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Department of Applied Psychology Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan

Final Term M.Phil. Semester (M/E) (______, ______-2018) Time Allowed: 1:00 hour

Paper: _____________________ Marks for Subjective: 25

Course Instructor: ____________________

Answer the following questions. Each question carries equal marks (2x5= 10)

1. Jet lag
2. Phonological dyslexia
3. What are the effects of chronic alcohol consumption?
4. Circadian rhythms
5. Gibson’s ecological approach

2. What is a sleep cycle and its impact on cognitive function? (7.5)

3. What are the different types of dyslexia. Define briefly? (7.5)

Department of Applied Psychology Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan

Final Term M.Phil. Semester (M/E) (______, ______-2018) Time Allowed: 1:00 hour

Paper: _____________________ Marks for Subjective: 25

Course Instructor: ____________________

Answer the following questions. Each question carries equal marks (2x5= 10)

1. Jet lag
2. Phonological dyslexia
3. What are the effects of chronic alcohol consumption?
4. Circadian rhythms
5. Gibson’s ecological approach

2. What is a sleep cycle and its impact on cognitive function? (7.5)

3. What are the different types of dyslexia. Define briefly? (7.5)

Department of Applied Psychology Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan

Final Term M.Phil. Semester (M/E) (______, ______-2018) Time Allowed: 1:00 hour

Paper: _____________________ Marks for Objective: 25

Course Instructor: ____________________

Name: ________________________Roll no. _________ Signature: _____________


Attempt all the questions. Encircle or tick the right option.

Note: Each MCQ carry equal mark. Cutting and over writing is not allowed.

1. Which factors/ influences how quickly your body absorbs alcohol?

 The alcohol concentration in your drink
 The amount of alcohol consumed
 The amount of food in your stomach
 All of the above
2. The learned ability to bring about pre- determined results with maximum certainty, often
with the minimum outline of time, of energy, or of bobby is known as
 Acquisition
 Skill
 Ability
 All of these
3. Three unbiased coins are tossed, what is the probability of getting at least 2 tails?
 1/3
 1/6
 1/2
 1/8
4. I know that if I draw a single card from a deck, it cannot be a red card and a black card
because these are
 Colors.
 Not in the Deck.
 Mutually Exclusive.
 Conditional.
5. Which of the following symptoms do women commonly experience during the menstrual
 Abdominal pain
 Nausea
 Irritability
 All of above
6. High concentration of toxic substances is more in
 mainstream smoke
 side stream stroke
 Both A and B
 None of above
7. Which of the following is an important factor in substance abuse?
 Whether the substances are regularly used by other family members
 Whether the family environment is rural or urban
 Whether you are a twin
 Whether you are born in the winter
8. Which of the following drugs can result in over-sedation when combined with alcohol?
 Barbiturates
 OTC antihistamines
 Valium
 All the above
9. Which of the following facts does a person ignore when they reason with the gambler’s
 Probabilities describe outcomes over the very long term.
 Extreme outcomes are always counteracted by equally extreme opposite
 The likelihood of the winning depends on the other players.
 Only fair dice are used at gambling casinos.
10. A person who is unable to recognize words immediately, but can when given time or
when he/she names letters individually, suffers from:
 Deep dyslexia
 Surface dyslexia
 Visual word form dyslexia
 Developmental dyslexia
11. The difference between acquired dyslexia and developmental dyslexia is that the former
______, whereas the latter ______.
 Occurs only in adulthood; occurs only in childhood
 Results from brain injury; does not
 Is inherited; is not
 Does not result from brain injury; does
12. In ______, a person has difficulty reading pseudo words and nonwords probably because
he/she cannot ______.
 Surface dyslexia; read by ear
 Developmental dyslexia; recruit areas of the left hemisphere
 Phonological dyslexia; use direct lexical access from print to sound
 Deep dyslexia; use direct lexical access from print to sound
13. Which statement is true about the distinction between sound and acoustic energy?
 Acoustic energy refers only to vibrations through air
 Sound requires a perceiver.
 Sound is a purely physical quality.
 There is no distinction.
14. The tympanic membrane is more commonly known as the:
 Eardrum
 ear lobe
 round window
 cochlear membrane
15. Growing evidence to suggest that nicotine has its effects by
 Releasing serotonin into the cerebellum
 Releasing dopamine in the mesolimbic system of the brain
 Releasing GABA into the hypothalamus
 Releasing acetylcholine into the diencephalons
16. A long-term user of cocaine may well develop symptoms of other psychological
disorders such as:
 Major depression
 Social phobia
 Eating disorder
 All of the above
17. The circadian rhythm is closely linked to
 Arousal
 Temperament
 Both
 None of these
18. The hormone melatonin is secreted by
 Pineal gland
 Pituitary gland
 Adrenaline gang
 Thyroid gland
19. In which stage levels of estrogen begin to rise sharply and as they do level of FSH fall
 Follicular phase
 Ovulatory phase
 Luteal phase
 Premenstrual phase
20. The effects of time of day and circadian desynchrony are complicated
 Stress
 Fatigue
 Performance
 All of these
21. A substance that can affect the action of a neuron transmitters and this action increase
 Psychoactive substances
 Antagonists
 Neuromodulator
 None
22. In conditional probability events are
 Independent
 Dependent
 Correlated
 None of these
23. According localization sound theory low frequencies are localized because of analysis of
__________, while high frequencies are localized as a result of analysis of ________
 Temporal differences, intensity differences
 Intensity differences, temporal differences
 Horizontal plane, vertical plane
 Vertical plane, horizontal plane
24. ?Which of the following is an example of a substance use disorder (SUD)?
 Alcohol related disorders
 Caffeine related disorders
 Inhalant related disorders
 All of the above
25. Which of the following is not a hallucinogenic?
 Cannabis
 Antibiotics

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