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Persuasive Oral Presentation Outline Task Sheet

Name : Al Shameir Bin Abdul Rahman

ID : 23805
Title : Students Should Join Social Activities

1) Justify your topic by describing the problem that you have identified.
Nowadays, students are so busy with social networking until they ignore social activities which
will give them more benefits and experience in their social life. It is important for teenagers to
participate in social activities. Student who participate in these activities improve their academic
scores and social life. Social activities can also help reduce many peer pressure related problems.
“They enrich the lives of the students, their families and our communities. These activities create
well rounded children who learn what their interests and talents are because they have been
exposed to such opportunities” (Social Activities, Bunyamin). For most teenagers social activities
should be required among what they do outside of school.

1)How did you determine the knowledge level/ stand/ viewpoint of your audience?
In order to determine the knowledge level of the audience, at the beginning of the presentation, some
information are highlighted upon to the audience so that they will recognize some of the problem involved
in order to propose a solution for this problems and they will realize that there is a need for a change. This
is because the majority of students prefer themselves not to involve in social activities. Thus, this will
make them to be able to relate it to themselves.

2)How did this information influence your presentation?

By gathering information and knowledge about my topic, it definitely influenced my presentation. I was
able to organize the information and make sure it is suitable and more interesting for the audience for it
to be inserted in my slides. I also have been involve actively in social activities since my primary school
and that will definitely help me in explaining the important parts for my presentation. In order to capture
the audience attention, I will make sure to highlight on the problems related to this topic in order to
benefit students so that they can gain from the information related to the topic during my presentation.

3)How do you plan to gain the audience’s attention?

By wearing appropriate attire related to my presentation and using proper intonation during my
presentation as to avoid the audience to become bored and giving them real life situations problems
related to their life as a university student staying inside campus. I hope that I will be able to gain my
audience’s attention and I am also planning to use Prezi for my presentation slides filled with graphics and
images so that I am able to gain the interest of the audience by using different platform for the slides.

1. Introduction
a. What is the purpose and importance of choosing this topic?
 The purpose of me choosing this topic is to persuade audience to participate in
social activities and gain benefits and experience in social life.
b. How is the topic relevant to the audience?
 Most of the audience comprises of students from University Technology of
Petronas and there are currently staying inside. Thus, they definitely can relate to
the problems highlighted in order to raise the attention regarding those issues.
Their experience of social life will definitely improve their soft skills and tem
c. What do you expect the audience to learn from the presentation (objectives)?
 To raise awareness that students are exposed to social networking until they
ignore social activities.
 To urges them to join a club and do social activities.
d. What is your thesis statement?
 My thesis statement is, “Students should participate regularly in social activities
to develop the soft skills, learn how to work with a team, learn how to engage
with diverse groups of people and gain leadership skills.
e. List the main points that will support your thesis statement.
 How the students can gain leadership skills.
 How the students can spend their leisure time beneficially
 How social activities can help to become a stepping stone to impact your life and
student experience in a hugely positive way.
f. How are you establishing credibility?
 I have been in various social activities during semester break, and I have
surveyed about this among my friends and coursemates. Thus, I am well
aware of the practice of social activities and the importance of it towards
the community. Besides, I have done multiple researches specifically for
this topic in order to improve my knowledge on this particular topic.

- Which organizational pattern are you using?
The organisational pattern I am using is the Monroe’s motivated sequence. This is because in the
introduction part I will raise the attention towards this topic and in the next part, I will emphasize on the
need for change in relation to this problem. Last but not least, I will propose a solution in order to solve
this problem.

- List the supporting ideas for each main point.

a. List the supporting ideas for each main point.
 How the students can gain leadership skills.
 Becoming a leader or an officer in an organization will help you develop
leadership skills that will be invaluable in all areas of life.
 You’ll be presented with opportunities to improve in public speaking,
and gain confidence in yourself as an individual.
 How the students can spend their leisure time beneficially.
 Concentrating on assignments is obviously important during a graduate
program, but giving your mind a break is necessary (and beneficial).
 While taking part in club activities, you’ll be able to socialize with like-
minded individuals and actually learn as much from them as you would
your assignments.
 How social activities can help to become a stepping stone to impact your life and
student experience in a hugely positive way.
 Many student organizations provide opportunities to give back to the
community, whether through acts of service, sponsoring events, or
hosting charity drives.
 Not only is this good for society, but it will teach you how a future
business can give back, too..

b. How do you ensure that there is coherent transition from one main point to the next
main point?
 To ensure there is coherent transition from one main point to the next one, I will
use transitional phrases to make sure the audience know that I am moving on to
the next point. Such transitional phrases are “at first”, “next”, “moving on”,
“hence”, and more.

c. Describe how you are going to summarise each main point.

 In order to summarise each of the main points, I will highlight upon the main
supporting details of each of the main points

- How do you plan to effectively conclude your persuasive presentation (call for action)?
I will recap the presentation especially in the body part and rephrase the main points into a more
compact point. Then, I will highlight the purpose and importance of choosing this topic in order
to help the audience to understand on how to solve these problems.

- Appeal to senses : Statement, phrase

Sight: I will show them by showing them some pictures of social activities done by myself.

Touch: I will bring some member forms for the students to join the social activity club

- Describe how you are going to summarize the entire presentation.

I will briefly recap each and every main points of my presentation with the aid of a chart
containing the summarized points of each main point.


1) List some of the questions that you anticipate from the audience.

- How do I join this social activities?

I will provide them the member form to be filled up and say that they will be contacted soon.

- How much do I need to pay to join a club for these activities?

It is totally free. What is important is your sincere participation.

- Can the social activity be beneficial for me to find a job?

Yes, there’s no arguing that organizations and activities look good on a résumé. Showing
employers that you participated in, or (better yet) lead, a student organization, they’ll know that
you’re hard working and can handle multiple responsibilities.

REFERENCES (2018). 12 Reasons Why You Should Join a Student Organization. [online] Available
organization [Accessed 25 Mar. 2018]. (2018). The Benefits of Extracurricular Activities for Students... | Bartleby. [online]
Available at:
for-Students-P3C8N4EZVJ [Accessed 27 Mar. 2018].

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