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Arellano University – Plaridel Campus

Senior High School Department

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics





Everybody has their own way of getting married,

especially when it comes to same-sex marriage. Similar sex

marriage is always a big and sensitive issue not only in

countries that are chronologically Christian, but also to

the world. People have their own opinion regarding the

legalization of same-sex marriage in their respective

countries, and there have been numerous debates on the

above-mentioned issues. Also, part of social reform is the

acceptance of a lesser known marriage. Previously, it was

clear that marriage was only between men and women. But

over time, the concept of same-sex marriage or the marriage

of two homosexuals gradually emerges. Part of the human

right of an individual is the freedom to live the way they

want, along with the people of vital parts of his life.

For some homosexuals, their human rights are the major

part of recognizing their right to marriage or entering

into a law-abiding relationship.

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Arellano University – Plaridel Campus
Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

For those who disagree with it, same-sex marriage is

reversing the law of nature or nature and does not

correspond to the usual form of a family.

Also disagreeing with this, this revocation can lead

to family degradation as a basic and major social


Statement of the Problem

Everybody has the right to choose who they are going

to love whether with their opposite or same gender. We all

have the right to marry the one that our heart beats for as

long as we don’t step on other people. But until now, Same

Sex Marriage isn’t acceptable in this country.


To know if same sex marriage is acceptable in some

students of Arellano University Plaridel Campus, and also

to know their perspective or opinion about the topic.

Major Question

 How open is the student’s mind on issues facing a

homosexual like same-sex marriages?

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Arellano University – Plaridel Campus
Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


 Is the legalization of same-sex marriage right to the

eyes of the students of Arellano University Plaridel


 What will be the benefits of same-sex marriage if it

were to happen here in the Philippines?

 If you were a relative or friend of a LGBT who wants

to marry someone with the same gender, will you

respect their decision?

Theoretical Framework

According to Maricar Bautista (2015) she concluded in

her study “Same-Sex Marriage Thesis” that she finds same-

sex marriage beneficial to the citizens of same-sex

relationship, however granting the virtue of marriage is

not yet a good idea in the current setting as it will not

only revolve around the changes of law of marriage.

But also, to the capacity of one’s state to be held

responsible enough to immediate impacts and effect of it in

the economy other relative laws concerning their rights and


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Arellano University – Plaridel Campus
Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

It may have untied multi-faith states in the past few

years, and it may have created freedom towards religion in

some, however the capacity of a state must still be taken

into consideration to the possibility of changes in law in

the near future.

The researcher of the study states the positive and

negative effects of the same-sex marriage into our country

if it was approved here in the Philippines, the study also

wants to know the impact of the legalization of the same

sex marriage to the Philippines. The relationship of this

research to ours is that we both want to know the effects

of same-sex marriage if it really happens and what will

other people think about this issue? And that is what we

want to know. Our hypothesis is after we conduct a survey

or interview majority of the respondents will answer

positively about the same-sex marriage.

Maricar Bautista was born on June 10, 1994 and studied

at Polytechnic University of the Philippines Bachelor of

Science in Political Economy. She is a Class president in

Sophomore year (2011); junior council officer, college of

economics, finance and politics student council (2011).

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Arellano University – Plaridel Campus
Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Conceptual Framework

This contains the input, process and the output of the

researcher’s study, where the input includes the problem of

the study and the importance of it. It will convince the

readers to take this as advantage.

The researchers conducted a research about same-sex

marriage and what does other students of Arellano

University Plaridel Campus thoughts about it. So that the

researchers find some respondents, give the respondents a

survey paper to answer, and look for references to input.

To make our research. The researchers makes the title

first and propose it, then make some research questions

about the acceptability of same-sex marriage and find

respondents to be interviewed to know their thoughts and

also to answer the questions the researchers created, after

it is the researchers collect all the data they find and

discovered in books, internet, and also in the survey to

make a meaningful interpretation or conclusion and to

present our research entitled “Acceptability of Same-Sex

Marriage for the Students of Arellano University Plaridel


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Arellano University – Plaridel Campus
Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Conceptual Model

Input Process Output

Make and propose
I. a title
References Make a research “Acceptabilit
questions y of Same-Sex
III. Marriage for
Interview Find respondents
the Students
of Arellano
Conduct a survey
Respondents V. University

Gather all Plaridel

collected data
Analyze data
Interpret and

Fig.1 Paradigm of the Study

“Acceptability of Same-Sex Marriage for the Students

of Arellano University Plaridel Campus”

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Arellano University – Plaridel Campus
Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Scope and Delimitations

The scope of this research covers only the acceptance

of same-sex marriage to the students of Arellano University

Plaridel Campus. This study would also discuss the right of

every gay or lesbian to marry someone with the same gender.

This study also wants to know how other people react about

this topic and also to know their perspective about it.

The researchers would choose 15 students of Arellano

University Plaridel Campus at the age of 17 to 21 years old

to answer the survey that the researchers will be going to

conduct regarding the issue of same-sex marriage

Significance of the Study

The significance of this research is to make other

people especially the LGBT more comfortable in their

community and to make same-sex marriage accepted not just

here inside of Arellano University Plaridel Campus but also

on outside of the school. The following are the

beneficiaries of this research:

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Arellano University – Plaridel Campus
Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

People who always reviling homosexuals: To make them

more careful in the words they saying about homosexuals, to

make them realize that loving has no rules as long as

you’re not stepping on someone’s feet, and to help some of

them accept LGBT community with respect

Students of early age: To make them understand

homosexuals at the young age, for them to treat homosexuals

as normal persons, and to make them accept them as friends.

Parents: So that they can accept their child if their

child was a homosexual, to make them believe that letting

their son or daughter marry someone with the same gender is

not bad, and to make them love their child no matter what.

Priests: So that they’ll be able to understand that

homosexuals have the right to marry someone they love, for

them to believe that marriage is not just for men and women

or women and men, and to make them understand the feelings

of homosexual persons.

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Arellano University – Plaridel Campus
Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Definition of Terminology

 Same-sex marriage - Married between two people of same


 Homosexuality-it is described as a psychosexual

condition immaturity with the character of having a

stronger sexual attraction to a person from the same


 LGBT - symbolizes the words Gay, Lesbian, Bisexuals,


 Gender identity - is a person's own perspective on

whether he or she is a male or female

 Gender - variants - refers to Tasks usually only made

by men and women

 Transsexuals - are sexually oriented (physical) people

who have had sex when they were born

 Survey- a practice or gathering of opinion and detail

on a particular matter or matter.

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Arellano University – Plaridel Campus
Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics



This chapter entails discussions of facts, principles

and theories that would support this study. It encompasses

related studies and theories that would further explain the

effects of procrastination to senior high school students

of Arellano University Plaridel Campus in Mandaluyong City.

It was arranged in a thematic sequence to provide the

readers a cohesive and synthesized insight of the study.

Local Literature

Local Literature

According to a “Philippine Star news 2015” by Eric

Elie the article that the Catholic Bishop Conference of the

Philippines have talked about is that the law requires that

it’ll be implemented in the country although President

Aquino supports equal treatment of all, and he stated that

it is better to just leave Congress if there’s a

possibility to have similar sex marriage in the


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Arellano University – Plaridel Campus
Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

In a 5 vote, 4 counts have been affirmed by the US

supreme court the legality of same-sex marriage in that

country. Although the Church supports the proposed "Anti-

Discrimination Law" in favor of the LGBT, it is fearful

that it can be a way to ridicule homosexual marriage. Also,

CBCP has argued that try will not be tired of studying the

concept of gay marriage and should not contradict what the

Catholic Church teaches.

“According to a news report of GMA News” by GMA News

Staff, one Friday the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision

that will recognize the legal right of same-sex

couples/individuals to marry each other. The US Supreme

Court declares that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50

states of America. Equitable rights and protection has been

implemented in order for them to be more comfortable and

safe to other people. Barack Obama states that "When all

Americans are treated as equal, we are all freer," Obama

said. Although the Philippines is one of the gay-friendly

country they’re still somewhat unsure of what will happen

because of the decision of the CBCP. The CBCP added that it

does not matter whether the Filipinos are ready or not to

accept the same-sex union.

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Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

“Discrimination against LGBT Students in the

Philippines” by Jamie E. are getting worse. Schools should

be a safe place for everyone. But in the Philippines

students who are LGBT individuals are more prone to

experience bullying, discrimination, lack of access and in

some cases physical or sexual assault. These abuses can

cause deep and curtail students’ right to education,

protected under Philippine and international law (2012).

Although the government have implemented many rules

protection and design interventions to address it. Like the

Child Protection policy which is designed to address

bullying and discrimination in schools, including on the

basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The

following year, Congress approved the Anti-Bullying Law of

2013, with implementing rules and regulations that

enumerate sexual orientation and gender identity as


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Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

“Filipino psychologists organize first LGBT

professional group in SEAsia” by OutrageMag.Com Staff,

launched new studies. LGBT psychologists from the

Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) have

organized to add a collective psychological voice in the

advocacy for LGBT empowerment.

Psychologist and counsellors from various Universities

all over the Philippines have organized the first

collective of mental health professionals dedicated to LBGT

rights and well-being in the Philippines and in the

Southeast Asia region.

PAP president Dr. Regina Hechanova lauded the

initiative as path-breaking not just for Philippine

psychology but for the region.

“As Filipino psychologists I have never thought of us

as ‘pro-gay’. We are simply pro-person. And pro-human

rights,” Hechanova said. For the LGBT issue of the journal,

topics ranged from dynamics of Filipino same-sex couples,

coming out stories of Waray gay teenagers, and babaeng

bakla (“fag hag” women), to sexual prejudice and

transphobia in the Philippines, and gay children in

conflict with the law.

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Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

“Same-sex couples bound to remain ‘single’ in the

Philippines?” by CNN Philippines staff, The CNN

Philippines had an interview with renowned singer/actor

Aiza Seguerra has been in a committed relationship with her

girlfriend Liza Dino for over two years. The main issue

here is that even though the two of them Aiza and Liza are

officially married in the states it is not considered here

in the Philippines therefore they’re not recognized by the

government as a married couple because same-sex marriage is

not implemented here in the Philippines. “Masakit (it

hurts) because you believe in your heart that you’re

married,” Aiza shared, when she appeared as guest for Legal

Help Desk (LegalHD) on CNN Philippines. Same – sex couples

do not have the same privilege or rights on their

heterosexual counterparts.

For Aiza Seguerra, this is primarily an issue of equal

treatment. Her final remarks in LegalHD were, “we are just

asking for equality here. Hindi sa Church, kung ‘di sa bansa” (Not in the Church, but in the the country). We’re talking about laws na

sana matignan kaming mga LGBT as equals (We’re talking

about laws that hopefully will view us, LGBTs, as equals)”.

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Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Foreign Literature

“In Support of Same-Sex Marriage” by Campion Ernie:

Fourteen years ago, Massachusetts became the first state in

the country to give same-sex marriages full legal

recognition. Today, same-sex marriage is legal, through

legislative or judicial action or by popular vote, in more

than 35 states and the District of Columbia. It is

recognized by the federal government. And polls

consistently show that is supported by a clear majority of

Americans. However, in Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan, and

Tennessee, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in

favor of laws and constitutional amendments that define

marriage as a union between a man and a woman only, denying

recognition of same-sex marriage.

In this country and in many parts of the world, things

have been changing. We are seeing greater respect and

acceptance of people regardless of their sexuality.

However, we have also seen efforts to avoid acceptance.

Just a few weeks ago, the governor of Indiana proudly

signed legislation making it possible for people to

discriminate against homosexuals if the discrimination was

said to be supported by religious beliefs. Fortunately,

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

public outrage persuaded the governor and the legislature

to backpedal, claiming it was all a misunderstanding. They

have now amended the law to provide explicit protection for

sexual orientation.

“LGBT in Latin America” by Tegel Simon : Various Latin

American countries allow same sex couples to adopt. Bolivia

allows transgender individuals to change the gender on

official documents, and more than a dozen nations have

outlawed workplace discrimination based on gender or sexual


The incident highlights a growing paradox in Latin

America, a region which has some of the highest levels of

acceptance of LGBT rights in the world but also some of the

highest rates of homophobic and trans phobic violence. A

report has been made after an LGBT individual has been

stabbed multiple times with a broken bottle for no other

reason, she says, then being a transgender woman. And many

more reports regarding violence LBTS’s. Even though 82

percent of people in the America, including Latin America,

believe LGBT individuals should have the same rights as

non-LGBT folks and yet violence still persist. Yet the U.S.

News survey also reflects a complex changing reality in the

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region for gay rights. Countries with same sex marriage now

include Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Colombia, while it

is also permitted in several Mexican states and Mexico


“Alabama legalizes discrimination against same-sex

couples looking to adopt” by Shugerman New York: Advocates

say the law promotes religious freedom. Private adoption

agencies in Alabama are now legally permitted to

discriminate against same-sex parents.

A new law signed by Governor Kay Ivey allows private

adoption agencies to refuse to place children in homes with

LGBTQ parents. Advocates say the law protects the religious

liberty of faith-based agencies. "I ultimately signed House

Bill 24 because it ensures hundreds of children can

continue to find 'forever homes' through religiously-

affiliated adoption agencies," Ms. Ivey said. “This bill is

not about discrimination, but instead protects the ability

of religious agencies to place vulnerable children in a

permanent home.” The Alabama law does not protect state or

federally-funded agencies to discriminate against LGBTQ


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Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

“Same-sex marriage giants 1st recognition in Asia” by

Donovan Franz: Despite the spread of same-sex marriage in a

few regions since 2001, gay and lesbian couples had been

allowed to marry in only 22 of the world's nearly 200

countries. In Asia, Taiwan is the first government to

legalize such unions, while South Africa is the only

country in Africa to allow them. More than 70 countries

continue to criminalize homosexual activity.

Globally, the pace of civil rights victories has

slowed against the background of a steady stream of reports

of anti-gay violence and persecution. Recent weeks have

witnessed large-scale detentions of gay men in Nigeria and

Bangladesh, and accounts of roundups and torture of scores

of gays in Chechnya.

In Indonesia, a major police raid on a gay sauna was

followed two days later by the public caning of two gay


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Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

“Germany Must Now Legally Recognize Third Gender from

Birth” Trimble Megan: Previously, parents could register

German intersex newborns as male, female or leave the box

blank. This new ruling now requires lawmakers to pass a new

regulation by the end of 2018 that’ll provide a somewhat

“positive gender entry” aside from male or female on birth

certificates now they have a new category that can be

filled called “inter” or “various”.

Even though some countries like Australia, New

Zealand, Nepal and India, already officially recognize

those who identify as intersex. While the U.S. does not

widely accept a third identification marker, California

however recently became the first U.S. state to legally

recognize a third gender on official state documents, such

as birth certificates. However not all authorities have

sided with legal recognition.

In May, France's top court ruled against a "neutral

sex" gender. The New York Times reported that the decision

said an official third gender would have "deep

repercussions" on French law and require "numerous

legislative changes."

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

By doing this a multitude of changes has to be made in

judicial proceedings like such and other normal laws that

have to be changed for the general public.

Local Studies

“PH ranks among most gay-friendly in the world” by

Tubeza Price: The Philippines is one of the most gay-

friendly countries out there despite being the most

religious countries in the world and almost a third of its

population lives below the poverty line, using the

religiosity scale where a score of “3” was the most

religious, the Philippines almost got 2.5.

The Philippine bucked the trend found in the survey

showing that gays are mostly accepted in secularized

countries. “In contrast, in poorer countries with high

levels of religiosity, few believe homosexuality should be

accepted by society,” despite this more and more people are

supporting same-sex marriage. Age is also a factor in

several countries, with younger respondents offering far

more tolerant views than older ones.

And while gender differences are not prevalent, in

those countries where they are, women are consistently more

accepting of homosexuality than men.

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Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Interviewers in the Philippines received positive

answers to questions regarding same-sex marriage. The

report also showed that of the eight countries surveyed in

the Asia-Pacific region, the Philippines had the second

highest acceptance rate next to Australia’s 79 percent. In

the Asia-Pacific region, where views of homosexuality are

mostly negative, more than seven in 10 in Australia and the

Philippines say homosexuality should be accepted by


In contrast, only three percent of people in

neighboring Indonesia, nine percent in Malaysia and 21

percent in China said homosexuality should be accepted.

“7 in 10 Filipinos oppose same-sex marriage” by

Fonbuena Carrey: According to a poll conducted in May of

2015, 7 in 10 Filipinos disagree with same-sex marriage.

Up to 70% of survey respondents said that they

strongly disagree with the same-sex marriage being allowed

in the predominantly Catholic country, a small 4% said they

strongly agree.

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The rest of the respondents 14% somewhat disagree and

12% somewhat disagree with a possible reform in the

country’s marriage laws (the numbers were rounded off). The

sentiment against same-sex marriage is “strong”.

It’s a blow to the campaign of the country’s advocates

of same-sex marriage who recently held rallies to celebrate

last week’s ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court allowing same-

sex marriage in all 50 states. In the Philippines, netizens

have shown support for same-sex marriage by adopting a

Facebook gimmick to add to their profile photos the rainbow

colors that have symbolized the fight for marriage equality

in America.

“Is the Philippines ready for same-sex marriage?” by

Teves Derek: Australia conducted a two-month survey and the

results revealed that 62% of the 12.7 million people who

voted to legalize gay marriage and said “Yes” while only

38.4% said “no” thus Australia voted “Yes” on same—sex

marriage. This means that same-sex couples in Australia

could be able to marry by Christmas of 2017. However, their

parliament must adopt legislation first to enact the result

of the votes as law.

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This got us wondering. The Philippines is ranked among

the top 10 most gay-friendly countries in the world. Even

though the majority of the people in the Philippines agreed

that same-sex marriage should be legal in the Philippines,

the Philippines is still of those countries that don’t

legalize gay marriage unlike the USA, Canada, Norway,

Spain, South Africa, and now recently Australia. The

President thinks that Western culture of same sex marriage

is blurring the lines between what is acceptable. The

President claims that Western ideals should not be imposed

on other countries, especially ours which has a strong

Catholic background.

Foreign Study

“Rise in acceptance of same-sex relationships” Daavine

Miles: The acceptance of same-sex relationships/marriages has

increased quickly in the past four years, particularly among

Christians, the latest British Social Attitudes surveys suggest.

Of the 2942 respondents, 64% said that same-sex marriage was “not

wrong at all”, up from 59% in 2015. In 1987, 74% thought they

were “always” or “mostly” wrong compared with 19% today. The

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report says that there has been “a shift towards acceptance among

every religious group in the past 5 years”.

In the 2017 survey, more than half (55 per cent) of the

respondents who identified themselves as Anglican said that same-

sex relationships were “not wrong at all” — an increase of 24

percentage points since 2012. The equivalent figure for Roman

Catholics is 62 per cent.

“It is possible that the interesting acceleration in

liberalization we have seen has occurred because we have reached

a tipping point, after which normalization occurs,” the report

says. It also identified “clear signs of increased support for a

government that is more generous with its spending and a growing

public willingness to pay for it”.

Almost half (48 per cent) of respondents said that they

wanted higher taxes to pay for increased spending on health,

education, and social benefits — the highest level for more than

a decade.

“A Right to Marry? Same-sex Marriage and Constitutional

Law” by Mark Newt: Marriage is both ubiquitous and central. All

across our country, in every region, every social class, every

race and ethnicity, every religion or non-religion, people get

married. For many if not most people, moreover, marriage is not a

trivial matter. It is a key to the pursuit of happiness,

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something people aspire to—and keep aspiring to, again and again,

even when their experience has been far from happy.

To be told “You cannot get married” is thus to be excluded

from one of the defining rituals of the American life cycle.

The keys to the kingdom of the married might have been held

only by private citizens—religious bodies and their leaders,

families, other parts of civil society. So, it has been in many

societies throughout history. In the United States, however, as

in most modern nations, government holds those keys. Even if

people have been married by their church or religious group, they

are not married in the sense that really counts for social and

political purposes unless they have been granted a marriage

license by the state.

Unlike private actors, however, the state doesn’t have

complete freedom to decide who may and may not marry. The state’s

involvement raises fundamental issues about equality of political

and civic standing.

Same-sex marriage is currently one of the most divisive

political issues in our nation. In November 2008, Californians

passed Proposition 8, a referendum that removed the right to

marry from same-sex couples who had been granted that right by

the courts. This result has been seen by the same-sex community

as deeply degrading.

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More recently, Iowa and Vermont have legalized same-sex

marriage, the former through judicial interpretation of the state

constitution, the latter through legislation. Analyzing this

issue will help us understand what is happening in our country,

and where we might go from here.

“Same-Sex Marriage Is Civil Rights Issue, Americans Say”

Rankin Rei: A Life Way Research poll shows that 58 percent of

American adults agree it is a civil rights issue and 64 percent

believe it is inevitable same-sex marriage will become legal

throughout the United States. Again, Life Way Research conducted

a wide-ranging survey of American adults on questions surrounding

the topic of same-sex marriage specifically the acceptance of

same-sex marriage in their state.

And according to findings it is 2 positive and 3 negatives

in various categories. "Clearly, Americans believe the

prerogative exists for individuals such as clergy or

photographers to deny services for same-sex marriage," said Ed

Stetzer, president of Life Way Research.

The Research shows that men are more likely than women to

agree that these individuals should have the right to refuse

services, rental agreements, or employment – as are Americans

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calling themselves “Born-again, evangelical or fundamentalist


According to all of the Local literatures, Foreign

literatures, Local studies, and Foreign studies as was noted

earlier among all of these articles, books, and studies

Foreign and Local majority of the world now accepts same-

sex marriage but most is still not legalizing the same-sex

marriage because of it is contradicting the ideals of

people and the beliefs of religions especially the

Catholics as they view it is as a sin thus they will not go

to heaven and receive eternal life.

While the U.S. approved of this idea and protecting

LGBT individuals as they think it is the right thing to do

to accept them as they are even if they’re somewhat

different in a way they are still human that needs

acceptance, other people, and love. In this country and in

many parts of the world, things have been changing. We are

seeing greater respect and acceptance of people regardless

of their sexuality. However, we have also seen efforts to

avoid acceptance.

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Studies shows that those who lived with homosexuals

are more tolerant to others, either homosexuals or

heterosexuals, because the teachings of the parents,

religion, and government affects the people who are

influenced by either one of these or all of these, thus

they can be more accepting, in the middle of accepting and

refusing the idea of accepting same-sex marriage in the

country they’re in or the whole world. Whether the country

is ready or not it doesn’t and shouldn’t matter because

only time will tell.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics



It is the systematic theoretical analysis of the

method applied to a field of study. It comprises the

theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles

associated with a branch of knowledge. Typically, it

encompasses concepts, theoretical model, phases and

qualitative technique.

Research Design

The researchers decide to used qualitative research

design as our general design. The method that the

researcher shall use narrative. The narrative design is a

descriptive way of presenting the research, through it we

can conduct a situational problem that they can use as an

instrument to answer the questions in the survey so that

they can give their opinions and perspective about the

specific topic.

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Researcher’s Background, Beliefs and Biases

The researchers are a grade 11 Science Technology

Engineering Mathematics(STEM) student of Arellano

University Plaridel Campus and will conduct a research

about the perspective of other students of our school about

same-sex marriage.

The researchers believe that marriage is not just for

men and woman or for woman and men, but it can also be for

men to men and woman to woman. Same-sex marriage is for

homosexual who’s showing they’re true love for the person

they love and they want to live to the rest of their life

and that person with the same sex feel the same for them.

I believe that making two persons of same sex married is

not a bad thing as long as they are not stepping on others


Population, Participants and Sampling Scheme

The researchers will be going to choose our

respondents in Arellano University Plaridel Campus senior

high school students to answer the survey.

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Senior High School Department
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

The researchers will pick (3) students from (5)

different strands such as STEM, HUMMS, ABM, ICT, and HE in

Arellano University Plaridel Campus to answer our questions

in the survey that the reserchers will going to conduct, we

will have a total of 15 students to be interviewed and we

will pick only the students at the age of (17-21) years


Characteristic of Data

The researchers used the text method to gather the

specific demographic about the respondents in a detailed of

research gathering information of the “Acceptability of

Same-Sex Marriage to the Students of Arellano University

Plaridel Campus”.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data that the researchers gathered are from the

answers of people in the survey that the researchers

conduct. Our procedure is to make a text or visual

presentation of the survey that we make. The questions are

all about the perspective of the respondents about the

same-sex marriage, and in the survey that we make will

answer the question how same-sex marriage is accepted in

some students of Arellano University Plaridel Campus.

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Instrument Used

The instrument that the researchers use to gather data

is through the survey questionnaire so that we use a text

or visual presentation for our research to collect the data

that we needed.

Analysis of Data Gathered

Coding Sorting

Theorizing Synthesizing

Coding data means finding out significant words and

phrases from the observed data. Always remember that

qualitative data analysis is all about finding out the

definition and interpretation, so the coding should have an

eye for such things. Sorting data is quickly organized or

arranging data into meaningful order that can analyze it

more effectively. The researchers arranged the answers of

the respondents to the most common answer. Synthesizing

data conducting interview information from a range of

sources in order to answer a question or construct an

argument. The researchers summarized the answered of the

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respondents. Theorizing data is a process of making

conclusion. After data interpreted and arrange. The

researchers form a conclusive and honest conclusion to

Acceptance of Same-sex marriage

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Chapter IV

Analysis, Presentation and Interpretation of Data

This chapter discusses the data analysis, presentation

and interpretation of the data gathered by the researchers

from the respondents. This study aims to know the effects

of procrastination in academic aspect to the students of

Arellano University, Plaridel Campus. The present data that

has been gathered were studied and examined in order to

answer the questions shown in the statement of the problem.

The analytical procedures are arranged according to the

sequence of specific questions.

I. Demographic Profile
Table 1: Age Range of the Respondents

No. of
Age Percentage
Respondents Age Range
16-17 13 87%
18-19 1 6% 87%

20-21 1 7%

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Table 1: This shows that most of the respondents who

participated in the survey that were ages between 16-17

years old with (13) or (87%) respondents and the least of

the respondents age is 18-19 years old with (1) or (6%)

respondent and 20-21 years old with (1) or (7%) respondent.

Table 2: Gender of the Respondents

No. of
Gender Percentage
Respondents Gender
Male 3 20%
20% Male
80% Others

Female 12 80%

Table 2: The survey shows that most of the

respondent’s gender are girls with (12) or (80%)

respondents, the least is boys with (3) or (12%) respondent

and Other’s showed no respondents with (0) or (0%). It

shows more of the participants are female than the number

of males participated in the survey process.

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Table 3: Strand of the Respondents

S No. of Percen
trand Respondents tage Strands
3 20%

3 20%
TEM 20% 20%
3 20% 20% 20%
I 20% HE
3 20%
3 20%
15 100%

Each strand such as ABM, STEM, HUMMS, ICT, and HE have

a (3) or (20%) respondents so that we have an equal number

of respondents in each strand.

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Table 4: Grade Level of the Respondents

Grade Level Frequency Percentage

11 12 80%
12 3 20% 80% Grade

Total 15 100%

The table 4: Shows the grade level of the respondents

who were senior high school students of Arellano

University, Plaridel Campus. There were (3) or (20%) of the

students were from Grade 12 and there were 12 or (80%) of

the students were from Grade 11. Showing most of the

students who participated in the survey were grade 11


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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

II. Minor Questions

Table 5 : The Righteousness of Same-Sex Marriage

Minor Question 1: The righteousness of same-sex

marriage in the eyes of the students of Arellano University

Plaridel Campus.

Number of Question
Question Question
c. Why do you
a. In your b. Will you
think same-sex
own belief, is support the
married couple
it right to make government if they
Respondents should have a
same-sex were to legalize
privilege of
marriage legal? the same-sex
having a child of
Why? marriage? Why?
their own?
No, marriage is No, it’s Sex is not a
sacred disrespectful restriction

No, it’s for They can’t because

No, it’s
R2 Heterosexual of they can’t be
couples married

No, God only Sex is not a

R3 No, I hate it
made 2 genders restriction

For them to be
Yes, love knows
R4 Yes, For happiness able to make their
no bounds
For them to be
Yes, it’s their Yes, for freedom
R5 able to make their
choice to love and equality

Yes, we should Yes, for less They can also be a

give freedom discrimination parent

Yes, it’s the

No, it’s not For them to be
choice of the
R7 allowed in the able to make their
government and the
church family
majority of people

Yes, It’s their Yes, it’s not an Because it’s their

freedom issue for me right

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No, god made It depends on

No, I only support
only a boy for a their plan if one
R9 the originated
girl and vice of them will
human creation
versa change sex

Being a parent
Yes, love knows Yes, for freedom doesn’t require
no gender and equality gender

Yes, it’s right

as long as Being a parent
R11 Yes, all of us has
you’re not doesn’t require
the right to love
stepping on gender
anyone’s pride

Yes, it’s right

They have the
as long as Yes, there’s
right to have a
R12 you’re not nothing wrong with
child and to make
stepping on that
anyone’s pride

Yes, I’m one of all of us has own

Yes, love knows those persons who rights and
no gender is favor on same- willingness on
sex marriage something.

Yes, because there

It’s their right
Yes, It’s their is nothing wrong
R14 to make their own
freedom with same-sex

No, you can’t No, they can fly to Nobody is

simply force a other country if unprivileged of
culture to they want to be having their own
change married child

With the presented data, in the first question ‘In

your own belief, is it right to make same-sex marriage

legal? Why?’

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Most of the respondents answered “YES” for they

believe that it is their freedom, there’s nothing wrong

with that as long as you’re not stepping on anyone’s pride

and loves knows no gender. While least number of the

respondents answered “NO” for they believe that you can’t

simply force the culture to change, marriage is only for

heterosexual couples, god only made 2 genders which is boy

and girl and marriage is sacred so that for them same-sex

couples is not allowed to be married in church.

The second question is ‘Will you support the

government if they were to legalize same-sex marriage?

Why?’, most of the respondents answered “YES” for they to

believe for happiness, freedom, and equality of each and

every person that God created, they also agreed because

they believe that there’s nothing wrong with two genders

getting married.

The least of the respondents answered “NO” for they to

believe that it is disrespectful, they hate it, they only

support the originated human creation but if couple with

the same-sex really want to be married they can fly to

other countries to continue their desired marriage.

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On the third question ‘Why do you think same-sex

married couple should have a privilege of having a child of

their own?’, most of the respondent’s opinion says that

there’s nothing wrong if the same-sex married couple wants

to adopt and have their own child, it’s their privilege to

build their own family just like everybody else but one of

our respondent don’t believe that they should have their

own child because they can’t be married at all.

Table 6: Benefits of Same-Sex Marriage

Minor Question 2: The benefits of same-sex marriage if

it were to happen here in the Philippines.

Number of Question
Question Question
c. Would our
b. Would the
society be more
a. Would it be same-sex couple
accepting and less
more beneficial to be better than
Respondents discriminating to
the most of us? the heterosexual
the LGBT community
How? couples in
if this happen? Why
parenting? Why?
do you think so?
Yes, it will give
No, they can’t
us a No, it opposes the
handle things
R1 characteristic of teachings in the
only a true
being a liberated Christianity
parent can do

No, same-sex No, it does not

No, it will cause
R2 couple can’t be give benefit at all
a parent

No, marriage is
No, because it
for only No, they can’t
R3 won’t change a
heterosexual be a parent

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No, it doesn’t No, it would be Yes, they will be

matter worse known

Both of them,
Yes, same-sex
sex is not a Yes, they will be
R5 couple will be
basis of being slowly accepted
more accepted
a parent

Yes, same-sex
Gender is not a Yes, it will lessen
marriage can make
R6 basis of being the people who
all LGBT more
a parent always judge them
No, they can’t
Yes, it can handle things
Yes, they will be
R7 lessen the number only
slowly accepted
of population heterosexual
couple can do

Yes, I think it Both of them No, it will be the

is are better same

No, it will be No, there will be
couple is more
R9 beneficial only no more gender than
in the LGBT group man and woman

Gender is not
Yes, this Yes, it promotes
R10 the basis of
promotes equality gender equality
being a parent

Yes, they will be

Yes, it shows how Gender is not
more respected and
R11 love make you the basis of
accepted as time
accepted being a parent

Yes, people will

Yes, it depends
Yes, this start to accept
R12 on the same-sex
promotes equality them as part of the

Yes, because a No, we cannot

Yes, it can
parent is still please anybody to
R134 lessen the number
a parent no change their belief
of population
matter what and opinion

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Yes, as long as Yes, if they

No, I think more
they’re not have the right
R14 people will more
stepping on attitude to be
discriminate them
somebody’s pride a parent

No, not the most

There is no No, there is still
of us will
better parent someone who will
benefit but the
R15 each parent has disrespect you even
same-sex couple
their own flaws the world agrees to
and their family
and faults you

With the presented data, in the first question ‘Will

it be beneficial to the most of us? How?’, most of the

respondents answered “YES” for they to believe that it

shows equality for all, it makes same-sex couple or LGBT

persons more accepted, it can lessen the number of

population, and it can make us liberated people. The least

number of the respondents answered “NO” for they to believe

that it will cause sin and it can only benefit the same-sex

couple and their family.

In the second question ‘Would the same-sex

couples be better that heterosexual couples in parenting?

Why?’ most of the respondents answered “NO” for they

believe that same-sex couples can’t be a parent and they

can’t handle things only a true parent of heterosexual

couples can do.

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The other respondents answered both of the

heterosexual and same-sex couples is better for they to

believe that gender is not the basis of being a parent and

the other one respondent says that there is no better

because each parent has their own flaws and faults. The

least number of respondents answered “YES” foe they to

believe that they have the right attitude to be a parent.

In the third question ‘Would our society be more

accepting and less discriminating to the LGBT community if

this happen?

Why do you think so?’ most of the respondents answered

“NO” for they to believe that it can cause more

discrimination against the same-sex couples because it

opposes the teachings of Christianity and other says that

we can’t force anybody to change their belief if they like

or not so that it discrimination may can’t be changed at


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Table 6: Showing Respect to the Same-Sex Couple

Minor Question 3: Showing respect as a relative or

friend of an LGBT who wants to someone with the same


B. If you’re
gay/lesbian who wants
C. What if you’re
A. Do you to marry the same
a parent who has a
respect same- gender, but your
son/daughter who
sex couples family forbids you to
wants to marry the
or not? Why? marry that person you
same gender? Will
want. The question is
you support your
would you follow your
child’s wedding?
family or would you
follow your ideals?
Yes, cause he/she is
I would follow my my child but I will
Yes, as long
ideals but it can be a not go with them in
R1 as they
hindrance for me and the church on their
respect me
my family wedding day

No, for me No, I will not let

I will follow my
they them dive into that
R2 family because they
shouldn’t be sin
know that’s best

I will follow my No, I know what’s

Yes, everyone
R3 family because it’s the best for my son/
needs respect
for the best daughter

Yes, they I will follow my

just show who family because at the Yes, I will respect
they really end of the day they’re his/her decision
are the one who accepts me

Yes, as long as that

person loves my
I will follow my children and my
Yes, everyone
R5 family because it’s children to that
needs respect
their decision person

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I will follow my
Yes, there’s ideals because I love Yes, I don’t see
R6 nothing wrong that person and my anything wrong with
with that family will accept it
that in time
Yes, It’s my
I will follow my son/daughters
Yes, everyone
R7 ideals because it’s my happiness
needs respect

Yes, It’s my
Yes, everyone I will follow my son/daughter
needs respect family happiness

Yes, like my
I will follow my
getting marry Yes, It’s my
family because at the
R9 because all I son/daughter’s
end of the day they’re
want is for happiness
the one who accepts me
her or his
I will follow my Yes, It’s my
Yes, everyone
R10 ideals because it’s my son/daughters
needs respect
heart wants happiness
I will follow my Yes, It’s my
Yes, everyone ideals because it’s son/daughters
needs respect the choice that I made happiness

Yes, I don’t I will follow my Yes, It’s my

R12 see anything ideals, I will fight son/daughters
wrong with it for my love happiness

I will follow my
Yes, It’s my
Yes, everyone ideals, it’s the
R13 son/daughters
needs respect choice that I made and
I’m happy with it

I will follow my Yes, It’s my

Yes, everyone
R14 ideals, it is not son/daughters
needs respect
wrong to love happiness

I will follow my
Yes, everyone ideals, I know that my Yes, my son/daughter
needs respect family will understand deserves to be happy
me in time

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With the presented data, in the first question ‘Do you

respect same-sex couples or not? Why?’, most of the

respondents answered “YES” for they to believe that

everyone in this world needs respect and as long as they

don’t step on anyone’s prides they can be respected and the

respondents don’t see anything wrong with the same-sex

marriage so that they respect every couples with the same-

sex while one of our respondent answered “NO” because same-

sex couples can’t be married at all.

In the Third question ‘If you’re gay/lesbian who wants

to marry the same gender, but your family forbids you to

marry that person you want.

The question is would you follow your family or would

you follow your ideals? Why?’ most of the opinions of the

respondents says that they will follow their ideas because

for them if you love that person you should fight for that

him/her if that is the reason of your happiness even if it

causes a hindrance to your family.

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But since it’s your family in any challenges you go

through whatever happens your family will always be the one

who will accept you

so that it your family can accept it in time. The least of

the respondents says that they will follow their family.

In the third question ‘What if you’re a parent who has

a son/daughter who wants to marry the same gender. Will you

support your child’s wedding? Why?’ most of the respondents

answered “YES” because they believe that if it is their

son’s/daughter’s happiness why no go for it?

Since I’m his/her parent all I want to happened is

just to make my child happy and I will support my child as

long as the person that will marry my child will love,

respect and protect him/her. The other respondents answered

“NO” because they believe that they know what the best for

their child and they will not going to let their child jump

on that sin.

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Chapter V


This chapter includes the summary of findings,

conclusion and recommendations which the researchers used

in the study.

Summary of Findings

I. Demographic Profile

 Age of the Respondents

In this research the researches have (13)

respondents that is 16-17 years age, we have (1) respondent

that is 18-19 years of age and (1) respondent that is in

20-21 years of age. It just means that most of our

respondents is in 16-17 years of age

 Gender

The researches have (3) respondents for male,

(12) respondents for female and (0) respondent for other

gender so that most of our respondents are female.

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II. Minor Question

Is the legalization of same-sex marriage right to the

eyes of the students of Arellano University Plaridel


According to the gathered data, majority of the

respondents’ states that it is right to make same-sex

marriage legal and they will support the government it will

happen because love knows no gender and it is their

freedom, there’s nothing wrong with same-sex marriage as

long as long as you’re not stepping on anyone’s pride. They

also believe that there’s nothing wrong for a same-sex

couples to adopt a child of their own because being a

parent doesn’t need any requirements so that it means that

gender is not a basis of being a parent. Minority of the

respondents’ states that it is not right to make same-sex

marriage legal and they will not be going to support the

government if it happened because you can’t simply force

the culture to change because they only believe in the

originated human creation and same-sex couples can’t be a

parent because of they can’t be married at all.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

But if they really want to get married they can fly to

other countries where same-sex marriage is legal to

continue their desired marriage.

What will be the benefits of same-sex marriage if it

were to happen here in the Philippines?

According to the gathered data majority of the

respondents’ states in their answers that same-sex marriage

can be beneficial to the most of us because it can make us

a liberated people and it can lessen the number of

population but it can’t be beneficial in ways like in

parenting and making LGBT people more accepted and less

discriminated in their community because the majority of

the respondents believe that they can’t handle things only

true parents can do (heterosexual couples) and it can cause

more discrimination to the LGBT because it opposes the

teaching s of Christianity. Minority of the respondents’

states that same-sex marriage is not beneficial to the most

of us because they believe that it can only benefit the

LGBT and the family of same-sex couple, it will cause sin.

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Minority of the respondents also said that in terms of

parenting same-sex couple and heterosexual is just the same

for they to believe that gender is not the basis of being a

parent and they also said that if same-sex marriage was

legalized it can be slowly accepted as time passes.

If you were a relative or friend of a LGBT who wants

to marry someone with the same gender, will you respect

their decision?

Majority of the respondents agrees that they will let

their relative if their relative wants to marry someone

with the same gender because it’s for the happiness of that

person. Even some of our respondents that doesn’t agrees

with same-sex marriage changed their minds when comes to

their relative. This just means that even they don’t agree

with it but when your family or a relative is in that

situation you will learn to accept it. Minority of our

respondents is not agreeing of letting one of their family

or relative marry someone with the same-gender. The

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minority of the respondents believe that they know what the

best is for their family member or relative.


I. Demographic Profile

1. Is the legalization of same-sex marriage right to

the eyes of the students of Arellano University Plaridel


According to the gathered data, there’s nothing wrong

in legalizing same-sex marriage. Everybody has the right to

be respected, no matter what your social estate is, no

matter what’s the color of thy skin, what race they were,

what is their gender. Girl, Boy, Lesbian, or Gay, everyone

should be respected, accept who they are, and make them

feel our love and support so that we can boost their

confidence to stand out and be proud in behalf of this

judgmental society.

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2. What will be the benefits of same-sex marriage if

it were to happen here in the Philippines?

On the gathered data, same-sex marriage is beneficial.

It would be beneficial to the most of us because it will

make us a liberated people. Even though you’re straight, we

all will benefit because it shows equality for all, no

discrimination for them who wants to be true to themselves

and we should accept them as they are.

3. If you were a relative or friend of a LGBT who

wants to marry someone with the same gender, will you

respect their decision?

There is a lot of people who’s not agree with same-sex

marriage but what will happen if one of their family member

wants to marry the same-sex? According to the gathered

data, majority of our respondents who’s not agree on same-

sex marriage turned their mind and will support it, if one

of their family member wants to marry same-sex. It just

shows that most people will support it if it is for the

happiness of their family member. Like being a parent, we

just want all happiness and support that we can give for

our child, we want them to be happy as they are, we want to

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them to be comfortable and show who they really are, we’ll

show them our love and support, our warm presence on the

steps and decisions that they will make, but we are still

here to guide for them not to be lost in the way and keep

their feet on the right track.

4. How open are the student’s mind on issues facing

a homosexual like same-sex marriages?

According to the gathered data, majority of the

respondents’ states that it is right to make same-sex

marriage legal and they will support the government it will

happen because love knows no gender and it is their

freedom, there’s nothing wrong with same-sex marriage as

long as long as you’re not stepping on anyone’s pride.

There’s nothing wrong for a same-sex couples to adopt a

child of their own because being a parent doesn’t need any

requirements like you need to be like something perfect or

you need to have a perfect skills of being a mother or

father to a child so that it means that gender is not a

basis of being a parent. Some of the respondents’ states

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that it is not right to make same-sex marriage legal and

they will not going to support the government if it

happened because you can’t simply force the culture to

change because they only believe in the originated human

creation and that is, god only made a man and woman and

same-sex couples can’t be a parent because of they can’t be

married at all, but if they really want to get married they

can fly to other countries where same-sex marriage is legal

to continue their desired marriage. It just says that the

students of Arellano University Plaridel Campus have enough

knowledge of what is the meaning of same-sex marriage? And

what will be its effect to our society. Even though they

have enough knowledge about same-sex marriage the students

of Arellano University Plaridel Campus have opposite

opinions about the right of legalizing same-sex marriage.


Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the

following recommendations were suggested:

1. People who always reviling homosexuals to make

more careful in the words they use and to help them accept

homosexuals as they are.

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2. Students of early age to make them understand

homosexuals at a young age.

3. Parents so they can accept their child if their

child was a homosexual.

4. Priests so they can able to understand that

homosexuals have their rights and privilege.

5. Further research for the different views about

same-sex marriage.


News Articles/Studies

M. N. (2009). A Right to Marry? Same-sex Marriage and

Constitutional Law. Retrieved January 16, 2018, from


Campion, E. W. (2015, May 7). In Support of Same-Sex

Marriage | NEJM. Retrieved January 15, 2018, from

CNN Philippines staff, A. (2016, February 1). Same-sex

couples bound to remain single in the Philippines?

Retrieved January 15, 2018, from

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Daavine, M. (2017, June 30). Rise in acceptance of same-

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Donovan, F. (2017, May 24). Taiwan Becomes First Place In

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GMA News Online. (2015, June 27). Dapat na rin bang

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OutrageMag.Com Staff. (2016, January 15). Filipino

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