PT Pertamina (Persero) : Company Profile

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Nama: Rizky M Ibrahim Dan Abdullah Thobby


PT Pertamina (Persero) has now journeyed with over six decades of experience in the
energy industry. Pertamina has started in the 1950s. Pertamina is the largest state-owned
company (BUMN) in Indonesia in terms of income and profits. This company is active in the
upstream and downstream sectors of the oil and gas industry. The upstream sector discusses
the exploration and production of oil, gas and geothermal energy, while downstream activities
include processing, marketing, trading and shipping.

1. To Be A World Class National Energy Company
1. To Carry Out Integrated Core Business In Oil, Gas, New And Renewable Energy Base
On Strong Commercial Principles

Pertamina has established six corporate values that serve as guidelines for all employees in
the running of the Company, Thevalues are represented by 6C; Clean, Competitive, Confident,
Customer-focused, Commercial and Capable

- The meanings of Pertamina’s logo are:

1. Blue means reliable, trustworthy and responsible.
2. Green means energy resources with environmental sensitivity.
3. Red means tenacity and decisiveness and courage to face many difficulties.

- Meaning of the graphic symbols:

1. shape of arrows depict the aspirations of Pertamina to continually move forward, to be
advanced and to be progressive. This symbol also symbolizes the letter “P” which is
the first letter of Pertamina.
2. Three-colored elements symbolize the islands with various sizes forming the shape of

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