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Following measures can be taken to increase the brand awareness:

• Tie up with an NGO (ex: Naandi Foundation) working for wellness of

 Having aligned objective, we can leverage awareness
of user base of each other’s 

• Improve design element of social media posts to make them look modern &


• People with the age group of more than 25-40 should be targeted. The
millennials care 
 a lot about total well-being & hence are more
receptive towards organic products. At 
 the same time millennials
eat out more often. 

• We should portray our objective of collective wellbeing in our social

media posts. It is 
 the why we are doing what we are doing has to be
delivered to the customer. This will make the posts more
interactive. Informative social media posts should be made. Ex: 

o Longworkinghoursaccompaniedwithirregulardiets.Addorganic
supplements to your exercise routine

o Informativepostabouttheimpactsofexistinggood/badroutine

online during the world’s breastfeeding week

Ex: Want to be more efficient and less tired at work?
Try these quick and easy exercises! • Interactive social media posts:

o Crisponelinerquestionswith‘YesorNo’pollsshouldbecarriedouton
Facebook to increase user’s interaction with post
o Conduct happiness events in villages with farmers & upload small videos
about those on social media to let people what we stand for
• A distributor looks for majorly 3 parameters before putting your product on
their shelf:

o Existingdistributor’sreviewsaboutyourproduct o
 o Credit/Paypolicies

Post these on social media platform to win their trust. Also, we can target
ecommerce platforms on LinkedIn & Facebook by regularly posting our
achievements in number. Also, whenever a local distributor ties up with
us for our product, put a social media post of this by naming the
distributor as a new influencer in our mission.

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