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Department of Applied Psychology

Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan

Final-Term Examination

Course title: Developmental Psychology

Class: M.Sc 1 Semester (M) Date: - -2019

Name: ____________________ Roll No. _________

Time Allowed: 20 min Marks: 19
1. ___________ is known as the father of adolescence psychology
 Anna Freud
 Marcia
 Stanley Hall
 Sigmund Freud
2. A number of crises have been experienced, but no commitments have been made
 Status1
 Status 2
 Status 3
 Status 4
3. The part of the total capacity of our body’s organs that we do not normally need to use
 Energy
 Organ reserve
 Organ stability
 Body health
4. An attitude or philosophy that saying anything can be right or wrong depending on the
situations, all views are equally right.
 Dualism
 Relativism
 Commitment
 Acceptance
5. A marriage in which there is one husband but two or more wives
 Polygyny
 Monogamy
 Polyandry
 Heterosexual marriage
6. The flow or unfolding of an individual’s life is called
 Life cycle
 Life structure
 Life course
 Transition
7. The personality style of persons who are able to commit themselves in concrete affiliations and
 Intimacy
 Solidarity
 Distantiation
 Commitment
8. Other people judge individual behavior as masculine and feminine
 Gender role orientation
 Gender role preference
 Gender role
 Gender role adaptation
9. Middle adulthood ranges from
 13-19
 19-34
 35-64
 65-79
10. The minimum amount of energy an individual tends to use when in a resting position
 Self- fulfilling prophecy
 Cardiovascular health
11. Perceiving relationships, enducing correlates, reasoning abstracting, concept of attainment and
problem solving
 Intelligence
 Fluid intelligence
 Crystalized intelligence
 None of the above
12. Stressors that individual experience
 Alarming point
 Risk factor
 Resilience
 Alarm reaction
13. Sometimes a couple learn to withstand each other rather than leaving each other
 Divorce
 Empty nest syndrome
 Crisis
 Emotional divorce
14. Erickson’s term for situations, usually in adolescence, that cause us to make major decisions
about our identity
 State of identity
 Identity crisis
 Repudiation
 Transition
15. When does puberty starts In girls
 11
 12
 13
 14
16. One of the triggering mechanisms of puberty that may be used to indicate the onset of
 Hormonal imbalance
 Hormonal balance
 Menarche
 Menopause
17. Adolescents perception, that the world constantly scrutinizing their behavior and physical
 Personal fable
 Adolescence egocentrism
 Imaginary audience
 Imaginary world
18. Thinking used when a problem to be solved has many possible answer
 Convergent thinking
 Thinking
 Divergent thinking
 Creativity
19. Diversity and uncertainty are now acceptable between considered temporary because the
authorities do not know what the answer are yet
 Position
 Position 2
 Position 3
 Position 4
Department of Applied Psychology
Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan
Final-Term Examination

Course title: Developmental Psychology

Class: M.Sc 1 Semester (M)
Time Allowed: 1:40 min Marks: 31

1. Describe theories of adolescence in detail with examples (10)

2. Describe cognitive development in early adult hood (10)
3. Marriage and family at middle adulthood in detail with examples and sex role (10)
4. What you have learned so far from developmental psychology with a practical daily life

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