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New word Synonym English defintion VN.

meani Word family

Concept (n) Approach an idea or a principle that is connected with khái niệm Conception (n)
/ ˈkɒnsept / Conception something abstract Conceptual (adj)

Consume (v) Absorb to use something, especially fuel, energy or Tiêu dùng Consumer (n)
/ kənˈsjuːm / Deplete time
Devour to eat or drink something

Cuisine (n) Cooking a style of cooking Ẩm thực

/ kwɪˈziːn / Fare the food served in a restaurant (usually an
Meal expensive one)

Influence (v) Clout influence (on/upon somebody/something) Ảnh hưởng

/ ˈɪnfluəns / Consequence the effect that somebody/something has on
Control the way a person thinks or behaves or on
the way that something works or develops
Method (n) approach a particular way of doing something phương Methodology (n)
/ ˈmeθəd / arrangement the quality of being well planned and pháp Methodical (adj)
design organized

Portion (n) allocation one part of something larger phần

/ ˈpɔːʃn / chunk an amount of food that is large enough for
excerpt one person

Practice (n) form action rather than ideas Thực hành

/ ˈpræktɪs / habit a way of doing something that is the usual
method or expected way in a particular organization
or situation
Principle (n) assumption A moral rule or a strong belief that influences nguyên tắc
/ ˈprɪnsəpl / basis your actions
convention a law, a rule or a theory that something is
based on
Property (n) equity a thing or things that are owned by bất động
/ ˈprɒpəti / estate somebody; a possession or possessions sản
Region (n) country a large area of land, usually without exact khu vực Regional (adj)
/ ˈriːdʒən / district limits or borders

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