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Biographical Chart: Steve Jobs

Full Name: Steve Paul Jobs

Lifespan: February 24, 1955- October 5, 2011

● Early Family Background and Created Family Structure

He was Born in San Francisco to his parents Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne
Schieble. Very soon after he was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. In 1960 at the
age of five, his family moved to santa clara valley, better known as Silicon Valley.
At the age of ten he began to show a love for electronics, and he quickly
befriended engineers in the neighborhood. Although in school he had a very hard
time. He resisted authority, misbehaved, and was generally bored. Since he was
very ahead of the game from a young age. He had an interest in skipping a few
years of grade school, as he wanted to go straight to junior high school to pursue
a foreign language. His parent wisly denied him of that. But when the end of
grade school came he changed schools. He skipped fifth grade and enrolled in
sixth grade at Crittenden Middle School in Mountain View. At the age of 13 Steve
gets a summer job from Bill Hewett in the HP factory.
● Personality Characteristics and Areas of Aptitude, Talent, and
-Was able to read at a very young age (Toddler)
-Had an interest in electronics around age ten
-Very smart young man in school
● Major Career/Professional Events and Accomplishments
-Summer Job at HP at age 13
-He sold Blue box phones, Free phone calls (illegal)
-Attended Reed College
-First Job out of college at Atari
-April 1 1976 Apple is Incorporated by Steve, Steve Wozniak and Ron wayne
● Personal Life Themes/Beliefs
-He did not have any religion
-He w​ as influenced by philosophies of Zen and Buddhism, As he took a long
spiritual journey to India during his life.
-He did have perfectionist qualities so one of his personal themes was definitely

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