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Galos, Kathleen Joy B.

12 – ABM 4

A Quiet Place
Directed by: John Krasinski


 Lee Abbott - The Protagonist. The husband of Evelyn and the father of
Regan, Marcus and Beau. He is the one who supports and protects his
family throughout their journey in finding the weakness of the creature.
He died because he shouted to create a sound to save his daughter and
son that is being attacked by the creature.

 Evelyn Abbott - The Deuteragonist. The wife of Lee and the mother of
Regan, Marcus and Beau. She ensures that her family is safe. She also
ensures that their children should be fully formed and fully thinking
people in the future.

 Regan Abbott - The Deuteragonist. The eldest daughter of Lee and

Evelyn. She is a deaf and blaming herself because of the death of her
younger brother. She wears an earpiece that is made by her father and at
the end of the movie she discovered that the weakness of the creature is
the sound that is coming from her earpiece.

 Marcus Abbott - The Deuteragonist. The second child of Lee and Evelyn.
He was trained by Lee to be the protector incase if Lee will be gone. He
bravely went out their house to light up the fireworks to save his
pregnant mom.

 Beau Abbott - The Supporting Character. He is the younger son of Lee

and Evelyn who died because he turned on the toy plane that is given by
her sister and it made the creatures to hear him and kill him.

 Creatures - The Villain. They are blind and they use their strong hearing
to feed themselves. They killed most of the animals and humans that they
will hear.

 Man in the woods - The Antagonist. He is the one who shouted in the
woods where Lee and Marcus are walking. He shouted because his wife
was already killed.

 The story happened in a deserted town in New York City, year 2020.


 The conflict in the story is their survival not to be attacked by the

creature and to feed themselves.
 Internal conflict, when Lee struggles with himself on how to protect and
support his family. When Regan kept on blaming herself on what
happened to Beau.
 Interpersonal conflict, when Lee and Marcus encountered an old man
in the woods and they nearly die because the man shouted.
 External conflict or Protagonist vs. Society, it happened at the very
start of the story until the end. When Lee and his family struggle on how
to survive in the society where there is a limited supply of food and a
creature that attacks when it hears a sound.


EXPOSITION: Year 2020 in the deserted town in New York City, there is a
family who are the Abbott's, who struggles to survive in a ghost town where
there is a limited supply of food and attacking blind creatures. The second child,
Marcus was sick so his family decided to go to an abandoned shop to get some
medicine and their home supplies. The younger son Beau kept on looking to the
toys in the shop and told his elder sister Regan that they can ride a space
shuttle to escape the world and be saved. The mother who is Evelyn is done on
feeding the medicine to Marcus. Lee came back to the store and told his family
that they can return home. Beau brought a toy plane and his father who is Lee
became frightened upon seeing the toy that has a battery and it can create a
sound. He quickly removed the battery and told Beau that the toy can create a
lot of noise and it would be very dangerous for them. While heading from their
home, Lee and Evelyn got shocked when they heard a sound and it's coming
from Beau's toy plane. Lee tried to save his son but the creature was so fast
and killed Beau.

COMPLICATION: A year after, Regan kept on blaming herself on what

happened to Beau. She is the one who gave Beau the toy plane. She didn't
know that Beau get the batteries back. Evelyn got pregnant and Lee created a
plan if ever Evelyn will give birth. Marcus was practicing on how to drive a car.
They live their lives very carefully and they even created some things that they
can use to survive. Lee has a lab and kept on contacting someone outside the
world to help them. He even created some earpiece for her daughter Regan. A
week later, Lee told Marcus to come with him to get some supplies. Marcus was
so scared but his mother told him that he should learn that so he can also
protect and support his family like his father. Regan wants to come but Lee told
her to be with her mom Evelyn, because anytime Evelyn will give birth. Regan
got angry and went out of the house. Marcus and Lee head to the river to get
some fish, they also talked about Regan. They can softly talk because of the
sound of the river. On their way home, they encountered an old man who
commits suicide by shouting. Lee carried Marcus and hide behind the tree.

CLIMAX: On their home, Evelyn will give birth. She turned on the red lights
outside their house. It is the signal that she will give birth already. Evelyn
dropped a picture frame that causes the creatures to enter their house. Lee
knew about it and told Marcus to light up the fireworks to distract them and
save his mom. When the fireworks were light up already, the creatures followed
it. Lee went to Evelyn and carries her to their sound proof basement. They put
the child to a box with oxygen; if ever the child would create noise it will be
safe. Evelyn asked Lee about Regan and Marcus. Lee told her that they are out
of the house. Regan who returned home found a flashlight and suddenly Marcus
held her hands. Both of them went to the top of the tank full of corn bits. Regan
said that they should get going and Marcus said that their father will come to
them. While having the conflict, Marcus fell and Regan went to him, because of
the sound of the fell, creatures came to them and when it nears them, Regan's
earpiece began to create a whistle sound that affects the creature so it went
out. Lee came to them and they can hear that there is creature near them so
Lee said to hide to the car. When Lee was attacked by the creature, Marcus
shouted that cause the creature to went to the car. Regan turned off her
earpiece because it hurts her ear when the whistle sound came out. Lee stood
up to save his children; he sacrifices himself by shouting to distract the creature
and he told Regan how much he loves her and their family.

DENOUEMENT: When Regan and Marcus returned home, their mother brought
them to Lee's lab where she was hiding. Regan saw the earpiece and the plan of
his father for them to survive. Evelyn gave the baby to Marcus and let them to
hide. She held a gun and get ready when the creature went to the lab. Regan,
who is looking to the board, saw the question "WHAT IS THE WEAKNESS?" She
unconsciously opened her earpiece and discovers that the creature doesn't like
the sound it releases. She even put it the microphone that makes the creature
to distress more. When it’s stood up, Evelyn shoots its head.
RESOLUTION: Now that they know its weakness, they are ready to kill the last
2 of the creatures. Regan put the volume of the microphone to its maximum
and Evelyn bravely reloads the gun.

 The point of view in the story is the 'First Person' because there is no
narrator. The main characters are the one who narrate their own story.

The moods of the story are:

 Exciting, because of the unique story line.

 Sad, when Beau and Lee died.
 Scared, when the creatures came out and when Evelyn is giving birth.
 Frustrated, when Regan went out of the house and turned off her
implant or her earpiece.
 Amused, when they already discover the weakness of the creature.

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