents who hadn’t ascended yet. I comforted my brother who was still crying
lying on that couch in the living room of my parents' house. He was more desolated now,
his eyes filled with tears. He looked at me with infinite sadness and then I asked him:
-“Haven’t they arrived yet?”
- “No, they won’t return anymore” Answered severely my brother
-“What’s the reason for that? I inquired
- “The children and the righteous of the world have gone together” He declared
- Why can’t we go with them? I asked
- “It is simple, we are not righteous” said my brother
- “What have you done that was wrong? I asked.
He lowered his head into his shoulders hiding and stated:
- “We all know what we have done badly”
- “I just work all day and the night for my family! What can be wrong with that?” I
- “You’re not analyzing well! The weight of our sins doesn’t let us fly to go with the
others” said my brother

-“You don’t know what you’re saying” I replied.

- “Why do you think I didn’t’ move while you desperate tried to fly; well it is just because I
know how useless things are when the time does come and nothing can be done. Everything
that wasn’t done in the right time cannot be done in the incorrect one!” he said
- And our parents, why cannot ascend and go beyond with the others? He asked
-“They don’t want to leave, but they no longer belong to our world. Did you see outside
those who cannot fly” Said my brother and added
- “They don’t even care about flying”
“But my God, that's not my world I'm not like them” I shouted
- However, you lived as they live, you thought as they think and you did as they do so you
were one of them too” Stated my brother
- “What can we do now?” I asked
- “Nothing at all” he replied
-“Don’t put like that! try not to think about the evil you have done but focus on the good
you have done in your lives” Told my father with
patience. Look! It has started to snow with the sky clear it’s as if these
giant clusters of cotton melted in our hands ;perhaps to purify us” said my brother
“Look, my children are coming back” I exclaimed
“What? It‘s incredible! “Sustained my brother.
We ran to the window and between the snow and the sunshine we watched the children
going down to their righteous world. My nephews, my brother’s sons, were the first to
arrive. Plethoric of joy came telling their adventure with innocence; maybe without
understanding anything of our drama. Suddenly my wife and my older son came to me to
tell me how it had been everything, and all the rest of the children descended afterwards
came telling how wonderful it had been the experience of flying. They had returned to
Earth to give us a second chance.
- “My little girl” - I suddenly shouted down when seeing my youngest daughter. I went to
the window and hugged her, and there I could contemplate a wonderful show. There were
like thousands of parachutes dropping of in all colors with snowflakes, like a magical
dream they were coming down the same children who had risen before. I finally saw my
niece and Andrea Soledad. My sister arrived with them and my young friend Pete They fell
like snow but they didn’t stop at the window but they got to come up the ground with snow
accumulated fading without a trace ... Maybe their time had been reached but not ours yet,
the all we knew was we would have another chance when the fight on Earth explode again
and all children with the righteous of the earth could ascend to heaven in search of a piece
of eternity and harmony


Andrew's father looked down and put his hands to his face tightening them desperately.
- It can’t be, I thought democracy in the country would last longer, but when playing with
high economic and strategic interests, definitely, there will never be justice and the poor
must only expect the eternity promised by God through his prophets and through the same
Jesus Christ who said: "My kingdom is not of this world." E1 Pope had said on many trips
to third world countries, "There are enough goods , materials things and natural resources
to meet the needs of every person on Earth, but goods and natural resources and supplies
are insufficient to meet the every man's greed. "
What would it come now? What would happen just now when we all were trying to find
economic stability together with social justice? Right in that moment that we all have
sworn: "never again in Chile ..."
The news was ruthless and cruel. He could not stand, specially thinking of these young
adolescents who had come to his religious retreat. The first day had been a gift from the
Lord and all, mainly father Andrew, were sure there would be a change in their lives of all
those who until then had come there..
And now he was praying in his room, far away from sirens and airplane engines that failed
to spot in the cloudy sky, but TV had shown as
Twenty years ago the attack on “La Moneda Palace had been.. The images were clear and
impressive. Yet nothing was known about the president. How had things back to back to
this point? Health unions, teachers, miners, merchants carriers, etc. almost all labor unions
and social organization as twenty years ago, claiming rights, better wages, almost he
justified the words of a Fascist who once said in his seminary days. This queer people the
only way to make them work is with a “kick on their butt or bullets"
- No, definitely they didn’t know how to take care of democracy or to give value to it. -
thought with desperation. Everything will start again, asylum seekers, people who migrate
abroad to seek a better chance to survive. Many acquaintances of mine will be arrested,
how many more will be missing in the country! How much more repression and
humiliation and maybe my turn for defending the right to live or the rights of other priests!
We will be pursued, we will be tortured, flogged, expelled, involved in the horror of a new
dictatorship, and how many children won’t know more about their parents. How many
women will remain alone to fight for their children! Why no one gave up? Why everyone
had arrogated the right to play with things which had been so difficult to win? I think if it
weren’t for the dogma of our Faith that says suicide makes you lose the eternal life my

option would have been to try it only to avoid seeing my country embroiled in that chaos
again: Actually all of us had contributed to this even those who declared indifferent. What
could I tell to those kids who try to communicate by phone with his parents outside, apart
from reporting them cut of all communications until new order? Only the chilling television
was showing sharp images of what was happening in Santiago, All this while they had to be
there in that countryside house located in Green Lagoon. They were hidden from
civilization not visible to anyone. Of course some other time it would have been of
prodigious joy to be there surrounded for so much nature, in a so beautiful scenery :That
field house had been certainly a gift from God, acting through the benefactor who had left it
as a legacy to the Archbishopric of Santiago with the aim to receive young people to have
their religious retreats. However that fatidic day, isolated with the only road bridge blocked,
without being able to communicate by phone and having just TV and one radio station to
bring dramatic news from Santiago, the place looked like a concentration camp organized
only for transmitting military orders that caused chills of fear under the name of order and
national reconstruction. The leaders had changed but the methods and the philosophy of
war (if you could call it that way) were the same as it had been twenty years ago. He took
his hands off from his face, and looked out the window into the garden, not a leaf moved;
he only saw one of the birds frolic in an innocent branch at such barbarity that was
happening at that very moment. This little bird didn’t know what was happening to this
youth who had come with so much hope and joy to this encounter with the Lord. Many
should be guessing something but not the true dimension of what was happening, I saw
some in despair. So I turned off the TV and kept the radio in silence and I send them all to
lie down after the meal that had been at eight; the only thing that had been forgotten was to
put away the gun of the keeper of the place who had come to ask for help to take them
back to Santiago.
- The keeper had said to father Andres: I’ll leave the gun here on the table, if the military
sees me with it they might think I'm capable of resistance and kill me.
“Be careful father is charged” Had said the keeper before going.
, Father Andrew had always hated guns so he just gave it a sideways glance and he didn’t
touch it and left it where it was but now he thought: “what if a desperate child take it” “ Oh
God I refused to think”. So he got up from the chair where he had been petrified - I'll keep
damn gun well hidden; he had not reached the end of this last thinking when he felt the
shot, screaming like a bomb in the immensely silent night like a whip that came to shake
them all. He ran turning on the hall light, all young people flocked to the gates and ran
down the hallway toward the living room, Francis was the first to arrive, standing still first
and then screaming hysterically on the others arrival to watch the dantesque spectacle:
“What happened?” - Questioned those who came later.
- “Leo committed suicide” She said
-“How did it happen...?” They asked
- “With the keeper’s gun” She answered
“But why?” They requested
- “How can you ask that? When maybe you thought of doing the same, like I did me and
the rest of us could have done it” She answered
“You're right, what do we do now?” Said one of them.

- “As soon as Johnny; the keeper; return; we all go from here back to Santiago to our
homes” They declared
- “That does not matter wherever we go we’ll find Death” Said one of them with a
pessimistic tone
- “It won’t be the country we wanted to build anymore” said another one
- “Yes, you’re right; all our dreams are over with this” They exclaimed.
-“No more expectations of a better world” Told Francis
- “We are all responsible for this. No one wanted to go back in his ambitions, no one
wanted to work. They were all pressuring the government because they wanted to earn
more and more money, now we have all lost, especially us the young people of this
country” Reflected one of them
“As the youth of the seventies. I think we wanted a free country where human rights were
respected” They declared
-- “Who will hear us now?” Asked one of the youngsters.
- “we can hardly talk” Stated another one.
- “It will be even dangerous to think in this country” Added one of them
- “I’m sure they will end the right to organize syndicates or labor unions” Expressed
- “I think we all may die” Stated Albert
-“Who’s going to take the streets claiming for rights and more rights as they did abusing of
- “They're all only lazy people, Profiteers.” said Francis
- “The DNA of the race is the problem; we inherited it from the worst Spanish people who
drew from prison mingling with the weakest American Indians” Replied Albert
-“What are you saying; the Araucanians were a warrior people” Explained Francis
-Who says that? Asked Albert
-“The history” Answered Francis
- “Who wrote the Chilean History? Weren’t those the same descendants of these people
who told lies.” Expressed Albert
- “If we admit that's True; isn’t life a big lie. Only Christ is the truth” Said Albert
- “Yeah but how did He finish? We crucified him” Said another young boy.
“We are moving away from the topic” declared Francis
. “Which is the topic? - Loose Mapuches and Spanish criminals who formed our DNA?
People who almost always feel they have rights but not duties”
- “Yeah we don’t have to justify their laziness” declared another youngster
- “How would have the things been in this country before the Spaniards arrived, Maybe
women worked the land and the men just slept, so when the Spaniards who left prison
came to Chile to pretend they were part of the highest society tried to put them to work for
them they were fought by the native since it was a matter of survival” Reflected Frank ,
another of those youngsters being there
- Enough children we’ll have to stop speculations and discussions! We are not going to get
anywhere with all this. We have to assume we have a dead comrade what are we going to
do with him now?” Said Alex Trying to put order in the general confusion produced by his
- “We have to bury him” Said one of them

- “Stop talking nonsense, before that a judge must come and give the order to lift his body”
Told Francis
- “We have to talk to his parents” Declared Albert.
- “How could we do if we are isolated here?” Asked Francis
- “I wonder why Johnny, the keeper doesn’t arrive yet” Asked one of them.
- “Be patient, he will come eventually. The worst thing we can do now is to end in despair”
Said Francis
- “But we can’t just sit here impatiently waiting for someone to come”- “What’s the right
thing to do, then?” Asked Albert
-“But wait! Just a moment I see a vehicle coming through the driveway of the field house.
The approach highlights were turned on:
“Johnny is coming back” They said
Most of them went to the window to see how the vehicle was getting closer. They saw the
principal going down; followed by a stranger, behind them Johnny was coming. After that
they all rushed to the door to open to newcomers entering. The hearts of young throbbing
rapidly and their faces went pale and put livid when finally the meeting took place:
- “Mr. Principal what an unfortunate date!” Told Father Andrew
- “Calm down, father. Please take the children to gather in the auditorium to speak”
Ordered the principal.
- “Why such a ceremony? What you have to say it can be said here and now”
-“Please Father Andrew do as I asked” Requested the principal
- “Mr. Principal there is a dead child, don’t you understand? Stated Father Andrew
-“We know it well” Answered the Principal
- “It is also known he committed suicide” Said father Andrew.
Unfortunately We have to admit we know all the details, Father Andres it isn’t easy for
anyone, but it will turn worse for us after you hear what we have to say” Told Mr. Miller
-“ What is the matter MR Principal? Asked Father Andrew
- “Mr. Miller has something to explain That will show I’m involved in all this” Answered
The Principal
- - My God! What is happening here? Who is this Mr. Miller and what does he
have to explain? Stated Father Andrew
- “I’m so sorry I never imagined that this would end this way, but I will assume all my
responsibility in the events” Declared Mr. Miller
- “I’m not understanding well. What’s the responsibility which made you speak? Explain it
better, please! Look around! We have all the heart beating in our mouth” Confessed Father
- “Let him speak, he got us all into this” Told the principal.
- I told you I would assume my responsibility for these unlucky facts. The first thing you
should know is that all started as a mere game” Explained Mr. Miller
“A simple game! Come on Mr. Miller there’s a dead child and hundreds more hit across the
country for that what you call a game!” Told Father Andrew angrily
- “I beg you to give me the chance to explain please! Some years ago I had a dream that
with hard work and dedicated efforts I could make it come true. Advances in computer
technology allowed me to develop a software program that was perfect to the point that
accidentally unleashed this tragedy. Our work after delicate studies evolved to have the
capacity of copying images of people and things like buildings, houses or everything
connected to human beings, and bring them to virtual life that could be play through our

computers. All these pictures including news reading are created with so much accuracy
that is sometimes impossible to discriminate what is virtual and what is real. All right I
proposed to your principal and we carried out an experiment with this course of young
teenagers coming to an encounter with God in a secluded spot. With his authorization we
exposed you to events that happened twenty years ago with so resemblance to the reality
that you had the doubt and believed it was really happening. It is the effect we were
looking for. Everything would have been perfect if this particular boy had not committed
suicide for he anguished and had a gun at hand. It’s all an unfortunate coincidence that we
couldn’t control” Confessed Mr. Miller with trembling voice
“Do you really mean all this was just a part of a Machiavellian experiment and the coup a
miserable lie created by your computer?” Questioned Father Andrew
- “We regret we couldn’t avoid the tragic end. We are sure everything would have been
successful if the boy had not found the forgotten gun” Explained Mr. Miller.
- “So you didn’t find fault on playing with our feelings, especially knowing what we,
Chileans had to live recently . Now please tell me one more thing, why? Is this just
personal vanity? Are you simply enhancing your unlimited ego without considering that life
was at risk” Requested Father Andrew with anger.
- “We don’t do this for vanity or selfish purposes; we are entering a new era of
communications and social research. Something we are not able to assess in all dimensions
but it’s not renounceable” Said solemnly Mr. Miller
- “And the life lost by despair, our anguish and pain during the experiment and now? Is that
all renounceable? Asked Father Andrew in an inquisitive way
“We just wanted you to be the judges of our work improvement without knowing it was an
experiment. We needed to pick up the scientific evidence in that way. The progress of the
research depended on this fact” Explained Mr. Miller
-“Damn, my Leo is dead and you come to talk about progress, for me it is a throwback to
use human beings to such an experiment. I won’t let you get away with it” Told Francis
holding the gun
- “No Francis doesn’t aggravate matters further, put that gun out please” Begged Father
-“Leo doesn’t have to be the only death result of this sadistic game” Said the uncontrolled
After that Francis shot at close range on Mr. Miller until there were no more bullets in the
gun. Then Father Andrew and his teammates rushed over her removing the gun while she
hysterical shouted:
-“Cursed dreamer!”
Then the police came. Also ambulance and a number of people questioning about what had
happened there. Nobody knew what to do, whether mourn or rejoice that everything was all
a lie. The lesson we should learn from this is we had to reach a major agreements in Chile
even if we had to give up one or another privilege.



He did not know why ?, but he was running away desperately; the forest was dark, full of
shadows that were drawn at night. It was winter, perhaps as heavily as it should have rained
that night when his mother had brought him there, which could not be explained yet. If he
was human, why he had to live and grow between Mumbles? They were not bad but they
were quite the opposite; too good, compared to human nature. So he wanted to return to the
world from which his mother took off. The Mumbles lived in a clearing in the forest of
southern Chile where it rains continuously especially in winter. They had the key with
which they could cross to a dimension that was inaccessible to humans for there, where
everything was natural. It never rained, the spring was eternal. They were all happy there,
except him, he was not a Mumble, but a human, with those sexual impulses that motivated
him to have erotic fantasies that he continuously vented masturbating. The Mumbles will
never be able to understand that because their matter made them superior to human race
being asexual and so they reproduce in a way as strange for humans as their asexuality; the
tissue regeneration a complex process that make them outstanding beings with ductility to
adapt when they decided to assume another life, developing an extraordinary capacity to
love others, and a sophisticated way thinking. Their physical appearance was a mixture of
bear with a human appearance but without a sex. By the way, their bodies were covered
with hair so that they weren’t needed to wear clothes.
He paused a moment panting, looked forward ... It wasn’t the first time he left the clearing
of the forest and crossed to the other dimension. He was familiar with humans; mainly
with her, Clara who had hit his heart; so when he saw the lights of that car ready to run he
went there decidedly. He came exhausted while she looked at him with soft eyes and
helped him get into the car:
- “My dad is going to help us and take us home” she said pointing out hos dad in the car.
-“Thank you; thank you so much” he exclaimed acknowledged.
But Clara's father didn’t answer, started the engine of the car and left. Then Clara asked
somewhat excited :
- “Are you sure they won’t come to look for you?”.
- “No, they won’t follow me” he said

- Why are you so sure - he asked Clara’s father who began to light up a cigarette.
- “I’m afraid they fear humans” he answered
- “But you yourself are a human” Stated Clara’s dad.
- “I know they raised me. That’s makes the difference” He replied. .
“Yeah! I know the story. But tell me how your mother was so crazy to leave you with these
creatures?” Asked Clara’s dad
- “I don’t know, that's what they refused to tell me” He declared with tiny voice
- “Maybe you were stolen when you were a baby” said Claire`s dad
-“No I do not believe so. They are not that bad” He said.
- “Aren’t they? Then why are you running away from them?” Asked Claire’s dad.
- “Because I'm not like them but as you are and I want to go back to my world” he
answered very calmly.
“What do they forbid you?” asked dad
-“Nothing at all” He declared
-“So, what’s the point about it? In quested dad
- “I don’t feel well among them, I’m so different, so in disadvantage in front of them” He
-“And have you talked to them about it” Requested Dad.
“Yes, many times” He replied
“Did they understand you?” asked Claire’s Dad
- “Yes, They did but It’s me who can’t understand their reason to omit information about
my stay there. When I realized I was not like them, I started asking questions, but They
always responded with evasions and lies, they used to say it was to protect me; my
Mumble father told me how they have found me but he did not tell me my mother’s reasons
to leave me with them forever” He explained
- “Well, I guarantee we will help you. You’ll have a family here and you'll be what you've
always been, according to your nature but you’ll have to do your best in many fields you’ll
be facing from now on” Declared Dad
-Like what sort of things?” he inquired.
- “Especially patience, a lot of patience; we are now coming home ...” Said Claire’s dad
He parked in front of a wooden gate that opened stooping swiftly When they entered the
house a warm glow harbored them it was the fire place which filled the place with its heat.
Clara invited him to sit down, saying:
“Get changed these rags. Here is my brother’s clothing; he has your same size” Requested
-“Where is he now? He asked
- “He's doing the military service” She answered
-“What is that? He inquired
- “It’s a citizen duty to go to a military unit to be trained for war to defend the country.
Well now go and take a shower with hot water, you soap the whole body, clean it with
water and then you dry it with a towel to change your clothes” Instructed Claire
“Thank you, Clara; I...” He told but he was interrupted by Claire:
-“Yes, I know...Don’t say anything!
“I'm confused. I don’t know if I’m doing right” He confessed.
“Would you like to go back with them?”
-“No I wouldn’t” he replied.
“So, you've just answered yourself.” Told Claire.

He climbed the stairs to the second floor. He went into the bathroom. Everything there was
different, so artificial. He took the soap and began to bathe. The hot water harbored his
body, his skin was delighted, but he missed his house which was a mixed of old trunks and
large leaves, there, they didn’t need a Califon, no fireplace, no soap; they rubbed some
leaves, which gave an aromatic foam in a warm freshwater lake his favorite place, actually.
He felt something like nostalgia and recalled his last day with Mumbles:
- “What's the matter, son? - Had asked his Mumble father..
- “You taught me to always tell the truth, didn’t you? He had in quested
-“Of course” had answered his Mumble Dad.
- “Why didn’t you tell me I was a human being?” He had inquired
- “How did you know it?” Had asked his Mumble Dad.
- “That doesn’t matter, I know it that's all” had expressed in that moment
- “Were you with them?” Had inquired his Dad.
-“A couple of times” Had replied with honesty.
- “Why did you come back here?” Had questioned the Mumble Dad.
- “I don’t know” had answered..
- It was a cold and rainy winter night in the woods. At that time there wasn't anyone there
as usual, but that night we went out as we normally do to seek seeds for our crops we met
her. It was a lanky young woman. She came with a baby in her arms and she looked
desperate. She in her world had heard of us in their legends and sought us, begging us to
receive her son she looked faint, she did not want his son to grow among humans; she
feared they will damage it as they had done with her.
We were forbidden to contact with humans but when she lay dying in the rain we broke our
ban and approached her, to ask what he wanted from us. She said that she was tainted and
wanted to save her son since she inevitably was going to die. We asked her what kind of
pollution she had. And she replied she had AIDS...
- “What is that, Father? - said interrupting his story.
- “It is a disease that kills humans transmitted mainly by sexual contact, luckily you are not
contaminated .It’s a miracle. If you are with humans, you don’t have to say your mother
died of AIDS because then you’ll begin to suffer. That’s all I’m going to say that but I
advise you not to try to return with them” Explained his Mumble Dad.
- “What happened to my mother?” He asked
- She died that night in the midst of the storm and we bury her body in the woods. And with
regards to you, well, you know that we brought you with us and if you were not told t you
were human was only to meet your mother wish, who wanted you to be a Mumble to
prevent you from suffering. Although some here were opposed to raise humans, I took the
responsibility of being your Mumble father”
- “What if I wanted to go back to human?” He asked.
- “We can’t let you go with them. You know a lot about us and all our civilization would be
threatened” Answered his Dad
“Danger! Danger! Danger! He could hear his voice in his mind receding. He left the
bathroom freshly dressed looking like what he really was; a human being. When Clara saw
him called out his father and together they celebrated, and they sat down to dinner at the
dining table. They all made plans for his future but they knew he was afraid, very afraid
“It’s normal to feel so” - Clara's father told him –“ but now you have changed your life” -
concluded smiling.
-“Can I ask you a question?” He said and Claire Mom answered:

- “Go ahead, so you get out of the doubts you may have and You’ll know us better and in
that way you’ll realize that it is better to be a human than a ... What do they call you?”
- “Mumble, Mom” - Clara said with a smile, and then he asked again:
-“What is AIDS?”
They were all silent staring into his eyes:
- Where did you hear that?
-“Somewhere over there” He replied
“Where exactly? They asked
-“But what is it?” Why does everyone react in that way when I mention it? He asked
- “It's a disgrace, Many people die of that” Said Claire.
- “Yes, but not everyone dies” said Claire Dad
- “Who died, Clara?” He asked
- “Deviant people” Told Dad
- “No dad, innocent people die, too!” Corrected Claire
- What do you mean by deviant people? He asked again
-“Those with abnormal behavior, sexually speaking. Well, I hope you have understood,
However I ‘m sure it must be hard for you coming from a world that has no sex. Anyway,
it's getting late and you'd better all go to sleep” Ordered Claire’s Dad
“But...” He intended to say
-“But.. Nothing, tomorrow we'll talk from man to man
Everyone left the table without comments over and solemnly retired to their rooms to rest,
Clara's father approached and invited him to follow his steps, without a word, after that, he
left him in a very comfortable room, making some signs for him to accommodate there and
-“You’ll sleep here tonight! Try to rest you’ve had enough for a day” Suggested Claire dad.
He awoke with a strange feeling of not belonging there; he decidedly opened his eyes and
recalled his father’s voice with sadness: "You should not be ashamed of us, that's not
proper for a Mumble".
- I'm not a Mumble!”, he had replied to his father who scolded him for his attitude when he
knew he was a human being.
- “You have lived with us so many years, in fact all your life so we assume you’re one of
us. What is that human girl you have me like? You blush, “How do you like her?” Had
asked his Dad
- “Something strange runs through my body giving me a feeling of pleasure every time I
see her” he had answered
-“Your brother shouldn’t have taken there” Had declared his mumble Dad
-“ I asked him to do it” he had replied
- “He shouldn’t have even told you were human” Had said his Dad.

- “But if I am a human. What is crime?” He had asked to his dad

- “Your mother didn’t want you to ever know your condition. When she brought you to us
she was so sure you would be happy here” had said dad
“I don’t mind what my mother had believed; I’m old enough to decide where and with
whom I want to live” Had declared with hard voice then and his Mumble dad had told
-“You’re starting to talk like them and to act like them”

“Wasn’t it just fair to know the truth ... the truth ... the truth ... TRUTH ..” Repeated an
echo inside his mind when Clara's father showed up entering his room:
- “Did you sleep well” He asked while he got closer paternally and added:
- “It seems that today the sun will shine”
-“From where I come it is always sunny” He commented.
- Variety is the science of life you will learn eventually boy. But As I said last night we’ll
talk from man to man. You in your continued visits to our world, in the clearing of the
forest, met Clara, didn’t you? Inquired Claire’s dad
- “That's right; we fell in love at first sight” he answered
- “Well, that's what she told me” Added Claire’s dad
-“Yeah, that’s the way it all happens” He said
- “Quite right, there is only one part missing; she didn’t want to tell me whether you have
had sex or not” Confessed Claire’s dad
-“Well remember she is your daughter!” He stated
- “Of course, she is but how is that related to what I was stating” In quested dad
- “If she has not said anything, what right do I have I to talk about the topic?”
- “Then you did have sex, right?” Insisted Claire’s dad
- “I don’t even know what that is; I guarantee it” He answered.
-“What don’t you know exactly?” Said dad pushing him up
- “What are you trying to find out?” He questioned
- If you have kissed her” replied Dad
- “Yes I have, it is divine” He asserted
- “And have you gone beyond that?” Continued Dad
“Like what?” He asked
“Let me see how to tell you, well, have you been coupled?” Finally said dad
He shrugged and flushed his pale face.
- “You needn’t be ashamed, Sex is proper of us, humans. I don’t care about what you did or
did not, what it concerns to me is your question last night. I was thinking and thinking that
if your mother had left you with Mumbles because she was contaminated with AIDS.. If it
is so .you too should be contaminated” Explained Claire’s dad
- “But I'm not dead yet and I have good health” He declared
- “That has nothing to do, you can be a carrier” Clarified dad
-“What does that mean?” He questioned
- “It means you can have the virus without developing it but you can equally contaminate
others” suggested Dad
- “How could I? To whom?
- “To Claire, if you had a sexual intercourse with her” Told dad
- If so, what can we do? He asked
- “Nothing at all, but now that you mention there is something you can do while we
discover whether you are infected or not” Answered Dad
-“What does that mean?” he requested
- That we can help each other. I am a human being and that means I have problems, serious
economic problems. I've made some bad investments and I'm broke, I could lose
everything, including this house and you can help me out of this. Actually,. If you were not
here I would have committed suicide.
“What can I do for you?” He said
“You can save from bankruptcy” Begged Claire’s dad

“How could I do that?”

“You're a Mumbles’ friend, at least they believe in you more than in any other human
- “What do you intend to do?”
- “Bring me one of the Mumbles here and leave the rest on my own. They are curious
beings that could be attractive to our world. We could sell it to a zoo and moreover; if, as
you say, they reproduce by tissue regeneration, one could give us several of them. If we
many more they could be sold as pets. Aren’t they good? You said they were very kind”
Told Claire’s dad
- “It is a monstrosity what you want to do, I don’t like this world anymore.
- “You’ll see how easy things will be for us after that, if we have dare enough to do it.”
Suggested Dad.
“Enough! I don’t want to go on listening “
- “I know it must be painful for you, but I'll let you alone to think it twice. I’ll give you a
moment for you to take a decision and I'm sure you will decide well” Said Dad
-“Why are you asking me this?” He said sadly and about to cry.
-“Don’t cry, please! It’s not easy to survive in our world; everyone is ready to tear you
apart just for pleasure. You have to understand we will be rich with only one Mumble that
you could bring. Come on! Don’t cry,
“Please calm down” Begged dad.
- “I don’t like humans” He declared with anger
“What about Claire? Don’t you like her either? Asked her father
-She is totally different.
-He smiled at the memory of her and looked down in blushing.
-“She would be yours, of course with the due caution, what happens? Don’t you like the
idea? You could marry her and have a family, think about it, I’ll go back soon, Take your
time but be clever!” Requested Dad
He sat on the edge of the bed, he was distressed, and why were those humans so hard
hearted to put him in this terrible dilemma? He couldn’t betray the innocence of Mumbles.
Not much time had been spent when preceded by a flash lightning entered his room his
father mumble. He did it through a window to call him by his name:
-“What are you doing here?”
“I don’t want to go back with you” He stated
- “It worries me to see you alone in this world and I made a promise to your mother never
to allow it” Said his mumble father.
- “It is dangerous for you to follow here” He warned.
“Why? I think it's more dangerous for you to be stuck with them” Told the Mumble.
- “Okay, you're right, but I now I can’t leave here, but you can in the same way you came”
He explained
“I'm not leaving without you” Stated his father.
-“Claire's father believed I was born infected with AIDS and that's why my mother left me
with you. Please say; do you have the cure for AIDS?” He demanded
“If humans found the remedy for this evil I’m sure they would look for ways of getting
hurt, as a result of that” Declared his father.
-“But if you have found the cure why not helping them?” he asked..

- “They know what the remedy to avoid infecting is however they don’t use it” Explained
his dad
- “For you it is easy to say and do because you are not human, it is difficult, even for me to
retain those impulses” He confessed
“I told you if you were a human you would begin to suffer” replied his father.
“I have always been a human” He said disappointed
“No, you're a Mumble and you must go back with us or else you will still suffer a lot
more” Said his father.
- “If Clara's father saw you here you, yourself would be in danger” He warned.
- “Why would he want to hurt me?” Asked his dad.
- “It’s not you; it’s any mumble” He replied.
“Why so?” Inquired his Mumble dad.
-“For money” He replied
- “Ambition isn’t it?” Asked his father
- “No, He said he had economic problems” He replied
- “If he were not ambitious he wouldn’t be in such position”
- “But will the rest of humanity be so? He in quested.
- “Do you still want to know them more” Questioned his dad
- “No dad how can we get out of here?” He begged
- “Leave it to me You don’t have to be worried about.
“Thank you; I knew I would not fail me” - said the father of Clara with a rifle used to
sleep animals.
“No! don’t hurt him , please!” He claimed
- “Don’t worry!, I don’t do anything I’m going to make him sleep to calm him down. He
will take a nap and then I'll put him in a cage” Explained Claire’s dad
- “I must return with them he has come for me, they are harmless, you must let us go” He
“What about Claire?” Asked dad
- “She's human” He replied..
“And so are you” Exclaimed dad..
- “Yes, I know but my life is not here” he told
- “Clara's father looked at him and without hesitation fired at his mumble father who
instantly fell on the carpet.
-“What have you done? Why did you kill him?” He shouted loudly - “Be quiet! He’s only
sleeping” Confessed Claire’s dad
- “what will you do now? He asked
- “We'll put him in a safe place that I have especially designed for him, but don’t be
unquiet; it’s a really comfortable cage” said dad very relaxed
“And then what?” He inquired
-“I will call some experts to analyze and study his biological composition” Detailed
Claire’s dad
-And what will happen after that?
-“I have many plans .I think to invade the Mumbles and try to see how their civilization
works, perhaps they are rich and we can make their wealth ours” Declared Claire’s dad
with the bright of ambition in his eyes..
- “His greatest riches are their innocence and goodness. These are the riches you should try
to possess” He told solemnly

-“Which side are you?” Asked Claire‘s dad

- “I’m for the life in all its expressions” - he said taking the rifle that Clara's father had left
on the table in the corner of the room. With it in his hands he pointed to Claire’s dad
shooting accurately, making him sleep. The mumble on the floor stood up immediately,
surprising him:
- “I thought you were sleeping” he said directing to his mumble dad
- “His darts and bullets can’t harm us. I just let you listen to him to prove with your own
ears what humans are capable of” Said his dad
- “As I see they are not strong enough to cause us any damage” He declared
- “As far as I know them they would finally find the way to hurt us if we let them do it. Just
Imagine what would have happened if they had come to our civilization” Stated his father
-“Please forgive me, I have put you in danger unnecessarily” He excused
- “It wasn’t unnecessary, from now on you won’t have more doubts in your heart” declared
his dad and added:
-Humans have destroyed one another for centuries.
- “Don’t you realize; if they don’t love each other’s how will they love and respect other
creatures. Their vices, defects and weaknesses will lead them sooner or later to self-
Now, let’s get out of here at once”
“OK let’s; for going with you, to your world, makes life worth living.



Alonso Suarez was heading to the subway, after his working hours unlike all the capital
citizens he was going down toward the city center. He knew it was not good his behavior,
but he felt excited at the fact of joining a young girl and make love to her. So far, he had
never deceived his wife. The marital routine perhaps made him seek new experiences. The
truth is that he honestly didn’t know why he was doing it. So many things had happened in
the country. The change of government had made the country reach democracy at last but it
wasn’t a good thing for him, since he was a sub officer retired from the armed forces
which had been the state power for seventeen years – “it was a war”- said to himself to
justify in his conscience the series of atrocities done and that he had personally carried out
under the name of the country and the Chilean flag. In fact, the struggle was over; but from
time to time some relatives of his victims cried vengeance, but he wasn’t worried his
superiors assured him they had destroyed all evidence so they all turned into untouchable
and these people would never prove anything. As a result, all they had to do in the future
would be to silence their consciences for not being swayed by remorse; however Alonso
Suarez didn’t have awareness at all, as his wife reproached him in continuous fights they
had. Whether that was true or not, sometimes his mind made him remember wild things as
for example, how trained dogs raped prisoners women who were really subject of state
terrorism. Against what people might think, these recalls didn’t make him have regrets but
they excited him and sometimes made him smile perversely or enjoying morbidly. He had
never cared about anything or anyone. He had been forced by his father to get to the armed
forces, so as to be disciplined and have some kind of respect for people and moral
principles thanks to be ruled by strong laws of behavior.
The idea of his father was to turn him into a useful man who could serve God and country.
When he remembered his father's sermons he usually started to laugh for the contrast of the
nobility of his words and the mere reality he had faced once inside. Now he knew how
things really worked internally. There the lower passions produced by leisure during the
campaigns made military resort to all sorts of wild diversions, some of them shameful and
dark, “but why do I have to evoke these things right now ?” He thought, while jumping on
the bandwagon of the half-empty metro, today just today I'll make love properly with a teen
girl. We met casually and we dated for today, it’s only a detail she`s just minor on her
teens who could know that. He sat on one of the empty seats in the subway car. And this
finally departed. A slight nervousness disturbed him. No, he didn’t want to keep
remembering things that were part of the past. What had happened it had happened.
Nothing could be done about it.

“I am now retired. I have a good pension. I do not have to worry; the only bad thing is I
have to stand my wife but sometimes I beat her a little to see if I can put her in silence. At
the next stop the train took a lot of people, so that all seats were filled. Beside him sat an
average boy who wore as a hippie. He was younger than him, his eyes made him shake and
he hid his face and then he looked again; the boy incredulously reminded him of someone
He had seen before, maybe one of some his victims, so he felt more and more
uncomfortable, especially when the guy stared at his eyes and asked:
- “Are you Alonso Suarez?”
He was stunned. How could that be possible? Someone recognizing him in a subway car,
someone who probably knew something about him, how did he know his name if it wasn’t
so? He shuddered and turned pale at the same time, perhaps that man came to avenge.
- “Don’t be afraid Alonso” said sweetly the hippie boy
“I am not afraid of anything .who are you?” – He said bringing up the gallantry he had
inherited from his superiors in the military.
“Someone who knows you well” Declared the boy
- “I don’t know you. What do you want?” He asked.
- “I’m your salvation ...” Replied the boy
-“Are you crazy?
Alonso Suarez first impulse was to get off the subway immediately but his military
training had made him look for heroism in all circumstance.
- “Alonso, where are you going?” Questioned the boy
- “What do you want to know it for?” Replied Alonso
- “Are you going to record another sin to your long list?” Demanded the boy
- “Hey, who are you? Will you tell me how you know my name?” asked Alonso
-“I know everything about you” Stated the boy.
-“Everything? That’s too much!” Told Alonso
-“I know every detail in your life” Stated the boy.
- What do you mean by every detail? He asked
. “That your life is an open book for me” Explained the boy.
--“I don’t understand” Declared Alonso
- “You'll understand eventually” said the boy
- “What do I have to understand?” He asked
- “That your time has come” Answered the boy.
-“My time has come? Are you going to kill me?” he inquired
- “No, it's the time that reaches every human being, not matter how powerful he may be”
Explained the boy
- “Could I give you a test to check how much you know about my life? Something really
specific, please!” He requested
- “Remember when you were ten, you were at home of an aunt and uncle with a cousin of
yours ...” Started to say the boy
-“Alright what‘s the matter with him?” Said Alonso tempting his luck.
- “He sexually abused you .Do you want the details?” Asked the boy
“Of course not. Don’t talk so loud, please”
- “Remember your first day in the army, in the showers” Continued the boy
-“Enough! Where did you get this information? He requested
-“ I´ve told you, I know all your life, your weaknesses, your desires and your greatness”
Confessed the boy

- “Are you one of those defenders of human rights?” Asked Alonso

- “Oh yes, I defend the rights of men more than anyone I would say” Replied the boy.
- “So what do you want from me?” Insisted Alonso
- “I told you I wanted your salvation” Said the boy.
-“Who are you? God?” In quested Alonso
-“You have told the truth” Answered the boy
- “But why me? Is it a political revenge?” Reflected the boy.
-“ No, if it were so I would try to destroy you, but what I want is to save you” Affirmed the
-“I don’t need anyone to save me; I have never believed in anything, I’m not going to start
believing now; if there is a divine law I would be condemned without remedy and I would
not understand the opportunity you are offering to me” Stated Alonso.
- “The mercy of God is infinite; perhaps you never had a real opportunity, so I'm here”
Explained the boy
- “Heh ... what do you want? What do you believe? I will fornicate with a teenager” Said
Alonso trying to shock the boy
- “You have always done these things. Sin is a habit imposed by others in you since the
times you were innocent” Stated the boy
- “Look what you’re talking is very interesting but I must get off next station ...” Explained
-“There’s no next Station for you” Cleared up the boy
“We’ve just crossed the heroes, and I get down in Republic Station, May I go now I don’t
want to take up anymore of your time” Told Alonso standing up ready to go
- “Alonso, calm down just sit back down, we haven’t finished our conversation yet”
Requested the boy
- “Sorry, I really have to go now, maybe some other time” Answered Alonso .
-“What are you afraid of?”
- I was taught to have fear of anything; remember? He declared full of pride..
- “Why don’t we check over your life then?” Requested the boy
- “I can’t, I have to get off here, but I don’t know what happens? Why doesn’t the train
stop? We should have already arrived to the station, and the train is going faster and faster,
instead what's the matter? ”He asked
- “Look out the window backwards. What do you see?” replied the boy
- “I see something that looks like an explosion...” He described.
- “It means you're not going anywhere anymore” Explained the boy
- What are you trying to say? Why didn’t it stop? I should have gone down by now, and
where are people coming with us in this car where did they go? What is going on here? He
asked astonished
- “Alonso, you’ll have a second chance; but you must choose now” Declared the boy
-“What are you talking about? He asked
- “That you deserve a second chance” Replied the boy with a smile
-What does it mean?
- “Listen; There is a ten year old boy who must come to occupy an important position
within humanity, but it wouldn’t be an easy task, since he will be tempted by evil, due to
the adverse environment in which he lives” Explained the boy
- “But you're powerful, aren’t you?” Stated Alonso

-“A cause serves another one and both causes together can save souls, which is our aim”
Said the boy solemnly
-Where does this child live exactly?
- “In Pudahuel, Santiago” Replied the boy
- And what am I supposed to do for him?” He inquired
- “You must be his Guardian Angel. The one who was protecting him ended up unable to
continue his work and you must replace him” Explained the boy
-“But why me? How would I be able to do something like that?” Questioned Alonso
-“I’ll explain everything with details you can’t fail” Answered the boy
- “But what will I be, an animal, a plant, a dog, or a cat?” Asked Alonso very uncertain
- “You will be a soul that could be released from purgatory as long as you go forward in the
assigned task” Answered the boy with resolution.
- “what is that task?” He inquired
- “To care for and protect him to make sure he reaches his entire goal to fulfill the mission
he was assigned before he was born” Told the boy
- “But what do I have to prevent him from” He inquired worried
- “From the onslaught of evil. The rest leave it on our own, he comes empowered to
accomplish what God intended with his birth and stay on Earth. As you he may or may not
choose how to perform his mission” Cleared up The celestial boy.
- “I'm not quite sure, I am supposed to undergo a conversion before” He reflected.
- “You’ll undergo that process once the deadline for you second chance is over” Explained
the boy with certainty
- “I haven’t said yet whether I accept that second chance or not” Stated Alonso proving his
- “If you don’t, take the second chance life is giving you just take a look down to watch
those who suffer for having been already condemned” Suggested the boy
- “I got the message, but I haven’t repented for all the damage I have done to others”
Confessed Alonso
- “Nobody regrets by himself .They almost always need some help to do it; a life lesson
which is often the result of a disgrace, a tragedy, a disease in our ways that wants to be a
brake putting by God to humans to amend the course of the events, but humans sometimes
are unable to interpret these signs” Said wisely the boy
- “Can AIDS be one of those signs?” He asked
-“It is a real warning but from evil side always manages to make fun of this to produce
distortion” Stated the boy
- “Maybe you’re saying that in relation to the campaign promoting the use of preservatives
for preventing this disease.
- “Which is the disease? The consciousness of the sin or the sin itself” Affirmed the boy
- “That’s hard to understand” Replied Alonso
- “Your general and commander was a sign of contradiction for your nation, but nobody
could understand him at all and now they are starting again; All those human rights claims
and ambitions collide, the selfishness and greed awoke. Everyone wants more, seeking a
material satisfaction that is leading to a new confrontation. Nobody wants to give up; no
one wants to understand that if we lose this life we will win the real one. It’s the sign of a
nation that never agrees on anything It is the appearance of a human being with boundless
ambition, who tries to take advantage of this fatal dispute, planting causes ending on severe
pain and wounds in the conscience of the nation. After a long struggle with innocent

victims and after much bloodshed managed to return to normal government, but neither the
right ones nor the left ones learned the lesson and started to fight again. When people don’t
learn from their history are bound to repeat it, and so gradually come to the same starting
point. Who will be then guilty when the ground for the ambitious man who will stop at
nothing in his path to destroy the rights of all is open? Beware then that the disease can be
the only the remedy to stop the wrong way.
- Okay, the fact now is that if I die for not dying that could take me to salvation and thus
reach the eternal life.
- The creator never gives us tests that we cannot overcome. What our eternal Father asks us
can be done or is reachable, He knows our weaknesses and He knows our strengths, as well
as the evil side knows. So our weaknesses may be the most important part to fulfill our
mission and to overcome the evil force. We know that’s extremely difficult because if it
were easy what would our merit? We count on marvelous an effective resources to help our
nature to get the noble tasks inspired by God all time; these are the prayer and the
sacraments which are the visible signs of the invisible grace inoculated by the Holy Spirit.
However these days are not widely used by people who prefer to face life trusting their own
strength, which is obviously not enough. That’s why we are so bad. The reason why we are
losing the battle against evil, very few people live to pray, hardly anyone uses the
sacraments and very few convert to faith, but the Father God, creator of heaven and earth
and man is always looking for the sheep to go back to the flock” Said the boy ending his
long speech
- “Okay, what if the child fails, do I fail with him?” Asked Alonso
- “You know enough to fulfill your mission” Answered the boy.
- “I would like to know more” He requested
- “You are starting to walk in the faith, and by your own merits you will discover the great
secrets of the mystery of the kingdom of God. BE QUIET, START YOUR WALKING
WITH FAITH fulfill your mission with decision BE DECIDED TO PRAY to be in
communication with the Divine power and have access to the sacraments as often as you
can GOD CANNOT LEAVE you fail, and you will never feel alone anymore



WHAT WE CARRY INSIDE…………………………………………. …….Pág. 3-26

IT WAS ALWAYS NEVER ………………………………………………. Pág. 27-35
TIME THAT IS NOT TIME………………………………………………. Pág. 36-43
THE WANDERER………………………………………………………… Pág. 44-53
THE PRESIDENT…………………………………………………………. Pág. 54-64
SUN AND SHADOWS………………………………………………………Pág. 65-74
THE ASUMPTION OF CHILDREN………………………………………..Pág. 75-80
THE GAME…………………………………………………………………. Pág. 81-90
THE ESCAPE………………………………………………………………...Pág. 91-105
THE SECOND CHANCE………………………………………………. Pág. 106-114
INDEX…………………………………………………………………….. Pág. 115

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