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Questionnaire for the EAHC-MSDIWG

This questionnaire is designed to help the EAHC-MSDIWG prepare for the upcoming 1st meeting
in November 2018. The outcome of the survey will be shared at the meeting. We look forward
to your valuable opinions and thank you for your time.

Member State: INDONESIA

Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of these statements.
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly N/A
Disagree Agree
1. MSDI in your organization meets
your needs.

2. You can easily search and share
marine spatial data (e.g. digital

base map, thematic, statistical,
place names) in your
3. You have policy and institutional
arrangements for governance,

data privacy & security, data
sharing, cost recovery in your
4. You understand standards for
data interoperability.

5. You have fundamental
technology capacity for heading

toward spatial enabled society
(e.g. hardware, software,
networks, databases, technical
implementation plans)

Multiple Choice Questions

6. What are the issues you face in marine and coastal management?

 Environmental issues
 Marine disasters
 Economic issues (e.g. fisheries, oil & gas explorations)
 Marine defense and security
 Spatial data
 Others

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7. What components in MSDI do you want to build through the WG?
 Policies and institutional arrangements
 Training and professional development
 Data sharing
 Technology implementation support
 Other

8. If you can share data resources in your organization, what datasets can you share with the
WG for sustainable society?
 Bathymetry
 Tide
 Tidal current
 Maritime limits and boundaries (e.g. marine protected area)
 Nautical publications
 N/A – There is no intention for data sharing.
 Other

Ordering Question
9. Please indicate which tasks should be first dealt with at the WG by marking 1 to 5 in the
brackets in order of importance, 1 being the highest.
 Develop a roadmap for the EAHC ( )
 Identify user’s needs and end user applications ( )
 Governance structure to coordinate work, data standards, applications, etc. ( )
 Draft guidelines for developing national MSDIs ( )
 Capacity building ( )
 Other

Open-ended Question
10. We’re curious! Tell us what you think about the future of the WG.

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