Peace and Human Security: I. Summary of The Report A. Definition of Terms

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BSEd- MATHEMATICS IV-A MW (4:30-6:00pm)


I. Summary of the report

A. Definition of terms
a. Peace is a state of balance and understanding in yourself and between
others, where respect is gained by the acceptance of differences, tolerance
persists, conflicts are resolved through dialog, people’s rights are respected
and their voices are heard, and everyone is at their highest point of serenity
without social tension.
b. Human Security focuses primarily on protecting people while promoting
peace and assuring sustainable continuous development. The term Human
Security was first popularized by the United Nations Development Program
in the early 1990s. It emerged in the post-Cold War era as a way to link
various humanitarian, economic, and social issues in order to alleviate
human suffering and assure security

B. Gaps/Issues
a. Issues on Peace
• Elections with Global Impact
• Continuing Social Unrest
• Disputes in the East China Sea Continue to Raise Tensions
• Toward the End of War on Drugs
• Technology for War (and Peace)
• The Urbanization of Crisis
b. Issues on Human Security
• Conflict prevention and peace building
• Trafficking in persons
• Climate-related threats and natural or man-made hazards
• Urban violence
• Health and related challenges
C. Solutions
• Find Inner Peace
• Perform Acts of Kindness
• Create Work-Life Balance
• Eliminate Prejudice
• Resolve to Be Happy
II. Reflection

This report on peace and human security caught my attention most. I love the
thought of having peace and gaining security in return. I learned a lot as I searched
for the meaning and purpose of education in promoting peace and human security.
All of us want peace anytime anywhere, but what is peace? How can we acquire
peace knowing that not all people in the world share the same beliefs, values, and
norms? There were many questions running in my head before I searched what
peace and security really was. Education, that’s what came first on the list of
answers from those questions. Education contributes lot and is a major factor in
promoting peace and security. Indeed education helps, but not all people can
acquire education. For me, acquiring peace starts when a person knows truthfully to
himself that he is at peace and is willing to share peace in any matter to anyone.
Nobody wants living miserably in the middle of a war, so be the change and start it
within yourself.

“If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself, and then
make a change”
- Michael Jackson

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