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Syllabus: EEL 4518 Satellite Communications

Fall 2019

Catalog Data
EEL 4518 Satellite Communications: 3(3, 0),
Pre-Requisite: EEL 3552C Signals Analysis & Analog Communications, and elementary
knowledge of MatLab and spreadsheet apps (Excel or equivalent).
Course Content: The principles of microwave satellite communications, including
communications satellites, earth stations, link analysis, and FDMA, TDMA and CDMA

Satellite Communications by Pratt, Bostian & Allnutt, - Second Edition Wiley Press 2002,
TK5104.P725 2002.

Maria Jacob – HEC (ENGR-3), Office: 333;
Telephone: 407 882-2288; Email:
Office hours: MWF 11:00-1:00 pm

Guest Lecturer:
Alamgir Hossain, HEC office: 349

Marc Jean, HEC office: 349
Office hours: TBD

Class Meets: MWF, 1:30-2:20 pm in ENG1 room-O435

Course Objectives
This course teaches the principles of RF/microwave wireless (free space propagation) and satellite
communications from a system’s engineering prospective. It is a technical elective suitable for
senior undergraduate students in electrical engineering. This course is very practical in that it
teaches skills that will find application in professional employment after graduation.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Through the lectures and homeworks, the student will learn how to perform RF/microwave “Link
Analysis” to determine the expected signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Also, the student will learn to
perform systems engineering analysis to determine the required SNR to yield the desired
communications performance (both analog or digital). Finally, the student will acquire a general
knowledge of contemporary SatCom systems.

Course Outline
The following topics and order represent the material to be covered in this class.
• Elements of Satellite Communications
• Orbital Mechanics & Geometry
• Comm Satellite Systems
• Earth Stations
• Link Analysis
• Modulation & Multiplexing Techniques
• Multiple Access Architectures: FDMA, TDMA & CDMA

The objectives of the lectures are to explain and to supplement the text material. Students are
responsible for the assigned material whether or not it is covered in the lecture. You are encouraged
to look at other sources (journals, other texts, internet, etc.) to complement the lectures and text.

Grading: Homework 35%; STK-Project 10%; Mid-term 20%; Final Exam 35%
Grade scale: A ≥ 90; 80 ≤ B < 90; 70 ≤ C < 80; 60 ≤ D < 70; F < 60

Homework Policy
The completion and correction of homework is a powerful learning experience; therefore:
• There will be approx. 10 HW assignments, which are posted on the webcourses page.
• Homeworks must be submitted electronically using Word, PPT, or PDF files (note that
scanned hand-worked solutions will not be accepted).
• HW answers will be posted within a few hours after the close of the due date window.
• You have one week to correct your homework and resubmit for grading (note that 1st
submissions will not be graded); however, failure to submit on-time the first submission
will result in 50% reduction of the awarded grade.
• Each student will one Homework submission extension, without a cause, subsequent
extensions will require justification.

Final Exam:
A comprehensive (closed book and notes) final exam will be given during the scheduled exam
period in the assigned classroom. All students must take this exam, unless approved by the
instructor beforehand (extenuating circumstances will be considered).

All students are required to document academic activity by completing the “Registration
Assignment” HW#0 by the end of the first week of classes, but not later than September 2nd. Failure
to do so, may result in a delay in the disbursement of student financial aid and other possible
ramifications. Access your Webcourses assignments to complete this.

Special Needs Students should contact Student Accessibility Services to assure equal access to
educational activities.

All students should be aware of emergency procedures and campus safety.

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