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The Problem

Background of the study

Minor curfews are local ordinances proscribing

minors, generally within a specified age range, from

occupying public areas and streets during particular

times. It is enacted by a local or state government that

restricts certain people from being in public places at

specified times of the day. Many cities and towns have a

curfew law in place to prevent teenagers from being out

at certain times, typically spanning the late hours of

the night or school hours during the day. Any teenager

caught out after curfew can face a fine or even jail

time, depending upon the specific laws of the town.

(Kline, 2011)

Youth crime is a major and growing problem, often

involving both drugs and violence. Imposing youth curfews

can help to solve these problems, as they keep young

people off the street, and therefore out of trouble, and

prevent them from congregating in the hours of darkness.

(Kline, 2011)

The use of curfews on minors can help to protect

vulnerable children for not all parents are responsible

and inevitably their children suffer, both from crime and

in accidents, and are likely to fall into bad habits.

Society should ensure that such neglected children are

returned home safely and that their parents are made to

face up to their families. (Kline, 2011)

Juvenile curfews laws have appealed to liberals and

conservatives alike, though usually for slightly

different reasons. For conservatives, curfews fit into an

approach of more vigorous enforcement efforts, more

punitive sentencing, and increased social controls. For

liberals, curfews fit into the program of identifying

juveniles in early stages of delinquency who could

benefit from intervention strategies (Adams, 2003).

Additionally, the costs of enforcing curfews are

perceived as relatively low and the measures perceived as

very effective (Adams, 2003).

Too Little empirical research has been done on the

cost-effectiveness of curfew enforcement (Adams, 2003),

so this remains an area where further research would be


Delinquency prevention efforts are considered by

many to be crucial to the development of a consistent and

comprehensive approach to the problem of youth crime and

delinquency. Traditionally, evaluations have lacked

empirical support prevention programs’ impact on juvenile

misconduct. Today, however, a growing body of research

supports the idea of delinquency prevention as both a

practical and cost-effective means of reducing youth

misbehavior. In the conduct of preventing and or

controlling delinquency one of the means being applied is

the implementation of curfew hours (Brannen, 2002).

The Council for Protection for Youth and Children was also asked to review the


Recent deliberation focused on whether there is a need to adjust the curfew hours since

some students might have to do some assignments and other school works which could go

beyond the 7 p.m. curfew. (Asuncion, 2016)

Section 2 of Ordinance 50, s. 2009 states that children below 16 years old are

prohibited from roaming or playing in the streets, roads, plazas, parks, or other public

places from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. Another concern is the protocol on the custody of offenders.

The city government has been updating the Curfew Ordinance to address delinquency,

teenage gang violence, and other violations committed at nighttime. (Asuncion, 2016)

Under the ordinance, violators will be penalized as follows: first offense – the child

shall be referred to the guidance counselor of the Council for the Protection of Youth and

Children; second offense – the child shall undergo counseling by the CSWDO; and third

offense – the child shall be put by the CSWDO under an intervention program, which may

include community service. (Asuncion, 2016)

The CSWDO shall ensure that the community service is appropriate to the child and

is consistent with the goals of the intervention program. Adults who are the guardian,

parent, or authorized custodian of the offending child within the third degree of

relationship, either by consanguinity or affinity, shall be penalized under other applicable

laws and ordinances. (Asuncion, 2016)

The Sangguniang Bayan of La Trinidad on March 4,

2008 amended section 15 of Ordinance No. 1-2003 or the

Curfew for Minors under the Children Welfare Code

changing mainly the time schedule and the penalties which

then now referred to as the Ordinance No. 2- 2008.

Section 15 of Ordinance No.2 of 2008 states that “No

person below eighteen years old shall loiter in the

streets or public places between Seven O’clock in the

evening (7:00 pm) to Five O’clock in the morning (5:00

am), except those returning to or going out of their

houses or schools for legitimate purposes or unless they

are in company with their parents and guardians. Minors

who shall be caught will be referred to the Municipal

Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO) for

guidance and counseling, safekeeping for the night, and

disposition in accordance to the provisions of RA 9344.

The said ordinance is a revised edition of Ordinance

no.1-2003, section 15 which states that “No person below

eighteen years shall loiter in the streets or public

places between 10:30 at Night. According to La Trinidad

vice mayor Romeo Salda Sr., the ordinance was revised to

match with Baguio City who earlier revised the same

ordinance in their locality. Reports said the senior

citizens federation asked municipalities in Benguet to

strictly impose the curfew for minors, in order to shun

them away from committing or becoming victims of crimes

(Balangen, 2011).

Curfews are credited by some with restoring and maintaining order in lower crime

neighborhoods, according to the analysis. In addition to equipping law enforcement with

tools to keep youth off the streets, curfews provide parents with a legitimate, legal basis for

restricting the activities of their children. It is easier for parents to place boundaries on their

children's activities, proponents argue, when other youth in the neighborhood are similarly

restricted by a specific time to return home. Nonetheless, there are still weaknesses and

problems it its implementation. (Ruefle and Reynolds, 1996)

Hence, it also expected that there are weaknesses and problems in the

implementation of curfew on minors in La Trinidad, Benguet.

This study was carried out in La Trinidad, Benguet to assess the implementation of

curfew on minors and provide recommendations in order to address and improve these

weaknesses and problems.

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of the study was to assess the

operation of curfew on minors in La Trinidad, Benguet.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following:

1. What is the level of attainment of the

objectives of curfew on minors?

2.1 Are there significant differences on the

level of attainment of the objectives of curfew on minors

as perceived by the respondents?

2. What is the level of implementation of curfew on


2.1 Are there significant differences on the

level of implementation of curfew on minors as perceived

by the respondents?

3. What is the degree of seriousness of problems

encountered in the implementation of curfew hours?

Hypotheses of the Study
1. There are significant differences in the level

of attainment of the objectives of curfew on minors as

perceived by the groups of respondents.

2. There are significant differences in the level

of implementation of curfew on minors as perceived by the

groups of respondents.

Importance of the Study

This result of the study will benefit the police

officers, barangay officials, municipality of La

Trinidad, future researchers and the researcher himself.

For the Police officers, the result of the study

will help them to upgrade and enhance its capabilities of

implementing the PNP Strategic Action Plan in La

Trinidad, Benguet.

For the municipality of La Trinidad, the result of

the study will be one of the sources for making this town

a better place.

For the respondents, the outcome of the study would

serve as tools that will assist them to improve their

current techniques through the provision of significant

data imparted by the study.

For the future researchers, the result of this study

would help future researchers who would like to conduct a

similar study.

Finally, on the part of the researcher, during and

after the phase of the study, the researcher who is

currently teaching Criminology subjects will also be

benefitted. He would gain essential knowledge about

research and the implementation of curfew on minors which

is very relevant in his job.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is focused on the assessment on the

ordinance of curfew on Minors in La Trinidad, Benguet.

The researcher confined his study at Barangay Balili,

Betag, Cruz, Poblacion, Puguis, wangal and Pico La

Trinidad Benguet. This study covered the perceptions of

Philippine National Police personnel, Barangay officials

and parents in the implementation of curfew for minors in

La Trinidad, Benguet.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

The researcher was guided by the concept that if

curfew is imposed on minors, they can be prevented from

engaging crimes in the future.

Curfews are built upon the idea that “restricting

the hours when young people may be in public should limit

their opportunities to commit crimes or become victims”

(McDowall, 2000, p. 59). With this underlying motivation,

such policies can take a variety of forms, including

variations in targeted age groups, hours of operation,

exceptions to the policy, and sanctions for violations

(e.g., Ford, 1994, p.1679; Ruefle & Reynolds, 1995).

Typical curfew policies in larger cities are

directed at youth aged up to 17, and enforced between the

hours of 10:00PM – midnight and 4:00 – 6:00 in the

morning (McDowall, 2000). Thus, it is generally believed

that juvenile curfew policies encompass a variety of

restricted activities and sanctions, implemented with the

intention of controlling delinquency and increasing

public safety.

Given that curfew laws reduce the amount of time

that teenagers spend out of their homes, curfew laws have

been marketed to have the strong potential to limit both

the rate of crimes, such as homicide both committed by

and inflicted on teenagers (McDowall, Loftin, & Wiersema,

2000). It has also been proposed that curfew laws have

the potential to strengthen parental control by making it

easier for parents to limit the amount of time that their

children are allowed to spend out of the house (McDowall

et al., 2000).

In the Philippines, the Department of Justice Undersecretary Merceditas Gutierrez

said times have become especially dangerous due to the proliferation of illegal drugs. Even

the most remote barangays have been penetrated by drug dealers and pushers, according

to police and military reports (Calica 2003).

"The curfew will help in protecting the minors because most crimes happen at

night. I’m sure parents will support that. I personally do not want young people roaming

around the streets when it’s already late. We can no longer be certain of their safety

because of illegal drugs," Gutierrez said. There have been debates about the measure but

Gutierrez pointed out the public should only be assured of a proper manner of

apprehending minors violating the curfew. She said the government can always quell

abuses in imposing rules and regulations and thus fears of stepping on the right of minors

can be addressed by a campaign on the advantages of a curfew.

Interior and Local Government Secretary Jose Lina Jr. has likewise backed the plan

to implement curfew hours for minors in Metro Manila and the rest of the country, saying

the scheme would greatly reduce incidents of street crimes.

Lina urged city and municipal mayors to seriously consider imposing curfew in their

respective localities to prevent criminal elements from plying their illegal activities at night.

In calling all city and municipal mayors outside Metro Manila to impose their

respective curfew hours for minors, Lina said this could be done through an ordinance

passed by their respective local councils.

"There is great wisdom in the imposition of curfew not only in Metro Manila but

also nationwide as this would greatly help the police in stopping the growing number of

street crimes, but this should be imposed only on minors," Lina said.

Preventive enforcement falls under the heading of

protection, and involves the prevention of crime through

the noticeable presence of police vehicle and personnel.

Prevention of crime is the soundest of all criminological

philosophy. It is much easier to patch a crack in the

dike than it is to repair the wall after it has broken.

The old saw about “an ounce of prevention being a worth a

pound of cure” could not find a better example than in

the prevention of crime. The ultimate goal of crime

prevention is to reduce the risk of being a victim. In

order to accomplish this effectively, it is important to

remove opportunities for a criminal to take advantage of

you or your property. You are attempting to prevent

either victimization or criminalization by presenting an

unattractive target to the criminal. This effort at

removing opportunities is often referred to as target

hardening. Target hardening can be as complex as

installing a high tech alarm system or taking a self-

defense course to something as simple as locking your

door. Successful crime prevention efforts will promote a

safer community be enhancing the perception of safety and

the attitudes and behaviors that help people feel safe.

(Payton, 1971).

Crime prevention is the attempt to reduce

victimization and to deter crime and criminals. It is

applied specifically to efforts made by governments to

reduce crime, enforce the law, and maintain criminal

justice. Crime prevention is any initiative or policy

which reduces or eliminates the aggregate level of

victimization or the risk of individual criminal

participation. It includes government and community based

programs to reduce the incidents of risk factors

correlated with criminal participation and the rage of

victimization, as well as efforts to change perceptions.

One of the priority goals of the government is to

establish a harmonious, peaceful, and stable environment

conducive to attain over-all development here in our

county. For one, the impact of a sound and healthy

environment greatly affects the welfare of every

individual and the overall status of the economy in the

nation (Southern Illinois University, 2006).

Crime is a social disease that needs to be cured. A

conceptual framework or model for the purpose of crime

prevention is therefore needed. Having the knowledge on

the etiology of crime, all possible preventive and

suppressive method in combating crime can help deter

criminality (Manwong and Delizo, 2006).

In his article in “Ang Tala” on August 15 1978,

quoted that during the fifth United Nation Congress on

Prevention of Crimes and Treatment of Offenders held in

Geneva, Switzerland on September 1 -12, 1975, it was the

consensus of the participating nations to stress the

importance of “community prevention action” which

embraces a program of action planned and implemented at

both the local and national levels. Under these concepts

public participation was understood to encompass all the

ways in which a community group assist in the prevention

and control of crime and promote peace and order. (Ramos,


It is believed that an effective criminal justice

system call for the rationalization and socialization of

crime prevention policy and integrating them into

national development goals, for it has been pointed out

that most of the weaknesses of the system are traceable

to the failure of authorities to bridge the gap between

crime and social development. (Ramos, 1975)

The conceptual framework of the study was based on

the concepts of crime prevention, adhering to the archaic

saying stating that: “An ounce of prevention is worth a

pound of crime. Much of the anguish, losses and damage

caused by crime can be simply avoided by preventing its

source” (Tradio,1994).

It is one of the fundamental duties of the elected

officials to see to it that the society in their

jurisdiction should be a place conducive to stay, which

means peaceful society. So it is one duty of the elected

official to make and enact laws which help prevent the

commission of crimes so as to maintain peace and order in

their respective jurisdiction, one of which is the

implementation of curfew for minors in La Trinidad,


This study aimed to determine the level of

attainment of the objectives of curfew for minors, level

of implementation of curfew for minors and the degree of

seriousness in the implementation of curfew for minors in

the municipality of La Trinidad, Benguet. Thus, after the

root cause were properly identified, the necessary

measures were recommended and formulated to solve the


The paradigm of the study (figure 1) describes the

coverage and the direction of the study. Under the

independent variables, the following are determined. The

curfew operation on minors is dependent on the assessment

of the level of attainment of the objectives of curfew on

minors, the level of implementation of curfew on minors

and the problems encountered in the implementation of

curfew on minors. Differences in the perceptions among

PNP personnel, Barangay officials and parent may exists

any may affect the result of assessment.

1. Attainment of the
objectives of
curfew on minors
2. Implementation of
curfew on minors
3. Degree of
seriousness of
encountered in the
implementation of

curfew on minors


1. Level of
attainment of the
objectives of curfew
on minors

2. Level of
implementation of
curfew on minors

3. Degree of
seriousness of
problems encountered
in the implementation
of curfew on minors

Moderator Variables

a. La Trinidad, PNP personnel

c. Barangay officials

d. Parents

Figure 1. Paradigm of the study

Definition of Terms

Minor. It refers to a juvenile who is under the age of eighteen.

Curfew. It is an order or law that requires people to be indoors after a certain time

at night. It is the period of time when such an order or law is in effect.

Barangay Tanod. It refers to a community brigade composed of civilian volunteers

duly appointed by the Punong Barangay upon recommendation of the Barangay Peace and

Order Committee (BPOC).

Juvenile delinquency. It refers to the habitual committing of criminal acts or

offenses by a young person, especially one below the age at which ordinary criminal

prosecution is possible.

Business Establishment. It refers to businesses offering liquors or any intoxicating

beverages, those which offer amusement services such as billiards, internet café and the


Patrol. This refers to an act done by police personnel passing along a road, beat,

etc., or around or through a specified area in order to maintain order and security.


Design and Methodology

This section discussed the methods and procedures

used in this study. Specifically, it discusses the

research design, methodology, the population and locale

of the study, the data gathering tools and the treatment

of data.

Research Design

In this study, the descriptive survey method of

investigation was used in the presentation, analysis, and

interpretation of data. The descriptive method is the

collection, presentation, and description of data. It

described the curfew for minors in the Municipality of La

Trinidad, Benguet. Specifically, the study described the

level of implementation of curfew for minors, the level

of attainment of the objectives of curfew for minors and

the degree of seriousness of problems encountered in the

implementation of curfew for minors in the municipality

of La Trinidad, Benguet.

Locale and Population of the Study

This study was conducted to assess the Curfew on

Minors in the most urbanized Barangays in La Trinidad,

Benguet such as Betag, Balili, Pico, Puguis, Poblacion

and Cruz.

Population of the Study

The population of the study was comprised of the

members of the La Trinidad Police, Parents and Barangay


Table 1. Distribution of respondents

Area of Respondents Number of respondents

PNP Personnel 22
Barangay Officials 45
Parents 85

Total 152

Data Gathering Tools

The study utilized the questionnaire-checklist with

Likert-type scale served as the main gathering tool. The

questionnaire was adopted from the unpublished Thesis

“Curfew for Minors in Bontoc, Mountain Province” by

Rommel Fedcha of University of Baguio. Thus, the

instrument is deemed valid and reliable.

Data Gathering Procedures

Prior to the gathering of data, the researcher

sought permission from the office of the Mayor, Chief of

Police, respective members of the PNP and Barangay

Chairman. The researcher and his enumerators personally

administered the questionnaires and gave an overview,

explain briefly the purpose and importance of the study

to the respondents.

After retrieving the questionnaires, the

responses were tallied, tabulated and treated


Treatment of Data

Data collected were evaluated and measured to

ensure their completeness, consistency, accuracy and

relevance. This is to enable data gathered to be

presented into tables for qualitative explanations and

analysis of curfew on minors.

All data were statistically treated by using

the 4 point scale to quantify the responses.

The following scales were used on the level of

attainment of objectives of curfew on minors as perceived

by the respondents:

Score Numerical Descriptive Symbols

Value Equivalent

4 3.25 – 4.00 Much Attained MA

3 2.50 - 3.24 Moderately

Attained MA

2 1.75 – 2.49 Slightly

Attained SA

1 1.00 – 1.74 Not Attained NA

On the determination of the level of

implementation of curfew on minors in La Trinidad,

Benguet as perceived by the respondents, the following

scales were used:

Score Numerical Descriptive Symbols

Value Equivalent

4 3.25 – 4.00 Much Implemented MI

3 2.50 - 3.24 Moderately

Implemented MI

2 1.75 – 2.49 Slightly

Implemented SI

1 1.00 – 1.74 Not Implemented NI

On the determination of the degree of

seriousness of problems encountered in the implementation

of curfew on minors in La Trinidad, Benguet as perceived

by the respondents, the following scales were used:

Score Numerical Descriptive Symbols

Value Equivalent

4 3.25 – 4.00 Highly Serious HS

3 2.50 - 3.24 Moderately

Serious MS

2 1.75 – 2.49 Slightly

Serious SS

1 1.00 – 1.74 Not a Problem NaP

In answering specific problems 1, 2, and 3

weighted mean was used. The formula (Oasan, 1995) is

X = ∑fx

Where: X = weighted mean

∑ = summation
f = No. of respondents
X = scales
N = total number of respondents

Sub-problems 1.2, 2.1, and 3.1 were answered by ANOVA (F-
test) through Microsoft Excel Toolpak Analysis.


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents and interprets the data

relative to the level of attainment of the objectives,

level of implementation and the degree of seriousness of

problems encountered in the implementation of curfew on

minors in the Municipality of La Trinidad.

The Level of Attainment of the objectives of curfew on


Table 3 shows that the overall mean is 2.86,

which is interpreted as moderately attained. In the

overall analysis, the

Table 3. Level of Attainment of the objectives of curfew
for minors as perceived by the group
Indicators W.M Descriptive Equivalent Rank
1. Preventing the minors from drinking liquor
by not allowing them to enter inside any
amusement establishment; 2.85 Moderately Attained 10
2. Arresting those persons who are selling,
using, possessing, and transporting
dangerous drugs; 2.91 Moderately Attained 7.5
3. Imposing fines to business establishments
which permit minors to drink inside their bar
or any amusement; 2.52 Moderately Attained 15
4. Closing business establishments which
deliberately allows minors to drink inside Slightly
their bar, despite of warnings given; 2.45 Attained 16
5. Preventing minors from loitering during
night time; 2.75 Moderately Attained 13
6. Increasing police visibility to prevent
would be minor violators to commit crime; 2.95 Moderately Attained 5.5
7. Educating and or informing the
community on the modus operandi (mode of
operation) of the minors in committing
crimes particularly on robbery; 2.78 Moderately Attained 12
8. Safeguarding the people,
and preserving peace and
order in the community by
conducting patrol and
inspection in the
community; 3.24 Moderately Attained 1
9. Strictly implementing
curfew to protect the
minors from adults and
fellow minors; 2.98 Moderately Attained 4
10. Requiring minors to go
home earlier to avoid bad
influence from gang members
of the community; 3.04 Moderately Attained 3
11. Suppressing and or
abolishing any bad
fraternity or sorority; 2.88 Moderately Attained 9
12. Arresting gang members
who are bad influence to
the minors and giving them
proper counseling for them
to stop and be law-abiding
citizen; 2.71 Moderately Attained 14

13. Detaining minors who
violate curfew and
immediately informing the
parents then conducting
counseling before letting
them out; 2.81 Moderately Attained 11
14. Educating and informing
parents, guardians with
regard to supervision,
which helps them to be
responsible parent or
guardian; 3.05 Moderately Attained 2
15. Strengthening the
relationship between
enforcers and members of
the community, with regard
to counselling of minors;
and 2.95 Moderately Attained 5.5
16. Helping the economic
development of the
community. 2.91 Moderately Attained 7.5
Average 2.86 Moderately Attained

respondents perceived that many of the objectives are

still to be attained. This is due to unforeseen factors

that affects the attainment of the objectives like

occurrence of emergencies, special holidays and events

such as Adivay where attention of law enforcers are

diverted, and also some minors are not aware that there

is such curfew on minors in La Trinidad that’s why they

are loitering in public places.

Rank one is indicator 8 safeguarding the

people, and preserving peace and order in the community

by conducting patrol and inspection in the community

obtained the highest mean of 3.24, interpreted as

moderately attained. This means that majority of people

in the community feel that they are being protected by

authorities but there are still some who felt otherwise.

Result of the interview made by GreenGarage

says that having curfew means that those under 18 get as much adult supervision as

possible. This lessens the chances of them getting involved in juvenile violence and crime.

Parents often feel assured and relieved having their kids at home and not on the streets at a

certain time.

Driving and hanging out during late night hours puts teenagers in a risky situation. Driving

or traveling at night poses greater dangers than traveling at daytime. In addition, curfew

keeps them away from temptations such as drug use, violent acts, sexual risks, heavy

partying, and alcohol intake.

Palberas (2016) in a personal interview said

that “I can say that at least the law enforcers and

barangay officials are doing their job because once in a

while I can see them going around our community to render

service” (Personal Interview)

Second in rank is Educating and informing

parents, guardians with regard to supervision, which

helps them to be responsible parent or guardian garnered

the second highest mean of 3.05 interpreted as moderately

attained. This means that there is high awareness on the

part of the parents but the information campaign is

limited due to financial assistance and it further

implies that the implementers of the curfew for minors

were able to help many to be more responsible parents.

Superintendent Leon Taleo of the Baguio City Police Office (BCPO) operations

division revealed that from January to the middle of June this year, there were around 225

minors who were rounded up and either given counselling by social workers prior to the

turnover to their parents or were immediately fetched by their parents at the city social

welfare and development office or at the BCPO women and children’s desk located in

Burnham Park.

Joseph Mangiben member of Barangay Tanod of Wangal

said that when minor is caught and brought to the

Barangay hall, some qualified Barangay officials and

Tanod are giving advice and guidance to the parents which

is good because not all parents are well educated to

manage children. (Personal Interview 2016)

Rank three is requiring minors to go home

earlier to avoid bad influence from gang members of the

community obtained the third highest mean of 3.04, which

is interpreted as moderately attained. This means that

majority of the minors were going home earlier because

they are required by the implementers of the curfew for


However, there are still minors who go home late because

they enjoy playing in the computer shops and parks.

Association of Private Schools president Ann Marie Caguioa said since the passage

of Ordinance 50, series of 2009 prescribing the rules and regulations for curfew for minors

in the city, reported crimes against children have been minimized and private and public

schools had been complying with the guidelines in the ordinance.

She further said that it is still best for the city to maintain the 7 pm to 5 am curfew

for minors in order to make sure children will be home right after dismissal of classes so

that their parents will not always worry about their safety.

During special occasions of schools, Caguioa informed members of the City Council

that schools comply with the guidelines wherein they issue the concerned children with a

certification that there will be a school-based activity that will end beyond 7 pm in order to

be used by the minors once apprehended or investigated by the law enforcers, aside from

their respective identification cards and class schedules.

First lowest indicator is closing business establishments which deliberately allows

minors to drink inside their bar, despite warnings given which obtained a mean of 2.45,

interpreted as slightly attained. The result implies that very few business establishments

were closed in compliance with curfew on minors because there is no enough man power

to process legal documents and work on technical areas to close a certain business. This

also happens due to poor cooperation of the owners of the different business


In La Trinidad, Benguet, the Women and Children’s Protection Desk (WCPD)

recorded 112 cases of CICL in 2014 and 94 in 2015. Petty theft and physical injury ranked

the top most juvenile offenses. Petty thefts are usually committed through snatching or

pickpocketing of valuables. Most were arrested for physical injury due to their involvement

in bars or street fights.

(Personal Interview 2016) P03 Ruben Balanoy said that it is difficult for them to

ensure that all businesses will be closed as required by the Ordinance because they cannot

be in the same place all the time since La Trinidad is a very wide place and PNP personnel

are not enough. When Police officers have move to other place, business owners will open

their business establishment.

Second lowest indicator, is imposing fines to business establishments which permit

minors to drink inside their bar or any amusement garnered a weighted mean of 2.52

interpreted as moderately attained. It implies that there are still policies which are not clear

and fully informed to the violators of the ordinance. One of the reasons of this result is no

clear cut policy in imposing fines to business establishments and the fines is not clearly

identified in the ordinance.

A business owner in Pico said that some of the business owners are haggling and

negotiating immediately to the authorities whenever they violate a certain ordinance

particularly offering liquor to minors even it is within curfew hours. Their defense is that

they don’t know that their customers are minors.

Another factor for the difficulty in imposing fines is that some people do not agree

with the ordinance, an example for this is the petition letter submitted by the members of

the La Trinidad Bar and Restaurant Owners Association Inc. they said that the early curfew is

laudable as it protects the welfare of minors, but it will seriously affect thousands of

individuals involved in the business, as well as the income the town derives from these


The third lowest indicator is arresting gang members who are bad

influence to the minors and giving them proper counseling

for them to stop and be law-abiding citizen with a weighted

mean of 2.71 interpreted as moderately attained. This means that there are still many

minors loitering in public places even if it is already within curfew hours.

The difficulty is that these activities are historically part of the amenities of life as

we have known them. They are not mentioned in the Constitution or in the Bill of Rights.

These unwritten amenities have been, in part, responsible for giving our people the feeling

of independence and self-confidence, the feeling of creativity. These amenities have

dignified the right of dissent, and have honored the right to be nonconformists and the

right to defy submissiveness. They have encouraged lives of high spirits, rather than hushed,

suffocating silence.

Difference in the level of attainment

of the objectives of curfew on
minors according to group

Table 2.1 presents the differences in the level of

attainment of the objectives of curfew for minors

according to group. As exhibited in the table, the PNP

and Barangay officials perceived higher level of

perception on the level of attainment of the objectives

of curfew for minors compared to Parents on the ground

that members of the PNP themselves and Barangay officials

are the prime enforcers of the ordinance. As such they

are much confident that they have done their part

particularly when it comes to the attainment of the

objectives of curfew. On the other hand, parents got the

lowest perception because many of them are focused on

their work making them unaware that law enforcers are

conducting patrol.

In relation to this, a resident of Puguis says that

seldom they see law enforcers conducting patrol in their

barangay. Fedcha (2011) asserted that the obvious reason

why the parents have a lower level of perception is on

the ground that they are only the recipients of these

services. Kiblasan (1999) stressed also that perceptions

differ especially if it is between doers and observers.

In his study, the BCPO personnel perceived that purposes

of the Anti-Vice Campaign were fully attained however

barangay officials perceived it as moderately attained


Table 2.1 Differences in the level of attainment of the

objectives of curfew for minors according to group

Barangay PNP
Officials Personnel Parents
1. Preventing the minors from drinking liquor by not
allowing them to enter inside any amusement
establishment; 3.43 2.70 2.55
2. Arresting those persons who
are selling, using, possessing,
and transporting dangerous
drugs; 3.49 2.57 2.70
3. Imposing fines to business
establishments which permit
minors to drink inside their bar
or any amusements; 3.17 2.00 2.32
4. Closing business
establishments which
deliberately allows minors to
drink inside their bar, despite 3.09 1.78 2.32
5. Preventing minors from
loitering during night time; 3.41 2.26 2.55
6. Increasing police visibility
to prevent would be minor
violators to commit crime; 3.63 3.09 2.50
7. Educating and or informing
the community on the modus
operandi (Mode of Operation) of
the minors in committing crimes
particularly on robbery; 3.44 3.35 2.25
8. Safeguarding the people, and
preserving peace and order in
the community by conducting
patrol and inspection in the
community; 3.86 3.43 2.77
9. Strictly implementing curfew
to protect the minors from
adults and fellow minors; 3.43 3.39 2.58
10. Requiring minors to go home
earlier to avoid bad influence
from gang members of the
community; 3.57 3.48 2.54
11. Suppressing and or
abolishing any bad fraternity or
sorority; 3.32 3.30 2.48
12. Arresting gang members who 3.15 3.00 2.32
are bad influence to the minors
and giving them proper
counseling for them to stop and

be law-abiding citizen;
13. Detaining minors who violate
curfew and immediately informing
the parents then conducting
counseling before letting them
out; 3.29 3.22 2.34
14. Educating and informing
parents, guardians with regard
to supervision, which helps them
to be responsible parent or
guardian; 3.47 3.41 2.64
15. Strengthening the
relationship between enforcers
and members of the community,
with regard to counselling of
minors; and 3.62 3.41 2.36
16. Helping the economic
development of the community. 3.43 3.26 2.42
Average 3.42 2.98 2.48
Fcomp= 29.559 p-value= 0.00 F.05= 3.204 significant

Statistical analysis shows that the p-value of 0.00

is less than the alpha value of 0.05 level of

significance which means that there are significant

differences in the level of attainment of the objectives

of curfew for minors according to group. Hence, there is

enough evidence to accept the hypothesis that there is

significant difference in the level of attainment of the

objectives of curfew on minors as perceived by the groups

of respondents.

This finding implies that perception of the

respondents vary because they have different level of

exposure and observation on level of attainment of


Level of Implementation of curfew for Minors as perceived

by the group

Table 3 presents the level of implementation of curfew on

minors in La Trinidad, Benguet.

Table 3. Level of implementation of curfew on minors in

La Trinidad, Benguet as perceived by the respondents
Indicators W.M Equivalent Rank
1. Preventing the minors from
drinking liquor by no allowing
them to enter inside any Moderately
amusement establishment; 2.77 Implemented 10
2. Arresting those persons who are
selling, using, possessing, and Moderately
transporting dangerous drugs; 2.73 Implemented 13
3. Imposing fines to business
establishments which permit
minors to drink inside their bar Slightly
or any amusements; 2.38 Implemented 15
4. Closing business establishments
which deliberately allows minors
to drink inside their bar, Slightly
despite of warnings given; 2.37 Implemented 16
5. Preventing minors from Moderately
loitering during night time; 2.78 Implemented 11
6. Increasing police visibility to
prevent would be minor violators Moderately
to commit crime; 3.07 Implemented 1.5
7. Educating and or informing the
community on the modus operandi
(Mode of Operation) of the
minors in committing crimes Moderately
particularly on robbery; 2.89 Implemented 7
8. Safeguarding the people, and 3.04 Moderately 4
preserving peace and order in Implemented

the community by conducting
patrol and inspection in the
9. Strictly implementing curfew to
protect the minors from adults Moderately
and fellow minors; 2.99 Implemented 5
10. Requiring minors to go home
earlier to avoid bad influence
from gang members of the Moderately
community; 3.07 Implemented 1.5
11. Suppressing and or abolishing Moderately
any bad fraternity or sorority; 2.83 Implemented 9
12. Arresting gang members who are
bad influence to the minors and
giving them proper counseling
for them to stop and be law- Moderately
abiding citizen; 2.66 Implemented 14
13. Detaining minors who violate
curfew and immediately informing
the parents then conducting
counseling before letting them Moderately
out; 2.75 Implemented 12
14. Educating and informing
parents, guardians with regard
to supervision, which helps them
to be responsible parent or Moderately
guardian; 2.93 Implemented 6
15. Strengthening the relationship
between enforcers and members of
the community, with regard to Moderately
counselling of minors; and 2.88 Implemented 8
16. Helping the economic Moderately
development of the community. 3.06 Implemented 3
Average 2.83 Moderately Implemented

Based on the results, the respondents perceived that

the curfew on minors in La Trinidad, Benguet is

moderately implemented as reflected by the average mean

of 2.83.

This implies that the respondents perceived some

needed improvement in the implementation of the curfew

for minors such the strict imposition of fines and

immediate closures of business establishments violating

curfew on minors ordinance. The findings is attributed to

inevitable factors such a as lack of manpower,

insufficient budget and uncooperative parents.

This is supported by the research conducted by

Balangen (2011). In her research she said that though

most complied with the ordinance, the compliance was not

greatly influenced by the strategies applied by the

implementing group. Respondents’ top reason for their

compliance is parental guidance while influence of

friends was the most reason for the respondents’

noncompliance to the ordinance. Weak communication

strategies applied in the implementing of the ordinance

and not strict and inconsistent/irregular implementation

of the ordinance and the ronda system were the top

problems of the respondents regarding the ordinance while

the implementers faced problems such as insufficient

budget, lack of manpower, uncooperative

parents/guardians, non-compliance of business owners,

lack of discipline of minors and non-existent support

system of the government.

(Personal Interview 2016)SPO1 Chris Haidle Tumingeb

said that in his 14 years’ service going around the

country dealing with different kinds of people, rules or

laws cannot be 100 percent implemented because of two

factors one is that the implementers are just human being

where they usually give consideration to those who are

violating simples rules like curfew for minors where

there are no victims, second is that not all people

especially young people support this particular ordinance

for they believe it is violating their rights to travel

or to enjoy life.

The two indicators such as increasing police

visibility to prevent would be minor violators to commit

crime and requiring minors to go home earlier to avoid

bad influence from gang members of the community both

garnered a mean of 3.07 interpreted as moderately

attained. This implies that the respondents perceived

that implementers of curfew for minors are visible to the

public and that they are indeed requiring minors to go

home once they are caught loitering in public places. The

result is moderately attained is due to the limited

number of PNP personnel and Barangay officials.

This is supported by the study of Balangen (2011).

Her findings states that the ronda system was the actual

foot patrol of the barangay officials or barangay tanods

and police officers around the barangay to apprehend

violators. The ronda system included securing of computer

shops and establishments serving liquors around the area

while at the same time informing the residents regarding

the ordinances. Curfew for minors, computer shops and

liquor establishments were successive, thus, the ronda

system was not only for the latter but extended to the

other two ordinances. According to the key informants,

most of the minors were caught at the computer shops and

establishments serving alcoholic beverages, and in dark

areas. Thus, most of them concentrated on these areas.

Minors who shall be caught by Barangay Tanods after 7PM

should either be sent home or referred to the police

officers. The police officers will either send the

children home or refer them to the MSWDO for guidance and

counseling. The MSWDO then will send the children home

after the guidance and counseling with the parents.

However, this procedure was modified by some of the

barangay officials where they apply case-to-case basis.

Barangay Kagawad and Chairman for Peace and Order of

Barangay Puguis Tyrone T. Diaz said that during foot

patrols, they exempted residents who loitered later than

7PM as long as they were not doing anything wrong. Most

of those who were caught were those drunk and those who

were committing crimes. They referred these violators to

the police officers and to MSWDO for proper intervention

or sanction. Those who were just seen loitering late were

assisted home after being informed and asked regarding

the curfew ordinance.

Barangay officials or tanods talked to the parents

for advises for those who were immediately sent home.

Since some parents were not aware of the said ordinance,

they were likewise informed of the ordinance.

Ranked two, is helping the economic development of

the community got an overall mean of 3.06, which is

interpreted as moderately implemented. This implies that

observance of the provisions of the ordinance of curfew

for minors has greatly influenced economic growth in the

community because a peaceful community grows rapidly.

Generally, there is a decline of minor offenses when

curfew was implemented.

(Personal interview 2016) Dimsy Yap, a business owner who were interviewed said

that customers will go away if the place is not peaceful, he cited his experience some time

ago in Betag when many bystanders are loitering in their business establishment, their sales


Ranked four, is safeguarding the people, and preserving

peace and order in the community by conducting patrol and

inspection in the community obtained a weighted mean of

3.04 which is interpreted as moderately implemented. This

means that the majority of respondents perceived that

people feel safe and peace is still preserved.

Nevertheless, some are not feeling secure despite

presence of law enforcers in the community.

An old city ordinance on curfew for minors that’s not been enforced for years has

been revived in the past weeks with policemen rounding up minors especially those having

a drinking session at the sidewalks.

The move follows an earlier statement of President-Elect Rodrigo Duterte that he is

eyeing the strict enforcement of the curfew which he had set in Davao City as mayor.

In Pasay City yesterday police rounded up 80 minors for violating the city’s existing

curfew hour which is from 10 p.m. until 4 a.m. under “Oplan Rody” or Rid the Streets of

Drinkers and Youth, while in Mandaluyong City, police arrested 30 minors spotted along the

streets from 10p.m. to 1:45 a.m.

The minors said they were just playing with friends a few blocks from their

residence. Others were singing with a karaoke at a street corner in Barangay Addition Hills.

According to Pasay City police chief, Sr. Supt. Joel Doria, the minors were first

detained at the Pasay City detention cell in the presence of some personnel of the local

Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

Meanwhile, Chief Insp. Jacqueline Ta-a, of the Libertad Police Station (PS-4), said

that the minors were rounded up from Tuesday evening until early yesterday morning by

roving officers.

The minors, who were caught either loitering on the streets, inside computer shops,

and hanging out, were assisted by personnel from the city’s Department of Social Welfare

and Development (DSWD).

The existing ordinance on curfew hours which was first implemented in 1993

imposes penalties up to three violations. Penalty for the first violation is a record on the

police blotter, second violation is community service, and third offense is a fine of P500.

Meanwhile, the parents and guardians of the arrested minors said they weren’t

aware that there is such an ordinance being implemented.

The city police told the parents of the arrested minors of the city ordinance

imposing curfew hours for minors aging 18 years old and below from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. since


The minors were released around 1 a.m. after their parents and guardians

presented identification cards.

A few days ago, the Las Pinas City police under Sr. Supt. Jemar Modequillo, rounded

up over about 100 persons, 70 of them minors and 30 adults who were caught drinking

along the streets and walking around half naked.

Modequillo immediately released the 70 minors together with their parents after

he informed them of the existing city ordinance and the dangers of allowing minors to roam

the streets late at night.

Meanwhile, the 30 adults were ordered to do 40 push- ups as punishment.

Rank 16. Closing business establishments which

deliberately allows minors to drink inside their bar,

despite of warnings given obtained the lowest mean of

2.37 interpreted as slightly implemented. The findings

implies that the implementers are not strictly enforcing

the provisions of the ordinance on curfew for minors.

Buya-an asserted that some Barangay officials are

giving favor to business owners especially if they knew

each other.

In corroboration to this, Fedcha (2011) found out

that the enforcement of closure of business establishment

is being implemented with bias. According to one of the

Kagawads of Poblacion Bontoc, Mountain Province, it is

true some of the business establishments are being warned

but it just stops there. When it comes to closure of

repeated violators, sometimes it is not being carried


Ranked fifteen, is imposing fines to business

establishments which permit minors to drink inside their

bar or any amusements garnered the second lowest with a

weighted mean of 2.38 interpreted as slightly

implemented. This means that there is difficulty in

collecting fines from business establishments that

violates curfew for minors.

One of the Barangay kagawads in Pico said that the

procedure is too complicated and laborious, we have so

many jobs to do that’s why we prefer to avoid conflicts

with the resident because it is additional burden for us.

Rank fourteen is arresting gang members who are bad

influence to the minors and giving them proper counseling

for them to stop and be law-abiding citizen obtained the

third lowest with weighted mean of 2.66 interpreted as

moderately implemented. This means that there is also

difficulty in putting minors under arrest.

Barangay Kagawad in Balili asserted that it is

difficult to arrest gang members who are minors because

of RA 9344 (juvenile justice and welfare act) states that

a minor cannot be arrested and penalized. They will just

be invited to the Barangay then turn over to the DSWD.

Differences in the level of implementation

of curfew for minors according to group

As gleaned from table 3.1, the Barangay officials

and the PNP have a higher level of perception on the

level of implementation of curfew for minors for the

reason that they are the prime movers and are the persons

responsible and accountable in implementing the curfew

for minors and who are directly involved in observing

what is really happening in the community. As such, the

members of the PNP

Table 3.1 The comparison of the level of implementation

of curfew for minors as perceived by the group
Barangay PNP
Officials Personnel Parents
1. Preventing the minors from
drinking liquor by no allowing
them to enter inside any
amusement establishment; 3.34 2.77 2.41
2. Arresting those persons who 3.37 2.05 2.61
are selling, using, possessing,

and transporting dangerous
3. Imposing fines to business
establishments which permit
minors to drink inside their bar
or any amusements; 2.91 1.86 2.25
4. Closing business
establishments which
deliberately allows minors to
drink inside their bar, despite
of warnings given; 3.03 1.82 2.18
5. Preventing minors from
loitering during night time; 3.44 2.45 2.54
6. Increasing police visibility
to prevent would be minor
violators to commit crime; 3.62 3.18 2.69
7. Educating and or informing
the community on the modus
operandi (Mode of Operation) of
the minors in committing crimes
particularly on robbery; 3.35 3.18 2.55
8. Safeguarding the people, and
preserving peace and order in
the community by conducting
patrol and inspection in the
community; 3.69 3.36 2.55
9. Strictly implementing curfew
to protect the minors from
adults and fellow minors; 3.31 3.41 2.63
10. Requiring minors to go home
earlier to avoid bad influence
from gang members of the
community; 3.44 3.59 2.64
11. Suppressing and or
abolishing any bad fraternity or
sorority; 3.26 3.14 2.48
12. Arresting gang members who
are bad influence to the minors
and giving them proper
counseling for them to stop and
be law-abiding citizen; 3.29 2.91 2.16
13. Detaining minors who violate
curfew and immediately informing
the parents then conducting
counseling before letting them
out; 2.88 3.14 2.50

14. Educating and informing
parents, guardians with regard
to supervision, which helps them
to be responsible parent or
guardian; 3.24 3.32 2.58
15. Strengthening the
relationship between enforcers
and members of the community,
with regard to counselling of
minors; and 3.47 3.09 2.48
16. Helping the economic
development of the community. 3.58 3.18 2.71
Average 3.11 3.07 2.89

Fcomp= 20.898 p-value= 0.00 F.05= 3.204 significant

are very much confident on their performance when it

comes to the implementation of curfew for minors, this is

evident in the overall mean of 3.11 and 3.07, interpreted

as very much implemented respectively.

However, the other group of respondent which is the

parents have a lower level of perception garnered only

2.89 weighted mean, this implies that the community is

expecting for more from the implementers of the


Statistical analysis shows that the p-value of 0.00

is less than the alpha value of 0.05 level of

significance which means that there are significant

differences in the level of implementation of curfew on

minors according to group. Therefore, there is enough

evidence to accept the hypothesis that there is

significant differences in the level of implementation of

curfew on minors as perceived by the groups of


The finding implies that respondents perceived that

there is different level of implementation of curfew on

minors La Trinidad, Benguet. This is the reason why one

of the residents in Buyagan, Poblacion stated that Law

enforcers imposed the law according to the status in life

of the violators.

Degree of Seriousness of the problems encountered in the

implementation of curfew on minors as perceived by the


The degree of seriousness of the problems

encountered in the implementation of curfew on minors

were shown in Table 4. It was shown that the overall mean

is 2.96 which is interpreted as moderately serious.

Table 4. Degree of seriousness of problems encountered in

the implementation of curfew on minors
Indicators W.M Equivalent Rank
1. Public apathy, allowing minors Moderately
to stay out in a public place; 2.95 Serious 10
2. Business owners allow minors to
drink inside any amusement place; 3.3 Highly Serious 2
3. The public does not care even if 2.96 Moderately 9
the enforcers are around to Serious

implement the curfew program;
4. Number of police officers who
are directly involved in the
implementation of curfew is not
enough to cover the whole
municipality; 3.33 Highly Serious 1
5. Police cars are unavailable for Moderately
transportation; 2.88 Serious 10
6. Lack of gas allocation for Moderately
vehicles; 2.78 Serious 14
7. There are still minors present
in public places during curfew is Moderately
not being implemented; 3.12 Serious 3.5
8. Sometimes curfew is not being Moderately
implemented; 3.11 Serious 5
9. There are those elective
officials and enforcers of curfew Moderately
who does not support the program; 2.8 Serious 11
10. There’s lack of discipline of Moderately
minors; 3.09 Serious 6
11. Enforcers abuse their authority Moderately
in implementing the curfew; 2.52 Serious 17
12. Public does not divulge Moderately
information to the enforcers; 2.77 Serious 15
13. The minors are armed; 2.79 Serious 12
14. Violators are in the influence
of drugs and or intoxicating Moderately
liquor; 3.12 Serious 3.5
15. Violators are mentally Moderately
deranged; 2.74 Serious 16
16. There are many bad influences,
fraternities/Sororities within the Moderately
community; and 3.04 Serious 8
17. Parents/Guardians permit, or
insufficient control allow the
minor to remain at any public
place or on the premises of any
establishment within the Moderately
municipality during curfew hours. 3.06 Serious 7
Average 2.96 Serious

This implies that there are many problems still

being encountered by the implementers of curfew for

minors as perceived by the respondents.

PO3 Balanoy revealed that there is lack of full

cooperation of different government agencies concern,

lack of facilities to cater to the needs of the curfew

for minors and financial and logistics need is

insufficient such as mobile car.

Ranked one, is number of police officers who are

directly involved in the implementation of curfew is not

enough to cover the whole municipality garnered the

highest mean of 3.33 interpreted as highly serious

because violators tend to thrive when PNP personnel and

Barangay officials are not visible to the public. The

finding implies that the most common problem perceived by

the respondents is the absence of police officer in the


SPO1 Tumingeb said that one of the reasons why this

is identified as highly serious is because people are

already accustomed with the presence of police officer.

Whatever problems the community had such as fire or

broken lights the first agency this problem will be

referred to is the police, although it is the job of fire

department or BENECO.

The police are the first line of defense against

crime. It has been concluded that crime will be reduced

if the number of police will be increased. The PNP has

targeted a 1:700 police-to-population ratio in 2010;

1:600 in 2020; and 1:500 in 2030. The actual police-to

population ratio for 2010 was registered at 1:662, better

than the target. With the hiring of additional police

officers, the ratio has further improved to 1:620 as of

March 2013. However, the Philippines still fares

poorly compared to its Asian neighbors

In contrast, Margaret Weigel (2011) said that A

curfew’s impact is not dependent on the number of police officers enforcing it. Parents

appear to be the primary curfew enforcers, and that “municipal curfews act as focal point in

the establishment of household policies.”

Business owners allow minors to drink inside any

amusement place rank number 2 with a weighted mean of 3.3

which is interpreted as highly serious. This implies that

despite of many laws being enforced many Business owners

remain opened for minors.

(Personal Interview) Batoyong (2016)”I have to do violate some rules

because I am paying high rentals and taxes and my collection for groceries is never enough

to sustain my liabilities. So I secretly offer liquor to minors since they are my common

customer revealed by a semi-bar owner”. (Personal interview)

Ranked three, is there are still minors present in

public places during curfew is not being implemented and

violators are in the influence of drugs and or

intoxicating liquor both garnered a weighted mean of 3.12

Which is interpreted as moderately serious.

This means that minors are still loitering in public

places because entrance is free such as in public parks,

computer shops and bars and it also mean that majority of

violators are under influence of drugs and liquor.

In relation to this, According to Fedcha (2011) it

is not only here in the Philippines that experience

problems on minors who indulge in alcohol drinking.

According to the International Institute for Alcohol

Awareness (IIAA), underage drinking is a serious national

problem that costs the United States $62.6 billion each

year in deaths, injuries, property damage, and related

economic and productivity losses. Tragically, illegal

consumption of alcohol by minors led to 3, 212 deaths and

2.4 million other harmful events in the lives in American

families in 2001. In fact, underage drinkers account for

about 16 percent of all alcohol consumed in the United

States annually.

Summary of Findings

The major findings are the following:

1. The objectives of the curfew on minors in La Trinidad,

Benguet is moderately attained. Safeguarding the people,

and preserving peace and order in the community by

conducting patrol and inspection in the community

obtained the highest mean while closing establishments

which deliberately allows minors to drink inside their

bar, despite warnings given have the lowest mean.

1.1 There is a significant difference on the

perception of the respondents as to the level of

attainment of the objectives of curfew for minors in La

Trinidad, Benguet.

2. The perceptions of the respondents as to the level of

implementation of curfew for minors is moderately

implemented. Increasing police visibility to prevent

would be minor violators to commit crime and requiring

minors to go home earlier to avoid bad influence from

gang members of the community have the highest rank while

closing business establishments which deliberately allows

minors to drink inside their bar, despite of warnings

given earned the lowest mean.

2.1 There is significant difference on the

perception of respondents as to the level of

implementation of curfew for minors.

3. The perceptions of the respondents as to the degree of

seriousness of the problems encountered in the

implementation of curfew for minors is moderately

implemented. The following problems garnered the highest

rank respectively:

Rank 1. Number of police officers who are

directly involved in the implementation of curfew is not

enough to cover the whole municipality

Rank 2. Business owners allow minors to drink

inside any amusement place;

Rank 3. There are still minors present in

public places during curfew is not being implemented.



This chapter presents the conclusions and

recommendations as regards the curfew on minors in La

Trinidad, Benguet.


The study deduced the following conclusions in

relation to the specific problems of the study:

1. The moderate attainment of the objectives of

curfew on minors is attributed to the unforeseen factors

that affects the attainment of the objectives like

occurrence of emergencies, special holidays and events

such as Adivay where attention of law enforcers are

diverted, and also some minors are not aware that there

is such curfew on minors in La Trinidad that’s why they

are loitering in public places.

2. The implementation of curfew on minors is

moderate due to inevitable factors such as lack of

manpower, insufficient budget and uncooperative parents.

Moreover, some young people are unwilling to cooperate

for they believe it is a violation of their rights to


3. Lack of full cooperation of different government

agencies concern, lack of facilities to cater to the

needs of the curfew for minors and financial and

logistics need is insufficient such as mobile car are the

reasons why the problems encountered in the

implementation of curfew on minors is highly serious.


In view of the findings and conclusions derived

from the study, the following are recommended:

1. The Law Enforcers and the Barangay officials

must endeavor to strictly enforce the law especially

closing business establishments which deliberately

allows minors to drink inside their bar by filing

corresponding case to court immediately. Thus, other

would be violator will hesitate to do the same.

2. The law enforcers and Barangay officials must

make sure that business establishments which permit

minors to drink inside their bar or amusement will be

sued in court.
3. The PNP and other law enforcement bodies must

endeavor to arrest gang members so that they will not

influence more minors to join them and must initiate

strong coordination with DSWD for more productive

intervention such as professional counselling.

4. The PNP, Barangay officials and the community

members must endeavor to request the authorities

concerned for more PNP personnel to be deployed in the

different Barangays.
5. The law enforcement bodies must initiate

partnership with the parents in preventing minors from

loitering in public places with in curfew hours.

6. Funded researches on the responsiveness and

implementation of curfew on minors must be initiated and

carried out for further development.

7. Further researches are encouraged to be

conducted in order to make assessments on the strategies

currently employed by the authorities for a more

productive curfew on minors.

8. There should be a clear cut policies in

imposing fines to business establishment who are

coddling minors.


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Appendix A
Communication Letters
July 7, 2016


Chief of Police
La Trinidad, Benguet

Dear SIR:


The undersigned student of Cordillera Career

Development College is conducting a study entitled “Curfew
for Minors in the Municipality of La Trinidad, Benguet” in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Master of Science in Public Administration.

In this regard, may he find favor in your good office

to allow him administer his questionnaire and conduct
informal interviews among the personnel of La Trinidad
Municipal Police Office.

Rest assured that whatever data and/ or information

gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality and
be taken and analyzed in an objective manner.

He is looking forward to your favorable response and

may you find his request worthy of your approval.

Thank you very much and God bless!

Respectfully yours,


Noted by



Dean, Graduate School

July 7, 2016

La Trinidad, Benguet

Dear SIR:


The undersigned student of Cordillera Career

Development College is conducting a study entitled “Curfew
for Minors in the Municipality of La Trinidad, Benguet” in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Master of Science in Public Administration.

In this regard, may he find favor in your good office

to allow him administer his questionnaire and conduct
informal interviews among the Barangay officials and some
parents in your Barangay.

Rest assured that whatever data and/ or information

gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality and
be taken and analyzed in an objective manner.

He is looking forward to you favorable response and

may you find his request worthy of your approval.

Thank you very much and God bless!

Respectfully yours,


Noted by



Dean, Graduate School

Punong Barangay
Betag, La Trinidad, Benguet

Dear SIR:


The undersigned student of Cordillera Career

Development College is conducting a study entitled “Curfew
for Minors in the Municipality of La Trinidad, Benguet” in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Master of Science in Public Administration.

In this regard, may he find favor in your good office

to allow him administer his questionnaire and conduct
informal interviews among the Barangay officials and some
parents in your Barangay.

Rest assured that whatever data and/ or information

gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality and
be taken and analyzed in an objective manner.

He is looking forward to you favorable response and

may you find his request worthy of your approval.

Thank you very much and God bless!

Respectfully yours,


Noted by



Dean, Graduate School

Appendix B
Poblacion La Trinidad, Benguet

Dear Respondent:
The undersigned student of Cordillera Career
Development College is conducting a research entitled
“Curfew on Minors in the Municipality of La Trinidad,
Benguet” in partial fulfillment of requirements for the
Degree of Master of Public Administration.
In this regard, my he request your assistance by
answering the attached survey questionnaire. Honest
response to each item is needed so as to obtain reliable
data relative to the said study.
Rest assured that all information that will be gathered
shall be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you so much and God bless!

Respectfully yours,

Lourence B. Miguel

Name (optional):_____________________________
____PNP Personnel ____Barangay Official _____Parent

I. The level of attainment of the objectives of curfew on


Direction: Please put a check mark ( ) on the box that

corresponds to your perception with regards to the level
of attainment of the objectives of curfew for minors in
La Trinidad, Benguet.
Use the following scale:
4 –Much Implemented (MI)
3 – Moderately implemented (MI)
2 – Slightly implemented (SI)
1 – Not implemented (NI)

Indicators MI MI SI NI
4 3 2 1
1. Preventing the minors from drinking
liquor by no allowing them to enter
inside any amusement establishment;
2. Arresting those persons who are
selling, using, possessing, and
transporting dangerous drugs;
3. Imposing fines to business
establishments which permit minors
to drink inside their bar or any
4. Closing business establishments
which deliberately allows minors to

drink inside their bar, despite of
warnings given;
5. Preventing minors from loitering
during night time;
6. Increasing police visibility to
prevent would be minor violators to
commit crime;
7. Educating and or informing the
community on the modus operandi
(Mode of Operation) of the minors
in committing crimes particularly
on robbery;
8. Safeguarding the people, and
preserving peace and order in the
community by conducting patrol and
inspection in the community;
9. Strictly implementing curfew to
protect the minors from adults and
fellow minors;
10. Requiring minors to go home
earlier to avoid bad influence from
gang members of the community;
11. Suppressing and or abolishing any
bad fraternity or sorority;
12. Arresting gang members who are
bad influence to the minors and
giving them proper counseling for
them to stop and be law-abiding
13.Detaining minors who violate
curfew and immediately informing
the parents then conducting
counseling before letting them out;
14. Educating and informing parents,
guardians with regard to
supervision, which helps them to be
responsible parent or guardian.
15. Strengthening the relationship
between enforcers and members of
the community, with regard to
counselling of minors; and
16. Helping the economic development
of the community.

II. The level of implementation of curfew on minors in La
Trinidad, Benguet.

Direction: Please put a check mark ( ) on the box that

corresponds to your perception with regards to the level
of attainment of the objectives of curfew for minors in
La Trinidad, Benguet.

Use the following scale:

4 – Much Attained (MA)
3 – Moderately Attained (MA)
2 – Slightly Attained (SA)
1 – Not Attained (NA)

Indicators MA MA SA NA
4 3 2 1
1. Preventing the minors from drinking liquor
by no allowing them to enter inside any
amusement establishment;
2. Arresting those persons who are selling,
using, possessing, and transporting
dangerous drugs;
3. Imposing fines to business establishments
which permit minors to drink inside their
bar or any amusements;
4. Closing business establishments which
deliberately allows minors to drink inside
their bar, despite of warnings given;
5. Preventing minors from loitering during
night time;
6. Increasing police visibility to prevent
would be minor violators to commit crime;
7. Educating and or informing the community
on the modus operandi (Mode of Operation)
of the minors in committing crimes
particularly on robbery;
8. Safeguarding the people, and preserving
peace and order in the community by
conducting patrol and inspection in the
9. Strictly implementing curfew to protect
the minors from adults and fellow minors;
10. Requiring minors to go home earlier to
avoid bad influence from gang members of
the community;

11. Suppressing and or abolishing any bad
fraternity or sorority;
12. Arresting gang members who are bad
influence to the minors and giving them
proper counseling for them to stop and be
law-abiding citizen;
13. Detaining minors who violate curfew and
immediately informing the parents then
conducting counseling before letting them
14. Educating and informing parents,
guardians with regard to supervision,
which helps them to be responsible parent
or guardian.
15. Strengthening the relationship between
enforcers and members of the community,
with regard to counselling of minors; and
16. Helping the economic development of the

III. Degree of seriousness of Problems Encountered in the

implementation curfew on minors in La Trinidad, Benguet.
Direction: Please put a check mark ( ) on the box that
corresponds to your perception with regards to the degree
of seriousness encountered in the implementation of
curfew for minors in La Trinidad, Benguet.

Degree of seriousness of Problems Encountered in the

implementation curfew for minors in La Trinidad, Benguet.
Use the following scale:
4 –Highly Serious (VS)
3 – Moderately Serious (MS)
2 – Slightly Serious (SS)
1 – Not a Problem (NaP)

Indicators HS MS SS NaP
What is the degree of seriousness of 4 3 2 1
problems in the following:
1. Public apathy, allowing minors to stay out
in a public place;

2. Business owners allow minors to drink
inside any amusement place;
3. The public does not care even if the
enforcers are around to implement the
curfew program;
4. Number of police officers who are directly
involved in the implementation of curfew
is not enough to cover the whole
5. Police cars are unavailable for
6. Lack of gas allocation for vehicles;
7. There are still minors present in public
places during curfew is not being
8. Sometimes curfew is not being implemented;
9. There are those elective officials and
enforcers of curfew who does not support
the program;
10. There’s lack of discipline of minors;
11. Enforcers abuse their authority in
implementing the curfew;
12. Public does not divulge information to
the enforcers;
13. The minors are armed;
14. Violators are in the influence of drugs
and or intoxicating liquor;
15. Violators are mentally deranged;
16. There are many bad influences,
fraternities/Sororities within the
community; and
17. Parents/Guardians permit, or
insufficient control allow the minor to
remain at any public place or on the
premises of any establishment within the
municipality during curfew hours.



Dupax del Norte, Nueva Viscaya


Date of Birth January 12, 1978

Place of Birth Atok, Benguet

Citizenship Filipino

Civil Status Married

Provincial Address Nueva Viscaya

Name of Spouse Rosebel Buya-an Miguel

Name of Children Hezekiah B. Miguel

Jeshurun B. Miguel


Graduate Studies Masters in Public


Tertiary Bachelor of Science in

Cordillera Career
Development College (CCDC)
April 2000

Secondary Lamo National Highschool

Dupax del Norte, Nueva
March 1995

Elementary Bitnong Elementary School

Dupax del Norte, Nueva
March 1990


Instructor 4 Cordillera Career

Development College (CCDC)
June 2001 – present


Criminologist Licensure Examination

Baguio City
October 2000

Civil Service Professional

September 2000

Civil Service Eligibility for Police Officer

August 2000


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